Saturday Morning Fuck It’s Cold Links

by | Jan 15, 2022 | Daily Links | 302 comments

A few of you have met an old friend of mine from Holland, a retired Dutch Air Force guy. He’s traveled extensively, speaks half a dozen languages with native fluency, and has a wonderful sense of adventure. In any case, a few years back, he had a chance to go on a research ship to Antarctica, and having never been there, he jumped at the opportunity. I got an email from him when he reached the South Pole. “I have arrived.”

I asked, “How cold is it?” and he responded, “About a centimeter.”

It’s about a centimeter out right now.

Birthdays today include a guy who did being rich correctly; the original Dr. Strangelove; a pretty excellent drummer and role-model; a guy famous for wet work; the guy who drove the Jews into the sea (just ask him!); the original and best Lois Lane; a guy who absolutely would be canceled today; a complete asshole who was an absolutely brilliant musician; a guy who had evidence that would bring down Hillary Clinton; a woman I will always think of as Edna Boyle; and another talking head worth ignoring.

And Links are also worth ignoring.


This turned out to be much less sexy than the headline promised.


We used to just call it “cut day.”


Most of the British protest is that she isn’t portrayed as a female Hitler.


Don’t bother, Ron, Trump is going to kneecap you out of sheer petulance.


It’s a good start.


Give McCarthy a cane and a biography of Preston Brooks. Then enjoy the fun.


Government scientists had declared this volcano dormant. So this must be fake news.


I’m a sick, sick Old Guy for loving this song.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. Count Potato

    “a guy who absolutely would be canceled today”

    Christian, Republican, gun owner.

    • Ted S.

      I guessed it was Arthur Nielsen.

  2. Ted S.

    Government scientists had declared this volcano dormant. So this must be fake news.

    A dormant volcano is different from an extinct volcano, isn’t it?

    • Old Man With Candy

      And different than an erupting volcano.

      • Ghostpatzer

        Was expecting this

      • Chafed

        I don’t think Ted’S is familiar with VH.

      • Mojeaux

        That can be the only explanation for his failure to link the most obvious song.

  3. Count Potato

    “A longtime teacher assistant in the Wellsville Central School District has been fired and subsequently charged amid allegations she took photographs of students and sold them for profit and without permission to companies that provide stock images.”

    Who knew there was money in that?

    • Old Man With Candy

      Remember The Alamy.

      • Swiss Servator

        *fiercely narrows gaze*

      • Gender Traitor

        Aw, c’mon, Swissy! Don’t Getty ritated with him!

      • The Gunslinger

        I think we have a developing situation over here.

      • The Gunslinger

        Somebody send a black and white. They’ll shutter down

      • Ghostpatzer

        Be careful, I hear there will be a flash mob.

      • mindyourbusiness

        You’ve focused on the problem.

      • The Gunslinger

        If this doesn’t stop soon the problem is just going to get larger, enlarger, enlarger…

      • Ted S.

        Did mama take your Kodachrome away or something?

      • DrOtto

        Please don’t

  4. Rat on a train

    Mirren’s casting as one of history’s most heroic Jewish women has caused some disquiet.
    Only Golda Meir can be cast to play Golda Meir.

  5. Ghostpatzer

    Actor Maureen Lipman (“The Pianist”) highlighted the discussion about what has been termed “Jewface” when she told a newspaper she “disagreed” with Mirren’s casting “because the Jewishness of the character is so integral.

    Enough, already. The ancient Greeks had the right idea; all thespians should wear masks. This not only solves the issue of ethnicity, but also protects cast and audience from Covid.

    • Ted S.

      Lipman should never be allowed to play a non-Jew, then.

  6. Ted S.

    Give McCarthy a cane and a biography of Preston Brooks. Then enjoy the fun.

    The original Kevin McCarthy was better. And it was the original’s sister Mary who came up with the great line about LIllian Hellman that “every word she writes is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the'”.

  7. Fourscore

    He got cancelled on the spot but he had his 15 minutes

    • Fourscore

      Ref Tater’s first

  8. Sean

    *waves at Glibs*

  9. Ghostpatzer

    “I watched a couple politicians be interviewed and one of the questions was, ‘Did you get a booster?’ Because they had the vaccine and they’re answering like — in other words, the answer is ‘yes’ but they don’t want to say it, because they’re gutless,” Trump told OAN.

    They don’t want to say it, because it will be interpreted as support for forced vaccinations, not to mention that an individual’s medical history is nobody’s buisness (see HIPAA). There is no room for nuance like “I chose to get jabbed, but I support your right to refuse”.

    Fuck Trump. He is every bit as authoritarian as anyone on Team Blue.

    • Count Potato

      He’s against mandates though.

      • Ghostpatzer

        He has no principles, if he is against mandates it is only because he perceives that to be a winning position. He allowed Fauci to drive the response back in the day; if he had won in 2020, at what point would he have told Fauci to fuck off?

      • Count Potato

        I have no idea.

        Remember Kamala Harris and a bunch of Democrats saying they wouldn’t take the “Trump vaccine”?

      • Brawndo

        From what I understand of Scott Atlas’s point of view, he didn’t fire Fauci because he thought it would hurt his election chances. If he won in 2020 he wouldn’t have to worry about that.

    • Timeloose

      I would not look forward to another Trump campaign. The man needs to provide his chosen one and remain out of the race. He sucked all of the air out of the room. He fead the zinger and “owning” culture we are now soaking in.

      He was a scaflaw, sand in the vagina, and a reaction to the status quo. If he was less interested in his own ego he could have accomplished more to “drain the swamp”.

      • juris imprudent

        While I agree with most of what you say there, it isn’t possible for one person – in the office of the president – to “drain the swamp”. That task falls on a Congress that must be what it was supposed to be in our constitutional order versus the one that now wants to act like a parliament under the power of a PM.

  10. Ghostpatzer

    Millions of families this weekend will stop receiving monthly child tax payments for the first time in months after Congress failed to pass an extension of the expanded credit.

    Guess I’ll need to reduce the orphans’ gruel allotment to make up for the revenue shortfall.

    • CPRM

      As I recall, most of that money was just an advance on what they’d get in a tax return. Gonna be some sobbing when those taxes get filed.

      • Ted S.

        My understanding is that, as with the coronavirus checks, they’ll get to declare the tax credit when they file, but not get anything back because the credit has already been paid out. They won’t actually owe taxes on it, at least not federal taxes. (I don’t think I owed state taxes on the the checks, and NYS would have wanted to get its filthy tax-addicted mitts on it if they could.)

      • CPRM

        That’s what I mean. Whycome my return no big?! I werz gonna buy a new TV!!

      • rhywun

        NYC is full of people who haven’t paid rent in two years. Supposedly they will be required to pay it back when the “moratorium” ends. Some day. And that day is today!

        That’s going to get interesting. I see Guv and Mayor are crying to the Feds for “relief”.

      • Brawndo

        Yea there’s no way anyone renting has two years of rent saved up ready to pay it all back at once. The fact they let it go on for so long, even when you couldn’t drive one mile and not see 10 places hiring, shows they just wanted to make the problem as dire as possible so the government would have to swoop in

      • rhywun

        The parade of sob stories is going to be nauseatingly epic.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder


  11. Sean

    Yes, it’s cold out. There will be no outdoor grilling of steaks this weekend.

    *gets out cast iron pan*

    Strips are on sale this week. ?

    • slumbrew

      Reverse sear?

      • Sean

        Nah. They’re ~ 10 oz cuts. 4 minutes per side should put them at 125°.

      • UnCivilServant

        So when are you going to finish cooking them?

      • DrOtto

        It’s still unnerving to me, but pork is good with little pink in the middle.

      • Mojeaux


        You can take the pork off at a little pink and just let it cook itself the rest of the way, too.

  12. CPRM

    Anthony Hopkins is agnostic, and he played a fucking Pope!!!111!!!!1

    • Rat on a train

      How many non-deities have played a deity?

    • Ghostpatzer

      I’m a big fan of Swiss Gruyere, but had no idea that there were differently named alternatives. Will now have to try the ‘Murican variants.

    • CPRM

      Colby Cheese can only be made in Colby, WI!

      • C. Anacreon

        And cottage cheese must always be made in a small house.

    • Rat on a train

      I’ve had much food and drink not made in its namesake: cheddar, pilsners, hamburgers, french fries. I’ve never been confused thinking it must have come from the origin of the name.

    • slumbrew

      If it’s not from Switzerland, it’s just sparkling cheese.

      (h/t to whoever I stole that from)

  13. Ghostpatzer

    I hesitated to click on the music link after last week’s horror, but overcame my apprehension. The Kinkster is always a good choice.

    • Sean


      • The Gunslinger

        My wife watches those true crime shows. It’s always the husband/boyfriend.

      • Tulip

        Or a scorned lover

      • Nephilium

        I just assume it’s always the guest star.

      • UnCivilServant

        They’re all guest stars!

    • Ghostpatzer

      Odds the husband did it?

      Zero, this is clearly the work of some far-right domestic terror group. It’s only the beginning.

  14. Timeloose

    Good morning all. Tits are officially frozen.

    I did not realize Kroupa is who defined the modern drum kit.

    Female Hitler and McCarthy links did not work for me.

    • The Last American Hero

      I’ll credit Baby Dodds for the kit, but after Krupa, everybody was trying to imitate that look and sound, which is why MD gave him the credit.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Indeed, days before DeSantis’ podcast appearance, Trump seemed to call out the Republican governor during an interview released Tuesday night. Trump described politicians who won’t say if they received a coronavirus booster shot are “gutless.” The quip was viewed as a thinly veiled knock on DeSantis, who declined to share his vaccination status during a widely shared December interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo.
    “I watched a couple politicians be interviewed and one of the questions was, ‘Did you get a booster?’ Because they had the vaccine and they’re answering like — in other words, the answer is ‘yes’ but they don’t want to say it, because they’re gutless,” Trump told OAN.

    No kidding. The vaccine was Trump’s moon shot.

    Trump fucked up when he listened to Foochy and Birx and the rest of the flock of Chicken Littles. He should have asked people outside the public health mafia if the models made sense.

    • Brawndo

      I don’t think it was just him getting bad advice. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he or his inner circle are heavily invested into Moderns/Pfizer

    • Don escaped Cancun

      There Goes My Everything became a standard,

      but like most in C&W, his work tends to trite treacle. They all do it, it seems.

      Haggard: Silver Wings or Okie from Muscogee
      Strait: Amarillo By Morning or Check Yes or No
      Lovett: She’s Already Made Up Her Mind or If I had a Boat
      Jennings: I Ain’t Living Long Like This or Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow up to Be Cowboys

  16. Grummun

    It’s a good start.

    I expected a story involving a bus full of politicians and a cliff.

    • Old Man With Candy

      That would be called “a great start.”

  17. Count Potato

    “Americans’ freedoms have been gradually eroded over the last 20 years, a new study has found, with the COVID-19 pandemic giving local officials more power over everyday life.

    A new study by the Cato Institute, a Washington, D.C. think tank that promotes individual liberty, limited government and free markets, has assessed each of the 50 states under 23 different categories and produced an overall ranking.

    The most and least free states are unchanged – New York being the least free, followed by Hawaii and California, and New Hampshire, Florida and Nevada being the most free.”

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Fuck Cato

      I still can’t believe they published that “vaccine mandates are libertarian” article.

      • rhywun

        LOL really? And they have the nerve to be the gatekeepers of the definition of “freedom”?

      • Don escaped Cancun

        fuck Cato

        but they’re right this time
        2 FL
        4 TN (takes deep bow)
        8 GA
        11 MO
        21 TX, my TX, why can’t the stories be true?

        checks out

    • Fourscore

      Hard to believe MN is less free than IL. Not that this is a bastion of freedom but the hinterlands are pretty much ignored in some respects. I guess the lax gun laws in Chicago work better than the TC.

    • R C Dean

      “promotes individualish liberty, limitedish government and freeish markets”

      There. That’s a little more truthy.

    • UnCivilServant

      It’s an older meme, but it checks out.

      • Rebel Scum

        Buy casual.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    An online petition started by a Boston high school senior branding schools a “COVID-19 breeding ground” and calling for a remote learning option had collected more than 8,000 signatures as of Friday morning.

    The Boston Student Advisory Council, which organized the walkout, posted a series of demands on Twitter, including two weeks of online instruction and more stringent COVID-19 testing for teachers and students.

    A nation of political activists and neighborhood organizers.

    This country will be conquered in less than fifty years.

    • Brawndo

      My sister in law teaches in a Boston public school, so I heard about this yesterday. I asked if the students would be suspended for going AWOL (standard punishment for when I was a kid). She said no, of course not. That works on kids from the suburbs, but it doesn’t work for kids from poor backgrounds and inter-generational trauma. I asked, so what does work then? Crickets.

      • rhywun

        They’ll be rewarded for it – it what the teachers want too. The teachers probably encouraged it if not started it in motion.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        inter-generational trauma

        Whatever happened to “suck it up and get on with it”?

      • Ghostpatzer

        Whatever happened to “suck it up and get on with it”?

        Buried in a shallow grave next to “Sticks and stones will break my bones”

      • rhywun

        And “it’s a free country”.

      • Timeloose

        Rubber and glue

      • Rebel Scum

        The Smithsonian said such behavior is “white”.

    • Sean

      By who?

      We’re going to conquer ourselves into the ground. It won’t be another nation.

      • R C Dean

        By the time we can be conquered, it won’t be worth the effort.

      • Count Potato

        Still valuable real estate.

      • juris imprudent

        You know who else wanted some valuable real estate with an expendable population?

      • Count Potato

        Pretty much everyone?

      • Fourscore

        The kiddos are going to be surprised when they start paying taxes to support the school marms’ pensions. Starbucks can only use so many baristas/baristo(e)s.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    He’s not a failure, just bogged down

    Biden acknowledged the struggles Friday, as he was set to give a speech on failing infrastructure in the country and how the bipartisan infrastructure law he signed in November would rebuild many bridges and roads.

    “There’s a lot of talk about disappointments and things we haven’t gotten done,” Biden said. “We’re going to get a lot of them done, I might add. But this is something we did get done, and it’s of enormous consequence to the country.”

    As soon as we get all the heavy equipment operators forcibly vaxxed.

    • CPRM

      failing infrastructure in the country and how the bipartisan infrastructure law he signed in November would rebuild many bridges and roads.

      Man, Obama must have built some shitty infrastructure, it’s been like 10 years since he personally rebuilt all the infrastructure.

      • Rat on a train

        I haven’t seen a single sign go up on an existing project saying thank Biden for this like there was for Obama. I am disappointed.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Only small ones on gas pumps.

    • Fourscore

      A couple years ago I made a list of projects that I wanted done. Things I couldn’t do. I had about 4 big items on the list. One I cut off as being not cost effective but then I added another one. The list was completed or will be next week but now I want to do some other things.

      Some things were done by non-English speaking people. Infrastructure is easier to say than to do, what with all the environmental studies, permits, different kinds of contractors in the mix.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    I still can’t believe they published that “vaccine mandates are libertarian” article.

    It takes a brave man to submit to the slaver’s yoke.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    In a statement, Boston Public Schools said it supports students advocating for their beliefs and vowed to listen to their concerns.

    Just as long as those beliefs happen to align precisely with the official narrative.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    The teachers probably encouraged it if not started it in motion.

    I immediately assumed the teachers coached the students’ “demonstration”.

  23. Rebel Scum

    Speaking of cold there seems to be some agreement among weather forecasts about temperatures during the storm tomorrow, likewise with winds. I’m thinking the trend is towards ice storm. It might be 1998 all over again. VA Glibs know what I mean. I guess we’ll see.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      It will be too warm down this way. Thank God.

      I think it was 94 when we got about two inches of ice. It looked like a nuclear bomb went off.

    • Old Man With Candy

      It will be warmer here when the snows start. I think we’re at -2 tonight, but up in the teens Sunday night when the weather moves in.

      • Fourscore

        Y’all have my empathy. It’ll be warmer here in July.

        But I’m grateful, otherwise all the MN migrants that went to CA would start to come back, bad enough in the summer but at least there is some peace of mind this time of year,

  24. The Late P Brooks

    By who?


  25. Rebel Scum

    As Omicron fuels surge, U.S. students stage walkouts to protest in-person classes

    Children find excuse to avoid school. Other news at 11.

  26. Rebel Scum

    Actor Maureen Lipman (“The Pianist”) highlighted the discussion about what has been termed “Jewface” when she told a newspaper she “disagreed” with Mirren’s casting “because the Jewishness of the character is so integral. I’m sure she will be marvellous, but it would never be allowed for Ben Kingsley to play Nelson Mandela. You just couldn’t even go there.”

    My understanding was that actors are supposed to pretend to be people that they are not.

    • Gender Traitor

      No! No more acting outside your exact ethnic demographic!

      But you can be any gender you want on any given day. /rabid prog

    • l0b0t

      Why couldn’t Kingsley play Mandela? He played Gandhi and that film took 8 Oscars home. Hell, he played Mandarin, a Chinee supervillain. Kingsley can do no wrong.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Sir King Bensley? I hear he’s not short on self-belief.

      • slumbrew

        That was my first thought – playing an Indian guy was OK but anything else would be unacceptable?

      • Count Potato

        Ben Kingsley was born Krishna Pandit Bhanji.

      • CPRM

        And? Does that make him brown?

      • Count Potato

        Ghandi wasn’t either. Not that it matters.

      • CPRM

        Way to avoid the question, racist!

      • slumbrew

        Huh, learn something new every day.

        Fine – he played Itzhak Stern in Schindler’s List; unacceptable, I suppose.

        He will always be Don Logan to me. (NSFW language)

      • Gustave Lytton

        And he had a Brazilian wife (#4) 31 years younger than him.

      • rhywun


    • The Last American Hero

      Like the pie faced squat chick on Cowboy Bebop not being a leggy, tall hottie with large tracts of land?

  27. Rebel Scum

    “I never thought in February, early March, that (coronavirus) would lead to locking down the country,” the Republican governor told the hosts of the conservative podcast “Ruthless” during an episode recorded Thursday. “I just didn’t. I didn’t think that was on the radar.”

    Well now you know. And Trump has been on my shitlist because of the vax nonsense. He did some good, but perhaps his time and influence is up. Pass the populist mantle to someone else. Personally I like this Desantis character, but I’d prefer a Rand Paul.

  28. Ghostpatzer

    I married STEVE SMITH’s daughter!

    Colts coach Frank Reich and general manager Chris Ballard have been non-committal as to whether the quarterback will return to Indianapolis next season, and now Steve Smith is taking shots at him.

    And by taking shots mean…

  29. The Late P Brooks

    It ain’t over ’til the fat lady croaks

    The Labor Department has vowed to use its authority to protect workers from Covid, after the Supreme Court blocked the Biden administration’s vaccine and testing rules for private businesses.


    The Supreme Court’s conservative majority, in its 6-3 ruling, called the federal mandate a “blunt instrument” that “draws no distinctions based on industry or risk of exposure to Covid-19.”

    However, the high court said OSHA does have the authority to regulate specific workplaces where workers face a heighted threat from Covid.

    “Where the virus poses a special danger because of the particular features of an employee’s job or workplace, targeted regulations are plainly permissible,” the court wrote in an unsigned opinion.

    The court said it has “no doubt” that OSHA can implement safety measures to protect workers from Covid in particularly cramped or crowded environments.

    In other words, OSHA could tailor a new regulation that targets high-risk industries, such as meatpacking, with safety measures that do not include the controversial vaccine rule, according Jordan Barab, deputy assistant secretary of OSHA during the Obama administration.

    “There are a number of criteria OSHA could use to make it more risk based that would probably pass Supreme Court muster,” Barab told CNBC on Friday.

    I can’t wait to see what SCIENCE! comes up with.

    • rhywun

      I suspect they won’t bother trying now that the jig is up, and it was never about “safety” to begin with. Why waste time and effort on small power-grabs like meatpacking.

    • Rebel Scum

      Blah blah blah, unconstitutional horseshit is unconstitutional and horseshit no matter the unprincipled ruling of the court.

      Try to jab me with the clot shot and you might find yourself penetrated by something far more unpleasant than a needle.

    • CPRM

      the court wrote in an unsigned opinion.

      Something, something, Lives, Fortunes….uh…Sacred Honor

  30. Rebel Scum

    That’s some mighty fine analysis…

    “This is going to sound partisan, but in partisan terms, look, Hillary beat Trump by more than three million votes. Joe Biden beat him by more than seven and a half million votes, and the young people are increasingly on our side. The GOP is a shrinking minority party, which is why they’re hanging on to every anti-democratic lever of power they’ve got, the gerrymandering of congressional and state legislative districts, the filibuster, the packing of Courts — all of these things are covering up for the fact that the vast majority of the people reject what they have to offer.”

    Why it is almost as if the US is not a democracy and the Democratic party is projecting its frustrations while destroying what is left of the republic.

  31. Rebel Scum

    Oh, Tulsi.

    Biden promised to unite our country. Instead he betrayed us, pouring fuel on the fire of divisiveness, tearing our country apart. Biden compares those who disagree with him to racists, traitors & enemies, & has his AG target Americans as domestic terrorists. Unfit to lead.

    Send her a copy of ‘The Law’ so she can stop being a leftist on most things.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Take that, Florida!

    New York state is “turning a corner” on a recent surge in COVID-19 infections stemming from the omicron variant as the number of daily new cases continues to decline, Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) said Friday.

    “Here’s the news flash: turning the corner…I’ve been waiting to say that,” said Hochul during a press conference at the State University of New York at Albany.

    New York’s seven-day average of cases is starting to decline, the governor added, noting the state saw a total of 49,027 new infections yesterday and a major drop from last week’s peak.

    This reminds me of the old doctor joke: “Do just as I tell you, and take this special elixir, and you’ll be up and around in seven days. Do nothing, and you’ll be sick for a week.”

    • Rebel Scum

      surge in COVID-19 infections

      *considers what is know about diagnosing said illness*

      This is meaningless.

    • Ghostpatzer
    • rhywun

      “Eighty-eight weeks to flatten the curve.”

      • Ownbestenemy

        We need a song writer to give us a parody “88-weeks about 44 politicians.”

      • l0b0t

        The Nails are a thoroughly underrated band.

        Back in the early days of Napster, 88 Lines About 44 Women was always mistakenly credited as a They Might Be Giants song.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    It’s an outrage!

    The Portland Police Bureau is conducting an internal investigation into a training presentation for dealing with mass protests that included a meme describing violence against protesters that begins, “And the Lord said… Woe be unto you, dirty hippy.”

    “I am disgusted that this offensive content was added to a training presentation for our police officers,” Mayor Ted Wheeler said in a statement released Friday.
    The image, which appeared at the end of a 110-page PowerPoint presentation, shows a photo of a person in tactical gear attacking what appears to be an unarmed protester. The accompanying message, written as mock Bible verses, states that, “They may christen your heads with hickory, and anoint your faces with pepper spray.” It goes on to refer to people being “cuffed and stuffed,” as well as “stitched and bandaged.”
    “The message on the training presentation slide was contrary to PPB’s values and what we are trying to achieve as an organization,” Police Chief Chuck Lovell said in a statement. “Upon learning of its existence, I ordered an Internal Affairs investigation. That investigation is still open and therefore, details cannot be discussed.”
    Although the full training document emphasizes that protesters can come from any part of the political spectrum, the image refers exclusively to stereotypes associated with left-wing activists, with mentions of patchouli, Marx, and dreadlocks.

    I wonder what the overlap is between people outraged by this horrific casual insensitivity and people disappointed the Capitol Police didn’t ruthlessly gun down the 1/6 insurrectionists.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Either groan or chuckle and move on. What a bunch of Nancy’s

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I didn’t realize hippies were a protected class now.

      If that’s the case, I’m definitely in trouble. I hate hippies.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Hahaha. Test hoarders will gobble this shit up and inner-city folk will resale on the streets.

      • Gender Traitor

        How many Tide pods do you reckon they’ll go for?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      within 7-12 days


      I think we’ve reached ultimate government bureaucracy.

    • Ghostpatzer

      and tests will typically ship within 7-12 days of ordering

      My son’s college is requiring a negative KungFlu test by January 25. According to my calendar, today is January 15.

      *does quick math*
      *shells out for test at pharmacy*

    • Nephilium

      And per Biden, at home tests must now be covered by insurance:

      Biden policy means insurers and businesses must now foot the bill for at-home COVID-19 tests

      Starting Saturday, the White House began requiring private insurers – including self-insured business plans – to pay for at-home COVID tests. Insurers must cover eight tests a month for every person they insure, either making them free up front or reimbursing them for up to $12 each if they buy on their own.

      So how much did Biden’s handlers short the insurance companies and buy up the test manufacturer’s stock?

      • Rebel Scum

        Except for the dirty unvaxxed. They deserve to be punished.

      • CPRM

        I heard on el radio that the prices were going to go up for the at home tests, because an ‘agreement’ they made with the feds expired. So now the Sucka inzcherenz muzt pai!

      • slumbrew

        Good thing we don’t have socialized medicine, where the government can arbitrarily change what is covered.

      • R C Dean

        the White House began requiring private insurers

        Under what authority? What agency, implementing what statute?

        Insurance companies are state-licensed and state-regulated.

      • CPRM

        Under what authority?

        A tax er something – Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

      • Drake

        Good luck ever finding a test in a store again.

    • Rebel Scum

      Clown. World.

    • rhywun

      Joe Biden will be furiously postmarking boxes himself to help keep up with the demand.

  34. LCDR_Fish

    Youngkin just ended school mask mandates in VA. I predict happy parents/kids and teacher walkouts.

    • Sean

      Nah. Bodies in the streets. Everyone will get covid and die.

    • Rebel Scum

      I thought the inauguration was at noon. I need to collect my leftist tears containers.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Starting Saturday, the White House began requiring private insurers – including self-insured business plans – to pay for at-home COVID tests. Insurers must cover eight tests a month for every person they insure, either making them free up front or reimbursing them for up to $12 each if they buy on their own.

    Maybe we can’t force you to eat broccoli, but we can force the insurance company to pay for it.

    Get your free broccoli here! You’ll like it. It’s good for you.

    • Fourscore

      Can I sell my free test futures? I won’t need them.

      • R C Dean

        Sure. There’s a market for vote futures, so why not?

    • EvilSheldon


  36. The Late P Brooks

    “NEW: Starting January 19th, Americans will be able to order their tests online at, and tests will typically ship within 7-12 days of ordering, per WH”

    Straight from the magic hat to your door!

    • Gustave Lytton

      Starting Feb 19, they can report the results…

      Starting Mar 19, they will be required to report daily test results of mandatory testing…

    • Old Man With Candy

      “What does your dentist say?”

  37. Yusef drives a Kia

    I just got back from the car wash, 6 degrees out, with wind who knows? but the place hasn’t froze up, and we have customers,
    did I mention it’s Fucking Cold?

    • Rebel Scum

      The carwashes around here close when it is freezing.


      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Ha! Like that!

      • CPRM

        I went through one here the other day when it warmed up to 23.

    • PieInTheSky

      well if it was less rough she would not need to rob clients

    • Ghostpatzer

      My dearly departed mom was a “wise Latina”. Sotomayor not so much.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Duuude Surf really Up now!
      find a bluff and wait,,,,,

    • Ghostpatzer

      You need to get to Higher Ground ASAP.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      I got one of those. Disabled that setting immediately.

  38. Count Potato

    “In 2020, when race was happening, the NYT granted Juneteenth as a holiday for all employees. 2 years later, only non-union employees can take it — a union busting tactic designed to scare @NYTGuildTech before they vote.

    What happened to recognizing the significance of the day?”

    oh you

    • CPRM

      when race was happening

      like a hep cat?

    • R C Dean

      2 years later, only non-union employees can take it

      My guess: The NYT is doing “work to rule” to the union. Juneteenth isn’t listed in the contract as a holiday, so sad.

  39. Don escaped Cancun

    Zillow dot com
    want to see this house? click yes
    when? click tomorrow
    when? click 1pm

    text: do you want to see house tomorrow at 1pm? yes
    email: do you want to see house tomorrow at 1pm? yes
    call: this is Zillow; do you want to see house tomorrow at 1pm? yes

    hold please; okay

    there was a problem; hold for another rep; okay

    agent comes on line: do you want to see the house? yes
    do you want to buy that house? yes; yes: please take my money
    the house at XXXX Abbey Road? yes
    tomorrow? yes
    at 1pm? yes . . . anyone ever tell you that the Zillow process is annoying
    beg pardon? what ever could you mean? uh: your process is annoying; I would never do this to my clients
    I don’t know what you mean. uh, I know.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I dare you to try to switch times mid-process.

    • PieInTheSky

      I hope you did not choose to see a house before the horoscope tells you if it is a good time

      • Don escaped Cancun


    • Drake

      Looking for rental I’ve been using places like this:

      Once you are registered, you can just show up at the property, they text you the code for the lockbox, and you show yourself around.

      • Mojeaux

        The problem with Rently is that it doesn’t have all the properties in your area on its roster.

        What I would do is go to Zillow and find out what was for rent, then see if they were on Rently. Some weren’t.

        Some were also on that weren’t on Zillow or Rently, but that was very rare.

        I found our place through Craigslist (don’t do that—it’s usually a scam), which I happened to check on a whim. It wasn’t on either Zillow or Rently, but it turned out legit. The house is nice, but laid out very weirdly. Price was more than reasonable. Responsive landlord. He couldn’t figure out why he was getting no bites (because it’s on Craigslist and it’s a weird house).

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        What’s strange about the layout?

        There was a house like that in our family, because it had Sarah Winchester additions.

      • Ted S.

        There’s a bathroom right off the kitchen?

      • Mojeaux

        You walk in, there’s a room off to the right. It’s big enough to be an office or a children’s play area, but not much bigger than that. I thought it was because this house was a model house, but the house next door to us has the same layout. This is my office.

        Then you come to the living room, which is extremely small. It has a fireplace on the main wall, but there is only enough room to put two recliners to watch TV (we don’t put it over the fireplace—too high up for my taste).

        To the left is a coat closet and a door to the laundry room, which leads out to the garage, and the staircase to the downstairs.

        Did I mention we have a 20-foot vaulted ceiling? The heat loss must be ginormous.

        Continuing on is the kitchen, which is U-shaped and microscopic. Then there is a biggish dining room, which holds our big table with no leaves, and a big Ikea cabinet we had to get because the kitchen is microscopic. There is storage, but the cabinets go about 10 feet up and they are shallow, except in the corners. I declutter. A lot. The kitchen will hold all our dishes and pans, but they are unreachable and therefore, might as well not exist.

        Did I mention we have a 20-foot vaulted ceiling? We have two contractor boob lights on the ceiling there, close together, which don’t shed enough light. We have to call the handyman to change the lightbulbs.

        Off the kitchen is the hallway to 2 bedrooms, a pantry, and a bathroom. The master bedroom is ginormous but there is no storage in the bathroom and the shower stall is tiny. The hallways bathroom is normal sized. The other bedroom is normal sized. The pantry is generous.

        Did I mention we have a 20-foot vaulted ceiling? The smoke detector is up there too and the other night it went off while XY was cooking. We had to have a long stepladder and a pole to turn it off. We also have to call the handyman to change the battery.

        Going down stairs, to the left is a ginormous unfinished space where we store things. It’s nice. It’s framed in for another bedroom and bathroom. We call this the dungeon.

        To the right is the den (mancave) and another bedroom and bathroom off it. There is also a ginormous closet. Just inside the door of the den is a dry bar and a tiled area for a small refrigerator. My husband is using this tiled space for an office because the dungeon is too cold and not enough light and running cords would be a nightmare.

        It’s a lot of room that the common areas are almost unusable, or rather, half-usable for their intended purpose. And not being able to reach cabinets or change light bulbs ourselves is very annoying.

        All that said, it’s done very nicely in white. There’s no faddishness about it (except the kitchen, which is dark cabinetry and countertops) so it’s essentially a blank slate. It came with very lovely plantation blinds that are new and I don’t have to worry about putting up curtains anytime soon. The fireplace is sweet, but gas, so it’s expensive to run. there is a big blank wall on either side of the fireplace. One wall has a big TV on it. The other wall has a bank of very tall Ikea bookshelves we got. Lots of nice room for our books. My office has built-in bookcases. It’s almost like I designed this office for me, myself. My husband loves the mancave, but once we got our furniture it, it got small all of a sudden. The dungeon is a great storage space. The garage is truly a 2-car garage with some shelves built in, but it’ll be a while before I can use it for a workshop. Have to sort out my tools first and get the rest of our stuff from the storage unit.

        All in all, we were very lucky to get this place because as soon as we committed to signing the papers, he had other people interested in it. It’s a lot of house for a good price. So I skedaddled my butt over here and wrote the check immediately.

        I am not unaware of its flaws. In fact, too aware maybe. But I am grateful for it.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        That was thorough, and I hope cathartic. Vaulted ceiling, so late 20C?

      • Mojeaux

        1995, I believe, so yeah.

        And yes, it was cathartic! LOL

  40. Brochettaward

    Revelations is really about The First That Will Change Everything. I have been questing for a white horse from which I will issue my edicts.

    The First shall ascend.

  41. Yusef drives a Kia

    San diego ghould be getting hit by a Tsunami right about, Now.

    • Yusef drives a Kia


      • Toxteth O'Grady

        It has Tsunami Evacuation Routes.

        Maybe useful during the ’82-83 El Niño. (Was the Queen’s visit in a storm? I forget.)

    • slumbrew

      “and nothing else will happen”.

      Also pass, hard or otherwise.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      We really do want to go extinct.

    • R.J.

      Supposedly guys would hang out in hot tubs during the 1970s to get the same effect. “Hey babe! I been in here for two hours! No way you get preggers!”

    • Urthona

      This is why I keep a bunsen burner on the end table.

  42. Rebel Scum

    Bush McCain Romney Trump Desantis is Hitler incarnate.

    During an interview with WLRN’s “The Florida Round-Up,” Commissioner Fried, said,” I’m a student of history too, I saw the rise of Hitler. I’ve learned of those stories. I have studied Hitler and how he got to power you know, wanting his own militia and having his own militia.”

    Commissioner Fried says that Gov. DeSantis is only trying to instill fear in Floridians, and is even blaming for any woes that the state currently faces, saying that ” blaming certain parts of our society and our culture and that’s exactly what Hitler did to the Jews back you know during World War II.”

    “Do I think that we’re going to get to this extent of Hitler’s power, of course not, but the rise of his power and what he did to scapegoat certain parts and especially the Jewish community in Germany and how he utilized taking going after the media going after, and scapegoating people and blaming people and putting fear and then taking over the military, that’s what this governor is doing,” concluded Fried.

    Next he’ll be scapegoating the unvaxxed and calling dissenters domestic extremist terrorists.

    • CPRM

      And removing those against The Party from the military! He’s a monster!

    • juris imprudent

      I thought Democrats hated tradition, and Hitler is about as traditional a characterization as they ever make of any Republican they oppose. Can’t they come up with anything more original?

    • rhywun

      I thought it was well-established that several dozen other states have the exact same thing.

      This is just another version of “Jim Crow in Georgia!1!!”

    • Ted S.

      Commissioner Fried says that Gov. DeSantis is only trying to instill fear in Floridians,

      The projection is strong here. What do you think the Democrats and media did for the past two years of coronavirus.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    Fixing the FED

    President Joe Biden’s latest nominations to the Federal Reserve Board mark a major victory for lawmakers and other diversity advocates who have long pushed for new voices at the world’s most powerful central bank.

    Biden on Friday tapped two Black economists — Lisa Cook and Philip Jefferson — for open seats on the board. He also named Sarah Bloom Raskin, an aggressive regulator and former Fed governor, for the top job overseeing the nation’s banks, which would make her the first woman to hold that post.

    Biden’s move, which came after a lobbying campaign by lawmakers such as Senate Banking Chair Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), House Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus, would solidify the president’s influence over the Fed during a time of tremendous economic uncertainty for the country. He has already renominated Fed Chair Jerome Powell and picked Fed Governor Lael Brainard to be vice chair.

    If confirmed, the president’s selections would change the makeup of the white male-dominated Fed board of governors. In its nearly 109-year history, the board has only had three Black members — with the last one, Roger Ferguson, leaving in 2006.

    That lack of representation led to mounting frustration among key Democratic constituencies — and prompted Biden to pledge in November to bring “new diversity” to the Fed — even as the central bank has begun to focus more on disparities in economic outcomes for disadvantaged communities.

    I can’t wait.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      At this point, what difference does it make?

      Our fiscal future is already written.

    • Rebel Scum

      The Fall of Rome – Redux

    • rhywun

      That lack of representation led to mounting frustration among key Democratic constituencies

      How do you write this with a straight face…?

      Speaking of which, when do homos finally get some representation? They have voices, too. Do better, Joe.

      • juris imprudent

        White males that just happen to like other men sexually? Hmm, no sir, I’m afraid you are WAAAyyyy down the victim stack. You’ll just have to wait.

      • The Last American Hero

        What’s Lindsay Graham, chopped liver?

    • UnCivilServant

      Voice commands are less efficient than pretty much any other method.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Biden’s new Fed would be the most diverse ever, with four women on the seven-member board and its first woman of color with Cook. “This group will bring much needed expertise, judgment and leadership to the Federal Reserve while at the same time bringing a diversity of thought and perspective never before seen on the board of governors,” Biden said in a statement announcing the nominations.

    MMT, here we come.

  45. Rebel Scum

    I, for one, am glad we defeated fascism.

    I mean, could you imagine if a president called for ostensibly private entities to censor their content?

    DirecTV, one of the largest U.S. pay-TV providers, plans to drop One America News Network, dealing a major blow to the conservative channel that’s been criticized for spreading misinformation and had a loyal fan in former President Donald Trump. …

    “We informed Herring Networks that, following a routine internal review, we do not plan to enter into a new contract when our current agreement expires,” the company said in an emailed statement to Bloomberg News.

    And yet, they carry CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, FNC, etc.

    • CPRM

      american style barbecue

      not a thing. barbecue in the US is more diverse than Biden’s dream government.

      • UnCivilServant


        I still have styles left to try.

  46. Gender Traitor

    Even with lots of shredded cheese, scrambled egg whites still aren’t as tasty as real scrambled eggs. ?

    What’s the latest SCIENCE®? Are whole eggs really bad for your cholesterol? Asking cause I have my annual checkup in a couple of weeks, and damned if I’m going to let the doc put me on cholesterol meds.

    • PieInTheSky

      Are whole eggs really bad for your cholesterol? – no

      damned if I’m going to let the doc put me on cholesterol meds – if not something outragous high that would be the right choice imo

      • Urthona


    • UnCivilServant

      I don’t know about the SCIENCE. I do suspect doctors get kickbacks based on the number of patients they put on certain medications.

      • Gender Traitor

        I’m also wary because my doc retired this past year and sold his practice to another doc, and I don’t know whether I can trust this new guy not to want to pile on the pills. ?

      • UnCivilServant

        I may be older than my current doctor.

        That is kinda depressing.

      • Fourscore

        But, but, but wouldn’t that be morally wrong and perhaps illegal. I mean, c’mon, man.

    • Rebel Scum

      All the nutrients are in the yolk.

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, yeah, the albumen is filler, the yolk is to feed the chick.

      • Count Potato

        You have that backwards.

      • UnCivilServant

        The Yolk is to feed the chick, the albumen is filler?

      • Count Potato

        The yolk becomes the chick, the white feeds it protein, water, etc.

      • PutridMeat


        The yolk does not become the chick. There’s cluster of cells on the edge of the yolk that form/grow into the chick. The yolk provides nutrition for the growing chick. I *believe* the albumen is protection/shock absorber mostly, but it probably has additional, possibly nutritional function. Probably not going to spend my morning DDGing fetal chicken development, there’s demo to be done out there; But the yolk ‘becomes the chick’ only insofar as the nutrition and energy it provides drives the cell growth that results in a chick.

      • Count Potato

        “The yolk does not become the chick. There’s cluster of cells on the edge of the yolk that form/grow into the chick.”

        The chick itself starts off on one side, but it’s all part of the same ball.

      • Don escaped Cancun

        the chicken comes before the egg?

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      I hear if you eat vegan for 48 hours before, your cholesterol will measure low. I wouldn’t take that crap either. I hear they do nothing for women, and make men feel lousy.

      SOW, whatever happened to the term “Number Needed to Treat”? And re Covid, “Pneumonia: the old man’s friend”?

      • Count Potato

        As far as I know, it takes a long time for cholesterol to go down. Also, to go back up if you stop taking statins.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        OK, was just hearsay. That and/or low-carb for two weeks might make a dent.

    • R C Dean

      Are whole eggs really bad for your cholesterol?

      I don’t think so. The serum cholesterol in your blood is manufactured by your body, I believe. Like fat, really. The amount of fat or cholesterol you eat isn’t directly correlated to the amount in your body.

      Besides, the cholesterol theory of heart disease is pretty much crap. But there’s a multi-billion dollar market for anti-cholesterol drugs, so . . . .

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        GD Ancel Keys.

    • Ghostpatzer

      Are whole eggs really bad for your cholesterol

      Who knows? What’s OK for me might not be for you. I consume probably 10X the recommended daily amount of sodium and I have issues with *low* blood pressure. Diet is a very individual thing, any doc/nutritionist who makes blanket recommendations is to be avoided.

    • Don escaped Cancun

      I’ve done my own research on this, and……………..

      Of course this is post hoc anecdata from a nearby demographic that self-selects for the outcome

      (as I love to criticize in others: you’re correct so far as it goes, but you’re looking through the wrong end of the binoculars!),

      but I have known maybe two dozen people who made it to 100 or pushed into the late 90s. They all ate bacon and eggs and things baked with or fried in lard every single day of their lives. Lots of salt, vegetables, milk, and everything prepared in as greasy and death-defying fashion as anyone today could imagine.

    • Mojeaux

      Whatever you do, don’t get on statins. That shit fucks with your head.

      Triglicerides can be managed with diet and exercise. The rest of it, your body’s in charge of.

  47. Count Potato

    “Perspective is also needed. This week, the writer Colin Wright posed on Twitter the following question: “What rights do trans people currently not have but want that don’t involve replacing biological sex with one’s subjective ‘gender identity’?” And the response was, of course, crickets. The truth is: the 6-3 Bostock decision places trans people in every state under the protection of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It’s done. It’s built on the sturdy prohibition on sex discrimination. A Trump nominee wrote the ruling.

    What the trans movement is now doing, after this comprehensive victory, is not about rights at all. It is about cultural revolution. It’s a much broader movement to dismantle the sex binary, to see biology as a function of power and not science, and thereby to deconstruct the family and even a fixed category such as homosexuality. You can support trans rights and oppose all of this. But they want you to believe you can’t. That’s the bait-and-switch. Don’t take it.”

    Good article, worth reading the whole thing. One thing Sullivan misses is that most of the people pushing this are leftists who aren’t transgender.

    • R C Dean

      It’s built on the sturdy prohibition on sex discrimination.

      Another de facto amendment of a statute by the Court. The statute says “sex”. Congress has repeatedly declined to amend it to include “gender identity”. Sex is not gender identity; ask, well, anyone (but a Supreme Court Justice).

    • Rebel Scum

      Either we all have the same rights or we all have no rights. There’s a binary for you.

  48. PieInTheSky

    BREAKING: Leonardo DiCaprio’s ex-girlfriend, Camila Morrone details the “worst date of my life” with the actor.

    “He rented out a whole cinema, and made me watch every single ‘STAR WARS’ movie while he ran around with his lightsaber pretending to fight bad guys.”

    • Urthona

      Whoa. Wish I could date Leo.

      • R C Dean

        I know. This makes me like him, at least a little.

        Not mentioned: Did she fuck him after?

        Narrator: She fucked him after.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      every single ‘STAR WARS’ movie

      Ugh, including the prequels and those last three? What a monster.

      • Urthona

        This is a girl saying this. It was probably like two of them.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Sad time realization: She was 8 when the last prequel came out.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Left out setup “No, I’ve never seen any Star Wars movies. Ever. Why?”

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      That ship sailed about an hour ago,

    • R.J.

      Thank you, Santa! Take the ones who make movie sequels first!

    • Urthona

      I’m more rooting for the Lex Luther plot in Superman

      • Gustave Lytton

        Urthonaberg? Urthonaberg??

      • slumbrew

        * looks for property in Otisburg *

    • Urthona

      I really need to get a police outfit.

    • Count Potato

      “very famous porn star who is also a columnist and ‘sexpert’, hasn’t done fssw but for some reason acts like an expert on sw stuff that doesn’t concern her which is particularly wild given yk, her not even being able to tell the copsexual lady to stop fucking cops”

      What do all those initials mean?

      • Old Man With Candy


      • Urthona

        You lost me but I’m still a bit titillated.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        sex work/er ?
        you know ?

      • slumbrew

        sw = sex work
        fssw = full service sex work
        yk = you know

        I think. Still doesn’t make a ton of sense.

      • Count Potato

        I think that’s it.

  49. PieInTheSky

    How the Sfoglini Factory Makes Cascatelli, a New Shape of Pasta

    I don’t want to be all bernie but we have enough shapes of pasta

    • Urthona

      Finally someone is really pushing the envelope on pasta shape permutations.

  50. Raven Nation

    For Premier League fans: does Benitez get fired today or Monday.

    • rhywun

      Saw the tail-end of that match – not even sure which of the two teams he coaches. (I’m really not paying much attention to this year. It’s pretty much a lost year for me.)

      • slumbrew

        My interest in EPL has really waned; I was watching most weeks for a couple years but that’s withered away.

        I think because NBC went from showing just about every match – including my team of choice – to wanting you to pay for access.

      • rhywun

        Soccer coverage in America peaked a few years ago. For one or two golden years you could get most of England, Germany, Italy, United States, Spain, Australia, and more on regular cable. Now anywhere from 75% to 100% of each have moved to multiple different extra-pay streams. So yeah, I don’t follow much of it at all any more, just watch the occasional game that they have deigned to make available to me.


        I follow my local team thanks to MSG – they show almost every match. Even if some of them are in Spanish only….

      • juris imprudent

        Everton, although both of them are in the relegation battle at this point.

  51. Tundra

    Good morning.