I got all the primo slots this holiday season. Ha ha! Take that Sugarfree!
This is my review of Deadfall Old Fashioned Double Imperial Ale (H/T: Spudalicious):
So for today, I would like to go through this list of notable people that we have lost this year. Cue the pensive music:
Permission to come aboard, sir!
The most forgettable political pundit. Ever.

Phil? Andy? Whatever. I’m American so they’re irrelevant to me.
At least nobody died in his scam
The REAL home run king.
A man who defined QB controversy
Who drives themselves to the hospital after a heart attack?
When Spud sent me this “beer”, I didn’t know what to think. I cracked it open and found at room temperature it poured like ice-cold vodka. It smelled of charred oak barrels and oranges.
I got halfway through it before it occurred to me this was an Old Fashioned. Just like Don Draper, except it isn’t! Its a drink that typically calls for bourbon but can work with several spirits. This beer is certainly interesting and not something I expected. Perhaps it is not one I would buy for myself as I am overall neutral to it, but definitely one to pick up to start a conversation. Deadfall Old Fashioned Double Imperial Ale: 2.5/5
Wait, you've seen the numbers from the analytics dept at GHQ? I thought you couldn't get that until Job Level 8.
Dammit! Every time my promotion review comes up they ding me for incorrect tag closure.
Double Imperial? what’s the Abv on that?
I thought so,
“I had a delicious shake for breakfast. Another for lunch. And then an er visit in the afternoon!”
“Who drives themselves to the hospital after a heart attack?”
More than half of the Glibs would, I’d wager.
“I’m not paying for a glorified taxi ride!”
Weeks ago my dad did just that for chest pain and got 4 stents the day after and a 5th one the next week later.
My aunt did that. Twice.
one uncle took a shower before driving himself in
another drove a semi rig from MO to MS first
but that’s my gene pool….so……
I would have expected a Betty White link
I don’t get why everyone loves her and quite frankly I wrote this a week ago.
not in any meaningful or epic way, Norm I miss the most
his flavor of wheels-off dissent, critique of power, and relatable, easy-going neighborliness always hit me just right: his jokes are the same as mine, the same sort of earthy incredulity at the inanity spinning around him
my fave of him starts at 3:14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9CGUFhZdN4
Happy new year!
Not entirely OT
Let me give you one of my favorite pieces of spin over a death this year.
“I would like to report to everyone who has supported Sayaka Kanda so far. Kanda Sayaka (35 years old) died suddenly at 9:40 pm on December 18, 2021. We are very sorry to give such a report to all the fans who supported us and all the people who took care of us. We are still unable to accept her passing and are trying to cope with it. We are currently investigating the detailed situation, but we kindly ask the media to refrain from interviewing relatives or posting articles by speculation,” said Kamaichi Mitsuhisa, CEO of Robe Co. in the statement.
The reality is, sadly, she jumped out a window.
On the other end of the spectrum is Kathy Hochul’s spinning of Colin Powell’s death
“Someone who wasn’t vaccinated gave him the virus.”
Try again Kathy.
And they think they can keep trotting that one out forever.
Classy broad.
Familyname Givenname invades the English language press. Give it a year and it will be the new Black or Latinx, and failing to do so will be evidence of the anti Asian bigotry prevalent in Amerikkka.
It’s the style guide for lots of media now. Which will confuse the hell out of people.
It confuses me already because it depends if I was acquainted with person in English or Japanese, that’s how I know the name. It requires a conscious decision how to call a person now.
Matsuda Seiko is not how it’s printed on her albums. Of course, neither is 松田聖子 except maybe on the obI strip.
At least they could do the all caps familyname thing.
Speaking of her, saw the Returning Japanese episodes of King of the Hill recently and noticed she has an end credit (as Bobby’s dansu girl). Things I never noticed years ago.
Southern Tier released a similar beer a while back, their Manhattan inspired beer. Not to be confused with Southern Tier’s canned cocktails (they’re a brewery and a distillery).
That Manhattan wasn’t too bad. I don’t know if I would buy one again, but it wasn’t horrible.
I didn’t dislike the ST Manhattan, but I won’t buy it again.
Also this filthy little beast.
Better you than me.
Aww, happy, muddy puppers.
Didn’t see many of Grodin’s movies, but he was perfect playing opposite Kevin Kline in Dave.
Nobody would ever really try to pass off an impersonator as the president…would they…?
I will wholeheartedly suggest seeing him in Midnight Run. He and De Niro just play off each other so well.
Dan Reeves RIP
Rough week for old football coaches.
Ouch. Looks like the backyard is flooding again. Guess we’ll see if l’il willow helps at all this time around.
Tommy Lasorda — Slim Fast Killed Him.
Where do I shitpost! Damn you Tonio!
On your sons’ twitter feeds?
Shitpost in both threads and maybe some nice drugs will fall out of your ass.
WOW! California is finally addressing the ridiculous 1600 hour mandatory training for barbers and cosmetologists… By reducing the requirement to 1000 hours.
It would be kinda hilarious if they “compromised” by adding hundreds of hours of the specialty Caribbean braiding to everyone’s “education” requirements.
IJ keep chipping away at the absurdity of occupational licensing. They do good work.
I take exception to the assertion that Prince Philip was a customer of Epstein’s “services”. His useless son Andrew is the one who needs to be shamed and sentenced to hard time.
Philip was the wonderfully Unwoke Royal who was still very sharp witted until the end. God rest his soul.
Philip once made a stink in the press when he referred to England’s public housing as “Prole Holes” .
I had no idea until after he died what a delightfully bad attitude he’d had. Seems as if he would have been a fun bloke with which to have a pint.
The best-curated list of quotes I can find that isn’t full of obviously made up and inaccurate ones lacking context.
Happy new year everyone.
Harpy noyers!!
(Allegedly what my late mother in law said when sufficiently drunk. We still say it as a family tradition)
I found a new favorite make at home cocktail last night.
It’s similar in preparation to a Moscow mule.
Neph, I apologize if you already covered this in one of your articles.
Iced rocks or Collins glass
Squeeze half a lime
Pour in a shot or so of bourbon or even better rye
Top off with ginger beer (Goslings is my go to)
Stir and serve with a wedge of lime.
Dammed delicious. I liked the rye better than bourbon. I used a relatively cheap rye by jack Daniels.
Reports of Silicone Saturday’s death are greatly exaggerated.
You missed Michael K. Williams. Omar is the greatest TV character ever played.
He was great and Omar was a fantastic character.
My father-in-law. At 3 in the morning. Drove an hour to a hospital in Philadelphia because he didn’t trust the local hospital. Something like 90% occlusion in several major arteries.
He’s still doing fine, 5 or so years later.
How have I never seen this?
RE Sony consumer electronics.
OK, my day is now complete. Thanks for that, Sensei.
That was fucking hilarious.
New post up, 2022 style.