This will be part of Could they Make it Now? A sporadic series looking at movies made in the past which were awesome, but could not be made in today’s restrictive culture. So watch (or re-watch) this film and let me know what you think in the comments. Could this be made today? Would it be a success?
When I was growing up this was the one movie you could never get at the rental store. It was so popular that when it came in, somebody else had it in reserve. It never made it back on the shelf. It’s strange to think that you can just watch it now on a video service. As a child, literally every kid on the block had the lines memorized from the ‘Fistful of Yen’ skit – “Twy again – with feewing!” Also Big Jim Slade on speed -dial has been a perpetual joke amongst the women folk I know. And some of the men. This movie was that popular.
IMDB, my favorite place to go skewer bad movie critics, says The Kentucky Fried Movie skits are mostly tasteless and irreverent. I hate those words. That means you, as a reviewer, have a stick up your ass. This is one of those films that divides critics into groups: Critics you decide you will never listen to again, and critics with a real sense of humor. Either have the guts to say this movie is hilarious, or get relegated to the trash heap of review history. And in that lies the point – less than half of reviewers had the stones to say this was a funny film. The rest had to struggle with why this was tasteless, etc… just to make a point that they, the reviewers, had a superior moral sensibility.
Everyone involved in this film became legendary. John Landis directed this, and then went on to direct Animal House, Blues Brothers, The American Werewolf in London.… And that was just 1977 to 1981. The Zucker Brothers and Jim Abrahams wrote the skits. This same group was responsible for Airplane, Police Squad and the Naked Gun series. Here, they are young and hungry for laughs and the humor is sharper than anything done in Airplane or Naked Gun. Would they be legendary today? Would their careers take off? Or would they be crushed by a thousand hyperactive internet trolls?
So watch this film – or don’t! Everything is voluntary. At least for now you still have the option to watch it.
Next week will be… Something. I don’t have a plan laid out yet for the coming months. I am tempted by one of the following. Does anyone have a preference? Or another suggestion?
- Knights of Badassdom: Neeeeerds!
- Escape from Galaxy 3: Bad Star Wars clone mastered from VHS
- BigFoot vs. Megalodon: Newer, SyFy quality semi-comedy film with Atari grade special effects
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
Newer, SyFy quality semi-comedy film with Atari grade special effects
Atari grade? Oh boy. My guess is it’ll make British sci-fi special effects look good.
Diving in…
I’m wrapping up stuff at work, so I won’t be as active as usual.
All good. I just stopped working about 45 minutes ago.
Is this Fitzsimmons guy a Glib?
Not that I am aware of.
I ended up doing The Green Slime for next week. And I still have Hobo with a Shotgun on the list. I was sad to see Crippled Avengers is unavailable outside a paywall.
Also, from the dead thread earlier, the crazy kung fu series with Boomerang Jack is a show called “The Magnificent Zubat.” Still looking for a decent full copy of a show.
The biggest sin of Hobo With a Shotgun is that it’s mostly forgettable. A few memorable setpieces, but I have to spend time thinking to recall them. I don’t recall having any dislike of it when I watched it, but I honestly had forgotten it existed in the years since.
It was very avant garde and had such over the top brutality. I had met the director prior to that film being made (only Treevenge was done at the time) and so I still have a soft spot for that film. At the time is was a fairly unique vision. Now a lot of people jumped on that retro-80s bandwagon.
There’s no way in hell they could make that movie outside of 4chan today.
Just for this scene alone, which I can’t believe youtube hasn’t nuked.
Yes! The forbidden word. When I was looking up Big Jim Slade, I saw that Jim Abrahams was originally going play be Big Jim Slade with a giant fake penis . Imagine that.
True story: When I was in West Germany in 88, the family I was staying with took me to see KFM dubbed in German.
I already knew all the lines, so I think I was even more amused by the bad dubbing.
IIRC, there is a scene in KFM that would particularly appeal to Germans.
The dwarf whipping the Catholic school girls?
The Eyewitness News segment perhaps?
Okay, it’s been years since I’ve seen it, I was drunk/stoned at the time (duh). But I seem to recall a scene with “industrial waste” flowing from a spigot, clearly a shock the bourgeoise moment. Maybe this was another film?
That was The Groove Tube, which Scruffy referenced below with a full movie link.
Also everybody saw that movie stoned. I think it was a requirement. Probably still is.
Ahh… Catholic school girls.
The fantasies are more interesting then the memories.
Catholic high school girls in trouble
The best kind
Never has the beauty of the sexual act been so crassly exploited!
+1 shower door
Samuel L Bronkawitz knew how to make ‘em.
I still chuckle at Cleopatra Jones when I just think about it.
Cleopatra Schwartz…
The Groove Tube was the less funny predecessor of KFM but even more irreverent and filthy.
I was literally thinking about doing that. The Groove Tube very much entertained 12 year old me. I am already reviewing off of a You Tube link next week. I want to find a different video service that is not You Tube for some of those rarities.
Imagine this skit getting made today.
The format reminds me of the original “Heavy Metal” movie.
With the installments not really tied together.
That’s not a half-bad idea. Adding it to the list.
Naturally the “Head” that comes up is this:
It’s a related anthology, just like Heavy Metal. As much as I like Airplane and such, I really would rather the Zucker brothers kept writing things like The Kentucky Fried Movie. It is just so well done. And you don’t even notice that the first few times you see this. Everything ties together by just enough thread to keep the theme moving forward.
There is a common thread?
That record wasn’t the birth control device?
“Knights of Badassdom”
I liked that movie.
Okay! One vote. Galaxy 3 has space disco sex in it though.
space disco sex
I’m sold.
Summer Glau was a ballerina.
Oh, I am well aware.
As was Amy Acker.
*wistful sigh*
I remember her from Dollhouse and Cabin in The Woods. She almost seems too skinny to be a ballerina. Glau had muscles.
Not a dancer as far as I know, but speaking of in shape Josh Whedon actresses, check out Gina Torres is Cleopatra 2525.
I think part of Acker’s appeal is that she seems impossibly nice in real life.
United Appeal for the Dead is my favorite segment.
The perfectly dry delivery makes it work.
Sometimes I wonder if Phil Hartman developed his style from watching Henry Gibson.
That may be my favorite sketch in KFM.
Someone has pissed in your popcorn, film at 11.
I’m not wearing any pants, film at 11.
It’s hard to tell with theater popcorn butter so the threat is real.
Moscow in flames, missiles headed for New York, more at 11.
Also in the ape goes wild segment I am pretty sure that is Rick Baker in the ape suit.
The unseen reality of white kung fu pants are giant grass stains. You never see it in a real kung fu film, but you see it here.
I detect a theme among the guards’ names.
Work is done.
A gold star will be attached to your permanent record.
There are several skits from the KFM that are firmly lodged in my memory banks – one of them is the zinc oxide skit.
Something like KFM would stand no chance of getting made today, or to say, it would be an utterly underground film that would see zero distribution. I saw KFM (several times obviously in my youth and once just a few months back when it popped up on Prime) from its VHS release in local rental places. Fantastic comedy that probably wouldn’t even be an underground movie as it’s not woke at all and comedy seems mostly dead now. Speaking of shit that would never stand a chance of getting made now have you ever seen the Jodorowsky flicks from the 70’s? That was truly a special time in movie making.
Yes, I have! Those can be found and reviewed but I just don’t feel like I could do them justice.
Yeah, Holy Mountain and El Topo are pure insane acid trip. Only 70’s amounts of drugs could have allowed those things to see the light of day.
KFM was one of the staples of the local midnight movie when I was growing up. We had one of those old Art Deco theaters that was slowly falling apart (it’s been restored now) that survived through my HS years on midnight movies; The Wall, Texas Chainsaw, Song Remains, that kind of thing. You could smoke, most people smoked herb, everyone brought in a bottle or two. It was good times.
Here is a good picture of it:
Most of those palaces have gone with the times, but there are still a few that have hung on. That’s cool that it survived. I really miss the midnite movie experience.
I dig your new Kananga avatar. We’ve been going through the Bonds with the ten year old and tomorrow is going to be On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.
Speaking of broken brains….
I would make some very special aerosols while I was in that house. Especially after lunch. Purge that.
It’s one thing to do that, it’s wholly another to publicize it to the world.
And I know enough contractors to say that they humored her and called her crazy as soon as they left.
Shit, a Covid interlude?
Oh, wait, only 800,000 dead. We know Covid killed eleventy-billion.
speaking of movies
Bogdanovich died today, reminding me that the best things about Texas are from Tennessee.
I’ve spent a lot of time in west Texas; they are special people. The Last Picture Show is dead on, but I don’t know if it’s good enough to stand on its own as a movie if you don’t already know the feel of that place. See also Giant and Hud . . . watch all three on a rainy winter’s day.
Cloris Leachman passed away this year as well. Truly a beautiful and funny woman.
You two are making me sad here.
1. I am East Texas and very familiar with West Texas.
2. Now I have to review a Cloris Leachman film, preferably 70s. Maybe “Scavenger Hunt.”
I wouldn’t mind seeing The Last Picture Show again. That was good, and I also liked Hud. Both are Larry McMurtry novels.
The Last Picture Show is dead on, but I don’t know if it’s good enough to stand on its own as a movie if you don’t already know the feel of that place.
It’s (more than) good enough. I’ve never even visited that corner of Texas, let alone lived there. But I watched the movie several times and enjoyed it every time.
I can’t remember if I posted this already. So if drugs/ass, please send any complaints to:
Bacardi USA Inc.
2701 Le Jeune Road
Coral Gables, FL 33134
“National Geographic author falsely claims that Kyle Rittenhouse killed ‘two Black men’ in new book
A National Geographic author falsely claimed in her new book that Kyle Rittenhouse killed “two Black men.” In her book The Good Kings, Egyptologist Kara Cooney wrote, “…consider Kyle Rittenhouse, who used his semiautomatic weapon to kill two Black men in Kenosha, Wisconsin while waging a glorious war on behalf of his inherited White power.””
For an Egyptologlist, Kara Cooney aint too bad to look at. I bet she has a great ass.
omg #triggered
She’s not aging very well.
That would appear to clear the bar for libel.
Unless she’s going to claim it was satirical.
She loses even more points from the other side for capitalizing “White”.
And UCLA professor. And nothing else will happen.
WTF does Rittenhouse have to do with ancient Egypt?
Looks like Tim Pool just got swatted mid-podcast. No casualties.
Sounds like the cops were respectful and just checking out a call. Could have been a lot worse.
R.J. says everything is voluntary, but for me, there is nothing voluntary about being First. It is just something that I Am. R.J. is a purveyor of fake news.
No, that’s vape news, not fake news. You misread something.
Here is this week’s roundup:
*Malaysia postpones steep vape tax after they realize it’s theft
*House bill would treat synthetic nicotine like tobacco so they could tax the ever living f*ck out of it
*Philippines passes a comprehensive vape bill guaranteeing the whole industry will go underground.
A purveyor of bad schlock movies and fake news!
He’s right over here, behind this door. No, that’s not the alley, that’s the door to the manager’s office. Head on in…
I am at the part where he’s crushing a guy with a transmission. Name that transmission for bonus points! Hint: It’s not a Turbo Hydro-matic 350.
There is a scene in Blade that mimics that scene. There is something inherently funny about lip reading “what the fuck?”.
How about Burn Hollywood Burn? That’s a great “bad” movie, and it has an excellent cast, regardless.
I’m writing it down, I gotta get some films on the schedule. I told Tonio I had this film gig down through 2021. I need to branch out if I am gonna to keep this going. Otherwise I will have to start writing about pinball machine maintenance or something.
here’s some suggestions
Eating Raoul
Faces of Death
Metal storm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn
Hentai Kamen
Oh, and Motel Hell
I’ve seen “Frankenhooker”.
So have I, but it was a long time ago…
I have been wanting to review MetalStorm… for some time. I got to see that in the theater, with the 3D glasses! What a treat.
Also, what do you think about “Damon Packard’s Reflections of Evil?” Damon never got a good review on that movie. There’s some random stoner reviews and some guy did a it piece on him. But that is a tough film to swallow. I started a review with Bethannica but discarded it.
Never seen that one. I’ll have to check it out.
It is something else. Puts you into an alternate reality from the first few minutes. There literally is nothing else like it.
The guy who made Repoman (PBUH) made another one set in the desert southwest. Straight to Hell. With mother fuckin’ Joe Strummer!
Kino Lorber has a nice HD print out now. It’s my favorite western. Fun Fact – It was made as a fundraising effort for Danny Ortega and the Sandinistas to defend the people’s republic of Nicaragua from the US back El Salvadorian death squads.
“Hentai Kamen”
It was OK. If we are going to go with ridiculous Japanese movies, I’d say Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl, and Big Tits Dragon: Hot Tub Zombies vs. Strippers, are way more entertaining.
Two more options
I Spit On Your Grave (the original)
The Entity (maybe too serious for this column)
I like “I Spit On Your Grave” but it’s a straight horror movie. The remake isn’t bad either.
Never seen The Entity.
The Entity is famous for invisible hands. Truly some of the most spectacular practical effects ever filmed.
Anybody who’s seen it knows exactly what I’m talking about.
OK, I’ll check it out.
Watching Barbara Hershey, some entity was having an effect on me too.
That was cool. I would have to make a rift of Biden jokes for that.
By far my favorite vampire movie of my teenage years.
A couple more suggestions:
Ichi the Killer
Machine Girl
Enter the Ninja
Ninja Terminator
Tank Girl
Was Enter The Ninja the one with the couple in the hot tub?
Enter the Ninja is the one with the white guy who becomes a ninja and then goes to visit his friend’s farm in the Philippines, which is under attack by some local gangsters who end up hiring the white ninja’s rival Sho Kosugi which leads to an epic ninja duel.
Otherwise I will have to start writing about pinball machine maintenance
You say that as if it’s a bad thing.
I would love to read about pinball maintenance.
Done. 1990s machines are my thing.
So sad it isn’t Pinball, 1973.
I heard he’s a wizard at it.
Woof. If I was, I’d do that for a living. No more office work for me. With all the barcades around I would make a killing.
+1 supple wrist
I also would dig a pinball machine maintenance article
What about the greatest “bad” movie of all time — Toxic Avenger?
I’d think it would depend on what your definition of bad and good would be. Like, are you looking for something unintentionally funny or something that was a cheap B movie that turned out to be actually enjoyable?
i misread Couch Potato’s post. Thought he was asking what is the best bad movie.
So, I reached out to Lloyd the other day, and asked him why the Hell none of his movies are on Tubi or Pluto. Believe me, I am not avoiding reviewing his movies. I love his movies. I want to review them. But they need to be available, and not pirated. There is some kind of copyright thing going on.
Thanks for reaching out to him! I love Troma too. I guess the discs are available from his website? Maybe they are on Shudder or something?
You can get all his stuff from behind a paywall. It isn’t lost. If I had my druthers, I would review “Poultrygeist.” I haven’t gotten an answer yet. Maybe he doesn’t make enough money on ad supported services?
The running joke is that he’s an expert on not making money.
I thought Poultrygeist was a bit to much. Although I appreciate the community effort to make it.
I absolutely love Return to Nukem High Volume 1 even though it doesn’t have an ending. Volume 2 was just too meta — Troma jokes about Troma.
Anyway, thinking of Troma actresses, how about I’ll Drink Your Blood? The title doesn’t even match the movie!
“Switch hitter.” – heh.
This scene reminds me of something I read on alt.conspiracy many moons ago about cable TV being both a broadcast medium and a medium for survellience.
Ah, usenet newsgroups – those were some days.
Re: The How bad is my batch link from this morning
I typed in my Janssen batch number before realizing that my batch was #1 right there on top. Yay for me I guess. My adverse reaction is presumably included in that number. Is it useful data though? For all I know, good ‘ol #043A21A was just the biggest batch they sent out.
My second Moderna lot is top of the charts. Yay.
Not dead yet, which is nice.
Ya, I’ve got that going for me
Cleopatra Schwartz is such a classic.
She’s hot.
I used to love that movie. Wonder if it still holds up.
That was good. Thanks RJ!
Thanks for coming!
Eating Raoul is on TCM tomorrow night after Rock ‘n’ Roll High School.
Those are classic movies now?
Underground Friday nights.
How can they edit Eating Raoul to the point they can broadcast it?
This is a good point. Unless you cut the movie out, there seems to be no way to put it on TV.
I saw KFM for the first time earlier this year. I had had it recommended to me many times, but I finally found time to watch it.
I doubt it could be made today, unless it were flip-flopped around to woke-ify it, but the jokes would fall flat to everyone except the woke.
Found KFM on Prime and added to watch list. One of the “Viewers Also Watched” movies was DISCO GODFATHER. The trailer was a lot of fun – sorta James Brown does Kung Fu. I’m sure it would work.
Ah, Rudy Ray Moore! He was a wonderful man. Check out this. Petey Wheatstraw, the Devil’s Son in Law:
I should definitely do that one.
I’ve seen KFM many, many times, although I haven’t watched it in a while. Pretty sure I saw A Fistful of Yen before I saw Enter the Dragon.
Did I miss the discussion on Glenn Greenwald’s 1/6 article? Because he really crushed it….
“The orgy of psychodrama today was so much worse and more pathetic than I expected — and I expected it to be extremely bad and pathetic.”
It reads like the Filthy Critic’s review of The Grinch…. A glorious and full-throated undressing for the political and media class.
For those who missed him, The Filthy Critic was a character from the early internet. Just check out this glorious lede, which may be the best opening to a movie review ever written:
“Someone shit under the Christmas tree, and this year it wasn’t me. It was that bastard Ron Howard, he snuck into my house and dumped a furry green load right there next to the Buck Knife from my parents and the copy of “The Difficult Husband” from Mrs. Filthy’s grandmother.”
As long as I am gifting past hits…. Go hither and learn that everything is a problem:
The Ghostbusters review is brilliant
haha I still remember my spouse and I predicting (with great confidence!) that version of the Grinch was gonna tank badly because the trailer was just SO terrible, and then it made a hundred gazillion dollars. So afterward, whenever one of us starts box office prognosticating the other one is always “Remember The Grinch”. You can never bet against the terrible taste of the American public.
Well… The press keeps telling me that America loves the triumphant remake of West Side Story even though nobody has seen it…
So maybe box office isn’t everything. ….
Haha. Fuck you Kristof, you carpetbagging piece of shit. You’re a fucking idiot if you couldn’t see this lack of residency coming a mile a way. If somehow you get past this AND get elected, do you think the governing would be any easier? The Dem establishment in the state has ordained who will be the next governor and it won’t be you. It’s going to be that also carpetbagger, but has actually lived in the state for several years, hateful leftist bitch Tina Kotex. Who is going to crank up the crazy to 11 and unlike current Gov Shitstain, is unfortunately quite smart.
Shat is this imaginary realm?
Shelia Fagan? Tina Kotex? Kristof? Sounds like a Disney fanfic mashup with an 80’s spy novel.
Kotex is my alternation, the rest aren’t.
Voting in New York in 2020 would be a clear indication of residency in my book. Get fucked, Nick.
That will be the one case of voter fraud he believes.
I just read the article. It’s good to see Oregon has learned nothing from California.
This state is run by carpetbaggers, largely women, who are hostile to traditional Oregon and Oregon values. Gov Shitstain has been on a tear to permanently stack every agency and department leadership with women as her lasting legacy.
That helps explain Kristof getting bounced out. He has the wrong gonads to be a carpet bagger.
Ya I can’t wait until our AG Bob Ferguson takes over for Inslee. They’ll probably get perennial loser Dino Rossi to run again.
Hey, Twitter fact checkers tell me that there’s no credible evidence that the federal government planned 1/6.
Let me try… there’s no credible evidence that Twitter fact checkers aren’t sheep fuckers and child molesters.
All it takes is a bit of brain power to realize that the only ones that benefited from 1/6 was the government
What kind of brainpower is needed to compare it to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor? It’s hard to believe that more than a small percentage of people in America would find that anything but laughable, insulting, bizarre, ignorant, or far removed from decency. The untruth emanating from the media government has truly gotten to beyond ridiculous levels in the past dozen years or so. The last couple on fifth gear.
I’m starting to believe this nonsense is meant to appeal to a decreasing number of people. The Democrats don’t have a feedback mechanism between now and the election because the press is in league with them. I think you are right. Very few people see it the way they do.
I think, in this tabloid era, the problem the Democrats have is that their old tricks of saying that rejecting their favorite policy means you just want people to die, has now become so extreme that anything they want the people to dislike now has to be the Holocaust/Pearl Harbor/9-11/the Civil War — nothing can be just… ordinarily bad, everything (republican) must be The Worst Thing To Ever Happen. Like Climate -everything is an Emergency Panic OMG. And everything is now an Assault on Our Sacred Democracy.
Everything Democrats say is dialed up to 11, and I just… I can’t believe the general public isn’t getting tired of it, esp after two years of non-stop panic mongering over covid. People can’t stay hysterical permanently, they get tired.
Or maybe it’s just me getting tired of it, but my god, am I tired of it. Debate policy, you mfkers, stop making everything the end of life on earth if you don’t get your way.
Remember… Gina Carrano got fired for saying – don’t dehumanize your fellow man… It doesn’t end well… Just remember 1930’s Germany..
And for invoking Nazi Germany in saying be civil to one another (but directed at the left), she was instantly evil. You can never make comparisons to Nazi Germany, they said. It trivializes the Holocaust.
Aaaaaand….. Lets invoke the only 2 attacks by foreign forces on US soil in more than a century to denounce a couple of dozen rabble rousers and a few dozen more rookie loos…. Because that doesn’t trivialize anything important….
Maybe being Veep gives you a little more leeway in your choice of historic references than simply being an MMA fighter turned actor….
The focus groups likely tested worse for the proposed Nazi reference.
It’s not real! There are no changes!
Well, there are changes! But it’s NBD! Trust us!
? ?
yeah, fuck those people. not to be all TMI, but I knew in between shots my cycle was fucked up, and after the second it was obvious. I told my husband flat out a couple weeks ago I was never getting a booster, because I had no idea what that shit was doing to me.
I’m not either and I am just praying that they don’t keep pressing. The hysteria shows no sign of stopping here.
Yeah, LA county is just bananas.
I think, in a rational system, we’d basically be done this month. Everybody’s gonna test positive and after the system collapses under all these insane isolation rules, we’ll be done. But then… I remember the tests are garbage and barf out some false positive percentage that’s unknown but has to be ridiculously high, and … I don’t know.
Women change all the time. It’s just SCIENCE™️.
True. Sometimes they even become men.
I suspect the real reason is their ratings have gone down the tubes.
I don’t think even the families of those winning awards at awards shows watch awards shows anymore.
Morning, Glibs.
I’m apparently so accustomed to only getting six hours of sleep a night that ‘ve been waking up at 3:15am every day this week, then going back to sleep until my alarm goes off at 5.
It feels so quiet here. Everyone must be asleep.
Normally there’s some banter before breakfast, but it’s like ya’ll are hungover or something.
Rhywun would have loved it here today. The Hotel eggs had the texture of foam rubber, and the turkey sausage rounds were just shy of hockey puck consistancy. Oh, and the drinks machine was hooked up wrong, so the button labels had no bearing on what got dispensed.
Snow protocols here. No time for early am links.
It’s a matter of when I can get caught up on the overnight comments and dodge morning meetings.
Good morning, U! I think you’re waking up so early just because you can’t wait to go to school! ?
I left my smithing glove there 🙁
Uh oh! Hope you find it when you get there! I’m guessing it’s leather or something similarly sturdy, so it’s not as if I could knit you one. ?
I know exactly where it is, it’s sitting on top of my anvil.
I’m not super up to date on things glib but I was aware you recently (?) acquired a small milling machine. How are you getting on with that? I’m a youtube machinist channel junkie. Unfortunately my lathe isn’t currently assembled otherwise I’d be doing things as well.
Yeah even though I’m keeping more normal hours right now and going to bed later, I’m still waking up at 2, 3, or 4am and can’t get back to sleep.
I wish I could concentrate enough to read or do something useful at that hour.
Thank goodness! Payroll showed up in my account right on schedule this morning. For a while yesterday, it was looking a bit dicey as to whether it would post on time, as our PEO’s payroll rep and I waited for said PEO’s benefits rep to correct the employer contributions to our Health Savings Accounts so I could give the whole thing final approval.
Now I just have to get everyone’s year-beginning time-off hours updated…and plug in the new pay rates for the year…and calculate the semi-annual incentive…
Now I’m dreading NEXT payday.
I have faith in you.
Thank you. The good news is that I actually managed to get to work half an hour early yesterday, so that means I can leave half an hour early today! ?
The bad news is that I might have to leave the house early again today because there’s an accident on the interstate right before my exit. ?
Ugh. I feel for you Red. My company has still not made me whole from before Xmas and my last cheque was also about $500 shy. Waiting on the pay stub to send in as corroboration. That Kronos thing was bullshit and now that we are probably losing the contracts I might never see my pay. Glad to hear that things are working out on your end.
? I’m sorry, Fes! Good luck getting what’s coming to you – you worked your butt off last month!
Still at it. I’ve decided to let the pilferer slide. It’s not worth the hassle. Don’t get taken advantage of by charm and beauty (lesson learned for the thousandth time.) Feck it, I’m not THAT enamored of that bottle of TSP, even though I was saving it for a purpose. It’s a small price to pay and I did call her out on it. Choose your battles wisely, especially when you are operating in a very tight knit closed system. I’ll keep my my head on a swivel going forward. It pisses me off, though.
I’m still awaiting confirmation of how much I owe to repay a likely overpayment on my last paycheck. Either they eventually get back to me and tell me, and I pay it, they never get back to me and I get harassed by some debt collector years from now, or they tell me and it’s wrong again. Eh. I wanted to be proactive so I got in touch with them first so at least I have the emails showing I tried. Here’s hoping you get it all squared away soon, Mr. F.
Is this “last” as in most recent? Or “last” as in last you were going to get from that employer?
Last. I quit.
Thanks, Limey!
*raises coffee mug*
Tonight I watched “Deja vu” tonight on Amazon.
Made in 2021, set in 2006. Denzel Washington was the star.
Crime drama meets sci fi. At first the technology stretched way too far (turned out to be deliberately), but oddly, then the sci/fi and even supernatural/spiritual saved it.
I liked it.
Tonight I watched “Deja vu” tonight
What you did there has been noted. Mornin’, Hayek.
Mornin’ GT, Festus, UCS, and anyone else who might be around. Hotel breakfast sounds intriguing, UCS, hope you don’t wind up in the ER. What’s up with that payroll, GT? I thought automation solved everything. Well, except back pay for Festus – may your shi come in soon, Festus.
Few inches of snow muffles all sound, nice and quiet this morning.
Good morning, ‘patzie! No small amount of the problem has been, as far as I can tell, a result of our PEO losing (and apparently not replacing) a couple of their 401(k) people and our 401(k) stuff getting dumped onto the desk of our benefits rep, who already seemed to have his hands full. (And because we don’t use the same 401(k) plan as the rest of the PEO’s clients, there’s been a bit of a… learning curve, shall we say, on his part.) My boss and I might have to sit down and have A Talk with our account rep.
Heh. “Talk with our account rep”. By talk mean… /Team SMITH
It’s like Red explained, payroll crashed and they were left scrambling. Everyone got paid as if it were a normal two week period until they could work out the bugs. I can’t imagine the nightmare of having to deal with pension and such on her end, especially at this time of year. I just want to get paid for all of the OT that I worked.
Ahem, am working.
I have no doubt that my shit will come in soon. Time and tides… 😉
If I amy be so bold as to suggest a film. The Blaxploitation, biker film Darktown Strutters (also released as Get Down And Boogie). It has black lady bikers riding giant trikes, KKK bikers riding dirtbikes with flaming crosses, cops driving a pigmobile, and stars Roger Mosley (TC from television’s Magnum P.I.).
It’s obviously so criminals can get away without being caught! I saw it in the movies! BAN IT!
We got about 6 inches of snow overnight; kids are taking a snow day; though they still have to sign in to Google Classroom and do work at some point. FUCK NYC and NYC BOARD OF EDUCATION!
Google Classroom, aka YouLube. “Escape from New York” might be the movie you’re looking for.
Also, a wisdom tooth is making its yearly drive forward, so I have a huge hematoma on my gums, and my mouth hurts too much to eat. HOLY MACKEREL! I want dentures.
That sucks. Sorry dude.
Dental pain is miserable, isn’t it. It’s just there, nagging away at you, except for (if you’re lucky) that sweet spot when the painkillers kick in.
Worse than sinus infections, really.
Tooth problems suck. You still have wisdom teeth? Gah, you need opiates.
Get Them! I was born with beautiful straight choppers and then sometime around 35 or so the Scots Gene kicked in. Twelve years of misery. Underwent the surgery and was back working the next day. A month later, new dentures and my days of suffering were over. Don’t let pride stand in your way. Those tooth problems can actually kill you dead.
Good Morning glibs.
No new drama here, seems that some of us are very busy.
UCS, really looking forward to seeing your long post on metal smithing.
Fest, you need to watch that girl, she will be trouble.
GT, you always sound like you are keeping up on payroll stuff.
Hayek, are you enjoying FedGov? Are they making you take ACQ101 @ DAU?
Hope everyone has a great day.
She’s only as much trouble as I let her be, rob. She’s done me a solid twice but fucked it up both times. My eyes are wide open so far as scammers are concerned. I grew up to be me, right?
You are a Glib, By definition you have to be you.
Just sounds like she is going to fuck you over.