Will he get to play?
Georgia beat Alabama to win the CFP Championship. Djokovic starts practicing while Aussie government officials continue seeking a way to deny him a chance to play…while vaccinated carriers are allowed in without question. The NFL coaching carousel is in full swing as the Miami Dolphins go full retard. Man United advanced in the FA Cup (barely). And that’s sports.
“Silence is violence!” The legal logic behind this is completely retarded. Its also ahistorical. FTA:
“The words are hard to walk back,” Mehta said. “You have an almost two-hour window where the President does not say, ‘Stop, get out of the Capitol. This is not what I wanted you to do.'”“What do I do about the fact the President didn’t denounce the conduct immediately … and sent a tweet that arguably exacerbated things?” the judge asked. “Isn’t that, from a plausibility standpoint, that the President plausibly agreed with the conduct of the people inside the Capitol that day?”
Let’s address the three things in italics. First, he says “the words are hard to walk back” then he acknowledges that there were no words. In fact, the only words were Trump telling protesters to go peacefully. As fort the latter, so what if he agreed with the conduct of the people that day. Hell, there’s plenty of people who agree with their actions (except for the Feds who were in the thick of instigating it). Could me as one of them, to a certain degree. Does that mean I’m liable for their actions because I didn’t tweet “stop!”? If that’s the new legal standard in America, we’re completely fucked.

The pedo network has spoken.
Damn, that’s old school. It could also be a ploy. Nobody would ask to be shot to death unless they were crazy. And you can’t execute a crazy person. At least that’s what I think is the play here.

Bring it back?
Programmers are not engineers.
There may be engineers who know how to code, but they are two separate professions.
Simple fix, abolish that stupid law.
Now you don’t have to debate it.
Completely false.
That’s all well and good. But it’s no business of the legislature.
That article is from 2003.
Ha! It was literally on the front page of the Houston Chron website.
Finding new news is hard!
As someone who practiced engineering without a PE, I find all of this quite silly.
And keep in mind, a PE didn’t keep someone from designing that collapsed pedestrian bridge in Florida.
PE is just who has to carry the insurance and stamp the plans.
Somebody stamped those plans in Florida.
They wear the RING!
My grandfather practiced engineering with a license. He only used it in the rail yards. He never did any intercity runs.
Some people respond really strangely to title incentives. At a previous job I was at, my boss got a complaint because I referred to a call center agent as an agent. They wanted me to avoid using the word agent as the call center agent thought it was insulting. The call center agent wanted to be referred to by their full title (or name): CSR (Customer Service Representative).
Did you respond with “Whatever, phone monkey.”
I ask as a former helpdesk agent. I had no illusions about the (lack of) prestige of the job.
My first job was delivering pizzas for Domino’s. My official title was “Delivery Expert”. I guess delivery boy fell out of fashion.
My title at TOPS supermarket was “customer service representative”. I was a cashier.
Does Texas have a problem of people hiring programmers for engineering work?
Since engineering jobs will specify the specialty such as mechnical engineer, I seriously doubt anywhere has that problem.
Agreed, and that word is my job title. I always thought it was pretentious.
Like Mrs. Doctor Jill. These may be technically acceptable terms, but they go against the commonly understood meanings of the words and make you sound like a git.
I don’t know my job title. With title inflation it could be a paragraph long. I just use programmer. My business cards don’t have a title at my request.
My Job title is “Information Technology Specialist 3 (Systems Programming).” It’s utterly meaningless scept for the pay grade associated. I’m in the running for an ITS4 title soon.
I don’t get business cards.
Senior Escalation Engineer here (at least that’s what I’ve got in the work mandated e-mail sig block). I’m sure I’ve got some much longer and esoteric title in the company systems.
“Senior Software Engineer”
Makes it sound like I program microchips or something.
When the Borg took us over in 2014, it was no more business cards for most of us. I think my first set read “Junior Database Administrator” LOL. The parties used to be way better in the old days, too.
“His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hajj Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of all the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular. “
He should have also awarded himself the Medal of Hajj to go with his Victorious Cross.
We’re not even allowed to tell anyone what our job title is…but it’s on the security badge we have to show to get in the building.
My job title and pay rate are matters of public record and at least some point were searchable online.
I checked my official title – Database Engineer 5. I haven’t touched a database in years.
Yup. I would expect most people worth their salt as “software engineers” don’t really care.
Funnily enough, though — thinking about it — I wouldn’t want it to open the doors to the Architects getting all pissy about “Software Architect” roles, though. That’s a distinction for a good reason — those folks are supposed to manage high level design / interconnection between multiple components / products / solution stacks, and there’s a lot more to it than design *within* a solution stack. So you’d want to call them something, and “architecting the solution” still makes as much sense to me as anything.
Of course, in the current insanity — it will likely have to be Software Rainbow Unicorns of Diversity or something because that’s where the management priorities apparently are. That and forcing Agile into every damned nook and cranny of the industry.
There is an incredible breadth of skill sets in engineering and programming. Never mind that it is next to impossible to be an engineer without programming skills anymore.
Show me what you can do is far more impressive than a German attentiveness to titles and descriptors. I found most of those guys to be hidebound in their approaches anyway.
I would expect most people worth their salt as “software engineers” don’t really care.
My job title, whatever it happened to be for that job, is on my resume and linkedin profile. If it includes “software engineer”, then “software engineer” goes on my resume or linkedin profile.
I describe myself as a programmer.
When I retire from full time as a corporate officer, I’m thinking a business card with a simple:
R C Dean
Special Circumstances
Will do the trick. No contact info because don’t call me, I’ll call you.
That was a good show.
How did he have a gun in San Francisco?
Special Circumstances
Oooooh, nice touch.
I think someone around here had the correct title: Gentleman, Scholar, French Tickler.
At accredited universities, engineers (chemical, electrical, mechanical, civil) have to study in the “college of engineering”, where they have to complete courses in engineering fundamentals of all engineering disciplines (thermodynamics, statics, physics, etc).
To get a Computer “Science” degree, you have to study in the “college of arts and sciences”, take comp sci classes and a bunch more humanities courses than engineering students do. At my Alma mater, computer programmers also took a watered down physics course we derisively called “physics go poets.”
I agree that computer programmers are not engineers, and I’ll go further and say they’re not scientists either.
Our software courses were in the engineering school. But I think it was referred to as computer engineering and was a subset of the EE department.
Yeah, my university had a computer science degree through the College of Arts and Sciences and a separate Computer Engineering degree in the Collegs of Engineering, as an optional subset of EE. The Computer Engineering guys had to take all the Engineering fundamentals, including advanced chemistry and differential equations. The CompSci guys did not.
Character-wise, it was interesting to see that the Comp Sci guys all thought that hackers and virus writers were heroes to be emulated. The Comp Engineering guys found hackers and virus-writers appalling.
Engineers also had to take “Engineering Ethics” from the Philosophy department; we got into Kant, Bentham & Mill, etc. and also case studies of disasters like Challenger.
Comp Sci guys did not have to take ethics.
LOL, ethics
One might think Johns Hopkins would have mandatory ethics courses, but thirty years ago only the biomedical engineers had to take them.
The premed students were consistently the most unethical people I knew.
This was my experience also.
Computer science and computer engineering were lumped together in one department in the College of Engineering at my old school. The university had just merged the two departments together. Before the merger, Computer Science was in the College of Science and Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering.
We (computer science majors) had to take the regular physics classes, not the watered down version. That was the practice before the merger. However, we could tap out of physics beyond electricity and magnetism. I think computer engineering majors could do that too.
My old school was accredited, and its College of Engineering tends to be highly ranked in the country.
That was the practice before the merger.
before and after the merger.
And oops.. I thought the computer science program was accredited. It’s the other programs in the College of Engineering that are.
I just looked at mine, and it is #8. Kinda surprised by that, but I guess I shouldn’t have been.
The programs need to be ABET accredited. At my school, CS was a department within the college of engineering but the program isn’t abet accredited.
Patent office requires ABET accreditation of a CS program to allow licensure of a CS patent agent without a course-by-course justification. Of course, half of the top 10 CS programs have flipped the bird at ABET and continue on unaccredited.
The ABET accreditation may be of value in some ways, but it is abused by the bureaucrats.
Ahh, that explains it. I thought I remembered the program at my school was ABET accredited at one time.
Graduating from an ABET accredited program is usually a prerequisite for sitting for the EIT exam.
My alma mater (top 5 CS program) had a dedicated College of Computing. I’ll agree that CS majors are not engineers, nor scientists, but they’re a lot closer to either than they are to humanities. Our non-major requirements were pretty similar to the engineering majors except that our math was more linear algebra focused. We also had an ethics requirement and half the engineers did not. So curriculum varies quite a bit by school.
Double major in Comp Sci and Physics with a minor in Math.
My work title has been engineer every since I graduated.
There are people who can fix a boiler*, and mathematicians who can draw.
*Ship, train, stationary engineers. This is where the term comes from.
It’s been a long time since I’ve flown (about 20 years), but I do not remember having to declare if I were male or female to get a ticket.
Part of the TSA rules IIRC, information needs to match what is on your photo ID.
The name and gender on your ticket must match that on your ID in order to get through security.
This is the government’s doing, not the airline’s.
Flying has become progressively shittier over the last 20 years. The planes are smaller, the airports more of a hassle, the service now is like checking into a county jail.
I thought the TSA had M___ F____ or ¯\_(ツ)_/¯____ as an option
It makes me wonder if they’re even testing them.
Words are violence. Not speaking words? Also violence.
I think it’s not supposed to make sense, it’s supposed to fit conveniently into whatever purpose they need it for.
Look… disagreeing with the Majority (where Majority doesn’t mean 50%+1 of the population, but the Democratic party) is violence.
We must protect (our) democracy!
For Me but not for thee.
If that’s the new legal standard in America, we’re completely fucked.
You start with the result you want and work your way back.
Narrator: We’re completely fucked.
The judge is obviously looking for any rationalization he can use to rule against Trump.
“The president will forcefully advocate for protecting the most bedrock American rights: the right to vote and have your voice counted in a free, fair and secure election that is not tainted … by partisan manipulation,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki previewed in her press briefing Tuesday.
Breezeway purple dishwasher. I say again: breezeway purple dishwasher.
The whole “voter suppression” thing is such an obvious push for permanent one-party power that I don’t think even half of Americans will fall for it. Right?
The bigger question is: is it even constitutional?
No, but that hasn’t really mattered for quite some time now.
I hope not.
You have to have a license to drive a car. Why wouldn’t you have to have a license to drive a train?
Some engineers have never driven a train and it shows.
Because that law got derailed, obviously.
Re: the music link — when you say “rock on” and cheesy — I was expecting something from Def Leppard’s Pyromania album (I think it is Rock of Ages that has that lyric, but don’t care enough to go check…).
The parallel parking section of the test is a bitch.
California is going full California
Up for review are the following bills:
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for K – 12 without Personal Belief Exemptions
Vaccine Mandates for Private and Public Employees, and Proof of Vaccination for Patrons to Enter Certain Establishments
Protections for Employers Who Require Vaccination of Employees
HPV Vaccine Mandate for High School Students
Age of Consent Lowered for Children to Receive Vaccines
Nuke the site from oribt.
It feels like it’s too late. The narrative is collapsing and this stuff is nakedly political. It’s insane to me, but here we are. I’m still pulling for the peaceful dissolution of the covid hysteria but some states will not go quietly.
I’m seeing a lot of mixed messaging going on right now. Some Dem factions want Covid over, but some others want to hold on to their tyranny.
Yeah, we have to hope that the narrative falls apart fast enough to put a stop to all this shit.
It does seem hopeful, with some of stuff coming out the last few days.
I still feel angry about the whole thing and don’t want them to be able to walk back their crimes so easily. Even if that would probably be the best outcome for everyone.
Oh, yes. I am very angry too.
HPV Vaccine Mandate for High School Students – wear condoms
They’ve got to get vaccinated for STDs. We wouldn’t want the teachers to catch any from them.
Teachers union pushing for that.
there was this internet joke “not getting covid is like not getting HPV, good I guess but makes you a loser”
Does the HPV vaccine stop you from getting warts?
It only works against four or so known HPVs. There are a lot of HPVs out there. So you can still get warts, just not ones caused by viruses the vaccine works against.
To me it feels like things are pulling in two directions. The public is starting to have a “meh” attitude about the whole thing, and are accepting that this thing is endemic. And the Dem politicians are pulling hard in the opposite direction. Biden is still fighting for his mandate, and Chicago just started requiring a vax card to get into buildings.
I think they’ve painted themselves into a corner – the evidence is undeniable that human efforts (including vaccination) have done little to no good, but they’ve rallied so hard around complete eradication of COVID that they can’t really back down now.
Also, their base is still in full panic mode and demands harsher restrictions in order to virtue signal / punish the unclean badthinkers.
There is a substantial portion of the left’s base that are still fully invested in the fear. I don’t think this is going to go away without major ripple effects. There are entirely too many psychologically damaged people out there who have hardly left the house in 21 months.
First time I’ve ever been sad about the age of consent being lowered.
Not jumping in front of a train to save a baby is murder.
Donating just $1 day could save a life. Not donating will now be criminal.
It sure is and I love it too. ??
Lethal weatherbomb
On Tuesday, the high temperature forecasts for New York (22 degrees) and Boston (12 degrees) will be the coldest high temperatures experienced since 2019.
“It’s the coldest it’s been in Three years!”
Hah, it was 15 for me this morning. I don’t care how ‘weathered’ you are, for me, anything under 20 feels cold.
It was a bit chilly on Sunday, standing outside in the stadium, right off of Lake Erie in drizzly mid-30’s weather.
We’re at 12 right now, with wind chill dropping it to below 5. If this keeps up, we may have a year where the lake freezes. At least it bodes well for the Ice Festival in about a month.
One of the coldest sunny days I can remember I went to Presque Isle State Park in Erie on a Sunday in February. It was double digits but the wind was so fierce. It was beautiful in an austere way. The lake was frozen and there were people kite snowboarding out on it. Looked fun.
In the long ago, before climate change doomed us all, the years that Lake Erie froze over, a local bike shop would organize an ice ride. From Sandusky to Put-In-Bay riding fat tire bikes across the frozen lake (3-5 miles one way depending on where they started). They haven’t been able to do that in the past 4-5 years.
And for cold… I’m pretty sure this guy has permanent shrinkage.
It was -16 when I went to work last night. Warmed up to a balmy -4 on my drive home this morning.
That’s the price of a warming planet.
“The next few days, when these bills come to a vote, will mark a turning point in this nation. Will we choose democracy over autocracy, light over shadow, justice over injustice?” he was expected to say. “I know where I stand. I will not yield. I will not flinch. I will defend your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign and domestic. And so the question is where will the institution of United States Senate stand?”
Will they photoshop him into “Washington Crosses the Delaware” as he gives that speech?
They’ll give him a CGI Green Lantern suit.
Will we choose democracy over autocracy
So you’re saying we’ve been living in an autocracy all these years? Then why didn’t you do anything about it once during the 36 years you were in the senate, you worthless piece of shit?
No, no, they’re saying we’re living in an autocracy when the Democrats don’t have power. DEM-ocracy, DEM-ocrat! See?
“The words are hard to walk back,” Mehta said. “You have an almost two-hour window where the President does not say, ‘Stop, get out of the Capitol. This is not what I wanted you to do.'”
I see no reason to walk back “peacefully make your voices heard”.
“What do I do about the fact the President didn’t denounce the conduct immediately … and sent a tweet that arguably exacerbated things?” the judge asked. “Isn’t that, from a plausibility standpoint, that the President plausibly agreed with the conduct of the people inside the Capitol that day?”
That’s some mighty fine logic-ing. This judge clearly understands his role and the law here.
We really are straining to an impossible degree to pretend we are a nation of laws.
Look, the judge has his special mind-reading license for a reason.
The NFL coaching carousel is in full swing as the Miami Dolphins go full retard – speaking of dolphins
Killer Zionist dolphins? Hamas claims they exist
Hamas claimed that its naval commandos were attacked by a dolphin operative of the Israeli forces, equipped with specialized combat gear.
Personally, I think it was SEA SMITH.
You start with the result you want and work your way back.
Historical precedent
Cloudy with a chance of soya beans: town wakes to find layer of legumes
Residents of Hamilton, Ontario woke up one winter morning to find their streets covered in soya bean husk instead of snow
/migrant bean picker Moses
The president will forcefully advocate for protecting the most bedrock American rights: the right to vote and have your voice counted in a free, fair and secure election that is not tainted
As I understand all adult citizens can already vote.
“He’ll make clear in the former district of the late Congressman John Lewis, that the only way to do that are (sic) for the Senate to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.”
I don’t understand the need for both so I have to wonder what these actually do.
Will we choose democracy over autocracy
Apparently not since you cuntes are the autocrats.
When we are in charge it’s democracy.
Apparently not since you cuntes are the autocrats.
And they aim to keep it that way. The only reason to want loose voting rules which make cheating easy to do and hard to track is if you intend to cheat.
They correctly calculate that its easier to out-cheat Republicans than to convince a majority of Americans to vote for leftist totalitarianism.
Dominick Black, 20, of Racine, will instead plead guilty to a reduced charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and pay a $2,000 fine.
White-supremacy strikes again.
claiming she was attempting to buy a surprise plane ticket for her 21-year-old, who is nonbinary, when she discovered Delta only allows for male and female gender options.
That’s not a thing. Stop indulging the delusions of the insane.
21 years old?
There’s someone who will probably never grow up. Just like mom.
I’m guessing she pushed him into it at a young age.
Munchhausen by proxy.
Stop indulging the delusions of the insane. – they are not insane at all just self absorbed narcissists
Is binary and nonbinary a binary?
I think I just heard the sound of one hand clapping.
plead guilty to a reduced charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and pay a $2,000 fine.
*Ghislane Maxwell weeps softly*
Oh wait, no they’re not. This is retarded.
How are we to know whats what with out the state? Hm??
Mind your own business.
American Air Lines apologized profusely to a disgruntled passenger who was upset that a company pilot had a “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker on his bag, according to reports.
A passenger named Dana Finley Morrison took to Twitter to complain that a pilot had “cowardly rhetoric” on his bag, and added a photo of a pilot standing next to his luggage in Hewanorra International Airport in the Caribbean, Fox News reported.
So you are saying “fuck Donald Trump” is cowardly.
Close to that topic, something like 80% of airline pilots have said they will not get the boosters and are willing to quit over it.
The bluff has been called.
No, Fuck Donald Trump is stunning and brave.
Let’s go Brandon is cowardly because the people using it are scared of the “F” word.
Top Los Angeles cops fired for ignoring robbery to chase a Snorlax in Pokémon GO
The DA would just let the robber go.
The Relationship between Trait Mindfulness and Online Trolling https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34999129/ If you see the Buddha on the road, call him a cuck.
I just saw aWaPo headline on googlenooz about how Australia should deport Djokovic.
Did not read.
they should feed him to the koala bears
Drop Bears.
Nancy Pelosi’s new face.
I think she has kind of a Joan Rivers look going. Her satire isn’t working as well.
Idk why she appears so surprised.
Steve Smith have hair in video. He also bang toms hard, and by bang toms mean rape.
Bangs toms, dicks harrys?
does this count as ironic?
Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath
And nothing else will happen.
that has already been debunked
Primary sources are racist, to be antiracist you must rely only on anonymous and secondary or better yet tertiary sources.
doh’t. Shoulda read the comments before I posted.
The fact that DARPA was approached is a big tell that all gain of function research is, at a minimum, dual-purpose.
And I have seen reports that the Pentagon did in fact fund Wuhan (don’t recall if they laundered it through EcoHealth, like the NIH did). Not only that, but the Pentagon funding was much larger than the NIH funding.
NIH funding has already been established, anyway. Publications by the Wuhan researchers on their gain of function research results credit NIH for helping fund the research.
Fauci’s non-denial denial was a transparent dodge. The NIH gave money to EcoHealth, not Wuhan. Of course, they gave it to EcoHealth to pass on to Wuhan. Regardless, if any NIH money found its way to Wuhan and that’s not what NIH wanted, then NIH is still at fault for not controlling their grants.
Very unlikely that the Pentagon/DARPA funded WIV under any circumstances. Even laundered through EcoHealth – that would be a huge red flag. Any work around national security is pretty tightly managed to exclude foreign operators. Someone would take an enormous risk with their career to do otherwise, and good luck finding that kind of brave, risk-taking bureaucrat.
Fauci only got the money kicked to EcoHealth because NIH, et al are not nearly as strict with their contracting requirements.
That has a nice ring to it.
We’re still seeing issues across the country, as people trended #BareShelvesBiden yesterday on Twitter and posted pictures about their difficulties trying to find things as the supply chain problems translate into empty shelves again. #EmptyShelvesJoe first trended in October. Media at the time even tried to tell us how those empty shelves could be a good thing, that you should be happy with less.
What is retarded is the entire concept of “Professional Engineer”. If you have an engineering degree and work as an engineer, you are a professional engineer (notice the lack of capitalization).
And the degree isn’t really necessary if you can do the job.
I, on the other hand, have an engineering degree but work in IT, so am not an engineer. Except when I want to be, but it isn’t based on my work.
I do the work of an engineer without the ordained title from the state. And yes, I could have learned everything I do on the job instead of getting an engineering degree , spending tens of thousands on college.
*contemplates changing business card to Senior Historical Engineer*
“Global Raclette Engineer”
What I REALLY want to be is “Senior Scotch Taste Reviewer”
Member of Tasting Staff.
Senior Single-Malt Quality Verification Engineer
Only iron-fisted global socialist totalitarianism can save us
New research from the organizers of the annual Davos gatherings in the Swiss Alps warns of inequalities stemming from the coronavirus pandemic that could flare domestic and cross-border tensions around the world.
This year’s Global Risks Report by the World Economic Forum describes a “global divergence” — where poorer nations have much lower Covid-19 vaccination rates and , therefore, face more prolonged economic troubles.
“Covid-19 and its economic and societal consequences continue to pose a critical threat to the world. Vaccine inequality and a resultant uneven economic recovery risk compounding social fractures and geopolitical tensions,” WEF said in the report published Tuesday.
“The resulting global divergence will create tensions — within and across borders — that risk worsening the pandemic’s cascading impacts and complicating the coordination needed to tackle common challenges.”
Aside from the catastrophic death toll, one of the most immediate impacts of the coronavirus pandemic has been the ensuing rise in inequality, many economists have said. They’ve noted that many people have faced job insecurity or haven’t had the means to attend online education due to lockdowns.
Equalize! Equaliiiize!
annual Davos gatherings in the Swiss Alps
The ivoriest of ivory towers.
Aren’t Africa and India, two places I would not categorize as “wealthy”, crushing the virus through natural immunity and the use of cheap drug treatments that are prohibited in the “civilized” world?
In places with malaria and river blindness, yes.
Nigeria has something like 1/1500 the death rate of the US. Literally everybody is on HCQ, and a large portion of the country is on ivermectin.
The FDA’s sudden crusade to make ivermectin one of the most dangerous substances in the world is pretty damning evidence of the drug’s efficacy against Covid.
The efficacy of ivermectin was certainly unknown, but there was no doubt about it’s proven safety record after billions of administrations over decades of use.
Even the most cursory examination of the literature on HCQ and ivermectin should have elicited a global WTF when the FDA and CDC started in on how dangerous they are.
For me, there is simply no excuse for any doctor to not have spoken up at that point. They should know better.
Everyone wanted to keep their. jobs and licenses. All physicians saw what happened to the two ER docs from Fresno who did the viral video which merely pointed out the absolutely true extremely low mortality rate in otherwise healthy individuals way back in Spring 2020, and knew to shut the hell up.
The populations are also significantly younger (median age is lower by 10 years in both) and thinner (overweight percentage is 60% in U.S.).
overweight percentage is <20% in India vs >60% in U.S.
(WP “helpfully” decided those less than/greater than signs formed an HTML tag)
can you trust the data there? I mean you can’t trust it anywhere but someplace less than others
Ipso facto something something. The science has spoken.
Gosh, the global oligarchs who have seized on the pandemic to consolidate control and make untold billions are concerned about rising inequality?
Naturally, the middle class their are grinding under their (well-shod) heels should pay the price to remedy this.
I listened to this Dr Chetty explain how he had so much success treating covid in South Africa. Sounded so simple and smart.
Then I hear another interview with him explaining that these vaccines are purposely killing us, and Im not sure what to think anymore. I mean this cant possibly be true right?
The virus was engineered to kill. That is a certainty since that is the explicit point of GOF.
The vaccine was engineered to generate profits. Unfortunately, they chose to use the most toxic part of the virus to generate an immune response and are flooding your system with it. Once they started down that road, the cost to them of quitting was simply too high. The vaccines were a mistake, but the crime is the coverup.
The long term damage is probably incalculable. I expect that the cardiovascular deaths we are seeing are just the tip of a very large autoimmune disease iceberg.
No vaccine before now has ever trained your immune system to attack your own body, but that is exactly what these are doing. Your immune system, once trained, cannot be untrained.
I’m not sure about that last sentence, scruffy. Makes it sound like the immune system is as stupid as a Democrat.
The media and Big Tech would definitely be working hard to suppress any info about side effects from these
vaccinesuntested gene therapies.Naw – Fast Food is suddenly going to kill everyone. And kiddie heart-attacks are perfectly normal.
Coincidentally, I have a relative whose 18 month old son developed Type 1 diabetes 24 hours after a pediatric vaccination. Just a coincidence I’m sure.
The doctor, of course, refuses to acknowledge the possibility that the vaccine may have been associated with the pancreatic problems.
It truly is the Middle Ages out there.
Toxic masculinity.
They have shown up whenever women rallied against sexual violence and gender biases in South Korea. Dozens of young men, mostly dressed in black, taunted the protesters, squealing and chanting, “Thud! Thud!” to imitate the noise they said the “ugly feminist pigs” made when they walked.
“Out with man haters!” they shouted. “Feminism is a mental illness!”
On the streets, such rallies would be easy to dismiss as the extreme rhetoric of a fringe group. But the anti-feminist sentiments are being amplified online, finding a vast audience that is increasingly imposing its agenda on South Korean society and politics. …
“We don’t hate women, and we don’t oppose elevating their rights,” said Bae In-kyu, 31, the head of Man on Solidarity, one of the country’s most active anti-feminist groups. “But feminists are a social evil.”
The modern feminist movement is about inventing new entitlements for women and then inventing fantastical arguments to portray it as mere equality; just bringing women up to par with men. It’s gold-digging elevated to the stature of a political/social movement.
Richer countries have had earlier access to Covid-19 vaccines and many are already administering their third, or even forth, doses of the vaccine to their citizens. Meanwhile, poorer countries are struggling to see their populations receive even a first dose.
This time, maybe, the meek really will inherit the earth.
I for one, look forward to our new Nigerian overlords.
Bug eaters.
Just compare covid in Palestine to Israel.
You’re very relaxed now, aren’t you? You feel suffused with a deep sense of peace and security. Now repeat after me:
The vaccines are safe and effective. The vaccines are safe and effective. Completely safe. There is no reason for hesitation.
When I snap my fingers, will will regain awareness of your surroundings. You will feel rested, relaxed and confident. You will go to your car and drive to the nearest vaccination center and request to be made safe.
Go, now. Have a terrific rest of your day.
That was good, mis-threader!
“The crisis we are suffering in the Bay Area is largely driven by disruptive COVID policies that encourage asymptomatic testing and subsequent quarantines. … “
No longer my problem. Buh-bye, California. It’s been a helluva run.
Thanks everyone for the kind words yesterday. I’m enjoying writing, and I think the practice is doing me good.
You are a King! If that shit happened to me I would curl up into a ball and die.
It was a cool look at something I knew nothing about.
Thanks for that.
The slow motion insurrection continues.
Pelosi: “What the Republicans are doing across the country, is really a legislative continuation of January 6th.”
These right-wing extremists are *checks notes* engaging in the civic process to promote their preferred policies.
She looks really surprised.
I like this one:
You’ll poke your eye out with those things on Titty Tuesday.
TW: Facediapers, but it’s an Asian chick so I figure it’s culturally appropriate.
If not for covityranny, whites would be guilty of cultural appropriation for wearing masks in public.
Face diapers? Pass.
Yeah, if you’re going to hide your face, at least make it interesting. Wear a gimp mask.
Deadline: Patrick Hughes to direct The Raid remake for Netflix, produced by Michael Bay
“This version is set in Philadelphia’s drug-infested ‘Badlands’, an elite undercover DEA task force climb a ladder of cartel informants to catch an elusive kingpin.”
Or… you could just watch Dredd.
I was very impressed with Dredd; I hope we get more of them, particularly a League of Fatties storyline.
Last night I caught the Community episode where the gang goes to the
Doctor WhoInspector Spacetime. That was some good television.Dredd was quite good, but at this point it’s not likely we’ll be getting a sequel to it. Dredd would probably work better as a series instead of movies anyway.
I look forward to their depiction of Philadelphia drug gangs as Russian or possibly Albanian, something like that. The likelihood that Netflix will put out a movie with dozens of black homicidal lunatics committing mass murder seems low.
Upper class WASPs colluding with Canukistani maple smugglers.
Having to read the original is definitely worth it. Easily a top 5 action movie of the last decade. Dredd did rip off the premise, but did it some justice. They’re really all still Die Hard clones. Hollywood is never going to be able to replicate or top the fight scenes that make the original worth watching.
Pelosi: “What the Republicans are doing across the country, is really a legislative continuation of January 6th.”
Writing, debating and passing laws I don’t like is nothing short of TREASON.
I think I figured out where Sotomayor got her “facts”. I was watching TV last night and saw a government commercial about getting vaccines. It flashed “100,000” on the screen as the number of children who test positive every day. That number alone is suspect, but I can see someone uninformed thinking that “positive” means “sick”. We’ve been conditioned to think that way for 2 years now.
Being a lawmaker is less powerful than being able to decide what the lawmakers believe.
Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and ACB wanted the position enough to sit next to her?
I thought she was the only one with actual bench experience. Maybe I misremember the spirit if not the letter.
IIRC, she’s the only one to ever be a judge at a trial court.
I believe the number. In some places they are testing them constantly. It’s nuts.
Throughout this whole incredibly mild pandemic that is nowhere near deadly for over 99% of people, they have been constantly shifting the focus between cases, death rate, hospitalization rate, ICU occupancy rate, and a dozen other numbers. They want us to focus on what makes it look the worst. Right now that’s “cases”.
If cases are up but deaths and hospitalizations are down, isn’t that a good thing? Doesn’t that indicate that the virus is mutating to a less deadly form and will soon be no more serious than the common cold, and that immunity is starting to build up (whether from vaccines or natural acquisition)?
Most people I talk to seem to have the implicit belief that there must be – simply MUST be – a way to eradicate COVID, if only the government will take the steps necessary. I’m starting to think that the material decadence and instant gratification has given people the idea that life only gets better, safer, and more comfortable. Sometimes a new threat emerges. There was a time when HIV/AIDS was not a thing you had to worry about – but now it is. It doesn’t mean we didn’t try hard enough; it means we don’t yet have the ability to completely eliminate that threat and that we have to learn to live with it for the time being. COVID is going to be another one of those things (which is what scientists said early on, but then Trump said he wants to reopen by Easter 2020 and everyone went into “all panic, all the time” mode.)
I mean, I’m no certified half-ass tabloid advice slinger, but would telling him something big like that be kinda good *before* you got engaged?
My favorite Journey song, yay!
In the words of Johnny Socko: WWJD (What Would Journey Do)
Get a midnight train going anywhere.
Yeah, but does Journey have a belt?
Heh. Finally told my supervisor what is really happening in regards to contracts. She is flummoxed. She still thinks that we’ll win another five-year contract. Sweet Summer Child.
If I can get across the border, I promise that I’ll be ever so good at the flat grill and probably will leave your Wives and Daughters alone… Your pets will love me.
Is that a promise or a threat? 🙂
is it that impossible to get a new one?
*contemplates changing business card to Senior Historical Engineer*
Go all out.
Designate yourself a “Senior Reality Engineer” and you’ll never lack for work (in politics, anyway).
Senor Hysterical Engineer is available for parties.
Imagine the costume!
I think it’s Suthen that always says “They hate you and they want you dead.” I’m believing that hyperbolic statement.
Festy, I should skip the early morning chat, and probably would if not for you. Sorry to read about your bad news.
It’s not bad news, Miss O’Grady. It’s just news. Thanks for that!
Er, OK. Condole Mojeaux too then, below.
I won’t even bother with a link. Same vacuous boilerplate nonsense everywhere.
“The president will forcefully advocate for protecting the most bedrock American right, the right to vote and have your voice counted in a free and fair and secure election that is not tainted by partisan manipulation,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday.
Most bedrock American right?
The right to be left the fuck alone is the most bedrock right. I shouldn’t need to scurry off to the voting booth on a regular basis, because our unique form of government was never intended to control every goddam aspect of life. But the ambitious energetic save-the-worlders and salvationists cannot bear to contemplate a universe in which they are not empowered to control my every thought and deed. For my own good.
There’s a special place in hell for Psaki.
“Biden to make ‘forceful’ push for voting rights, filibuster changes in Georgia speech”
The only thing the Dems have been really good at is controlling a message. Every person I’ve talked to, regardless of party, agrees that having an ID to vote should be a bare minimum requirement. Yet when I tell them what the Dems want to do with their voting law (banning ID checks and letting people just walk up and vote), they don’t believe me. That can’t possibly be true! Says there right in the bill they want to protect voting rights!
We are truly doomed.
It’s pretty easy to control a message when the vast majority of the media are really propagandists for your side.
It truly is the Middle Ages out there.
Bring back blood letting.
The first
boosterleech isn’t working!Apply another
boosterleech!I guess it is not about a vaccine.
The Air Force has rejected a medical exemption application to the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate from a reservist despite the member presenting proof that she has an allergy to one of the vaccine’s components.
The reservist went to a clinic in Texas and underwent allergy testing to components of the vaccine, according to a letter from a doctor that was submitted to the Air Force this week.
“She developed a positive reaction to intradermal testing to Polysorbate, indicating the potential for a significant allergic reaction to future COVID-19 vaccination,” the doctor wrote in the letter, a copy of which was reviewed by The Epoch Times.
“I respectfully recommend that the patient be granted a medical waiver for the COVID-19 vaccine,” he added.
Just days later, though, the military said the request wasn’t being granted.
Just take it and die.
St. Rev, Former PhD Yin yangWaving black flagSmiling cat face with heart-shaped eyes
I think this might be the Stairway to Heaven of Japanese electro-pop, which makes it better than Stairway to Heaven.
Perfume – edge ⊿ – mix\
Hangovers are a bourgeois myth.
I have been hangover on a Sunday and did nothing all day. It was still a hangover.
Festus, I’m sorry to hear about your news.
Neal Sephenson’s @NYTmag
interview [Lock$] yesterday.
In some of the stories about the plague fighting benefits of common cold T-cells (which has most likely already been memory-holed), there was also mention of developing a vaccine directed not at the spike proteins, but at the “body”(?) of the virus, which is more stable, and less subject to mutation.
Not sexy.
I’ve been wondering why the vaccine was created to cause the body to produce the spike protein which has been considered the dangerous part of the virus. Why wouldn’t it be better to cause it to create other, more benign parts of the virus?
The spike protein is what enables the virus to attach to the ACE receptor on human cells.
They figured by developing antibodies to that specific protein it would neutralize the capability of the virus to infect cells altogether.
You mean the exact same function that ivermectin appears to have?
Fucking monsters.
But if it were designed for different proteins in the virus, wouldn’t the antibodies still destroy the virus? The coronavirus has something like 29 proteins to choose from (I think).
Theoretically, yes.
The spike protein is simply the most important protein on the surface of the virus.
I suspect that it was chosen because we already knew a lot about it, since the GOF research was explicitly targeting that protein for modification and maximum effect in humans. There are a lot of unanswered questions around how they were able to target a vaccine to that specific protein so early in the pandemic without having prior knowledge of the protein itself.
In other words, it is suspected that the vaccine program predated the “official” outbreak of the virus.
RE: Mild Covid Breakthroughs
If you felt like shit for a day or two after each shot, then maybe your total covid experience was not so mild?
Anthony Cumia remembers Bob Saget.
#283 – Joe Rogan | The Tim Dillon Show
Good morning, Sloop!
Sorry to hear you are under the weather.
Join reality. Pass it on.
Not a lot in the way of reality in that entire story. I’m tired of celebrating the mentally ill. Fuck off.
a fresh one currently spreading through the net
political compasses are getting weird
I really like this one. Shows the real battle of these trying times.
Bully pulpit? Moral suasion? Fuck that!
A coalition of voting rights groups in Georgia announced Monday that they will not attend events surrounding President Joe Biden’s expected visit to Atlanta, urging for concrete action instead of what they called a “photo op.”
Cliff Albright, co-founder of Black Voters Matter, and representatives of several voting rights groups urged Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to remain in Washington on Tuesday if they don’t have a clear plan to advance voting rights legislation. Some of the groups that urged Biden to skip his Atlanta trip are the Asian American Advocacy Fund, GALEO Impact Fund Inc. and New Georgia Project Action Fund.
“We don’t need even more photo ops. We need action, and that action is in the form of the John Lewis Voting Rights (Advancement) Act as well as the Freedom to Vote Act, and we need that immediately,” Albright told reporters on Monday.
Instead of trying to persuade Congress to vote on this bill, just declare it to be so. And, while you’re at it, why not attach a multiplier to our votes so we can’t lose?
Only then will DEMOCRACY! be secure.
in the end what voter right are missing?
Too many knuckle-dragging, gun-toting, mouth-breathing rednecks in flyover country do not vote the “correct” way and are therefor stopping progress. So we need to legalize cheating for their own good.
Central pivot irrigation should shrug.
attach a multiplier to our votes
That’s what they have Dominion for.
Deeper analysis of fossils from one of Eastern Europe’s most significant paleontological sites has led to the discovery of a new species of pangolin, previously thought to have existed in Europe during the early Pleistocene but not confirmed until now.
“It’s not a fancy fossil,” said Claire Terhune, associate professor of anthropology at the University of Arkansas. “It’s just a single bone, but it is a new species of a kind of a weird animal. We’re proud of it because the fossil record for pangolins is extremely sparse. This one happens to be the youngest pangolin ever discovered from Europe and the only pangolin fossil from Pleistocene Europe.”
The bone, a humerus—or upper arm bone—came from Grăunceanu, a rich fossil deposit in the Olteţ River Valley of Romania
They’ve finally discovered the source of COVID?
I got a text from MikeS last night letting me know that he lost his mom yesterday morning. As many of you know, she was in the hospital and fighting hard. There was some optimism as she was removed from the ventilator, but ultimately it was too much.
Those of you who were around the other night got to read about what a cool chick she was from Mike himself. I mean, any woman who ends up raising not one, but TWO libertarian sons should be recognized and celebrated!
I hope MikeS and NoDakMatt will be around soon, but in the meantime, prayers and nice thoughts for the boys and their family would be much appreciated. RIP, Marlys.
Condolences to both of them and their family.
Sorry to hear that. Condolences.
Condolences Mike. I’m so sorry to hear about your Mom.
Oh no, I’m sorry to hear this. I have been thinking about him and his mom a lot this past week.
Sorry to hear.
Condolences to MikeS and his family.
Oh, I am so so sorry for your loss, MikeS.
Earlier today, another friend lost her husband to Lewy body dementia.
Condolences to MikeS.
And you and your friend, Mojeaux.
Wait, there are related Glibs? ?
I’m going to repost both of these, because they’re both beautiful
Ah heck. Good thing I have enough handkerchiefs for everyone.
Aw, sorry.
My deepest sympathies.
“Death is a part of life” and all that, but that fact doesn’t relieve the pain felt by the surviving loved ones.
Sorry to hear that.
Sorry about your mom MikeS and NoDak. May she Rest In Peace.
I’m so sorry MikeS. I’ll be praying for you and your Mom.
Late post here from me, but my condolences MikeS.
Spain wants EU to manage COVID as ‘common flu’
he Spanish government, a coalition of the socialist party (PSOE) and left-wing Unidas Podemos (United We Can), is currently finalising the plan to manage COVID-19 as another respiratory disease.
In practical terms, this would mean moving away from a system of detailed surveillance of infections, and instead, estimating how the disease spreads based on meaningful samples collected by health professionals, El País and EFE reported.
Spain needs to be kicked out of the EU before their heretical ways infect others.
Spain’s always kind of gone its own way.
“We need legislation that will ensure that our democracy accurately reflects the growing diversity of this state and of this country. Mr. President and Madam Vice President, we beg you to ground that plane the same way that we continue to beg you to ground the planes of so many of our community members who are being deported because we still lack a pathway to citizenship,” Nguyen said.
We figure those people should be granted citizenship some day. Let’s just let them vote now. Fair’s fair.
There already is a “pathway to citizenship”, you just chose to come here illegally and try to circumvent it. Which is why your community members are being deported.
So many people are in prison who just wanted a “pathway to wealth”. Stop persecuting people for undocumented withdrawals.
My wife took the pathway to citizenship. It started with applying for entry at an embassy.
And let’s not forget all the people who are prison because they just wanted a “pathway to love”. Stop persecuting people for being undocumented boyfriends.
I have just the thing: each adult citizen can cast a single vote.
I think we can all agree that non-citizens voting means the votes of citizens would be diluted, and that nobody should cast more than one vote. Naturally, to ensure that only adult citizens vote, and vote only once, we will need a way of securing the voting process.
[T]he Spanish government, a coalition of the socialist party (PSOE) and left-wing Unidas Podemos (United We Can), is currently finalising the plan to manage COVID-19 as another respiratory disease.
In practical terms, this would mean moving away from a system of detailed surveillance of infections, and instead, estimating how the disease spreads based on meaningful samples collected by health professionals, El País and EFE reported.
Project Veritas latest drop. Documents confirming that Fauci lied about Gain of Function research.
From four days ago but I’ll put this here anyway. Amazon Software Identifies Michelle Obama and Serena Williams as men.,
Oh lord. Here comes another National Conversation. ?
One of the most amusing conspiracy theories of the Obama years was the “Michelle is totally a dude” one.
Perhaps if Serena weren’t roiding up quite so much….
The night dude at the market across the street is a big right wing conspiracy guy. I like to wind him up a bit when I go in to buy a sixer. He’s the one that told me about Mike Obama, the guy who married Barrack and became the First Lady. Evidently Obama had used his real name in an interview once. That was my favorite conspiracy.
After the past couple of years, I don’t make fun of conspiracy theories too much these days.
Maybe the problem is, like dwarves, it is difficult to identify female wookies from the males.
Nancy is losing her touch, only #6.
suh’ fam
I woke up on the carpet, with a 90 lb dog licking my face
They really need to stop giving me n̶i̶g̶h̶t̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶ vacation. I dont idle well.
yo whats goody
Hey, you got a dog looking out for you.
Checking to see if Tres was safe to eat.
Probably sorta*; sorry to confirm your anti-caninism.
*always looking for a meal, anyway, even if regurgitated
Last time I slept on the floor, I had just moved and didn’t have furniture yet.
I was so sore, on the way home from work, I bought an air mattress.
I hate being old.
The last time I slept on the “floor”, I was camping and couldn’t be arsed to blow up a mattress or pack a foam pad, so I slept on the ground. Didn’t mind it a bit.
Jesse is savage.
+ Willie
To the Left’s biggest hypocrites who lock down their own states, but vacation in the free state of Florida: We don’t blame you… We like freedom, too. ?
Introducing the Lockdown Libs Tour Tee, available exclusively at http://thelockdownlibs.com.
I’ll just drop this here to address the BS about 1/6.
What? Were we not supposed to be dragging anchor in international water?
What Issue Was Really at the Heart of the Civil War, and is it Relevant Today?
Good article. I have to admit, I didn’t know about the tariffs until quite recently.
Definitely changes the narrative.
Everyone’s favorite discussion. LOL!
That’s not a bad take, although incomplete. The funniest synopsis of the Civil War I’ve ever heard is that the South seceded because local elites feared Northern curbs on the institution of slavery. The Union decided to fight secession because Northern elites wanted to exploit the Southern elites. Johnny Reb fought because there was an invading army in his home. And the Union troops fought because they couldn’t come up with the $600 it cost to get out of fighting.
But, even that’s hopelessly oversimplified. The truth is that, even though the South seceded on behalf of slavery, a moral abomination, their arguments for secession were, morally and intellectually, almost certainly right. If the Southern arguments were wrong, you pretty much have to abandon the Declaration of Independence. Because you can’t claim the Declaration and believe it is morally right to hold a people in a political union against their will.
Nice take re Decl Independence. Can make the argument, as I have, that Southerners weren’t treasonous because they weren’t trying to overthrow the Federal government. The whole tariff issue – that Johnny Reb went to war because of a new 10 cent tariff on granny’s imported cast iron skillet – is pure diversion from the real issue of slavery.
Well, like I said, Johnny Reb didn’t go to war over slavery, either. Less than 20% of Southerners owned slaves (I’m not sure where the author’s 10% figure comes from). And the vast majority of them only one or two. He wasn’t going to war to protect his rich neighbors’ investments. He was going to war because “Holy Shit! There’s an army of outsiders marching in to take over our neighborhood!”.
I think it’s absolutely right to say Southern elites seceded over slavery. But, even that has to be seen as part of a larger gestalt. And the tariffs would probably have been part of that gestalt. What they saw was a party they viewed as strictly a Northern regional party taking over the government. Restrictions on slavery were certainly part of that regional party’s agenda, and probably the most threatening to their fortunes. But, on pretty much any issue, that party was essentially committed to them being subordinated to Northern interests.
The difference here is that “a people” should be and is subordinate to “a person.” When “a people” subjugate the rights of the individual, that political union is morally bankrupt and not worthy of defense.
Yes and no. A people is no more than a useful term for a bunch of persons with some set of common conditions. And the way those persons organize their public affairs is through some sort of polity. And we generally assume that the will of the majority of those persons speaks for that polity. And a larger polity keeping that polity in a political union against the will of the majority of those persons is subjugating those persons’ rights. Certainly, loyalists at the time of the Declaration didn’t feel they were subjugated.
Of course today there is little in the way of a clearly-defined geographic border between the factions, as it is mostly the “Clinton Archipelago” urban centers vs. the more suburban/rural areas.
The next one.
As reported on Monday — Dr. Robert Malone joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss the latest viral outbreak in China. The communist regime is hiding the nature and spread of this new disease.
This has many experts worried including Dr. Malone who is the inventor of the mRNA vaccines. Dr. Malone today told the War Room audience that he is hearing the current disease that is spreading across China is reportedly an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.” The regime is hiding the true nature of this disease from the public and from the global community — Just like last time!
Today there are 5.5 million people dead (and counting) from the last China pandemic.
Now we could be talking about an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.”
*cracks open landwatch website, starts looking for off-the-grid homesites with good sightlines for, err, “evaluating” visitors.*
He is hearing it from where? Wouldn’t you expect a concerted effort to discredit this man, to include feeding him wild information that could be disproven once he has committed to spreading it?