It’s classier if I use a non-English movie poster.
Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death
At one time, Bill Maher was a comedian. He was on Merv Griffin and Johnny Carson. We all know where he is now, but where did he come from? Did he have funny stand up? Does he need a hug now that all his leftist allies went disrespect him? Would he accept a hug from a fat, cigar smoking Southerner? I may never know. Bill was a cable-grade star in a few more movies, including House II of all things before he became the man he is today.
Enough about Bill! This movie has enough jabs at feminist and macho stereotypes to send a liberal arts major running to the dorm counselor. And that’s why I like it. It also has Adrienne Barbeau in it, who has now been in over 155 movies and TV shows, including the iconic Cannonball Run.
This has also been featured on Elvira. For giggles, her show featuring this very same movie is on TUBI, so that link is to the alternate version where you can see her which may make this a… fuller experience.
Tonight’s movie which was a perpetual USA Up All Night favorite. And with everything going on lately, I have been in the mood for some something like a movie with some cable-grade sexploitation and a hero who later became a talk show host. Watch! Or Don’t! Everything is voluntary!
Next week, by popular request of two peeps, I shall continue the late night 80s movie fest with Hell Comes to Frogtown starring Rowdy Roddy Piper and Sandahl Bergman.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
It’s Roddy, dammit.
Aaaaah! A horrible misspelling! My apologies. Is the edit fairy out there?

Yay! Thank you edit fairy!
Edit Ferry
Who knew Bryan Ferry had a second career?
“When I was young, I was raised in the forest by Bryan Ferry”
Heh. I bought The Mighty Book of Boosh on a whim a few weeks ago.
In addition to starting in the greatest B movie of all time (They Live), Rowdy Roddy also started with Kathy Ireland in a journey to the center of the earth ripoff.
It was on HBO, and it started Kathy Ireland at the height of her powers, so of course my teen self watched it. I remember it fondly.. not necessarily as all that great… But as a vehicle for me to have a crush on the squeaky voiced supermodel that they put in glasses, a ponytail and overalls, so she could be the homely girl.
I think I remembered it wrong
Not piper.
Also… The movie was recut from alien from LA to journey to the center of the earth, using the same footage.
That is how you know this was a masterpiece. They got two completely different movies out of the same footage.
As covered by MST3K
*hits play*
So I’m two minutes behind, I guess.
Will there be boobies?
Yes. Also, I didn’t mention anything about Shannon Tweed. She is in this film, and here is a collection of her glamour shots:
I don’t have to click on to Tubi. I’ve seen this flick. Even within the last six months. It’s so epic in it’s badness, it’s glorious. Everything Romancing the Stone should have been(yes, an entirely different plot but it gave off the same vibe).
This movie has enough jabs at feminist and macho stereotypes to send a liberal arts major running to the dorm counselor.
This has potential. Diving in!
Shades of Indiana Jones.
Well, if this is half as good as Wolf Cop, I’m in.
Jeez, no stress.
You know I meant that is a good way?
I’m still weeping over the misspelling of Rowdy Roddy Piper, due to my haste. I work without a net, and sometimes I hit the floor. I will recover.
Dude, I’ve made enough type-os today to kill a dozen men and it’s not getting better as they day goes on.
Bill Maher says Trudeau sounds like Hitler:
He must be really sick of cocktail parties.
Maher goes after the woke left bullshit pretty hard. I’ll give the annoying fucker props all day long for apparently being able to think critically.
Seconded. He is a liberal but also a critical thinker. He is absolutely willing to call out his own side. He also seems to be a committed civil libertarian.
Adrienne Barbeau!
Seemed a time she was in every late night movie.
OT YouTube on in the background. Great set of pipe here. https://youtu.be/oiFuj1GYChI
Cover of a song sung by a guy, but she just manages to go low with power and completely wipes him where he is in falsetto.
Adrienne Barbeau started her career in a stage musical called “Stag Movie” where she acted nude. I have no links.
Of course she did…
I always liked her because great body. Also, nice made up stage name, rhymes with Bardot.
So it defies probability that Adrienne Barbeau and Nick Cage have never been in a movie together, doesn’t it?
Well, since the author already OT’d, I guess it’s OK.
Am I the only one who has already picked up on this? It’s that time of year, it’s an election year and it’s already started, again.
Remember two years ago when every other word out of the TMITE scum mouth was ‘Covid’? Well, my wife had the TV on in other room today and she had on Globo and I could hear it and every other fucking word out of their slime mouth was ‘Ukrania!’.
My wife mentioned it to me, and I said ‘Ukraine is the new Covid’, it’s prep time to steal another election.
Biden’s approval rating will probably be up 5% within two weeks, at least as reported by TMITE.
One area in which there’s no statistical question: Republicans are far less likely to say they view Putin very unfavorably than they are to say the same of Biden or other leading Democrats. Among Democrats, incidentally, approval of Putin, Trump and the Republican Party are essentially indistinguishable.
That is an amazing piece of equivalence journalism.
So if I view Putin as a more effective leader than Biden, one would say I have a more favorable view of his leadership. Got it…
This is delightfully bad.
But, titties? Avacados and titties, don’t get any better.
It is! I wanted to revisit it because of super-young Bill Maher. Seems like his nose got smaller. And a dose or two of eighties silliness is a good thing these days.
Kurz went native.
San Bernadino as Mos Eisley. Interesting.
Hive of scum and villainy… Checks out.
I have an extended road trip planned for vacation in March. I expect gasoline will double before then.
Let’s Go Brandon!
Inorite? A year and a half ago we bought at motorhome for retirement travel. MPG averages around 7. It used to irk me when I had to run the card twice because the pumps kicked off at $100. Now we are looking at and upcoming 100% increase from previous prices.
Let’s Go Brandon, indeed.
“an” not “and”. Saw it just as it was being posted.
Yeah. I am taking the Mighty Canyonero to Florida again in a few weeks. I get about 24 MPG on cruise. More expenses. Glad I didn’t upgrade to the Mightier Canyonero with eight cylinders this past year. My six will do.
I’ve been reassured that presidents have little impact on gas prices. Obama even told me that the days of cheap oil were gone forever.
Right there with you. I am going cross-country in May, and it is not going to be cheap.
Issue of Penthouse in the guy’s backpack. Nice.
Anyone get to the tribe of the Donahues yet? The guys who worship Alan Alda and Walter Mondale?
Yep. Ugh.
Yes, it was a bit cringe.
That’s an oddly specific fantasy.
You talking about Bunny’s fantasies? That part is great.
Shades of 2001.
Remember when I said the State of Cali was refunding me a years worth of child support? They did…with 42 individual checks….WTF environmental my ass
Do you even consider the fact that you were about to make an upstanding Californian bureaucrat do math to determine how much those 42 checks would have cost if issued at once? These guys are mathematicians here.
I wonder if my deadbeat dad got “refunded” cuz not a dime of it ever got to us according to mom.
not when I was a kid, my Mom was a bitch and burned my Dad badly,
/the things you learn as an adult
“a… fuller experience”
Nicely done.
…And fully packed!
If she ate him, it would at least shut him up.
We all know that doesn’t happen. He still has a talk show! It would be better if he kept the costume. The neckerchief suits him.
Radcliff! Of course!
Oh man. Maher in 80s undies…
*considers pressing play*
Overall, lots more shirtless men than women.
*considers purchasing*
Just download it off the internet like a normal person.
“I’ve done weirder things at frat parties” – hah!
There were some good lines.
I was waiting for him to shoot someone Baldwin style.
I think they lacked the funding to discharge the weapon on the set.
I hope everyone liked it, the cheese fest continues next week!
Hell Comes To Frogtown is a better movie. It even has Rory Calhoun.
Although Shannon Tweed is way better than Sandahl Bergman — she’s just too skinny.
Sandahl in Conan and in All That Jazz came at just the right age for a young Bobarian.
Major boner material.
This guy gets it. And yes, I do want to live forever!
Wow. Those biweekly committee meetings will be a blast.
All done. Thanks RJ!
Thanks for coming!
Canada cancels $700M in export permits in response to Russian invasion of Ukraine
Canada is cancelling all export permits to Russia in response to the country’s invasion of Ukraine, a decision that Canada’s foreign affairs minister says will impact companies in the aerospace, technology and minerals sectors.
That’ll teach those pesky Ruskies.
“Together with our allies, we are inflicting severe pain on the Russian regime and the Russian economy… Our goal is to weaken the Russian regime and its economy.”
Lol. The glass is half full.
Wait, I thought hindering economic activities and import/export business was now a high crime in Canadia?
Where’s Suthen?
This should be a favorite of his.
He’s on our “worried about” list
I heard there was an abortive L0b0t sighting? He was going to join a zoom or something?
Yeah when I did President Zoom I got an email he tried to join at 3am..
A hopeful sign.
I’ve wondered about that too. But there a bunch of people who don’t comment here anymore.
There are some that never comment but we don’t know who they are.
There are even some that are in a superposition of never-commented / have commented. We won’t collapse the superposition until we refresh and check.
Schrödinger’s Glib.
Hey! My boss just gave me the green light to log off!! At 9:30pm. 14-hour work days suck my ass.
That is awful.
There’s a war on, KK! Every fed and fed adjacent employee is needed on deck at this moment of crisis.
Federal employees getting OT pay while you can’t pay to heat your house is the price federal employees are willing to pay to protect democracy.
God bless America ??
I don’t get OT pay. I get under the table compensatory time, so it always works out to 40 hours/week regardless. That’s what these dipshits don’t realize when they hold me up all evening. They’re going to owe it to me at some point.
Sorry if that came off like I was taking a shot at you. The broader point stands: the dirtbags escalating an already volatile situation for financial benefit and increased power should pay the price.
Sad to report that both the Canadian flags and “Stand for Freedom” signs are gone from the overpasses a mere three days later. There’s still US flags up, but those may be easier to replace.
WTF is a Kyiv?
It’s like a Peking becoming a Beijing.
I see. Sorry for being such a donbass.
What about the dog? Did it become a Beijingese?
To say nothing of the duck.
Don’t confuse straff it is still ペキン or Pekin in Japanese.
Hey, keep within the Pekin order!
I’m not sure, but I bet they know how to cook chyckin there.
A while back, a local place had their chalkboard specials up:
“Chicken Gordon Blue”
“Hey! If I was an expert on international cuisine, do you think I’d be hired to write shit on this chalkboard?”
It was just a fast-casual place, staffed by dumb-ass teens/early 20’s kids up front and ESL folks making the food.
I laughed out loud and gently let them know why when they asked.
I worked at a place that had a Gordon Blue Bacon Cheeseburger. It had ham, fried chicken cutlet, and swiss, with mustard, over a bacon cheddar burger, with tomato, lettuce, and mayonnaise.
God Bless America!
Kyiv is just a better approximation to Київ than Kiev is.
Are there examples of Japanese words that American pronounce better today because of a reframing or respelling?
My name is rare, but even so there are six ways to spell it in “English,” very similar to the McCain/McKeon and McCloud/McLeod messes
That’s all understandable, but why after decades (centuries?) did it all of a sudden become Kyiv?
Why did we switch to Beijing?
Mostly so the chattering classes can feel superior to us unwashed proles who spell it “Kiev”.
Remember when ha RASS ment turned into HARRIS ment?
True enough.
Semi-serious question: Has Peking Duck changed to Bejing Duck, and will Chicken Kiev change to Chicke Kyiv?
Because China actively campaigned for it, knowing that we would be eager to bend over and please them without expecting any sort of reciprocation.
And once that floodgate opened, we happily switched to Gutter and Keev and the rest.
But for some strange reason, we don’t say Pahree or Muenchen. It is a mystery.
Considering English is a Germanic language, I’m surprised how far off our pronunciation of some German names are.
what kills me is “braun” which means and sounds exactly as brown
but 90% of Americans pronounce it brawn
I have zero language skills and even I find German to be utterly straightforward
Deutschland. Koln.
To fleisch out my thought a bit more, I guess what I don’t understand is how English speakers came to not only pronounce, but spell, the names of cities, etc. so differently when the alphabets are very similar.
English lost some sounds that are common in German centuries ago.
Hardly any of us are even capable of correctly pronouncing München.
if it makes you feel any better, hoch Deutch, Schwaebisch, und Bayerisch don’t much agree on pronunciation either (someone sort out the noun and adjective forms for me)
The Manner wafers labeled “Wien” are better than the ones labeled “Vienna”.
indeed, there are “English” sounds and whole tenses we’ve abandoned over the past millennium
first you get Vikings speaking French keep records in Leads and it goes sideways pretty quickly
the great thing about English is that it’s a mess and it just works and that is all that matters
Zwak illustrates exactly what I am trying to get at. How the fuck do two similar languages with nearly identical alphabets decide “Deutschland” and “Germany” are the same thing? How did “Koln” become “Cologne”?
Are there similar “misspellings” in the other direction?
My wife shoots daggers at me when I call it “Munchin or Munchkin”.
“Cologne” is French, and easier to pronounce than “Köln”.
“Germany” is of Roman origin IIRC. “Deutcshland” is reflected in our “Dutch”. It’s all messed up.
Fun fact, the Italian word for German is tedesco and I have no idea where it comes from.
“Are there similar “misspellings” in the other direction?”
I don’t know about that, but in Spanish it’s Alemania.
I’m pretty sure “Germany” is Latin, not English
fecking Julius Caesar
Well, the Italian word for lawyer is Avocado. So, you know they are all fucked up.
And in French it’s Allemagne. So, a small bit of continuity…but…
Alemannic is a dialect of German, some region in the southwest IIRC.
Maybe the variety is due to Germany not being a “united” nation until 1871.
Very good point, Rhy. Germany being one country is a relatively new thing.
150 years later, the country west of Deutschland is Frankreich.
Ugh the Franks are all over the place.
They also left their name to a region of northern Bavaria I lived in – Franconia.
I don’t’ know why this was so hard for me to get, but that one word finally made me understand. We don’t always call other countries what they call themselves, we call them a name that makes sense to us. It’s not about translation, it’s about communication.
They even made it to outer space.
Köln was originally a Roman colony. The Latin “Colonia Agrippina” (its original name) morphed over time into simply “Colonia” then into “Cologne” in French and “Köln” in German.
Others have mentioned that “Germany” comes from Rome/Latin. I don’t remember off the top of my head why the Romans called what we know today as “Germany” “Germania”. From memory, “Deutsch” is the German word for “the people”, i.e. “us as opposed to those others”.
“Dutch” (derived from Deutsch) was once commonly used in the English speaking world to refer to all Germanic language speakers. It’s why Pennsylvania Dutch are called that instead of Pennsylvania Germans. Over time, for reasons I don’t know and probably before the creation of what we know as a united German state, “Dutch” in English referred to folks from the Netherlands exclusively with “German” being used for folks from what we know as Germany.
The French and Spanish names for Germany are derived from the name of a German tribe, the “Alamanni”. Why that instead of the Latin “Germania”? I don’t know.
The Italian and Spanish words for lawyer derive, I think, from the same Latin roots that gave us English speakers “advocate”.
150 years later, the country west of Deutschland is Frankreich.
Right. Literally, “Kingdom of the Franks”.
The English “France” is derived from “Franks”.
I hear pointing that out, and pointing out Charlemagne was German and a better translation of his name into English is Karl the Great, not Charles the Great, are great ways to piss off the French. I’ve never tried it to see if it is true.
DEG. That’s some really good insight. Thank you for that.
The 150 year later portion referring to end of the French Empire/Kingdom and yet the name persists for that country.
no idea….I only saw it a few years ago
as all the Zoomers know, my “English” is rather unreliable, so I’ll defer to others; I’m also half deaf, but the American Kyiv does sound more accurate to me than Kiev.
Maguinnes, McGuiness
Cannday, Kennedy
ooh, forgot: Maughan/Mann/Mahon
I guess I’ll just say that some red beards don’t much care how an English taxman spells or sez our names
Kiev………..how ’bout Putingrad?
Probably. Do people still say “carry O key”?
Unless you’re an otaku, then you go for the full “ka ro ke”
Only in Wisconsin.
When they sing it in to key yo.
Kobe Tai?
Brazilians often refer to their country with the definite article in front. O Brasil. I have met more than a couple Brazilians that took some offense that Brazil is used with the Z in English. I think the Z belongs there in English. It helps you to say the name closer to its sound in Portuguese.
KyivNotKiev is an online campaign started by the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) together with the 15 member center for strategical communications “StratCom Ukraine” on October 2, 2018. Its goal is to persuade English-language media and organizations to exclusively use Kyiv (derived from the Ukrainian language name) instead of Kiev (derived from the Russian language name) as the one true name of the Ukrainian capital.[1][2] It is a part of the wider campaign “CorrectUA”.
Fine. But I’m going back to use “The” in front of Ukraine then.
The Argentine
The transJordan
The Levant
Germans say The Iran and The Iraq, among others.
And there’s no rhyme or reason for when they choose to do that.
What’s it gonna be called tomorrow when the Russians own it? Putingrad?
never mind. I didn’t read above.
Just start putting all world maps on Dry Erase boards.
Watching this tonight
The music is awesome. And how the hell did Lance Henriksen get so old? He turns 82 in May.
I nominate this for a future Glib flick.
Make sure you tell RJ the year, because there are a dozen movies with the same title.
Visitor, 1979. It’s on Tubi. I can add it later to the movie list in the forum.
Nomination accepted. And I felt the same way about looking up Sandahl Bergman for next week’s film. Also I think The Visitor is already on the list? I’ll check tomorrow.
Henriksen’s acting career didn’t really get going until he was in his mid 30’s; we never knew him as a young man.
OK, so here’s a sort-of on topic question.
Many years ago, my parents were shopping for new furniture and took my sister and I to the furniture store. She and I were about 7 and 10, respectively, and were, as expected, bored with furniture shopping, so as the parents walked around, we found a real TV set up in a fake living room and were watching. There was some sort of sci-fi horror film on, but I’ve never been able to find out what it was. I can’t recall if it was black and white or color, but I feel like it was in color.
The setting was on an alien planet, desert like, sort of like Mars, and there was some sort of scary beast outside their shelters/crashed ship/abandoned city/whatever, and they kept getting picked off one by one by the creature.
We of course didn’t see the whole film, but maybe caught about 45 minutes or so.
I know the description is pretty bare, but does anyone have an idea what this might have been? It was definitely not an Alien franchise–this was after Alien was produced but before Aliens, and the setting is not consistent with Alien. Plus, we’re both big fans of the Alien franchise and we’re convinced it wasn’t one of them.
General time frame for the film? Did it feel like 50-60s, or 70s to 80s?
Ah, I see. It was eighties or better. Hmm…
80s or older. Probably 60s-70s?
I wasn’t clear—the time frame we watched the film was in about 1984 or 1985.
Would it be Inseminoid?
Or Forbidden World?
Hmm. It could easily be either, but I seem to remember it was more like some sort of big sandstorm going on outside the compound and they had to keep going out in it to fix stuff and getting attacked.
Do my English “goober” and “cooter” and “gumbo” offend? I don’ t know if they come to me more from Bantu or Muskegon.
I’m sure at some point in American history a fellow known as Goober Cooter painstakingly oversaw a batch of Gumbo. I wouldn’t stress over it.
I’ve never seen this movie, but it turned into a running joke in my family because the name delighted my sci-fi pulp-loving dad so much. I’m not even sure he ever saw it, actually, but he loved the name. In hindsight I should’ve found him the poster at some point – missed opportunity.
Dunno if Evan is still hanging around. Just saw his post from this morning and tried to send an email – but got an error.
Just wanted to recommend the USO DMZ/JSA tour again – think you mentioned a while back that you hadn’t done it yet.
I did the full day tour back in ’08 right before I left – more than worth it. (bought a t-shirt, coffee cup and piece of barbed wire too).
Great work on this one, R.J.! This brought back some memories.
The lovely Rhonda Shear kept me up all night many a night. Hubba Hubba!
I am happy that I grew up in punk. I know it isn’t the same but I can reach into that 80s angst and know that at one time, there were people that at least sung about how shitty the world was.
A time like this…punk soothes me.
That’s a good one.
This is also on Amazon prime. I started watching it last week. Very promising.
Why are we arresting zombies?
Well damn, RIP.
Looks like the people that see some nuance in the Ukraine invasion are getting straight up owned in the dead thread. I can’t quite figure out whether that guy’s serious or if he’s doing a Winstonesque bit.
STFU, you Russian propagandist!
*slinks back*
Oh, my.
I am not sure i see what you are seeing?
It’s just 1789. Not that bad really to be honest, I’ve just never understood the point of roasting people where they’re probably not going to ever see it. It seems petty and silly but that’s the internet.
SO true. So much bad behavior. I’ve probably been a jerk in the past.
And only seems to be getting worse.
I think LC1789 has some issues. Clearly he doesn’t see this place for what it is or he does and is ok to be an ape slinging shit at the zoo window. IDK. I hope he calms down and become less of a caricature bully and more of a normal person with opinions who is aware that there are different people in the world with different opinions and that’s OK.
Yeah, Sexconstitution1789 has given me a Winston vibe in the same way that “Donation, Not Taxation” does.
But I have to admit I’m also not getting the impression of nuance from people like Scruffy, whose view borders on “The CIA might have supported the pro-Western Ukrainians, so they deserve to be genocided by the Russians because the CIA is evil.”
I’m reminded of lefties on a sports board I used to post to cheering on Russia’s attack on Georgia because the Georgians had the temerity to seek assistance from GWB.
Not guilty. It’s a fucking buggy.
“Byler then locked the buggy’s brakes and slid the wheels, sending sparks flying, WJAC writes, citing the police report.”
It never occurred to me that you could do that.
Up next on TLC, Amish Drifters.
Id watch that.
Doesn’t the horse do the driving anyway? What was the horse’s BAC?
Speaking of Russia…
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
Please see my sulking below. How ugly is it outside?
Good morning, homey, Sean & Stinky.
I don’t want to go to work today. At the end of the day yesterday, our Senior VP of IT said she wanted me to send out our IT policy handbook to every employee AND get every employee’s electronic signature acknowledging their receipt and understanding of same. As far as I know at this point, the only way for me to send the doc out for electronic signatures (which are apparently more magical than dumb old handwritten signatures) is to send it out to one…employee…at…a…time. 87 times.
I’m going to see if I can’t talk her into limiting the electronic sigs to the remote workers, but I’m afraid she might be in love with the technology.
Well, from what little I saw, our roads arent treacherous contrary to what the local news would have you believe yesterday.
However, YMMV
“she might be in love with the technology.”
“ Senior VP of IT”
Yep, checks out. Technology for technology’s sake even when it’s less efficient is infuriating but whaddaya gonna do?
Good morning all:
1.5 inches of powdered ice to the interstate. Going to try to stay inside.
maybe it will start to melt today?
Sorry about all the electronic signatures, sounds slightly stupid.
It’s supposed to snow all day here, give or take 4-8 inches of accumulation predicted.
Even before I saw the weather, I was going to ask to work remote, since I’m now pretty sure I’ve got an ear infection. It would be the first I’ve ever had. Every so often it gives me dizzy spells, and that’s not the best to have happen while driving, and really bad when driving on snow.
Ugh! Can you get to a doctor without having to drive very far?
Any chance of a tele-med like Heyek (sp?) mentioned in the last post?
To both GT and RD – My doctor’s office is less than two miles away, but I intend to start by messaging them. I suspect I’ll still be asked to come in, but I’m fairly sure my doctor won’t be available today (fridays he tends not to be in the office, and it’s snowy out)
You need Charlie’s doctor.
I’m sorry the ear covid is going to kill you.
At the end of the day yesterday, our Senior VP of IT said she wanted me to send out our IT policy handbook to every employee AND get every employee’s electronic signature acknowledging their receipt and understanding of same.
Sounds like IT found someone looking at porn on a company laptop.
It takes me, on average, 45 minutes of one-on-one coaching to get a typical office employee to be able to create and use a digital signature block in Acrobat DC. Multiply that by 87, then by your hourly rate. It may cheer you up…
Mornin’ Free Folk! I awoke yesterday to an email alert that I ignored until my shift was over. Crack a beer, light a smoke and open it up. Splendid! Company lost the Canada Post contract. I’m out of a job after March 31st. I know it’s too local with everything else blowing up here and abroad but it’s still upsetting. I hated/loved that place. It paid for shit but it was reliable and I am fond of my clients. 9 years. How do you start over at 57? No worries, I’ll land on my feet unless I don’t ;-).
Needless to say, this will be a very wet weekend…
I’m sorry, Fes. I hope something turns up quickly. ?
Awww Shit Fest.
That sucks….
Usually not a big deal because the new contractor hires the experienced staff. Usually. Rumor has it that the new guys undercut the bid. Their business model puts all of the onus on the individual. They sound like carpetbaggers. Fucking contract work, always getting low-balled by bad actors. Fuck it, I wasn’t particularly happy but I was comfortable. Comfort and routine become ever more important as one gets along in years. Maybe it’s a good thing.
Complacency is one of my vices. Even digging myself into a rut, as long as its a comfortable rut, Ill stay where Im at.
This is why you and I get along so swimmingly! That and the drunken banter.
Sorry to hear it Festus. You’ll land on your feet.
Lately I’ve been landing on everything but my feet, hence the Dr. appointment on Monday. Something else to fret about.
It’s like an unhealthy relationship that you stay in until the kids are gone.
Sounds like one less reason to stay in Trudeaustan.
He can hide in my attic. But on top of Tinkerbell, I get to call him Helen Frank. Or Ann Keller.
Or whoever the blind chick in the attic was.
Maybe it was a well….I dunno.
I have an awesome girlfriend. While I was showering this morning, she went and de-iced my car for me.
Either you take too long in the shower, or there wasn’t a lot of ice.
Maybe she pee’d on it.
Or is that too German ?
A lil from column A and a lil from column B.
I haven’t had to de-ice a car at all in probably ten years, and only a few times in fifteen years.
I had to scrape a healthy coat of ice off mine before I left work this morning.
Climate change.
Job change.
That was a roller coaster of a sentence. I mean, I was really hoping for a happy ending, it wasn’t the one I expected.
There are some folks here that don’t have a garage. Hard for me to understand. Even as a very young Fourscore I had a garage that my dad built from reclaimed material. My dad didn’t like a yard full of leftovers and I learned well. All my junk is inside, undercover, where no one can see my trash. My car/truck is always dry (dirty but dry).
In my case, it’s the result of having a lot the size of the building’s foundation.
If my house burned down it would be impossible to build a new one on the lot, as the city will get involved and stop any attempt to build up to the property line. There’s simply nowhere to put a garage, since the drastic remodel needed to cram one into the building footprint would have the city meddling as well. Without the evils of zoning, I could add a second floor to live in, and turn the half of the first floor with a crawlspace instead of basement into a garage provided I had the money.
My (our) Camaro sits in the garage. My poor truck is subject to whatever weather Gaia sends to SW Ohio.