This man is celebrating his third booster shot for COVID.
Time to show some respect for Canada again. They make some awesome films. And as of the last two weeks they proved they got big balls too. Keep it up, Canadian truckers!
Looking back at the archives, I have done hopping Chinese vampires, demonic possessions, werewolves, undead beavers and close but no cigar on just plain old zombies. This must be rectified! So today you get a straight-up zombie film!
This movie came out in 2006 and almost immediately went underground. For those of you who haven’t seen this film, it is set in a 1950’s style world where radiation has caused the dead to rise from their graves. A collar has been developed to make the zombies passive and useful for menial chores, house pets, and even… sex toys. But do the zombies really need the collar? Or just some respect?
The director and writer of this film is Andrew Currie. He had done some TV movies prior to this and thriller called Mile Zero. This was his first attempt at something really different. I’d have to say it is a little underrated on IMDB at 6.7/10. This was a big effort. If I was going to say one thing about the marketing, it would be that the shot of Billy Connelly as the zombie on the front cover gave off a straight horror vibe and people were thrown off by the happy colorful 50’s vibe and comedic touches within the actual movie. This film cost $8 million to make and didn’t gross jack squat. Barely one million in the theaters. Painful! Andrew went back to making straight up thriller films again with Barricade in 2012 and has not looked back at the horror/comedy genre. It’s a shame, because this is a very well done film, it’s enjoyable and it even got an 72% on Rotten Tomatoes. But it just couldn’t get distributed in theaters. Like so many other good films, it got a second life on DVD. Give this movie a chance!
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week, we have Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death. Young Bill Maher! Adrienne Barbeau! Amazons in bikinis!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
Does this have anything to do with vaccines?
No. Just a joke about the skin tone of the zombie.
Holy shit zombie sex slaves.
Where’s Q when you need zombie cosplay photos?
Let me help. NSFW
Didn’t we already see Zombeaver?
Timmy’s mom got it going on.
LOL at funeral savings plan for Timmy because the other kids hate him.
I like the head coffins. I think that comes later.
For some reason that poster makes me think of Rammstein.
It’s that shouty face. Very Rammstein.
Going, briefly, off topic:
Did we get a L0b0t update?
I have not… 🙁
I haven’t been around for a few nights, what’s going on with l0b0t? (other than his BIG D and trying to move that has been going on for a while?)
He just hasn’t been around, so there’s some concern.
“big balls”
It’s punks like RJ who are ruining this place, ruining it, I tells ya.
I do my best.
Blue shorts and black socks were never acceptable.
Should I change?
From previous post:
You funny girl, KK!
I have a hard time believing that little girl can carry a head coffin. At some point these movies always get unbelievable and we have reached it.
Have you gotten to “Go get help boy!”
Some things in some movies may not be true. My personal advice is watch with some possible skepticism.
I am going to have to put this on pause I am really tired, nice weird fucking movie pick RJ
Timmy’s dad may be a jerk, but he did buy Timmy a sweet revolver.
I actually have this on DVD. Some time back I was looking for Earth Girls Are Easy on DVD, and found a box set with it. Fido is one of the other movies in the set, although I haven’t watched it yet. One in the set that I have watched is Blood Diner, which is terrible, but in a spectacularly entertaining way.
That sounds like an interesting box set.
Here it is.
I vaguely remember ‘Boy Eats Girl.’
Shitsia Dalmia: look what you yokels made Trudeau do!
I do like the assertions that peaceful protests that have harmed no one are examples of “extremism.”
And I’d argue the complete and utter overreach of the branch covididans calls for a pretty fucking extreme reaction, regardless. Far more than, say, the killing of George Floyd did.
I just found this bit of fun,
“Trudeau — Pajama Boy Hitler.”
I was introduced to this earlier. Can’t remember if it came from here, or from other places.
“And you probably all have it too!”
Watched this years ago, probably shortly after it came out on DVD. It’s hard to find decent indie films anymore. Not because they aren’t out there, but because streaming services make it so hard to judge what is watchable and what isn’t. I could wander around the video store for hours each week and walk out with 10 movies that were mostly enjoyable. Now I scroll through 3-4 streaming services for hours and don’t find anything to pique my interest. Another thing I miss from the physical media days are the trailers. The trailers on most DVDs were for similar films that you may never had heard of. Now all there is are youtube trailer channels that throw every trailer for every big budget movie at you, or just every fucking trailer and it becomes difficult to filter.
Have you tried yelling at clouds?
Everything internet is ‘The Cloud’ now. So isn’t that exactly what I’m doing?
Agree on all points. Because I have no life, I filter for you here, at least. And I also miss trailers. I don’t even read magazines anymore to get exposure.
Shitsia’s definition of populism raises some questions:
Not mention the classical liberals constantly railed about and othered the aristocracy who in many cases were the “domestic establishment”.
I probably have an elite view of populism that doesn’t agree with the definition. For me, a child of very poor and uneducated people, populism is the proletarian mob’s impulse to satisfy an immediate desire without any rationalism using first principles, little care for the consequences, and a complete disregard for holes and inconsistencies in their arguments….vulnerable, weak, mad, too unread to even argue their own case.
I had to go a little more PG tonight with the kiddo loitering about, so I’m watching The Blob.
Which one?
Steve McQueen
Crackdown starting. I can assume that the cops won’t through the book at her and won’t freeze tge bank accounts of anyone who donates to her legal defense?
LateNight Leak. I have a set-up for the next cartoon. Trying to get in a frame of mind to write it.Now I have a Jerry Reed song stuck in my head, so if that was what you were going for, mission accomplished.
Amos Moses?
I prefer the SAHB version.
Bobble Trump! I can’t wait!
Wrote a script…that was a harrowing 5-6 minutes of work. I’m exhausted.
I really enjoyed the post you did about how you animated something.
That wasn’t about the animation, that was about building the animation models, but thank you. Animating is really easy once I have all the assets worked out, thanks to the software the pre-patreon Glibs helped me purchase. Spent about 2 hrs this morning just working out how to animate one of the gags for this next cartoon, because usually I don’t do anything special for the animation just use the automation.
O M G.
*waits to bid on NFT*
Enjoying a video game until I had an epic rage-quit.
I’m too old for this shit. I don’t have the time or the patience to repeat sequences over and over.
As someone who has briefly dabbled in their construction, I know full well that the point is to frustrate the player but FFS have some pity.
What I hate is when I get frustrated after hours, look up walkthrough instructions and it’s exactly what I’ve been doing for hours, but somehow it works after looking up the walkthrough. WTF!?!
I already know I just don’t have the skill of a fourteen-year-old that is needed for most kinds of boss battles.
It’s where I usually quit playing and this game seems to be following the pattern.
I was gifted Metro Redux this week.
I might have to remove the Fallout 4 disc from the console.
Canadian cops have no dignity (if the ever did) so…
Canadians are too sheepish to do so…
The shirt DeSantis is holding up?
Too local: NM dropped its mask mandate this afternoon, two weeks early.
MLG feeling the results of the Freedom Convoy in her chances for re-up in November? Let’s hope. I just donated again to the campaign of one of her opponents.
Is there an upset due? I’ll donate to that.
I met Jay Block and discovered that he was key to lowering my property taxes (he is currently a county supervisor). He’s running as an R but hates Queen Lujan as much as I do so I’ve thrown him a few bucks and signed his petition. He is one of several announced candidates.
And I have little doubt that my hopes and money will all be for nothing as she will be re-elected by a 2:1 margin.
Have some complete insanity from the Great White Way.
::opera applause!!!::
I believe my place of work is the only place in the county still doing mask BS. Security seems to take a sick pride in enforcing that shit, but they are very lax amongst themselves about doing it when not in view of the customers. They just love the power trip.
You, sir, have not been on a college campus lately, have you?
I thought not.
There isn’t one in my county.
People who attend Broadway shows in these conditions are cucks. They have no self-respect. I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. And that includes Jordan Peterson. I never understood why he had any kind of following.
That was a good movie. Thanks RJ 🙂
JustSomeGuy has consistently put out excellent videos on this stuff….I guess he’s a bit more of a superfan when it comes to Tolkein. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36lviVvo-jw // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rCmGtMhreY
Really depends. My artillery unit had a Southern Baptist…of course, he got sanctioned by Big Chaplaincy/Army/etc for praying “In Jesus Name” during some services…. (Iraq 2005 – think he was interviewed for Stars and Stripes at some point). It all depends because they have to be recommended by their denomination first.
My last reserve unit actually had one too – although he “volunteered” for a mobilization to Djibouti or somewhere IIRC (needs of the Navy). His civilian job was as a chaplain at a VA hospital in Richmond so it was a pretty good fit. (He might have even been Greek Orthodox…can’t recall offhand).
Our Lutheran chaplain was quite useful in Afghanistan 2204-2005.
Sad to think we will be fighting there again in another 180 years.
Gotta get through the chemical attack in Ukraine…wait Syria…Iraq….dammit…we’ve used that line so many times I don’t know what country we are trying to stick our dick in anymore.
I wonder…JustSomeGuy is a black Tolkien fan who has been railing against the SJW usurpation of Tolkien for a couple years and last week South Park did an episode about ‘Token’ being named ‘Tolkien’ and how racist Kyle was to assume his name was ‘Token’….I doubt it, but that’s the kind of thing those guys used to be good at.
Forgotten Weapons take on the new prototype Gauss rifle is pretty cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAHKS0nVlL4
1. Mostly 3D printed
2. Multiple size rounds capable from a single weapon with virtually no modification
3. Multiple power/temp settings.
Very promising on the whole I’d say. The power conversion built into the unit is pretty effective, but I’m guessing you could do more with a belt/backpack unit too (but a lot of promise for an all-in-one).
EM weapons suffer from the same problems as EVs: It’s much simpler, more compact, faster and more efficient to transport and use chemical energy than stored charge.
I was working on snark, but now I’ve got a mental image of a dozen greenies pdalling bicycle generators to charge up one handheld coilgun for another shot…
And honestly, has there ever been a coilgun that matched the performance of a railgun?
Youtube used to have some videos of railguns with the capacitors stored in a car trunk that could deliver insane amounts of energy downrange.
The biggest problem for me is the wearing parts in the mechanism. I forget how few shots it was (probably depends on power levels) but the rails on railguns need constant changing.
Really disturbing are the arrests of the convey organizers and they are all filmed but the officers never say why they are being detained or what the charges are. Do officers in Canada don’t have to explain why you are being arrested?
I’m sure in a state of emergency they are allowed to summarily execute non-compliers.
I was in the hotel lobby bar (here in Livermore, CA) hanging out with a Cajun Louisiana boy (electrical lineman) and 2 construction guys from Houston. Then along came an African American couple who happened to be on their wedding anniversary driving trip.
We all huddled and discussed Canada and the craziness of the oppression. A good cross section with furor society, and we all love freedom to the point of being willing to die for it.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Making cartoons is one thing, but nobody said anything about dying!
*renounces the Glibertarian Faith 3 times*
*Rooster crows *
*Becomes first pope of Glibertarianism*
[suck it Jimbo]
That was pretty awesome, CPRM.
I looked back at my comment and have no idea what “furor society” meant. I think it was an autocorrect of “our society”.
Whatevs. Point being, we all agreed on the importance of individual freedom and individual lives.
I just assumed you were talking about Canada’s führer society.
Bad weather in the Eastern US.
Tell me about it. It’s not quite light enough yet for me to see whether I’ll have to chip my car out of a block of ice before I leave for my cousin’s funeral in Hamilton, OH. ?
61º and heavy rain here. Temp to drop like a stone all day 🙁
That’s what we had yesterday. Sorry – and surprised – we didn’t use it all up here before it went further east.
“GTFO, whitey. ”
I hope he wins his lawsuit.
This is why Rhywun can’t get his stuff.
Seems legit. (Really.)
I’d rather have Bailey’s ice cream.
Damn. Now I really want Bailey’s ice cream.
Oh, yeah – and good morning, Sean, U (who’s probably driving right now,) and HE (who’s probably asleep now.)
Naw, I finished driving, but I needed to eat breakfast. (I tend to do that at my desk for time management reasons)
What was for breakfast?
Roast beef sandwich.
100 car pileup.
Uh oh…fire truck sirens in town. ?
Time to commute.
I can’t believe I used to do this daily. I guess I was used to it then.
Mornin’ GT, UCS, Sean and …
Crazy wind just picked up here. Will be enjoying my quarterly “mental wellness” day off today. We’ll still be crazy tomorrow despite the best efforts of management.
I wanted to take today off.
Didn’t, because half the team already did.
I’m giving myself one of those next weekend, the Monday after.
I really need one.
Good morning, ‘patzie!
Mornin’ Watched this some years ago and it was almost completely unmemorable. I don’t get “Family Day” off, which is fitting. Good wishes to Babs and any other Glibs wading through the muck and mire!
New Fall of Civilizations podcast just was released.
New Fall of Civilizations podcast just was released.
WTF? Was going to say that we are in the process of writing the next chapter.
You gotta give Me Cooper about a year or so to sort through the mess before he can write up our story.
Yep. Great sleepy-time link. I wake every two hours so just go back to the last part that I remember. Drachinifel is pretty great for that reason, also. Nerd me up! I’m going in!
I’ll have to wait until after work to listen.
And yes, as much as I’m facinated with these episodes they do tend to zonk me out.
My favorite ASMR.
Check out Russell Stannard. That shit will knock you stone dead in ten minutes or less…
Will do.
I love that show!
Yep. One of YouTube’s few redeemable qualities is this program.
Mark Felton fits my coffee break (not a euphemism)!
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
Yo! Here’s what’s goody. The youngest Patzer is coming home to pay us a visit, and Mrs. Patzer insists on a royal feast whenever he’s here. Tonight: Porterhouse. Tomorrow: a visit to an excellent Hibachi establishment. Yum!
I just got home, and Im starving.
So? Go eat some ass.
Ive eaten more ass than rectal cancer.
*checks cupboards, sees eggs, bread, peanut butter, and instant noodles*
Shut up, dude. 😉
Needs bacon. What the hell happened to Bacon Magic, anyway? Life intrusions? I always liked him, funny guy.
What the hell happened to—(fill in the blank)?
I get the feeling our already small community is slowly getting smaller. A lot of really interesting people have vanished over the last year or two, which is a damn shame.
I’m not saying it’s aliens, but….
Guess we’re not interesting enough to be lifted of this hellhole…bummer.
Politics are in a waning mode. Come the build up to the mid-terms traffic will wax.
Even if you had COVID, you need the jab.
Hard pass. I’m not concerned about a 1/10,000 chance of catching a bug.
That’s like the odds of swallowing a fly when I mow the lawn. Hard pass!
Even then, for most people, the risk from the bug isn’t enough to fret over.
Not sure about that. Most people seem to subscribe to the precautionary principle.
Most people are imbeciles.
15 year old girl do 15 year old girl things. More at 11.
Seriously though, figure skating is on the same level of child abuse as child pageants. Those girls are probably profoundly mentally broken because of the process of getting there.
^^^! Same with gymnasts and swimmers.
Did she, or did she tank it to give her teammates a medal ceremony?
Ah, The Bee
Man Donates To Truck Convoy Under Name ‘Hunter Biden’ So Washington Post Won’t Dox Him
I thought the Bee was supposed to be satire.
Mornin’ y’all.