Still in Europe, tho…
“John DiMaggio, the voice of Bender”
“And it’s called Nintendo Switch Sports”
“MoviePass Is Coming Back and It’s Going to Be a ‘Web3 Marketplace’ This Time”
“European Micro-State That Boasts One of the Best Tax Climates in the World”
Damn! Those are some early, early afternoon links!
Ahem, it’s 4:02,
Yeah normal time, unless I’m missing something.
Lookit Big Ben over there…
Why would I want to watch a washed up QB sexually assault women in the bathroom?
still not used to PST, yeah? I never got used to it.
What is web3 anyway?
“Lastly, Spikes announced a feature called PreShow, which allows members to earn extra credits by watching an advertiser’s content. Using Web3 technology, the company will show each member specific content and deposit credits in their unique virtual wallets if they finish it. The feature is opt-in.
“What it does is it basically creates a transaction between you and the brand,” the CEO said.
While PreShow seems like a good idea in theory, allowing you to earn virtual money for ads you have to sit through anyway, the execution of the feature is a bit creepy. According to Spikes, your phone would use its own facial detection technology to make sure you’re watching the ad. If you look away, the ad will pause and an “Are you still there?” message will appear.”
I don’t know about that, but I’m looking for a large rolling toolbox, and now my wife’s YouTube is inundated with toolbox ads.
She is not pleased.
I can send you some links to some J-Pop and/or anime and really mess with your feed to aggravate her if you’d like.
Could be worse…
Great minds…
Do penis enlargers and see what happens.
Of course the old box you kept your tool in won’t welcome the new tool box.
Craigslist. Get one half off. Often stocked with some tools (you won’t need).
It’s totally hot right now.
One more than web2.
+1 more suck, from what it sounds
Tourists in Andorra vastly outnumber the local population—more than 10 million annually.
I know someone that visited Andorra. She thought it was very boring.
I only knew about Andorra’s existence due to having played “Where in Europe is Carmen Santiago?” on the crappy family PC with the 4 color monitor/display card.
CGA? not as good as an apple ][+
EGA? And honestly, I gained so much knowledge from that game…
EGA was 16 colors. CGA was four colors.
EGA was a world of difference from CGA.
And then… VGA!
Thats right. I remember geting a 64MB hard drive thinking…HOW WILL I EVER USE ALL THIS DATA!!!!
I do admit that I gained knowledge from that game that has never left me.
When my youngest stepson was not learning his multiplication tables mostly due to poor attention and the difficulties of living in two households, I remembered Carmen Santiago and found a “Doom”-like first person shooting game in which solving multiplication problems was necessary throughout.
He learned his tables in 2 weeks. Stepmom win!
Sounds boring. Have you ever played Where in North Dakota Is Carmen Sandiego?
You know at least two. I spent a couple of hours in Andorra. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone found it boring if stayed longer. But for a quick day trip it was all right.
“Recently indicted Nintendo hacker Gary Bowser has been handed a 40-month prison sentence by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington for creating and selling “console-hacking software and devices used to play pirated Nintendo Switch games.” This is according to a victory lap-style press release published by Nintendo this afternoon that dedicates much of its word count to praising American law enforcement.”
How is Gary Bowser a funny name?
Trying to play dumb with that joke is a boss move.
You need to look out for his fire breath.
The judge is real spiked him here.
The judge really spiked him here.
*Lack of edit button really grabbed me by the tail.
He’s gonna withdraw into his shell after three years in jail.
I finished “My Name is Nobody” this morning.
Since you mention gun spotting – there were some nice looking guns in that movie. Though, they got one bit wrong: The soldiers guarding the train station should have been armed with Krag or Trapdoor Springfield rifles. Those were either 1893 or 1895 Mausers. I don’t know enough about lever actions, the first pump action shotguns (pump action shotguns date to the early 1890s), or late 1800s revolvers to know if the moviemakers got those right. But, the guns looked good.
And the movie was good too. I liked the slapstick bits with Nobody. They were an interesting diversion from the usual Western fare.
And I hope Nobody slept with that gal from the saloon that was lusting after him.
Nobody may bit have slept with her, but Terence Hill might have! Glad you liked it.
Look at the newb here.
Bowser?? Gotta be fake.
I don’t know what to make of this. I got off the Nintendo train because of their endless nickle and diming in order to play the old games, but seems to me they’re within their rights to do that.
I thought Bowser was the CEO of Nintendo America. Different Mr Bowser?
Yeah, I’m pretty sure this story is about the guy from Sha Na Na.
He’s in a different castle.
I hate lava.
The one true Bowser
According to local lore, Andorra’s origins are steeped in the 8th Century conflict between the Christian kingdoms to the north and the Moslem-controlled territories to the south. The original Andorrans emigrated there to avoid Moslem attacks.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. Only thing different this time is that the refugees are fleeing their co-religionists.
I might just have to try and see Andorra someday. Thanks for that.
Just remember your Backpack and Boots while you explore it.
And no swiping!
Gaah!!! I thought this place would be safe from Dora. /curls into fetal position, whimpers.
whaddup doh
Doing laundry.
Have an article slated for 8pm eastern.
Meh, everybody will be on Zoom then.
Not everybody
Not everyone…
But by then, I’ll be hunting deathclaws anyway.
By yourself? That’s just crazy talk.
It’s been a long time, but I always started a fight and ran away while my modded hotties soften them up a bit. When the ladies go down, then I’d jump back in and save the day. You know, like a proper virtual hero. Poor Dogmeat, always taking one for the team.
“When the ladies go down…”
That’s why you never let your companions have automatic weapons.
Dogmeat lives!
I might get back to it also
I tore down my Dalton Farm settlement and rebuilt it this week. The thing was a hot mess, physics be damned. I still need to spiff it up a bit though. Still need to redo Sanctuary and a couple others. There’s a learning curve on settlement building.
Did ya see the link I dropped for ya earlier today?
Las Vegas kids celebrate being “granted” the ability to go mask-free since yesterday’s sudden and unexpected cancellation of the Governor’s arbitrary mask mandate.
The fact that these kids know freedom when they see it is great, but the fact that they regard it as a gift from the government is depressing.
With any luck they’re breeding a whole generation that will resent this crap the most.
If you want more depression, scroll down into the replies for the commenters who seem personally affronted by children expressing joy at not having to knuckle under their preferred policies.
Short video from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance on the trucker protests. Worth a watch.
Bless those people.
America might need to hand over the “land of the free, home of the brave” baton.
To Andorra?
Thanks, DEG.
I really want a Cantillon Gueuze right now.
Thanks to Lack for the hating on sours in the dead thread, I am jonesing for the best of the bunch now.
I have at least one bottle of that in the basement.
Too far.
Nah… it’s just a flight of stairs, I know where one of the bottles is so I won’t even have to dig for it.
Oh, did you mean for you?
Doug Ford got a talking to from somebody.
Went from saying he was lifting mandates last night – to declaring a state of emergency and threatening jail time and fines for protesters this morning.
Careful where you get your news from. Plan in the works to drop vaccine passports.
“Today we are on track to very soon remove almost all restrictions for businesses as a part of our reopening plan,” Ford said during a news conference Friday. “And we heard from Dr. Moore last week, and again yesterday that he is now working on a plan that will allow us to remove the vaccine passport system. My friends, this is great news and a sign of just how far we have come together in this fight.”
How about straight from the Twink’s pie-hole?
He sounds like the principal of a K-3 school lecturing a bunch of students who made fart noises.
That has nothing to do with dropping Ontario’s vaccine passport system.
Also from the story I linked:
Ford said that plans to end the vaccine passport system were being made “well before this protest started” and are not being made in response to the trucker convoy protests that have caused chaos in Ottawa and at border crossings and spurred a state of emergency declaration Friday.
“I will never ever negotiate (with) people that break the law, that people that are in there illegally in occupying cities,” Ford said. “I base it (decisions) on health, I base it on science. Dr. Moore has clearly said it’s time to move forward. I look forward to Dr. Moore’s measures and recommendations and will continue to work with Dr. Moore to reopen safely and cautiously.”
So yeah, they’re going to do both.
I think he is already pressuring Ford to backtrack.
I’d heard Ford already had. He’s a “good” conservative.
He has not backtracked on moving up plans to end Ontario’s covid restrictions.
He’s not moving up those plans because of the mean truckers. No sirree.
Right, it’s talking out of both sides…he gets to life mandates but still arrest protestors. He is trying to unfuck the pig he got caught fucking.
Well Biden made his comment and that means we offered the Modern American Gestapo at their disposal.
BREAKING: Matthew Yglesias is an Asshole
“It’s in fact critically important that the world not allow democratic self-government to be replaced by heckler’s veto by whichever faction happens to own larger vehicles.”
One the biggest cons that the Left has pulled off over the past century or so is that they care about the working class. They hate the working class and see them as nothing more than chess pieces that need to be ruled and directed to do the “right” thing. The moment that the working class steps out of line, they are portrayed as the enemy.
To be fair, they’ll demonize and portray elites that step out of line as the enemy as well. See: Musk, Elon.
Elon Musk; one of the few African Americans that the left will criticize.
Lol, I was reading an article on using AI to detect fake news and they were bemoaning confirmation bias as a difficult factor to overcome. Of course the figure in the next paragraph smashed any credibility they has.
Oh, that’s rich.
“Our Smart AI System”
Code name: Fredo. Lovely.
“This is just sad’: Ted Cruz leads mockery of Hillary Clinton for pushing a new $30 ‘But Her Emails’ hat following reports Trump flushed documents down the White House toilet”
New cartoon character?
“Hillary Clinton ‘will speak at New York State Democratic Party Convention “to galvanize the party”‘ amid mounting speculation that she will run for president in 2024”
“During his tenure, Trump would sometimes riff about toilets that didn’t have enough water pressure.”
I want to see Trump at a podium responding to questions on this by bragging that he shits giant, well-done-steak-with-ketchup bricks.”
She would be so beautiful if it wasn’t for all the ink.
You leave a white girl outside unattended, it’s going to get tagged up.
“Beautiful” is being generous.
Eye of de gustibus etc.
There’s no accounting for taste, etc.
She not ugly but something seems weird with her face. Maybe it’s just the prodigious makeup. The rest of her certainly looks nice.
Nose job?
She says she hasn’t had any plastic surgery.
Nah, even without the tats.
She has a Kennedy jaw line.
50 MILLION doses of ‘vaccine’ recalled as they triggered ‘false positives’ in HIV tests.
Yeah “false”. They literally made their vaccine with HIV.
Damn. Not sure we are far enough along in our medical/science knowledge to be playing around in that sandbox.
That hasn’t stopped us before unfortunately.
“Come down here now, Icarus”
Would that be considered “gain of function?” LOL
I laughed.
Maybe we should let the immune system that developed from millions of years of “trials” and evolution do its thing, rather than fool it with mRNA or HIV “clamps”. HIV literally causes the immune system to fail, and they think it’s a good idea to fuck around with it? In humans??
None of the currently approved covid vaccines use HIV “clamps”.
No, but the article is about an attempt at one that did.
The interesting thing is once you inject a vaccine dose, it can’t be recalled anymore.
It’s not like you can stop taking it like Advil if you find out it has a dangerous side effect.
These people are fucking monsters.
It’s official: I am anti-vax.
GFY, Pharma.
Note that this is the University of Queensland vaccine.
It’s actually sad on a day of freedom of masks that so many dropped them the instant the ‘order’ said they could. That means you never believed it but wanted to be a good little citizen. Fuck off
They dropped the mandate a week early here (Jefferson County) but NOT for the kids.
This is sick.
Wait—not for the kids? The segment of the population least likely to contract, spread, or suffer illness from this virus?
Bloody hell.
You gotta gem em indocrinated early or they’ll start believing that democracy thing you are talking about is actually totalitarianism.
Yep. My kids’ college sent out a note saying that they were to keep wearing them indoors. My son (being the spawn of a contentious asshole) has been ignoring the mandate fairly successfully.
I’m very disappointed that a STEM school can’t follow the science.
In news from my neck of the woods, JHU not only continues to force the poor students to keep wearing them, they now make them wear an N95 mask with a cloth mask on top of it. Do you know how uncomfortable that would be all day?
I hope those kids are up to date with the fake news the JHU team came out with a little while ago. The same institution that published a study debunking mask efficacy is forcing them to mask up. Those kids are getting quite the education.
They stole their fight song from GT by having it first. But we have better lyrics.
It’s the same in Illinois. The governor is planning on dropping the mask mandates except for schools. They aren’t doing this for public health, they are doing this to flex their power and to remind us that they can make our children bend to their will.
Also because the teachers unions demand it, because they are stupid and both hate and fear the children.
Same here in Larimer Co. Expires tomorrow, but not for schools.
It is the disadvantage of public charter over private. I was shocked they were going to continue.
For months, all mask mandates have been dropped here in KCMO EXCEPT for the schools. Since many of the suburban school districts cover bits of KCMO (huge, landwise), they’ve all had to continue wearing the masks.
A sick take on the proverb: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6)
Break ‘em while they are still young.
These fuckers have had free rein for more than a century. Time to end that.
I think the dems are starting to have an internal ‘stuggle session’ with themselves whether or not to ease up to save their asses in the midterms or clamping down harder with some new version of the New Normal. I know in the end which side they will err on. they cannot change those stripes, their nature is evil and it cannot be changed.
Most of them didn’t want to be a good little citizen so much as wanted to keep their jobs.
It’s a tough call when you have a family to support.
True. And I think most people are rule followers who don’t like confrontation.
I nice girl came up to me at Costco last week and asked me if anyone had given me shit about being maskless. I laughed and said no and that I hadn’t worn one there in months. She told me three people yelled at her the previous week. I suggested she ignore them and breathe free. She pulled her mask down but just couldn’t bring herself to lose it completely.
You’re doing the lord’s work.
Or at least the local Pope’s.
This is hilarious.
Think I need to correct the record on this. We did NOT give Lauren Boebert a used Red Lobster gift card. The gift card was PARTIALLY used. There was still $27.43 on there. Get the facts straight.
Good on her for not getting her panties in a bunch over receiving such a sexist award.
You know what we need? It suddenly came to me.
We need a Ceausescu moment for the American left. We need to see their stupid shocked faces up against a wall. Make Christmas Great Again!
I wonder if our very own Pie remembers that? I remember it on the TV right around that time we watched the Berlin wall come down. I just didn’t realize that it woud be the very thing American needs nearly 40 years later.
It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I see evil dictators like that die in public. Yes, we need more of that.
“As we’ve seen via a recent study by the Johns Hopkin University (a study of studies, really), the lockdowns imposed by states, countries, and municipalities everywhere in the name of “mitigating” the spread of an illness with a 99 percent survival rate in the name of public health were completely ineffective.”
And yet their cowardly admistrators refuse to give up pushing the same BS even harder.
Bingo. I need to read the whole thread before commenting.
“California businesses big and small would have to require all workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19 under a new bill unveiled Friday by East Bay Assemblymember Buffy Wicks.”
NYC is still firing the unvaxxed for disobedience.
There won’t be anyone left to fire if their citiizens keep fleeing to red states at the current rate. Oh gawd, is there some place else they can go that is not near me? Like Antarctica? Or Pluto?
My brother is still hanging on, I think he has an appeal in progress. I really hope he’s exploring other options, but I fear he loves the sweet bennies too much.
I might be mistaken but the so called COVID vaccine doesn’t even prevent COVID. I fucking got the “vaccine” and still got COVID a couple of weeks ago. This idea that having the vaccine would prevent transmission is completely false, so why are the pols still forcing people to get them?
Because it was never about preventing anything except that idea the plebes have that they have rights and some sort of autonomy and self rule.
Who can say?
It’s infuriating but kind of hilarious how the Left who proclaims to hate the pharmaceutical industry, willingly got in bed with them to force us to take the shot. The Left for all their talk about hating the corporations love them when they are carrying out their wishes.
I think there’s a term regarding the partnership between government and private industry but it escapes me. /sarc
The Left’s hypocrisy lately has been astounding. Like, some really big ones. Pharma as you say, and I’ll never forget how the Left all of a sudden demanded we love and respect the FBI and CIA when Trump started criticizing them. It was amazing to watch.
And it’s on the Right as well, although not to the same degree, IMO. When BLM and their allies were camping out on freeways stopping traffic, many on the right -correctly- called that behavior out as out-of-bounds. I have not heard the same criticism from the right pointed at the Freedom Convoy in Canada. The traffic blocking they are doing is hurting commerce at a time when we all really need gods to be flowing as quickly as possible.
What hypocrisy are you talking about? The Canadian truckers are fighting the war for my freedom. I’m delighted that they are inconveniencing people. BLM are my enemy. I loathe them even if they’re polite. I want my side to win and my enemies to be destroyed.
I guess people decided they were done being polite and patient and hopeful that their elected representatives would do right by them.
Furthermore, I don’t see vandalizing, burning, looting, assaulting, or killing. Trust freedom lovers to disrupt commerce and make their point with a big-ass party.
I’m not thrilled with blocking traffic, but they are not banging on people’s cars, they aren’t smashing their windows, they are not pulling occupants from their cars, and as far as I know, they are not blocking fire trucks or ambulances.
Wonderful justification, everyone. I guess you proved me wrong, or something.
We had this discussion the other day. I like it. I’m not going to try to justify that.
But let me ask you this: If your livelihood depended on showing papers of a vaccine you were forced to take, what would you do? That is not a challenge. I am sincerely interested in your answer.
If you don’t care that it’s hypocritical because it “feels right”, then there really isn’t anything to debate is there?
Driving around. Blocking off the government in Ottawa. I get it. Go for it. I cheered them on. But they’ve now resorted to blocking ports of entry. That hurts real people and their ability to pursue happiness. The supply chain is a mess the way it is and delays at the border are already too long, and now this.
To your direct question, I’m not sure because it hasn’t happened to me. I’d fight in some way, but I sure as hell wouldn’t hurt innocent people by blocking their means to make a living.
That is the culmination of my argument. Take it as you will.
For whatever it’s worth, I don’t know what I’d do, either.
Sometimes the only power we have to that of the purse and to draw its strings tight.
And the purse strings getting pulled the tightest are the very people they represent.
The people who voted the pro-mandate politicians into office are not innocent.
I guess they could’ve all stayed home and explained loudly on any media that would allow them why they were doing so. That would have also wrecked supply chains, hurt commerce, etc., but no one’s entitled to their labor. Their message would’ve also been completely buried.
How about the ones who didn’t? Or the ones who now regret their vote?
They were getting all kinds of media coverage BEFORE they started blocking ports of entry. That just started in the last few days.
The ones who didn’t likely support what’s going on. The people who regret their vote can fuck right off.
What? People who voted against them now support them?
And what does it matter if you get to say “fuck off” tot he ones who did vote for them? The point is, EVERYONE is being hurt by them stopping commerce.
The vaccine does seem to reduce the likelihood of serious illness. If it shortens the amount of time you have the sickness, then it reduces the time you can transmit it. So it doesn’t prevent transmission, but it probably does reduce it.
That said, mandating the vaccines is still abhorrent especially as it becomes less effective with each new variant. Unless, they want to get us on the Vaccine as a Service program.
Possibly for the first couple variants, but those are long gone.
There is no justification to continue this.
Buffy the Vampire Enabler?
Maybe Trucker Convoy II: United States Boogaloo should head for Sacramento instead of DC when it leaves LA.
That was my point a couple of weeks back. Going to DC will do nothing. They will barricade the district and as trucks encircle, will call them an army. Keep it local in every major city and state capitols.
Maybe so. The states are where the bigger tyranny is now that Joe’s agenda is falling apart.
On the trucker convoy group I’m on, I saw some talk of going to state capitals as part of the US trucker convoy.
Nothing official. Just some talk.
Torn on the Bender thing.
If he won’t take their offer, fuck him.
Sounds like his replacement might want to watch his back, though.
Yeah, demanding more than the other two seems a bit pretentious.
We need a Ceausescu moment for the American left. We need to see their stupid shocked faces up against a wall. Make Christmas Great Again!
Night of the Long Knives, Democratzi-style. Who purges whom?
From the introduction to Johan Norberg’s “Open: The Story of Human Progress”
We now have a generation of youth whose neural pathways are set up for “aversion behavior” —no way will that cause lasting problems…
We now have a generation of youth whose neural pathways are set up for “aversion behavior” —no way will that cause lasting problems…
And call us Purebloods murderers,
The other day I was thinking about the homeless. I haven’t heard much about them, lately. I guess the Great Plague must have killed them all.
No, they’re still around.
They’ve all moved to San Francisco to cash in. It’s a gold rush for the 21st century!
I hear about them all the time but mostly in the context of perpetrating a rapidly increasing number of random, vicious crimes.
I can report that they’re all over the place around my workplace.
I’m pretty sure that if I walked down the NYC streets as I once did on my way to/from the office I’d see the same tortured souls who were there two years ago. Minus the ones who passed on from overdoses and violence.
And likely plus lots of new ones too.
We need more affordable housing!
French Freedom Convoy
Paris has banned so-called Freedom Convoy protests planned for Friday, as car and lorry drivers head to the city.
Canada’s capital city Ottawa has been paralysed for days by truckers objecting to Covid-19 measures there.
Convoys from towns and cities around France have started making their way to Paris to copy that protest.
On Monday, some plan to join a major demonstration in Brussels – where the mayor has also banned the incoming protests for not having a permit.
I think Vienna has some action, too.
The fucking Canucks are gonna save the world.
Why the hell not?
Yes, there’s one going on in Austria. Viennese officials have prohibited the convoy from entering Vienna.
Every country has its Panem, which doesn’t want to be reminded that the Districts are out there and sending resources to their glorious capitol.
There will be no clogging the boulevards in Brussels unless the German army is on the move toward France.
Who knows? Something wonderful might sprout from the seeds of resistance.
It’s hilarious when judges and mayors ‘ban’ protests. A sad and useless gesture.
Canadian judge orders end to Ambassador Bridge blockade
That’ll end well.
Still better than the people playing the Super Bowl.
Tomorrow is supposed to be massive in Ottawa – support your local Canadian livestreamers!
Oh Hyperbole! They’re playing Boney M now!
Rah Rah Rasputin? See, it’s the Russians!
This can only end in tears.
I have no idea what that means.
It was between Daddy Cool and Rasputin.
Cue the the CBC analyst who will say that Daddy Cool is an obvious reference to Putin, and this is therefore proof of Russian involvement. I mean, it’s bad enough that Honk Honk is just a euphemism for Heil Hitler. Now they are showing their allegiance to Putin. Traitorous hosers.
But I was so sure you were already a yooge fan. ?
Lots of honkening and partying happening right now
I see no burnings-down or killings-people. They’re protesting wrong.
PS — This is giving me good chills.
The guy just walked past a stage where a guy is playing a CCR cover.
In the crowd I saw an Aussie expat whom Rebel News interviewed a week or so ago. I recognized him because is waving a flagpole with both the Eureka Flag and the Australian Red Ensign.
Alright American Truckers. I have insulated myself from the supply chain for the next 6-8 weeks in food, supplies and gas. Get to it!
I….I what?
Fake fake news?
It’s funny, but I don’t trust anything that guy posts.
Pretty sure its a troll, but still funny
German serial killer lured online ‘coomers’
“”Sarah (19) has been standing trial at the Bamberg district court since Friday. Prosecutor is convinced: the teenager lured admirers into a trap with the promise of quick sex and stabbed them in cold blood.”
Article paywalled and in some foreign language. Anyway, apparently she’s a fan of Richard Ramirez.
I laughed.
Well, those are some nice hips for a serial killer.
Holy shit this broad is nuts.
She should be on the biggest podcasts, YT shows and radio shows. That shit needs to be heard loudly and clearly and then maybe some people will realize they have gone absolutely insane.
I still think she was either joking or just taking a position for the sake of the debate.
“Carol J. Adams (born 1951) is an American writer, feminist, and animal rights advocate. She is the author of several books, including The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory (1990) and The Pornography of Meat (2004), focusing in particular on what she argues are the links between the oppression of women and that of non-human animals.”
I stand corrected then.
I read that while I was writing Misplaced Compassion, which came out in 1991. The woman is absolutely, indubitably, unarguably barking nuts. She probably shouldn’t be walking around unsupervised. She doesn’t just have a screw loose; I don’t think she has a single screw properly tightened.
I sure as fuck hope it’s the final stage of woke, because we won’t survive much more of this. Who the fuck’s idea was it anyways to give the dumbest people in society the biggest amount of influence?
Misogyny tastes so good!
I like the fabric of her jacket. So there’s that.
Do I recall that Neph said he was unavailable this evening?
Yes. Sorry I was late putting up the Zoom linky.
Oh Twitter sometimes you win..
Oh my god…how have I never found this guy!
Its a tamer Hat and Hair meet Joemala meets someone acting it out
Because Neph is having a life, again, I will be hosting the Glib Zoom Happy Hour / Writer Wheedling and Wrangling / STFU Sloper tonight at 20:00 Eastern Time. I know you ppl have shit to say.
I have things to say! After I clean up the keyboard from beer from watching what I just posted above.
I have shit to say, but I’ll have to say it tomorrow night. Mrs. Animal and I are having a date night tonight.
Say no more, say no more. Nudge-nudge, wink-wink.
Following the SCIENCE!
Pfizer-BioNTech is postponing its rolling application to the Food and Drug Administration to expand the use of its two-dose Covid-19 vaccine for children ages 6 months to 4 years.
The move means that vaccines for this age group will not be available in the coming weeks, a setback for parents eager to vaccinate their young children.
Pfizer said on Friday that it will wait for its data on a three-dose series of the vaccine, because it believes three doses “may provide a higher level of protection in this age group.” Data on the third dose is expected in early April, the company said.
The FDA was expected to publish an analysis of the Pfizer data Friday, ahead of an advisory committee meeting next week. The FDA said Friday the meeting has been postponed.
Two people familiar with the FDA’s plans said there had already been a lot of pushback on the agency from outside experts who had concerns that Pfizer’s data wasn’t sufficient. The experts felt, one of the people said, that their concerns were “falling on deaf ears” within the agency.
Federal regulators had initially wanted to begin reviewing the data on two doses of the vaccine while Pfizer continued to gather data on a three-dose regimen.
Regulators believed two doses would provide enough — though less than ideal — protection against the omicron variant of the coronavirus as pediatric cases surged.
100% contagious. 100% lethal. WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?
“a setback for parents eager to vaccinate their young children.” Those parents should have their heads checked. I got vaccinated because I’m getting up there in years, but there’s no way I’d vaccinate kids that age. The risk to them zero.
It’s not about risk, it’s about you accepting them eventually putting a biochip in you and you not resisting that.
Pfizer’s request for authorization for two doses was an unusual request, given that the first two shots didn’t work and there is no guarantee that adding a third dose will be sufficient.
John Moore, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Weill Cornell Medical College, said Pfizer had to make a decision about which dose to study in the clinical trials.
“They have to make the best guess about what dosage to use in young children and they got it wrong, they underdosed,” he said.
Oh, what the fuck, just as long as you look like you’re doing SOMETHING.
Local news. Cafe mails dick pics. Lol.
That is a subtle ad campaign that is genius.
I know Chiaro’s. I remember their pizza being OK.
Did you have the sausage?
Guess who is about to be a great uncle! This GUY! Man I wish I were there.
Excellent! Welcome to the club!
Thank you. Cant wait to corrupt that little bastard.
Were you just an ok one before?
Jokes for MikeS are below buddy
Goddamit. I came here to get cheered up, not read about vaccine bullshit and argue about truckers.
Someone tell me a joke.
Ill have a coke
I’m drawing a blank.
I really should have removed that card from the deck.
And I posted this above, but give it a watch…you’ll laugh
I did see that. That was funny. I bet he’d do a great Harry Caray, too.
How is it all going with the new diet?
Well, the new diet is the old diet. I guess I have stuck with a bowl of oatmeal every morning, so one small improvement. I was raised on comfort food, it’s hard to break away from that. Especially when the wife isn’t ready to give up potatoes and bread at every meal.
I was actually doing pretty well, and then everything with Mom hit and going back to old eating habits was too easy. I’m going to make another run at it here soon.
I’m not that good at joking on demand.
I tend to joke on the internet.
When you joke it, are you alone? Or on camera?
Cameras these days are so small they are hard to balance on.
Since I’m drinking….
My favorites
A Southern Baptist was seated next to Paddy Irishman on a flight from Ireland…. After the plane was airborne, drink orders were taken. Paddy asked for a large whiskey, which was promptly brought and placed before him. The flight attendant then asked the Southern Baptist if he would like a drink. He replied in disgust, “I’d rather be ravaged by a dozen harlots than let liquor touch my lips.” Hearing this, Paddy handed his drink back to the attendant and said, “Me, too, I didn’t know we had a choice.”
Some time ago an Englishwoman, an Irish woman and a Scottish woman were walking on the beach when they came across a quadriplegic by himself looking rather depressed.
The Englishwoman said, “Oh my poor dear. Don’t be sad. You look like you could use a hug. Have you ever been hugged?” He slowly shook his head, and she gave him a hug.
Not to be outdone, the Irish woman said, “You look like you could use a kiss. Have you ever been kissed?” He nervously shook his head, and she gave him a kiss.
The Scottish woman said, “Well, have you ever been fucked?”. The man’s eyes lit up and he excitedly shook his head no. To which she replied “You will be when the tide comes in.”
Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Effbee who?
Effbee Eye. Just kidding. We don’t knock.
It’s funny because it’s true!
But when we do, we let CNN know
No knock, knock
Who’s there?
*Blam, blam!*
Q: Why did the condom cross the road?
A: It was pissed off.
A woman goes into a gun store.
“I’m looking for a rifle. It’s for my husband”
“Do you know what caliber he wants?
“No. He doesn’t even know I’m going to shoot him.”
Love and support for Gordilocks
Any chance he’ll stop back here after it’s all wrapped up now that he’s famous?
Ohhhh that Gordilocks. I was wondering why his name kept coming up.
Now I remember.
He gave a shout out to Glibs recently about coming back one day.
*thumbs up*
Teaching teen#2 how to break down a chicken. We might need this skill in the world to come.
“Look, your life is to create eggs for as long as possible, then you’ll end your days in a wine broth.”
Thats a little too on the nose. You have to make the chicken think its world is safe, design it a house so to speak and allow it to live its life as it think it is its nature. Then you lull it into a sense of security…wait are we still talking about chickens?
Step #1: Choke it
The govt should require proof of vaccination for people who want to protest vaccination mandates.
Is it creepy that Tubi added ‘Trinity is Still my Name’ today? Because it wasn’t there when i posted Thursday.
Closeted Glibs there at Tubi?
See above, I finished the movie.
Why do Michael Malice and Ceronivich sound like they inhale helium? Is that a requirement to be a freedom lover shit poster?
And Shapiro
Right? This is why Mike Rowe needs to speak more. I would go gay for him. /sorry Tonio
Hey I am just glad that my wife points out the great legs and asses out there when we are about.
Somehow we were blessed enough to land a house on several acres in South Carolina. It’s an older home, but the neighborhood is really nice and there’s no HOA. My escape plan is going too well and I’m freaked out. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but the taste of freedom is so good I can already feel the weight lifting.
That is great news Mustang!
Nice! How long until it’s all settled?
Wife is heading there in the next couple months with the kiddo. I’ll follow towards the end of the year. I agreed to stay in long enough to do an effective turnover.