Too complicated!
“John Williams Returning to Compose Obi-Wan Kenobi Theme”
“Apple-1 Mystery Is Finally Solved 45 Years Later”
“Maybe they will go back to the creepy nature of the original Metroid.”
“Emily Burns had every intention of staying in Massachusetts.”
whaddup doh’
I’m going to bed.
OFFS, another Star Wars spinoff?
At least it will make money cause John Williams though
Milk it like it’s AOC.
Huh. I honestly had no idea John Williams is still alive. Movie composers sure do have some longevity. I was equally surprised when Ennio Morricone died just a few years ago- I had assumed he’d been dead for a long time.
Nope. He did Hateful 8 before he knocked off. Some of his best work.
He’s only 90.
Until my parents’ generation, almost no one in my family lived past 70 except my paternal grandfather, who made it to 96.
You are better than I am Chipsy. I had no idea who John Williams was.
I should really dislike the guy though. I remember a buddy buying the Star Wars soundtrack when it came out in our tiny town. All of us kids loved Star Wars and were stoked to listen to it.
We didn’t realize what a soundtrack was, so we were all disappointed to hear a bunch of sissy ass orchestra shit. Sure we sorta remembered some of the music, but there were no blaster sounds, or dialog. We were pissed!
Still killin I see
NBC Takes Gold In Olympics Ratings Dive
Damn that one is harsh.
“Chairman Pete Bevacqua of NBC Sports proudly accepted the medal on behalf of the network, though he did so remotely due to China’s stringent border policy.”
That picture reminded me of this one:
I mean…it ain’t wrong.
I’d say it’s a bit understated, if anything.
I knew before I clicked.
In the same vein of things
Repost from yesterday: https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/serious
Yep, that was the first thing I thought of. I also had 2 pcs of equipment in one of my electronics rack that looked just like that, back when I was working for a living.
A longtime Boston resident, she, her husband, and three children left the city to settle in the upscale suburb of Newton in January 2020.
What followed were two years of ongoing disruption and frustration. Prolonged school closures and continued coronavirus policies such as mask mandates angered Burns. Initially, this mom chose fight over flight.
She announced a conservative run for US Congress, representing Massachusetts’s 4th district, a long-shot attempt in a staunchly Democratic area. Her primary issue was pushing back against COVID policies, particularly those that impacted school children.
I looked at the list of towns in the district. I think there are enough families in that district that if she hammered the negative effects on kids hard enough, it might not be that much of a long shot.
I’ve been seeing her messages on Twitter for quite some time, so I was aware of her run. But…
Ultimately, Burns had enough of fighting. This week, she terminated her political campaign and explained that she and her family are fleeing to Texas where her husband has an opportunity to open a new company office.
I don’t blame her, I essentially did the same.
Though it’d be good of her to return as much of the campaign contributions as possible… Okay, maybe I do blame her a little.
I saw when I read the article. Oh well. Still, it probabyl wasn’t that much of a long shot.
I was going “WTF is that” when I looked at the picture. By the time the Apple II (Apple ][ for you purists) they had lost the auxiliary power outlet, and gone to a nine-pin video connector.
Dat Samus doe
“In an interview with IGN, No Man’s Sky creator and managing director at Hello Games, Sean Murray, revealed that the team isn’t ready to put their sci-fi sandbox game to bed yet, and probably won’t be for some time.”
Translation: we think we can get more money from the slower rubes.
They did just announce a Switch version was going to be released.
Heh, you’re a funny guy.
I remember it got appalling reviews on initial release. Have subsequent updates made it worth playing? I’ve never looked into it because of the negative initial press.
They’ve been patching it quite a bit. From my understanding it’s now a solid game, even if some of the grandiose promises never came to be. I give the devs credit for continuing to patch and update the game to get it closer to what they wanted on release.
Why So Many Families Are Uprooting and Fleeing to Freer States
Two weeks from right now I will be Southbound!
Yeah, based on some analysis I’ve seen the new comets trend to vote more conservatively than the general population. (Whether that actually translates to more freedom is questionable, but not a contraindication at least)
Maybe now that’s the case, but the influx of northeasterners is what ruined Virginia.
Those were preselected for wanting big gov though, by nature of their employment.
Yeah, DC ruined Virginia.
new comets
Long tail theory?
They are fleeing because they are white supremacists and “freedom” is just a dog whistle. Duh.
Sure, they are going to a state more white than Massachusetts…
The 3 northern New England states are probably the only choices.
Not North Dakota or Wyoming?
I doubt Mass is that white, unless you count the Asians as white.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Harvard mentality stretched out across the entire state on that issue.
Once you leave Boston, it’s pretty white – except for all the Indian biotech people moving into the Marlboro area.
Greater Boston metro area, yeah.
Dorchester and the like aren’t actually Boston and aren’t that white.
And I think Lowell has the second largest population of Cambodians in the US.
Well, perhaps Dorchester is not Boston Boston but technically it’s a part of Boston. When I lived on Dorchester St I always wrote South Boston in the address so that no one would assume that I lived in Dot.
Doesn’t sound like the Dorchester I remember.
There’s a difference between “most white” and “least black”, but Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire are in the running for both. Massachusetts is middling.
“The District of Columbia is the only state where the black population (318,598) is larger than the white population (266,035)”
DC finally made it, with very little fanfare
Not Southbound?
That’s the one I was expecting
I saw somewhere there was an explosion in Ukraine, and I couldn’t find any mention at the right-wing sites, so I checked CNN. No mention, but there were two big headlines about Trump and secret documents and January 6, and then for kicks I searched for “Clinton” and I found one tiny article about her accusing Sean Hannity of “malice” for mentioning her name 200 times when he covered that Durham nothingburger. OMG why do I do this to myself.
Pipeline explosion. I’m sure Biden will now accuse the Russians of blowing up their own pipeline.
He’s playing with fire and trying to get us into a major war we have no hope of winning.
I’d rather browse Everyday Feminism than CNN
It’s a Friday, I’m back at home so here’s the link for the Zoom/Happy Hour/culinary discussion which I’ll kick off at 20:00 Eastern.
Somewhat related to the links, if anyone is looking for a reason to come visit Cleveland, the Gaming Classic has gotten bigger this year, and is coming in September.
You kids have fun. We have a hockey game to go to that will be….wait for it…wait for it….no masks!
Not even the goalies?
Old time hockey. Eddie Shore!
Cosmetic dentists throw a parade!
YOU kids have fun.
I guess our humor from here can’t be carried over to the Twitterverse when it was reported someone had a heart attack among the protesters…
“My leaving is entirely predicated on what is best for my family,” Burns wrote. “My trust in the political and cultural leadership of this state is totally broken. The past two years have shown me that I cannot protect my children from the ill effects of that leadership. Given the chance to escape those malign forces, I had to take it.”
Welcome to the club. Just don’t pretend the politicians in mass are outliers.
I don’t know where to start…
Louisiana teacher admits to giving middle school students cupcakes laced with husband’s sperm, takes plea deal
TW – the whole article.
“A Louisiana teacher is expected to spend four decades behind bars after she admitted to giving her students cupcakes laced with her husband’s sperm, reports say.
Cynthia Perkins, 36, and her now-ex-husband Dennis Perkins were arrested on more than 150 sex crime charges in 2019, the Associated Press reports.
Cynthia was facing at least 60 counts of production of pornography involving a juvenile under age 13 and two counts of first-degree rape…
Charges for Dennis included the production of pornography involving a juvenile under age 13, two counts of first-degree rape, three counts of possession of pornography involving a juvenile under age 13, two counts of video voyeurism and two counts of obscenity.”
I wonder how they found each other.
The guys former boss is the sheriff and reportedly said
“I do not condone these alleged acts.”
Um… was… that somehow in question? Was there some sort
of press conference where he was asked if he condoned all of this?
The anti-masker survived.
Clerk Shot Patron Who Refused to Wear Mask Then Killed Self
The gas station was appropriately named.
Terribles is a great convenient store and station, but yeah, good place for that to happen.
They escalated quickly.
Kind of feel bad for the clerk honestly.
Gettin’ chippy
I see a bunch of cops with fogged-up visors.
Heavy-breathing from sexual arousal. It’s not everyday they get to live out their dom fantasies that made them want to be cops in the first place.
They’re running horses through the crowd and then filling in the gap.
What is this? 1780? Effective though
The Czar has released the Cossacks on the crowd?
Every minute of today’s 7 HOUR Big Jet TV show was insane
Just shy of 1/2 way he does a live interview with the BBC. ITV was on site from the beginning of the show, filming Britain’s Busiest Airport
Debate over the Emergencies Act delayed over police crackdown because of the Emergencies Act.
Shitsia living up to her name…
Drugs, ass, again?
“The Convoy is not as serious a threat to democracy as the storming of the U.S. Capitol.”
The storming of the U.S. Capitol wasn’t even as serious a threat to democracy as the storming of the U.S. Capitol.
Nor was it as serious a threat to democracy as every person Joe has surrounded himself with and every action he has taken.
From the dedthred, for your amusement*:
At this morning’s executive team meeting:
R C: We’re good on defense against sexual discrimination claims. 2/3s of our managers and directors are women, and half the executive team. This place is basically run by nurses. Both the CEOs, the VP Ops, the CNO are all nurses. All the chicks in the C Suite are nurses, except for Dr. [Chief Medical Officer].
[Later, as we were working a New Orleans King Cake somebody brought in, and the CIO got the little plastic baby in his slice]
CIO: What is this thing?
R C: Hey, you got the baby! I think that means you get some beads. But, if I understand how Mardi Gras works in New Orleans, you have to take your shirt off first. [To VP of HR] You still have some copies of that pre-filled form for writing me up in your office? I can drop by when we’re done here.
*I amused myself, anyway. And no, not in the Toobin sense of the word.
Now you’re _trying_ to get forced into early retirement.
Eh, they’re used to me.
Plus, I have a severance agreement which would mean they pay me for longer than my scheduled retirement date.
I remember when the bean-counters would’ve squashed any more expensive payout. I’m not sure that is as true today as it once was.
I would only consider another Nintendo if they went back to a classic console form. None of the stupid remote pointers or nunchucks or portable gizmos. I just want to play games on a large screen with a normal controller.
And Metroid is one of the few games that could get me back.
Metroid, Kid Icarus, Zelda (I know, not people’s cup o tea), Metal Gear….man…I miss being a kid in the 80s
A new Zelda might also get me back, but the stupid control schemes in the last few consoles have ruined it. Not to mention they turned the last one into a crafting game.
I played through the OG Metal Gear a couple months ago. What a great game.
Then I tried the OG Metal Gear Solid. What an unplayable piece of shit.
Metroid Dread is out, back to a 2-D game. Some difficulty spikes with boss fights, but they also released a higher and lower difficulty.
Meh..make it one difficulty. Drop any tutorials and get back to learning how to play and beat a game like days of yore. And get the hell off my lawn!
I’ll have the “lower difficulty” please.
It happened here…
“TikTok star, 15, defends selling selfies to stalker who tried to kill her and says she’ll stay on the site where she makes $1,700 a video: Ex-cop dad shot dead boy, 18, who showed up at their house with a shotgun when he didn’t get explicit content”
I was just in Naples.
I’ve never seen so many Bentleys before.
“Trudeau ignores REAL violent terrorism: 20 eco-terrorists armed with axes surround Gaslink pipeline workers, shoot flare guns at them and cut fuel lines in British Columbia – causing MILLIONS of dollars in damage”
That’s because he supports it…
And they didn’t make him look like a big silly dunder head in front of his super rich and important friends. He’s going to have to listen to jokes about this at his $5,000 a head fundraisers for years to come. Very triggering.
And if caught, the perpetrators will probably be able to raise bail on GoFundMe.
No need. Auntie Kamala is on her way with a big ol’ bag of cash!
Leather jackets get a discount.
That’s fantastic
Howard Stern is channeling his inner Don Lemon.
This guy has listened to some recent episodes so we don’t have to. And it ain’t pretty.
Its people jocking for positions in the new world and on who will be allowed to speak and who won’t. Or he has lost his mind. Can’t tell. But Fartman was great for us teenage boys back in the day.
Urban elitism really is the enemy of freedom. Also people change so Howard Stern would never change in a bad way…
He’s now part of the in-crowd that he mocked for so long.
The mocking was never on principle.
So really just hoping for the court jester position?
Being mad about not being the ruling elite sums up how much of politics?
Speaking of…
I am widening my property search area to include the greater twin Falls area. It’s starting to look like I’m about a year or so too late to snag a deal around Pocatello. I missed out on a couple of good deals last summer while I was waiting for my place to close. Now…
My realtor was telling me about a place not far from where I am holed up right now. A suburb of Firth (pop 467). More house than I need, but a really nice shop. The asking price is 390k, which is only about 150 more than I would be willing to pay for it.
Plus, I have decided Blackfoot is not a good long term fit. I really don’t like buying groceries at Walmart, and I still haven’t found a place to drink a couple of quiet happy hour beers.
There are a couple of properties out that way with potential. I need to make a safari to the east soon.
The asking price is 390k, which is only about 150 more than I would be willing to pay for it.
You may need to recalibrate. I’m not expecting real estate prices to drop absent another credit market crash, which will also crank up mortgage interest and your payments, leaving you with a high monthly payment to go with that lower closing price (dunno how much you might need to borrow).
But…but…progress is inevitable, right?
Is this proof of Western decadence? Overthrowing traditions having very detrimental effect. Desire to be safe, educated and to eliminate oppression and racism leading to very bad things?
Two things are guaranteed:
1) Everything will someday die and decay
2) Winston will whine bitterly and impotently that life isn’t being handed to him on a platter.
It’s a pity; if impotent whining led to good things happening, Winston single-mouthedly would bring about paradise on Earth.
Can you give me some advice on how to live in a police state?
Yeah, Rat out your neighbors to the stasi, hoping the stasi shoots you last. Because that’s the only advice you are going to follow.
If any the neighbours will be ratting me out to the Stasi. I live in Canada and am not vaxxed..
But…but…progress is inevitable, right?
Really, who fucking says that? Because whoever it is, is awfully fucking ignorant.
You may need to recalibrate. I’m not expecting real estate prices to drop absent another credit market crash, which will also crank up mortgage interest and your payments, leaving you with a high monthly payment to go with that lower closing price (dunno how much you might need to borrow).
That’s post-recalibration. I see no reason for that property, in that location, at this time, to bring more than 300, which is still more than I would pay. Too many neighbors, for starters. Maybe they’ll get it. If so, good for them.
Also, I’m a cash buyer. If the Fed drives a stake through the heart of the real estate market it just helps me.
Having Rage Against the Machine in the background is good…
Also, I am sure I heard WesternSloper yelling “what the fuck” in that somewhere…where is WesternSloper by the way…..
They have changed their name to Rage Against Everyone Against the Machine to more accurately represent their current stances.
Commies going to Commie. Lenin hated the Okhrana but was fine with the Cheka…
God bless you! And you should get that checked out.
Principals, not principles right?
Bye Canada, it was nice knowing you.
I am so glad I am going to the game tonight. I can drink beer and pretend that everything is okay for a few hours. This week has been tough on me watching a supposed sister ally to the United States go this route and our politicians just hoping they can find the legal justification to do the same here.
The Aussies have fallen as well,
Farewell Oh Albion!
who slips beneath the waves,
A couple of decades ago, there guys talking about how cool and free the Angloshpere was. Not any more.
The whole freezing private bank accounts thing is a dry run for other parts of the world. They own everything and they have for quite a while. They were just letting you borrow it. You can keep it just a little longer if you get down on one knee and ask reallllllllly nicely…..maybe.
In the process of reviewing a draft revision of our employee handbook, I learned that our payroll processor can issue debit cards to employees who don’t have any other sort of deposit account for direct deposit of their pay.
I work for a financial institution, so all my pay goes into my accounts there, but if I could figure out the logistics of paying all the household bills with such a card without paying extra fees (some utilities still charge a few bucks to use plastic,) the idea would be rather tempting…
I’m thinking of moving all my checking and savings to a smaller local bank or credit union. The major banks might as well be owned by the state with the way they’re basically directly integrated into the Fed. I’m not sure that would help though. Even if it’s a small bank that doesn’t have that sort of symbiotic relationship to the state and fed (and presumably their law-enforcement branches) chances are all it will take for most of them to piss their pants and comply with even the most blatantly unconstitutional demands is a threating letter from the DOJ, FBI ect… Are there any banks that might stand up to a private account freeze order like this?
I am getting that USAA would have no problems freezing my shit even though they are for military members/veterans. Our mattress has never been so secure.
Honestly, they’d be the first one’s I’d expect to cave. I imagine that’s where most of the deep staters (at least the few that haven’t mysteriously made themselves independently wealthy) bank. Seriously, where could you put your money. Is there any institution that’s for regular banking that’s got a reputation for caring about customer’s privacy and rights. (Please stop laughing, I was being serious.)
Nephilium, I saw you were asking about Ohio Valley style pizza in the morning.
While I never heard it called that, I can confirm it is a thing.
Outside of Wheeling in Triadelphia, Di Carlos Pizza cooks it with the sauce, and adds the cheese after.
I like it and get it every time I am home, but how much of that is it really being good and how much of that is nostalgia, I’m not sure/
Wasn’t asking about it, just bringing it up to add to the pizza wars. There’s a chain that’s stretched out here called Ohio Valley Pizza that makes it.
Venezuela with shittier weather…
“No #EmergenciesAct that will rollback civil liberties for everyone. Ottawa has shown that police have facilitated the far-right occupation. New repressive powers will ultimately be used against labour & people’s movements.
Full statement: https://communist-party.ca/no-to-the-emergencies-act/ ”
Oh this has broken their brains lol
Sounds like boilerplate commie. You could change a couple of sentences in that statement and have it apply to any number of “right-wing uprisings” from the last few decades.
Agreed but its “No to the emergencies act” but “right wingers”….blerk borg beep…They would have caught more to their cause if they stepped in and said “you know what, we don’t like these fat fuckers in trucks but this is wrong”.
As I said, boilerplate commie.
Sounds like wishful thinking.
“Dammit! We wanted to do that!”
Talk about a shitshow,
Destroying young girls, it’s the Russian way……
I dunno..we did a good number on our young girls in gymnastics…so, call it a draw?
It seems to be a worldwide problem, this comment sums it up,
John Woodard Azarkhan • 3 hours ago
This. I have a 14 year old daughter; just 1 year younger. I cannot imagine doing anything, no matter the stakes and no matter how big the stage, to put her health at risk in order to excel at a sport. Nor can I imagine any coach treating her like that if when she fails at a sport.
This is why they changed Gymnastics. They were grinding up little girls and tossing them aside as they got older. Now figure skating is doing the same thing with these little Russian dolls that can do these quads for a year or two before it destroys their bodies.
It wouldn’t be the Olympics without doping scandals and damaged girls.
And Weir is the class act I always suspected. ?
He doesn’t like the attention being off of him.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the skater was told to take some pills otherwise she would be sent back home. And then they told her what to say when she was caught.
Russia managed to keep the same people in charge of their Olympics even though the country was disqualified for organized cheating.
Fox News is full on Russia Russia Russia. “Putin’s forces” along with much others.
Let’s have a War!
Absolutely Nothin’
Say it again
So is CNN. It’s a all Ukraine. Then a quick break to talk about how the walls are closing in on Trump. Then back to Ukraine.
Maybe Turdeau can posthumously appoint Erich Mielke to the Order of Canada.
I just finished transferring tools to the new toolbox.
Is it possible for a man to be in love with a toolbox?
A mechanic’s love is not like that of a square.
Under some circumstances, it depends on the tools…..
I think I might have phrased it as depending on the box…
It’s 2022, you can love whomever you want.
If you pull a slide hammer, a pair of dikes, and a grease gun out of your toolbox, though, I’ll be running away from your garage.
Welp, there goes my Friday night. Be prepared to pound some shots with me ~10pm. The world is horrible and depressing. Yay let’s party
Ill toss a few back at the game at puck drop
Mayor Wu lifts Boston proof of vaccine mandate, effective immediately
Now lift the mask mandate, muzzled bitch.
Didn’t expect that.
She would have had more credibility if she were really Doctor Wu.
Nah, then she’d be just a shadow of the man that I once knew, crazy, high, or just an ordinary guy.
Mask mandate stays in place for Somerville too, because “science”.
“Thanks to the Trump Vaccine. Oh wait, let me rephrase that.”
Ugh that was Mayor Wu. And every other nakedly political creature.
I cannot believe I’m going to be at the LP state convention tomorrow, but here I am in Short Pump.
Better get drunk tonight
Should be a good time.
We look forward to your naked dancing video.
Glib zoom should cover that like Rekeita Law did the Rittenhouse trial.
Oh my
Conversation I had with a Mises Caucus member this evening:
Me: “Hey, I need a cheat sheet of the candidates for tomorrow.”
Him: “Just vote for the dudes. It’s Paulite guys versus Cosmo gals.”
Meanwhile, in communist Canada…
That’s so fucked up.
The comments…
Yeah. Jeezus
If I First and no one is around to be second, did it really happen?
Yes. You would all still be second, even if not in the vicinity of the First.
Today would have been a good day to have a manual transmission.
How about a manual emission?
It’s always a good day for that.
Quality trolling.
I don’t get it.
Given my workload tonight, I am not optimistic about not having some kind of war-type conflict re: Ukraine. I hate everything. Everything.
Ugh…I am off to my bread and circus before the world goes away.
“This is VILE.
A skull & crossbones with a pacifier on weapon of war.
Made to look “cute” to appeal to kids.
The manufacturer calls this a “JR-15.”
Every NRA-backed politician should condemn this.”
I agree.
Children are much better suited for crew served weapons, such as mortar and light artillery. Not only does their stationary design rely much less on size and strength, it’s a fun way to learn about math and the importance of teamwork.
** leaps to applaud **
It’s an adorably tiny single-shot .22lr
Now I want want to go along with my baby rolling block.
Get back to me when every NEA-backed politician condemns the damaged children your mask mandates have created.
As more people move to states they see as offering greater freedom and opportunity, there is some concern about political change in their new states. Could newcomers bring with them policies and perspectives that could threaten the very freedom they are seeking?
Uuuh, YES, YES IT CAN AND WILL! (#Colorado)
Oops that was supposed to be block quote.
Bold move, Cotton.
“Yes. Retroactive thought crime is now a reality in Canada”
WTF, Canada?
“Did they change the law to allow it?”
Do keep up, Twitterzen.