The future is…soon?
“Avalon Hill teases the third edition of Betrayal at House on the Hill”
“Maybe you only see the flash if your brain gets scrambled by some other injury.”
“Escape From L.A.: John Carpenter on Snake’s Return, Surfing Tsunamis, and Escaping From Earth”
“I thought you were dead”
I’ll be in my bunk.
I didn’t know you were into Dan Crenshaws
Or Bad Boys.
Bad boys bad boys,
Whatcha gonna do when they cum on you?
Sounds like a sticky situation.
Teenaged girl: Eeeeewwwwwwwwww!
There’s a joke that goes with this…
“I’ll keep an eye out for ya!”
“Hell, I even thought I was dead ’til I found out it was just that I was in Nebraska.”
“Seemingly for the first time ever, doctors have gotten a detailed look at the brain of a person during their final moments of life. The findings were obtained from a hospital patient who suddenly died while having his brain monitored for seizures, and they may offer some support for the idea that people see their lives flashing before their eyes when near death.”
Oh, come on.
Id support some neurologist to give me a CT after a 30-pack of beer and some NyQuil then report the findings to the AMA.
Louise Fletcher did it 40 years ago.
+1 looped naked pretzel
My brother was climbing Denali when one of the guys he was roped to slipped and fell, pulling my brother towards the edge. He said that during the time that he was slowing the slide with his ice axe his life flashed before him. It seems that there is some basis in fact to the phenomenon.
Julia Roberts did it too.
Richard Gere liked to choke his hookers?
Before that, with Kevin Bacon.
That scene was in the directors cut.
I think Flatliners came out a little after Pretty Woman, though.
Pootie-Poot’s speech from yesterday is well worth reading.
Unfortunately I can’t really disagree with his assessment of the U.S. and Western Europe.
It’s tragic that Putin is the most rational man in the room.
I would say most intelligent. He’s been ten steps ahead for years; an angry bear with a plan. Rational is probably giving a bit too much leeway.
Right? Any minute now…
Russia or USSR has dominated and invaded some of these countries before. So I can see why they want the protection of other countries. So just about everything Putin is complaining abou,t Russia has done in living memory.
Exactly, that’s where he loses me.
The west are a bunch of meanies, therefore I must kill Ukrainians and destabilize the region.
I get it only insofar as the motivation is to get in before the US gets in. I’m guessing that the Biden family criminal enterprises in Ukraine are a large unspoken part of this. Russkies probably see that as laying the groundwork for NATO annexation.
Hell, I don’t think Biden ever thought that far. He was just cashing in like Pelosi and Kerry. They let the idiots at State have their way in exchange for a blind eye.
I don’t think so either, but I can see how Russia would think so. They see it happening domestically with many of our institutions (hell, they probably instigated a lot of that skinsuiting), and then they see almost a decade of meddling by a senator/vice president/president. It wouldn’t shock me to learn that we’ve installed pro-west advocates into many Ukrainian institutions.
rational /= honest
Yep. Or morally right.
This is a guy who routinely arranges the murder of journalists he doesn’t like.
There are plenty of bad guys to go around in this situation.
And sends protesters to gulags indefinitely.
Crap, that’s us now. This didn’t used to be difficult.
Yeah. Not often I can read a politician’s speech and nod in agreement for most of it. For a Russian, the Hyperbole was at a pretty low level.
Properly speaking, the attempts to use us in their own interests never ceased until quite recently: they sought to destroy our traditional values and force on us their false values that would erode us, our people from within, the attitudes they have been aggressively imposing on their countries, attitudes that are directly leading to degradation and degeneration, because they are contrary to human nature. This is not going to happen. No one has ever succeeded in doing this, nor will they succeed now.
*Looks around at the current state of our culture*
He’s not wrong.
When it comes to world leaders there are no angels.
He’s right about Western Civ.
How often is “begs the question” used incorrectly? 95% or 99%?
Which begs the question, is “begs the question” ever used correctly?
I cringed when I read that and wondered if was the translator’s error or if Putin made the equivalent error in Russian?
A translation error. This issue doesn’t exist in Russian.
Thank you.
“You’re not wrong, Walter. You’re just an asshole.”
China has 1.4 Billion people. That doesn’t seem like much of a shortage.
It’s all relative baby.
There’s a Jordan Peterson interview where he talks about the worldwide population collapse. As he puts it, there will be lots of old people in a lot of places – until there aren’t.
Perhaps they could engineer a virus that kills off old people leaving the young and productive untouched. Hasten the population collapse and jump start the renewal.
What, like some kind of great reboot or reset or something? Crazy talk….
Well, maybe some Chinese scientists could come up with a virus that mostly kills old people.
It could be endemic and make sure we don’t end up in the same place in a few years.
What? No way, man, they wouldn’t do that, would they? I just got here.
I loved escape from LA when it came out. It was meant to be over the top and it was. It also had a great sound track.
One great example:
It was OK. The original was far better.
whaddup doh’
What if the “memory replay” is an artifact of our brain contents being uploaded to the backup server, triggered by some sort of death sensor? If you were going to design a system to do an emergency backup due to extreme damage or imminent destruction, wouldn’t you set the threshold for tripping that mechanism to be sensitive enough to go a little early, just in case? That might explain the “near-death experience”–it’s the person’s perception of the last second upload that turns out to be unnecessary because the death was reversed or prevented at the last moment.
Dr. Who did it already.
NuWho. Pass.
My favorite episodes!! ? (A two-parter) Tenth* Doctor, Donna, AND River! Doesn’t get better than that!
*Cue quibbling/pedantry over effect of “War Doctor” on numbering sequence.
Except for the lack of Clara, greatest of the companions, or Tenant- greatest of the doctors.
So all my memories will eventually end up in Hillary’s closet?
Wiped with a cloth.
We’re all Cylons
I hope we have a better plan.
A plan would be a better plan.
ANY plan.
And a plot
As long as I get to be with Lt. Thrace I am good with Cylons.
There are better options IMO, but de gustibus
Fine….I gueeeeesss I’ll settle for the lot of them.
This is the correct answer.
Robosexuality is not okay.
Or merely your brain screaming, “GET ME OUT OF THIS!!” to your body.
It’s being uploaded for the respawn.
I’m not how sure the death sensor would perform in spit second disasters. I’m sure Q wouldn’t want to be brought back in another simulation that didn’t have Jayne Mansfield because she lost her mind on her last car trip.
Can’t find it at the nonce, but there was a sci-fi author (I thought Spider Robinson [?], but his list of books isn’t triggering any memories of this) who wrote a book about almost exactly this idea, that the human race, starting with our distant ancestors, had been engineered/programmed by time-traveling humans in the future to “dump” their entire brain contents in such a way that the contents could be scraped and stored in a massive server complex for later re-installation in a re-created physical body. It was a fun read, albeit not particularly “deep.”
It’s been done by Spider Robinson in a couple of his short stories (and I believe at least two novels). IIRC, it was seeding a nanotech device to store the memories in a computer that was put way back in the past and could keep running indefinitely.
China’s GDP growth over the past few decades has been impressive.
And probably all fake.
Definitely all fake.
I’m sure it’s no more than half-fake.
The other half is a conspiracy.
You mean like building massive ghost cities that nobody ever lived in? That are now disintegrating?
Not all fake. Moving a billion people from 1800 tech to 2000 tech does tend to goose gdp.
+ 2 Water Buffalo and a smart phone.
+2 turntables and a microphone
Cylinder misfire on the Sienna. But of course it’s on number 5 which is next to impossible to get to. Frickin’ minivans.
They’re real easy to get to, once you drop the engine.
This is why I have a in-house mechanic.
He’s an expensive orphan.
I really liked our Sienna. Fricken deer!
“Hillary Clinton criticizes Trump for calling Putin a ‘genius’ and giving ‘aid to’ Moscow, praises Biden’s response and suggests Republicans like the Russian leader because he is ‘anti-gay'”
If we don’t click out, they’ll stop publishing what she says.
From the genius who brought us the “reset button”.
They even asked her about the reset button and how it was too bad all that work was “undone” by Trump, blah, blah, blah
“EXCLUSIVE: Linda Evangelista, 56, seen for first time without a face mask on after brave supermodel said she was ‘done hiding’ following botched fat-freezing procedure that left her ‘permanently deformed'”
Stunning and brave.
She persevered.
I actually have no idea what she looked like before. Just looks normal, maybe slightly weird but I can’t even put my finger on it.
Mid page is a before and after pair of photos
Well, she looks better after botched surgery than I do now … without surgery.
What am I missing?
Another weekend where I’m home, so the Zoom/Happy Hour/Avoiding current events will kick off at 20:00 Eastern.
Another hockey game, this time the minor league team…so old-time hockey hopefully. Get to go to the Irish Pub though and get sauced.
“Eight-mile-long People’s Convoy raises more than $850,000 in donations – nearly doubling its funds in ONE day – as it continues on 11-day journey to DC to protest Covid mandates even though US is starting to roll them back”
Drugs, ass, but that name still sucks.
I hope they’re keeping that money in a wallet with a chain on it.
Right? Sounds like something the CCP might come up with.
“Russia-linked hacker gang claims ransomware attack on McDonald’s as feds issue ‘shields up’ alert for ALL American companies to ‘prepare for disruptive cyber activity'”
China has whole ass office buildings filled with full-time hackers.
“When you in the shower, and you wash, you dont just wash your whole ass. You got’s to wash the ass hole.”
-Redd Foxx standup
Dear God, please don’t tell me the Rooskies have control of the Special Sauce. What’s that? It’s just Thousand Island with a little extra relish? Never mind then.
Mayonnaise and mustard.
You all laughed at the hipsters who made artisanal mayo, but now what are you going to do?
The Ruskies have taken your mayo and you don’t know how to make your own!
The secret of the Big Mac is in Putin’s hands now.
Burger Czar
It was always just Russian dressing.
Friday Funbags walk among us.
Im off to bed, kids. Contrary to what that muppet Rufus thinks, some of us do work.
All night long.
Pizza slice: no sauce, no cheese, but bacon baked into the crust. Served with a lettuce and tomato ranch salad on top. The BLT. Pizza or not?
Tasty, anyway.
Not. Needs sauce (ranch might technically count) and cheese to qualify.
In Italy, “pizza” just means the dough. Pizza fritte is good.
Are you from Athens, Georgia?
Put pineapple on it.
Ranch never belongs on any type of BLT you heathen!
My wife likes to put mustard on hers…
The fuck?
? The only form of “ranch” that stays in me is Cool Ranch Doritos.
What do you weirdos have against dill?
It puts them in a pickle.
Pizza? No. Abomination? Yes.
CPK used to have a pear and gorgonzola thin crust pizza that was quite tasty, if not traditional. Like many things I favor, it no longer appears on their menu.
Tostada: Fried corn tortilla with refried beans, covered with lettuce, onions, cheese, and salsa.
Toppings on a flat bread? Yes
Pizza? Nope
Not a bad point, not bad at all.
If you have neither sauce nor cheese, you cannot have a pizza. You have some sort of fancy bread product.
The Ukrainian MOD just posted a video of captured Russian soldiers from the 11th Guards Air Assault Brigade
Evidently They identify who they are, say they were on a training mission, and were not aware they were being sent into Ukraine. Russian Guard Air Assault Brigades are almost special forces. They used to be a crack unit.
Would be very interesting if the first wave of Russia soldiers were sent into Ukraine without being fully aware of their mission and the successive waves of Russian troops would be sent in to “save” the captured Russian troops. That is one way to fight a war you started.
Who says Democrats are weak and don’t know how to handle a tyrant like Putin?
Well checkmate!
Of course you bastards would probably ask: How much extra $$$ did taxpayers shell out for bridges and stadiums that have super special lights?
How much extra $$$ did taxpayers shell out for bridges and stadiums that have super special lights?
“SHUT UP and enjoy the show, pleb!”
If the hashtags don’t convince him, this surely will.
I don’t watch US news but I keep reading elsewhere that these days the Ukrainian capital is pronounced KEEV. Is it true? Like in DEEP? That would be crazy stupid. The issue is that In Ukrainian you have to pronounce Ы in the city name. But not in Russian! I believe sound Ы is among the most difficult Russian/Ukrainian sounds for English speakers. So now the city name in English doesn’t sound at all like it’s pronounced locally. Really?
That’s the stupidity of demanding we conform to some approximation their lingo – it’s still wrong.
Same shit with Beijing. The way English people are capable of pronouncing it isn’t any more correct than Peking was.
Kiev is the Russian pronunciation, Keev the Ukrainian apparently. You get to declare your allegiance every time you say the word. See also: “Ukraine” “The Ukraine”
Fuck it, imma pronounce it Kive.
I’m going with Kev.
I would start referring to it as Throatwobbler Mangrove, but the locals would probably lynch me.
A Kev would say that.
The Other, Other Kev
It’s always been the Keevstein bears.
Play it again Sam.
There’s a ы in the name? I thought it was Киев in Russian and Києва in Ukrainian. In fact, I don’t see the ы on the Ukrainian keyboard.
This is how we get put on the “Russian assets” list isn’t?
We’re on so many lists I can’t even keep track anymore.
we need a list of lists?
Er, Київ. Києва would be genitive. (I’ve got my QSL cards from Radio Ukraine International from back when they were on shortwave that show it.)
Ukrainian И is pronounced like Russian Ы.
Thanks, that’s a big help
Same as Turkish ı.
You’re welcome.
But are we still supposed to be saying “Budapesht”?
Was wondering if your experience hearing Ukrainian was similar to Malice
I was able to understand most of TV news in Ukrainian after 2 weeks of watching. It happened to me twice: when I was 9 and 39.
It’s still Chicken Kiev, right?
For now….
Now I’m hungry
<—— Hungary is to the west
Even though Feeding Our Future is a thoroughly corrupt “nonprofit” that has stolen millions of dollars that were supposed to feed kids, asset forfeiture is wrong and I condemn the Feds for trying to steal stuff.
Yeah! Those people might sell that and get good lawyers! Can’t have that.
Over under that Biden meant to Ketanji Brown Jackson for the SC, and didn’t just say “I WANT THE BROWN ONE!!!”?
Whoah, woah, woah, no Joemala spoilers please.
Hey guys,
Just remember, right now there are huge propaganda pushes being directed towards Americans by pretty much every entity with a stake in the Russo-Ukranian War/Dispute/Incident who are desperate to encourage or discourage American involvement in the fighting.
As a result, almost everything you see, read or hear was almost certainly crafted by expert propagandists and is probably manipulative bullshit. This is true regardless of how inspiring or outrageous the info is. This is true regardless of how closely it conforms to your expectations.
Please bear that in mind when deciding whether or not to share juicy tidbits.
Personally, I recommend that we pray for Dr Groovus and Mrs. Doctor Groovus, but keep some degree of detachment.
What is up with the Groovuses?
Nobody seems to know.
They were still in Ukraine when Dr G disappeared again.
Exactly what a Russian asset would say.
NFTs but for political opinions. You’ll only ever own yours, or however many you own, and by dint of a blockchain ledger you’ll know where it came from and what it’s worth.
*huffs more battery acid*
Personally, I’ll only believe news that’s been vetted and fact checked by CNN and Snopes.
But seriously, I agree.
Something, something, fifth-Generation warfare, something
I seem to recall an old saying, truth is the first casualty of war.
Sounds like Russian propaganda.
That’s what I’m doing.
The Dr. G thing too, though I never really communicated with him.
BBC article about that exact topic
Russia MOD hacked.
Okay, the fact that some of them are using gmail accounts is actually hilarious.
I am convinced that ‘Anonymous’ is really a three letter agency
Based on some information that came out of the guy behind the GiveSendGo hack, US and Canadian government agencies work with Anonymous.
Anyone with a visible presence on the Internet got compromised some time between 2008–2016. Whatever they originally may have been, it’s all glowies now.
Well if I were running the government I would want to have a legion of 4chan script kiddies
insert [can’t tell if serious meme]
Bathroom here smells like the wood shavings you get for cage rodents.
Someone paid too much.
What’s with the big push to ban Fox News from bases?
All your bases are belong to us.
They’re taking CNN out of airports and CNN is trying to recoup some ideological losses.
the unwokewhite supremacists.The most ominous part of Putin’s speech was when he said that the treaties and agreements were now voided.
How long until Russia resumes nuclear tests?
I guess that depends on when and if Ukraine falls.
Tests? That’s one way of putting it.
I thought it was when he implied he would nuke the US if we intervened.
Yeah. That’s the part that got my attention.
This part here. I imagine our State Department are starting to realize they are far out of their depth and treating baiting Russia like it’s a game may not have been the smartest move over the past decade.
I wanted to yell at the shitbirds on the news referring to removing Russia from SWIFT as the “nuclear option.”
No you assholes, in this case the “nuclear option is” literally the nuclear option.
Meanwhile, in SCIENCE!
More than 70% of Americans should be able to remove their masks indoors, including inside schools, under new metrics outlined Friday the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that represent a seismic shift in how the public health agency plans to measure COVID-19 risk.
Under the new metrics, more than half of U.S. counties, which make up about three-fourths of where Americans live, are now considered to be at “low” or “medium” risk because of a reduced number of new COVID-19 hospitalizations and adequate hospital space. Accordingly, the CDC would no longer recommend that these communities insist on indoor masking.
In a press call with reporters, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky cautioned that COVID was unpredictable and that these conditions could change that put hospitals at risk of once again being overloaded.
“None of us know what the future holds for us and for this virus,” Walensky said. “And we need to be prepared and we need to be ready for whatever comes next. We want to give people a break from things like mask wearing when our levels are low, and then have the ability to reach for them again if things get worse in the future.”
While the updated guidance drops the recommendation of universal masking in schools, the CDC said it is still reviewing a federal requirement that individuals wear masks on public transportation, including on airplanes. Walensky said that a review of that requirement is ongoing and a decision will be made in the weeks ahead.
Wow. Just don’t pretend they can’t change their minds.
I see a lot of rural counties classified as “high”, either they’re skewed by variability of small numbers or they have few hospital beds (which is ridiculous because excess or advanced care needs are sent to other counties or regional hospitals).
Everything was put in motion to allow Biden to declare victory over COVID at the March 1 State of the Union address. Then other events grabbed headlines.
Time for me to uninstall Kaspersky for sure….The only laptop where I still have it hasn’t been used for a month, but it’s probably too late anyway.
Eugene’s personal blog:
I tried Elder Rings last night…didn’t realize it was ported to PC and is really a console game. I don’t know if it was my drivers or what, but screen was blacking out and had these window blind type lines of black across. Really sucks cause it looked like something I would enjoy. Glad Steam offers refunds.
Anyway, I suspect the prevalence of shitty console ports comes from the fact that it’s easier to code for a console due to the lack of hardware and software variation. This saves the studio time and money, then they look at the PC implementation and either half-ass it, skimp on the quality control, both, or farm it out to another company that does the same.
Saw news that a day 1 patch has already been dropped for PC. There’s a reason (besides my backlog of shame), that I’ve stopped picking up most games at release.
There’s a short list of developers/franchises where I will still risk a day one purchase (or even preorder), Most companies have lost that trust.
Hero vs the census bureau rematch!
Glad I had nothing better to do.
Pączki and wine pairings have been picked up. Four sweet pączki, one savory pączki each paired with a sample of wine. Currently sitting in the fridge to be broken out tomorrow night. Their suggested pairings and order are:
Polaris “Frost” Moscato + Apricot pączki
Seaside Cellars Rose + Raspberry pączki
Cocoa Divine Chocolate Wine + “Sweet Moses” Hot Cocoa pączki
“Oblivion” Zinfandel + “Polish Village” pączki (Kielbasa and sauerkraut)
Maui Blanc Pineapple Wine + “Porco Hurricane” Buttercream
I do not want to consider the calories involved in consuming all of these.
I can approve of the Moscato and the apricot, and the Zinfandel with the kielbasa and sauerkraut. I’m not sure about the others.
No Gewürtztraminer? I call bullshit.
That better be a red Zinfandel.
It is.
The word of the day is “spitroast”.
He wants a threesome with another guy?
He’s 23 years younger so one my say he has eclectic tastes.