Nasty Boys tryouts have begun.
A hard foul occurred. Even Bill Lambeer winced when he saw that. Rodgers wins the MVP. Liverpool kept pace by winning. And there’s some big matches coming up this weekend, including the cripple fight between Leeds and Everton. And that’s it for sports.
Wordle actually does something good. No wait…it was the lack of wordle that actually helped. Which is as it should be.
This is a cause for celebration. Either way you look at the law, in my opinion.
This would be a game-changer. I hope it’s not hyperbole.

The right way to do it.
What a dumbass. What you’re supposed to do is maintain those top secret records on your own private server and then have the server wiped (no, not with a cloth) when the government requests them. This was a rookie move.
This is battery. And the police in attendance just stood there and watched as a person without the right to use violence against another did just that. I hope this guy sues the shit out of them all.
This is excellent news. The city definitely needs police officers. But the ones there have proven to be corrupt. Time to clean house and start from scratch. Oh also: if you live there, get out.

“I’ll pull my money, bitch.”
The power of the purse. Or is it just another indictment of zoning? Either way, the city should have no say in what happens with the land. That’s the province of the actual property owners. And if the city owned the land, they should have auctioned it off. cities should not be owning residential tracts.Or commercial land beyond the basic needs for their operations.
Shut the fuck up, you crusty old man. Of course the CEO of an information services company should be more concerned with profit than “art” and “creativity”. That’s the province of…artists and creators. You know, the people who seek out information distributors to reach a broader audience. Skynyrd was right all those years ago.
I’m playing this now. Yeah. They earned it. Also, bonus track.
Enjoy those songs, and enjoy your Friday and the weekend, dear friends.
This is a cause for celebration. Either way you look at the law, in my opinion. – in the words of Anthony Jeselnik “I like killing babies but I hate giving women choice” or in the words of Jimmy Carr “I don’t get the abortion debate, falling down the stairs is not that hard”
This would be a game-changer. I hope it’s not hyperbole. – starling is already ruining stargazing, what will this do?
Make other people feel they have too show Elon how they feel by taking a flight around the globe in a cock-rocket from Bezos?
“What a dumbass. What you’re supposed to do is maintain those top secret records on your own private server and then have the server wiped (no, not with a cloth) when the government requests them. This was a rookie move.”
He should hire people to wipe things clean with a cloth or something…
He only has to worry about unreasonable prosecutors.
Yeah, NPR was tearing their hair out about how mishandling classified information was CRIMINAL!
It’s amazing how such an antisemitic organization can have so much chutzpah.
The assholes that told us there was nothing to see after just the top of the criminality heap of the Obama administration, and the Clinton things specifically, came to light (despite their best efforts to prevent that) are now screaming for blood? Man they are sure trying really hard to show their appreciation for the payouts their friends in government have been securing them at the expense of the tax payer…
To be fair, no reasonable prosecutor would indict a Clinton. Especially not one with a wife and/or kids.
If you go after a crime boss, you better not miss.
This is battery. And the police in attendance just stood there and watched as a person without the right to use violence against another did just that. I hope this guy sues the shit out of them all. – I feel we should blame UCS for this
The facts do not support your feelings.
Of course in one of the photos is a large lady sitting with her nose sticking out of her mask. She’s ok to stay.
It’s remarkable how private security guards can’t touch shoplifters and thieves, but woe be it to the middle aged white dad who shows up to a school board meeting without a useless surgical mask.
And then the rule disappeared the next day ’cause the governess said so.
I think the meeting was in a school, which means no, the rule is still in force.
I saw a bit in the article about “government buildings” also still being a protected class.
Like I said this morning, this shit will never go away for the public sector class.
At this point, it’s simply FYTW, and blatantly so.
They resent their critics who turned out to be correct and are getting even where they can.
Run them out on a rail and tar and feather them.
It’s even more absurd when you consider the security guard is still rocking a cloth mask.
He wasn’t wearing the appropriate religious fetish- the Mask of the Savior Fauci.
He is unclean and must be removed. And is probably Jewish…
He can repent though. He needs to start by wearing a full size 5 Pampers on his face and say 3 Hail Fauci’s.
Both are because of government policies.
Wordle actually does something good. No wait…it was the lack of wordle that actually helped. Which is as it should be
What is Elton John doing in that article?
A song about music
He needs to slow down a little.
I like his hat.
Either way, the city should have no say in what happens with the land. – if you don’t NIMBY hard enough it is more difficult to tun young people to socialism, just the education systems does not cut it for all
Grifting ain’t easy, but the political and bureaucracy class are sure as hell gonna do it.
I feel like it is easy and that’s what attracts the grifters to it. The only difficult part, at least to most people, is doing it with out even the smallest modicum of guilt. That’s where the political class excels.
Noxious pontificating bluster
The top US diplomat repeatedly noted that the crisis goes deeper than the physical threat posed by Russia to Ukraine and could undercut the international rules-based order that the Quad countries have vowed to uphold.
“What’s at stake is not simply, as important as it is, Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, independence but very basic principles that have, in a hard-fought way after two World Wars and a Cold War, undergirded security, peace and prosperity for countries around the world — principles like one country can’t simply change the borders of another by force; principles like one country can’t simply dictate to another its choices, its policies, with who it will associate; principles like one country can’t exert a sphere of influence to subjugate its neighbors to its will,” Blinken said.
Do these yahoos ever read what’s handed to them in advance? We cannot allow other nations to imitate us!
I think we’re well past the point of being taken seriously.
I’m guessing they don’t read them in advance. If they did, they might start thinking about the implications of what they’re saying and their conscience could kick in. Thinking about right and wrong would make it impossible to do their job.
The developer in YS, OH should have described the planned residential housing as “sustainable” instead of “affordable.” The local progs would have peed their responsibly-sourced pants with glee.
You saying they don’t understand their own word games? I know they tend to be credentialed dumb fucks that couldn’t pop their heads out of their own asses with a shoehorn, but damn, if this sort of shit works, they are even dumber than I expect them to be on average…
Those are two entirely different categories with distinct legal meanings and ramifications.
The Ven diagram for this involves drawing two circles on opposite walls of a room.
I have a lot of trouble understanding zoning laws and those that are allowed to make pronouncements on someone else’s property.
It was explained to me at a township meeting. “We can’t have people just doing what they want, that would be anarchy”
No, no, no. It isn’t anarchy. It is a slippery slope. At least that is what they call it in Duluth.
What is ironic is that she is absolutely right, but she is worried about sliding down into a pit of freedom.
GT, as someone who has been to YS many times, that’s hilarious!
Joe Rogan laughs hysterically as @jordanbpeterson
tells a story about the most woke activist of all time.
“I’ve never heard a speech like that in my life”
“Cathy Newman on steroids”
in this clip about half way jordan peterson claim peak derp which is a bold claim
This is what he was talking about I believe
my link disappeared for some reason
Comedy Club try outs, right?
The young lady at the table was grinning at what she was hearing.
The dude in the leather jacket is trying to hold it together.
RE: Neil Young
This week, Rogan has had on:
1. An Indian (from Dallas) comic
2. A guy who works to overturn wrongful convictions
3. Dave Smith, who refuses to shut up about Yemen.
Your move Neil.
1. An Indian (from Dallas) comic – Akaash is the wrong kind of POC. i mean he hangs out with Andrew Schulz
And he thinks the Simpsons should bring back Apu because Apu represents the American dream. Hank Azaria was unavailable for comment…
Related, but OT. Did anyone here watch Brockmire? The first episode might be the most humorous 20 minutes ever on TV. The rest of the show was worthless. If you haven’t watched, stream the first episode and skip the rest.
I watched the entire series. The show’s appeal was the depravity of the show. The last season however turned woker than hell and basically ruined the whole thing.
Akaash Gets Rogan Canceled AGAIN? | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh
I wonder what it feels like to be a complete tool of the global leftist Borg.
Are you talking to me?
Sloopy’s music jarred this one loose from the memory bank.
Kristian Niemietz really hates the people
Abortions in Texas fell 60% in 1st month under new limits
The travesty of forced birth and/or forcing women to travel out of state.
Baptists and liquor stores…
I have to go to the VABC for liquor. Damn state monopoly.
The result depends on who the judge is.
There will be no chance if it’s a voodoo believer, facts of the case notwithstanding.
Homemade Pasta Cheese Rolls, Bone Apple Teeth by Sarah G
Plant Pot Lunch by Jamie K
I’m drunk again but Stoned Jesus is a really good band! That is all.
It’s like Pearl Jam had a baby that wasn’t born with a club foot. I like them!
What I saw Neil Young say, “SPotifiy employees need to quit their job for moral blah blah blah . . . Who gives a shit if they can’t afford their mortgage anymore? Or money to keep the lights on? Or anything really? I got mine. I’ll be just fine sitting here in my mansion. Why the fuck aren’t you following what I want you to do?”
They just need to keep on rockin’ in the free world.
I love that song. Although I view it as a celebration of American freedom rather than an indictment of our society. Dude wants to smoke crack? Good for him. Dude wants to sleep outside? Have at it. And also a celebration of society creating things like styrofoam and gasoline to make our lives more comfortable.
I do feel bad for the crack baby though. But if adoption wasn’t such an onerous process created by the government, that kid would probably be sleeping in comfort.
That whiny old cunte can go fuck himself. I’ve been a fan. I’ve put dollars in his pocket for forty years. No more. Honk Honk!
Young has always been an arrogant asshole. In his old age he’s just gotten more blatant about it.
Fuck Neil! He’s got his, you peons just have to perculate. I used to be a fan. No more.
Last year, Chappelle found himself in hot water after making jokes that many considered transphobic in his latest Netflix comedy special, “The Closer.” The October controversy sparked a walkout and protest by Netflix employees and their supporters, along with multiple rebukes from the trans community and a handful of Netflix staffers leaving the company.
Not only does Chappelle hate unionized public employees like teachers and cops and firepersons (because that is who “affordable housing” is supposed to be affordable to), he hates the noble fighters who throw off the chains of narrow minded social gender constructs.
Truly, he is a monster.
Perhaps they should build some affordable housing in the trans community, wherever that is.
No, just put up some Mansions that identify as affordable.
Problem solved.
Chappelle is a comedic genius. He’s also is/was a Democrat.
I can only hope more Black Americans realize they have been siding with the Party of slavery all this time.
Elon Musk says 1st orbital Starship flight could be weeks away
What an enterprising individual.
What I saw Neil Young say, “SPotifiy employees need to quit their job for moral blah blah blah . . . Who gives a shit if they can’t afford their mortgage anymore? Or money to keep the lights on? Or anything really? I got mine. I’ll be just fine sitting here in my mansion. Why the fuck aren’t you following what I want you to do?”
“That job sucks. I’d rather see you starve.”
goddamnit you americans and your polluting it is not supposed to be 16 C and sunny in February
I went for a lunch in the sun and the restaurant changed their menu and added “shrimp and grits” to it. I suspected it was actually mamaliga – the local polenta – not grits and I was right.
You have to go to coastal SC or GA for proper shrimp and grits.
Made with Tasso and Tasso gravy, it’s one of the best things I’ve ever eaten.
Yes, please. Although, South Florida’s grunt and grits should not be overlooked. To me, battered and fried grunt is right up there with snapper and approaching grouper level deliciousness.
And the key with the shrimp, always, is to NOT cook them very long at all.
Just barely boil or steam them and add to the grits right when you serve. You want them on top.
Too much cooking time makes them tough.
That closed down 6 months agi
No one told Google.
Blame the cows.
I’ll keep trying to eat them all.
Ron White’s friend: Cows cause global warming, what are you doing about it?
Ron White: I’m eating the cows.
So, Elon claims Starship will enable launch of 1 million tons of payload to orbit per year, with the goal of sustainable Mars colonies.
I’m not clear on whether he will be starting a colony or whether the plan is to be a transportation service for others who will set up their own industries on Mars.
I want to know how to start one of them. Mining and chemical processing on Mars is going to be an absolute necessity for self sustaining civilization.
It’s not going to be possible for most individuals on their own, so groups of like minded people will have to band together to get the capital necessary to purchase the necessary equipment and transportation to get it to there and assemble it. Mutual aid associations will be important.
Now’s the time to start organizing and planning for what is needed, and how to get the funds.
The only goal that Musk has in mind is escaping to Mars to get out of paying his fair share. And clearly it will be his fault when the feds have to raise your taxes again.
Bezos on the other hand just wants to give us lots of laughs directed at people that pay money to fly around in a phallic symbol…
Trump took White House documents that were TOP SECRET and ‘clearly marked classified’ to Mar-a-Lago after leaving the White House, new report claims after Congress announced investigation
And he took all the ‘B’s’ off the keyboards!
But I seem to recall hearing that Barry took docs as well..so wtf is the problem. Curiously if you search for such a thing now it all comes up Trump…
Let’s not talk about Sidney Blumenthal either.
Bah. I meant Sandy Berger.
All those crime syndicate members look alike?
My first thought too.
Clearly there is a big difference because polls have proven that 97% of scientists prefer massive inflation to mean tweets.
I seem to recall that many? some? former government officials keep their clearances after they leave office. I would imagine the President is one of those.
Democrats are liars. First, I don’t believe Trump ever broke federal law while in office. Trump would never give Lefties an easy get.
Second, even if one of his staff remove some documents that some Commie bureaucrat later determined are “TS”, I dont care. Until they go after Hillary Clinton for violating federal law my mishandling classified documents, I don’t care what Trump does in circumstances like this.
Our Heroes in Blue in action
Just a reminder that cops are our protectors unless they are beating us unconcious or shooting our puppy.
I was watching a Penguins game last night on the Pittsburgh broadcast from Center Ice, and the intermissions were sponsored by PA Unites Against COVID.
Out of morbid curiosity I watched one of their commercials.
It was a pediatrician talking about the “Safe and Effective” vaccines and reminding us how important it is to get your children vaccinated as soon as they are eligible.
At the end it said “Paid for by Pennsylvania taxpayers”.
The propaganda is never ending.
How is this not compelled speech?
By that logic, literally every message that comes out of any government organization or representative is compelled speech. It’s all “paid for by taxpayers” whether the put that little message at the end or not.
A happy video, but also a reminder of the amount of abuse we allowed to be inflicted on our children the past 2 years.
Thank you. Needed that.
If the masking continues the children will have to go Children of the Corn on the school admin…
Only joking, Preet.
I was told kids want to wear masks.
Sloopy, what the hell is up in Texas?
The Institute for Justice is even involved now.
Is Pasadena trying to be the anti-Houston and zone to an extreme instead?
You can’t just let these people do whatever they want! Next thing you know, their kids will be putting up unregulated lemoade stands!
People may camp in their yards! (Legal again in Spotsyltucky)
These ungrateful immigrants need to learn that their only dream, the one they came here for, is to vote for democrats.
“It’s our policy!”
“But why?”
TW: Strongtowns and their parking hobby horse.
When anyone takes a pro-liberty position, I support it.
Yeah, their antiparking stance is as much pro-liberty as tearing down SFH zoning is in leftist cities.
Also a pro-liberty position. Zoning is anti-liberty.
Colorado didn’t legalize pot for “pro-liberty” reasons, but it was still a pro-liberty position.
Colorado didnt legalize weed. They deregulated it.
Until weed is treated the same as a commodity like bread or spoons, its not “legal”.
I’d be looking at the neighboring lots and the makeup of the zoning board.
A lot of the time, this is connected owners using the zoning boards to fuck over new buyers with low capital and forcing them into selling at below market rates. Or it’s just competitors trying to keep others out.
Also, fuck parking requirements.
Does that LatinX dude even have a certificate of mechanic need? You can’t just let people do whatever they want, there will be chaos! He’ll be letting people work on your car while not wearing 3 masks! You extremist anarchists are why we can’t be safe.
Or just look at streetview in Google Maps.
I tried to do that, but they don’t give a street address on his new location and it’s not open yet, obviously.
Sorry. 1615 Shaver St.
My take: everyone shades the story to advantage themselves and the city of Pasadena is bunch of officious bureaucrats that need to be pruned.
I don’t see any shading on the mechanic’s part, seems straight forward.
First I’ve heard of it. What a travesty.
You are personally responsible for all actions in the Houston metro area.
Well, he did demand that territory after all.
I have an investment in a boat and RV storage lot in Baytown, not too far from Pasa-get down-dena. When we were building, we were told we had to install a restroom. No other boat and RV storage places have a restroom that I am aware of. The city inspector said, “you can spend another year fighting it and maybe win, or you can do what I’d like, it’s your choice.” The city inspector died of cancer recently. Prayer really does work.
Damn straight it does!
Now where is my 10% (for the Big Guy of course)?
In the late 90s, I got a ticket for rolling a stop sign. Totally legit, I can’t complain about that. But like Joe Walsh, I still will. It was at the end of a interstate exit. There was a big “no left turn” sign there. Every morning the ramp would back up onto the interstate from U of Louisville students making a left. It was much more convenient than making the right and looping around the block. Did the cops do anything about it? Nope. But I roll the sign at midnight and a kampus kop (this was about 2 blocks off campus) gives me a ticket.
But, he wrote it up wrong. He put down the wrong intersection. The intersection listed has a traffic light, no stop sign. So I decided to fight it in court. I took pictures and etc. In court, I started questioning the officer. I asked him to show me in the picture where the stop sign I had run was. He starts talking about the other intersection. I interrupt, ask again. He starts answering the same. The Judge interrupts this time and says, “Ans-wer THEE quest-ion as it was asked.” Slow talking him, took about 30 seconds for him to get that sentence out. The PA’s eyes rolled back in his head, he figured he was about to lose a traffic case. The officer admitted that there was no stop sign in the picture and this was the intersection on the ticket.
Judge ruled, “Guilty, you probably ran a stop sign somewhere else.” That was the actual ruling. Which, you know, was accurate, but seems to me along the lines of “You didn’t murder this guy, but pretty sure you murdered someone.”
Anyway, the judge, unrelated to my case, was under investigation by the bar association for misconduct. He was probably going to be disbarred. But then he had a heart attack and died about 6 months after my case. So I figured I won.
Good job Rob.
So right now we have a trial of three police officers going on where the State is alleging that they absolutely had a duty to step in and do something to save George Floyd.
If the State wins, does that make the cop at the school board meeting subject to being charged for not stepping in?
This should be interesting.
When you’re getting your head beat in by some random dude, the cops have no legal obligation to save you. Does that somehow change when the random dude is another cop?
Never discount the power of FYTW.
Hah hah. Washington state passed a George Floyd law requiring other officers to act when they witness excessive force, yet they did nothing to Donald Sahota’s killer who is still walking around free.
It will be interesting to see if they try to charge the other cops who did nothing to keep Officer Trigger Happy from shooting Amir Locke.
I actually feel bad for the two rookie cops who are being hung out to dry for George Floyd.
That’s the disgusting thing: people being sacrificed by the corrupt machine to protect itself and virtue signal.
Sure, while worrying about the increasingly agitated and threatening crowd, and the individual overdosing on fentanyl while resisting arrest…
But the state is dishonest AF, as usual.
And stop making me defend agents of the state because the state is assho.
Moving Steel Parts 2 and 3 appear to be in the “killed by zoom” time slots today and next friday.
Looking forward to them.
You now have three right hands? Oh dear.
Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three rights make a left.
You get what you pay for.
Are you soliciting bribes?
No, he didn’t even ask.
And so do you.
You people printed my article about working on a truck.
Not exactly high level entertainment there.
Documentary Edutainment I suppose.
I don’t do zoom.
I look forward to these articles.
Fuck after that school board video, everyone really needs that the Daily Ray of Sunshine
I think that kitty is tripping balls.
Kind of young to be on a 3 day catnip bender, but yeah.
We have a cat that is less than a year old running around our house so I’m used to seeing epic levels of stupidity.
White supremacy?
French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told CNBC on Friday that the country’s decision to bet big on nuclear power was driven by geopolitical concerns and the desire to achieve “total energy independence.”
His comments come shortly after French President Emmanuel Macron pledged to build at least six new nuclear reactors in the decades to come, with the option for another eight. The move controversially places atomic power at the center of France’s bid to achieve carbon neutrality by the middle of the century.
Speaking to CNBC’s Charlotte Reed on Friday, Le Maire described the move as “the most ambitious plan for France over the last decades.”
He said scientific analysis seen by the government last year had shown it was necessary to build new nuclear plants and accelerate the deployment of renewable energies to reduce carbon emissions and achieve “total energy independence.”
How unmutual of them.
France has been way smarter about this than any other country, good on them.
It is refreshing to see a country that’s not delusional or dishonest about the fact that nuclear is probably the only realistic path to low/no emission energy without switching to something so inefficient and ineffective that it would literally move living standards back a couple hundred years.
“Wordle actually does something good. No wait…it was the lack of wordle that actually helped. Which is as it should be”
I’m convinced she didn’t pay her gigolo and he was trying to get the money from her.
Good morning, Sloop!
That dad showed amazing restraint. I can’t believe he didn’t haul off on the asshole. I also can’t believe no other dudes stepped up.
There are many things I used to not believe that the last 2 years have convinced me of.
Yeah that was the most disappointing part of the video. All the other masked cowards who didn’t say/do anything.
Got a jury summons a while back from the Travis county sheriff. Tossed it. Got a second notice. Three ways of allegedly contacting them, one of them via phone. Called the number to tell them that nobody in our housing development lives in Travis county, and that their sheriff doesn’t have jurisdiction to conscript residents of another county. After ten minutes on hold without talking to a live person, they hung up on me. So I shredded the notice.
Question – if I keep ignoring them, are they gonna eventually send sheriff’s deputies outside their jurisdiction to arrest me?
Nope, they’ll issue a bench warrant instead, and whoever finally has cause to run your identity will pick you up for them.
Depending on the stat law, they could react with anything from an indignant letter to a suspended license/voter registration.
They might. I’d contact my local sheriff’s office and tell them what happened. They’ll make a call and it’ll go away. They don’t need that shit. And also, everybody adjacent to Travis County hates Travis County officials treating everybody else like they’re less than. I’d assume that applies to LEOs.
Called the county sheriff’s office, and at least this time got immediate voice mail. Left a message explaining the situation.
Spread your seed on Friday Funbags.
Uffda. Brandeau might have some competition for “Biggest Political Tin Ear”.
St. Paul teachers voted to strike. What are they thinking. This isn’t the Old Days where they were heroes who regularly starved to death on their slave wages.
It will be an interesting test of Minnesoda Education (the teachers’ union) and their power. I know a lot of old school Democrats who hate the teachers’ union now because of their actions during the Rona.
The biggest FY to the tax payers is when the union demanded that all teachers get to jump the vax line and get jabbed like they were 80. Then when they had all gotten the vax, they still refused to go back to in person instruction.
Have I mentioned how much I hate teachers?
You ain’t the only one anymore. The bloom on that rose is definitely gone.
I’m right there with you. It’s really incredible that these organizations no longer feel the need to do PR to endear themselves to the people that they allegedly serve. How is it that all the visible people running and repping for our major institutions don’t have enough brain power to understand that their “legitimacy” is entirely based on whether or not they can trick the masses into believing it to be so. You don’t get to be incompetent, toothless AND bossy. Best case scenario you can be two of those things, but all three and people just (rightfully) start to think of you as a joke.
By the way this is in a school district that is losing students bigly.
Student population in 2017-2018 was 37,297. New enrollment is 31,900. And a projected deficit of $42.8M.
What to do? Surely not fire 1/6 of the staff and close schools. Nope, gotta get more money!
85k/ year?
Holy moly. That’s pretty damn good for 6 months of work.
Guess I was dumb to become an engineer.
My perception of teachers, even going back to my schooling in the 80’s, were they were an apathetic lot on average, with a few notable exceptions.
Teaching used to be the profession the slackers that today end up in HR or barista roles went into back when (3 months of time off!). I bet that everyone else that wasn’t a turnip had your experience.
I forget where I saw it, might have been here:
The reason people don’t respect teachers like teachers think they should be respected, is because people have 12 years of seeing teachers everyday.
Intel’s Pay-As-You-Go CPU Feature Gets Launch Window
Oh good. More software locked hardware. And also proof that yields on most mature chips are quite good and the differentiations are artificially created.
It’s all about recurring revenue streams and you never actually owning what you paid a small fortune for.
Why would anyone buy that?
Because you know that hacks will be released soon and you will get a big upgrade for free?
It’s only in their enterprise space right now.
Most enterprises aren’t going to want to have that hack break at 2:00am on some software update. Plus the whole deep pockets and prefer not to sued thing.
But I’m sure Intel would love to try this on the small business and personal space at some point.
I’m not so sure. The PC market turns over chip generations exceedingly fast compared to enterprise.
I see this as a server farm hardware thing. Scaling expense to the application needs and repurposing when required.
It will be interesting to see where it goes.
It seems to be an economy of scale issue for Intel. I get why they’re doing it. They’re reducing their manufacturing skus.
RIght. But after the process matures it means there is no reason to have that many SKUs.
Intel is absolutely awful about artificially constraining its hardware. Crippled support chipsets, changing sockets only to eliminate backward compatibility and the like.
I understand Intel’s desire to reduce chip variants. At least this scheme isn’t as bad as when a 486SX was a 486DX with the FPU disabled by removing the pins. You could then buy a FPU that was a 486DX with an extra pin that you put into a second slot which took control from the 486SX.
“Abortions in Texas fell 60% in 1st month under new limits”
Don’t you realize that all those minority babies not being aborted is white supremacy!?
Most pro baby murder people think this is an actual effective argument:
‘you guys hate minorities, why do you want to stop abortions?’
Can confirm. I have actually had this one thrown at me before. They can only strawman opposing sides. The same friend didn’t believe me when I told him the results of a Cato poll years ago that showed that progressives scored by far the worst on a test that had them identify the actual positions of other groups. They literally can’t understand how people can think differently than them. Like, they’re actually incapable.
We need more of them for when we finally put them back in chains as Joe has warned.
The Green presidential candidate, Yannick Jadot, said via Twitter on Thursday that Macron’s move would condemn France to “energy and industry obsolescence,” adding that it was “irresponsible” to push ahead with the plans “without any debate and for a cost equivalent to the budget of the public hospital.”
Cry harder.
We all know it was his massive Big Mac shits, which required a poop knife.
Well we can all trust Maggie. She was one of the brave journalos who saved our country by telling the truth about Trump and the Russians.
Without Trump, Haberman has no career.
Inflation kicking people in the ass is a real problem.
I had my annual performance review just the other day, and I pointed out that the raise I got, which I was told was quite high based on my performance and was in the top 10% for the company (most other such raises were for management types that do nothing), but amounted to only 2/3 of the exiting inflation number, left me with less earnings now than I did before. My boss started explaining that the company would adjust for inflation next year – basically admitting they expect to give everyone not connected a pay cut for now – and ended up giving a rant about how he now was seriously worried he was going to lose his top talent and for me to warn him if I intend to bail to make more money elsewhere.
I will make this work for me regardless of what happens, but I am wondering how hard people that are not going to get a decent performance based raise will end up taking it in the ass. Losing 5-7% of your buying power, even if you get a raise, kind of leaves me feeling a lot of people will be taking it in the ass this year. I wonder how many of them will understand why they are getting hammered, but I am worried all we will get is even more people asking for more government free shit…
Yeah I am not looking forward to that meeting soon.
I want unions to go die in a fire. I’ve belonged to a dozen of them and they have all proven useless.
Not as many, but I’ve worked in a union workplace (in a union position) and seen the warts too. Makes me chuckle when these wet behind the ears babes trying to unionize Starbucks or other places display their naïveté about how it’s going to end up.
Congrats btw on your victory and since coffee is on you today, claim your song.
Thanks, Friend! If any of you reprobates don’t understand, Festus won his running battle with borg-corp. They will be paying me all of the OT that I’m owed. Never stop, never kneel, never surrender. Small victories are still victories. It was hard but I kept my groin to the grind-stone and came out ahead. You can do it too!
great news!
That’s fantastic, Festus. Great job.
Yay Festus!!!! ?????
Is that pubic Pie? A man needs to know.
You can take it however you want.
I shall!
Nicely done!
It has been a chore but I’m nothing if not bull-headed.
Sometimes stubbornness pays off.
how he now was seriously worried he was going to lose his top talent
Stated vs revealed preference
warn him if I intend to bail to make more money elsewhere
FY, show me the money.
I wonder how many of them will understand why they are getting hammered
Nope. My idiot on the street (twitter comments on inflation stories is people will either blame greedy corporations who are Scrooge Mcducking it or on Bidenomics. One out of a hundred will blame the money printer going brrrr.
It has been frightening to me how many supposedly highly educated people seem to be so “misinformed” on the causes of inflation, If I got $5 for every time some moron told me the problem was solely because of the Kung Flu lockdowns and that it would immediately go away once the economy picked up I would break even financially. People that know the problem is cause by the fact that our government has put too much money in circulation and that this will exacerbate things even more once the economy tries to get going, seems to be so few that it worries me. The educational system have dumbed down basic life skills for a reason. If people don’t grasp basic civics or economic principles, they can be told whatever lies the people in power want them to believe with enough of a success rate that the people in power can get away with fucking everyone over constantly.
To be fair, I dont think most people understood the basics of inflation before 2020.
When I mention inflation, hyperinflation, and govt monetary policy peoples eyes glaze over. I usually give simple grocery store price examples to make my point and move on.
Additionally, the govt admitting inflation is 7.5% means that the real inflation number is higher. Most products I buy have 10%+ price increases.
Even with the retro contract and promotion, I’m not sure I’m going to have broken even.
Our company’s process has us deciding on annual raises in the next two weeks. I’m going to be pointing out the inflation rate in my discussions with my superiors about my staff, and they damn well better understand that I’m also talking about *my* annual adjustment.
I need to download the official month-by-month numbers to have them at the ready.
If you work for a large company like I do, you will find HR is well aware of the inflationary loss of spending power hitting the employees, but instead of correcting for it, are using it as a foil to change company expenses in their favor, usually by articulating that they are kicking the problem to the next year…
We’re a small company and we’re having a very hard time keeping up. 🙁
I’m currently hiring for an engineering position in an area of the country where there is a significant premium for chemical engineers, and the inflation rate is pushing up the salary requirements beyond what our HR policies allow. It’s getting ugly. They are going to have to recognize this is a problem, especially when we can’t hire people without placing them at a significantly higher number than existing employees in similar roles.
Fire the HR staff. That’ll free up the needed funds.
We have a very lean HR staff for our size company. If we got rid of any, 100% of the load of hiring and handling benefits would be on managers, which is unsustainable in the regulated world in which we live.
In a sane world they would do this shit, but considering the HR department exists to protect the company from its employees, none of them will go there.
(sheepishly raises hand) I’ll do it for minimum wage for the first year if y’all give me OJT to bring me up to speed. I have no formal training or degree, but I do have my own clipboard, lab coat, and hardhat.
Honestly, if you are able to move to the New Orleans area, we are going to have some operations jobs available in the next 6-14 months that I’m sure you would be great for. And the pay is way above minimum wage. I can give you more info on the Zoom if you want.
And he can brief me on the Glibs Anniversary Project progress!
It’s also “if inflation hurts us enough that we have to RIF, then maybe driving some voluntary reductions this way will keep us from having to do any involuntaries”.
The problem here is that the reductions will be done because the competent people that are able to get paid elsewhere, leave. I know, most companies, but especially the real big ones, don’t really care that they have a swath of less productive dumb fucks left as their workforce, but that has to hurt just the same and cause even more people to have to be let go.
Plus, when they do realize in a year or two that they need to add staff to fill the holes they created, they’ll find it harder and significantly more expensive to do so.
The senior leadership that got promoted because of all the Powerpoint slides showing them saving the company money in the short term won’t care. The promote incompetence upwards racket will see them moving to bigger and better things, and some new rubes will be left to deal with that problem anyway…
Yeah. But the (both spoken and unspoken) thinking is “well your job will just be to mitigate that”.
Right now I’m just the one waving the flag for all this in our org. My HR partner, to her credit, gets it. Rest of the leadership is a mix of “doesn’t get it” and “wants it to happen”.
Mine will be soon, Raises are as of April 1. Or pay period on or about then. April 1 is a Friday and payday, so starting with next period.
I figure I am not getting a full raise, as I just started with company in July, not sure how there policy works, but figure I should get about 2/3rds of the standard. With inflation at 7.5%, I would need 5% to be staying even. Not sure how they are going to handle it, but its a good test to see how good of a company they really are. So far, I haven’t been upset at anything.
It’s a hell of a thing.
My old job they would give an automatic cpi MINUS 1 percent.
Tried to tell everyone they were slowly getting impoverished unless they kept moving up in other ways. Which most were doing.
That seems like a good way to quickly have only the worst available staff.
Well, it was the government.
Makes sense then.. Government is about slowly making us all serfs…
Of course.
7News: “South Australians are being warned they will likely need a FOURTH COVID vaccine within months.”
Remember, if you’re triple dosed and decline a mandatory fourth, you’re now an “anti-vaxxer.”
They are poking the bear. Do they really think that the truckers up here are going to give up?
*Honk Honk*
They aren’t poking a bear, they are poking at the corpse of a bear. This one won’t fight back.
Agreed. Oz have up any semblance of freedom back when they surrendered their right to bear arms. After that, this and every other crap restriction was a foregone conclusion.
The money wizards at the Fed will twiddle some knobs and flip a few switches, and PRESTO! the economy will run as smoothly as a Swiss watch.
Have faith.
I heard that the people that create the crack smoking kits, in an attempt to bring back some honor to themselves after the whole Hunter crack pipe collectable fiasco, have proposed a government inflation kit… It consists of a box of Kleenex to wipe your tears, a pillow to bite, and a 55 gallon drum of lube…
Is this package need based? I don’t want to get screwed out a free one just because I already buy my own drums of lube.
Hmmm. I remember 1982 like it was just yesterday… Sure did suck to be a high school graduate with absolutely no options. Keep it up Joe, we’re banking on you!
Yeah, ’82 was when I was joining the official workforce. You had to scramble to get any job and your employer knew they could fire your ass for whatever reason and get another worker by the end of the shift.
Not fun at all.
On the other hand, I bet a lot of HR types would love to go back to that environment. Too many of them are resentful as fuck because right now the employees have all the power. I mean, they went to college and got a degree! Sure it was in French Literature, but they are still way more valuable to the corporation than some idiot who went to a trade school to become an electrician. Or some snot nosed kid who went to a 10 week coding camp! Why are they getting big signing bonuses and way more salary than they are!
Yeah, I am wondering how much longer people with useless college degrees, especially those deep under water with loan debt, will be seen as good assets by employers. I guess as long as the HR types come from that pool of idiots, they have a vested interest on keeping this idea that a college degree is a good gating mechanism alive. But many people outside of HR are already pushing back and pointing out college degrees today, unless they are in STEM or other disciplines that require the participant to actually learn something real and of value, no longer have the gravitas they had even 5 years ago.
I guess the credentialed elite class has a vested interest in keeping the college racket going, but sooner than later this thing will be such a drag that anyone that isn’t protected by a government legislated monopolistic system will have to start looking elsewhere for talent.
Why does this watch say Lorex?
My favorite was that they weren’t worried about inflation in the last until it started hitting the labor market.
Better put the brakes on that shit.
Really tells you just who runs things. *Adjusts monocle*
Price increases dont vote. Unemployed sometimes do vote.
Has Brandeau made his move yet and sending in the brute squad? Because the more I think of it, the more he looks just like Humperdinck from Princess Bride
I’ve started to refer to him as “Castreau” to see if it catches on.
I like it.
Seen that floating around the twitters…enough that a fact check was done that he is NOT Castros son lol
I’ve only seen the rebuttals to the fact checks pointing out the evidence the fact checkers appear to have ignored.
And it’s big evidence…The fact checkers say “the Trudeaus never had an official trip to Cuba until 1976 so he can’t be Castro’s son” and the rebuttals say “well, that’s true, but consider that they *did* make a trip to the Caribbean during the correct time frame and rather suspiciously redacted *only one* of their destinations, leaving all others public.”
Ha! I figured it was a play on words about him being a powerless castrated asshole. Forgot about is mom’s round heels.
a fact check was done that he is NOT Castros son
Show me the DNA test.
He’s so far up his own ass that he is doubling down. There will be blood.
Hallo, My name is Inigo Montoya. You keeled my economy. Prepare to die!
I’m surprised Twitter hasn’t shut down Rebel News.
I mean the best move is to kill the vaccine mandate.
But if he caves will the uppity working class think they have a say again?
Best move right now is to actually meet them at their line. He is treating it as an occupying force
He seems unwilling to lose face and so this thing is gonna have a horrible ending.
Has he not already lost face? He fled when they came to Ottawa. That seems shameful.
Minnesoda laughs at your idea of shame!
We elected this guy governor AFTER he fled like a giant coward
It would certainly undermine the last 2 years of “educating” people to bend the knee..
As a cash buyer, I should be rooting for the Fed to tank the real estate market with a big rate increase.
I’m trying to maximize my leverage before the rates get totally fucked so I can put my cash to work at a nice differential. We’ll see if that works. Things are already up half a percent in like 2 weeks.
Canada really trying to out Australia, Australia
Pure scare tactics while trying to appear “helpful.”
Cops are not playing this right. People will remember.
I’m unsure also what they’re trying to accomplish here. Are they trying to drum up support now?
They’re trying to keep people from showing up or showing support out of fear of being targeted by the authorities.
“We’re watching you.”
“Cops are not playing this right. People will remember.”
Like they remember being lied into all the wars? Like they remember what the drug war has done? I think you’re being optimistic. The left went from “defund the police” to “sic all the police on the domestic terrorists” in 6 months. The right isn’t anymore principled. The second they can send in billy clubs to beat any perceived threat over the head, they’ll do it. They’ll be some people like us that have principles and long-term memories, but history tells us we’re never in the majority.
No matter what the state does there are always apologists for them.
Yeah, there’s certainly no chilling effect on free speech when the state sends armed agents to your home to let you know they’re reading your public posts.
Wow! I thought hottie CA cops were only on television – https://youtu.be/GtBJ8T14bU0
I thought this was a page from the limey playbook.
They all look alike
My wife always goes on about this…
‘if they’re from the same island, why are Brits so ugly and Aussies so good looking?’
Your wife is incorrect. I’m too sexy for my shirt. Too sexy for my shirt. So sexy it hurts (that your wife is wrong).
Given that she picked me, she clearly has impeccable taste, so it’s not as though I can disagree with her.
At least it’s a cute fascist cop.
OPP Officer in Ontario pays visit to personal residence after noting she commented on anti mandate protest. Admits to monitoring online activity.
I’ll be honest. She seems harmless. I’d invite her in.
I saw that earlier. She’s so *nice* about it. “We’re just sharing information about lawful protests and making sure you know your rights.”
“I do know my rights. I have a copy of the Canadian Charter right here.”
lol exactly
The appalling part of it, to me, is they say “we want you to know your rights” as a way of saying “we will prosecute you for exercising your rights if they’re near the edge of being unacceptable, and you’ll have to answer to us and our masters.”
The process is the punishment, and there’s a chance that the process may result in new case law further restricting those “rights” they wanted to “inform” you about.
Can I just say this is giving the governments fits because whomever is organizing this is doing it perfectly. No real violence. This thing is such a stark contrast to BLM and pretty much the only non-left protest I can remember in my life other than the pro-life march. And the only one that copied the “occupy” model for sure.
Not wearing her mask (well, not on her face), anyway. Tut tut.
She should have at least held it in her hand for maximum protection (according to noted health expert Gavin Newsome)
I have no idea why that is a defense of him violating his mask rules.
Or held her breath as per the mayor of LA.
Reason #101 I’m not watching any Olympics. I can’t even understand what this headline means.
NBC’s Todd Richards torches halfpipe judges for controversial Ayumu Hirano score
Snowboard halfpipe – you get 3 runs down the hill. Best run wins, other 2 are discarded.
Hirano’s second run was out of this world crazy, including launching himself some 24 feet up in the air. Judges gave him a score that put him in second. The announcers and fellow boarders were absolutely slackjawed. It’s all good, because the kid duplicated it on the third run, got a good score, and won the event.
Nice to have a happy ending!
That’s my problem with all sports that require judges . . . I hate the lack of objectivity.
Pet peeve – Style points in Skiing Long jump. I don’t give a shit what they looked like in the air, who jumped the furthest? I get making them have to stick the landing. But that’s about it.
To be fair, there is a strong correlation between distance and the style score. But yes, I agree.
Yes, long jump is much less interesting with style points.
Further, here’s what the entire longjump handbook should be:
1. Jump the farthest
2. Stick the landing
3. No Wing suits
4. No propulsion devices.
5. Start at place designated.
6. Cute Young women just jump naked. 6 inches may be added to their jump for screwing the official.
Just a bit out of tune
Folks tired of paying higher prices for pretty much everything shouldn’t expect help anytime soon from the Federal Reserve.
Even though the central bank is about to embark on an inflation-fighting strategy, the impact won’t be felt for months or longer, economists say.
That’s because the Fed can’t order prices to go lower. All it can do is tighten up the money supply and trust that things will go well from there. The central bank does that through interest rate hikes, which are expected to start up in March and — ultimately — bring down the cost of living.
There’s another problem: This is not your garden-variety inflation cycle, which is generally driven by big jumps in credit. Instead, much of the current situation has come thanks to unprecedented infusions of cash that flowed directly from the federal government through pandemic-related payments to households, and indirectly from the Fed and the amount of money it has pumped into the economy through lending and liquidity programs, along with near-zero short-term interest rates.
The conundrum for the Fed will be in making sure the cure isn’t worse than the disease, that its inflation-fighting rate cuts don’t send the economy reeling and hurt the people at the lower end of the income spectrum that the aggressive spending policies were aimed at helping.
“Can the Fed bring down inflation? Yes, it absolutely can,” Blitz said. “But the question is, what happens next? It’s a question of time.”
You know what can fix this? A good old fashioned world war.
Why do we put the organization that most benefits from government debt and inflation in charge of stopping it?
Best move right now is to actually meet them at their line. He is treating it as an occupying force
Go old school. Invite the leaders to parley, and put their heads on pikes along the parapet.
The black helicopters will come unpiloted.
Sitting on the runway in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, one of Sikorsky’s pilots in an S-70™ BLACK HAWK® helicopter flips the optionally piloted cockpit switch from two to zero, exits the aircraft and walks across the runway.
So far almost 700K people have viewed this clip of Smith on Rogan.
From the comments:
The Saudis are still fighting the Houthis? Or a different Yemeni war?
SSD prices could spike after Western Digital loses 6.5 billion gigabytes of NAND chips
Glad I already bought my laptop.
Gawd I love laughing at politicians’ discomfort. Boston Mayor gets, like, totes awk.
“Why don’t they love me?”
It’s just so funny. Usually I hate watching awkward situations happening to other people, but when it happens to a politician? It’s like the most delicious candy.
I am probably going to Boston next month for work.
I will not participate in the voodoo theater, even though I am vaxxed.
Hope I don’t have to spend my evenings in my hotel room getting food delivered.
The one that really pisses me off is the USS Constitution.
I have wanted to see it ever since I can remember.
“I love snow”
That’s their mayor?
Hilarious. Is it even considered getting ratioed if it’s 100% against you? Unfortunately, the only lesson she’ll learn from this is to never engage the public without using her fawning propaganda arm known as the corporate press to act as a filter to get rid of all those icky people who don’t appreciate how amazing she is.
Now available: https://www.sigsauer.com/p210-carry.html
I don’t get it. Who’s gonna be carrying this?
Wouldn’t even qualify as a BBQ gun.
Do you shoot your BBQ often?
+1 ND while arranging the meat and gun show
You never know. You could be minding you own business one day when suddenly you’re assaulted buy criminals who are wearing armor with a single 2″ gap in it. From 200 yards away.
haven’t thought about gecko45 in a few years
It’s good looking, but pretty low in practicality. Sort of like me.
Gun Jesus goes to the range with an Arc Flash Gauss gun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAHKS0nVlL4
To be fair, if Trump said they weren’t ‘Top Secret’ they weren’t ‘Top Secret’.
The President is the ultimate arbiter of classification.
It is, at worst, a protocol violation.
And that is if it is even remotely true. You’re (not you Bob) telling me after four years and two impeachments this was never brought up until a year after his presidency by people who say they say it, I pinky swear.
Considering how “classified” is now more likely to mean something that might embarrass someone powerful than it does a genuine national security secret, I find it almost impossible to get worked up about this. They intelligence community stopped taking it seriously first.
Democrats are liars, so I dont believe that Trump violated any federal law.
Years and years of every Lefty and their crazy momma trying to find criminal violations by Trump and nuthin.
I’m surprised this hasn’t shown up.
Autopsy report says Bob Saget had Covid-19 and died as a result of blunt head trauma
I know the head trauma was mentioned, but now we have another unfortunate COVID death instead.
Well, it’s not autoerotic asphyxiation as I thought.
A pratfall did him in.
I now believe someone snuck into his room, whacked him on the back of the head, and then let themselves out. Just for fun.
It was Stamos. Clearly he couldn’t stand that Bob was the funnyman.
To be fair, funny guy on Full House is a low bar.
I contend it was that ventriloquist guy.
I’d argue the funny guy was the Olsen Twins.
Perfect. It’s agreed then. The Olsen Twins did it.
Not agreed, I like the Stamos broke in and tea bagged him too hard theory.
There are a whole lot of things wrong with that law, beginning with the fact that at 6 weeks, most women don’t even know they’re pregnant.
Now look. I think getting an elective abortion for convenience’s sake is pretty damn awful, and doing it past a gestational age of viability is flat evil, but that law has me seeing red. There HAS to be some bodily autonomy in there somewhere for the mother.
There is, unless she was raped she had boldly autonomy at the very beginning of the process.
Yes. Yes, that is true.
Now, I have not read the law or what its exclusions are, but some pregnancies don’t come about because one was just careless or neglectful.
What’s the saying? Foreseeable consequences are not unintended?
Personally, I draw the line at viability – call it 22 weeks.
Hasnt there been a few cases of as early as 19 weeks?
There HAS to be some bodily autonomy in there somewhere for the mother.
Meh. Killing people is never going to be “bodily autonomy”, no matter how much the feminist blood cult wants it to be.
for the what?
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy has conceded that January 6th was a ‘violent insurrection,’ saying he agreed with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s description of that day.
‘No one would disagree with that,’ McCarthy told reporters on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
I look forward to seeing him getting denied the speaker position.
MTG for speaker?
Denying these people the title of head bossy-pants is the only message they actually understand.
Its like the Repub leadership is sitting around, going “We have an historic blowout on the table for November. We need to really piss off our base. What’s the best way to do that?”
Yes, I don’t understand these idiots at all.
I understand them perfectly.
The voters aren’t their bosses. They get their walking orders from the agencies.
Don’t forget corporate donors and this guy!
theyre called RINOs. They are democrats who cant get elected so they run as “Republicans”.
We have that big time here in Georgia.
Then there are RINOs like Liz Cheney who are trying to dirty the Republican name as long as she can. These Democrats know that few conservatives would run as Democrats just to sabotage the Democrat Party.
Dude! If they don’t do something and do it NOW they are going to be elected into a position of responsibility!!!!!
Who wants that? If you have power the stupid voters will expect results. Remember how shitty it was when they got elected on a promise to repeal Obamacare? And how mad the voters were when they couldn’t do that despite controlling the House, the Senate and the Oval Office?
Dealing with Rona shit is going to be 10 times worse than that. And don’t tell me you can count on Joe to veto everything you pass. He’s so senile he might actually sign one of your bills.
Nope we gotta torpedo this shit and continue living the good life of the Loyal Opposition.
I don’t know if this is optimistic or pessimistic, but I think their base will remain highly motivated. I think their old leadership guys they can’t stand, but everyone else is set.
Today I go see my friend to tell her goodbye. I am not looking forward to this. My husband went to see her last night and she asked him to say the closing prayer at her funeral, which just tore him up.
I didn’t realize that she was conscious. I thought she was just being maintained, unconscious, on a ventilator.
I’m so sorry to hear that.
No, she’s got a trach and is on a respirator. Communication involves a lot of lip-reading and some signing, but she’s fully conscious and in her faculties.
But her body’s starting to shut down and her lungs are shot. On the day, they will give her something that will make her go to sleep and then remove the respirator.
Sorry Moj, that has to be rough.
So sorry Mojeaux
Uffda. So sorry.
You will give one last gift to your friend. Its not always easy to do the good and right thing.
Stay strong, you’ll be in my prayers.
That’s rough. So sorry, Mojeaux.
Sorry, Mo.
So sorry to hear Mojeaux.
Sorry to hear it. Must be so hard…
When she first woke up and came off the ventilator (in favor of the trach), she wasn’t all there yet. I went to visit her and she asked me to roll up my car outside her window and help her escape out the window and take her home. It makes me smile a little. Since then she has regained her faculties and just rolled her eyes when I mentioned it.
I never know if it is better to know and to have time to say goodby or to just painlessly go unexpectedly in one’s sleep
It’s heartbreaking either way.
Ouch! I’m sorry to hear that.
So sorry. Tough to say goodbye like that; she will move on knowing she had good friends.
I’m so sorry. ::virtual hug::
Be strong for her.
That’s tough, my best wishes.
Yuck. So sorry Mojo. Almost everyone that I knew that died did it suddenly. Good wishes to you and I’m sorry for your loss.
Dave Chappelle personally came to a city council meeting and threatened to remove his $65m dollars of investments from his city if they allowed a developer to move forward with an affordable housing program.
I’m of mixed emotion on this. On one hand, it’s the developer’s property to do with whatever he wants. On the other, Chappelle’s plowing some serious money into investments in the town that he probably doesn’t want to see undermined by bringing in a bunch of poor people.
I’m inclined to wonder how much the “affordable housing” was something the developer wanted versus a demand imposed on them anyway. In which case, I’d imagine their reaction would be something akin to “Darn you, Dave Chappelle. Now we’ll have to sell our homes without offering our customers the enriching experience of living next to transients and the poor. Curses.”
BTW, it turns out this story had nothing to do with “affordable housing” and is a bullshit narrative.
It’s sort of like with Rogan they’re desperately looking for an alternate way to cancel him from previously pissing off the left wing. They cant let it go.
As I understand it, the developer originally wanted to build single-family homes on the land and it was zoned as such. Then the village went to the developer and asked them to include the “affordable” housing (supposedly about $100K less than the single-family home cost, so not really “poor” people). So the developer created the new plan at the village’s request and that plan needed council approval. The developer spent time and money to come up with a new plan at the village’s request only to have it not get approved. I wouldn’t blame the developer to send a bill to the village; also to go forward with the original approved plan to build single-family homes. The homes will probably sell.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say all those requirements for “affordable housing” make housing less affordable for most people.
Are you saying government programs might exacerbate the problem they were created to solve?
You need reeducation.
Matthew Yglesias
It’s in fact critically important that the world not allow democratic self-government to be replaced by heckler’s veto by whichever faction happens to own larger vehicles.
It’s in fact critically important that the world not allow democratic self-government to be replaced by heckler’s veto by whichever faction happens to own larger printing presses
They’re the ones who wanted to make it a power struggle with no objective truth to agree on.
We’re the captains now.
I found this to be so so rich from them.
‘The man, unable to present a valid carry license, was taken into custody for interrogation ‘
He didn’t have his pocket constitution on him?
I like the light mount.
About to get ugly north of the border…
Burning and looting, on the other hand, go unpunished.
I guess lardass has ended his vacation.
Still no Twink sightings, however. Can’t get too close to the action.
I thought he showed up in Parliament only to get mocked.
That was great.
Nice to be able to rewrite the rules whenever the serfs figure out the game.
Now they are committed and absolutely cannot give up.
If they give up without a big win, they’ll be hunted down individually and punished like Jan 6 “insurrectionists”.
Kinsella is dropping sick beats now
one and a half hours? aint nobody got time for that
Prepare for physical removal
Attn: Tres
Zero carbs.
That makes no scientific sense to me.
Piss water with less piss.
Ah I get it. Alcohol is not *technically* a carbohydrate.
It’s just tantamount to one.
Ah, marketing.
I’m intrigued. When I went Keto for the lady, the only times I really cheated were drinking with friends. I love a good craft beer. But, unlike many here, I’m fine with cheap light beer too, In fact, I prefer it in situations where I plan on pounding things down (for instance when I’m at the Indy 500 and want to drink all day).
I’ve also started drinking more cheap beer because I don’t feel like the premium for most Craft brews is worth it (for me, you do you.)
Alcohol seems like it would halt ketosis immediately, whether carb-free or not.
Ah ok. I looked it up.
You can have one alcoholic carb-free drink, and it will only slow down but not halt ketosis.
My laboratory tests have concluded hard liquor is just dandy with Keto. No problems.
Although, typically I won’t drink until a couple hours after eating dinner.
why? it is processed in the liver does it generate glucose?
“”The liver will start to process alcohol as quickly as possible, which means it is used by the body before all other nutrients, including fat,”
I don’t know the science behind it all. But, I didn’t mind being knocked out of Ketosis per se . . .It’s that once I had Cards and Sugars again, the cravings for them came back in force. It really is an addiction.
Agreed. I’ve done it before and it feels like you can get hooked in like one day.
Is it as bad as cheese addiction though?
It’s probably slightly worse than crack, but only slightly.
You can lose weight on a crack addiction though.
I haven’t tried the crack diet yet.
Ever sucked dick for a Snickers?
I’m easy but I ain’t cheap.
It generates acetate, so your body uses that instead of metabolizing fat.
I will never understand light beer or low calorie ice cream.
It’s not supposed to be good for you, you are supposed to enjoy it.
And don’t even get me started on the travesty that is frozen yogurt.
Ron Swanson. Dear frozen yogurt: you are the celery of desserts. Be ice cream or nothing. Zero stars.
A greater man has never lived.
Also, those things aren’t really healthier.
Low calorie ice cream just has less fat so you eat more sugar.
A “light beer” is like 20 calories different. So if you drink a 4 or 5 maybe you’re saving an apple’s worth.
2 things to say . . .
1. When I say light beer, I really mean cheap domestic Lager. It can be Miller Lite, High Life, Old Style. I’m fine with most any of them.
2. I’m not doing it for my health. I just drank enough of it in college that I like that flavor when I’m drinking to get drunk and for a long duration. Drinking some Stout or IPA is good with dinner, but not my thing for all day drinking.
Stout or anything dark feels too much like a meal in itself to have with dinner. “IPA” generally tastes awful. I don’t even drink any more I just wanted to share my opinions on the internet so people could tell me I am wrong.
The IPA is really improved by adding pineapple to it.
I have heard many people say this, but I never had that problem.
Now that I am 50 and have a tendency to get headaches when I drink more than four beers I no longer drink 6-12 at a time.
When I was younger, I could drink any beer all day long.
Once I bought a 3 case value pack of Guinness at Sam’s club (it was cheap and I thought it would last a while) and drank it in a weekend.
I no longer wish to live with the cinnamon girl.
She does not, as it turns out, have a heart of gold
Dude should be called Neil Old. I mean look at him.
Ps “internal server error” prevented me from posting that hilarious barb three times.
Totally lit ad is obviously completely factual…
My new ad, ‘Scars and Bars.’
Here in Louisiana and all around the South, it feels like Jim Crow never left and the remnants of the Confederacy remain.
I do believe the South will rise again, but this time, it’ll be on our terms.
It’s so Jim Crow that a black guy can run for senate…And yes we should condemn the Democratic Party’s history of disenfranchisement.
Eh, there are some legit backwaters in the South, particularly Mississippi. Don’t know it’s as bad a Jim eagle, but definitely some racists in some areas.
In Eustis FL, about a half hour north of Orlando, I went to a bar with a black coworker.
I was told by the bartender, they “didn’t like his kind” referring to my friend. This was in 1993.
I was flabbergasted, never having dealt with that in the Marine Corps, so we went to a different place.
But seriously, what the hell?
Same thing in Phoenix circa 1990. We had a group lunch (engineers) that walked into a pub-type establishment. They staff gave a black guy in the group a bad time. We all walked out and went someplace different.
I moved to NC before my family did in 2005.
I went to a restaurant in Elizabeth City many times, always had great service from an older waitress.
Took my wife (Japanese) and the same waitress never refilled our glasses or checked on us. Thought she was having a bad day.
Next time, it happened again, and I noticed she was doing an excellent job with the other tables.
My wife, who is not oversensitive, said the waitress was giving her the side eye.
Never went back.
I despise racists.
The voters aren’t their bosses. They get their walking orders from the agencies.
That may be there or not. I’ve always assumed the real answer is that they think it’s them. The Mitch McConnells and Kevin McCarthys of the world think there’s some sort of groundswell of support for their leadership out there, rather than that they just happen to be from safe seats and affiliated with brands for which there is an actual appetite out there for. So, for them, Donald Trump or the Tea Parties or whatever are as much competing power centers for them than the Democrats
Moldbug on the press
Because a democratic journal is not a true organ of power, but has no role other than to incite the base (whether for profit or for conviction), it tends to ignore the kinds of qualifiers to official legitimacy that the prestige press has developed—like obsessive fact-checking. Whether fact-checking actually makes the press more trustworthy can be doubted, but this is not its value—which is to maintain an internal esprit de corps, a sense of righteousness behind the assertion of infallibility, providing the right to rule. All these spandrels of the prestige press are part of the ritual of state, as unnecessary as it is essential.
linking is harder than dead-lifting
Blue Links Matter!!
Allow me.
do you even lift bro?
Thanks brah
Moldbug on Rogan might actually make the world implode.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is encouraging the prospect of protesting trucker convoys to make their way into the United States and “clog up cities.”
“I’m all for it,” Paul told The Daily Signal on Thursday. “Civil disobedience is a time-honored tradition in our country, from slavery to civil rights, to you name it. Peaceful protest, clog things up, make people think about the mandates.”
“And some of this, we started,” the Republican explained. “We put [COVID-19] mandates on truckers coming across the border from Canada so they put mandates on, and the truckers are annoyed. They’re riding in a cab by themselves, most of them for eight, 10-hour long hauls, and they just want to do what they want to do. It’s their own business.”
“It’d be great, but the thing is, it wouldn’t shut the city down because the government workers haven’t come to work in two years anyway,” Paul snarked. “I don’t know if it’ll affect D.C. It’d be a nice change. We’d actually have some traffic.”
“I hope the truckers do come to America,” he emphasized. “I hope they clog up cities.”
I think it will peter out here. Too many states just don’t have oppressive covid rules any more.
But I’d love to be wrong.
You’re probably right. It’s like the State withdrawing an unlawful regulation/policy/practice when challenged in court and faced with censure. The challengers spend their money and time, and the State gets no rebuke other than having to find another way around. In the meantime, the restriction has been in place long enough that it might become realatively accepted in some circles.
State of emergency declared in Ottowa.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.
So what the fuck is he gonna do? Military already said no and there aren’t enough cops to do jack shit.
Prediction: he’s going to try to use the lever (Fed Gov, not his own) of socialized healthcare to force them.
He can’t do it, but has allies that can try.
Foreign troops or mercenaries?
These people are out of their damned minds. The responses were even supportive of aggression. Who the hell in their right mind thinks starting a war against your own countrymen is anything other than stupid, destructive and dangerous? Is there ever a story that ends with, “and they violently suppressed the peaceful protesters and everyone lived happily ever after”? Especially when you rely on those protesters for your food and fuel and every element of your life.
A: You assume the cheering section consists entirely of canukistanis. It does not.
B: Twitter is skewed towards a fringe minority having banned most mainstream views and all conservative views from the platform.
?. Every where outside of Twitter, the ratio seems to go in the exact opposite direction. It looks like the tide is finally turning and people are done with the COVID nonsense. I can’t imagine that footage of military and militarized police going to town on a bunch of women and children is going to play well with the general populace around the world no matter how the corporate media tries to spin it.
Oh, I like these people.
Further down was this:
Is that real?
If so, what a twit.
Or should I say twink?
I need to take my small victory and leave the table. I hope that you Glibs have a wonderful one!