I got nothing for sports today. Just…nothing. Sorry.

“Right. That’s hate speech. Off to jail.”
This makes sense, I suppose. Why transport them to a gulag when you can just fence them in and create one where they already are? What a bunch of fascist pricks.
“I’ll see you, Chicago. And raise you.” I take it the people whose businesses got looted will have to file an insurance claim. And yes, I am against excessive use of force. I’m just not sure the action here, which is basically fleecing the taxpayers for the bad actions of a couple officers, is the right way to go about this. Fire the cops, take away their immunity, and take the money for this from their collective pension funds.
The country is seeing the light. Just in time for the midterms! What a hell of a coincidence.
“Police arrest hobbyist for no reason.” At least that would be the headline in a sane world. Because literally everything he had is legal to purchase.
Kick the can- government style. This was inevitable, I suppose. Which is why all 65 of them should be voted out of office.
I bet the coverage on this is different than that of the Canadian truckers. But that’s just a hunch. I’m sure I could be wrong…but I’m not.
Yeah…no shit. I wonder if there’s enough time for them to put the genie back in the bottle? Voters can be stupid, after all. But I don’t think they’ll be able to do enough to stem the tide this time. They’ve ruined too many lives.

Tragic stupidity.
This case is going to be a shitshow. Yes, you have a right to defend yourself. No, you do not have a right to shoot at a vehicle you think your attacker may have climbed into.
Here’s a solid song. And if that’s a bit too agro, then try this one out. They’re both outstanding.
Now get out there and enjoy Friday and the long weekend, dear friends.
Mr Trudeau, Tear down this wall!
Response (while in blackface): You are lucky we have no nukes or we would hit you with them!
I have altered the deal. Pray I do not alter it further, yo.
Response (while acting like Hitler): We dont have protesting here in Canada unless its state actors trying to further Communist goals.
Response (while wearing a crown): “I don’t read the newspapers, I don’t watch the news. I figure, if something important happens, someone will tell me.”
whaddup doh
It’s paycheck Fridee!
I got a Fridee night, get right!, honkytonk attitude.
Wait for me, Nick
I got two! (one was for my ski instructor gig aka beer money)
How big can a cache be before it becomes an arsenal?
When you have a building with the express purpose of storing weapons built for it?
If you have a fence around that, does it upgrade to a stockpile?
I’d think so, yes.
Doesn’t that require a wooden or stone enclosure and at least an attempt to also put a moat with sharks with lasers or crocodiles with rocket launchers around your facility?
When it becomes overrated and accomplishes nothing for nearly two decades aside from a couple cups nobody else cares much about. Then it’s an Arsenal.
Isn’t there some scandal involving a futbol player who misunderstood what “crushing pussy” meant?
Oh, I see he plays for West Ham. Which I assume is west of Ham.
I thought West Ham was a neighborhood in ham and the town to the west was Westingham. Or did I have that backwards?
I don’t even have NY geography figured out or any of Middle Earth save the immediate Eriador region. You expect me to know about England? 1066 William the Conqueror, that’s about it. Everything else about the UK I learned from The Tudors, though when I visited ther the women were not as easy as they were in that era apparently.
New York geography is messed up because it’s a mountainous swamp filled with towns named for other towns and counties named for the people who lost the war.
And William the Bastard killed the last English King. After they finally got rid of the Scandanavian French, they had to import Germans. At one point they got so desperate they put a scotsman on the throne. Then they wised up.
Ok, I do remember something else:
Northumbria, East Anglica, Mercia, Wessex, Essex, Sussex and Kent.
And I think there was some guy named Aelfred that was important.
They never wised up.
Sophie’s mom was Scottish, daughter of James.
And according to the Useful Charts guy on youtube, depending on exactly what assumptions you use, QE2 has probably the best claim as the heir of Charlemagne.
“No woman shall inherit in Salic lands.”
It’s west of East Ham. Nobody really uses “Ham” any more.
The only team never to earn their place in the top tier.
Oh lord the orgies of media excitement when Wenger would bring home the Coca-Cola Cup or whatever were ridiculous.
When you can arm a battalion for field operations. This includes light artillery.
Well, at least 128Mb or so — I mean, I’ve never heard of a cpu with a L3 arsenal yet….
He had only 50% of the weapons to qualify.
The U.S. territory’s other public employees have not gotten pay raises in more than a decade — sometimes two — as the cost of living rises and the island fights to emerge from a lengthy economic crisis and a government bankruptcy in the aftermath of deadly hurricanes, earthquakes and the pandemic.
Well, that’s one way to get rid of the deadweight — or to ensure that the workforce is nothing but deadweight.
The country is seeing the light. Just in time for the midterms! What a hell of a coincidence.
Not everyone is onboard.
Virtue signaling and the ability to quickly identify others of your tribe (of idiots).
Doesn’t KDW still support vaccine mandates?
I think he settled on no mandates but trying to harass and shame people into getting shots.
I think he should be harassed and shamed for his knuckle-headed position.
Gauleiter Murphy agrees!
Agreed. Williamson is a good writer and puts out some good pieces, but he’s another one who has proven that his convictions are rather transactional in nature.
So a little John Stossel-y.
Seriously? I would be surprised to hear that from Stossel.
He had a bad take a few months ago. I still like him.
Fauci’s gonna be busy spanking all the recalcitrants. All those that have their total existence wrapped up in mask wearing are going to be sad.
“Say it isn’t so, Joe”
Kick the can- government style.
Democrats had other priorities.
Sloop, you’re a genius!
Require everyone protesting to have protestor insurance! IF we can require a license and insurance to drive, or to own a gun, surely a proof of ER indemnity wouldn’t be a real infringement on the 1A. Especially not during a global Pandemic ™!
We’d be better off in Deadwood at this point.
Plug em and plant em.
Welcome to fuckin’ Deadwood! Can be combative.
How’d they find him?
Ectoplasm emanations.
The mags, ammo, and printer were all sold to him by the authorities?
His Secretary claims she heard him rack a shotgun while upstairs in his private residence. So she called the cops and they came over and searched his house.
If that happened in TX they’d have laughed and hung up the phone.
Heard, saw, hallucinated, fantasized, what’s the difference?
He was going to an ATM to make a withdrawal and was taking the necessary precautions.
Time to tune up the resume.
“Secretary, 33, experienced. Reference: Inmate 34781 at Rikers”
Dude sounds like he wasn’t exactly the brightest star in the nighttime sky…
Only 3000 rounds? The shortages are real, folks.
Kitchen guns are less scary.
Mark Twain’s quote about being uninformed versus misinformed and the media is all I can think of to account for the 38 percent who don’t think there’s a border crisis….
There’s always a percentage of people who just don’t pay attention to the news.
All those illegal Canadian immigrants sneaking across the border on snowmobiles are taking our boys’ jobs. They claim to be tired of waiting to see a doctor.
We’re actually prosecuting Canadian Coyotes here in Minnesoda. (Note to Canadians: Don’t hire a black coyote. In northern Minnesoda he will stick out like a sore thumb).
Fucking asshole getting kids killed.
Yeah, but they should have known better too.
‘This third stop-gap measure since last September, which the House of Representatives passed on February 8, would give congressional Democrats and Republicans until March 11 to reach a deal on a massive spending bill to keep Washington humming through September 30, the end of the current fiscal year.’
Oh look; the Republicans are still a bunch of useless, ineffectual, spineless blowhards. There’s a big fucking surprise.
McConnell can’t die soon enough.
And they are still the better alternative. smdh
They talk a mean talk, but they are not afraid to use the credit card…
Fiscal conservativism is alive and well! Er, I mean floating in a well.
Having a shotgun in your own home is now exigent circumstances voiding the 4A? Silly me, I forgot.
And don’t get me started on those upgrades to the 10/22.
No rights are absolute, you shitlord. Even the ones that are plainly written and supposedly absolute.
Rights are only for the innocent.
“shall not be infringed” means something completely else to Communists in America.
I see Lefties get super mad, when I explain that means that all gun control laws are unconstitutional and therefore not valid laws.
The Founders didnt want govt controlling American access to Arms. The Founders knew that Americans might need to fight govt tyranny with force someday.
Spread that contempt like butter – you just like the stupid cunte you are.
Idiots don’t realize they can’t fuck with parents on their own side of the aisle without consequences. Please CNN, never, ever learn.
The opponents struggled to cobble together a coalition of grass-roots teachers unions, media empires, and big tech conglomerates. They were doomed from the start.
I’m sensing some “All that Mormon money poured in and they used tricknology to fool black people into voting for Prop 8.” energy here.
We just need common sense campaign funding, while allowing fully vetted non-profits to be able to spend in elections for the greater good.
They pissed off asian parents. I dont think money mattered one bit.
Yup. The Marxists’ push to close high-performing schools is a big mistake on their part. The Asians are fired up in NYC too, though Deblasio’s push to do it here didn’t go anywhere, yet. The new mayor seems to have no interest in pushing for it but the educrats still have their fancy plans to kill them.
In Minnesoda the teachers decided that NOW is the time to strike. Minneapolis teachers jump on the bandwagon! You know because the evil tax payers refuse to pay more. If you can’t get a raise when enrollments and test scores are plummeting, when can you?
I don’t think fancy rhetoric about the kids is going to work this time. Too many people have caught on that the Teachers only give a shit about the Teachers. Their demand to be the first group vaxxed (jumping in front of old people) and then still refusing to go back into the classroom soured a lot of their traditional supporters.
The one good thing that the Kung Flu has sped up is the demise of the public school and overpriced higher education (really indoctrination) systems.
What’s the charter school situation in MN?
Pretty good. We have lots of them. Minnesoda Education (our teacher’s union) hates them, but haven’t been able to stop them.
You kinda have to wonder, if she had realized she was going to lose, would they have just dropped the political from political assassination?
Apparently Herself introduced the Governess at the NY Dem convention (yesterday?)
Clips on the radio shrieking about R’s taking away the child tax credits and being hypocrites for espousing family values but not making college more affordable.
Fastest way to make college more affordable is to cut off government funds and make the school liable for unpaid loans.
People that care about children tell them not to go to college cause all they will get from that brutally expensive experience is a lobotomy and massively damaging indoctrination that will ruin their mental health..
If you actually want more families, delaying adulthood for 4-6 years probably isn’t the right way to do it, so that seems completely consistent with started goals. I’m sure college grads have fewer kids than nongrads.
I bet the coverage on this is different than that of the Canadian truckers.
These fascist uprisings keep happening. I hope they freeze their bank accounts and shoot their dogs.
I bet it wouldn’t be called an “accident” if an SUV plowed through that parade.
Ramos said he planned to file a lawsuit on behalf of the Alvarez family against Chase bank, which owns the ATM where the robbery happened.
Just in case you thought there was one side with no blame in the story.
This is how you deal with robberies…
First day of law school: never sue poor people.
I don’t blame the grieving parents for that. I blame the shitbag lawyer who is exploiting their grief.
I can’t fathom how such a lawsuit doesn’t get tossed immediately, but here we are in America 2022, where nothing is too absurd to be real.
Check the date on the comic. 1986. I know people hate it, but Bloom County was both a product of and ahead of its time. They had a series on the racial label treadmill right when it was changing from “Person of Color” to “African American.”
I liked Bloom County when I was a kid, though I didn’t always get it.
The revival is shit, though.
I don’t Facebook, so I haven’t read it. I can only assume BB went the way of RAtM, though he always was an unrepentant lefty.
I never cared for it, or understood what all the fuss was about.
See also earlier: Doonesbury.
As a person of a certain age, Bloom County was clever and insightful. Doonesbury seemed to be relying on readers laughing at a joke made some time before I started reading it.
Doonesbury was Bloom County for people who read the New Yorker.
My uncle, being a leftish college professor of a certain age, has always been a big Doonesbury fan. He had a book that was a collection of early Doonesbury strips from the early ’70s, and I read it once. It was actually pretty funny back then. While it always touched on politics, at that time it was much more social satire than political.
Doonesbury always seemed smug and condescending to me. Like NPR in comic form.
Doonesbury started off great and gradually got worse and worse.
Judge: DC schools in contempt for failing to provide courses to incarcerated students
Classes in jail probably have fewer disruptions than those in schools.
Isn’t jail for minors in D.C. the schools?
You can tell the difference by who is in charge and how disciplined the inmates are.
I wonder how the shanking rate compares between the two.
Do DC schools offer metal shop?
Trades are for icky people. Not Future College-Bound Leaders of Tomorrow.
When my son told me he wants to do our county’s vo-tech auto mechanic program when he gets to high school next year, I was so relieved and proud.
I took wood and metal shop. I should have taken auto shop. I wish they offered electrical and plumbing. I didn’t go trade, but wood shop has come in handy for home repairs. Metal shop has been less useful, but I did enjoy the casting portion of the class. We didn’t get to do any forging. Maybe that was in the advanced course.
The problem for the Dems is that to put the Rona genie back in the bottle they need to give the Ring of Power to the nasty hobbit. They can’t do that! They need the precious.
Actually given his stature, maybe the Dems need to take the Rona Ring of power from the nasty hobbit Fauci.
I’m betting Fauci won’t let them backslide. Any Dem who tries to reel back shit is going to have St. Fauci call them a SCIENCE denier.
They also are hamstrung by the fact that a significant chunk of their constituents are covid cultists who are too hysterical to even contemplate letting go of bullshit restrictions.
Yup. The Dems need better followers.
Sure it was nice how deeply they drank the Rona Kool-Aid, but now they won’t do an about face when ordered. WTF? I can’t believe they really believed that shit. Didn’t they realize it was just a tool to get rid of the Bad Orange Man?
And leftists will turn on a dime on their own who dare to ever take a heterodox position in opposition to the lefty conventional wisdom. Look at how hated Glenn Greenwald is on the left now, or how pissed lefty twitter was at Ilhan Omar when she said reporters should leave the convoy donors alone.
The issue is that The Media(tm) has two agendas: 1) promote the Dems and 2) inspire panic to keep the eyeballs on. During the Age of Trump, the two imperatives aligned. Now however, we see that their own ratings are more important than helping out the politicos. Of course, what are the donks gonna do about it? Stay away from the cameras?
It worked for Biden.
+1 basement campaign
The good news for the Dems is that when the Republicans take over, nothing will really change.
I’d liken Fauci to Smeagol more than Frodo.
Although if we’re having a hobbit conversation, it would be unkind to not mention Robert Reich, even if just casually.
Reich is more like Pippen Took. A hobbit who went out west and hung out with ents and trees.
Pish tosh. The Tooks are waaaay to good for Reich.
He’s a Sackville-Baggins. Lovellia in drag.
Only if Pippin was a grifter who thought half the forest should be taken from the Ents and given to the Orcs.
I think Robert Reich looks/acts just like the hobbit character “Samwise – Gangbanged – Beotch” from the movie “The Lord of the Cock Rings”….
I don’t think they necessarily have a problem. If Fauci is assured that his role in creating COVID remains obfuscated and covered up, he’s first and foremost a political animal and will tack with the wind.
COVID believing supporters will turn on a dime, without a hint of cognitive dissonance. If the narrative changes, within a week or two, they will be convinced that you were supporting lock downs and mandates for the last 2 years and they were the voice of reason. Or for some of them, they will parrot “THE SCIENCE changed. It’s NOVEL which means we don’t know anything about nothing, so whatever comes from the experts is right” (see e.g. cloth masks).
Short of it, logical consistency is not necessary. They will alter their position when told to do so; might take a short amount of time since the switch is completely 180 degrees, but they will do so. They need to be on the “smart” and “right” side, no matter what.
They’re not dumb like us, they follow the experts.
TIL Robert Nozcik noticed the rotator-wordcel distinction back in the 70s, in this classic.
I did not make the association wordcel-intellectual
Still don’t know what those words mean. People have linked Twits describing it, but Son of Jack doesn’t want the unmonetized reading them.
wordcel is good at words, or not so much good but has an education in it lit/journo/etc, and rotator is good at math
Oh sweet Jesus, is this another example of the yoots “discovering” something that’s been known forever and giving it their own name?
life imitates art with endless reboots?
just saw a tweet comparing “Chinese” and “Anglo” philosophies of life by juxtaposing Laozi and JS Mill
I didn’t get involved, but I’m sad now
other comparisons you could make to justify any goddamned thing
Han Feizi to Epicurus
Mishima to Foucault
Marcus Aurelius to Du Fu
Bodhidharma to Ayn Rand
Scrooge McDuck to Batman…
the article for the now twitter clickers
Why Do Intellectuals Oppose Capitalism?
Because when you believe abstractions are real, and never have to submit your theory to experiment, you can believe all sorts of things?
If everything I assume is correct …
It is like CBO scoring. Submit with all your assumptions and get back a score. Change the assumptions until you get an acceptable score. Reality is an obstacle to your plan.
Relatedly, you see your ability to master certain subject matter, apply that expectation to all subject matter, and embrace technocracy of any shade.
You’d think true deep knowledge of your field would result in questioning the validity of any universal, forced solution on the populace. And especially, the ability of your peers to make the correct decisions for others.
I always tell people, the lower half of your graduating class is out there right now working just like you are.
I was going to crack jokes, but I don’t even know what my class ranking was. I was just happy to get out of there.
Performance in school isn’t a 1:1 metric for performance at work, but the concept is the same, half of people are below the median in skill and some are really terrible, but still have jobs.
My snark was going to be self-depricating, but I wasn’t sure if it was true.
Besides almost nothing I learned in college in terms of technical skill applies to my work.
In college I graduated in the top 3 in my department. There were only 3 graduating from my department.
Yeah, but still – top 3!
All I recall is that I missed summa cum laude by 0.009.
No idea what my class rank was.
Intelligence =/= intellectual honesty
Sowell’s Intellectuals and Society takes a few hundred pages to prove that out in painful detail.
Well, there’s that too. You could even see how intellectual honesty might be uncorrelated or negatively correlated with intelligence.
Easier to lie if you think you’re smart enough to get away with it.
The belief that you are intelligent correlates with an ability to self-deceive.
Also, I wrote a post on that subject — you were the first commentor:
an actual awesome first unlike some
Careful there vampire… I own several stakes.
No I’m picturing you and Sean beating Pie over the head with a raw porterhouse.
Because there are some things that are so stupid, you’d have to be an intellectual to believe them?
Funny how the most destructive and costly ideas, the ones with the highest body count and inflicted misery, seem to always be produced by those intellectuals, huh? Being able to avoid reality and the consequences from stupid is why we have an intellectual class. And that is also why they tend to produce ideas that are so detrimental to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…
-Von Mises
I can’t believe that a spoiled frat boy gutted my Country.
He didn’t do it alone.
I hate work proxies and doubly hate the people who define the filters.
Apparently Gab is blocked for ‘Extremism’. And they let Twitter through?
They use Twitter, therefore it is good.
They heard gab is double plus ungood think, thus must be banned.
Eh….I will say this: there are quite a few actual, no-shit anti-Semites on Gab.
Not that there aren’t on Twitter as well, but as Gab is a much smaller platform, it just seems to be a much larger share of what you see.
It’s the ZeroHedge commentariat of social media. It’s just awful.
The good news is that they’re relatively easy to block and content filter on gab. The bad news is that they shit a lot of gab up and that blocking or filtering them is a relatively manual process. They have the right to say what they want, I have the right to not listen.
Torba needs to make shareable or importable block lists so that we can multiply the results of individual blocking efforts.
That’s true, but there is plenty of no shit communism on Twitter, which is arguably worse.
Scott Alexander had a post on this. Basically, any free speech or otherwise tolerant site will immediately be filled with the people who were banished from others. Who will then drive off those that don’t want to be associated with them and a vicious cycle ensues.
Indeed. Freedom don’t pay the cops.
Nothing like running across a fan of the Confederacy that believes in the nobility of the fight against the Union. They invariably have a mythology of the period that reflects reality in no way.
How would I know what the reality was?
The people telling me about the mostly peaceful Antifa (which doesn’t exist and anyway is only an idea and means anyone who doesn’t love Hitler) and the dangerously nonviolent Truckistanis are the scholastic descendants of the people that wrote the news articles which got written into books by the forerunners of wikipedians and then were taught to me by education majors.
The leaders of the Confederacy were fairly explicit in their writings and didn’t hide it. The battle over slavery in the Western territories was an explicit attempt to expand the institution so that it wouldn’t be voted out of existence.
And their actions during the war indicated a tendency towards centralized control that rivaled or even exceeded the Union’s. Conscription, nationalization of roads (and steamboats and telegraph lines), price controls, production limits, turning the troops on the Bread Riots, etc….
It’s always a false choice. You either support the Union or the Confederacy. They both were abhorrent for different reasons, but when someone uses the phrase, and I quote, “the underlying principles of the confederacy were beyond reproach” you know you’re dealing with a true believer.
The argument started over the usage of the Confederate flag as a symbol of resistance and my objection to it.
US would have been much better off if it could have eliminated slavery in the 20-30 years after independence without war (impossible I know)
Sure, we might still have a functioning Constitutional Republic.
I don’t know that it was impossible, just very difficult. The politicians at the time kicked the can over and over and over until the tensions rose to the point of violence.
It should be taken as a serious lesson in how not to resolve important questions by our current crop of “leaders.”
We probably would have been better off under the Articles of Confederation. It would have eliminated or limited the argument over slavery in the westward expansion.
It could have, possibly, been done with very large payouts to the slave owners. But I don’t think the North was willing to fund that.
Virginia slave debate could’ve been the breakthrough, but wasn’t.
Much cheaper to fight a civil war for several years, killing over half a million people.
Goes both ways.
Nothing like running across a fan of the Confederacy that believes in the nobility of the fight against the Union
Can we say they were both assholes? Slavery was evil in the Confederacy. Not seeing though where that gives the Union the right to invade and conquer. Sadam did evil shit in Iraq, yet most are against that invasion. China and many countries in the Middle East have slavery. Is that a justification for us to conscript civilians and conquer these nations?
I would be much sympathetic to the nobility of the Union cause if the Union departed after victory and warned they would come back and kick the shit out of the Confederacy if slavery was ever brought back. But that wasn’t the case.
Invasion? Or suppression of rebellion? Were the feds equally unjustified in Shay’s, or the Whiskey? South Carolina rebels fired the first shots. I thought we had some strict principles about initiation of force?
Absolutely. In fact, that was my point.
The false choice of the Union versus the Confederacy aggravates the hell out of me. But there is a particular class of Confederate apologist that cedes no ground in regards to the purity of the enterprise. They actually believe that slavery was not central to the causes of the war and it’s purely about self-determination.
Uffda. Amir Locke’s funeral was an uplifting event because Al Sharpton was there to headline the event.
Amir Locke was a completely innocent victim of the cops. No arguments there. The idea that race had anything to do with it is dumb and stupid. Unless you are a shameless race hustler.
That moment at the flea market, when you realize you’re looking at a vampire killing kit.
lol imagine thinking that could kill vampires
You win Glibs for the day!
What’s with the two wooden dildos? You supposed to peg them to death?
Sounds like sour grapes.
Look if you don’t have the Big Flea Market $$ needed to buy that, I’ll front you your stake.
I am deeply suspicious that it’s 21st C – the colored gravel vials smack of RenFest kitsch. I would be interested in what’s inside that book.
Recipes which use blood as a main ingredient?
Good morning, Sloop!
Happy Friday!
With all the bullshit thrown at them I’m really impressed with the truckers for not once taking the bait. Go Canada!
I’m also impressed with your musical choices. What a great fucking band.
The standoff has become comical to me at this point. Every province is rolling back mandates yet some arbitrary trucker rule still exists so Trudeau can save face?
Don’t look now, but the predicted violence finally breaks out!
Dangerous weapons, those snow shovels. Did those guys have a license?
I don’t…I don’t get the argument.
They’re claiming that, by not mandating masks in school, that it discriminates against immunocompromised children.
Which leads to the question, what did those kids do before when there were outbreaks of the flu?
I know the answer is not rely on 6 year olds to properly wear a mask for 8 hours a day.
The ACLU is a joke, especially compared to the CCLU, apparently, which has publicly opposed Fidel Jr’s Emergency Act.
Not requiring children to mask in school could result in people with unreasonable fear of unmasked people to pull their children from school. Not the school’s problem, but that’s the best I have.
If you’re sickly*, then wear a mask yourself. Or don’t. I’m two years past caring.
* – I much prefer the traditional term for ‘immunocomprimised.’
Sickly and feeble.
zoom meetings
Did Amazon just leave the plantation?
“Temporarily suspend”. I’m sure they’ll clear this up in short order.
Amazon is the plantation
How’s Bezos’ relationship with Herself?
He’s still alive isn’t he?
Speaking of the Confederacy , was there any alternate history in which the 13 colonies decided to form 13 independent countries instead on one big one? Would be interesting what outcomes there would be. war, cooperation?
We let the Canadians colonies stay independent in one alternate history. I don’t think that one ended well.
which canadian colony is independent? don;t they all bow to the queen?
All of them…independent of the US, not independent of England.
Fighting over the western borders.
The Articles of Confederation were as close as we came.
Interstate tariffs for the win!
Daily Ray of Sunshine
The kids are all right.
Dammit, I come here for my daily black pill. Stop making me smile!
Ha! One of the reasons I do this is to remind myself how things are good. We forget that and focus on the bad stuff and lose track of the good.
Indeed. Good on that kid for doing that, and a shout-out to the parents who raised him right. I’ve had a long and varied career, but the most important positions I held (and hold) are “Father” and “Husband”. The jury is still out, but I think we’re doing OK.
Counterpoint: the kids aren’t alright
I hate the kids.
All the kids were right:
Thanks, Holiness!
Shit’s going down in Ottowa.
All the truckers should just go home, and stay home. A national strike would be as bad or worse for Canada, and be impossible to break.
From what I’ve seen, the farmers are mostly on board (pardon the pun) with the truckers. If they decided to not plant….
Yep. Strike and fade away, strike in a different spot and fade away, lather, rinse, repeat.
I did not know Arrestation was a word but it seems it is
Maybe it’s French for “road block”?
Frenchie Twitterer.
When Gordi gets arrested, is there a way we can assist him that’s been at least somewhat vetted?
Maybe someone can spin up GlibPay.
Probably also need GlibBank and GlibInternet.
Send me the money I’ll get it to him.
You can’t even smuggle framing materials across the border, why should I trust you?
I could if I wanted to.
Of course they’re doing it on a Friday, like a pre-weekend document dump in D.C.
You’d think they’d wat to do it tomorrow for the OT. Actually I have no idea what Canadian labor laws are.
Proof that Trudeau is right to crack down on the protestors.
Not safe for women, children and the easily offended.
And yes, I am against excessive use of force.
Yeah, so am I. The question is whether it really was excessive. Maybe it’s not right, since I know that cops can certainly be sociopaths, but the victimhood credibility of BLM/Antifa isn’t exactly brimming over for me.
From the hobbyist link,
Officers were called to Paul Carey’s Massapequa residence after his 33-year-old secretary told authorities she saw him wielding a gun on the second floor of the home, according to Nassau police.
Yeah, I suspect that’s going to make her annual review a little awkward.
clothes of Minoan women
Yeah, but it’s always the tits you don’t want to see that get publicly exposed the most.
Source: many trips to New Orleans.
I see the spring line of Q Wear is out.
I remember my 7th grade history teacher talking about those clothes. It seemed to excite her. That was kind of an awkward class.
“I’ll say it again, we want people to peacefully leave. But I can tell you that if they do not peacefully leave, we have plans, strategies, and tactics to be able to get them to leave,” he added.
Bulldozers and water cannons? Zyklon B?
You know who else had plans, strategies, and tactics to move people en masse against their will?
Nebuchadrezzar II?
Hedley Lamarr?
Andrew Jackson?
Damn your nimble fingers.
Cass Sunstein?
Andrew Jackson?
Fine! Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
“Ve have a zolution to ze Trucker Question”
Barber has been charged with counseling to commit mischief, obstruction, and counseling to commit obstruction, Wilson said, and Lich has been charged with counseling to commit mischief.
Some folks
robkill you with a gun, and others with a fountain pen.for some reason mischief to me sounds like something innocent and minor but I believe in US law it can mean something serious
When Gordi gets arrested, is there a way we can assist him that’s been at least somewhat vetted?
What do the Muslims call their payment transfer system?
Hot neocon-on-neocon action at Powerline!
I admit it – reading this was oddly titillating, as you rarely see colleagues from the same site blast each other like this.
The concluding flourish:
I’ve been loving it. About time someone took Mirengoff to the woodshed. That asshole is the problem. Lives in
PanemDC bubble. Thinks his degree from Dartmouth makes him an expert on everything.He won’t admit he is a never Trumper but he spent all his time ranting about how uncouth the Orange Man was. Also spent tons and tons of time fretting over polls and how the GOP needed to worry about their brand more (which always meant stop opposing the Dems).
The only reason he is allowed on there is because he was a roommate of the founders.
They both could disappear and it wouldn’t hurt the site.
Steve does the Saturday picture thing. I would miss that.
William F. Buckley’s famous blast at Gore Vidal in 1968
I was thinking about this yesterday. WFB was so quick to anger, I think, because he had done the left’s work in purging the Birchers but yet the left still wasn’t happy with him. Vidal calling him a fascist struck a never because, after all, he had personally gotten rid of the “fascists”. Vidal didn’t have to thank him for this, but to repudiate him anyway, what an asshole. And Vidal was a total asshole. But the more I think about Buckley, the more I think the two of them deserved each other.
They both were unrepentant assholes that sucked the oxygen out of the room and left no space for other voices of the era.
Yeah, after watching a Netflix doc about them called The Best of Enemies (I think) a couple of years ago it seemed like both of them were insufferable windbags. Not stupid by any stretch, just very unpleasant.
Welcome to DC!
for some reason mischief to me sounds like something innocent and minor but I believe in US law it can mean something serious
Sometimes a flaming bag of dog shit is just a flaming bag of dog shit.
Until you put it on a politician’s front porch.
Then it’s insurrection.
From our* lurking friends:
*I don’t actually speak for anyone but myself.
I’m cool with everything except the logo. It just seems like provocation for no good return.
‘Do you know why cars and planes look a certain way? Because a century of engineering has directed us to the most effective design and form.’
I thought they looked a certain way nowadays because of safety regulations that have stripped most cars of any personality.
Someone has a fetish for fins?
You should see my dolphin cosplay outfit.
Go on…
Well, they kind of go hand in hand.
“Make cars more efficient or else!”
*looks at wind tunnel*
“Bye bye personality.”
I can speak from experience, little kids *love* .22LR Are.
Cut one down to 10″ and stick a silencer and a cheap red dot on it, and give them some steel targets to plink at, and it’s more engrossing than a free Nintendo Switch.
Dang… FYI not some fly by night brand.
FDA Warns Consumers Not to Use Certain Powdered Infant Formula Produced in Abbott Nutrition’s Facility in Sturgis, Michigan
That really sucks. My oldest had digestive issues as an infant and Alimentum was the only formula he could tolerate.
The bikers got covid in the baby formula!
By Tor And The Snow Dog I’m willing to bet I don’t need to check that link.
Fucked Up Looking Pizzas
Pittsburgh with another Pizza L. This one from Aiello’s Pizzeria outside PGH looks like a fuckin bread bowl
No pineapple?
WTF? Needs more pineapple.
You have no idea if there is pineapple in there or not.
That looks like standard Chicago style pizza.
I am okay with it, but it is too much for me.
New Albany style is better. It is semi-close to Detroit style.
A bit too much for a Chicago one.
New Albanian: https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/10/bc/5d/51/upside-down-pizza-with.jpg
Also fuck you wordpress for logging me out between that post and this one.
If you show me the reply button, you need to let me reply, dammit.
I blame Swiss.
Is there a town of New Albany? Or was there an Albany style of pizza that was banished form the land to the point that I’ve never encountered in in the decade I’ve been here?
And how is that thing constructed?
New Albany, IN.
It is basically a suburb of Louisville. Or roughly where Lewis and Clark met up and started their jouney, although I think St Louis of thereabouts was the official kickoff with everyone.
Huh, I learned some stuff. Edwin Hubble (of telescope fame) was a teacher and the basketball coach at New Albany HS one year.
That’s exactly the right description. A bread bowl full of tomato sauce and a little sprinkle of cheese. Might very well be delicious! But it isn’t pizza.
Bread, tomato sauce, cheese, possibly some ingredients. Yep, pizza.
You can make bad pizza and good pizza with those combos, but its all pizza.
By your formulation, you’d classify stromboli as pizza. It is not. You would classify some crustini as pizza. It is not.
Calzone too. So probably needs some form or folding/rolling rule. But, eh, Stromboli is a pizza roll, Calzone is a folded pizza. Like chickens are dinosaurs, it works for me.
I had skipped calzones becuase I was fairly sure the formulation omitted sauce from the interior, so if you didn’t dip it, you didn’t reach the robc pizza threshold.
You could be right, but I think that is variable. As many as I have eaten in my life, the fact that I don’t know that for sure bugs me a bit.
You were correct, there’s no sauce inside calzones.
Overly large stuffed pizza.
I had a slice of something that was that thick once in Chicago. It was actually tasty, though I still don’t know how they made it structurally sound.
These euphemisms!
Tres Cool turf may have been tread upon.
That just looks like a deep dish.
I have encountered what may be the strangest entry in the pizza war. Ohio Valley Pizza. Basically, they put the cheese on after baking the crust (with sauce on it). The concept is that the cheese is supposed to melt on the hot sauce and crust on the way home or during delivery.
… an ideal cheese layer isn’t just melted, but slightly browned. You don’t reach that with the residual heat.
Sounds like Detroit style only with the weird adding stuff later.
I am sure somewhere on the internet is a graph of the family tree of pizza styles.
The representation that I had was a much thinner crust then Detroit style, and without the cheese caramelization as part of the crust.
Now on Gettr so I could follow Gord. https://www.gettr.com/user/moriahjovan
You now have a
stalkerfollower. First!I gotcha, boo.
1970 Cadillac Fleetwood Very Rare Wagon
It’s awesome, but not $40k of awesome.
ug ly
That’s the beauty of those 70s Cadillacs. They are simply ridiculous. Made like crap too.
Part of it is just nostalgia here.
A car from the ’70s? Why I never!
Some old cars look really good. Some aren’t quite so nice, but are still interesting.
And then there are whole eras (like that link) where very nearly all of them are just ugly. Not that they’re just outdated, but they were NEVER attractive. I’m completely amazed that there was ever a design or marketing group that looked at them and said “that’s what somebody will want to buy”.
See: 1970s Fords, particularly the ones with “beaks” like the early ’70s LTD.
I still want a ’78 LTD II. My parents had one just about like this, mnus all the engine upgrades.
Oh dear lord…..the car I remember best from childhood was a 1977 LTD II. My dad worked in fleet management and leasing, so he got it dirt cheap as a former fleet car, and it was bare bones as could be. AM radio only. Nothing power. Kelly green inside and out, vinyl bench seats with rubber flooring. The little dog-dish steel hubcaps. Looked just like this only without the fancy wheel covers. Dad called it Dino. A friend of his called it The Green Slime.
That thing was such a boat, and yet in the late ’70s it was classed as a midsized car.
1973 Fords were popular with my grandparents. Mom’s father had a dark-green 1973 Galaxie, dad’s mother had a light-green 1973 Gran Torino.
My other grandpa was a Chrysler man, although I remember him having a Caprice for a long time in the ’80s. It was a company car. After he retired, he went back to Chryslers/Dodges/Plymouths for the rest of his life.
That’s exactly what we had. A ’77 LTD II – black.
Since we kept cars forever, it’s what I drove at college and after until I’d saved up enough money to buy something.
There was a time in there when, each time I stopped it, I had to pop open the hood and put out a fire on top of the intake manifold….
Story later maybe when I have time.
Elvis had a custom-built Cadillac station wagon too. I saw it on some car show once.
NYT headline:
“Being a flight attendant was a dream job. Now it’s a nightmare.”
Boo hoo hoo.
*sad face*
So, you wanted to be a sky waitress?
Waitress In The Sky!
Would you like TWA coffee or TWA tea?
“What’s the difference?”
“The type of sock we filter it through.”
That’s the best some people are capable of. I won’t knock it.
I don’t knock people for doing the job, I was just expecting people to dream bigger than their reach.
I think most of them do it for the benefits – free travel is pretty great.
A friend’s mom is a retired stew and they still travel for free – plans always need to be a bit flexible, as it’s always standby, but they’ll fly from CO to MA at the drop of a hat.
I know an American Airlines pilot, and on Facederp he’s always, like, “just a quick weekend trip to Maui!!”
That’s precisely why my mom did it – she has many siblings and literally a couple dozen first cousins, and they’re all spread out across the country. Working for the airline let her visit them frequently for free.
Used to get me the ability to fly free occasionally too on buddy passes.
Flying used to be a dream. Now it’s a nightmare.
My wife in her youth wanted to be a stewardess but after her accident and TBI, it wasn’t in the cards. She would have been awesome as one too.
Yikes, didn’t know she had a TBI.
(I’ll pass on the obvious but cruel jokes regarding you 😉
Oh you are probably right. She is part terminator and I didn’t believe her until I went with her for dental X-Rays. It is awesome.
A Fleetwood wagon? Probably originally ordered as a hearse.
ASC period conversion.
haha! So part of my new duties are to clean “touch points”. Ya know what I’m gonna do? Waft the microfibre cloth over everything like David Blain. I’ll “magically” make the cooties disappear!
Spray some cleaner over them and that leave some god awful residue over everything.
It shows you “care” even if it does zero for actually cleaning anything, makes for sticky hands for me and adds to your workload.
How many of you deposit checks via smartphone?
Any security concerns? Potential issues?
I’m looking to pull my support from TD bank and utilize other accounts.
I deposit checks by going up to the teller.
I’m not going to put my bank details on something as insecure as a phone. Given how fast and loose phones play with data sharing, there’s no way to tell who can look at it.
This is where my thoughts have been on it, but I already have a Capitol one checking. That would require using an ATM to deposit though (annoying) or using a smart phone.
Other option is to open a checking with my credit union.
If you already have a credit union, make a checking account there. (I’m going by the verbiage used in your comment which implies such)
I have deposited checks via smartphone to two different banks, Capital One and Discover, without any issue for many years now. The security risks are about what you’d expect; if the mobile phone, mobile app, or bank’s servers are compromised, the check-writer’s and/or your account number could be released to the world. But the bank bears liability for the fraud, so you’d eventually be made whole. I’d recommend depositing into a secondary checking account and then transferring if you want to minimize risk.
Note that much of how checks work nowadays is essentially unaffected by how you choose to deposit them. You’re only dicking with the last mile; the infrastructure in between is pretty uniform now. The days of bank tellers manually verifying checks and banks manually cancelling them are long gone.
I do.
Go to your bank and set up a separate checking account that you will use only with the online app. Deposit to that account and then transfer to your real accounts from there. Most of the time you only have to maintain a nominal balance in an account to maintain it without fees. Sometimes a bank will require a certain number of transactions per time period, which can be handled by setting up auto transfers between accounts for, like $10 to cover that requirement.
Almost all of my deposits are electronic now.
My business accounts receivable processes checks using an automated scanning system. We don’t go to the bank much anymore.
Love the dichotomy of headlines.
NYT – ‘You Have to Give Us Respect’: How Asian Americans Fueled the San Francisco Recall
Fox – Defeated San Francisco school board member says voters who ousted her are ‘aligned with’ White supremacists
To be fair, neither one looks overtly wrong.
All those Bay Area white supremacists, yeah.
Meh. I choose to believe all the bullies/racists/bigots/etc. that serve as the bad guys in Hollywood movies are representative of actual Californians encountered by the writers.
There was, once upon a time, a semi-significant population of skinheads in San Diego County. I think they’ve been pushed/priced out for a couple of decades (at least).
A Grand Unified Theory is for pencil necks in the physics department.
Journalos don’t need to worry about having a coherent explanation for what is going on.
Breakdancer stabbed aboard NYC subway in unprovoked attack
The NYP has a different definition of “unprovoked” than I do. Although I do agree that stabbing somebody is an excessive reaction.
I’m really not looking forward to going back to the office next month.
Subway mimes don’t get stabbed because of White Privilege.
Breakdancing isn’t a provocation?
It should be. I hate the “performers” – really, “beggars”.
In case you didn’t know, in addition to just plain beggars, the trains are full of “performers” also begging for money.
It’s been more than a decade since I last rode on a NY subway, but it always felt like the train was going between asylums.
It is – Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan…
Pimping her portfolio
Cathie Wood, the star fund manager and chief executive of ARK Invest, took to CNBC to defend the woeful performance of the manager’s suite of disruptive innovation funds.
Wood told the business network in a Thursday interview that the gravitation of money managers toward benchmarks, rather than taking risk on what she views as potentially game-changing technology in gene editing, electric vehicles and artificial intelligence, among others, was creating a “massive misallocation of capital” in markets that could be the biggest in “the history of mankind.”
“Benchmarks are where they are because of past successes…If we are right, those are the companies that will be disrupted,” she said on CNBC.
Wood said the shares of all of the companies that ARK has bought in its various funds would return to lofty heights and trade well beyond their pandemic tops, including investments in companies such as Roblox Corp. Teladoc Health and Zoom Video Communications
“We are not going back to the old ways of doing things,” she said about the surge in value in the cache of stocks bought by ARK that saw revenue accelerate during the COVID public health crisis.
She also made the case that mature growth companies, including those considered in the FAANG category, such as Meta Platforms (formerly known as Facebook Inc.), Apple Inc. Amazon.com Inc. Netflix and Google-parent Alphabet would face bigger challenges, if interest rates rise and inflation pressures persist, than her disruptive innovative investments.
She’s smart. You’re dumb.
Every fund manager does this. It’s part of the job and not unique to her.
Everybody on street is well aware of this as well. It’s more fun when you have the are recommending an opposite position and are on the phone with folk. Trust me…
ASC period conversion.
Ah. Makes sense. Too much rake on the back window for hearse, I guess. I wonder if they just grafted the roof and rear from a Caprice wagon onto it.
The people who take their dogs for trail walks in the woods next to the dog park have organized a hike at a nearby state park (Moreau). I’ve got on their text list to go. Everyone’s listed with a dogonym. “Anne Olliesmom” and the like.
Spontaneous Order FTW!
I’ll admit that’s pretty cute.
I will go the other way & rename my pooch Pennyslumbrewsdottir.
Every fund manager does this. It’s part of the job and not unique to her.
I’m not sure she’s as much of a whiz as she’s made out to be, but what do I know?
None of them are. There are more US mutual funds than there are listed US listed equities.
Somebody flips a fair coin 10 times and gets heads each time. We celebrate this individual as a genius.
Jack Bogle looms large in this conversation.
My uncle is/was a devotee of hers.
Based on the conversation we had 1 year back he’s probably getting hammered just about everyday unless he jumped off the bandwagon.
A little surprised that Going Underground wasn’t one of the choices.
So the court blocked Bob Saget’s cause of death from being made public. I could have accepted a konk on the back of the head (one slip in the bathroom would do it), but if they went to court to block it, I’m going back to my theory of autoerotic asphyxiation.
He did kinda strike you as the type.
Well, he did suck dick for coke.
Meh…why does the public need to know?
Inquiring minds,
They don’t, but I doubt they’d block it for something like an aortic dissection (see: John Ritter).
Keep govt officials honest?
Kicked in the head by the horse that was fucking him?
Huh, maybe I’m not working today after all. My boss should have picked me up almost two hours ago. Goddamn, can’t afford this shit right now.
I’m _still_ getting some people in Montreal asking us if we want to sell our domain name.
Sure, we’ve had it for 25 years and we’re a multi-billion dollar company, but we’ll just sell that to you for a quick $10k.
I can’t figure out if they’ve never even bothered doing a search or if they think any company in our situation would be tempted by such an offer.
Ill give you 12k
Recording of the price negotiation
Gotta go take a covid test for my surgery Tuesday. Pray for my nostrils.
I’m praying that they will go in through the nostrils with their swab. Not some other orifice.
Here tjeu have a pcr that is non invasive that costs morr than the regular
They don’t use the brain ticklers anymore, so your nostrils should be fine.
Workers in Belgium will soon be able to choose a four-day week under a series of labour market reforms announced on Tuesday.
The reform package agreed by the country’s multi-party coalition government will also give workers the right to turn off work devices and ignore work-related messages after hours without fear of reprisal.
“We have experienced two difficult years. With this agreement, we set a beacon for an economy that is more innovative, sustainable and digital. The aim is to be able to make people and businesses stronger,” Belgian prime minister Alexander de Croo told a press conference announcing the reform package.
There are belgians who still work for private companies? I thought the EU had killed them all.
Yesterday a Canadian colleague assured me that most people in Canada are disgusted at the “truckers’ tantrum because they don’t want to wear a mask”. Said from the comfort of his Webex meeting.
“You know, I wouldn’t wear ignorance so smugly if I were you.”
That’s impressively incorrect.
I would bet that most Canadians dont work via Webex.
Jackboots out in force and making their final move on the truckers.
What a convenient excuse to have your police wear masks like they are in Nicaragua taking down cartels.
Been flipping around the live streams. CBC coverage is disgraceful.
Or masked up like eastern European cops when they raid a disco at midnight. Or so I’ve heard.
Clearing then out before the weekend brings in more people.
Stasi arrested Zot while filming.
Powerline Week In Pictures up (early?)
The first one just kills.
Aware of this?
Is that someone clowning around or is that an acceptable transliteration?
It’s a standard spelling of Putin’s name in French. They have to end “e” at the end to avoid a nasal sound. And they also write “ou” if they want to pronounce it like OO in English. See how my last name is spelled. Back in the day the Russian authorities used a French-flavored transliteration system.
the standard spelling.
Cockwomble is now my favorite word and will be integrated into conversations.
YAS! The TV show “Britain’s Busiest Airport” is filming with Big Jet TV today. Big Jet had been on that show for their last season, and it was a fun segment.
Livestreamer Zot arrested, caught on camera (FF to the end)
so you have one officer being polite (still a dick) and telling him to go that way and those fuckers run up out of their holes and arrest him? Ottawa has fallen.
Watch Viva. There was supposed to be a debate in parliament to ratify the emergency declaration today as part of the required process. Turdeau said nah.
So, in theory, if Canada were a nation of laws, that would mean the emergency declaration is invalid and Trudy has no powers.
Without the livestreamers the government will be able to tell whatever tale they want about what’s happening now using the media that they’ve paid for.
That is exactly what Viva Frei just said