I hate ads, who doesn’t, the internet is inundated with them. I don’t mind a targeted ad, but I don’t need tampons nor speak fluent Spanish (since when did Lozonne sound Spanish?) so I use Adblock. When I click on a link from say, here, I hover over my blocker button, waiting, then I turn on AB and start counting blocked ads.
The following are a few things I randomly picked from my news feeds and a few glib links, good or bad, let’s see.

Washington examiner, not too bad at 17

Instapundit is pretty easy on the bandwidth, 13

The New york daily News is a pretty fair site, some ads, but hey, you gotta make cash, 17

The NFL, what do they advertise? Gambling mostly, 19
When I performed my little esperiment I scrolled through and skimmed and watched the ad count climb, some sites stayed at the initial page load, others continued to pile on ad after ad. It gets worse.

27 ads before they blocked me, dicks for clicks 27

Then Fox did the same thing, 43
Next are the mid-weights, these guys will bombard you for the first 30 seconds then leave you alone, mostly, here we go.

The New York Post is one of the continous loading sites, 79 after 30 seconds

Zerohedge, land of gold and Russian babes for sale! 59
And finally the Top end offenders, the numbers are insane, and they all keep adding ads as you scroll, blech, anyway,

A certain Tuber links this site daily, tedious ads, 132 and growing

Gotta love the NYT, 219 in 1 minute, who knows when it would have stopped
and tonights winner? I hate to say it, but Rachel Maddow was Hawt once, and MSNBC is great with ads,

Yes I would hit that

6? yes 6, Huzzah for that, you vermin!
Ads are a neccesary evil, you need to move product, I get that, though it does seem as if we are in a THX1138/Huxley scenario, with a constant bombardment of Consume!
Ads be Praised!
I get 11 blocked ads in Brave from Glibertarians.com
(Ads + trackers, that is.)
I get 6 ads “and other creepy things” being blocked. I wonder whose comments are being blocked by brave.
Testing testing
I laughed
“A certain Tuber links this site daily, tedious ads, 132 and growing”
I never see ads on that site.
The NYT always tells me I’ve used up my free articles for the month without having read any.
According to my toolbar, I have 45 things blocked on this site.
Interesting, I don’t get cock-blocked on Fox.
But then there is FoxBusiness – whatever they’re doing it actually hangs my browser.
I hate AIDS, too.
Oh, fuck yes I hate ADS! I use Vivaldi’s built in blocker. When a site won’t function with an adblocker on, I can allow ads, but block trackers.
I first read that as you have AIDS
And you hate that?
I’m kind of ambivalent about it.
I’m not sure how to take that.
Since I consider them immoral, I don’t use any ad-blockers what-so-ever and I don’t even notice the ads anymore*, they are as easy to scroll past as certain Glibs fripperous comments. The only site that I avoid is The Daily Mail, because it takes forever to load, is that due to the adds? could be but they also rarely have anything worth reading anyway.
*that is now that ‘pop-up’ ads have mostly gone the way of the dodo.
Yes. Some sites are so full of ads they will take forever to load on lower spec PCs.
Did you just insult my PC?
Yes, mine too
It includes my work laptop.
Nothing pisses me off more than spending $400/year on the WSJ and having it be slow as molasses while they serve me a bunch of ads.
Good golly, really?
That’s got to be the daily print edition price.
You can play games cancelling and renewing. Paper price from memory is double.
I’ve been paying $4/month for the WSJ for at least a year. Last week I called to cancel because the promo rate was ending and I would be paying $40/month. I was given the same $4 deal for another 6 months.
I’ll give it a shot next renewal. Thanks!
The SXM of newspapers.
This is the biggest reason I ever went looking for an adblocker software. Our local paper would absolutely bombard you with ads and trackers and loading their page was painfully slow. The last time I used a product that had a counter it was in the hundreds within a minute or two of opening the page.
Now, I subscribe. Almost no ads. ?
“Immoral” seems a bit hyperbolic, ? but I agree with you in theory. However, it’s so easy to block them, adblocker it is.
I don’t consider it any more immoral than looking away from (or fast-forwarding over) television commercials. ??♂️
And I strongly disagree with the idea that ads are “not noticeable”. If they’re not noticeable, they’re not doing it right.
Yeah, as someone who hasn’t bothered to put a blocker on his phone, many sites are nigh unusable, you get a few sentences then another (video) ad. Pretty sure it eats all my data up as well. Guess I need a blocker.
Back when I had cable, I purposely never, ever watched anything live. I’d record it and start watching late so I could FF through ads. Even sports. I only got burned a few times by friends texting me “can you believe they lost!?” type texts.
I just flip around instead.
Always have at least two things worth watching.
I could never find two things worth watching.
Q signal lit
There are 13 channels of shit to choose from.
Testing testing
Since I consider them immoral, I don’t use any ad-blockers
Like free speech, they’re free to say what they want and I’m free not to listen. If they want to condition my viewing of content on me doing something with the ad data they send me, they’d better let me know. Otherwise, it’s just them sending me extra crap I didn’t ask for. I don’t read the junk mail I get from the cystic fibrosis foundation after tossing them some cash. I don’t watch commercials on shows I DVR off my antenna. I unsubscribe from all marketing lists I get signed up for after purchasing something. Just because your business model relies on ad revenue doesn’t mean I’m in any way obligated to consume your advertisements along with your actual content.
I do respect the popup messages about adblockers on some sites. I never visit those sites again.
I hit reader view when the adblocker popup messages appear.
I have it off here, and never had a pop up or ad at all, YMMV
I think the only thing here is Google Analytics or some similar more-or-less benign trackers which nearly every site uses. Some blockers block those and add that to their count.
The count goes up the longer you sit here.
With enough tuning you can read the NYT and WP with no subscription.
uBlock has some good tools that can make about 75% of sites readable. The most recent block are inline scripts. You need JavaScript turned on to create the article, but the minute you scroll an in-line script will obscure and delete most of the page.
Just because
Is that a blocked ad, Hype?
Oh never mind. I turned my blocker on here for funsies and for some reason it blocks youtube links.
My blocker might be smarter than I am.
No comment
Your nana is a GILF.
She’s a year or two younger than me.
Semi flaccid.
How many time did you watch it for that to happen?
She does card tricks, too!
Just Because
Mo, the recommend from Tulip was for Murders, Only in This Building (Steve Martin, etc). I remember because it got me to watch it.
Huh, I haven’t seen that, but I want to. I still don’t remember that.
May be time to lay off the booze.
Temperance apologist!
There’s a ‘fell off the wagoner!’ joke in there but I’m too drunk to figure it out.
Putin runs the WCTU?!
I know I should quit drinkin’ but I’ve been Putin’ it off.
All your vodka are belong to us!
The recommendation for Only Murders in the Building was from me.
Geez, next you guys will be telling me that all us Glibertarian women look alike.
Look alike? Hell, you are all sock puppets of some dude sitting in his mom’s basement!
It was a good recommendation!
..and I think we found the dude.
Damn, I was so, so close. Sorry. I just remembered that being recommended and then enjoying it.
Oops. My bad. ?
No problem! ?
So I bit the bullet and tried Steak-Umms again. Made a half-assed cheesesteak sandwich and it wasn’t bad. I did learn that “spreadable cheese” doesn’t work right but I can correct that next time.
Steak-Umms bless.
Doubtful Steak-Umms can beat Pat’s or Geno’s in Philly.
I don’t know from that but there’s a lot of good cheesesteaks in NYC and no, mine was not even close.
Guessing they all use better meat.
Yeah, Steak-Umms are more-or-less gyro meat from a street vendor of unknown repute.
Unknown?! Nay, we know it is “low” repute…
You can also make a decent italian beef using steak-umms. Cheap convenient meat for that kind of thing. Need to use good ingredients around the meat curtain to make up the difference.
*squints suspiciously*
I haven’t had Steak-Umms probably ever, but I’ll eat them now because I saw their Twitter guy shit all over Neil Degrasse Tyson a few times and that was funny.
Oh right, that was Steak Umms? Must be how it came into conversation here in the first place.
Up here in the hinterlands there is no Steak-ums nor is their Trader Joes. I demand redress!
Shoot a cow?
Swissy has been bought out by Big Chicken. Sad!
The subs/pizza/salad joint where I worked right after I got out of college used Steak-Umms for cheesesteaks, but with sliced provolone, not liquid cheese-like substance. I thought they were tasty, but I pretty much love anything made with cheese.
Yeah, provolone will be my next choice.
Bought it for turkey sandwich lunches this week anyway.
If you can, get sharp provolone.
Yes, a proper cheesesteak is made with thin slices of round, provolone cheese, onion, green bell pepper, A-1 and Tabasco, on a nice sandwich roll
1. Heat griddle
2. Lay steaks on griddle
3. Chop/pull/shear steaks with two stainless egg turners
4. Apply A-1 and Tabasco while chopping, cook steaks until browned nicely
5. While cooking steaks, cook onions and peppers (may need to start them before the steak)
6. Heap steak up in the shape of the sandwich roll cavity
7. Add onions and peppers
8. Lay Provolone slices over the heap
9. Apply sandwich roll
10. When cheese is properly melted, scoop the whole thing up and invert it, closing the roll.
Skip the onion and green pepper and you have something!
Well, you’re sort of right…should be hot peppers… ?
Yeah, your cheese choice was disgusting. I’m amazed it didn’t suck worse. Do better.
How can it be wit “wiz” witout Whiz?
I am the ghost of Kiev.
I think we spell it Keev, or Kiyv, or Kyiv, or Kyev now?
Speak American! it’s Kiev, as is in Key Ev,
Also Peking and Bombay, fucking rubes!
Not you,
And Calcutta!!
Oh Calcutta
Ah, yes. Twice the nudity and half the memorable songs.
That guy in the blue T-shirt reminds me of every asshole in high school. Not counting me.
Saw the show live back in 82.
It’s Kunta-Kentie, bigot
It’s spelled Sade but it’s pronounced Kevin.
Not throat wobbler mangrove?
+1 Throat warbeller mangrove.
You sound like a Donbas.
Is it just me, but that Madcow picture sure seems to have an enlarged adam’s apple?
She was never perfect, but not but as a Woman,
I’m confused. Did she dye her blond or black?
You’ll have to check the carpet.
First show me the money.
It’s all hardwood floors these days.
All it took was listening to a few podcasts and a few google searches to figure out Russia actually has some legit reasons (by state standards, not mine) for doing what they’re doing in Ukraine. I’m fully neutral on this now although I’ll take a pox on both their houses, too.
“All it took was listening to a few DISINFORMATION podcasts and a few INFOWARS searches to figure out Russia actually has some legit reasons for making Putin King. I love Putin.”
Turn off your ad blocker.
Nice try white knighting for Putin. He’s still not going to give back the Kurils.
Children of God put out some ? back in the day.
What in the world?
They got Japanese versions.
That’s perfect!
Have some Ziggy
It’s like Jack Chick made a music video.
Fuck, if only we had heeded the warnings of shitty 90’s (80’s?) pop music we may have avoided this dystopian hellscape we now find ourselves in.
It’s from a cult. But, credit where credit is due.
Like a senile President starting nuclear war?
After Julie’s death, Joey would later hook up with Cathy.
What did I just watch?
This group made a bunch of music videos in the 80’s.
That one seems like something an art major made as their final project.
I love Walmart+. My six-dollar grater is being delivered from a local Walmart in a black BMW 3-series. I ordered it last night.
Do you get to keep the BMW? That’s awesome.
Alright, I added some different music to that Children of God video and it seems to match up nicely.
Straff! You’ll never see this but that was outstanding! *chef’s kiss*
Mark Steyn hosts a show daily on GBNews, a British alternative to BBC.
Today one of his guests is Martin Helme, the VP of the Estonian parliament. He points out that for about the past 1000 years, Russia has invaded Estonia every hundred years or so. His perspective on the current events in Ukraine is interesting.
That interview starts about the 37:00 minute mark.
I hope Putin ends up being ass-raped by barbed penis wielding Hellhounds for most of eternity (you always have to leave room for them figuring it out and sincerely repenting).
Leave Ukraine to stew in its own juice…and end up OK, or another East European shithole, slightly above Belarus.
Maybe Putin could be fed dioxin soup for 1000 years?
/Yes, I have had some whisky
Such rape, much hope,
Sounds good to me. He shouldn’t be alone, though. 10K people or so have died in that area since 2014 (I’m looking for a citation on that) and Zelensky had a hand in that. Putin escalated and so I hope he gets fucked, but I’m not throwing any support to Biden and team blue who will only use that increased political capital to expand crush individual freedom in the states. It’s a shitty situation all around.
Did you bring enough for everyone?!?!?
Believe it or not…probably.
OK. I think I can be there in about 10 hours. More if I take the Empire Builder. Wait up for me.
WTF am I reading?
You are reading nonsense, that is what you are reading.
+3 1/2 weeks.
I’m just glad they didn’t go for 3/5 gender.
I made it to “Gender Wiki” before tapping out.
It’s a primer on mental illness.
Comedy, I assume. I’m laughing either way.
Maybe the lawyers might find this funny
LOL “Adult Swim” is showing straight-up Chinese propaganda now. Our oceans are literally full of garbage but China is pushing space junk out of orbit.
I really need to cut the cord.
Their little nuggets of wisdom thingies during commercial breaks.
In regards to the cheese steak thing, almost every place buys whole top rounds, then slices them with a deli slicer while partially frozen.
I haven’t been paying attention…when’s this “statist union dress” happening?
Maybe we could livestream our drinking game and reactions…
“President Biden will deliver his first State of the Union address on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, scheduled to begin at 9 p.m. ET”
How many of you weirdoes are going to watch that shit?
I’ll watch it if we can livestream our reactions
Great oversight by the founders for not specifying that it be in writing and not a speech.
Or great foresight for allowing for drunken gatherings of political nerds.
You’d think that they would have guessed it would turn into a pageant, but they clearly weren’t perfect–they also apparently thought people would actually apply the Constitution as written in general.
Silly dead white guys.
On the morrow.
Our local grocey store sells thin sliced “sandwich steaks” that I think fit that bill. They make great cheese steaks. Best way is to cook them on a hot griddle and pull/shear/chop them with two stainless egg turners. Apply A-1 and Tabasco liberally while cooking.
weird. that was intended in reply to Count Potato. I think I had scripts blocked when I posted that.
Typically, someone working a flat top has a long spatula with a short handle, that quarter-turned is like a dull cleaver.
Yeah, I have one of those–It works fine, but the egg turners work just as well if not better for the job.
I used to work the flat top, but didn’t make cheese steaks at the time. I learned by watching others, though.
I’ve watched them make it too. The mystery was always what is the meat and where can I get that.
Much to my shame, I ate an overpriced “bbq brisket sandwich” from QuikTrip today…
I was in a rush I didn’t want a hotdog and chips…
*hands in KC card*
I died today. The First Of All Firsters…that is what they used to call me. Or The Gray Firster. Henceforth, I shall be known as The One Before The First. or The White Firster.
Hey Bro, I’ll help you up. True Firsters look out for each other.
This is the moment I’ve been waiting for all my life. My Firsting journey begins today.
Remember that the way Bro pronounces it, the r is silent.
So congratulations on your trip.
Wooo! I’ve already been on quite the fi(r)sting journey. Wow. The stories I could tell…
db doesn’t even know that the first rule of Firsting is that you never help another another Firster. It’s every Firster for themselves.
Impersonating a Firster is a sin that will lead to the most horrific of punishments once The Great Firstening takes place.
*checks first comment*
I dunno, dude. That club isn’t that exclusive.
This is like saying that someone who got a hand job once is a great lover.
Wow. At least he has his priorities in order.
Great comments.
Shame I could not get to them before being blocked. 🙁
I just woke up only to realize I forgot to put my beer in the fridge.
Good christ. Are you fucking 12?!
Fucking 12?
Did you just call me Jeffrey Epstein? Or was it Roman Polanksi? Wait….Gary Glitter.
Q: What goes into 13 twice ?
A: Roman Polanski
That beat always makes me think of this stupid song.
Yes, a deeply stupid song.
Yah. Wow.
Seems that was a very popular club song at one time.
In europe…go figure.
Don’t fret.
Warm beer is the pro move.
Absorbs into your blood stream quicker.
Tightly wrap a few cans in wet paper towels and pop them in the freezer. They’ll be chilly in 20 minutes.
(That works for wine, anyway – smaller volume plus aluminum cans should work even better)
Pretty sure I can get through the 1st couple at room temp while the others chill on the back step.
Its 35º outside or something.
Some good libertarian music.
A love song.
A love song, of sorts.
Er: https://youtu.be/myJDBos5Vyw
Judging by the outfit, someone is trying too hard to be Hank Jr.
moar radar
Since Im up doing laundry and making a meatloaf, just wanted you to know It’s 3 am
337 now, whats up
Tall cans!
Making cookies while I send my new Carhartt through their 3rd washing with plenty of TSP and borax.
Trying to soften them up.
“Fuck off, cracker.”
-Your government.
because diversity is everything….
Jeez, that’s only three years from now. Are they going to bring her back?
Wow, I fucking love equality!
Equality is so pre-Obama, much like color-blind and content of character. Equity is the thing now.
I say fire all white males from NASA and reduce their budget accordingly.
Yesterday bad. Today good.
-Your (local) goverment
Earworm – with a twist.
I am not seeing any writing on how this Ukraine mess is supposed to be resolved. With even Switzerland abandoning neutrality, and people advocating US involvement with a no fly zone, all these countries are picking sides.
Limited nuclear exchange seems more and more likely.
We’ve already denied the no fly zone request, thank God. Nuclear exchange is highly unlikely, thank God again.
I respectfully disagree. Clearly its not going Russia’s way. No one is proposing a way to end the hostilities that maintains the “dignity of the Russian people” I fear a dirty bomb mysteriously exploding on Russian soil. This will give Putin the cover to retaliate. (say one dirty bomb and one nuke in Ukraine).
Then what? Would Germany intervene? Would we?
Considering the expertise with which we dealt with the Coronavirus, I have doubts that we could contain this Russian-Ukraine war.
The Russians were surprised by the Ukrainian government not folding and that’s about it. Now they get to the bloody business of clearing the cities. They aren’t losing, it’s been six days. If anything, the sanctions may have taken them by surprise but those are full of holes too. The Ukrainians are doing better than expected only in that they didn’t collapse completely and the Russians aren’t looking for some kind of piece with honor.
Agree with stinky. Russia will crush Ukraine soon, if they don’t agree to Russian terms. One of those will be recognizing the independence of the Donbas, so that’ll be a no go for Ukraine until they run out of hope.
I agree they are not loosing.
They are not winning.
They may not have the logistical resources to fight a longer battle, and view all those who are providing material support to Ukraine as legitimate military targets.
I’m highly skeptical of the “Russia can’t sustain an invasion of one of its satellite countries for a week” narrative. Sounds, erm, convenient.
Maybe. I guess time will resolve this…
I think it is going Russia’s way. He tried surgical strikes against major cities to see if they would quickly fall to minimize civilian causalities. During this time, the Russian military has been advancing their armor and artillery up to the major cities in the Eastern half of Ukraine, while securing their supply lines. This week the actual attack will begin in earnest.
CNN reported only 9 civilian causalities so far in Kiev since this began. That’s like a Chicago weekend. Ukraine will face to a choice this week to surrender or see their cities turned to rubble, which Russia can easily do. Zelensky knows this, and that’s why they’re in talks now. I think the endgame it carve off a new nation from eastern Ukraine that will a satellite nation of Russia like Belarus. The western half will remain Ukraine, but must guarantee they will never join NATO.
As the West continues interfering, we’ll see the risk of nuclear escalation increase. Russia doesn’t need to frame a dirty bomb incident. Europe is poking something they are not equipped to handle, figuring that big brother US will back them up.
Pretty much this, the fact that Ukraine hasn’t fallen in six days is indicative of nothing other than the government not collapsing in a heap and it being voiced as evidence of failure is propaganda. Russia is using a relatively light hand and is surrounding the cities in eastern Ukraine. Things will get very ugly if Ukraine doesn’t come to some kind of deal soon when the Russians move on the cities to clear them. As for us getting involved besides throwing Ukraine a few weapons here and there, I don’t see that happening.
Good morning, U, Stinky, ‘bodru, and Sean! (And homey, if you’re still
awakeconscious.)Latest payroll headache, this time apparently on the timekeeping side: yesterday when I tried to export all the timesheet data from the timekeeping application to the actual pay calculating application, I got an error message with row after row of masked SS numbers, each saying the person represented by that number “is not an employee.” Still waiting to see if they’ve fixed that so I don’t have to enter everyone’s hours by hand on the day I also have to start my month-end financial reports.
Hope all of your days go much more smoothly.
Morning GT:
I hate payroll drama, also time for EOM stuff.
Was there an unannounced round of mass layoffs?
The running joke between my boss and me involves asking if you’ve received an all-employee e-mail with your name in the subject line, the message including the words “…is no longer an employee and is to be treated like any other member.”
Morning’, GT! Last employee standing is not a bad thing, I suppose.
My favorite HR faux pas – got the following email in 2001, distributed to the entire organization:
” will start on with an annual salary of $250,000, a bonus of $250,000 for the current year, and a bonus of $250,000 for the next year”.
The bad news: the poor young thing who sent this out was terminated shortly thereafter.
The good news: she was not in the building on 9/11.
Mornin’ and ‘Night, Free folk! I need to hit the hay for much jabbings and scannings tomorrow. Hope it’s not some weird COG initiation ritual cause Festus don’t dance.
Good luck, Festus! Casa Patzer got a double dose of good news yesterday. Mrs. Patzer’s biopsy came back negative (yay!) and my eye issues are merely vitreous detachment, not retinal detachment (still sucks, but nothing serious). Hope your poking and prodding turns out well.
Yay, indeed! This calls for another Frabjous Day, ‘patzie! ?
I shall drink to your health then (later).
Can’t you travel through time? Couldn’t you do it later for you and have it be now for us?
My ride is in the shop.
Mornin’, y’all!
One big cup down and the world is looking a little brighter already.
Maybe not so good for Ukes and Russkis but I’m sure glad my dad caught the last boat leaving Riga a century ago.
Nice writeup, Yusef (if you’re still around…)
Ads be Praised!
Amen, my job depends on ads. My company provides analytics to the digital advertising community – the more ads there are, the more $$$ we make. We are not responsible for the abusive behavior of certain websites, please don’t shoot me!
Thankfully people can hate your employer without hating you.
Thankfully people can hate your employer
This occasionally includes me.
When people I don’t know ask me who I work for I just say, “My wife and kids.”
Oh dear, Darth Mouse entered the war?