Today is Saint Valentine’s Day. Besides all the love stuff, please note he is the Patron Saint of beekeepers… a blessing for Fourscore! Here are some links that have nothing to do with what day today is…
- Talk? And nothing else will happen.
- CRISIS!!!! The Twink in the North may try to be a tuff gai.
- And the SJWs jabber about how “intolerant” things are in the US…try this.
- Why are USDA inspectors in another country to begin with? Secondly, [Insert Millennials/Avocado toast joke here].
Go hug a loved one and/or a beekeeper. The comments are all yours.
What’s wrong with Subway?
It’ll get you mugged and
fakelynched in ChicagoYou get attacked while waiting?
The ingredients?
*golf clap*
Bugs Moran would like to say a few words.
Would one of them be ‘massacre’?
That much is certain.
footlong — does 6 inches twice count?
I wasn’t expecting a double penetration joke from you, Kinnath.
I assumed he meant two pumps.
Sequentially, Simultaneously, . . . . same difference right?
Well, I’ve just come up with a completely inappropriate way to teach the difference between series and parallel. It could even be worse than the resistor color mnemonics our crusty old Physics teacher taught us, which he learned from his dad who learned it from the Navy.
Glad to be of service.
Totaling up to a footlong is a good strategy, but I doubt I’ll be able to convince my wife to go four times. ?
‘Why are USDA inspectors in another country to begin with?’
Making sure the production meets our standards, guess it’s easier at the source instead of inspecting shipments.
We’re gonna be holding our manhoods cheap?
This day is called the feast of Valentine:
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,
And rouse him at the name of Valentine.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say ‘To-morrow is Saint Valentine:’
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.
And say ‘These wounds I had on Valentine’s day.’
…And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Valentine’s day.
That doesn’t make cranking the hog sound that glamorous.
“As a Muslim woman, Niaz is dismayed by the effects of the BJP’s majoritarian policies on her community. “I am a Muslim woman and I’ve never worn the hijab, my mother has never worn it, my grandmother has never worn it. Hijabs are not among the five tenets of Islam, it is patriarchy in the garb of religion,” she maintained. “But I also understand the freedom of choice, to dress as much, as or as little, as you chose,” she added.”
“Islam is right about women.”
One of the oddest things about the Left is that they will without any self awareness claim that the US is one of the most misogynist places in the world but will stay quiet on the fuckery that women experience in Islamic countries.
It’s not odd. They don’t care about the actual misogyny. Not one bit. All of their “caring” is a lie and all of their positions are just tools that are momentarily useful to achieve the main goal.
Their complete objective is the destruction of Western culture.
The things that look “odd” make perfect sense when viewed through that lens.
See: Sexual assault allegations Kavanaugh v. Biden and compare and contrast the situations.
Whatever are you talking about?
It’s because Muslims are victims of religious discrimination. Also, because of the conflation of Muslims with black/brown/yellow people for enhanced victimhood roll modifier.
Avocados making threatening phones calls? Like what? “I’m going to fuck up your salad”?
Or “I’m going to make the rest of your salad look bad by comparison.” Because avocado is the freakin’ best.
The USDA previously warned against violence in 2019 after an incident in which a group “directly threatened” a team of inspectors.
Low-level bureaucrats throwing their weight around, getting a little pushback from the locals? Or something else? I’d say that a real journalist could suss this out, but that
professionoccupation is kinda dangerous in parts of Mexico.Happy Valentimes!
“Mexico’s agriculture department said US officials had halted imports “until further notice” following the phone calls. The nature of the threat was not immediately clear, but the state of Michoacán in Mexico, the country’s largest exporter of avocados, has dealt with violence involving drug cartels in recent years.”
There are some details missing here.
“The faultlines between India’s Hindu majority and minority Muslims, who make up around 14 percent of the country’s 1.4 billion people, have been widening, and has seeped into educational institutions, straining the fabric of India’s pluralist, secular democracy.”
This made me think of Ayn Rand’s quote about individual rights: “The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” I remember posting this quote on FB many moons ago and a dye in the wool liberal acquaintance went on a screed how the minority shouldn’t trump the needs and votes of the majority.
There is a simple program used here to determine the legitimacy of any given outcome. It looks like this:
Did I get my way?
IF yes and you’re in the majority
THEN democracy is working and individuals need to get out of the way of the will of the collective
IF no and you’re the minority
THEN individual rights are being trampled and democracy has been killed/compromised/corrupted/taken over by white supremacists
Outcome: You’re always right – you’re so intelligent! Don’t forget to donate at the next NPR subscription drive.
“the minority shouldn’t trump the needs and votes of the majority.”
I’m pretty sure that’s what they mean by “our democracy”.
I though “our democracy” meant our Democratic party rule?
Obviously forcing girls to choose between wearing a hijab and an education is wrong.
But it also made me wonder, what’s life like for Hindi people living in Pakistan? Young woman and girls, in particular?
All 5 of them left? Not great, I’d think.
Looking into it, there’s about 4.5 million. Apparently there is a real problem with Hindi girls being forcibly converted to Islam, with many not going to school because of the risk, severely impacting literacy rates. Several fairly recent bills against forced conversion have failed to become law.
Go hug a loved one and/or a beekeeper.
Or put a bee in someone’s bonnet.
I think that is Fourscore’s plan for tonight. Not sure if he has recovered enough speed to catch Mrs. Fourscore.
I don’t get the hype about avocados, positive or negative. They’re utterly bland mush. I’ve never had a meal where avocados make or break it.
I guess you could classify chips and guacamole as a meal…but it’s not like putting pineapple on pizza. That’s just heinous.
I really enjoy it (guac) as a burger topping.
Kind of like hummus that way. Though you can spice up hummus a lot easier, I think.
It’s fatty and has a fun texture. I like em!
Are we still talking about food?
It’s healthy food – very nutritious.
I understand that they can be pretty good and are healthy, but I’ve never had avocado and thought it was close to a good steak, for example, or even good fresh fruit or vegetables. They’re just mush. They aren’t bad, but the hype is strange.
Avocados are awesome, and they make everything better.
Avocados are like pears or tomatoes. If they’re not perfectly ripe, they’re pointless.
If they are, they’re transcendent. There used to be a restaurant that occasionally had a “tomato and avocado salad.” Two slices of tomato, fan of half an avocado, salt and a drizzle of something. $18 and worth it. Honestly, I’m pretty sure it was the chef flexing about his produce supplier to other restauranteurs.
In the western Canadian province of Alberta on Monday, police broke up an armed group that was prepared to use violence to back a blockade at a border crossing with the United States, authorities said.
Sounds totally legit.
Sounds like they weren’t as prepared as they thought.
Or maybe the whole “prepared to use violence” thing is severely exaggerated.
Greetings, fellow insurrectionists!
“A New York judge has tossed Sarah Palin’s libel lawsuit against The New York Times because her lawyers failed to produce evidence that the newspaper knew what it wrote about her was false or acted recklessly.
US District Court Judge Jed Rakoff made the ruling on Monday afternoon as the jury deliberated where the Times defamed her by linking her to a 2011 shooting spree in Arizona. However, he said he will allow the jury to deliberate to a verdict, but will dismiss the case once it has done so.
He will order the dismissal of Palin’s lawsuit, but enter his order after her jury finishes its own deliberations. Rakoff said he expected Palin to appeal, and that the appeals court ‘would greatly benefit from knowing how the jury would decide it.'”
Based on some of the quotes it sounded like they’re admitting they made an ‘error.’ does the jury know the judge doesn’t care what they think?
Guessing he’s hoping they come back not guilty.
This is exactly the kind of jurisprudence we need. Judgements like this cannot do anything but restore the public’s trust in the system.
A win for free speech.
Would you be OK for civil damages for, say, loss of reputation if something false was said? Or do you think free speech includes the right to say anything about anyone.
[Serious question. TBH I’m not sure what my answer would be]
I have yet to hear a good libertarian argument for the existence of libel or slander laws. Until I do, yes, calling someone a goat fucker is perfectly cromulent.
Calling someone a goat fucker is not an equivalent to knowingly falsely accusing someone of criminal activity or conspiracy. But you knew that already.
Let’s say I publicly and falsely accuse you of tax cheating and bring the IRS down on your head. Do you incur expenses trying to clear yourself?
falsifying testimony is not libel or slander.
You’re technically correct, but testimony is purely within a court of law. Libel is not.
Bringing public hatred and shunning against another person in a knowingly false way is an aggression. It’s incitement against a person.
I have no right to try to destroy your livelihood or peace of mind out of malice.
Your reputation is something you own. An injury to it is as valid a tort as an injury to your person.
No you don’t, your reputation is what others think about you, you can not own that.
You certainly own that. You build it, curate it, and it becomes you.
Until someone gets a wild hare to destroy it. They are fragile things. All it takes is one person with a grudge. It’s even possible no one around you believes it, but they have to distance themselves from you anyway. Either way you get the shaft.
This also argues against Hyperbole’s point. Damage to one’s reputation has real-life consequences, through no fault of your own.
Lastly, people do stupid shit. No one is flawless, and those things can be used against you.
Yeah, lots of businesses rely on reputations built over years and years of hard work. Slander / libel can damage that in a very short time.
You’d know that if you could keep your dick out of those goats.
You, by your actions, can at best influence what other people think about you. But what they think about you is in no way something you own. It definitely isn’t ‘you’, How could it be when there can be multiple opinions of who you are held by many diverse people. Am I the great guy everyone down at the bar thinks I am or am I the contrarian asshole some miserable pricks on the intertubes think I am?
I don’t give a damn ’bout my bad reputation
I don’t think you’re miserable.
Not if there’s goats around.
I will say you people have given me some things to ponder. I still don’t think you own your reputations but there may, “may” be something to some of these arguments – although I suspect the issue is with inciting violence not slander or libel although I can see how those thing can get entwined, so yeah, it’s a sticky wicket, but I hold fast to the assertion that one does not own one’s reputation. Even though I used the personal possessive just now.
Before the internet and social media, it used to be super difficult to wreck someone’s reputation. It almost never gained critical mass anywhere. It was not as fragile then.
But now you can trash a restaurant on Yelp for things unrelated to restauranting and you can trash an author for things they said on Twitter 12 years ago—and you can get a whole lot of people ginned up to go do the same.
Let’s say the guy who shot up the GOP softball team was motivated by an article he read in the New York Times that initially contained falsehoods but was corrected after the shooting. The shooter is responsible for his action, surely. How culpable is the NYT?
Joe Shmoe goes to prison for statutory rape — Joe is 19 and he was banging his 16-year old girlfriend. Girlfriend’s father happens to be a corrections officer in the state, and lets the inmates know that this Joe guy coming in was convicted for fucking little kids. Inmates who have kids of their own on the outside straight up murder the guy his first night there. No slander there?
Since you’re not allowed to shoot people that bad-mouth you, the courts are the only recourse.
You can, you just have to accept the consequences of your actions.
Surely you didn’t just conflate “physically possible” with what kinnath actually said which was “allowed.” That would be a dishonest piece of goat-fuckery which might get you a reputation of being a bad-faith asshole.
Fair enough, I was a bit too glib there. Still at some point a man has to make his own stand, “allowed” will always be a verb that puts me off.
Even if it costs them an endorsement contract?
Libel and slander was codified in early America because reputation meant something back then.
It was a big deal to slander someone with false claims. People used to duel over that stuff. People were effectively banished from communities for socially bad behavior, like deviant sexual stuff or being a liar. If no business would serve you, you had to leave a community. Furthermore, credit was entirely based on social standing and reputation. It was much more difficult to start fresh in some new community. Newly immigrated did it because Europe had its own set of hardships for those without good social standing.
Another reason to have a jury settle disputes (defamation statutes) is the alternative is violence between the parties. While “fighting words” might technically be free speech, it often leads to violence. Is there a societal interest in trying to prevent violence in verbal disputes?
In the same line of reasoning are threats. Threats of violence could elicit a preemptory attack by the victim because you threatened violence at some future time. Society deems that trying to prevent that violence by criminalizing threats is best for everyone in society.
It was obviously satire.
Geez man.
Is that common? For a judge to, I assume, take and rule on a motion for dismissal after jury deliberations have begun?
Vicarious hugs are encouraged but not expected. Too fragile for serious hugs.
I like guacamole.
Making guacamole,
Guac is extra
Va. House passes ban on mask mandates in schools. Defeats amendment that would sunset next year.
Well, if you hadn’t abused power, it would not have been taken away.
Execute 50% of politicians and public health experts and no future dangerous virus will require an extraordinary response from the state. That’s my plan to prepare for the next pandemic.
Unfortunately, their reply will be to execute 50% of the vaccine deniers when the next pandemic strikes.
For some reason I cannot fathom, this popped into my head.
It’ll be like the attempts to reverse gun control, house passes it and senate says no.
Maybe after the next election?
The bill already passed the Senate.
There I go assuming again.
I think that is Fourscore’s plan for tonight. Not sure if he has recovered enough speed to catch Mrs. Fourscore.
That’s why snares were invented.
Sounds like a bit of a honey trap.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plans to activate emergency powers in an effort to end protests that have shut some border crossings and paralyzed downtown Ottawa, sources said on Monday.
What could possibly go wrong?
Well, for starters, some provincial premiers don’t want him to do it.
Mexico’s agriculture department said US officials had halted imports “until further notice” following the phone calls. The nature of the threat was not immediately clear, but the state of Michoacán in Mexico, the country’s largest exporter of avocados, has dealt with violence involving drug cartels in recent years.
That is a blunt hammer.
Castreau’s presser.
I didn’t see anything in there about how big their budget would be for attack dogs and firehoses. Imagine it will be substantial.
“La, la, la, can’t hear you: How the liberal media outlets that relentlessly pushed ‘Russian collusion’ smear have totally ignored Durham’s revelation that Hillary SPIED on Trump. CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, NBC and CBS all pass”
This is my shocked face.
How long before Biden signs an executive order banning krill?
Maybe too local, but ….
Minnesoda GOP is determined to lose seats this year. Proof? They are proposing to spend $1M on an ad campaign to burnish the “brand” of Minnesoda police.
Look GOP, just because people don’t like the idea of defunding the police, it doesn’t mean they support the police. Sucking up to the jackasses who kill innocent people in a no-knock raid is not the way to win elections.
I’m also 100% sure that if you let the police control the ad campaign, you will get gems like this PSA: Comply Now, Complain Later.
I actually heard this PSA driving around this weekend and almost went into the ditch because of the involuntary muscle spasms caused by hearing the smug cops on that ad.
In practice, it isn’t bad advice. The police, though, really shouldn’t be out there demanding unthinking compliance.
Why not? Demanding that people bow to unrelenting, preachy propaganda that completely flies in the face all objective reality has been shockingly effective for the state and their corporate media gimps for the last two years. Why would they think it’s going to stop working suddenly?
Vote in Canada to kill Federal mandates fails
The Conservative push to have the Liberal government present a plan to end federal vaccine mandates and restrictions by the end of the month was defeated on Monday.
The motion was defeated 185 to 151.
Federally-imposed vaccine mandates and restrictions have been a source of contention in recent weeks as the Freedom Convoy continues protests and blockades across Canada in pursuit of getting those policies dropped.
Put a fork in Canada, it’s done.
Some truckers leaving Ottawa.
I watched some of the presser. Trudeau just handed the mic over to the deputy PM. I killed the video.
There were a lot of Orwellian words in there. “Limited” “Temporary” “Supporting freedom”.
Trudeau wrapped up with a blurb about Ukraine. Canada is going to loan more money to Ukraine plus extend its training mission in Ukraine. There was talk of sending “lethal equipment” (his words) to Ukraine.
Canada is going to get its very own Fidel. Aren’t they lucky.
You know, an organized revolt would use that to its advantage. Trudy is admitting he doesn’t have the manpower to take them all on so he’s going to cut some out of the herd and make examples of them.
A few years ago, there was a story going around about how “teh cartels” had control over the Mexican lime market and were driving prices through the roof. I guess that was so successful they decided to branch out.
From the links – Adams is on Amtrak to Albany. So of the all the departures Amtrak makes today we now know which of the handful of trains will be on time.
This is similar to when Sen Biden used to commute from DE to DC. I used to try to take the same train as you knew it was going to be on time.
You know who else made the trains run on time?
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Henry Booth?
Dagny Taggart?
The founder of Brazzers?
We have a winner.
Yeah, that’s pretty good
Mr. Conductor?
Cheryl Tunt?
“You’re not my supervisor!”
Hamilton Watch Co.?
“the state of Michoacán in Mexico, the country’s largest exporter of avocados, has dealt with violence involving drug cartels in recent years.”
Wonderful. We’re supposed to go to a wedding there next year. I hope the get it all sorted out before then. I don’t want to come back with my head cut off.
Don’t worry. Just take this package back with you to the States like the nice man asks you to and you won’t have any problems.
If you try and sell drugs on cartel turf you are going to get hurt or killed, as tempting as it might be please avoid bringing any drugs to sell at the wedding.
That sounds like a commercial for Bad Ideas Jeans. “So I figure I’m only going to be in Michoacan once. What’s the harm in slinging a little dope?”
Heheh. I’m sure you’ll have a blast (figuratively!). What city you headed to? If the US ends it’s Vid testing requirements for returning travelers then I’m probably bringing the wife and kids down to Jalisco state sometime in the next six months. Either that or back to Baja. There will be copious avocados eaten.
We’d be going to Morelia. Our neighbors are having a second wedding after 25 years. I guess it’s a thing down there.
Cool. Hope you get to go. I wouldn’t worry much about personal safety there. If you get a chance you could head out to the coast and check out Zihuatanejo. Never been anywhere in that area but it is supposed to be fantastic.
A New York judge has tossed Sarah Palin’s libel lawsuit against The New York Times because her lawyers failed to produce evidence that the newspaper knew what it wrote about her was false or acted recklessly.
The Sargeant Schultz defense?
This is similar to when Sen Biden used to commute from DE to DC. I used to try to take the same train as you knew it was going to be on time.
You could probably be pretty sure it wouldn’t get shunted off onto a siding for 36 hours, anyway.
When that ass was VP, the Secret Service would shutdown the rail platforms at Union Station for his trips delaying multiple commuter trains.
A new public service announcement from the National Police Association is urging people who believe they are being wrongly arrested to “Comply Now, Complain Later” in an effort to reduce police use-of-force risks.
Admit it. It’s catchier than “Guilty until proven innocent.”
If it’s the DC Capital police, comply now, complain later might not be a great strategy. They may not let you get around to the second part.
If I was a billionaire, I would buy the time slots right after those PSA and run ads that point out how the Complain later doesn’t work for people like Tamir Rice. Propose a Defuse Now, Arrest Later.
Tamit Rice and Ashli Babbit, while you’re at it.
CPD Officer James Hunt, Who Said On Viral Video He’s Killed ‘Mother——s,’ Is Stripped Of Police Powers After New Complaint Surfaces
So only took another 2 years and 24 prior complaints. The issue is, of course, racism and not the utter lack of police accountability.
Correct, to think it is anything other than an unhealthy obsession with race is white supremacy.
I’m in the process of trying to reprimand one of my civilian officers for unprofessional conduct and expect it will take a minimum of two months…for a simple reprimand. This guy shouldn’t be a rent-a-cop, much less an armed officer, but it has to start somewhere. Fuck police unions.
Beer news:
Portland’s Hair of the Dog Brewing Is Closing as Founder Alan Sprints Retires
I haven’t had Hair of the Dog in ages. It used to be available around here, but Sprints refused to expand – supposedly he insisted on brewing every batch by himself, using fairly small vats – and I think the distribution area just shrank as the beer got more popular.
We’ve made the circle. We’re back to the Divine Right of Hereditary Rulers.
The Capitol Building is a sacred space you know.
Just as the founders intended.
Don’t get carried away
“At this point, it would not help the social climate. There is a lot of pressure, and I think we have to be careful,” said Quebec Premier François Legault. “It wouldn’t help for the polarization.”
When the Quebecois say you’re too polarizing, you might want to listen.
Two days left.
Russia to attack Ukraine on Wednesday – Ukrainian President
Will Russia liberate Kharkov by the Olympics Closing Ceremony?
If Russia was going to attack, why would they tell the President of the country that’s about to invade when it’s going to happen? File that under too stupid to actually be true. This all reeks of bullshit propaganda where our intelligence agencies pretend like we were goaded into a war and “we had no other choice, they made the first move.” Not buying it.
The plan is to take credit for preventing an imminent Russian invasion.
It would be funny if Putin decides to go for it on that exact day.
Not like he has to be worried about the Biden administration being ready for such an invasion.
He can get everything he wants without firing a shot.
Putin might be evil, but he’s not an idiot. Wars are messy things.
Good article. That all makes sense. It wouldn’t be the first time that a modern president has used an elaborate military strike as a distraction from his embarrassments (see Monica Missiles.) At least this one theoretically ends without any actual mass murder, so good for Biden???? I’ll just ignore the unbelievable waste of resources to play these kinds of stupid games.
So what’s the outcome? Status quo where we stop trying to invite Ukraine into NATO and Russia leaves them alone or is that too much to hope for?
I wager we stop inviting them into NATO, Russia gets Crimea, and issues plattitudes about leaving Ukraine alone.
Stop inviting them to NATO for now. Need to keep that bear asleep in the cave so you can run in and poke him whenever you need a good apocalyptic distraction.
Watch, in a twist move, Russia invades Taiwan.
Does China then take Ukraine? Ukraine should pull a trick out of the ol’ Blazing Saddles playbook while they’re waiting around.
Also, recruit Mongo.
If Russia was going to attack, why would they tell the President of the country that’s about to invade when it’s going to happen?
They were reading General Milley’s book?
Because he sent them a signed copy that included a USB drive with all the US plans on the matter plus a full itinerary of Joe’s upcoming public ice cream/pet purchases?
That’s like Babe Ruth showing where he’s going to hit the ball.
Uffda. All I got for sinking a half court shot (while blindfolded) was a stupid hat.
LOL. St. Thomas is a haven for rich entitled kids, so the fact that all he got was a hat especially funny.
Did the hat say “Lucky Shot” on it?
Anyone else Powerline readers?
I sort of follow them because they are mostly local to the Twin Cities and have some good content. They are a bit too conservative for my taste in general, but for the most part they seem like decent people.
They have one writer (Paul Mirengoff) who is an old school country club Republican (he also lives in DC). This writer is also a crypto Never Trumper. He denies being one, but always believes whatever anti-Trump outrage that the MSM is pushing and repeats it as gospel.
Anyhow Mirengoff wrote a long post about how hypocritical it was for Trump to complain about Pelosi tearing up Trump’s SOTU speech, after the NYT said he destroyed presidential documents by tearing them up or flushing them down the toilet.
This triggered another of the bloggers to add an update to the blog post where he tore into Mirengoff for being so dumb. He notes that everything that Trump saw was generated by a computer so him eating/ripping/flushing the doc doesn’t get rid of it. It is a truly wonderful rant. Since that update all the bloggers have been pretty silent. The comments on the story are running about 6 to 1 against Mirengoff.
To my original point, anyone else here follow PowerLine and wondering what is going on over there today? I think they may be on the brink of their own Glibbening.
I thought the whole carting tOp SeCrEt documents off to Mar-a-Lago thing was hearsay, anyway.
My theory? People caught wind of the new Durham info about Clinton and the whole ‘spying on a sitting president’ thing and magically people came out of the woodwork of ‘new’ information about document shredding and toilet stuffing after TWO impeachments….but yeah.
If it did happen, and if there was a reason they were there (I imagine a former president does get access to things for a while after transition), and if they were stored properly, it’s an entirely moot point.
I’m not saying nothing happened, but what actual evidence are they offering that he did something he shouldn’t have with classified documents. This sounds like just another round of anonymous hearsay from the same group of people that have been caught red handed making shit up about the guy time after time. Let me know when a single person with a shred of credibility and some first hand knowledge decides to weigh in. It’s okay, I’ll wait.
I’ll be honest, I don’t know anything about whatever it is.
But there is a to level source in the Kremlin who confirmed something, maybe. Top level.
I used to check the Week in Pictures occasionally but it was hit and miss.
I check the website, i agree.
Wow, that’s a flame war
I stopped following them sometime between 2010 and 2016. Can’t remember exactly when. About the time I stopped believing that small-government conservative wasn’t an oxymoron. The Blogfather is the last of the old-school blogs I still peruse. But I do follow his link to The Week in Pictures on the regular.
Just another training issue.
“February 16 will be the day of attack” on Ukraine by Russia, said a post on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s Facebook page accompanying a video address to his country on Monday night.
The Ukrainian president’s post said that Wednesday, the day that the Ukrainian government was “told” would be the day of a Russian attack, would become a “day of unity.”
“The decree has already been signed,” continued the statement. “This afternoon we will hang national flags, put on blue-yellow ribbons and show the world our unity.”
You have to make reservations before you invade, now?
The things I learn…
Sgt. KK’s Lonely Hearts Club Zoom, anyone? 7pm ET.
So late, hope you get some nibbles KK.
Some kibble to nibble?
I ain’t no supermodel, but daaaaaaaayum! That’s a burn!! ???
What? We’re proud of our potatoes.
I like taters and I want to support our Canucki sisters. “Oh baby, you smell just like warm poutine.”
Drives the Quebecois wild, it does . . .
Holy shit. I hope all deliveries to Ottawa stop.
Best reply
But I am guessing the outlier tow trucks that didn’t have to participate will now feel the pressure to….under threat of losing everything. Go Freedom!
Yes, the government can now compel their labor, at gun point I assume.
You know who else liked forced labor?
And….here it is
Disturbing that he can do that.
Didn’t I read today that even Ontario is ending mandates however?
What goals do they have left to accomplish?
Showing the uppity peasants who’s boss.
I think he meants the truckers
haha yeah
Jan 6th showed there can be no half measures. Any truckers who leave now without some sort of guarantee of amnesty will be hunted down and arrested as domestic terrorists.
If [REDACTED] something bad happened to her, I would have zero sympathy. That’s evil right there. She psycho… and probably a goat fucker.
If she is goat fucker she has a bright future in the American DOE
Oh great. We get another war of northern aggression.
Great White War of Northern Aggression
Fair warning: anyone wanting to hug Fourscore will probably need a ladder.
All the ladies call him treetop lover
All the men just call him sir.
Now the Canadian government says it’s going to regulate cryptocurrency under the terrorism act.
I don’t know if the country is truly fucked, or if these are the last desperate acts of a dying regime.
Unless it ends up a civil war, the government will get what it wants. I don’t want to see a Canadian civil war, but that is the reality.
This is straight up fascism.
Proper fucked.
That will be the key for the US to act themselves on this in support of the Canadian government. Material support to terrorism for anyone or business supporting or finding this.
Yep, how many DoJ staffers are contacting their counterparts right now in Canada seeking their ‘legal’ basis.
Good cop:
Yep! Hopefully there are others that are not social media types that are doing the same – also with the military. Otherwise it is two weeks to flatten the protests and establish their foothold of tyranny.
One of the commenters said “Sad part is when all the good ones leave. Think of what the people are left with.”
I’ve known great cops, good cops and a few turds in uniform circling the bowl. The great ones leave after they get a stress-induced heart attack, the good ones bail after a few years when they discover that the job isn’t about helping people, and the turds become an ever-greater percentage of the remainder, and start getting seniority.
This is gonna be a shitshow no matter what. And all because The Hair That Walks Like A Man™ has daddy issues.
If my daddy where Castro I too would have issues.
Yes. It is the same here in my FedGov job. We are going to lose the greats and the good ones to the vaccine and test bullshit while those left are truly the picture we all imagine of a FedGov worker.
Isnt his daughter anti-communist?
Looks like the Laurentian elite won’t go away without a fight. Heaven help us…
Remember when I said Turdeau wouldn’t listen?
That wasn’t hard to predict — he’s had daddy issues since he first ran for Parliament.
Here’s a little blast from the past, from the Canadian HuffPost: Why Canada Will Become a Dictatorship Under Trudeau (2014)
I remember thinking that Turdeau Jr. Was going to lead Canada to tyranny the moment he was elected leader. Unfortunately my paranoia was not off the mark…
Looks like pot, gay marriage, immigration and Nafta really lead to a free Canada. Is legal weed an acceptable trade off for the Emergencies Act?
I’ve known for about 14 years that Canada is fucked, I guess I got confirmation…
I will give props to their publicity managers.
Whoever it was that said this whole stunt was a pre-arranged psy-ops campaign (by the Geico triplets or whatever?) was probably spot-on.
Bit of a misfire, though. The left got to twist their panties for a few days is about all they got out of it.
Where is Pan, John Titor or Cytotoxic?
Especially John. I need to know how this all ends!
He left a long time ago.
His attempt to libertarianize the Liberals worked out well…
Reminds of Gojira talking about Hong Kong here a while back. He said the Hong Kong crackdown really bothered him because it was a first world country and Communism only rose in shitholes in the past. It Can’t Happen Here and the Inevitability of Progress I suppose…
Cite needed.
Interesting how freedom requires social respectability. Destroying the social norms would surely never undermine freedom, right? And because the urban elites believed something in the 1850s surely the very different urban elites in 2022 must believe pretty much the same thing.
Interesting. I got all the right, and less than half the left.
What’s it tell us that the word that the most men knew the meaning of was “shemale”?
Most women did too, but not as many.
I’m not sure why so many Japanese words pertaining to weapons, violence, and a warrior’s code of conduct are overrepresented in this survey but whatever…
I just realized I wrote that backwards, after I had no idea how physics was gay.
So all the left (although, all I know is that a “boson” is some kind of sub-atomic particle).
And about half the right (although, I don’t know the technical specifics for a bunch of fabrics, just what they look like.)
Wow. I don’t know where that came from, but that is quite telling. I (male) swear I can’t identify a single word on the “female” list. Is whipstich related to sewing?
On the other hand I missed “katana” and “yakuza”. I know in general what a parasec is but can’t pin down the definition. Milliarcsecond at (mumble) light years?