The news!
Anything going on that might need coverage/discussion? Oh yeah…
- Hmmmm.
- Base-bolll has been not very good, to me. This @#$% always happens when the White Sox are fielding a good team. It’s fookin’ 1994 all over again!
- NYC subways remain safe and fun!
- Not very neutral.
Special Bonus Link for Bill Kristol/Max Boot/et al.
Just remember, when it comes to wartime reporting, social media and the like…
Comment away! They are all yours.
We are all gonnna Dieeeeeeeeee!
So, how worried is Putin about a coup right now, and what might that drive him to do?
I doubt he is. From Taibbi…
Emphasis added.
I don’t know, there’s so much bullshit flying it’s hard to tell what the reality is.
Don’t believe anything from anyone on any side when it comes to this and that includes me. The propaganda is thicker than flies on a rib roast.
Not seeing it. Sorry, but the stated reasons for going into Ukraine were NATO expansion, abuse of Russians in Ukraine, denazification of Ukraine, that kind of thing. Parallels with the casus belli in Iraq escape me.
Yeah, I guess they’re similar, in that the Russians partly used a pre-emptive rationalization. But they are far from identical, and that’s just a part of Russia’s justification.
And it’s so laughable that you also have to wonder if Russia included that just to tweak the Americans.
Because the unstated goals in both cases were “you’ve been a thorn in my side for too long and fytw”
Well, that’s been the rationale for just about every invasion since the Romans.
Carthago delenda est!
Agreed, and I think the US’s misguided intentions in Iraq are a different animal than what Vlad is up to, but we had a policy objective and our stated reasons were not the full or most of the story of why we invaded.
I believe it is the lack of casus belli that is the basis of the comparison. Particularly when Rice is denouncing the Russians for doing what we did (or, with arguably even LESS justification).
Base-bolll has been not very good, to me.
Baseball has never been very good.
Baseball’s only good when my team wins.
So, once in a lifetime.
Same as it ever was.
You would not have been a happy Dayton Dragons fan for most of the last 20 years. ?⚾?
Fairweather fan. Not afraid to admit it.
Frontrunner apologist!
I nearly spit beer out! Shame on you!
Cricket is better.
I get what you mean about the White Sox. But I also feel that baseball has too many games every year.
I agree, but not in regular season.
They play enough to determine a champion in each league, then it can go straight to World Series.
With 15 teams in each, they can go back to 154 game schedule, as 11x 14 works exactly.
Except then there’s one team that has to be off every day.
No wait, I don’t really care about baseball anymore.
Okay, and?
That would require 11 off days, currently they have about twice that number. Scheduling would be slightly more difficult, but doable.
You can’t have teams play series, because the same team would have to be off multiple days in a row.
And if you don’t want that, then there’s a lot more travel involved.
Sure you can, you just have to stagger the series. I have played with it in the past, totally doable.
Same amount of travel, you just dont have a series ending on Sunday. Sometimes it does, sometimes Sunday is in the middle, sometimes you begin on Sunday.
Just like Mozart’s music has “too many notes”?
“Well… there it is.”
I should watch that again this weekend. Love that movie.
Le Expos are the ones truly pissed about 1994.
Cleveland remembers 1994 as well.
NYC subways remain safe and fun!
Some people would pay for that experience.
(NB: I am not one of those people.)
NYC subways remain safe and fun!
[golf clap] for “Special bonus link…”
Standing ovation, please.
@Tulip, on the zoom a couple of weeks ago, when we were talking about movies, you re’d something to me I had remembered wanting to watch and now I can’t remember what it was. CTRL-F does not work on my brain. Had a female protagonist, I believe.
Also, the dub on Beforeigners is awful. Besides that, it’s like they didn’t even TRY to match their voices.
Hmm, I don’t remember, but it may come to me.
Extra link, but on-topic: Roscosmos director-general claims sanctions would threaten the ISS, including de-orbiting on the US or Europe. So much fun.
Glad I don’t live in NYC, but that’s nothing new….
Shame about the Swiss ditching neutrality a while back – that and the Irish corporate tax rate seemed like excellent business draws, and screw the global financial cabal.
Or maybe I’m just in a bad mood. Hope everyone’s having a decent start to the week.
Nope. Found out my change request for tomorrow morning is royally screwed and trying to get it fixed. Not working so far.
So they are threatening an act of war in a direct attack on the US which would require a retaliatory response? Doesn’t seem like a very good plan.
Not exactly, they were just pointing out that without Russian aid the ISS would become unstable and could land on the US or Europe.
Paging Elon Musk . . . .
I think he already answered that page
The subway story reminds me of how we’ve been told that poop was smeared on the walls of the Capitol during the “Insurrection”. Did that actually happen? Are there pictures of that? Or is this just another line of BS?
I always assumed it was Nancy Pelosi who smeared the shit on the Capitol walls.
No, that was just on the Constitution.
Someone should have kept her off of the poop deck, then.
“poop was smeared” … “another line of BS”
What you did there, it was observed.
The feds are trying to prove possession of a gun on the Capitol grounds based on essentially nothing. Funny thing is, the guy had a GoPro on – wonder if that is going to be prosecution or defense evidence.
Excellent breakup song involving poop
That was fantastic. Saving the link.
Moscow warns against supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine
Riggs has no intention of going anywhere. Murtaugh is too old for this shit.
Are we going to revoke diplomatic immunity and kill the Russian Ambassador?
The assailant took off after the attack, and cops were still looking for him Monday morning.
In the pictures, he’s not wearing a mask. I wonder if that’s what the cops will nab him for.
Asked whether Switzerland, a major financial centre and commodities trading hub, would follow the EU in freezing Russian assets, he said: “It is very probable that the government will decide to do so tomorrow, but I cannot anticipate decisions not yet taken.”
Cassis said Switzerland’s neutrality must be preserved
One of these things is not like the other.
C’mon, we were neutral in WW2 before December 1941, in spite of the Lend-Lease Act, and freezing Japanese assets and starting an oil embargo!
Or mobilizing our reserves and drafting civilians starting September 1940.
Don’t forget FDR waging an undeclared naval war on Germany
Meh. The Germans shot first.
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Was racism over when MLK Jr. ended slavery?
You pass history as long as you can recite the narrative.
Han shot first.
A Ukrainian member of parliament accidentally said the quiet part out loud when she told Fox News she was fighting for the New World Order.
Who wants to sign up for the Legion to help out the Soros / Klaus Schwab project?
Maybe she’s just a Ministry fan. https://youtu.be/aaeEWzJRCos
Makes sense to me.
I would fight for New Order, but only if they make amends with Peter Hook.
Nah. I read his book. He’s an asshole.
I expect it would take someone with true faith, given the state of the nation. The subculture that’s into the new order lacks regret as they run the rest of us round & round.
But with the world in motion, there’s no confusion when they avoid fighting — they’d have to have shellshock to do so.
*polite applause*
Now I’m having a blue Monday.
How does it feel?
Your comment had a lot of substance, and I admire your technique.
New Order – Shellshock [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]
Huh – New Order, Pet Shop Boys & Paul Okenfold touring together.
Spendy. Lots of nostalgic Gen X’ers.
I get the impression she meant something different from what we understand NWO to be.
‘Derek Jeter, the game’s first and only Black chief executive officer’
Wait for real? Or is this some Italians aren’t really white thing?
Meter’s black like Obama is black. Black dad white mom.
Fucking autocorrect!
Okay, but at least you could really identify him as such.
I really had no idea, not that I’m a huge baseball fan, but he just looks like a white dude to me.
I thought he was Italian for a long time. Then I got a black meter like WTF.
He looks swarthy to me but I’ve never heard him referred to as ‘Black’ before.
Is he Sicilian?
Thank you for saving me the trouble of posting that.
Movie nerd friend pointed out there’s no master shot – you don’t see the two faces in the frame at the same time.
Quentin Tarantino + Tony Scott = good damn movie.
I saw some professor online calling for the Ukrainians to tie-up captured Russian soldiers and then hide them under debris in the streets so that the invading tanks will crush them. I don’t know what compels someone to go on the internets to advocate for war crimes in a country half way around, but it seems like the people least likely to serve overseas or have family serve overseas are the most bloodthirsty and psychopathetic right now. What a clown world
I wouldn’t want anyone to do that, because it would harm the person doing it as well. Good to see you apologist.
JHTFC. I believe they still have conscripted troops. You are right about ppl being shits.
Better replace GKC with Vladimir. Everyone knows now Tulski is a Russian asset.
The lunatics are alive and well.
Ain’t war hell?
The Twitterverse thinks it’s glorious. They get to revel in their new hashtags.
Propaganda and rabid patriotism are a dangerous combination.
Welcome back
“Special Bonus Link for Bill Kristol/Max Boot/et al.”
I’m sure they’re all grilled to finally be able to put their money where their mouth is.
I would pay for their Go-Pros with live feeds.
I’ll help.
From Drake’s link in the dead thread, this is Fox News’ war cheerleader
and this is her husband
? world. But she’s more of a military expert, after countless years of repeating the talking points handed to her, than Douglas Macgregor (though in fairness, he was the advocate for the go light version of invading Iraq).
The Colonel I linked to in the old thread will probably never be seen again on Fox after throwing cold water all over their war boners.
Despite his twenty year old cockup, Macgregor has been the surprising voice of reason in the past few years on military adventurism.
Meanwhile McMaster has become something out of his own book.
Speaking of that bald turd, he was out on the Sunday circuit advocating idiocy.
Right… commercial airlines are going to resume service to middle of an active conflict. Maybe they can get Malaysian Airlines to go first.
She works at the Pentagon. At… the Pentagon
It would seem to me that in order to maintain some amount of impartiality, one might want to keep their offices outside of the war machine’s facilities.
Remember when arming the Mujahideen was done, at least officially, on the QT with a certain amount of deniability? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Got the Ford Explorer up and running for the teens. Good. Go, get out of the house. Still need to do the front struts, window tinting replacement, and some automatic window work. AC works and new tires, so they shouldn’t complain. Happy Birthday (belated and upcoming) to those two little shits that drive me insane.
I can feel the love.
“Inside Brittany Matthews’ VERY glamorous bachelorette weekend: NFL star Patrick Mahomes’ fiancée parties on a yacht, does GOAT yoga, and enjoys luxury nights out during lavish Miami trip”
I don’t want to know what goat yoga is.
Sounds really stinky.
Yoga with Tom Brady.
You spelled Joe Montana wrong.
You spelled Joseph Mantegna wrong.
My wife did it with a friend…its letting goats walk all over you while doing various yoga poses. I am no advocate for PETA, but come on people.
Someone must have invented this as a prank…
Yet another evil 4chan plot
Totally not narcissistic.
I knew somebody like her years ago. It seemed really odd to me. She was like a living caricature of a young LA socialite.
What like making sure all your bride’s maids wore one pieces while you wore a bikini?
Mahomes is going to pay her 8 figures a few years after they marry to make her go away.
I was having similar thoughts.
She’s a pretty old looking 26, too.
He better have a rock solid prenup.
They’ve been together since high school. I don’t see him ditching her.
All this said, the weekend looked expensive, but it didn’t seem outré. Looked kinda tame, at least, for her.
That’s a pretty staid bachelorette weekend for a WAG
KC is pretty much tired of her.
She has no class.
“You’re like a schoolteacher in the summertime….
No class!”
/Fat Albert
Her and his brother, from my very limited understanding of the situation.
I’ve heard his mother is equally gauche.
“AOC and Bernie Sanders’ ‘Democratic Socialists’ group blames the US for Russian invasion of Ukraine and demands NATO is scrapped: ‘US must end the imperialist expansionism that set the stage for this conflict'”
You’ll never get into the club with that attitude.
There is no better way to ensure NATO’s contuining existence.
demands NATO is scrapped
I remember a guy, kind of orange…
“EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden’s business partner Devon Archer is sentenced to one year in prison for his role in defrauding Native American tribe – as emails reveal president’s son had close ties to firm involved in the scheme but later distanced himself”
So he “distanced himself” by continuing to work with them on other projects.
Is there really any doubt that he’d be in jail if not for his Daddy’s political connections?
Kinda like Bush twins getting away with shit…though Hunter’s activities are much much worse.
What did they get away with?
I think normal teenage shit that shouldn’t land anyone in jail but would have landed normies in jail. Fake IDs, alcohol, using secret service to get a boyfriend to the hospital cause of alcohol poisoning. Like I said, normal college teenaged stuff, but no one of us could get away with it.
Not sure what you’re talking about, I got away with it, lots of my friends and acquaintances did, too.
A DUI would get you arrested and a record (but not jail time for a first offense). And I knew somebody who got some jail time and then probation because he was legal age, and bought alcohol for a minor (under 18). But most minor offenses got a slap on the wrist, particularly if it was a first offense.
I dunno. We had all of that when I was in college, and nobody went to jail.
Sorry I was fast forwarding that to today’s times.
Fake ID and alcohol are things I got away with. Didn’t have the opportunity to take anyone to the hospital with alcohol poisoning.
I actually did. Well, I don’t think the guy had alcohol poisoning; he just got extremely drunk and broke his nose. I was supposed to take him back to his room, but he had gotten so drunk he lost his keys.
I did. No questions were asked. They don’t want to have kids hesitate to bring in a friend in trouble to avoid themselves getting into trouble.
Don’t answer that OBE!
I hereby petition Sugarfree to compose the answer to that question.
damn it!
He wouldn’t be able to have these business dealings if not for this Dad’s political connections. So
“Ron DeSantis says he rejected Biden’s request for National Guard troops to protect DC lawmakers during State of the Union address tomorrow as ring of steel goes back up at the Capitol
A ring of reinforced fencing was erected around the US Capitol ahead of President Joe Biden’s address to Congress, as Washington braces for protests by trucker convoys.”
Because they are soldiers not a theater troupe?
This is why their delay, albeit somewhat accelerated plans, to do this convey is a bad idea now. Biden has all the agencies and states reversing mask mandates and such that all they have to do now is claim the convoy is for overthrowing the government since there are no mandates to reverse.
Hey Ron. I need a bunch of your guys to take time out of their day jobs to come up here and bivouac in a parking garage for a couple of weeks.
So, naturally, they’ve leaked the state of the union to the WP
Biden wanted to use the State of the Union for his agenda. Then Russia started a land war.
Original plan was to downplay the Ukraine and say life is going to be great if we spend, spend, spend.
Now it’s Ukraine is awful, but life is going to be great if we spend, spend, spend.
So…lifting a portion of a speech from *insert generic Republican*
is he going to blame teh evil corporationz for inflation?
While still supporting unions.
and the green new deal
“promoting fair competition and eliminating barriers to jobs”
Just you wait until they announce _how_ those things are going to be done…
(hint: it will not involve removing onerous government regulations)
Nope cause the unfair and barriers are white rich folk.
That just in case the drugs wear off before he finishes.
Im running my own drinking game and I am trying to come up with triggers for drinks. I have some:
Biden whispers
Biden gets angry for no reason or context
Biden jumbles a sentence or word
Shit…I believe I may be dead by minute mark 5
If it goes for too long, they’re going to need an Adderall pump.
I’m really hoping that thing happens where Biden wanders off-script, he starts mumbling nonsense, and an army of terrified aides starts shouting “Okay! Okay! Thank you everyone! That’s it!” and ushers him off the stage. It’s happened several times in press conferences.
That would be glorious! “You’ve had the prerelease and it has been delivered to Congress” Thank you!
I wish they would go back to the old way of just delivering a letter to congress.
Well, if Biden dies mid-address we may just get that.
So recycle the defeat of covid to next year’s address?
I think the plan is not even talk about it. Ignore it, with the help of the press, and move on.
I’m beginning to think Vlad is doing Joe a solid.
From Berenson:
“ Six weeks after becoming “fully vaccinated,” kids under 12 are 40 percent MORE likely to be infected Covid than those who never received mRNA shots, a huge New York state database shows.
The mRNA jabs provide some protection for the first two weeks of “full vaccination.” But it declines rapidly, turns negative by the fifth week, and more sharply negative in the sixth.”
Potential Stadium Locations For The Washington Commies
I dare them to go with the Potomac Shores location. Farthest from DC at 30 miles down the parking lot known as I-95. Farthest from major highways putting much traffic on local streets. The only rail nearby is a commuter line that has a maximum capacity of ~1,000 every 15 minutes. It would be a CF.
What’s wrong with the current stadium?
Why stay at the current stadium if you can get taxpayers to pay for a new one?
Rebuild at RFK or don’t bother.
I prefer they stay in Maryland. That is as far from my wallet as I can expect.
Pfizer Shot Is Far Less Effective in 5- to 11-Year-Olds Than in Older Kids, New Data Show
The Pfizer vaccine is the only Covid shot authorized for that age group in the United States. It still prevents severe illness in the children, but offers virtually no protection against infection , even within a month after full immunization, the data, which were collected during the Omicron surge, suggest.
Look, a war in Ukraine!
Missed it by this much… ?
*shakes fist*
At least the asshat bothered to provide a working link.
If I had taken the time to do that on my phone, I wouldn’t have the bragging rights now.
Copy/paste takes that long?
It’s not as if you bothered to format the link like the asshat did.
I’ve got fat fingers dude.
Are you a digitocrassusophobe?
*runs away sobbing*
Severe illness in children is very rare. I’d like to see the “science” behind that assertion.
Just being a child prevents severe illness in children due to Covid.
I assume it means something like 1 in 100k is reduced to .5 in 100k.
Yes – even the cheering MSM hasn’t been able to spin this news to anything even vaguely promising. You’ll note they never mention how many healthy 5-11 years olds were hospitalized from COVID prior to vaccine eligibility.
It cut the hospitalization rate in half, from 2 in 125,000 to 1 in 125,000!
/MSM math
Now do cardiomyopathy!
Media is gonna jump right in on this one right? Or is this a good thing?
People are idiots.
Can’t wait to hear the cries for why it was bad for Muslim adjacents but good for Russian adjacents.
The war has hit the DMV.
*hug a Russian*
SNL Realizes Two Years in that Covid avoidance is fucked up: COVID Dinner Discussion
Nah, that is battlespace prep for the 180 that will be completed tomorrow night. Signaling to the faithful that they can retain their rage but it is over.
Who is doing the bullying again?
Decrying “bullying” is just another power game. With apologies to Frank Herbert,
“When I am weaker than you, I call you a bully. When I am stronger than you, I still call you a bully.”
Russia never realized how far sanctions would go. First vodka now this.
Wonder how the statue in Portland is going to be handled….
You mean our wonderful Lenin statue in Seattle? (Yeah, what is the difference between one leftist shit hole and another?)
Yeah that shithole…which I saw some recent video coverage of it and damn…I really loved Seattle. Great walkin city but no more.
Look what the Postal Service left at my door despite this being in a box marked “Adult Signature, 21+, required”. The mailman didn’t even ring the doorbell.
And here I was hoping somebody sent you gay porn.
+55 gallon drum of lube.
I really needed this today. Simply delightful.
My wife showed that to me this weekend! I had to spend a few minutes thinking…how did he get his pants around the poll? HAHAHA
Your wife is awesome
His pants were halfway down to his knees to start with…you have to wonder what happened off camera
“I love you man” “You’re so great” “Dude you’re the best”
Ah, my people.
Smart phones suck. Dude strolls by staring at a phone, oblivious to the grand spectacle unfolding in his midst.
I’ll hazard that such sights aren’t all that unusual there.
Saw this down in the comments or recommended or whatever. I’d like the window sticker version.
This is the strangest looking Lee-Enfield I’ve ever seen.
And duh… I didn’t realize. This is a Martin-Enfield. Manufactured as a Martini-Henry, then converted to Martini-Enfield.
Still not a Lee-Enfield.
I want to decrease my sugar intake, so I thought I would go sugarless in my coffee.
What’s the most rich, non-bitter, tasty coffee I can get in a Keurig cup?
What kind/degree of roast do you like?
What kind/degree of roast do you like?
I have no idea how that doubled up.
I like dark but not bitter, so a balance?
Well, the one time I was in the States and had to buy some Keurig pods for the hotel room coffee machine, I bought some Peets Coffee Major Dickason’s Blend.
Best dark roast cuppa I’d had in a long time. Their website doesn’t show it as being available in pods, but I know we bought it like that.
Thanks! Looks like the Amazons has it
Ooooops. I lie.
Wal-Mart sells that stuff.
I replaced sugar in my coffee with a drop of honey. At least it’s natural or something…
Major Dickason’s Blend is good.
That’s my recommendation as well. It’s my go to.
I like dark but not bitter
There’s a CRT joke in there somewhere.
I think we all hate bitter cathode ray tubes.
Learn to make plain coffee on a Mr. Coffee-type machine and enjoy it. Straight, no cream, no sugar.
Start with one of these.
Put good coffee in it. Espresso grind.
Mesh… interesting. That inspires me to try one in my single-brew cone thingie in place of the paper filters.
As weird as it sounds..you could add salt to your coffee to make it appear sweeter. Adding a small sprinkle of epsom salts (MgSO4) or KCl. Assuming you have functional kidneys the extra salts are probably pretty good for you. No calories either.
State of the Union – I bet we find out that Russia invading the Ukraine is the cure for covid. It’s also why gas prices and inflation have gone up for the past year.
I think he will spend his time touting his record of 100% failure on literally everything.
I give 10% to his infrastructure bill, 5% to American strength in Ukraine and 85% to a jumbled mess of WTF?
That’s my thoughts too.
Lackadaisical, if you’re still on, your party awaits.
…aaaand you missed the session, Lack.
At the gym right now – the amount of propaganda being pumped through the news channels is really amazing.
Don’t be knocking the Ghost of Kyiv (who doesn’t exist) or those soldiers on that island who died but are actually still alive. If the story feels good you just gotta believe!
It doesn’t matter if it isn’t factual, it matters if the writer intended it to be presented as factual.
Facts don’t matter right now…like at all.
The Socials are the perfect propaganda medium. I mean perfect.
Now, here is a person who has their head on straight.
I always knew people were crazy but shit like this makes me thing the hermit in the hills is probably the most sane person out there.
+1 Ted Kaczynsky
He seems saner with each passing day.
Still wondering how the ‘he wants to kill all gays and queers’ propaganda took hold. I mean, by all accounts, he was quite the pioneer in that arena his whole life…unlike you know, Obama that switched stances when the political winds told him to.
He could have run as a Democrat and been hailed as the most gay-friendly president in history.
I don’t know that there is any claim, no matter how outlandish, that the MSM couldn’t push and not have the NPCs wholeheartedly buy into.
Obama that switched stances when the political winds told him to
This is precisely why Obama is “good”, and Trump is “bad”. Trump was pro-gay before it was politically acceptable. He remained that way after it was politically acceptable. He doesn’t do what he’s told, he does what he wants. So they will literally invent some new thing, which the Obamas of the world would never oppose out loud, just to get Trump to oppose it, and therefore make him reveal his badness. The politicians are not really supposed to be in charge of anything, least of all their own opinions.
Sure, Jan.
$1 she thinks Obama is dreamy.
What year does she think it is?
“Things are getting dangerous here in Kyiv. My girlfriend was attacked by a Russian soldier walking back from my place. Luckily she was able to beat him off and suffered only minor bruises”
Maybe it wasn’t a Russian but Pie.
Has anyone gone through Putin’s old tweets? There has to be something.
He fought a bear while shirtless while our president rode a bike in a dorky helmet and dad jeans?
At least we haven’t gone totally bonkers.
GIlmored again.
I’ve been watching Bald and Bankrupt’s and Johnny FD’s YouTube channels re: the Ukraine invasion, and they’re very interesting in a number of ways, not the least of which is that, even though they were basically walking and taking the train together for several days to get out of Kiev, their respective vlogs are quite different about the shared experience, with Baldy’s being a lot darker in some ways. This, to me, illuminates the power of video editing (for good or evil), and why we probably shouldn’t be paying attention to ANY of the legacy media right now. It’s too easy to bend the video presentation to a narrative.