No Valentine’s flick today. I was coordinating something with the amazing BethAnnica, and we both ran out of time to finish. Instead you get a western!
High level plot, stolen shamelessly from Wikipedia: “(My Name is Nobody) follows the story of Nobody (Terence Hill) who attempts to get his idol Jack Beauregard (Henry Fonda) to take on the Wild Bunch gang of outlaws.”
This movie was based on an idea from Sergio Leone and was directed by Tonino Valerii. What I found interesting in this film was the pairing of Terence Hill and Henry Fonda, instead of Terence Hill and Bud Spencer. Henry can play a stone cold gunman, as he proved in Once Upon a Time in the West. But Hill and Spencer were comedic gold in the seventies and made a number of films together. I can’t find anything on why Bud Spencer didn’t get at least a little part. I can only figure that Henry made a better straight man to Terence Hill’s shenanigans.
This movie was made around the height of 1970s western mania, the “duster coat time” as it was referred to in western movie history. I am hoping by Thursday I can find the movie reference that categorized western films by costuming. I am definitely not finding it on Monday!
If you enjoy this film, seek out Terence Hill’s Trinity films (They Call me Trinity and Trinity is Still my Name). The Trinity films were shot and released before My Name is Nobody. Unfortunately the two films are currently behind a paywall. They are very much worth a rental.
Note: A continuation of the Trinity films, called Sons of Trinity was released in 1995. I didn’t even have to find a trailer for it. The whole movie is on YouTube. It doesn’t have Spencer or Hill in it. Run Away!
Some interesting facts about this film: The original American version was cut to 111 minutes and was released as an unrecognizable mess. Our version tonight is uncut, which adds an apparently critical 5 1/2 extra minutes of exposition. Also, notice the movie poster above? It was sold as a Sergio Leone film, but the director, Tonino Valerii actually shot the film except for a few scenes. Sergio didn’t even write it. Fulvio Morsella and Ernesto Gastaldi wrote the story.
I’m done babbling for the night and I’ve told you nothing about the plot of the film. I will say that this is an excellent film with plot twists and fantastic scenes. I don’t want to spoil a thing for anyone who hasn’t seen this incredible film. So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week is a story of love and undying affection: Fido.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
I posted the movie list in the forum a few days ago.
Thanks, although I’ve never been to the forum.
What;s next week?
A funny thing happened on the way there…
There’s something for everyone…
I started watching that yesterday.
The music is disappointing (except for “Comedy Tonight!”)
That’s why it’s the only number anyone remembers. (See also Cats.)
I loved this movie from the first time I saw it. I won’t be watching it tonight, but for anyone who does, I’m fairly certain you’ll enjoy it.
Diving in.
I like the revolver.
Keeps a man honest, but does it keep his friends honest?
Have fun gun spotting in this one.
Great flick.
Ads already?
The Tall Thin Spaniard who Lurks sent me this article, which is amusing considering our small contribution to it:
I’ve noticed a new trick on cable TV. Some channels are noticeably speeding up the content so they can squeeze more ads in. I’ve seen the same show on one channel that seems normal play on a different channel and all the characters sound like chipmunks.
Peacock is the absolute worst. Literally 15 ads in one episode of The Night Stalker.
LOL and they want people to pay for that?!
I loved the three trinity movies way back when I saw them.
That scene at the general store was amusing.
Saloon scene coming up!
I’ll look around to see if I can find this on another platform. Fargin country restrictions. In the meantime, this video might just be the apex of the woke left becoming indistinguishable from a perfect parody of the woke left. A wonderful blend of word salad jargon served with a slab of plant based meat.
Some VPN companies (like Proton VPN) allow you to choose which host country your feed comes from. That might help with your country restrictions.
Good idea. Thanks and thanks to RJ, too.
Man, I want a hamburger. And this weekend I am going to procure one now that Chatty Kathy has opened the supermarkets to the filthy plebes.
What if I LIKE my hamburger with a dose of misogyny? Mmmmm, tasty misogyny.
Here we come
On the run
With a burger on a bun
And some misogyny on the side
Oh your taste we will tickle
With a cold dead pickle
And all of our potatoes are French fried died fried
I made it a minute and a half. Unbearable.
Gotta join a zoom. I’ll finish tomorrow. This looks good, thanks RJ!
Make sure you put your pants back on.
God Damn…resident alien really fucked up its 2nd season.
Do tell.
Whole episode about 70% pay for women and women deserve it. That can be done that works but it was the whole episode.
Ep 2 or ep 3?
3. I am not as into the new season…the whole BDSM out of the blue for the mayor and his wife is either going to be some weird arc or she isn’t who she is supposed to be…
Yeah, that was … weird. The whole things got plot holes you could drive an invisible spaceship through, so I just roll with it. The actors are pretty freaking amazing. I like Asta cuz she’s thicc. I’ve loved Alan Tudyk since A Knight’s Tale, and the sheriff and deputy are adorable.
I am digging the really good shows/actors coming out of those communities. Letterkenny, Resident Alien, Reservation Dogs…all good stuff.
ST:DS9 did a whole episode about workers of the world unite but thank God it was a one-off best forgotten.
“Who dis?”
Maybe I shouldn’t watch this. The Amazon 13+ warning says the movies contains. —- SMOKING.
The horror – not sure I can handle it.
There is also drinking, and shooting guns in a cavalier fashion inside a bar. Oh noes!
C’mon Mikey, you can do it. Do it, man, do it!
Just remember though, Smoking is for adults. Don’t try this at home.
Don’t watch Columbo or Kojak – your head might explode.
Tobacco or crack? One is officially sanctioned now.
I watched an old noir film showing at a revival house downtown about ten years ago. The thing I most remember from the film is a scene where the pregnant heroine pours a whiskey and knocks it back. The audience gasped. I lol’d
OK, that was the weirdest western I’ve ever seen.
The weirdest scene might have been the whistling thing while the train conductor was taking a piss.
Anyway, this movie was just bizarre.
Some of the acting was very bad, and obviously dubbed.
Oh well, I guess nobody is here.
I just got home!
Chief disciplinary officer? Pratzel could serve an actual useful purpose by feeding a woodchipper himself.
Honestly don’t know if they dun wrong or not but they’re obviously being politically persecuted. C’est la vie I guess.
I’m indifferent to public safety myself, but my moral turpitude is off the charts.
? With an N word like Yang ?
Linky no worky.?
Guess you gotta log in, eh. Not worth it I’m assuming.
Glibs After Dark.
Sometimes, I think the entire world has gone gay besides me.
Like, Q posts all these titty links. But what if he’s really a secret double queer? How do you ever really know?
A lesbian trapped in a man’s body?
Give him a minute, he’ll figure it out.
I could be a woman.
But then you couldn’t post because you’d just sit around all day playing with yer boobies.
The last of the brohicans.
Thanks the gawds.
No, it’s just you, you’re the lone penis hoarder.
I see you insurrectionists are still here on your insurrectionist site, doing insurrectionist stuff, like in surrectionists do. I bet y’all drive around in big trucks honking your horns, the way insurrectionists do.
Look, if we are to believe that the Deep State was torpedoing the Don on foreign affairs, I don’t discount they also lied to, and abused Biden.
Since the story of the report broke, I have been looking for a link to the actual report w/o success. There are a number of us on the island of Glib who have the experience of how to go about reading deeply into a DoD report. I am sure there will be lots of interesting things found in the way language is shaded, dropped, or where info is placed in that report.
His spin team better come out soon with how he did that interview drunk because the slurring in that video would make a stroke victim look like Prof Higgins.
Our governor revoked the mask mandate with a notion that a business can still choose and they should require and I haven’t seen one that has taken that offer except Raider Stadium. Casinos immediately dropped, the Golden Knights arena (which will be nice when I go there next week) dropped it, everywhere.
I’ve seen My Name Is Nobody a few times so I just browsed to some of my favorites scenes. Love the gunshot sound effects they use in spaghetti westerns. The barroom slapping scene and the scene with the rotating mannequin thingy would be right at home in a Stooges short. There’s a much better executed slapping scene in one of Trinity flicks – if you haven’t seen before its worth checking out. Easily found on YT. Clint Eastwood must have been a fan – seems he lifted bits of the barber shop scene in High Plains Drifter. I like oddball, quirky flicks and this one fits the bill.
I’m in bed after having attempted to watch one of the most pivotal and exciting episodes of Babylon 5 with my husband (“War without End”).
He was sleepy, which is fine, but then after I tried getting him to do the night routine, he got surly when I turned it off and suggested we go to bed instead.
Whatever. Babylon 5 rules!!!
I hate when that happens.
“Hayek goes to Town” ?
Smoking is bad for your health.
I want to believe.
*reminder to self*
Don’t read Twitter responses
Quiet this morning.
I printed out, and am enjoying, your latest puzzle; thank you. Also, thank you for explaining it so clearly.
You’re welcome, glad you like it.
It is quiet.
suh’ fam
whats goody yo
Shhh… I’m trying to sleepwork.
Good morning everyone. The sous vide ribeye turned out better than I could have imagined.
*thumbs up*
I’m guessing no leftovers then.
Surprisingly, yes. The cut was so thick that I only ate half of it. Once I get the kids to school, I’ll make some grits and eggs to pair with the remains.
Mornin’. Breakfast sounds terrific.
I really need to get me one of those doodads someday.
Yeah, but I don’t have room.
I’ll send you mine, haven’t used it in three years.
Ya know what’s goody? Finally winning my battle about my back-pay owed. It took a week’s worth of email and texting between me, HR and progressively more “important” supervisors but it done got did! Good Heavens, they really didn’t want to pay me but now they will and I am doing the Snoopy Dance with “fuck yourself” fingers extended. Sadly, they’ll add those hours to my next cheque so it will be taxed away but hey, even a small w is still a Win in these trying times! It wasn’t about the money, it was about the principle. I won. Fuck You!
Fuck ’em! Festus is King!
King for a day!
In the ’50s there was a daytime show called Queen for a day, abuela’s favorite, in which women would relate horrible stories of lamentation and woe before a studio audience. The audience would choose the worst of these, and the winner would walk away with a prize, typically some sort of appliance.
I hope it was one of those old wringer washers that their first-born would get an arm trapped in.
The less acerbic I got, the more movement happened. Really need to work on that calm blue ocean shit, apparently.
Morning. It is one of the frustrating realities. I understand the urge to be difficult, but it does make the people you want help from be less helpful reflexively.
You’re buyin’ the next round. Hell, all of them.
Mornin’ all. Mrs. Patzer is off for her annual mammogram and possibly sonogram. Crossing fingers, and hopefully will congratulate the Girls on a job well done sometime later…
Best wishes, Friend! Hope that all goes well. Judi and I are getting to the stage when my prostate and her breasts might rebel.
Should be fine *crosses fingers* Six years since her second round with the big “C”, she’s a fighter.
Good morning, ‘patzie, ::glances upthread::… and everyone else! I’m set for my annual (routine) mammo early next month. Not a barrel of laughs, but still beats a colonoscopy any day of the week! ?
If you need a free-of-charge pre-exam, my garage is just around the corner….Im just that altruistic ya know.
Now way, friend, she is right in your wheelhouse ?
Good luck! My wife hates the mammo, they don’t make the apparatus big enough to handle rubenesque ladies.
You had me @ Rubenesque.
Where can I purchase a copy of the prints ?
Yeah, I noped out of mine a few years ago. Have to go in for a check-up on Feb 28. He’ll probably insist because I blew it off last time.
Mornin’ peeps.
What about those of us not made of sugar-crusted marshmellow?
They call us “The Rockets”
Covid killed the local Peeps store. 🙁
T shirt was a gift. My friends get me.
Nice. But no buttsecks, there’s an AIDS epidemic on the horizon.
This shit is never, ever going to end in the public sector world.
It’s because they are true believers. We are the 10%. Shit gets real from here on out.
Today in “they hate you and want you to die“:
There are too many deplorables. What to do, what to do?
I love that blog, Menton is relentless on the climate scam. Probably not too popular with his Greenwich Village neighbors
The good news is that I have today off! ? We’re going down to
HuestonIckey Woods State Park Lodge for the weekend!The bad news is that our cable and internet are out again this morning, so I can only hang with all of you via my phone. ☹️
I hope that you and TomT have a wonderful day! One day I will see you in person, shaking those maracas.