This captures the expression of a man who was just told what his property taxes will be for 2022.
I stumbled upon this film one night, viewed it and was delighted. It’s a newer film by newish people that had been out there for a while with little press outside of college rags. Fantastic! Time to share this film with you.
The plot of our film tonight: A real estate agent has to sell a haunted house his business partner dumped on him. If he doesn’t sell it and turn a profit, his mother will die from cancer. Hilarity ensues! No, really! This movie is hilarious!
Gabriel Diani wrote and starred in this film with his writing partner, Etta Devine. They have produced, written and starred in three different projects so far, including:
- Mary Olson: Girl’s Night Out (2008): Seems to be the start of their careers, so to speak. This is a YouTube Project with multiple episodes.
- Diani & Devine Meet the Apocalypse (2016) : The next big movie after The Selling, it focuses on a Hollywood couple waking up and realizing society as we know it has ended. (Trailer provided)
- And tonight’s movie, The Selling made in 2011.
This seems to be a duo to watch for future projects. I found the humor in this to be spot on. I also enjoyed the antics of their co-stars, Janet Varney and Jonathan Klein. The movie is well-paced and has some great twists. I have yet to watch the other two projects Diani and Devine have done so I cannot comment on the quality of those. I will say, one reviewer of Diani and Devine Meet the Apocalypse thought it was in poor taste to make a funny film out of the world dying, so there is that. Good job, Diani and Devine! Keep disturbing sensitive movie critics!
One other note, stick around through the end credits for additional scenes. Also, this review is super short because I have a metric ton of work to do. So watch! Or don’t watch! Everything is voluntary!
Next week I am doing an actual Western! My Name is Nobody. I wanted to find some good films about West Texas per suggestions, just no can do at this point in time. So I shall post an Italian Western surprisingly few people have seen.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
Thanks RJ for another movie night.
My movie has been non mechanically inclined teens do this
Is that a full strut replacement?
Nope, pad replacement. Looked like a strut replacement for a moment until I saw the pad on the ground.
No you were right the first time.
The old mechanic guesses right!
No strut-shaming!
Sorry, I was off seeing if Al Jazeera had any more insight into either the Canadian Trucker response or the ISIS raid. Then I was distracted by the new that Whoopi Goldberg was suspended for 2 weeks from the View.
My typing skills have gone in the toilet.
Well, up until her holocaust comments, she had the Supreme Court nomination on lock.
From the guy who doesn’t think he should live longer than 75.
I thought it was Oprah’s to lose.
I don’t think that’s what I’m in the mood for, but I’ll keep it in mind.
So far, so good, butat 8 I have to go deglove a penis.
I think I have exhausted the supply of available movies with penis amputations. Three out of 21 posts! And at first i thought I would have problems finding one. I am moving on to some westerns and sci fi next.
I’m loving that they’re just kind of having to take everything in stride.
It is great. If you have to sell the house, you have to sell the house. Ghosts or no.
I remember seeing disturbingly suggestive movie posters for Dentata not long ago. Never followed up on it.
OTOH, it may only be triple bypasses and cholecystectomies.
I think I’d rather surgical amputation of my penis (assuming it’s medically necessary) than anything that invasive to do with my heart. Especially triple anything, or stectomizing it.
Odds are, you won’t have to have a triple bypass until you’re an old fart, although my aunt had one at 48 and then again at 53 or something younger than I am now.
However, your gallbladder could act up at any time. Mine hasn’t. But yours could.
My gallbladder isn’t going to act up, as my liver can’t ever remember it’s there.
It was called Teeth, and it was in 2007, and tbh the movie poster isn’t that suggestive. 2007 isn’t all that long ago, right?
I think I’m Bidening. Which has to be better than debriding AMIRGHT I have no idea what that means.
Here is a link to Teeth. I was typing a reply when you posted.
Seen it, not that good, tbh.
That is why I haven’t added it to the list. Not a compelling choice.
I agree.
Is Motel Hell on the list? How about Eaten Alive?
I’ll Drink Your Blood (most misleading title ever!)
I think I already suggested From Beyond.
Matango might be too good good, or at least it’s more of a serious film than it’s English title suggests. Attack of the Mushroom People sounds like some 50’s monster movie — it isn’t.
Although speaking of old monster movies how about The Blob?
Or the original The Fly? I love Vincent Price!
My favorite 50’s monster movie is The Thing from Another World, but it’s Howard Hawks, and actually rather deep….
There was “Teeth” the movie about vaginal teeth, which does fit into the whole penis removal sub theme that somehow keeps moving, and then there was a really creepy slow-burn series on SyFy called Channel Zero.
Channel Zero had a person made of extracted teeth in the first season. That first season was truly excellent. Trailer included:
Are transcriptionists often called on to to yank foreskin off a guy? YEESH
Not ordinarily, but I am extraordinary.
I do not think that means what you think it means…
Ohhhh degoloving
I mean who doesn’t like italian
I am a big fan of the Terence Hill westerns.
They are great and that one also has Henry Fonda in it. There are some other Terence Hill movies (that are not westerns) available but I have yet to finish another one and think “Yes, this would be good for a post.”
The only movie of his I recall is “Super Fuzz” which IIRC was in frequent rotation on HBO and weirdly a couple years later I saw it in Austria at a ski lodge.
“All the Way Boys” just appeared when I did a search. That might be good. Terence Hill as a kind of Indiana Jones.
full strut replacement?
My Explorer had leaf springs and shocks. Changing those rear shocks was a giant pain in the ass. Getting to the upper mount was not fun.
The last shocks that I installed were on a 64 Dodge pickup. Super easy, didn’t even have to jack it up.
I stopped doing my own mechanical work several years ago. I have ten thumbs and they don’t like each other.
My 06 Dodge Ram has struts. Sawzall and cutting torch were required
Joining late. Diving in.
I love My Name is Nobody and Terrance Hill is great in it. His Trinity series of movies are worth watching too. If you are looking for an obscure movies to review I would recommend this 1971 Australian film – Wake In Fright. It’s one of those movies that leaves an impression
Wake In Fright
Added to the list
I am a huge fan of the Trinity movies and “Nobody” as well.
Yeah, I’ve got import dvds of the Nobody flicks and Trinity. Bud and Terence make a terrific pair – posted this vid last week – only saw this last year – didn’t know they made a ton of other flicks together too. May have to look up.
I get a Pink Panther vibe from the opening credits.
That stairwell reminds me of my grandparents old place.
The business partner thinks with his cock.
I have a zoom to join. I’ll finish the movie tomorrow.
Thanks RJ!
“Don’t look a gift bag in the mouth.”
Ha ha. Malapropisms. My kind of humor.
Vincent Price!!
Godddammit i spent 5 minutes searching post looking for zoom links only to remember this is Thursday not Friday.
If you wanna chat it up let me know.
After Resident Alien of course
Probably.not thisneveninf. I’m on vacation tonight
Enjoy it!
I can relate to the caption of that picture
The Tubi link for the western had this listed too: The Dirty Dozen: Next Mission is a 1985 made-for-TV film and sequel to the original 1967 film Dirty Dozen
Dirt Dozen II? Oof.
You have to be careful with those unknown TUBI movies. Some can actually kill off brain cells in the opening seconds.
Exploding toilet. kewl.
That movie was good good, albeit low budget, and I hadn’t seen it before, which is why I didn’t comment during it.
Glad you liked it! I think the trailer to their next movie looks really good. I hope it comes to an easy viewing platform soon.
Corned beef is in the sous vide. I didn’t even take it out of its original package. It should be ready to smoke in 48 hours.
I’m hungry already.
I soak corn beef and do a few water changes to get rid of some the salt and nitrates.
That exorcism went a bit differently than the exorcisms in Constantine.
If Peter Stormare shows up, I’m gonna faint.
Constantine is an underappreciated movie.
Yep. Any awfulness imposed by Shia LaBeouf’s bit role was countered by the glory of Rachel Weisz.
TH gets it.
lulz Darkest sketch! Darkest sketch!
#To Count Potato: The list had 37 films on it, that added another four. I have found some really fantastic stuff I am also going to add, including a 50s scare film about the Chinese tunneling under us to attack (Battle Beneath the Earth) and a film about a pilot who accidentally breaks the time barrier and enters a future where a pandemic gave the government control over all of society (!) called “Beyond the Time Barrier.” Both seem almost – too soon, and too creepy real, like reading older Babylon Bee articles.
Which four? 🙂
“I gots to know!”
/robber in Dirty Harry
I haven’t heard of either of those two, but they sound very interesting. As times passes, Phillip K. Dick begins to seem perfectly sane.
There were lots of “commie scare” films in the 50’s. It was a rather pervasive theme, even in monster movies where it wasn’t so obvious.
Of course, the best “pandemic” movie of all time is Omega Man. Well, it was made three times, with different titles, but the I mean the Charleston Heston one.
Um, “Charlton Heston”
Beautiful ending.
…I might or might not have had that dream before, Perhaps.
Has he lost his mind?
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all
Or, if he moves, will he fall?
Is he alive or dead?
Has he thoughts within his head?
We’ll just pass him there
Why should we even care?
He was turned to Firsts
In the great magnetic field
When he traveled time
For the future of mankind
Nobody wants him
He just stares at the world
Planning his Firsts
That he will soon unfurl
Now the time is here
For Firster Man to spread fear
Vengeance from the grave
Kills the people he once saved
So…today was eventful. Called the cops for the first time in almost a decade. The last time was over a clip being emptied around 41st and Warwick (waves at Mo). Short backstory: I moved to a new location in October of last year. It’s a real shithole in a shithole, crime-ridden part of the KC Metro. But hey, it’s cheaper than a motel. Anyway, my first introduction to my nearest neighbor was basically her freaking out when I surprised her while walking up the stairs to my unit and her nearly jumping the railing because she supposedly spent sixteen years as a kidnapping victim and was used by men for years and thought “No! Not again!”
So please take that into consideration when I explaine why I called the cops.
Had the day off today. Around 11AM I began hearing thumping and screaming. I’m not sure if she’s selling drugs or her ass. What I do know is some sawed-off cunte exited her apartment then began to punch my kitchen door so hard it broke an interior trim piece. I naturally lost my cool and made sure in no uncertain terms to my neighbor with the deepest, most primal voice I could muster that any further transgressions will be met with force. Me or the cops. Test your luck with who will respond first. Things finally grew quite. Around 8PM a few more guys pulled up and entered her apartment. Soon I began to hear rythmic thumping and a woman screaming.
Holy shit. Is this poor young woman being gang-raped? Or is she just into gangbangs? My only firearm has been with my mother nearly my entire adult life. I’m no punk but I’m in my forties now and smoke way too much. What can I do? I swallowed my pride and called the cops. Sure I had recently been smoking weed in abundance (so much so that the young, attractive female cop who arrived with her partner took two, kinda weirdly deep breaths, with
both mouth and nostrils, while her partner interviewed me(nostalgia?) but I always keep my cool in most pressure situations I find myself in. Would that stand up in war? Probably not. Despite what hardships I’ve endured in the first world I’m still a fragile bitch. Anyway, given the random violence inflicted upon my rented domicile I considered this the prudent move.
After the cops entered my neighbors unit they knocked on my door and informed me that her younger brother is a paranoid schizophrenic who’s currently off his meds and the thumping I heard is him rocking back and forth, pounding his head against my living room wall, and my neighbor/his older sister begging him to stop.
So…time to get my gun back from momma?
You have to get the gun back. It puts the trigger in hippie. OK, seriously, is the brother dangerous to other people or only himself?
Both, I believe. Seriously. I’ve swam within the tides of dangerously crazy in my youth… this dude is front news headlines: Man Murders Ten People In Apartment Unit Crazy. Even now I’m hearing the noise of his sister and several dudes trying to restrain him in the living room. When he’s caused damage to my door I immediately stomped into the kitchen screaming bloody murder and he’s so far immediately jumped into his sister’s apartment to avoid me. I’m not a friendly looking fellow at the best of times and I was ready for violence.
That being said: What if the certifiably crazy fuck across the wall gets it into his head that I’m the greatest threat to his life and I posses no firearm?
Again, I’m no pussy. I’ve studied Taekwondo, wrestling, Kempo, and most specifically, boxing. But I’m also a middle aged man who’s been abusing his body for over half his lifetime. I can give you one minute of bleeding death. After that, I’m fucked. Can that compete against a insane person nearly half my age committed to my death? I ain’t banking on it.
Better than getting the gun, how about moving?
Not even halfway through the lease, my friend.
Break it! You have grounds.
I’m beholden to a legally shady slumlord. The tradeoff being rent is dirt cheap and many of us “tenants” aren’t the named tenants. Shut the fuck up. Pay the bills under an old name on the address. Your legal immigration status means fuck all. Stay under the radar. Float around the system. Pay your bills and we’ll look the other way.
The downside: Possibly living next to people who might want to kill you due to mental issues.
Everything is a tradeoff.
*heavy sigh*
I’m sorry.
I thought you were in Avondale.
That was before Avondale. I’ve now regressed to Sugar Creek.
/hangs head in shame
No shame. I just feel sad for you.
Bright side: You’re not in Harlem.
Move to PA.
You have my number.
“Would that stand up in war? Probably not. Despite what hardships I’ve endured in the first world I’m still a fragile bitch.”
I dunno about that. I know a lot of dudes, grown-ass adults even, whose response to this situation would be to stick their head under the covers and hope that the moster doesn’t eat them.
Yes, you should get your gun, but you should be real careful with it. If you regularly smoke up, you’re a prohibited possessor under federal law – an easy federal bust for any cop who wants to jack up their arrest numbers. So be very careful to never get caught with the gun and the herb in the same place, at the same time.
I haven’t had respect for teachers in over a decade. They’re glorified babysitters and parasites.
Oh, and by-the-by: public sector unions are organized crime.
I completely agree.
Are parents waking up to the fact that their schools have been taken over by pod people yet?
I think it depends where you are.
Some of the parents are pod people.
Teachers are the real heroes.
It’s a national disgrace that Patrick Mahomes makes $35 mil a year and that a teacher only brings in $60,000.
No worries. NM is gonna really debase them by allowing random National Guard members to teach classes.
Hakuna Matata really means being First.
Thanks again for all the feedback earlier folks. Appreciate the comments.
Thinking about things a little more. Not gonna lie – between stuff like reading about these dudes and watching movies like “The Cruel Sea” (or reading the excellent book) and similar types of material….it does lead to some of those daydreams about a situation where the Reservists are being ordered up (and given actual commands), the shipyards are actually cranking stuff out and you walk out on a pier with a couple dozen ships, not just a handful. See also the Red Storm Rising setting or some of the military scifi I read (some interesting Halo 3 videos from a while back).
Of course…in the context of current world events, it’s a little disturbing thinking what would lead to a total war situation that would require such a change (based on scale, amount of time involved, etc) – not to mention actually spinning up real shipyards in the quantities needed (although I doubt we could crank out that many Arleigh Burke class ships based on tech, materiel requirements – think it would wind up being more cheaper, simpler, less complex fighting ships)…but realistically would it come to that before things went nuclear…who knows?
Hope for peace, prepare for war. (and yeah…just signed up for JPME phase 1 – I’m way behind)
Fish, I absolutely loved your ship naming article. In Christopher Buckley’s most excellent book Steaming To Bamboola: Life Aboard A Tramp Freighter, he relates a couple of anecdotes about ship naming that you might enjoy. Also, Mr. Roberts is (IMO) one of the two best war films ever made (the other being Stalag 17)
next tack welding…
Good for keeping hair and DNA off the inside of your balacava…
I’m disappointed they didn’t go for the bank robber look.
On the heels of firing unvaccinated… Fuck Hersheys.
I haven’t bought a Hershey’s in decades. I’ll have to start so I can stop. Nah.
/Opens a bag of generic licorice
This makes sense at least…firing unvaxxed remote office workers does not.
Sins of the father.
Just make them wear a mask. I mean, they are effective aren’t they?
I’m actually surprised.
Score one for the good guys?
Buy a gun, not a magnet.
South Africa has The Blaster, maybe Philly should look into them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJGajj_zfZM
He really hotwired that car, didn’t he?
Morning, Glibs.
And a very good morning to you, sir.
I’m not convinced I got any sleep last night. Given how many times I looked at the clock and how long it felt in between glances.
Ugh… I’m sorry to hear that. An all too common problem here as well.
Woke up at 4, couldn’t get back to sleep.
Mornin’ Sean, Iobot and UCS. You’re not alone.
Maybe Koreans making big steaks will soothe you – https://youtu.be/RuTEnPpx8sY
A steak that size would be 3 meals for me. Look good but alas…appetites aren’t what they used to be. OTOH, I don’t expend much energy in a day either.
Good morning, U, l0, 4(20), Stinky, and Sean!
I let myself sleep in a little bit because I don’t have to be at work until noon. Of course, it may take me all morning to dig out my car a second time and clear the driveway.
You, too, rhy and’patzie!
Yuck. Just raining here, but temp has dropped 5° in the past hour. The Iceman cometh.
“It’s Back: Senators Want EARN IT Bill to Scan All Online Messages”
Went down in flames in 2020 but reintroduced by Richard Blumenthal and good old Lindsey Graham. I sort of expect this kind of nonsense from senators from Connecticut but what the hell SC, your guy freaking sucks.
“The goal is to get states to pass laws that will punish companies when they deploy end-to-end encryption, or offer other encrypted services.”
Just roll out telescreen 2.0, why stop at half measures?
Also stated: the mere use of end to end encryption can be used in court as evidence of wrongdoing and that angle of attack is specifically allowed by the bill. At least it’s obvious now what they intend to do and that’s to use antiCSAM measures, it’s for the children you monster, to destroy privacy protections.
It’s like saying that invoking the fifth amendment is evidence of guilt. Plenty of people believe this, they won’t have a problem accepting this BS.
Offhand, I can’t think many faster ways to destroy the American economy so I guess it has that going for it since that is the end goal.
Fake news: Republicans are for liberty. It is known.
Whoever out there has the video of Lindsey wearing a maid’s uniform getting spitroasted by a bunch of rent boys? Now would be the time to release it.
On the plus side, I got an email from HR for the next step in the paperwork for my promotion.
It’s pretty much a foregone conclusion that it will go forward at this point.
Congrats! When your raise comes through,
don’tspend it all on beer and hookers.I’ll probably have to use it to offset inflation.
That would be a very good raise indeed. I’ll be happy if my raise covers half of that.
It won’t be high enough to cover inflation. Just offset some of the damage.
That’s wonderful news! ?
I’ve been stuck in my current title for eleven years. I’m happy to unstall my career.
Congrats UCS.
Thank you.
What is in the water in La Crosse, WI? https://youtu.be/r3QnD34Gfj8
Alcohol? PCP? Hitler?
Hello Glibertariat!
Hi, Cy!
“Russian President Vladimir Putin met on Friday with Chinese President Xi Jinping ahead of the start of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, pledging future cooperation and denouncing the United States and Western allies.”
Who says American diplomacy doesn’t work? Look at how these traditional enemies have found common ground. Let’s go Brandon!
Romulans and Klingons joining hands! Kinda brings a tear to the eye, don’t it?
I guess that would make us the Borg.
I guess we’re the Pakled in this scenario. They’re dumb and they don’t know how to operate their ship, but they have a certain amount of underhanded cunning.
“Make it go!”
Jim Morrison is alive and well!
3 months? Poor lil guy.
At least he has good insurance.
Electricity is out on the island since 7pm. Rare: underground.
Also out at the industrial park.
I have a fire and coffee.
Essentials of life. Did you get any of the ice we got before the snow, or just rain?
It’s freezing rain sleepy wintry mixy whatever of the sort that clots over and won’t pushrods off the walk easily. But once somewhat cleared the walk melted down and has become perfect.
Full disclosure: the power came on for three minutes, enough for me to grind my coffee.
God bless Canadian truckers.
Mornin’ y’all.
Are they still scaring the crap out of their government? I haven’t checked.
Yup. They ain’t leaving until all restrictions are dropped.