A happy little tune.

Robert J. Contee, III, chief of the Metropolitan Police Department, the municipal police force of the District of Columbia.
DAILY NUTPUNCH: Police Beating of Unconscious Trump Supporter Was ‘Objectively Reasonable,’ [DC Metro Police] Department Rules.
THIS GORD WILL NOT BE SQUASHED: Glibertarian hero, and all-around nice guy, continues to be a bee in the bonnet of Le Twink du Nord. Will you Glibfems (and others) please stop sending him your fragrant panties; the man has important work to do.
TRUCKERS ARE STARTING A WORKING-CLASS REVOLUTION – and the left hates it. Bonus sick video of protest truckers engaging in exploitation of at least one culture.
BUT OUR LATINX LIKED IT: ‘Inspired by Che Guevara and Fidel Castro,’ a New York restaurant missteps in Miami.
THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING: Loudoun [County, VA] official coached principals on getting warrants for unmasked students. Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares, who is shaping up to be the anti-Preet, has a hardon for the Loudoun County School Board. Two words: ham sammich.
SOCON WATCH: Center for Christian Virtue organizes in Cleveland to oppose legalizing recreational marijuana. Totally authentic grassroots movement with homemade signs.
THE PROBLEM REMAINS GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS: Christian revival at school during prompts student walkout in West Virginia. The problem here is that this was during the school day, and was mandatory-attendance for some students due to teachers “mistakenly” believing it was mandatory.
How many police forces does DC have?
One for each federal agency plus ten.
Only the Hair knows.
Metropolitan, transit, park, capital, every other federal agency, …
They are aiming for one in every city.
Enough to smash your head in after you are unconscious so they can be lauded as a hero for democracy.
Funny you should ask. I did an article on just that thing back in September.
Bad choice of location, in Miami? and he thought this through?
If the entrepreneur idolizes Castro and Che, he knows jack shit about Cuba and Cubans. He probably heard that the area had a large Cuban population and thought it would be a slam dunk.
He’s a Brooklyn hipster.
Personally, I think modelling the restaurant after Trotsky’s compound in Mexico would have been more ironic.
“Ice Axe’s”?
So lot’s of drinks that require crushed ice?
Bloody Mary’s with little ice axes sticking out of them.
“It’s inspired by Cuba. All we have are boiled plantains.”
Last time I was in Cuba (2013), the true staple was beans and rice, cooked without salt, herbs, spices or any kind of dietary fat (too expensive and too scarce).
Plaintains were food for running-dog imperialist lackeys.
From my friend who flew to Cuba in 2016
The available food was basic and of poor quality.
“Boyland was not pronounced dead until more than 90 minutes later, although she appeared lifeless when police dragged her body from the West Terrace tunnel entrance into the Capitol at 4:31 p.m.
During the 11 minutes after Boyland fell, protesters made repeated attempts at CPR—efforts that were frustrated in part by the beating and police spraying pepper spray into the faces of those trying to help Boyland, video shows.”
“The DC medical examiner said Boyland died of an accidental overdose of Adderall, a prescription medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. That ruling has drawn skepticism and outrage from Boyland’s friends and family. Her father, Bret Boyland, said Rosanne had been taking Adderall for about 10 years.”
Boyland Lives Matter?
Unless you’re grinding it up and spiking it, OD’ing on Adder all is essentially impossible.
Particularly if you’ve been taking it for ten years.
Today I learned that it not actually against New York law to own swords and daggers.
I now have to make at least one of each… once I get a home forge built.
I figured they would be legal to own but not carry.
They’re illegal to carry “with intent” to do bodily harm. Of course, the thought police know what your intent is…
The regular police can arrest you, if they don’t kill you, while they debate your intent.
I think I’ve figured out a design for a portable forge, but pricing out the components might add up to more than a commerial made one.
Oh, nevermind, Amazon Kaowool is grossly overpriced.
Next, the Glib community must pool resources so we can smelt a cannon.
Sad to think you couldn’t wander the city with a cutlass. I look forward to reading about your blade making and handle fitting.
Is a home forge where you use blankes, chairs, couches and pillows to make an indoor tent?
My kids used to do that all the time.
Not sure why a grown man would be building one of those before he made a sword. You know what? Instead of a home forge you should make a smithy. Then you could get right on with the weapon making.
So we’re finally seeing a genuine, bottom-up, working-class revolution. In Canada, and increasingly in the United States, truckers and others are refusing to follow government orders, telling the powerful that, in a popular lefty formulation, if there’s no justice, there’s no peace.
Naturally, the left hates it.
“Freedom and voluntary cooperation is not what we meant!”
Smug lefty: A protest is supposed to make you uncomfortable. Deal with it.
Truckers: HONK!
Smug lefty: Not like that!
Ooh. I forgot that quote. Nice pull.
That’s good. Who said it?
AOC: protests should make people ‘uncomfortable’
It’s amusing that the population which the Marxist intelligentsia abandoned in pursuit of better, more numerous shock troops came back around to bite them.
That’s got to sting a little.
I don’t think ‘better and more numerous’ is quite what they wanted. ‘Wealthier and more influential,’ maybe…
Fair criticism.
But they’re now dependent on a population that absolutely requires capitalistic success (or money expansion) to even exist.
The vast majority of the laptop class are pure overhead. In an actual economic crisis, they’re going to be on the street and the intelligentsia’s power base will be eliminated.
One of the things that came up at the start of this foofaraw, was that truckers use CB, not wifi. They couldn’t be monitored.
The laptop class utterly depends on wifi. Shut that down, and you shut them down.
Up here, and at least in western Canada, they use VHF radios. More range, I’m told – better for wide-open spaces.
Contrary to the media portrayal that we are all far-Right activists and crypto-Nazis, people from all backgrounds have been in attendance. In fact, many Eastern European immigrants who have escaped authoritarian regimes have been providing the truckers with food and support.
Well, there’s a nearly 80-year history of eastern and central European Nazis fleeing west to escape the commies. Rocket scientists and any woman who didn’t wish to be horribly violated, mostly.
If truckers quit their jobs, society would immediately collapse. If politicians quit their jobs, the world would become a better place.
No kidding.
And I would say that the protesters were ‘Objectively Reasonable,’ but hey, what do I know.
A security official for Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia directed principals to obtain a warrant from a magistrate if students attempted to enter the school without wearing a mask, the latest escalation in the commonwealth’s mask wars.
Personal choice does not extend beyond abortion. It is known.
Governor Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares are joining three Loudoun County parents who sued the school board for ignoring Youngkin’s executive order on masks in school.
The dark night of fascism descends on the commonwealth.
Obtain a warrant for what?
Would you need a warrant? That is just a phone call for an officer to determine if it really is trespassing.
Disobedience of unconstitutional authority.
Cherry Pie.
I haven’t heard that in a million years.
The happy little tune? We often closed out gigs with that as a “drive carefully” PSA. Good times! ?
Every September around these parts, signs get put up reading “School’s Open, Drive Carefully”.
I always wanted to put up signs reading, “School’s Closed, Drive Recklessly”.
Your audience was drunk as a skunk at that point?
Probably, but at wineries you get a better class of drunk.
Yeah. The
regularmore dive like concert bars get you something that this is more appropriate for.The Good Ship Venus is my favorite Wainwright song
The lyrics are NSFW but hilarious
“Two words: ham sammich.”
Should be indicted for having chipotle mayo.
Another one from the mists of time
May or may not be applicable to current events.
sickSikh video of protest truckers engaging in exploitation of at least one culture.”FTFY
I hate tags!
Heh. I once left the equivalent of a closing tag off of a SWIFT money transfer message, causing it to be routed to the wrong party. A mere $250MM; fortunately it went to a different branch of the correct institution. That is the source of my phobia.
That’s not a phobia. You have a real, justifiable fear.
How do you feel about labels?
When I was young and poor Black Label was an acceptable choice.
Black Label is an excellent choice.
I hate tags!
Bold statement. Especially since Tonio is the LynxMaster.
Oh, wait. That is a ‘t’. Nevermind.
I went to a private Baptist school. We had assembly (church service) every Tuesday. Twice a year we had revival.
One day during assembly, the guest preacher started trashing Mormons.
I staged my own fucking walkout.
And nothing else happened.
Last time I set foot in a Baptist Church was a memorial service for a co-worker killed in the 9/11 attack. They imported a preacher from PA who had some kind of following. Asshole spent an hour haranguing us about the wages of sin without once mentioning the deceased. Never again.
Ah yes, the good old judgmental side of the Baptist tradition.
They ran me off when I was a teenager. Or rather, I said “No more.”
Ah, the fire-and-brimstone type. A revivalist would at least be uplifting. I don’t know how a charismatic would do.
Last time I was in a Baptist church was 3 grade-ish. The crazy Baptists who lived the next farm over brought me in to their churches. I just wanted to go to town and hang out with people, but I ended up getting saved. So I got that going for me.
My belief in a supreme creator took a fatal blow a year or so later when we moved into town and I didn’t have to pray for a ride in anymore.
Well at least they didn’t lynch you.
Every Wednesday afternoon in grades 4-6 (that was a long 7 years) the Lutherans would get out of school early to go get ready to be confirmed.
In my neck of the woods, that was 85% of the kids.
It was cool though because we got to do a lot of stupid stuff while the others were gone.
For us it was Tuesday right after lunch, Lutheran Bible School. The one Catholic girl sat in the class room with a teacher-minder. We all went, miss an hour of class was a benefit. The other denominations had their gigs too
Heh…for db or tripacer. Getting ready to depart KLAS and current MSFS ATIS says ILS 26R and 26L ILS in use, landing and departing runway 8L and 8R…..
Good thing its just a simulator…or is it?
beep boop borp
That’s what I heard.
I’m assuming someone new gets to set the ATIS.. seems fixed now.
ATC doesn’t have that problem.
I have noticed KLAS has this issue. MS cannot get its live weather right, so we end up with the simulator having you go to the 8s but all AI and other traffic is landing and departing the 26s. I just take off. I am not on a network with a controller so I don’t care. But come on, every other airport I have played with doesn’t have this issue.
Aren’t 8 and 26 opposite ends of the same runway? People taking off and landing heading into each other?
Yeah thats the idea. There are many flaws in the AI in the MSFS2000 simulator and Vegas has one big one.
Heck yes
we will take your AR-15, your AK-47I need to pretend to moderate for the upcoming election.Speaking to reporters, O’Rourke also took a question about his controversial stance on guns and remarks made in 2019 about taking away AR-15s and AK-47s.
“I’m not interested in taking anything from anyone. What I want to make sure that we do is defend the Second Amendment,” he said. “I want to make sure that we protect our fellow Texans far better than we’re doing right now. And that we listen to law enforcement, which Greg Abbott refused to do. He turned his back on them when he signed that permitless carry bill that endangers the lives of law enforcement in a state that’s seen more cops and sheriff’s deputies gunned down than in any other.”
Beat it, Beta
I don’t know. If he tries to show off his skate skills and crashes head first into a car again, that could be worth it.
The god Janus has nothing on this guy.
Does anyone in Texas believe him?
That guy at the top (Contee) looks like Steve Harvey. Just can’t take him seriously.
Penis penis penis.
Well, that’s all Family Feud is any more.
Richard Dawson or GTFO
It’s time to start running!
The happy little tune? We often closed out gigs with that as a “drive carefully” PSA. Good times! ?
Back in high school when it came out, we sang it as “dead drunk in the middle of the road.”
“‘My son didn’t even know what oral was!’ Parents slam Connecticut school district for asking eighth-graders to share their sexual desires in the form of pizza toppings in bizarre assignment”
So you are saying pineapple is gay?
Fuck, what do they mean? What have I been saying all these years?
The pizzagate thing is going to turn out to be true, isn’t it?
Everything else has, so why not?
Pull your kids out of that shit toot sweet.
Whatever happened to the comparison to warm apple pie?
Home school your kids.
Have I mentioned how much I hate teachers?
Administrators suck even more.
You’re not one of those fuckin’ teachers are you?
I already miss that guy.
If the person who made the mistake “jumped ahead of it”, why was it taught to the students? “Some” won’t believe it because it’s a transparent lie. Their only mistake was telling the students that if they told their parents, “your mom and dad won’t love you anymore”.
“it was a mistake”
Yeah, mistakes of this caliber get you fired. Fuck off, pervert.
“‘My son didn’t even know what oral was!’
I’m sure that was screamed by some suburban mom. Why didn’t the reporter quote her husband’s mumbled rejoinder: “No shit”?
Uffda. Fucked that up.
It was supposed to have Suburban Mom saying “He didn’t learn that at home from me!”. That is what made Dad say “No Shit”.
Nobody who hates olives is worth dating.
“‘I get PAID to be homeless in San Francisco – it takes one phone call’: ‘Old-school junkie’ says he moved to woke city because he gets $620-a-month that pays for his Amazon Prime and Netflix and ‘cops are like neighbors’
A self-proclaimed’ old-school junkie’ who moved from Texas to San Francisco because ‘it’s f*****g easy’ to be homeless there claims he’s being paid by the city government to live on the streets, getting $620 in cash per month and hundreds of food stamps while he sells Narcan and enjoys Amazon Prime and Netflix on his phone.
‘This right now is literally by choice, literally by choice. If we’re going to be realistic, they pay you to be homeless here,’ James, a homeless man with face tattoos who has been living in San Francisco since June, told Michael Shellenberger, author of ‘San Fransicko,’ a book about how the city’s progressive leaders are worsening homelessness, inequality and crime.”
Tucker showed a video clip. You’d think the smug lefties would be interested to see where their tax dollars are going but I’m guessing they won’t see it on CNN or MSNBC.
The lefties still won’t care. They’ve been taught their whole lives that the #1 rule is that the right (meaning anything right of Mao) is literally the devil. In their religion, to even consider voting another way is the highest sin, no matter how bad things get.
I have a lot of homeless folks around my workplace. One time I got to talking to one of them, and he said he moved to my town from another state because the available benefits/freebies are much better.
One thing I can say about the homeless folks in my vicinity is what avid bicyclists they are. Why, some of them have three of four bikes stacked outside their tents.
What? You must not live anywhere near OMWC and SP if they are just leaving bikes lying around.
Seriously, I sort of admire homeless for deciding that they love getting high and drunk and stripping down their life so they can concentrate solely on that. I love drinking, but I’m too gutless to get rid of all my shit so I can spend all day drinking. I foolishly go to work and then don’t even spend all that money on booze.
A school district in Wyoming recently used a gymnasium as a shooting range, training fifth and sixth grade students in marksmanship during PE.
Hot Springs County School District #1, in the small town of Thermopolis, shared photos of the sharpshooting session in a Feb. 2 Facebook post, and it quickly caught the attention of thousands. McClatchy News has obtained a screengrab of the Facebook post, which is no longer publicly available.
In the pictures, the children are seen aiming air rifles across the gym at a set of targets propped up against the bleachers with what appears to be plywood.
Often a child’s introduction to the world of firearms, air rifles generally use gas stored in a small canister to propel a BB or pellet out of the barrel at relatively high speed. While far less lethal than true firearms, they can cause serious harm in some circumstances.
“All students passed their safety test and have been sharpening their skills,” the post said.
Before Mombo joined the USA when I was in 9th grade, I enjoyed shooting rifles at the local high school with the JROTC in Cheyenne. It’s sad they have to use air rifles. Step up and get rifles with bullets.
At times in the Army I used the Weaponeer instead of a real rifle.
That’s weird to me. Does it improve your accuracy at long distances?
It has different sized targets to simulate range.
I went through gun safety training in the elementary school gym.
While far less lethal than true firearms, they can cause serious harm in some circumstances.
You’ll shoot your eye out!
This Christmas I did get a Range Rider 200-shot carbine action range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time.
Back in 50’s New York City High Schools had rifle teams, and kids used to bring their rifles to school on the subway. And nothing else happened.
In the 80’s I brought a bb gun on the bus for physics class. We used a ballistic pendulum and conservation of energy equations to determine the speed of the bb. We also shot out several of the gym lights, but kids will be kids. No one lost an eye.
We all carried pocket knives to school, too. No one was ever stabbed.
My high school originally had an indoor range in the basement. Long gone.
Indoor ranges at state armories were closed due to lead contamination throughout the facilities. Never going to see those in schools again.
Plebs getting uppity in New Zealand.
Those rugby skills coming in handy. Except you’re not supposed to knock the ball unconscious when winning the scrum.
“Michigan governor demands Canada re-open border crossings”
Or else what? you’ll turn them into newts?
She’ll unleash the plague patients from the nursing homes on them.
Starting to see a flailing of power from these people…
She strenuously objects.
Remember this?
Whitmer is evil.
She’ll send a crack team of Michigan militia people to kidnap Trudeau?
Flying Monkeys vs. Truckers
A couple of nights ago, I watched a movie called “Arkansas”. I liked it. Malkovitch was good.
The guy from that jewel heist movie?
Starting to see a flailing of power from these people…
When all you have is petulant footstamping….
Veruca goes with what she knows.
20 photos from the first modern Olympic Games in 1896
So the Bosslady is watching Olympic figure skating (she is a woman, after all), I glance at the screen and realize that an American dude is skating to the theme from Schindler’s List. Immediate thought: “That’s one way to troll the East German judge.”
The rest of the world is opening up and choosing life; Canada must do the same.
The “white supremacist” bit we can write right off. If white supremacy were a serious thing, leftists — like hate-crime hoaxer Jussie Smollett — wouldn’t have to invent it.
You know, I am a pessimist. I’m trying to be better.
But I don’t think this convoy is going to accomplish what it hopes. The government (doesn’t matter which) will always call on people who are itching for a fight* to put down revolts. Are there enough truckers? Are they willing to die? Because that’s what’s going to happen.
*Kinda like the US drooling over Russia-Ukraine.
You’d have to have courageous lefties in numbers actually going out to try to crack heads. GLWT. They’re only violent when numbers are on their side.
Well, I’m referring to tacticool police and military action on civilians. Not like it hasn’t happened before (Kent State, frx), albeit I don’t know if it’s happened in Canada.
Are the truckers armed? The govt flunkies are.
With guns? Not sure. The cops returned gallons of fuel that was mixed with water, but it will still work as a weapon. All you need is a tank, a water pump, and a garden hose.
The cops returned gallons of fuel that was mixed with water, but it will still work as a weapon.
I’ve seen a video, posted here at least twice and floating around other places, claiming to show Ottawa cops returning fuel to trucker because a judge ordered them to. There’s never a name of a judge mentioned.
I doubt any judge ordered the Ottawa police to return confiscated fuel to truckers.
I can find no news article about such a ruling. Rebel News would be all over it.
I’m mildly optimistic about this, as more of the normies seem to be having the Canadian truckers rally resonate with them. When the complaints against them are that they’re setting up unlicensed bounce houses for kids to play in, building pizza ovens, and honking horns it kind of sets the “mostly peaceful” protests of last summer in a different light.
The normies aren’t getting the bounce house and soup kitchen intel. I told my husband about the convoy 3 days ago, long after it had begun and he hadn’t heard of it. It wasn’t on our news (lip service) until 2 days ago.
The girlfriend and her co-workers had heard of it (and some of the stories), so it may be that the co-workers were already leaning towards the right (it’s not like I interact with them, so second hand information).
I think there’s a tension. I think Trudeau and his cronies live in enough of a bubble that they would be willing to send in headcrackers against what are pretty obviously peaceful protests. But, I’ve heard even elements of his own party are saying he needs to back the hell off. Pretty much nobody outside his bubble is buying the racist, sexist, Nazis line.
Trudy is stupid enough to do it.
Trudy is stupid enough to do it.
Unfortunately true.
Two of his own MPs from Quebec have already gone public with their dissatisfaction with how he’s handling things.
Targeting the root causes.
Mayor Levar Stoney is announcing a new Gun Buy Back program in Richmond.
The city is using $500,000 in federal COVID relief funds to pay for the program.
Stoney said tackling city violence means taking more guns off the streets. He said that last year officials confiscated nearly 1,000 guns, 547 of which, were stolen. With the onset of this new program, they’re hoping to capture even more this year.
Seems legit.
“This will create incentives for folks to turn in operational firearms, reducing the likelihood of them being used in violent crimes.”
No it won’t.
I’ve seen groups get together and outbid the official buyback price for some decent guns.
How much does it cost to make a gun? $5?
“The city is using $500,000 in federal COVID relief funds to pay for the program.”
Gun buybacks totally reduce covid. ?
My high school in upstate New York (Glen Falls vicinity) had a rifle team and a range in the basement. They had high zoot .22 target rifles. I shot down there a few times. I can’t remember for certain, but I think the ammo was .22 short. It wasn’t a very long shot.
Dave Smith is killing it on Rogan.
That is all.
He’s got to be the best ambassador for libertarian ideas in the mainstream view right now. If he really does run for President and he could get on the debates, it could be the most profound disruption of the status quo in a century. Which is exactly why it can’t happen.
Especially since all his peeps are all-in on this “post-libertarian” shit. Yes, kids, it’s not enough to spout Rothbard in obscure venues, but it’s quite another to hammer the libertarian ideals on the biggest platform on the planet.
He is the best salesman libertarianism has ever had. And I include Ron Paul in that.
If you listen to his show all the time, you know he’s obsessed with the messaging – as in how to package and sell the ideas to the maximum number of people. He’s the best because he understands that having the best philosophy and being right about everything means nothing if all we ever do is lose. The last two years has been a massive loss for liberty that’s going to take decades to undo. The things that normies now believe it is not only normal, but legal for governments and the corporations they’re in bed with to do on a whim is beyond terrifying. He gets that and can convey it to a massive audience in a way that seems cool and jovial. I think you’re right, he’s better than Ron Paul as a salesman.
He’s fucking great. I wouldn’t be shocked to see Scott Horton on the JRE by the end of the year.
Bonus sick video of protest truckers engaging in exploitation of at least one culture.
That looks fun.
Vegas: Nevada governor rescinds mask mandate effective immediately
Interestingly enough, the casino in Everett (within spitting distance from Boston) hasn’t had any mask mandate since last May.
I was there last week. I wore a mask like 1% of the time I was there and got zero pushback. It’s over regardless of whatever the governor says.
Fantastic! That’s good news for my trip in April
/waits for the airline mask mandate to end on 3/12
You think they are going to end it? The Feds will hold onto this perceived power as long as they can.
That’s the expiration date. I’m just hoping it doesn’t get extended.
/knows it probably will get extended
Check Biden’s poll numbers on 3/11.
When asked, maybe a month or two ago, Fauci said masks should be required on airlines forever. Although during the early stages of COVID, he also said he didn’t think people should ever shake hands again. He doesn’t get enough credit for blurting out completely absurd shit.
Great! In too local news, Mrs. Patzer’s employer hour rescinded their mask requirement effective immediately. Dominoes be falling.
NM Legislature struck down a bill that would put a 90 limit on the governor’s emergency powers.
And to think NM 15 years ago was nothing like what it is today.
Or even 5 years ago. Susanna Martinez was the best governor I have ever seen.
I can’t find the reference but in a column by Daniel J. Mitchell she was the only “A” rated governor in the country for each of her terms.
Found the column
I mis-remembered it slightly; she wasn’t the only “A” but she did come out on top of the rankings.
Also, love this bit of journalisming
“Like other state legislatures across the country, New Mexico Republicans are working to curb some of the power used by the governor to impose restrictions during the pandemic.”
Like that is a bad thing.
Dictators are good.
Outmoded orthodoxy
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) sounded the alarm on Thursday after the Labor Department announced that annual inflation had risen at its fastest rate in four decades, emphasizing that Congress should not add “more fuel to an economy already on fire.”
Manchin was likely alluding to the push by Democrats to pass a roughly $2 trillion social spending and climate package, an effort he effectively killed in December after announcing that he would not support the behemoth legislation, citing concerns about inflation and the cost of the bill.
In an emailed statement, Manchin said inflation is “draining the hard-earned wages of every American” and “causing real and severe economic pain that can no longer be ignored.”
“It’s beyond time for the Federal Reserve to tackle this issue head on, and Congress and the Administration must proceed with caution before adding more fuel to an economy already on fire,” he added.
“Likely alluding to” you say. And it takes a Democrat to say this? Where are the so-called fiscal conservatives? Hiding because they’re afraid of being called names?
” Where are the so-called fiscal conservatives? Hiding because they’re afraid of being called names?”
Fiscal conservatives? In Congress?
And to further answer your question. Yes, we all know the fiscal conservatives are racists who want people to die.
You can cobble together a coalition curriculum and hold the institution together when society is mostly on the same page and is merely engaged in sectarian squabbles. When you have two wholly incompatible worldviews scrapping for power over the indoctrination apparatus of the total state, there is no winning, only losing for the proles.
The Expanse has some good one-liners.
Almost done with the season, so I can join the discussionon the forum.
Still on season 5. Hopefully done soon.
I love Crisjen, Bobbi, and Drummer. The female characters are far more interesting than the males. Except Alex and Amos. They’re awesome. Holden is not interesting.
He’s not supposed to be interesting. He’s supposed to be pretty.
And S5 Naomi is one of the biggest badasses of all time.
Holden’s looks are meh.
Naomi has never interested me.
And I want to be Crisjen when I grow up.
If they make a female Thor it better be Bobbi.
Something doesn’t add up in this too-local story.
Actually, several things don’t add up. Who opens the door to some randos knocking and running away? Especially randos who seem to know what they’re looking for?
“Basin lay shirtless on the ground and his Northern Inuit dog, Smokey, barked in the background.”
That’s one useless dog.
“He added that all his wealth was in those two watches.
“That’s all my money,” he said. “It’s literally all I have. It was my one hope of getting a house, getting out of here. It was my ‘one ticket’ situation to get a better life.”
Who puts all their money in two watches?
Crypo consultants.
“That’s one useless dog.”
*points to northern breed in avatar*
Can confirm.
Here in a fast watch,
Is it fast enough so we can fly away?
If I hear “I don’t think we can do that in Salesforce” one more time, I may throw my computer. If I hear it again, and a quick search of the Salesforce dev docs show they’re full of shit, yet again, I’m going to build a competing product and run them out of business.
FreedomToons on FedTalks.
Solid ending.
nothing left to cut
I care nothing for sportsball.
I just posted this to give him props on the facial hair.
I just posted this to give him props on the facial hair.
I wonder how much SMITH BROTHERS pays him to use his photo on their cough drop boxes.
Enes Freedom traded to Houston. That will be interesting.
Last time I watched a Sixers game they had Dr. J and Mosses Malone. With the addition of Harden they’ll be really good.
Harden is a ball hog who does nothing to make his teammates better.
Come on, Joe, dig in your heels and drag them all under with you
Some Democrats are nudging President Joe Biden to do more to ease Covid exhaustion, using his upcoming State of the Union address to announce a “new phase” of living with the virus.
“At this point, I don’t think we’re changing people’s minds,” said Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.), who led the House Democrats’ campaign arm during a rough 2020 cycle, where Democrats lost more than a dozen seats. And Bustos said she backed her own home-state governor’s decision this week to phase out mask requirements: “I just think people are gonna do what they’re gonna do.”
Rep. Andy Kim (D-N.J.) said that “from my standpoint, I’ve been ready for this,” noting that Covid cases have “rapidly decreased” in his state.
Obey the high priesthood of SCIENCE! Do not waver in your resolve. Yield not to temptation.
Rep. Andy Kim (D-N.J.) said that “from my standpoint, I’ve been ready for this,” noting that Covid cases have “rapidly decreased” in his state.
Ain’t it good, ain’t it right,
That he’s in Congress, here tonight?
“The convoy protest, applauded by right wing media as a “freedom protest,” is an economic and security issue now. The Ambassador Bridge link constitutes 28% of annual trade movement between US and Canada. Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks”
“@Harvard prof, @CNN Analyst & CEO of Grip Mobility. Nat’l security expert, former Obama @DHSgov. “The Devil Never Sleeps” (March ’22).Pulitzer finalist. 3x mom.”
Whataminute… If we arrest the drivers, who’s going to drive the trucks?
Jesus Christ, don’t let these peons realize that they have power and leverage!
I screwed up. I scrolled down.
Don’t read the comments, I think they gave me a tumor.
Actually the comments I saw were pretty hysterical.
Especially IowaHawk.
How are you going to move the trucks off a bridge with their tires slashed, professor?
If she’s a national security expert, I’d say we’re boned.
Slash the tires…and move the trucks
Have you thought this through?
Harvard prof, @CNN Analyst & CEO of Grip Mobility. Nat’l security expert, former Obama @DHSgov. “The Devil Never Sleeps” (March ’22).Pulitzer finalist. 3x mom.
Harvard is not sending us their best.
Local news.
“Arsenal”. 🙄
Another swing-district Democrat, Rep. Susan Wild (D-Pa.), said she worried people are so exhausted by the pandemic that they’re losing trust in government — presenting a huge risk if the U.S. is hit by a more dangerous viral variant in the future.
“Millions of people haven’t been affected at all by Omicron.” Wild said. “We have to recognize that. We can’t live in this state in perpetuity.”
They look around and see nothing but self-promoting liars and quacks, and they’re losing trust in government? No shit, Shirley.
losing trust in government
Losing trust in the government is terrorism.
The beatings will continue until
moraletrust improves.Whataminute… If we arrest the drivers, who’s going to drive the trucks?
If we disable all the trucks how are we supposed to move them?
I’m fully prepared to believe that woman serves at the highest level of government security and intelligence.
“Ladies and Gentlemen” is right out.
What are they going to use now? “XYs and XXs I direct your attention to the center ring!”
Cancel Tom Jones!
“Menstrators and non-birthing people”
My combined gas and electric bill for January was <$175.
God bless modern construction!
777x live test flight
You are evil….
Look at those winglets!
Hopefully she’ll come out of the barn again for another run. If you rewind you can catch the landing.
Questions….does it alter the wing in flight or only once it lands. It was beautiful watching it land. That was a great landing.
Not sure – I think it’s just for taxiing
Only for maneuvering on the ground.. to fit on standard taxiways and parking.. So technically not a winglet, but a hinged wing.
Thanks Mossy.
I guess there’s at least one tri jet inbound
Dang, they’re bringing the stairs over
Lots of movement in the cabin.
Doug Ford, premier of Ontario, Canada, Orders GiveSendGo To Freeze Funds For Anti-Mandate Protesters in Ottawa
Also reported at The Post Millennial:
Isn’t he kind of an equivalent of one of our governors? By what authority can he do that? What a reprehensible douchebag fat fuck that sack of shit is.
By the new paradigm where we live under open fascism. Companies only get to operate at the pleasure of their overlord’s whims. They don’t care who knows it anymore.
By what authority can he do that?
I have no idea. It seems to me that the Canadian law (a section of the Criminal Code of Canada) he’s using here cannot be applied extraterritorially, since GiveSendGo is a U.S.-based entity; possibly the only way to make this work is to disallow the use of any in-country financial intermediaries (which he can control).
Bitcoin’s looking like the only avenue left. Naturally, the Usual Suspects on places like YouTwitFace are calling for Bitcoin to be “banned.”
I’ve always been skeptical of “crypto” but if that works out here I will do a complete 180.
And they think this will *stop* the convoy? The more authoritarian they get, the more fuel they throw on the fire.
It’s almost as if they want a civil war. Y’know, the kind that nobody wins.
Curious…what authority does he have over that?
He’s made his decision, now let him enforce it.
I thought Canadians were too polite to have a ‘FYTW’ clause in their charter.
I think the Notwithstanding Clause counts.
Yeah, the Notwithstanding Clause is classic FYTW law-writin’.
Proving that St. Paul can play in the Big Leagues, Mayor Melvin Carter nearly breaks his arm patting himself on the back as he lifts the vax passport requirements. (Of course, the mask mandates are still in place)
How generous of him to not claim ALL the credit for saving everybody’s lives.
Dance party is back after a quiet day. Apparently Saturday is supposed to be LIT
We live in the wrong places
I just lost massive amounts of respect for the Truckers. Jesus, what’s next some shitty Beach Boys music*?
*but I repeat myself
You Gen Xers and your hard rock and roll music!
“Grandpa, what did you do during the Covid Wars?”
“I went to a disco dance party in a bouncy castle”
Still sounds better than “watched my best friends head explode and carried body parts back for identification”
Look I’m not saying they need to take up arms, but it wouldn’t kill ’em to have a protest singer singing a protest song.
“We had to listen to Bob Dylan “sing” rambling, non sensical, atonal, nasal, hippie poetry. It did rhyme at least so there was that ”
I mean fucksake endure a little bit of hardship at least.
“And it worked!” (I’m an optimist)
I oscillate between hope and fear.
I hope you’re right, and fear you’re wrong.
So another major bias that she’s challenging is the idea that teacher certification equals quality. “There have been three very large studies, the latest one in 2018, which are not showing any relationship between quality and licensure.”
“This ditch is full of dead people. Why did you bring me here?”
Anyone bored and wanna zoom, let me know. I had day beers
Only if we talk about airplanes.
OBe: If you’re okay with a half hour meet: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77029373887?pwd=gBopqzELjkaZLfe9009MCZJtrJq2MZ.1
Also, if anyone else wants to
Well that’s 15 minutes . It’d be a damn short zoom at this point. I’ll shut it down.
Elon talkin about his gigantic penis rocket in 110 minutes
Did you all hear that Elon’s folks invented some shoes with AI built in? They called them Smart Shoes, but I guess there was only one prototype pair built. One of Musk’s employees tried them out, and he thought the were great. Why? Because, no matter how drunk he got, the shoes always got him home. They were also quite bright, good conversationalists, and the guy got to be friends with them.
Problem is, the AI was a learning AI. One evening the guy got really drunk, and woke up the next morning in Burma. The Smart Shoes had gotten tired of just walking back and forth from the guy’s house to the bar, and decided they wanted to see the world.
This was a problem, obviously. The guy couldn’t go out drinking any more, for fear the shoes would take him on another journey. And the shoes wouldn’t listen to reason. So, in the end, one evening when he was going out drinking, he locked the shoes in a closet and went on without them. The shoes yelled and protested, but he left them locked in.
When he got home that night, the closet was broken open and his car was gone. Seems the Smart Shoes had broken out, stolen his car, and done a Thelma and Louise into a local canyon.
Well, Elon’s guy felt really bad about it. Like it was his fault, like he had betrayed the friendship he had built up with the Smart Shoes. So he went and talked to his pastor about it. The pastor proved to be very comforting; convinced the guy that the shoes were surely now in Heaven.
You see, it seems shoes have souls.
Heh. Reminds of the time of the story of the fly and fisherman.
Nothing like a good shaggy dog story, thanks. And nice ending to the North Country story as well.
Thot Thursday.
Face diapers. Blech.
It turns out that gravity and the desert floor are not an illusion.
“Today, an ATAC Mirage F1 fighter aircraft supporting military flight training at Luke Air Force Base was destroyed when it crashed in an uninhabited area outside the base,” the Air Force said in a statement. “The pilot safely ejected and is being treated for minor injuries. ATAC is investigating the incident and will work with relevant authorities to determine the cause and take any remedial action that is necessary. We ask for your understanding as we work through all the details of this investigation. ATAC will provide more information as it becomes available.”
I do question why an antique French plane is flying around in AZ.
We fly old airframes all the time.
Probably part of an aggressor squadron.
We can’t throw our weight around over in Europe so we try to our upstairs neighbor….
Fuck you Biden. You should be cheering on the truckers.
Yassss! Hit America where it really hurts.
They gotta move now. If America is going to do it, it has to be this week.l Otherwise its all bullshit money seeking assholes.
The irony of an empty stadium due to Covid in 2022 for the opposite reason would be glorious.
Cheer on the truckers? The longer those protests continue, the more likely similar things happen south of the border. That would not be good for Old Joe.
It needs to happen now. Waiting just doesn’t make sense. I get the logistics and organization, but the iron is hot now.
Nobody needs a semi when children are starving.
Putin warns of a possible nuclear war over Ukraine.
How hard is it to not invite a corrupt state into a pointless military alliance again? I guess very, if they have compromising materials on your kid.
Was looking at the breakdown of the 7.5% inflation…used cars were up over 40%. I new that market was crazy, but that is insane.
Is that better or worse during the “cars for clunkers” era?
Way worse.
This is insane.
It looks like the GiveSendGo folks were ready for Ford’s move — if so, good on ’em!: