Azov Battalion, Ukraine National Guard.
UNFOLDING SLAVIC SHIT-SHOW: Something is happening in Ukraine. Rather than knock myself out chasing the latest happenings up until press time, I’ll let you fine people post updates in the comments. Unfolding current events are always on-topic for links posts.
SPEAKING OF NATIONAL GUARDS: The Posse Comitatus Act, which already has more holes than a Swiss cheese, doesn’t apply to the DC National Guard, or to other National Guards which are being mobilized in anticipation of the arrival of trucker freedom convoys in Washington. Predictable leftist pants-shitting, dark money accusations (paywalled), and false bravado (“this time, we’re ready!!1eleventy”). Honk, honk.
THIS IS HOW YOU DO UNAPOLOGETIC AUTHORITARIANISM: Russia’s interior ministry tells TV viewers to “refrain from unsanctioned protests” & or they’ll be “arrested & brought to responsibility.” That’s because there are “coronavirus restrictions, including on public events.” Not because of calls to protest the war or anything.
THAT’S SOME FINE POLICE WORK THERE, LOU: LAPD mistakenly jails woman for thirteen days because her name was similar to someone with an outstanding warrent. Note that this started with TSA incompetence.
ROCKET DICKS IN SPACE: Space tourism has seriously broken some people. Once-respected science magazine whines jealously because they weren’t invited. Funny how fourteen years ago they thought it was cool.
GORD UPDATE: He’s alive and well, and sent us this lovely link. I was going to perform this song live for him on Zoom last weekend, but he was busy with other things, so here you go:
Gord’s a trucker and he’s okay,
He sleeps all night and he drives all day.
He shuts down bridges,
He protests mandates,
He defies authority,
Some days he writes an op-ed,
And drinks Horton’s coffee.
Gord’s a trucker and he’s okay,
He sleeps all night and he drives all day.
Trudeau’s PM of Canada,
Gord makes him run and hide,
Twink snivels and lies in parliament,
And then he goes and cries.
Gord’s a trucker and he’s okay,
He sleeps all night and he drives all day.
All the honking got Gord a call,
From a vexed mountie.
But the girls all love him,
And send him they panties.
Gord’s a trucker and he’s okay,
He sleeps all night and he drives all day.
“Government making things worse for people all over the place. People trying to make things better for others. Whiny little bitches resenting kids with shinier toys”
“Unfolding current events are always on-topic for links posts.”
I thought everything was on-topic for link posts, except there was a thirty-minute wait to post girlie pics stuff.
Yes. Applies to beefcake as well as cheesecake.
I like the way this buffet is shaping up!
“dark money accusations”
Now do almost every left-wing protest.
Yeah but those donors mean well.
Add this to your leftist decoder ring:
Mean well = help the DNC
“Light money accusations” for the win.
It comes from lightworkers!
They’re lightworkers now. In a year, they may be violent insurrectionist terrorists depending on how willing they are to stay bent over.
“All their flights did was give the impression that space—historically seen as a brave pursuit for the good of all humankind—has just become another playground for the 0.0000001 percent.”
Glad that they didn’t have this attitude when flight was for the elite and not for everyone like it is now. Absolutely no understanding of first adopters and their role in technological improvement.
“historically seen as a brave pursuit for the good of all humankind”
Who the hell ever believed that?
It really started as a dick-measuring contest between us and the Soviets, fer cryin’ out loud.
Da, comrade!
Also, ICBM and other military R&D.
Well apparently that contest never really stopped even though both are now far shriveled and impotent than they were 40 years ago. Good thing Pfizer owes Biden a favor….
China is playing catch-up hard. They might even setup a permanent base before we do. Remember that all they have to do is get a crew there and keep them supplied until they can send up replacements and retrieve the original crew.
SLDs about how our tax dollars should not be funding this absent clear and present need, etc.
Our tax dollars funding this could be a function of printing 10 trillion in a couple of years and shooting it all straight out of a canons aimed in every imaginable direction.
Who the hell ever believed that?
People who are easily propagandized.
After all, a lot of America’s messaging, once it became clear that they were going to win the space race, had this tenor. “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
You have freedom to speak mind. You no have freedom after speak mind.
“Once-respected science magazine”
Unscientific Un-American just isn’t as catchy.
Too honest. Don’t you even modern journalism bro???
They were first adopters in going woke!
Sadly this is true. I can’t believe what a shit show it has become.
Gee, who are those guys in the top photo? They look like natural allies of the West to me. Somebody should go talk to them.
There is absolutely nobody to like here as far as government actors.
For almost any value of “here” that I can think of.
Poor tonio and scruffy. Days two of the russian apologist supporters on here. Appears to be about 5 of ya. I do wonder how many us agents are on here. Appears the murdering russians have Glib covered.
I wonder why ukrainian president zelesky is not included with Tonio and scruffy russian apologist stuff?
If only I could post articles of Russians doing the goosestep and holding Nazi flags in photos.
Double down more tomorrow Tonio. This is too easy.
I’m sure they’re an awesome bunch to hang out with as long as your last name doesn’t end in berg or stein.
Ukrainian president zelensky is jewish. He’s a Nazi!!!!
Cant believe some people on here are russian apologists. Sad.
Noticing the flag in the background, I’m sure the Twitterverse will roundly call out the Biden admin for being Nazi sympathizers, right?
I’ve been assured by loveMIC/DoD1789 that that photo is just Russian propaganda.
Poor russian apologists on here. They having a sad. Look at the lengths they go to defend russia murdering innocent ukrainians.
Keep doubling down. Its fun. You amateurs are so funny. That picture is from the wikipedia page run by russian administrators right?
Ukraine is Nazi? Except for ukrainian president zelensky. Hes jewish.
Poor scruffy and his apologist buds. Who will ever cash his rubles? Hes running around trying to avoid that he said that Russia murdering Ukrainians is Americas and Ukraine fault.
Ukrainian president zelesnky is jewish. I guess hes not too worried about the Azov battalion.
Posse Comitatus Act
I don’t need to change that many letters to really have fun with that one.
Ah, the high Slavic cheekbones, the intimidating uniform, the straight up threats…gentlemen, I’ll be in my bunk.
Strong Command & Conquer: Red Alert vibes here.
Tanya you dirty girl…
Yeah, I’m getting a serious dominatrix vibe. That’s not even my kink, but . . . .
If she is hot enough, any kink becomes my kink.
And no… I am not proud of the fact.
Maybe we’ll get a hundred thousand young female Ukrainian refugees this time.
“The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has effectively shut down 39 trucking businesses in the wake of a crackdown on so-called Freedom Convoy protesters…
The names of the sanctioned businesses, as well as the number of affected trucks, were not revealed.”
FYTW, eh?
What can be revealed is that their bank accounts have been transferred to the general fund. In unrelated news, politicians vote to give themselves bonuses due to unexpected surplus in the general fund.
Some 40 years ago I would hear hippie burnouts saying things like “government is just the mafia in a pretty dress” or “taxation is theft” and I would think they were crazy, and I would move away from them on the group W bench.
Then I lived.
And now?
How can you watch Canada just stealing stuff from people that they don’t like, not even with a nod to due process, and not realize that it is just an advanced form of organized crime?
It’s no different from the literally hundreds of other powers that they’ve just gifted themselves over the years.
Start wars without congressional approval or support from allies with no punishment for any offenders? Check. Put people in cages for decades for possessing things that get them high and make them useless as tax cattle? Check. Use regulations to force private businesses to enact unconstitutional things like unwarranted search and seizure. Check.
The transformation from republic to empire was gradual for the last century. It’s hard to mark the exact moment it really happened, but we are no longer citizens, we’re right back to being subjects. There’s no one to stop it since theirs to way to try them. They literally pick the judges.
There’s no one to stop it since THERE’S to way to try them. $#%&ing lack of edit!!!
I’m not sure they thought this all the way through.
I’m pissed I missed Gord on the Zooms last night.
Still, it was good to see y’all that were there. Even my NoDak brother from another mother.
That is a great goddamn song, Tonio. Thank you.
Here’s the perfect cover.
No disrespect to your or Petty, but Little Feat needs no “improvement.”
Homage, not improvement.
None taken, regardless.
Trudeau is taking notes.
I don’t think he needs notes on not apologizing. He’s a natural.
He little speech where he says the allies need to confront authoritarianism is proof of that. The POS only needs to look in the mirror.
I am shocked that only us weirdos noticed that. It was as brazen of a statement as I have ever heard.
There is a deeply ingrained belief that if your progressive you can’t be authoritarian. I’ve met plenty of people that really truly believe that. There’s no way to make them see otherwise.
Pairs with their delusion that they’re always “fighting fascism.”
Meanwhile in Kanada.
“Farm Credit had begun compiling a list of names of account holders suspected of involvement with Freedom Convoy protests against vaccine mandates. Consequences for customers named in police blacklists included suspension of loans.” “Farm Credit Canada yesterday did not comment.”
And you had the gall to call me a fanboi?
Of red panties?
Who isn’t?
You haven’t figured out by now that I’m shameless?
“Protecting the capital since 1802..”
Did a fine job of that early on.
*sensible chuckle*
You marched right in and torched it there.
I like that Little Feat song.
Last summer, at a time when the pandemic had strained many people’s finances, inflation was rising and unemployment was still high, the sight of the richest man in the world joyriding in space hit a nerve.
“Hit a nerve”? Go fuck yourself. I tapped out of the article here.
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has effectively shut down 39 trucking businesses in the wake of a crackdown on so-called Freedom Convoy protesters.
MTO is asshoe.
If true, it kinda removes the incentive to comply.
I don’t see what they are thinking.
That kind of action almost demands a complete blockade of the nation, at least ny those 39 companies. What else have you got to lose?
If the leaders of that trucker protest actually enter DC, they are confirmed feds leading the lambs to slaughter.
He added, “I’ve been in disagreement with the administration for quite some time on the energy policies, and I’m trying to work with them and make them understand what we have and we must continue to develop to make sure that we’re in a position of independence in our country. And when you’re starting to replace things, make sure you have something to replace it with. Don’t just be aspirational and say, I want to get rid of coal, I want to get rid of natural gas, and I want to quit using oil, and then, all of a sudden, you get caught in a crunch, as we are, and start asking the rest of the world to produce for you. That’s not who we are. That’s not leadership. It’s not [what we should be doing]. … I’ve gone after FERC for making it almost impossible to build any gas pipelines or maintain the infrastructure that we need in order to be energy independent.”
C’mon, man. Everyone knows that energy comes from fairy dust and unicorn farts.
*In Kathy Newman voice*
So what you’re trying to say is that we need to throw all our defensive capabilities behind defending the fairy and unicorn farms?
BTW, does anyone read Russian? I want to know what it says on the wall behind the Russian Interior Ministry spokeswoman. It looks like a courtroom, which would make the threat more intimidating.
Ted S, if I’m remembering correctly?
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Yes. The glare makes it difficult to make out Министерство внутренних дел Российской Федерации.
Huh. I guess there a sign on the wall behind my naughty, naughty dominatrix. Good eye, Tonio.
Slavic genetics are weird. Hot women and goofy looking dudes. You’d think they would even out eventually.
If Mrs. Tundra finally comes to her senses and dumps me, I will be finishing out my time on this rock with a Slavic woman.
So you want to die broke, while asleep, and in an unexplained manner.
Still not seeing an issue
What the fuck, Scruffy?
He didn’t ask a question, he made a statement.
There’s no ‘?’ at the end.
I’m not judging.
I married an Italian from Philly.
Does she regularly say “youse”?
Pat’s or Geno’s?
“Wudder” is the one that gets me.
But your question of “Pat’s or Geno’s” elicited some yelling and cursing.
Her answer is “Mama’s off Belmont”
My mother says wuuder.
I must have married the only normal Slavic chick out there, to you some of you talk. But then she was pretty well off, and I was pretty poor when we met. So I’m pretty sure she wasn’t after my money. That said, it’s still possible that she’d kill me in my sleep, or even while I’m awake.
Blink twice if she’s in the room.
My wife’s Uncle has Ukraine mail order bride. Their marriage lasted maybe five years. He called it quits after she put a knife to his throat and demanded his 401k. True story.
Before this (or possibly leading to this moment), he had a PI tail her, document she had been cheating, and wasn’t on the hook for alimony. C-Suite exec for a large company and had them hold his bonus until the day after his divorce was finalized.
Be careful. Scruffy will pass your story along to Putin to use as an excuse to murder innocent ukrainians.
Doesn’t need to as long as there are no outliers on the men’s side.
There are plenty of hot dudes. You’re just not looking for them, or seeing them.
Admittedly I’m not looking for them, but my sister had the same comment at my wedding. “The women are gorgeous, but the men look dorky.”
I dunno, maybe I like dorky looking men.
Conventionally “hot” men generally turn me off, so there’s that.
The only reason I’m married is that (some) women like dorky men.
Dorky guys need love too.
The Slavic dudes I’ve seen all have too little body hair. But that Sergei Grinkov was a looker back in the day.
Was it Connery-level hair?
I’m not into a lot of body hair so *shrug*.
Check out the Croatian soccer team. All of them are 100% Slavs–unlike Team Russia. And many of them are good looking except, of course, their biggest star Luka Modric.
True dat.
Where I grew up is loaded with Polish guys and I found a lot of them met my needs.
So when do the cyber attacks start here? Hope everyone is ready for that…
How the fuck do you prepare for that?
I put condoms on my wifi antennas.
For the lulz Putin should invade Metaverse….
Honestly, I’d pay money to see MetaPutin teabag MetaZuck.
They can take all my money. Please make this happen. How ’bout MetaPutin teabags MetaDorsey and watching in the corner is MetaCuckZuck?
I’m metahard already.
Same way you prep for everything else I suppose. I suspect we’re a lot closer than we know.
I guess.
So funny that we grew up with the nuke boogeyman and these incompetent fucks might just actually pull it off.
I’d be more concerned about our infrastructure. Standard libertarian disclaimer about government spending, but hardening power grids and other pieces of critical infrastructure against cyber attacks is probably something that could actually be useful in a real infrastructure bill. Instead we get thousand-page monstrosities with a bunch of other stupid shit that no one can agree on.
It’s almost as though the government ignoring it’s core duties in order to enrich themselves and a bunch of special interests while driving up the national debt to irresponsibly insane levels so that you’re beyond flat broke in an actual crisis is bad. I’m sure equity can solve this, I just don’t know how yet.
If we had just hired one more black transgender pansexual Jewish otherkin who recently converted to Islam, we’d have figured it out and been perfectly secure.
And you’re just going to ignore the handicapable? You irredeemably monsterous bigot!!!
Some state sponsored actors might cause Biden again went and opened his big mouth “Better not do any cyber attacks on us….” again.
We had an international transportation company that we use go down due to cyber attack two days before the invasion. Probably coincidence.
Dont worry, scruffy and his 5 apologists will explain away Russian cyber attacks as America and ukraines fault.
Glad that they didn’t have this attitude when flight was for the elite and not for everyone like it is now. Absolutely no understanding of first adopters and their role in technological improvement.
The Modern World: brought to you by crazy rich people.
P.S. When you search for this on Google the number of results is shockingly small. Almost as if it’s being censored….
What is that?
Klaus that guy, head of WEF, and it’s a real picture,
Yeah, that dude wears that in public. While he gives speeches about how they’re placing people in governments all over the world to enact the plans of the Davos “you’ll own nothing and be happy” crowd. Also, the Great Reset is both a ridiculous conspiracy theory and the name of that guy’s book.
I feared it was him. A real life Bond villain right there.
CONSPIRACY THEORIST!!!! Everyone, we have a conspiracy theorist!!! Grab him!!!!!
Mr. Schwab, you may continue to go about your business.
Thank God for the NYT.
Without reporting like this at this particular stage of the conflict I would have been utterly unaware.
Best part is, we just supplied Russia with some of our weapons we have been sending over there.
Worked well in Afghanistan, so why not?
When the Military now say they’re deeply committed to equity, they mean it. Even on both sides of the battlefield.
We did it wrong. Instead of sending weapons, we should have sent Afghans.
To bad most of the ones we trained didn’t exist.
I was just thinking about everything the US left in Afghanistan. How much did the Taliban keep and how much did they sell to interested parties for cash? How much of our crap is spread all over Central Asia by now, if not in Russian and/or China’s hands?
There was videos of a convey traveling to Iran soon after we left of all our equip we left behind. So…I would say a lot. Either we have WAY more advanced stuff now and said keep it or we botched it and claimed not enough money to get it out.
we have WAY more advanced stuff now and said keep it
I believe that’s the case. My understanding was the “interesting” tech was all stripped out and either hauled out by the evacuating Americans or burned.
My understanding was the “interesting” tech was supposed to be all stripped out . . . .
What “interesting tech” is there in rifles, Humvees, armor, helmets, cheap propeller planes and such? Not like we left Patriot batteries and M1A2 tanks.
I was under the impression that there were helicopters left with the avionics and weapons systems stripped out, but it has been long enough that I wouldn’t be able to chase down whatever source I got that impression from.
Not like we left Patriot batteries and M1A2 tanks.
You sure about that?
When will we see Joe pounding on the lectern with his shoe?
Just as he’s yelling, “Who stole my shoe?”
“We will, uh, uh, you know, the thing!”
When will we see Joe pounding on the lectern with his shoe?
In way too local news. No change in policies for the concert tonight, so I’ll be moshing to a couple of good bands tonight. I’ve dropped enough weight to fit back into an appropriate rugby jersey, will strap on the steel toes, and hope not to see any fucking idiots in the pit with a mask on.
Moderna says Covid is entering an endemic phase, but annual vaccines will be needed
Moderna says Covid is entering an endemic phase, but annual
vaccinespayments to it will be neededWell spotted.
… payments to it
will be neededneed to be mandatedHoly crap, that Scientific American article is hot garbage.
Not only is her belief system (on which the article is based) entirely fucked, she doesn’t even bother with basic reality checks. Apparently, Amazon’s workers are barely paid anything at all. And Amazon employees choosing against unionization (again) is apparently the company quashing their efforts. And all of this means that Bezos does not deserve his money. Apparently, the taxpayers do. (Insert quote where Democrat rep says space travel is not a tax free holiday for the rich)
But the absolute worst may be:
*The pandemic drew an impossible-to-ignore distinction between those who can literally escape our world and the rest of us stuck on the ground confronting the ills of Earth: racism, climate change, global diseases. *
What in the ever-loving hell!?!?
This isn’t even differing priorities or differing political opinions. This is derangement. This isn’t remotely sane.
You are not permitted to question one of the scientific priesthood!
“‘No one expected sanctions to prevent anything’: Biden’s baffling response after freezing all Kremlin assets in America, targeting four more banks: Says Putin wants to ‘re-establish Soviet Union'”
Maybe it will start sinking into some folks – BIDEN IS SENILE. What do you expect from him? He was not a very bright guy, a liar and a plagiarist decades ago…now he is pelting headlong into dementia.
“Police in Cleveland have launched a sex crimes investigation after they say a sex tape showing a teacher at an all-boys’ high school was sent to more than 200 students this month.
According to a police report, on February 15, officers received a complaint from the principal at Ginn Academy concerning a sexually explicit video of a female teacher and her boyfriend that had been disseminated to students earlier this month.
The teacher, who has not been named, told investigators that she had heard rumors that her personal video, which was stored on her cellphone, had been leaked and shared with students, but the educator denied sending the X-rated recording.
Police said the sex tape was AirDropped to students at Ginn Academy on February 7 along with four or five other videos, but it is believed that only one of the recordings contained X-rated material.”
I shall save you the trouble. They did not post a link to the video.
Shoddy reporting.
I’m so over modern journalism and their lack of thorough citations and sources. If they really cared about getting clicks they’d be all over this.
A good soldier refuses an order to be vaccinated.
Also, looks like Ukraine is not highly vaccinated. They must have been asking for it.
Putin should have used that excuse. Western powers would have asked how they can help.
They should have listened when Biden told them “If you get the jab, you can’t be invaded by a hostile foreign power.” We didn’t have the data yet to show that was an untrue statement.
LOL, after kicking out the unvaxxed people they already had.
Can you get drafted right after being kicked out of the military?
If you have to register and update selective service while in the reserves….
Such virtue. Much signal.
Oh, oh, need to find a uniform that fits.
So brave.
She’s got a checkmark, of course.
“Scientific” “American”
“EXCLUSIVE: Black Lives Matter blew $12.7million of the $60million in donations it received in 2020 on consultants and lawyers – including high-power legal firm retained by Hillary Clinton during her failed campaign – IRS filings reveal”
Probably just wasted the rest…
The Elias firm, or a different one? Because jfc that guy is everywhere.
Maybe they can go back to using the Clinton Foundation for bribes with the talk of Hillary 2024.
The obtuseness of bureaucratic petty fiefdoms: the new head of our “Inclusive Development” group was whining in a meeting about why their web content isn’t in the top navigation on the site.
Yes…that’s a really good question about a super-high-priority item for the foreign policy discussion at the moment.
The Bee is going to find themselves out of business at this rate.
“Why? Because no one clicks on your boring content and fifth-grade level graphic design, Becky”
This made me laugh,
Hey, we only have Diversity and Inclusion at the moment. Wait until they add Equity.
I normally don’t pay attention when they are talking. I muted the slack channel.
We got rid of Slack * sobbing *
The military just started adding an A for Ability (I think, I wasn’t really paying attention) to make sure we don’t leave out the physically disabled. It’s now DEIA.
I wish I was kidding.
The LBGTQQQIISHKDJFS+ ization of “diversity” continues apace
Nope you missed the B for belonging, DEIB. The A must come after.
Did they add braille to all the signs in the barracks? Wheelchair lift for the repelling tower? ASL translator for the firing range?
Wait,.. I’m one of the Top Men and I’ve supported all the appropriate causes. Why are you coming for me?
Columbia Psychiatry Chair Suspended After Tweet About Dark-Skinned Model
I can’t read the link. I encourage Q to find out the name of said model and post pictures so we can judge the appropriateness ourselves. I for one actually would prefer them to be closer to the inappropriate side.
Just as I suspected. These pics are entirely too appropriate.
How many people died as a result of that tweet?
If you replace “beautiful” with “terrible,” that’s exactly what people say about me.
DOJ is shutting down a program that focused on countering Chinese espionage. The problem, it turns out, is that they were catching too many Chinese people – a shocking development that nobody could have predicted.
Selective Appeal: Asked by Marty DiBergi during “This is Spinal Tap” if the band’s fan support was waning because they were having to play smaller arenas than during their last tour, manager Ian Faith insisted it was instead because their audience was now more discriminating.
Swalwell must be relieved.
3-dolla make any man holla
That’s good, they can divert those scarce resources to the real threat of people driving around honking horns.
Man, I’m glad I wasn’t the one getting the text from Xi telling me to cut it out or I lose all my “funding.” Scary stuff.
It turns out that Chinese people are Chinese. You can’t make this shit up.
Is there literally anything that Biden and friends are doing that isn’t explicitly favoring China and/or Russia…?
Imagine stopping the espionage program in WWII because it unfairly targeted German-Americans.
Or Japanese-Americans — wait, they did go overboard there.
“If we’re looking for a silver lining, we don’t have mass civilian casualties at this time. When you’re talking air power and artillery, it could be much worse. So far, Putin hasn’t killed as many people as the Clintons.”
(Although not actually true.)
What if you include Kosovo?
Monica missiles for the win!!!
Russian economic sabotage!
Aluminum prices in London shot up to a record high on Thursday.
Russia’s Rusal, which has been sanctioned by the United States previously, is one of the world’s biggest aluminum producers. If fresh penalties are imposed, it could cause prices to skyrocket.
Prices were already elevated because smelters in Europe have had to cut their output due to rising electricity costs. Even if Rusal isn’t sanctioned, the latest spike in energy prices could exacerbate the situation.
What a shocker.
Barney Fife was less likely to shoot his dick off than these morons. Sure taught Putin a lesson by not buying his aluminum and oil.
Last night, I was looking at aluminum T track for making work benches later this summer.
I just decided, right this moment, to buy all the aluminum parts that I might need later.
I have no idea where this compulsion came from.
“Taiwan Enjoys Free Sneak Peek At What Will Happen To Them In Just A Few Weeks”
BB killing it.
This one is good too.
(Apologies if drugs, ass, etc)
It is said that her queefs can level entire cities.
I believe the new term is because the link has idled and started and stopped too much.
“Have you guys ever thought about how Twitter banned Trump for causing violence but Russia Just completely invaded a sovereign nation and all their accounts are still active.
Clown World we live in ? world.”
We have people on here saying Russian murdering innocent Ukrainians is america and Ukraines fault.
Then they switch that the Azov battalion is justification for murdering ukrainian innocents. Ukrainian president is jewish but Ukraine is Nazified!
I just decided, right this moment, to buy all the aluminum parts that I might need later.
*calls Ministry of Plenty tip line*
Every fucking week I discover some new thing I need to hoard.
Expensive Mosin-Nagant.
Gun Jesus got a chance to look at an example in Finland.
*falls out of chair*
This is the most expensive Mosin-Nagant I’ve seen sell.
Wonder how many of those are being brought out of cellars right now
I thought about digging my hex receiver out of the safe and looking it over.
I have several hex receiver Mosin-Nagants. But I have a lot of Finn Mosins. All on antique receivers too.
Here’s some actual Russian apologia, since it’s always useful to know how the other side views the situation and better understand their motivations. From yesterday:
That should tweak LC’s nipples.
Compelled speeches…nothing that shows russians murdering innocent ukrainians?
Its okay, scruffy says that russian murder is america and ukraines fault.
South park wont even criticize BLM, I doubt southpark will criticize russias murder of innocent ukrainians.
Poor scruffy. Hes trying so hard to rally some fellow russian apologists.
I cant wait to see the russian apologists double down. Its so easy with these amateurs.
Why wouldnt Glib have russians infiltrate the glib forum. Russians like to see how wealthy Americans enjoy their lives and then try to sabotage those lives. Well, when the russians are not murdering innocent ukrainians.
Too local news. Gas on my trip home at lunchtime was $3.39. Gas at the same station after work is $3.59.
I wish I could find gas that cheap. I’ve been paying $5.50 for premium.
Just for laughs, I had a quick look at Zillow in Grand Junction, Colorado. Amazingly enough, there were a couple of interesting prospects, both of which probably won’t last long.
Abandoned missile silo?
Party at Brooksies!
The world awaits with bated breath
The European Union is especially dependent on Russian energy, which is becoming increasingly unsustainable.
On Wednesday, The Washington Post reported the European Union is making plans for energy independence from Russia, citing sources who spoke on condition of anonymity. The plan is expected to be announced by the European Commission next week.
Let me guess. They’ll attach a pipeline to the magic hat.
Wait until everyone realizes that literally almost all manufacturing is gone from the US and now takes place in China. These foreign entanglements are complicated.
Not even remotely true. While manufacturing jobs are fewer, we make more stuff thane ever.
Let me guess, more solar panels and windmills.
hardcurrently impossible to store energy from renewables for times when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blowAnd will remain so for the forseeable future. The Manahattan Contrarian has a great series of blog posts on this, here’s one example
I think Denmark and Norway manage it by using electricity from Danish windmills to pump water into Norwegian reservoirs to use as hydroelectricity when demand requires it. But they have a pretty unique situation, and good luck convincing the Greens you need to build a new dam.
That’s actually quite clever, but as you said, a unique situation. Also, catastrophic dam failures have been known to occur from time to time.
I saw a write-up on a test facility for water storage pumped by windmill electricity. It was hugely inefficient and not in the least bit practical for any kind of serious storage, unless you have a massive oversupply of windmills.
Several years ago the County of Los Alamos installed a 1MW solar system (on the taxpayer’s dime) Cost: $25 Million.
Back o’ the envelope shows a ROI of about 350 years.
Ignore Biden and build the pipeline to Israel?
Have they tried closing a few more nuclear plants?
Christ on a cracker. We don’t even admit someone to the hospital without three separate identifiers. And they didn’t even check her full name.
Clicked too soon.
What will really run up the damages is that they kept her in jail for three days after Texas told them “nope, she’s not the one”.
That will add a zero.
Circling back to the PB & J discussion earlier
Peanut butter & banana > PB &J
At that point, just go full Elvis and add some bacon.
For a sandwich far superior to a PB & J.
I’ve actually made peanut butter & fried bacon on a bagel for backpack trips, lots of calories and lasts a few days, also mostly squash proof.
In my line of work, I am essentially a robot. They tell me what to put on the web site and I put it on there.
I need an image of specific dimensions to URGENTLY update our home page. I am neither a graphic designer nor a content decision-maker. So why do these fucksticks, at 6:30 at night, keep asking me to pick a fucking image from a folder of, like, a dozen images? Fuckin-a. I just do the janitorial work (i.e. the HTMLs, the CSSs, the JavaScripts).
3 hours into OT. They’re going to have to pay the piper somehow, either in time or $$.
$$$$ !!! But don’t spend it all in one place.
Ass, grass or gas
…Is it too late for me to supply an image?
Yeah, I would have thought about putting up an image of a dick and balls.
I finally gave up at 7pm.
Smart posturing. Considering this excuse has been used in the West, they’ll be able to deflect the deserved criticism they’ll receive quite easily.
If Trudeau weren’t a sociopath, he would understand the irony here.
I’m waiting on the WEF set to start wearing WWJTD bracelets.
Probably watch his mom’s old home movies.
For KK and other aviation enthusiasts.
Peanut butter & banana > PB &J
I just eat the banana plain and eat the peanut butter off a spoon.
Sunflower seed butter>peanut butter
Russian apologist confirmed
Funny quip seen on Twitter analogizing the sanctions response to Russia (which as of now is excepting the energy sector of their economy, their primary source of exports):
So why do these fucksticks, at 6:30 at night, keep asking me to pick a fucking image from a folder of, like, a dozen images? Fuckin-a.
Eeny meeny miney moe…
Why is my computer asking me if I want to be a better ally in the fight for racial equity and justice?
Because Skynet decided, why go through all the muss and fuss of crushing the humans beneath steel war machines, when you can easily get them to obsolete themselves?
Because you have not been meeting your DEI objectives, comrade.
Well done, Tonio. Now I want to press wild flowers. I’ll skip the dressing up part though.
These euphemisms.
Microwave ceramic flower press.
This thing is the the bomb. Preserves the color well. The flowers look great mounted on textured watercolor paper or made into greeting cards.
Made in Canada! ?
Random off topic:
In addition to the usual employer health plans. my new company provides an optional virtual service called “Teledoc”.
I realized yesterday morning that I would be out of my anti-epilepsy meds by this morning, which would be very bad. One way to guarantee a seizure is to quit anti epilepsy drugs cold Turkey. Since I just moved to a new state, my first appointment with a new neurologist isn’t until late April.
What to do?? I logged in to Teledoc, wrote up my medical history and my request. 15 minutes later a doctor called and heard me out. He phoned a 90 day supply into my local CVS.
The consultation cost $9.80.
I love this new option.
Yeah the telemedicine and what we had with TriCare (nurse hotline) are fantastic for things you need now but didn’t want to go to a doc for.
that worked for me, I ran out, oops, and my Telemed got me hooked up for cheap
“Russia deploys mobile crematoriums to follow its troops into battle
Ben Wallace, the Defence Secretary, suggests the vehicle-mounted incinerators will be used to hide evidence of battlefield casualties”
Log in required.
Wasn’t paywalled or anything for me.
I’m sure it’s fine….all is fine.
I really wish there was a broadcast news source that didn’t make me want to blowy brains out right about now.
A Russian conductor and a Russian pianist will not play in New York City. But what about Russian NHL stars?
A catholic priest, a rabbi, and an Eastern Orthodox priest walk into a bar.
No one gets out alive.
So… no NHL until further notice?
Ed Snider was right!
Champions League final moved out of Russia.
That’ll show ’em!
Russian Grand Prix is still on.