This is a metaphor
Literally no sports worth mentioning, aside from the news that Joker will opt out of any Grand Slams with a vaccine mandate. Good for him for being a man of principle. UCL round of 16s start today. And that’s all I’ve got to report.
::Furiously takes notes:: The whole piece is loaded with derision for these people who did things the way they were supposed to do them, according to the law. And that made me smile even more.

“A jury of your peers? Nah.”
-the judge
Palin defamation case to be tossed by judge. Even though the jury is already deliberating the case, he said it hadn’t met the threshold to have been tried. Which, I thought, was to be determined by a jury. Can some of the legal minds here explain to me why this is being taken out of the jury’s hands.
The boy who would be king. Or: this guy is an authoritarian piece of shit. Take your pick.
They’re getting my hopes up again. But this time they’re actually providing evidence. Hopefully it continues.

“Oh no, it’s a parking lot. PANIC!”
“We made them do it!” -everybody that had nothing to do with it. I still think this has all been a bluff, but now people will be scrambling to take credit for averting what was never going to happen.
I can answer this question: it’s both, depending on the situation. Yes, it’s art. Because art is subjective. But it’s vandalism of the property owner hasn’t given the artist permission to use their property as a canvas. That was easy.
Why is this confusing? They’ve been doing it in DFW and Houston for years and we Texans manage to understand it.
LOL, you silly bastards. You want to protect evidence of your ancestors? Then have more children. Or pool your resources, purchase the land, and do whatever you want with it. Problem solved.
Here’s a fantastic song from down under. And here’s one I like even more. I hope you enjoy them.
And I hope you also enjoy this lovely Tuesday, friends.
“They’re getting my hopes up again. But this time they’re actually providing evidence. Hopefully it continues.”
Anyone in that fact checking profession put a “mostly false” explanation that said, yeah this happened but orange man still bad? Cause this is the only way I bet the media that lied for 5 years now will cover this shit. Nixon wants his presidency back..
“The boy who would be king. Or: this guy is an authoritarian piece of shit. Take your pick.”
Big brother wants to make sure the serfs know their place.
Sadly a majority of Canadians will accept this, as they’re willing to be subjected to anything to get their lives back to normal. Even a loss of all their rights to protest.
Sadly, a majority of people across the globe will accept shit like this Sloop. The fact is that some people, no matter how much evil they see from government – an entity usually comprised of people that couldn’t make it in the private sector but wanted to do some serious grifting and BDSMing – will always feel government does good. And cracking down on liberty is always needed to save people from themselves in the mind of these morons.
Dammit… I didn’t order this black pill with my coffee. Sigh.
If you want a white pill maybe this:
Biden and Harris are so inept, I think a lot of people are not going to believe their claims that they saved the world for democracy.
Normally, we’d all be breathing a sigh of relief because our leaders stared down the dirty Ruskies. If any sighs of relief are heard now, it is because the idiots didn’t manage to stumble our way into a war with Russia.
This will be helped even more by the wild claims of Psaki at the next presser. Not only are the Russians out, but several blind children in the Ukraine miraculously got their site back after being visited by Harris in the hospital.
The general populace will be even more disillusioned when Biden receives the Nobel Peace Prize for his actions in saving Ukraine and averting war.
I’ll have what you are smokung.
Oh lord don’t even joke like that.
If I was a betting man and knew how to place bets in Vegas, I would plunk down some money on this.
His only challenger for it this year is Brandeau (for crushing the popular movement without shooting them).
They gave Obama one for far less real peace related shit other than rubbing their shit in the faces of idiots from the other team.
Two years ago I would have said that’s a joke. Now it’s prophecy.
Yeah, I can see disillusionment growing. But what bugs me is that a lot of people are cheering for the boot around the world (granted, a good chunk aren’t) — but for the ones that aren’t, the globalized / digital economy is one hell of a cudgel on them. The comment on the tow truck companies and thinking about the mandates / deplatforming over the last couple of years puts it together for me. When the statists at a *whim* can define opposition to them as illegal and seize your property, assets and shut you completely out of the financial sector — that’s one hell of an incentive to keep quiet. And I’m really not at all optimistic about how many people could handle that. If literally the banks take all your money, make it so you can’t do most transactions — how do you live after that in today’s world? The whole Chinese Social Credit system is the basis for it — and they sure seem hungry to do it with little standing in their way. And that’s my black pill for the morning.
Their ability to program people to believe they are the good guys has to kind of work for them to keep doing what they are doing. Their ability to punish those that resist the programming is integral to making sure that bunch of unwashed poors don’t get in the way.
Our leadership class is busy fucking us all over. They have really left a lot of people with no option but to fight back because of their ineptitude and down right evil and uncaring plans to stay on top at all costs.
Eventually those that are left with no option by these government tyrants will choose to bend the knee or exact their own punishment.
In typical fashion, the people cheering this on assume it will never be used against them. They need to go back and watch The Handmaid’s Tale again. I always thought that the Gileadeans taking over by using the computer banking system was a weak point of the novel. But it seems prescient now.
Yes, you are right but there are a significant minority of Canadians that won’t take this lying down. Judi finally received her flags from Amazon (apparently you can’t buy them locally) and is making signs for week four of the protest. This is ain’t over.
What I mean to say is that she is the most Canadian person that I have ever met but she’s an American! Polite and sweet and would almost never say shit with a mouthful of it and yet it has come to this. Times, they are a-changing…
The video that people posted yesterday where Brandeau says that tow truck operators now have to do his bidding because of his new tyrant cape was especially disturbing.
What if a tyrant claims emergency powers and nobody obeys?
Then their insurance is cancelled, their bank accounts seized, and business licenses revoked.
And? If anything, the last two years have shown that none of those are needed to keep operating.
Ummm…bank accounts are pretty important.
You actually keep money in yours?
Fool. I use mine to store lint.
If enough people decided they were going to pull cash out of their bank accounts before the govt seized it for themselves, would that end up being a good old fashioned bank run?
If the rebels were smart, they might start rumors about how the banks can’t even pay out and get the non-rebels panicked about their money.
Don’t think that isn’t happening already. It won’t be withdrawn as cash, more likely as large purchases.
Why do you think our elites, especially here in the US, are so desperate for a digital currency and the end of paper money?
Fiat currency of any technology still won’t be as useful as hard assets. An acre of farmland costs roughly the same number of ounces of gold today as it did 100 years ago.
These scumbags that are selling us out to globalism know that if the serfs are able to make a stand here, now, their plans to make us all serfs again are in jeopardy, so they are being “encouraged” by other global leaders to get skull cracking already…
Have no doubt that Fidel Castro’s illegitimate kid would only go where he went yesterday because he believes he has support from the other global elite to crack down with violence if needed to keep them on track.
His “beard” really needs to step in. She seems a joyless shrew but she may yet save him.
“::Furiously takes notes:: The whole piece is loaded with derision for these people who did things the way they were supposed to do them, according to the law. And that made me smile even more.”
Yeah, cause the problem is always people that wont lick the government boot when it has kicked them bloody and the credentialed crooks running your government demand respek.
Alex, when we wrote those rules, we never expected them to be used. They were just some nice window dressings to let you yahoos think that you were a part of our glorious government.
You guys are doing this all wrong!
Your art link is talking about russian tanks.
Ugh. Sorry.
I fixed it.
And Palin’s judge is apparently the Shasta recall as well. Morning, Sloopy! 😉
I fixed that as well. Sorry, rushing out the door today.
““We made them do it!” -everybody that had nothing to do with it. I still think this has all been a bluff, but now people will be scrambling to take credit for averting what was never going to happen.”
Yeah, it looks like Moscow is pulling them back.
Whew. Those dirty commies are running home after the double barrel blast of diplomacy from Harris and Biden.
Can you even imagine that they expected us to believe that it was just a military exercise? How dumb do they think we are?
Now we can concentrate on a successful Key Resolve in South Korea.
All the fucking insane screaming about invasion came from our government. The Ukrainians constantly had to tell the Biden admin to cool its fucking jets. When your numbers are in the dump and information is coming out about how corrupt the Obama admin and the democrat crime syndicate are as your economy is imploding, you need something to get the low information types to focus elsewhere…
The Russkies were hoping Biden would be as big a pushover as Trump. They didn’t expect Biden to strenuously object.
It was a setup from day one. The Russians weren’t going to stick their dick into Ukraine and a nasty guerrilla war. Everybody wins this way – Putin plays the Stronk Man, Biden plays the Statesman, etc.
I agree. I expect propagandists to praise Biden for averting war with his tough talk.
Go cut me a Swit! Hmmm, Loretta Swit! She was a fine gal! Kinda big in the chin but she had those tiny-tiddies! I remember…
Dogs were wagged.
Key Resolve? Smells like Team Spirit.
That is what it was when I was still in the Suck.
Always made me think of the deodorant and Nirvana song title. Finally had a chance to use it.
I was too young but my squad leader went. He had some…interesting stories.
I wanted to name operations. Nobody would expect Rainbow Unicorn would be a preemptive strike. Instead I got Arctic Warrior, Noble Eagle, and whatever they called our JRTC rotation. At least they weren’t all in on propaganda like Just Cause or Iraqi Freedom.
Russia tells us they are pulling out is like me telling my first wife I’m pulling out
I confess to being a little confused the first time I saw the prepaid lanes around Houston but not for very long. Since I wasn’t prepaid I knew where I belonged. Second class citizen had to figure things out.
Why is this confusing? They’ve been doing it in DFW and Houston for years and we Texans manage to understand it.
Even drivers in the DMV are able to figure it out and we have the dumbest drivers in the US.
This wouldn’t even be a question absent the racial politics that always follows this issue around.
It is only real art if it can be used to launder bribes to the politically connected.
So you are saying it requires a crackhead rich kid with a pipe to make art that’s worth a fortune and then have CCP connected agents buy it for premium dollars?
Orange man is ALWAYS BAD, and this HAS to be a false flag!!!
How likely are all the people that defended democracy from that evil aggressive orange twitter abuser to now feel democracy was raped and beaten silly by team blue and their should be consequences for that?
Consequences? Of course the Democrats should face consequences – they must be the majority party forever, otherwise there is no democracy!
Has anyone here watched the Olympics? There was a local girl that won two bronze medals in snowboard cross (one of the only events that I might enjoy) and I never watched a second of any of it, thus far. Sad. First home-town girl to win an Olympic medal and nobody gives a shit. A few years ago this would have been big news. Local paper refuses to cover local protests. Coincidence? I think not!
Our city is reliably Tory Blue but our local media took pay-outs from the Liberal Party. Most people don’t rely on the “trusted sources” anymore. Thus poor Miss O’Dyne is being ignored. Lots of Canadian banners being displayed, week long.
I’ll fess up: late last week, the Bosslady put on the Olympics, and I didn’t leave the room. In fact, I left the Games’ coverage on long after she went to bed. Then I did the same thing the next two nights. It finally dawned on me that NBC/USA Network was doing two things:
a) covering sports besides figure skating, and
b) nixing the endless emotionally-manipulative “human interest” stories.
It was rather refreshing to see pure sports that I never get to watch (snowcross, monobob, biathlon, even women’s hockey), and surprisingly, no fellation of the CCP either. I’ll
probablyvery likely tune in again this week if NBC keeps it up.Snowcross is not a judged sport therefore it is a real sport. It’s demolition derby. Most of the rest is bullshit.
The non-primetime non-NBC coverage isn’t half bad. It’s even better watching on peacock a day later. We watched some monobob, downhill skiing, biathlon, and cross-country, and the worst I can say is that they need to think more deeply about the style and talents of the commentators. Not everything has to be the most exciting thing to ever happen in the history of sport. Actually, I take that back… The worst I can say is STOP SHOVING MICROPHONES IN THE FACES OF THE ATHLETES 30 SECONDS AFTER THEY FINISH THEIR RUN TO ASK THEM STUPID QUESTIONS! I feel so bad for the athletes who have to compose themselves while processing what just happened and then get asked stupid questions like “what happened up there?” The downhill guy who fielded that question answered it as well as I would have. “You saw it as well as I did. I made a mistake.”
I know he didn’t have time to think, but a better comeback would have been “You saw it better than I did – you had cameras.”
Gremlins. Did the cameras catch them?
Me, on YoutubeTV. I enjoy the winter olympics because they are equally absurd and awesome. Hellbent for leather on skis||skates||boards||sleds… Sure! Add guns? Why not? Grievous bodily injury potential in every event? Heck yeah!
Fuck me. Guess the boss and his wife got the Commie Cough and I was around them a lot last week. I feel perfectly fine but the homeowner who’s house I’m working on has major breathing issues so looks like I’ll have to go get tested before returning to the job.
Well, TH, it is the most deadliest thing evar.
It’s certainly killing my pocketbook.
I used all of my sick leave last month when I fucked up my thumb. It’s worse now. Doctor visit on the 28th but I fear that the only thumb will be going straight up my poop chute. It’s a funny old world.
Twitter may have have banned Gordilocks, but Newsweek still likes him.
Newsweek publishing the original article gave me some hope.
Zapata, Venus and other speakers wanted the county to return state and federal money, so it would have freedom to defy the health orders.
Moty told CNN the demand was a nonstarter, and claimed the vast majority of the county’s budget was dependent on state and federal funds.
You don’t say.
“They forced the ouster of a supervisor who had truly done nothing wrong,” Chamberlain told CNN. In online stories, she has painted some of her neighbors as “A blood-thirsty recall mob” who “murdered an innocent man’s career.”
“I call it Shas-Taliban,” said Chamberlain of those behind the recall. “It’s a bunch of groups: It’s the anti-vax people, the anti-mask people, anti-science people.”
Oh for fuck’s sake.
The world is a terrifying place for a self-righteous nanny.
The horrors of living where the people can recall an elected official. The people really shouldn’t get to choose officials.
It was a ballot-box success for ultra-conservatives
Always ultra-conservatives, never ultra-liberals. Liberals are incapable of being ultra. Even their most radical proponents are just barely outside of the mainstream.
Come on man. Biden is right-wing.
Heh. They murdered his career, just like the Taliban.
Not stated: how many businesses and careers he ruined by enforcing the shit regulations of the state. The angel.
“It’s a bunch of groups: It’s the anti-vax people, the anti-mask people, anti-science people.”
Wait, do we want the anti-science people joining the same side as the anti-vax and anti-mask people? There will probably be a lot of conflict with the pro-science people that have been there since the beginning. Plus they tend to be the tyrannical types.
And now they’ve succeeded, she added: “I’m fearful about the kinds of people who will come in and how they will vote and what will happen to Shasta County.”
Where have I heard that before?
Don’t worry. Eventually you will get enough refugees from San Francisco to turn the county.
They have the express toll lanes in Denver. They are adding them in Ft Collins as they expand I-25 to 3 lanes wide (so sometime this century, maybe). I have the HOV pass sticker, as I always have 3 in the car when I am in Denver, so I can use it for free.
There is nothing confusing about it. Stay out of the far left lane unless you want to pay a toll.
Sticker? We have to use a transponder even for HOV.
We have a transponder sticker here in Texas. The ezPass or whatever it was called in NoVA felt positively 20th century. Some huge box on the windshield? Blech
Can you change the sticker’s mode between HOV and HOT?
There’s no such concept here, at least on toll roads. In fact, I’m pretty sure that most of the former HOV lanes have been converted to regular express lanes around here.
The exPass I’ve had for years is small enough that I don’t even notice it. I see it less often than I do the registration sticker, which is actually in my line of sight when driving.
I can’t see my transponder box. It is hidden by the rear view mirror so completely out of sight to me.
I set mine higher in the opaque zone of the windshield above the rearview, so it doesn’t block anything there either.
Mine was behind the mirror, too. The problem was it was big enough to keep me from adjusting the mirror where I wanted it. It wasn’t that far off, but far enough off to annoy me constantly.
It is a transponder actually. But it sticks to the window, so, its both?
The stupid thing is the transponder box I have works for both HOV and toll.
If I had requested toll only, they send a sticker for free. If I use the transponder box in HOV mode only, it is also free. If I ever switch it and use it for a toll (say 470 to the airport), I get charged $18 for the transponder in addition to the discount toll on the first use.
I really would like to use it for both, but as rarely as I will use the tolls, the $18 up front charge can’t be justified.
In invoking Canada’s Emergencies Act, which gives the federal government broad powers to restore order, Trudeau ruled out using the military.
Those goddam uppity generals probably think they are his equals, and not his household cavalry, or something..
NYT following the playbook. This way they can now claim they’ve “covered” the Clinton – Trump – Russia story.
Court Filing Started a Furor in Right-Wing Outlets, but Their Narrative Is Off Track
underlining the challenge for journalists in deciding what merits coverage
If in doubt, contact the DNC.
“Don’t call us, we’ll call you.”
“Journalists assigned to an issue often cover the coverage, creating the notorious media echo chamber.”
― Steven Pinker
Yep. The NYT covers the conservative coverage, which allows them to inject their own opinion and dismissal without actually covering the story themselves. Other outlets will follow by covering the NYT’s coverage of the conservative coverage, and the end result will be multiple stories “debunking” the “right-wing alarmist claims,” without a single outlet bothering to investigate the root of the story itself.
Sounds rather like Hunter’s laptop.
If the playbook works… why switch it up, I suppose…
If stupid people get fooled by a trick time over time, then you would be dumb to change that tactic until you have definite proof it doesn’t work anymore…
/Guy who dedicated his book to the original rebel: Lucifer
This is a mistake “smart” football coaches make all the time. They will go away from what is working. If a play is gaining 4 yards every time you run it, why would you stop?
Despite some of his flaws, that is what I loved about Paul Johnson. He would pound at you with what worked. And knew when you were starting to cheat and would hit you with the counter that would go for big yards, taking advantage of the defender who was cheating.
The ultimate example being vs Clemson 2011. After their DT blew up the first 2 drives by himself, GT started running midline option at him relentlessly. Tevin Washington had the best game of his career, running at the best defender on their team…27 carries for 176 yards. At 6 ypc, why not continue to pound on it. Yeah, thats a hell of a toll for a QB to take, but that is how the offense worked. And the game effectively ended with the greatest non-scoring drive of all time. With momentum having shifted, and Clemson making a comeback, GT intercepted in the endzone with 10:30 to play up 14. 16 plays, 4 first downs, 58 yards, and 9:04 later, GT turned the ball over on downs. “Here ya go, whatcha gonna do in 1:26?”
/looks over at Stefanski this past season…
It is a ton of coaches and OCs. They have a sheet of plays in front of them and can’t help using them all. Johnson did it all in his head, so it was probably easier to stick with what was working.
An Vandy, in 2009, he called timeout and literally drew up a new play on the sideline to take advantage of Vandy cheating on D. It went for a 80 yard TD. It combined elements of plays they all knew, just in a combination they had never practiced. Basically the pass route and the blocking scheme were both used, but not in that combination.
@1:43 mark, 87 yard TD actually. And it wasn’t a timeout, it was first play of drive.
Yeah, I see this all the time. It’s like as soon as they start having some success, it gives them “permission” to open up the playbook. When really they should just keep pounding away with what’s working until the other team shows they can stop it.
Way back in the old days, I was listening to an Iowa Hawks game on the radio. Iowa was at the opposition’s 40 yard line. 1st play: quarterback draw — 10 yards and first down. 2nd play: quarterback draw — 10 yards and first down. 3rd play: quarterback draw — 10 yards and first down. 4th play: quarterback draw — 10 yards and touchdown.
If you’re gonna give it to me, I’m gonna take it.
The horrors of living where the people can recall an elected official. The people really shouldn’t get to choose officials.
The shock and horror of discovering you live in a community where most people couldn’t give a fuck less what you think is “best” for them. In fact, they just wish you’d STFU and cease your meddling nannytarianisms.
He gave assurances the emergency measures “will be time-limited, geographically targeted, as well as reasonable and proportionate to the threats they are meant to address.”
Shorter: “We’ll only black-bag the bad guys. You’re not a bad guy, are you? Well, are you?”
Buttle or Tuttle?
Yeah, how exactly are they identifying who’s bank accounts to freeze – all without court order?
Parallel reconstruction or it’s Canuck equivalent, if they cared.
Nuttle. Black-bag all of them, let O’Brien sort them out.
Rights are only for the innocent.
This is actually brilliant in disguising it’s lies.
No quotes, you have to read the whole thing to see the ingenuity of the dissembling. You will note how they omit all reference to Woodrow Wilson who was a bit too brazen in dismissing the Constitution.
I have to quote one line:
Conservatives know that the Constitution speaks to the distribution of wealth and economic power.
“we assert, without evidence”.
I had to punch out before it angered up my blood further.
I can’t get past this block of inanity:
Yeah — pay no attention to the various “Make the Fed be able to tell everyone what to do” parts of what we’ve been doing — we’re doing it to DISTRIBUTE money and power back to the people and away from a self-selected elite oligarchy. Yeah… yeah, that’s the ticket…. just ask my wife — Morgan Fairchild!
It starts off with
So many stolen bases.
The entire premise is flawed. The Constitution was explicitly written to prevent what they (supposedly) want, redistribution. What or who are they taking it back from?
You see – that is the problem with Wilson – he said the Constitution was an impediment to Progressive plans, to the furtherance of rule by experts rather than by voters. He was honest about that – these assholes are nothing but liars.
It’s a reaction to the realization that no one wants what they’re selling. They’ve had a full century of controlling the narrative that we need to be ruled by a brilliant and altruistic technocracy through near monopoly on academia and media. They continue to downplay the fact that this actually means both less electing and less accountability from our new god class. Wilson did at least seem more upfront about it. It’s becoming obvious to more and more people that what they’re selling and what we’re getting are in no way related.
The idea put forth here, that you get great government by lifting it’s restrictions would be hilarious if it didn’t have such horrific consequences.
Oh for fuck’s sake
It’s a noun, not a verb. That they’re quoting Webster makes it even more enragingly ironic.
an equal or rather a general distribution
Note, also, that Webster rejects an equal distribution of property. What he had in mind by “a general distribution of property”, I don’t know, but it wasn’t an equal distribution of property.
Court’s conservative majority is building a bulwark against progressive campaigns to address America’s extreme inequality.
Oh noes! It will be harder for leftists to take my stuff!
Kulaks and hoarders hardest hit!
By this we mean increasing the march toward a unitary executive state.
Call a joint session of congress to coincide with three letter agency employee appreciation day in DC and nuke the city.
I see the Oscars are throwing a Hail Mary.
Amy Schumer, Regina Hall and Wanda Sykes are finalizing details to host this year’s Academy Awards, multiple sources told Variety.
The three comic forces appear to be the only emcees in the mix for the March awards show, despite several scenarios that telecast creatives have been weighing. Producer Will Packer has been in meetings for weeks trying to find the right recipe for Hollywood’s biggest night.
That combo should bring viewership right up to NBA All-Star Game levels.
Two has-beens and a nobody. That’ll be great.
A comedian, an actress, and Amy Schumer.
Which one is the trannie? One of them has to be a trannie, right?
They dropped the tranny.
I think you mean viewership levels of a regular season WNBA game, shpip.
That feels less like a hail Mary during the big game and more like hitting Marcia in the face with the football from three yards away on a sitcom.
Always ultra-conservatives, never ultra-liberals. Liberals are incapable of being ultra. Even their most radical proponents are just barely outside of the mainstream.
They just want common sense rules and regulations. Only depraved ultra-individualist radicals would object.
Yeah, that’s why we can’t buy our Flag anymore and people have had to resort to painting their own posters. Fooking Cuntes!
Everything sucks and nothing is right with the world.
WTF is wrong with people?
A special place in hell…
I was expecting this.
Doug Ford, the Conservative premier of Ontario, which is Canada’s most populous province and includes Ottawa and Windsor, indicated support for the emergency action before the meeting with Trudeau, saying: “We need law and order. Our country is at risk now.”
Your country will still be there, long after your head has fallen into the basket. You can ask Louis XVI when you see him in Hell.
I like to think Ford’s brother is looking down on his less talented sibling and shedding tears of shame in between going on heavenly crack benders with Chris Farley.
I told that exact joke not four days ago but John Belushi was in the mix. It wasn’t on here but I’ll still call it.
So the assho’ judge can suck it then!
Funeral pyres will light up the sky.
“The basis of a democratic and a republican form of government is a fundamental law, favoring an equal or rather a general distribution of
propertyopportunity.”Try that on for size.
Something I was unaware of:
The CDC has a wholly separate foundation through which they launder money for their unapproved projects.
My view on private companies has become less dogmatic of late. I’m now thinking private companies/organizations/etc that accept government largesse should be considered as agents of the government with the same restrictions that should be applied to governments and aren’t to private companies.
I’m being pushed in that direction.
I’m still a somewhat dogmatic capitalist.
Crapitalism ain’t capitalism.
We don’t have capitalism, a term defined by Marx to create a bad guy class, because in that system there isn’t some third party coercing the exchange and walking off with such a big chunk of it. What we have is a new version of fascism, where government controls the private sector through legislation & regulation, to pick the winners and losers, all the while pushing for the creation and survival massive monopolistic companies that are easier to control than thousands of small businesses that would give customers choices.
The biggest problem people that want a free market have is understanding where we are today. We have no free markets and letting these mega corps do whatever they want because they are supposedly private entities, when they collude with government to constantly fuck us and their competition over, is only going to make things worse. The only way you fix this is to make government smaller and break down these monopolies. You can’t regulate this with bigger government unless what you want is more of it.
???. I’m reminded of how the neo-con movement was born out of the idea that in order to fight the Soviets, we have to suspend our support of limited government until communism is defeated. Until then, it must balloon our government to be even bigger than theirs in every aspect so can crush them. After that we’ll pull it all back and reinstitute the free markets that we so deeply believe in.
If your plan end in “the giant leviathan of all powerful government will fade away and the people running it will take their balls and go home peacefully,” you have a really really stupid fucking plan.
Mussolini nods in agreement, after all, a corporation is a fiction sustained by the govt.
Gee, that’s not terrifying. Not in the least!
And where does WHO get a sizable chuck of their funding? More laundering.
TW- Jalopnik because the original ad is on FB.
At $26,000, Would You Pimp Your Life With This 1985 Cadillac Eldorado?
It’s like the guy watched Escape from New York and said I can top that!
ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK, John Carpenter, 1981 – Isaac Hayes in Badass Cadillac
Sorry, that car is too tacky, I’d have to spend another $26,000 making it look decent.
Looks more like the Caddy from Superfly:
What are those steel whiskers that are sticking out of the wheel wells or the bumpers?
Learn something new every day.
Yep, don’t wanna fuck up those sweet whitewalls.
In the mid-2000s, I bought a ’77 Seville and put on some “tasteful” chrome vent shades above the windows and curb feelers. Some buddies who were down visiting borrowed it to go to Whataburger. There were 2 black guys pointing out the car as it pulled in. When my buddies got out, one of the guys exaggeratedly rubbed his eyes and exclaimed loudly “white boys?!?” and everyone started laughing. My wife despised that car.
Hey Glibs, I’m back from the Dominican Republic and (sadly) back at work. Hope everyone is doing well. I had a great time, we had some issues but I will give you all the details in an upcoming article. I will say that I visited a country that respects freedom and doesn’t have a lot of insane rules, and it wasn’t the US.
Thanks for the great song selection. Listen like Thieves was one of the first cassette tapes I ever bought, and I still love all of that early INXS stuff. Keep it coming.
Welcome back and glad you had a good time. I’ve spent about 6 years of my life in total outside the US, almost all of it in Latin America and Europe and one of the things that always struck me was that there are certain freedoms that you get outside of here, especially in so called third world countries. A lot of it is due to the fact that we have a super active legal system that highly encourages torts. When you can get sued so easily all of a sudden lots of rules come into effect. Those places would laugh at our notions of legal liability for not preventing idiots from doing harm to themselves.
I was in the touristy areas, so for me the impression was that they love Americans and our American dollars. They know tourism is a big part of their economy and they act accordingly. But most of the people there were super nice and appreciative.
I’m glad you had fun! Welcome back!
Yeah I’m sure tourism has a pretty large part of their economy. Maybe next time you can make it over to Haiti, I heard it is relatively untouristed. Just kidding, but hope you can get a few more stamps in your passport in the coming years.
We had real tourists back in the old days, passports not required
Welcome back!
In other developments, the Mounties said they arrested 11 people at the blockaded border crossing at Coutts, Alberta, opposite Montana, after learning of a cache of guns and ammunition.
Were the guns found in the trunk of a black Ford Crown Victoria with Washington, DC license plates?
It was a bag full of firearms at the bottom of the lake/river?
These may have been Feds, but ultimately armed citizens are going to need to show up at protests to give them real teeth. Trudeau could send in the goons to wipe out the truckers protesting tomorrow and doing so wouldn’t harm his position by one millimeter. It only further entrenches the State’s power.
Hunting and self defense are important, but ensuring a mass of citizen’s have options besides being thrown in a Gulag when they facedown the government is the entire point behind the 2nd Amendment.
Not sure. But all the guns had export stickers from Mexico. Along with a DVD of Fast and Furious.
On graffiti as art vs vandalism: I agree it is both. If I owned a building that was vandalized with graffiti or a mural I would first make a judgment on whether I liked it or not. That would inform my decision whether to paint over it or keep it.
Then I would refer to my security cameras and press charges against the people who painted it, regardless of whether I liked it or not. Fuck them painting on my property without permission.
If I liked it, I would give them an option to pay me for using my property as a canvas.
The Rat gets it!
“you should be happy to get my art for free, maaan.”
Sure, I’d do that too. But there’s generally a reason graffitists don’t ask permission and it doesn’t imply that they want to pay for the privilege.
Blood clots are the new normal.
JHTFC — clown world, indeed. Someone tell CNN and their “the vaccine is safe and effective!” desk soon…
That reminds me of all the commercials for drugs that treat the side effects of other drugs. It’s been in the big pharma playbook for years, only now we have the CDC openly participating.
Gee, I wonder what could possibly be causing healthy younger people to show increasing instances of blood clots?
Sure is a mystery.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Baby Glibs. Baby Q shows up early.
The dog food in the toilet was a nice touch.
Also “It’s a fucking cat!”
Thanks, Holiness!
“I think it’s the Republican Party falling apart,” said Leonard Moty, the loser in this month’s Shasta County recall election for his supervisor seat
Says the guy who just got recalled.
*something* *something* consent of the governed *something*
That part of California is truly one of the most liberty loving areas in America. If it ever got independence it would likely have Congress critters like Rand and Massie.
Precisely why Sacramento would never consent to letting it leave the loving progressive embrace.
We love you too darn much to let you leave.
The one and only way it would happen (and I’d actually support it if it did) would be if Puerto Rico ever became a state.
Do that not have enough population for one Rep? Massie isn’t a senator.
I use the term Congress critters to designate both Reps and Senators. Redding, which would be the capital has about 100k . It certainly would be a rural state, the total population up there would be about the same as Wyoming I would say.
No shit. But Iowa primaries…
U.S. corn-based ethanol worse for the climate than gasoline, study finds
The New Hampshire Maple Producers Association is missing an opportunity.
Ethanol is plant based and makes your engine healthy
Mayor Adams agrees.
But are the plants healthy? Are they getting what they crave?
My Mustang runs like a bat out of hell on corn squeezings. Gas mileage takes a big hit but increase in performance is worth it. It must be better for environment – the exhaust smells like caramel corn.
I don’t want to be overly optimistic, but I think Canada boy wonder is fucked and that the truckers are gonna win. He has now fully backed himself into a corner of which it will be hard to extricate himself. The truckers and other protestors are now put in a position where if they back down they will lose everything, so they are fully invested. Honk, honk.
The Shasta County story makes me smile, good ole’ State of Jefferson, that area is truly the heart of what should be America’s 51st state. I know that is a super long shot of ever happening, but a boy can dream. I’d buy a tract of land up there in a heartbeat if I thought they could do it. It is one of the most gorgeous areas on the planet, unfortunately it has suffered under the thumb of Sacramento (and Ess Eff and El Lay) for too long. I was hate listening to NPR last week and heard a similarly breathless report of the super duper ultra hardcore far right that has seized power up there. Those stupid hicks and weed growers don’t know what is good for them. They can be allowed to vote for Republicans, but they must be of the country club variety.
The truckers and other protestors are now put in a position where if they back down they will lose everything, so they are fully invested.
My suggestion would be for them to close down their blockades, go home, and boycott the national and provincial capitols. Its one thing to clear a group of protestors, its another to conscript them and force them to work for the state. It would actually be an escalation of their protest – less splashy but more decentralized, more asymmetrical, much harder to counter.
Yes, that would also be a good way to get more people involved. I think the blocking of the border should be dropped in favor of what you are describing.
I watched “Hell Comes to Frogtown” last night.
Imagine, if you dare, the cinematic outcome of giving a group of thirteen year olds a coffee can filled with cocaine and a blank checkbook.
Also- Sandahl Bergman. Hubba hubba!
That movie sounds like some sort of practical joke but it is real. So very real.
Something about brown-eyed blondes.
I almost posted that last year. It’s a riot!
What’s this Thursday?
Fido, and after that is Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Doom
OMG, that’s real.
“Wholesale inflation surges 9.7%: Cost of goods continues to rise for retailers after consumer prices rose at the fastest rate in 40 years”
I’m no economist, but this sucks ass.
Anyone here have some good baking tips for a fifty/fifty sawdust to flour blend? Asking for a friend…
50/50 sawdust is a bad blend. You need more moisture per unit sawdust than per unit flour. If possible, you want to mill the sawdust to a flour fineness to avoid overly gritty texture.
Aunt Jemima really brings out the woodiness of the sawdust. Oh, wait. Dammit!
Aunt Jemima gives trshmnstr wood. Noted.
She’s called Pearl now.
“Olympic gold ice skater Kamila Valieva claims she may have tested positive for banned drug after sharing glass of water with GRANDFATHER who’s on the medication for heart condition”
Yeah, OK.
Sound fishy, although I question how useful an endurance drug would be for figure skating, except maybe for training.
Bonus points for late-in-the-program athletically demanding moves.
At $26,000, Would You Pimp Your Life With This 1985 Cadillac Eldorado?
I’d rather sell my soul to Beelzebub for Fangio’s 300 SL.
Continuing my Jon Lovitz referencing — and then you could take him to court!
So embedded in there is the link to the article detailing Cardona’s involvement. You deny something that I have proof of, right to my fucking face? I’m thinking of going long on woodchipper manufacturer stock.
Well thank God he never made it to the Supreme Court. The guy makes Holder look to be on the up and up in comparison.
They don’t even care anymore. Good Day, Glibs! I need food and sleep.
Serious question, has there been any actual swastikas displayed at the freedom convoy? I keep reading about it, but have not seen a single one outside of one depicted in an anti-convoy political cartoon. I have followed the links in stories making the claim only to have them link to other stories with more unsubstantiated claims. I have done both a DDG and google search and have come up with the same picture of the same guy with a truck emblazoned over a confederate flag and a Ford pickup with both a Canadian and confederate flag flying from the tailgate. No swastikas.
There was a guy on the first day that looked like an obvious plant. He was standing off to the side, facemasked, and no one interacted with him.
I think it would be justified to start hogtying these assholes and dropping them off at local PD when they show up at protests.
I mean they’re Nazis after all, who on the left could object to such treatment?
Note also: the counter protesters are waving communist flags, and those wavers aren’t plants.
“Trying to imagine the outrage if President Trump froze the assets of anyone who donated to Black Lives Matter, which, by the way, hasn’t exactly been forthright about what it’s been doing with its donations.”
“Black Lives Matter shuts down fundraising days after liberal states threatened legal action”
Just because you won your money in a very successful grift doesn’t mean you don’t owe your protection money to big daddy government. In fact, it’s probably the most vital step in keeping the grift going.
Good morning, Sloop!
Literally no sports worth mentioning,
Wild beat the Wings last night. Decent game. Red Wings are starting to look like a real team again.
I have no idea what’s happening in the Olympics. I assume rights are being trampled.
Great song selections! One of my faves off Listen Like Thieves.
Have a great day, y’all!
The Wild really fly on offense, but their defense is going to make it tough on them in the playoffs. A lot of those 5-6 goal games go away, but man are they fun to watch.
Talbot is a better goalie than the Finn. That should help.
Wild beat the Wings last night. Decent game. Red Wings are starting to look like a real team again.
I recently learned that somebody released the Kraken. Shows how closely I’ve been following hockey.
The kraken is a stupid name and their jerseys are hideous (and I say that as a Wild fan). However, the NHL learned their lesson: the kraken are currently in last place.
I steeled my nerve and made an effort to bushwack my way through that Atlantic dispatch from cloud-cuckooland. I got this far.
We call this the “democracy-of-opportunity tradition.” It is as old as the republic itself. But we take the name from President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who argued that it was a constitutional necessity to overthrow the “economic royalists” and build a “democracy of opportunity” for all Americans in the economic and the political spheres. Arguments in the democracy-of-opportunity tradition hold that we cannot keep our constitutional democracy—our “Republican Form of Government”—unless we restrain oligarchy, and build a robust middle class that is open and broad enough to accommodate everyone.
Obviously, the best way to ensure equality of opportunity is to erect giant procedural and financial barriers to entry for new entrants to the marketplace.
And those who design those barriers will of course be utterly independent of all influence from those who benefit from the barriers!
[Critical-drinker-voice] Nah, it’ll be fine. [/Cdv]
Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said Monday that he expects to see “quite a few more indictments” come out of special counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the FBI probe of claims that former President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia.
And nothing else will happen.
Durham had better be careful of going to far up the chain lest he inadvertently commit “suicide”.
For some reason, I think Durham could handle a Clinton ‘suicide’ attempt.
There is nothing here that wasn’t apparent years ago, except in detail. Yet no indictments have been brought, and the statute of limitations is running.
This will end in a “no reasonable prosecutor” moment (again), with perhaps a report designed to permanently ostracize a chunk of Team Clinton and entrench Team Obama as the Dem Party bosses.
Durham could be waiting for a more favorable set of circumstances to go further, like a conservative congress and president.
Rebel News speaks with Artur Pawlowski’s family
Pastor Artur Pawlowski has been arrested for the fifth time.
He is being held, reportedly in solitary confinement and bad conditions according to the Pawlowski family, until his bail hearing on Wednesday, and if bail is not granted there is no telling how long this pastor will remain in jail.
His latest charges include trespassing, mischief over $5,000 and most concerningly he is the first person ever to be charged under the Critical Infrastructure Defence Act. I was recently joined by Sarah Miller of JSS Barristers, who has been serving as Pastor Artur’s legal counsel at no cost to him thanks to your donations at SaveArtur.com, to break down the legal aspects of this story. To watch out legal breakdown of the charges click here.
The coincidences continue to be remarkable this year.
Tis a mystery.
Eh, depends what people want to report. I don’t know the stats on 1:200,000 in terms of their health, but that’s still a decent number per year. Assume 70 million kids and that’s 350/year. Enough for one a day.
Not stated: Were they vaxxed?
I have to say that I really don’t get what the Canadian government is doing here. At every point in this standoff, Trudeau has had the option of de-escalating the situation. He could have deferred implementation of the trucker mandate. He could have used conciliatory language. He could have outlined a strategy to go back to normal. None of this would have caused him to lose much, if any, face. That’s what’s so stupid about his behavior here. And, now, his best case scenario is that he’s the sociopath who’s imposed martial law against his own people to suppress peaceful protests.
I know some people have been saying that the policy here has been dictated out of Washington. That’s entirely possible. But also mostly irrelevant. The people running Trudeau are cut from the same cloth as the people running Biden.
I keep trying to figure out what the hell it is that they get out of confrontation. But, for the life of me, I can’t figure out the grift.
Trudy is quite stupid and he has a massive ego. The media plays lapdog and tells him how smart and wonderful he is on a daily basis. He bought into his own bullshit as the infallible near-permanent leader of Canuckistan.
I think that explains most of it.
I know some people have been saying that the policy here has been dictated out of Washington.
Davos, not Washington.
I don’t believe (yet) that Davos dictates anything.
It does serve as a finishing school for the nomenklatura though, a place where the supremely hubristic can go to be with others of their ilk. Much like Harvard, it gives them ideas and tells them that they cannot possibly fail because they are the superior as well as providing moral justifications for their authoritarian impulses.
I think they do.
Like I said, the authoritarian impulse exists at the national level. WEF provides them with the moral backdrop, like the Church did for so long.
I think what you’re describing is probably more like what is actually occurring. Davos is the influencer, not the top down group that’s literally in control of everything. It’s where everyone that already has tremendous power and influence get together and discuss how they can pool their power and influence to help each other get more power and influence. It might be a distinction without a difference though. If the end result is that they all agree on more or less the same goals and move the entire world in whatever direction they will, does it matter?
I listened to Trudeau reply to a woman reporter from, I think, Rebel Media. He pretty much views the truckers and anyone supporting them as cockroaches. You don’t use conciliatory language with cockroaches… you crush them. Why wouldn’t Trudeau? Confrontation will just further solidify the power of the government.
I haven’t seen any blowback yet on the US govt for their response to the Jan 6th protestors and others who weren’t involved in the Capitol. There was no downside or consequences for beating their political prisoners and throwing them in solitary for months without legal representation.
The government does not want reconciliation. It wants power. View Trudeau’s actions through that lens.
Ask Pfizer and friends.
Trudeau foundation owns a huge stake in Moderna.
Same for New Zealand and, to a lesser extent, Australia.
As I noted last week, a lot of this is just people who think they are superior who need the riff-raff to be quiet and do what the enlightened tell them to do.
They are supported by enough of the population who may have a (legitimate) psychological condition. 2-Chili wrote about at TOS recently: https://reason.com/2022/02/03/some-people-love-a-state-of-crisis/
“The most dangerous enemy of the truth and freedom amongst us is the compact majority” – Enemy of the People
I remember reading this in high school and it resonated with me because it started my path towards realizing that the concept that the majority rule is dangerous and detrimental to the individual. Even today where at best most people (sometimes even me) stay quiet about the mandates because of not wanting to rock the boat or at worst people cheerlead this shit we have to remember that simply because the majority are allowing this shit to happen doesn’t mean that it’s right and it also doesn’t mean that we stop fighting against authoritarianism.
Ha, right as I read your quote, JP said the exact words “truth and freedom” – that was a little freaky.
I almost posted that last year. It’s a riot!
I watched it on tubi (hint, hint).
It does have Rowdy Ronnie Piper in it too. I shall add it.
I have to say that I really don’t get what the Canadian government is doing here. At every point in this standoff, Trudeau has had the option of de-escalating the situation. He could have deferred implementation of the trucker mandate. He could have used conciliatory language. He could have outlined a strategy to go back to normal. None of this would have caused him to lose much, if any, face. That’s what’s so stupid about his behavior here. And, now, his best case scenario is that he’s the sociopath who’s imposed martial law against his own people to suppress peaceful protests.
He could have at least made a pretense of listening to, and considering, their views. Instead, he issued an imperious decree which locked him into a glide path of confrontation.
Exactly. It didn’t seem to me the truckers had an extreme or highly specific agenda. Playing the wise statesman willing to listen to the disgruntled may not have stopped the convoy. But, it almost certainly would have helped to prevent it from escalating.
I remember reading this in high school and it resonated with me because it started my path towards realizing that the concept that the majority rule is dangerous and detrimental to the individual.
There’s not a lot of daylight between “democratic” absolutism and mob rule.
Re: Karankawa
They’re not Karankawa. Barely 100 were counted in 1820 when Jean-Louis Berlandier took his expedition. The Karankawa don’t exist. Their language is known only from a few recorded words. These are, of course, grifters.
Are they like many of the tribes of Virginia that are barely more pure blood than Warren?
I’d say likely, if they have any Karankawa lineage at all.
Essentially, there are only three official reservations in Texas: The Alabama-Coushatta reservation in Livingston, who are legit. The Kickapoo in South Texas, who can trace a definite contiguous path from where they were to where they are now, and the iffiest, the Pueblo Ysleta del Sur…
The Pueblo Ysleta del Sur claim to be from New Mexico and retreated to a mission in El Paso when the Zuni (I believe) revolted against the Spanish in the 17th century. My problem is with their “rediscovery” in the 20th century. It’s possible for sure, lots of things aren’t recorded, but I’m pretty suspicious.
It does serve as a finishing school for the nomenklatura though, a place where the supremely hubristic can go to be with others of their ilk. Much like Harvard, it gives them ideas and tells them that they cannot possibly fail because they are the superior as well as providing moral justifications for their authoritarian impulses.
“We only want what’s best for those too dumb to see it for themselves.”
“I was only helping George Floyd”
SP Police
Ooops, Mpls police.
The TC all look alike to me
Winter is here, the sun is out, it’s tuesday, time for
just waiting for a few more degrees, we are going up to 29 today,
I remember snowshoe softball.
Hey, look at that!
A new Convoy!
And the US is still waiting until any and all groups are fully infiltrated with their March 1 date.. We obviously do not want freedom here anymore in the states.
Speaking of equality of economic opportunism
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway purchased about $1 billion worth of shares in Activision Blizzard in the fourth quarter, according to a regulatory filing, jumping in before Microsoft agreed to buy the video game publisher for $68.7 billion.
Berkshire owned 14.66 million shares valued at $975 million as of the end of 2021, the filing shows.
Microsoft announced its intention to acquire Activision Blizzard in mid-January for $95 per share, sending the stock up 25% to above $82, though it’s since fallen a bit. It would be the largest deal ever by a U.S. technology company.
Buffett is poised to notch a handsome profit should the acquisition close. The stock reached as low as $56.40 in the fourth quarter after the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing filed a suit alleging that Activision and its subsidiaries fostered a sexist culture and paid women less than men.
Who is one of Kindly Old Grandpa Buffet’s favorite bridge buddies? But never mind. Bill’s retired. He wouldn’t now anything at all about what those guys at Mister Softee are up to.
That’s pretty suspicious. Buffet needs to make sure the big guy gets his cut otherwise the SEC may start poking around his business.
“Trying to imagine the outrage if President Trump froze the assets of anyone who donated to Black Lives Matter, which, by the way, hasn’t exactly been forthright about what it’s been doing with its donations.”
“Black Lives Matter shuts down fundraising days after liberal states threatened legal action”
Repost from Gilmore.
(Hey, CP ?: https://www.amazon.com/Fairchilds-Dictionary-Textiles-Phyllis-Tortora/dp/0870057073/ My mom used to drag me to fabric stores as a kid.)
OK, thanks, although my mom, who was a designer, has a bunch of textile books, that I’ve never read. I also had a friend who made costumes for cosplayers who occasionally “dragged me” to fabric stores because she didn’t have a car.
Same for New Zealand and, to a lesser extent, Australia.
As I noted last week, a lot of this is just people who think they are superior who need the riff-raff to be quiet and do what the enlightened tell them to do.
Subjects, not citizens.
Re: Ukraine:
I’m afraid the Russians are whipping our ass in the meme war. Gentlemen, we can’t afford a meme gap!