Baffert preparing for the next Derby.
Juwan Howard was suspended for the rest of the regular season. So he should get a chance to coach in the NIT. The UCL round of 16 first legs continue today and tomorrow with Chelsea and Juventus headlining today’s matches. And that horse that won the Kentucky Derby was officially stripped of the title and Bob Baffert was suspended for 90 days. I wonder if they gave the animal Ivermectin or something. Anyway, that’s it for sports.

Welcome to New York!
“See, it works!” – Team Adams “If we hadn’t done that, it would have been twice as many. And you can’t prove otherwise.” OK, they haven’t said that…yet.
Dammit, this is the part that pisses me off. The rest, not so much. But our current government’s adversity to energy independence is going to get more people on board with going to war, due to this kind of thing.
Take notes, people. This is how you wreck a bureaucracy.
I’m shocked this isn’t getting more coverage. Well, not really shocked. I doubt CNN wanted to post the sworn testimony of “weed slut 420” unless it had to do with an adult child of the last guy.

Like father, like son.
There’s nothing more permanent than a temporary government program. I guess that now includes the temporary powers for a despot.
Nice work, Chicago police. You really know how to pick some winners.
The erasure of history continues. Pretty soon, there won’t be anything named after anyone. Unless it’s for clout, obviously.
::modifies primary ballot:: I mean, I was voting for her anyway. But this clinches it.
I haven’t played these guys in quite some time. And that’s one of my favorites. As is this. Hope you enjoy them both.
And I hope you enjoy this Tuesday, dear friends.
(937) in da HOUSE!
whaddup doh’
Is 937 the poundage between you and two ladies?
Have fun.
two? you insult him, sir.
Jugsy & I have talked about a 3-way with an acquaintance of hers.
As a wise man once said in a movie, “we’re going to need a bigger b̵o̵a̵t̵ bed”
*Pictures water-bed popping like a bloated pimple, turns and vomits in the waste bin*
“Dammit, this is the part that pisses me off. The rest, not so much. But our current government’s adversity to energy independence is going to get more people on board with going to war, due to this kind of thing.”
If this team blue obsession with denying the US energy independence was something knew I wouldn’t feel like there is some serious agenda by some other entities that profit from the US not being energy independent and needing to do proxy wars all over the globe…
“I’m shocked this isn’t getting more coverage. Well, not really shocked. I doubt CNN wanted to post the sworn testimony of “weed slut 420” unless it had to do with an adult child of the last guy.”
They reported this in damage control mode. It seems the media is always in damage control mode to protect the corrupt machine that gives them their marching orders.
A new favorite line from 3rd link:
“intimidating government bodies with paperwork”
That’s some good shit.
Bureaucrats like to bureaucrat though, brah.
But they like to burracrat on their own terms. Having to fill out other peoples paperwork…..shudder
Have you got a form 27B/6?
Rev A was retired in ’12 Rev B was scheduled to end in ’21, Rev C has not been approved….
Tuttle? His name is Buttle
“Paperwork terrorism” except when environmentalists do it.
Indeed, you would think that they would meet that challenge with unbridled glee. “Moar Paperwork? SQUIRTERS ASSEMBLE!”
Turnabout is fair play.
Only racists file paperwork.
I recall stories of people paying ridiculous fines in pennies. More of that would be fun.
+ 50% tax increase to pay for new paper pushers…
Become ungovernable/supragovernable.
The resonating image of 2022 thus far has been an old lady getting trampled by the Stasi in Ottawa or conversely, a photo of Hunter Biden snuggling up to a stripper with his hand in his pants (not that there is anything WRONG with that…) I can’t feature this. Is this really happening?
The sad truth is that it is. and a lot of people are cheering it all on..
Judi and at least one of her kids want to pull up stakes and move back to the States. I think they are maybe 1/4 joking. Shit got real here, really quick. Too bad I’m not welcome.
Hey, Festus, fly to Mexico and put on your walking shoes. You’ll be welcome. Or find a coyote with a snow mobile. Bring some music and MikeS will be waiting.
Her elder sister left a forty-year marriage for a pipe dream. Some dude in Alaska. Those Dale girls be crazy! She might just say fuck it, she’s that ornery right now. I’d be dead in a year or two…
Festus, from what I recall of previous comments on that, don’t let that dissuade you if you and the missus want to come here. Those things roll off with time and is appealable. And there the Glib community. You’re not down yet.
Meanwhile, my wife is becoming increasingly disenchanted with how things are slipping here and is thinking about the second part of “love it or leave it”
Sorry for not recalling the details, but if she is a US citizen, it will be hard to keep you as her spouse out of the country if she moves back. Not an immigration lawyer, but don’t just assume that there’s not a way.
my wife is becoming increasingly disenchanted with how things are slipping here and is thinking about the second part of “love it or leave it”
Expatting is never off our list. For the moment, its not something we will do within the next year or so, but its always a possibility. When travel restrictions are lifted, I definitely see a tour of some potential expat destinations in our future. I like Americans, by and large, but the rulers increasingly hate me and want me dead, so . . . .
She’s looking at Baltics. Wouldn’t be my first choice, but maybe it will be.
Heh. You run from America and I run toward.
“I hope no horses were hurt.”
That was an honest to God trending opinion up here.
“It is extraordinary to me,” said he, “that you people cannot take care of yourselves and your children. One or the other of you is for ever in the way. How do I know what injury you have done my horses. See! Give him that.”
Saddest part is nobody cares about that poor bicycle that was thrown at the horse. Sure, granny got trampled, we have no news of the other guy, who gives a f*** ? Is the bike okay too!?
Supposedly, granny started a Twitter account.
Reality is fucking twisted, Festus.
‘Paper terrorism’: Parents against mask mandates bombard school districts with sham legal claims
Lawfare is bad unless you are suing gun manufacturers or shaking down corporations.
The only way that anyone should be able to do that is if they can pass “The Coconut Test”. You scale a coconut palm and strike one down to the sand. Now you have standing. It’s only fair. That’s what the light box taught me.
I remember once when cops on the platform made us pick up some food we were drunk-eating all over the place. “Yes, officer.”
Cops were routinely seen riding the trains, too.
Nowadays the cops stay upstairs in the mezzanine if there is one or downstairs but not on the platform and they’re not even allowed to stop the fare-beaters.
Let’s see what happens now.
At least 6 NYC subway stabbings reported since the mayor unveiled new safety plan Friday
Subway is aight, but their sandwiches are not worth killing someone over.
I disagree about your assessment.
I have previously described subway’s offerings as “Distilled Disappointment”. But I’d still not kill anyone over the let down.
Good assessment. I only ever go to subway when I am feeling bad about myself and my situation. It’s fitting depression food. It’s enough to satiate me to keep living another day. Good food to match a depressed mood.
Yup. It’s like what a four-year-old might construct with the cheapest available ingredients, and he snarls when he hands it to you.
Agreed on description. I lived in an apartment building for a year that had a Subway on the first floor. I got a free sub within the first week. And never went back the rest of the year.
Yep. The few times I go there I just get a cold cut combo. No point in spending more money for the same result.
I’ve never understood all the Subway hate. What is everyone expecting here? It’s a sandwich shop. They make sandwiches to your order. If it didn’t taste good, maybe the person telling them what ingredients to put on it is to blame?
I don’t go often, but when I do I get the grilled chicken breast on toasted 6 grain bread. Lettuce, tomato, onion, jalapenos, and a generous squirt of chipotle sauce. Pretty tasty.
It’s the fact that they use subpar ingredients which is mitigated by the small portion sizes for said ingredients resulting in the least enticing sandwich of any major chain I’ve had.
The fact of the matter is I almost never resort to buying their product. It’s simply not good enough in any combination.
Subway is often a go-to when on long driving drips. I know I will get a shit-ton of veg, I only get the spicy Italian (salami, pepperoni), and don’t worry about it.
Come on people, it’s just food.
I’m with you. The spicy Italian is decent, and you get some fresh veggies or of it too. Better than most good you’ll find on the road.
Sure I’m not going there for my anniversary, but no one suggested we do so.
No, you attack a black gay guy in the middle of the night in zub-zero temps with a noose over subway sandwiches. Do you even MAGA Country Bro?
Word homey, word…
Stabbings in a Subway or Subway employees stabbing the competition? I could believe the latter.
So a lot of left wing unhinged types are saying the Ukraine thing is what you get after 4 years of Trump enabling Putin. That’s nuts. Of course the view I am sympathetic to is that Biden is too weak a leader to effectively do anything about it. Am I reading this right or am I just as partisan brained?
Yes. Your partisan brain has not been damaged. What Trump did used to be called diplomacy. What Biden and Harris are doing is more akin to a Hippo spraying shit everywhere. (come on, you’ve all seen the gif)
Don’t fuck with the hippos, Festus! They sweat blood and fling shit.
/my spirit animal
Hippo sweat. The next big thing in skin care:
I prefer Booty Sweat…
The blue check brigade are all tweeting “thank God Biden is in charge because if Trump had won, he’d be siding with Russia.”
And they’re doing so unironically.
You have to be a special level of evil to tell these idiotic lies. And you have to be some epic level of stupid to be the ones believing these lies.
Blue Tics. Get the words right.
I told you guys already about the lib idiots peddling the story Putin was going into Ukraine to plant false evidence about Biden and team blue being crooks to help Trump a week or two ago. Why are you surprised that these team blue idiots HAVE to make everything about the orange guy that lives rent free in their head?
Of course the view I am sympathetic to is that Biden is too weak a leader to effectively do anything about it.
Should we do anything about it? Sell weapons to anyone who wants to buy, including Ukraine, but it’s not clear to me why America needs to become involved in Ukraine. Or Taiwan. We’d be rightly pissed if Russia set up shop in Mexico. I’d add Canada, but Russia invading Canada lately seems like a net increase in freedom.
No we shouldn’t. Putin is responding to decades of us fucking around on the Russian border.
In other words, this is largely our fault for escalating the situation with a policy of “forward deterrence.”
Scruffy, I got a chance to read through the article on ivermectin you posted. Here’s a repost of my thought on it. It actually showed the group treated without ivermectin had a 4x times higher morality rate than those treated with ivermectin. The p-value of 0.09 was just on this side of not being significant. So no significant difference.
But, the authors actually note in the Discussion that the risk of death from Covid is too low to make a primary endpoint so the study was not powered to detect a significant difference in mortality. So the real takeaway of the study, like the Phase III Pfizer trial, is that the risk of death from Covid is non-existent in the vast majority of people. The risk of death is so low that 500 patients in this study wasn’t enough to detect significance between groups.
4x the death rate for not taking ivermectin is a substantial rate, and I have no doubt significance would have been reached if investigators had enrolled another 100 patients. For comparison, the difference in the rate of death between vaxxed patients and unvaxxed from Covid in the Pfizer trial was much lower. Same for the difference in the rate of cardiac death in vaxxed vs. unvaxxed. These findings are actually quite a big deal in support of taking ivermectin.
Full study article: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2789362
Thanks for the summary. I haven’t read it yet.
In light of all of the blatant lying and mischaracterization of studies going on, I’ve decided I should back and renew my basics on statistics and determining significance.
I have more background in algebraic error analysis, which you would expect for an engineer trying to determine production yields. But even that is pretty rusty.
Any recommendations on a refresher course?
I’m not sure of a specific course, but I would look for a research specific statistics course. Health research would be even better. Maybe Khan Academy has something or some universities are now offering their courses free online (but no credit). It might be Stanford that has online courses with something like 5,000 people from around the world that can just view the lectures at no charge.
One of the things with statistical significance is that nearly any difference in rates can be made statistically significant by increasing the sample size enough. That’s why we saw a statistically significant increase in death in the Pfizer trial among the unvaxxed even though it was just two deaths out of 40,000 people (20k in each group). Despite being statistically significance, it has no clinical significance and isn’t meaningful. Conversely, we can remove significance by reducing the sample size. That’s why we don’t see a significant increase in survival among participants in this study treated with ivermectin despite the control group having a 4x greater mortality rate. But the authors bluntly stated that they intentionally did not include a large enough sample size to detect this because the risk of mortality from Covid is too low to be meaningful.
So my TLDR take is that this study shows #1 the risk of Covid is too low to think twice about for the vast majority of people and #2, if you are one of those people at risk of death, ivermectin increases your odds of survival by nearly 4x.
Something here perhaps? https://www.edx.org/learn/statistics
The main problem with the study is half the patients were already 5+ days into their illness which is too late. And patients with lower oxygen levels were left out of the study.
The main problem being the former. Most people are clearing the virus in 5 days. At that point you are mostly dealing with inflammation. So using an anti viral after 5 days is stupid.
The physicians with ivermectin protocols are only using it in hospitalized patients as a secondary therapeutic; the main use is at first onset of symptoms.
So it was yet another “study” perfectly designed to produce insignificant results. Shocking, I know.
So its okay for Russia to violate established international and send troops into Ukrainian territory? America cant do anything to try to keep the peace?
Putin is a piece of shit Commie bully. He has support in Russia for this tyrant. Fuck Russia.
We dont need to send in troops all the time but America doesnt have to sit on its hands either. All these tyrants, like Putin understand, is peace thru superior firepower.
Was it okay for the US to violate established international norms and stage a coup in the Ukraine in 2014?\
How was that keeping the peace?
Did America stage a coup in Ukraine? I have yet to see any evidence that American intel staged a coup there. Furthermore, what would be the US motivation to stage a coup in Ukraine. At the time, Ukraine had an elected Russian stooge as President.
Commie Barack promised assistance to Russia and America certainly was involved at some level. Additionally, US policy changed from Barack to Trump.
Evidently, Ukrainians got more independent minded after Russia set up the puppet regimes of Luhansk and Donetsk areas.
I can tell you one thing. When I visited Ukraine in 1996 on my US Navy ship, the Ukrainians corrected me when I would speak Russian to them. Ukrainians dont want to be part of Russia.
At a minimum, we assisted.
You answered your own question.
The puppet regimes in the Donbass region were a direct response to Western involvement in the overthrow of Yanukovych (during which I’ll note that actual fascist paramilitaries such as the Azov Regiment were employed ).
The Ukraine is not a monolithic entity any more than the United States is. Eastern Ukraine largely speaks Russian while Western Ukraine largely does not. In fact, the 2017 effort to make Ukrainian the only legal language in the country only further heightened tensions between Kiev and the separatist regions.
There are long-standing cultural issues at play, some of them left over from the Soviet Union, and some dating back to the 18th century. Once again, our simplistic view of the situation has helped unleash tensions (Iraq, anyone?) and led directly to escalation. Enough already.
The Kyiv/Kiev thing gets me every time. It’s the geopolitical covid mask.
fwiw I always knew it as Kiev. I guess the Kyiv thing is reactionary and recent.
It’s some sort of reactionary thing that has infested institutions. Replace perfectly valid english placenames with transliterations of the native language name for the place. It’s not just Kiev, they do it all over the place.
Scruffy, nearly every Ukrainian speaks Russian. Their languages are nearly identical. Its effectively how all Scandinavians understand each other but Norwegiean, Swedish, Finnish, and Danish are different languages. Evidently, in the last 20 years Ukrainians were not as anti-Russian as they are now. I wonder why Ukrainians are anti-Russian?
As for Eastern Ukraine being something that you are trying to shoe-horn into justification for belonging to Russia, its horseshit. Eastern Ukraine was invaded by Russians and any pro-Ukraine residents were deported to Russia or kicked out. Same thing happened in Crimea. Along with payments to anyone who would support Russia. Speaking of Crimea, those bribes are still weighing Russia down. Just as Russia needs bribe money to those residents in Eastern Ukraine.
America can be very regional. Yankee North and South…hello! Blue coasts and real America!
America is not causing Russia to invade Ukraine, so you can stop that bullshit right now. Nobody believes that horseshit.
I know Lefties want to complicate world affairs when the aggressiveness of tyrants is quite simplistic. The World can be complex but how Russia is invading Ukraine is not complex at all.
In fact, the Commies in Russia cant even be original. Hitler literally did the same thing to Czechoslovakia. Nazis minorities in the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia wanted to be part of Germany and undermined Czechoslovakian sovereignty. So instead of the Sudeten Nazis leaving Czechoslovakia, Nazi Germany intel service (Abwehr) helped the Sudeten Nazis stage what would become the Munich Agreement land giveaway. Once Czechoslovakia lost the mountains of the Sudetenland with all their defensive forts, Germany could easily overrun the rest of Czechoslovakia.
History is the enemy of tyrants like Putin.
Let’s say I accept your premise that our actions in the Ukraine have had no influence on Russian behavior and that it is solely Russians just being “commies.” That there are no long-standing local issues other than a unified Ukraine asking to be freed from the Russian yoke by the oh-so-noble Americans whose leaders’ children bleed Ukrainian corporations for protection money?
How and why is it the responsibility of the United States to fix the problem or protect the Ukraine? How far are we willing to go? If we should be protecting the Ukraine, why didn’t we put troops on the ground in Georgia when they rebelled?
How is that protecting our country? How is risking a broader war with a nuclear armed nation run by those insane “commies” bringing safety to the United States?
Again, if you want to continue the American tradition of running around the globe and not solving everyone’s problems, the burden is on you to justify the expenditure of blood and treasure that is not solely your own.
See, youre trying to make Ukrainian sovereignty more complex than it is.
Ukraine has been independent from Russia for over 30 years. The Commie Russians in eastern Ukraine can move to Russia. They dont want to. They want to undermine their country (Ukraine NOT Russia) and be traitors for Russia. Fine. Fuck them, they are traitors.
America has the same problem. Commies in America dont want to leave and move to China or Russia or Cuba or Venezuela. They want to corrupt America and start a civil war. The Commies in America will lose too.
America should do everything it can to protect Ukrainian sovereignty short of military action. Because Russia wont stop otherwise. If Russia thinks they can get away with it, they will then invade, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, etc. Europe can defend itself militarily.
War by Russia is bad for international business. Russia is the aggressor here.
There is nothing wrong with America helping its allies or keeping shipping lanes free from aggression.
I’m out. I’ve had enough bloodthirst for my tastes today.
Because you lost Scruffy. Your justifications for Russia’s murder of kids in Ukraine are bullshit and Im calling you on it.
I clearly said that US military intervention is not an American option. The only bloodshed is Russian military action. You are okay with Russian military action because its Ukraine’s and America’s fault.
No, I don’t think we need to do anything about it. There’s no way sending a bunch of marines into Ukraine will do anything except get some dead marines and a bunch of collateral damage. I think whatever has been going on in Ukraine since the Obama years stinks to high heaven and the entire nation is an utter quagmire.
This. Nobody in the media or State Department has studied geography or even knows how to read a map.
We have no more ability to “do something” about it than the Russians would if we decided to invade Tijuana.
If we call the marines advisors we can stay 20-25 years. Happened before and not too long ago.
I don’t think anyone needs to be told this is a bad idea. Afghan debacle is so fresh and recent. Are we stupid? Do we learn?
Sending in the US military is NOT the only way to do something about it.
Russia was not aggressive like this during Trump’s Administration. Trump had traitor military brass undermining his orders too.
Russia believes that they can get away with invading Ukraine’s eastern territories and why wouldnt they think that? Russia got away with it in Crimea with Commie Barack as President.
If Russians controls all of Ukraine, all records of Biden family corruption in Russia/Ukraine will be lost forever.
Unfortunately for the Bidens, Russian archives keeps stuff. They still supposedly have a piece of Hitler’s skull.
I didn’t know the Russians were doing stuff in Brazil and Argentina during the 80s.
Russia has an excellent intel service. Maybe they feel the need to keep their agents experienced by messing around in every country. Maybe its in their interests to look for any scrap to prop their shitty Russian totalitarian regimes. Who knows.
Honestly, I think US policy in Central and South America is not as organized as one might think. It appears the two main goals are to keep those regions from organizing into a strong and unified economic bloc and putting in just enough resources to keep them from imploding into criminal anarchy.
Russia wants puppet regimes surrounding Russian territory as a buffer to their fears of invasion. BIG difference. America is surrounded and stuck with impoverished 3rd World Hispanic nations and Commie Canada. We just deal with it.
Sure. Let’s check the record.
Putin takes Crimea during the Barry Administration.
Trump admin Putin is quiet.
Barry’ Legacy Doddering Potato Puppet in Chief leads to Putin shenanigans in eastern Ukraine.
Seems legit.
And he took Crimea specifically because we staged a coup in the Ukraine and threatened Russia’s long-term lease of the naval base in Sevastapol.
I keep hearing how “we” staged a coup….I never seem to get much proof of that.
I mean, sure, the Ukrainian people might welcome the prospect of being satraps of Russia – who has treated them so well, rather than independent…
Can’t one not be in favor of sticking our noses in without trying to make excuses for Russia being aggressive assholes?
Much agreed!
Saying we staged it is a bit too far but we were definitely meddling in the situation in a provocative manner. The Russians deserve their share of the blame too of course.
Russia deserves ALL the blame. Russia is being aggressive and invading sovereign territory of Ukraine.
I tend to agree on this. The CIA couldn’t organize a three-way in a women’s prison with a fistful of signed pardons.
That said, State’s ‘forward deterence’ policy is a matter of public record. There doesn’t have to be an actual coup for Russia to perceive a legit threat to their national interests.
I don’t know, it sure seems to me like the FBI and CIA were coordinating some stuff in our own country recently
I’m not making excuses for anyone. The realpolitik of the situation is that sticking our noses in the Ukraine and dangling the offer of NATO expansion destabilized the region. Russia cannot and will not accept that outcome for obvious reasons. No more than we could accept missile bases in Cuba.
Add to that, the direct coordination between figures such as the US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, Victoria Nuland, and Joe Biden himself with opposition forces in the Ukraine in 2014 leading up to the overthrow of Yanukovych and the election of a new government while the opposition was in effective exile was a provocation that led to Russia invading Crimea and recognizing the Donbass region as an independent entity.
As for proof of such, the recordings of Victoria Nuland talking to the ambassador about hand-picking the successors in the new government and notoriously saying “Fuck the EU” because they were dragging their heels on the plan to get rid of Yanukovych are widely available.
Was the Yanukovych government corrupt? Sure, but so was what replaced it. Was the Yanukovych government legitimate? Yes
That overthrow sparked the hostilities that have now cost thousands of lives and precipitated a crisis which threatens the entire region. All because the hubristic asshats at State thought they could cut off Russia from their only year round warm water port and get missile platforms in the Ukraine, as if Russia would tolerate that.
Comparing the Cuban missile crisis to NATO expansion into sovereign Ukraine is horseshit.
American never invaded Cuba to prevent them from being allied with the USSR. America was not going to allow our enemy (the USSR) to put missiles in Cuba. That was between American and Cuba and Cuba lost. We also convinced Turkey to allow the USA to put nuke missiles there and the USSR relented to this stupidy aggressively strategy by Russians.
Russians are weak and they know it. So they run around causing trouble and invading other nations to keep their idiot populace docile and accepting of tyranny.
Ukraine is a sovereign nation as of 30 years ago and Russia needs to respect that. Ukrainians hate Russians because Russians are fucking assholes.
As for the Russian stooge Yanukovych, notice Ukranians didnt vote for him ever again. Notice he ran to Mother Russia when they threatened to arrest his ass.
NATO is not a threat to Russia if Russia is peaceful. Russians like Putin know that they wont ever be peaceful like America, so NATO is a defense organization that can counter Russia’s military. Thats what this is all about. Russia wants a divided EU so it can pick off the weakest members, like a Estonia or Ukraine.
I have a bunch of problems with Socialist Europe but the smartest thing the EU did was join military forces to defend themselves.
My take is that our military-intelligence complex has oversold the capability of the Soviets/Russia/China for decades. Its not hard to figure out why.
Russia has an overall economy roughly equivalent to 1/10th of the US economy or the EU, or smaller than that of CA, TX, or NY.
China lacks the kind of heavy lift/force projection to be a serious threat to Japan or Korea, for example. Now, Taiwan, maybe, but a regional defense of Taiwan would succeed. China’s weakness is its dependence on the ports that would be in counterstrike range. Turn those ports to rubble, and their offensive (and their economy) collapses.
Of course, this all assumes nobody goes nuclear.
RC Dean: It might be intentional to overstate tyrant military capabilities in the hopes that the tyrants think Americans are “scared”. This is of course a calculated risk, since the tyrants might really believe they are not paper tigers and start a major war. Hitler pushed Western Powers but his military was scared of actual war because they were a paper tiger until 1939-1940.
As you state, all this assumes non-nuclear. Nobody fairs well in nuclear war but China and Russia know that they would be turned to glass. America has a proven arsenal of nuclear weapons and we have very accurate missiles and MIRVs.
It would appear that China is using every trick to get what they want without military force. Russia is clearly weaker in other means, so they resorted to military invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s plan to wait out a Ukrainian civil war has not worked. Its been 8 years. Ukrainians wont give up to Russians and they shouldnt. Just like with Chechneya, Russia will be weaker having fought a guerilla campaign.
Ukraine is having a Civil War that Russia has been keeping going.
There was little bloodshed when the Russian stooge Yanukovych was impeached and that would have been it. Ukraine then elected someone else.
Russia was outraged their stooge was deposed. Russia staged the fighting in Donetsk and Luhansk. Russia has been sending regular Russia troops and intel agents into Ukraine and eastern regions to keep the fighting going. Russia just invaded Ukraine territory of Donetsk and Luhansk.
Its Russia.
I encourage you to volunteer to fight for Kiev and go stick your own dick in crazy, but leave the rest of us out of it.
If you can’t understand that NATO expansion into Ukraine is a massive provocation with extremely high stakes for all of us, then I doubt I’ll convince you of anything in this matter. Even the architect of Soviet containment policy, George Kennan, thought it was an insane idea.
And that’s not considering that the Biden administration is wagging the dog here. We’ve got domestic problems coming out of our ears that we need to address. The federal government uses these crises to distract from the very real violations of our own civil liberties. Or have you not noticed the last twenty years (and particularly the last two) of encroaching authoritarianism?
I encourage to stop the propaganda for Russia. Nobody is buying it dude. Furthermore, your line of thinking about this issue is so out of tune with what Americans think, its hilarious. Russia is the aggressor and no Russian propaganda by you will change that.
As I have said multiple times, I do not advocate US intervening militarily in Ukraine. That does not mean America should not help Ukraine fend off Russia violation of international law by invading Ukraine. Selling weapons to Ukrainians, sanctions, seizing Russian assets in America and giving them to Ukrainians, Ukrainian Americans suing Russian govt in US federal court for destruction and theft are all good help with can give Ukrainians.
el presidente Biden is not in charge of anything. He is an empty suit.
America is plenty powerful enough to stop Russia from attacking US interests (Ukraine), prevent China from attacking US interests (Taiwan), and defeating the Commies in America.
If it’s easier for you to dismiss my assertions that we’ve been fucking around in Russia’s backyard with a policy of “forward deterrence” for over two decades now by accusing me of being a Russian stooge, knock yourself out.
Sruffy: You clearly dont objectively see what you say. I dont know enough about people on here to remember where everyone lives. You dont sounds like you live in America.
You sound like Russian state TV. Seriously.
You have literally said that this violence is Ukraine and/or America’s fault.
Your assertions are false and/or garabage and unsupported BTW. You have offered no proof that American staged a coup in Ukraine. Then you changed tune that America not siding with Russia’s stooge was provocation for Russia invading Ukraine.
Of course, to Russia losing a stooge in Ukraine was upsetting for them. Russia has a stooge in Belarus and many other former SSRs.
Why would Russia care who was president of Ukraine? Because in Russia’s form of foreign diplomacy, if you cant control other nations, they are a serious threat. Ukraine has never invaded Russia. Belarus has never invaded Russia. Finland has never invaded Russia.
But our current government’s adversity to energy independence is going to get more people on board with going to war, due to this kind of thing.
Major conflict without adequate energy production. Seems legit.
And she looks exactly like the thot who would use that handle.
19 year-old me hangs head in shame. I woulda if I coulda.
You still would, wouldn’t you?
Looks down, looks up. No.
Take notes, people. This is how you wreck a bureaucracy.
We need to use to the tools of the tyrants against them.
“weed slut 420”
She sounds like a keeper.
Major conflict without adequate energy production. Seems legit.
Coming soon: Big Oil is war profiteering and must be brought under the close guidance of the Ministry of Plenty.
This is how you wreck a bureaucracy.
I thought they loved paperwork.
They love paperwork they generate to make everybody else’s life more difficult.
When it’s done to them, it’s a form of terrorism.
And then they will ignore your paperwork and straddle you with theirs? Cause you know the problem is that the system has different rules for them vs. us.
Being required to file a tax return is terrorism. I like this.
They love others filling out paperwork under their directions .
Now that we have really pissed off the peasants we will need to press the boot down harder. Why don’t they love me?
Bitch I am only beating the shit out of you cause I love you and I need to make you see that so you feel good doing what you are told… Cause pimp’n ain’t easy but tis necessary….
I can’t understand why Fluffy snapped at me! She peed in my shoes! Kicking her into the corner unmercifully was my right as her owner! Bad Fluffy, Bad!
The blue check brigade are all tweeting “thank God Biden is in charge because if Trump had won, he’d be siding with Russia.”
Worse than that, we’d be staying out of it.
Check this out.
Putin is one evil fuck, but if he actually asked this from the west – for Russia to join NATO – and they just dismissed that, it truly is some level of real stupid from our side not to understand his motivations..
Check what out?
Damned HTML…
Trudeau said earlier that the powers were still needed despite police ending the occupation of the nation´s capital by truckers over the weekend and police ending border blockades before that.
Of course. Police Chief Lex Luthor stated that they would track down and prosecute dissenters of the regime. I wonder what happens when peaceful protest is made illegal. Seems there is only one other option that involves one of life’s four boxes…
I watched the first two episodes of Reacher last night.
I approve.
Aye, it was (pretty) well done. Some nits to pick, but I enjoyed it.
We’re about halfway through. Entertaining. And we rarely make it more than two eps into a series before bailing these days.
I enjoyed it too.
It was a very different style. Much slower pace than a lot of stuff you see today. Allows stuff to breath.
Dude is a lot more believable as an unstoppable force that can take on a half dozen hired goons (as compared to 5’9 Tom Cruise).
I also like the female cop. The way they introduced both of them was fun. Her banter about not asking was fun, and Reacher casually breaking the zip tie cuffs was great… Letting everyone know about his intention to follow the rules (up to a point).
Lots to enjoy. Not perfect. But worth your time if this is your thing.
Just finished it the other day. A few nits to pick but overall I enjoyed it.
Drake was among England’s first slave traders, making repeated trips to West Africa to buy over 1,000 people to sell as property.
And? Slavery was the norm all over the planet in every culture until relatively recently. You can’t change the past. Learn from it.
Abolitionists did exist (maybe not in Drake’s time? But fairly shortly thereafter), so its not like the moral case against slavery wasn’t available. This may or may not have been the case in Drake’s era, but its a totally valid argument for guys like Jefferson. Adams existed, Jefferson could have (and did) know better.
Drake’s as long before Adams and Jefferson as they are before us.
I realize that, which is why I made the Drake’s era exception. But I bet there were abolitionists in his time too.
If no one else, the slaves themselves probably opposed slavery.
A tricky topic. Medieval Western European Christians were reluctant to enslave each other (same with Muslims towards other Muslims). That’s how they ended up with Feudalism and the sort of semi-slave status of serfs. It’s also how they reached the point where everyone was Christian.
Certainly in Roman times there were many freed slaves who became slave-owners. There are even records in colonial America of freed black-men buying their own slaves.
There was a young lady of color in England I think. She is a journalist and was researching her family history. She found that her many-times great-grandfather was a black man in Jamaica who owned black slaves. She broke down on camera when she found out that she was culpable in the enslavement of her own kind.
It was amusing in a certain sort of way.
Hilarious, actually
Was her name Kamala Harris? Her family still owns a plantation in Jamaica.
I wonder what happens when peaceful protest is made illegal. Seems there is only one other option that involves one of life’s four boxes…
People with nothing left to lose become irritable, and behave unpredictably.
If Justin Trudeau were to be found in pieces, strewn on the steps of the Parliament building, I would be neither sad nor surprised.
Governing from a secure bunker in an undisclosed location is truly the essence of DEMOCRACY!
I’m sure our Founders would have much to say about a system of government than can go from zero to dictatorship with 2 party-line votes.
As for peaceful protests…
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
– John F. Kennedy
Texas Railroad Commissioner candidate Sarah Stogner turned heads earlier this week with the release of her latest campaign video—a short TikTok in which the oil and gas lawyer is seen sitting semi-nude riding the revolutions of a pump jack.
I fail to see the problem. In fact, I’d like to see more hawt candidates.
She calls herself a “unicorn,” which means she’s a single bi woman into MFF 3-ways.
On a lighter note, my other (ahem) problem seems to have abated and I am really digging my new status as head Janitor of my main site. You know how to find the head Janitor? He’s the one with the dirty knees! Old joke, I crack myself up! Payroll app might be solved, nards in a knot… I’ll go to bed happier than I did yesterday. That’s a little sumpin’
To be serious, my night just got two hours shorter and my commute shrunk by 1/2. Same pay. “Winning!” he exclaimed with Charlie Sheen’s eroded teeth!
When I heard that joke, it was the Head Nurse.
That was the joke
Since work labor is all union, they rarely appreciate my “foreman of my foreskin” line.
Sarah Stogner video
Thank you for enacting my labor.
I’m surprised it’s the nekkidness that’s giving people the vapors – ‘Apache’?! That’s not OK!
That pump jack was not running. The story they wrote is a lie.
Speaking of the erasure of history…
How long ’til we circle back around to, “You know what would be great? If we could force somebody else to do this shit work and stoop labor. Hell, there are tribes out there who barely even qualify as human. Let’s go round some up and make them work for us. We’ll pay them room and board.”
You erase history precisely so you make it harder for people to point out how things will go when you act as if your “new” idea is da bomb…
It’s one of the most important requirements when looking to fight the cultural marxist battle. When people have no history or common values, they are easily fed bullshit ones and they will be happy to take said bullshit things as good and noble.
Aren’t we already there when Fidel Trudeau can force towing companies to remove trucks? I mean, you’re forcing people to perform labor at the end of a gun; I don’t really care if you pay them afterward, it’s still slavery.
That’s what I tell people that tell you they have a right to shit that requires other people to provide services by force of government. Everyone having a right to healthcare means people in the medical field have no right to say no. That’s slavery.
You’ll want to penetrate Titty Tuesday’s eastern border.
RE: Bond claims against Commie school boards.
When NBC, ADL and SPLC are all calling it “far right” then you know it’s an effective tactic. Keep it up.
Everything that stands in the way of the team blue crybabies is terrorism, racism, and evil…
Ride ’em, cowgirl.
That second Queen song is a keeper! Been one of my favorites for 40 years. Even my parents liked that one.
As heard on hot 105, Rickie Smiley morning show
They had some openly racist guest who is apparently a Tuesday regular.
He was talking about the federal civil rights case in the Georgia shooting. He has facts just wrong… But I wasnt too dialed in. “Urban morning show” gonna have a particular point of view.
Then he pivots to Juwan Howard. Says he is upset with this obvious double standard. Says the Wisconsin coach did something you just don’t do… Calling a time out when the game is settled.
The truth: Wisconsin coach pulled all of his regular players and had end of bench scrubs in the game. Practice players who are never going to be contributers.
Howard still had his regular players in and was running a full court press. WI called time out because they were about to get a 10 second call and wanted to get his players organized against the press.
Dude actually said Wisconsin coach was guilty of assault because he touched Howard.
I was shocked. Radio put on a dude who was this crazy racist…. Said it was racism against Howard that he was in trouble over the incident. Apparently that is his whole job… Come on once a week and talk about racism.
The , while I am typing this, random DJ woman talks about upcoming show “in light of the fact that black people are under continual threat in this country”…..
Holy crap.
I avoid DJ talk on the radio, so I haven’t heard what they are talking about in a long time. Wow. If that is what people are talking about…..
Cut to morning crew… Right now…… “Atlanta is a great city. Black people are everywhere.”.
What. The. Hell?
Sounds like he’s pals with Russ Parr, who has a show on one of our locals.
“You in da wrong neighborhood, cracka.”
But only
peachy colorswhites can be racist.It’s the good kind of racism.
Stern warning from the White House:
We had better not hear about any mistreatment of elective-gender persons.
“Trudeau can continue to wield his iron hand against Canadians protesting his COVID-19 restrictions after lawmakers voted late Monday night to extend the emergency powers”
Can we just call it The Enabling Act of 2022?
if the local sheep don’t care it don’t matter. Fucker will be re-elected in a fucking landslide
It sounds more effective in the original German…”Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich”
That vote is one of the more depressing things I have seen in quite a while.
For fuck’s sake, the act wasn’t even intended for situations like this. And you still can’t get a majority to vote to overturn it?
“in light of the fact that black people are under continual threat in this country”…..
I can’t even remember where I saw it, but there was some idiotic PSA recently about how no black person ever got ahead in this country until Obama. What a noxious steaming pile of runny cowshit. Who the fuck believes that?
Thurgood Marshall is fake news.
Jackie Robinson was a R, so doesn’t count.
Athletes don’t count because they are slaves.
So, I’m currently registered Libertarian for the purpose of PA elections. I’m considering changing to Republican so I can vote for some sane candidates in primaries (PA has closed primaries).
Thoughts? I’m not sure what I get for being registered (L) in PA, other than just as a “Fuck You” to the major parties.
Sign up to count the votes. That seems to be where the money is.
And being a rare L allows you to get into whatever precinct you think needs watching.
Actually, I am considering signing up to be an election monitor/precinct volunteer/whatever.
Register democratic to de less stereotypical
Depends…do TEAM RED candidates have a chance of winning in your area? I used to vote in TEAM RED primaries because I was in a little RED island, but TEAM BLUE got a supermajority in the IL Legislature and wiped TEAM RED off the map in the last gerrymander…er, redistricting. Now I don’t bother with much voting around here.
Team Red always wins in our county–which is hilarious because it historically has been a union-heavy area (steel mills and manufacturing…)
My concern is not so much the local area, but having a say (I know, I know) in who the Stupid Party chooses to run at the state and national levels. Our primaries are so closed here, that I couldn’t even vote for school board candidates until the general election. It’s infuriating, sort of.
Try registering TEAM RED so you can vote primaries, and vote whatever you feel in the general.
Open primaries are anathema, as the prties are private organizations.
Then again, the parties having any official government function (as they are private orgs) is an unholy abomination.
And he took Crimea specifically because we staged a coup in the Ukraine and threatened Russia’s long-term lease of the naval base in Sevastapol.
“None of that matters. That was then. This is now. Today is Day Zero,” bay the hounds.
Well, Russia ordered Russian troops into Ukrainian territory. Then Putin “recognized Luhansk and Donetsk regions of UKRAINE” as parts of “Ancient Russia”. Putin was in the Commie KGB and he still has that Commie mentality.
I told y’all. Russians have this thing about any lands that were once part of Russia, should always be part of Russia. Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, Eastern Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Eastern Austria should be very scared right now.
Like a lot of Boomers, Putin doesnt give a shit about young people’s future. He only cares about his legacy and how much damage shit he can steal before he dies.
Russia invading Ukraine would have never happened with Trump as President.
It wouldn’t have happened but that would be due to Trump recognizing and sympathizing with Russia’s legitimate security interests. If things had gone as off the rails as this has gone but with Trump in charge there still would have been precisely jack shit we could have meaningfully done beyond what we’re doing now.
But he has laid the groundwork to prevent it. Blocking the alternate pipeline. Selling tons of arms to Ukraine so they could defend themselves. And talking directly with Russia about their issues, as you say.
Biden said he didn’t even talk with Putin. (Probably his handlers didn’t allow it)
Biden just told him it was OK…
Here is how.
Trump had sanctions against a pipeline from Russia to Germany, bipassing Ukraine. This was Ukraine’s leverage against invasion.
Biden cancelled it unilaterally, even though it was put in place by law, passed by Congress and signed by Trump.
Pipeline proceeds.
Biden says “if you violate Ukraine territory “,in a significant way”, we will put sanctions on you. (Read… We will it get involved)
Just before this action, Biden announced that we are putting sanctions:. On the Russian areas of Ukraine.
Biden manufactured this crisis… Maybe not as the prime mover, but unquestionably as a participant.
Greenlighting the pipeline that circumvents all the leverage Ukraine had, stopping arms sales and shipments…. He might as well have gone to the UN and asked for a resolution for Ukraine to return historically Russian areas to Russia.
Maybe, maybe…you think by accident or on purpose?
He explicitly said he was expecting and was ok with a “limited incursion.” On television.
Exactly. If that isn’t a green light, I don’t know what it is.
Biden manifesting.
Plus, I think el Presidente Biden’s handlers want to use American troops to then pull the rug from under Ukraine. I think the hopes were that if American troops were nearby, European countries might not fully commit to Ukraine’s defense. The idea being if America is on it, not need to commit European ground troops. Then the Democrats pull out or refuse to do anything with US troops.
Trump was very much for the strategy of peace thru superior firepower. Using every arrow in America’s quiver to deter tyrants. It worked. Iran, NK, Russia, China didnt try anything but rattle sabers.
Now 1 years into el presidente Biden’s banana republic tenure as a traitor to America, Russia openly sends in ground troops into Ukrainian territory.
It wouldn’t have happened if “we” (the Bidens, Clintons, McCains…) hadn’t purposely destabilized the Ukraine so they could loot the place and collect gigantic kickbacks, They destroyed a stable government, killed hundreds of protestors, and started a war simply for personal gain.
It wouldn’t have happened if our State Department wasn’t so packed full of ideological socialist / globalists that they are simply unable to deal with a nationalist Russia. If they had been working in the interests of peace and the U.S., they wouldn’t really care about it as long as Russia wasn’t too oppressive domestically or aggressive internationally. But they can’t let it go. They also can’t really name the problem because so many people who say “America First” would be jealous that “Russia First” really is the Russian policy.
It wouldn’t be happening if the commies in our government could ever forgive the Russians for giving up on communism.
You might have a ‘nail on the head’ moment with the Americans being pissed that Russians gave up on Communism.
American Communists now really dont have many Commies places to flee once their double down on Communism in American fails completely. None of them want to live in Communist China. Round eye Americans dont stand out much in Russia, like they would in China. HAHA,. Maybe even Democrats are too racists to live among the Chinese.
goddamnit i hate my job
fuck whoever did this fucking thing in the first fucking place.
My thoughts exactly.
America is back, baby.
Our colleagues who recently relocated to Lviv will spend the night in Poland. They will regularly return to continue their diplomatic work in Ukraine and provide emergency consular services.
I guess we run and hide from nonexistent threats now.
big titted instagram model of the day
“I Love Granny! Her boobies are so comfortable when I sit on her lap! Sacha says that they used to be much higher but I don’t believe a word of it!”
Dang. Q-worthy.
Though that mouth – she might consume you after mating.
yeah, and…
Neil Cavuto, an immunocompromised Fox anchor who has dissented from the loudest voices at the right-wing network and spoken out in favor of Covid-19 vaccines, revealed on Monday that he had been hospitalized for weeks with a serious case of coronavirus and nearly died.
Cavuto, who is vaccinated, had previously contracted the virus in October. But the anchor, a cancer survivor who has been public about his decades-long battle with multiple sclerosis, had a more mild case back then.
This time, Cavuto said he had a “far, far more serious strand” because his “very compromised immune system” simply hasn’t benefited in the same way from the vaccines as those with healthy immune systems.
It sucks to be you.
He credited surviving at all with taking the vaccine. Which is some funny logic. Possible I suppose but utterly unprovable.
I wonder how he’s gonna feel when he gets it for the third time.
His claim was that that the doctors told him he would have died without the vaccine. My problem with this is that he should have asked them for proof that was the case. One could easily make the case he ended up doing far worse because he took the clotshot, and it needed to be taken seriously, if one doesn’t provide evidence to back the claim up.
Yes that’s silly. How would they know?
Compare the death rates of people with his conditions who were vax’d and unvax’d. Yes, you can never say for certain that the vax saved his life but you can get to a statistical point where it is highly likely to have. I have no idea if the data bears this out just saying that that is how you could ‘prove’ it for certain values of “prove”
I’m sure that data is in the mountain of data the CDC won’t release.
Draw your own conclusions, I suppose.
As I said I’m not claiming one way or the other merely explaining how you might “know”. Most people would say that airbags saved their life in a high speed head on collision even if one in a thousands times someone survives a similar crash with out airbags.
I’m for people in higher risk categories getting the vaccine, but it seems highly illogical to me that you can ever claim — because he came within an inch of dying and didn’t die — that the vaccine saved him. I seriously doubt there’s any way to know that and I’d probably laugh if any doctor said that.
Tucker Carlson, who is the highest-rated host on the channel, has stoked fear about vaccines and peddled false conspiracy theories about them.
They work, even when you get Covid twice and are hospitalized the second time.
Bullshit. Saying “they don’t work” is not “stoking fear”.
He has explicitly said “get one if you want and if you feel it’s necessary for you”.
Fuck I hate those fucking liars at CNN.
I’ve would have gone with “You’ll die unless you get triple vaxxed” as the “stoking fear” thing.
That’s just good science.
The proles have to be nudged to do the right thing.
Or really, saying “forced or coerced drugs or medical procedures is evil and incompatible with a free country”.
He was 63 last year. So in the elevated risk group.
I wonder what his vitamin D levels were when he was sick?
Yeah, what is the point, CNN?
The rest of us must get jabbed in solidarity or something?
I’m curious: were those loud voices opposed to mandates, or to anyone at all taking the vax?
There is no difference, anything not mandatory is prohibited, so speaking out against the mandates is speaking out against the holy vax.
/as far as I can tell, what some actually believe.
Yes. It was the same with masks or lockdowns.
“If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the IC unit, and you’re not going to die.”
— Joe Biden
*Some* misinformation is allowed.
The imbecile speaks.
You have to love how the man has zero understanding of the revulsion in the aftermath of WWI. That after December 7th we didn’t sign on to fight Germany, only Japan. We might well never have fought in Europe had Germany not declared war on the U.S. Also, he’s flat out wrong that Britain was allied with the Soviet Union in the first half of 1941; the terms of the German-Soviet non-aggression pact were in place until Operation Barbarossa commenced (late June). The Anglo-Soviet alliance was made in July.
Kristol is just pissed people realized he was more interested in being invite to the D.C. parties than he was in being principled.
I think Kristol is principled. Unfortunately what he believes in most is sending other peoples’ kids overseas to die in wars.
It is sort of an uber-elite version of viagra. War boners are the only boners worth having!
No, he’s worried Republicans won’t help to satisfy his warboner.
Kristol’s a submoron with an Ivy League accent, no more and no less.
Are you sure that Ivy schools are not teaching inaccurate history? I do.
Accurate history is the enemy of tyrants. Therefore, Commies in America made sure American kids didnt have an accurate knowledge base for history.
Im going to see my barber in a bit. While I certainly dont possess the glorious, majestic, locks of a Fabio or FruitSushi these days Im always happy because for at least the next few days I wont have noticeable grey on the sides of my head.
That side grey has often had younger ladies (a term relative to my age rather than referring to illegal age tail) be more interested man… You are doing something wrong.
I used to have grey hair but not anymore.
So you’ll be sitting down and asking the barber for the “Baby-Head’, yet again? I’ve yet to see that one on offer but mind you, I do cut my own hair.
Paging Swiss.
There’s a cure for the narrowed gaze!
Pour chemicals into your eyes! It’s still good, it’s still good! It’s only a little glaucoma!
“Let me be clear: Doctors say had I not been vaccinated at all, I wouldn’t be here,” Cavuto said.
Cavuto added, “This was scary. How scary? I’m talking, ‘Ponderosa suddenly out of the prime rib in the middle of the buffet line scary!’ That’s how scary.”
While Cavuto has been vocal in his support for vaccines, many of his colleagues have for months trafficked in anti-vaccine rhetoric. Tucker Carlson, who is the highest-rated host on the channel, has stoked fear about vaccines and peddled false conspiracy theories about them.
Haha, Neil, you so clever.
I don’t watch Carlson. I have no idea what he has or has not said about vaccines. But I do not consider rational risk analysis based on specific conditions to be “stoking fear”.
He questions the efficacy. He’s never once come out against the choice to vaxx. He is anti-mandate because the science seems to be settled for once. They don’t work.
The convid vax is a religion.
I’m pretty sure Cavuto is vaxxed and boosted.
He’s now had COVID twice and been hospitalized?
That’s an incredible testament to how well the vaccines work.
What do the same doctors tell the families of the vaxed patients that die?
Doctors are mostly petulant adolescents – they take credit for good outcomes and refuse any blame for bad ones.
Will Vladimir Putin’s invasion of a peaceful and democratic Ukraine do anything to liberate the American right from its attachment (or regression) to the foolish and dangerous doctrine of “America First”?
Aaaaaaannnnd, we’re off!
Risking a real and total war over Ukraine is the last thing the America Firsters want to see so, no, this will change nothing. The left and the establishment would be wise to get on board actually.
I’d like to know what Ukraine ever did to deserve whatever in the living fuck that they have done to put up with for 1000 years of oppression. The last century being the worst. Sucks to be flat and fertile, I suppose.
Sandwiched between Poland-Lithuania and Russia and then Germany and Russia isn’t the greatest place to be. Also Roman Catholic vs Orthodox and centuries of bad blood comes into play. Just bad luck mostly.
“Sucks to be flat and fertile, I suppose.”.
No comments about my wife please.
How’s Kansas doing, by the way?
What’s the matter with them?
Still carrying on, wayward son.
What the West Will Never Understand About Putin’s Ukraine Obsession
Evidently, TIME has a few people writing for them that get the green light to publicly spill the beans.
Nancy Pelosi visits the UK, while the UK declares the United States their “closest friend and ally.”
It seems that the US and UK are steadfastly interested in the borders of Ukraine, while having no concern for their own.
Or their northern neighbor, which just slid into tyranny.
I’m looking forward to the Biden regime closing the northern border against refugees from the tyrannical Trudeau regime, while leaving the southern border wide open.
Ugh, that is all to plausible.
That happened a long time ago, Friend.
The funny thing is when the political oppression gets bad here and we’ll be running to Mexico.
Live and learn Gascon!
Hopefully learning coming from being recalled and cast from public office for good.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
There is still some good in the world if you let it it seek you out. Thanks for that, High Holiness!
Thanks, Holiness.
Hey! I get to stay up later! That is until the government shuts down Glibs north of the border. Smoke em if you gottem!
“Trump’s Truth Social climbs to the TOP of the Apple charts after a release day hit by glitches and error messages – but there is STILL a huge waiting list”
How long before it gets shut down?
How long before it gets shut down?
*checks watch*
I’m going with, mid-afternoon.
NPR had a story about how Truth Social (r) was stupid and was going to fail. Their expert they interviewed to prove this was an expert on “political extremism.” Then they went on about hoe echo chambers were unhealthy and everyone should be on Twitter where you can be exposed to a wide variety of viewpoints.
I am not making this up.
Both tankies and socialists use Twitter. Much diversity of thought.
I understand they have to follow certain tos standards to be on the crApple store. Sounds like NPR is serious news for serious people.
“The heated debate over whether Mexico City should ban the centuries-old sport of bullfighting picked up steam over the weekend as this season’s bullfights came to an end.
Activists were pictured outside the city’s arena Sunday – as has become routine – holding signs with photos of mutilated bulls that read, ‘Torture is not Culture’ and burning bullfighting capes.
Last year, the assembly’s Animal Welfare Commission gave preliminary approval to a law banning public events ‘at which animals are subject to mistreatment and cruelty that result in their death.’ But the bill never made it to a vote before the full assembly.
Animal rights activist Alberto Luvianos said legislators may have been cowed by the potential lost income.”
Here’s a proposal.
The activists can delay a bullfight for a day by going into the ring themselves and battling each other to the death for the entertainment of the crowds.
I’d rather see the bullfighters bleed each other out for awhile then fight to the death using horned Viking helmets.
Either way, bullfighting sounds like a video game opportunity.
cowed by the potential lost income.
Woke Mexico is going to be udder ridiculous.
“Giving Gwyneth Paltrow a run for her money! Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s youngest daughter Michaela is selling ‘healing’ jewelry, ‘magic’ candles, and vulva paintings through her spiritually-focused Etsy shop”
Are the women OK?
Vulva paintings was my high school nickname.
Sadly, I painted few vulvas in high school, IYKWIMAITYD.
There was a kid that kind of “lost it” at one of my house parties. He was forevermore deigned “Creamy Chris”. Poor guy.
It was the height of the AIDS scare — everyone used condoms.
Some people used condoms. Most straight people did not, Dr. Fauchi!
Nice song selection. Someone else dealing with pressure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lw0d5OnWFo
I’m not sufficiently familiar with the history to make any definitive claims, but it seems to me we ring-fenced Russia in the ’90s even as we embraced and promoted the growth of Chinese “capitalism” and helped turn them into a manufacturing powerhouse.
Why didn’t we build similar relationships with the Russians?
(yes, yes, Russian mobsters, etc)
vulva paintings
She squats on the palette and then transfers the resulting image to canvas”
“My art has been commended as strongly vaginal. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina“
What! Where? Where are these vaginas of which you speak?
What do you need that for dude?
Don’t be fatuous, db…
Stuff i did not need to know for $500
Sandwiched between Poland-Lithuania and Russia and then Germany and Russia isn’t the greatest place to be. Also Roman Catholic vs Orthodox and centuries of bad blood comes into play. Just bad luck mostly.
Weren’t they the breadbasket of Russia?
Ah yes, Drake being a slave trader. No questions he did it. Sure he made a lot of money doing it too.
But really shouldn’t he get some credit for undermining the Spanish Empire? The Spanish Empire that was wiping out native tribes?
The Spanish Empire raked in a lot of money from taxing the slaves being sold in the New World. Drake was effectively a bootlegger who was selling untaxed hooch. Shouldn’t he get at least a minor hat tip for that?
shut up because!
When will we start holding the descendants of the African people that warred and sold the losers to the honkeys responsible for the salve trade? Cause until then, I think this moral grandstanding has less to do with the despicable act of slavery and more to do with the usual idea that you rb banks because that’s where the money is at.
You mean the guys who still hold slaves to this day?
They can’t be held responsible because their ancestors had to do that due to *checks wristband* “structural racism”
Hold on. I’m gonna aloe you to finish talking about the salve trade but first I have to make clear that El Draco is my guy!
My understanding is that the actual capture of slaves to feed into the slave trade was almost exclusively an African thing. With Muslims taking up the slack. Whites were buyers toward the end of the logistics chain. The Muslims were enthusiastic slavers for centuries, when they weren’t committing actual genocide.
So, plenty of blame to go around.
Ralphie May had a funny bit about Dutch sailors dressed like the guys on a cigar box running through lion-country with a net to bag Zulu warriors.
The first explorers by sea to the Pacific NW were offered slaves for sale by the tribes they encountered.
White people didn’t go to inland Africa until after they found and standardized the cure for malaria because those that went in would not come out.
But when do we get to blame the Portuguese for their part?
Why do I have two comments awaiting moderation?
You know what you did, pal.
(no idea, really – multiple links in a comment?)
Nope, just one link.
They block your links to Thicc Demi?
Nope, it was #49 ans #50
TPTB have gone keto.
NPR is all het up that we haven’t started the war yet. They were particularly upset that our sanctions have been narrow and limited instead of the complete package that Bide “promised.”
It really makes you wonder just how deep the tendrils of foreign interests are. Or maybe defense contractor interests?
I mean, if hard left NPR isn’t anti-war? Where are we?
Although technically I guess NPR is non-profit, news is primarily in the business of selling current events. And their jobs are just more fun too if those events are interesting.
SNL Transcripts: Nathan Lane: 12/06/97: Well Babies Tragedy
Sadly, I couldn’t find the video as Ferrell is perfect here.
It’s 100% Team mentality – there’s a ‘D’ in the White House, therefore this is a good war.
Plus Russia = TRUMP!!!! and since they haven’t been able to get OMB yet, killing Rooskies will have to tide them over.
The Democrat plan for Ukraine helps Russia. The propagandists are just trying to make it seem like the USA is helping Ukraine. Its some diabolical shit.
“A television reporter has gone viral after footage showed him reporting from Ukraine in six different languages.
Philip Crowther tweeted the montage of him speaking in English, Luxembourgish, Spanish, Portuguese, French and German in Kiev yesterday.
The British-German-Luxembourgian journalist, who works for as an International Affiliate Correspondent for Associated Press (AP), was filmed delivering his live reports against the backdrop of the Ukrainian capital’s Freedom Square.”
Luxembourg has their own language?
It’s some bastardization of
FrenchGerman, I think.Funny… I was going to reply “Luxembourgish?” When I read that first sentence.
I thought they spoke French.
I stand corrected.
According to the link that Google chooses, Luxembourg has three official languages. Luxembourgish, French and German.
I am all for diversity and you do you, but come on people! Can we pick a lane here?
There are a lot of
minorlesser-known languages in Europe.This seems highly inefficient. They should probably adopt one of the others.
See, also, Canada. Hell, they don’t even speak real French there.
When your country has the population of Oklahoma City, should you really have your own language?
Wait, I thought Oklahoma City had it’s own language.
They have both languages: country AND western.
Although technically I guess NPR is non-profit, news is primarily in the business of selling current events. And their jobs are just more fun too if those events are interesting.
They get to play dress-up in helmets and flak jackets, just like Ernie Pyle.
Fantasy football league loser comes up big as a winner in Fargo
A much better column is here, but you need to signup for a free account to read it.
California was always a good drop point for the infidels, now it’s Texas but they come back in the summer. We see a lot of TX license plates in the summer, vehicle registration must be cheaper.
Iowa tourists hardest hit. Kinnath is always welcome and he brings refreshments for everyone to share.
Hello friends,
So I, as a Canuckistani, or now a Truckistani, am soon to be persona non grata in my homeland, depending on how the senate will vote.
I don’t have much hope for our crappy judicial system.
I’ve been giving a hand to the convoy every weekend since they got into Ottawa. Am now helping at one of their temporary re-location. I’m also an official in a political party that is opposing the little prince. I’m a small fish, but they’ve shown themselves to be so petty I don’t know anymore.
New-Mexico Rep Yvette Herrell (R) is to present a bill to allow us to seek temporary refugee status.
I haven’t been following much of what is going on in our southern neighbor. Any suggestion which state we should try to get to? It’s hard to tell these days, freedom seems to take quite a hard beating.
Man, it’s surreal that you even have to contemplate such a move.
There will be many opinions, I’m sure, but even the worse of our states hasn’t slid so far into lawless authoritarianism.
Best of luck to you.
Is this causing a trend of people deliberating un-banking themselves to an extent? Because I would.
Sorry you find yourself in that situation.
I’m always shilling for my little neck of the woods here in PA.
Texas, Tennessee, Florida, West Virginia, Oklahoma; I’m sure there are plenty of others. Stay clear of the cosmopolitan blue ones though.
Oklahoma seems to be the one that is most conservative/anti-proggy. The “most conservative” part isn’t an unalloyed good.
Arizona’s still not bad, but I’m not seeing the long-term trend of Blue Phoenix increasingly dominating state-wide elections reversing anytime soon.
Okies have one of the largest mismatches between the average citizen and elected official that I’ve yet encountered.
Oklahoma redneck home. Dog at the dinner table (lily’s big brother, btw), cello in the corner.
City Journal has an interesting piece on Miami. It’s still behind a paywall but should be free soon:
Ah shit. I’m not a trucker but more power to you! I can’t cross the border so I’m probably going to be the one left behind. Idaho, Wyoming? Judi is speaking in a much more serious tone about bailing on Canada and heading back down there. Where that leaves me, who knows? I can’t take care of myself and the household. I’m sorely out of practice. Guess I’ll relearn. These were supposed to be the “fun” years.
From above:
Sorry for not recalling the details, but if she is a US citizen, it will be hard to keep you as her spouse out of the country if she moves back. Not an immigration lawyer, but don’t just assume that there’s not a way.
Hey Bros – good to hear from you. Stay safe, OK?
Just got my income tax results from last calendar year. 25% more than previous year. I almost made middle class but holy hell, am I going to get taxed up the poop-chute. So much OT. So much hero pay. It’s all getting clawed back by the Twink In The North. I’ll hide in the trunk when the girls vacate back to America.
Once again I am paying more year over year in taxes. At least this year I don’t have the added indignity of paying $7 to the feds. I did inadvertantly give them a $533 loan that lost 10-20% of its value to inflation though.
Is it your prostitution conviction that’s keeping you out of the US?
They gotta understand, those ladies just couldn’t help themselves and, so what if they paid you for your time? Could anyone blame them?
Old Saturday Night Live was hit and miss but young Margot kidder was on fire! Ackroyd was funny as hell.
Any suggestion which state we should try to get to?
Based on El Pope’s link, North Dakota sounds like it has potential.
I would say the weather is terrible, but you’re from Canada.
South Dakota has a cuter governess and slightly warmer weather
I’d pay good money for her to ride me down and tether three of my legs together. Wouldn’t even put up much of a fight.
Russell Brand is fired up.
Are you fired up?
I watch him every day. He’s been great.
He’s a good guy. Maybe doesn’t have a lot of correct answers to the identified problems but at least he recognizes that there are problems. At least people like him are rational and can be worked with.
He’s a little bit wooo but he coming about.
And he used to be such a cunte.
The clip from Rogan where he and Brand are having a discussion about hunting really shows how Brand is a genuine thinker (he’s vegan).
Did either of them bring up the hunter as the necessary replacement for the natural predator in areas where it’s unsafe to reintroduce critters such as wolves?
Rogan is a hunter and he’s made that point before…I think including with Brand.
Me too. He’s the kid that forgot to take his Adderall. Five million subscribed.
What the hell is going on in Utah?
Pleasantly, surprised that the 4 year old wasn’t shot. I’m not sure that level of restraint would happen here.
Father arrested after ordering son, 4, to shoot at officers in McDonald’s drive-thru, police say
Well…it’s most likely a culture issue but since we don’t have a name or photo…no way of telling.
The officer received a minor injury to his arm, but no other injuries were reported.
In a statement on Monday, Salt Lake County Sheriff Rosie Rivera said it was a “sad day for law enforcement and our community.”
Dude got a scratch…get over it with this overwrought woes us attitude.
Child shield?
Bad idea. They lack the body mass to reliably stop a bullet.
Oh for fuck’s sake
Why America Has Been So Stingy In Fighting Child Poverty
The failure of Washington to renew the enhanced Child Tax Credit continues a long tradition in America: Our welfare system has long spent generously on the old, but it has consistently skimped on the young. While America spends about as much, or even more on the elderly than many other rich nations, it spends significantly less on kids. Among the almost 40 countries in the OECD, only Turkey spends less per child as a percentage of their GDP. It’s a big reason why the United States has a much higher rate of child poverty than most other affluent countries — and even has a higher rate of child poverty than some not-so-affluent countries.
How much do we spend keeping the upper middle class twits of NPR out of poverty’s cruel embrace?
How much do public schools pay per student?
A lot, but of course it goes to highly paid administrators.
First of all, children all all poor becasue they’re not legally allowed to actually own anything.
“Child Povery” is a euphemism for “poor people having children.” That’s easily solved since it’s now been established that The State can force medical procedures for the greater good of Society, just mandate NorPlant. It can be removed when a petitioner proves they have the financial capability to have a child.
I find this claim bullshit anyway. There’s no way the U.S. spends that little per child. The average value of welfare is like 10X what a 3rd world worker makes in a day.
According to the Tax Policy Center, the beefed-up Child Tax Credit would cost around $225 billion per year (about $100 billion more per year than the original version, which is now back in effect). For context, that’s less than a quarter of the annual cost of Social Security, about a third of the cost of Medicare, and about the same as the budget for the Department of Agriculture. A report from the Urban Institute finds that even with the enhanced Child Tax Credit, America spent only about 7% of its federal budget on kids in 2021 — and that is now projected to decline.
I would need to really dig in, but it doesn’t sound that unbelievable.
Yes those irrelevant statistics don’t sound that unbelievable to me either.
They just don’t have anything to do with the conclusions they are drawing.
Sorry, I think I misread your initial comment. Spending per kids probably is low comparatively to what we spend on the seniors (the ones who have been voting a long time) but still high because we are drunk on spending.
As always, cut it all.
Ah I get it.
So, yes. The claim that Americans aren’t spending as much of their budget per capita on kids is probably true.
I’m just saying their extra little conclusion that this is a FAILURE of our society– as they called it — is probably not.
There are also seems to be some insinuation that America would have a less high child poverty rate if they would only spend on more on children, which is right out and backwards.
I guess I’m not objecting to the data so much as the conclusions they are drawing with it.
I strongly disagree, if you are talking about government spending.
Government payments and benefits are excluded from the data for calculating poverty. So we could spend a million dollars a year per kid, and it wouldn’t move the official “child poverty” needle at all.
“Government payments and benefits are excluded from the data for calculating poverty. So we could spend a million dollars a year per kid, and it wouldn’t move the official “child poverty” needle at all.”
This was my point as well.
Government payments and benefits are excluded from the data for calculating poverty.
I’m not disagreeing, just wondering how do they make the the claim that the advanced child tax credit has lifted x number out of poverty but now oh no, x number have fallen back in because it has expired?
They can’t make any such claims because the poverty rate has never significantly changed.
ISTR that the ‘poverty rate’ is defined as some percentage of the median income; it used to be a set dollar amount.
If it’s just a percentage, it doesn’t matter how wealthy everyone is, we’ll always have poverty by that measure.
Throwing Medicare in is dishonest, unless you compare Medicare spending to total (state and federal) spending on Medicaid for children.
Also: First world poverty is a relative income measure. Lack of welfare is not a cause of poverty. Poverty is a qualification for welfare.
Perhaps if we stopped subsidizing the leading cause of child poverty, single parent households.
Why do you hate the Great Society and LBJ’s attempt to make more Democrats?
I believe this data is old and the U.S. is now highest.
Wouldn’t surprise me. That is 2015 data. The point being, US is a large welfare state. When I looked up details, Netherlands, which is a little behind the US overall, was actually ahead of the US in private spending. I thought it funny for a European country, that they had an even smaller public welfare state than the US.
It’s NPR so you can be sure that the opposite of everything they say is true.
“U.S., Britain, France ask for U.N. Security Council to meet on Monday evening on #Ukraine, say diplomats. It is up to Russia, as current council president, to schedule the meeting.”
That. Is. Hilarious.
Let’s get Iran to chime in on any human rights issues while we’re at it.
“He dodged a bullet.”
Totally not dangerously insane.
Turns out sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.
NPR had a story about how Truth Social (r) was stupid and was going to fail. Their expert they interviewed to prove this was an expert on “political extremism.” Then they went on about hoe echo chambers were unhealthy and everyone should be on Twitter where you can be exposed to a wide variety of viewpoints.
I am not making this up.
Today, on “Klown Korner Konversation”…
In a new paper, the economists Anna Aizer, Hilary W. Hoynes, and Adriana Lleras-Muney explore the reasons why the United States is such an outlier when it comes to fighting child poverty. While they acknowledge the reasons are varied and complex, they focus their analysis on one factor: American policymakers, influenced by economists, have dwelled much more on the costs of social programs than their benefits.
Stop it. You’re killing me.
Right-wing nazi terrorists stage insurrection launching from Montana.
That’s a lotta trucks from a sparsely populated state. Let the good times roll.
Honk if you love freedom!
Muh democracy!
Pelosi also added that she ran for politics, because “You gotta take a punch for the children, throw a punch for the children,” while respecting other people’s views, but that this year something more is at stake – democracy itself, which Pelosi claimed was different from previous elections.
“That was how we think about democracy and as far as the Republicans are concerned, I tell the Republicans I know — and I do know some — take back your party, this isn’t who you are because, Ivan, the fact is in this election democracy is on the ballot,” the senior Democrat opined regarding the 2022 midterm election.
“I would never have said that before, but after January 6, and the events and legislation that have passed around the country to suppress the vote, to nullify elections, well that is democracy,” she continued. “When you just decide to nullify an election, then you are undermining the basic principle the sanctity of the vote — that is democracy.”
The nerve of these people to be as dishonest as they are…
She loves that little phrase “for the children.”
Given her innate dishonesty, I assume her overuse of it means she despises them.
Stick a fork in academia.
I don’t want to ruin a fork by touching that rancid sack of putrescence.
Somebody here, maybe Not Adahn, has a crush on her. Boy is he going to be disappointed.
“To our current state of knowledge, there was neither sex, race nor gender present in the universe during the early stage which my paper addresses.”
There. Done and dusted. Ready to publish.
KYIV – Despite US warnings of an imminent Russian invasion, the couple staying in the adjacent hotel room to mine continued to have incredibly loud sex while I tried to write my story.
Sounds like he was ignoring a more interesting story.
It was totes triggering because the couple was a cis-male and cis-female couple?
Talk about disgusting and weird!
Surprise ending.
But, arguably, the biggest factor of all in explaining why our social safety net looks the way it does is America’s deeply fraught, racialized politics. That has been well-documented, including in a recent book by New York Times writer Eduardo Porter: American Poison: How Racial Hostility Destroyed Our Promise. Since the beginnings of the American welfare state, many Americans have disliked the idea of their tax dollars going to minorities or immigrants — and that has torn large holes in America’s social safety net.
Well, duh.
many Americans have disliked the idea of their tax dollars going to minorities or immigrants
That’s how you steal a base.
Does that include the many Americans who recognize that throwing tax dollars at minorities is what is causing the “income gap” to increase?
“A black bear known as Hank the Tank has broken into more than two dozen California homes since July, officials say. Paintballs, bean bags, sirens and Tasers cannot keep the 500-pound animal from seeking leftover pizza and other food.”
Who puts leftover pizza in their pic-a-nic baskets?
There are three types of picnic basket fillers:
1. The English – sandwiches
2. The Southern – Fried chicken and potato salad
3. The Hitchens – champagne, lobster and lube
Why is the color of the bear so important to the story? Hmm?
And shouldn’t it be ‘Black bear’?
Because the only grizzly in California is on the flag.
Paintballs, bean bags, sirens and Tasers
I’m surprised that no one got Darwin’d.
President Dean would be issuing an executive order right about now declaring that Canadian citizens seeking to enter the US will be granted presumptive refugee status, as they are fleeing an oppressive and tyrannical regime. I would also be ordering a review of all cross-border agreements and arrangements, to determine if they are appropriate for the US to have with a tyrannical and oppressive regime.
It should be pretty easy to find all of those lefties that wanted to move North because Trump by searching old tweets. Surely they must really want to go to Canada now.
FYI for whomever – my post is officially complete
Sure to be a ratings bonanza.
Anti-Trumpers like Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) will be attending their own “counterprogramming” session to compete with the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this coming weekend.
Dubbed the “Principles First Summit,” the meeting of the anti-Trump minds will go from February 26 to February 27 and plans to build on the success of the summit from 2020.
“Principles First is excited to announce a two-day grassroots summit at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on February 26-27, 2022 focused on discussing and advancing a more principled politics in the United States,” the group said.
“We look forward to bringing together conservative and independent speakers, thought leaders, and grassroots activists for two days of panels, speeches, networking, and substantive discussion about the meaning of conservatism today and the future of our movement,” it added.
I’d ask you to describe your principles but I already know what they are.
Its always embarrassing when a typo slips into a public announcement.
Well if you can’t find principles at the National Press Club, I can’t help you.
Yeah, I’m totes sure that the venue alone will win back all those deplorables.
Too local
That’s it. I’m tired as hell. What fun! Russell Brand is a bit of a cunte and full of wooo. He seems to be coming around though. Good for him!