The dude who’s been dominating a woman’s sport
So little going on in the sports world, I don’t even know where to begin. Maybe the Brian Flores lawsuit? Not sure what to say, other than the fact that people should be free to hire who they want when they want, although they all agreed to the Rooney Rule and if they’re not following it, that’s wrong. Aw, nuts. For real. Dude’s still got his wedding tackle. Also, Texas Tech is a very good basketball team. Oh, and today is National Signing Day…and Jim Harbaugh is interviewing for a job in the NFL. Which is a completely insane thing to do if you’re happy at your current job. I guess he figures he’s reached his ceiling at TTUN. And the USMNT takes the field again tonight to take on Honduras in what’s really a must-win game. And that’s it for sports.
Let the blame game commence. I remember when the press secretary was touting last year as the greatest job growth in American history, and giving credit to the administration. But now they’re blaming outside factors when the numbers are shit.
I’m not sure this headline is correct. Is New Orleans a major city? Or is it just one with a decent size population? I’ll be there for Mardi Gras this year for the first time (bachelor party for an old friend from California). I always considered it a party destination, not really a major city. Either way, fuck those guys and this decision.

I don’t care.
Mind your own fucking business. Also, there’s a simpler solution: stop the federal student loan program. It would save a shitload of tax dollars. It would rein in the cost of college. And it would allow for free association. These assclowns are just trying to get the federal government more involved in relationships that are none of its business.
So many poor life choices captures in a single video. I feel bad for anybody who said “I want a nice steak. Let’s hit up Golden Corral”. They chose poorly. And that was just their first mistake of the evening.
I’m starting to think this may have all been a grift. Just kidding. I knew it all along.
If lawmakers are debating on how to curb something, you can rest assured it’s only going to get worse. Get out while you still can. Because they’re going to fuck this up even worst than it already is.

Good soup doesn’t trump property rights.
How the fuck is this any of the city government’s business? Can they really make a specific business a “legacy” and force a landlord to rent to them? Because if so, that’s a gross violation of private property rights as well as free-association. And that’s some serious bullshit.
I hope they don’t spend it all on booze and cigarettes. Also, where’s the personal responsibility? IS there none left in America?
This is a solid and underrated tune. Hope you enjoy it. But if you don’t maybe you’ll dig this one. I know I will.
Now get out there and have a great day, friends!
“Mind your own fucking business. ”
They are sabotaging the education system by design so their mediocre kids won’t face too much competition from the rabble..
I wish more universities followed Hillsdale’s path of rejecting all federal and state funding.
I’m seeing TV ads for Hillsdale. In retrospect I wish I’d known about the school earlier. Tuition costs/convenience talk though.
Look those kids were born to rule it is their turn.
They want to go back to having a hereditary aristocracy (them) and the serfs (the rest of us)…
I have actually had people tell me they worry not about their kids future if the country goes wrong and we lose our freedoms and economic advantages, but about their kids future if their kids have to keep competing with the kids of the people they feel are beneath them and don’t share their values.
There’s a lot to unpack there, so I’ll respond with a numbered list instead of an essay.
1) the competition aspect is largely due to the enforced homogeneity of government schools. Same mechanism that causes suburban soccer moms and dads to worship the HOA for preserving “muh prahpertee velyou” of their cookie cutter shitbox house.
2) the concern of having to protect one’s kids from a horde of other children with conflicting values is for real. Wife and I are making life decisions based on that concern right now. We’re sick of feeling like we have to swim upstream on every single issue of raising our kids. It would be nice to be able to tread water In a few areas.
3) The sense of condescension from some circles is not missed by the normies. However, many normies play along because they don’t know any better. It’s high school social cliques writ large.
4) social media makes all of this 100x worse.
4) is a given in all aspects of society, technically not required to mention it…
True, but it’s worth keeping in the back of the mind when think about how to approach the issues. You can do a lot of other things right, but if you don’t manage the social media aspect, it’ll all be undone.
I agree; I was just messing with you.
3. is a particularly interesting point…the stakes are even higher, with potential job loss exceeding the mostly social penalties for nonconformance as an adolescent.
trshmnstr, I saw your question about the Ron Paul homeschooling.
We loved it. It’s a little expensive, but not unreasonable.
We started late, so I’m not sure about the younger grades, but it is self paced and very well put together.
Good to hear, Ron! I’ve heard some people complaining about the forums not being very useful. Did your kids use the forums much?
Not at all, so I have no idea if they’re useful.
Can we get this in long-form later? Like an article?
Yeah. Why would anybody want to preserve the value of what is probably their most valuable asset?
How bourgeois! (Raises nose above the odor).
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes made of ticky tacky
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes all the same
I question sabotage but if my intention was to sabotage the education system I seriously doubt I could have done a better job of it.
“So many poor life choices captures in a single video. I feel bad for anybody who said “I want a nice steak. Let’s hit up Golden Corral”. They chose poorly. And that was just their first mistake of the evening.”
This is one way to get into a bar fight when bars are closed down because of the Kung Flu…
And don’t knock Golden Corral steak man… At least it is not plant based ass or Tofu.
Do they cook to order?
Yeah, sure. If your order is eating ass , they sure do…
“Did you order a steak?”
“I cooked 50 of them. Get in line and grab some from the chafing dish.”
Look, just cause you can afford to get your steak at Denny’s doesn’t mean the rest of us can afford luxuries like that.
Seriously, how many people when they want steak go out for it? I prefer to buy & cook my own to make sure my money is well spent and I get steak I like..
And how many of you like it hockey puck mode with ketchup? Come on. Come clean you Trumpians!
i like to eat steak at steakhouses. I’ve found it matters far less how they season them, but what really makes a steak is the beef supplier. And to get a good cut at one of the local butchers cost about the same as me ordering it out. I like both though.
I guess the answer is more steak, all of the time.
Until recently, I had no good source for steak since our local butcher closed (stupid PA regulation changes forced them out of business because of antiquated equipment). A new butcher shop just opened in a nearby town and I’m hoping to give them a shot soon.
I might accuse LC1789 of being a Trump-worshipper, but even I wouldn’t accuse him of eating cremated meat with ketchup.
I don’t like this dish. It chafes.
It’s an all you can eat buffet. So… probably not.
The Chinese places picked up the overflow. With no GC in the area we go Chinese on occasion.
I was surprised to find out that the Hofbrauhaus here did a Sunday buffet in the before times. We were meeting up with some friends with young kids, and they picked the place as it was central to all of us, and you don’t have to worry about loud kids in a giant beer hall with people stomping on tables. On top of the standard chaffing trays, they would bring out freshly fried schnitzel upon request.
I ate well that day.
‘freshly fried schnitzel’
Sign me up.
By preference, I would rather go local, and they have a brewery right across the street: Schnitz Ale Brewery.
That is not why you go to GC —
“I want a
niceshit-ton of steak and assorted other things. Let’s hit up Golden Corral”.That is why you go to Golden Corral. And they leave enough room to get your hoveround up to the potato bar.
“I’m starting to think this may have all been a grift. Just kidding. I knew it all along.”
You should all order this…
Tee hee.
*RBG pats Sloop on the head*
Oh shit!
/aims for the head
That is not dead which can forever lie.
And with strange opinions even liberty die.
Love the music choices. But no love for
SloperRoland the Thompson gunner?Time constraints.
I was expecting Werewolves of London — but the first tune did admittedly go with the theme of the links better.
OK, I can’t click at work; did we go with ‘Lawyers Guns and Money’, ‘Poor Pitiful Me’ or ‘Excitable Boy’?
‘My Shit’s Fucked Up’ would actually be pretty apropos, as well.
The first link was LG&M and last was EB.
That’s a great album.
Special Note: Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner is hard to sing as a jody when running in formation. It can, however, be sung comfortably during a forced march when everyone is not in step. (Ditto for “Baba O’Reilly”.)
I’ll sing it on a Zoom again sometime
“Even as inflation — driven by Covid-related supply chain bottlenecks and consumer demand shocks”
But not trillions of dollars of helicopter money, nosirreebob.
They did say consumer demand.
Government types never get it wrong… It is always the fault of the rabble.
That 30T debt is like playing Russian Roulette with 1 empty chamber. The odds of being lucky are not good.
Look on the bright side. Eventually we will be playing with a pistol.
No, that’s Polish roulette–only 1 round in the magazine.
We have to worry about the insane debt and abusive spending, for sure. They don’t believe they have to worry about it so much, because they have made the right moves to stay on top even if everything ends up collapsing.
We live in a world where the political and public sector bureaucratic class solve problems facing the citizenry by putting all their energy in changing the messaging. After all, solving problems both is really difficult and robs the parasitic class of reasons to tell the tax payers they despise and keep ripping off that they just need to bend over and keep giving up even more so government can “fix” things…
Make no mistake. The Federal Reserve knows the score.
They know that this is all untenable. Their job is to preserve the fiction, to lie publicly in order to maintain the faith.
In the meantime, the pols and nomenklatura loot the system and store it away offshore, preparing for the inevitable.
Offshore dollars will be as worthless as onshore dollars when the whole thing collapses.
Not if you have enough of them.
Gold and lead.
Or driving up the cost of energy across the board. Not like a modern economy is directly driven by cheap energy or anything…. no sirree bob….
NPR was blaming Exxon because instead of sinking their profits into developing supply (which would lower prices) or “investing” in “Green Energy,” they were wasting the profits by sending dividend checks to whir greedy shareholders.
Based on how NPR finances itself I can see way they hate a successful business that can not only make a profit and pay shareholders, but actually produces a product of value. That sort of shit hurts their racket.
My latest gas bill shows that compared to a year ago the price of delivery is up 1.58% while the price of supply is up 36.84%.
It’s going to be a long, cold winter for the peasants.
I paid a $5 surcharge, truck fee. Price of propane was up but I didn’t pay attention, my first year at heating with other than wood.
It’s really weird how reticent all politicians are to talk about the helicopter money,
How the fuck is this any of the city government’s business? Can they really make a specific business a “legacy” and force a landlord to rent to them? Because if so, that’s a gross violation of private property rights as well as free-association. And that’s some serious bullshit. – Forget it, Jake, it’s SanFran
Did you just try to cut off Sloopy’s nose?
Morning, Sloopy (hang on….)
Polititicans taking credit for others’ work and wildly spreading blame for their own mistakes? Why I never! Where’s my fainting couch….
BLM or the state of California? (Just kidding… embrace the power of AND, after all…)
Speaking of CA — at least they haven’t mandated the vax shot for kids outside of public schools (yet). That’s going to be one of my lines in the sand for getting out of this state. (Yes, I know there are many reasons to do so — but the “cost of living adjustments” even when you’re officially remote mean moving back to GA for me equates to something like a 33% pay cut… it isn’t something I’m going to do lightly besides the hassle of actually moving). I don’t understand the logic AT ALL for school kids (ok, I understand the freaking stupid teacher’s union throwing whatever hysterics they can to keep their 3 day weekends and remote learning and whatnot). The shot doesn’t prevent transmission, so it doesn’t help the teachers — there’s more risk to the kids from side effects (especially LONG term which has zero data) than from the virus… so why the hell would anyone push this as a mandate? Crazy…..
Sounds like the “Legacy Business” crap in SF was probably set up a while back to funnel funds from the public coffers to friends of the Mayor or something. And being SF — they think EVERYTHING is there business (except public safety… or sidewalk maintenance… etc etc).
Go seize the Latin fish or something, all you happy people….
Speaking of CA — at least they haven’t mandated the vax shot for kids outside of public schools (yet). That’s going to be one of my lines in the sand for getting out of this state.
I don’t know the specifics of CA, but focusing on the public school aspect of mandatory immunizations for children is usually a red herring. Most states require all children to receive immunizations required for attending public school, even the ones in private school or homeschooled. Then the politicians can make a statement or law focusing on public schools but will be applied to all behind the scenes.
In Virginia, for example, there are two approaches for homeschooling. One is where you submit a curriculum yearly that has been signed off by someone with at least a Master’s degree and are required to follow all public school immunizations. The other is where is where you inform the school system you are homeschooling under a religious exemption. No further contact is required and you are not required to produce proof of immunizations. We mainly focused on the lack of required yearly contact for going religious exemption, but the exemption of immunization requirements is a huge benefit now as well.
I really wish we could have gone the homeschool route in new York and just stayed there. Unfortunately my wife doesn’t have the constitution for being a stay at home mom.
All I did was send a curriculum that I made up to the principal. The first year I made sure all the classes he would be taking were on it, the subsequent years, I sent the exact same one from the first year. They never asked about immunizations, but we started when he was in 8th grade, so I guess all of those were already finished.
Enforcement is really school system dependent. If you go on HSDLA’s website, you can read news stories about school systems in VA that have been siccing CPS on homeschooling parents and all other kinds of shit. Going religious exemption completely removes you from that in case in a new school admin comes in and decides to take a hard line against homeschoolers in your district.
I’m glad the curriculum route is going well for you. We have several friends in our county who homeschool through the curriculum route as well and it’s been easy for them. I imagine Loundon county is a nightmare right now.
Bonanza or Golden Corral? Tough decision but I’ve enjoyed many a memorable meal in both. Not willing to have to fight my way through the line though.
Yeah, we had Ponderosa and it was a big treat when I was little.
Yeah, when we were little we loved going to Ponderosa.
I found a Ponderosa that was still open a few years back.
It tasted of nostalgia.
We actually have a Ponderosa nearby but it has had a sign on it reading “Temporarily Closed” since mid 2020. I kind of feel bad for them. I think most of their clientele were older people who stopped eating out due to the ‘vid.
Fire’s Cafeteria was the schizz when I was a wee lass.
And then came Golden Corral.
The potato bar, during that brief window in time where baked potatoes were considered a healthy meal (which was then topped with bacon, cheese, butter, sour cream, etc).
Anaheim Stadium had the Potato Hut before the remodel. A large potato covered in chili, cheese, bacon, and so much more that it filled the container.
Wait, those aren’t healthy anymore? Darn.
I think the toppings are still healthy, the potato maybe not so much.
Ditto. Also Black Angus, Steak & Ale, Ponderosa, and Western Sizzler. Those were all rare treats when I was a kid. Nowadays, I’ll go to Peter Luger if someone else is paying but, honestly, I (and I’m sure many of y’all) can cook a steak better than a restaurant.
Exactly. I love stream, but hate getting it from a restaurant, they are 50/50 on getting it right, even expensive places.
Steak… Not stream, that is a different kind of experience I have no interest in.
No watersports? Pshah!
What kind of stream do you get at Golden Corral?
If I cook a steak the way a restaurant does, my smoke alarms go off; inadequate kitchen ventilation.
I loved Steak and Ale, even after working there.
My first job in High School … Pondo. I will never eat there.
My son worked a Taco Bell. You couldn’t hold him down and force him to eat it.
And sour cream will make him barf.
Trip over the scattered walkers?
Piss off people when they trip over my walker.
Just kidding, I check my walker at the door.
Western Sizzler. Unlimited min blueberry muffins on the salad bar.
What about Abdow’s / Big Boy?
Big Boy’s are still around in the Ohio area.
Big Boy’s was the breakfast treat when I worked in Madtown, WI. Take the employees out to eat.
touting last year as the greatest job growth in American history, and giving credit to the administration.
Of course not acknowledging the distinction relating to pre/post scamdemic and state government involvement.
Naturally but the only people buying that line are rabid partisans and people with sub 80 IQs. Most people don’t swallow propaganda quite as hook, line, and sinker as they used to.
Best part of that agitprop?
“If you were not at work, if you were on unpaid leave, you’re not counted as being on payroll.”
You’re also not counted as being unemployed. Fuck off slaver.
New Orleans has become one of the first major U.S. cities to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for eligible children ages 5 and up in order to attend school.
I assume they have assumed liability for the future cardiovascular problems the children will face…
So the “mandate” is really just for show.
Most people are not savvy enough to apply for these, so they’ll go along with it.
Why would I want a flashlight that can set things on fire?
what you want is a fleshlight that comes with an std…
To set things on fire?
You’re a Larry Niven character exploring the Ringworld?
“This flashlight can set anything on fire. Paper…wood…plastic…metal…dogs…cat litter…children that stray into its beam…”
Why *wouldnt* you want one?
*squints suspiciously*
I recognize all the words, but I don’t understand the question…
And the USMNT takes the field again tonight to take on Honduras in what’s really a must-win game
I always end up reading that as United States Mutant Ninja Turtles. Good morning!
Donatello could score more goals than Pulisic, I can assure you of that.
They lost to US! That’s lame.
I always read it as US Mint. And wonder why people are so worried about foreign herbs.
You ever tried to use Gray Market Mint? Things get all trippy.
Planting free ranging mint in your yard is a mistake. Willfully planting horseradish is a crime against humanity. Fecking Triffids, Man. Ask me how I know.
Want me to send you some English Ivy some asshole planted as ground cover in a back corner of our yard?
I hope you keep putting that shit in their laundry detergent…
Honestly, I loved when the mint took over the back yard flower/herb beds. It crowded out all the other weeds, looked nice, and smelled good when I mowed it.
A guy used to work for me in St Louis planted basil.
He would bring in literal bales of it after it took over his yard.
Dill – it is a weed and acts like it.
If there’s anyone who can find a way to lose to the worst team left in the qualifiers, it’s the USA.
I used to go to Golden Corral for lunch, now and then. I was never brave enough to try their steak, but the pot roast was pretty damn tasty, as I recall.
Maybe foods that benefit from overcooking are safe bets at the golden corral. Even safer is to avoid such places entirely.
Who cries more in the Olympics?
Our new study used data on gold medalists of all 450 individual events at the #London2012 & #Rio2016 #Olympics.
It shows that emotional crying is not only a biological feature, but also a cultural phenomenon.
So south american men are a bunch of wimps?
Yes, why else do they have to overcompensate with machismo?
‘f. All the continents except for Africa are associated with a higher probability of crying compared to Europe.’
Weird way of saying Africans cry the least, followed by Europe.
“Who cries more in the Olympics?”
People like me that wonder why I have to deal with that shit?
I think that’d be better classified as “crying at the Olympics.”
No, crying about the Olympics.
Ah, this is why they removed baseball.
[bronx cheer]
They ran out of Hanksies?
As the Supreme Court prepares to hear challenges to affirmative action, two progressive lawmakers are moving to end legacy admissions to prestigious colleges and universities, a practice that largely benefits white students.
Just so we are clear on the real issue you have with the practice.
From my POV as a non connected white, this seems an improvement. Between this and affirmative action, I’m guessing there are relatively few spots left for high achieving whites who are not connected already.
What’s Gulag Barbie up to, these days? I haven’t heard much about her, lately.
I guess she must be busy performing the duties of her august office.
We’re to the point that these people have different offices for each month of the year?
Something about makeup I think
She’s busy dating the evil sexist racist Other.
It turns her on.
You know they just want to “date” her, said the 15 year old.
Her boyfriend looks like a chad. Figures.
Maybe I am mixing my memes up, but Chads are Alpha bros.
AOC’s BF is a Todd or a Winston.
My mistake. He’s a Stu.
Whatever he is, he has seriously poor judgement.
I think I read something about her taking time away from social media because of anxiety, after everyone was dunking on her for getting covid after her Florida parties.
She got the same COWARD-19 variant that Trudeau got?
“Florida Panties” would be a great song name!
Has anyone else noticed the quality of hotels going down lately? I’ve been traveling a fair amount for work, staying at the mid range, to upper mid range hotels. You know Courtyards, Hampton Inn, maybe even a few “nicer” hotels here and there. All of the rooms look like shit. I’ve noticed patches in the bathroom walls. Shitty caulk jobs around the tubs. Rust on some chrome things. Peeling wall paper. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not that picky about that stuff. As long as it seems clean, I’ll sleep wherever, But work is paying for me to be in decent places and what I’m seeing at them is stuff I’d expect at budget hotels. Just my observation, was wondering if anyone else has notices similar.
You get per diem? Hit the Motel 6 and pocket the difference if they’re all trending towards shitholeness.
No, they direct pay for the hotels, but I get all the points. But I don’t tend to stay at the same chains long enough to ever earn free nights. Same with flight points, I’m not on one airline enough to earn free flights. But I do get a rental car at the same place each time and have enough for the next family vacation to get a free one.
Back when I was traveling under the same deal, Embassy Suites was my go-to. The free happy hour is king.
And they’re a Hilton chain so the points go across a lot of places.
I stayed at enough IHG hotels recently that my whole last stay in Maine was on rewards points.
I’ve noticed that a number of formerly decent hotels have changed brands recently. For instance, Hampton Inns or Holiday Inns that were new 20 years ago have sold the buildings to other chains. The only instance I’m aware of in which it didn’t result in an overall downgrade of service and quality was one Holiday Inn that I used to frequent is now under the Marriott banner — one of their midrange brands, I forget what. The place still has a decent bar and the rooms have been remodeled along with the lobby and dining area.
Fun Fact – most of those branded hotels are actually run by franchisees. Rather than the site being sold, the operator probably got into trouble with their first brand and shopped for a different label with no change in management or staff.
Fair enough. In the instance I’m thinking of, there were two Holiday Inns in adjacent towns that simultaneously shifted brands, so probably a franchise switch like you say.
I read somewhere that there definitely was a change in staff. Lots of staff was sent home. And with reduced staff/income, they decided upkeep was just a luxury cost…
Yup. On the way to/from FL, I got to see firsthand the wide variety in quality between hotels of nominally the same chain.
Agreed with all, quality is way down, reduced staff, questionable repairs and lack there of.
Price seems higher by a factor of 1.5.
That’s all transitory. Don’t worry about it.
Transitory. Some day you’ll be dead.
this is Trumps America
Better refresh your browser, Fat! There is a new sheriff in Push Up Contest Towon!
/Pudding Cup Joe
Yeah but that was their plan all along.
Build it super-cheap, but superficially “nice” for their brand. Run the heck out of it for 12-15 years, but defer maintenance of the type you’re describing. Sell it to a lower-market brand after it’s a bit decrepit, and pop up a new one down the road.
The key is age when you’re picking a hotel for work. Gotta aim for the new builds if you don’t want skanky caulk and peeling wallpaper.
Ah, that’s what I’ve seen with the former courtyard in my neck of the woods. Now it’s one of the few places where you can spot gorked-out drug zombies at any hour of the day.
The courtyard nearest to me removed all marriott branding and likely sold to an independent operator. It has now become the hub for the drug and sex worker seediness in my metro. Surely an extreme example but less than two decades ago it was a pretty clean place.
Yeah, I’ve noticed it too. However, I just stayed in the new Conrad in Vegas. It was fucking gorgeous. New hotels are best.
More than half of the country’s top schools do not take legacy status into consideration. But many highly competitive schools, like Harvard, Princeton, Columbia and Stanford, still do, according to U.S. News & World Report. Stanford said in 2020 that 16.2 percent of its class of 2023 are children of Stanford graduates.
Ole! That bull never had a chance. It goes without saying that none of those legacy students could have been admitted in a blind sample. They’re upper class twits.
The drunken layabout undeserving children of rich white people are destroying this nation.
So how many of you see this shit as them basically pretending to actually think she did something wrong when all she did was actually say out loud what all these CRT types believe, and trying to tamp down the fire before it burns their asses?
Gina Carcano would like a word.
Roseanne Barr is coughing rather loudly in the back.
On the offensive-o-meter, I am quite certain that each one of them says far worse each and every day.
You know that Whoopi’s crime was to say what they all say/believe out loud, on camera, and then didn’t take it back when they attempted to do damage control, but that she doubled down on saying it even harder.
The fact that they know what they believe is so fucking wrong that they need to keep it from normal people tells you all you need to know about these fucks.
And I see the Whoopi apologists are present in the replies.
What kind of fool goes to bat for that loathsome moron?
Guinan fanfic aficionados?
Those exist?
Ted Danson is the president…
Yeek. I think I’d admit to my fursuit collection before I’d admit to that.
…sounds like you just did. MUHUHUWAHA.
The same type that excuse every government action, as long as it was my team that did it.
Just don’t get ahead of her at Golden Corral, you’ll regret it. The Whoopster knows her way around the buffet table.
I still am not quite sure if Jewish people are a race or not. I guess it depends on context.
No, they are not. Race is a 19th century pseudo-science that unlike phrenology just won’t go away. She was actually right the first time.
Eh, I don’t know if I buy that.
There are real generic differences between groups that affect their lives in terms of health, physical characteristics, etc. That doesn’t mean be an asshole to people and obviously each individual will vary.
OK, so race says there are 3, maybe 4, actual racial categories. You should also understand that when this was all promulgated, it supported polygenic origin of mankind – as opposed to us all resulting from one common ancestral line. [Which of course now we are learning was a little more complicated than that.] You can take lots of groups within the same race and find inter-group differences, just as you can take groups from different races and find inter-group commonalities. Thomas Sowell’s Wealth, Poverty and Politics is a must read on this.
OK, so race says there are 3, maybe 4, actual racial categories.
Mitochondrial DNA clusters can be grouped to almost any level of specificity. At N=2, you have African and non-African, at N=3, non-African splits into Caucasian and Asian, at N=4, Asian splits into Old World Asian and Amerindian, etc.
The choice of N is arbitrary but at each N the groupings are not.
As soon as you get into DNA – you’ve left behind ‘race’ as it was originated.
At N=3, the exact 19th century racial categories emerge: Negroid (African), Caucasoid, and Mongoloid (Asian). Pretty good for people who didn’t even know about DNA.
Eh, she wasn’t disputing the concept of “race”, just categorizing Jews as wypipo.
Which means they’re icky.
Dozens of ticked-off diners got into an all-out brawl that was caught on video at a Golden Corral buffet in Pennsylvania after the eatery ran out of steak.
And to think that GC is such a classy place.
Watching the video it looked like the GC attendants (female) were doing a good job in trying to settle things down. I’ll feel safer eating there but no ring side seat for me. The ladies were up to the job and I admire them for that. The brouhaha turned into a melee quickly.
Or was it more of a donnybrook?
Yeah, not sure I’d get in the middle of that… I would have let them trash the place. They weren’t paying me enough to stand between two mobs fighting.
Fuck that. Start taking bets…
Low life assholes on both sides there. Take it to the parking lot.
I am happy to see Lia and her giant Adam’s apple, balls, and dick thrown out of women’s sports. I hope they erase her “records” in women’s swim too. If they don’t negate her records, they must come up with a “longest dick in women’s swim” to go with it.
What will this mean for Jeopardy! ? Probably nothing, since “winningest female” was a made up distinction anyway, not a published goal by the show’s producers.
I still hope they get rid of the artificial distinction of men vs women sports.
Gah, It’s like hoping that the most hateful one gets voted off the island. Boston Rob won twice.
I don’t think sex/gender is any kind of advantage in Jeopardy anyway.
You didn’t get your patriarchy read-ahead? All the answers are in there.
Fuck that, I hope they keep Xe in the sport, and admit more competitors like Xem. The only way for the madness to end at this point is to take the insanity to its logical conclusion. In other words, once Suburban Karen learns that her daughters have zero shot at a D1 athletic scholarship no matter how much time she spends on the soccer field, then serious acknowledgement of gender differences can begin.
We need to utterly destroy women’s sports to save them.
“Hershey Tells Unvaccinated Employees To Hit The Highway”
Infuriating article but I love the title.
*waggles eyebrows*
Is the vax safe for Oompa Loompas?
That’s a shitty thing for them to do.
Pushed em right out the ole chute!
John Hopkins University said diverse admissions increased sharply after it moved to end the practice in 2020, with a drop of nearly 10 percent in admissions of students with legacy ties. The school’s president, Ronald J. Daniels, wrote at the time that the decision was necessary to fulfill the “democratic promise to be ladders of mobility for all.”
I can’t help wondering if that was just a recognition of an existing trend.
How many Johns Hopkins alumni look at that school and say, “That’s not the school I went to. I’m not pissing away good money sending my kids there.”?
I considered it at one point when I thought their commitment to ruthless meritocratic performance still outweighed the ever present bullshit.
It’s out of the question now. They’ll never see another dime from me.
I feel the value of the name of the degree is still enough. No one cares about what you learn in University. It is all about the paperwork
That right there shows why the system is broken. It isn’t what you know, but who you know (to get you that piece of paper and a useless degree).
$64K/year plus expenses in order to be abused with vaccine mandates and woke conformity, all the while living in one of the worst cities in America.
Not to mention the deeply unethical segments of the John Hopkins Corporation that provide hormone treatments to twelve year olds and facilitate their surgical mutilation.
And let’s not forget that the premier medical school in America did not develop a single protocol for early treatment of COVID. That’s an ethical failing of immense proportions and puts the lie to their stated purpose for existing.
People don’t realize that JHU is the largest non-governmental employer in the state of Maryland. It’s a massive company, largely funded by federal contracts, more so than any other university.
$64K/year plus expenses – think of it like old time aristocrats donating money to the church. It was necessary to maintain social status. Just like some spend that on a car / jewelry / etc… Off course you also need to attend “woke church” to prove your “woke piety” donating is not enough, so that is the unpleasant part.
So you go there and just look at the woke choir ladies and rub your pud like people do?
What if all the woke choir ladies are UPenn tranny swimmers?
JHU has no merit scholarships. They pro-rate tuition based on parental income up to about $150K/year IIRC.
Of course, many parents have accountants whose sole job is to hide their income so the kids qualify for assistance.
My dad viewed a college degree as a paper that says you could make it through the system and finish something.
Slingshot Bikini Try on Haul!
ehm NSFW I would venture to guess
Remember how I told you to watch The Beverly Hillbillies? There is an episode in which Elie Mae is introduced to a double-barreled slingshot by Miss Hathaway.
I see she prefers swimsuits that accentuate her labia. Good for her.
Concur.. And good for us as well..
Meh. I like the girl next door type, genital warts and all.
that depends a lot of where you live I assume
Girl next door yes, genital warts no.
ROFL, y’all are sick.
Nice body. Size up those tits a couple of cups and you’ve really got something.
nonsense that is close to perfect size maybe a touch to big
Wow, i think is the strongest reaction i have seen from one of your finds.
There is something different about her.
she is Dareing
also she was a disney princess
Legacy preference in college admissions dates to the 1920s, when the U.S. took in an influx of immigrants. Bowman said in a statement that the practice “has antisemitic and anti-immigrant roots” and that it “creates another systemic barrier to accessing higher education.”
“This is a practice rooted in hate and exclusion, while affirmative action is rooted in righting historical wrongs,” he added.
Sure, why not?
BLM leaders are warned they will be held personally liable if they fail to disclose details of $60M in donations by California DoJ – as charities’ financial mysteries deepen
Gotta let Uncle Sam wet his beak.
To a lot of us, those weren’t actually mysteries.
It’s a shame that most people only know Werewolves of London.
I don’t get the love for Warren but that’s just me.
Interesting/weird stories with okay to good musical accompaniment. Worse things have been more loved.
Yeah, it’s not a stinker, but it’s not his best. Guessing it’s just weird enough to get a listen without being too weird, like excitable boy.
That one as well.
Lawyers, Guns and Money seems to be somewhat known, too.
The entire Excitable Boy album is awesome. Those two Sloopy linked are awesome, and yes it’s a shame that FM radio has made Werewolves utterly overplayed. Nighttime in the Switching Yard is another great one from that album.
“SHVO has been proud to work with Sai’s Restaurant throughout the pandemic to help the restaurant remain open, amending the family’s lease and forgiving rent on multiple occasions,”
Because pho people can’t afford rent?
*narrows gaze*
But they will love you long time.
Every day that passes the “30-50 feral hogs” guy becomes more and more like a prescient god
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
What the fuck do we do with this? It’s the metaverse, you twat. That basically means you play by Grand Theft Auto rules…
rape em back
But… but… you have to pay extra to add a vagina dentata to your avatar! IT’S NOT FAAAAAIR!
Sure you have to pay but for the results you get, it’s worth it.
Can’t help but notice everyone in the article was Indian.
I have a friend that’s been to India multiple times for work. Some cities she’s not permitted to leave the hotel for her own safety. I couldn’t tell you which cities were ok and which weren’t.
Basically anywhere in the north of the country isn’t safe.
In Mumbai and South gangs of women will beat up perverts when they strike. Of course, that still implied the need for such actions, so, how safe is it really?
Of course, this report makes me think of that crazy socialist gal in Seattle (Portland?) Who was viciously attacked in broad daylight by a kind gentleman named Hugh Mongus.
I blame the fire water
Ass Wednesday makes the rockin’ world go round.
I guess the ChiComs didn’t bend the knee.
China’s Xi Jinping is the greatest threat that open societies face today. The country’s roiling real estate market, falling population, and fast-spreading omicron variant might be his undoing, all during his prestige project of the Winter Olympics.
Soros is pissed because Xi is not committed to one world governance in any way, shape, or form.
It’s Dr. Evil versus Dr. Eviler.
Exactly. I had someone tell me that since Soros was not happy with Xi, he couldn’t be all that bad. I pointed out that Soros complaint of Xi was that Soros was jealous he couldn’t stack bodies as high as Xi could, and usually does, whenever the fit hits him.
No, they are totally committed to one-world governance, just with themselves in charge instead of woke Western elites.
One could only hope.
Minds ruined by “democracy” understand autocratic rule challenge (difficulty: impossible)
Xi will not be undone the way a “democratic” leader would be. The PRC is not anything like late-stage USSR.
I just saw a stupid commercial on youtube:
Man and woman outside Food Lion, wife going inside, maskless. Inside, everyone has masks on. Outside, maskless, and a complete stranger runs up to the couple, gets in their faces and shouts a joyous “woo-hoo” or something, spewing her COVID-Death-Breath all over them.
What a fucking clown show world.
What’s the intended message?
I don’t get it.
Who knows? I had the audio off, so it looked like maybe a commercial for their coupon app or something. I think they needed to show facial expressions so they had part of the ad take place outside. But the COVID theater was strong…and made masking seem all that much more useless and perfunctory.
What is a food lion?
Belgian owned grocery store.
You know, because Belgians have pet lions.
A grocery store chain.
AdBlock, man. AdBlock.
I use Brave which has a built in ad block that doesn’t work for youtube ads.
The only time I’ve seen a youtube ad try to start in years was when the wonky way hotel wifi handles connections caused the filters to fail to load.
If you can add some filters and turn off “acceptable ads”, you should be able to kill that nonsense.
the two-week cooldown period in which a controversial person is suspended purely for PR purposes will hereafter be known as a “Whoopi cushion”
*polite applause*
WATCH: Man in Ottawa melts down over the honking from the freedom convoy.
“I haven’t slept in five days!”
He’s got a lot of energy for someone who hasn’t slept in five days.
For CZ fans.
Illegal in NY.
And also, I don’t really see the point for paying a premium price for a blowback PCC. If I were to shell out that kind of money, it’s be for a Banshee.
I like my carbine.
I’ve got one that works, and I built it for like $500.
I’m not good with it but it runs. Maybe I should bring it to the next Winter Steel.
Also also, why is the TS2 still only available in 9mm? Why would you shoot Limited minor instead of Production?
Because Limited will always be superior to Production. Limited Minor is just an additional challenge, so if you can make alphas fast, it can be satisfying.
I mean, I shoot limited major, but I can see the bragging rights of doing it in minor power factor and being competitive.
One of my many noob mistakes was not running race gun nationals when it was back-to-back with factory gun nationals.
My thought was that I didn’t have an open gun, but I could have just run my Shadow2 in L10.
Huh. I guess I didn’t realize there was no size restriction on Limited guns.
Still though, there is very little difference between L10 and Prod. Mostly the holstering.
There are three kinds of Limited Minor shooters:
– Newbies who don’t really know the game and are just showing up with whatever hardware they have,
– Dweebs who think that the extra three rounds in the magazine gives them an advantage over the dudes who only need to shoot Charlies,
– Hardcore 3-gun shooters who are after some extra trigger time with their TacOps gun.
There used to be a fourth type – Alpha Timmies who want to shoot their 9mm carry gun from appendix. They mostly migrated to Production and Carry Optics after the last big rules change.
What the rat said. Delayed blowback and gas piston PCCs just work a lot better than the straight blowback guns…
Plus they don’t beat the crap out of your hammer and trigger pin holes.
Confirmed for M-16 owner. 🙂
Let’s also not forget what Biden and co. did to Clarence Thomas.
Next time you hear President Biden and Senator Durbin opine that there’s never been an African American woman on the Supreme Court, remember that they blocked the incredibly qualified Janice Rogers Brown from the DC Circuit to keep her from the Supreme Court.
holy crap the replies to him are simultaneously brutal and clueless
Could you imagine the hate she would have gotten if she had been a nominee?
BTW, don’t read the replies. One of these days I will quit doing that to myself.
I know maybe it’s traditional, but they could have always assumed her directly to the SC of they wanted to, no need to go through DC.
Any day now the left will be hoisted by its own hypocrisy. Any day now…
So we get confirmation that the dnc is a crime syndicate, but this will likely only serve to make democrats go even more crime syndicate as nothing will come from it.
On if by “girlfriend” you meant “dude I met at a gay bar” and by “fondled” you meant “put his penis in”.
He should go try the gay sex thing. If he doesn’t like it he knows he isn’t gay…
That’s what HM told me he did to figure out if he was gay…
I ain’t afraid of trying it, I’m afriad I’ll like it
A much better headline from that column:
This is an interesting strategy. It will be interesting to see if the Teachers’ union has enough clout to ram this through. Or if the parents are urinated off enough to reject this bullshit.
Fire them all and decertify the union.
‘improved retention for educators of color.’
What the actual f.
This is the wacko they picked to ask Biden a question at a town hall.
I’m a pediatrician.
Please stay away from the children.
But she’s a Republican!
Opportunity awaits
Next on Glassdoor’s list was full stack engineer ($101,794 a year with 11,252 openings) who develop websites or applications, followed by data scientist ($120,000 a year with 10,071 openings) who collect and analyze data.
I’d surmise the demand for data manipulation has never been higher. If you can make the numbers dance around on their hind legs and jump through flaming hoops like Barnum and Bailey’s snarling tigers, you should be able to name your own price.
The old adage “Garbage in, garbage out” applies doubly to AIs.
The GIGO thing is true big-time in AI. But here’s what’s driving the heavy pull for data scientists: It’s about automating decision-making, which, if you can do it well enough, lets you get lots of high-cost humans off of the payroll, PLUS the carrot that somewhere out there is the possibility that somebody can do it well enough for a game-changing competitive advantage.
Everybody believes that. So nobody can afford to be the one who never even tried when their competitors are hoping to dig up the golden ticket that’ll raise them to Amazon status and suddenly obsolesce the rest of the industry.
SJWednesday: We’re Going Old-School Social Justice Today
This pope is definitely a plant from the other team…
You mean that poseur Pope right? Not me?
I have principles! I only play for the team that pays the most!
Your holiness, I would never, ever disparage your creds. My vig, erm donation, is in the mail…
The argument against having a king is that he would take 10% of your stuff.
I like the implication that because it existed, it was moral.
I’d like to see him make the argument for slavery.
*looks at tax return*
Where do i sign up for that plan?
Jesus would hodl bitcoin.
Hey Popey, what does the Bible say about rulers oppressing the rabble?
“The Lord said to me BIBELLUJAH!
Thou shall walk amongst the masses
Amongst the rich, the poor, AND THE INSANE
And thou shall say to them…
Fuck you, you assholes”
Scripturally-defined taxes were also very well defined and understandable. “Tax” wasn’t a majic word that the JBTs could apply to anything they wanted just to make it right (lookin’ at you, Roberts).
The original taxing powers in the Constitution were arguably designed specifically to comply (general equity principle) with Biblical taxation practices/principles.
If I ever submit anything for publication here, that’ll prolly be it.
Yes, seconded. Could be very interesting.
Yeah, this is quite disingenuous on the Pope’s part.
Paying 50% of your gross peasant’s income to the bureaucratic state that hates you and wants to subvert your religion is not the same as paying 10% of your excess income to a kingly state that explicitly worships God.
“The Bible,” he pointed out, “does not demonize money, but offers an invitation to use it correctly, to not become slaves to it, and not to turn it into an idol.”
Is the pope familiar with the Catholic Church?
“Do as I say, not as I do.”
In Italy the state collects tax revenue that goes to the Catholic church, so of course he wants people to pay taxes. Same in Austria and maybe elsewhere in Europe.
It’s a rather small amount (0.8%) and it’s only paid in whole to the Church if the taxpayer designates (otherwise, it gets split)
So off topic.
Was working from home yesterday, wife calls me telling me our neighbor called her because our animals are loose.
You cannot believe how hard it is to get 14 sheep and one cow back to where they belong by yourself.
I couldn’t. Neighbor helped.
Tractor dealership came over to go over tractor, turns out implement had fittings on wrong direction.
They delivered it that way.
How is the protest coverage?
Basically nonexistent. This is so greasy.
Ugh, I hated getting those calls. I have to wrangle cows and it’s not fun. Donkeys are the worst though. Get some field fencing up if you don’t have it.
Spring is coming soon for us here. Already have goslings and bourbon red poults ordered for April. Nice female Jersey calved recently. And I think my wife is going to pick up a couple potbelly piglets as outside pets for the yard. We’re looking at Guinea hogs, but those are going to be more of a commitment.
I’m almost done bush hogging, and then I can swap the bush hogger out with the plow for the garden. Most the 3 pt attachments are fine, but the bush hog must weigh close to 1k lbs and it’s not a fun job at all to attach/reattach.
They were all in a 50×200 ft run.
Now that we can mow and till we are planning on big garden, millet/oat/sunflower for chicken feed. Corn for some sheep , And who knows.
Wife wants an alpaca or two…. I need to continue to build fencing.
And i agree about the attachments.
Would not change a thing, even if all of this does kill me.
Wife wants an alpaca or two – the hair styling can get expensive on those
Wives or alpacas?
both, I presume
In 20 years that will be Whoopi-esque..
Yes, also she’s getting fat.
Curves are sexy, prediabetes is not (not that there’s no room for empathy there but they need to stop encouraging that shit). There’s nothing stunning and brave about being proud of your preventable future health issues.
Palette cleanser
From the bottom of that article:
‘I always have sex on the first date – it weeds out guys who are bad at it’
I guess announcing that up front is one way for her to increase her dating prospects.
REPORTER: “How many black women do you have on staff and how are they informing your decision to move forward with the SCOTUS nomination.”
MCCONNELL: “Actually, I haven’t checked. We don’t have a racial quota in my office…”
Even though he sucks I’ll give credit where it’s due…good answer.
To normals it is, otherwise watch that get twisted and beat to death by the growing racists in the media.
Whatever number he gave wouldn’t have been enough since they would all be race traitors.
“All of my staff have agreed to identify as whatever race and gender I name for five seconds whenever we need to take a poll of race and gender in the office, so I can confidently say that if you name a race and gender, my office is 100% staffed by exactly that.”
I bet a couple of republican senators are going to have “accidents” to address this team blue issue/problem….
It would help if they put in the background of what happened. I’m extrapolating from context but don’t care for leaving out relevant information.
He could have been with Feng-Feng after “Swalloswell” had to give hitting that up?
The theme of taxation, noted Pope Francis, appears regularly in the Bible, and was an aspect of every government that ruled over the Holy Land.
“The Bible,” he pointed out, “does not demonize money, but offers an invitation to use it correctly, to not become slaves to it, and not to turn it into an idol.”
Resist temptation. Give that money to the church. We’ll put it to good use.
Shuffling around priests diddling kids?
Diddling is just a fringe benefit.
What I like about this study is that they give all the alternative explanations right in the abstract https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35104193/ What’s your preferred interpretation?
Who cares who the next coach of the Vikes is? (rumored to be that jackass Harbaugh) We need these goal post movers next time the VIke’s kicker is trying to win a game
Uffda. I remember when a paltry vax rate of 64% would have triggered a ton of admonishment from the media and the ruling class for being so low. Now it is the reason that OmicRona didn’t kill us all?
Next coach has to identify as POC or “systemic racism.”
We got a GM with a strange name. We have a green light to hire a shit lord for coach.
I am mostly on Brian Flores’ side…except he had to throw in the “NFL is like a plantation” line. Ugh.
Cleveland is already ahead of that. From an article talking about the Vikings signing Kwesi Adofo-Mensah (analytics guy) from the Browns:
Whelp. Need to back away for the day. Hopefully new friend lays off the “sex and cuddles” descriptions with her partner. The last two nights have been squirmy. I’m Hank fucken Hill, Goddangit! Hope you all have a great one!
Them boys ain’t right…
I don’t “get” Warren Zevon. I can listen to his stuff and recognize it as a decent song. But I have never really enjoyed his work.
WSDOT Traffic
Warning signWe’ve closed the I-5 express lanes entrance/exit ramp on 9th & Pike until further notice.Warning sign
The reason is a significant amount of wire theft. We cannot operate the gates or signage for that ramp without power. The express lanes will operate as normal with this exception.
I thought this was a eastern europe thing did not know y’all had it too
Sometimes, depends on the price of copper.
when fiber optics came to Romania some would dig them up thinking they were copper
It’s a Central American thing.
It’s worldwide.
All I can say is, don’t get caught in China doing that.
You can steal all the private property you want, but touching government stuff is a no-no.
Maybe not China? But it’s definitely a thing in Europe and Africa.
I’m not going to argue that at all.
Hell, it’s a Baltimore and Detroit thing too.
American cities are rapidly descending into Third World crap holes.
That’s by design…
Copper theft has been happening for ages but they shouldn’t take away from your point.
A local establishment in the middle of a remodel (after closing during lockdowns and getting purchased by a new owner), had to delay their opening after approximately $20,000 worth of copper was stolen from the site. Local news stories have the primary suspect being one of the contractors who was working on the remodel.
Friedman, so you know it’s surreal – but this might just be a little more surreal than usual.
Useful idiots need to useful idiot…
Tom Friedman and Al Franken grew up in the same Minnesoda suburb/neighborhood.
I point that fact out to my buddy who lives there now. How his kids are doomed because of whatever is in the water there. His rejoinder is that the Coen brothers also grew up there.
In hindsight, was there any point before thr age of 18 where you feel like you could have meaningfully consented to sex with someone 12 years older?
well the previously linked slinghshot bikini girl is like 28 and I could have meaningfully consented when I was 16 (not that any hot 28 year old women asked back then )
“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has called for Facebook and other US firms to be ‘broken up’ for ‘sabotaging’ the global response to the Covid-19 pandemic for being complicit in spreading ‘disinformation’.
The Democratic Senator for New York also argued that the tech giant, which recently changed its name to Meta, should be subject to anti-trust action for its ‘corrosive abuse of democracy’ and role in ‘contributing to and accelerating social violence’.
Facebook and other social media goliaths like Twitter have been criticized over the past 18 months for providing a platform to spread what some perceive as false information about the virus.
But there are numerous examples of the same social media networks introducing blanket, seemingly arbitrary bans on reputable scientists as well as politicians challenging the official response to Covid-19.
The progressive lawmaker’s latest tirade against Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook and other US firms comes last than a day after she returned to Twitter, having declared less than 24 hours before that she was taking a break from the platform due to ‘negative comments that caused anxiety’.
AOC has one of the largest social media followings of any US politician with close to 13 million followers on Twitter, 8.5 million followers on Instagram and over a million subscribers on Facebook.”
Because some of you were wondering….
AOC has one of the largest social media followings of any US politician with close to 13 million followers on Twitter, 8.5 million followers on Instagram and over a million subscribers on Facebook.”
Yeah cause she isn’t entirely ugly or ancient and Twitter/Instagram is the new Montgomery Ward’s underwear pages for kids who have porn blockers on their internet access
Sears Catalog
What percentage of those are CCP sanctioned bots?
if democracy brings this thing to power democracy may be a mistake
“The Democratic Senator for New York”
Look, you can’t expect them to get little details like that right. Correctness is white supremacy.
“Meet the Washington Commanders! NFL team FINALLY announces new name two years after dropping ‘racially insensitive’ Redskins”
What kind of dumb ass name is that?
Stupid, that’s what kind
Commandos rather than Commanders. We all know it’s the EM that do the work
They should have rebranded as the Redskins, and have the mascot be an Indian holding a potato.
Dot, not feather. Just too really mess with people.
The Washington Nikki Haley’s?
Make it the lingerie league and I’ll watch.
I would have preferred and cheered if it were Washington Commies
Still works.
I’d pay to see that photoshop. Hammer and sickle on the side of the helmets with a silhouette of the Capitol in the background, Soviet block lettering. *chef’s kiss*
Red Coats would have been better
Should’ve been the Washington Colonels. Lots of famous Colonels that evoke the values of D.C.: Custer, Ghaddafi, Peron…
Fuck Snyder and Fuck the woke football league asshatery.
The owners have no balls (one figuratively and literally…).
Don’t care. They are forever the Washington Football Team to me.
Washington Team of Football is more appropriate.
Well, they couldn’t go with Masters.
They’re named after my shot timer.
Makes perfect sense.
They should have chosen the Spiders…wait, wrong rename.
Still, Spiders would be better than Commanders.
Swamp Rats
I think they should have gone with Pigskins. To honor the fans, football and have some sort of continuity.
“Lockdowns, school closures and limiting gatherings only reduced COVID mortality by 0.2% at ‘enormous economic and social costs’, study finds”
A new report led by a Johns Hopkins University economist found that overall, lockdowns reduced Covid mortality in the US and Europe – including Britain – by just 0.2 per cent. Looking at stay-at-home orders directly, they were slightly more effective at 2.9 per cent. closing nonessential shops was the most effective intervention, leading to a 10.6 per cent drop in virus fatalities. The report, which has not been peer-reviewed, said that this was probably due to shutting pubs and restaurants where alcohol is consumed. School closures were linked to a smaller 4.4 per cent decrease”
I don’t think the lockdowns worked either, but how do they get .2%?
I’d put good money on the lockdowns making it worse.
We knew very early on that most people were catching it from their family, at home.
It’s probably 0.2% +/- 5% (to make up a number), meaning it was almost as likely to make it worse.
Isn’t a lockdown more severe than any of the other measures listed?
Need a definition of each of these.
hes incredible
genuinely in awe of this guy
an entire career of finding messed up things to justify. they span the gamut too. all shocking in different ways.
one had never even registered to me as a sacred norm before he took a swing at it
Drugs might be falling outta my ass, but gordilocks got printed in Newsweek- maybe for afternoon links?
TPTB were rejoicing about that last night – he did a really good interview we may link as well.
The Swastika flag, he has a point. The confederate flag I think he’s giving away bases to overton window. Not that I would ever fly a confederate flag, nor do I have any love for it, but I don’t find the General Lee to be ‘ugly and reprehensible’.
Yeah. Are we at the point where the only acceptable symbol for rebellion is that anchor thingy from Star Wars?
Didn’t you see how the Rebellion treated Ewoks like cannon fodder?! They are totes razist.
/looks out window at Whiskey Rebellion flag flying in back yard
I have one of those in my garage.
Thanks! That was excellent.
Sure seems like a small group of people keep getting involved in violent crimes. Funny how that happens. Maybe shit birds flock together? It is interesting that all the normies who commented on the victim qualified their praise for the kid. (“When he had things going, he was very intense, a very positive kid,”)
Where they at a Golden Corral or coming back from one?
Think of the stories they would write about the old time gangsters. “Poor Ole Larson was saddened to hear that his friend John Dillenger was shot down yesterday. Sadly for Ole this isn’t the first tragedy to hit him. He has also lost his beloved mother figure “Ma” Barker (and friends Bonnie and Clyde Barrow) to gun violence.”
Guess what? You hang around a lot of criminal thugs and you are going to lose some friends.
And you wonder why the HH crowd has thinned down over the years? C’mon man. They ain’t criminals, they were just saving SS.
“Sure seems like a small group of people keep getting involved in violent crimes. Funny how that happens. Maybe shit birds flock together?”
Look at you your holiness…
All about using logic and reasoning to sting things together…
Unfortunately this will anger the people that are all about the feels..
“keep getting involved in violent crimes.”
Wrong meme. I thought it was funny how those involved in crimes were always “gentle giants” or “turning their life around” or “thinking of going to college?”
In that story they do their very best to paint the victim as a kid who just loved football and was trying to turn his life around.
What was funny to me is that everyone except his close family qualified their praise for him. Like his coach who said that when he had things going, he was a good kid. The inference being that sometimes he didn’t have things going.
Don’t forget “aspiring rapper.”
“Getting shot to death will totally amp your street cred.”
“an alternative school in the Intermediate District 287 that serves students from pre-K to age 21.”
How in hell do pre-K kids get to an “Alt School”?
Is this what we would have called “Pre-Reform School” or is that out dated, too?
How in hell do pre-K kids get to an “Alt School”?
Born Gangstaz?
Saw a blurb that Chris Brown was accused of rape, it reminded me of this.
“Singer Chris Brown is being sued for rape in California, with his alleged victim claiming he drugged her and attacked her on a yacht at rap mogul Diddy’s Florida home. ”
I thought there was no need of attacking on a yacht because of the implications
I guess that’d work as long as you’re okay with only sailing with the wind.
Puffy has a yacht in his house?
It’s very common for homes here to have docks if they’re on the water, so I don’t see why not.
I miss Red Eye.
Never tried but always sounded like a shit cocktail to me
From what I have been able to garner through the gobbly-gook of the Sports Press’ understanding of law, the Brian Flores lawsuit is arguing The Rooney Rule (affirmative action) is the racist thing, as it makes the candidates interviewed under it no more than tokens. Which is what people against that sort of thing have said from the beginning. He is claiming the Giants only interviewed him because they needed to interview a minority candidate. As he alleges they already knew who they were going to hire. So I don’t see how this can be alleging that the Giants were the racist party for simply following the rules, but that the rule itself is racist. It’s hard to parse with the ‘MehRzizmmm!11’ the press is spouting, but that is my understanding of it.
It’s silly.
If a team already decided to promote their offensive coordinator to head coach, they can’t do it without wasting the time of some black guys.
The theory, stated back when the Rooney Rule was created, is that it isn’t about this hire, but for future hires. “Hey remember that guy we were forced to interview, he was impressive, maybe we should bring him back for a real interview this time.”
I can write fantasies to, but mine usually end in a MFF threesome.
You fix the cable?
Well, I come on time, so no.
Good read about age/cultural differences on the right.
“Contrary to some prejudices among the younger Right, not every self-identified conservative over 50 is deluded and useless” – not every is not saying much
“Likewise, older conservatives need to know that not every young, right-wing provocateur on Twitter is a racist anarchist. ” – anarchist is not what I get from the young right at all
What about we gen x’ers? I like to think I’m a deluded anarchist.
As a Gen-X’er myself, I think of myself as “Fuck you, leave me alone and leave that other guy alone too”
*resumes slacking*
I would think most glibs are not the kind of right wing the article refers to, but I cannot really keep track of who is what around here
Old Gen-X is on the downhill side of 55 and 45 is bringing up the rear, so I don’t know what the writer considers “older conservatives” because there’s a world of difference between boomers and Gen-X.
Seconded, I read that last night and thought it was a good breakdown. I don’t consider myself “on the right” necessarily as much as high up on the Y axis, but I was having a conversation with a very conservative Boomer customer last week and that divide was very much acted out. He is much more sanguine about current events and doesn’t see the existential threat that the left currently poses.
I am in my 40s but probably do think more that way than you.
I don’t think it’s ever been different or that we are in special times.
Consider that someone who is in their 50s has seen decades of what they were told is existential threat already.
I’ve very much observed this in my/wife’s parents. They implicitly trust the experts in a way that is unshakeable. They see a system that is too complex for them to understand, and they defer to people who they assume are neutral arbiters of truth and insight in that area. OTOH, I think our (millennial) generation of the right has been exposed to the worldview differences between us and the credentialed class from childhood. Also, the constant noise from the scientific space about “eggs are good”, “no eggs are bad”, “no eggs are good with a glass of wine” has embedded a deep cynicism. The idea that an expert doesn’t have my best interest at heart is a very natural conclusion for me to reach.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. But seeing the youngsters 20s-30s-40s wearing masks and lining up for their daily testing doesn’t offer much hope either.
Yep. The people pushing against this BS is a small minority, across all ages.
“As far as the younger dissident right is concerned, most old-line “conservative” publications are part of the same corrupt media establishment.”
How are they wrong?
In a just world I would expect this story to lead to a lot of arrests/resignations. But I fully expect the MSM to completely ignore it. And if it does get to big to ignore, I expect Ilhan Omar to shamelessly call anyone who asks her why so many of her friends were stealing millions from govt programs a racist.
The background to that story. $455B of money was allegedly stolen from the Dept. of Education by two Minnesoda nonprofits. The funds were supposed to feed poor kids.
Shockingly, our newest citizens from Somalia seem to be up to their earballs in the grift. I have said before, that the Somalis have taken to the nonprofit grift like ducks to water. Every one of them starts some nonprofit and then starts receiving grants, loans and other govt handouts. In this case it seems like they just were a little too exuberant in their siphoning off of money.
Can you blame them? You come from a shithole and here stupid people are giving you bales of money. Why not take it?
I blame the assholes in charge of that money.
It would be perfectly acceptable to hang them as far as I’m concerned.
Sorry, that should have been only a mere $455M.
Still that is a bit over $3000 per “poor” kid. I put poor in there because you are poor if your parents make less than $45K/year.
I did not realize that I was a poor kid for much of my life. In fact I thought we were doing better than most.
Should that be an M?
It was only $455M. But in today’s crazy world, would you be that shocked if it was $455B?
They learned quickly from the Hmongs?
Matthew Yglesias
· 15h
The moral of every story about something dumb happening at a school board somewhere is that school boards are a bad idea and the mayor or county executive should appoint an administrator to run the school system.
maybe school boards are one weird vestige from the era when participatory democracy existed in the us (managerialists hate this)
Dictatorial control because DEMOCRACY.
How do they do that?
That is exactly what NYC did many decades ago. School boards abolished and control handed over to a mayoral agency, the NYC Board of Education. I don’t think the results have been great. NYC already spends more per pupil than (I think) any other public school system in the US, around $30K per pupil per year. New mayor wants to bump that up to around 40K.
Well if that dont work nothin will. No wait, if that dont work 50k will.
Give each parent a $20k voucher and let them enroll in a private school. Or group together and hire a teacher.
With six kids, $120k would hire a decent teacher and have money for books and supplies. You can rotate weeks of hosting the class.
Get a few more kids and you could rent a small office somewhere.
That sounds like anarchy.
I’ve mentioned before about my friend who is a social worker who tells me that the system in PA measures its success in units of treatment delivered, not in outcomes, or number of clients who have improved their lives to the point of not being in the system anymore.
When I hear proponents of public education talking in terms of spending per pupil, all I can think of is that they work the same way–success for the school system is spending money on students, not on educating them or preparing them to enter the real world of adulthood.
success for the school system is spending money
on students, not on educating them or preparing them to enter the real world of adulthood.Seems like a positive career move.
Same Shit, Different Busts
“Former Gold Coast, Australia, police officer Zachary Maidment is making porn videos with his ex-fiancée, Playboy cover girl Tyana Hansen. ”
At least they are still friends.
Gotta make a living man..
I wonder if the cops beating up protesters kink got into porn in aussieland
Hmm, the URL says he sniffed it off her butt, but the headline says it was her breasts. I’m confused and demand answers.
But it’s not the same without RPG’s.
Taliban terrorist fighters were firmly told Wednesday they can no longer carry weapons on visits to carnivals in Afghanistan, nor can they arrive in military grade transport or wear uniforms.
The group’s spokesman issued the order to disarm in what appeared to be another effort by the country’s new rulers to soften their image as they seek foreign funds while also guaranteeing the safety of parents with children enjoying local attractions.
The Taliban’s militia fighters flocked to amusement parks in Afghan cities in towns after they took over in August as they celebrated their victory in the wake of the retreat by U.S. forces and their allies.
With classic carnival games like: Hang the Fag, Whack an Infidel and the crowd favorite, Honor Killing Your Raped Daughter
You forgot the tasty Burro’s you can buy to eat there.
Oh Ali, don’t take your gun to town…
RIP Kenny Rogers
longer carry weapons on visits to carnivals
I thought they were only giving up their weapons for Lent.
The horns of Jericho?
“Afghanistan’s Taliban told they can’t take their guns to the funfair
KABUL, Feb 2 (Reuters) – Taliban fighters will no longer be allowed to carry their weapons in amusement parks in Afghanistan, the group’s spokesman said on Wednesday, in what appeared to be another effort by the country’s new rulers to soften their image.
Taliban fighters, many of whom have spent most of their lives in a 20-year insurgency against a U.S.-backed government, flocked to amusement parks in Afghan cities in towns after they took over in August.
“Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate are not allowed to enter amusement parks with weapons, military uniforms and vehicles,” the main Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, said on Twitter.
“(They) are obliged to abide by all the rules and regulations of amusement parks.””
Why are those guys holding hands?
Missed it by this much.
“Taliban Amusement Park”
Genuine LOL
What with “Shoot An Infidel and Win a Teddy Bear” for your covered head to toe sweetheart? I’m still laughing at the idea of a roller coaster with the ladies clad in black.
False. Tyrannical cuntes like you keep deliberately misinterpreting it for your own purposes.
Biden: “The Constitution is always evolving, slightly”
Interpretation is always evolving, otherwise it hasn’t since 1992 but I am just an undesirable.
TRUE: The constitution is always evolving. How many times has some scholarly fellow found special glasses hidden in some brickwork that reveal a whole nother section of the Constitution?
To be fair, he is old enough to remember some of the amendments being added.
To some degree he’s right. For example, I can see an argument that definition of cruel and unusual punishment changes over time. It originally was meant to ban things like disemboweling or drawing and quartering, but there were probably things that they didn’t consider cruel and unusual then that we would today.
Neither of those are cruel or unusual, depending upon the crime. There are plenty of people who need to be strung up by their own entrails.
The Euros have a weird bi-polar approach to nuclear energy.
Germans are just weird.
My friend in dutchland thinks this will soon turn around and Europeans will go in on nuclear. This is based on the fact that his electric bill (heating included) is over 500 euros a month and that people will realize windmills and solar panels do not work well enough. I myself am less optimistic.
It’s an interesting (read bizarre) dichotomy.
German Greens despise nuclear and coal, but they’ve created a situation where they rely on Russia for NG.
But the German Greens also hate Russia.
All I can conclude is that the German Green party is just stupid.
German Greens also hate Russia. – or is that just a ruse?
also reminder, if necessary, that dutchland is not deutschland
Nah, not a ruse.
They’re just dullards who promote a hardline foreign policy towards Russia but then have to support buying Russia gas because they devastated the German energy industry.
All I can conclude is that the
GermanGreen party is just stupid.Fair analysis
And they’re weird lookin’
German Greens also hate Germans, so who knows what happens.
500 Euro a month? FFS, in winter, my electric bill is under $40, in summer (when the AC is running) it’ll get up to about $120.
Mine is never that low, only around $75 in the winter, but that runs my water pump (I don’t have a water bill) and I leave a fan running 24/7 (my heat is radiant and not forced air, plus it helps me forget my tinitus)
Electric heating in europe is quite pricier than nat gas heating
See also: New York State.
I can only conclude that they hate us and want us to die.
That’s only because they do, and have said so repeatedly.
That’s some gold right there…
Regarding the 2020 990 and the charitiable registration for the BLM grifters. This is still horseshit. The 990 was due by 11/15. If it’s been filed, then you should be able to produce the pdf within 24 hours (actually within 24 minutes). The charitable license to solicit in Cali takes < 1/2 hour to fill out, and even less if you are renewing an existing license.
The AG should have said you have 24 hours to turn in your information.
Cancel culture is out of control!!!
It’s different when we do it #5,769,451.
The Twink in the North has been located.
Looks like Canadian politics pays as well as American politics.
Good morning, Sloop!
And good morning to the rest of you miscreants!
Jim Harbaugh is interviewing for a job in the NFL.
I have a sinking feeling I know where he’s going.
Aussie convoy news.
Testing the waters in Illinois (“All credit to me!” GOV Landwhale)
And laying the groundwork for any uptick to bring it back with vengeance
Denver is done on Friday.
I think the dominos are falling.
I know that’s a good thing, but it’s infuriating when they act like the restrictions have done the job.
There will be no reckoning for all the lives they destroyed.
Very true, and the fact that they still want to mask the kids is ridiculous. Gotta take wins where you can.
Now if I can get Larimer county to drop theirs.
The Gov, in a passive aggressive way, has already basically said masking is unnecessary, in his “let the unvaxxed die” sort of way.
Jeffco and Boulder counties will try to keep it going, but I don’t see much compliance here anymore. Boulder will be the final holdout.
Compliance is fairly lax here too. I mean, half the time I go to the grocery I forget to bring a mask along, so just dont wear one. And no one has ever said anything to me. And about 20% or so aren’t wearing them.
I generally keep one in my car, masks fall into the “tolerate those I can tolerate” category of de la Paz’s idea.
Awesome. I have that tournament in Chicago in March, and I’d love for about 10 of my unvaxxed friends and family to be allowed in.
“Lawyers, Guns, and Money” is definitely underrated. That whole album is excellent.
Zucker resigning from CNN
Was he asked to resign by the new owners, or is he pre-empyively fleeing?
Anyway, that pustule needs to be cleaned out with a power washer then purified by flame.
He also was dipping his pen in the company ink
“Caligula News Network”
This is just what they need to get the ratings back
Strategy of radical left has failed in #Portugal It’s clearer than ever that the arena of struggle is in the streets and in the workplaces—it should be fused with politics that tries to overthrow the system, not make deals with it.
Lets Brew Wednesday – another mild recipe, up to 1909 now.
Both ABV and IBU are lower than previous versions.
Yo, Trundra, just a heads-up. I consider Black Jack to be my clunker book. Every author has one. Or six.