ManUre drew with Burnley, lol. And Everton flat suck ass. They might go down this year for real.Can’t think of anything else going on in the world of sports. So that’s it.
I like this guy. I hope he gets reelected.

Child abuse
G…F…Y. You don’t care about science. All you care about is politics, you dumbasses. Also, I noticed your statement mentioned employees but not students. Which shows what your priorities really are.
Good for him. Because it’s nobody’s business but his.

“What to do with all that money…”
LOL, “error”. Get out your checkbook, NYT…again.
That’s it. Keep doing this. That’ll really get the people on your side.
This headline is misleading. It costs the taxpayers that money, not the city.
Midterms are just around the corner. So expect more of this message shift since they’re so unpopular.
Throw em all in jail. Every single one who knew anything about it.
PHRASING! Are we not doing phrasing anymore? Also, bonus track. Enjoy them.
And enjoy this Wednesday, dear friends.
“G…F…Y. You don’t care about science. All you care about is politics, you dumbasses. Also, I noticed your statement mentioned employees but nit students. Which shows what your priorities really are.”
What should frighten everyone is that these are the fucking reps of the people that teach our kids sciencing…
The most racist and destructive entity in the US after our government bureaucracy is the Teacher’s Unions.
The science will change in any way it is politically convenient, science has a way of working like that since funding is controlled by politics
The people that used to scream at the top of their lungs that oil companies paid for fake science to protect their interests at Gaia’s expense now are screaming even louder that the only acceptable science comes from politically corrupt government entities…
It has never been about science with these types, but about confounding issues so they could increase their power and progress their agenda..
Good for him. Because it’s nobody’s business but his. – sounds racist to me
The guy is just another of the many blackfaces of white supremacy!
Leave the Borg collective or stand against it, and they will want your ass in a sling…
Borg: Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated or cancelled…
Non-idiots: Fuck off bitchasses.
Look at this nut case, thinking people should be told the truth and are capable of making their own decisions.
“LOL, “error”. Get out your checkbook, NYT…again.”
The only way we really force the PyOps media to stop its shit is to hurt them in the pocketbook. That’s why we need to keep an eye on congress to make sure these fuckers don’t solve their real world problems by simply going with the NPR model (tax payers pay for failing evil propaganda peddling entities).
I REALLY don’t understand how NPR is still funded. Especially since PBS sold off Big Bird to HBO.
HBO has been pimping out Big Bird as a high end hooker. I think they are making more money than NPR does because of that.
Democrats like state funded propaganda that supports their policies. They want to expand to newspapers.
Do cops next. As soon as they stop fleecing the citizenry for their misdeeds and start taking it from their pension plans, we’ll see the police police their own.
He, speaking of cops. The one that gave me the ticket in 2018 that I went to court for didn’t show up. After making me wait for 3 hrs the judge tried to reschedule my hearing. Told her no way because it not only would hurt me financially and inconvenience me having to deal with their inefficiency, but it was illegal for the state to reschedule if the accuser doesn’t show up in court. She ended up dismissing the ticket but was not happy with me knowing they are running a fucking racket.
Fuck them all.
Congratulations, Alex, you just got on another list!
My goal in life is to die on all their lists and with me yelling “You will never catch me alive coppers!”…
If you’re on all the lists the FBI just ignores you. It’s the legal equivalent of the three stooges syndrome.
Up to a point, but they mostly settle these cases for undisclosed sums which come with gag orders on the plaintiffs. They will do anything to avoid admitting wrongdoing or malice.
If the public gets to see undeniable proof they are lying hacks, it hurts their ability to keep telling more lies that a large swath of the public falls for…
It looks like this one is in trial (I skimmed, so I’m not sure they weren’t talking about a depo). Not much benefit in a NDA when all your dirty laundry is already public record.
They are simply trying to shift from willful malice….to “Oopsie, mere mistake. No defamation!”
There needs to be a governmental equivalent of “piercing the corporate veil” to assign personal liability.
Severely limit the immunity of government employees.
Why you want me dead Tonio? Oh…and agreed.
The government cares a lot about your immunity. GET THE VAX, PEASANT.
Of course it’s not something that actually exists in the law anyway, being conjured out of thin air by judges.
Our European visitors are important to us.
This site is currently unavailable to visitors from the European Economic Area while we work to ensure your data is protected in accordance with applicable EU laws.
Translation – your business isn’t worth the expense of compliance.
Which link?
This headline is misleading. It costs the taxpayers that money, not the city.
Europe is now refusing to let their data into the US.
So now we have to build a gigantic parallel system for their business. Thanks for keeping me employed, Europe.
It’s metric data and not compatible.
That’s what they get for their decimal fetish.
“Tourists looking to visit Hawaii will not need to receive the COVID-19 booster shot to count as fully vaccinated, Hawaii Gov. David Ige announced Tuesday.”
Sounds like they are still requiring vaccination. Not seeing a big boost for tourism here.
Maybe we can send all the COVIDiots on a permanet vacation to Hawaii.
To Molokai?
+1 Father Damien
Even looking around here, boosters appears to be just another line that some people won’t cross.
Yeah, it is for me.
I don’t see how this is legal. Since when can states limit interstate travel?
PuBliC HeAlTh!
Rogers told CNN Tuesday, “My words were not acceptable” and said he apologized to Beatty on the House floor and in a statement said he “expressed my regret to her, first and foremost.”
Never. Apologize.
“Hawaii will not require tourists to be boosted”
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, and it’s looking bad for those hard core believers. Looks like this will be the unwinding and stand back, the rush will be sudden.
They will soon start acting as if they never made these totalitarian and unscientific demands, but they won’t forget the people that fucked up their racket. The left is about revenge and hate. Hate for those that prevent it from being totalitarian primarily.
It’s a small step. But then, all journeys begin that way
As more states plan to lift mask mandates in schools, several teachers unions said they are not opposed to the idea of children being unmasked in classrooms but want to ensure those decisions are based on science.
It is not science. It is scientism. Now confess your sins do you penance.
If by penance you mean “Go into the dessert and perish already you heretic fool!”, then yeah, you get them…
“Go into the dessert and perish already you heretic fool!”
I hear the chocolate mousse is to die for.
A mousse once bit my sister.
Nightshade sorbet!
I though it was the… SALMON MOUSSE!
LOL they lost to Newcastle. That’s gotta burn.
Newcastle spent a ton of money in January (thanks Saudis!). They are finishing midtable.
Cool. I like them.
That’s why it’s called a Teachers’ Union, not a Students’ Union.
Benedict is still alive?!
Yes, he’s doing a Dr. Strange TV show iirc.
Woke shit?
Yes. And there are conspiracy theories out there that he never resigned and is the real Pope.
LOL, perfect.
Late last month, during Ladapo’s first confirmation hearing, Democrats in the Senate Committee on Health Policy abruptly stormed out of the room before casting their votes, accusing Ladapo of dodging questions on the state’s coronavirus response.
Holding Dems to their own standards, any criticism of a black guy is obviously racist.
He probably didn’t vote for President Brandon so he’s not black.
Uncle Tom and all that.
Great-grandfather, 78, is handcuffed by Ottawa cops for HONKING his car horn in support of Freedom Convoy: Video of arrest which left 4ft 10ins elderly man bloodied and bruised emerges after Justin Trudeau smeared protesters as ‘swastika-wavers’
Horn honking is muh-insurrection.
Saw another video where the cops stopped a guy for…some reason. The allegation was that there was no reason. Another cop showed up and they boxed the gut in, going so far as to tag the guys bumper, possibly damaging it. They then proceeded to drag him from the car an arrest him because he dared to protest the action. When I say “Democratic People’s Republic of Canukistan” I intend for it to be an exaggeration, but…it seems less so every day.
“Honk Honk” is code for “Heil Hitler.”
I am not making this up.
igured I’d post this this morning again for those who may have missed it yesterday:
GOA on the horrible bill in the Senate to require criminal investigations of anyone and everyone who fails a NICS check when purchasing a firearm.
According to a GOA analysis of government documents obtained by FOIA, over 94% of NICS denials are false positives.
It is a horrible bill although it might require the FBI and ATF to do so many pointless investigations, they wouldn’t have time for other mischief.
“We need to hire 300,000 more agents. Increase our budget”
There are no pointless investigations, except for those protected persons.
Don’t be so sure they won’t fabricate something.
‘Inspired by Che Guevara and Fidel Castro,’ a New York restaurant missteps in Miami
Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/miami-com/restaurants/article258168363.html#storylink=cpy
Heh heh fuck that guy.
Hipster Cuban food.
The owner even wears a trucker hat.
trucker hat
Ha! That guy is the quintessential Brooklyn commie.
I hope the Miami Cubans gut him.
The sub-title to this article should be:Tone Deaf – New Yorkers are to Florida what Californians are to Texas
How do you think this affects my chances for opening up my dream restaurant inspired by the schnitzel shack where Hitler and Goebbels planned the Reichstag Fire in downtown Berkley?
Nick Rekieta last night on censorship of COVID-related Vitamin D information.
Scott Adams said studies he had seen clearly showed Vitamin D deficiencies correlated hard with the worst outcomes more than 18 months ago in several of his podcasts. He recently, based on new studies, repeated that.
This has been known since the beginning of the outbreak. Vitamin D won’t save you, but a lack of it can definitely kill you.
That our “public health” authorities didn’t seize on this and distribute an extremely cheap and safe supplement to nursing homes and other vulnerable populations is evidence of total incompetence and malice.
Dr. Malone supposedly posted India’s covid packs and what came in them. We really screwed the duck.
We got frozen test kits. Be grateful.
Hm, does that explain some of the seasonality of COVID cases?
I thought seasonality was explained by close-contact – stay inside in the heat in the north during the winter, stay inside in the AC in the south during summer.
Could be multiple contributing factors.
It has to be at least both or more factors.
I think I’m most likely to get sick in November, the week after Halloween.
And it’s the people in nursing homes – who never get to go outside – who are the most Vitamin D deficient. Then add in the immuno-suppressing drugs they are given – Humiria in specific – and you have a the recipe for genocide that USgovernment euphemistically calls “public health”.
A fuel halt is assault.
Some Flannel Daddy for R.C. Dean
Do Glibbroads think he’s hot? Is he too young and waifish to pull off the Mike Rowe vibe?
I like his videos and my 1301.
Needs to work on his emergency reload form, though. You shouldn’t need to look at the gun – the ejection port is in the same place every time, and when you roll it so the port faces up you are chasing it with the shell if you relead from underneath (which is pretty much mandatory with an optical sight on top). You roll it the other way (to the right), just a little, and keep your eyes on your
victimtarget. The foreend he has is the same as mine, and gives you an excellent way to index where everything is with the side of your hand. If you don’t have an optical sight, its probably faster to go over the top for an emergency reload.His bolt release looks different than mine. There is a trade-off there – they are “oversized” and easy to hit by accident.
Those shell strips make sense, but are completely unsuitable for gamer-style speedloading. I think I’ll finally strap on a shell caddy this weekend so I don’t have to pick up reloads from the table.
The Last Argument of Dean wears one of those sidesaddle caddies.
On the theory that when I roll out of bed at 2 am, I’m not putting on pants with a tactical belt and snapping on a caddy. I’ll be rolling commando in just about every sense of the word. I do like the caddies at the range. I’ve got one that you can just put a box of shells in. I think they make them for skeet and maybe bird hunting, but having 25 shells on the firing line is sweet.
The clay shooters here just have large belt pouches they dump loose shells into.
I am not planning on reloading my shotgun if it’s needed for home defense.
Me, neither. I am planning to have more shells handy if I need them. Needing it at all is highly unlikely; needing extra rounds is even more unlikely. But I figure, why not? If my handgun has 15 rounds, why shouldn’t my shotgun have 12?
I’ve got a 19 shell mag for my VR-80. It’s a bit unwieldy. The 9 shell mag is perfect though.
My latest paranoiac consideration is getting a plate of AR500 cut to fit the side of the dresser I’ll be covering behind.
Unfortunately, if we do have a home invasion or robbery, I will be clearing the house on my way all the way across it to Mrs. Dean’s bedroom. She will be covering in her shower, which gives excellent cover and good sightlines to the bathroom entrance.
We have both walked the house, and agree on this plan. We also agree that our house is a fricking nightmare to clear. Its borderline suicide if there are multiple armed invaders. But I’m not hiding in my bedroom while she’s across the house, so it is what it is. One of my dry practice drills when nobody else is home is house clearing.
Your bedrooms are supposed to have a secret passageway connecting them.
Rid us of this RINO cunte.
McConnell calls Jan. 6 a “violent insurrection” and says the RNC shouldn’t have censured Cheney and Kinzinger
Did this make it here before?
Hizzoner was a cop, so he knows about drugs. Drugs are bad, m’kay? Almost as bad as not being vegan.
I know that when I eat too much cheese, I end up like this.
You eating that “cheese” out of the carpet through your nose?
Have you sucked dick for cheese?
“Food is addictive,” the mayor continued. “You take someone on heroin, put them in one room, and someone hooked on cheese, put ’em in another room, and you take it away, I challenge you to tell me the person who’s hooked on heroin and who’s hooked on cheese.”
That’s…. special.
He’s definitely special. He’s already in the running for dumbest mayor of NYC ever.
Plant. Based. Meat. Puppet.
Meat Puppets – Sam
For the purposes of equity we will now be distributing cheese knives to underserved communities to help prevent the spread of disease related to the consumption of soft cheeses in the minority community.
The crack pipe thing sounds so fake but I’ve seen it from so many sources I’m starting to feel something is up. Homeless Inc is some special kind of evil.
Read the Snopes “debunking” of it. The facts are correct–they will be distributing crack pipes (as well as needles) and the grant requires that the applicant provide a statement showing that it preferentially serves “marginalized” and “underserved” communities.
“True, but inconvenient”
“Lacks context”.
Where “Context” is the straw filling the strawman.
Tucker devoted a good portion of his show last night to this very subject.
Joe Biden’s latest idea is to pay black people to smoke more crack
The grant is here:
Item 7 is the “crack pipes”.
They most certainly distribute free glass pipes (let’s be inclusive here, not only crack gets smoked in them) here in SF. You can be sure they want to do this in other places as it works so well here.
You know, you won’t die from withdrawal from heroin, but you will die from food withdrawal.
If he had said sugar…maybe, but the dum-dum said cheese?
Bloomberg II: Do as I Do Boogaloo
This article on Biden’s free crack pipe initiative has now disappeared from the site, but the Internet Archive captured it for posterity…
Lol, is that real?
And why are they letting Hunter write legislation?
No, totally not real–Snopes says it’s mostly false because the free crack pipe distribution was only a small part of the overall initiative, and the “primary purpose” was not to improve racial equity.
So, while the facts as reported are completely correct, Snopes says it’s “Mostly False” because of missing context.
Fuck Snopes.
Snopes is an entity pretending to be an independent fact checker that really is neither independent nor truthful? Fuck me! Say it isn’t so!…
I read that in the voice of Linda Richmond.
Talk amongst yourselves.
Bah, serves me right for not refreshing. See 27a.
What happened to your car, if you care to mention it briefly (or not at all)?
Ha, that’s funny!
My car is gone due to my own neglect and I’ll leave it at that. Luckily my next couple of jobs are close both my and my employer’s home so I can get a ride for now but long term things are looking bleak. I’ll be working at a freaking Little Caesar’s soon if things don’t fall into place…not asking you all for help. You all stepped big for me over a year ago when I came here with hat in hand and I’m not asking again.
Speaking of my employer he’s an hour late.
As long as you’re feeling even slightly better.
From Snopes:
Chore Boy wanted in on the Pfizer grift.
‘“Last week, Biden talked about being tough on crime,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark) said. “This week, the Biden Admin announced funds for crack pipe distribution to �?advance racial equity.’”
President Biden’s son Hunter Biden has openly admitted to using crack, Time reports. Some critics argue the new program reflects the president’s sympathy toward drug abuse because of his son.’
Critics should be arguing that not only should we not be spending tax payer money on helping addicts get high but also that the reasoning behind it is racist as fuck.
The reasoning behind all the crap targeted at “minorities” is racist as fuck. When has that ever stopped them?
I’m wondering why the government public health apparatus is spending so much money “treating” drug addiction by “harm reduction” efforts while insisting that the only way to stop COVID is through vaccination, not “treatment” and “harm reduction.”
I mean, if you wanted a grift, you’d set up program after program to provide COVID support supplies to essentially create a constituency of “COVID Long Haulers” that are dependent on government-supplied “harm reduction” efforts.
I may write a grant proposal…
‘I’m wondering why the government public health apparatus is spending so much money “treating” drug addiction by “harm reduction” efforts while insisting that the only way to stop COVID is through vaccination, not “treatment” and “harm reduction.”’
Because there’s less to be gained by Big Pharma?
good point
‘Gay adults had higher COVID vaccination rates than heterosexual adults: CDC
Black and Hispanic lesbian women had lower rates of vaccination than heterosexual Black and Hispanic women.’
Whose side are the gays on?
So, the rate of vaccination is inversely proportional to the rates of domestic violence?
Here, is $500,000 enough?
…for Phase I, sure.
“…and in conclusion our results show more research is needed.”
Your report fails to meet standards.
Here’s a $10Million fine.
We can waive the fine and correct the errors in the filing standards for a $250,000 processing fee, if paid in small, unmarked bills.
Looking at a record attendance this Saturday, at least according to practiscore.
I haven’t even worked up the motivation to dig out my car. The snow might melt before I walk that far from my front door.
I really should force myself to get out there too. Maybe just to keep score even if I leave the rifles in the hudson.
10/22 to save money?
With the warm weather, I was thinking about a mid-week gun club trip.
Yesterday I received a mail from one of the club officers. The range I had planned on using is flooded. Melting snow combined with the last storm means there is a lot of water. The ground can’t absorb the water because the ground is still frozen, and the normal drainage routes are blocked with unmelted snow and ice.
I guess no range trip for now.
The “serious” gun club has the same problem with their pits.
That’s why I’ve set up this alternate game at my “kinda-terrible shooters” club.
Outsource the research to Wuhan lab for $50K and use the rest of the grant to party with hookers, booze, and drugs?? That’s what Dazhek (sp) did, right? Except he spent the money on Magic The Gathering cards or something…
It seems more like people with a greater habituation to having things stuck in them have a higher vax rate.
Disney teaches racism.
Disney just released a new series called “Rise Up Sing Out.” Here’s a sample where they teach about “micro-aggressions”
Lifestyle update- for the 2nd time in as many months, Im sitting at the tire shop, waiting on a new set of truck tires. I dont know how, but I just know Im getting fucked somehow.
I love having new tires; I hate paying for new tires.
Michelin LTX/MS
You should get 80k miles out of them.
Im going cheap-ish on this due to the age & miles on the vehicle.
The last trip here was for tires on the Camaro, and the mid-range BF Goodrich (these Dayton hillbillys say “Goodwrench” and it drives me nuts) set me back $1400.
I had to replace an entire set of tires for the Subaru because the uneven wear would supposedly fuck up the center differential. So that was $1300. A coworker confirmed that this was a real thing and not a scam, but what I’m wondering is why this was never an issue with my previous AWD car, a BMW 328xi?
Those were not porrly designed?
On my 325xi they recommended replacing all 4 tires. Ultimately it’s up to you. FWIW I think the center differential on the subaru can take a beating and tires don’t matter much.
Look at Mr. Multitruck Privilege over here.
For your Dodge?
Mine cost a little over a grand for all four.
The GMC Envoy Testarossa with nearly 200K.
Hey…at least its a Denali.
Oh man. Speaking of cars…this is half of my driveway now. Just got the one in the foreground this past weekend. I drove it in cold ass weather just because I had to. It was worth every shiver.
That reminds me of my brother’s VW Ghia. And I had a cousin that had a VW Thing.
God I wish I’d had a chance to buy either from them.
Nice Karmann Ghia. 😉
::balls fists::
Nice bathtub! A Stuttgart man, I see.
That is correct.
Sweet! Congrats, Sloop!
* Looks at 2009 Honda Fit in driveway *
I’m doing this wrong.
*looks around for driveway*
At least you have someplace to park.
They’re not common around here – I’m sure it adds a good chunk of value to my place.
*points to avatar*
*wipes drool from chin*
I purely love those old Porsche convertibles. Even the fake ones.
Tell me that’s not an actual 1950s car. Please.
This is another story I didn’t believe when I heard it. It sounds fake, way too on the nose, and it was initially reported by TMZ. Miss me with that jab, man.
So many absolute coincidences…
Now THAT’S funny.
The girlfriend thought the collapse was the joke when she saw it.
Setting: Deep bunker in the middle of nowhere. NWO’s 5G human surveillance and control center.
Lackey #1: This is sooooooo boring! When does this monitoring phase end?
Lackey #2: I think we have a few more months of this shit, but I wasn’t paying attention at the meeting this morning. I did bring something that might help pass the time, though.
*lifts a 12 pack of mini Fireballs out of his backpack*
[Two hours later]
Lackey #2: Wait for itttt… Waaaaiiiittt for ittttt…
Computer Monitor: And Jesus loves me more..
Lackey #2: Now! Dump that bitch on her ass!
Hahaha okay that was good
I think it’s HAARP, not 5G.
per Plisade, of course
My guess, based on those skinny legs: weakness because of anorexic malnutrition.
Still, the funniest thing I ever saw from a female comedian.
You got to admit her timing was perfect.
It was perfect. Makes me wonder if Jesus himself was being funny there.
SJWednesday: If The Dead Can Vote, Why Not?
Neither teen nor vogue: discuss; tawk amongst yourselves.
motivated by a belief that their vote can yield change.
That is kind of all it is, why not let whoever vote?
If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.
That’s certainly where we at…
There is only one reason the left is bleating about this so hard. And it’s got nothing to do with all the pie-in-the-sky flapdoodle they’re dishing out.
This one falls directly on both parties. I feel bad for any immigrants that are going through the process legally and can understand why some say fuck it.
Noncitizens living outside the United States should also get to vote since US elections effect the world.
In my mind, there’s a stronger argument for letting Afghanis vote since we bombed them for twenty years than there is for letting some fresh arrival from Central America do so.
Makes sense to me. Why just Afghanis? Why not any country that we technically rule over by installing puppet governments?
election season is just another opportunity to be excluded from the democratic process
Can’t they vote in the country they are actually a citizen of? If not, how is that our fault?
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Great story.
Adipose tissue collects around the hips and buttocks in response to estrogen signaling evolutionary fitness.
Ass Wednesday.
Another MILFy Canadian representative speaks out.
Will the Liberal government follow the science, end the mandates, and end the restrictions?
Also, Brandeau is such a cunte.
Her accent gives her away as a foreign agent.
Candice Bergen? She’s looking pretty good for her age.
Yah, I thought she was dead.
Considering how long he waited he’s probably gay anyway.
Agreed, gay.
A family friend is having this problem, not confirmed gay, but it’s either that or a major health issue, potentially weight related?
Is it Small Cox?
I keep seeing these commercials on livestreaming apps (like A&E). The retardation is overwhelming. (there is a whole series of them with different horrible people)
Like COVID mandates, if the government doesn’t force us we have to make our own decisions and live with the consequences. Bonus points for regulatory burdens crushing startups.
Imagine if the Trump DOJ was doing this to Dems.
My staff received a letter addressed to my official office which was already opened and stamped “DOJ MAILROOM” with a date and “X-RAYED” on the stamp
This and the searching of a rep’s office by the Capitol Police without a warrant shows what they intend.
They’re getting more and more blatant about enforcing loyalty to the regime. The velvet glove is coming off the iron fist.
Along with opposition political prisoners. Straight up banana republic that we used to decry.
I’m sorry if you’re upset.
SJWednesday: What Will Happen When We’re All Artisanal Mayonnaise Makers?
Doubtless we all need a lot more time for sheer sloth and slack
Vicious in the traditional sense of the word. It’s funny how many leftist causes flat out admit that they’re trying to flip the script on one vice or another.
Prov. 24
Why do I get the feeling this guy already has no problem finding plenty of sloth and slack time?
Sounds like the failing commune in Easy Rider.
This world is looking more and more and more like Part III: “Dionysus” of Rush’s Hemispheres. Combined with Heinlein’s Crazy Years. We may be in the early stages of “IV: Armageddon–The Battle of Heart and Mind”
Ah, Geddy at his screechiest. A very underrated album.
These shitbirds don’t want to work, but they have no problem forcing others to labor on their behalf. Work or starve, you worthless cunte.
“I want to be an artist but people won’t pay enough for my art to make a living.”
Years back, before I dropped them for their increasing insanity, I ran into a BBC article quoting a French ‘Author’ who effectively said the same thing, but wanted the French government to shut down imported literature and effectively force people to buy his claptrap.
Apparently the french welfare state will support ‘artists’ who manage to get into the program regardless of the merits of their art, but he was pissed off that he was only getting the government stipend and not massive stacks of cash.
Apparently the french welfare state will support ‘artists’ who manage to get into the program regardless of the merits of their art
Just like the NEA.
+1 Piss Christ
Oh, you have never heard of CANCON?
That’s one of those futbol tournaments, right?
“These shitbirds don’t want to work, but they have no problem forcing others to labor on their behalf.”
The world had/has a practice like this that has existed throughout its history..
I think is called slavery.
I would love to get payed for doing something I would do anyway. I don’t have the right to force people to pay me for doing whatever I want. Go ahead and create a commune as an experiment. I would like to know how long that lasts.
People have repeatedly tried voluntary communes. They usually break up over people not putting in their required share of the work.
-1 Bernie Sanders
What is the over/under on actual days of true hard work this person has done in their life? I’ll bet the under.
“Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. Almost any evil you’d care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working.”
The four horsemen of the apocalypse laugh.
Work is the only thing that staves off most of the world’s real miseries.
Play stupid games…
Fast moving cold water has always been a deathtrap. It’s reasonable to fear some things.
Amazing that this man made it to 38 with that kind of attitude.
Charles Darwin strikes again.
Below that.
Ukrainians could flee to a strip club charging a £100 entry fee in the event of a potential Russian invasion.
Penthouse Gentleman’s Club is listed by authorities in Kyiv as a potential bomb shelter location in the event Putin attacks.
The address, located in Kyiv’s city centre, is packed with girls and has a female dwarf dressed as a doorman waiting to usher in potential punters, The Sun reports.
As tensions mount on Ukraine’s border with Russia, the saucy basement venue could prove to be a safe haven in the event of military action above ground.
Ukranian authorities published a list of potential bomb shelter locations, including pharmacies, bars and coffee shops.
There are worse places.
I find it unlikely that a Ukrainian strip club charges cover charge in British Pounds.
Why? In the event of an invasion, Ukrainian currency is going to be worth jack shit.
It would make more sense to accept euros and dollars as well, but maybe the owner has a British bank account.
Facing the apocalypse surrounded by Slavic strippers? There are definitely less desirable ways to check out.
Reminds me of bordello of blood, or some such.
Dr. Strangelove’s mine shafts sound like a fun place also.
The Russian troops will make a beeline for strip clubs.
Maybe Jesse Watters needs a new segment called Watters’ Weirdos.
Jesse Watters interviews Naia …
Naia Ōkami age 27 says that although he lacks four legs, fluffy ears and a tail – he actually identifies as a British Columbian Wolf. Naia’s part of a subculture of people who spiritually identify as animals rather than humans. The self-professed ‘Wolf Girl’ spends his spare time in the woods howling at the moon.
It’s a man, dressing as a woman, but identifying as a wolf. Got it.
This is what happens when you shut down all the sanitariums.
Wonko the Sane understands.
He/she/it can do whatever the fuck he/she/it wants. Just don’t use the force of the government to coerce me into buying into the insanity.
There’s no satisfaction in not being able to coerce others’ intellectual compliance.
He should identify as Joey Ramone, that I could buy.
Weaboo too apparently. Oukami means wolf in Japanese. Glad to see our PC press has also captured the long “o” sound appropriately,
So long as he doesn’t appropriate Native American culture.
Is it legal to hunt a British Columbian Wolf?
I may have said before – Therians exist so that furries can have someone to look down on.
Doesn’t Ōkami mean “God?”
Single “O” not long “O”.
It’s an honorific – really doesn’t have an English translation. A kami is a god. If you say “okami” you are just being polite.
(“Go” is the other honorific – used mostly for Chinese derived words. So there is a rule, but not 100%.)
I thought the Shinto distinguished between the kami of a houseplant an o-kami like Amateratsu.
And I was told that the Christian God gets a -sama.
I honestly never dug into it that much! There a various kinds and strengths of kami.
For example Raijin would also be known as:
Kaminari-sama (雷様), Raiden-sama (雷電様), Narukami (鳴る神) Raikou (雷公), and Kamowakeikazuchi-no-kami
God the Father would get a Kami-sama.
I wonder if he swiped that from the video game.
More overtime shenanigans – I had HR email my missing paystubs for the last two months. They all show the same hours worked and the same pay being issued… Lies, bloody lies and payroll departments! They sent me the same document five times with the dates changed. I realize that Kronos fucked everyone but why would you double down for such an obvious lie? I’ve got the paper trail and my bank statements certainly don’t match up with their gaslighting antics. As soon as I called out HR drone, she deleted aforementioned time cards from our correspondence. I might get my hard-earned yet. They even claimed that I was paid 36 hours of OT owed. Think I would have noticed a bump like that. Don’t trust employer! Employer is asshoe!
I mean, she didn’t even bother to change the dates, hours or anything. Just the cumulative pay. I know I’m just a janitor but how stupid do you think that I am? I have three documents sitting beside my elbow that prove the lie. Cuntes.
Always check your stubs if you are hourly, my kids and some of my employees just don’t get that.
I’m salaried, and about 8 years ago our HR department accidentally entered a minus sign in their spreadsheet, which resulted in me taking a pay reduction for a while, rather than a raise.
To their credit, they were mortified and refunded my money–cut a check in less than a day after I showed them the error in my pay statements.
Thats nice. Come work for government where it takes months to receive missing pay but will instantly take money from you if you were overpaid.
I used to be a carpenter and was paid cash weekly.
The boss was famous for shorting pay by 20-40 bucks, which is a big deal when you’re getting $300 for a week.(this was in 1992)
His wife had a coke problem and disappeared a couple times so we all guessed he was playing catchup.
I worked for a swimming pool shop and the owner would regularly short the installation crew. It either went up his nose or into the house he was renovating. I saw him pull money out of the cash register a few times too.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.
The company in question is Acuitas Therapeutics which owns the lipid nano particle delivery system used in both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. The company is paid a royalty for every shot.
It is alleged the Trudeau Foundations owns 40% of the common stock.
Woow. That would explain a lot – including the mansion he’s renovating for $millions.
That would be the most blatant corruption concerning the shots I’ve seen yet.
Needs corroboration though.
Sounds too perfect to be true. If so, the Canadian media is also worse than the U.S. media for not figuring it out sooner.
Good morning, everyone!
From the DeadThread – the Federal Flite Control 8-pellet 00 is at LuckyGunner, and they still have some in stock.
RC – you’ll probably find that the 8-pellet stuff throws fewer flyers that the 9-pellet.
You can get the 9-pellet stuff straight from Federal.
Ever get the feeling that we aren’t the good guys?
And our leaders are dangerously deluded? What are the foreign policy goals of the Biden Administration other than kickbacks?
“They are trying to reassure Russia by saying that NATO is a peaceful and purely defensive organization. Iraqis, Libyans, Afghans.. and Belgrade.. they all experienced the extent of this peaceful organization.”
They see me trollin’…
Poor Joe, bless his heart.
I chuckled, but I also remember she kept the statewide mask order in place when other Republican governors were dropping it.
Trump Just Dropped HUGE Durham Report Bombshell: “A LOT Coming”
Have any of the bullshit artists yapping about masks in schools produced any clear believable numbers related to confirmed transmission *in schools*?
Didn’t you see the NC study that showed a low transmission rate in schools with masks?
My mom seriously brought that up when I said masking kids was child abuse.
She was unfazed by the fact the study didn’t look at schools without masks as a comparison point.
But she proudly tells me that she follows THE SCIENCE.
Gah! Just submitted my thumb-print to the Borg in order to submit my hours to payroll. It’s all over but the crying now my folks and rare folkerinas!
That’s the end of my murder spree, also no plums.
As we reported exclusively last week, 9-year-old Kamdin Hernandez was left outside alone by school administrators then labeled a “clear and present danger” by his principal because he cannot wear a mask at school due to his ADHD and anxiety issues, and has now been excluded from in-person school – at the same time the school is considering him truant – and has been subjected to additional abusive and retaliatory actions since January 7, 2022. …
3rd grade year (2021-2022) there were problems from the first week of school, with teachers calling Kamdin “rude and disrespectful,” physically pulling the mask up over his nose without permission, ignoring his complaint that he cannot think or do his work with the mask on due to his ADHD, leaving him alone outside during the school day to do his work, sending him home for “refusal” to wear the mask, culminating in the district charging Hernandez with trespassing for being on the school campus “without permission” though they had asked him to come pick Kamdin up.
Why did I read that?
I have a high level of contempt for teachers and the school bureaucracy already, but it is rising to levels that shouldn’t even be possible.
Good advice
Its really hard to say whether Canada’s rulers or America’s rulers are more stupider.
America’s rulers: the way to stop inflation is to dump cash into the economy.
Canada’s rulers: the way to get those trucks out of Ottawa is to take their fuel.
Have you ever met a fourteen year-old girl?
The response in Ottawa was awesome – the jerry can march.
Look at all those terrorists with their incendiary devices!
I would love Pie’s take on this. Trudeau is in the same position as Caucescu (sorry for spelling) – the people want him gone and he is clinging bitterly.
I would love if some of those cans were filled with water – the police would wind up busting people carrying water.
They’d need to be permanently labeled “water” though, so that when they got returned it wouldn’t get poured into a fuel tank.
I would not put anything “returned” into my gas tank. The police are bad faith actors. I would assume sodium silicates had been added.
It’s interesting (and by interesting I mean totally expected) how legacy media is treating this protest. You’d think it was a couple dozen disgruntled truckers doing this instead of what it is. They are still mostly in the “let’s mostly ignore this and try to paint it as racist” stage. That can only go on for so long.
“That can only go on for so long.”
Nicolae Ceaușescu nods ruefully in agreement.
It seems to me that Canada could end this whole thing by just ending the mandate. Crazy.
You assume government is run by rational people.
Good morning, Sloopy!
That’ll really get the people on your side.
Amazing to me that there are any Ottawa cops left to do that shit. If that were my grandpa I might lose my mind.
Throw em all in jail. Every single one who knew anything about it.
I sometimes miss the Catholic Church, but until they clean up their mess it’s simply a no-go.
Thanks for that fantastic bonus track. What a day brightener!
Have a great day, y’all!
You too, Tundra. I like you, yer purty!
#metoo but I don’t hold local parishes/priests etc accountable for the actions of others elsewhere they had no knowledge of or power to stop. I can see the argument for accountability higher up but not at a local level where they are just trying to minister to their parish. However, my experience of the Catholic church in the UK is that the local parish has not much to do with the Vatican or with much political. Perhaps it’s more integrated/is more apparently institutional in the US. One thing I recall in Texas is seeing a number of Catholic churches only a block or so apart from each other. Are these the Hispanic one, the Irish one, the Italian one etc, or do they just really love having MOAR CHURCHES?
“I personally believe that people can make their decisions for themselves with information and I think that in some ways they probably make decisions that they’re more comfortable with if elements like coercion or misrepresentation of data or hiding of data are not part of the process,” he said.
Bennet took responsibility for the error while testifying at the Manhattan federal court trial in the defamation suit Palin brought against the newspaper over the editorial.
Does this end the case?
Manhattan Federal Court? Ahahahahahah!
Probably not. It’s NYC. The court will probably say since they admitted an error under oath, it’s punishment enough and that the matter is now closed.
I mean it’s obviously libel and not just an error.
They are trying to dodge the Sullivan standard. Its actually a smart tactical move.
“I personally believe that people can make their decisions for themselves with information and I think that in some ways they probably make decisions that they’re more comfortable with if elements like coercion or misrepresentation of data or hiding of data are not part of the process,”
Wait, what was the context? Surely he was discussing his position on vaccine and mask mandates.
They are trying to make this seem like an “Error”, rather than the required malice/deliberate misrepresentation. The NYT is trying to avoid liability.
With COVID-19 cases still high nationwide, “now is not the moment” to drop mask mandates in schools and other public places, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told Reuters on Tuesday.
Her comments follow announcements by officials in New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, California and Oregon that they plan to lift indoor mask mandates for K-12 public schools and other indoor spaces in coming weeks, seeking a return to normalcy as infections spurred by the Omicron variant of the coronavirus ebb.
“I know people are interested in taking masks off. I too am interested. That would be one marker that we have much of the pandemic behind us,” Walenksy said in an interview.
Fear and emotionalism is our greatest weapon.
That is a statement of a person losing their grip on power
The narrative is imploding. I heard Sunset Joe’s handlers have scheduled a press conference this morning.
Polling must be amazingly bad.
If Sunset Joe had started his administration with a 180 in the narrative, I think a lot of people would have rolled their eyes but gone along with it because they wanted to be done with this shit.
After a year of doubling down and pissing everyone off, I don’t think that people are going to let them off the hook.
That is what has Brandeau so scared. The truckers aren’t going to walk away with just a lifting of mandates anymore. Now they want
bloodaccountability. That is going to fuck up a lot of govt bastards.I think you are 100% correct.
The truckers are already calling out the Alberta government about their lame ass response. They don’t want a few concessions – they want it all.
I’m still flabbergasted that it will be Gordilocks and his boys who save the world. You couldn’t make up a story like this!
Think Gordilocks will allow us to fly around in Canuck military choppers when he is elected Supreme Beaver* of Canada?
*or whatever they call their leader up there.
Hell yes!
Supreme Beaver has a lovely ring to it.
When he ascends to the Maple Throne.
Hey isn’t he supposed to be doing some kind of report on the state of something or other?
They delay to March…for…suspected reasons that are coming to light.
such as?
The theory I heard around the webs is to turn the narrative around on COVID so by March 1 when he addresses he can highlight mask mandates gone, deaths down (now that they are adjusting what to count) etc. Seems it is right on schedule for that.
I see. Sounds plausible. They would need a little time to prepare the space for that rather than making it look like a hairpin turn.
They’re in the process of changing how they count COVID hospitalizations and other statistics that have been gamed for two years.
The science is changing and our kind and generous leader is thinking about changing policy as a result.
So cynical!
Having enough time to flip to a new covid narrative and inculcate it within the base before declaring Mission Accomplished.
Grr, I thought I had refreshed, but I hadn’t. Also it’s 11am so I’m posting in a deadthread… *stumbles off to make a cup of tea*
The govt is always stuffed with people who run to the front of a parade and then tell everyone that they led it there.
Fear and emotionalism is our greatest weapon.
And utter disregard for the truth. Fear, emotionalism, and utter disregard for the truth are our greatest weapons.
And contempt for the people.
OK, fear, emotionalism, utter disregard for the truth, and contempt for the people are our greatest weapons.
Oh, and immunity from consequence.
I’ll just come back in.
No matter how you slice it, that’s quite the take.
MSNBC warns of Canadian “insurrection,” details threats of Plinko, pizza ovens, and hot tubs
We shall never forget the Great Pizza Oven Insurrection of 2022.
They’re so confused. A proper protest involves looting and arson.
They aren’t even at the “fiery but mostly peaceful” stage yet and they’ve been there for weeks!
My first inclination is to wonder if they have any idea how utterly ridiculous they sound. “Ohmigaad!! The protesters are setting up hot tubs, pizza ovens and plinko tables!!!”. For any sane human being that would suggest the protesters are mostly likable and good natured.
Then it occurs to me. I don’t think this is really about convincing people anymore. Only rationalizing to themselves that they’ve convinced people. They hold the levers of power and want to convince themselves that they have the consent of the governed. So, pretty much anything consistent with that narrative, no matter how imbecilic, will suffice to provide that rationalization.
Instructions on how to submit comments to the FDA concerning the approval of the Pfizer vaccine for little kids.
It’s cute how he thinks this will influence them in the least.
It’s merely to provide a data point for later review. The FDA won’t be swayed, but the records will remain as to how much it was opposed by the public.
Like local gun control meetings in some of the proggier areas of VA.
There will be a ton of speakers 95% or higher against the ordinance, but the democrats will vote in lockstep to pass it.
I once sent a letter to my Representative in opposition to his support for a gun control bill. I got back, basically, “thank you for your opinion on this important issue as we all know how important it is to stop gun violence and restrict access to assault weapons.” They didn’t even read it.
Anecdata from the front lines:
Our COVID inpatient census is down 30% over the last few weeks, and continues to decline. Our ICU capacity is just fine, and we have converted a few ICU beds back to regular beds. The vaxxed COVID inpatients have held pretty steady at around 25%. It wobbles, because small numbers, but its been around there for a month at least.
That is all. Carry on.
Speaking of vitamin D here in Romania some doctors recommend 2000 UI per day if you are covid positive. I think that is way to low. My friend got covid and got a phone call from her doctor suggesting this which was funny since she had already taken 100k that day, though that may be a bit overkill. Though her strategy is different than mine, takes 100k 3 days in a row then none for a month or two. I take daily doses.
Anyway late January my blood levels were 46 ng/ml which is above the recommended 30 but over 50 is better. I got this while taking about 5k per day along with k2. So most medical recommendations stuff like 500 or 800 a day are very inadequate. 6k to 8k is more along what is needed in winter.
5k/day in the winter or hit a tanning booth.
Waiting until you’re sick to start taking it isn’t really helpful.
Or live somewhere with sunny days in the winter. Vampires may not like that though.
How do you tell the Vitamin D levels in your
victimsdonors? Or do you just work on the Big Numbers theory. If you bite enough necks, one of them will have lots of Vitamin D.Choose the victims that are closest in skin tone to George Hamilton.
I think it’s probably more of a simple correlation. People who don’t get ample vitamin D tend to be generally unhealthy. And the reasons for failing to get vitamin D also cause poor health.
I doubt there’s anything magical about vitamin D itself in fighting covid.
vitamin D helps your immune system and it helps also with flu and other illnesses
Yeah. Duh. It’s a vitamin. But it probably has no special effects on covid.
well obviously it is not covid specific
It’s simply about not having a deficiency which will cause immune system disfunction.
I take closer to 10K. The FLCCC recommends 4K for early outpatient, but there appears to be some good evidence that a large bolus early on can be helpful.
And yes, the general recommendations are garbage, particularly for anyone north of the equator. Vitamin D is one of the most important health markers for all kinds of conditions.
I am not sure if true but I read somewhere that recommendations are based on the necessary amount to make sure your bones fix calcium, not for optimum immune system
That actually makes more sense. I’m gonna stick with my higher doses.
I also use this app. It gives you the optimal hours for producing your own.
I currently take 1000 per day based on Dr recommendation from blood work. I also get outside to walk dog. I took more for a while, this is maintenance.
Seems like the key is to make sure your levels are up *before* you get COVID. Once you have it, it may be too late.
I guess you guys need to get your vitamin D in pill form because you can’t get it naturally without bursting into flame.
You really should form some intersectional group that complains about vampires being hardest hit by the Rona. Bet there is some $$ in that from the US Govt. Don’t think being in a foreign country really limits your access to Biden Bucks.
I could use a few thousand dollars to be fair. Maybe my biden bucks can come directly in the form of bourbon because the offer here is not that diverse
DEMOCRACY! in tatters
Democratic Rep. Joyce Beatty of Ohio said Tuesday that Republican Rep. Hal Rogers of Kentucky poked her in the back and told her “kiss my ass” after she asked him to wear a mask before boarding the US Capitol’s subway system.
Beatty, who chairs the Congressional Black Caucus, said in a string of tweets, “Today, while heading to the House floor for votes, I respectfully asked my colleague @RepHalRogers to put on a mask while boarding the train. He then poked my back, demanding I get on the train. When I asked him not to touch me, he responded, ‘kiss my ass.'”
“This is the kind of disrespect we have been fighting for years, and indicative of the larger issue we have with GOP Members flaunting health and safety mandates designed to keep us and our staff safe,” Beatty continued. “@RepHalRogers, when you are ready to grow up and apologize for your behavior, you know where to find me.”
Rogers told CNN Tuesday, “My words were not acceptable” and said he apologized to Beatty on the House floor and in a statement said he “expressed my regret to her, first and foremost.”
Beatty said she accepted Rogers’ apology and was “moving on.” In recounting the incident to CNN’s John Berman on “New Day” Wednesday morning, Beatty said Rogers’ original apology on the House floor was insufficient because “he mumbled some words” which led her to demand a public apology.
When “moving on” means going on the teevee to whine about the vicious unending micriaggressions one faces daily.
Okay, Karen.
If she just would have just kissed his ass, he would have put the mask on.
Turnabout is fair play. “All you have to do to get less restriction in your life is to obey our restrictions!”
Why are you quoting Trudy?
You can’t comply your way out of tyranny. the proper response would not be any appology, but “I’m sorry you chose to take offense.”
I’m saying it’s fair play to turn that BS around on them–OK, well if I have to comply to avoid restrictions, you can get me to wear a mask by kissing my ass. Oh, also, you can kiss my ass again tomorrow when you ask me to wear a mask. And the next day, and the next day. On the fourth day, though, the fellatio requirement kicks in.
By calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist.
I miss having rulers who know how to speak English.
Your a wordcel, aren’t you?
Not at all. I make sweet, sweet love to the English language on the regular.
Occupational requirement for attorneys.
Some do so lovingly and tenderly, and other fuck the hell out of it.
I can tell you which I prefer.
Her name is Charlotte, (huntsman spider) she’s a welcomed member of the Gray family in Australia,
Charlotte loves going from room to room eating bugs n stuff.
ps: she’s still growing
More of this please embrace the 8 legged angels
*gets flamethrower from garage*
This is the only rational response. If the whole house has to go down, so be it.
I love spiders. I’d love to have that thing in my house, but my cats probably would not.
*grabs thermite charges*
I ain’t even clicking the link.
If you do click, don’t… scroll… down.
Nuke it from orbit.
Awwww! She’s adorable!
Those little jumping spiders are the largest I allow in the house.
For any Glibs with a large tool chest, I have outgrown my 30″ rolling Craftsman tool chest that I purchased new in 2004.
There is nothing wrong with it, but it is stuffed.
I am considering buying display text
Does anyone have experience with this company, or a better recommendation?
I looked at the new Craftsman and Husky boxes and they just seem too chintzy.
I am also considering a Homak chest.
It seems to me that Canada could end this whole thing by just ending the mandate. Crazy.
They’d rather see the city burn than surrender to the terrorists.
*strikes match*
For any Glibs with a tool chest, I have outgrown my Craftsman rolling toolbox I bought new in 2004.
I am considering display text
Does anyone have experience with this company?
Or a better recommendation?
I have looked at the new Craftsman and Husky boxes, but they are very chintzy.
Then it occurs to me. I don’t think this is really about convincing people anymore. Only rationalizing to themselves that they’ve convinced people. They hold the levers of power and want to convince themselves that they have the consent of the governed. So, pretty much anything consistent with that narrative, no matter how imbecilic, will suffice to provide that rationalization.
Hitler. In the bunker. With the toy soldiers.
My comments keep disappearing.
Maybe I screwed up the HTML linking?
For any Glibs with a tool chest, I have outgrown my Craftsman rolling toolbox I bought new in 2004.
I am considering this:
Does anyone have experience with this company?
Or a better recommendation?
I have looked at the new Craftsman and Husky boxes, but they are very chintzy.
No experience with that, but the US General boxes get a lot of love in r/Tools. Better than toolstore boxes and close but not quite as good as Snapon ones (at a sizable fraction of the price).
I haven’t looked at them, I am prejudiced against Harbor Freight, but I have heard the US General is a quality upgrade.
Don’t ask me. I buy the Harbor Freight boxes. They’re pretty good for the price.
Fucking Canuck Truckers!
Everyone is paying so much attention to them and talking and talking about how they are setting up “permanent” structures and shit in Ottowa.
I guess it would be OK if they acknowledged where those truckers got their crazy ideas, but they seem intent on forgetting about St. George.
The protesters blocked traffic through an intersection for over a year and now the truckers are getting all the press for just a measely couple weeks?
What? They have honking?
Fuck that! We had arsons and shootings for that entire year. We laugh at your pathetic honking.
Am I mistaken? Is it almost over? Will people remember the boots on their necks in fury or in awe? Remains to be be seen. I’m going to chow some chicken pot pie. Fuck you guys, I’m going home! Good day, Glibbies, wherever you are.
We’ll see. I’m not convinced Trudy won’t go full jackboot yet.
It will be interesting to see how many cops keep the Faith with their big govt masters once the public starts shooting back.
My gut tells me that the cowards will cave and try to switch sides once they realize how badly it is going for them. Bets off if the military comes in to back up the cops.
The Canadian military told Trudy to fuck off when he called them.
It would have to be solely police.
If Trudeau had any brains, he would point to the recent decreases in covid cases and state that because of the effectiveness of the mandates he is going to remove the mandates in accordance with the science and not in reaction to the trucker protest.
“Truckers science better than me.”
All of these authoritarian fucksticks were just salivating at the opportunity to declare victory and claim credit for defeating the virus.
That has now been subverted for Trudy. He can’t back off without it looking like a capitulation now, and that really grinds his gears.
He can’t back off without it looking like a capitulation now, and that really grinds his gears.
Let’s not kid ourselves. The only person who put Justin Trudeau in the position that backing off would look like capitulation was Justin Trudeau. These lunatics had every opportunity to de-escalate the situation and let everyone go home feeling like a winner. Instead, Trudeau and his allies just couldn’t help taking it as an opportunity to virtue signal their superiority to the great unwashed. And now, if you listen to them, they’re trying to hype themselves into using violence against their fellow citizens.
Trudeau needs to get his health advisors on board so they can be the ones directing out of, that which they put them into. Gives him political cover.
General Milli-Vanilli might be talked into sending US troops to “help” our neighbor.
He wouldn’t even have to wait for Biden to give him the OK. All he needs is for his CCP counterpart to call him and OK the plan.
I have read plausible scenarios for the US helping the Canadian government resist an insurrection with our military.
I would hope that the American response would make the Canadian trucker revolt look like a Sunday stroll.
If they’re up there, they’re not down here…
Will people remember the boots on their necks in fury or in awe?
Boots on their necks, maybe fury. Boots on other peoples necks, awe.
Her name is Charlotte, (huntsman spider) she’s a welcomed member of the Gray family in Australia,
Charlotte loves going from room to room eating bugs n stuff.
ps: she’s still growing
Tip of the Day:
If you can hear the spider’s footsteps from another room, one of you needs to vacate the premises.
I prefer Boris.
“Daddy careful!”
So, it looks like there’ll be a USPSA level II match not too far from Butlerville in August. I should resume dryfire practice and stop by OMWC’s.
Do you have a link to solid info on what it takes to bring handguns/pccs into NY for matches from out of state?
Yes. I’ll find it. The TL;DR is you have two days on either side of the match, lock everything up, and carry proof you’ve registered for said match. Oh and the match has to be NRA sanctioned.
uh, so how does that work for USPSA/IDPA/Steel Challenge/etc? Are they technically NRA affiliated? I never had to deal with that in my time as a MD.
The MD should get the match sanctioned by the NRA. At KF&G all the cowboy matches are, even though SASS is not NRA. Apparently it’s trivial to do so, but I’ve never done it.
All gun control laws are unconstitutional violations of the 2nd amendment and therefore not valid laws.
Aside from not getting pulled over?
I would probably cruise north for a Level 2 match…
NotAdhan, you wouldn’t happen to have a Practiscore link, would you?
Ain’t no such thing as “dry” at OMWC’s place.
I wasn’t talking about his home, just his student-feedery.
Butlerville – was it named after Gerard Butler or Jimmy Butler?
No free community college…
Which sparked this meme – lol.
Why the fuck is DR. Jill Biden doing any govt shit at all. Was she elected? Was she confirmed?
Hillary was in charge of the 90s attempt at nationalizing health care.
And the hit squads, don’t forget that big responsibility.
I’m pretty sure she does that for free on the side as a passion project.
Confirmed – there are two babbling idiots in the White House.
What’s the lesson?
That the free shit brigade will never be satisfied?
All first ladies that do some bullshit white house initiatives suck ass. Some are nobler than others, but they still suck ass. Congress enables it with whatever budget items they stuff into omnibuses I am guessing.
First wives are supposed to spend their time holding tea for other first wives.
The slow-motion insurrection continues.
Students whose families oppose masks arrive at a Loudoun County school board meeting carrying baskets full of affidavits.
Eat shit, commie cuntes.
Cry more delicious, salty tears: Meltdowns Over Canada Truckers Bouncy Castles Protests
Steve Schmidt is still getting airtime? I thought his grift was done.
Any relation to Johann Schmidt. I’m not going to look it up, I’m just going with yes.
It’s right out of the Trump playbook.
These npc’s really just repeat buzzwords and talking points like normal people breathe.
“Remember, remember the fourth of February,
of barbeque treason and plot.
I know of no reason
why the barbeque treason
should ever be forgot.”
barbeque treason
Is that like switching one’s loyalty from Carolina Gold to a vinegar based sauce or a Kansas City sauce?
Hey hey hey now. We have our native vinegar-based sauces too.
I do miss Jack Stack and Oklahoma Joe’s.
The Florida/Georgia style of BBQ uses a vinegar heavy sauce and I love it. But, truth be told, I love all BBQ styles. Let 1000 flowers bloom.
These lunatics seem determined to paint themselves into a corner where they’re working themselves up to violence.
They keep raising the verbal stakes.
Now whether they’re intentionally doing so or are just really freaking stupid remains to be seen.
I think we can embrace and in this situation.
Well, they won’t be doing any violence. They will have to reluctantly order cops and soldiers to beat and kill people.
When in the Course of human events, . . . . . . .
These lunatics seem determined to paint themselves into a corner where they’re working themselves up to violence.
See, also: Retard-in-Chief blustering “WE WILL SHUT DOWN NORDSTREAM.”
Journalist vs. Trucker
Trucker wins.
I can smell the soy coming off that journo.
He won’t even look at the guy he’s talking to. lmao.
Speaking of raising the stakes.
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