It’s time to get cold, well it is cold but Tuesday is still league day so we get out and play, Snow be damned! Most of the local kids won’t play in the winter, they just stay at home inside playing video games, probably and good idea, we have other plans.
Dressing proper is essential, you don’t want to get wet or cold so we get ready,

Gaiters rule!
I learned a useful trick from the boys at Latitude 64, Ribbon taped to your disc, you see when the disc comes in at a low angle it will tunnel deep into the snow. While we are good at seeing the signs, a piece of ribbon works wonders.

At the beginning of the cold time it’s pretty easy, and when you have three golfers on the course we can find the discs pretty easily,

Angela and NickO
But then Winter sets in, lots of snow and ice, the teepads are dangerous ice slicks, but we adapt and play on.

Shit’s getting deep

C’mon it’s only 18″
Then it got cold, as in 18 with windchill of 5, but we went out, hand warmers and gloves, cough sticks and beer, Nicko and I tore it up,

Nicko On the first tee, kind of

First tee, the marker is three feet tall

Yours truly

the fourth pin is directly behind the large tree in front of us
Nick and I have played every week for the last year with no pause, When spring comes we will be on our game while the kids catch up. This game is so playable and crazy, easy on the body and hella fun, try it!
Frozen disc golf! Anybody can do it in nice weather.
And the firster, has been fisted.
Has he actually ever firsted? I’m sure not. I don’t think he has it in him.
*pulls out popcorn*
He’s obviously afraid I’ll fetch my brother and we will unleash the Quad Laser.
Most of the local kids won’t play in the winter, they just stay at home inside playing video games, probably and good idea, we have other plans.
Since I don’t like Winter… I see that as a good plan.
Nice pictures!
If you have the right clothing, being out in the cold can be a lot of fun.
I found a hand muff worked better for ice fishing than gloves or mittens. Wet hands soon became wet mittens. A muff was easier to put on/take off than mittens. I like a muff in the deer stand too, slides off easily, drops quietly to the floor. Could put a hand warmer in it but I never do.
Happiness is a warm muff.
muff diving for the win
Bang. Bang. Shoot. Shoot.
When working at weapons proving grounds, I started wearing a muff so that I could quickly switch between warming up my hands and then doing fine finger work on measuring instruments etc.
Lots of standing around waiting, then a sudden flurry of activity. Muffs are perfect for it.
Definitely. No wind, or at least being able to stay out of it, helps too. Some days, it’s a necessity.
Thanks Yusef for the update. Looks warm
Great picto, Yusef. That’s cool as shit you guys have been hitting it all winter. And traipsing through snow with extra pounds of clothing on is a great workout!
Cough sticks?
He’s the hero we need at this moment.
You mean, behind the blackface.
Thread fail. I am ashamed of my behavior.
It’s OK, MikeS, here, have a paper towel
Michael Malice: After this debacle, Canada won’t elect another black premier for decades.
I wonder if they understand how bad they look after accusing everyone else of being evil when they stop hiding the fact they are fucking evil power hungry assholes.
Self awareness is not typically one of the traits of a sociopath.
I have a sinking feeling that the majority of the Canadian public will reward Trudy for being a tuffgai.
It’s what much of the US would do.
Regardless of how this turns out, it was necessary for the public to see exactly what brute force entails. It’s up to them to make a better future and the slap in the face of reality is a good thing.
And seriously FUCK TRUDEAU. Liz Warren has that frantic, spazzy thing that’s annoying. Newsome has that greasy pol look that’s typical. But, Trudeau has the combo of being a cowardly, faux empathetic and violent asswipe. Behind the mask he is Joffrey Baratheon.
Poetry as usual, sir.
Yusef, why no chicks in bikinis in the cold? Nothing helps with nipple print like cold…
Brrrrrrrrr. You’re the man Yusef.
OT: Last article Count Potato shared this link
I found it quite insightful and posted this comment:
Pardon the interruption.
straff is here to fill you in on the yakuza…
I can do a whipstitch. It is useful in leather working.
I can also do a blanket stitch which is my preferred way of finishing a raw edge of leather.
There are 2 I’ve never heard of (thermistor? neodymium?) on the boy list and 8 or 9 on the girlie list.
Granted, I can’t necessarily define all of the words I have heard.
I’m sure you’ve heard neodymium by its layperson name, “rare earth magnet”.
Trashy, have you gotten back into aquariums after your move?
Not really. I have an old 5g hex tank sitting in a box in my office waiting for me to find a place to set it up, but the lease precludes anything of substantial volume. I need to find a location where the 1 year old will enjoy it but not be able to reach it.
Gotcha. I only ask because after I did a complete tear-down reset of my 40 gal breeder it rekindled my love of the hobby and I remembered that you are/were an aquarium guy. I hope you can get back into it soon.
I have a 75 gal rectangular with a custom filtration system made out of a 30-or 35 gal tank that a friend gave me, sitting idle. I’ve been keeping aquariums on and off (mostly on) since I was in the first grade.
Two years ago I had to move this behemoth out of the way during a remodeling of our house that turned into a structural shoring-up in places (notably right near the aquarium). So it got drained and disconnected from the filter and it has been sitting idle ever since. I need to get it back up and going. I usually keep African cichlids, but I’m wondering about a marine tank (it would be my first).
Planted or just fish? Pics or it didn’t happen!
I really look forward to having the space for a few tanks again. Even the work part was enjoyable.
I had a 75g that was planted and had some Bolivian rams, altum(?) angels, bamboo shrimp, and a load of tetras of various types. It cracked during a move and the emergency replacement 55g tank just never quite came back to the glory of the original.
I love the 75g size, I think it’s the perfect entry level “big” tank.
Bolivian ramsIt was a breeding pair of German blue rams
Planted. I had had one fish in the aquarium at the old house. When we moved, he moved with us. Poor guy hung in there for a long time in the old aquarium–I was thinking about doing something new so I didn’t re-stock, so he was all alone for a while. Moved him into the 75 when I got it, eventually he died after about 3 years (he was nearly 12 years old at that point), then I just kept it planted and then bought some random feeder fish to keep it interesting until I figured out what to do with it. They eventually died out, and then I had to move it.
I really ought to do something with it again. Never got any really good photos of it.
At one point about 20 years ago I got a hold of an Allen-Bradley SLC-500 PLC and programed it to auto fill and backwash an older custom filter I built. That went by the wayside with the new aquarium. Next time I automate one I’m just going to use an Arduino like a sane person.
It’ll have pH and ORP and auto chemistry control if I have my way, and can find some used instrumentation and peristaltic pumps on Ebay.
Mine is planted. Panda Corys and Black Skirt tetras. And a couple shy Oto’s. It’s also in the middle of an algae bloom. 🙁
Smart relay
Mini-PLC, easy to program. We used them for our magnet power supplies at my last job.
Cool, thanks! I had not seen those before.
I had trouble on both sides of the page. I’ll never make it as a trans
Does this mean you are non-binary?
Amy Schneider got 100% right on both sides.
I don’t recall ever hearing 15+ on the girl side. Boy side I recognize the vast majority. The remaining few I recognize the base syllables and I think I could make a decent guess as to their meaning. Well, maybe not “teraflop”. I assume it’s computer related, but…?
I’ve heard gigaflop – I think it’s related to CPU performance.
Billion FLoating point OPerations per second.
LANL has computers that operated at teraflops.
CPU performance? How about OS performance: “Windows 8 was a fucking gigaflop. I mean, what were they thinking?”
Gawd it was terrible. I log onto many different servers as part of my work and the other day I landed on a Windows 8 (or whatever the server version of that was called) box and cringed at trying to find anything.
I personally succeeded in avoiding it, but my dad was forced to buy a new computer during the time 8 was the current OS. Me being his “tech support” convinced me that I wanted nothing to do with it on any computer of mine. I had a Windows phone (that I loved) and 8 shined on there, because that’s what it was designed for. Why they thought every PC should look like a mobile device is beyond me.
I know all the words on the left, all but 3 or 4 on the right.
Ditto but vice versa.
I know what a chignon is.
My wife told me.
If it’s not a Spanish swear word then I don’t know.
Meanwhile, I was cruising around Catalina island in a golf cart all weekend in 80 degree weather. I’ve been feeling a bit off, getting headaches and a little sniffle-y. I assumed I had the ‘vid, so I took most of las week off and then today to avoid spreading it. Finally bought one of those little strip type tests and….nope. Still have no positive test. I’m thinking the no vax stance is working out for me.
Good to see you back Blackjack.
In biker news: I bought a 2001 Nomad to replace the hole in my heart from selling my Vulcan. Brought it home (story forthcoming) and discovered that it won’t start. Chasing down the electrical problem. Latest culprit: starter solenoid. Too cold to work on and too much ice to ride here so keep pushing the troubleshooting off for a couple more weeks.
I’ve always been a fan of the hard bags on those. Especially the shiny sargeant stripes. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. I’ve seen many of them out touring, which usually means they are fun to ride. Grats.
Thanks. I found the Harley too difficult to handle for my small frame and regretted trading in my beloved Vulcan.
Fellow Vulcan rider here
I want an FJR or an ST1100 next (or in addition to).
Can you have too many motorcycles?
That’s like saying, “Can you have too many guns?”
Recently the missus asked “Why do you have so many guns?”
My answer, “Why do you have so many pairs of shoes”
No answer, she just walked away. Actually I don’t have many, the last few years I’ve given away a dozen or more. Every gun has a story and I tell the story to the recipient. I hope they will remember the story of how I came to have that particular piece of equipment and will pass it on to their heirs when the time comes. Unfortunately everyone lives in cities these days and haven’t been exposed to the woods and lakes very much.
I need to take your boat out and look at the X on the hull when we’re over that SKS you lost.
Nice – just got back from Naples, FL. I am pleasantly sun-kissec (i.e., somewhat red, before I go back to pale white – Irish and German, yo)
On topic:
Thanks for the article, Yousef. My late best friend Billy was an avid disc golfer and played all over the SW region.
@Alex: Back in my skiing days there were often chicks in bikinis skiing in the New Mexico sun. Those were great days. Second best was the ladies in bibs that accented their chestly assets. My OTHER late friend Tad was a manly man and skied in shorts to show the chicks his manly hairy legs.
The light and the snow take me back to Wisconsin. There was a stretch where I enjoyed the cold weather; it was always how long it lasted that got to me.
Good stuff, Yusef. Your optimism and energy are always a lift.
One question: You ever thought about snowshoes when it gets deep on the course?
I’ve asked him the same, but it didn’t sink in.
Heh. Rogan has a “climate skeptic” on his show today.
Oh boy, here we go again.
Anyone care to tell me how Ayn Rand’s bad guys are terrible caricatures that could never exist in real life after this Canada shit?
Her description of the “scientific community” in Atlas is eerily on point.
I’m surprised the ribbon doesn’t change the flight characteristics of the disc that much.
This looks like a blast!
Good on you, Yusef Ignoring the weather to have a blast is always the proper decision!
Stupid pears. They looked happy sitting there so why not? Oh well, try, try again as they say.
There’s a lot of subtle touches here I really like. It might be the alcohol I’m drinking to numb this toothache, but I would pay money for that.
They look like they ought to be in a Cialis ad.
But seriously, very nice work! I could definitely see some of your sketches on a wall around here.
And, they actually do look “happy” there. Sorry for the crass joke.
Thanks, guys. I’d send it to you but the authoritays demand too much private info from me just to send you a piece of paper with graphite on it.
Look like a nice pair to me.
Yep. More like that are needed. Desperately.
I like your posts, Yusef. Lots of pictures!
You disc golf with Ron Swanson?
What I love most about this, Yusef, is that you guys are actually doing something. Doesn’t matter what, just act. The sedentary life people are living has a terrible effect on their judgment. A body must move.
Lovely! I miss snow sometimes. But I could never deal with that much cold! You’re a brave trooper for making that move and not huddling in front of a fireplace for six months, like I would.
The kiddo applied to Michigan and we were all — ‘are you sure about that, born-and-raised-in-SoCal boy?” If he actually ends up there, I’ll be needing advice from all you Northern folk on what to make him take so he doesn’t freeze to death.
What he needs to bring is a respect for the cold. Northern college life has too many examples of drunk (even sober) college kids getting seriously hurt or even freezing to death because they “were only going a few blocks”.
So, I know there are more than a few people out there who are good with their hands. I always like to see examples of other peoples craftsmanship, and I came across this photo tonight, thought you all might enjoy it:
Some damn fine brazing.
Wow, that’s amazing.
I remember about 15 years ago I had a project going and we needed a bunch of stainless piping TIG welded for a small chemical process. The contractor was having trouble getting a welder out of the hall who could do the process we needed, so they called a guy who had retired in. He was an absolute master at the craft. I have never seen welds like it before or since–looked like everything was sculpted from smooth ice or something.
My welding instructor in high school had been lead welder on the local nuclear power plant (Diablo Canyon) built in the late sixties. His gas welds were like looking at melted butter. Just one long flow.
That’s beautiful work
My goodness. That is a beautiful mixture of art and science.
Wow. Facebook is good for something.
1. That URL: ick.
2. Facebook forces a login to see it, which I refuse to do
3. Why would I click on a link to and URL to which my visceral reaction is “ick?” Don’t judge me.
Your loss.
Hate crime.
Mexico is more appealing day by day
Having corruption be up front would be a nice change.
I passed out, but now I’m Alive!
Welcome back
Canna beer is really good, holy fuck!
Great disc golf pics, Yusef!!
The upper Midwest stalwarts showing up the pansies who won’t venture outside if it’s under 50 F.
Glad you have an outdoor activity to help while away the winter months. In March, the Silver maples will start showing little buds on the youngest branches. Then the sugar maples and Japanese maples will follow shortly.
By April/May, the bulb-type flowers like crocus, daffodils, and then tulips will show up.
Midwest spring was always a great comfort and reminder that things get better, or at least they _can_ get better if tended and nurtured properly.
Late night Bob comment,
Sister is fine, laughing at the cold,
The Lemon mead is good,
I am in talks with a company to be a driver in CA, hah!
at least it’s warm there,
My visitor cat, soon to be mine,
Some little girl is probably crying herself to sleep wondering where her beloved kitty went. Kitteh is lounging at Bob’s, giving no no fucks.
Insomnia sucks.
You said it, bro.
Tl:dr…corporate America is fucked beyond salvageable.
With the coming implementation of ESG policies via your bank and other payment services it will become very costly and difficult to do business with anyone who isn’t part of that corpo-woke-elite nexus, perhaps. I would like to understand this better. James Lindsay is on this beat. Worth reading.
Also published on Bari Weiss’ substack. Another one walks away.
Toe the line one hundred percent or you’re far right scum. Levi’s aren’t quite what they used to be anyway so avoidance of the brand is no skin off my nose.
Yup. They don’t fit right anymore.
While I was reading that, I thought, “Every company is doing this.”
How do you shop not evil?
Some companies give lip service while others really buy in. Figuring out which is which before spending your dollars is exhausting though.
“Still worth doing”. What the fuck Dr. Drew? How fucking stupid are you? Eat a bag of dicks, you retard.
Time to make the donuts.
Mornin to the North American Glibs (including those behind enemy lines), afternoon to the Euros, and whatever to the Asian based.
Morning, Sean.
Still morning on Airstrip One, but afternoon on most of the continent. Mornin’.
Mornin’, Sean. Does being in NJ qualify as “behind enemy lines”?
suh’ fam
I really need to change my contract, even tho it’s a day off Im still up. Jugsy is gone so I’m up all night long.
Work 30 years up at 5, hard to “sleep in”
Good Morning.
I don’t know why that happens to some people. I still struggle to get up in time for work, and I’ve been on the same schedule for fourteen years now.
How was your first day back in the office yesterday?
It had its ups and downs. I was woefully unprepared for the main weekly status meeting because I was told to first attend a pointless daily meeting that never has anything for us that was overlapping with it.
Oh, and I found out my promotion is being held up because the state police have misplaced my background check paperwork. I’m trying to find out what I can do to get things moving again, because this is costing me real money.
***SIGH!!!*** I hope you don’t have to redo the paperwork all over again. Do you have to fill out any of the forms, or is it all in the hands of those who don’t care what happens to it?
I had two copies of the forms, one of which I mailed to them, the other I still have.
I’m trying to get an answer of who needs what to move this forward again.
I just looked at my calendar for tomorrow.
I am not exaggerating when I say it is nothing but meetings back to back to back. I have six consecutive meetings with no gap in between, one in the early morning, and the eighth just before I’m supposed to leave.
Today has the different problem of “everyone scheduled their meeting at the same time”
X <———- Bang head here.
That would break my monitor.
I still struggle to get up in time for work, and I’ve been on the same schedule for fourteen years now.
I’m usually the person who will not wake up even a minute earlier than I need to. The kids change that. The thought of having 10 minutes to myself before they wake up motivates me to get up earlier than I otherwise would.
The bodily functions tell me what time to get up.
Ten minutes? You do it twice?
Good morning, homey, ‘bodru, U, limey, & Sean!
So, homey, what have you been doing all night long?
How is life in your corner of the world, mate? (If I may call you that.)
I’ve been waiting all night long for this one.
I knew that one would show up eventually! ?
Good morning, ‘patzie!
Nice work, Bob! That Angela is a cutie and the other feller looks like a fun guy. Keep at it! Regarding the male/female list of words, I knew every single one of them. It’s my secret super-power.
I may be as dumb as a post but I am well read. Words stick to my brain like Covid to lung tissue.
My maternal grandfather had to drop out of high school to support his family, but he, too, was well read and had (at least it seemed to me) a remarkable vocabulary. When we visited, he’d have us play a word game from the local newspaper – the one where you take one long word and see how many smaller words you could make from the letters therein. He’d cut out the back and the top flap from his little boxes of R.G. Dun Admiral cigars (made from the finest floor sweepings in Lima, Ohio!), write the main word on the top flap, and we’d write our words in the blank space below. He’d always come up with more words than we did. (Of course, he might have made some up, for all I know.)
Good times!
That’s a wonderful story, Red!
I’ll never forget the first time that I beat Dad at the daily crossword. Smelled like victory… I was about 13.
Mornin’ folks,
One cup down, ready to take on a bag o’ wildcats (small bag o’ small wildcats)
Mornin’! Still working on cup #1. Today’s brew: French Roast. Yum.
Morning 4×20 and everybody else!
Mornin’ all. Que pasa?
Lost my duckling helper, yesterday. Redundancies. All that she really did was to disinfect touch points from Covid. Maybe this bullshit is finally winding down? Of course they expect me to take over that task. Tell me another one, Grandma!
Duckling helper? Is that one of those words on the male/female list 🙂
Maybe this bullshit is finally winding down?
Not to worry, there will be new and better bullshit to replace it.
News announced our first local flu death. My first thought was that they would change the tune to masks to prevent the flu.
I don’t get out too much but I don’t see the people standing behind me, ready to wipe down anything that I may or may not have touched, like a pen at the bank. Handiwipes at the self serve gas pumps?
A dirt eating country boy can survive without all the niceties brought by Fauci, speaking of which, he seems to have disappeared . Small favors are always welcome.
That was part of her task, wiping down those germ-ridden pens.