Once again my annual attempt to quit drinking has gone into effect. I’m having a hard time sleeping again.
This is my review of South Norte Pan a Flores Porter:
Insomnia partially due to it getting just barely warm enough in the house but not enough to turn on the AC. I’m not that far gone…yet.

FYTW. Dilly Dilly!
Earlier this week I found this Colbert video in my YouTube feed. While I didn’t suffer the indignity of clicking to view his drivel, I did read the subtitles in the video preview and saw he referenced this Daily Beast article in an effort to make fun of the Trucker protest due to arrive during the SOTU. I’ll be fair, this actually is pretty funny how nobody showed up.
Hey now, relax. I’m going somewhere with this.
During a visit to the London a couple years ago, back when traveling was actually possible, my wife and I visited the British Library. They had an exhibit on the Magna Carta. I doubt that was the actual Magna Carta, lest somebody like Nicholas Cage try to steal it. The religious holiday jogged a memory of my reading at the exhibit, that shortly after signing the Magna Carta, King John sought a Papal Bull—that is a nullification.
Why would he do that? Divine Right of Kings. The idea is authority granted unto the monarch is granted by the Will of God. Since the Roman Catholic Church fancies itself as the corporeal manifestation of God here on Earth, such authority was granted by the Pope. In the end, Pope Innocent III did indeed nullify the Magna Carta.
The problem is it didn’t work because the 25 Barons refused, and insisted the Magna Carta be enforced. Simply put, they pushed back against those claiming to be authority.
When people like Colbert choose to mock political movements in this manner, one can argue it is an attempt to demoralize the movement. I only bring up the coverage of the protest at the SOTU because I found it odd they picked that day in particular when everything I have come across suggests the Freedom Convoy is due to arrive in DC this weekend. There appears to be more than 12 heading that way. So hopefully, by the time article this goes live, somebody will have pushed back.
But for now, I’ll take solace in the fact that if they were winning the propaganda would be unnecessary.
Unlike previous years, I am not going to review a can of Perrier. I have several of these on hand so hopefully I don’t forget. This one here earns yet another—
? ? ? White Girl Beer Alert ? ? ?
They probably went a bit heavy on the cinnamon that most people would like, but I didn’t find it so sweet as to be off-putting. Chocolate malts are dark, and bitter. This one is very much drinkable but perhaps deviates just a bit too far from the norm. South Norte Pan a Flores Porter: 3.1/5
Lent is a good excuse to put the beer away for awhile.
Simply put, they pushed back against those claiming to be authority.
This has to happen now. It may actually be too late, really, but there are all kinds of nasty little technological nightmares in our futures if the ‘authorities’ win.
“Once again my annual attempt to quit drinking has gone into effect. I’m having a hard time sleeping again.”
When I quit the alcohol I had a tough time sleeping for about 3 weeks, seemed like I could crawl up a wall with my extended fingernails. After that things got a lot better, in my sleep and in my personal life.
For me it was a good thing, for my family it was a great thing.
Now the only thing that keeps me awake is the escapades of our betters. Plate juggling is tough.
How old were you when you put the cork back in the bottle?
Now the only thing that keeps me awake is the escapades of our betters.
Amen to that. This constant anxiety can’t be healthy.
Just short of 50, about 48-49. My 2 best local friends both quit about the same time, even though we didn’t know it. We were classmates, they are regulars at the HH.
“He put the bottle to his head
and pulled the trigger”
Allison Krauss has a lovely voice.
That song….damn you nick…damn you to hell.
My BFAM really pulls on the heart strings with that one.
Giving up beer for lent or because of your sponsor’s encouragement?
Lent. Its really the only Catholic custom I still observe.
Good for you. There is much to be said for observing rituals.
But for now, I’ll take solace in the fact that if they were winning the propaganda would be unnecessary.
Although if you recall your Nineteen Eighty-Four, you will remember that a constant deluge of propaganda is necessary to both rally the hate and to demoralise any would be dissenters, even with total power. Not just that, but constant control of The Narrative is necessary.
Though even then, sand slipped through their fingers.
Bullshit. Winston loves Big Brother.
I thought there was more resistance than what Big Brother owned? Or am I remembering the book wrong?
I haven’t clicked on anything in YT about the war in Ukraine but YT has pushed its algorithm to flood my homepage with it. From ‘Prettiest Ukrainian Girls’ to a bunch of other shit. Now I have to go looking for the mechanics’ videos we have been using for the explorer.
I thought all Ukrainian women were beautiful, have I been misled? How can one choose a “Prettiest?”
I’m not sure but I’m willing to try.
I’d be accepting rejects, first or second loser would be OK.
You get it.
After all those bikini videos I linked, I did not get any ‘Prettiest Ukrainian Girls’ recommendations
Too tough to chose. It’s like the Best Rock Band, I’m not involved in that brouhaha either.
“They all have lovely bottoms.”
Oh that wasn’t the clip I intended:
“Russia Today” (RT) has been removed from most platforms in the West, but Gab’s still carrying it, if’n anyone cares.
I personally don’t like anyone cutting my info feeds. I’m perfectly capable of detecting possible bullshit.
But then how could we be sure that you’re thinking correctly?
can you see Russia from your place and give them the finger?
Every day and twice on Sunday.
First hangover in many moons this morning. But I had a great evening, so possibly worth it.
(meant to post here instead of the ded thred)
Excellent ?
Meanwhile I got in my first bike ride of the year. I treated myself with crepes, and picking up macarons to bring to my parents for my dad’s birthday tonight. While riding, I saw what I believe was a river otter going into a hole on the banks of the Rocky River (and after searching, found they were reintroduced over the past couple of years, and spotted in that area before).
First hangover in many moons this morning – how very unlibertarian
But I had a great evening – this usually come with hangovers. really great evenings come with hangovers and STDs
If I’m worried about sleeping, I always pop a couple nyquil just to be safe – although lately I’ve had to start using nasal straps to avoid severe dry mouth (snoring? Idk, live alone)
Currently enjoying Duchesse de Bourgogne sour at Park Lane Tavern Fred-vegas.
This is the darkest sour and the sweetest Belgian (excepting maybe Gulden Draak 5000) that i can recall.
If you like that one, look for Rodenbach (as well as the Rodenbach Grand Cru if you can find it) and Monk’s Cafe. Both are similar in style.
I’ll keep an eye open for that. Don’t think I’ve seen it around here (VA) before. Paying $11 for a 12oz pour here.
Speaking pricey – this lunch + movie this afternoon will probably be the last “outing” for a bit. Frigging gas is up .50/gal since Wed night.
Hitting $4/gal in VA.
$4.19 here this past Thursday.
I filled up yesterday ’cause I’m thinking it’ll be higher rather than lower soon
Duchesse de Bourgogne one of my favorites. Although I like Rodenbach Grand Cru better.
From the previous dedthred:
1) Intercourse with Catwoman vs. Wonder Woman: The correct answer is Power Girl.
2) Celebrating Russians getting blown up: I get that war sucks and people die. I also get that war is a necessary evil. Further, I get that the Russians are engaging in a war of aggression and want them to lose (which they unfortunately won’t, no matter how valiant the Ukrainians are). That said, I find something ghoulish and unsavory about clapping and cheering the deaths of other human beings, even if they are putative enemies of the moment.
The business of war is war. We went to VN under false pretenses, Weapons of Mass Destruction were never found in Iraq, 20 years in Afghanistan and we’re back to where we started.
I’m having a tough time understanding the necessity of all this. Easier to pick up the beer cans along the road instead of worrying about who throws them there.
That how I bought my first car.
That said, I find something ghoulish and unsavory about clapping and cheering the deaths of other human beings, even if they are putative enemies of the moment.
To me what’s unsavory about it is that these aren’t our enemies. Russia isn’t invading America. Ukraine isn’t a close allied nation. We don’t have a dog in this fight. Yet suddenly Americans are all sporting Ukraine flags and cheering every Russian death. Russia isn’t respecting Ukraine’s sovereignty, but the whole “consent of the governed” thing rings a bit hypocritical here in the West after the banana republic response to 1/6 and how Canada went all Gestapo after their peaceful protesters.
Seems natural for those in Ukraine to cheer the deaths of their invaders though.
re: (1) — Boy, I should have seen *THAT* decision coming. Just keep her away from the Diet Coke or she’ll start claiming she’s from Atlantis again.
That said — she’s even more consistently in the “humans are squishy” category — so best of luck, my friend.
re: (2) — I appreciate the reminder from Festus et alia, actually. For this fight, I really don’t feel I have a side. Russia’s position of not wanting to have NATO on the doorstep certainly makes sense, but given Putin’s love of the ex-USSR, Crimea, Georgia, etc…. I could just as easily think he’s looking for ways to get the band back together under his rule as it were. Don’t think Ukraine are angels either. I’m honestly more than anything surprised that he didn’t roll in “peacekeeping forces” after recognizing the more Russian-leaning parts of Ukraine as republics and just hold the line there. He’d get some chunks, still have an arguable position internationally and I don’t think would have lost any blood or treasure. So I really don’t get where this is going or why.
That said — the morons who are pushing for a shooting war with Russia seriously need to shut up. And I’m not thrilled with “going back on our word” if we made promises for Ukraine to give up nukes a while back — but that says to me a couple of things. First, nuclear proliferation is a thing for a good reason in the current world, sorry — but true. And second, you have to have a formal treaty and it has to be approved by the Senate or nothing means anything. Sorry — but the rest of the world should understand that about our system. (And if I’m misremembering and there *is* a Senate approved treaty, then we *are* talking formal Declaration of War time, but no one’s talking about it so I don’t think I’m misremembering).
That said, that said (and back on topic) — unfortunately we are in our core tribal screaming monkeys to some extent. If we identify a “good” or “bad” tribe, there’s almost certainly going to be the “Ape STRONG!” feeling when a perceived enemy is knocked down. So it is good to be reminded that we should have more empathy, especially when it ISN’T our tribe. I think most of us can watch history videos because (to be blunt) — almost all of those people would have been dead anyway. The generation is far enough in the past to be obscured by the mists of time, allowing us the detachment that allows for a million lives being a casualty, when one we “know” (Lincoln, Kennedy, etc anyway?) are a tragedy. We can still feel if we learn enough about their lives to attach — but otherwise, they’re just another dim ancestor. Contemporary deaths seem more immediate because there’s more of a connection, I expect.
Anyway — enjoy your alcohol, those who drink. Certainly a reasonable enough time for it.
1) Intercourse with Catwoman vs. Wonder Woman: The correct answer is Power Girl.
I haven’t looked at the morning links yet, but you’re wrong. The correct answer is “foursome”.
Not that you or the others finding this ghoulish were necessarily the ones doing it, but I have seen on multiple occasions Glibs post and applaud videos of some criminal getting offed by a store clerk or bystander who happens to be packing. I guess if one believes that the Russian soldiers are the aggressors and committing violent crimes than I don’t know that there is a difference just because they wear a uniform and are just following orders.
I see your point but the Russian soldiers are likely there by conscription. The guy knocking off a liquor store chose to rob it.
Conscription or no they are still the ones pulling the trigger, presumably, maybe they were just going to land and surrender at the first opportunity, in which case they have my sympathy, if they just fired a rocket into a school house then fuck ’em.
One argument for feeling more for the soldier than the criminal: being a cog in a machine (and being afraid to be a monkey wrench in that machine lest one get erased) is different than taking the initiative to aggress against someone.
(And WTF does the editor not think aggress is a real word?)
Missed it by THAT much. I refreshed just a few minutes ago.
Certainly if a solider of any nation orders a civilian at gunpoint to empty the cash register, begins raping women, etc., I would consider them no different than a civilian criminal. There is no inconsistency here.
It sounds like you’re really asking if the actions of an individual solider involved in invading another country is morally the same as a criminal robbing stores.
I find something ghoulish and unsavory about clapping and cheering the deaths of other human beings – if you support a side in a war this is inevitable.
I’m fine with it.
Be true to your school. Just like you would to your girl now.
That said, I find something ghoulish and unsavory about clapping and cheering the deaths of other human beings, even if they are putative enemies of the moment.
I was in ALS when Bin Laden was killed. The following day the instructors bought a cake for everyone in class to celebrate.
I said “no, thank you.”
I really hope things stay open and we don’t decide to blow up the world. It’s my wife and my 10 year anniversary this year and I am thinking Norway or Ireland trip.
Heading south next week on vacation to celebrate out 46th.
Excellent. Enjoy!
Impossible! The Kinnaths aren’t that old. No way, man.
Enjoy your anniversary and vacation. Time goes by so quickly.
and yes time goes screaming by
The time until I step down from full time work is crawling.
But, we are already running out of time to plan some things we want to do after that.
Go figure.
Awesome and congrats!
Mrs. Kinnath must be a saint. :-p
goes without saying
celebrate our 46th
Congrats! The years fly by, don’t they?
thanks and yes.
Congrats. That’s a long time to pick up anyone’s drawers.
Awesome, kinnath!
How far south?
Hot Springs Arkansas.
Enjoy the warmth!
Will do.
We have a lakeside condo for 6 nights.
Ireland is a good place to visit.
Hopefully you and your wife get to go some place good for your anniversary.
In 1977 as a 16 year old I visited Norway with my high school choir. Spent every moment on the sidewalks of Oslo swiveling my head in awe, it seemed every passing gal was more beautiful than the last. Wondering if it’s still like that.
I liled Ireland but if I am not mistaken, they went full retard on the vax passports.
They’re not in NATO, so maybe they won’t be incinerated when the big war happens.
In clown world, senators openly call for the assassination of foreign world leaders, ignorant of the fact that Putin’s inevitable successor will have the same foreign policy if not more bellicose
Also the Magna Carta, like all things British, is significantly lamer than the American counterpart, although just as wildly ignored
should ev nuked the fuckers in ’45
Shouldn’t have nuked Afghanistan and Iraq too. If we want to say retarded shit, let’s not beat around the bush. Full retard time
there was no need to nuke either afghanistan or iraq
Nor was there a need to bomb the USSR or Japan. Bombing the Eastern bloc wouldn’t have been a bad idea, though in hindsight since those are the people constantly trying to drag the US into nuclear war, because their men are too cowardly. Are the Poles the only Eastern Europeans with balls?
Perhaps, but it takes 3 of them to screw it in?
who the fuck is trying to drag america in a nuclear war?
I’d say Ukrainians, both male and female, have some balls.
Not a fan of the neoconservative mindset, but I’m ok with anyone casually mentioning on social media that someone should put a bullet in Putin’s head. This seems like a fine and normal attitude to have.
Also, even if an evil asshole is going to probably be replaced by another one, murdering them is still just fine.
This reminds me a lot of the whole “muh..Kurds” nonsense when it was suggested that we leave Syria. All of a sudden everybody is crying “but..muh..Kurds”. Good thing that wasn’t a lie or anything. I assume the Kurds have all been slaughtered now and definitely didn’t just ally with Assad like they wanted to
That said, I find something ghoulish and unsavory about clapping and cheering the deaths of other human beings, even if they are putative enemies of the moment.
Instead of Congressmen and Senators, Biden should deliver his State of the Union message to a room filled with maimed veterans. And then puff his chest and dare Putin to step across the line.
He would quickly learn that these guys/girls aren’t Cornpop.
Add in the parents of those that came home wearing a flag.
You think that’s bad? Jackass Jesuit priest Father Martin has been calling for war between the West and Russia. This is a man much beloved by progressives because he plays fast and loose with abortion and gay marriage. And now he’s pimping nuclear war. If the Jesuits aren’t being funded by Western intelligence at this point I’d be very surprised
CWAA. My son has so far managed to avoid being poisoned by the Jesuits after nearly 3 years with them; if anything their attempts at indoctrination have had the opposite of the intended effect. It’s a shame that their politics are so shitty, he’s actually getting a good education otherwise.
Their schools can be good. Agreed. I take less of an issue with their curious positions than I do the fact that there is no daylight between their reinterpretation of the faith and Davos. Compare a Davos white paper and a recent papal encyclical- it’s the exact same
Done. They are out of NATO. I’m a hero now?
From the Twatter below:
“Straight men in ‘bromances’ kiss, cuddle, and stand around naked”
LOL sure, Jan
I don’t think that’s how that works.
Instead of “Hail to the Chief” they can play this.
Much-Hyped D.C. Trucker Rally Turns Out to Be a Complete Joke
Well, they’re here now, in woke Bergen County of all places.
Couldn’t make it myself due to some ongoing issues with my eyes, but good to see. Even if I suspect that at least some of the protesters were totally on board with the mandates up until a few weeks ago. Better late than never.
Well, they’re here now, in woke Bergen County of all places.
“fighting for freedoms they believe were taken away during the pandemic”
“They believe were taken away”? FUCK. OFF.
Yeah, several chestnuts like that in the article. They just can’t help themselves.
Covid must be over. PA liquor store employees are now unmasked.
All the liquor stores around here (they are not operated by the state) are run by Koreans. Those masks are never coming off.
Those aren’t masks, their eyes are really like that.
In California now there’s no more indoor mask requirement, even for the unvaccinated. So I happily went unmasked into Safeway yesterday, only to find more than 75% of the customers were still masked. Seems it will be quite awhile before most locals give up their magic talisman.
Went for a late brunch at a nearby place that’s next to the Baldwin Wallace campus. The majority of people who came into the establishment wore masks, as did most of the staff. No one said anything to me about not wearing a mask, so I call that a win.
A lot of people are going to be more panicky than ever.
Oh, well.
Around here it’s been 80% unmasked for months.
The exact opposite in Denver.
Colorado hasn’t had a mask mandate since last summer.
I was just up at REI in Boulder. Staff and probably 30% of the customers were wearing them. Still, a few months ago I was literally the only one there without one.
If Boulder is unmasking, the ‘vid is dead.
There are places where it ain’t close to over.
That’s just an administration being deliberately vindictive.
Melenkurion abatha!
Unvaxed outcast unclean!
Still masked in Seattle and environs
Sharpshooter, try melatonin to reset your body clock and help to get to sleep.
But edibles work so much better?
“Chew some valerian root and get more exorcise.”
“red and blue Tuenols, lipstick-red Seconals”
I’m actually half way through my first viewing of that. Ed just got his ass kicked by Meatloaf.
Apparently Sarwark got booed at the LPPA. Then it erupted into a slap fight. Resulting in this:
I like that top response.
The AZ contingent was trying to get an
But he has nearly all of us blocked.
I’ll go check the MC discord and find out what happened
Looks like there was some shoving over the microphone. From what I can tell, the State leadership is having a meltdown because 75% of the attendees are Mises.
They’re reporting a MC sweep of all 49 delegates.
I think I might go for a little cruise to American Falls and scope out a couple of houses. More info for the data bank, if nothing else.
Spanish Civil War style international brigades?
Did she need the operation from an anal sex scene gone bad?
I’m certainly no doctor, but what the fuck is on her lips?
OFFS, that is not a “disability”.
I wonder if she empties it out before filming.
I like that better than the original.
Toss that poison out.
They could always ship it to Russia, or maybe that would be an act of war.
But stacks of bodies! Africa!!
Ugh I had to bail out of that propaganda piece.
I had to look for quite a while to see a face. Weird.
It’s a rare day when Jesse doesn’t make me laugh out loud.
That is inspired.
His followup to a comment is even better.
It must be my current and former professions influence but when I watched the clip from the dead thread I didn’t think about the two KIA.
I watched it several times to see how the Stinger ambush was carried out and to try to determine if the camera was in a building or a drone. I tried to determine the Russian flight characteristics before the strike. I wanted to try and suss out the tactical proficiency of the UKR and anything about their C2 since the video was part of the planning for the ambush.
It was just business. How well the UKR people can fight and kill the invaders, along with their societal morale, will have major impact on how this war concludes. If they are able to badly hurt the Russians for a sustained time it will impact Western and hopefully Putin’s decision making.
To the point about being comfortable with old combat footage and discomfort with current footage I think SDF makes a not incorrect observation. The old stuff is “history” so the deaths are different from most modern eyes. Just like people taking photos of the casts of the dead at Pompeii. Even so, the famous bit of film of the 1ID crossing Omaha Beach where one Soldier drops and is dead before he hits the sand always has an impact on me.
This is supposedly the geolocation. Seems to fit for the field directly north. Doesn’t look like there’s any structures nearby unless it’s zoomed a bit.
Self loading cargo only, but doesn’t seem like they were operating like manpads are a common threat.
Not accepting new orders until at least 3/9.
Meh. This is still not a real Cold War nuclear scare, and hopefully doesn’t reach that level.
I lived in Tucson which had 13 Titan II silos surrounding the city, and a B-52 AFB (later A-10’s). Every single road out of town had one or more silos next to it. We only did the bare minimum of duck and cover drills in school because of them.
The US has announced several times that we haven’t changed our nuclear posture. If the 24/7 flights with nuclear weapons start again then we are returning to the days of Dr Stangelove.
Now that all those kids who grew up during the Cold War are at the helm of power they can finally take their nuclear LARPing into the real world.
Motherfuckers, all of them
The shotgun seems out of place.
Can you imagine Vodka Skeletor doing any physical activity more demanding that pulling the lid off her ice cream? Let alone firearms training.
The extent of her fighting will be over which seat on a flight to Patagonia.
Interesting, if true.
“Belarusian Soldiers And Officers Massively Refuse To Fight Against Ukraine “
I imagine there are a lot of ethnic ties there.
That is good news, if true. Belarus has a conscript army with an 18m term of service. I imagine they don’t want to be dragged into Russia’s fight.
By Russian law conscripts can only serve w/i Russia. There are reports in the press that conscripts are being “voluntold” that they are now enlistees which is not improving morale.
If the UKR continue to fight and the US “leaders” can skip the stupid TV moments and comments maybe Putin will start dialing down in the near future.
Interesting. I was wondering why Ukraine accepted talks being held in Belarus, given the complicity of that country.
It is at least it appears a somewhat neutral site. No way Russia will accede to ceasefire talks on UKR soil when it has been receiving multiple military bloody noses since that will appear as their submission. (That can change if the tides of the war changes.) The UKR won’t go to Russia because it’ll appear hat in hand, and they don’t see themselves in that condition. The usual neutral sites like the Swedes and the Swiss aren’t seen by Russia as neutral. Any NATO country is a nope. China might be interested but I am sure that is not acceptable the West. So, the Belarus border region it is for now.
Some lighter music.
Ukrainian warm-up jerseys and national anthem at North American soccer matches.
This is getting a little ridiculous.
Yep. The Army sure as hell isn’t pulling for a fight. All political questions about should we fight etc. aside, they know that we aren’t prepared for it. See the bottom of the dead thread for my explanation.
I am confident the USAF doesn’t want a no-fly zone since they haven’t faced a decent integrated air defense system since 1972. No NATO navy is in the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea is not a friendly spot for the USN because of the Kalingrad enclave. The Marines have reorganized themselves out of any real relevancy for Europe.
Plus the US forces and equipment are tired. Critical maintenance has been deferred, gear worn out but kept in service. Except for junior officers, junior NCOs and junior enlisted the ground forces have had a chance to see a bellyful of deployments and combat. They have had a chance to see what our NATO allies can do from Afghanistan and to a lessor extent Iraq and they don’t hold most NATO armies in high regard.
Germany has announced a huge flip in military policy, but it will take years for it to mean anything. I remain unconvinced for now that the German words will actually translate to useful action.
The biggest warboners in the US are on those who will never serve or deploy. I hope they shut the fuck up.