Oh, thank goodness
“Activision Says It Failed To Hire Another Woman For Its Board Due To Microsoft Deal Complications”
“More like Robert Battinson, amirite?”
“Is Crime Really Surging in America?”
“ExoMars Rover 2022 Launch Now ‘Very Unlikely’ Due to Russian Invasion, ESA Says”
“If science is about asking questions, lying is about answering them.”
“Just in case you, like me, wonder if Elden Ring might pull a Sekiro-like snake jumpscare every time you cross a long bridge, this helpful message should set your mind at ease.”
No, I wasn’t wondering.
Thanks for sharing. Any other middle fingers you want to stick up at our poster?
“Furthermore, we know that the biggest deterrent to crime is the assuredness one will be caught for their crime and punished. In America, it’s a pretty good bet that won’t happen. Police are very bad at solving crimes in the first place, and during the pandemic it appears many pulled out of certain areas altogether.”
Having everyone wear masks doesn’t help.
Absolutely. I said that as soon as masks became required. One of the often unappreciated reasons that crime decreased for three decades was the ubiquitous use of security cameras. Even if a criminal wore a mask during the crime they usually took them off shortly after to not attract attention and a camera a block or two away would catch their face. Police are often lazy so giving them a clear image of the perp’s face did wonders to help catch criminals.
See, a “no snake ahead” message just makes me wonder “Then what the hell is ahead?”.
Snek is head!
Do snakelike things, like hydrae or medusae count as snakes? Asking for a friend.
Nope. They might still be ahead.
“This tsunami of violence included a 30 percent increase in the murder rate, the largest ever recorded. (About 21,500 murders took place, roughly 6.5 for every 100,000 people). The most common form of violent crime, aggravated assault, also increased by 12 percent. Not all violent crime increased, however; rape saw no statistical change and robberies and burglaries fell.”
Shoplifting less than $950.00 is not a crime. So I suppose in that sense burglaries could have fallen.
That’s what I was wondering too. Should probably rtfa
It’s almost like the massive spike in homicides grabs people’s attention or something.
What a stupid fucking article. At least up to the point, which is where I bailed.
Whaddup doh’
It’s Friday, the work day is almost over, and there is sled hockey on tv tonight.
Unfortunately it’s at 12:05am ET, but it is tonight, and it’s on USA Network and on NBC Sports network. All the USA games will be on those channels, and the other games will be on the Peacock app.
Unfortunately it’s at 12:05am ET, but it is tonight,
Ackshually, its on tomorrow morning.
I always had a hard time with this. Maybe it’s just me, but somehow “tomorrow at 12am” seems unclear to me.
I use “overnight tonight”, and for something like 12:05 AM Saturday, I’ll point out that this is still Friday evening for people in more westerly time zones.
We have that issue when we use local time versus zulu for our outages. Tomorrow morning at 12:00 am and air traffic thinks we are talking about a day from now, not tonight just after 11:59pm.
Easier to use 0800z then they know.
I’m just happy when I can get people to include a time zone when they’re reporting issues to me. Then there are the people who type out items like 08:00 PM.
I dislike those people.
I get at least 3 calendar invites with no time adjustment to the meeting time and I miss them all…or as Peter would say “Am I really missing them?”
There is no NBC Sports Network any more. They ditched it at the new year, to put stuff on USA and the streaming shit.
Even better, it is paycheck Fridee!
Waiting for my textbook to come so I can get on with my studies.
At work. Literally watching paint dry.
I’m watching a long term fatigue test article bend up and down…up and down…44,029 times
Paint drying my be more boring though.
Err, phrasing?
Add some ASMR noises and it would be #1 on any Twitch/YouTube channel
Mechanical Principles (1930)
This is a family friendly chat room!
H2O (1929)
My WFH day ended an hour or so ago. Trying to decide when I crack a beer.
…now or wait a bit.
Why is this even a debate…do or do not.
Both. The answer is always both.
The best time is two hours ago. The second best time is now.
You guys get me.
I liked that Byronic take on Batman. Of course, that means it doesn’t matter WHO plays him, just that he’s played to type.
“Byronic” for the win! I agree. Batpeople are made, not born.
We’re not saying it’s racism, but it’s racism
The embrace of Ukrainians contrasts with some countries’ hostile stance toward other migrants in recent years.
Referring to the Bulgarian prime minister’s comments, human rights campaigner Nyasha Bhobo writes in The New Arab: “The subtle rhetoric here … is that refugees of white-European, Christian orientation are preferable. Others who are Black, Arab, and especially of Muslim faith are to be violently kept out. This is the rhetoric that has built over the last 11 years since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war.”
Ziad Majed, a political scientist at the American University of Paris, told Agence France-Presse that the solidarity for Ukraine had revealed “a shocking distinction” that demonstrated the “dehumanization of refugees from the Middle East.”
“Countries that had been really negative on the refugee issue and have made it very difficult for the EU to develop coherent refugee policy over the last decade, suddenly come forward with a much more positive response,” Jeff Crisp, a former head of policy, development and evaluation at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees agency, told The Associated Press.
What is supposed to happen? Should we send the Ukrainian refugees to Syria?
So wait, microagressions in the US AREN’T the worst form of racism in the world?
It is slightly different when the country is at your doorstep, and they have no where else to go.
They didn’t trek through like 7 different countries to get to their preferred destination.
Also, hot blondes. Come on.
Not just the blondes.
Oh, fuck off.
The same shit happens in reverse. People are more accepting of others who are culturally similar.
This isn’t rocket surgery. Or “racism”.
Chances are Ukrainian refugees aren’t going to be raping women.
Male Ukrainian citizens aged 18 to 60 are not permitted to leave the country.
Also, now is the best time for libertarians to discuss why the draft in Ukraine is next to slavery.
Conscription anywhere is slavery.
The old dog can catch treats and veggie trimmings in mid-air with no problem. The little one? She watches it hit the floor and then goes searching for it. One time I tossed a treat to her and it landed on her back and she spun around in circles looking for it. I question her intelligence daily now.
On a trip to Florida a few years ago, the kids and I took an airboat ride through the swamps. The guide stopped at a pond known for alligators. When one popped up, he tossed it a marshmallow. As luck would have it the marshmallow landed on the alligator’s snout. He could smell it but couldn’t see it. He spun in circles for a couple minutes frantically trying to find it. Eventually it fell off.
After the ride we ate his brother.
Excellent delivery…
You ate the guide’s brother?!
fava beans and a nice chiantiranch dip and french fries.*sighs wearily at Swiss’ speedy fingers*
This obviously deserves a writeup, Nick. Edit fairies are standing by…
The guides brother, or the alligators brother?
You ate the guide’s brother!?
My dog has no concept of catching treats. I have bounced them off her nose, then she looks for it on the floor. However, I don’t think Houndini is stupid given how well she escaped the cone.
You mean, like this?
Wait for it. Its a slow-mo if The Big Dumb One.
R.C. You have excellent taste in furniture. And dags.
Mine doesn’t even try. Just stares at the treat until it hits her nose.
This! This is the small white one. She watches to arc through the air until it his the ground. On some levels, I appreciate the Fuck Off Slaver attitude.
How that popcorn doesn’t vanish into that gaping maw is a mystery. And he’ll miss every single one you throw to him.
Doge is cute.
Your dog is adorable.
I used to have a rottie with the exact same technique.
Eventually he gave up and would just wait for the treat to hit the floor.
The conversation about the contrast between Poland’s reception of Ukrainians now compared with other groups isn’t just a discussion among outsiders or on Twitter. It’s happening in Poland, too.
“That racism was experienced by people of color fleeing Ukraine over the weekend is beyond any doubt,” says Erdal, the migration researcher. “And that’s of course completely condemnable. There are so many Polish activists working for migrants’ rights who are so ashamed … that this is what is now being told about Poland. And it’s part of the truth that needs to be told.”
When will we attain peak hive mind?
I didn’t get up early enough to watch the opening ceremony today, but I did see some photos and videos. Everyone is in a hat and mask so it’s nearly impossible to tell who’s who.
I have been following these guys (warning: Facebook), and they’ve done a great job of documenting their experience, even better than the USA guys.
Sorry TOK but my hate for the Chicoms is too strong. I haven’t watched a second of Olympics coverage and I’m not starting now.
That said, Elden Ring players can’t just write whatever they want. Messages are constructed, like in previous FromSoftware games, using Mad Lib-style templates into which players can plug a long list of words encompassing proper nouns, directions, emotions, animals, and much more.
What could possibly go _____?
Tits up?
catch fire?
Penny Arcade touched on a couple of the options today.
I checked it out. Is it just me, or is the artwork worse than it used to be? It’s been years since I was on their site,
It’s friggin awful. I reread the early stuff for nostalgia sometimes but I don’t bother with anything past around 2012.
What about
It’s a fact of modern life that some wars get more attention than others. And Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has captured the public’s attention in the West in a way that other recent wars — like those in Yemen or Ethiopia — simply haven’t.
The reason is obvious, says Christopher Blattman, an economist at the University of Chicago and the author of Why We Fight: The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace. This is more than a regional conflict. It’s a potential global conflagration. Superpowers are taking sides. There are fears that it could lead to nuclear escalation.
haha, just kidding. It’s racism.
Explain Chechnya, Georgia, and Crimea 2014. Go on, I’ll wait.
Cannot make this up
Russians With Attitude
Feb 26
Mayor of Lvov explaining that Molotov cocktails are now being called “Bandera smoothies”
The weird thing is Bandera was responsible for the murder of a lot of Poles. Yet the Poles are rallying behind these guys?
Better than Russia.
If you were always getting beat up by two brothers and they decided to fight, you’ve got to root for the little one. Particularly because you know you can take him out later if need be.
For Swiss, and any Chicago Glibs looking for a good time, my hockey schedule is out for next weekend. I’m for sure playing in the following games:
Friday 3/11 5:55pm vs St. Louis
Saturday 3/12 10:35am vs Colorado
Saturday 3/12 6:50pm vs Northeast Passage
Sunday 3/13 9:10am vs St. Louis
Those are all A Team games, there are B Team games after each that I may or may not play in. All the games are at Fifth Third Arena, which is the Blackhawks community rink right by United Center.
Lemme guess…$20, same as downtown?
One of the models from MS’s ass-slap gif
Now that is much better than Demi Rose…
Despite being way below my weight-class, vigorously would. With predjudice.
Side boob slap gif mandatory!
My bunk. I’ll be in it.
NH Legislative committee unanimously recommends killing CACR 32, the constitutional amendment on secession.
The committee’s report:
CACR 32, relating to independence. Providing that the state peaceably declares independence from the United
States and proceeds as a sovereign nation. INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE.
Rep. Brodie Deshaies for State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs. The committee believes that articles
of secession are unconstitutional and therefore impossible. Any attempt to make NH a “sovereign nation” only
purports to do so and is illegitimate. There are three main arguments the committee heard. The first legal
argument why states cannot secede from the union is reasonably understandable. The federal government
is the only legitimate power to admit new states and to extend or retract territorial boundaries. Nowhere
in our US Constitution does it allow the federal government to permit any state to secede, let alone for any
state to decide unilaterally. Our constitution is quite clear on this issue (see Article IV, Section 3). No state
constitution has ever suggested that states hold this power. Constitutions are implicit contracts with citizens
that grant governments specific powers. With no power explicitly given allowing secession, no state can ever
secede. Another argument lies in the US Supreme Court decision in Texas v. White (1869). In the court’s majority decision, Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase explained that the union began during the Revolutionary War
amongst the colonies. In his decision, he writes, the union “was confirmed and strengthened… and received
definite form and character and sanction from the Articles of Confederation… [and] by these, the Union was
solemnly declared to be perpetual.” Justice Chase then says that our current Constitution was “ordained to
form a more perfect Union,” which intended to convey the idea of indissoluble unity….” Therefore, the union
can never be dissolved. Our form of government and Constitution is predicated upon the union’s “perpetual”
existence. Without this “perpetual” existence, we would be throwing away the union, and with it, the US
Constitution. The last constitutional argument is straightforward. It does not matter whether or not secession is illegal. What matters is that the union beat the confederacy in the Civil War. Once this happened, the
illegality of unilateral secession was de facto established. The legality of secession was answered at Appomattox Court House in 1865 with the conclusion of the Civil War. It also means the repercussions for attempting
unilateral secession have been decided too. The federal government must punish states and their leaders who
try to secede. Which leads us to another question: can state leaders introduce or vote for articles of secession?
This is currently an open question and the NH General Court would decide the answer. Nonetheless, the 14th
Amendment, Article III, is very clear: “No State Legislator shall engage in rebellion against the Constitution.”
Voting for NH’s proposed articles of secession could be determined by the NH House as rebellion against
the US Constitution. It could be casting a vote to rebel against the union and, therefore, the same constitution establishing the perpetual union. Voting for CACR32 is not voting for a referendum. NH does not have
referendum. We encourage fellow lawmakers to reject NH’s articles of secession and protect constitutional
government. Not only is CACR32 logistically and constitutionally impossible, but NH’s articles of secession
may require enforcement of the 14th Amendment by the NH House. Vote 21-0.
How many divisions does NH have?
Nowhere in our US Constitution does it allow the federal government to permit any state to secede
The US Constitution does not permit most of what the US government does, so why is this such a special case?
Constitutions are implicit contracts with citizens that grant governments specific powers.
Contracts are generally void if one party fails to uphold their end of the deal.
The legality of secession was answered at Appomattox Court House in 1865 with the conclusion of the Civil War.
The legality of secession was answered at Yorktown in 1781. If secession is illegitimate, it follows that any government founded through secession is illegitimate and is owed the allegiance and obedience of no person.
Nonetheless, the 14th Amendment, Article III, is very clear: “No State Legislator shall engage in rebellion against the Constitution.” Voting for NH’s proposed articles of secession could be determined by the NH House as rebellion against the US Constitution.
This is probably their strongest argument: as a practical matter, even consideration of this will not be allowed.
Bruce Wayne doesn’t brood, Batman broods.
I thought he roosts…
That’s Night Owl.
High five!
His Biden is better than his Putin
Since gender is fluid Just have one of the current board members identify as a woman while working on boards.
I guess we’ve sailed past the point of questioning how the fuck California gets away with demanding to control the composition of a private company’s workforce.
They whistled past that graveyard because “Big corporations” or some other bullshit.
I’m pretty sure there is a pending lawsuit but I can’t remember who filed it.
““ExoMars Rover 2022 Launch Now ‘Very Unlikely’ Due to Russian Invasion, ESA Says””
This is the project management equivalent of the dog ate my homework.
The world is going all-in on putting
BabyRussia in the corner.I thought they were just going to blame it on supply issues or something. Headline was misleading since it’s a joint project with roscosmos.
Growing up, we were so poor I had to borrow the neighbor’s dog to eat my homework.
We were so poor, my Mom cut holes in my pockets just so I’d have something to play with.
*That was my encore. NOW Im going to bed.
Awwww, look, they’re still using solar panels on their cute little Marsrover. We abandoned that shiznat one rover generation ago because, engineering reasons. RTGs for the win, eurotrash.
I always thought the proper term was Eurofag. Or is that not allowed anymore?
Since these links tend to attract the techno-nerds, I have a question for those of you who so identify:
I finally took the plunge and downloaded the SiriusXM app to my phone, so I have one less reason to keep my poor, falling-apart, discontinued XMP3i portable radio limping along. That leaves the question of what to do with all my MP3s, which are on a couple of microSD cards. I have an adapter for SD cards that connects to the phone’s USB-C port. Is there a good, trustworthy app for playing MP3s on my phone (besides the preloaded generic “Music” one)? And should I copy all the MP3s to the phone, or can I play them from the card via the adapter?/techno-tard
Pfft MP3s? Oh GenXer
Is there a reason you don’t want to use the built in Music one? Pretty much any of the streaming apps I’ve seen (Google, Amazon, etc), include a local library option as well which will play the files from the local device.
Just don’t know anything about the built-in one, which I assume came standard with my LG Stylo 6 phone.
There is a mobile version of VLC media player, that can play most formats where generic programs can usually only play MP3. I’d put the files on the phone, because the more you use the usb port on the phone the more likely failure will occur.
Well worth it’s modest price. And even the trial version is mostly fully functional.
Great minds and all.
On Android I use PowerAmp. Love it.
Follow up: got home, plugged microSD card of MP3s into adapter and plugged adapter into phone, then opened built-in music app. It looks as if the files automatically got copied to the phone. (I guess I’ll find out when I try to play them without the card & adapter connected.) So for now I’ll see if the built-in app works well enough for me. Thanks for the suggestions!
Listening to my ’80s party mix. (“….walkin’ on sunshine! Woh-oh-oh!!”) ?
I love that song so much.
Pairs well with “Perfect Day” by Hoku.
I’ll have to hunt that up!
Complete list, for those of you keeping score at home. (Playlist I put together for a friend’s ’80s theme party):
Take On Me
Walking on Sunshine
Girls Just Want to Have Fun
High On You
Walk of Life
Love Shack
Walk Like An Egyptian
Runnin’ Down A Dream
Karma Chameleon
and no ’80s party mix would be complete without…
“Walk Like an Egyptian” is one of my ringtones. Right now it’s “One night in Bangkok.” My other ringtone in the rotation is “Allentown.”
Turns out the MP3 files were NOT automatically copied to the built-in music app but were playing off the microSD card. Trying to copy them seemed to lose all their nice, tidy organization into albums, artists, etc. into one huge playlist. Would PowerAmp be more likely to preserve their current organization if I wanted to copy the files onto the phone?
“That racism was experienced by people of color fleeing Ukraine over the weekend is beyond any doubt,” says Erdal, the migration researcher. “And that’s of course completely condemnable. ”
fuckin’ Uzbeks
Im going to bed.
LOL, I had forgotten about that one.
It’s a weekend, and I’m still kicking, so here’s the Zoom/Happy Hour/Ukraine round table link for tonight. As is usual, I’ll kick it off at 20:00 Eastern.
Tomorrow I’ll be out of pocket, so someone else will need to step up.
Took them long enough
That would be me. Like Gen Alexander Haig, I’ll be in charge then.
Legal question:.
How can any state have a law requiring at least 3 members of the board of directors to be women?
Or men?
Or black, white, Japanese or Maori??
Where does such power devolve to the state? Did they pass one of their constitutional referendums??
How can any state have a law requiring at least 3 members of the board of directors to be women?
When a lobbyist and a legislator like each other very much . . . .
The public becomes the sandwich filling?
Or the bridge between…
I guess they have it in the incorporation laws of their state which their legislature has the power to change. Good way , though, to drive incorporations out to places such as Delaware or Nevada. My former employer switched from NY to DE in the afternoon it took me to drive to Dover and file the paperwork.
Its worse…it isn’t even incorporation, its headquarters of that corporation.
Also for funsies
funsies: just have half your board suddenly identify as chix with dix………….in the postmodern world, it means whatever you want it to mean and you don’t even need to defend yourself, just grin and repeat yourself until they go away
I agree that free markets and low barriers will make change easier.
But woke corporations are equally free to move to woke states.
For me the bottom line this past decade has been much less about increased freedom and options (which are great) and more about social media, identity politics, crashing levels of meaningful education (in economics and history), and the result: a nation of loud morons stampeding each other over me while I’m just over here trying to mind my own business.
The rules don’t matter; our idiot neighbors are what matter. This is not getting better.
Winter can be a bear.
He bears it quite well.
A Fucking warmonger, as usual,
Maybe drugs/ass, but Facebook is upset that Russia has banned it. Karma?
Can we do that here too?
I assembled my Patmos G19 upper. I’m not thrilled with it.
The barrel seems out of spec and doesn’t lock up right. Way too tight.
I can’t get the whole assembly to slide onto a Dagger frame either.
Wouldn’t surprise me at this point.
Scrolling down a couple replies.
It’s a real shame that that brain tumor could only kill McCain once.
And the conspiracy now is that Putin has a brain tumor and that’s why he went to war. Brain tumors must make one want to start a war against and for Russia. The true Rushun Collusion.
Maybe drugs/ass, but Facebook is upset that Russia has banned it. Karma?
Next thing you know, they’ll announce censorship of conflicting viewpoints is bad.
Well, maybe Facebook didn’t meet up to their Community Standards.
It’s almost like when posed with the prospect of standing up to an actual dangerous tyrant and losing money, Facebook and the social media social signalers cave completely…
I swear this came up not long ago, something about legislation in the EU and Facebook crying crocodile tears at the prospect of being censored or forced to censor…
93 octane was $4.85 today. What’s it gonna be in a month?
Im calling $10/gal in Cali by July 4th.
With calls from the State to go after ‘price gouging’ stations.
87 here was $4.199 yesterday. The price has doubled since the Friday after the 2020 election.
Twelve bucks and a vial of blood from your firstborn child.
More censorship.
Yeah, that’s what they want or need.
Wait, what?
Are they Robots?
The First That Will Change Everything is not growing the way it should be. It’s not growing because it is malnourished. Malnourished from the complete lack of Firsting it is being exposed to from the Glibertariat, and because Tulip refused to bake the cookies she promised.
If the world is not saved, you people will have no one to blame but yourselves.
Not everything is bad in Russia.
CNN Pulls Out Of Russia After Putin Signs “Misinformation” Law
Twitter is now blocked in Russia
No CNN, no Twitter, no Facebook….I’m moving to Russia.
You’d be the first.
Nope: https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/55970
It almost makes up for the brutal cold doesn’t it?
I rather despise most of Noam Chomsky’s thought, but his 1988 book Manufacturing Consent could have easily been written today after consideration of no other media outlet except CNN.
I can’t believe how widespread and strident calls for censorship have been in the last few years, and we appear to have turned it up to “11” with the outbreak of war in the Ukraine. The 21st Century blows. I want the optimistic future I was promised at the end of the 20th Century back.
Who would have thought 1995 or so was the pinnacle of human civilization?
Requires facts not in evidence. We’d need the next 10,000 years to compare for evaluation.
We definitely might not have that luxury if the microcephalous witlings whom we laughingly call “our leaders” don’t get their shit together right quick.
Heard on local news: “Police say the two people who weren’t shot are expected to be okay.”
After massive amounts of taxpayer-funded “counseling.”
Jimmy Dore and Max Blumenthal discuss the Azov Batallion:
Interesting and, yep, they’re unapologetic Nazis.
Where’s Fauci? Infamous bureaucrat now relegated to obscure shows and local TV
Evil little homunculus, considering how the D’s loved the fucker, and now he’s disappeared. Polling must be complete shite.
The polling’s probably in “woodchipper” territory right about now.