1. a gaming, lifting, shooting, intoxicated, ravenous, and happily-taken nerd.
2. often aims to misbehave.
3. and though she be but little, she is fierce.*
And rumor has it that she (and her husband) are also delightful dinner companions. You didn't hear it from me, though.
Tres Cool
on March 18, 2022 at 3:01 pm
whaddup doh’
I’m going to bed.
Rat on a train
on March 18, 2022 at 3:05 pm
The use of “Z” for the “special military operation” was confusing since it isn’t a Russian letter. I noticed looking at photos from Putin’s rally that they are using “Z” instead of “З” at the beginning of words. Is it the new normal for Russian?
At the time I saw the film I didn’t know what to think of the set. Kubrick in an interview explained he illuminated top and bottom to try to minimize any shadows.
on March 18, 2022 at 4:17 pm
Hard to believe that somebody even pitched that ice cream ad. Even stranger that it got approved.
I’m assuming folks are waiting a bit to go off topic. But I’ll add this bit of NYT clickbait for Swiss. I’m torn – it’s a typical hit piece, OTH, State Farm…
So you all programmed your AIs to screen for names like Dontrell? Do you also ask questions about how much they like fried chicken and grape soda on your forms? Is this also question?
Credit scoring allows most insurers to rate in a race neutral manner for most regulatory purposes.
Problem is that poor credit rating highly correlates to race… Hence political shenanigans and all kinds of concerns.
on March 18, 2022 at 4:59 pm
Exactly. Nothing that semi-accurately predicts (like a credit score or IQ) can be considered race-neutral because there are differences between the races.
Now, you can argue why those exist, but that doesn’t change their existence.
A little bird told me there may be a special guest tonight.
on March 18, 2022 at 6:36 pm
They guy who had a chicken in his ass,
on March 18, 2022 at 6:38 pm
No, Lottie moss.
on March 18, 2022 at 7:17 pm
Lottie Moss had a chicken in her ass?
on March 18, 2022 at 3:33 pm
Under the surface, though, [Tunic] reminds me of 2012’s Fez by Polytron.
OMG take my money already. I loved that game.
on March 18, 2022 at 3:35 pm
Sadly, I found Tunic to be a huge disappointment. They had almost everything – interesting and compelling storyline, prizeworthy art design, fantastic sound, and they went and ruined it by shoehorning in this awful Souls-like combat system.
I played it for an hour, fought the same battle five times, then uninstalled and returned it. I enjoyed everything about the game except for actually playing it.
on March 18, 2022 at 3:51 pm
Yeah, that is concerning. “Combat” is not my jam so if it’s annoying that’s probably a no from me dawg.
on March 18, 2022 at 3:56 pm
Anybody who played The Witcher or any of the Dark Souls games and didn’t have a complete meltdown will absolutely adore Tunic.
I really wanted to like it, and it’s pissing me off a little that I didn’t.
Compelled Speechless
on March 18, 2022 at 4:10 pm
I didn’t love the Witcher 3 until I turned it on bitch mode (the easiest difficulty setting). Then I loved it. Games are supposed to be a stress relief for me. Generally if it makes me anxious the entire time, especially if it’s going to take like 80 hours, I’m not going to waste my time.
on March 18, 2022 at 4:23 pm
My thoughts exactly. I have no desire to get good at computer games, just like I have no desire to get good at crossword puzzles or Wordle. Computer games are interactive entertainment, not a vehicle for self improvement.
on March 18, 2022 at 4:30 pm
Nothing infuriates me more than a nice, relaxing, fun adventure ruined by a boss battle I can’t win.
*cough* Oceanhorn 2 *cough*
Compelled Speechless
on March 18, 2022 at 5:14 pm
That’s why older Zelda games are my favorite series. It’s a combination of all my favorite elements. Open world adventuring, just the right amount of challenging but avoidable combat, dungeons that are each their own cleverly designed puzzle box and the best boss fights in the biz. Perfect variety and usually perfect difficulty (maybe a little TOO easy.) I loved BotW too, but it either lessened or eliminated the best of these things. Especially the boss battles – the next one better fix that or I’m going to be pissed.
Semi-Spartan Dad
on March 18, 2022 at 5:17 pm
I’m not a fan of puzzles in games. Even the relatively simple ones in Skyrim or Resident Evil. If I can’t solve it in a few seconds, I’ll move on to an online guide.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:49 pm
Yep, Zeldas are classics. But I didn’t like BotW. Not when I wandered around for 25 hours building fires and collecting weeds and shit and not one dungeon in sight. Those mini shrines or whatever they were called not counting.
I’m a mixed bag in terms of games. Sometimes I want gut wrenching challenges and others is put me on baby mode and enjoy the show
on March 18, 2022 at 3:57 pm
On the plus side, it’s on Gamepass and GoG, so you can rent it or wait for a sale.
on March 18, 2022 at 4:01 pm
Cool, even supports Mac at GoG. Yeah, I’ll wait for a sale. 30 bucks is too rich for my blood.
Compelled Speechless
on March 18, 2022 at 3:59 pm
I’m right there with you. The game either has fun, tight and challenging combat or it’s fun to explore. The way I see it, if I have to worry about dying and reloading every time I see even the most basic enemy, those two things are at odds.
Gov Youngkin has proposed the same thing, but it has to go through the legislature.
on March 18, 2022 at 3:40 pm
Drugs, ass, etc. Anyone watch this Portland City Council trolling from the other day? Stick around for the second guy. The mayor’s reactions are also great.
“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
‘Bout damn time people started using the Rules for Radicals *against* the Left.
juris imprudent
on March 18, 2022 at 4:38 pm
The Left really has no concept of the reaction they are provoking. They aren’t going to like it.
on March 18, 2022 at 4:04 pm
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group of people.
on March 18, 2022 at 4:17 pm
Really funny, it took Mayor Wheeler a long time to catch on. The other people were just as oblivious. I’m guessing that’s pretty much how the City Council meetings go, if every one is speaking gibberish does that mean they all understand the language?
JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)
on March 18, 2022 at 4:17 pm
They look exactly as I would expect them to.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:44 pm
That was hilarious. I love how long they let them go. Dude #2 fit right in until the end.
So, something a tish disconcerting happened; My LinkedIn profile was viewed by someone in a semi-local Sheriff’s office. When I say semi-local, it’s about 3 counties away, and on the Minnesota side of the border. I’m assuming they are investigating someone with the same name, but still.
on March 18, 2022 at 4:33 pm
Maybe they’re just looking to employ a whatever-you-do.
on March 18, 2022 at 4:34 pm
Maybe they need a man with your particular skill set for a case.
Should have added this bit: I’ve been in manufacturing for over 20 years. Currently an estimator, before that a stint as a production planner, but the bulk of my years have been spent operating and programming CNC lasers, mills, and lathes. I can’t see my skillset having value in a cop-shop.
Well shit. In more “things I need to plan better for” – looks like the sump pump is dead. I’ve been getting worried not hearing it run the last few days during the rain we’ve been getting but this was the first time I had an opportunity to get in the crawlspace and check.
Unfortunately….there’s a few inches of water – mostly under the plastic sheeting (moisture barrier?) – which means the pump itself is even deeper under water. I got down to it, unplugged and plugged it back in again, and then checked all the upstairs breakers and I’m not seeing any progress/pumping.
I’ve got a feeling that this is something that would have been comparatively easy (FWIW) if there was no water in the hole, but being actually flooded….will require pumping assistance at the bare minimum.
Looks like I’m digging out American Home Shield coverage again and hoping for the best. What a pain in the ass. (least I’m on day shift next week).
Normally I can hear it go every .30-1:00 while I’m sitting on the can depending on amount of rain (almost directly overhead – so useful enough), but nothing at all, even during a lot of rain.
Motor may have run a little harder the last couple years. In 2020 after I moved in, I found a leak in the hose right outside the foundation that was putting water right back in the same spot next to the house – and that took me a while to nail down and determine the best fix – mostly continual running for a while even on drier days…
on March 18, 2022 at 5:01 pm
Fuck, I’ve been there. Hauling 5 gallon buckets upstairs to dump in the tub during a nasty storm.
Pull the pump and check the impeller. Mine had some debris that jammed it.
Don’t buy a cheap replacement from a big box. Find a commercial plumbing place and buy a Liberty or something higher end. You may also want to consider a backup system.
Good luck.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:04 pm
Is Liberty a step above Wayne and Simer?
on March 18, 2022 at 5:24 pm
Mine had the float switch not working. A kid at Home Depot convinced me to buy a new float rather than a new pump. That was 10-15 years ago.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:28 pm
Good point. The switches often go out on perfectly working pumps.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:03 pm
Not saying this is why your failed, but I’ve read that when they dry out and don’t run for long periods of time, that can actually speed up their failure. That’s apparently been the case with two of mine going out. Ran just fine in the fall, and then spring comes and it’s dead.
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Dealing with a dead pump is bad enough, but having to fuck around in a crawl space only compounds things.
It does look like there are portable sump pump options – but I may look at that as an option after this – since some of the water is above the plastic moisture barrier and some is below it makes things a bit more complicated. Also do not currently have a wet/dry vac or dehumidifier.
Semi-Spartan Dad
on March 18, 2022 at 5:14 pm
Also do not currently have a wet/dry vac or dehumidifier.
Buy a wet/dry vac. Every homeowner should have one and Harbor Freight has decent ones for not much. They also have inexpensive utility pumps that can clear out the existing water. I use one to drain the pool.
For the dehumidifier and large fans (depending on the surface area), I’d try to rent commercial grades ones. You’re going to want the massive high powered ones that will work as quickly as possible.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:26 pm
I use mine frequently but luckily not on the wet side
I’ll look into those suggestions going forward, but as usual, this sort of thing happens when I’m tapped out in the wrong way.
Submitted a claim with AHS, but I’ll add those to the list going forward.
Unfortunately, in my crawlspace (only accessible from outside), I don’t think there are more than a couple sockets – one being the one that the pump is currently plugged into. Once it’s clear, I guess a dehumidifier hose could be rigged to go into the sump pump barrel for continuous operation – but only if there’s a socket to use full time.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:18 pm
I wouldn’t to buy a sump pump there, but Harbor Freight has decent and cheap transfer pumps to solve the immediate problem.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:10 pm
Either you’re in the can too long or your pump was running too frequently. Probably over heated and died.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:28 pm
Maybe need to adjust the float level.
on March 18, 2022 at 6:37 pm
There’s a lot of things that can go wrong.
Could have been missing a check valve.
The sump pit for mine was too narrow and the float would get hung up on the sides. Happened more often when my son would toss crap in there.
on March 18, 2022 at 4:58 pm
Ground is still froze. Pits are dry.
/back to day drinking
Count Potato
on March 18, 2022 at 4:50 pm
“Original Godzilla actor dies at 87: Akira Takarada passes away in hospital after contracting pneumonia”
“A California mother says the government wrongfully took away her daughter, pushed the girl into transitioning to male, and is to blame for his suicide age 19.
Andrew Martinez, born Yaeli, stepped in front of a train on September 4, 2019.
In an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, bereaved mother Abigail Martinez accused her Los Angeles County school of encouraging Yaeli to take hormones and undergo gender reassignment surgery as a child, while failing to properly treat her severe depression.
Martinez, 53, a mother of four, claimed school staff told Yaeli not to speak to her mother about transgender issues, but secretly had her join an LGBTQ group that persuaded the girl that the only way to be happy was to transition.
The El Salvador-born mother said an older trans student ‘coached’ Yaeli on what to tell social workers to put her into foster care, so that the state would pay for her gender reassignment.”
There’s a very primal part of me that would feel zero sympathy for the school employees involved if the mother went postal on them.
juris imprudent
on March 18, 2022 at 6:00 pm
Absolutely justifiable homicide in any jury I’m on.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on March 18, 2022 at 5:10 pm
*insert trashy’s mantra here*
JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)
on March 18, 2022 at 5:11 pm
It’s possible that the girl had issues that would have led her to commit suicide anyway, but the people at school sure didn’t help her and may well have made it worse. I don’t understand why schools feel like they should get involved in this stuff.
Scruffy Nerfherder
on March 18, 2022 at 5:11 pm
Moral arrogance
on March 18, 2022 at 5:12 pm
I’m just a country rube from the steppes of North America. (I can’t even photocopy things because there’s no Kinkos nearby!) So, I need a super-smart progressive to explain to me how come kids can’t make the decision to smoke until they are 21, but they have the necessary understanding to get gender reassignment surgery ASAP.
The people encouraging this are fucking monsters.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:26 pm
I’ll break it down for you. Smoking and drinking can damage your body and only puts money in the pockets of tobacco corporations, who are totally different from the pharmaceutical corporations, and are basically the embodiment of the patrarchy. I mean, bottles and cigarettes are shaped like dicks.
Chopping off your dick and balls, however, is the best way to protest the patriarchy because you are literally removing it from your personhood. It’s better for society as a whole to have one less shitlord male.
Cutting off your boobs leaves nothing for the male gaze. Another strike at the patriarchy.
Turning your vagina into a dick and balls is the third strike against the patriarchy because it shows how gender is a social construct. The fake dick and balls are constructed by a person and are symbolic of the way gender norms are totally made up and not at all based on centuries of human interactions.
See? When children decide to mutilate themselves at the encouragement of adults, it’s how they fight the patriarchy. When they make the wrong choice to smoke and drink, they are enforcing the patriarchy.
*Takes long whiff of own fart*
(I got an actual headache writing this)
on March 18, 2022 at 5:34 pm
Mamas, make those boys grow up driving pick up trucks. Girls like driving pick up trucks too, ’cause they meet boys driving trucks.
Whoa! 21? Way too young. They can’t handle adulting until 26. At the earliest.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:36 pm
Local tv news (NBC) reported yesterday that of the pack of qualified candidates for new Philly school superintendent, “11 identified as women.” Should we mock and ridicule such stuff, or just keep ignoring it and continue to talk about “men” and “women?”
on March 18, 2022 at 5:58 pm
It needs to be mocked.
I don’t care if you want to live as a woman or vice versa. Just be convincing. Don’t look like a man and tell me you “identify as a woman”.
And it is not a decision that can be made before puberty, I don’t care if the “doctors” claim it’s “easier” that way. These sickos who twist kids’ minds like this are indeed monsters.
“[Camille Paglia] says that androgyny becomes prevalent “as a civilization is starting to unravel. You find it again and again and again in history.”
“People who live in such times feel that they’re very sophisticated, they’re very cosmopolitan,” she says. But in truth, they are evidence of a civilization that no longer believes in itself. On the edges of that civilization are “people who still believe in heroic masculinity” — the barbarians. Paglia says that this is happening right now, and that there’s this tremendous “disconnect” between a culture that’s infatuated with transgenderism, and “what’s going on ‘out there’.””
Putin and Xi are psychopathic murderers and lunatics. However, drawing comparisons between the gravely ill, suicidal culture of the West and the dynamic, proud and muscular cultures of Paglia’s “barbarians”, it becomes hard to see how she’s not being prophetic.
The Browns are basically selling the farm to get Deshaun Watson. A guy who has never won a damn thing in his career and is facing 22 sexual assault allegations, even if he isn’t going to be charged criminally. They gave out the most ridiculous contract in NFL history and three first round picks to do it.
They’re already over the cap now and will have to jettison talent. They really didn’t have much to spare. Like, how good do they think their roster is and what makes them think they’re going to be in anymore of a position to win than Houston was the last time Watson played for them?
I’m sure he’ll put up some nice fantasy football numbers, though.
JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)
on March 18, 2022 at 5:11 pm
Maybe they can sign Kaepernick to be his backup.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:14 pm
That would be hilarious.
That, and Mayfield lighting it up wherever he lands.
juris imprudent
on March 18, 2022 at 6:04 pm
Just saw an AT&T commercial with Mathew Stafford where he makes an allusion to trading in your 12 year old, crappy phone for a brand spanking new one that does everything you ever wanted and the punch line is “sounds like a good trade”.
on March 18, 2022 at 6:05 pm
I think I’ll enjoy that part. I can understand feeling you’re not getting what you need from Mayfield, not sure how you decided Watson is the answer though. Sad cause I usually root for the Browns when they’re not losing to my Bills.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:13 pm
I’m sure he’ll put up some nice fantasy football numbers, though.
And really, isn’t that all that matters?
on March 18, 2022 at 5:14 pm
Sounds like a fail. Did they get rid of Mayfield?
on March 18, 2022 at 5:16 pm
Not yet, but he’s requested a trade.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:36 pm
The Browns have won the off-season many times that I can remember over the years. I fully expect a lot of people to be on that bandwagon as it crashes into the hillside and burns.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:54 pm
Just take comfort in knowing that they will never equal the stupidity of the Raiders, who just apent an obscene amouht of money on a washed up receiver. I mean the guy is 30 years old, in the NFL, that’s the same as 75-80 in any other occupation and the guy wasn’t even any good when he was 29. I can’t even do the foozball anymore, the stupidity is unbearable.
JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)
on March 18, 2022 at 6:08 pm
Screw the Raiders. A bunch of carpetbagging douchebags.
Zwak,The Baddest Johnny on the Apple Cart
on March 18, 2022 at 6:56 pm
Funny story. When I was an ATT tech in Berkeley, most of my co-workers were from Oakland and were Raiders fans. One weekly meeting the bosses were talking about how to be sensitive to handicap people when working for them, and when it came time for workers to ask questions and make comments, I stood up and said
“Look guys, working around the handicapped is really no big deal. It is no different that working with Raiders fans.”
Got a good laugh out of that one.
on March 18, 2022 at 6:16 pm
The real question is will this guy be the new face of Progressive?
on March 18, 2022 at 6:24 pm
Everything must be about politics, all of the time, without exception, always, forever, it’s the only way to utopia.
JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)
on March 18, 2022 at 6:51 pm
It’s going to be an awkward commercial when he sexually assaults Flo.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:28 pm
Nothing like your injured kid suddenly becoming sick too. Glad I cancelled all my plans for today now.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:47 pm
Sorry to hear that.
on March 18, 2022 at 6:03 pm
He’ll bounce back.
Right now I have to sit next to him (not too close), but not look at or touch him. Also I’m not allowed to move the water bottle. Naturally he decided that my room is the place this all must occur, not his. Kids are goofy.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:47 pm
Taking off from work had one nice bonus- got to watch the movie RJ posted yesterday (Attack of the Mushroom People). I liked it.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:50 pm
I planted all my little veggie plots to make sure something sprouted. I planted 6 seeds in all the plots and every single one of them came up for the maters and lettuce, so now I have to thin. The peppers, 3 biquinhos up, no baby bell peppers yet. First try at hydroponics, I need to expand my operaion to about 3x so I can add jalapenos, cucs, more maters, and something else, I don’t konw what… but no seed, that gets you prison in the commie backwards luddite shithole of MD.
on March 18, 2022 at 5:56 pm
By seed, I meant ‘weed’.
on March 18, 2022 at 6:01 pm
? Oooooohhhh!
on March 18, 2022 at 6:23 pm
True story, I had put my old beater car in the shop to get new tires and a guy who worked there gave me a ride home. He told me that he had just got out of prison in Baltimore City prison, a fate that could not be much better than death if at all, for 6 months for possesion of a small amount of weed, for fuck’s sake. Do not even think about even visiting this state, not even once, do not even think about crossing the border to drive through to another state.
on March 18, 2022 at 6:00 pm
I read this in the guy from Slingblade’s voice
on March 18, 2022 at 6:08 pm
I don’t wear my britches quite that way…
Count Potato
on March 18, 2022 at 6:33 pm
Because everyone knows there are no drugs in Baltimore.
on March 18, 2022 at 6:06 pm
I’m not sure if this has been discussed. I’m in favor of this sort of thing. Shame about the silly tats as she is even hotter than her sis.
The legal challenge is being underwritten by the Minocqua Brewing Company Super PAC. In a March 13 statement on the left-wing political action committee’s website, founder Kirk Bangstad estimates the lawsuit “could cost $300,000 to fight over the next six months.”
Bangstad is also the owner of the Minocqua Brewing Co., makers of “progressive beers” such as Biden Beer, Bernie Brew, AOC IPA, and Filibuster Ale.
I wonder if this is a ploy cause their beer is shit?
Keep playing “nobody will ever use this against us some day” and see how that works out for you, dumbasses.
on March 18, 2022 at 6:46 pm
I’m sure Biden beer is flying off the shelves everywhere it’s sold.
JaimeRoberto (shama/lama/ding dong)
on March 18, 2022 at 6:49 pm
The AOC IPA seems appropriate. Bitter and horrible.
on March 18, 2022 at 6:58 pm
Shots fired.
*Grabs popcorn*
Draw Me Like One of Your Tulpae, Jack
on March 18, 2022 at 6:53 pm
We need to get sharpshooter a bottle of each of those beers, Stat.
Also, how can you worship Biden and call yourself “progressive “?
on March 18, 2022 at 6:57 pm
Words like Zelda like have no meaning for me. I have not turned on my gaming desktop in maybe 6 weeks. I think I might be depressed.
Inflation, more inflation, standing with some Nazi wannabe country with a low rent actor for president, groomers all over Florida, and dudes playing women’s sports. WTF.
Oh well, booze to be delivered soon.
on March 18, 2022 at 7:00 pm
Groomers? Please expound.
Draw Me Like One of Your Tulpae, Jack
on March 18, 2022 at 7:02 pm
People wanting to teach 3-year-olds about sex
on March 18, 2022 at 7:04 pm
Oh, I thought we just made some headway against them. Should be good news, no?
on March 18, 2022 at 7:03 pm
I was feeling depressed this morning too.
Then I started day drinking.
All the other stuff you can’t really control. Even if it sucks, you just gotta go with the flow, adjust expectations accordingly. It’ll all work out in the end.
on March 18, 2022 at 7:05 pm
Not that drinking usually helps depression. But I was bummed at not being able to do anything fun today, so getting to do that perked me up.
on March 18, 2022 at 7:07 pm
Pet your cat, walk around the yard, breathe deeply. You’ll be fine.
on March 18, 2022 at 7:16 pm
I have no pets. All dead in the last 3 years. 🙁
on March 18, 2022 at 7:44 pm
Ouch. Ours are getting on in years too,
on March 18, 2022 at 7:14 pm
I know I should not stress, but my son got his second jab today. He’ll be okay, I think. He has my awesome defective genes.
on March 18, 2022 at 7:05 pm
Where is the zoomy? Seeing as my ass is stapled to the chair, may as well have some entertainment.
whaddup doh’
I’m going to bed.
The use of “Z” for the “special military operation” was confusing since it isn’t a Russian letter. I noticed looking at photos from Putin’s rally that they are using “Z” instead of “З” at the beginning of words. Is it the new normal for Russian?
Z = ??
World War Z!
The Z thing started with the invasion of Ukraine. It didn’t exist before.
She’s got a great voice!
Somebody thought this was a good ad for ice cream
All I can say is WTF
+1 WTF
I can keep that comment on-topic by saying that robot looks like a giant Nintendo R.O.B. Robot.
Also that commercial is horrible and only makes me think of sickness and hospitals. Agreed, WTF?
Well it wouldn’t be the first time aphrodisiacs were used to sell food.
WTF. But it does remind me of a scene from Joemala.
That’s why I was getting a chub watching it. I was worried there for a minute that something was wrong with me. We’re all good!
I was thinking it would have been better with a Biden lookalike or deepfake.
Creepy AF either way.
Looks like a twisted homage to the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
That was my thought too.
At the time I saw the film I didn’t know what to think of the set. Kubrick in an interview explained he illuminated top and bottom to try to minimize any shadows.
Hard to believe that somebody even pitched that ice cream ad. Even stranger that it got approved.
I’m sure there are worse.
I just shared it with three people so it’s a catchy ad, anyway.
*I assume Halo Top is a real brand, never heard of it
Sure is quiet in here. Maybe everyone is playing Tunic, or sleeping with Tres.
I’m assuming folks are waiting a bit to go off topic. But I’ll add this bit of NYT clickbait for Swiss. I’m torn – it’s a typical hit piece, OTH, State Farm…
Where State Farm Sees ‘a Lot of Fraud,’ Black Customers See Discrimination
A ton of the fraud we detect is done by AI before a person even looks at the claim. That’s where this will be headed next.
And ‘we’ is not State Farm, but all of the insurance companies probably use the same data and indicators.
Verisk will always remain ISO for me.
Heh. Verisk may as well be called Money Pit. Our expenses for them just went through the roof. We also send dumptrucks of cash to Black Knight.
In the old days all the big insurers owned ISO.
However, all the C-Suites of the carriers decided it was time to sell, IPO, rake in the proceeds and retire.
Now the new C-Suite gets to pay. (Oh, and shareholders too. Naturally.)
Always ISO.
So you all programmed your AIs to screen for names like Dontrell? Do you also ask questions about how much they like fried chicken and grape soda on your forms? Is this also question?
What is the correct pronunciation? Circle one:
Ask Aks
You people and your white supremacy make me sick.
Sounds like phone companies – https://youtu.be/v4QJ3QVKNtY?t=1116
Yup. OTH for another type of AI – Colossus has been fun. And it couldn’t have ensnared a more deserving company.
Colossus Insurance Settlements
A ton of the fraud we detect is done by AI before a person even looks at the claim
I’m certain I’ve already seen a bunch of articles proclaiming AI is inherently racist because programmers are mostly white men.
My favorite bit is when black box (can we say that?) neural nets make decisions based on race and everybody screams.
It’s a complicated topic. Shifting the training data shifts results. Pretending neural nets are unbiased is bullshit.
Boxes of color.
Binders full of women
I thought programmers were all Indian?
(Back when I worked in Big Company HQ, you knew when you found the IT Dept by the smell of curry)
The fun part is we’ll probably never know if State Farm is really racist because this will be judged on political considerations rather than factual.
Credit scoring allows most insurers to rate in a race neutral manner for most regulatory purposes.
Problem is that poor credit rating highly correlates to race… Hence political shenanigans and all kinds of concerns.
Exactly. Nothing that semi-accurately predicts (like a credit score or IQ) can be considered race-neutral because there are differences between the races.
Now, you can argue why those exist, but that doesn’t change their existence.
I’m too thin for Tres.
It’s too nice – I’m headed out for a walk.
I got back from my walk. Very nice outside.
Back from walking the dog and pilling the horse. Dinner shortly.
I was still talking on the other thread!
Preparing the fire pit for a pleasant evening.
I am reading in the car and for a moment I thought you said “preparing a firepit for the peasants “
sorry “for a peasant evening”
Egads, no! They have to scavenge windfallen branches and build their own fire.
That Nick Cage movie looks like the sort of goofy film that I would enjoy. I also liked Jean Claude van Johnson.
Welcome to St. Recovery day, I’ll be kicking off the Zoom/Happy Hour/Venting session at 20:00 Eastern.
*nods blearily*
Depending how long it take Officer Doolittle to get here and inspect our trailer…I may partake
A little bird told me there may be a special guest tonight.
They guy who had a chicken in his ass,
No, Lottie moss.
Lottie Moss had a chicken in her ass?
OMG take my money already. I loved that game.
Sadly, I found Tunic to be a huge disappointment. They had almost everything – interesting and compelling storyline, prizeworthy art design, fantastic sound, and they went and ruined it by shoehorning in this awful Souls-like combat system.
I played it for an hour, fought the same battle five times, then uninstalled and returned it. I enjoyed everything about the game except for actually playing it.
Yeah, that is concerning. “Combat” is not my jam so if it’s annoying that’s probably a no from me dawg.
Anybody who played The Witcher or any of the Dark Souls games and didn’t have a complete meltdown will absolutely adore Tunic.
I really wanted to like it, and it’s pissing me off a little that I didn’t.
I didn’t love the Witcher 3 until I turned it on bitch mode (the easiest difficulty setting). Then I loved it. Games are supposed to be a stress relief for me. Generally if it makes me anxious the entire time, especially if it’s going to take like 80 hours, I’m not going to waste my time.
My thoughts exactly. I have no desire to get good at computer games, just like I have no desire to get good at crossword puzzles or Wordle. Computer games are interactive entertainment, not a vehicle for self improvement.
Nothing infuriates me more than a nice, relaxing, fun adventure ruined by a boss battle I can’t win.
*cough* Oceanhorn 2 *cough*
That’s why older Zelda games are my favorite series. It’s a combination of all my favorite elements. Open world adventuring, just the right amount of challenging but avoidable combat, dungeons that are each their own cleverly designed puzzle box and the best boss fights in the biz. Perfect variety and usually perfect difficulty (maybe a little TOO easy.) I loved BotW too, but it either lessened or eliminated the best of these things. Especially the boss battles – the next one better fix that or I’m going to be pissed.
I’m not a fan of puzzles in games. Even the relatively simple ones in Skyrim or Resident Evil. If I can’t solve it in a few seconds, I’ll move on to an online guide.
Yep, Zeldas are classics. But I didn’t like BotW. Not when I wandered around for 25 hours building fires and collecting weeds and shit and not one dungeon in sight. Those mini shrines or whatever they were called not counting.
I’m a mixed bag in terms of games. Sometimes I want gut wrenching challenges and others is put me on baby mode and enjoy the show
On the plus side, it’s on Gamepass and GoG, so you can rent it or wait for a sale.
Cool, even supports Mac at GoG. Yeah, I’ll wait for a sale. 30 bucks is too rich for my blood.
I’m right there with you. The game either has fun, tight and challenging combat or it’s fun to explore. The way I see it, if I have to worry about dying and reloading every time I see even the most basic enemy, those two things are at odds.
Maryland enacts 30-day gas tax suspension
Too far to drive.
Instant price drop
It is already $3.99 here.
Gov Youngkin has proposed the same thing, but it has to go through the legislature.
Drugs, ass, etc. Anyone watch this Portland City Council trolling from the other day? Stick around for the second guy. The mayor’s reactions are also great.
“And another positive note; George Floyd has been sober for 2 years now.”
Also, the finger clapping thing by that councilwoman. Grow the fuck up. Progressives are children. Plain and simple.
Most children are better behaved than progressives. And, they also stand a chance of maturing as they age.
“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
‘Bout damn time people started using the Rules for Radicals *against* the Left.
The Left really has no concept of the reaction they are provoking. They aren’t going to like it.
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group of people.
Really funny, it took Mayor Wheeler a long time to catch on. The other people were just as oblivious. I’m guessing that’s pretty much how the City Council meetings go, if every one is speaking gibberish does that mean they all understand the language?
They look exactly as I would expect them to.
That was hilarious. I love how long they let them go. Dude #2 fit right in until the end.
Friday Funbags will destroy you.
So, something a tish disconcerting happened; My LinkedIn profile was viewed by someone in a semi-local Sheriff’s office. When I say semi-local, it’s about 3 counties away, and on the Minnesota side of the border. I’m assuming they are investigating someone with the same name, but still.
Maybe they’re just looking to employ a whatever-you-do.
Maybe they need a man with your particular skill set for a case.
Did MikeS daughter get taken?
Like this?
Should have added this bit: I’ve been in manufacturing for over 20 years. Currently an estimator, before that a stint as a production planner, but the bulk of my years have been spent operating and programming CNC lasers, mills, and lathes. I can’t see my skillset having value in a cop-shop.
I’m not seriously worried, it’s just…odd.
Maybe he thinks yer purty.
How many MikeS’s could there be in NoDak?
You’re getting a little close to Pope J’s home territory. You don’t suppose he…no, he wouldn’t do that to a friend…I don’t think he would anyway
“J.K. Simmons On How Commissioner Gordon’s Role Will Change After Zack Snyder’s Justice League”
He seemed to be doing a bit of an Alex Jones impression in the latest Spiderman movie.
I get to sit at the pound waiting for an officer to ‘inspect’ out trailer. Come anytime between 9 and 5pm….no don’t make an appointment.
And I get here and first thing they ask do you have appointment? Fucking city services
What kind of trailer? In order to license it?
Pet grooming. Just to see if we board dogs or anything like that. Hopefully not too much on condition cause some is still a work in progress
50 bucks for her ro look inside and say cool. Ugh.
Ugh, indeed.
Well shit. In more “things I need to plan better for” – looks like the sump pump is dead. I’ve been getting worried not hearing it run the last few days during the rain we’ve been getting but this was the first time I had an opportunity to get in the crawlspace and check.
Unfortunately….there’s a few inches of water – mostly under the plastic sheeting (moisture barrier?) – which means the pump itself is even deeper under water. I got down to it, unplugged and plugged it back in again, and then checked all the upstairs breakers and I’m not seeing any progress/pumping.
I’ve got a feeling that this is something that would have been comparatively easy (FWIW) if there was no water in the hole, but being actually flooded….will require pumping assistance at the bare minimum.
Looks like I’m digging out American Home Shield coverage again and hoping for the best. What a pain in the ass. (least I’m on day shift next week).
/runs down to the basement
Normally I can hear it go every .30-1:00 while I’m sitting on the can depending on amount of rain (almost directly overhead – so useful enough), but nothing at all, even during a lot of rain.
Motor may have run a little harder the last couple years. In 2020 after I moved in, I found a leak in the hose right outside the foundation that was putting water right back in the same spot next to the house – and that took me a while to nail down and determine the best fix – mostly continual running for a while even on drier days…
Fuck, I’ve been there. Hauling 5 gallon buckets upstairs to dump in the tub during a nasty storm.
Pull the pump and check the impeller. Mine had some debris that jammed it.
Don’t buy a cheap replacement from a big box. Find a commercial plumbing place and buy a Liberty or something higher end. You may also want to consider a backup system.
Good luck.
Is Liberty a step above Wayne and Simer?
Mine had the float switch not working. A kid at Home Depot convinced me to buy a new float rather than a new pump. That was 10-15 years ago.
Good point. The switches often go out on perfectly working pumps.
Not saying this is why your failed, but I’ve read that when they dry out and don’t run for long periods of time, that can actually speed up their failure. That’s apparently been the case with two of mine going out. Ran just fine in the fall, and then spring comes and it’s dead.
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Dealing with a dead pump is bad enough, but having to fuck around in a crawl space only compounds things.
It does look like there are portable sump pump options – but I may look at that as an option after this – since some of the water is above the plastic moisture barrier and some is below it makes things a bit more complicated. Also do not currently have a wet/dry vac or dehumidifier.
Also do not currently have a wet/dry vac or dehumidifier.
Buy a wet/dry vac. Every homeowner should have one and Harbor Freight has decent ones for not much. They also have inexpensive utility pumps that can clear out the existing water. I use one to drain the pool.
For the dehumidifier and large fans (depending on the surface area), I’d try to rent commercial grades ones. You’re going to want the massive high powered ones that will work as quickly as possible.
I use mine frequently but luckily not on the wet side
I’ll look into those suggestions going forward, but as usual, this sort of thing happens when I’m tapped out in the wrong way.
Submitted a claim with AHS, but I’ll add those to the list going forward.
Unfortunately, in my crawlspace (only accessible from outside), I don’t think there are more than a couple sockets – one being the one that the pump is currently plugged into. Once it’s clear, I guess a dehumidifier hose could be rigged to go into the sump pump barrel for continuous operation – but only if there’s a socket to use full time.
I wouldn’t to buy a sump pump there, but Harbor Freight has decent and cheap transfer pumps to solve the immediate problem.
Either you’re in the can too long or your pump was running too frequently. Probably over heated and died.
Maybe need to adjust the float level.
There’s a lot of things that can go wrong.
Could have been missing a check valve.
The sump pit for mine was too narrow and the float would get hung up on the sides. Happened more often when my son would toss crap in there.
Ground is still froze. Pits are dry.
/back to day drinking
“Original Godzilla actor dies at 87: Akira Takarada passes away in hospital after contracting pneumonia”
“A California mother says the government wrongfully took away her daughter, pushed the girl into transitioning to male, and is to blame for his suicide age 19.
Andrew Martinez, born Yaeli, stepped in front of a train on September 4, 2019.
In an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, bereaved mother Abigail Martinez accused her Los Angeles County school of encouraging Yaeli to take hormones and undergo gender reassignment surgery as a child, while failing to properly treat her severe depression.
Martinez, 53, a mother of four, claimed school staff told Yaeli not to speak to her mother about transgender issues, but secretly had her join an LGBTQ group that persuaded the girl that the only way to be happy was to transition.
The El Salvador-born mother said an older trans student ‘coached’ Yaeli on what to tell social workers to put her into foster care, so that the state would pay for her gender reassignment.”
Many such cases.
Her suicide at 19.
That bugged the shit out of me too.
There’s a very primal part of me that would feel zero sympathy for the school employees involved if the mother went postal on them.
Absolutely justifiable homicide in any jury I’m on.
*insert trashy’s mantra here*
It’s possible that the girl had issues that would have led her to commit suicide anyway, but the people at school sure didn’t help her and may well have made it worse. I don’t understand why schools feel like they should get involved in this stuff.
Moral arrogance
I’m just a country rube from the steppes of North America. (I can’t even photocopy things because there’s no Kinkos nearby!) So, I need a super-smart progressive to explain to me how come kids can’t make the decision to smoke until they are 21, but they have the necessary understanding to get gender reassignment surgery ASAP.
The people encouraging this are fucking monsters.
I’ll break it down for you. Smoking and drinking can damage your body and only puts money in the pockets of tobacco corporations, who are totally different from the pharmaceutical corporations, and are basically the embodiment of the patrarchy. I mean, bottles and cigarettes are shaped like dicks.
Chopping off your dick and balls, however, is the best way to protest the patriarchy because you are literally removing it from your personhood. It’s better for society as a whole to have one less shitlord male.
Cutting off your boobs leaves nothing for the male gaze. Another strike at the patriarchy.
Turning your vagina into a dick and balls is the third strike against the patriarchy because it shows how gender is a social construct. The fake dick and balls are constructed by a person and are symbolic of the way gender norms are totally made up and not at all based on centuries of human interactions.
See? When children decide to mutilate themselves at the encouragement of adults, it’s how they fight the patriarchy. When they make the wrong choice to smoke and drink, they are enforcing the patriarchy.
*Takes long whiff of own fart*
(I got an actual headache writing this)
Mamas, make those boys grow up driving pick up trucks. Girls like driving pick up trucks too, ’cause they meet boys driving trucks.
Whoa! 21? Way too young. They can’t handle adulting until 26. At the earliest.
Local tv news (NBC) reported yesterday that of the pack of qualified candidates for new Philly school superintendent, “11 identified as women.” Should we mock and ridicule such stuff, or just keep ignoring it and continue to talk about “men” and “women?”
It needs to be mocked.
I don’t care if you want to live as a woman or vice versa. Just be convincing. Don’t look like a man and tell me you “identify as a woman”.
And it is not a decision that can be made before puberty, I don’t care if the “doctors” claim it’s “easier” that way. These sickos who twist kids’ minds like this are indeed monsters.
“[Camille Paglia] says that androgyny becomes prevalent “as a civilization is starting to unravel. You find it again and again and again in history.”
“People who live in such times feel that they’re very sophisticated, they’re very cosmopolitan,” she says. But in truth, they are evidence of a civilization that no longer believes in itself. On the edges of that civilization are “people who still believe in heroic masculinity” — the barbarians. Paglia says that this is happening right now, and that there’s this tremendous “disconnect” between a culture that’s infatuated with transgenderism, and “what’s going on ‘out there’.””
Putin and Xi are psychopathic murderers and lunatics. However, drawing comparisons between the gravely ill, suicidal culture of the West and the dynamic, proud and muscular cultures of Paglia’s “barbarians”, it becomes hard to see how she’s not being prophetic.
Didn’t she recently claim to be trans herself?!
The Browns are basically selling the farm to get Deshaun Watson. A guy who has never won a damn thing in his career and is facing 22 sexual assault allegations, even if he isn’t going to be charged criminally. They gave out the most ridiculous contract in NFL history and three first round picks to do it.
They’re already over the cap now and will have to jettison talent. They really didn’t have much to spare. Like, how good do they think their roster is and what makes them think they’re going to be in anymore of a position to win than Houston was the last time Watson played for them?
I’m sure he’ll put up some nice fantasy football numbers, though.
Maybe they can sign Kaepernick to be his backup.
That would be hilarious.
That, and Mayfield lighting it up wherever he lands.
Just saw an AT&T commercial with Mathew Stafford where he makes an allusion to trading in your 12 year old, crappy phone for a brand spanking new one that does everything you ever wanted and the punch line is “sounds like a good trade”.
I think I’ll enjoy that part. I can understand feeling you’re not getting what you need from Mayfield, not sure how you decided Watson is the answer though. Sad cause I usually root for the Browns when they’re not losing to my Bills.
And really, isn’t that all that matters?
Sounds like a fail. Did they get rid of Mayfield?
Not yet, but he’s requested a trade.
The Browns have won the off-season many times that I can remember over the years. I fully expect a lot of people to be on that bandwagon as it crashes into the hillside and burns.
Just take comfort in knowing that they will never equal the stupidity of the Raiders, who just apent an obscene amouht of money on a washed up receiver. I mean the guy is 30 years old, in the NFL, that’s the same as 75-80 in any other occupation and the guy wasn’t even any good when he was 29. I can’t even do the foozball anymore, the stupidity is unbearable.
Screw the Raiders. A bunch of carpetbagging douchebags.
Funny story. When I was an ATT tech in Berkeley, most of my co-workers were from Oakland and were Raiders fans. One weekly meeting the bosses were talking about how to be sensitive to handicap people when working for them, and when it came time for workers to ask questions and make comments, I stood up and said
“Look guys, working around the handicapped is really no big deal. It is no different that working with Raiders fans.”
Got a good laugh out of that one.
The real question is will this guy be the new face of Progressive?
Everything must be about politics, all of the time, without exception, always, forever, it’s the only way to utopia.
It’s going to be an awkward commercial when he sexually assaults Flo.
Nothing like your injured kid suddenly becoming sick too. Glad I cancelled all my plans for today now.
Sorry to hear that.
He’ll bounce back.
Right now I have to sit next to him (not too close), but not look at or touch him. Also I’m not allowed to move the water bottle. Naturally he decided that my room is the place this all must occur, not his. Kids are goofy.
Taking off from work had one nice bonus- got to watch the movie RJ posted yesterday (Attack of the Mushroom People). I liked it.
I planted all my little veggie plots to make sure something sprouted. I planted 6 seeds in all the plots and every single one of them came up for the maters and lettuce, so now I have to thin. The peppers, 3 biquinhos up, no baby bell peppers yet. First try at hydroponics, I need to expand my operaion to about 3x so I can add jalapenos, cucs, more maters, and something else, I don’t konw what… but no seed, that gets you prison in the commie backwards luddite shithole of MD.
By seed, I meant ‘weed’.
? Oooooohhhh!
True story, I had put my old beater car in the shop to get new tires and a guy who worked there gave me a ride home. He told me that he had just got out of prison in Baltimore City prison, a fate that could not be much better than death if at all, for 6 months for possesion of a small amount of weed, for fuck’s sake. Do not even think about even visiting this state, not even once, do not even think about crossing the border to drive through to another state.
I read this in the guy from Slingblade’s voice
I don’t wear my britches quite that way…
Because everyone knows there are no drugs in Baltimore.
I’m not sure if this has been discussed. I’m in favor of this sort of thing. Shame about the silly tats as she is even hotter than her sis.
I agree she’s hotter than Kate. Also a total trainwreck.
OFFS rehab at 24? When I was 24 I had to collect empty pop cans to exchange for cash to buy a pack of cigarettes.
No offense but you probably weren’t as hot as her.
I doubt she needs to buy her own weed.
She’s cokehead like her sister.
Or as like I used to say back in the late 80’s, Fun Time!
Drugs were a sometimes food. I guess I couldn’t afford enough of them to make it into rehab.
Mo’ money, mo’ problems Rhy.
T-minus 17 hours. ????
Wind forecast is 20mph…I might have an avgasm.
You need to try a Firstgasm, sister.
He’s not that big, is he? (feels undersized)
I wonder if this is a ploy cause their beer is shit?
Good grief.
Keep playing “nobody will ever use this against us some day” and see how that works out for you, dumbasses.
I’m sure Biden beer is flying off the shelves everywhere it’s sold.
The AOC IPA seems appropriate. Bitter and horrible.
Shots fired.
*Grabs popcorn*
We need to get sharpshooter a bottle of each of those beers, Stat.
Also, how can you worship Biden and call yourself “progressive “?
Words like Zelda like have no meaning for me. I have not turned on my gaming desktop in maybe 6 weeks. I think I might be depressed.
Inflation, more inflation, standing with some Nazi wannabe country with a low rent actor for president, groomers all over Florida, and dudes playing women’s sports. WTF.
Oh well, booze to be delivered soon.
Groomers? Please expound.
People wanting to teach 3-year-olds about sex
Oh, I thought we just made some headway against them. Should be good news, no?
I was feeling depressed this morning too.
Then I started day drinking.
All the other stuff you can’t really control. Even if it sucks, you just gotta go with the flow, adjust expectations accordingly. It’ll all work out in the end.
Not that drinking usually helps depression. But I was bummed at not being able to do anything fun today, so getting to do that perked me up.
Pet your cat, walk around the yard, breathe deeply. You’ll be fine.
I have no pets. All dead in the last 3 years. 🙁
Ouch. Ours are getting on in years too,
I know I should not stress, but my son got his second jab today. He’ll be okay, I think. He has my awesome defective genes.
Where is the zoomy? Seeing as my ass is stapled to the chair, may as well have some entertainment.
Fecking time-lords.