Fucking Duke. Can someone please knock them out of the tournament? Also, well done Houston for taking care of Arizona. Elsewhere, Nova beat TTUN and Arkansas took out perennial #1 seed (and disappointment) Gonzaga. The US drew with Mexico in an important game. They should have won. The other games in the group didn’t get results that would help us, so we move on to Panama in a must-win (in my opinion) situation. Also, LOL to Italy. That shit is hilarious. And that’s sports.
Well its about freaking time. Also, they won’t do anything.
This is a shame. They should have just fired them all.

“I dindunuffin!”
Discovery is gonna be amazing. Hopefully it gets to trial.
Not this bullshit again. I guess there’s not enough inflation for these retards.
Like rats from a sinking ship. Let’s just hope they aren’t plague rats.
Super. I swear, this is happening a lot with these guys. But don’t worry. The shit they rushed to market is a-ok!

Are they really going through with this hare-brained plan? Because it literally makes no sense.
Dammit, here come the locusts. How long before they fuck things up?
Here you go. I love that video. Literally nobody in it matches the music they’re playing. And here’s another gem by them. Enjoy them both, friends.
And enjoy this Friday and the weekend.
USFL? Yes? No?
Since they’re tied to the NFL, it may actually become a viable minor league. I’ll reserve judgment for a season.
I guess the theory is to only run half a league, then pick up the Western half of the US if the eastern conference pans out?
I will admit to kind of liking the novelty rules changes.
If you build it… prices will be lower than in areas where excessive zoning laws prevent new housing from being built.
The “well-known” idea that California has excessive zoning laws is one of the greatest scams ever, that the developers in the state have managed to convince both the press and the politicians. It’s now resulted in new laws statewide against single-family residential zoning, and preventing neighbors or even cities from challenging any new development that’s “dense” enough. So now you can have a nice home on a quarter acre lot in a quiet suburb, and your neighbors on all three sides can build apartment complexes up to your property line, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do to prevent it. Meanwhile, cities like Oakland would love new apartment complexes, but developers are only interested in building luxury condo complexes in desirable suburbs, actually claiming that by building one-bedroom condo units that will sell for over $1million apiece, they will solve the homeless problem. And the local editorial boards believe them.
True Fact, I have a biology degree, I guess that means I have super powers?
It should definitely help you in the dating market. Unless you’re bi, in which case it wouldn’t matter.
He could be a consultant, help us all find potential mates. It’s so hard to figure out, man, or woman?
I married my wife, and we have a child together, can you help me determine which of us is make and which female? Neither of us is a biologist, so we’re having a hard time figuring it out.
So many market opportunities.
Cut down on the number of surprise penii encountered?
Give us the answer we crave.
It means you are unqualified to be a SC judge. Sorry
I have a bachelor’s degree but am married. I didn’t want a master’s degree because I oppose slavery.
Should the degree be renamed sub-doctorate? Dr. Jr.?
Oooh I know! Super Bachelor! Oh wait, that’s sexist. Hmmm. Super-B! Superb degree!
It’s my trademark, I get a dollar for every Superb Degree handed out.
whaddup doh’
I’M WORKING, trying my best to be not working ASAP.
Hey all, I’m collecting can lids for SP.
1) Take a lid, rusty or not (preferably a canning lid, but whatever you can get), write your glibs handle on it along with a message of appreciation for her immense contributions to this site. NOTE: you may get better results using a fineliner permanent marker.
2) email me at trashy-glibs [at] disengage [dot] co (and let me know what your glibs handle is) to get the destination address for the lid.
3) shove the lid in an envelope and get it in the mail by April 1st.
Once I get all the lids, I’ll assemble them in a way that only a trash monster can, and I’ll send it up to SP to replenish her stock and keep OMWC in check.
I’ll continue posting this in the links threads this week.
NOTE: Athena has graciously offered to put messages on lids for those who, for whatever reason, can’t. (athenaofprogtown at the gmail)
NOTE2: If you don’t hear from me within 24 hours, let me know on here.
Sent yesterday am – haven’t heard back.
Could you please resend? I think the issues are fixed, but they’re not retroactive.
Shiny side or coated side?
I was thinking shiny side, but your call. This is a libertarian project. I make general suggestions and let y’all fill in the details.
Why not both?
Both may cause issues if I have to glue them to a backer or something. Some people have also sent notes (on paper, like for in a toilet) if they couldn’t fit everything on their lid.
Aww. I was going to glue a little TARDIS on the back of mine.
“Between 2010 and 2020, there were 6.3 million new homeowners in the U.S. Of those homeowners, almost 900,000 were middle-class earners, according to a report from the National Association of Realtors. ”
Wonder how they define new home owner and middle class. Cause that is an abysmally low percent of total new home owners.
How long before they fuck things up?
Based on experience, about 3 years assuming a sufficient influx.
At a minimum, they will make housing way more expensive. I figure if I move, I’ll move somewhere “not hot” that I can, you know, afford.
According to the article, value up almost 60%.
Yup. We couldn’t afford* the house we’re living in right now. To my eye, it’s a $275k house. To the market, it’s a $650k house. Thankfully we locked in the rent we’ll before the market got as insane as it did. We thought we were getting shafted when we signed a lease for $2k/month, but now it’s hard to find anything below $4k/month around here.
Stupidly (?) Just bought a fixer upper for about 50% more than it’s probably really worth, not sure how that will shake out, but I’m eager to get out of cash and into… Something.
The economy is probably about to hit the fan and everything will drop 30%. But whatever.
I think 30% will be getting off easy.
I rely on the ratio of median home price to median household income as my measure of the health of the market. A ratio of 4.5-5 is healthy. 5-5.5 is healthy but expensive, 5.5-6 is expensive, and beyond 6 is a bubble.
In 2005-2007, it peaked at 7 and hung around in the 6.5-7 range before precipitously crashing in mid 2007.
As of last Nobember, it was at 7.45.
Sorry, forgot the punchline. The market dropped 30% in 2008 from a smaller bubble. I think 40-50% peak to trough is possible when this one pops.
I wouldn’t be surprised by that, I just don’t think it will happen, see below.
It’s not so much median price to median income, as median payment to median monthly income.
When the interest rates go up, houses will have to go down.
7.45 dropping 30% would bring it to 5.2, which is closer to your middle range. I think there are some issues which will keep things higher (continued supply shortage, especially in desirable areas, material and labor costs) rather than lower, but then again rates could go wild and drive everything really down.
Supply shortages will help prop up prices, but interest rates are going to more than make up for it. I remember in 1980 or 81 my mom bought a house at a *fantastically good* mortgage rate of 9%. I think that by this time next year, after the Fed is done with their hikes, we’ll see some mortgage rates at close to 10%, which will ensure a crash in prices.
Over/under on the banks somehow spinning things so they keep the zero percent APR on savings accounts anyway? I figure since the Fed, banks and regulators want to force debt and spending, there’s no way they’ll inadvertently encourage the little people to hang onto their money again….
Right. I think for my entire adult life rates have been close to zero, so I don’t have a good feel for what that really means for housing values when rates are not 2-5%. I agree prices are coming down we only quibble about how much. Okay of my calculus is that wages will continue to rise as well with the inflation. That may be misguided we’ll see.
SDF, they will not be raising their interest rates, at least not to the level of inflation. It’s already been a year and rates are still near zero with 10% inflation.
Don’t remind me. Every day the housing cost goes up as more and more Californicators move in. I only pray they hate the social environment and move back.
It hasn’t happened yet. All the Calis I’ve talked to moving to my area love it here. It’s hard to underestimate just how much of an unlivable hell hole California has become.
They’re even willing to put up with Trump stickers and signs everywhere, American flags on the front of every house and a gun to to person ratio of about 7:1. They’re like a Karen who starts dating a masculine guy figuring they’ll just “fix” him by slowly wearing him down over years and years of whining and passive aggression. We’re doomed.
| Fucking Duke. Can someone please knock them out of the tournament?
“Can’t we drone this guy?” -HRC
Duke is keeping my sorry ass bracket somewhat relevant.
My theory is to choose teams I hate.
So when a bunch of assholes like Duke win, at least I’m making points. If they lose, I’ll miss the points, but I’ll still be happy.
You just NAILED my thoughts on sports gaming/gambling. I’m a die hard Cubs fan. I don’t gamble on sports (only have ever actually gambled on $2 horse races as a kid at Ellis Island) but my strategy would always be to BET AGAINST THE CUBS. If they win, WE WON! If we lose…I WIN MONEY! It just makes the loss so much easier to handle.
I have not done this in practice. But I’ve thought about it at length. I hear ya, bro. Two horses in harness, you and I.
Your Eminence, i read your comment as “sore-y ass bracket”.
Sometimes I miss Minnesota.
I thought for a Duke issue, you called in disaffected Serbians….
Why are you stirring up trouble? Can’t we stop being enemies and be Franz?
Heh I hadn’t seen that before. So clean-cut and fresh-faced.
Donald Trump sues Hillary Clinton, others over Russian collusion allegations
Sounds like a threat to our Democracy.
She has Qualified Immunity as a Madame Secretary.
The ink won’t even be dry on Hillary’s motion to dismisss before the judge signs it. Rory, sloop, very unlikely this gets to discovery, let alone trial.
It will hilarious if it does get to discovery.
Bill Clinton lied under oath during his deposition. Bets on Hillary lying under oath. We all know she will kill anyone who has evidence that proves she lied under oath.
I for one think Trump is parlaying his successful legal outcome with Stormy Daniels into success against Democrats in the civil arena.
I wonder if the Lefty media will cover how Trump legal claims proving to be true after years of persistence of truth. And how that DOES mean that trial judges are super corrupt for dismissing Trump cases without a trier of fact hearing the merits.
Just like everything else related to the insane Russian collusion debacle, there will be no consequences. The right people will make sure the case gets assigned to the right judge and it’s dead before it even starts.
It’s not fair that those privileged enough to own a car are the ones to get money!
Sean, Sean, Sean… Those votes don’t buy themselves, you know.
I dont pay enough attention to much of anything, let alone political ads. But has anyone been bold enough to say “Vote for me, cause I got you this free* shit” ?
*free being paid for with your money and everyone else’s
“Forty acres and a mule? Gee!”
Congroaches often advertise the pork they bring home.
Isn’t that what flipped the Senate to D, based upon those two Georgia races? The GOP only wants to give you $600 COVID checks. We’ll make sure you get $2,500 COVID checks! I’m not sure if it was actually put into an ad, though.
They need to find some way to replace the increased child tax credit they weren’t able to extend.
And yet they’re calling it a rebate.
They figured if Newsom could use COVID funds to bribe his way out of the recall, they should queue up some largess from the public treasury before the mid-terms on general principle or something.
Obligatory “The Republic shall last as long as…” quotation.
The Republic has been gone for a while, bud. Long live the Empire!
I want to see them try it. Because nothing says “vote for the other guy” like massive giveaways to spoiled elite children.
It will happen. Maybe not this term. Maybe not for a few years. But it will happen.
When it does, it’s my sign to majorly rebalance my future plans heavily away from retirement investments.
It’s not fair that you profiteered and now have all that money while these poor single mothers with 5 kids have no retirement savings at all. Why won’t you share you bigot?
You can’t fool me, that’s ripped directly from DU.
May as well be. It’s really impossible to parody them anymore.
There’s always the Puerto Rico play.
Take out massive loans and then declare bankruptcy?
No, but that works too.
West Side Story?
The perils of always playing defense and never playing offense. They just have to get their shitty policies through once
Ehh, I don’t think they care about votes. It’s more about rewarding their base and shifting the Overton window. Just like the Covid payments have opened the door now for gas payments, etc.
I think a bit much is being made about the forgiveness though, at least if we’re going to complain about involuntary intergenerational wealth transfers. The student loan hoopla is a fraction of the money being stolen from younger generations to fund the Social Security scam for older generations. I have more money taken from each paycheck now for social security than I do for income tax.
Yeah, sometimes I forget they’re playing the long con. It is in their nature to continually throw everything at the wall and some of it sticks each time.
Our kids took out student loans for the first time ever. Feels terrible, but why should we be the suckers who pay and pay and pay?
It’s because you’re strivers. The strivers pay and pay and pay and pay.
I thought strivers ended up marrying Austrian movie stars/body builders?
6 5
7 8
3 5
9 7
9 4
6 5
Hitler ?
That would be
8 8
8 8
8 6
7 5
5 3
7 8
You usually have the best scores, so I have to ask what words do you start with?
I usually start with AUDIO, followed by PESKY, MESSY, or FERRY.
Good one – I’m stealing that.
My second is going to be RENTS.
I use STERN.
AUDIO is also my first. I’ve been playing around with second words. Did STERN today, didn’t help me much, but you’d think those two words would generally produce good results.
I start with PARTY and then HOUSE. Gives me 4 of 5 vowels, plus the Y plus many common consonants. Also the H which can clue me in to works with ch, sh, wh, and th in them.
Real men start with EERIE and then AREAR
3 7
5 8
I had to cheat at Worldle. The lack of scale is a complication.
9 X
6 8
6 3
9 X
I was off to good start too.
5 3
6 8
I’m two guesses in on worldle and it looks like lower Africa, probably an island.
Mpls teachers’ strike
“fretting anew about lost academic progress and scrambling to arrange child care”
One of these is more important than the other.
Early in the ’50s the Mpls teachers were on strike for a month, at the beginning of the school year. Most families had stay-at-home moms. Us kids loved it, a month longer summer vacation. Anyway, we only made up about a week of the lost time and went on to the next higher grade, no worse for the wear.
obligatory: https://www.simpsonsarchive.com/episodes/2F19.html
They’ve already shed nearly 25% of their student population, why shouldn’t they be striking for “smaller class sizes”. I know a teacher who was walking the picket lines and he works at a school for “at risk” kids where he literally only teaches one kid per class at a time.
When we teased him about how he was going to get a smaller class size he at least had the decency to act ashamed.
So, a tutor? https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Eloise-Has-a-Lesson/Kay-Thompson/Eloise/9780689873676
Krinkov Barbie posting memes.
Wave your magic wand, Joe. Cast a love spell upon your subjects.
Someone’s been reading too much SF…
Liz of the Fauxhicans is still yapping.
Women owe over two-thirds of student debt. Canceling student debt would help give millions of women a fair shot at starting a business, saving for a home, and pursuing their dreams. Student debt is a gender justice issue. It’s time for @POTUS to act.
*insert issue* => women hardest hit.
Maybe women should pay their debts.
They’re supposed to find a rich guy while in college to pay the loans off for them.
Remember, also, that a lot of student debt is owed by doctors and lawyers who went to name brand schools.
Won’t anyone think of the poor, oppressed doctors and lawyers?
Seriously, student debt relief his less of an inter generational wealth transfer than it is yet another wealth transfer from the poor to the rich.
Yup. You don’t end up in much debt going to the local state college.
The most serious proposal so far for student debt relief excludes private schools and graduate degrees. Not that it makes it okay.
Seriously, student debt relief his less of an inter generational wealth transfer than it is yet another wealth transfer from the poor to the rich.
Can it not be both? Social Security is certainly both intergenerational theft and wealth transfer from the poor to the rich.
Not often mentioned, due to differences in life expectancy, it’s also a transfer from blacks to whites and Asians… And importantly, from men to women.
The easy fix to that for SS, is to make the account ownable and inheritable. But that would make it the equivalent of a Gov-IRA basically. If you die at 61, instead of getting nothing, your spouse or kids or whoever would inherit.
I would be “fine” with replacing the retirement portion of FICA with a 5% mandatory deduction into an IRA, with a 5% company match.
Heh, my standard libertarian disclaimer tags got stripped out.
I gotchu.
Obviously won’t happen for a number of reasons, like their intent to transfer that money, the nice benefit of having everyone loan the government that money while it’s sitting around unused, and of course the control.
Didn’t Bush try to do something like that? And it failed because reasons.
Yes, it failed because Republicans are cowards at best.
Easy for you to say but supposing you are a single mom with 6-7 kids, how in the world is that lady going to get/keep a job. I suppose you think her own kids should take care of her in her old age. They will, when they get out jail, get a good job that pays for all the necessities. You don’t even know how tough it is to keep 3-4 fine ladies looking fine when your sales have been so low this month.
So you are saying more women have college degrees?
Alternatively, men aren’t getting college degrees.
But in Lizzie’s mind, that’s an acceptable form of sexism.
SLD about the value of a college degree.
Nearly 60% of college students are women. Makes sense that they would then have the majority of the student debt.
Anyone want to bet that Lizzy rounded her number up from 60% to “two thirds”?
Or the small difference is explained by women majoring in safer degrees that don’t pay back as fast (or at all).
SyStEmIc PaTrIaRcHy
It’s NOT FAIR that my Master of Womyns Studies degree doesn’t have the same RoI as a B.S. in Engineering!
(metaphorical “my” you understand. I studied as many women as I could while I was in college but never received a degree in it)
Every fall the halls of the engineering building would be full of freshmen women who were all going to get a STEM degree. Then by the drop date they’d all be gone.
Since I was already married, I got to watch the upper class guys in engineering swoop in like bears during the salmon run to take advantage of this fleeting moment of bounty.
like bears during the salmon run to take advantage of this fleeting moment of bounty.
Poetry. I can picture the scene like I was there.
Math is racist and now apparently misogynistic.
And many of those women get degrees in education and go on to teach in government schools. They may not make as much as they wish, but their healthcare and retirement is subsidized by the taxpayers, and they can get their student loans forgiven (again at taxpayer expense) if they teach in shithole school districts for a few years.
I ain’t got no debts to pay. I think that makes me not-a-woman or something.
Definitely not-a-blues-singer.
“Eat the bugs and get in your pod, peasant.”
Biden: “With regard to food shortage… it’s gonna be real.”
“People are too fat anyway”
Hopefully this is as accurate as the “winter of loneliness and death” or whatnot… but given how they love, love, love screwing up energy supplies and markets, it probably will come to pass.
It’s all coming to pass already in developing nations. I doubt we’ll see it at the same level.
Poor people bear the brunt of everything.
I doubt we’ll see it at the same level.
I hope you’re right, but I’m not optimistic anymore. I guess we will know it’s to time to start the end times when the ever increasingly corrupted military/police begin confiscating things from us serfs.
Physically, it won’t happen. Not enough cops and too many guns.
The digital world, though, is another story.
Yep. A digital permission based system is how they seek to control us.
It’s already in the works and it will be the end of any freedoms whatsoever.
Buckle up.
Everyone already direct deposits, once they get rid of physical cash it’s game over.
“Sorry, I have to wrap this up, I have a 7 course state dinner to attend. Hopefully they have lobster again.”
Putin wants ‘unfriendly’ countries to pay for Russian gas in Rubles
The economic warfare continues.
The Euros say “no”, but it’s a seller’s market.
Isn’t this what got them in trouble with the world? Reducing Ukraine’s cities to piles of rubles?
Canceling student debt would help give millions of women a fair shot at starting a business, saving for a home, and pursuing their dreams.
And again she parades her ignorance of how the world works before the masses. Sure, just snap your fingers and presto! you’re an entrepreneur. If you think college was hard, try keeping track of government regulations.
Italy had 32 shots, including one open net, and couldn’t score.
North Macedonia’s goal was a prayer that caught the Italian goalie off guard. It was a well placed shot, but the goalie should have been able to get to it.
I have only seen the “highlights”, but it was hilariously bad for Italy.
I thought Pulisic’s effort was disappointing, and then Pefok said hold my beer. Cero-a-dos in Azteca would’ve been glorious, nil-nil isn’t a bad result.
I worry that the US team is going to go to CR with the Ticos knowing they need a 3 goal win to snag the 3rd spot.
Of course, losing to Panama would make things even worse.
Yeah, I’m clearly assuming we can put Panama away, hopefully early first half goal, and that Ticos don’t do better than a draw in Salvador, at which point we’re safe.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
All my biological stuff (and the missus) will be available at some point. I can hear the recipient arguing with the doc.
“What? You’re giving me this old guy’s stuff, worn out, ex smoker/drinker/libertarian? WTF is up with that?”
There is a movie out there where some college kid who belongs to all the right thinking groups is in an accident and gets Fourcore’s organs. After a while the kid starts to have double plus ungood thoughts. He also begins working his ass off and out working his class mates.
Worse of all, he starts waking up after sexy dreams and finding his sheets soaked in honey.
“We’ve got nothing but we’re sure he’s guilty of something.”
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg stopped pursuing charges against former President Trump and suspended the investigation “indefinitely,” one of the top prosecutors who resigned from the office said in his resignation letter–but disagreed with the decision.
Mark Pomerantz and Carey Dunne, who had been leading the investigation under former DA Cyrus Vance, submitted their resignations last month, after Bragg began raising doubts about pursuing a case against Trump.
“You have reached the decision not to go forward with the grand jury presentation and not to seek criminal charges at the present time,” Pomerantz wrote in his resignation letter, first reported by the New York Times. “The investigation has been suspended indefinitely.” …
“I believe that your decision not to prosecute Donald Trump now, and on the existing record, is misguided and completely contrary to the public interest,” Pomerantz wrote. “I therefore cannot continue in my current position.”
Pomerantz wrote that he believed Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations” and said it would be a “grave failure of justice not to prosecute him.” …
But despite that decision, Pomerantz, in his resignation letter, claimed his team that had been investigating Trump “harbors no doubt about whether he committed crimes—he did.”
We’ve already found him guilty so there is no need for a trial.
“Deputy Gangs.”
So people are finally noticing that the police are actually just gangsters with official state sanction?
The gang and the government are no different
Yes, I will keep relinking this every time the subject comes up.
They don’t have to do anything anyway…inflation works in favor of borrowers and screws the lenders…they’ll be paying their loans back with worthless currency.
I’m waiting for some bank bailout act that will inflate debt owed based on the long standing legal principle of FY:TW.
José Andrés tapped to help lead President’s Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition
This guy (and some WNBA player) is replacing Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker. It could be a bad pic, but doesn’t seem “fit”.
Mmm, Spanish food.
He’s only 52?!
Jay-sus, that’s a rough 52.
I had no idea we were (roughly) the same age.
José does great work with World Central Kitchen but he’s more focused on getting calories into people than the nutritional aspects (as he should).
Dáme las patatas bravas anyway.
Be wary of skinny chefs.
I once made a Giada winey shroom thing that turned out OK.
Cancel Russia>
The United States and European Union on Friday announced a new partnership to reduce the continent’s reliance on Russian energy, a step top officials characterized as the start of a years-long initiative to further isolate Moscow after its invasion of Ukraine.
U.S. President Joe Biden asserted that Russian President Vladimir Putin uses energy to “coerce and manipulate his neighbors” and uses the profits from its sale to “drive his war machine.”
Biden said the partnership he announced jointly with a top European Union official will turn that dynamic on its head by reducing Europe’s dependence on Russian energy sources, as well reducing the continent’s demand for gas overall.
Easier said than done. Limber up the magic wand, Joe.
Under the plan, the U.S. and other nations will increase liquified natural gas exports to Europe by 15 billion cubic meters this year, though U.S. officials were unable to say exactly which countries will provide the extra energy this year. Even larger shipments would be delivered in the future.
Curious how they didn’t know exactly where all this additional LNG would come from.
If only there were prolonged in the US and Canada that could transport oil and gas towards the coasts. To bad no one has even tried doing that yet. I’m certain the president would expedite the permits.
Of course, if only Comrade Biden knows about such things, he would be doing them!
I’ve been reading the gulag archipelago so every other day I keep thinking, ‘damn these Democrats are just like the Bolsheviks’.
Likewise your comment speaks to me.
Joke away, but that’s a mighty fine head of hair.
Before I click, that better be Froot Sushi.
I’m a Korean.
I hadn’t heard much about these missile tests in recent years, but now all of a sudden they’re back. Curious.
Trump was giving the norks all they ever wanted so they didn’t have to do the tests!
The lad is looking like he’s been hanging the dining room table too long again. The Generals haven’t missed many meals either.
After accepting Mark Zuckerburg-funded grants, this private organization gained access to absentee ballots and edged public officials out of the election process.
Now Michigan is finally under the microscope for its massive Democrat election fraud scheme. Just in time for election 2024. Zuckerberg and Democrats conspired to use bureaucrat incompetence against America’s voting system (that state Legislatures are supposed to control). Then the Democrat bureaucrats sought to protect their jobs by attacking anyone who questioned the election and demanded transparency.
Georgia Secretary of State Raffenberger (who is expected to be voted out this election) is now suddenly investigating ballot canvassers dropping ballots into drop boxes between 12-5 am. It is illegal for absentee ballots to be delivered to election officials by anyone but the voter or family members. In other words, ballot canvassing is illegal. Add in the confirmed illegal ballots from those who voted in the counties that were NOT their county of residence and Georgia 2020 election results are not certifiable.
LC1789 — any comments / word in the state on this? Opposing candidate, so probably full of hyperbole — but seems odd that the Reps in the state legislature would be pushing so hard for it. Still hope to make it back to GA at some point.. hoping ATL hasn’t made the rest of the state too insane (I know ATL already is… and Athens proper, but college towns tend to be and all…).
We’re never going to change the ’20 election, but we can at least get shit right for the future elections.
Although the initiative will likely require new facilities for importing liquified natural gas, the partnership is also geared toward reducing reliance on fossil fuels in the long run through energy efficiency and alternative sources of energy, according to the White House.
They will be fast-tracking modular liquid salt reactors, right?
“Biden REPEATS claim that Trump called neo-Nazis ‘good people’ after the Charlottesville riot in NATO speech hinting he wants a rematch in 2024”
“Biden warns food shortages are ‘going to be real’ across the globe because of Putin invading the world’s ‘breadbasket’ Ukraine”
Did he also claim that the Charlottesville nazi who killed his wife in the car accident was drunk?
You’re terrible. Come sit right next to me.
*runs right over*
This is great! Way better than when Alex makes me sit on his lap.
Why does no journalo follow up with “You know that isn’t true, so why do you keep saying it?”
Truth > Facts
Morally right > Factually correct
Because journalos are the groupies of the Insane Clown Politicians?
As long as Trump is suing people, he should sue anyone who says that in public, every time they say it.
How are student loans different than any other type of debt? Why not pay off everyone’s mortgage or credit card bills?
They’re not dischargeable in bankruptcy and they’re federally guaranteed.
Which is a strange thing because if you can’t get the debt discharged, what’s the point of the guarantee? The banks and universities are at absolute zero risk.
I’d remove both of those things and let it sort itself out, but the universities are going to scream bloody murder as their gravy train dries up.
The inflation in university costs kicked in right at the time the federally guarantee went in.
Actually, the guarantee existed for decades before, but in very limited low income cases. When the guaranteed loan program expanded to include anyone, tuition price increases went thru the roof.
In the before times, parents would have to co-sign for the loans, as the kids had no way to guarantee the loan. This put a natural limit on the size of the loan.
That makes too much sense. Glad we fixed it, finally making college affordable.
The problem was it was difficult to get a large, unsecured loan at a low rate to go party for 4 years.
But then I wouldn’t be able to get a loan for a Doctorate in transgender Klingon poetry.
“But no, mighty Kahless — I shall renounce my sheath and gain my Dak’tang!
And I shall thrust it again and again into those who disbelieve me!
For their bat’letths are weak and shall fall away as Praxis did in the time before,
withering in the combat with the Earthers…”
Sigh… tough crowd.
I just got to it. I thought it was great.
***Pats SDF on head and rubs belly for affirmation***
These euphemisms.
“They’re not dischargeable in bankruptcy and they’re federally guaranteed.”
Yes, cars can be repossessed, houses foreclosed, but that still ignores the ethical question. Why do people think it is good to cancel student loans but not other debts?
Because voters with houses tend to already vote anyway. Bribing the young and naive is more effective for their side.
Once again insert the quote about the public voting itself goodies from the public treasury. Sigh.
Or the self-plugged power strip.
I get the political reasons. Although, I don’t think anything will make young people vote.
“I din’t learn nuthin’, why should I have to pay?”
I think you’re looking at the premise incorrectly. The progressives do not think there should school, car, or housing debt. I could argue there is little ethical difference between the State paying for higher education education (like in Europe) and forgiving federally held student loan debt. The latter is just a progressive stepping stone to the first.
The progressives do not favor privately owned vehicles or you can be damned sure they would funding these for people, either in the form of subsidies or debt forgiveness. Instead that effort comes into making vehicles increasingly expensive to own and funding mass transit boondoggles. Is there a big difference between someone accepting a subsidized mass transit fare or receiving a subsidy towards a private vehicle? I think not.
Section 8 housing and the projects were a start. Now we’re seeing a rapid expansion of the State in the housing market with eviction bans, sweeping rent controls, and requiring housing developers to include “low price units”. All of this is essentially equivalent to paying off mortgage debt just in a different form with different targets.
“there is little ethical difference between the State paying for higher education education (like in Europe) and forgiving federally held student loan debt”
As far as I can tell, the only difference is in the accounting. Either way, it’s the government paying for college.
Why do people think it is good to cancel student loans but not other debts?
Because, like healthcare, it’s intangible and inbuilt into their “basics of civilized existence.” they’d make it free if they could, but until then, they advocate for the next best thing. That government shoulders the bill is of no consequence.
if you can’t get the debt discharged, what’s the point of the guarantee
The point of the guarantee is to keep the interest rate low.
Of course, any guarantee creates a moral hazard. It was unacceptable that the government just straight-up pay for six figure educations for doctors and lawyers, and there was a time when everybody knew that letting them discharge their federally guaranteed student loans was just the government paying directly. So they became nondischargable.
The fact that this meant there were a lot of people economically crippled with debt wasn’t an unfortunate side effect. It was a bonus. The people running the show don’t want you independent in any way.
People shouldn’t own property or buy things?
The little people shouldn’t own property or buy things.
Not owning things is the key to happiness……for everyone else. So sayeth Herr Schwab.
It’s hard to fathom the speed at which we went from “Believe all women” to “some women” to “I don’t know what a woman is”
The issue is that this is exactly what the permanent bureaucracy wants to hear. “Not a biologist” will cede all issues of scientific determination to the “experts” in the administrative state.
How do our progressive betters cope with the knowledge that Clarence Thomas is married to a white wimmin?
When I was living in Memphis the local gals were far more upset about fact of OJ marrying a white woman, than the accusations that he killed her.
They could understand a bit of murder, but not marrying a sister was too big a sin to forgive.
Besides it makes it easier on the journalos. Imagine if he had married a Strong Black Woman. How would they explain why she wasn’t getting the full Michelle Obama treatment? Put on magazine covers, raving about her fashion sense, gushing over her toned arms, etc.
He’s a race traitor uncle Tom.
Easy peazy.
“The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could safely be trusted, not only to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it.” — Adam Smith
Marsha Blackburn asked Ketanji Brown Jackson to define ‘woman.’ Science says there’s no simple answer.
Scientists, gender law scholars and philosophers of biology said Jackson’s response was commendable, though perhaps misleading. It’s useful, they say, that Jackson suggested science could help answer Blackburn’s question, but they note that a competent biologist would not be able to offer a definitive answer either. Scientists agree there is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman, and with billions of women on the planet, there is much variation.
We don’t know what they are, but there are billions of them out there.
Hard ?
I finally saw some of the tongue-bath Booker gave her. Holy shit, that was embarrassing.
This is the end, isn’t it? We’ve got a dementia patient for a president doing his best to start a thermonuclear war, gas prices soaring, predictions of food shortages, we’re printing money as fast as we can, and we can’t even on agree on the definition of man or woman.
I’m going to go sit down now.
That does neatly sum things up.
Bring bacon & bourbon.
You may want to up that to Everclear.
Curious how they didn’t know exactly where all this additional LNG would come from.
Or how it is going to be gotten from the boats to the consumer.
Biology is a social construct.
Scientists, gender law scholars and philosophers of biology said Jackson’s response was commendable, though perhaps misleading. It’s useful, they say, that Jackson suggested science could help answer Blackburn’s question, but they note that a competent biologist would not be able to offer a definitive answer either. Scientists agree there is no sufficient way to clearly define what makes someone a woman, and with billions of women on the planet, there is much variation
“philosophers of biology”
Not to be confused with an actual biologist.
No one is confusing them, it’s equating them that’s the problem.
No one is confusing them, it’s equating them that’s the problem.
Friday Funbags.
What’s a woman? I know one when I see one.
And sometimes you need to see a little more before deciding.
Racism- it’s always racism
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is facing a shrinking pool of potential GOP supporters for her Supreme Court confirmation as Republicans harden their opposition.
Democrats can confirm Jackson without any Republican support if all 50 of their members are united and Vice President Harris breaks a tie. But they are hoping to peel off at least one GOP “yes” vote.
Though Jackson avoided the type of misstep that would sink her nomination, GOP senators say the hearing did little to win over their members.
“I think the read out from the members who have been in the hearing room for those of us who haven’t been in the hearing room is that she’s not changing minds,” said Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the No. 2 Republican senator.
“They were thinking that she might win people over. I think if anything a closer examination of her record … has probably moved some of our members in the opposite direction.”
To know her is to distrust her?
So, what’s with senator stroke out? Do they really have 50 votes?
Seems to me that the VP shouldn’t be allowed to tie-break in confirmation hearings… being a pitch from the administration to the Senate for guidance and consent and all. But I suppose it is all in the “Senate can make up whatever rules they want” category.
I’d love to see the Stupid Party hold fast against such a mess of a nominee — but I have faith that Mittens, Collins and probably Murkowski will rescue Dems like Manchin from having to be the deciding factor.
Yes, Joe Biden is a racist for publicly stating he would only pick a black woman.
She will be confirmed Because “See! We Aren’t Racists!”
Yep. That will get them a reprieve from being called racists for precisely 200 nano-seconds. Totes worth it.
But they are hoping to peel off at least one GOP “yes” vote.
I predict at least three.
So, what’s with senator stroke out? Do they really have 50 votes?
Hell, if dead people can vote, people who are incapacitated are no problem.
Same as it ever was.
About 1000 BC, when Israel was becoming a nation along the eastern Mediterranean, the people started whining that they wanted a king, just like all the grown-up nations had. The prophet/judge Samuel tried to talk them out if it:
Same as it ever was.
My absolute favorite OT passage. They got what they asked for, good and hard. All because they didn’t have the faith and self-discipline to believe in God and behave accordingly.
In my re-reading today, for the first time the king’s “reallocation” of all your stuff he took from you to give to his attendants stuck out.
In my memory, it was “the king’s gonna take your stuff”, but the king giving it to his attendants is much more obvious now. He’s got to keep the attendants at bay through bribery or he won’t stay in power.
Jackals. The lot of them.
And today a ten percent tax would be considered anarchy.
“One day you might look down at your paycheck — and figure out that they done started taking HALF!”
Bonus got paid out this week. No benefit deductions, only thing taken out were taxes. 41%.
Hey dude, that’s just the price you pay for civilization. Or something.
He’s in New York, there’s no civilization there. 😉
Bonuses and other lump sums are always withheld at a higher rate than regular pay.
Withholdings on bonuses are at the highest tax rate. You’ll get it back when you file.
That king thing sounds like a sweet deal.
When I re-read the “tenth” I thought “Dint I wish??”
However, it is symbolic. Not only is it equal to, and in direct opposition to, what was owed to the priests (who actually served a purpose), but it demonstrated that the “king” was going to take your stuff without necessarily providing anything in return.
And he’ll draft your kids into service and take the best of your possessions.
I agree, and it’s all relative.
In 100 years or so the people will be amazed to look back on this time and think that we were paid wages at all.
BTW, I love the Jerusalem cross (aka Georgian cross, Crusader cross etc) in your coat of arms avatar.
Thank you, I stole it directly from the crusaders.
“that democracy was a hell of a deal, they only took half, comrade Clinton takes it all”
what was owed to the priests (who actually served a purpose)
After reading OMWC’s account of Judaism Back In the Day, I’m pretty sure they were mostly grifters.
Interesting table showing inflation by location. Sorry AZ Glibs.
In America’s No. 1 Inflation Hotspot, Democrats Face Restive Voters
Total GOP opposition to Jackson, who would be the first Black female justice, would be historic.
Getting no Republican votes for Jackson’s nomination would make her only the second Supreme Court justice in history to be confirmed by only one party. Justice Amy Coney Barrett was the first to claim that title in 2020, when Democratic senators and Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) voted against her. It would also make Jackson the first Supreme Court nominee to face a tie vote, which Harris can break, on the Senate floor.
Breaking new ground. That’s what a Supreme Court nomination is really all about.
What are the chances that Kamala votes against her? Just out of spite and envy?
Olden times were whack.
Even suggesting that legislators be held responsible for their actions? Sounds like something you would see in one of those old time re-enactment sites.
Also, why isn’t this sort of thing done when the US Supreme Court rules against something like vax mandates? Sorry Joe, you broke the law. You need to get that checkbook out and start writing checks to pay the fines.
“Apparently, the Philadelphia City Council is voting on a No Fly Zone for Ukraine today. I am trying to figure out their enforcement mechanism.”
The power of virtue?
the MOVE cops?
We cannot allow a virtue signaling gap Mr. Mayor!
Mr. Putin, may I present you the volunteer city for your “show them we mean business” nuke.
Good morning, Sloop!
And a good morning to the rest of you whacky kids!
I swear, this is happening a lot with these guys. But don’t worry. The shit they rushed to market is a-ok!
And they were successful in lowering the reference range so pretty much everyone qualifies for meds. Fuckers. Never forget who paid the largest criminal fine in history.
Joy Division was one of a kind. Both excellent selections.
Have a great day, y’all!
BMW says, “OK, we will make the damn grill smaller if you let us fuck up the headlights”.
Is This 2023 BMW X7 Facelift Picture For Real?
BMW has just about guaranteed I will never own a new one again.
They were great cars in the 20C? IDK, it’s been that long since I’ve driven one. I remember Ozzy ranting about iDrive 20* years ago.
* !
“An oak tree in Russia, said to have been planted 198 years ago by the novelist Ivan Turgenev, was disqualified from the European Tree of the Year competition over the country’s invasion of Ukraine. A 400-year-old oak tree in Poland took the top spot.”
Rush – The Trees (Official Music Video)
I bet that leaves the Ruskies feeling bitter.
I don’t know who to root for.
Just leaf it alone, not our war.
I’ll hedge my bets so no matter what happens, I win.
Oh no, we’re branching into puns again.
The Russkies are all bark and no bite. I think this tree competition is for saps.
Knot this again…
Are you getting board of this?
No, the threading is pretty data intensive–on occasion it crashes my router.
The puns have gone on long enough and need to be trunk-ated.
NPR explains Russia’s “biolabs disinfo”
“In this biolab conspiracy theory, if they said, ‘Russia is airstriking biolabs and I know this because Q told me,’ I don’t know if it would have had the same effect,” said Holt. Instead, the disinformation was packaged along with other sentiments that have taken hold of a much larger swath of the far right during the past two years.
“It can be skepticism about the origins of COVID-19, it can be general kind of anti-government distrust,” he said. “And by tapping into these vaguer sentiments, they can sometimes get their messages to go further.”
The current level of political polarization in the United States presents an opportunity for Russian propagandists, said Radnitz. “Russia knows very well that some of its narratives resonate among the far right, among the pro-Trump and QAnon crowd.”
More evidence for that thesis came Thursday when Russia’s Defense Ministry claimed that President Biden’s son, Hunter, and liberal billionaire George Soros were somehow tied to the biolabs. By evening, Carlson’s Fox News show was highlighting the story.
Those crazy buffoons who think the American government has been lying to them from day one about the WuPlague would rather believe the Russian government than their own.
NPR and friends are desperate and it shows.
They did a segment on the Halo series. I can only imagine how terrible it must be if NPR is pushing a video game based TV show.
PS. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together has seen a half-dozen or more “conspiracy theories” become established fact in the last few years. They’re just talking to the crazy fringe now with that shit. Everyone else is like GTFO.
Typical NPR. Dumbfounded that people might be susceptible to OTHER people’s blatant propaganda. I need to make my quarterly donation to make sure they can afford all the pearls they must be going through with all this clenching.
The current level of political polarization in the United States
presents an opportunity for Russian propagandistswas caused by American propagandists.So is Victoria Nuland also a purveyor of QAnon conspiracies?
Shh. Ignore that inconvenient fact.
QAnon is literally whatever they need it to be at that moment. Where are all these QAnon people? I’ve yet to meet a single one, even online as far as I know.
“There’s this narrative that’s been pushed by Russia at least since 2011, about U.S.-funded laboratories that in fact do research on diseases. They’re part of a Defense Department program to support public health research in post-Soviet countries. And Russia has always been suspicious of these labs — putting out misinformation, asking insinuating questions through official channels,” said Radnitz.
Our Defense Department has a long-standing program to partner with former Eastern Bloc nations on “public health research”. Who could possibly find anything worrisome in that?
And yet our State Department testified to a Senate committee that it would be “concerning” if the Russians captured them intact…. sounds harmless enough to me, yessireebob!
It’s illegal to do that kind of dangerous research domestically. What were they supposed to do? Respect the letter AND the intent of the law?
Sure. That’s what DoD does. Public health.
Best WP headline ever!
Virginia Thomas urged White House chief to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 election, texts show
Clearly grounds to impeach Clarence Thomas.
I like this standard!!! Let’s run with it. Let’s start firing anyone in the beltway who’s spouse has ever posted anything on social media questioning election results. Who knew draining the swamp could be this easy?
The Australian concentration camp supporter from Quilette:
What? Why would China bother when they can influence with soft power and have the Aussies literally kowtowing (you know.. the way the Middle Kingdom has always conducted foreign policy…. it isn’t going to expand “real” China to the rest of the world…. we just need to know our place and pay tribute and all…)
I don’t believe the Chinese regime is quite as authoritarian as today’s Australia, so I wouldn’t see what the Aussies have to fear from them.
Lol, fuck you and defend yourself, weakling. It’s never been easier for a small country to ensure their own independence.
No kidding. Especially a big island. Drop some serious change on anti-ship and anti-air missiles, and missile defense, and you don’t have much to worry about as far as an actual military threat goes.
I was thinking nukes, but you’d need some of that too, just to ensure no one fucks with your shipping.
Fuck off, Claire.
Take it away, JQA:
Maybe you could release some people from COVID concentration camps to fight the Chinese.
What? And infect all the comfort women?
BMW has just about guaranteed I will never own a new one again.
The “newest” BMW I would even consider owning is a first-gen 6-series.
Eh. I’d still take anything starting with an M.
Chris Bangle says, “See, I’m not so bad afterall!”
We had one. Probably never again. Expensive, complex, huge maintenance problems as soon as we passed 100k.
If they made something simple, affordable, and fun, I’d consider. Same goes for every carmaker.
Manufacturers today only care about in car tech and annuity streams from services.
Toyota is just about the only one left that delivers value and longevity. Problem is they are appliances (with until recently very crappy tech).
What year?
Weren’t they simple, affordable, and fun once? That might have been in the 70s…
I didn’t know I needed a pyritized trilobite, but it turns out I do.
Pyritized Trilobite is out of Athens, right? I think I saw them at SXSW once.
I knew a dude who had a fossil business. I was shocked at the money people paid for them.
That is a sweet quirk of geology, right there.
I swear I never downloaded even a single byte from The Pyrite Bay! Much less a trillion of them.
The Cambrian explosion is one of the most underrated events of all time.
They had no social media presence.
If a dinosaur dies in a tar pit and no one is there to tweet about it, did it actually happen?
Eh. I’d still take anything starting with an M.
First gen M3? Absolutely. Anything post-iDrive is a hard no, for me.
E36 M3 – US version is perfectly acceptable. The cheaper US motor is down on power, but otherwise quite robust compared to the Euro motor.
Rest of the car has all the handling goodies and is significantly lighter than a modern “safety 1st” econobox.
he was offered $1 million and a $50,000 monthly salary
It’s possible that I have no principles.
Then I think that they want to pump this shit into little kids (and are succeeding) and I think if decline it too.
If I don’t like yours, you have others? ?
Seriously, I suspect you do.
Or, take their money, and keep on opposing the vaccine.
What are they going to do? Sue you, and get into a big court fight about how they tried to buy you off?
Certainly he’s documented this right? Emails, recorded calls? If he ends up dead, then he did. If he’s just marginalized as a quack, he didn’t – or it didn’t happen.
Forty percent of employees who reside in Manhattan said they’re thinking of leaving as did 48% — nearly half — of workers who live in the city’s other four boroughs,
As someone who made the same decision himself a couple of years back, I can’t say as I blame them. The only think I’ll say is SC is full up. And leave your politics in NYC.
About 6% of them actually left during the pandemic. And rents are skyrocketing again which seems to suggest that they’re coming back or being replaced. ?♂️
something something stated something revealed
See how well US sanctions work!
US slaps new sanctions on North Korea after missile test
I’m sure that it will do the same for Russia.
Judge who sealed away Epstein’s court records forever gets her reward:
Alison Nathan: Senate promotes Ghislaine Maxwell’s judge to appellate court
That’s a man, baby.
Yeah, women have necks.
Sad chuckle…
That’s a woman?
And I am so pleased that we finally have a queer woman judge who will bring fairness and equity to the justice system by protecting the well-connected.
I’m no biologist.
Nothing to see here. Move along,
subjectcitizen.Speaking of cars/technology…
I have taken to watching this ongoing science project.
He has taken a Honda Insight electric car and shitcanned the battery pack and motors and is powering it with a Harbor Freight (I assume) single cylinder “cement mixer motor”. I haven’t watched it from the start. I picked up where he put a generic ebay motorcycle ecu running fuel injection and ignition on it. I am now at the point where he upgraded to a Speeduino. It is extremely interesting and informative (to me) in an oddball sort of way.
In fact, It makes me want to get a Speeduino to play with. Maybe see if I could run the 914 with it.
Harbor Freight sells what is basically a Honda single cylinder horizontal shaft clone from China. That would be nominally 13hp.
That is truly a bizarre hack.
Now I want to take an old Kubota 3 cylinder tractor engine and put it in something.
We call them Chonda motors.
Kubota sells three-cylinder diesels. People use them to run generators on yachts and expedition vehicles.
Oh I know, I’ve rebuilt many of them. I’ve got one in right now with a cracked head.
They’re next to bulletproof. The Isuzus are also exceedingly durable.
Perkins are shit.
Sir, I’ll not let you blaspheme “Moons over My Hammy” like that! Also the Country Fried Steak and Eggs is pure American comfort food.
Similar vein: A snowmobile engine in an RX-7
Mad Scientist just had a heart attack.
I had to deal with my husband’s drunk buddy (from California, natch) challenging me over my Tesla. I didn’t even talk about the car; I’m not a “Toyota Pious” type who thinks I’m saving the earth or something. I know the electricity and batteries tax the earth’s resources too; I just like driving the Tesla and “fueling” it up at home.
But I find myself getting aggressively questioned and berated by people about my car (they assume I vote far left, love Bernie, have had 7 abortions, etc). So his deal was “how much does it cost to fuel the car?” I said “not enough for me to care”, but he insisted, then was impatient and asked all the wrong questions like “how long does it take to charge? How often? How fast? How many watts?” There is a thing called “gasoline equivalent unit” but it’s meaningless government bullshit. I told him the price of charging the car is as variable as putting gas in; depends on where you are and what is affecting electricity prices there.
After I decided not to murder him at the restaurant, I told him to cool his jets and that the only reasonable way to answer was in terms of energy, not power. A hundred miles of range in a Tesla is about 24 kWh. So then I looked up the price of electricity right now in Pahrump and told him to fill a Tesla tank (Derp) from empty is $9. His lizard brain then sat back in superiority and declared that I paid $100 per month on “fueling” the car. I started to explain that I don’t fuel it from scratch 10 times a month but then decided the homicidal rage might kick in again so I poured him some more wine.
Good grief, it sucks to be the only sober person in the room.
LOL. I can imagine that situation perfectly.
Why I could even be the asshole buddy. I’ll keep that in mind for the future.
I would have said, “It was 6 abortions, asshole.”
His lizard brain then sat back in superiority and declared that I paid $100 per month on “fueling” the car.
“And how much do you pay per month to fuel your car?”
Me, about $180 – 200, and that’s just my commute and light errands in town.
When I moved to Cali in 2018, I was driving my precious 2000 Ford Expedition. I was paying $100 a week in gas. The car was old and rusted underneath from Minnesota winter salt.
So I was fretting outside on the patio wondering what kind of fuel efficient car I could get instead. Then I realized I was staring at the solar panels on my roof.
I went inside, found the Tesla.com page and bought it, never having seen one in real life. The facts that I still have that Model 3 sucker and just bought a Model Y, and can thank Elon for my Nevada house, speak volumes.
Also, if we want clean energy, the obvious choice is to start designing and building new nuclear plants. Duh.
Have you no rusty tin can lids?
“The lids are in the mail”
“philosophers of biology”
Not to be confused with an actual biologist.
They are the people who couldn’t cut it as “medical ethicists”.
Watch Live | Biden arrives in Poland
“This fucking demented potato is going to send us to die to preserve his Ukrainian grift operation.” – every soldier in that room
“WTF? This is their president and they have the nerve to tell Polack jokes?”
The current level of political polarization in the United States presents an opportunity for Russian propagandists,
No, you know what presents “an opportunity for Russian propagandists”? The obvious and blatant gaslighting I get from the legacy U.S. media. I saw and heard the Deputy Secretary of State tell Congress that there are, in fact, U.S. sponsored biolabs in the Ukraine. I also saw her indicate that the U.S. government is working with the Ukrainians to ensure that those biolabs don’t fall into Russian hands. Now, maybe there is some sort of innocuous explanation for that latter part, but it sure sounds suspicious. Nevertheless, I’m sure open to hearing an honest explanation. Instead, what do I get from NPR and the corporate media? “The whole ‘Ukrainian biolabs’ thing is just Russian disinformation and you’re a traitor if you believe any of it!” Well, I perfectly well understand that the Russians might be lying to me. But, I know you’re lying to me. The media doesn’t get to maintain unquestioned credibility while simultaneously squandering that credibility.
+1 coronavirus
Based on the segment I watched the other night, featuring the engine bay cam, the Honda Insight guy is leaving A LOT of performance on the table because he doesn’t know how to set up a snowmobile clutch properly.
*He has a snowmobiole clutch/cvt rigged between the motor and the insight manual transmission.
Are snowmobile clutches that adjustable? We occasionally can tune a clutch with different springs, but that’s about it,
Speaking of SCIENCE! I am eagerly waiting for the usual crew of skeptics to heap scorn and derision on this wanna-bee GOP politician.
Somehow I think the usual mocking of the religious will not happen here. Even better will be when he wins. I think Herschel’s achievements playing for the Bulldogs will outweigh any crazy religious ideas he has in the minds of most voters. (For the same reason he’d never be elected to dog catcher in Minnesoda).
It would also be interesting to see how Warnock the Pastor responded. He’s supposed to believe in the Bible right?
Warnock believes in using religion to manipulate people into his Marxist utopia.
I saw and heard the Deputy Secretary of State tell Congress that there are, in fact, U.S. sponsored biolabs in the Ukraine. I also saw her indicate that the U.S. government is working with the Ukrainians to ensure that those biolabs don’t fall into Russian hands.
They just want to protect their intellectual property; you know, for the cough medicine they have been working on.
Are snowmobile clutches that adjustable? We occasionally can tune a clutch with different springs, but that’s about it,
I had some hard core sled-head friends in Colorado, ‘way back when. They tuned the shit out of those clutches. Weights, springs, preloads…
This guy doesn’t even have the proper length belt.
I’d be mostly concerned with the engine oil system. Those small horizontals aren’t designed to run very long between refills and changes.
Weren’t they simple, affordable, and fun once? That might have been in the 70s…
Yes. They called it the “2002”. You can usually find one at Bring a Trailer.
Hey-o! ?
(NB: avatar is a neighbor. I wouldn’t have let it get to this point.)
Those small horizontals aren’t designed to run very long between refills and changes.
He doesn’t go far. I think he has actually hit 60mph with it, though.
Update on the teen whose truck was caught in a tornado:
Not only has he got a story that gets him endless phone numbers in a bar, but now Chevy is replacing his truck.
Good for him.
Will Hanes also be stepping up?
*Golf clap
I just said “gay”.
Florida State troopers will be with you soon, please stay in your vicinity until they arrive.
Why, exactly is Putin Bad! – and Ukraine Good?
I mean, other than because CNN says so. As CNN said so about “masks” (and “vaccines”) good – and those who questioned either being very bad, indeed?
It’s very odd – but very familiar – that so many Americans are worked up about Ukraine, a country most of these Americans probably couldn’t have identified on a map without help a month or so ago. Now it’s something they obsess about at least as much as they obsessed about the cases! the cases! – which CNN no longer urges them to be obsessed about.
Instead, they are piously careful to properly spell and pronounce Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev – the new spelling of what had been “Kiev” until about a month ago. Of a piece with the prior virtue-signaling one has gotten used to when a TeeVee “reporter” whose native language is English goes out of their way to enunciate Chilll-lay (rather than Chile).
We have to support the current thing, comrade.
What happens when you get a Ukrainian on your TV show for an interview and she doesn’t have the right opinions?
I particularly love the part where a panel member says “Well sometimes democracies assassinate journalists but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re bad.”
This (and Rebel’s comment above are some of the reasons I have kept studiously quiet at work and on social media about Ukraine. Their leaders aren’t saints, and neither are the citizens.
I have also not worn my Russian orthodox cross in a few months; just lying low for now.
Is the Russian orthodox cross any different than a Ukrainian cross?
At least here, one can hate everyone involved.
(Except the ordinary people on both sides, who are often quite decent or such, and get fucked over as they usually are by circumstances that they little control)
I’ve been pleasantly surprised at people in my group here passing for the Russian people, soldiers as well as for Ukraine.
Praying, and passing maybe too. idunno.
Would most people even recognize it?
Pinochet and Franco did nothing wrong.
The fucking surrender monkeys can buy their own plane tickets if they want to go to war so badly.
“Well sometimes democracies assassinate journalists but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re bad.”
I can think of quite a few journalists whom I would not miss should they “disappear”. I probably wouldn’t even realize they were gone.
I prefer to crowdsource that function.
Robbie bringing the fire.
Update from the front lines:
We are down to consistently less than 15 COVID inpatients. Our peak during the Omicron wave was just over 100. Our all-time peak was around 200.
Social distancing at meetings has just quietly faded away. The every-other-chair seating thing is gone, baby, gone.
Masking is starting to erode, slowly.
Mysteriously, though, our inpatient population is still sky-high, with acuity at an all-time high level. Nobody has a clue as to why all these people are so much sicker than they used to be. Its not COVID. Some are still clinging to the delayed care theory, but that can’t be it. People stopped dodging doctors and hospitals over a year ago. What could possibly have degraded so many people’s health over the past year? Its a total mystery.
Yes, I wonder if we will ever figure it out.
It should be really obvious by now, but getting your health under control is probably one of the best prepping things you can do.
Local media is running with influenza that dun it.
The flu has been mysteriously absent from Tucson again this year, mostly. Not a factor at all in our patient volume. I’m wondering if COVID didn’t displace it.
Yes, I wonder if we will ever figure it out.
We won’t, because the People Who Matter don’t want it figured out.
People stopped dodging doctors and hospitals over a year ago.
I’m dodging doctors that are requiring masks, which the majority here in southern NH still are.
Thanks for the update!
The jabmobile parked on my corner is back as of yesterday. I had not seen anyone go in or out in a couple months before it disappeared a couple weeks ago. I guess all that “stimulus” has to go somewhere.
It amazes me how many people in my church have made the prayer list for blood clots this year. Are blood clots really that common? ?
Before January 2021, no. After yes. Don’t try and find a correlation there isn’t one. Anyone who says otherwise is racist.
Paper shredder go brrrrrr.
All you need is a cloth.
Shred documents? What like with a grater?