Okay, that was a little harsh, I probably should have said “ninnies” instead of ‘gits.’ I built this puzzle before I decided to try and ease you people into the solving process, thus it’s a little longer and harder than I would like but TPTB were begging for submissions and this one was ready to go so put on your big boy pants and give it a try. I’ll endeavor to build a middling level one next time. You know the drill- not your sponsor… entertainment only… no gambling…
Remember if you want to be immortalized in as a Glibcrostic like Fourscore try to make a witty or astute comment that includes the letters necessary to spell out your handle, or alternately change your handle to match the letters in your witty or astute comment.
I take pride in being one of your proclaimed gits.
I came close to solving the 1st puzzle you posted and ‘twas fun. Thanks for the time you put into these. But re ninny uber git, please limit inflammatory-styled abrasive derogations exclusively to those of non-English origin.
I thought we already had Snow Smith ?
Why not both? The Himalayas are a big place.


Well, what about SHERPA SMITH?
Not sure anyone would hire a Sherpa that raped them and stole their snacks.
You never know. People voted for Joe Biden.
Cousin Yeti is a white supremacist?
“Insanity clause” doesn’t actually fit.
On that, some old comedy routines really do hold up. I watched a reaction video where a coupe of twenty-something Brits were earnestly laughing at a recording of “woh’s on first.”
Hoes on first?
“you cant fool me- there’s no sanity clause!”
You didn’t put enough spaces for “banging supermodels.”
A has to be Tarot.
Reaching back to KK’s seafaring,
I may have mentioned I lived with a stripper back in my Austin days? We have remained good friends and I just got an email from her saying she’s going to be out of contact for a couple of weeks because she’s going to be doing this. She’s hot, smart and fearless. Too bad she likes her dudes rail-skinny. Seriously, she did the whole “support your boyfriend while he embarks on a ‘music career’ thing” for years until he put on some weight, then she kicked him out and found a skinny customer to bang.
The moral of the story is: sometimes the stripper really does like you.
I thought the moral of the story was stay skinny…
A few years back she found an ultramarathoner to have a baby with. The kid is going to be drowning in tail when he hits puberty.
Where is Deadhead?
I should have specified, an absolutely gorgeous racially indeterminate ultramarathoner.
And the kid got both sets of good looking genes.
in his bunk.
There is no sex in the Champagne Room…
A lapdance is so much better when the stripper is crying.
They wouldn’t actually play that at the club. The would play “The Ballad of Chasey Lain”</a? though
I knew a stripper that would dance to Conjunction Junction. It was funny as hell to watch the other guys try to dance when that song came on.
I remember one that came out in a T-Rex furry suit to the tune of Walk The Dinosaur.
guys should be girls, lol.
There’s no shame in admitting you like to watch male strippers.
I was expecting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDswiT87oo8 from Nick
I still have a few of these guys tunes in my car’s MP3 rotation. Still fun as hell.
Boyfriend dropped the “rock star” thing didn’t he, because that is like the best weight-loss program out there.
Not until after she dumped him. She didn’t actually make enough to keep him in cocaine.
In spite of all my vices (past and present) Im glad cocaine never ‘clicked’ with me. I don’t have a very functional off-switch. I wouldn’t be doing a bump or two off a car key- Id have to do ALL the coke.
Aye – I had a phase of my life where it was widely available, often for no cost to me. Thank dog it didn’t click for me either.
I tried it once. Eh. Certainly not worth the money.
I never liked coke. Only the way it smells.
I don’t know how people stand numb noses and reapplication 3-4x an hour. Sounds inefficient to me.
I’ve always assumed I’d enjoy it very, very much. Because of that, I’ve never tried it.
PJ O’Rourke on cocaine.
6 – Topics of Conversation
. . . one of the things you’re really getting into is cable TV which is going to be like the rock & roll of the Eighties because everybody’s going to be hard-wired into 240 channels and there’s this huge market for software already which is why you’ve got this programming development deal together that right right now is a class at the New School but is almost sold to Home Box and is going to be an hour a day that’s part news but like part entertainment too like this New Wave group that you’ve already done three minutes on with mini-cam on quarter-inch but you might turn that into a documentary plus maybe a docudrama for PBS because it’s this sound that’s sort of Western Swing but punk but ska which is all in the interview you got with the bass player that you’re going to publish in this magazine you’re starting which will be all the complete cable listings for all of New Jersey with public access stuff that isn’t listed anywhere plus like interviews too and . . .
Just because your mouth is moving much faster than your brain is no reason not to carry on an engaging conversation.
Given the size of my nose, its a matter of cost-benefit-analysis.
For the same reason, I avoid strip clubs- $8 draft at the rate I drink them make it prohibitively expensive.
After the initial titillation of seeing neckid wimmin, I find strip clubs depressing…and, uhm, painful.
I once went to a male review with my bestie. It was awful. We sat apart and away from all the screaming middle-aged women fighting to stuff dollar bills into the dudes’ g-strings. When a couple of dudes came over to pay attention to us, I jerked away and snapped, “Don’t touch me.” They were surprised.
In any case, I find casinos to reek of despair and desperation. Also, the clanging and jangling and strobe-y lighting make me go bonkers.
LOL I should have tried that at the various strip clubs I’ve had to patronize over the years. But I’d be afraid the poor ladies might want to start something or call over the “management” or something.
I stopped going after my daughter was born. It really changed how I viewed them. Instead of eye-candy, I suddenly saw each one of them as some daddy’s little girl.
I used to have the body of a Greek God. Now I just look like a goddamn Greek.
With MikeS on this one. Being a Dad of four daughters, those places aren’t that much fun.
I am
Spatacusa git!feckin db’s law: should be
SpartacusSpatacus: Savior of the spatulas.
“There’s an error in the grid that makes it unsolvable”
They have a legitimate grievance there.
Oh Fredo:
Expecting the same rules to apply to you and M. Lemon is just proof you’re a white supremacist.
Ethics are just white supremacy, keeping the black man down? Sure you want to go with that?
journalistic ethics
What are those?
Those are those little rock squares you put under drinks to save the coffee table, right?
Good catch. Complaining about someone violating journalistic ethics creates the impression that there is such a thing.
Those are the optional kind of ethics.
An old, English ship?
CNN doesn’t have a problem with journalistic ethnics.
I want to be one of your gits, but some of us HAVE TO WORK!!!11!!
You tell ’em Mike!
When Your New Identity is Supporting Ukraine
He nailed it.
The International Legion wants you to die for Ukraine
Too bad the Abraham Lincoln brigades were on the side of the commies. Not that there was a good side in the Spanish civil war.
The Russians already nailed a hotel full of “mercenaries”. Somebody was probably bragging on social media and gave away their position.
I was told that our soldiers would often enter the jungles of Vietnam reeking of after-shave. Or smoking cigs on patrol or guard duty.
Same idea.
Except this time somebody a thousand miles away with Google Maps and a cruise missile launcher can take them out.
“Cant we just drone this guy?” -HRC
She wishes.
Stacey Abrams appears in the episode’s climactic scene as the president of United Earth, the borderless government that rules over the entire planet. In the episode, she declares Earth as part of the interplanetary Federation.
There are far too many women in leadership roles in that show.
It is the only way to end war.
*sits on Group W bench*
I thought that must be The Babylon Bee.
The future really sucks these days. Idiocracy is starting to look optimistic.
I’d vote for President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho.
For the past few elections Ive just been writing in Vermin Supreme and Barry Goldwater. I need to remember Jimmy McMillan.
+1 burrito coverings
Since when are there fat people in the Trekverse?
She found the replicator keys….”20 pecan turtles and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s!”
“Klingon Battle Simulation Calisthenics Program #1. Disable safeties.”
Maybe she’s allergic to Retinax V.
::Adds Star Trek Discovery to long “never to watch” list::
I had it on that list years ago.
“Mine now.”
I’m not sure why I find this so damn entertaining.
Is my workday over yet?
Your “work day”, as defined by your superiors? Probably not, east coast buddy. The “work you’re going to do today’? If you’re posting on Glibs…
It marks the point where I can log off, wander off, and fall asleep.
Use this time to recover from DST.
If I take a nap, my internal clock will stay off-kilter.
I have to stay awake until a normal bedtime… but I don’t know how well I’m going to manage since I’m in the serious brain fog stage.
I am chilling with my anatomy book, thanks to Tulip, who was wise and gave wise advice.
It’s 3 o’clock
I can log off work. Yay!
Would you say you were chilled to the bone?
Chilled to the Bone – Blackfoot
If only I could write a book about your anatomy…
More of this please: https://www.yahoo.com/news/judge-freezes-nearly-6-900-222510309.html
$83,000/year pension. That’s fucking ridiculous.
It will be even more ridiculous when Michiganders have to pay it back with interest.
Read this and weep (from 2014 so he may have passed on by now): https://nypost.com/2014/10/05/retired-cuny-professor-gets-500k-pension/
They can’t both be right. I suspect they are both half-right – his pension was partially funded by Smith via payroll deductions, and partially funded by the county.
Smith’s payroll deductions are taxpayer-funded, too.
But they are taken from his pay, so I think its fair to say he pays them.
I can’t think of anyone better to carry the administrations message.
Vice President Harris will be hitting the road more frequently in the coming weeks and months, sources familiar with the plans tell The Hill.
With COVID-19 cases declining across the nation, Harris will be spending more time crisscrossing the country and touting the successes of the administration, the sources say.
On the trips, the vice president will be discussing issues including infrastructure, expanded broadband access and key executive orders signed by President Biden.
…and much hilarity will ensue.
Well, she’ll be laughing, anyway.
Depraved indifference
Koch Industries is continuing its operations in Russia as dozens of other companies have pulled out of the country due to the war in Ukraine.
Dave Robertson, president and COO of Koch Industries, released a statement Wednesday explaining the company’s decision and business ties in Russia.
Koch owns a company called Guardian Industries which will continue its operations in Russia as it employs 600 people across two glass manufacturing facilities.
Koch Industries employs another 15 people outside of Guardian Industries in Russia.
They’ll never get into Heaven that way.
Sorry we can’t lock down again. The new squirrel to focus on is Ukraine.
Once again, America is in denial about signs of a fresh Covid wave
It IS interesting that the UK is having noticeably more infections than the US. It makes me wonder if that is coming here. Not that I’m suggesting we actively do anything about that.
“At least 12 countries, geographically extending from Finland to Greece, are experiencing new increases in cases, some quite marked, such as Austria exceeding its pandemic peak, and Finland with an 85% increase from the prior week. Many of these countries are also showing a rise in hospital admissions.”
So just like the last wave, lots of cases but not a lot of hospitalizations. But we should still panic, because stuff MIGHT happen.
Also, it’s The Guardian so there is a high probability that they are just flat-out lying.
Also a bit of good news for those of us who got reluctantly got J&J and were later told we were idiots for not getting boosted.
As Virus Data Mounts, the J.&J. Vaccine Holds Its Own
Minimal compliance FTW. *high fives sensei*
Interesting. I guess the Pfizer smear campaign didn’t work, huh?
Sure it did. It drove J & J from the market, which was its purpose.
Oh, it worked all right.
I didn’t RTFA. Thanks for that. I could have sworn I saw them available still at Costco.
I believe they shut down as they had enough inventory to satisfy current demand versus expiry. I’m imagining they’d restart if demand picks up.
Mind you that doesn’t change the point everyone here has made.
Damning by faint praise
Interesting. J&J was the only one I really considered getting.
Same here. When I finally caved, I drove an extra 60 miles round trip to get the J&J.
*This message brought to you by big pharma and the mask industry*
5 4
7 6
Good one today, Hyp. Imma solve it, though.
Riddle me this: do these fuckheads realize at all how evil they are?
I’ll start doing these when they are interactive. – Upper Class Git Of The Year
Nothing like German efficiency.
Many of the rest were killed, in alphabetical order, in September 1941, she found, when, too ill or injured to work, they were driven to Schloss Hartheim, the Austrian castle, where the Nazis had already been poisoning disabled and mentally ill people with carbon monoxide gas.
She Discovered What Happened to 400 Dutch Jews Who Disappeared
how bad?
Really, really bad.
California lawmakers set to announce $400 gas rebate proposal
That’s going to both be highly effective at placating the masses and long lasting.
Oh, I’ve got a really good CA proposal for the afternoon links. It’s really good.