Watch out for the tiny man in the airplane behind you!
I am on the road for the next two Thursdays as I drive to and from to Florida, the land of Brett and Freedom. For some reason I decided to express the joy of Ninja Terminator in the form of a country and western song. Enjoy!
By the time you read this I’ll be leavin’
As you start the movie and sit on the couch
On the couch!
Now I can’t comment as you express your feelins’
Sad Feelins’!
About Ninja Terminator you will grouch.
By the time you open your first beer
I’ll be halfway to Shreveport by then
By Then!
I can’t stop to wipe away your tears
As you watch this cinematic sin.
This movie stars a man named Richard Harrison
Who was in Nudist Colony of the Dead
Of the Dead!
That movie looks good in comparison
To tonight’s showcase of editing dread.
Godfrey Ho! Godfrey Ho!
He directed Robo Vampire too, don’t you know!
Don’t you know!
He edits together films
with a modicum of skill
And he’s responsible for tonight’s fiasco!
Thank you and goodnight!
Next week I continue posts from the road with Attack of the Mushroom People. Thrills! Chills! Mushrooms!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
Now that’s a first.
Wow, this sound quality is awesome.
OK, the picture quality is even worse.
Ha ha! It’s awful! And ridiculous. It made it to a top 100 list of kung fu films. Which says a lot about the other films.
I’ll queue this up for later watching. Thanks!
I have been watching some really bad movies, lately.
What the hell, why not?
Dig in the trash with me! Lower your expectations!
Always, buddy. Thanks for being on here to curate while you’re on detached duty.
Yay! Tonio’s here! I just had a double bourbon at the Shreveport Hilton. Wish you were here for reals!
I’m giving serious thought to exiling to Miami.
The main things that give me pause are the weather and the possibility of insectile nasties – I dunno if those have infiltrated the big city or not.
Come to North Dakota. No poisonous reptiles (in the eastern 2/3) or bugs. We’ll talk about the weather after you get settled in.
It’s a trap, rhywun!
Norf Dakoda is so flat that kids sled down the highway on- and off-ramps in the winter. They are the only hills around.
The only thing Norf Dakoda has going for it is a pretty good college hockey team in Grand Forks and pitchfork fondue (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQnQ7hwbdTE)
It is a little flat.
Anywhere but Miami/West Palm. Unless you like traffic. Then go ahead. Anything else you can get without 3M old ladies mixed with 5M assholes.
I just did about a week in Naples.
I have never seen so many Bentleys in my life.
Our hosts described it as “Miami is young money (and drug dealers), Naples is retired CEOs”.
If you are there, you should definitely get a grouper Ruben. Not kidding even a little – it was fantastic.
Insects are bad, but reptiles are worse down there. The native species are bad enough, but introduced species (“pet” pythons escaped or released) make the whole place a slithery nightmare.
I remember camping in Florida as a yoot, and the campground had a tractor that would drive slowly through the camp spraying DDT mist to control the mosquitoes. Kids would follow the tractor and dance in the mist until their skin was shiny with organochloride goodness.
This experience has obviously not affected me in any way.
The boys were chasing the city truck, spraying DDT
It kept the mosquitoes down
And that stuff won’t hurt you none the neighbor lady’d say
Encephalitis, now that can ruin your day
Damn, thanks for that. I’d never heard (of) him before.
Reminds me of John Prine.
Yup. Very much like JP. Great songwriter with a great sense of humor and biting wit. This is probably his most well-known song. Very fun.
I’ve played that song 3-4 times.
Jesus, I didn’t think about reptiles.
RJ, I think you need to schedule “Hisss” or something similar for our friend, here.
Suggestion noted.
I’m giving serious thought to exiling to Miami.
Read Tom Wolfe’s Back to Blood to get a feel for Miami. There are something like 50 major nationalities / ethnic groups in Dade County, and they all despise each other.
You don’t have to worry about insects or crawly things (the occasional iguana falling out of a tree notwithstanding) in Miami proper, but if you go a half hour west, you’ll be in the ‘Glades, and they grow ’em big there.
I live in NYC, I know that game.
Thanks for the book recco.
You may find the dating pool not to your liking.
Why is that? Not that I’m actively looking.
This is all secondhand, but apparently Miami is all about the buff/twink crowd.
I’ll be in MIA/FLL Mon-Wed!
Wow! Does that mean the Glibbening is about to occur in Florida?
I assume you’re sailing out of Miami or Port Everglades.
If you’re near FLL with a little time to kill, you owe it to yourself to check out the NAS Ft. Lauderdale Museum, depicting the days when the airport was a Navy training base. Ensign G.H.W. Bush trained there after getting his wings at P’cola, and the infamous Flight 19 took off from there.
Miami! I am heading to Orlando now. As a man who splits his time from Florida and Texas, I recommend Northern Florida. Very fond of Panama City Beach. The No See Ums that bite are mostly east coast.
PCB is a good place to visit and have infrastructure. I like Mexico Beach through St. George Island for less “to do” but more open beach.
Well, I haven’t really been to Mexico Beach since it got leveled, but I assume they rebuilt it nice.
I assume they rebuilt it nice.
When they get around to rebuilding it, I’m sure it’ll be nice. Maybe even up to code, this time.
I stay at Venture Out in PCB. When my daughter grows up I may move there. You have your own private beach right next to the state park. It is awesome
Captiva is nice (but expensive). My family used to rent a house there for a week every February.
I am heading to Orlando now.
Assuming you’re doing I-10 to 75, when you hit Exit 390 on the latter you’ll be about ten minutes from my house. So wave out the driver’s side window when you pass; I’ll wave back.
(I’d invite you over for a beer and to have the younguns watch the bats fly on the Big College campus, but that would get you to your hotel kinda late.)
It can’t be worse than ninja cheerleaders.
Can it?
YES! I can’t believe this was released as such a mess. Clearly I was deep into the tall cans when I watched it and wrote that country and western song.
I love the custom Luggage!
Thanks! I try to please with the graphics.
You make them? They are awesome.
Yep. I use a program called PhotoFunia on my phone, of all things.
Yes, they really are.
And the editors truly appreciate writers who do their own illos.
*hangs head in shame*
There is nothing like a tough guy on a Garfield phone.
Suggestion for TPTB: Maybe have a simultaneous open post for those that aren’t interested/can’t devote the time/don’t have long enough attention span. Then the idiots like me who just want to shit post can do so without crapping on the good work RJ does with this series. Just a thought.
You can shit post here. I will shit back. There is no shame on movie nights.
Anything goes after 30min anyway. I think.
Anything goes.
Here. I’ll start.
“F*ck this trash Movie!
Review Sharkula instead!
Good grief. That looks pretty awesome.
Although it’s been may years since I saw it, I think my favorite bad movie is Game of Death. Like you allude to up top, there are a lot of choices when it comes to kung-fu movies, but Kareem! Awesome.
Thanks, RJ. You’re a real bro-dog.
I love the series and I do intend to actually watch one of these. It’s just there’s always something else going on…
The links are good for at least six months. Sometimes longer so no rush.
Well now. That’s good to know. I was so focused on “watching with the gang” I didn’t even consider just going back and watching them later.
LOL you should see what the Blues are doing to them.
Uh oh. *looks*
Holy shit, that’s a spanking.
But the Wild lost 8 of 10 before that game. Rangers are a fucking solid team.
Not totally random, and interview with the Mighty Godfrey Ho on a French website. In English!
No movie for me…it’s robot fightin’ time!!
Leeja, is that you?
I found a copy of “Have Rocket, Will Travel” by the Three Stooges that may finally be postable. I am going to get some rest, it’s on to Biloxi tomorrow. You all enjoy!
New Dan Carlin, long form, 6 hours, be prepared!
Glibs After Dark woke up this morning and found itself a gun.
All four! well done Q!
That might have been the worst movie I’ve ever seen, and it was awesome.
I gotta watch one of these trainwrecks.
Alas, the Wild are in OT vs the Wings.
Beware, sometimes he slips in a good one.
I am sneaky that way. Man cannot live on trash alone.
It’s true. Hebrew Hammer was terrific.
It’s not really my genre, but I did watch Wolf Cop and it was pretty awesome.
One of us!
As a rule, these generation labels are useless, but I agree there should be something between Boomers and Gen X.
I have three brothers born between 1961 and 1963 and they’re not Boomers but they’re also not my generation.
Exactly. I have a few friends, and a wife, born around that time. As you say, they are not Boomers, nor are they like me (’72).
66 here. Lost generation. Not as many of us.
1968. Very low birth rate year, possibly lowest in the 20th century, but I’m too lazy to back up that assertion.
Since you’re my elder, I’ll take your word for it.
Well, you finally figured out your place in the pecking order. 😉
Too bad for that writer, the vast majority of “Generation Jones” weren’t punk. They didn’t give a shit about the Sex Pistols.
They listened to the Bee Gees and Donna Summer.
Nothing wrong with that, of course, but let’s be real.
And a large number listened to AC/DC and Black Sabbath. Or Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings.
The Punk cohort was likely one of the smaller demographics.
Willie and Waylon
Ain’t nobody feelin’ no pain – although I’m sure I will tomorrow.
Willie and Waylon
Where there’s a Willie there’s a Waylon.
Don’t forget David.
Yeah, I was gonna toss in some hard rock. It was certainly more popular than punk.
That article – or the little bit I skimmed over – is silly. It’s like characterizing Gen X as fans of Depeche Mode and New Order. Well… no. That’s just retconning. The vast majority were listening to Michael Jackson and Phil Collins.
We early Gen X’ers were also listening to disco and funk.
I grew up in a family of “disco sucks” adherents so it didn’t really pass down to me.
It was only later I caught on to its influence on new wave and the electronic music that was my jam by the mid to late 80s.
Friend, disco does not suck.
The only disco (barely) worth a damn.
“It’s like characterizing Gen X as fans of Depeche Mode and New Order. Well… no.”
Hey, I have three ticket stubs between them, TYVM. NO was a good deal because the Sugarcubes and PiL opened for them. John Lydon reaching into his chartreuse suit to sarcastically molest himself, heh.
I’ve always figured there are Boomers 1 and Boomers 2. Boomers 1 was actually War Babies and those born after WWII (1942 to c. 1955) who were subject to getting shipped to fight in Vietnam. The Boomers 2 didn’t have to worry about Nam.
The Silent Generation was 1928-1945. They worried about Vietnam and had us early Gen Xers. My conception was inspired by the draft.
Again, I dispute that those born in 1928 were much like those born in 1945. As MikeS said above, generation labels tend to be useless.
Oh wow those crabs are drunk watch out lady.
I went to Florida once.
When I got home to KC, I sighed in relief at the relative humidity and said, “Well, at least it’s a DRY heat!”
Florida — come for the humidity, stay for the unique barbecue.
I thought that was gonna be a video of an iguana falling on a grill
Totally OT:
Mission: Tesla Pickup was successful.
There was a terrible windstorm all day long in Pahrump, NV but it was slightly better in Vegas. However, the car pickup was ideal. I showed up (hired a lift from Pahrump to Vegas) and saw a long line of parked Teslas. They all had a “Congratulations, John Doe!” sign in the window, so I walked along the line to fine the one with my name in it. I saw it wink at me; it was a nice tall Model Y “Performance” so it has the lovely red brake calipers and other silly external flairs.
But damn, that car is awesome. I can’t even describe the acceleration.
If any of y’all want to come to Pahrump, there is a local racetrack for proving our cars. Kind of thinking about going out there to smoke a Camaro or some other such thing.
And of course the Tesla App insists on a name for the car. My 2018 model 3 is “Pearly Girl” but the new model Y is also Pearl White. So I named it “WhiteStar”. Some of you sci-fi fans know.
Pahrump is known for a lot of wonderful things…unfortunately I can’t afford them.
Dude, a lot of great things here are free!! Like freedom.
Lots of great scenery and off-roading and shooting. Open carry. Have a nice day!
Respectfully, ma’am, freedom ain’t free.
$3.59, like Chef’s parents always said.
Darned inflation!!
True that, and I meant no disrespect to the people who have sacrificed everything to allow us to have whatever amount of freedom we do have in this life.
I was thinking more of the freedom that could be our natural state if it were not for envy, lust, sociopathy, fear, etc.
I know about half of our Glibs are agnostic or atheistic, but if you care to read the New Testament, you will find that the Jesus of Nazareth fellow speaks often of freedom.
Wind storm blew over the beloved tikibar and took out my outside lighting. Oh well
Write what you know.
I’m taking more pictures than usual to document how I go about residential painting. Currently in a yet to be lived in house with exposed subflooring (aka: best possible scenario). Please keep in mind the title will be something along the lines of: Professional Painting on the Cheap: Or How I Learned to Give You a Quality Final Product While Cutting All Corners Possible.
I’m the crew. It’s my boss and I, no helper or coworkers and my boss doesn’t do any labor. I’m responsible for everything beginning with initial prep to final touchups. I work on an extremely limited budget and access to materials with fairly narrow profit margins…How I’d like to prep and paint and what I need to do to keep this company afloat are entirely different scenarios.
…not shitting on my boss. He’s actually a pretty decent cat. Just saying his capital is limited to say the least.
I think he needs a dog to mellow him out.
Shit. Misread that as you were the boss.
Maybe it’s time for bed.
Ha! Dogs stress me out. I like them in small doses only. To be honest, I find any creature, human or otherwise, showing me that much attention, loyalty, and devotion a little off-putting. I simply can’t wrap my head around it…also I find them generally speaking, too needy. I can tolerate/love through time a mostly independent farm dog like the one I had as a kid.
Yeah, If I had to choose between the two, I’d pick a cat. Mostly self reliant and I get why and when they show affection…they want something…I spend too much time around narcissists…ha!
I’m finally getting my kitchen painted. Anything I should look for?
Bright colors: orange and yellow!
More seriously (or as seriously as I can be after 5 drinks) white is neutral and universal, gray is also neutral and universal
Gray is my favorite color. We all want something beautiful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oqAU5VxFWs
My upstairs bath is raspberry, the bedroom is gray, the living room is orange, the dining room is purple, the family room is yellow….I love color.
You know, I tell people the bathroom is raspberry, and people, like you, say Gah! And then they see it, and like it.
Sorry, Tulip. My “gah” was for PO’d Nicks’ terrible song link.
I actually like bold color choices for rooms. I may not always agree with the color choice, but I love when people get bold with paint.
You , sir, are
cockcolor block!Adam Duritz was, quietly, one of the great swordsmen of Hollywood.
The color will be “Valentine Memories”. Pink.
Like most tulips?
Not TH, but I’ve done my share of painting and right now the house I’m in has one irritant I may correct at my own expense because it’s so fucking stupid.
Walls with satin, moulding with semi-gloss or gloss. Never paint a kitchen with flat/matte or eggshell.
This house has the walls in satin, but all the moulding in flat, and it’s not sanded. I may just sand it all and paint it in semi-gloss, because I cannot dust this shit.
“This house has the walls in satin, but all the moulding in flat, and it’s not sanded”
That’s… completely bass awkward. Matte/flat ceiling, satin walls are generally standard, semi-gloss trim.
Yes, which is why it’s so irritating. The mantel chewed up my dustrag on the first go.
::blank stare::
Dust is a verb?
jamb, if you’re going to. No offense meant.
This tag still work?
Aw, heck, meant for TH. And what is the underline tag these days?
I like your Quentin Crisp spirit, GT. Though I would come dust for you: practically painless.
Jamb? Door jambs? You kinda lost me. Forgive me. Not sure what you’re getting at. Many of these terms are interchangeable depending on which crew you work for. Molding, floor boards, jambs… trim/enamel work, all the same shit, basically.
Sadly, it is, and I can never forget that.
Heh, thought so: etymologically derived from jambe* (Fr) / leg (English).
*too lazy for HTML 5 or whatever they’re on these days
Make sure the crew does a thorough job of mudding over all knicks, dings, cracks, humps, and any other defects on your walls. Honestly, if your home is old and well lived in there should be no less than fifty patches on any given wall, especially in a well traversed area like a kitchen (it will be ironic saying that now when I show these pictures. This house’s walls are in shockingly great shape). Make sure they poll sand and use a sturdy puddy knife/five in one to knock off and smooth out any pre-existing drips and defects. All tape lines need to overlap seamlessly with no staggering and one end needs to lay over by at least two inches over the other. Inspect the trim prior to painting to ensure it has been scuffed up with sand paper before being primed and painted. Check the cut in lines near the areas were the walls meet the ceiling, window and door jams, and floor trim for thin spots. A lot of crews. Also check the walls for thin spots outside your natural field of vision. Many crews don’t double coat in those areas….
God, how much time do you have? Point being: If you’re dropping thousands of dollars for a paint job make sure you get your money’s worth. Don’t be be an ass about it when you find problems. Be polite, calm, respectful…but don’t be afraid if being “That Bitch” either. You paid for a job, expect the job you paid for.
As a wise man once said: “Write what you know.”
Thank you.
*A lot of crews skimp on that*
I will be very, very interested.
I hate the very idea of painting, but perhaps you will inspire me – if I’m going to do it, I want to do it without it looking like total shite.
I’m hiring someone for the kitchen – too much taping, so my question is about what to ask. I’ve painted other rooms, but hired someone for the stairwells.
If you are going to paint yourself, forget taping. Buy a high-end cutting-in brush and learn how to cut your edges.
I use a cutting brush for my vertical work, ceiling cut in, and the tops of door frames. Only tape off horizontal trim at the eye level or below… If you want razor sharp lines for the vertical, keep a steady hand, practice, and when you fail, place a slightly damp, thick rag over a puddy knife and score the trim edges. You’ll leave a little residue afterwards but it cleans up the line and you can wipe away then cover the remaining aftermath with touchups.
I have never been able to get straight lines with tape (leakage). Then I learned about the miracle of cutting in and thought that couldn’t be worse, and found out I really love cutting in (provided I have a good brush).
Good cutting brushes are indispensable. I still hate interior painting.
Yes, tape always leaks. No matter how expensive the roll is. I find it useful to use it for getting the lines mostly clean so I can do a little hand touchups afterwards. It a labor cost issue. I can cut in floor trim just fine but taping and doing a few quick touchups after is more cost effective.
Please do! Would love to read that. (psst: substitute jamb/s for jam/s)
Maybe he just wants to kick them out…
Ah, okay. Ha!…I drink and am semi-illiterate. This not news.
Nah, yer grand, as the Irish say. Come closer for a gentle noogie, if you like.
Anyway, speaking of work, It’s time to call it a night.
Good evening, my dear!
Buona notte!
Week #1 no masks mandated in federal facility for anyone, including the unclean.
Enjoy your freedom.
“ The following day, despite a yellow and red warning notice being attached to a control panel, a member of staff pulled the switch.”
Gotta admit, my curiosity would’ve won out, too.
It’s basically a The Simpsons episode come to life.
It reminded me of a coupe of Far Side cartoons.
Or the Hawaii ICBM warning scare a few years back.
In a surprise to no one here…
“Police have no motive for the attack and no suspects are under arrest. ”
Let’s stop calling them po!ice. Janitors seems more appropriate.
So if the WEF drops Putin, is he likeable again?
I’m so confused.
Yeah, but you’re still in NJ…
*sad trombone*
Sportsball is back. ?
*mumbles something about “tracebuster buster.”
An in-office day so stacked with meetings I’m not sure there’s room for lunch. Plus tomorrow’s a production cutover for one of our big systems. Last time it took all day and still failed.
And to top it all off the clock change means the weekend’s an hour shorter anyway.
I had to fill up my gas tank on the way in to work…
… I’m bankrupt now.
Nice to see a few of you up and about at the crack of dawn. Hopefully not her stripper name!
* Squirrely Dan’s voice* Stripperses has needses tooes!
Letterkenny- All-anus Morrisette
Even me! I go to orientation today for my new job, guess where?
Avon ?
The Clinton Foundation?
Burger King
Unemployment office is usually not considered a job
Hey! Someone has to process the paperwork. It’s like a job.
I didn’t get UI at all, BK is an honest job, and it’s in town so I don’t spend too much on gas, and they already know me.
Im not a fan of the burgers, but the OG-Triped-OG chicken sammich is great.
And their breakfast > McD’s
Bacon Mushroom Melt being a seasonal offering is a crime against humanity. See what you can do about that.
Years ago I stopped ina BK near Emmitsburg MD on my way back from DC. Ordered a Chicken Parm sandwich they were promoting. Ah, bliss. Bread, chicken, mozzarella, and… barbecue sauce??? WTF?
Congrats, Yufus. Gainful employment is good.
The last time I was at one of those… was the trip to the grand canyon. There were some spots along the way where there were very few food options.
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
Im in a good mood cause Jugsy is home having been gone most of the week. Hell, I was even sippin’ on a TallCan™ on my way home from work.
And she managed to pawn that chihuahua off on some other sucker.
That is happy news! I had a chihuahua that was devoted to me and me alone. Used to shit in the Ex’s shoes and upon her son’s pillow. I loved that dog!
Opie was a cool little dog with a taste for alcohol. He’d get drunk and wander away just like me.
I’ve been to the Chihuahua desert, does that count?
I aim to retire to Alpine, Tx or somewhere adjacent. It sits on our side of that desert.
Good morning, homey, Fes, U, and Yu!
I’m bummed that after last weekend’s beautiful weather, we’re now under a winter weather advisory. ?
Oh, that’s iut, Yusef is going to work for Blizzard Entertainment.
I think we’re still looking at 1-3″ but it should melt off quickly.
I hope so, I’m sick of snow golf.
Howdy GT, stay warm down there!
Doctor Bonny (Pbuh) has dropped the mask mandates as of 4 hours ago. Because SCIENCE! She’ll send us to bed without our supper if we ever deign to misbehave in future. I hate this fucking world.
So an adventure in pretending to be a farmer…. (and i wish i could post a picture)
Yesterday morning, as I was going to let my birds out, there was a juvenile great horned owl hanging upside down in my bird netting. He was looking at me rather calmly. He must have gotten caught in the middle of the night.
I knew that I was going to have to rescue him, and I knew that they have sharp talons. I had gloves, and my pruning tool, i started to cut him down.
I got him released and on the ground and was removing netting around his wings when his talons made contact with my fingers…
That SOB’s talons hit bone. I admit i did scream in pain. i could not pull those suckers out with my hands. I had to scooch over to get the pruning tool, use its leverage to pull (and scrape) those nails out of my fingers. I pulled my hands away from that damm bird, and it hopped away to hide near my (closed) coop doors.
Wife was at university to give a nursing lecture, so i got in my car to go to a quick clinic for a script of antibiotics. and at least get someone to look at it.
Fingers are ok, i can type so it cant be to bad. only one tear several puncture wounds including thumb nail bed.
Wife got ahold of game warden, he fairly easily got bird. (threw a jacket on top of the bird, rolled it up) put it in a dog crate, and transported it to a wildlife sanctuary were they could safely remove the rest of the netting.
I will contact them today and see if that bugger can be released in our area. That owl can happily kill the rodents here as long as it does not go after my wife’s chickens.
This has been a lesson on don’t to shit I did.
Awesome! Green Acres come to life! Daughter’s Husky got into the coop and killed every laying hen that she owned last weekend. Moar stories please and sorry about the digits.
But owls are so fluffy and cuddly…got to be fake news.
He did weigh less than I expected
They are almost entirely feathers.
Wild Turkeys and deer share the same eating space every day. Both are equally concerned about the other and leave a little space in between. Squirrels continue to feed upside down on the bird feeders and pay no attention to the other critters.
Soon the snow will leave and all will go back to the woods and start another generation. I need to take down the feeders and cans of food before the bears/raccoons show up and destroy stuff.
Wow, that’s scary. Good that there is no permanent damage. Obligatory:
Anyone know any alternatives?
Startpage, Ecosia, Yandex, Brave’s new actual search engine (not sure if that’s usable on a nonBrave browser)
Startpage is pretty good privacy wise and they use Google results from my understanding, Brave probably is but I’m not sure, the others I just don’t know.
If startpage uses google results, that makes them as nonviable as google in terms of unbiased returns.
True but Google is useful for certain things though like shopping. It’s a way to take advantage of their results without giving them credit.
Ive always used DDG but since I use Brave browser, may as well try their search engine.
Alternatives? Let’s see … How about Bing? I’m sure Microsoft wouldn’t downvote Russkies. Or Google? I mean, they’re not evil, says so right there in the mission statement.
There is probably a list of those sites out there shared by the various search engines and social media sites. I wonder if that’s published, could be useful.
Not that I use a search engine for anything political but I do not appreciate some woke cubical-hack deciding for me what is “misinformation”.
Mornin’, reprobates. All quiet on the eastern front.
AHEM! I am a micreant, not a reprobate, Sir!
Fuck off Tulpa! And top o’ the morning to you!
I haven’t called Tulpa in so long! How ever did you know?
Youse knows one when ye sees one
Morning Yusef and all others, good to see everyone so chipper
We are so fucked, pt.1052$
Costco in Moore, Oklahoma has gone up $0.70 in the past 2 weeks.
Gas prices are the tip of the iceberg. Been stocking up on food, coffee, tobacco, paper goods… Wait until the prices jump on everything else. And I expect that free delivery will very shortly be a fond memory.
I’m going to Walmart today, haven’t shopped big box for a couple months, I might be in for a big surprise at the check out.
So far prices aren’t too bad, now is a good time to stock up, especially on non-perishables. The shit will hit the fan soon enough.
$3.99.9 in Podunkville 2 days ago, probably broke the 4 buck marker yesterday
Apparently the PTB are going to release the leash tomorrow just a tidge. That’ll be when the choke-chain gets approved the next week.
With my new job being more visible to management, and a lot of upper management being too fixated on appearances, I have to be more proactive about haircuts and such. Problem is, I’ve realized I have no idea what interval is appropriate between trimmings, as my schedule has always been “When it starts to annoy me” which is too late.
I know, it’s sad for someone my age not to know, but what’s a good interval that prevents too much overgrowth from accumulating?
I’ve had two haircuts since the lockdowns.
I used to be ~ 5/6 weeks.
I was promised an apocalypse and grew my hair longer – as appropriate for such a scenario. /still might happen
My regular place closed down because of the lockdowns, so I was cutting my own hair (with all the hassles and difficulty that entails). I really can’t stand it if it grows too long, it just becomes downright uncomfortable.
I try to see my barber every fortnight. But since Im lazy, it usually becomes 3 weeks or so.
Fun fact- my barber (age 73) has been cutting my hair since I was around 5 or 6 years old, so long as Ive lived in this area.
UCS, I’m getting my haircut today for the first time in 4 months. That’s way too long of an interval. My glasses don’t fit, my cap doesn’t fit and I can’t hear.
I usually like about 4-5 weeks but I only have one person to look at me. Haircuts are for the user, we all have a vanity point or should have one anyway.
April first I’ll shave off my mop, it was useful in winter but very out of control now, even with my hat on.
I think people care less than you think, but I’d say once a month.
Still, I need to avoid the shaggy hobo stage.
Depends on how long or short you wear it.
Short styles will look more disheveled more quickly.
I can’t wear it long, it refuses to obery a comb. I can’t even sport a regular taper cut because the hair just won’t cooperate. I suppose there are chemical methods of cementing it in place, but that’s too much effort.
I buzz down to a couple millimeters every couple weeks.
“Take it or leave it.”
I tell people that my hairline isnt receding. Since I like the “larger ladies” I just have thigh-burns.
Mine’s a little less full up there than it used to be but if I grew it out you wouldn’t notice. I just hate how heavy and thick it is.
4 to 5 months.
Related: https://dukecannon.com/products/news-anchor-2-in-1-hair-wash-tea-tree-formula
I recently switched my hair care to this product. About a week in and I like it. Alot.
A lil bit really lathers up and my hair seems to appreciate the switch.
I considered linking to the stuff i use to keep my hair in place, but considered that a step too far…
Menthol shampoo?
It’s very mild, as is the scent.
NOW it’s over.
For months there has been a bus parked on the corner, dispensing jab-juice to all comers. I got used to the soothing noise all day, every day from the gas generator that was parked next to it.
This morning the bus and the orange cones blocking off a long chunk of the parking lane are gone.
Running the generator got too expensive.
My 2 jobs are less than 2 miles from home, so the wage hit is made up by no commute, and no 4 gallons of gas per day, I’ll take it.
That “Generational” thing is suspect. We were little kids when everyone was fucking like monkeys and Sesame Street was our crack. We missed out on the best, most fun parts of the counter-culture because of herpes and aids. We lived through stagflation and underemployment for a decade. The decade that shaped us into who we are now. Cynical fucking assholes without a pot to piss in.
Speak for yourself, I was born in the eighties.
I was shaped by the go-go eighties. I lived through the seventies but I was too young to recognize what was going on.
Anybody have $40m?
‘Scarface’ House in California Lists for $39.995 Million
The thing I always wonder about these places is what size on-site staff you need. You need housekeeping, maintenance (inside and out), kitchen and admin. You essentially are running a small hotel and are going to have similar operating expenses.
Al Pacino should buy it. He can probably afford it.