Just think, no more little bags left on the edge of your lawn.
Russia is still pulling a train on Ukraine, truckers are arriving in DC. Dogs and cats are living in sin…
Links anyone?
I’m not sure we’re sending our best and brightest.
This should be a point of life reflection.
Maybe next time, he should take a helicopter…
Quit reminding yourself you’re fat and ugly with an average sized dick.
Okay, I’m done for today. I’ll let someone else do the war corresponding. This seems appropriate.
The Russian Federal Customs Service said that its officials had detained the player after finding vape cartridges that contained hashish oil in her luggage at the Sheremetyevo airport near Moscow.
One of my attorneys was a Baylor man, and I actually chose season ticket seats to HS football near his. After one game of overhearing his comments on football I retained new counsel and had my will redrafted.
I need more information as to what about his commentary made you find someone else.
Yes. Inquiring minds want to know.
I’m a relational thinker, so I have a hard time remembering things that don’t make sense….there are no breadcrumbs in my mind that work that way.
But I hope it suffices to say that he showed no grasp of the simplest concepts of blocking, clock management, risk and reward, or game theory. He sat there demonstrating a total lack of strategic thinking ability within earshot of 100 adults: dumb and proud. I’m shocked he’s not president by now.
season ticket seats to HS football
I assume in some localities they might charge for entry. So it would be feasible to buy a set of tickets to every game.
It would have to be an area where HS football is a bigger deal than where I grew up.
A place like Texas
I think they charged some nominal ticket fee to non students, but I can’t recall any season tickets. Or reserved seating.
A place like Texas?
OK. That’s the weirdest squirrels I’ve encountered.
A place like Texas!
A place; like Texas.
A place, like.
1 it’s a Texas thing
2 I’m going to all the games, so why not have it paid for and done with and have good seats?
It’s sad that a unambiguous defense of free speech is now newsworthy.
My lack of desire for an EV aside, Musk continues to impress.
Love SpaceX, couldn’t care less about Tesla if you paid me.
“Ye shall know them by their works.” Seems appropriate.
Now reconcile that the same man is behind both.
Couldn’t care less. ”Enjoy the decline” is rapidly becoming my mantra.
I would love the Float-a-poo.
I picture the trees above the bike path filled with slowly deflating bags of poop, just waiting to drop.
It would add a bit of thrill to the daily walks.
Hey, then we could yell for the poo boy!
But we might get a poo boy sandwich…
The volume of helium in the pictures would not lift the weight of the poo in the bags. You would fill it up, and it would sink to the ground, not float up.
The deuce you say!
Next thing you’ll tell me is that Float-a-poo isn’t even real and is some sort of joke!
Of course it’s a joke.
I am shaken to my core by that news.
Of course it’s a deuce. What else would it be?
I gotta drop an ace?
You’re making assumptions about the density of the poo.
Don’t act like I don’t know shit.
It only matters if you know the difference between shit and Shinola.
How much helium to float a can of Shinola?
A shitload.
This, right here, is why I lurve this site and I lurve you guys sooo much! (No homo)
We’ll never question you.
Somebody isn’t wearing his humor gloves….
It’s laundry day.
When I was a kid our church would attack postcards to helium balloons to see how far they would go. Float-a-Poo must be for satanists.
No, just for colonists.
Why did they attack postcards?
Along the lines of Float-a-Poo, I’ve had an idea for a chain of luxury bathroom centers strategically located at exits along major interstates. The most comfortable seats, high-end tissues, each individual privare soundproofed room meticulously cleaned after each use, and more. You could pay per use or get a monthly plan. I would call it “Stop ‘n’ Plop.”
Add a shower option and you’re straight outta “Snow Crash”.
We travel a lot and most of the state-run rest areas are filthy. However, what you describe can be found at the larger truck stops (Pilot, Flying J, Loves), including the showers.
Still love the franchise concept. Especially for the concept of a completely private bathroom/changing room with some space – paid for in 15 minute increments or something like that. Hard to be profitable without remote/robotic maintenance options in most of the country though.
Hiya Spud!
Great lynx, great song, but the Float A Poo wins the day!
I’m waiting for the guided float-a-poo system. Let the great HOA wars begin.
I tried to read that Atlantic article, but… it bored me.
Who can possibly pretend to be surprised when people who have been muzzled and deprived of their rights look for ways to get attention?
What you did there was observed.
*taps out*
You can guess what that’s about.
From the War Pigs comments:
Oskar gets it (mostly).
Just like witches at black Masses,
Oh Lord Yeah!
Tall Cans!
Tall tumbler!
Tall, tumbler.
A Texas sized tall tumbler?
Fund-raising sites such as GoFundMe have rules against collecting money for armed conflict
Except BLM.
Elon Musk overnight said “some governments” had asked SpaceX to block Russian state media on its Starlink internet satellites but said, “We will not do so unless at gunpoint.”
He specified it wasn’t a request from Ukraine, adding, “Sorry to be a free speech absolutist.”
“War Pigs” is good.
I think sorry-not-sorry’s get a pass.
War Pigs is great.
Pedro is doing some good work.
Went out this afternoon. Gas prices have jumped as much as 50 cents.
Let’s Go Brandon.
So what’s it up to now? $160.099/gallon?
You so funny.
That’s MONDAY.
WaPo headline on the google:
Plans for a US-backed insurgency in Ukraine
The adults are in charge now.
adultslizard people are in charge now.What the fuck is wrong with these people?
(rhetorical question)
Don’t you people know there’s a helium shortage?
and there always will be until we get fusion reactors: they ain’t making any more of it*
speaking of Texas, 99% of your helium comes from a mine near Amarillo
*well, that’s a lie: it’s a product of the decay of radioactive isotopes, but that’s a slow grind
Biden’s working on it; be patient.
Hilarious. Did you know that we still have a national helium depository? Once a program starts, it never goes away. And we are the Saudi Arabia of Helium.
Lets try 2 Youtube links on Russia’s performance in the Ukranian/Russian War.
1 on Russian Logistics.
And 1 on the Russian Air Force’s effort.
I found both fairly informative as to why Russia’s military performance is not as good as many in the West believed it was going to be.
I like Wendover, this is good, Thanks!
Thanks! Good stuff.
Silicone Saturday’s word of the day is “quimstick”.
I tapped out at the face diaper picture. Blech.
I personally checked each and every picture for you. I can assure you, there was only one face diaper.
It’s the principle of the thing. I see a face diaper, I’m done.
I watched “Hell Comes To Frogtown” last night. That was good!
I watched Fido, which was interesting, but I’ve never really cared for latter-day movies that think they’re daring for showing the stereotype of repressive Boomer suburbia.
I had seen “Fido” once before. I watched it again.
I noticed a few things I didn’t see in the first viewing. Like a hint that the mother is cheating on the husband with one of the neighbors.
Seen on GunBroker
Damn that’s cool.
I’ll show you a “hand cannon”.
There’s a gun that says “Fuck my wrists”
Langhorne, PA
That ain’t far.
“A U.N. report warned that climate change’s catastrophes are now encroaching so rapidly that without radical intervention, they might overwhelm any effort to mitigate them.”
*sustained paroxysmal laughter*
You fucking idiots.
*starts pile of tires on fire*
Wait, I thought you moved to Colorado.
I didn’t realize you’re in North Dakota and having a bonfire party tonight.
“radical intervention”
Let’s see how the react to the Russian military accidentally blowing up a spent fuel rod pond.
Let’s see how they react to the Russian military accidentally blowing up
a spent fuel rod pondNorth America.Yeah, well. That’s when I start popping my really good bottles.
Nuclear winter = bio-engineering to block out the sun. Only cheaper, the nukes have already been paid for. All this time I thought it would be the evangelicals pining for WWIII, turns out it’s the environmental evangelicals.
“[Men] are more likely to struggle with intimacy and are often left feeling inadequate, poorly endowed and unable to last long enough. But female porn fans enjoy improved orgasm, desire and satisfaction.”
The only conclusion to be made from this is that women should be required to watch porn daily.
For the children.
Dude. Phrasing!
Correct me if I’m wrong:
You ain’t getting the doors open in flight.
Tell your (crazy) friends.
dbleagle – from last thread – re: the helicopter shoot-down. I know what you’re talking about – depends what else you’ve looked at before. I spent well over a week a few years back just watching Syrian anti-tank videos from youtube (vehicle/casualty damage analysis). (not to mention once ISIS started using drones to drop grenades on fixed positions – that started a whole new thing for video analysis – saw a lot of it last year with the Azerbaijan/Armenia conflict, but not much so far this year).
Not watching nearly as much as the 4chan autists trying to map up the geography to google maps or anything, but enough to check amount of damage per weapon, etc…and to be fair, we did a lot of that during the Syrian gov’t chemical weapon attacks too.
@dbleagle – geolocation for that clip, in case you didn’t know already.
TW: also shows the video.
Neph is out having a life again, so I’ll kick off the GlibZoom Happy Hour / Website Article Solicitation / STFU Sloper / Nerdfest at 8:00 Eastern.
Be there. Aloha.
I take it the Zoom has been nuked by this late hour. Too bad, I had some shit to say.
BTW, it’s 3 hours long, but I would definitely recommend “The batman”. Like Zac (Diversity & Comics) says – it’s definitely for folks in my age bracket – late 30s to early 50s. Plays a lot more like Se7en than traditional Batman and a lot less “sterile”-feeling than Nolan batman.
I wondered if it was going to be any good. First weekend of March is still in the dumping zone for bad movies.
LOL not helping
I’m sure it will make a zillion dollars without my help and spawn a few dozen more iterations.
They made another one?
Yeah; my general opinion is that there are very few movies over 2½ hours that couldn’t use at least a little editing. One of the very few exceptions is The Best Years of Our Lives
Now that most places have reserved seating, need to bring back the intermission. Worked well when I saw Godfather part 2 remaster a couple years ago.
Yeah; the print of the Taylor/Burton Cleopatra that FXM has been running (I assume the same print that will be on TCM later this month) has about two minutes each of overture, entr’acte, and exit music, bringing the running time to 4:11. It really should have been two separate movies.
Of my four favorite movies, the shortest is 2:55
What would the phrase be for this? Don’t get penetrated by crazy?
Getting screwed by the contractor
Not even a euphemism.
caveat emptor
apropos of nothing:
Bank of America closed the location that has my lock box. If they sent a note, I missed it (that very well could have been).
The new process is I need an appointment to see my own stuff that I’m paying them to hold.
Imagine needing a legal document urgently and heading over and it’s dark, empty, and locked.
Imagine needing a legal document urgently and heading over and it’s dark, empty, and locked.
My grandparents made the mistake of keeping their will in their safety deposit box. When Grandma died, the box was sealed, and nobody could get the will out. Dad had to arrange to get an agent from the Secretary of State’s office to come down from Albany and unseal the box.
that’s an interesting case
but surely their executor had his copy?
This was 30 years ago and it was the semester I was studying in Russia. I assume Grandma and Grandpa were going to execute the will of the other one based on who died first; I don’t know how much the will was changed after Grandpa died several years before Grandma.
I know after my own mom died, Dad had to change some things in the will relating to items that hadn’t been in the family for 20-plus years.
My brother was the co-holder on my mother’s box. The day after she died my two brothers and I went to the bank together. Brother emptied out the box, including the cash for the funeral, went across the street to the funeral home. “Here’s how much money we have, that’s how much funeral we want”.
When we got done there was a few bucks left. Two of us told the key holder brother to take his wife out for dinner.
Everything went smoothly. Money can cause family problems but not for us, not enough money to worry about.
My family would fight each other at funerals, true to their Pennsyltucky roots.
I feel like I’m missing out. I’ve never experienced a family fight at a funeral.
There was no one to fight at Mom’s funeral. But when her brother died back in 2004, she was ready to go after her sister for reasons I never understood.
When my grandfather passed a few years after Grandma, my aunt, my father’s only sibling, showed up to the funeral with a big U-Haul van and cleared the house of all the valuables. My Dad never spoke to her again. As both are now no longer with us as well, no chance for a reconciliation.
Yeah, when Mom died Dad emptied out the box before it could be sealed. Mom had saved several 1976-issue $2 bills for each of us kids.
Those must be worth at least $2 by now.
I can make it sprinkle at the skrip club.
My brother got my dad’s silver dollars, probably about 25 or so. I’m sure he kept them (rather than selling them) and after he died one of his kids found them and claimed them.
Worst thing the same brother was entrusted with all the old family pictures, negatives etc. He was always going to bring them over so I could copy them. He never did, all were lost. He kept saying, “Yeah, I’ll find them and bring them over”, went on for 20 years. He was a good guy but a little on the relaxed side.
Visa, Mastercard suspend all operations in Russia, ‘effective immediately’
If this spawns alternate payment processing systems, I’m all for it.
We need more alternatives.
IMHO, you shouldn’t be in favor of millions of innocent people being cut off from ability to eat, no matter what what pipe dream you have for what it may achieve.
Not to mention they just put a big(ger) target on the US Visa/Mastercard system for cyberwarriors.
This new found power to act will not end well for Joe Schmo and his wife who gave $50 to a protest the government doesn’t approve. That was the toe in the water, Russia is a cannonball into the deep end, the ripples are everybody else in the world.
How’s that for some Boomercon shit?
It might be easier just to put them in camps.
Russians will switch to Mir.
Ah! Well, there you go, UCS. You can get a Mir card.
This is a huge deal.
They are weaponizing every level of the financial system and anybody who thinks that won’t be turned back around on us is a fool.
Even the Swiss are in on this. The West is going for total control over its citizens through digital currencies and a digital passport system. They want to be able to switch your freedoms off as simply as blocking your Twitter account. And they’re doing it under cover of third party providers like corporations.
I love how Musk said “…at the point of a gun.” Few will call out govt action for what is is.
Carrying over from dead-thread, DB said:
#metoo. And I’m struck by the fact that the people sporting them are largely the same people that pushed the “Russia collusion” hoax, plus assorted Never Trumpers like McConnell.
And I am convinced that there is a major media propaganda push going on behind the scenes that results in my original beef of injecting global politics into North American league sports where it doesn’t fucking belong.
I did manage to make a couple pause this week when I reminded them that a war with Russia will bring back a draft and that their kids (or grandkids) were in the prime demographic. I reminded them that a drafted military is not looking for the best and that “any mother’s son will do.” I then let them know that even if I was recalled I probably wouldn’t be anywhere near the front and their kids would be. Finally, a simple question, “How do you feel about your son or daughter dying for Ukraine?”
How did they respond?
Silence. Hopefully thoughtful silence. Then they changed the topic.
I’m not surprised. I hope it was thoughtful but more likely it was uncomfortable.
The sounds of heads imploding
That toy plane is pretty large for how I assume she uses it.
I’ll bet she walks like she just spent eight hours in the saddle.
And someone is actually letting this lunatic work with real aircraft?
A few thoughts:
What Russia is doing is wrong, no doubt. I support Ukraine’s sovereignty and truly hope they are able to salvage some portion of their territory; I don’t think they will. However, neither NATO nor the US should be touching this with a ten-foot pole. Sanctions… maybe. But sending weapons is already over the line and putting things on a bad path.
Further, while I support Ukraine in spirit, I find the lefty virtue signaling and “sOlUhDaRuHtEe wItH YoOkRaNe!!!” crowd to be obnoxious and disingenuous. I realize that this is textbook leftist oversocialization playing into their desperation for a narrative in which they’re the “good guy”. It also jives with their “MUH RUSSIA!” wet dreams about Trump. I find it pathetic for Western lefties to co-opt innocent people’s legitimate suffering to prop up their own fragile egos.
Our last 5 presidents have avoided military service, I discount George Jr’s NG service. Obama gets a pass because he didn’t get deferment but I’m sure he would have had it been necessary. Easy(ier) to send some one else’s kids off to war.
George didn’t shuffle papers and stock the px vending machine. At least he learned to fly a fighter jet, which is a pretty good accomplishment.
Hey, was it you that was reading the Lighthorse Harry book? I finished mine, I’d be happy to send it to you if you’re interested.
I did want to read it but my library didn’t have it. Don’t want to trouble you for mailing it to me, but I appreciate your generous offer. Coincidentally, I just read, about 20 minutes ago, that Light Horse wrote a letter to Geo. Washington in 1799 attacking Jefferson and friends as “rodents.”
Not a problem, I can stick it in a manila envelope, I go to the post office several times a week anyway.
latvia2112 at the yeyhoo
And back then fighters were no joke to fly, especially the F106 George flew.
What’s with boots on the ground? Do the Rooskies have more Jewish space lazers than us?
Man, I have no fucking clue. Putting regulars on the ground is just about the stupidest possible thing any NATO country could do right now, but the warboners, left and right, have reached maximum tumescence and are ready to ejaculate. No fly zone: almost as stupid.
Can’t speak for the Euros, but from the US side it’s an unholy alliance of Neocons salivating for “nation building” (really for Lockheed’s stock to go up), Biden et. al. for something, anything to distract from their abysmal handling of, well, everything and an ignorant, Dunning-Kreuger Effect afflicted chattering class wanting something “cool” to talk about and bring meaning to their empty lives. And like 4×20 said, none of these people’s kids are going over there so NBD right?
Biden got lucky, so far. The Convoy kind of fizzled out and now the war is taking us away from the domestic problems. Inflation won’t go away but at least it’s taking a news back seat for awhile, border problems? What border problems, don’t you know there’s a war going on?
If he holds off getting in deeper in Ukraine the war will slow down, one way or another and we can worry about the price of gas again.
The US Convoy is in Maryland. Who knows if they’ll clog up the Beltway. The article makes it sound like they won’t.
I’m with you on no NATO or US military involvement. But why do you oppose sending arms to Ukraine?
I have different view. I have no illusions Ukraine is a libertarian paradise or even an honest government. But this war is an obvious violation of the NAP. Ukraine is willing to fight for itself. Russia is clearly the aggressor. It seems just, to me, to arm the Ukrainians to fight their own battle.
Putin does like that we are arming Ukraine? Tough. I’m aware of his threats and I believe he is genuinely dangerous. Backing down to a bully is even more dangerous. I don’t want to antagonize Russia nor humiliate them. But I sure as hell don’t condone them invading a country that took no action against them.
I’ll also add, that for all their problems, the Ukrainians appear to be making an effort toward a more honest government. The Orange Revolution took guts. A generation or two ago you did not want to be a Jew living in Ukraine. Their last PM was Jewish. Their current president is (arguably) Jewish. Progress doesn’t always go in a straight path. They have screwed up along the way. On the whole, they appear to generally be headed in the right direction.
But I sure as hell don’t condone them invading a country that took no action against them.
Ukraine has demanded admission into the alliance that has no purpose other than being anti-Russian.
A generation or two ago you did not want to be a Jew living in Ukraine.
A generation or two ago there were actually Jews living in Ukraine. But most of them have emigrated. The Jewish population in Ukraine is now much smaller.
You don’t have to persuade me NATO should have been disbanded after the USSR collapsed. But it wasn’t. Since then, Russia has forcibly taken part of Georgia, forcibly taken part of Ukraine, and waged a low level war against Ukraine for years. So Ukraine wanted entry to a defensive alliance.
Yes, I know the Jewish population of Ukraine is much smaller. Do I/we make them wear a hairshirt or acknowledge they have made some progress? I choose the latter.
Wooo! Huskies score with 9.6 seconds left!
My alma mater looking like Hockey East champs…
Men and women, I see, although the women clinched a while ago.
Two weeks till the F1 season begins, can’t wait to see how the redesign turns out.
Bragging time! Son got his ticket punched to VEX Robotics Worlds in Dallas!
That is awesome! Is it all team events, or is he going as an individual?
As a team for his school.
It was, in the son’s own words, a “poorly written sports movie” in how it played out. Dominating first game, then crushed, down to the ALL IS LOST, the team is gonna go home in humiliation and defeat around 3pm, not even reaching the quarter-finals, and then — they got unexpected award for build&design (my son’s specialty!) which is an automatic ticket. So now they have a chance of redemption! lol
That’s great!
*cue montage and Eye of the Tiger soundtrack*
My high school mascot was the Tigers. I hate that song with a passion.
I went looking for something redemptive. Found nothing.
Did find this cringe: https://cz.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph6063a88cb7eba
Nsfw – obviously.
Congratulations to your son.
Not so long ago WA was quite good on gun rights.
Forget it GL. It’s Proggietown.
Russia this, Ukraine that…none of this has anything to do with Firsting.
Boring…You make Winston look interesting and varied.
I’m watching Pam and Tommy. The actress playing Pamela Anderson really has her mannerisms down. Whoever did her prosthetic makeup deserves an award.
yeah, I like Lily James but if I didn’t already know she was playing Pam, I don’t think I could see her in there at all.
I don’t know a thing about her.
Iconic American couple portrayed by a limey and a Romanian.
All American actors are currently engaged in Marvel or DC projects.
You mean the Marvel with a British Peter Parker, a British Doctor Strange, a British Vision, a British Nebula, a British Matt Murdock, a Romanian Bucky Barners, a British Danny Rand, a British Coleen Wing, a British Wong, an Australian Thor, a British Heimdall, an Australian Logan, a British drunk sarcastic flying horse lady, a British Loki, a British Doc Ock, a British Curt Connors, a British Odin, a British Professor X, a British Yon Rogg, a British Davos, an Australian Hela, a British… You get the point.
Or do you mean the DC with a British Clark Kent, a British Batman, an Israeli Wonder Woman, an Australian Harley Quinn…
Just sayin’
British Sorcerer Supreme/Ancient One lady…
Probably quite a few Canadians…
A British Shuri…
I’m taking this too far. In for a penny..
I don’t know. I don’t watch comic book superhero movies.
“Arent there childrens books about an elephant named Babar?”
“I dont know, I dont have any.”
“No, elephant books.
DC sucks.
You’re just waiting for the sex tape, aren’t you?
To celebrate the end of the mask mandate in LA county we’re heading to a Russian restaurant in the valley tomorrow.
A Russian restaurant?!!?!!. Why do you hate Ukraine!!!1!!!11
I don’t care if drugs fall out of my poop-chute, this is important and terrifying https://youtu.be/6G3nWyoQ5CQ
Apparently Goeorge Soros isn’t the only asshole that wants to run it all. I’ve never heard of this prick before. Whatev’s. Dear Festus, place your trust in our true lord and savior, Jesus Christ. This asshole is a false god.
Holy crap. How are we supposed to just ignore a person in power who’s telling us exactly what he’s going to do?
It being “stoic” the right reaction or is it time to do more, to risk more? These people are evil, not misguided.
JP Sears:
“Free will is over if you outsource your thinking to outside influences and choose obedience over bravery. “
This is possibly the most important post Sears has ever put up.
Do give a few minutes of your life to reading it!
Good Lord, that is terrifying, even if it is only partially true.
They used to have all their meetings in secret and call any speculation conspiracy. Now they are just flat out telling us the plan.
suh’ fam
yo whats goody yo
new day!
same old identity-fueled delusions about how oil and gas works 🙁
My dearly departed grandmother was a true-blue, dyed-in-the-wool, democrat that absolutely loathed George W. Bush.
Anytime gas prices would go up while he was in office, I was likely to hear “well, here we go again! George Bush (she pronounced it ‘Boosh’) and his Texas oil buddies are just getting richer by the minute!”
Trying to get her to understand commodities and global supplies would be as in vain as most of the dimwits I hear calling in on talk radio.
Good morning, homey, Don, Sean, HE, Scruffy, and TARDy (and anyone I might have overlooked!)
Out on the back patio enjoying a brief respite from late winter weather. Next weekend is not expected to be nearly this temperate, so I’m trying to make the most of it while it lasts.
(and anyone I might have overlooked!)
[runs from room sobbing]
Just for that you get an appropriate music link
From you, I would have expected this one.
Or maybe it’s from ME that I would have expected it…
Is it the Johnny Mercer song?
That’s not the original, not by a long shot.
THAT’S what I’d expect from you! ?
Who are the good guys?
Putin and his cronies are assholes.
The racist Ukrainian guys are assholes. (Not saying that Ukrainians in general are racist, but damn, some of their would-be leaders are)
Our American warmonger politicians are assholes.
The civilians on all sides are merely the currency with which the cost will be paid.
Who are the good guys???
LOVING the new pic.
Pam is on my certain “WOULD” list were I ever to find myself in an Archer cartoon.
There are none, but Putin is less my enemy than a lot of other options much closer to me and with more control over my life. Just look at the array of financial weapons being brought to the fight and know that they will be turned around on us.
And if anyone thinks what he has so far done in Ukraine is worse or less justified than what we are doing with Saudi Arabia in Yemen right now…
It’s morning already?
Happy anniversary! ??
Comment thread starter.
I had that LP as a kid.
Still my favorite.