Those were the days links of rando

by | Mar 7, 2022 | KHAAAAAANNN!!!, Musings, Yoots | 300 comments

Today’s musings post is dedicated to the mirror that tells the truth whether one sees/wants to see it or not. Most people do see it, I think. It’s why they try to change the truth.

In the glass I saw a strange reflection
Was that lonely woman really me

Well, I’m not lonely, but I wonder where my beautiful curly strawberry blonde hair went and when all that white appeared. Meh, at least it looks white now and not just dirty. As every ginger knows, 1) gingers turn white, not silver or gray, b. ginger and white do not take color well, and iii—coarse curly hair takes color even worse than ginger and white. Add ’em all up and I’m in a world of hurt here. So the question is: Do I want to go through the trouble, expense, and time to get a super-duper-pooper-scooper dye job just to watch it fade next week?

She thinks I’m crazy
But I’m just growing old

My face and neck are still unlined (and freckled [as opposed to liver-spotted]) but that’s because I have fabulous skin genes and I’m still carrying too much weight. When I reach my goal, I’ll be showing my age much worse than just white hair. I had a doctor tell me once, “Now, you look really young. If you do lose the weight, you’re going to look much older.” Indeed, I see friends my age all around me showing off their weight loss. They look good, but they … don’t … really.

She hates time, make it stop
When did Mötley Crüe become classic rock?

Yeah, so that Nikki Sixx, man, he came back from the dead. Twice. (Heroin must be a preservative.) At 10 years older than I, he looks much better than he did when he was 25, with a little meat on his bones (she said, for the pervatarians). He dyes his hair. Then I look closer and, um, well, without the makeup and a touchup … maybe not so much around the edges.

Besides, in my post-menopausal state, I like Sixx A.M. so much better than I ever liked Mötley Crüe.

Eh, most men carry it better anyway, but blond men certainly don’t. We won’t even talk about black people because honey, black don’t crack.

Now I’m watching children’s carousels
And their laughter’s music to my ears
And I find that I’m smiling gently

See, that OMWC, he’s aging right, still basking in children’s joy and gently guiding young ones into his va— I mean, capitalism via cand— restauranteurship. What an exciting way to spend one’s September years.

Better him than me.

I’m sure I heard his echo
In my baby’s new born tears

I was brought up knowing that side of the family dies young from immediately fatal myocardial infarctions. My dad started making plans at 42 after his cousin died. He wasn’t quiet about it mostly as a lesson to us kids that we needed to prepare early. It was a good thing, too, because he was 51 when he had his immediately fatal myocardial infarction. I made death plans. No life plans. Last year, I told my cardiologist whom I see solely because of family health history, about this. He looked at me and said, “Start making some.”

Well, okay, then Doc.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking
About growing older and moving on
Nobody wants to be told that they’re getting on

“So we’ve talked about that side of the family. Let’s talk about the other one, specifically the women.”

… um …

Late to mid 90s, late 80s, only problems are aches, pains, and joints that make them wish they had a family history of dying young. They are getting heart problems here and there, brought on by age, that get sorted out with medication. I have one aunt out of five who has a heart problem at an age she probably shouldn’t but her body has been abused (read: not necessarily by herself) (she is now a widow) (I wish I could take credit for that).

My mom’s 78. She is so done with this life, but she has to keep on truckin’.

I am so used to seeing her a certain way, and when I look—really look—she is unrecognizable to me.

I look in a mirror and I see what I expect my mother to look like, instead of like a doppelgänger of young Melanie Griffith.

Let’s do some living
After we die

My friend who had COVID in August died on the 22nd. She planned the whole thing. Her sister went to visit her in the rehab center in January. Linda clapped her hands and excitedly said, “Let’s plan my funeral!” She said she wanted to get there and help plan the second coming. Because that’s what Linda does—organize. She’ll have the heavenly host lined up in alphabetical order in no time.

I don’t fear death. I’ll go find Linda and ask her what she wants me to do because that’s how we do it.

I ain’t ready for the junkyard yet
’Cause I still feel like a new corvette

It’s that. If I felt 54, I could accept this a little more phlegmatically than I am.

Every time I go somewhere with XY tax deduction, he wants me to pick the music because he’s always so surprised at how “edgy” my (hair band) music is and how much he likes it. Oh, son, my poor, deluded son. I am afraid you are no match for Yngwie Malmsteen and the Sex Pistols.

I feel 16 and stupid, as if I haven’t lived life or learned anything at all. In short, the outside doesn’t match the inside.

But he still ain’t changed his lifestyle
He likes it better the old way

But what I also never did with any long-term commitment at all was dress for my personality, which has not fundamentally changed.

I’m still an attention whore at heart, still a showman, still a drama queen. I’m getting older. I’ll be excused a lot of bad behavior. So what I decided to do was fill my closet with wild and whacky boho clothes, keep my hair long (that is not me) (occasionally wrapping it up in colorful scarves so people think I have cancer and be really nice to me), wear Indian wedding jewelry, continue to spread the gospel of Birkenstock, and let people think I’m a crazy gypsy* lady.

I was 16, he was 21
Rode with us to Memphis
Papa woulda shot him if he knew what he’d done

Well, that’s one mistake I didn’t make when I was 16 and stupid.

*Pinterest won’t let you search with the word “gypsy”. Pinterest wants you to know that it is “no place for hate”.

About The Author



Aspiring odalisque.


  1. The Gunslinger

    I never look closely at myself in the mirror anymore.

    I think my wife just bought some Birkenstocks.

    Does anyone else remember this hair band ballad?

    • Ted S.

      I was hoping your link would be to this.

      But I do remember the song you linked to.

      • Chafed

        #MeToo. That’s a great song.

      • MikeS

        OK, that’s a solid power ballad. I fucking love Kix.

        *winces and waits for Hype to pounce

    • rhywun

      I never look closely at myself in the mirror anymore.


    • Tundra

      Hah! I didn’t so until the first vocals!

      Sad. Cut an alum that drops 20 minutes before grunge washes all that away.

      • MikeS

        I am still bitter about that. Fucking record industry.

      • The Hyperbole

        If grunge killed that then thank god for grunge, ‘Hair band power ballad’ has to be the second worse genre of rock ever.

      • DrOtto

        Power ballads killed the hair bands.

      • Fourscore

        Are we talking about music?

      • MikeS

        They are saying some of the right words, and yet…

      • MikeS


      • MikeS

        ‘Hair band power ballad’ isn’t a genre. (I’ll concede there may be enough of them to achieve sub-genre status) Many of those songs were only recorded at the behest of the Record Industry™.

        The shitty part is that those coke-snorting, half-wit, record executives told an entire generation of artists they needed to make their music sound a certain way, only to drop them like a hot crack pipe when they found a new sound. And the fuck-stains at the corporate-owned radio stations were only too happy to oblige. At the turn of the decade, a lot of talented “hair” bands were in the midst of evolving and maturing into a really wonderful, new style of rock. They got bent over and fucked raw by a bunch of lizard people who wanted to be sure to be invited to all the best cocktail parties.

        But hey, you celebrate that.

      • Mojeaux

        Well said. /nosarc

      • The Hyperbole

        Were you the keyboardist in Winger or something, you seem to take this rather personally, I was just making a joke (although Hair bands do suck (I mean like really, really suck,(every last one of ’em)))

      • MikeS

        For some reason, it is a major sore point with me. Whenever I read ignorant comments like yours (?) my fingers start typing out a manifesto treatise diatribe couple sentences about how one of the greatest-ever genres of music got royally fucked.

      • The Hyperbole

        I’ll take ignorant, I know nothing of the music ‘business’ I do know that some ( yes a very few, but still) acts from all genres stand the test of time and the ones that don’t whinging about the ‘industry’ keeping them down when they fall out of favor with the public sounds like sour grapes, and something a progressive Bernie bro would say.

      • MikeS

        There are a few dozen extremely talented bands from that era. But due to the ballads and the hair, current pop-culture has turned the entire genre into a punchline, resulting in unserious or uneducated people judging (and pontificating on) the entire decade of music based on a handful or songs.

      • The Hyperbole

        Hey, I can be both unserious and uneducated! And I know losing that Winger gig must have hurt but come on now “an entire decade of music”? the 80’s had a lot more going for it than just shitty Hair Bands (thank gods), lots good punk, rock, funk, jazz and soul, hell even some good country and pop (just ask Tundra) came out of the 80’s.

      • MikeS

        Interesting how you focused on one poorly-worded phrase (“the entire decade of music” should have been “an entire decade-spanning genre of music”) even though you know exactly what I was referring to. I thought you were the guy who (rightly) criticizes people when they purposely focus on trivialities like that to make a point. Huh, I guess I’m the ignorant one, after all.

      • The Hyperbole

        Note to self- do not joke about hair bands with MikeS

        I will give you this as bad as Hair Bands are they at least aren’t The Beach Boys so they have that going for them.

      • MikeS

        I know it’s a weird hill to die on, but I guess I should have convictions about something.

        I actually like the Beach Boys, so we are going to have to sign a continuing resolution to agree to disagree.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The shitty part is that those coke-snorting, half-wit, record executives told an entire generation of artists they needed to make their music sound a certain way, only to drop them like a hot crack pipe when they found a new sound.

        Uh, that’s like every music trend.

      • MikeS

        At least in my lifetime, I don’t recall* a situation that parallels what happened around 1991 with rock. I mean, many bands that weren’t even “hair”, or who had evolved past that sound, were completely ghosted.

        *I am thankfully a bit too young to know exactly why Disco ended. I’ve always assumed it was because everyone finally came to their senses.

      • Tundra


        Disco was fine. Stupid people who don’t understand music were the problem.

        Every genre had the corporate and the awesome.

      • MikeS

        Didn’t Disco gracefully fade back into Soul and Pop and R&B? There certainly wasn’t a watershed moment/band like what happened with Hair, because the radio stations still had some autonomy.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I think it’s mostly happened with every change. More noticeable for a number of reasons but I don’t think unique. Similar thing happened to aidoru music in Japan when Jpop killed it. Huge acts, huge support venues on tv, and then.. gone, almost overnight.

      • Chafed

        My lord that is a terrible song.

      • Chafed

        *Stands. Gives MikeS an ovation.*


      • MikeS

        I was hoping you’d stop by for moral support.


      • MikeS

        For the record, that Steelheart song is shit.

      • KSuellington

        Disco became house, electronic pop, techno and hip hop.

      • Grumbletarian

        Pistols at dawn, sir!

      • Chafed

        Yes it is.

      • Zwak,The Baddest Johnny on the Apple Cart

        There was a good power funk scene going on in Cali in the late ’80s: Marys Danish, Thelonious Monster, Chilli Peppers, etc. The Peppers were the only one to survive Nirvana. Marys Danish was smokin’ good though
        I saw them a bunch of times, but they ended up getting fucked by the record company.

      • MikeS

        Yeah, good point. It wasn’t just the “hair” guys that got fucked.

    • Mojeaux

      I remember!

  2. rhywun

    I won’t lie; I love that “boho” look.

    • Mojeaux

      Too bad I never actually go anywhere.

    • Not Adahn


  3. Don escaped Texas


    the only things that put me in the proper headspace are creativity and service; I need to be building solutions or organizing or teaching or designing/calculating…….or just working on something that will make NewWife happy both ways (because she likes it; because she knows I was thinking about her all the while)

    something about a good line ’bout Memphis

    The sun went down like a curtain
    Memphis looks bigger at night
    All the tattooed boys in uniform
    Step in and out of the light

    She bought me good whiskey in Memphis
    She bought supper and she paid for the room
    And as best as I can remember
    She paid dearly for loving me too…….

    – Eric Taylor

    • Mojeaux

      the only things that put me in the proper headspace are creativity and service

      Creativity and productivity (i.e., “money work”) for me, but I’m not feeling particularly creative lately, so money work it is!

      I need to start being of service to others.

      • Ted S.


      • Mojeaux

        Yes, that will indeed kill one’s creativity.

  4. Tundra


    Cher was actually hot once?

    That’s unfair. Moonstruck is a wonderful movie.

    Thanks, Mo!

  5. Mojeaux

    I meant to link this, not “Stars”.

      • rhywun
      • rhywun


      • PudPaisley

        Good song. If you removed the vocals, I would swear it’s a long lost Smashing Pumpkins track.

      • Tundra


        You are 100% correct. Isn’t it amazing what these talented kids come up with?

      • slumbrew

        I’ve still got that CD

    • Ted S.


      (And hair for Mojeaux.)

  6. MikeS

    /quickly scans

    Holy shit. So, there’s, like, literally 1000 links. And I know 1-99% of them will be Steely Dan and Rush links. Should I just shoot myself now?

    Also, FIRST!*

    *in relation to Bro’s first comment

    • Mojeaux

      Literally 1,000.

  7. R.J.

    That was great! Thanks!

  8. MikeS

    The ‘Possum! Nice curve ball, Mo!

    Whoa…and the Bellamy Bros.

    Very fun post!

  9. Tundra

    …but I wonder where my beautiful curly strawberry blonde hair went and when all that white appeared.

    My wife called me “Santa” while flicking my beard today.

    And not in a good way.

    Why couldn’t I keep my blonde flow? Why?

    • Mojeaux

      Ouchie. I try not to say things like that to my husband. He’s not particularly sensitive, but I wouldn’t like it if he said stuff like that to me.

      • Tundra


        Nah, she was being playful and I actually love my gray, I’ve fucking well earned it, huh?

    • MikeS

      Cuz you’re an old fucker?

      • pistoffnick the refusnik

        Cuz you’re an old fucker?

        Friend, you aren’t far behind. Don’t you turn the odometer over to a round number this next week? ;^)

      • Fourscore

        We’re celebrating with MikeS in absentia. Not to worry, we’re with you in spirit. One day we’ll show up at MikeS’ shop with all our broken tools and expect him to fix them for free, cause we’re his best friends.

      • pistoffnick the refusnik

        I’m gonna commission him to make one of those impossible to machine art pieces. WE’LL SEE WHO HAS ANY HAIR LEFT AFTERWARDS.

      • MikeS

        The good news is I’m saving money on lubricants because I’m flush with honey.


      • MikeS

        ‘Tis true. The mid century mark is approaching fast. And then my wife can have a revengeful laugh when I receive my first AARP mailing.

    • pistoffnick the refusnik

      Dude, I’ve been white since my early 40’s. I saw my estranged dad for the first time in 26 years this past summer – the future doesn’t look promising.

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s not white, it’s albino!

        There’s more salt than pepper these days.

    • The Bearded Hobbit

      I’m chubby with a full white beard. I’ve been called “Santa” more time than I can remember.

      • Tundra

        Yeah, but you’re very striking.

      • Chafed

        And jolly

  10. pistoffnick the refusnik

    1985 was good, but 1987 was VERY good for pistoffnick and his glorious mullet.

  11. dbleagle

    I keep waiting for this doctor visit.

    I’ve driven my body hard, and it shows but Dawn Riley was correct when she said, “The purpose of life it not arrive at the grave looking refreshed. It is to come skidding in broken and maybe bloody saying, “Holy shit that was a hell of a ride!”

    • dbleagle

      I forgot one important part of the quote, “The purpose of life is not arrive at the grave looking refreshed. It is to come skidding in broken and maybe bloody with a drink in your hand saying, “Holy shit that was a hell of a ride!”

      • Tundra

        Love that!

        Warren was an amazing man.

        And I hope that quote makes my obit!

      • pistoffnick the refusnik

        I saw him at First Ave. One of his last concerts – kind of a farewell tour. You could tell he was struggling, but he had pride in his craft.

    • MikeS

      +1 “Enjoy every sandwich”

    • Don escaped Texas

      the perfectly designed race car wins every race all season

      and, upon crossing the finish line of the last race, ejects the driver in a padded pod and then crumbles to ashes, not an ounce of extra material carried and not a ounce of the carried wasted

      • pistoffnick the refusnik

        I knew a designer (not an engineer) once who wanted all red on the FEA* plot of a new airplane. Well, friend, that is not exactly possible.

        *Finite Element Analysis (computer generated stress plot)

    • The Hyperbole

      I can’t remember who but some comedian had a bit back in the 80’s when they were blaming suicides on heavy metal, he wondered since he grew up in the 70’s if he could sue Dan Fogelberg for making him a pussy.

  12. pistoffnick the refusnik

    I got my first AARP flyer in the mail today. I’m not ooooold – I’m 37* 51, (but very much still 15 developmentally).

    On the plus side, my daughter asked me to forward links to my generation of music last weekend. She is sick of today’s pop music.

    *I’m sorry, but from behind you look like an old woman.

    • Mojeaux

      My daughter loves that new-fangled “Muse” band. Wait, what? >20 years old? *sobs quietly*

      • Mojeaux

        Mine’s wearing AC/DC, Rush, Def Leppard, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin t-shirts. She must be buying them because I don’t have any to steal. I get the sense her age cohort doesn’t like anything that’s current and went back to the classics well.

      • pistoffnick the refusnik

        I got the other daughter a Greta Van Fleet t-shirt for Christmas.

        Greta Van Fleet is a bunch of young kids that sound amazingly like Led Zeppelin.

      • Mojeaux

        Nice sound. I like.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I was shocked to see how long ago Super Massive Blackhole came out.

      • one true athena

        I just got linked today to a mashup of Supermassive and Seven Nation Army (which tbh only proves the bass line of Seven Nation Army goes with anything, but it was well done) but funny coincidence.

  13. The Bearded Hobbit

    Enjoy every day. One grandfather died at 56 and the other at 72 but they were both heavy smokers. I outlived one of them and was hoping to beat the second. At this point I’m hoping to see my granddaughter graduate high school in ten years. I have no expectations of seeing 90 as I am overweight and have had sleep issues for most of my adult life.

    I have a biopsy on Wednesday to see if my prostate cancer is the slow one or the fast one.

    • Don escaped Texas

      I’m a decade behind you, and my cancers have yet to be revealed to me, but I expect that one to rear its head at some point

      best of luck

    • MikeS

      Oh, BH. Prayers for the slow one. Hang in there, man.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        Thanks, Mike! I’ll take all the prayers I can get at this point.

      • one true athena

        My husband had the slow one and had surgery last year to remove it. The tests are now all perfect. So prayers you get the same result.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        Thank you!

      • Zwak,The Baddest Johnny on the Apple Cart

        Thinking good thoughts for you BH.

      • Chafed

        Wishing you the best Hobbit.

    • pistoffnick the refusnik

      I’m not the praying type, but I’ll cross my fingers and hope for good results, Hobbit.

      • Fourscore

        Good luck, Hobbit, I’ll help Nick with the crossed fingers.

    • Tundra

      BH, please, please, please make them do imaging before they poke 14 more holes in that thing!

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        Actually, 20+.

        Doc says that imaging at this point isn’t instructive as they want to know the type, not the existence.

        Thank you to all for your thoughts and prayers. It’s a little bit of a rough time for me.

        Onward through the fog!

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        Thanks, Tundra. I’ll check it out but I’m pretty much committed to the biopsy at this point. Will review my options when the results come back.

    • Count Potato

      I wish and hope you the best.

  14. Fourscore

    Oh, you kids and your crazy music

    I was talking to an old (73) lady friend recently and I asked her if she felt old. I told her I didn’t recognize the guy in the mirror, only that I thought it was the one getting the food the first time around and leaving the leftovers for me to eat for the rest of the week. First she said “Turn the mirror over”. She said she didn’t feel old but some of the things she had previously enjoyed weren’t so much fun anymore.

    We did agree that we were happy because we are cognizant and reasonably healthy. It’s still important to challenge ourselves to do those things that used to be easy but maybe now are a little more difficult. Stuff that used to be important may not be so important. “Gosh, Grandpa, you have cobwebs in the corners”. “Yep, let’s go fishing”.

    There is certainly some loneliness caused by the physical limitations but also family members are busy establishing their own lives. I did the same thing with my own parents, not through neglect, OK, through neglect but I was busy with the cat in the cradle. Baby birds need to learn to fly.

    I don’t fear death, I’ve got my life in order. Still have a lot of things to do because I can. Glad Al Gore invented the internet though and I found some like thinking folks.

    • Mojeaux

      I was hoping you’d weigh in FourScore.

      I don’t intend to retire. Never mind the fact that we will need the money, I just wouldn’t know what to do with myself when every day is a holiday. I also need to keep my mind as sharp as I can. Might as well spend my time thinking, making money, and having vacations that are special.

      • Fourscore

        Mojo, fortunately you and the rest of the folks here are keeping their mental faculties together, just being around one another. Retirement isn’t a holiday though, seems like the days aren’t long enough to get every thing done. I’m taking a sabbatical right now, ’til the snow goes away, resting and getting in shape, I keep telling myself. Soon I’ll get physically busy again outside.

        Life is easier when one doesn’t have so many financial commitments.

      • The Bearded Hobbit


        You are self-employed so I can see your hesitation. In my case I am glad that I am done with the 7am commutes, the worthless staff meetings, and the constant stress of maintaining systems 24/7. The cliche is “I don’t know where I had time to work” is true. My days are full of running errands for *me*. Some people go back to work for the extra income. I’ll make do with what I have.

        My only rant is that we bought a motorhome for travel while we are retired and Dopey Joe’s gas prices are putting a serious crimp in that.

    • Don escaped Texas

      your crazy music

      best friend and I were spinning tunes and whiling away our Sunday

      half standards: Sunny Side of the Street etc

    • Swiss Servator

      Soldier, stand to. I am not letting you loose for another 20 years.

      /LTC sends

      • MikeS


      • dbleagle

        Sounds like Swiss has issued a “stop-loss”.

  15. hayeksplosives

    There is an ocean of difference between magazine model “glamorous” and “attractive”.

    Attractive involves personality, wit, gusto, lust for life. The things that matter; the things that last.

    Mojo, you are attractive. Stop selling yourself short. I love you.❤️?

    • Fourscore

      Sophia Loren was quoted as saying “There are no ugly rich men”

      I can safely say there are no ugly women when one is my age.

      • hayeksplosives

        Sophia Loren also said “Everything you see here I owe to spaghetti”.

        What a gal.

      • rhywun

        In my fifties I catch myself admiring twenty-somethings I would not have given the time of day to back then. Sigh.

    • Mojeaux

      Awwww, thanks, HE! I love you too! ❤️❤️❤️

  16. hayeksplosives

    I’m flying to Oklahoma next week. It’s time for my mom. She is vacillating between ok/happy/intelligent and then forgetful/paranoid.

    I call her once a month or so, but I definitely need to see her in person at least one more time.

    • hayeksplosives

      Oh yeah: the relevance of my comment to this post:

      I never thought I looked much like mom, but as I am aging, I catch a glimpse in the mirror now and then and see a bit of her in me. It’s comforting somehow.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        It was a running comment at one of my high school reunions: “Who invited all these old people?”

      • Fourscore

        Now it’s “Who brought you?” or “Who did you come with?” We don’t really have class reunions any more but try to have a get-to-gether at a restaurant once a year. Two that were there last July are gone now.

      • Fourscore

        When people talk about family resemblance it’s uncanny how we age and look like our family members. I see my wife and her two sisters looking more and more like their mother. All I can think of is how attractive my MIL must have been as a younger woman.

      • rhywun

        Some years ago I met one brother outside work after not seeing him for ten or twelve years and at first I confused him for a different brother.

        I swear they didn’t look anything alike when I was a kid.

      • Fourscore

        My brothers and I were totally different in appearance but we’ve been mistaken for one another by some that didn’t know us well. “I heard you laugh, I thought it was (Bill) (Bob) ” or “you look just like him” when we really weren’t even similar.

      • Mojeaux

        My grandmother was a very pretty woman when she was in her 20s … and then she lost her teeth in rapid succession. It aged her terribly.

    • Mojeaux

      Godspeed with your mom, HE. My mom’s joints are broken down (and if someone looks at her wrong, she’ll break a bone), but she’s still got her wits.

      • Fourscore

        The biggest fear I have is the nursing home, worse when the faculties are deteriorating.

  17. Zwak,The Baddest Johnny on the Apple Cart

    Yeah, the wife and I are right behind you in age. I haven’t worked for anyone else in years, so I kinda do my own thing dressing wise; I still love baggy pants, Converse low tops, V-neck sweaters. The wife is a director at [redacted], so she still pays attention, but it is cloggs, letting the hair dye fad away, and as much comfort as she can get away with.

    Lovin’ every minute of it!

      • dbleagle

        A friend on a boat I have raced on for years had her F-it moment a few months back and is letting her hair go to her actual gray color. She describes the decision as a relief.

      • Mojeaux

        My only real problem with it is that the blonde and red strands mix with the white, and makes it look flat and dingy/dirty. Now that I’ve got more white hair, it doesn’t look so awful.

      • Tulip

        I did it during the pandemic. It’s a relief

  18. Yusef drives a Kia

    I want to kill something right now, Grrrr,

    “So the precedent is firmly established, thanks to Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, et al. But the Republicans don’t need to ground an impeachment effort in petty allegations that amount to little more than policy differences. The Republicans could justify an impeachment based on a host of Biden policies that violate the Constitution and are clearly impeachable offenses. The GOP has a duty and an obligation to hold Biden accountable.”

    But there is no rush. Impeachment hearings should last as long as necessary—say, six months or so—so that every American will know about Biden Administration’s unprecedented assault on our constitutional rights in time for 2024. Impeachment needs to be used as an educational tool to inform undecided and low-information voters about the real criminal nature of the Biden regime.

    Under the Constitution, impeachable offenses include treason, bribery, and “high crimes and misdemeanors.” The last phrase is generally thought to mean “an abuse of public trust” such as violating the Constitution and endangering our national security. As Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) points out, there are “multiple grounds”

    • Don escaped Texas

      unprecedented assault


      whatever, go after him, but he ain’t nothing remotely special or new

      • The Hyperbole

        ^^this, but I could go either way (leaves that hanging right over the plate) start impeaching everyone over everything or save it for only the really big things like fomenting insurrection.

    • Q Continuum

      I guess from now on, every time there is a TEAM mismatch between POTUS and House Speaker there will be endless impeachments.

      • dbleagle

        The dynamics of current politics pretty well require a pay back POTUS impeachment. Once that happens then impeachment might be put back in the box on the shelf. But the Dems set themselves up for this as part of OMB breaking their brains. The GOP “faithful” will demand at least one in return.

      • Don escaped Texas

        require a pay back

        okay, if you say so….bread and circuses kinda thing? because Republicans are as stupid and easily amused as Democrats?

        but if they want to pull on long pants and try some adult stuff, here’s an idea for the GOP: do one tenth of the shit they promise to about smaller government (eliminate whole cabinet departments, no trivial selective regulation enforcement horse hockey…do something fucking real) and stop swaggering around pounding their erections on walls in Arizona that are already shredded, and put Jim Jordan in time out and find some adult who can speak English and finish a logical statement to speak for the platform…… short, be the GOP that makes me want to vote cause today it’s just plumber idiots instead of teacher idiots, thin gruel from mediocre minds, and they never do the shit they promise anyway.

      • MikeS

        They had two years to get rid of ObamaCare and didn’t do it. That should have been more than enough for a third party to get established. Alas, everyone has been brought up in a two team system.

        Go [insert binary choice]!!!!!!!

      • dbleagle


        I am not speaking to what I would like to see happen, but to what I think will happen.

        It is the difference between the “most dangerous course of action”, and the “most likely course of action.”

        Right now I would be happy if we could return to the freedom of the late 70’s to early 80’s. It was by no means the libertarian ideal but it is still so much more free than today it’ll take the young and middle class years to adjust to it and see the benefits. Then, maybe then, today’s young as the middle aged will seek even more freedom. I’ll be dead and not see the next step, but I’d be content if I thought American society was shifting that way instead of our current drift.

      • Chafed

        What a weird way to find out I’m non-binary.

      • PudPaisley

        If I had to pick a single, favorite song this would be it.

      • Tundra

        Nice. I knew were BFAM.

        I have been compiling songs for my funeral. This one is prominent.

      • Tundra

        “we were”

      • PudPaisley

        Another good Allman Brothers song to consider is Soulshine. I must have at least 25 versions of this song between Allman Brothers, Gov’t Mule, and Warren Haynes solo recordings. I like them all, but this is one of my favorite versions.

      • The Bearded Hobbit


        I always called that our “Azores Song” because I bought that album at the PX.

        Mountain Jam is sooooo good on the CD since you don’t have to flip the album over halfway through.

        Over the years the Allmans are rising to the top of my all-time favorite bands.

      • PudPaisley

        Same here. Until about 35 I would have said Pink Floyd. While I still listen to them, it’s not anywhere near as often as I listen to ABB.

        I never get tired of listening to them. It helps that I have many live albums, so lots of variation of the same songs.

        Although not the best recording, my favorite version of Mountain Jam is Live at Ludlow Garage. All of CD2.

      • Gender Traitor

        …I listen to ABB.

        At first, I read that as ABBA and thought, “Now THAT’S eclectic taste in music!”

      • pistoffnick the refusnik

        HOLY SHIT! THAT is where “mom’s spaghetti” came from? I knew the meme but didn’t know the song source.

        I been educated – my brain hurts now.

      • Tres Cool

        That made my brain hurt. Growing up on ELO, and having heard “Lose Yourself” about a million times, my mind was unable to reconcile the combination of the two.
        Now my left arm is numb.

    • MikeS

      Goodbye, Blue Sky

      • MikeS
      • Tundra

        I hope not.

    • rhywun

      One of my favorite ear worms.

    • Tundra

      Whoops! For dbleagle!

    • Zwak,The Baddest Johnny on the Apple Cart

      That is one of the wife’s favorite albums. She loves English pop-rock. Oh, considering your avatar, she saw him six times I think.

      • Tundra

        She’s right. It’s an amazing album.

        And you clearly married up!

    • dbleagle

      As an undergrad I had a truly bad western civilization prof. He turned many people off about what a great accomplishment Western Civ was. But he gave an epic, truly epic, rant about the HC being an Easter work and not from Christmas.

      But Huzzah for your emergence from talimasking at your job.

      • Mojeaux

        The RLDS (whatever they’re calling it) perform it at Easter AND Christmas.

        I sangin the chorus back in the day. Fun experience. I was kind of surprised my little ol’ alto passed the audition.

  19. UnCivilServant

    Power went out to my whole neighborhood. I had enough time to be woken by the blaring UPS alarm, shut that off, find a flashlight, use the bathroom, check to see that it was not just my house, find a flashlight I have ample spare batteries for, and text my mother before the power company alert telling me that there were outages in my area arrived. I thought my mother had responded, because 9f the timing of the text.

    Anyway, how’re glibs tonight?

    • MikeS

      We’ve been waiting for you to get online and tell us the score of the Cal game!

      • UnCivilServant

        I wouldn’t know that even if power were on.

    • UnCivilServant

      Before the power went out, I was content to try and get some sleep, nowvI feel compelled to stay up and converse with people. funny that.

    • rhywun

      No outages here but there was horizontal rain coming in from all sides for a while there.

      • UnCivilServant

        Accourding to the NatGrid/NiMo outage page, the localized outages accross the area.

        A crew has been assigned to the one for my town.

      • UnCivilServant

        now tge outage status page is suffering an outage.


      • Gender Traitor

        We had a deluge last night, so of course I came home from work to find puddles in the basement. Again. ?

      • UnCivilServant

        ? I hate when that happens. Anything damaged?

        I’ve had to sit in my car to charge my phone. I can’t just leave it here, after fifteen minuts of inactivity, the car shuts off the power ports.

      • Gender Traitor

        No real damage, except that the trim along the bottom of the built-in closets (in front of where the water seeps in) is starting to show the effects of this happening repeatedly over the years. It’s less frequent now than before we put a French drain along the “uphill” side of our lot, at the bottom of the slope that comes down from the neighbor’s yard. Even so, if we get hours of heavy rain, especially in late winter/early spring before the ground is thawed, we get puddles. We have to keep towels folded up along the bottom of the closets. And keep the Shop Vac handy.

      • Mojeaux

        Oh that is rough, GT. Condolences. Can you dig a swale or design a dry creek bed or put in more French drains?

      • Gender Traitor

        Hmm… Maybe. The hell of it is that the water seems to seep all the way under the slab of the garage before it leaks into the basement. Maybe it’s actually from an underground spring. There are multiple streets with “Springs” in their names around here.

      • PudPaisley

        GT, does the soil around your house and garage slope down at least 5 feet away from the foundation? I’ve corrected a lot of water issues for people over the years just by building up the soil around the foundation.

    • UnCivilServant

      Good news is power is back on.

      Bad news is it came on just as I was settling in to get back to sleep and all the lights and sounds kicked in.

  20. Count Potato

    “*Pinterest won’t let you search with the word “gypsy”. Pinterest wants you to know that it is “no place for hate”.”

    That’s retarded.

    Thanks for deeply personal writing.

    Although Yngwie Malmsteen and the Sex Pistols seem like polar opposites.

    • Mojeaux

      I’m no one-trick pony.

      • MikeS

        That’s a stupid song.

        Here’s a good one: My Pony

      • The Hyperbole

        That’s a stupid song
        laughed at that harder than I should have.

        Old Pony

      • PudPaisley

        Nice post, Moj. I like the eclectic musical selections.

        Here’s a good end game song you might like about a woman making her case before St Peter. The singer wrote it for her Grandma when she was 21-22. Profound lyrics for someone so young.

      • Mojeaux

        Thanks, Pud.

        I tried not to make it too much of a downer.

      • Mojeaux

        Winner ↑

      • Count Potato

        “I’m no one-trick pony.”

        Not sure what that means…

      • Mojeaux

        I have eclectic taste.

      • Plinker762

        Here are some Ponies for our current situation.

      • MikeS


    • rhywun

      -1 “My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding” from not even a decade ago

      • Mojeaux

        HA HA HA HA HA!!! That’s my ringtone.

      • slumbrew

        “Let’s make a musical about chess!”

        So. Much. Cocaine.

      • Chafed

        *taps side of nose*

    • Chafed

      I never heard the original but Marty Friedman can do no wrong.

    • straffinrun

      Arghhh. Japanese people rhyming lyrics with ~masu or ~ru is one of my pet peeves. It’s not rhyming, really, given half of all sentences end with those.

  21. Brochettaward


  22. straffinrun

    “ I am so used to seeing her a certain way, and when I look—really look—she is unrecognizable to me.”

    I’d probably beat my kid if she was gawking at me.

    • Mojeaux

      Dude, you wander into people’s houses and look at their wasp collections.

      • straffinrun

        People that don’t know the background to that comment have a big ol’ confuse. Seriously, you have an accessible voice to your writing. I consider that to be the most important element in writing.

      • Mojeaux


        How’s your drawing practice coming along?

      • straffinrun

        Stuck. Nothing catching my eye. So bored I drew my schedule book before I threw it away.

      • Mojeaux

        That’s good, though!

      • straffinrun

        We we get the new house, I’m gonna set up a real drawing table cuz I’ll have the space in my home office. Hunched over a table at the coffee shop combined with my bad eyes really is hampering what I can do.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I assumed staff meant he threw his schedule book away.

  23. Plinker762

    This song comes to my mind when people (including myself) start waxing nostalgic.

  24. Tres Cool

    Well, since Im wide-awake and it’s 3 am

  25. Tres Cool

    This place is deader than Jason Aldean’s Las Vegas show. Did Putin push the button?

    Is anybody there?

    • Festus

      I’m awake Baby-head! It’s your Friend, Tinkerbelle! Dot-dash-dot

      • Tres Cool

        At least you put an E on the end of “Tinkerbell” in the classy French way.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, homey & Fes!

      Boy, that’s a lot easier when there’s fewer folks around.

      • UnCivilServant

        Suppose we’re just lurking because we’ve been sorting out technical issues?

      • Gender Traitor

        Well, then especially good morning to you. It’s awfully early to have to be doing that sort of thing.

      • UnCivilServant

        On the plus side, I finally got back into the power company’s website.

        I had to create a new web profile with a different email address and associate my existing account to it.

  26. Festus

    Great write-up, darling Mojo! I only look in the mirror for shaving purposes. Everything else is left to non-specs. I never thought that I would live past 35 but here we are.

    • Tres Cool

      One day when I got out of the shower, I was getting dressed with Jugsy in the room. I was looking into the mirror and said to her, “Jugsy, when I look at myself I see nothing but an old, wrinkled, balding, grey haired man. I could really use a compliment right now.”
      She said, “Well, at least your eyesight is perfect.”

      (Norm joke)

      • Festus

        Norm was the best! In fact, I’m going to stop mentioning my health issues for the foreseeable future. He went out with dignity. I’m not a funny guy like him but I can be like him.

    • Festus

      If this plays out the way that I fear it will I’m going to have to reacquaint myself with a bunch of dead hobbies. Hope the balance stays well enough to drive. Brake and gas are iffy. If I’m completely stuck at home you may as well stick a pin in it. I can’t live that way.

      • Fourscore

        I know the feeling,Fes, I had to learn to drive all over again but my confidence is still lacking in high volume situations Fortunately that’s rarely the case, where I live.

  27. l0b0t

    David Mitchell covers Procul Harum in a most entertaining way –

    You’re welcome.

    • Tres Cool

      Where the FUCK have you been?
      I was about to yank on the Glibs gossip-line and ask about you.

      Glad to see you.

      • Gender Traitor

        ^^What he said!!! How are you???

      • Tres Cool

        Good thing I didnt ask you. Seems you’re as clueless as I am.

      • Gender Traitor

        Hey, now! That was uncalled for!

        Oh – you mean just about Glib gossip?

      • Tres Cool

        You’re asking me to assume facts not currently in evidence for the former.

        Yes to the latter.

    • Festus


      • Festus

        You’ve had my digits forever, Iobot. Why for you never contact me when we were worried? Butt-hole. Glad to see you back at any rate.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        “What for you bury me in the cold, cold ground?” ?

      • Tres Cool

        -1 Danny Boy

      • Festus

        #1 Perfect!

  28. Tres Cool

    Since Mojo made the comment that ‘gypsy’ is now hate-speak on Pinterest, that sent me down the Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks g̶l̶o̶r̶y̶ rabbit hole on YT.

    Ill argue that Courtney Hole does a a good cover.

    • Festus

      Mellissa Auf Der Mar is a fetching red-head. Courtney Hole probably smells like she sounds.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        The boy with the most hate! I like your health updates, but obviously that’s your prerogative.

      • Festus


      • Tres Cool

        You mean like stale cigarettes, whiskey, and trichomoniasis ?

  29. Festus

    Greta Van Fleet sucks harder than Steel Panther. That is all. Which one is the satirical band? One? Both? Ugh. Lived it once, don’t need to live through it again.

  30. rhywun

    And so it begins.

    Two people familiar with the process said the executive order on cryptocurrency was expected to be issued this week and it had been in the works long before the war.

    Never let someone else’s war with Russia go to waste.

    • Ghostpatzer

      More barter coming. Tough to regulate.

    • Festus

      This time we’re helping Russia’s enemies again. I don’t understand any of it, anymore. Lend-lease to the Ukrainians? Henry Ford hated Jews but he sent about a quarter of his output to the Soviets. Then he turned about and became pretty much a John Bircher. Don’t believe anything you read and see or hear.

  31. Ghostpatzer

    Mornin’, reprobates. And welcome back to the morning zoo, lobot!

    • Sean


  32. Ghostpatzer

    Thanks to Mojeaux for this. I try to put on a hat before I go near a mirror. Covers a multitude of sins. Doesn’t do much for the turkey neck though.

    • Festus

      The Ladies of “A certain age” have that covered. They like to don scarves. We fellows wear high-belted pants.

  33. robodruid

    I understand a lot of what you say.
    I was prepared for 50, I thought I was 52 then I realized I turned 55.
    How did that happen?

    I guess i should not have followed instructions, “just get 3 of everything”
    i have 42 baby chicks in the office with me.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Aww! Lucy Ricardo in Connecticut!

  34. Ghostpatzer

    i have 42 baby chicks in the office with me.

    OMWC has a sad.

  35. Sean

    Ran late this morn. Forgot my watch. 🙁

    • Ghostpatzer

      Stay out of the left lane!

      • Sean

        I’m taking down columns of left hand bitches like they were Russian tanks.

      • Sean

        left hand lane

    • Ghostpatzer

      Two weeks ago, the typical price here was $3.39. Yesterday? $4.19. Time to stock up on necessities before the inevitable spike due to transportation costs.

    • Sean

      And the bugs…and the lizards…and the hurricanes…and the meth heads…

    • rhywun

      Meanwhile here they want to mandate them.

    • Sean


  36. Toxteth O'Grady

    Good piece, Moj! (she said belatedly)

    Lined Crocs are cozy. Printed Crocs look less Croc-like. I must take the Birks advice though.

    • Festus

      I will be happy to have my foot wear last longer than three months.