Better days
The NCAA tournament starts today. Kind of. I never know how to take these “First Four” games. Wrestler Scott Hall has died after complications from surgery. The UCL is back in action today ad a pair of Round of 16 ties wrap up. Same for tomorrow. And Man City drew Crystal Palace yesterday, and the result opens the door just a little bit for Liverpool to make a play for the Premier League title. They’ll have to beat a surging Arsenal on the road tomorrow if they’re gonna do it though. And that’s sports.
Lol, now they care about recusal? These dickheads sat silent as Kagan and Sotomoron shit all over the recusal guidelines for the last few years. So they can sit silent now while a private citizen exercises her rights.

Political pawns
And now…statehood? Because what we really need now is an even bigger tax leech than they’ve been to this point. I guess that’s a small price to pay for two permanent blue Senators.
Ooh, some common sense out of Australia. Of course it only comes as a legal correction to some incredible retardation. Hell, I’m surprised it happened at all, so I’ll take it.
“Hey, this isn’t fair!” -people from countries that have seized the assets of Russian nationals
It shocks me that people don’t expect the Russians to do a bit of the same that we’re all doing to them when we seize the yachts, soccer teams, etc of “oligarchs” that none of out governments had a problem with a scant month ago.

He needs to go.
She needs to eviscerate this clown. And he needs to be shamed out of office for the things he’s saying about people exercising their right to free speech.
The Ukraine conflict is about to end. Because they’re already starting to float this story in earnest. They don’t need two crises at once, do they?
That boomeranged quickly. Also, Elliott’s criticism wasn’t at all out of line.
What a wise old lady. That place has lost sight of its mission the last several years. Maybe this will get them on track.
Enjoy this. I certainly will. But maybe not as much as this one. I also think they may be touring North America later this year or definitely next year. Which would be awesome.
Right, that’s it. Now go have a great day, friends!
“The Ukraine conflict is about to end. Because they’re already starting to float this story in earnest. They don’t need two crises at once, do they?”
double the fear, double the totalitarian drive?
Meh. I’m just waiting for the X-Crom variants.
Just no X-Com variants please. They’ll know where we are from across the map and mind control our heavy weapons folks into using the missile launcher in the assault ship….
The doctors will say you have a 99.99% chance to live but you’d still die
I think it’s more likely a case of “pay attention to meeeeeeee!”
The Medical panic mongers vs the military adventurists.
A plague on both their houses.
Follow the money, there’s gold in them halls (of the government)
Double your flavor with those double mint bums!
“Lol, now they care about recusal? These dickheads sat silent as Kagan and Sotomoron shit all over the recusal guidelines for the last few years. So they can sit silent now while a private citizen exercises her rights.”
i think the assumption that they suddenly care is incorrect. This is just a weapon they are using in desperation, because these days it is easier to play dirty to get rid of opponents than it is to promise to fix things for the people and do that.
When did they ever actually fix things for people? (In other than the veterinarian sense.)
They fix elections all the time.
It’s called “fortifying”….
It used to be impossible to not fix some of the broken things and get reelected back when. Trying to just tell people that things were fine when they were not didn’t work. Ask Jimmy Carter. And even ask Papa Boosh. Maybe that’s why congress abdicated all its power & responsibility quickly in the late 90s. Now they can simply not do anything at all to actually fix problems (they still find time to do things tat simply are horribly destructive and are setting us all on the road to pauperville) and blame the other side.
We learned quickly as kids that blaming a sibling never worked. Mom lined up everyone for a quick crack on the butt.
Today mom would be dealing with Child Protective Services and an angry social media crowd for not letting the kids play her like a fiddle.
On the local level, perhaps. I’m still not seeing any evidence of actual fixing at the national level, and I remember back to Kennedy. Lots of pretense of fixing, lots of promises that “this will fix” but no fixing.
We used to be able to build things like the Hoover Dam, the Interstate system, and go to the moon. Government played the big role in those endeavors. Today the big government achievements are about what pronouns you can/must use and saving Gaia from the plague of humanity.
Depression, military, military/geopolitics – those are the 3 reasons for those big things we did.
Big things, yes. But Alex continues to evade the question of ‘fixed’.
Perception of greatness and grandiosity of rejects and programs are smokescreens.
I am avoiding nothing. Just don’t feel compelled to end up in a discussion I think will add no value. I am not a fan of government other than the fact tat even our forefathers understood it was a necessary evil and codified what it should be doing in the constitution, but I clearly see that what we have today is far more dysfunctional than what used to exist in the past. To the point that our supposed leadership class hasn’t just gone from being semi-functional to inept, but to outright destructive.
Congress can’t even fund the govt properly. It isn’t partisanship to blame for that either – it’s been that way regardless of who’s in majority.
The common people hated the (Second) Bank of the United States, they elected Andrew Jackson in part to get rid of it, and he did exactly that. It would take another 25 years before the feds would dare print money again (during the Civil War), and another 55 years after that before the National Bank would be resurrected in the form of the Federal Reserve.
Of course, this is a “fix” in the libertarian sense, as in getting rid of a government-imposed malfeasance upon our lives.
““Hey, this isn’t fair!” -people from countries that have seized the assets of Russian nationals”
One of the good things that comes from this is that it will force the idiots that lived in La-la land to confront the reality that some people believe might makes right. On the flip side, it will remind the totalitarians that using might to plan the boot on the face of the annoying serfs not following orders works.
Also a symptom of their stupidity and laziness. They’ve been bullying third world countries so long, they think they can pull that crap on anyone. Now they try it on a first world power and are shocked that there tricks don’t work or backfire.
Worse, our because of our idiot leadership, much of the world is dropping the dollar as the international trade currency. Russia and China don’t need it, now India doesn’t need it to trade and buy fuel.
I hate being right.
Updated March 15, 2022 9:47 am ET
Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan Instead of Dollars for Chinese Oil Sales
Here comes the pain.
On the bright side, maybe we will stop sticking our dick into the ME once the petrodollar unravels.
Venus and Serena faced ” unrelenting racism” LOL!
Maybe that’s why they are worth all the money they are.
Yeah, the nineties were like Jim Crow on steroids.
It was all over the place. Just ask Tiger Woods of his experiences trying to golf in Southern California.
Was Karsten Braasch available to comment on Campion’s remark?
Wrestler Scott Hall has died after complications from surgery.
Is there still a bounty for “COVID” deaths?
Hall’s years and years of exploits are too legendary for anyone to make this about COVID. The dude has been on borrowed time for decades. Even Fauci couldn’t try and sell that story with a straight face.
Huh… given the work week and your last link, I was expecting this.
Morning, Sloopy — not surprising the crazy world keeps being crazy.
Maybe someday they’ll come back to the realization that rallies for people who diagree with you politically were and are perfectly acceptable behavior and that there was no attempted coup (I mean really… wouldn’t someone (anyone? other than the cops, of course…) have been at least *armed*?). But that would mean stopping the show trials and witch hunts… so in the words of the Drinker… nah, it’ll be fine…
I have a better idea for Puerto Rico — use the Philippines plan. I seriously don’t see what the rest of the country would get out of bringing them in at this point (or ever). Let’s just all admit to ourselves that trying to turn the Republic into a colonial power was a stupid idea and stop already. (Like that will happen).
First rule of “international law” — there is no such thing. There is only what you can *enforce*. People seem to forget that… a lot. But nah… it’ll be fine.
Re: Tulsi and Mittens — can’t help thinking a lot of the hyperbole and libel might be calmed down if we brought back dueling. Challenging the personal honor of a former military member definitely seems like duelling material — and maybe there was a point for those thousand years or more where there are serious consequences for running your mouth off…. Just thinking out loud.
So… there’s zero evidence of any real danger as yet… but the hypothetical boogyman you just invented really scares you… Ok. And if it draws in Borg nanites from a time traveling sphere, we’ll be really screwed, too… Viruses mutate and all — but a virus that spreads well and doesn’t inconvenience its host is going to outcompete one that does inconvenience or kill its host — that’s rather how viruses work and why variants tend towards the “wide spread but less harmful” after all. So pardon me if I’m not getting the vapors…
Have a good one, folks.
I think about the return of dueling all the time. Imagine the courtesy that would return after a short but serious reduction in assholes.
Dueling is for the aristocracy. Feuding is for the peasantry. The urban poor are doing their part. We need the urban elite to do theirs.
Dueling exists. This is why Chicago’s murder rate is so high.
But it sounds pretty scary! Let’s run with that.
Tulsi and Romney should duel at 1000 paces. I think that the pretty one would win.
Romney’s military service
It was correct but I can’t watch Cenk-Cunte.
I think she should straight-facedly challenge him to a duel anyway – legality be damned.
Just to drive the inevitably pathetic response.
A slap-fight, anything. Call out the lying coward.
She could just pretend not to know it’s not a thing. Or else tell him the date and time to show up in that little patch of land you read about (near Yellowstone?) that’s accidentally not in a court’s jurisdiction. Just don’t drop it.
What word?
Use your imagination!
“if you take the worst aspects of delta, which was a more serious illness, and you combine it with the worst aspects of omicron which is very transmissible”
What, are they placing an order with Viruses R Us?
When has any “world leader” laughed about a humanitarian crisis? This is the worst leadership that I’ve seen in my lifetime. They are clueless. I lived through Nixon, Ford and Carter when it became progressively worse. This is bad. Really bad.
At least the Glibs provide moral support / kvetching outlets.
To be fair, I lived through the Johnson administration as well but back then all I cared about was cars and trucks and toilet training. And boobs.
Someone is behind the scenes deliberately wrecking the US. Biden and Harris are the hilariously incompetent face of it but I don’t think they’re making the decisions. That’s the only explanation I can come up with.
There’s a confluence of interests and no one mind (or even mindset) is in charge. But they share a contempt for this country, what it used to represent, and the people who still live here and like it.
Nero, Caligula, Commodus bad. They are doing permanent damage.
Say what you will about Caligula, but making the pompous scheming cowardly old men in the Senate bow to his goddamned horse was hilarious and richly deserved. It also probably got him killed.
Pistoffnick, I saw your comment from last night. Rocketlab is opening a facility in Virginia near the Wallops Island launch facility.
Thanks, I check it out.
Lol, now they care about recusal?
When it is politically expedient, of course.
The infectious disease specialists did emphasize that the best way to protect yourself from this variant, or any future variants, is to get fully up to date on your COVID-19 vaccinations.
No way.
They keep casting that out there into a fished out pond. Nobody believes you! We’re not biting on that fly anymore.
The vaccinations they’ve all but admitted don’t work against the current variants? Those vaccines?
By all means, take
an experimental gene therapy a vaccine for a flu virus for a strain which it is not tailored.…a hike?
Huh…was supposed to stop the strike after ‘therapy’.
Own Goal?
Puerto Rico’s government formally exited bankruptcy Tuesday, completing the largest public debt restructuring in U.S. history after announcing nearly seven years ago that it was unable to pay its more than $70 billion debt.
That port ain’t rich.
Mom? If you could front me some money? Just enough to get back from San Juan? I met some friends and they told me that they would take care of everything. They left me here at the airport and now I’m scared and alone. Mom? Mommy?
It’s amazing how hard Romney is trying to ingratiate himself with the neocon/neolib wing of the Democrat party. He’s gotten as bad as Scarborough.
You think he’d take the opportunity to shit all over Obama and the Obama Dems for Obama’s crack in 2012. If there was ever a time to actually play that card of “see, I was right”, this is it. So of course soft little Mittens just rubs up against their legs.
He is setting himself off for a job in the machine when his constituents, finally wise to him being a fucking scumbag, send him packing in the next election cycle. If you want to work in the corruptocracy/kakistocracy, you need to fucking prog hard.
Probably the most likely answer.
Dude, his constituents love him just like the worst Dems in their safe enclaves. He’s one-of-them.
This is Romney’s MO.
The guy is an utterly unprincipled shitweasel who is desperate for people to like him and treat him with the respect denied to his father.
That’s why he flip-flops like crazy. It’s also why he’s doomed to misery; every public pronouncement worsens people’s contempt for him.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the GOP gets a 51-49 majority to see him flip to the Dems saying “The Party has changed, not I.”
“It’s better to sit silently and let people think you are a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt.”
On that topic, I had an interesting interaction with what was most likely an Aspergers adult yesterday. I was making the point that the humanitarian aspect of the Yemeni conflict was far worse than Ukraine to date, yet we hear nothing about it in the media because it is our government aiding the killing.
His response was that trying to draw a comparison between killing Yemenis and Ukrainians was ignorant of the geopolitical realities and it would be impossible to have a sane discussion about it because I was obviously emotional.
I thanked him for making it clear that some lives are worth more than others and that some aren’t worth anything at all.
They accuse everyone of not caring about people of color, because deep down inside they certainly don’t.
In this case, I really think he’s a sociopath who is attracted to the grandiosity of foreign policy. It’s a huge playground where you really are changing the world. If a few hundred thousand eggs get cracked during your campaign to implement utopia, no biggie.
This is one of the times I can’t figure out what you’re responding to, but it doesn’t matter
Fuck that! You guys would hear none of my wisdom if that were true!
Email from Charles Schwab today:
Tax refunds, market “dips,” and more…
Quotations added.
Dip, crash, whatev.
The market isn’t dipping and crashing, it’s bobbing and weaving like a finesse boxer. Float like a butterfly; sting like a bee!
Tell that to my brokerage account.
At least my one share of PepsiCo is still appreciating. Even if everything else is down.
I still need to file my taxes, which includes a hefty payment (I think I managed to get it under the penalty amount at last) due to reinvested capital gains and mutual fund distributions last year. Since all of those gains were reinvested, they’ve been completely wiped out by the current market “blip”.
At least I’ve got some tax loss harvesting going for the next couple of years.
You think that’s bad….
My wife won a federal lawsuit in 2019. Upped our income by about 8x.
We received about 1/2 cash and 1/2 stock.
We sold most of the stock to reinvest.
Biiiiiiiiiiigly tax bill.
Stock market goes in free fall March 2020, just as we’re readying taxes.
That fucking sucked donkey balls.
Reminds me of good ol’ Patches.
An appeals court on Tuesday overturned a groundbreaking ruling that Australia’s environment minister had a duty to protect younger people against climate change.
//honkhonk to the original ruling.
That whole Campion/Williams kerfuffle is a giant bag of assholes.
The victim stack is unforgiving.
I really don’t like that family.
Russia on Monday passed a law allowing the country’s airlines to re-register planes that had been leased from abroad in an attempt to bypass Western sanctions.
The bill, signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, is intended to support domestic flights in Russia and “to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of activities in the field of civil aviation.”
Turnabout is fair play.
Scientists are learning more about a hybrid variant of COVID-19 that has been detected called “deltacron.”
The worst of both worlds!
Tard Tuesday: Strokes In People Who Shouldn’t Be Having Them Explained Like You’re Five Years Old
And what were the comparative rates of strokes in 2020 and 2021? Conspicuously missing…
Dolly knows that the RRHoF is illegitimate until Dick Dale is in there.
Also criminal that they’ve snubbed Jethro Tull.
Of course! How could the band that won the first Grammy for Heavy Metal not be in the HoF?
^^^ THIS!
It’s a silly thing. John Lyden told them to go fuck themselves when the Sex Pistols were invited.
Judas Priest is not in. Eminem is.
When did Eminem release a rock album, let alone influence rock music in any way?
In a just world, Mitt Romney would not be able to even come close to the nomination for Senator in his state. It’s amazing how that POS gets any support there. I guess the GOP establishment must be solidly entrenched there.
In USSA disagreeing with the regime is treason.
“I think he also needs to warn America about allowing Putin to use them for his propaganda. I particularly hope he mentions the false flag about biological weapons in Ukraine so that all the Republicans hear that Tucker Carlson and others are really, really close to treason in terms of what they are saying and parroting what is Putin’s dream, that he could have American media spreading his propaganda in the middle of his murderous assault on innocent children and civilians in Ukraine.”
The US gov’t would never lie to the people to propagandize them.
Like I’ve said before, Putin is less of a threat to me than these totalitarian assholes.
Especially if they need to get rid of some orange asshat that somehow managed to win an election they thought they had rigged for their chosen stooge that is disrupting their agenda and then put in a meat puppet with the IQ dead fish and the vocabulary of a anal fissure in his place to get the reset back on track..
There are no bioweapons labs in Ukraine.
But there are totally benign research labs in Ukraine.
These research labs are not a threat to Russia.
But they are mostly conspicuously close to Russia’s border.
The research has nothing to do with weapons.
But if Russia were to gain access to one of the labs, they could release a bioweapon.
The U.S. government is not directly involved in this.
But Americans talking about it is treasonous.
Got it?
You left out how the research alone can’t be allowed into Russian hands either. As if they didn’t have their own bio weapons “defense” research labs. Or they have no records from Soviet era programs (because that’s what the Ukrainian labs were defending against, right?).
I’m not the biggest fan of her music, but I think Dolly is a class act. Change my mind.
On second thought, don’t.
Having forgotten the context, my first reaction was “I don’t know much about the personality of the cloned sheep”
She’s apparently a very kind and giving person. Plus she has ginormous boobs. She also wants to put every employee at her theme park through college. That’s darn cool.
Her voice though *cringes*
*1970’s me* “Voice?”
“why’d ya come in here lookin like that?”
I think she’s a beautiful soul and a decent human bean, but I can’t stand her voice.
You no like Bluegrass?
Yes please. Dolly knows my pain – https://youtu.be/WGIE_DUAJjE
I can’t claim to be a “fan” of hers in the sense that I pay attention to her career. I do love Bluegrass, and finding something to link has started me down a rabbit hole of Dolly performances I never knew existed. Like so:
Related: I like the way that her generation of Country singers (like Cash, et. al..) has no problem singing other people’s music. There’s no shame in splitting the performer and composer roles.
Though, to be honest, if weepy, angry, lady-twanging is what you’re looking for, Wilma Lee Cooper is the lady you want – https://youtu.be/iEmihpFo96k
I like Boogie Grass
Speaking of college, I love that she refused to give up her song publishing rights to Elvis when he wanted to cover “I Will Always Love You.” IIRC, she said she never gave up her publishing because that money was for her nieces’ and nephews’ education.
She also wants to put every employee at her theme park through college. That’s darn cool.
As always, that depends.
Fucking Kamala is treating geopolitics like a wine date. Joe is treating it like his neighbor’s barking dog. May as well have those ladies from The View run the western world.
…And just like that, Festus stumbled on the truth and was never heard from again….
Yeah, once they inducted Yes and Rush, their longstanding mission to disrespect prog rock has taken a back burner. They need to aim lower, because they’ve started to shoot high.
Yeah, because “Chic” is a rock band.
Don’t freak out about it.
They need to aim lower, because they’ve started to shoot high.
What was done there was seen.
That’s not the way to propel your way to success.
The son of a Spanish-Venezuelan billionaire was killed in a horrific boating accident in Florida after he was maimed by the vessel’s propeller during a fishing competition when he jumped in the water to save his fiancée – who was accidentally knocked overboard by the ship’s captain.
Juan Carlos Escotet Alviarez, 31, was swept up in the wake of the 60-foot craft’s motor about six miles off the shore of Key Largo, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
The banking scion was reportedly trying to save his fiancée, who was bumped from the boat by the captain when he stumbled while trying to help a boy with a fishing rod, Venezuelan journalist Angela Oraá posted on Instagram.
His fiancée, Andrea Montero, 30, was safely pulled from the water.
Given who his father is, it should be an interesting wake.
I think I see where you’re headed with this, Chum.
I bet he didn’t think he would be keeled by such a valiant effort.
The article is pretty straight forward. I was expecting a lot more spin.
Something about this story sounds fishy…
* waves *
He’s never going to live down this gaff.
Cosmo v. Yokel, Poland style:
I need to get one of those Polish butter makers.
Pierogis and borscht didn’t miss her.
Mein botter-chorner! Ist gestolen!
Likely the bravest Poles you will hear about today – (Piorun v. Bismark) https://youtu.be/hLVmqzL-Qyc
Lolbot! Friend!
Observation: way more masking here in FL than I expected.
You’re in south Florida. Lots of fear-addled geriatrics and virtue-signaling progs.
I saw very few masks in the Sarasota area last fall. Are you the Miami area now?
Save the turtles!
I need more warturtles.
Supposed to have submunitions.
Ukrainians are universally virtuous. The
KrautsRuskies are universally bad.It is shameless.
The Reddit War
In Kyiv’s region Obolon, during an explosion, a turtle flew out of the affected building and fell to the ground. It survived, but injured a leg. A journalist discovered it and handed it over to the Red Cross.
He’s just a shell of his former self.
Hobgoblins abound- the vast incel terror threat
The federal government on Tuesday released a study on the growing terrorism threat from men who call themselves “anti-feminists” or “involuntary celibates” and draw motivation for violence from their inability to develop relationships with women. Since 2014, attacks inspired by the “incel movement” and spanning the U.S. and Canada have left dozens dead.
Early intervention and behavioral threat assessments could be the difference between life and death for women targeted by the growing ideology, according to the 26-page report.
While the Secret Service may be known for its protection of presidents’ past and present, the agency has long studied and implemented behavioral threat assessment programs designed to identify potentially dangerous or violent situations that do not meet criminal thresholds. Tuesday’s report is intended to identify early warning signs of misogynistic extremists, with the goal of early intervention.
“Traditionally law enforcement and other public safety officials focus on crimes,” Dr. Lina Alathari, Director of NTAC said. “And so, if there’s no ‘direct threat’ or a criminal statute violated, they often feel that they can’t do anything. But what we know from the research and what we know from communities doing this successfully is that if you have a trained professional in threat assessment, in identifying warning signs and knowing what the proper resources are available… that’s when you have success stories.”
Behavioral threat assessment programs can be developed in any environment: workplaces, college campuses, state and local police. According to the U.S. Secret Service, recent success stories include comprehensive initiatives developed out of the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation and Pinellas County, Florida.
“It’s a growing field,” Driscoll said. “There’s more work to be done, but there are success stories, and there are programs being implemented specifically to identify and assess and intervene with individuals like this one,” he added, referencing Bierele.
Fear, uncertainty and dread. Secret Service pre-crime bureau. I smell award winning teevee franchise!
Wake me when it rises to the average weekend fatality rate in Baltimore.
I never realized there were so many incels in Chicago.
Are they counting antifa as an incel movement? Because that’s the only way I can get to “dozens dead”.
Questioning the media is racist and very VERY close to treason.
I’m sure there’s massive overlap between incels and (male) black bloc operatives.
But we’re here to tell you that probable cause, warrants, all that archaic claptrap can be done away with in order to protect the Greater Good.
Pre-crime is where it’s at.
Those rights are only for the innocent.
In the TV version, I hope they still get to travel the nation via their own private railroad car.
The federal government on Tuesday released a study on the growing terrorism threat rom men who call themselves “anti-feminists” or “involuntary celibates” and draw motivation for violence from their inability to develop relationships with women.
I guess the threat from muh-white-supremes is old and busted seeing as there have been no incidents.
Since 2014, attacks inspired by the “incel movement” and spanning the U.S. and Canada have left dozens dead.
Surely, you can provide examples.
Wake me when it rises to the average weekend fatality rate in Baltimore.
BLM riots actually killed dozens. But we are not supposed to talk about that.
Know this. The visible public and private sectors are, by and large, two hands of the same organism. Each has its own powers, its own limits, and its own internal incentives. The organism is a soulless egregore, but when it acts, it first picks the hand which is easiest to work with, relative to the goal it has and the constraints around the task. When one hand isn’t sufficient, it finds a way to use the other hand.
You can find all the nuance you desire in this analysis by breaking down “public sector” and “private sector” into their constituent components: military and IC vs. social welfare vs. research grants on the public sector side of the ledger, blue chips vs. nonprofits and academia vs. press and media on the private sector side of the ledger. You will still see the same pattern. Call it an octopus if you want, but you can find more than 8 hands if you want as well.
Move along, nothing to see here.
A Florida judge on Monday agreed to an order that permanently blocks the release of photos, video and other records connected to the investigation of Bob Saget’s death. The permanent injunction, granted by Circuit Judge Vincent Chiu, had been requested by the comedian’s family.
The people have a right to know!
Bah. Let the unfunny comedian die in peace. What did he ever do to us except try to make a living, just like everybody else.
I imagine Mr. Parton has had a great life.
* dons Scott Airpack*
When, and why, was the Capitol city of Ukraine changed from; Kiev to Kyve? ( or whatever the hell their calling/spelling it)
Kyiv is a closer transcription of the Ukranian. Why hasn’t Moscow changed to Moskva?
When the Russian language was deprecated.
It was more politically expedient to do so now? Kharkov is now Kharkhiv. It’s just so stupid. Lvov is now Lviv. Who is getting played here? We know.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a large part of this renaming/respelling is from the Ukrainian nationalists.
I’m still waiting for corrections for places in
GermanyDeutschland.Or correcting the people who pronounce “France” to rhyme with “pants”.
Make Gdansk Danzig Again! Hopefully, the German abbreviation would look better on hats.
You know who tried making it Danzig again?
Smokin’ Johnny?
When English as a language became depricated.
I’m sticking with the English name for the city.
It’s all a scam by Big Map.
Because that’s how they say it so you have to too now.
Department of
justicevengeanceFederal prosecutors on Monday asked a judge to dismiss criminal charges against a Capitol riots defendant and release him from jail, a rare admission in a court filing that the Justice Department had violated his legal right to a speedy trial.
At the same time, however, prosecutors asked permission to refile the criminal charges again, saying that apart from the Oath Keeper militia members who are facing seditious conspiracy charges, the defendant is facing “the most serious offenses charged in relation to the attack on the Capitol.”
In the filing, prosecutors said they had made a mistake by failing to secure an indictment or criminal information against Texas resident Lucas Denney within 30 days of his Dec. 13, 2021 arrest, as required by the Speedy Trial Act.
Denney was charged in a criminal complaint with assaulting or resisting police, obstructing law enforcement during civil disorder and obstructing an official proceeding, among other charges.
He spent several months in jail, until the government finally secured an indictment against him on March 7, 2022 – two days after his defense lawyers formally petitioned his release and the dismissal of the charges.
Well, yeah, maybe we took some liberties, And maybe we completely trampled his rights, but that doesn’t mean he’s innocent. We’ll just restart the clock. The worst of the worst cannot be allowed to go unpunished.
Just release and arrest every 30 days.
Those of you who live in the Deep South are familiar with the golden silk orb weaver, commonly known as the banana spider. The females spin very pretty webs, but have the habit of constructing them about 4-6 feet above the ground across trails and the like, which elicits a combination of terror and hilarity when some unsuspecting soul meets said web face first.
Well, the banana spider’s Japanese cousin has paid us a visit, and is likely to stay a spell.
Godzilla is next!
Cool! I love spiders. Around here (on the Ohio River near Pittsburgh) we have these spiders that “balloon” along on air currents up river. The prevailing winds here are westerly, and tend to get funnelled by the river valley such that the wind flows upstream. So when you’re on a boat on the river in the late summer/early autumn, you can see dozens of these spiders floating upriver, suspended by a thread from a silk balloon.
Yeah banana spiders are a thing here in my world.
They’re enormous and lay large, very strong webs across openings in the woods. Early-season deer-hunting, walking along through the dark and into a web, and feeling something that big on you – that’ll stop your heart for awhile. The “hilarity” part is only when it’s somebody else.
The joro things were in the news here last year, and you could tell the folks who’d never actually been out of the house and didn’t know what a banana spider is.
Do you find banana spiders in banana hammocks?
I’d choose godzilla first.
Oh, I have Godzilla in my banana hammock for sure.. or at least that’s what the lades tel me..
Scaly, jagged and radioactive?
That too, yes..
Large spiders were not on my list.
Oh hell yeah. I missed that. I hope they can survive in western PA.
Fucking this. I hate these motherfuckers.
I love orb weavers. I try to attract zipper spiders into the garden. Great pest control!
We have those here. They are easy to spot sitting in the middle of the zipper.
I don’t get the criminal mind. Why couldn’t he have just photoshopped the pics? And why were none of his victims suspicious?
*This is waaay too local news in my case. I’m going to the molar mechanic today to get fitted for a crown
Open wide. Good. Now you may feel a little prick.
Your holiness, make sure that instead of crowning you they don’t cap you…. Them dentists tend to be very gangsta.
The problem is that the laws covering fraudulent dental bills are too lax. How can you deter future criminal dentists if the law has no teeth to it?
My dentist is always telling me to consider some gold teeth… says they are the bomb.
Dolly Parton’s voice: If they ever need to get me to confess (Just tell me what I did, and I’ll sign the papers!), all they need to do is lock me in a room and play “Jolene” a few times.
I’ll beg for the sweet release of the gallows.
Pour vous
I am dissapoint.
Holy shit, the ad before that was a 35 second one proclaiming Caesar Andy is innocent and DA watsherface committed perjury.
Brooksie is correct. Her voice is needle-on-vinyl cringe.
But she’s a lovely human being.
It was more politically expedient to do so now? Kharkov is now Kharkhiv. It’s just so stupid. Lvov is now Lviv. Who is getting played here? We know.
It’s a marketing scheme by Big Map.
Everything is well on my end. There has been a delay, but my fears have been allayed by the guy I got working for me. I am most likely here another week. I am not being restricted, but to bounce tomorrow, which I could do, is unwise. Quick, emotional thinking. I’ve got help and I’m poor. I am owed much.
Everyone was helpful and I thank you for it. I found a way to make the correct decision and get good help. I need a vacation, but time off is not good for me. Idle hands, and all that.
This is a long way to ask a simple question: I like football, but my heart is in baseball. Who really is the best? Brady has the rings to back up his GOAT status, but I think he just had better team support around him than Peyton did. Manning’s no-huddle offense changed the game. His arm and acumen was, IMO, unprecedented. Watching highlight reels/etc, Manning’s game just stands out to me in a way that Brady’s simply doesn’t, as good as he indeed is. However, I LIKE football and enjoy it. I don’t LOVE it the way I do baseball, where I can go back over a hundred years and talk about how the game has changed and who changed what and who were the ‘best.’ Thoughts on that old-old debate? I simply can’t see how Manning isn’t more impressive, minus the extra rings. Brady’s TEAMS were better. Manning was better than Brady. I am…maybe (most likely?) talking out of my ass with this one.
As a Manning-era Colts fan, I’d say you’re on to something. The defense (particularly the secondary) was a liability for almost every year he played. The o-line quality highly dictated how far they’d get through the playoffs.
Want to see the value of the player? Look at the year they’re out with injury. The Jacoby Brissett/Curtis Painter/whoever else Colts went what? 1-15? 3-13? when Peyton was out with his back injury. The Manning Colts of the year before were 13-3.
I forget what Garoppalo’s record was in that year where Brady was out. 8-8?7-9?
The year Brady was out with injury (2008), Matt Cassel and New England went 11-5 and missed the playoffs on a tiebreaker.
Manning was the Marino of his era. Talented AF QB with a perpetually mediocre defense. They had to score 30 a game to win. Manning dragged Marvin Harrison to the HoF; I doubt MH would have been as great on another team.
Where Brady exceeded Manning was clutch performances. Manning had several key interceptions in the playoffs that sent the Colts home. Brady had only a few bad playoff games ( like the second Super Bowl against the GIants), otherwise he didn’t make the same mistakes in the playoffs Manning would. They would have won the second Super Bowl against the Eagles if Belichick hadn’t sat Malcolm Butler for the whole game. They came back from a 25 point deficit against the Falcons.
Manning didn’t win Super Bowl with the Broncos his first year there. Brady won a Super Bowel in his first year with the Bucs when you couldn’t even have a normal offseason and pre-season schedule of practices and games.
Brady also has a lot of asterisks in some of those SB runs.
Tuck rule?
Pete “Everyone will call me a genius for calling a pass play” Carroll?
There are a lot more. Brady is great, but he got a lot of good bounces along the way (which is ironic given his penchant for deflating)
Sure, plenty of things could have gone either way. Eli Manning could have been called “in the grasp” on the Helmet Catch play. There was also a play before the Helmet Catch where a Giant’s player was tackled in bounds and the game clock stopped even though the Giants didn’t call a timeout. Troy Aikman was perplexed as to what the reason for that was, but it basically gave the Giants an extra timeout. If the clock kept running they would have run out of time on that final drive. Adam Vinatieri could have played for 31 other teams. None of that is the fault of Brady making mistakes in the playoffs, which Peyton did alot early in his career.
Peyton Manning was the best quarterback ever when the game didn’t matter. He could come back and win better than anyone, unless it was a playoff game or could get them a first round buy. That’s why Brady was better.
Manning’s no-huddle offense changed the game.
Jim Kelly did the no huddle better.
To you and Swiss: This is why I gotta plead ignorance. Unlike baseball, where I know EVERYONE of merit, I have never even heard of Jim Kelly. But led the Bills to four consecutive Super Bowls (DAMN) but they came short each time. Not necessarily his fault. Could be his O/D-Line or the other teams he faced. (Could be many other things.)
I bow to your knowledge. I thought Peyton pretty much pioneered that strategy. I enjoy football. I LIKE it. I LOVE baseball. My heart can only absorb so much.
You must be totally thrilled with Manfred, then.
“Manning’s no-huddle offense changed the game.”
Jim Kelly did it first.
Speaking of government propaganda…
Biden thinks cameras aren’t rolling
Can’t listen; what does he actually say?
“Jay, you’re beginning to convince the American people there is a thing called ‘Climate Crisis’. It’s about time.”
Re: Tulsi and Mittens — can’t help thinking a lot of the hyperbole and libel might be calmed down if we brought back dueling.
The thing was dueling had a strict set of rules about its proper conduct. It gave all the parties involved the opportunity to back off from bad behavior and settle matters civilly. And, after the duel, the matter was considered settled. If you rejected a duel and still continued to act like a douche, you were considered a poltroon and it people would turn a blind eye to the aggrieved giving you a public horsewhipping (like none of us wouldn’t pay to see Gabbard give Romney that treatment). The system had a lot to recommend it. I think it would be especially helpful with the patterns I see in society today.
It gets to something I’ve been considering for a while. Obviously, yes, a dignity society is preferable to an honor society. It’s better that we not shoot one another over sleights, real and imagined, and it’s better we resolve our differences by reason than trials by combat. That said, I’m not so sure a dignity society can sustain itself without without some substrate of an honor culture. People aren’t brains in jars that operate outside of social relationships. And honor culture at least recognized that. And the absence of some substrate of honor culture creates a game theoretic situation where those most willing to be absolute douches, those most willing to breach the rules of decency and civility while maintaining a politic front, will gain and retain the advantage over those who don’t. You don’t want a society where people are shooting each other because someone called another man’s wife a whore. But, yes, it probably makes a hell of a lot of sense that calling another man’s wife a whore carries with it at least the implicit threat that you’ll walk away from that situation with a fat lip, a black eye, or a broken nose. The alternative for the dignity culture is that it devolves into victimhood culture, where those sleights are referred to the authorities, who wind up regulating every element of social interaction (usually with the very douches most able to play the system the biggest beneficiaries).
“You don’t want a society where people are shooting each other because someone called another man’s wife a whore.”
Well, actually…
It would be amusing watching Bill Clinton have to go fight for Hillary’s honor.
My guess is that his enthusiasm would not be up to Jacksonian levels.
a public horsewhipping (like none of us wouldn’t pay to see Gabbard give Romney that treatment)
My bunk, I’ll be in it.
we not shoot one another over sleights
Penn Jillette breathes a huge sigh of relief.
Uffda. Yesterday I linked to a story about a rampant racism at a local school district. Today the story just gets stupider.
In yesterday’s story Racist School announced that independent investigators had reviewed video tape and not been able to substantiate any of the rumors about fans and players making monkey sounds. Today’s story has the Victim School saying “nuh-uh, it totes happened”. Of course, they didn’t provide any proof.
If you can’t believe teenage girls on social media, who can you believe?
Whenever I see one of these “we are racciss” stories, I assume we are dealing with bullshit. Based on the fact that I can’t recall even a single one of these “people are raciss’ stories that in time didn’t turn out to be a total hoax perpetrated by the very people that claimed they were being targeted by racists, I am gonna call the same here. if there was any kind of raciss behavior, the people no accusing others of it did it to get attention. Jussie should have been publicly humiliated, on national TeeVee, to set an example for what would happen to people hoaxing this shit.
Hyperbole was pointing out that just because there’s a recoding of the incident that doesn’t show the racism actually happening, that “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
Burden of proof is on the accuser.
If you are going to accuse someone of a grievous act, you better be able to back it up. In today’s day and age, I find it hard to believe that in a gym full of fans (both sides) no one videoed blatant racism.
I have no idea of what the investigators reviewed or how good it was.
The most damning piece of evidence is that no one at the time said anything. If people were making monkey sounds and the coach did nothing, shouldn’t they be the first to be fired? What a shitlord letting his players get abused like that without saying anything.
“absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
This is one of the nuggets of wisdom that can only be taken so far. At some point, absence of evidence becomes a failure of proof, and everyone can move on as if it didn’t actually happen.
And there are also circumstances where absence of evidence is, in fact, evidence of absence. If the claimed event would absolutely have left evidence (such as a recording) and there is no such evidence, then I am comfortable saying that the lack of evidence shows it didn’t actually happen.
During that period, for reasons that were not completely clear, Denney never made an initial appearance in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia as required, despite several failed attempts to arrange for one.
“To be sure, the government failed to comply with the Speedy Trial Act in this case,” prosecutors wrote in their Monday filing. “But there is no evidence of bad faith, a pattern of neglect or something more than an isolated incident that resulted from a number of unfortunate factors.”
“We tossed him in the dungeon and forgot about him. What more can we say? It’s dark down there, Your Honor.”
We totally didn’t mean to do this evil shit… [giggle giggle, snark]
You see, now this is a case that dueling would provide a nice outlet for. It defies credibility that whoever was in charge left him down there strictly by accident. One nice challenge to a duel would send a message to future prosecutors about the proper limits of prosecutorial behavior.
With such little time left, can’t we all just get along!?!?
Climate change is the fishing story of science.
Larping leftist larceny.
Leftist squatters take over Russian oligarch’s $75 million mansion in London
The return of the Bolsheviks continues unabated as global law enforcement chases down imaginary Nazis.
I’m really liking this new attitude. Apparently if your country invades another country, all your property rights are completely removed every where around the globe. Yep, this is a really good attitude to take. I can’t imagine how it could backfire.
Just had a thought–is there a way to get Greta Thunberg and David Hogg to “care” about Ukraine and send them over there to fight for Ukraininan freedom?
You expect a VICTIM of GUN VIOLENCE to go where there are SCARY GUNZ? With the THINGS THAT GO UP?
Recruit them as comfort women?
Talk about a horrible Sophie’s Choice situation.
You are a horny Russian soldier who finally gets to go back to the rear and the only two “comfort women” available are Greta and Hogg. Who do you pick?
My left hand so it feels like it is some strange?
Don’t lie Alex.
You’d definitely go with Hogg. You’d be afraid that you’d start dirty talking to Greta and she’d start screaming “BLAH BLAH BLAH” in response.
Fuck, I have been outed…
Well, one of them, maybe. Thunberg might be useful as an ammo carrier.
I think he is ready.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
*I’m a sucker for the deaf kids hearing parents clips.
Ooops, you get two Daily Rays of Sunshine today because I got links crossed.
I didn’t think that the Frenchie in that first video was really some deaf dude babbling nonsense.
Speaking of the complications of the victim stack.
Not all transgenders are equal either!
I am not playing this game.
It’s a trap!
Only in Japan…
Truly the most important aspect of this conflict.
So… Klinger?
So, in order to leave the country, Andriy ditched the male ID and resorted to using the old female passport. Andriy chose sex over gender identity. She also painted her nails and put on women’s clothing, temporarily reversing the gender transition.
Yeah, we’re all supposed to respect your choice of gender right up until the moment the bill comes due. Then it’s back to claiming pussy privilege.
Well, not sure if my comments are so terrible but truth be told, I love the lot of you. What was that one rule? When no one replies it means that you have made your point? I dunno, usually it just means that you’ve made an utter fool of yourself.
Never worry about not getting a reply sir.
You ain’t half bad for a Canadian Festus. Why I bet you are in the Top 50 Glib Canadians!
Note: I said “I bet” which is not a 100% endorsement of your status.
If you really want to be GAY-RONE-TEED a spot on one of the Top 50 Glibs list, you will have to start wearing a dress and identifying as a Canadian beaver to qualify as a Top 50 Glib Chick.
Right back at ya, Alpha Flight. I have to pay the city for a permission slip for my car (inspection), renew my State permission slip to operate it on the King’s roads and clean the house today. The time change malarkey always leaves me extra sleepy for a week. I should have run off to the Merchant Marine when I had the chance. Sigh…
I’ve got to renew my driver’s license this year. At least I’ve got a passport to handle all the documentation.
No, it just means people are catching up, or are asleep. Asleep, in my case as I enjoy the wonders of being off-work. I quipped on an earlier comment of yours above. Love you too brotato!
When you are signing off, I’m just signing on.
About to wake the kids up and end my peaceful morning time coffee here. Tomorrow marks exactly two years since this city and state shut down. The first event that was cancelled was the St. Patrick’s Day festivities including the parade and the big dinner and events at the Irish Cultural Center. This past Saturday we were there, indoors, for the first time in two years at a massive inside event with no stupid vaxx checking, no mask theatre required and no restrictions on crowd size (other than fire code). Today is the first day that the kids will be allowed to go to school without the fucking face diapers. I am as excited about that as they are. My kids learned a lot these past couple years about how adults can panic and make silly rules up that don’t do shit in order to ease their panic.
That was our same thought KS. St. Paddy’s Day thing was shut down. The city really did fight it cause they said they will put out hand sanitizer, etc, but the State dropped a hammer on them. So two years of nonsense and same thing. Hundreds of people, there was people who wanted to mask and those that didn’t and everyone got along and had a great time with live music, head shaving for cancer and beer…lots and lots of beer.
Yup OBE, it was glorious to see and I only had one pint of Guinness as I was driving down later that eve to a party at a friend’s backyard (where I made up for my lack of beers earlier). There were still a handful or two of people wearing masks out of the thousand or so people inside, but people, even here in Vid Panic Central, are done with the panic. I’m just hoping they don’t try for a return of the bullshit next winter. Kids are now brushing their teeth and all happy that they can finally ditch the face diapers at school.
The announcements of what places are doing special events this year in CLE is growing. To the point some of the previously “free” places are going to start charging a nominal cover charge ($5) after specific times. Last year was still fairly tame, with masks required in some businesses and the like, and no parade. Current big plan is to get to the patio of a brewery that’s right on the parade path, then head over to a friend’s house for her party.
Irish Cultural Center? Is that a fancy name for the pub?
Heheh, I just had a customer yesterday ask why “cultural” was included. People were definitely making up for some lost public drinking time.
Good to hear Neph, slainte!
Is it the place out by Lake Merced? My parents used to go there every year for a birthday party held by one of my dad’s childhood friends.
There used to be a good bar in Boston called the Irish Embassy Pub.
It is missed.
Let’s all hope and/or pray that a majority of their generation learned the same.
The Boy Mayor of Minneapolis almost breaks his arm patting himself on the back for his sooper progressive new rules on no-knock warrants.
So deep sleepers are still totes fucked. And maybe the time to implement these is before your goons shoot an innocent man?
*It is also totes depressing that Amir Locke’s death is not being protested even a tenth as much as Floyd or Daunte Wright.
Maybe I’ve just grown incredibly cynical, but I suspect that Locke’s death doesn’t get the protests because the people pushing the protests don’t want protests over clear-cut cases. An Amir Locke, an Eric Garner, a Tamir Rice, or a Philandro Castile aren’t the sort of guys the protest leaders want protests about because they’d generate widespread agreement across the political spectrum. Picking guys where a large number of people are going to say “Gee, maybe we do want protection from people like this” serves to create an oppressive other that the protests can point to as villains.
Exactly this. Everyone agrees that the cops are the bad guys and there is no Other to rail against.
Hard to raise money in those situations.
30 seconds? Fuck off with that bullshit. A minimum five minute response time would be something to cheer, 30 seconds barely gives me time enough to get the AR out of the quick-access locker.
Oh, and as always, what will the penalty be for officers who forget the new policy? I thought so.
a 20-second wait time while executing search warrants during the day, and 30 seconds at night
Oh, FFS. Like that gives enough time to get yourself organized and oriented for a bunch of armed men hammering on your door.
Protests about the other guys served their purpose and no more are needed.
Apparently Nick Rekeita interviewed Larry Correia last night. I haven’t watched it yet…
Benefit of him starting as a gaming streamer…
The geeky side that is.
I love Larry, but 5 hours?!
Elizabeth Warren (and others) wants a windfall profits tax on Big Oil.
Our best. Our brightest.
I would just like to say that I was wrong about China’s (PRC) response to COVID. I thought they were playing the calm, level-headed game vs. the West’s total freakout, but recent events seem to have reversed that trend.
That having been said, I do suspect there are ulterior motives to the lockdowns in Shenzhen and Shanghai. But the fact that the state took the action shows that it is willing to discard the appearance of having swiftly and competently beaten back COVID.
My employer has facilities in China–the area around our one plant has been completely shut down because 22 “cases” of COVID were found in the city.
22. Cases.
hah! Australian governments laugh at that. They were shutting down cities of 2million+ for one or two cases.
The TOTAL number of deaths in a country of 26 million is about 5600 (0.02%).
Zero. Covid. Policy.
I do suspect there are ulterior motives to the lockdowns in Shenzhen and Shanghai
Absolutely. I think they are calculating that at this point it will cause a lot of economic damage to the US and Europe. I wonder how much damage it will do to China, though.
The troll has been seen!
Whining about how the war is taking away from his spotlight
Believe me, I won’t.
Among other things the current regime is squandering the relationship the prior administration was building with India.
India may bail out Russia by taking up an offer to buy crude oil and other commodities at a discount despite Western attempts to isolate Moscow through sanctions.
India, which imports 80 per cent of its oil needs, usually buys only about 1 per cent from Russia. But with oil prices up 40 per cent so far this year, the government is looking at increasing this if it can help reduce its rising energy bill.
‘Russia is offering oil and other commodities at a heavy discount. We will be happy to take that,’ an Indian government official said, declining to elaborate on how much oil was on offer and what the discount was.
I’m just glad the adults are back in charge.
Finally undoing all that damage Trump did.
The idiots will probably sanction India for this.
Because they are idiots.
*ponders raising money to buy an abandoned missile silo by syndicating condos*
Wouldn’t the silo be a primary target?
An Amir Locke, an Eric Garner, a Tamir Rice, or a Philandro Castile aren’t the sort of guys the protest leaders want protests about because they’d generate widespread agreement across the political spectrum.
I think I’m just reiterating your point, but BLM doesn’t want to risk having heir scam hijacked by sane people.
If they fixed some problems a la Tim Scott’s bill, BLM’s donations would dry up and Soros would have to find new foot soldiers (or at least re-brand them).
Brand. I see what you did there.
I thought Estonia would know better.
Estonia is the first NATO member nation to have a body formally call for the implementation of a no-fly zone amid Russia’s ongoing invasion. …
“The Riigikogu asks the UN member states to take immediate steps to establish a no-fly zone in order to prevent massive civilian casualties in Ukraine,” the body stated. “The Riigikogu urges all national parliaments to adopt statements that call on their governments to support the imposition of additional sanctions against the Russian Federation as well as the Republic of Belarus that participates in the aggression.”
That will not go the way you think.
By creating massive civilian casualties everywhere else?
I interpret that as NATO told them no effing way.
NATO has already said “no” to that nonsense.
I remember getting some really great vodka from Estonia. I think it was called Turi.
I have a cousin who emigrated to Estonia.
In the 2000’s, I had the opportunity to have an extended chat with him about life there. The Estonians are culturally distinct from the the Russians who colonized the place during its Soviet occupation. The Russians living in Estonia are very resentful of how they went from running the place to being a hated minority which is actively discriminated against. The Estonians, for their part, despise the Russians and DNGF about their hurt feelings.
The Estonians probably figure that after Ukraine falls they will be in the next three countries that Putin will seek to bring back to the slavic fold.
That’s all well and good, but what about the hot blond chicks?
I’m not so optimistic. They’re desperate, and desperate rulers do stupid things.
“when we seize the yachts, soccer teams”
BBC had a story on their front page yesterday exposing “new evidence” about Abramovich’s corruption. So, in the last three weeks they managed to conduct an investigation into Russian corporate and government records. Bullshit. They’ve known for years but now it’s expedient to write the story.
Isn’t it funny how suddenly the corrupt wake up one day and decide that something needs to be done about the OTHER corrupt people?
Time to sprout the seeds of peace.
BREAKING on @CNBC: @NATO leaders are discussing holding an extraordinary meeting in Brussels late next week, according to US and foreign officials, that Pres. Biden and other heads of state would attend.
Planning, these officials note, is not yet final.
Joe Biden,
PacePeacemaker.Oh, fantastic…
That dude couldn’t make instant Jello.
Late next week. Who will control Keev by then?
I have noticed that during all the shit-flinging, the U.S. has not offered to broker a peace-deal between Russia and the Ukraine.
That used to be our thing going back to TR. Now we just throw hissy fits.
I think the current administration has too much invested in the “Putin helped Trump steal the election” to be seen as helping Vlad out.
They’re as subtle as a brick. Everyone that doesn’t agree with them is an enemy, and the media amplifies that x1000. There is no room for negotiating with anyone, not the other party, not people who didn’t vote for them, not leaders from other countries.
It’s a shame for the Ukrainians. The Russians will grind that place down to rubble if they don’t negotiate.
Peaceful Liberators!
We don’t want peace. That much is obvious.
Congratulations, you’re more clear-headed than literally anyone working in the corporate news space.
Someone copied this podcast yesterday, but it needs to be heard by as many people as possible. Scott Horton on Jocko Willink. Scott is on fire even for Scott in this one.
It ain’t over ’til we get our way
A group of five House Democratic lawmakers on Monday asked a federal watchdog to review if the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) complied with environmental regulations in its next-generation delivery vehicle contract.
House Oversight and Reform Committee chair Carolyn Maloney and other lawmakers asked the Postal Service Office of Inspector General to review USPS’s plan to buy a new multibillion-dollar fleet of primarily gasoline-powered delivery vehicles from Oshkosh (OSK.N) that has come under fire from the White House and Environmental Protection Agency.
“Given the potential environmental impact of the (delivery vehicle) contract, it is crucial that the Postal Service conduct a robust environmental analysis prior to moving forward,” said the letter also signed by Representatives Gerald Connolly, Jared Huffman, Stephen Lynch and Brenda Lawrence.
I was just thinking about this the other day. The spike in gas prices gives the Green New Deal shit flinging howler monkeys another opportunity to hoot and shriek about the postal fleet.
I interpret that as NATO told them no effing way.
Just like “donating” Polish Migs, they would prefer not to engage in what could easily be construed as an open act of war.
I can only hope it remains that way. The State Department is trying to get us into a war while the DOD is showing some restraint.
It’s almost like some of these people think parallel to the German General Staff in about 1913: well we’re going to have to fight a war anyway, may as well get it over with.
Good morning!
Is the war over?
Which one?
South Sudan?
*goes back to bed*
There are several.
Chicago qualifies at least as a skirmish based on the dead from gang wars. Or more like a minor conflict.
Not bad, let’s continue reading…
And she falls on her face.
Wow. In no way would that go south immediately, with soaring unknown pricing and social policies requiring total obedience or loss of your nice cooperative condo.
Because the existing public housing stock is so attractive! Who’s going to tell her that the money that was supposed to go into the maintenance of that stuff actually went into sports cars and trips to the Caribbean?
She knows. Why do you think she wants more of it?
Because she wants more money to spend on sports cars and trips to the Caribbean, that’s why. Every commissar deserves a dacha, kamerad.
And the perverse incentives in the healthcare markets certainly didn’t have any deleterious effects over the last two years!
Yup, and if frogs had wings they wouldn’t bump their asses when they hop…
Blind squirrel finds nut, shits all over it.