No, not that Wilson.
Russell Wilson got traded to Denver. Baseball labor talks are still going, and fans will start losing interest soon. Bayern went insane and crushed the dreams of Salzburg. And Liverpool squeaked through to the UCL quarterfinals after losing for the first timer in the competition (and the first time in a long time in any competition for that matter). Oh well, moving on is moving on. And back home, the big conference tournaments are getting underway in earnest. The real action gets here tomorrow and Friday. And that’s sports.
How long do you think people will buy this bullshit? He can shrug it off, but acting like there’s nothing he can do about it is gonna end up with the biggest red wave this fall since The Shining.

Come on, man. You don’t even know what crypto is.
What a bunch of greedy motherfuckers. Of course he’d use the Russian bogeyman to take away the rights of Americans. Also, do we even do laws anymore? Or does Congress just let the President rule by fiat? Because I didn’t sign up to be in a monarchy.
Yes, yes! Keep bitching about this. It’s a fantastic strategy. You look like a bunch of groomers. And if wonder what that will result in, I’ll refer you to that video I linked above.
“Is that a snake in your pocket or are you just ha…holy shit it’s a bunch of snakes!” Why didn’t he just go a couple hundred miles east and casually walk across?
This story gets weirder at every turn. Maybe not by Chicago standards, but to the rest of us anyway.

::sigh:: I was hoping they’d cut it back to 3 days. It’s not as if they do it quickly or efficiently. But it’s what I’d expect the government to do.
“Ooh, look what we found!” And just in time to change the results. What a coincidence.
Here’s a nice upbeat tune for you. What a great song. And here’s an underrated companion to it. Hope you enjoy them both.
And enjoy this Wednesday, dear friends!
whaddup doh’
“Niece of CPD chief was driving on suspended license during West Side drug arrest”
The broad that hit me & Jugsy and totaled her Dodge Challenger had no license, no insurance, and the car she was driving was taken w/o permission.
Nothing happened to her, not even a ride to jail.
It was such a fun car.
Sorry, man. But at least y’all are ok.
Having been in a couple of “you shouldnt have been able to walk away from that” crashes over the years, I tried to belabor that point to Jugsy, who was inconsolable over that car. Im not really a fan of Fiat-Chrysler but I have to credit the engineers- the safety systems worked as designed. I also tried to explain to her that in a car 30 years ago, the outcome likely would have been much different.
Cars can always be replaced. Thats what insurance is for.
That car was designed by Mercedes engineers on an older E class platform. I’ve got the Dodge Magnum (yeah, it’s got a Hemi!). FCA is still living off the Mercedes legacy with all the big Chrysler sedans. They haven’t made major changes to them for a reason. They were/are very good cars.
And coupe (the Challenger not a sedan)
No kidding.
Ouch, it’s amazing you walked away from that. Glad you’re okay, sorry about the red one.
The chick that hit and totaled my Z3 was one infraction away from losing her license, so I paid (parking) to go to court to testify against her. DA’s office didn’t even validate.
Justice ain’t free.
I like to think that some old-school ass beating with some “wood shampoo” administered with a 2×4 would make these dimwits think twice.
The justice system isnt always legal; the legal system isnt always just.
My 16 year old daughter was sideswiped by a likely drunk back in November while I was out of town. 3 days later, we retraced her steps and I able to guess about where they would be headed. Two yahoos were out fixing paint transfer on a car that matched the description what we were looking for. As soon as they saw my car, they both got up and walked away from the house they were at. I didn’t do anything in the moment because my daughter was with me. After letting cooler heads prevail, I decided to hand it over to the cop who originally responded. Nothing has happened since. I’m pissed for trusting my cop buddy who said they’d do something with it. He was not with that dept anymore, but had more faith in their response than I did. I had an incident in 2013 that I handled extra-legally due to city of Austin inaction and was as happy as I could be about the outcome of that.
I’m guessing that Jugsy walked away with fewer injuries because of her … ahhhh … built in air bags?
If you look at the pic, I dont think her airbag deployed . I was passenger that morning, mine did.
I dont know if you’ve had the experience of an air bag going off, but imagine the sound of someone inside the car firing a 12 gauge.
My ears were ringing for hours after.
If only she’d had some kind of cushioning on her chest, something not real, fake if you will, to withstand the impact!
It’s not a real party ‘till someone dies
“Yo, he dead!”
“How long do you think people will buy this bullshit? He can shrug it off, but acting like there’s nothing he can do about it is gonna end up with the biggest red wave this fall since The Shining.
The people that want to defend the indefensible will all be making excuses for these losers with their hands tied behind their backs by the green lobby (which we recently were reminded yet again is heavily subsidized by Russian & Chinese money), but everyone will feel this pain as the already horrible inflation of the last year ratches up to a new level.
I can’t seriously imagine anyone buying it given their stated intention was to drive the fossil fuel / oil companies out of business, they proceeded to make it as hard as possible to produce / ship oil, the energy prices started increasing accordingly WAY before the Ukraine situation, and the Ukraine situation hasn’t been going on all that long.
But then again, I couldn’t seriously imagine running a Presidential campaign by hiding in your basement all the time, stealing an election through obvious things like “A water line broke.. all Republicans out!…. What water line?” or 30-40% of the country still thinking this group of idiots are doing a good job. Sigh.
Morning, all you happy people (we need another Tex Avery about now….).
The dumbest move is continuing to push the green bullshit while blaming Russia (even though people can easily see the prices were spiking before the Ukraine invasion). That’s overplaying their hand and it’s gonna bite them in the ass.
At this point, there’s no amount of free money they can give people to buy their votes this fall. Team Blue is completely fucked and they know it. Expect a race to enact as much
legislationexecutive orders as they can over the next few months.Never underestimate their ability to fortify elections.
I certainly wouldn’t behave like they are unless I was doubly sure I had the election fortified from top to bottom.
I have come to understand that one of the biggest distinctions between people that are not leftists and those that are is that leftists seem to be people that live in La-la land and have minimal to no understanding of basic principles such as cause & effect or that certain laws – physics, chemistry, economics, nature & human nature – will not bend to whatever way they want them to work, which is why they always end up causing calamity and needing some evil boogeyman to blame for their fantasies never turning into reality. It’s easy to grandstand when others pay the price for your preening, but when you have to take it in the ass yourself, these people suddenly find Jesus. I heard Colbert gave a rant the other night about how he was willing to pay $15 a gallon for a clean continence (whatever the fuck that means to an evil lib) because he drove an expensive EV anyway. And Buttigieg told everyone to go out and buy themselves a $60K+ EV that would cost $20K to keep running when you were forced to change the batteries.
The elite truly despise the working class.
clean continence (whatever the fuck that means to an evil lib)
That’s where you don’t have to wipe after you shit all over everybody.
I applaud you picking up on autocorrect screwing up the word conscience and making this argument against the immorality of the fucking elite and their apologists even more relevant, sir.
Not to mention:
+ The EV production is backlogged already. People *can’t* switch right now even if they wanted to.
+ Even if there were enough EVs available, we’d crash the grid if that many folks switched and tried to plug in at night.
+ Places like where I’m currently stuck in CA charge out the butt already for electricity as well (and keep trying to sneak in more and more fees on stuff like solar so they can keep charging out the butt regardless), so the savings wouldn’t be all that great…
and and
+ The whole thing only works if you’re one of those people who is always cycling a lease or buys a new car regularly anyway. For folks driving a paid for gas car — that $60k up front price tag on the EV would buy a heck of a lot of gas, even before worrying about the battery replacement, range, etc. It just doesn’t make sense.
+ everybody who lives in an urban area and doesn’t have a driveway. Good luck charging that EV of yours.
My driveway is the exception around here – the only one in the 5-house cul-de-sac.
I am still left baffled by the people grand standing that they are not paying the big bucks at the pump for gas because they drive EVs not realizing that the electricity they need to recharge comes from burning fossil fuels which will also soon see drastic rise in cost per KWh. By my calculations creating and transporting the electricity to charge EVs, in general, results in a bigger carbon footprint and a higher electricity bill that kind of makes any savings from not needing to buy gas 9and not even factoring in the cost of battery replacement/cleanup) something that only serves for moral grandstanding. It’s why I won’t bother with an EV.
This could largely be applied to EVs as well: https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/omission
That just means we need to invest more in public infrastructure, like free charging stations at all parking spots, eliminating lanes and spending, I mean, investing more on public transit.
Don’t you even prog?
There are 2 “free” chargers in a nearby lot (though they finally put in meters last year, to stop people from leaving their cars on them overnight).
Let’s see… 14,673 families in the city, I find something that says we average 1 car per household. Let’s say 50% of those households have driveways (but I suspect that’s high). So around 7,500 cars that would need some sort of public charger.
Yeah, that’ll work.
The reality is, the progs who run this place want you all to walk, bike or take public transportation. The subjects keep resisting that. But our self-appointed betters will keep trying.
The whole goal is to get you to pay for their Tesla and the charging station, while relegating you to public transport, or walking/biking.
Obviously they can’t come out and say it like that.
Yep, if you don’t have a garage to charge your car in, then you don’t really need a car, tovarich.
You will be assigned a car and a garage shortly.
There is no shortage of cars or garages. Incidentally, the chocolate ration has been increased again.
I’ve seen my share of gas crisis before. This one is different because it may be permanent. What that means is will cause inflation like nobody here has seen in this lifetime, and collapse the dollar. Infuriating because it was done on purpose by people who hate us.
You assume our leaders are not in on this action as well. Me, I suspect this suits the people that were pissed they were unable to drag the Great Reset over the finish line with the Kung Flu kabuki theatre.
I meant our “leaders” when I said it.
Makes me feel better about locking in a massive loan today.
It’ll be required to be paid back in the prevailing currency, which means when hyper-inflation hits, you have to use the new 100:1 ratio’d dollars, then then the even newer 1000:1 dollars and so on. Don’t worry, the gov’t will have the banks back.
Way to harsh my mellow.
Wanna know how to really collapse the dollar? You can start by making it useless to anyone in Russia and forcing the Russian allies to push their currencies and the electronic systems supporting them.
“What a bunch of greedy motherfuckers. Of course he’d use the Russian bogeyman to take away the rights of Americans. Also, do we even do laws anymore? Or does Congress just let the President rule by fiat? Because I didn’t sign up to be in a monarchy.”
One of the greatest problems for the “great reset Cabal” is the people that would be able to avoid their plans because they have currency that the cabal would not easily be able to go after.
Central bankers can barely control their boners over the thought of doing away with cash.
Negative interest rates, here we come – “the people are saving too much? We’ll _make_ them spend”
Inflation eats up the money you’re spending but also drives down the value of money you’re saving.
The most important thing it does is drive down the value of the massive pile of money government borrowed/printed to spend. For some reason the morons in charge of pissing away the GDP generated by the productive think a drastically devalued dollar somehow resets the borrow/print clock back enough that they can get back to that game for another decade or two instead of watching things collapse n the next decade.
They can “investigate” making a U.S. backed crypto all they want. The crypto buyers I know won’t be interested in it though.
It’ll be risky when they make it a crime to own any other crypto.
And hard to buy food when they outlaw paper money.
You have to use crypto… OUR crypto.
“And you have exceeded the amount of red meat you are allowed for this month. And alcohol. And since the “public” pays for your health care, you can’t buy any more (fill in the blank) this month.”
“There are ways to increase your Social Credit Score which will allow you to purchase more privileges, subject. Would you like to know more?”
Every fifth wrongthinker you help convict gets you a one status upgrade.
Bonus upgrade for family members convicted. Double bonus if the conviction results in an execution.
“One of the greatest problems for the “great reset Cabal” is the people that would be able to avoid their plans because they have currency that the cabal would not easily be able to go after.”
They already solved this problem for themselves. Outlaw crypto and turn dollars into a digital currency where they can track the history of every penny and in their ultimate act of evil hubris, earmark everything in your bank account to determine what you can and can’t spend it on. They can cap you liquor spending, junk food spending, ammo spending, gas spending, energy spending….. Literally everything. Good luck finding black market vendors for literally everything if you try to subvert their currency. You don’t actually own your money if you don’t get to decide how to use it. It’s the purest form of socialism/fascism ever conceived. True absolute, inescapable central planning.
“You’ll own nothing and be happy” goes so much deeper than we ever imagined.
Morning all.
It appears that the Pentagon is not insane, but quite a few of our congresscritters are.
They’re all insane if they thought Poland were gonna let them be their patsy.
The way I have seen this insane deal explained is that the US will take these Migs and will replace them for Poland with F-16s, then turn around and let Ukrainian pilots fly them back from a US Air Force facility in German to Ukraine. And somehow this would not make it like NATO was interfering. In the mean time Putin has realized that the original plans about the Ukraine government quickly collapsing and his troops taking over before the west could react has gone up in smoke as the ineptitude of the Russian military machine has been put on display, and might be looking for a way to save face (which includes the use of tactical nukes to pacify Ukraine according to some rumors). What could go wrong?
Of course it’s Kinzinger accusing other people of not being fearful enough.
“We cannot win this war from a position of tepid fear. Ukraine fights for us all”
*checks expiration dates on my iosat tabs*
You are supposed to do things like that quietly…
Then you announce an arms sale to Poland, later on.
These people are as subtle as a rhinoceros horn up the backside.
I don’t think Poland were gonna play along either way. They can look at a map and see where the bear they’d be antagonizing is away from them relative to the people who roped them into being the middleman.
Oh, I think they want the F-16s, but you don’t go about it by yelling “Hey, look what we are doing!!”
Maybe they’d have wanted to buy them outright. I don’t doubt that at all. But not at the cost of arming people fighting against the giant country next door that’s run by a madman.
That would be left unspoken.
Thank God, I though I was the only sane person (along with my fellow glibs) that saw gifting military fighter jets to Ukraine from a NATO nation was a sure fire way to drag NATO into a full scale conflict with Russia. That had to be the most insane path to total war I can imagine since Operation Barbarossa, likely leading to all out nuclear war. I don’t understand people’s war boners with Russia, what good will be accomplished besides MIC profiteering, and what good is that profit in a nuclear wasteland? I am trying to figure it out but I just cannot see any upside to a war with Russia. Anyone? Bueller?
There’s a lot of wealth in Russia in the hand of the wrong billionaires. Klaus and his cronies can’t complete the Great Reset with that kind of competition?
I too would like to extract the wealth of Russia, through fair trade, free markets, and mutual cooperation. Doing it through war and conquest seems so 20th century.
Think of the poor ballot harvester, sweating away in the fields of farmed ballots in that Texas heat….
It ain’t hot here right now. It’s 40°, which is miserably cold.
Was it Obama who said “we can’t drill our way out of this”. The fuck we can’t, the last administration proved that.
That guy said a lot of bullshit and permanently fucked our health systems. Still a lot better than whoever is operating the Biden puppet.
Why do you think one of the first things Biden did was kneecap US energy independence? These fuckers want to make sure nobody will undermine their criminal goose that laid the golden egg green racket, and energy independence is anathema to that racket.
+1 magic wand
Joe Biden was VP when our solution to high gas prices was “cash for clunkers”. That tells me what kind of solutions he prefers.
Can we survive another 3 years of this shit?
My money is on “nope.”
Just buy an electric car, you yokel. /S
Cash for clunkers but for EVs is totally in the works and it will be at least twice as stupid.
Just one more step on the road to Utopia.
it is gonna end up with the biggest red wave this fall since The Shining.
I’m not optimistic. And it probably wouldn’t matter even if that happens.
It would have to be a super-majority and leadership would need the balls to override vetos on drilling. Maybe if gas is $10 a gallon in November. Even then, it would take a couple years for new supply to correct prices.
Yeah, barring cheating I could see the super majority.
Unfortunately, given who has been prominent in Federal politics over the last decade or so — I have zero faith in TEAM RED actually doing their damned jobs that the voters would want. Obamacare and how they subverted the Tea Party at every turn made that abundantly clear.
Yeah, sorry Swiss — I’m a little down on the black pill side lately. I seriously don’t get why they aren’t absolutely inflaming the country with how inept and hostile to the national wellbeing all this is, putting forward plans (that shouldn’t be rocket science… Step 1 – Get back to Trump era policies on the border and energy sector.) that would show they actually have ideas to put forward if elected, etc. Instead, a good chunk of them are too busy wanting to be Cold Warriors again (and ignoring the balance that went on there), thinking we’re the sole HyperPower that can do anything — and most of the rest are busy sniping on freaking Twitter — which only matters to the media.
Republican congress people (or wanna bes) who got lost on the information superhighway and turned into this creepy alley we call home — GO HOME TO YOUR DISTRICTS. GO HANG OUT BY THE HOME DEPOT, THE GROCERY STORES, THE GAS STATIONS! TALK TO YOUR VOTERS, HEAR THEIR NEEDS AND PITCH SOLUTIONS. GO DOOR TO FREAKING DOOR (best local candidate [County Supervisor I think] we had literally was walking the neighborhood in person, not just putting up flyers… people appreciate a human — not yet another slick suit looking to pad their wallet).
I seriously don’t get why they aren’t absolutely inflaming the country with how inept and hostile to the national wellbeing all this is
It seems deliberate to me. I can’t think of anything I’d be doing differently if I was trying to actively bring about the social and economic destruction of the country.
It’s the continuation of the Great reset agenda started under the Kung Flu scandemic.
^ This. The GOP is very effective in their role of controlled opposition. I don’t the hear term “Stupid” party as much anymore, which is good, because it obscures the GOPs actual intentions and motives.
Firing healthcare workers during a pandemic.
Firing truckers during supply crisis.
Firing cops during a wave of violent crime.
Printing money during rampant inflation.
Banning Russian fuel imports during a gas crisis.
This is sabotage disguised as incompetence.
Recognizing might mean I’m blackpilled.
It doesnt look disguised to me.
They don’t want a super-majority. They want Biden to veto stuff so they win the Presidency in 2024. Then they can casually not do anything until they lose the House back in 2026.
^ This guy gets it.
Yeah, might as well just let TEAM BLUE have some nice majorities in both houses.
Black pill much?
There is a faction of Team Red that is ok. But on the whole are they really better?
They are not nearly as destructive to the nation’s wellbeing as Team Blue.
That’s where I’m at. They’re far from good, like anyone in politics, but they’re not as evil.
My view as of today:
I don’t know about Republicans. But, seriously, fuck Democrats.
My view is the Dems are the kind of animals that are holding women down on the street and brutally raping them, while insanely justifying their actions with psychotic bullshit. The Reps are the useless ones standing around watching and saying they should discuss what to do about about these atrocities in the next committee meeting.
So, Republican are libertarians?
Yes. Not a great deal better – but better. As in, less horrible. They’re Thelma-and-Louiseing us off that cliff more slowly.
As for the Federal Reserve getting involved with digital assets, the central bank issued a paper in January that said a digital currency “would best serve the needs” of the country through a model in which banks or payment firms create accounts or digital wallets.
[insert expostulation of surprise]
“This is going to endanger the safety of our LGBTQ students and adolescents,” Sen. Annette Taddeo, a Democrat, said during Tuesday’s debate. “We will not stop until this state moves forward and actually values everyone in it, everyone no matter their sexual orientation.”
Stop sexaulizing children.
They’re not sexualizing them. They’re grooming them to be abused. I simply cannot think of another reason an adult would want to discuss sexuality with a five year old that wasn’t their own child.
They are trying really, really hard to socialize pedophilia. It’s not by accident that so many seriously deranged leftists with hard beef against laws against pedophilia are all in for these practices. it’s also not a coincidence that we discover they are already involved in this shit (See CNN producer recently let go for grooming kids for sex).
Border cops find 52 snakes and lizards tied up in bags and hidden in a US man’s ‘pockets and groin area’ as he tried to drive into California from Mexico
I’ve never heard of reptile smuggling of that scale.
They really need to constrict the flow of such animals.
Those are some cold-blooded criminals.
No, we need to start shedding restrictions on the import of reptiles.
That movie scared the shit out of me when I was little, especially as it was late-night TV during our annual summer backyard “camping”.
All this punning seems a little asp-y.
Like successful treason that no one dares call such if it succeeds — that scale of smuggling is what you won’t hear about if they’re doing it well. 😉
Of course, in the vein of the other responders, they could just be slithering away before you see them. (Let’s hope Swiss doesn’t have too much venom for this thread…)
I’ve heard of trouser snakes before, but….
“Because I didn’t sign up to be in a monarchy.”
Ah, but you forgot the social contract you signed when you were born. We’ve just changed the terms, pray we do not change them further.
This deal is getting worse all the time.
Ha! Knew it before I clicked….
Robot Chicken is good with Star Wars — but I still think their best was this.
I didn’t care for Robot Chicken until I saw this – https://youtu.be/InlB_uba1Bg
Pure perfection.
Go for Papa Palpatine!
Congress on Tuesday passed legislation that would shore up the U.S. Postal Service and ensure six-day-a-week mail delivery, sending the bill to President Joe Biden to sign into law.
Just keep throwing money at it?
They should probably dissolve USPS and give its infrastructure to private delivery services.
NPR ran a story extolling the virtues of heroic LEOs heroically giving $300 tickets to vile alt-right racist dog owners who dare to let their dogs run off-leash.
This is apparently national news to them.
“We take our chances and we stay away when (ticketing) happens, but then the dog needs to run a week later so we come back.”
I feel sorry for this dog if it’s owner thinks it only needs exercise once a week.
Eh, a long walk on-leash is still exercise, but a dog should still be able to stretch their legs.
Get a yard or control your property.
Leash or not.
one acre per foot of dog.
Weiner dogs need a surprising amount of land.
Don’t most of them have 4 feet?
Actual lol
That’s why you need to measure in mass, not length. Otherwise it’s unfairly scaled to favor breeds that are a dog and a half long but only half a dog high.
Public spaces should not be for the sole use of the weakest and most fearful.
Yeah, this is where I get a little off the rails.
If your dog hurts a child then you both get the death penalty. XD
Like I said, leash or not, it’s your property, control it in a safe manner.
*presents self for execution* No wait, I wasn’t present, my wife was. *presents wife for execution*
And if your child hurts someone else?
Well, he’s not property so just he would need to be executed. I’d be in the clear.
Wow, I can’t believe I survived an encounter with an off-leash dog on Sunday while I was on my bike. Well, by survived I mean I shooed the dog away and was more concerned about it running into the street to greet me (and didn’t want to see it get hit on the way back).
Most common canine off leash in San Diego.
On Tuesday, the Treasury Department said its financial literacy arm would work to develop consumer-friendly materials to help people “make informed choices about digital assets.”
“History has shown that, without adequate safeguards, forms of private money have the potential to pose risks to consumers and the financial system,” said Nellie Liang, undersecretary for domestic finance.
We can only allow a limited number of scams, or the chumps might get wise.
If you sit at the table and cant spot the mark, it’s probably you.
noting an increase of 75 cents per gallon for regular gasoline since the invasion started
That was the most infuriating part of his speech for me. Cherry pick data much. How much did it go up before the invasion?
We’re supposed to believe that his policies had nothing to do with the price rise the entire previous year. And the invasion is the sole cause of the price rise now. F you.
And even if that were true, what did they do to avert the current situation in the Ukraine? Nothing.
Hey, that 10% isn’t going to find its own way to the Big Guy.
Nothing? backing Putin into a corner because you believe your own press about Russian collusion, handing him a windfall because you believe your own BS about global warming, and having a dementia patient as your CiC making you look weak is not nothing.
Also something about producing more oil in his first year than Trumps…you know, that time when he was changing policy that led to an energy boom and the later time when the policies were being reversed by the new *administration…
My wife has been doing her DIE training for a new gig.
We finally found something we agree on in this regard. The ‘training’ doesn’t actually do anything except make everyone feel bad (aka, ‘raise awareness’) no concrete steps were presented on how to deal with racism encountered while on the job. Any useful training ought to tell you what to do in shitty situations. Her example is, what to do when you witness a coworker being abused based on race by a client? Of course she didn’t bring this up at the training, doesn’t want to rock the boat on day one…
The Diversity Grift isn’t about solutions. It’s about generating guilt to motivate people to pay for more diversity grift.
The left never want solutions to any of the “problems” it tells people they need to worried about. That’s because they don’t want to solve anything as much as they want to use it to control people and to make money of it.
Interesting. My mandatory training does.
Essentially it says you should (but not must) step on the landmine or fall on the grenade in front of you.
It gives you alternatives, but none of them good if you happen to be a white, hetrosexual male.
The proper response for most of the situations in the one for my company (from memory, last time I took it) was to report issues to management/HR.
/looks at HR ticket that’s been open since December with no updates in months
Harris County’s primary elections, already impacted by vote count delays putting the county’s political parties at odds, just became more complicated as thousands of uncounted mail-in ballots were discovered over the weekend.
Surely the chain of custody and proof of identity are air tight.
Are you claiming that election fraud doesn’t happen in a vacuum, good sir?
I don’t even like being politically informed anymore. It raises my blood pressure.
This. It feels hopeless.
It’s never hopeless. Trsh said something along the lines of submit, engage, or isolate. Unless if some are willing to push beyond peaceful protests, I think it’s hopeless to ever expect positive change on a national level. The globalists are firmly cemented and control all of the power. The 1/6 protesters and Canadian truckers are finding that out through arrest without trial, beatings, and seized bank accounts.
So fuck em. Isolate yourself and your family. Moving to SC on a few acres is a good start to great life outside of politics. Black pilled doesn’t mean all doom in gloom, it just means acceptance that the politically system is wholly compromised so better to isolate than engage.
Actually I realized that in order to have an impact, my family needed to be a part of an actual community instead of flitting from place to place and having no real connection to what happens there. We don’t intend to isolate, we want to get out there and be a part of strengthening a community.
Isolate means withdrawing from and insulating yourself from the government as much as possible, not living a like hermit. Being a part of a strong local community is an excellent way of doing that. That’s more difficult to succeed with in deep blue urban areas.
Exactly my problem. I’m in a red state but the cities are naturally progressive-blue, partly from the influx of Californians, Portlandians and New Yorkers. The cities were mostly like that before the 2010’s but it has accelerated. Going outside of the narrow overton window gets you labeled as an extremist. I want to have connections with my community and I grew up here, dammit, but I can’t cotton with their unreasonable beliefs if they won’t engage in a reasoned discourse.
Yup, escaped my left leaning suburb in new York one they went full woke and pro mask.
Not sure I ended up anywhere better, long term.
That’s my reaction meetings at work with major changes or restructurings and the like.
They claim they are there to listen and address any employee concerns, etc, etc. My response to this has always been to ask if anything will change from these meetings? If the answer is “no” just tell me what is going to happen and what I need to do.
I don’t need an hour long meeting explaining there will be changes, we understand you will be uneasy and there will be more to come, but we aren’t going to say anything definitive.
My reaction after being in the workforce long enough is almost always: “And why do you think this re-org will work this time?” (Often because the reorg is returning to a structure similar to what they went away from 2 cycles back). Only asked it out loud once… fortunately the lab manager was a nice guy and I didn’t get bounced the next week.. 😉
Anybody who has been around a large organization for more than about 5 years knows that whatever the organization looks like now it will be quite different in another few years.
Three days? I would be fine with weekly delivery if it led to it being competent.
LIke, you know, actually delivering the stuff in the “informed delivery” picture.
No idea how much mail is missing, I’ve stopped clicking on those emails.
In March 2019, gas was around $1.65 per gallon here in Queens. Last week it was $3.69. Today it’s $4.19. It just cost $65 to fill up my shitty Nissan Rogue… FUCK!!!!! Is it time to hoist the black flag and start slitting throats?
Good to see you back around, dude.
Buy a tesla
$2.65 or March 2020?
When it costs $200 to fill a shitty Nissan Rogue it will be. Right now just keep surfing.
Anyways in Romania it is pushing 7 US per US gallon with much lower wages so no complaining.
How much of that is sin taxes?
round 60%
Good lord.
60% is total taxes including the 19%VAT
I paid $5/gal for 93 last night. That makes it $45-50/week for gas to commute to work.
as long as it does not cut into the booze budget…
It costs me roughly $88 to fill my truck with 87 at $3.999/gallon (basically the current universal price locally). That gets me roughly 5 days.
So poverty in the US has been solved, then: Mitch McConnell — ‘We want to quickly send $14 billion to Ukraine’
Russian asset Tucker Carlson was going off on both Dems and RINO’s like McConnell last night. It was something else.
I mean Tucker could be a russian asset
So could you. 😛
Meh, he goes off on the Russians too. I don’t think he is a Russian asset, unless he’s playing 4D chess with his viewers.
That’s about $42 @ man/woman/child in the US, of borrowed money. My social contract doesn’t say anything about that.
What happens if the Ukes lose? Do I get a refund?
I was thinking about this yesterday. We have a permanent class of doomsday LARPers whose entire reason for existence is to terrorize the American people with made-up hobgoblins whose function is to induce the weak-willed to surrender any remaining vestige of freedom and self ownership. Plague, Russia, China, bitcoin… all merely props in the Punch and Judy show.
We have a permanent class of doomsday LARPers whose entire reason for existence is to terrorize the American people with made-up hobgoblins whose function is to induce the weak-willed to surrender any remaining vestige of freedom and self ownership.
I’m with you on this, but I wouldn’t call them LARPers. They have the ability to inflict real terror on people and have been very successfully removing freedoms from everyone with minimal resistance. The noose only tightened further after 1/6 and the Canadian trucker protests.
The problem isn’t the doom-mongers, the problem is the weak-willed bunch of fucking pussies – spoiled by prosperity – that the mass of the public has become. How many, with only the slightest pressure would say “there are three lights”?
How many Polaks does it take to surrender a fleet of fighter panes?
The Pentagon said that Poland’s offer to give MiG-29 fighter jets to the U.S. so they can be passed to Ukraine raises serious concerns for the NATO alliance and the plan is not “a tenable one.”
Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said in a statement that the prospect of jets departing from a U.S. NATO base in Germany to fly into airspace contested with Russia in the Ukraine war is concerning. He said it’s not clear to the U.S. that there is a substantive rationale for it.
“To my knowledge, it wasn’t pre-consulted with us that they plan to get these planes to us,” said U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, who told lawmakers she learned of the proposal as she was driving to testify about the Ukraine crisis before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Everyone else: “No shit, Sherlock.” Next brilliant idea — send supplies to Ukraine using cruise or ballistic missiles… that’ll look great to the Russians too when you launch….
It would be funnier if Ukraine managed to fuck up Russian without too much help.
Also it would give the US time to focus on the war with China.
It’s disturbing how quickly war with China crossed over from unthinkable to something spoken about somewhat casually. I think with how quickly over 50% of the population gets stirred by the media war drums is what really surprised me.
Our leadership class has become aware that while they thought they were setting the CCP up to be their bitch in the new world order, the CCP set them up to be the bitches, and now they are finally scrambling to try to save things for themselves. some are just ready to cave in to their future masters in Beijing cause it is easer and helps them keep their loot, but many are realizing that the CCP is as reliable as Darth Vader was when negotiating with that bitch Lando.
Hey now, Lando did what he could to save his people or buy them some time. He saved the rebellion by rescuing Leia and Luke from Cloud City, and was the pilot that destroyed Death Star II. He also infiltrated Jabba’s palace in the Han Solo rescue mission.
Just because the Imperial Navy shows up out of the blue on his doorstep doesn’t make him a bitch.
The first Gulf War played a big part in the war boner shit.
It was so easy and our armed forces worked so well we think that it will be like that with China. Especially since the CCP won’t fight dirty like the muslims as insurgents. It will be a nice clean war with people in uniform.
You’d think that the debacle in Ukraine would make people think twice about how easy it is to invade and control another country. Except they won’t.
Gulf War 1 also created a myth that we will win a war without major losses. The actual history of our forces is we get crushed in the first actual battle, learn from that and then proceed to win. The idiots now think we can impose our will without sacrifices.
I saw an image of my congress creature, Susan Wild, in Europe. I can’t get the image of her cowering in fear during the 1/6 thing. The idea that these fearful idiots want to send men into the meat grinder is unshakeable.
And most of the people in charge are too stupid to look at the force structure we had then and compare it to now.
I don’t even like being politically informed anymore. It raises my blood pressure.
I have pretty much withdrawn to “obdurate, willful ignorance” territory on multiple topics, Ukraine being chief among them.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Nice. Thankee!
There you go again. Ruined my whole day of curmudgeoning.
LOL, thanks.
The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out… without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.
H L Mencken
They are doing their level best to eradicate us.
Once they lost control of controlling what people believe to be the truth, the people became their enemy.
I like the cut of your jib.
“It’s nobody’s business what firearm we own and we’re not going to allow our federal government to have a registry to take away that right,” said Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) on Tuesday, joining Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) at a Second Amendment press conference in Washington, DC.
It’ll all disappear when the bills have any chance of passing.
Massie is one of the few congress-critters where I don’t instantly assume there’s some sort of grift.
I thought Massie went L? Who was that? Amash?
Amash. He was gonna get tossed as an R after he voted to impeach.
I really liked when Amash would publish his reasoning behind every vote he made. More critters should do that. Hell, it should be mandatory.
I liked him before he went all in on Russiagate.
Same; I lost respect for him when he fell for that.
Same here.
Seemed he completely missed how the feel state is inherently anti democratic and anti freedom. Whether that was intentional or not, I’m not sure…
Yeah, he went for the big fish in a small pond ticket. The LP National was sooooo excited, but there is a sizable contingent of libertarians that think he’s full of shit.
Bob Barr frown at such a blatant act of carpet bagging.
Was a very stressful week at work… and with 1 and a half hours left of this day I think I am about to invent another cocktail.
I did it… not bad
Russian Vodka?
No. I will not tell you what it is lest Not Adahn belittles my effort by insinuating it is not an original invention.
We’re supposed to believe that his policies had nothing to do with the price rise the entire previous year. And the invasion is the sole cause of the price rise now. F you.
We don’t know whose fault it was, but we know whose fault it wasn’t.
She’s bad at limboing.
Damn, she didn’t even slow down…
What you can’t see just out of frame is the buffet line.
Buy a tesla
You misspelled “bicycle”.
I here there are a bunch of those in Beijing and they’re doing great
On the Tesla reddit threads the amount of morons who are gloating at what people are paying for gasoline is insane.
Among many things they have no grasp of economics or energy use and production. And on a human level compassion.
Or doors that are not crooked.
Kidding aside it’s hit or miss. Some cars are amazing others are like GM in the 1980s.
Coming from Jeep JK the quality is miles better.
Electricity comes form the wall and batteries are environmentally friendly. It is known.
Modeling: What can’t it do?
When will the Minneapolis City Council admit that they jumped the gun and acknowledge that Derek Chauvin isn’t a racist monster? That he was simply trying to keep George Floyd from breathing deadly particulates?
This deaths due to pollution claim is always such unbelievable horseshit.
Unless you’re somplace like Bhopal.
Of course it is. Everyone knows those people died of second and third hand smoking.
Pssst. It’s the Newports what’s doin’ it.
Simultaneously, we are supposed to believe that pre-modern people died at 45, and yet if you die at 65 instead of 70, you were poisoned by modern pollution.
Weirdly, life expectancy has gone up with industrialization. The greens would have you believe industrial economies cause untold numbers of premature deaths. That is one square circle.
Everybody would live longer and be happier if they were subsistence farming, this is known.
Mog-ee approves of this message.
Eh, industrialization probably does contribute to deaths.
It also funds all the public infrastructure needed to raise life expectancies and prevent disease through water treatment. It doesn’t have to be all one or the other.
Net-net, across the population, though, it extends life expectancy. There are certainly some things we can do around the margins to make, well, marginal improvements, but taking all in all, the relentless messaging that industrialization causes premature deaths is simply flat wrong.
You can point to a guy who dies in an industrial accident, or a group of people who were poisoned by industrial waste. That’s the seen. The unseen is the hundreds of millions of people who live decades longer. Externalities work both ways; one of the current fallacies is that externalities are necessarily, always and everywhere, negative.
Absolutely agree.
I like that, positive externality.
Unfortunately, post-industrial realism keeps losing out to fantasies about the pre-industrial world.
MF-ing Rousseau.
If Dante could have foreseen Rousseau’s existence, he would have known there’s a special level of hell reserved for him.
“a new modeling study shows X still contributes to an alarming number of Y”
It’s an all-purpose statement. And a sign you can ignore everything that follows.
At least everyone is getting along.
This prime example of finest civilized Polish/Belarusian diplomacy shows international relations at its best by showchasing the current political relations between Poland and Belarus at the border between both countries.
Sounds familiar
Did I ever mention I hate Innovus? I may have
“Listen, Jack. What we have here is two darkies and a towel head.”
Joe Biden: “The three congressman you have here, two of them look like they really could and did play ball and the other one looks like he can bomb you.”
You can tell what they think is really embarrassing because they are really quiet about this one. It’s bad.
JFC. Even for him that’s bad.
The one that could bomb you was a Navy Fighter pilot. Not sure if the black congressmen ever did play ball.
That’s the most generous interpretation.
But I’m not sure why you’d say a pilot “looks like” he could bomb you.
And let’s not pretend that anyone with an R after their name would be granted that interpretation.
Agreed it not a good look and if it were Trump he would have been raked over the coals.
Impotent rage – that’s all that would’ve been produced. They couldn’t actually impact Trump, and that just made (and makes) them more enraged.
“Listen, Jack. What we have here is two darkies and a towel head.”
The first 9 days of march were colder than Any in February. 3 weeks ago it was 16C and sunny now it will go to -9C and it snowed. Fucked up weather. It was better in Seville. Though for people like me it is probably hell in August.
Speaking of red waves…..
Minnesoda Crank Candidate for Governor Picks Viking for Running Mate
Jensen is an actual doctor who said some good things about Minnesoda’s response to the Rona. However, he has always been bad at politics. He says things in ways that makes it super easy to twist his words.
I’m sure he thought that Birk would blow some air into his campaign, but I think it won’t help. Too many GOP-ers will want to avoid being accused of being anti-gay.
Me? I’m happy because I’ve been pissed at him ever since he made a huge stink about Randy Moss getting special treatment back when they were Vikings. And our brain trust somehow decided that it was more important to keep our local boy center happy than to keep a HOF receiver. FUCK BIRK.
In other Vikings news….
Now that A-Rog has signed with the Packers, I guess it is time to ditch Cousins and begin rebuilding. I actually think that is the right thing to do. The Vikes don’t really have a shot at winning a Super Bowl with the current roster, but if Rogers had left they would have been able to dominate the division for a couple years at least.
I thought you were gonna say he picked the horned Jan 6 guy for his running mate…. That would have been balsy.
Serious thought – How much better off would the US be today if buffalo horn guy actually had seized control of the US on 1/6?
I know nothing about the guy, so I can’t say.
Did you remember the radical transformation in Greece after Alexis Tsirpas and SYRIZA won a landslide election, in a stunning rebuke of EU-centric policy, and promptly dismantled the country’s financial ties to the Eurozone?
Buffalo Horn Guy was “looks weird on TV” crazy not “far outside the Overton window” crazy.
That having been said, there is the LULZ value, which should not be underestimated. Carrying on another 4 years of total emotional meltdown among the most fragile people to have ever lived would have been worth it.
Has Biden come on camera in his sweater and wooly slippers to remind us “Freedom isn’t free” yet?
I’m looking forward to it.
So, for the first time in my entire life I find myself actually hating our President. I never had a good one in my lifetime, so my bar was pretty damn low. I would hate individual policies, but I always had the context of “we’ve had bad policies before, but the Republic endures” I did, however, maintain an odd tradition. Since the 1st Bush, every election night I would make a list of “what is the worst that can happen?”. The last election was no different. I made a list of 10 clear benchmarks that includes gas prices, military engagements, inflation, etc. These were triggers to let me know how much should I really care about politics instead of having fun batching about it. Looked over the list. Biden has managed to do more damage in a single year than I had on my list for a disastrous four years.
For the first time I now can empathize with the people who suffered from TDS over the years. Depressing.
“we’ve had bad policies before, but the Republic endures”
Way back in the Clinton era it was common for me to say “the Republic has survived worse”. I now look back on that and realize that Fate heard me and said “hold my beer”.
Gas prices are real. Bad vibes aren’t.
Gas prices can cause bad vibes but the reverse isn’t true.
Fuck that – Bush lied us into decades long wars, Obama doubled down on stupid, fathered the Yemeni genocide and slaughtered countless people. Trump didn’t start new ones but continued the old and failed to drain the swamp. Biden is now fucking over the economy and taking us to war against a nuclear power.
Yeah, but other than that? He hasn’t been sleeping around with ugly women, he stays home and does that.
The inconvenient truth of the present crisis is that behind all the rhetoric about NATO, Moscow’s beef is fundamentally with the EU.
While I agree with a portion of the premise, this is hilariously naïve.
Russia’s problem is they have the wrong patrons in charge.
I mean better kleptocrats make a helluva difference in day to day life
Possibly the best euphemism for fascism to date.
Once again – we’ve been told by #fakenews that there’s no US #biolabs in #ukraine. Those were called “Russian propaganda” and “conspiracy theory”. How come they suddenly exist and are discussed by house representatives, with hesitation yet openly?
A new frontier for celebration parallax.
There are no biological research labs in Ukraine, but it would be a disaster if they fell into Russian hands.
“a new modeling study shows X still contributes to an alarming number of Y”
It’s an all-purpose statement. And a sign you can ignore everything that follows.
According to my model, my model is correct.
My new modeling study says that flawed modeling studies contribute to an alarming number of incorrect conclusions being drawn by journalists. I am proposing more money be given to modelers to ensure that future models are more accurate.
My model shows that flawed models are on the rise.
Avoids looking at Kamala’s step daughter
See? It’s handy.
This is why I love Paris. There are still cobblers. When I told this cobbler there weren’t any such things in America anymore he was stunned.
I seem to remember seeing an American cobbler on the youtube. Strange
There is a cobbler near me, but the one time I dropped in he seemed off put that I wanted him to give me an estimate to replace the heels and soles of some dress shoes (he clearly wanted to keep talking to his friend).
When he did deign to give me an estimate it was for $120 (the shoes originally cost $80).
well youtube cobblers usually repair shoes that originally cost 500 and up
Artisanal cobbling?
Huh, I’ve had simple things like new soles put on for around $20.
I might as well get a new pair of Birks for what I pay for re-soles, which is what I think I may do soon.
Well, I have gigantic feet, if I find a pair of shoes that work for me I try my best to hang on to them. Also, they don’t make things like they used to (don’t know if this applies to Birkenstocks too)
That humble brag won’t get you far in this sausage fest with sprinkles of married unicorns.
Really odd reason to love Paris.
Plenty more in this area too.
One of our self-appointed betters displaying her ignorance.
I’m pleased to see she’s getting schooled in the comments.
Paris correspondent for NPR? Wonder how many dicks she sucked for that gig?
But one of them was that Redditor with 2 dicks, so rated PANTS ON FIRE.
Ah good ole Eleanor. The one who insists on foreign pronunciations during her segments, long before it became fashionable at NPR.
Parisians are the NPR listeners of France, so this checks out.
Cobblers are freaking everywhere. Nobody wants to replace a pair of good shoes just because the sole is worn a bit and they look a little ratty.
There’s one in my little municipality and they’ve been there since dirt.
People are repairing sneakers? I rarely see anyone wearing manly boots. No shoemakers or cobblers anymore locally.
No, like comfy loafers etc.
I had a good cobbler in the Denver area, resoled my ropers twice and a pair of my tooled ‘go-to-town’ boots once. Haven’t found one up here yet, but I suspect there are a few around.
Probably a government controlled job like bakers in Gay old Pairee.
It’s just artisinal serfdom.
We had a cobbler near my office when I worked downtown. Even better, they were next door to the haberdasher.
It was like something out of another era.
There are three cobblers within walking distance of where I’m sitting.
New York City Keeps Masking Toddlers
It’s no coincidence that they target the population least capable of fighting back.
Wear your bad luck like a crown of thorns
In many ways, life in the U.S. is returning to something of a pre-COVID normal. Masks are coming off, parties are being scheduled. But for millions of Americans who lost a loved one to the disease, life will never be the same. Now there’s an effort led by a group called Marked By COVID to establish an enduring memorial to a pandemic that has killed some 960,000 people in the U.S. — with the number still rising.
Nuñez del Prado, who is a social worker and trauma therapist, is now channeling her grief into lobbying for a national COVID memorial day on the first Monday of March each year, as well as trying to build physical memorials in cities all over the country.
“I know that a key to healing from trauma is to hold space, to feel what you need to feel,” she said, “and to do this in community.”
On Monday night, Marked By COVID led a virtual service attended by hundreds of people who had lost someone to the disease. They lit candles and shared the names of their loved ones in the chat, writing notes about why they were so special, and about the emptiness left behind. More than 500 people submitted photos of loved ones who had died.
You’re special. I’m special. We’re all special!
When will they get around to erecting obelisks to memorialize all the people killed by mosquitoes?
You want to do things with private funds? Knock yourself out.
lobbying for a national COVID memorial day
Maybe they can combine the Spanish Flu memorial day. Oh, right, that’s not a thing.
Spanish Flu killed between 3-5% of the world population. Covid deaths, over-reported as they are, killed about 0.08% of the population.
Yes, it sucks you lost someone. But have some sense of history.
But have some sense of history.
Solipsists hit hardest.
All you figments of my imagination are really bringing me down lately.
The “I can’t afford to pay 5$ a gallon” starter-pack #gasprices
Yay for your parents who didn’t let their nationality get in the way of their fucking. Truly an achievement for you.
Because gas was so expensive during the Trump years…
It’s a smoker’s dilemma. Cigarettes or gas? These kinds of necessities are going to require some tough choices.
In local news all restrictions were officially lifted today. It was nice to walk into shops without a mask
I was doing that when the restrictions were still in place. Nobody challenged me.
Here the most strict about it seemed the McDonald’s people. Probably corporate orders
That’s some great supply chain management there VAG.
Porsche Reportedly Pausing Production Of All Models Due To War In Ukraine
Porsche Reportedly Pausing Production Of All Models Due To War In Ukraine
Anybody who has been around a large organization for more than about 5 years knows that whatever the organization looks like now it will be quite different in another few years.
Westinghouse Effect, FTW!
Another optical illusion that works on a nonhuman animal.
This isn’t snow; it’s a field covered in spider webs ??️
Yes, it sucks you lost someone. But have some sense of history.
You slay me.
It was right under $50 to gas up my Malibu, can’t imagine what it’s costing my mom to fill up her Suburban, and gord forgive if she wanted to top off the RV.
Gas prices up and rising
Grocery prices up and rising
Energy prices up and rising
Supply issues up and rising
Overall inflation up and rising
People able to pay for my services down and falling
Work hours down and falling
I’m White Trash, and I’m in trouble
Same. I’m a luxury in both my hustles. It’s why I’m studying to change course completely.
Yep. People who may have been willing to drop a few grand for a paint job are now thinking that now might not be the best time for that. Not sure what to do… sustenance farmer? People still gotta eat, right?
What are you studying? Either way, good luck to you, friend.
Medical coding. It costs dearly, but the ROI is awesome.
That reminds me. The spousal unit spent some dough on getting certified because she was worried about losing her cushy, but annoying gig. Her annoying/unstable boss is suddenly up and retiring. My wife got “transferred” to new management. I must check on her progress. There will probably be an argument followed by a weekend of chilly silence.
Hope it goes well for you, Mojo.
Thanks! I’m in the beginning stages (started 3/1), so I’m still a little confused. The course is supposed to take about a year, although I’m going to try to get through it faster.
So far I have a 95%, but that 5% rankles. The course tells you over and over and over again NOT to memorize, because it takes too much time and you are not allowed to use your memory in the workplace, but I get frustrated when I can’t remember things I JUST STUDIED.
If nothing else, this will keep my mind sharp as I head into older age.
I’m the opposite. I know if I didn’t remember it the first time I won’t remember it subsequent times. That’s why I never studied anything covered in a lecture.
It’s my measure of how undisciplined I have allowed my mind to get.
My mind has never been disciplined. It don’t care, it does what it wants.
It’s my measure of how undisciplined I have allowed my mind to get.
This times two for me. It’s driving me (and my wife) crazy. Even simple things don’t get done anymore.
I rely on journaling and to-do lists to remember things. I still can’t remember dates significant things occurred (e.g., X thing happened in November, but I remember it as happening in December, and that was just 3 months ago).
What, you can’t memorize a five foot high stack of books? I am disappointed.
Me too!
Supply issues up and rising
Boss just told me he can’t find the colors in stock we need to paint this house anywhere in the metro…this is getting bad.
white lime was good enough for my grandma it should be good enough for anyone
That sucks man. I hope things smooth out for you soon.
Porsche Reportedly Pausing Production Of All Models Due To War In Ukraine
So they can build armored personnel carriers and bulldozers?
The crisis in Ukraine is expected to impact the automotive industry for quite some time and could lead to a second wave of microchip shortages. That’s because Ukraine is the source of about 70 per cent of the world’s neon output, an important gas for running the lasers necessary to manufacture semiconductor chips.
Who knew Ukraine was such a noble country?
How the letter Z became a pro-war symbol in Russia—and what it means
That fucking commie Zorro!
The absolute state of this war according to Western media:
The letter Z used by Russia is a dangerous symbol, but the black sun used by Ukrainian irregulars is nothing to be concerned about.
What they need are horned helmets on one side and a bone in the nose for the other side. Maybe one side could start using Aztec death whistles.
It’s savages all the way down.
Elon Musk, Marc Andreessen mock ESG investing
Hands down the most impressive camouflage I’ve ever seen in nature– especially when contrasted with that defensive display!
Something different
A palate cleanser, of sorts.
This is the James Brown we need in these trying times.
Eliciting people’s first-order concerns: Text analysis of open-ended survey questions
The Reps and Dems don’t like the way the State runs their primaries? Gee, to bad there isn’t a simple solution to that problem.
Repeal the Voting Rights Act and 70 years of related jurisprudence?
How about we get rid of the primary system entirely and have everyone on the final ballot.
I like it.
Nah, just have the parties do their own primarying. The state should have no business in the selection process by which a party determines their candidate.
Hypothetical self-run Republican Party primary in Baltimore City, 2024: rampant accusations of “discrimination” and “silencing minority voices” as the party that gets less than 10% of the vote in this area failed to adequately plan or fund its primary operation.
Not sure why that should concern me at all.
sounds regressive backwards reactionary and racist
Gotta start somewhere
Bum Fights?
I can get on this bandwagon… Thunderdome elections would at least guarantee the people wanting office were willing to die for that…
And the added bonus that two men enter, one man leaves.
“How long do you think people will buy this bullshit? He can shrug it off, but acting like there’s nothing he can do about it is gonna end up with the biggest red wave this fall since The Shining.”
Oh no, we’ll oscillate over to the controlled opposition party, whatever will the establishment do?
Cars make cities less compact
very counterintuitive
Medical coding. It costs dearly, but the ROI is awesome.
The ill and infirm will always be with us.
Sadly, so will government payors and insurance companies.
That’s the idea.
are you trying to take advantage of the crooked system?
If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
Does it greatly affect you which state you operate in?
I have no idea. I just peruse Indeed and see what’s there, and what’s there is “experience required”. Well, I was an untried transcriptionist once upon a time, too, so we will see.
Does the course you’re taking include any sort of placement assistance after you complete it?
I believe so, although their jobs board is sadly lacking.
I just went back to Indeed and put in for remote work, and there is, indeed, remote contract work with experience “preferred”. I can swing that.
Cars make cities less compact
No fucking way. Next you’ll tell me the McCormick reaper made larger farms possible.
We should all be like New York City!
Cities don’t have to be like that. But public policy as wish fulfillment combined with media- and state-driven breaking of any attempt to form an endogenous social order will lead you there.
Jane Jacobs may have won a battle or two but Moses won the war.
Or, you could contrast NYC with Houston.
Growth seems to be the only social lubricant that works in this environment. But Houston won’t grow forever.
Cool story brah. Now explain Tokyo.
I’m sure he has an explanation like, “they’re just as sick and depraved, those Nips. They just haven’t had anyone like me there to explain it to them. Poor bastards.”
They have their own depravity, Herbivore men, tentacle porn etc.
OFFS. There is a class of people like that I suppose (let me guess, “me and all my friends”) and there is a much larger class who are not like that.
The electric light made swing shifts possible.
Good morning, Sloopy!
Prepping the battlespace. They will – naturally – conclude that they absolutely must create a CBDC. For stability.
Besides, they have been working on it for years. This is pure propaganda.
Thanks for the Petty, though. It’s an antidote for the poisonous lynx!
Why would anyone use it?
Morning all.
Because it will be mandatory.
For stability
You spelled efficiency wrong. They want to be able to shut you off with a few keystrokes.
Correct. Stability is the sales pitch. Absolute control is the point.
But what makes us so neurotic? One answer seems to be space. Or the lack thereof. “New York is mental illness, drug addiction and eating disorders served on a silver platter,” Mr. Preven said. “A lot of us are cognitively challenged. There are so many different worlds here and we all overlap and bump up against each other. I call Grand Central a human particle accelerator.”
A vast rat colony stress test.
Rebuttal to the hubris of the perfect design.
Unfortunately the article misses the point by incorrectly focusing on over-population. The population never hit the maximum it was designed for, and what the mind of man conceived of as “ideal” was far from it.
BTS with Shannon McMullen, Wild Set Free in Exumas
In Romanian BTS is the abreviation for STD – Boala cu transmitere sexuala. Still would though.
You would a bunch of Korean dudes who look like lesbians in business suits*?
* = h/t SugarFree
Ok, watched the video, BTS doesn’t even appear at all.
I made the same assumption as you. I blame my nieces.
Any automotive experts here?
The tree that shades my mechanical abilities is quite massive. But I’m a bit stumped. I think I know the answer but I don’t want to lead the witness as they say.
I replaced the external fuel pump in my 1992 Daihatsu Rocky (pie that would be the Daihatsu Feroza to you, and for any UK souls out there, the Daihatsu Sportrak). Anyway, I changed the fuel pump, and the fuel filter. On this particular model vehicle, the fuel pump is fully external, It’s also mounted near the top of the fuel tank. Additionally, inlet hose, goes over top a cross bar above the fuel tank. So I changed out the fuel pump, and I also changed the fuel filter under the hood. I got everything buttoned back up, put the fuel pump relay back in, (-) battery cable back on, and got in the truck. I primed the pump a few times, then tried to start (I could hear the fuel pump kick on each time). Crank and no Start. I did this a couple times; primed 3x, cranked. still no start. Thinking I may have got the + and – power wires mixed up on the fuel pump, I switched those and tried again. Same procedure. Still no start.
Make sure the fuel filter is not reversed.(if it’s an in-line model)
Also verify you are getting fuel pressure and all hoses to the pump are correctly hooked up.
Carbed or fuel injected?
Our professional mechanic here is likely trying to earn his living.
Is this thing fuel injected? Can you pull a fuel line off at the engine and see if you have fuel flow?
Ron, I’m pretty sure the fuel filter is correct. I plan to check that today. It was dark and I may have put the arrow in the wrong direction. But the wider section of the fuel filter (gm style) is pump side, and the narrower end is rail side.
Sensei: I can, I just don’t want to. Access is a pain and I think If I have to remove the filter (easiest access), I’ll need to get another one because it’s likely to be mangled in the process.
My theory is that there’s not enough gas in the tank (gauge reads 1/4)… Is it common to not have a sending unit in a vehicle with a high mounted external fuel pump? The inlet line was of course dry when I installed it. Does the pump create enough vacuum to prime itself?
Then it’s what I thought. Ghosts.
I also may have proved my ignorance in that a sending unit has nothing to do with sending fuel (just signal for the fuel level).
So the question remains; does a dry fuel pump create enough vacuum to prime itself? Or should I fill up the tank and try again?
Try sucking on the intake line of the pump, and then promptly demand $20, same as down town.
Not an expert on this, but shouldn’t he suck on the outtake? That’s how the $20 gets earned.
Yes, it should
Cool, thanks!
I’m going to confirm positive and negative from the relay, try to minimize the head pressure differential to make it easier for the pump to prime, confirm fuel filter orientation, prime the system for longer, attempt to start, and then confirm fuel pressure at the rail.
You have to verify you have fuel pressure before you can really troubleshoot anything else.
What was the issue that led to the fuel pump replacement?
If it’s doing the same thing as before the pump replacement, maybe that wasn’t your issue in the first place.
Hard start condition/excessive noise lead to the replacement. Was running, albeit low power (not sure how low because it had all of 90hp from the factory), and had an intermittent suring/hunting idle.
My plan was to replace the pump and filter, then take the vacuum line off the fuel pressure regulator and see if any fuel came out, indicating a torn diaphragm.
But to get to that test, I need to I need the car to run.
I’ll try to confirm fuel pressure at the rail when I get home later (as well the fuel filter orientation).
Good luck
Thanks, Ron!
Was it working before you changed the fuel pump or was there an intermittent problem that led you to do it? If you have fuel, do you have spark?
It was hard to start, had to prime the pump a couple times to get it fired. plus the pump was making some ungodly noise. I assume spark, air, compression are all good as it was running alright save for the hard start condition and intermittent surging/hunting idle after warming up.
From my knowledge that I have gained here you might want to check thr thermostat or possibly turn it off and on again. I believe those were highlighted in issue #45 of Glib Mechanic Weekly
Assume thermostat is good as it was running before the change, and coolant temps were pegged as should be during various driving conditions.
I’ll try and see if I can find the hard reset button! 🙂
Maybe the car didn’t want to pegged, you rapist.
It’s Japanese. More kinky than its domestic counterparts.
As long as your Daihatsu doesn’t look like this you are OK.
That looks like some Kreiger would drive. If he didn’t already have a bitchin’ van.
As Rush fan, Kreiger’s vans were one of my favorite gags.
After someone posted a “best of Pam” video the other day, I rolled right into a “best of Kreiger”
“I call him Fister Roboto!”
So great.
When I did my Krieger Force 4 photoshop for Cracked I got a call out from Lucky Yates on Twitter. Brushes with fame. No endorsements of Hat and Hair, SAD.
Van by Night and Exit Van Left are the two I remember.
That’s great! Yates’ enthusiasm really makes the character.
ron – one of my favorites was the first titled “Van” in the same style and font as the “Rush” album.
They also had a “Hemispheres” van
Can you hear the pump running? You might have to bypass the relay to get it to run without the engine running.
Then check if the pump is getting power with a voltmeter.
If you don’t have fuel pressure gauge, you can loosen one of the connections an see if gas sprays out. Keep a fire extinguisher handy.
Also make sure it only has one fuel pump, many cars that have a fuel pump near the tank, have a second pump near the engine.
Pump is definitely running, can here it. I’ll confirm power though. Yep, despite not wanting to, I think I’m going to have to loosen the banjo fittings on the fuel filter to see if everything is working.
I have the factory service manual, and there’s no indications of another pump. But I’ll recheck the lines.
Thanks, Count!
I primed the pump a few times, then tried to start (I could hear the fuel pump kick on each time). Crank and no Start
Is there an arrow on the pump denoting direction of flow? When you say “primed the pump” you mean it ran for a few seconds and stopped (the relay needs an ignition signal to run continuously).
Bad relay?
Hmmm interesting. I assume the relay is good as the truck ran before the change. Maybe I need to prime longer/ multiple on off iterations to get the lines fully presurized.
Pump orientation is correct, of that I’m 99% sure. The positive/negative leads is still up in the air though. There’s a white and a black wire.
Fuck Senator Paul Hornback, and fuck the Kentucky Department of Agriculture.
Does the pump create enough vacuum to prime itself?
It should.
The inlet line was of course dry when I installed it.
Blocked pickup? Pull the pump back off and blow through the line.
I’m not sure I can contort my body into a position to accomplish this, but it’s an interesting theory, so If there’s no indication of fuel in the rail after performing some other troubleshooting steps, I’ll find a way to blow air into the tank.
Seriously, how do we libertarians combat this kind of “fake news” that is endemic in the media? Today’s Assoc. Press report on the sentencing of Jan. 6th “insurrectionist” Guy Refitt:
“The riot resulted in the deaths of five people, including a police officer.” We also have media spreading the lie that the recent Florida legislation is the “Don’t Say Gay bill.”
Short of some libertarian billionaire buying up one or more of these DNC subsidiaries, what can be done???
Consuming mass quantities of alcohol and embarrassing young socialist family members at Thanksgiving?
I think the media arm of the DNC has done a terrific job of discrediting itself already. Not sure if it will be enough, though. I guess we’ll find out in November.
Useful idiots will never be convinced no matter the evidence. To everyone else it is already obvious but there just aren’t enough of these people.
Patient in Groundbreaking Heart Transplant Dies
David Bennett Sr. had received a heart from a genetically modified pig, a procedure that may yet offer hope to millions of Americans needing transplants.
I read he was ineligible for a human donor heart. Given how screwed up the organ donation process is in the US I wonder what made him ineligible. As contrasted, with say…
The surgeon who gave Steve Jobs a new liver – and two more years – faces new questions
He was convicted murderer, that might a done it.
Or unjabbed.
Ah, Hindenburg Research just murdered another company:
NTRA is down 37% so far.
I find their reports oddly entertaining.
Many of us in financial services enjoy their work – even if we don’t agree with it all the time.
I appreciate their honesty – “we’ve taken a short position in this company and expect to make money by exposing their bullshit”.
Anytime a PM (portfolio manager) comes out pro or con on stock you can be pretty much assured they are long or short the position.
And if they aren’t actively shorting the stock (i.e. fund is long only) you can be pretty much guaranteed they are long a competitor.
This is why mom and pop retail investors should not play with their savings pretending to be fund managers.
I’m pretty strictly a Bogleheads 3-fund portfolio guy; I enjoy the HR reports but don’t bother trying to jump on board (usually couldn’t anyway by the time I see the report).
I’d watch them as the analysis sounds a little off. Illumina isn’t a competitor for consumer testing, they are a manufacturer of sequencing equipment (& supplies). That’s the big competitor to the company my son works for.
Read this and marvel why anyone would want to be a multi-family residential real estate owner in Newark, NJ.
Newark’s Mayor Proposes Changes to Ordinance to Create More Affordable Housing
I predict projects in the 29 unit size.
Could be wrong, don’t know much about real estate economics, but it seems a likely outcome.
The new amendments want to drop it down to 15 units. Likely for the reason you mention among others.
From my limited dealings with real estate operators – you either specialize in this stuff and go big or you stay really small. Crap like this kind of regulation is the reason nothing mid sized is attractive for independents.
Tenant rights in NJ are strong – last thing I’d want to be here is a landlord. Pre ‘vid it could easily take 18 months or longer to evict.
Didn’t Baltimore do this? Made the whole city into a project as opposed to a few areas. Also didn’t help that Baltimore was a fledgling city to begin with. Newark doesn’t seem to be a very nice place, so I imagine the results will be similar.
Newark has the advantage of being close to NYC and having some loyal employers of good size.
This is offset, by some of the highest poverty and crime levels in the state.
Baltimore offered to compensate the developers for the difference in income (which they are now planning to remove). Which method is Newark planning?
I’m going to guess the “Obey, Peasant!” method
My impression of Newark is that it is some kind of Mad Max hellscape.
I’d live in that before I lived in Newark.
Why not underground cubes?
*I cant find the article about those glass fronted underground cube dwellings.