Not much in sports. We’re closer to opening day. The NFL draft is coming up. And the World Cup qualifiers that will decide the US’s fate are starting tomorrow. So wait a couple more days and I’ll have something to report.
The videos of this are awful. I hope everybody in the path was ok.

Always assume cops are gonna steal your DNA if they offer you something you’ll throw away.
I assumed this was commonplace. I also think its criminal. And I’m certain nobody will be held responsible.
I’m shocked. Shocked! Well, not really shocked.
This woman is a one-trick pony. She’s also wrong on pretty much everything she opines about.
The government could fuck up a wet dream. Also, the government shouldn’t even own property like this.
Now the real corruption begins. And I can assure you a lot of connected family members will be getting cushy “jobs” from these groups.

Crazy shit.
Yeah, this one is a real mystery. Fortunately they found one of the black boxes. Unfortunately, it’s the Chinese government who found it, so whatever conclusions are reached will be questionable at best.
This is what he gets for not towing the lion. I see a large fine in his future, if not something more severe. All because he doesn’t kiss the right asses.
This might be contentious. Well, I like them. So here’s another one. Go enjoy them.
And enjoy this Wednesday, dear friends.
whaddup doh’
‘Tipping is a legacy of slavery’
The cows had no comment.
I thought the comment was made by a cow.
Udder nonsense.
Eat Mor Chikin
LOL. Any attempt to refute her arguments is a reflection of an obsession. I guess he just wants to date her.
Her pic in the article is pretty much exactly what I expected.
Angry black woman stereotype exists for the same reason as the Karen stereotype.
“Hannah-Jones went off on Magness, accusing him of being obsessed with her and saying he couldn’t cancel or discredit her with graphics and links to opinion articles.”
In a world where stupid was not as pervasive as it is now, she would cancel herself by opening her mouth and saying the stupid and evil shit she believes.
She has a huge audience and was lifted to prominence for her stupidity, not in spite of it. She’s basically a fire and brimstone preacher in another age, commanding her flock to repent for their sins.
A modern-day Carrie Nation, in more ways than one…
Moo point.
That’s loo.
4 5
7 6
Hitler ?
That would be
8 8
8 8
You sound gay and your shit is all retarded.
You demand a shrubbery?
3 6
8 5
8 6
7 5
3 0
5 6
8 7
3 4
7 6
It’s gonna be a good day
4 5
8 6
Now do the Cholesky decomposition on it.
The videos of this are awful.
It really blows you away.
Don’t get your grundies in a twist
Your musical selections are excellent and any who disagree go on The List
Great. Another list I’m on.
Despite being below my usual weight class, Id like it entered into the record that Jodi Lyn O’Keefe really takes the wrinkles out of my love-sausage.
‘Tipping is a legacy of slavery and if it’s not optional then it shouldn’t be a tip but simply included in the bill,’ Nikole Hannah-Jones tweeted Monday.
It is optional.
‘Have you ever stopped to think why we tip, like why tipping is a practice in the U.S. and almost nowhere else?’
Different countries have different cultural practices.
This is insultingly dumb, but you are the bad guy for pointing that out to her…
My wife and I went to Europe for our 20th: England, Scotland, Belgium, France. I couldn’t figure out tipping. We paid for most everything with a card, and some places the payment processing didn’t have any option for tipping.
Also, Paris smells like piss.
Europeans don’t do tipping because they don’t believe or have the concept that allowing for a tip incentivizes the server to work harder and give better service. So you usually get piss poor service and the server doesn’t care cause they are still getting paid in full. I once had locals in Germany freak out at me cause once the servers realized I was American despite the fact I spoke German, they all realized that if they gave me better service I would tip them, and they then stopped helping the locals.
Tipping quite frankly works. The people who complain about it either haven’t ever worked in the service industry, don’t tip, or are miserable misanthropes.
I tip because I like my bartenders. No other reason.
Japan begs to differ. In general the service levels there are off the charts compared with any other country I’ve visited.
Different mindset with service industries paying competitive wages (mostly). Essentially the belief that failure to provide good service reflects personally on the server.
It’s a cultural mindset that doesn’t exist here.
Isn’t tipping in Japan rude or something?
Not really.
If a foreigner tips nobody is going to think that rude as it is part his or her culture. OTH, a Japanese person wouldn’t really even consider tipping in the first place.
Oddly, for a certain kind of traditional inn my understanding is that tipping is expected and the guests already know this. It’s also priced with the expectation of tipping. I don’t know much about this other than what I’ve heard from my friends.
I heard that you’re supposed to cover the tip with something so it isn’t visible.
So just put the tip in?
@Sensei Thanks. I only visited Japan once. I stayed with a relative who paid for our meals.
Yeah, that was my experience with Asia as well when it comes to tipping. The phenom was inverted with what you see/saw in Europe. And I once even had someone tell me that leaving a tip might be insulting to someone because it might imply that you see their work as something less valuable. I pointed out to the person that I would never overpay, that I myself had once been a server and understood the difficulty of the job, which is why I would feel that I was insulting someone that gave great service if I didn’t reward and recognize it, and that seemed to reduce/remove the perceived insult.
Oh, it sure as hell works. I have been to most European countries, and the service tended to be mediocre – at best – unless the serving staff realized they were dealing with an American. At that point you were likely to see an increase in the level of service immediately, because they realized they could make more bank through a tip. This phenom is not as prevalent as it was 10 or 20 years ago, because many Americans now believe they shouldn’t tip in Europe, but back when it was immediately evident.
Also not that it is a common held belief that most black people are terrible tippers, which is why I suspect this racist woman is trying to accuse those that point that out of being the racists. I once had a young black server tell me that he hated serving blacks because they wouldn’t tip him after he busted his ass to help them. At the time I thought the comment was horribly racist, but as I learned more about tipping it became obvious to me that problem was with my assessment of his motivation.
I’ve been to places that tip, but follow different rules that price the tip based on what service is provided not on a percentage of the bill. You tip a waiter in a fancy restaurant the same amount as you tip a waiter in the cheapest diner.
There was plenty of tipping in Europe way back when li’l Rhywun was a resident. Not as much as in the US I suppose, and probably less today.
The US is moving in the same direction, just more slowly.
You think? I’m seeing tip jars show up at places where tipping was never expected before. I saw one at a drive thru.
You’re right, we’re moving in two different directions.
Tip jars at food trucks, but woke restaurants “ending” tipping.
Back in the before times, when working in Belgium, Leuven was where we’d stay. College town, lots of restaurants and bars, etc.
One day a group of about 6 of us walked to a cafe and were trying to figure out if we could sit there in the outside eating area. Wasn’t looking good till one of the staff noticed and made 2 local couples who were already eating get up from their seats and rearrange so we could be at the bigger tables…
Never thought about it being tip-related, but you’re probably right. We tend to overdo it a bit, and everybody else in town is college students or college-affiliated locals.
Also, Paris smells like piss.
That’s my NYC critique. Since I have never been to Paris, which one smells worse?
New Orleans.
The French Quarter in the Summer is positively miasmic. Also, drunken ladies removing their shoes and walking about Da 1/4 in stockinged/bare feet are playing a dangerous game. Broken glass and ringworm are the least of their worries in the vile, soupy residue that coats those streets and sidewalks..
Swiss gets it.
Good answer, but not in the literal sense.
I’ve never been to NYC, but my wife has. I don’t recall her coming back complaining about the smell, but that’s the first thing she has to say about Paris.
The few days we stayed in Paris, we were in a hotel about three blocks from Gard du Nord, a big train station. Convenient for getting around, but a dodgy neighborhood. We got to where we were navigating around the area by using the homeless people as landmarks. “There’s the guy with the mattress and the filthy bare feet, we turn left up here.”
“The government could fuck up a wet dream. Also, the government shouldn’t even own property like this.”
Find out whom in government owns the building and is getting some sweet subsidy that s far more than the building’s worth/cost, and you will understand why this shit is happening…
Even absent the standard corruption, the government organization that manages housing is different than the one that gets the homeless into housing. For the first, the mission is accomplished regardless of the vacancy rate.
One of the several reasons we left Brooklyn was the landlord of our 20 unit building entering into some NYC program to put the homeless up in unrented units. The building took a noticeable downturn.
What dude? You don’t like the idea of some hobo copping a squat next to you in the elevator or whipping it out to beat the baloney? You are not a very good person for being that square…
| August 2019 – The New York Times begins its 1619 project which aims to ‘reframe the country’s history’ on slavery, but faces criticism over historical inaccuracies and generalizations
I wish she could reframe modern, no-shit, actual slavery since it’s still happening in N. Africa since her “most qualified ever” candidate Hillary de-stabilized that entire region.
Now, just like in olden times, anyone can buy a negro at the auction in downtown Tripoli.
The don’t care about that poor soul and only about using their lies to gain more power and steal more lucre here. These are people that pretend to be sainted and wanting to do good to actually do nothing more than abuse power given to them and steal shit from people they are jealous of.
Downtown Tripoli?
Sorry, I am only authorized for “The shores of Tripoli”.
I guess I can only go to Valley Forge or San Juan Hill.
20 bucks either way.
Now the real corruption begins.
Related: Judge grants Richmond a do-over for casino referendum
Richmond is asking for experts in fortifying elections.
This is how referendums work: the proles get to vote on them over and over until the correct result is achieved. Then they are written in stone and may not be reconsidered.
“Yeah, this one is a real mystery. Fortunately they found one of the black boxes. Unfortunately, it’s the Chinese government who found it, so whatever conclusions are reached will be questionable at best.”
It was done by Falun Gong, Uighurs, evil Taiwan, or by Trump pointing out China is Asshoe?
If they weren’t dirty Trumpsters then the CCP wouldn’t be harvesting their organs.
Anyone that is against the new incarnation of the middle kingdom and its holy destiny is an enemy of the people…
l like The Pixies. Frank Black is asshoe, though.
The narrative persisted.
Well, I’ve tested positive for COVID. I’ve got some mild cold symptoms but am feeling fine. I’m more grateful than ever for the protection vaccines can provide against serious illness. Please get vaccinated and boosted if you haven’t already!
It’s literally the same script.
Bill tested negative and is feeling fine. He’s quarantining until our household is fully in the clear.
Convid should be the least of his worries.
It’s literally the same script.
I don’t know a lot about cults, but this feels like a cult.
I was amazed at the overtly corrupt nature of the last casino that got built in MA.
This is all from memory, but I’m not intentionally exaggerating for the purposes of entertainment)
1. First it cost north of $10k to even see what the requirements to apply were, and such instructions were confidential. The actual application fees were much higher.
2. MA allowed only four possible locations (predetermined ahead of time) but was going to authorize only one permit.
3. Amazingly enough, four companies applied and even more amazingly they each applied to only one of the locations and even MORE amazingly each thought a different location would be the best one to put a casino in! Isn’t that amazing? Diversity is our strength.
4. The criteria for selection was of course “who will spend the most money?” Company A who picked location A was the winner.
5. But then Company B decided that they made a mistake, they accidentally applied for location B instead of location A, which is what they had really meant to do.
6. Company A decided that they really didn’t want to win after spending gobs of cash during this process and said “yo, Company B, it’s all yours bro. No idea what we were thinking. Gotta readjust out balance sheet to account for this giant pile of money we accidentally overlooked until now.”
7. Company B is declared the winner.
8. The county Location B was in said “Glad to have you Company B. You know that was just the state approval right? We don’t think you’re spending enough to create jobs and we need you also to pay for all the new roads, water, sewer, electricity, police, fire, building inspectors, health inspectors etc. that we’re going to need to serve the citizens of this county. Before we can approve you, you’ll need to take care of this.”
9. The same as 8, but with the town.
10. Hotel/casino breaks ground.
11. Company B says “you know, there’s no way we’re going be able to fill a hotel of this size. We really should build a smaller one.”
12. The state, county, and city governments say “Nah-ah motherfucker. You promised us that you’d be employing. X number of people and Y square footage to be paying taxes on, and Z amount of room taxes every year. Pay up or fuck off.”.
The real eye-opener is that this kind of stuff happens for even a moderately-sized apartment building or grocery store. Developers really can get their shit pushed in by planning and zoning commissions. The developers who succeed are suspiciously close or cozy with them.
The people that make money by leeching at the government teat will get their taste, or you will not get your ask.
$800k + for each new homeless unit in L.A., per Bill Maher.
That’s a big outlay for something which only can ever be a liability.
One reason most states prohibited casinos is because they are corruption magnets.
If there’s one thing the state knows, it’s corruption…
They just hate the red man and want to keep him down
The red men in “The People’s Republic of CT” have recently realized that while their deal with the white devil had given them some serious lucre, in the end, the government of the white men ended up fucking them in the ass whenever it felt the cut they were getting from the red man’s work was not enough….
The government could fuck up a wet dream. Also, the government shouldn’t even own property like this.
The average American seems to believe we can have the government of Singapore or Japan without any of the rules that made those governments what they are.
Or, to put it another way, that there’s magic in this soil which negates the iron law of “garbage in, garbage out”.
any of the
rulesculture that made those governments what they areFTFY
we can have the government of … Japan
*pulls out 4″ binder Comment Response Operations Manual, procedes to flip laminated pages back and forth for 20-30 minutes, asks coworker to assist, continues flipping pages back and forth together while you stand there in an unconditioned office the size of a phone booth*
Terrible Springtime headache faded away. Why do these happen at this time of year? Nothing is even blooming yet unless you count fungi. There is still three feet of snow in the yards.
The temperature swing between day and night can seriously impact people’s sinuses if they have sensitive ones, Festus. Most people just experience clogging or other nasal symptoms, but some get hammered with headaches. I now have the same issue after I had a sinus infection for over a year and didn’t do anything about it. Fucking infection wrecked my sinuses and now I get a clogged nose once in a while for the next month or so after spring starts. I think if I move to a place where there are less marxist and or fascist assholes it might be less severe too.
Yep. Any time there’s temperature swings or big air pressure changes (storm blowing through or the like), I’ll get a sinus headache. It sucks.
Fungi, mold.
Sounds like you are making a morel judgement
Nah he’s just shiitakeposting.
These puns threads are such a spore.
Better stop, we’ll get in truffle.
Rooting a pun thread in a Swiss comment? That’ll make him go all Destroying Angel.
c’mon…Swiss is a pretty fun-guy
*narrows gaze*
Now that properly caps the thread.
This woman is a one-trick pony.
I’m so tired of this schtick. Her problem as defined is unsolvable because her position depends on it being unsolvable. People with vested interest in unsolvable issues are time wasters at best.
Are you not aware that solving an issue, especially an emotional one that drives most peoples to have the vapors, means you no longer can use that issue to grift? Cause these people are never looking to solve any problems/issues.: they are looking to make everyone believe the problem is bigger than it is, or actually to make it bigger, so they can appeal to more idiots to give them power & money.
The dyed hair lends credibility. ?
I would love it if it was discovered that her ancestors were the tribes in Africa that sold their defeated enemies to the Europeans for the Atlantic slave trade.
Not that it would slow her down a bit. I’m sure she’d say that didn’t matter, because she still has black skin and has no chance of becoming rich and famous in racist Amerikka.
One of the things that has always made me do a double take is the feeling of almost hatred that blacks that have their ancestry in the slave trade to America have towards blacks that don’t show. These people that constantly complain that they are in an unfair system hate the blacks from the Caribbean and Africa with a passion, because these blacks don’t complain about shit and come here to bust their ass and get rich from the American dream. And that makes the ones that complain they can’t succeed because of America’s racism look like the liars and stupid people they are.
There is a lot of friction between our American black kids and Somali kids in Minnesoda.
The Somalis make it very clear that their ancestors were never slaves and are therefore much better. For some reasons the natives don’t take kindly to that.
Strange, I know all Asians are homogeneous.
My wife’s niece is a manager in a dental clinic in Southdale. Some Asian customers come in and don’t speak English very well. The clinic expects the niece to translate, she explains #1 she doesn’t speak Thai/Chinese/Hmong/Korean. #2 she doesn’t get paid to act as a translator.
“OK, fine. Can you at least tell me where the best place to get some Mongolian stir-fry is?”
One of my favorite bits in South Park was Randy saying, “I’m sorry I don’t speak Asian.”
Are you chinese or japanese?
Asians are the #1 most biased race ever.
My wife now believes that North Koreans are no longer “pure” Koreans and if unification happened, they would not get her gold seal of approval.
It drives her nuts when she is called “Chinese”.
The East and West Germans are still trying to “integrate” 30+ years later.
I didn’t pay much attention to Asian prejudice until I read Illiberal Education way back in college.
Then I suddenly noticed how among upper middle class Asians, they all hated each other and self-segregated. The Korean Student Association hated the Chinese Student Association who hated the Japanese Student Association who looked down on the Filipino Student Association who…
And it wasn’t minor trifles either. They really didn’t like each other, and this was at an Ivy League university.
they all hated each other and self-segregated
My wife is a weirdo (which explains why she married me): a Korean who likes Japanese. Mostly because her sister married a Japanese guy and then she went to college in Japan.
We learned early on that if we had a party that we could invite our Korean friends or our Japanese friends, but not both.
If both were there, the guys would get drunk and start fights.
“If both were there, the guys would get drunk and start fights.”
So you are saying everybody was kung fu fighting?
They take their historical grudges seriously over there.
It isn’t good enough to be rich and famous, there are people who flat out refuse to kiss her ass and that is what she really wants – unlimited ass-kissing.
Paging HM….
Daily Ray of Sunshine
A personal moment of glory for Robert
New game show about the creation of tasty-fakes; foods, in this case cakes, that look like other things. If anyone is interested, a link is in the forums.
They should have a show where women turn out to be dudes dressed up and vice versa. I hear that’s the new big thing everyone wants to see…
Europe has the opposite. There’s a dating show with localized versions in UK, Netherlands, Italy (probably more) where one must select a partner after only seeing them, completely naked, from the shoulders down.
I bet Q would hate that show since he is a tiddies man…
gynecomastia is a thing!
Spot the bait and switch
With inflation hitting a 40-year high in the United States, working families are swimming ever faster in the effort to stay afloat. But the water just keeps rising, as mostly stagnant wages are also rapidly losing value.
The federal minimum wage has lost at least 21% of its value since Congress last raised it in 2009. This has become an emergency for the millions of workers who earn less than $15 an hour and are finding it impossible to trim other costs enough to still be able to put food on the table and fill the tank.
Blah blah blah not fair.
How about I pay no taxes on the first $15/hr of my wages?
I did my taxes last week, and the amount I had to pay was obscene.
“tAxEs ArE tHe PrIcE wE pAy FoR cIvIlIzAtIoN”
Blech. I saw a Prius with that as a bumper sticker.
Kawaii! Americans Drop Japanese Into Conversations Learned From Cartoons
We will call this the “Demon Slayer” popularity effect. I expect it to decline. However, it does suggest that my series on Glibertarians about learning Japanese through anime was well ahead of the curve. I wonder if I can cash out?
Thinks back to a childhood full of conversations peppered with “DYNOMITE!”, “Up your nose with a rubber hose”, “Nanoo Nanoo”, and many a thumbs-upped “AYYYYYYYYY!”
Yep, checks out.
what’chu talkin’ bout, l0b0t
Dumb. This was happening 20+ yrs ago – at least around university areas, etc. Everything old is new again.
*puts on Kyu Sakamoto’s most famous song*
One yen says they’re dropping “kowai” into the conversation. Just a skosh, though.
Hai. Wakarimashita.
St. Paul continues to follow the SCIENCE
Yes, yes, yes. Kids are so vulnerable to the Rona.
“I don’t think there’s an easy answer on this,” he said. “My inclination has been to err on the side of keeping people safe.”
Said as the murder rate continues to climb. Should have the kids wearing bullet resistant vests
Hate speech is not free speech…
Here we are again. The University is no stranger to contention surrounding the issue of free speech. Last year, a student was harassed after posting a sign on her Lawn room door critiquing the University. This sparked a debate over free speech, which was reignited this fall when an event entitled “In Defense of Mr. Jefferson” received backlash for its attempts to glorify a known enslaver who exploited Black labor to construct the University. Just last month, an event hosted by the Federalist Society on abortion drew criticism for being one-sided and platforming a transphobic speaker. Most recently, a University student made national headlines for lamenting the state of free speech at the University. More often than not, this speech was defended by claiming a need for intellectual diversity. In looking at each of these instances, we as an Editorial Board found ourselves questioning what should be protected under the premise of “diversity of thought” and more importantly, what values we choose to accept on Grounds. For us, the answer is simple. Hateful rhetoric is violent — and this is impermissible.
…and hate speech is anything I want it to be, you fascist bigot.
A student organization recently announced its plans to host former vice president Mike Pence this April to speak in Old Cabell Hall. For Pence, gay couples signify a “societal collapse,” Black lives do not matter, transgender individuals and immigrants do not deserve protection and the pandemic should not be taken seriously. Nevertheless, the University has accepted Pence’s visit as an “opportunity to hear from, and engage with, leaders and experts from a wide variety of fields and perspectives.” So-called “perspectives” should not be welcomed when they spread rhetoric that directly threatens the presence and lives of our community members. The LGBTQ+ individuals Pence has attacked, the Black lives he refuses to value and the successful stories of immigration he and the former president hope to prevent — these very people are our peers, our neighbors and our community members. We refuse to condone platforming Pence.
Because Milquetoast Mike wants to massacre the blacks and the gays.
When you give in to a tantrum, you get more tantrums. We apparently have forgotten this.
For us, the answer is simple.
Of course it is, you’re simple-minded. I would point out how you’ve adopted a Manichean viewpoint, but the reference would be absolutely lost on you.
Dude! Now you are using Chinese slurs?
[golf claps] no doubt Holiness, no doubt.
File under WTF again. Get home from work yesterday and my laptop isn’t connected to wifi. All my other devices are just fine…and my laptop is showing available connections but wont actually connect….
Not like it rebooted while I was at work either. This is such a pain in the ass.
Home right now waiting for plumber to show up and pump my crawlspace (phrasing).
My desktop did that last night. A reboot and it finished installing whatever Windoze update was hung up. Worked after that. I need to go back to Ubuntu.
I’ve rebooted twice and it still shows connections – “no internet connection”…
I can see both my wifi connections and all my neighbors but can’t do anything.
Can you ping your wireless router? If so, can you ping the DNS servers that your computer is using?
Link with steps? Sorry, little rusty.
What’s the Operating System? If Windows, then start -> Command Prompt. Then type in:
ping x.x.x.x
Where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your wireless router. If that fails, there’s the issue, reset your wireless device.
Then ping y.y.y.y
Where y.y.y.y is the primary DNS server your machine is using. This can be found under the Wireless Network Settings under View hardware and connection properties OR, through running:
ipconfig /all
On the command prompt.
Neither pong appears to work. As I noted reset wifi last night and my Xbox, work laptop, tablet and phone are all properly connected….
If you can’t ping the wireless router, that would indicate the issue is with the wireless adapter on the machine. You can attempt the Windows troubleshooter (right click on the wireless icon in the system tray and select Troubleshoot problems). If you’ve got a spare wireless adapter, you can try to swap it out to see if that corrects the issue.
Thanks for the tips – diagnostics didn’t find anything initially – trying a direct cable connection now.
Would understand adapter being bad if I couldn’t see connections at all, but this variation is just weird.
Rebooted – connected now – cable will work for the moment.
Can you see the wireless connector in your Network Adapter (in your Device Manager)? I have seen updates sometimes corrupt that. Now that you are connected via cable, try the diagnostics again and that might correct the issue with your wireless connection.
I just had to move my printer to where I could ether-connect it because for some reason it refused to wifi to the router.
That’s why Congress must pass the Raise the Wage Act of 2021, which would gradually increase the wage from $7.25 an hour to $15 by 2025 and would tie increases to median wage growth over time.
In truth, this a civil rights crisis, as the people most impacted by low wages are historically marginalized populations: women and people of color. Not only did these workers get hit harder, longer and deeper by the pandemic, they’ve been watching their wages buy less each day, as they account for a vastly disproportionate share of the low-wage workforce — 40% of women versus 25% of men. Half of all women of color earn under $15 per hour versus a quarter of all men. And while 26% of White workers earn less than $15 an hour, 46% of Hispanic/Latinx workers and 47% of Black workers earn less than $15 per hour. These are the people suffering the worst sticker shock at the grocery store and the gas pump, choosing between rent and utilities.
What’s more, federal law still allows US employers to pay subminimum wages to nearly a million workers. The Raise the Wage Act would fix that, prohibiting anyone from being paid less than the federal minimum wage.
Let’s make sure inflation can never be controlled. That will make our lives better.
Speaking of people whose livelihoods depend on making certain their pet problems are never solved.
Good tip in caption of illustration #2.
My dude.
However, it does suggest that my series on Glibertarians about learning Japanese through anime was well ahead of the curve. I wonder if I can cash out?
Start a cult.
You chalk monsters are the debil.
“I’m getting used to dealing w problems that are expensive, disruptive & White”. -Boston Mayor Michelle Wu
#Boston,@MayorWu has finally shown her true colors.
Progtards are gonna progtard hard..
expensive, disruptive & White
If she didn’t want cum all over her suede couch, she should have swallowed.
Hey all, I’m collecting can lids for SP.
1) Take a lid, rusty or not (preferably a canning lid, but whatever you can get), write your glibs handle on it along with a message of appreciation for her immense contributions to this site. NOTE: you may get better results using a fineliner permanent marker.
2) email me at trashy-glibs [at] disengage [dot] co (and let me know what your glibs handle is) to get the destination address for the lid.
3) shove the lid in an envelope and get it in the mail by April 1st.
Once I get all the lids, I’ll assemble them in a way that only a trash monster can, and I’ll send it up to SP to replenish her stock and keep OMWC in check.
I’ll continue posting this in the links threads this week.
NOTE: Athena has graciously offered to put messages on lids for those who, for whatever reason, can’t. (athenaofprogtown at the gmail)
NOTE2: My email masking software is crapping out. If you haven’t heard from me in 24 hours, please get my attention on here.
This sparked a debate over free speech, which was reignited this fall when an event entitled “In Defense of Mr. Jefferson” received backlash for its attempts to glorify a known enslaver who exploited Black labor to construct the University.
Something something let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
They just need to invoke “black and brown” a few more times. That should get everybody’s attention.
| Downtown Tripoli?
|Sorry, I am only authorized for “The shores of Tripoli”.
I wanted to be a marine, but my head didn’t fit in the jar.
Cash is always cheerfully accepted
Junk aside, Kostorna is grateful for the many donations she says are useful. After sorting them, she says, the center is able to provide staple food baskets and clothes to roughly 500 families per day.
But there’s a problem with these objects that are pouring in. The Ukraine representative for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Karolina Lindholm Billing, says physical donations can be cumbersome and time-intensive to deliver. Given that, the U.N. refugee agency and a coalition of aid groups are ramping up a program to instead give cash directly to displaced Ukrainians.
That’s nice, but I’d rather give a fifty to a drunk sleeping on a park bench than give the UN or an NGO “aid organization” a nickel.
You could give the fifty to the UN/NGO and the nickel to the drunk and he’d end up with about the same amount either way.
We’d be better off sending Ernest Worrel.
The White House has previewed what lies ahead for President Joe Biden when he departs for Europe on Wednesday. It said meetings, summits, talks, and one-to-one diplomacy will feature in a hastily arranged visit framed against Russia’s continuing invasion of Ukraine.
The presidential four-day trip is intended to set him up to play a key role in events that are rocking Europe at its most fragile time since World War II, with his advisors claiming Biden warned the world about Russia’s intentions last November to no avail.
Biden is reportedly working on long-term efforts to boost defenses in Eastern Europe, where more countries fear Russian aggression and a further push to the West.
Ernest P. Worpel is the opening act for Lou Reed, I’m afraid.
So yeah it’s “intended to set him up to play a key role”, but everything they intend turns to crap. This one will too, and there’s a way-better-than-usual probability that this particular trip will mark some kind of tipping point.
Everything’s ripe for it – Ukraine, everyone being tired of Covid, his own physical/mental weakness, everything.
Kamala could have just stayed a little longer, Rivera vacance, then onto to solving NATO problems, with a hearty wave of the hand and a cheerful little laugh
Booking him the “Franz Ferdinand” suite at the hotel in Serbia is a giveaway.
How is it that this fetid pile of MAGA loving trumpsuckers hasn’t posted this yet?
That lawsuit went tits up.
It just seems to keep mushrooming back into the news.
Please see the bad puns up thread for this comment.
*scrolls, scrolls, scrolls*
Huh. I see some mushroom puns, but I can find no evidence of bad puns.
At least honest media is keeping us abreast of the suit.
Trials can be long and hard, and the results can be tough to swallow.
Mentioned yesterday on Judge Nap’s Judging Freedom podcast (haven’t heard episode).
I am more interested in knowing who has made Avenatti his bitch in prison.
ESPN believes in inclusivity and denounces legislation and actions across the United States that infringe on any human rights. We stand with our LGBTQIA+ colleagues, friends, families, and fans.
We’ll continue to partner with organizations that support the LGBTQIA+ community, be accountable where we fall short of expectations, and never stop telling stories about LGBTQIA+ athletes, like the ones that we’ll be sharing in this thread.
ESPN: look, our ratings say no one watches women’s sports anyway.
How can we trust that this judge will rule correctly on the most important issue of all time to women (Roe vs. Wade/abortion) if she can’t define them?
It’s like biology is no longer something people that claim they believe in science understand…
What Blackburn should have done is offer to confirm her nomination if she can define woman without using the word woman in the definition.
Blackburn could just have demonstrated while singing an appropriate little ditty
Split the difference – abortions for transgenders only.
That doesn’t seem to be the best question to ask a potential SC justice.
I don’t know, kind of a softball question that she let smack her in the face.
Has she already ruled on women’s rights? How did she define it then?
Some think she could be the first black woman supreme court judge, whatever a woman is.
So now being a woman is a matter of biology, not self-“identification”?
Very retro.
My thoughts too.
That would have been Blackburn’s best reply. It’s disappointing she didn’t have that at the ready. Stupid Party.
White supremacy is required reading
A bill signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday requires all Florida kids to take and pass a basic financial literacy course to graduate from high school.
The skills prioritized by the legislation will be “applicable in their lives regardless of what path they take,” DeSantis said Tuesday at a Tampa press conference.
Worth half a credit, the course will be required beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, the Florida governor said.
Teaching kids basic non-marxist economics would drastically impact the machine’s ability to bamboozle them when government keeps fucking shit up. That’s why the progressive movement thinks this is sexist, racist, and homophobic…
Why would you go to college and get a humanities degree if you understand personal finance?
keeping kids economically illiterate is how you push progressivism which basically is based on emotional virtue signaling at the expense of reality.
Up here it has become law that every graduating student have at least TWO “indigenous” credits. Put that in yer peace pipe and smoke it.
“Hey! You just think I’m up to no good cuz I’m First Nations”
1/16 Indian. Guilty!
How do you get those? Do you have to bang two indigenous chicks at once? Cuz’ if I had a million bucks….
*tunes to channel 9*
Still not as good as the graduation requirements requiring every student to do X hours of volunteer work.
That is a great way to introduce kids to the way The Man works.
The Catholic High School I went to had volunteer requirement. They even had a list of the Catholic charities that counted.
Despite calls from Ukraine to do more to help stave off Russia’s ruthless invasion, Biden has taken a cautious approach — wary of escalating the conflict by drawing in U.S. forces as part of a more direct NATO response. But after nearly a month of fighting, some foreign policy and national security experts ABC News spoke to say it may be time for the alliance to take on a more direct role.
Since before the fighting broke out, Biden has insisted that American troops would not fight Russian forces inside Ukraine, warning that going head-to-head would lead to “a third world war.”
But Barry Pavel, a former National Security Council senior official during the Bush and Obama administration and the senior vice president and director of the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security at the Atlantic Council, says that’s far from inevitable.
“There have been other cases where U.S. and Russian forces have unfortunately come into friction and World War III didn’t start,” Pavel said, characterizing the strategy as simplistic. “There are hundreds of options that could be done between what NATO is doing now and risking World War III.”
The greater threat, warns Pavel, might be in leaving Putin unchecked.
Right. Listen to the experts. What could possibly go wrong?
Anyone that after the Kung Flu and the Biden government still thinks that “the experts” are anything but a bunch of credentialed hacks, is a fucking moron…
The first concert I ever went to was Pixies with Love & Rockets in a club in Chicago in 1987 or 1988. Then a few years ago I took middle kid to see them with Weezer. It was a very nice rounding of the circle.
Love & Rockets is just Bauhaus w/o Peter Murphy.
Never got into Bauhaus, I played the shit out of Love and Rockets _No New Tale to Tell
I think that’s my favorite.
When you’re down, it’s a long way up
When you’re up, it’s a long way down
That is true. It is also true that L&R couldn’t have made the music they made with Peter Murphy. He kept making the same style of music then L&R went very trippy and poppy. I like the result.
We got Cut You Up and Waiting for the Flood.
Waiting for the flood
Obey the narrative, or be canceled!
Are they going to shoot me if I say the wrong thing?
They are implying that if you are going to say things that hurt other people’s feelings, you are worse than Hitler….
These are people that tell you words are violence. People that have obviously never experienced real violence, because if they had they would bitchslap any idiot saying words are violence.
“Because one probably is.”
That’s just retarded.
I urge you to discuss the topic as if a transgender person were in the room
Okay. I am happy to leave you alone and let you pursue your own goals and dreams in whatever manner you see fit. You have not asked my opinion on transgenderism, so I will not supply it. However, you will not be influencing my children, you will not be competing against my children in sports, and I will fight any attempts to induce gender confusion in children because it is blatant child abuse. Those are my terms. Take them or leave them.
I’m glad he has now come to that conclusion, but he really glossed over the fact that he capitulated just a few months ago.
I have Firsted outside the asteroid belt of Orion; outside the realms of space and time where there are no roads light is but an illusion on the dreamscape of the mind.
You’re no Agile_Cyborg. Stop before you start with this new shtick.
That’s a sure fired way to get him to double down.
The Newest Bitcoin Diet Trend Is Hating ‘Seed Oils’
Though the ideology behind this diet-fad-slash-meme has been popular within niche diet communities for years, its more recent popularity among crypto enthusiasts is mostly based in the same ethos that drives them toward the blockchain in the first place: a skepticism of major modern institutions, financial and otherwise, matched by an eagerness to skirt norms.
Central bank money is to finance what seed oils are to popular dietary guidance—if a major ingredient in most processed and fast foods has been slowly poisoning us for decades and regulators have only encouraged it, it’s Bitcoiners who will be the first to go out of their way to forge a new path.
Stop, I’m sold already.
“The first rule about Rape Seed oil is to call it Canola”
Its rap-ay seed oil!
Do they have a Bitcoin culture reporter?
“Tipping is a legacy of slavery and if it’s not optional then it shouldn’t be a tip but simply included in the bill,’ Nikole Hannah-Jones tweeted Monday.
Damn, way to conform to the stereotype, Nikole.
Couple of good tunes there sloop, I can’t play ‘em yet as the house is silent and kids are getting their last few minutes of sleep.
The start of the F1 season happened last weekend and it was a great race. It’s looking like the new formula has shaken things up quite a bit. One of the hopes from the car redesign was to have closer racing and more overtaking it looks like that has been accomplished. Good to see Haas getting into the solid mid field and it looks like it may be three teams competing for the championship this year. This weekend will be another race weekend in Saudi Arabia, on a street circuit and it will be interesting to see how much the teams were able to do about the cars from last week’s info.
Anyone with a hyphenated last name is an idiot. Prove me wrong. Robert Trent-Jones excepted.
My grandson has a hyphenated last name.
Anyone with 2 apostrophes in their first name is a…?
Besides that’s not a hyphen, it’s a dash
Oh, you know La-a as well?
Is this why mavros or “Canadians” don’t tip worth shit?
Beyond addressing the immediate crisis, experts say NATO must ensure it is ready to respond to a more aggressive Russia and prepare for the new geopolitical frontier it is forging.
“The war in Ukraine will end at some point will end, but Russia will remain,” said Graham. “And what the conflict has demonstrated is that the hopes we had had for integrating Russia into the Euro-Atlantic community are dead.”
I admit I haven’t been paying particularly close attention to what NATO has been doing, but It seems to me we have been doing a piss-poor job of integrating Russia into the euro Atlantic community, what with all the insults and accusations over the past few years.
Look, relations with Russia were far less important to the powers that be than a propaganda movement they could use against Trump.
What I love is the TOTAL discontinuity with the Obama era foreign policy toward Russia. FFS people, that was only 6 years ago, 10 going back to his re-election campaign when he mocked Romney for his 80’s attitude about Russia.
“Eeewww, he’s touching me!” “No I’m not! She farted!”
That would be why they refused NATO membership to Russia when they asked for it.
NATO had one purpose – to oppose the Soviet-led communist bloc. That it still exists shows that it long ago* abandoned its mission in favor of the perquisites of the bureaucrats running it.
*likely before the Berlin Wall came down.
I’m trying to think of one Cold War institution that actually did go away after 91.
I’ll get back to you.
NATO should have disbanded right after the Warsaw Pact did.
*nominates Switzy for Secretary of War*
Eidgenössisches Departement für Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport
The last is really the cherry.
Strategic Air Command – not that it went away entirely, it was parceled out to other command structures, and I’m sure that the 4-star billet was used elsewhere.
Berlin Brigade?
I’m sure expanding NATO to Russia’s borders was a “sign of hope for integrating Russia.” ?
Right.. because it was Russia that unilaterally demanded the closure and then nationalized all foreign businesses, cut off financial ties, banned the export of all Russian products to western countries, and Putin declared himself Hitler’s political sucessor.
Comparison between USSR losses in AFG and Russian losses in Ukraine.
Keeping in mind shrinking military age population now.
I don’t trust propaganda from Ukraine or Russia. We’ll never know what the true losses are.
There was a report, in a Kremlin outlet, supposedly the official casualty numbers, that was quickly taken down. I think it was last week, and put the number of dead Russians at around 9,000. I think that’s probably the most reliable number on offer, because it was much higher than the Kremlin had previously admitted to, and was lower than what Ukraine claims.
So qualified.
It’s a stupid gotcha question that got an equally stupid answer.
Wedge issue BS
I’d like to hear more about how much authority Congress can delegate to the administrative agencies.
Well, I can imagine she would be just fine with agencies taking as much power as they feel they need. She already answered that your right to bear arms was not a natural one, but one granted by the SC.
What? It’s perfectly fine for the Executive to create an agency and the Legislative to offload its responsibilities to that department. Separation of powers is so slavish
Congress can delegate whatever authority is needed for them to fulfil their primary purpose of self-enrichment.
Need to bow out. Make the best of what you can. I know you will.
“So, Ms Jackson, it says here you graduated from Harvard Law School. Is that correct?”
“Yes, Senator.”
For all the h8ters
Good morning, Sloopy!
That’s not a controversial musical pick at all. In fact it’s so good, let’s have another!
Another one of their best, and used perfectly in Fight Club.
I love this arrangement of that song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90Fpjwctqlw
Lovely. Thanks!
Joe Biden’s America
The Teamsters union no longer has a chokehold on the nation’s trucking system, as it did in the 1960s when Hoffa’s father ran it. But it still represents 327,000 employees at UPS, by far the nation’s largest trucking and supply management company.
Sean O’Brien, the new general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, speaks during a union meeting in this November 2021 file photo.
O’Brien seems to be spoiling for a fight. “You don’t go into any situation wanting a strike,” he told CNN Business this week. “But these employers have to understand we’re not going to be afraid to pull that trigger if necessary.”
He points to UPS’s record profits and the union’s $350 million strike fund in discussing the dynamics of upcoming talks, negotiations that he intends to lead himself, something his predecessors never did.
“UPS has been successful. We’re going to capitalize on that success,” O’Brien said. “People are sick of seeing these corporations making billions in profits and not sharing the wealth.”
Make America like 1960s Britain.
Make Package Delivery More Expensive Again
Yes, because striking in the middle of supply chain weirdness will engender popular support.
People are sick of seeing these corporations making billions in profits and not sharing the wealth
Just ignore all those stocks held in pension funds and retirement accounts.
O’Brien is pleased by recent signs of strength in the US labor movement, and believes the current environment is likely to be a tipping point in labor-management relations after years of unions accepting concessions, such as two-tier wage systems.
“There’s an appetite to fight the boss,” O’Brien said. “[Workers] want to reap the benefits of their labor and not be a victim of the bottom line of a balance sheet.”
Another year of Bidenomics might put a different spin on the ball.
4 8
9 5
Stop that.
I think its some kind of code, the numeric version of “The raven flies at night.”
The chair is against the wall.
Even the WP can’t really spin this. They do give it a good try.
Because the children’s trial wasn’t designed primarily to measure vaccine effectiveness, there are wide statistical uncertainties about the findings on efficacy, but the company said its statistical analysis showed it was above zero.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
The FDA is about as trustworthy as a tribal medicine man.
I think the medicine man would at least be trying.
The FDA could not care less about the actual things it claims to care about.
Trump is clever in a transparently stupid way. He sees that Brooks is probably going to lose and it wouldn’t be good for the brand, or future king-making opportunities, if he has endorsed the wrong horse in the race.
His loyalty is unparalleled.
Hahaha, ok, that is solid brass soccer balls.
NATO had one purpose – to oppose the Soviet-led communist bloc. That it still exists shows that it long ago* abandoned its mission in favor of the perquisites of the bureaucrats running it.
When the Warsaw Pact collapsed, NATO should have issued a press release saying, “Our work here is done,” and closed up shop.
Haha, I crack myself up.
A federal lawsuit accuses the New York Police Department of surreptitiously taking DNA samples without obtaining warrants and storing the genetic material in perpetuity in an illegal and unregulated database.
Now do DNA collected through Lil Rona PCR testing.
Hannah-Jones went off on Magness, accusing him of being obsessed with her and saying he couldn’t cancel or discredit her with graphics and links to opinion articles.
She seems nice.
Are YOU a tenured college professor? Shut up then peasant.
I do exercise and avoid seed oils (see above), but I like playing soccer. I need to know if I am far right, please advise.
If your BMI is under 35, you may be suffering from fascist tendencies.
See your doctor for an evaluation.
My BMI is in the “normal” range. I’m literally shaking.
*consults BMI calculator*
“For your height, a healthy weight range would be from 127 to 171 pounds.”
Hah! I wrestled at 174 in 8th grade. Not an once of fat on me.
/fuck the BMI and that skinny assed, pencil-necked Belgian who invented it.
I’m 5′ 10″. Per BMI: “Healthy weight for the height: 128.9 lbs – 173.6 lbs”
GTFO. No way is 129 pounds a healthy weight for me. I would say that 170 is on the low end of optimal.
I do concur that Navy should be able to set a max dimension – if you can’t fit through a scuttle (much less while wearing an SCBA) you’re too big. Nobody is going to open a hatch for you in Condition Zebra during GQ or flooding, etc.
Wall-E wasn’t an instruction manual!
Not being sick and weak is white supremacy. Got it.
Rejecting “healthy at any size” has always been white settler colonialist erasure of indigenous standards of beauty.
Well, I just did a 75 minute spin class last night. I was pretty happy with my final results (~950 calories burned, 25 miles traveled, average wattage of 200, average cadence of 83). No personal bests, but a solid showing.
Does this make me Hitler, or am I only up to literally Hitler level?
Personal responsibility is more of a right wing thing, so I guess fitness could be seen as right wing. Said as a pudgy dude.
I second that motion!
*eats another nacho plate loaded with beef and cheese for lunch
Good morning from windy Basseterre!
The view of the airport from the aft deck is excellent!
These euphemisms….
Last night at dinner:
Dad: “are you going to party in the aft end tonight?”
Me: ” I don’t do that, sir!”
Dad’s wife: *bitchface*
*thoroughly deserved standing ovation*
*moves KK down a few notches on the “to seduce” list*
* adds to thunderous applause *
Dad’s wife: *bitchface*
Well, I think we know who does, but isn’t a big fan.
For Limey:
The best part is their “how to spot an SUV” page which shows things with 6″ of ground clearance, tops.
I thought it was the step-by-step instructions on how to deflate a tire.
Fruit Sushi hardest hit.
The Vegan Revolution will be shortlived.
My wife says that while she appreciates my efforts to improve my bean rolling technique, I am in no way authorized to experiment with couscous.
Yes, they have to explain how the valve works. I guess they never inflated their own bicycle tires as a kid.
Or bisycle tyres, or bindersnatch hooptyrounds or w/e.
Sickly, weak, technically inept, and emotionally stunted.
There’s multiple valve types for bike tires. If you want to watch the cycling fanatics go crazy, just ask them for a bike with “standard valves”. I’ve been to some shops that have multiple signs up saying things like, “No valve is standard!”
For reference, the valves that most people consider standard (as they’re the standard on low end bikes, cars, motorcycles, and most everything else with inflatable tires) is the Schrader valve, with the rarer one (used on road bikes) is the Presta valve.
I did not know that. All of my bikes up to my Giant Iguana had Schrader valve.
Either did I until I started getting more into cycling.
Presta valve FTW!
Easier to inflate to higher pressures using a hand-pump.
One summer our startup ended up with an intern from France. He was very excited to buy a “big American pickup truck”. He went out and bought some mid size truck (Dodge Dakota?) and brought us out to see it. We giggled and told him that was a mid sized truck.
After we showed him the big SUV’s/Trucks he felt a bit sheepish, but still said it was huge for a Frenchie.
I really, really, really hate people who screech, ‘WE R DEFNDING ORSELVEZ!!!’ when they clearly are not.
Hang on Sloopy
Sigh. They might not be big enough for Q, or attached to a big enough booty for Tres, but that gal would get me hooked if it was a lure used by alien fishermen.
That gal’s probably 75 now.
I’m now going to have to use extra brain cells to suspend disbelief so I can imagine that they are still that pointy, perky and bouncy at 75. Those brain cells could have been used for ocular data processing.
Now that I’m thinking of it, Predator would have been a much better movie if the alien “fished” for humans instead of hunted them.
I wonder if the aliens would understand that the “Hot Blond Troller” and the “Fat Wallet Jig” – while both effective lures – were catching different sexes.
“The sea fox is attracted to shiny objects and green pieces of paper.”
Much better video quality in order to appreciate the…music better.
Ok…sump pump replaced by plumber – no pre-pumping, now just constant pumping to drain everything. Will check in a few hours and follow up with vac/dehumidifier.
Warranty didn’t cover it because apparently this was not a “groundwater exclusive” pump since “per code” there’s a condensation drain from the water heater that’s not routed properly – plumber says he’s seen it done like that pretty frequently in this region. Oh well…lessons learned.
Also seeing how absolutely trash my drain hose is when pump is going at full pressure (spraying water everywhere in my yard and unfortunately my neighbors too) – will definitely need to replace in the near future. May do PVC eventually, but not a priority. I’d patched a lot of small holes the last couple of years, but dry rot and higher pressure are showing me a LOT more.
“but dry rot and higher pressure are showing me a LOT more”
You watching Biden talk????
I might have gone with Pelosi instead.
Plastic can get dry rot?
Sigh. This has been the Week of Unhelpful “Helpers”.
Our technical “integration expert” from a payment processor has been absolutely worthless. First response to my question was to ignore it for days. Then when pushed, responded with “oh I thought I had already replied”. Then ask for all the same information that I had already provided in the first email I sent. After that, he has made some wild guesses that all required him to do no work. (For example, he claimed that we were using a card with a defective chip. Except we are an ecommerce site that isn’t actually scanning cards).
Next is a fellow coworker who was recently hired. He is supposed to be testing an app that has been written by an overseas team for us. He’s been working for weeks on this, but when I try anything, I am finding bugs everywhere that somehow he hasn’t noticed. This guy works from his house in Northern Minnesoda and I haven’t decided if he is inept, or he is just bilking our company by pretending to work.
Sorry for the venting, but this shit sucks.
Nope. Right there with you with being pissed. A shitty PM is trying to throw me (and my group) under the bus for him shitting the bed.
“I haven’t decided if he is inept, or he is just bilking our company by pretending to work.”
Only if he’s from Anderson.
“Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon is set to take the stage at Lollapalooza”
Why do I find that absolutely hilarious and reflective of the vapidity of “counter-culture” as a whole?
While we wait for SF’s Wednesday Fun Time, check out another article from Compact:
The Revenge of History.
Featuring our pal Gordilocks!
That’s a good read.
When Squirrels Attack
Damn you Swiss and your editing powers!