In my last article, I talked about building shelves over where my office desk will go. Now it’s time to build the desk.
My paying job is in computers. When the ‘vid started, the company sent me home with my desktop setup, which includes two large displays. I also enjoy the occasional computer game, and my gaming computer has a large display. And, I sometimes need to take apart/assemble computers, so it’s nice to have some bench space for that. This adds up to a fair amount of real estate.

Plan of desk.
That big L-shaped desk can be broken down into two pieces. One is 2’ x 7’ (the “short” section), the other is 2’ x 8’ (the “long” section). I didn’t want to put a leg in the inside corner, where I’d be forever whacking my knee on it, so the long section hangs off of the short section where they meet. This posed some structural challenges.
I still had some quarter-sawn red oak scraps, and one long board. The short section has leg assemblies at both ends. The long section has a leg assembly at one end, and hangs from the short section at the other end. The leg assemblies are made of two legs connected by rails, top and bottom. Two of them have plywood panels to class them up a little. The assembly under the desk in the corner did not get a panel.

There’re some legs in here somewhere.
While I wanted this desk to come out looking nice-ish, I decided early that ugly work is acceptable, as long as it ends up someplace less noticeable. So I literally glued up the legs out of scraps, and planned on hiding the worst of the seams in corners. I really embraced the ugly ethic on the legs for the assembly that ended up under the desk in the corner. Possibly I went overboard. Notice the legs at far left and third from left. I ran out of oak scraps and started using maple and cherry. I figured, “it’ll be buried under the desk, no one will ever see it.” On an unrelated note, I spend a disappointing amount of time recovering from mistakes or poor decisions.

Legs cut to final dimension, but not final length.
Because I was aiming for classy-ish, I made the leg assemblies using mortise and tenon joinery. Old timers would have cut the mortises by hand with a chisel. I have a cast-off paper drill that has been repurposed as a mortising machine.

It’s a mortiser.
Hollow chisel mortisers still leave a lot of crap in the bottom of the mortise that needs to be cleaned out by hand. I only made the mortises an inch deep, because I knew I would need to cut some pretty deep pockets for the long rails that support the desktop. I don’t own a tenoning jig, but the short 1” tenons were easy to cut on the tablesaw with dado blades1. For the assemblies that would have plywood panels, I needed to cut some slots to hold the plywood. The slots in the legs needs to be in the center of the mortise, so they lines up with the slots that runs in the center of the rails.

Ready for assembly.
After dry-fitting all the assemblies and checking diagonals2, the glue up was straightforward.

The long rails that go between the leg assemblies needed to be pretty beefy. They have a lot to support. Particularly the front rail on the short section also has to hold up the load from the long section. I ripped my long piece of oak into ~3” widths, and then also ripped a piece of thick maple3 into 3” widths. After planing just enough to get smooth faces, I laminated those together into front rails. I ripped another piece of maple into rails for the back.

If the question is, “Do I have too many 4 inch clamps?” the answer is always “No.”
After final dimensioning, the front rails were 3” x 1¾”, and the back rails were 3” x 7/8”.

Final dimension front rails for both sections.
When the desk is installed, the back rails are screwed to the wall studs, so I was not worried about them carrying the load. I tried to do some internet research on the expected load capacity of my front rails, but got confused. So, when in doubt, over-engineer. I picked up some 1½” by 1/8” angle iron from the local machine and supply place4. I cut a 1/8” relief on the bottom inside corner of the front rails, so the installed angle iron sits flush with the wood. The front rail will sit in a pocket in the leg assembly. Not really a mortise and tenon joint, but I cut a shoulder on the front of the rail so I can hide any sloppiness in the fit of the rail in the pocket.

Completed rail, bottom side up.
Every place that I’m gluing steel and wood together I’m using a polyurethane glue, in this case Gorilla Glue clear formula. For a wood glue, I like Titebond 3, mostly because it has a longer working time. But yellow (wood) glue won’t bond a non-porous material like steel or plastic. The putty visible in that last picture is a two-part epoxy wood filler that I used to fill the little gap between the angle iron and the oak. The oak was thin enough there that I didn’t want to risk it getting whacked by chair arms and splitting off over time.
In Part 2, I’ll do assembly and installation.
1 Dado blades: Technically, I’m cutting a rabbet (a shoulder) on all four sides of the rail to make the tenon.
2 Comparing the measurements between opposing corners is a good way to check if your glue-up is square.
3 My brother-in-law makes butcher block countertops for a living. He gets in a crazy amount of #1 maple on a weekly basis. As a result, I can get maple pretty cheap.
4 I’ve been working on this project for a long time. I bought the angle back when it was just expensive, not “fuck me I was using that kidney” expensive.
You need to get some hockey tape and wrap those clamp handles. You’ll thank me later.
That’s some good thinkin’. The Besseys with the red painted handles are slippery.
I got the idea from Rob Cosman. credit where credit is due, and what not.
Nice stuff
Very nice. I, too, am a fan of over-engineering.
…and alt-text. Also very nice.
I guess I’m not alone. I really enjoyed the alt text.
I’m probably asking a question with an obvious answer; what’s a paper drill?
Paper drill
More paper
You sucked me in with that first link. I should have known better.
Ted’S is a monster. Always remember.
Paper palate cleanser?
The people person’s paper people
Honestly, I’m not entirely sure. I got the machine from my in-laws in the current configuration, and they called it a paper drill. I assume it was for just what the name suggests, making round holes in a thick stack of paper or card stock. Although it’s only got about 2 1/2″ of travel, so not that thick a stack.
I guess it is what it is. I would just assume paper drilling would normally be done on a gang drill. Don’t see many paper products with only one hole. Regardless, it’s cool and a nice repurposing.
Are gang drills for the Bloods or the Crips?
drill drill drill
Also has legs
you let me down
I didn’t want drugs falling out of my ass.
Do you really think I’m going to let you down?
Don’t let me down.
Don’t Bring Me Down
No, No, No, No
Don’t Let Me Down
Don’t Let Me Down
I’d Love to Lay You Down
Never Let Me Down Again
Don’t Let Me Down
Ohhh. Very Nice!
As it turns out, I’m planning on seeing those ladies in Philly in October. Advice from any east coast Glibs on how not to get shanked or carjacked in Philly would be welcome.
Just look like you own the place.
You should probably take a lot of debilitating drugs first, so we can see you on youtube.
How many scars do you have on your face?
Let Me Down Slowly
Don’t Shut Me Down
Lay Me Down
Oh My Fucking God!
That is a lovely voice!
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease Let Me Down Easy
The Down Town
Down and Out
If you’re gonna let me down,
Let me down easy.
Don’t Let Me Down
Let Me Down Easy Tonight
link fail?
If it is Bruce Fucking Springsteen, You are going to have to pay the piper, Hyperbole!
Bruce Springsteen wishes he was this guy.
I…I consider you a friend.
If I Fall, Can You Let Me Down Easy?
Let Me Down Easy _ Billy Curington
I’m barely hanging on…
Shake ’em on down
And it looks like you still missed:
I won’t let you down
I was watching a woodworking video. The guy said to figure out how many clamps you think you need; buy three times that many clamps; then keep buying more clamps.
Right?! Ha-ha. It’s telling that a common DIY item in woodworking shops is clamp storage.
Some place had a bin of 9-inch spring clamps on sale for a buck or something. I took all of them (about 30).
That’s one of those sales where you can’t afford to not buy them.
Yup. They’re shitty, cheap clamps. But I got a lot of them. And they work just fine.
there it is
That dude is clearly shilling for Big Clamp.
Similar to pistoffnick’s rule of estimating time to complete a test: how long do you think it should take? Multiply that by 3. And add 2 hours.
Meh, I’m good.
Givem the clamps.
Part-tay!A whole lot of prep and double checking to make sure you have your shit in place (“mise en place” in the culinary world) and everything is ready to go. Epoxy is an unforgiving bitch – especially when it kicks.Nice write-up. I can’t wait to see the finished product.
I forgot to mise en place my parmesan cheese tonight and found it sprouting mold. Luckily I had a fresh brick of cheddar and the sauce came out pretty damn tasty with it.
Grilled Garlic and Rosemary lamb roast with a side salad here. The house smells lovely.
Impressive work, thanks for showing us.
That pic with all the clamps, it looks like he has an air hanger to work in. ?
“hangar”, even
“That space that you planned for your wood shop doesn’t look very big. Do you want to make it bigger?”
One of many reasons I love my wife.
That’s a keeper.
I’m going to guess Mrs G has some high quality wood pieces she’s fond of and wants more.
Heckuva job, Mr G. It’s guys like you and a number of other Glibs that really irritate me with your skills/expertise.
If you ever need someone to stir up Portland in a wheel barrow I might know that guy. Good to see there are a lot of smart and skilled people left in the world, that take pride in their work.
GlibFit (but the toilet ruins the mood)
I know, right? At least put the seat down.
Now all I can think about is the floater she left in there.
I mean, not think about in a sexual way. That’d be weird. NTTIATWWT.
(there might be something wrong with that – we’re not Germans)
“When the desk is installed, the back rails are screwed to the wall studs, so I was not worried about them carrying the load. I tried to do some internet research on the expected load capacity of my front rails, but got confused. So, when in doubt, over-engineer. ”
You should have reached out.
Looking promising. Jealous of your wood hookup.
I haven’t had a wood hookup in a while. ?
You earned it
I worked a summer general maintenance at a high school. They had a paper drill like that for binding stuff too thick for std hole punching. I think the square shield around the drill was to keep the spinning drill from chewing up the paper. 2.5 inches is a lot of paper to work with.
Guessing SF is working on this right now..
Do you use a just the hand sketch, CAD, or some other methods to keep the dimensions correct?
I used SketchUp to draw some plans, but there was a lot of winging it on this project. The dimension that really matters is the finished height of the desktop, and I took pains to make sure that came out right. But I didn’t, for example, work the legs down to “even” dimensions. I stopped when they were all the same size and clean on four sides. I measured a lot, and made notes to remember any important calculations.
No Mas Volare’
Bobby Rydell, he Dead
But oh those Wildwood nights.
So, when in doubt, over-engineer.
No shit. I’m not crunching any numbers but I’m pretty sure Tres would be able to entertain a few of his ladies on that thing when your done. Think about that every time you sit down at your new desk.
It’s unreal.
Reminds me of a workbench my grandpa built for my dad. He used to joke that if a tornado came through, the house and garage would be gone, but the workbench would be sitting there in the middle of the destruction, untouched.
Awesome so far, Grummun!
You people have things in life all wrong.
When in doubt, First.
I’ve been firsting all day long and quite frankly it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be. kind meh actually. Not really sure what the big deal is.
I gather that you’re supposed to touch yourself while you do it.
I’m not sure if Ted,S is still awake.
That’s about 50 years past his cutoff.
TedS” version
This showed up on the right side.
Scary that it not straight up parody.
You are a Browns fan so you have horrible taste on top of seemingly enjoying being the absolute worst. You wouldn’t know a First even if I possessed your body and did it for you. You’re like some kid who rubbed one off in between the couch cushions and then thinks he knows what sex with a woman is like.
Back in my younger days I “designed” a stand at work for my 20 gallon aquarium. I showed it to my boss and asked if he thought it would hold up my aquarium. He said, “Yeah, it’ll hold your aquarium and a car.”
So, not strong enough.
A certain Queen song came on the radio and I heard Tres singing, not Freddy.
Everyone knows who I am and what I’m here to do.
Get in line. Behind me. I’ll lead the way.
OK. I’ll follow you. But I’m gonna need more than 20 bucks this time.
I’m going to First, and you are going to pay for it. That’s how this works.
If you want a reach around then you are going to pay for it.
Either of you would be honored if I allowed you to touch my penis, and you know it.
Join a gay penis cult forum, Broketard, this is not really the optimal place for you. Best of luck.
May I recommend:
I was expecting
But I should have guessed it was Steel Panther
@ Gustave
#metoo X 2
Anyone know about this guy Orban who was re-elected in Hungary? Supposedly he is an illiberal authoritarian. Of course, that’s according to the same folks who are about to confirm a Justice of the Supreme Court who doesn’t believe individuals have natural rights.
Pro-Putin Putin ally too!
Another view
All I know if the advocates of ‘democratic socialism’ hate him, he’s gotta be doing something right.
He is a bit of an asshole. That doesn’t mean his critics are better than him.
In today’s environment, if I were a politician, I’d consider being an asshole a badge of honor, like what choice is there? Am I just going to be nice and tell you that you’re not a fucking idiot for believing there are 23 genders?
No, just for telling Ukrainians to go fuck themselves.
I didn’t tell Ukranians to go fuck themselves. I said fuck Ukraine because I’m not willing to go to war to support the Biden’s corruption. BIG fucking difference.
This could get real interesting…
The CEO has got to be pissed.
I only know it’s not Jack any more. I’m not sure if anyone else noticed this, but for a month or so, that Mark Dice dude was posting on Twitter telling Jack to step down, you asshole, and nothing.happened to him, not even a reply, and next thing aI know, he does it. Does Dice have some pedo orgy clips of Jack? WTF?
The CEO owns about 0.06% of the company. He’s an employee and should watch his ass.
Exactly this
It would get even more interesting if Elon decided to send out some tweets encouraging those who are free speech advocates to throw down for enough shares to get shareholder voting rights.
I’m pretty sure he’s going to get what he wants, he seems to be pretty good at it. I’m not sure who else has the sort of money to spend, or exactly how much it would be?, but he’s aleady the majority shareholder.
If you own some shares of the stock you get voting rights for some corporate decisions. Musk has enough fans that if he started suggesting that they might want to buy some shares and vote for his proposals it could give him even more leverage than he just bought.
“The rise comes hot on the heels of Twitter’s best day of trading since its IPO in 2013, with shares surging over 27% on Monday.”
That’s what he did instantly for them by joining the board. I’ll just say again, he’ll get whatever he wants.
I certainly hope he does in this case. He is far preferable to the woke shitheels who presently run that place.
Yeah, I hope so too, that this is great news, and that the wokeness is finally facing a serious challenge.
Heh. Funny and interesting post, and with a hilarious SNL skit (!) that I did not know existed.
The overall point about “collecting identities” is spot-on.
I haven’t even clicked it, but thanks for reminding me that I can use my new status of hetero queer. *Identity change, cha-ching!*
Didn’t we already have metrosexuals?
There’s not a checkbox for that. Tomorrow I’m telling my cliensts we need to make a ‘Hetero Queer’ checkbox. Rainbow checkbox attribute applied.
The ‘queer’ part tells you it’s all about politics.
We both remember when ‘queer’ was derogatory?
I recall when it meant “a bit odd” and didn’t describe the nightmare creatures now roaming the earth wearing it as a skinsuit.
I know. There was a time when it was a slur for gay, then a time when it wasn’t a slur.
And now its been co-opted by the mentally ill totalitarians as a self-descriptor, so it’s derogatory (and rightfully so).
“the queer critique of sexual normativity is both bound to the history of specific identities and committed to the destabilization of sexual identities—including those that have become hegemonic”
I’d rather be an obsequious purple clairvoyant.
As long as you’re pompous, obese, and eat cactus.
He’s a treasure.
Well, you can’t not like a guy who loves titties, amirite?
Frigging hilarious. I’d say for a billion you could get them to throw in Black Tail as well.
Throw in Swank or no deal.
Swank, Black Tail, and Juggs. Next thing you’ll be wanting Oui.
Meh, you can keep that soft-core rag.
Throw in Hawk and we’ve got a deal.
Hey, Oui was the cultured choice.
Maybe Cheri.
Al Goldstein was more patriotic than Larry Flynt.
Screw FTW
The hero we need.
“According to Will Sloan, “Goldstein was the first journalist to seriously review porn films. Had he not written a rave review of a low-budget film called Deep Throat (“I was never so moved by any theatrical performance since stuttering through my own bar mitzvah”), it would never have become a hit at New York’s World Theater, would never have been targeted by the vice squad, would never have spawned a First Amendment cause célèbre, and might not have led to the modern porn industry.”
I guess we know Q’s true identity.
All rise for the Florida Man national anthem.
Stay for the girls shooting guns, kinda like the “1812 Overture” but not crew served.
Somebody woke up on the wrong edge of the continent.
Omg, Netflix is showing child abuse! Old Enough is now streaming. English reviews seem to focus on cute and so on, not society here is scared of fucking shadows to where 26 year olds are barely adults, if that. Hey shitheads, that’s a lot closer to how things used to be and should be. Expect children to grow up and act a certain way and they will. They don’t need to be helicoptered every waking minute.
Saw at a restaurant today, yet another child standing on his seat and acting like a monkey while eating. Adult just sat there, interacting as if that was normal and acceptable behavior. Unbelievable.
I don’t want to go into the office, but I kinda have to.
suh’ fam
I went in an hour early….home an hour early.
whats goody
Beer at 0530h just seems a touch more refreshing.
Good morning, homey & U!
Another bossless day at the office, though mine may be back from the conference and WFH by afternoon. I might actually have time to sit through the recorded webinars he wanted me to take for training…except someone seems to have signed me up for the wrong ones. They’re certainly not the titles I’d asked for.
Darn the luck.
Mind the fog on your drive in to work. Its pretty soupy out there.
I’m surprised out local news doesn’t have a headline “Dense Fog Advisory: What We Know Now”
They’re not saying it’s climate change, but…
I didn’t see any fog, visibility was too low.
(There was no fog up here, but I had to)
::lowers glasses on nose to peer sternly at U over them::
That was supposed to be a cheesy grin, but the wordpress translation isn’t cheesy enough.
Mmmmmmm……cheese! ?
You know, I haven’t made mac and cheese since I visited you. Due to doctor-recommended dietary adjustments, I’d need to reformulate.
I got some ghost pepper cheese curds on Monday.
Nice timing – what low-carb option texture matches the pasta you end up with in baked mac and cheese? It can’t have too strong a flavor so that the cheese stays the star.
Hey GT, Mornin! That “Paper Moon” video that you posted was outstanding. I love that swinging jazz! Thanks so much.
My pleasure!
Ooh! Ooh! I thought of another “paper” song, from the Pride of Piqua, Ohio!
Not this paper song?
From the local headlines: “Local WWII Veteran turns 99 today; VFW, law enforcement to host car parade”
While factually accurate, I suppose it’s important to announce the type of parade.
“Humans not welcome.”
No mention of clowns.
Why don’t cannibals eat clowns? Because they taste funny.
MichiganMan tries out to be FloridaMan™,
Watch As This Michigan Driver Launches His Malibu Over An Entire Overpass!
Hold my beer….
Yowza. The reporters aren’t even a “Michigan 5”. They have faces built for Radio. I’ll take my leggy Fox-Babes. That Italian girl that guests on Gutfeld’s show really stirs my pot…
That is a rough bunch.
I could swear I heard a horn playing Dixie when I watched that.
Has Sean been around? Its Pa. after all….
Parking cones, lubrication discovered inside Columbia County residence after alleged break-in
Traffic comes?
Which end?
I agree.
Based on the article, and to comment about the condom-covered cucumber, he seems to be into insertion.
WTF is a bundle wand?
Note: question is rhetorical. I don’t really want to know.
Stupid autocorrect. Buddle wand.
I have no idea either. And a cursory search only gave me results for “bubble wand”. So perhaps a typo ?
in context, maybe a buttle wand?
I have the same question.
“cylindrical shaped” objects, including a traffic cone”
Narrator: A cone is not cylindrical.
Covfefe everybody! I have been very ill of late, and have slept away most of the last week. I finally get to see my Dr. on Friday. Until then it’s walk sloooow, and make no sudden moves.
/Ow! My Balls!
Balls? Ill pray its not the dreaded testicular torsion.
/turn your head and cough
I knew a guy….
We called him Captain Onenut afterwards.
Ouch indeed. Got kicked?
I hope it’s the rare UTI, I got it once and it ain’t no fun, here’s hopin”
UTI. I got one of those once. About a week after I spent an evening with a young lady of questionable morals.
Call it a certain “zest for living”.
I wish I could blame it on a women, but we only carry Tres size up hea’ and I’m a fragile flower, they would break me in 2.
Sorry, Friend (and you are my friend). I have an appointment next week but Judi is coming with me this time to ensure that I don’t merely agree to everything so that I can get the hell away. Hope that you feel better.
Mornin’ all. I too built a desk over the weekend. Sort of – IKEA special. That is the extent of my carpentry skills. I am in awe of folks who can build things like Grumman did. Fatherless city folk have little opportunity to learn cool stuff.
Yeah, Im not bad with things electrical, plumbable, or automotive. But give me a 2 x4 and a saw, and Ill fuck it up.
Take heart in knowing that the desk, while no doubt gorgeous, likely cost $2K in materials and labor when its done.
I was under the impression that the “jets” and the “Sharks” were involved in an intense dance battle over the lucrative trade in hub-caps. Huh.
Heh. Different kind of cool stuff. You learned how to fight or how to run. I turned out to be a pretty fair sprinter.
We were more Letterkenny but less scripted, plus the girls were not nearly so hot.
Never apologize.
Well, that’s not very Cricket of him.
whaddup Tinkerbelle
McEnroe did it better.
You have got to be kidding!
Morning GT, UCS, Tres, Sean and all the other early risers,
Looking out the window at a fresh 3 inches of wet snow, after a couple yesterday that melted.
Finally found someone that sounded interested in repairing the chimney that fell down from the snow. They’ll come on Friday and make an estimate but can’t start work ’til it dries out a bit, even if they decide to do the job.
Take this Climate Change/Global Warming and shove it. Still though, looking around at the rest of the world, the snow is the least of the problems.
Mornin’, 4×20. It must be spring here, saw the first bees this week and forsythias are in bloom, also flowering cherries. Did you get a nice fat check from the insurance company?
The insurance company was very gracious and maybe I’m underestimating what things cost. OTOH, the repairs haven’t been done so I may have a rude awakening.
Just want things fixed so I can go back to complaining about something else.
For Fourscore
Oh, you kids and this new music. Those guys with the long hair are a flash in the band, they’ll never make it.
I have a door laid across a pair of sawhorses.
These euphemisms…
Door resting on a pair of filing cabinets is more practical.
Who has random filing cabinets lying around?
All your COVID funds are belong to me!!!
“New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy is sitting on more than $3 billion in unspent federal coronavirus relief money, and his latest state budget proposal removes the state Legislature’s oversight of those funds.”
It’s good to be the king.
It’s always about the money, isn’t it?
It’s like when kids first learn about democracy they want a seat at the table discussing how best to use the family paycheck
“The ‘Family’ paycheck is $0. Here’s your share.” *opens empty hand*
Anyone here watched the pathetic celebration of the anniversary of the ACA? Doddering Joe looked like the second place finisher for the May Queen Pageant. He even grasped that asshole’s shoulder and Obama ignored him. God I loathe him. Then he walks out of the room with Kamala leaving Joe behind. Sinking ship. We’ve all known that feeling. You’re the plus one at a dinner party and unfamiliar with the people present and their customs. Happens to the best of us. Not supposed to happen to the POTUS. They just laid their cards on the green felt.
The event was not to celebrate the 12-year anniversary of something, it was to signal from the machine that Joe is about to go.
I still felt bad for Biden. I’m a libertarian but not one of those autistic ones. That’s the Leader of the Free World being treated like “Ducky”. That ain’t good. Everyone on earth knows that he is a Muppet. Not good at all.
Nope. Fuck that guy.