‘I don’t know about you, but I’ve been experiencing some serious “apocalypse fatigue.”’
‘Employees no longer need to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 in order to return to the office’
Gonna be seeing this fella live tonight. I’m sure he’s in better resolution in meatspace.
—-Update from Brett L——
Riven was nice enough to let me share a picture of Baby L IV – “Bash”

Baby L IV
The Bee
I am narrowing my search on the Glib Bee connection.
I didn’t think to check today — but it raises the thought… does the Bee do April Fool’s by only reporting actual news stories?
The Bee article Seth refers to. I was worried they were caving in at first, but then remembered the day and finished the article. They never disappoint.
If only you’d let us.
“I am narrowing my search on the Glib Bee connection.”
Well, it is difficult to imagine that level of sarcasm coming from somewhere else.
Ya think?
whaddup doh’
Congratulations to Baby Liv!
Congrats. I take it Baby L IV is the legal name?
Naw, it’s just the 54th clone.
Yeah — LVI means Mrs. Brett must be absolutely exhausted…
Congratulations! I’d offer to babysit but… uhm, err… yeah, I gotta go.
It’s not their 54th?
Nah, named after Liv Ullmann.
(tap, tap) This thing on?
Howdy there OMWC
How’s SP today?
*Feedback screech*
Hello, Bash!
start scripting
while [ $brettSnipped == 0 ]
source reproduce.sh
You forgot the sleep command. Mrs L needs a break.
A new baby Glib! ??
Woot! Woot!
The under-the-table backyard project has commenced! Materials will be brought in today. Dogs have been cbd’d otherwise I can see them going through the sliding glass door to chomp on some brown people.
I had my roof replaced today. Dog was unfazed by the noise, zonked out on the couch, except when they worked on the porch roof. Then she would trot to the door, tail wagging, sure it was a visitor for her. The cat kept running around the main floor, staring at the ceiling.
‘I don’t know about you, but I’ve been experiencing some serious “apocalypse fatigue.”’
Most definitely.
‘As a result of their efforts, Read wrote, “there began the greatest reform movement in British history.”’
We could really use some reform right now.
Yeah. I think I need to take a break from all this shit. My psyche is getting pummeled.
Mrs. TOK got a massage yesterday, and the therapist says she’s seeing a lot more headaches and such due to all the stressful things going on.
Congrats to the new parents.
“President Biden unveiled his $5.8 trillion FY23 budget request this week. The President’s budget request is an extensive proposal of the funding levels the Administration would like to see for the following fiscal year. While it has no legal standing, it does include volumes of supporting information intended to persuade Congress of the necessity and value of funding levels the President proposes. Of the $5.8 trillion, only $1.6 trillion is in discretionary spending
President Biden requested $813 billion in defense related discretionary spending and $769 billion in domestic programs discretionary spending. It is a 5.7% increase in spending from the FY22 budget, signed into law by the President earlier this month. ”
The fact that the rate of increase is less than inflation is actually a good thing. I’m not sure if that 5.7% is only for discretionary spending or if that includes “mandatory” spending. Still the entitlements really do need to be reformed. It’s just too politically difficult to do so.
Yeowch… speaking of “apocalypse fatigue”… so we’re now up to $4.2 *trillion* in fixed spending? (I’m assuming interest on the debt, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid?) And no one on the Hill is even talking about this being a bad thing…. so according to the same government — 2021 US GDP was $22.99 trillion… so we’re up to 18.2% mandatory and 25.22% “wish list” of the *entire country’s GDP* just for the freaking Feds?
I suppose their response will be “call us back when we hit 100% of the GDP just going to interest on the debt”. grumble bitch moan complain…
Just for comparison in nominal terms. 5.8 trillion is larger than the GDP of every country except for China. The 4.2 trillion in fixed spending. Is larger than the GDP of every country except for China and Japan.
If your can lid isn’t in the mail today, it probably won’t get to me in time. If anybody needs an extra day, let me know so I can keep an eye out for your lid.
USPS tracking says mine was delivered yesterday evening, and a (quasi?)government agency would never lie to me, would they?
Yup, I have it. ?
What they mean by delivered is they are done dealing with it wherever it may be.
I do. I just got your address today.
I’ll keep an eye out for it.
^Same here, sorry Trsh. I’ll get it out to you asap tomorrow.
Didja get my trshy? I didn’t do none of that fancy tracking stuff with the USPS.
Yup, I think I saw yours. I have a big stack that I’m gonna process tomorrow and send out “received” emails for.
Thanks for organizing it!
I sent mine the other day; I hope it makes it
Bills strike deal for stadium, Commanders still search for new home
Talk is down from $1B to $350M. It is a start. But they need to get it down to at least -$100M.
‘Employees no longer need to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 in order to return to the office’
*Waits impatiently for similar announcement from my employer*
Seriously, my boss is starting to plan for in-person meetings… I’m gonna have to file an effing religious exemption if they don’t fix the policy.
Company I work for has been radio silence on even the exemption request for about three months now.
I may play stupid. “Oh, why doesn’t my badge work? It must be programmed to my old office, right?”
PSA: Xbox Series X is in stock on Amazon at MSRP.
I bought one last night. Probably I won’t spend much time using it cause I get bored of video games quickly.
Riven was nice enough to let me share a picture of Baby L IV – “Bash”
Not pictured, Babies L I – III, ksh, zsh and tcsh.
Will they stop with nologin?
These jokes are like PuTTY in your hands…
Brett will be reprogrammed to deliver null packets only.
Hi Riven!
Wow, Bash is adorable. Congrats to the L family!
It’s a Friday, and this is not a joke. The Zoom/Happy Hour/Bitching about stupid April Fool’s e-mails will kick off at 20:00 Eastern.
As a heads up, I will be unavailable next Saturday and the weekend after that to kick these off, so someone else will need to step up.
OMG – I thought they were going to make a “Spirited Away” live action movie.
On the stage I think it has a much better chance of succeeding. It is one of my favorite films and not because it is anime.
With Disney doing live action remakes of their movies, and owning the (at a minimum distribution) rights to Ghibli, it wouldn’t surprise me that the mouse would make an attempt.
Congrats on your biological fruition, Brett.
Wait, you’re bringing new beings into this fucked up world?
I want some of your hope. (Sorry, early drinkage.)
I have 4 boys to work the fields/mine when the collapse happens. It’s not hope, it’s contingency planning. Someone asked if we were trying for a girl this time and I replied, “I was trying for an orgasm.” That got blank looks and a couple of gut laughs from moms.
Hahaha. Awesome response. Congrats on the new kid! Glibertarian in training.
Congrats Brett! My youngest just turned 6 months old on Monday and as you probably know better than me, they grow up a little too fast.
I was trying for an orgasm.
Nothing like a successful mission, is there?
Congrats! Now get them boys writing posts for Glibertarians.
I keed!
So the Brett L family has the boys for the girls of Sloopy & Banjos?
Teds’ 19
Ghostpatzer 20
Grumbletarian 21
Grummun 21
Raven Nation 22
TARDis 22
The Hyperbole 22
Tundra 22
l0b0t 24
Beam 26
MikeS 26
Plisade 26
Trshmnstr the terrible 26
kinnath 27
Sean 29
Bobarian LMD 29
*total score (X=11pts)
no score = 0?
That would be four failures so 44 points. MikeS might manage that at some point but its highly unlikely for normal people.
One Fail=Bad day, it happens.
Two Fail=Really bad day or bad strategery.
Three Fail=C student in public school.
Four Fail=Still a Biden supporter.
*hearty chuckle*
I wasn’t informed this was a competition.
Happened yesterday. I’m sure a memo was sent.
Everything is a competition.
I opt out
So a forfeit then.
strategic withdrawal
I was a mediocre 25 today. bah
The schedule is out for my hockey tournament in Pittsburgh, April 21-24! This year a total of 66 adult and kids sled teams will participate. Sled hockey is in Week 2, and my team is in Adult Tier 5. Here’s the schedule and all the details, including links to volunteer if you are so inclined.
I used that gross nose rinse stuff. Things are dripping in there. I hope it helps my equilibrium issues
Yeah, it’s shocking sometimes at what comes out of your melon.
I hope so too. It doesn’t work for me unless I can feel actual pressure in my head. I usually don’t.
Anyone watching BattleBots? This season has been great. Last night there was a big upset. I was yelling at the TV (in a good way).
On my DVR – no spoilers!
Don’t read my comment below!
No spoilers, but there were some really good fights. I think every episode has been that way.
I love BattleBots!!! I was relieved that Witch Doctor won, but I worry about their chances against Minotaur next week. ?
You cruise you lose! 😉
Sorry! I was just so excited! ☹️
Is this a new reason there are no libertarian women?
Hello CA!
TW Reddit
April 1str is a sacred day to all Firsters where there is no to be no Firsting. I would join the Zoom to explain, but I have to get some rams blood and go into the woods.
Radical Firstism
If you have a cat, do not let it outside tonight.
So you’re going Earth First!?
Jesse trolling the humorless again.
I’m baffled how men who are average looking want to be ugly women.
Cause they want free drinks at bars. Duh.
So they can win athletic competitions?
Yes, but I am amazed at the ugly men who want to be hideous women.
Yeah, and why take the pay cut???
Like “Lia”. William was not a bad looking dude from the before picture, now just bafflingly ugly. I’m honestly always suspicious of those the most (like “Rachel” Levine or that Clymer idiot) that it’s a ploy because they’re really not even trying. Slapping on a wig does not a woman make.
Oh yeah? Are you a biologist?
I’m convinced it’s just ingesting way too much hentai pr0n as kids. Can we say “autogynophilia”?
My brother was quite good looking. He made an ugly woman when he started presenting as female two decades ago. Not sure if he is still doing that or is just living as a lonely old man.
Was this him?
Not quite
Our Jesse is no Sean Spicier, but I love him.
Im going to bed. Some of us work all night ya know.
Sweet dreams.
For you!
Before I clicked I though it was Annie Lennox in that stupid song. I do like how Freddie Mercury worked “bicycle” into it tho.
Best Eurythmics song/video ever. Fight me.
That’s a good one, but my favorite of hers is a cover.
Oooooo… that’s a hard one to beat. So many choices to pick from. I’ve always been a huge Eurhythmics fan.
Another great track from their first LP with a power-pop/post-punk vibe.
Speaking of, the local confused dude was out in his driveway this afternoon in one of his favorite outfits. Imagine Meatloaf in a red dress.
He’s about twenty and living with his Uber-liberal parents, who are a social worker and public school teacher.
Repost from the earlier thread: new Forgotten Weapons
The college gender gap has transformed the dating world
The firsts comment:
Damn those anti-vaxxers. They force college-educated women to stay single.
Also Putin. Don’t forget Putin.
I can’t imagine why.
It’s those damned blue collar guys. Why don’t they just learn to code?
I find myself single at 38 … after rejecting so many men when I was younger because I though I could do better. – wife’s single coworkers
Ship the extra women over to China. Lots of single dudes there.
Most of these over-educated, old maid D voters are already on team China whether they realize it or not.
I found that the situation very much flipped as college graduation loomed, even at a male heavy school like i attended. By the time senior year rolled around, many of the single girls started getting a hunger or maybe desperation in their eyes that I had never seen before. Perhaps it dawned on a lot of them that mommy and daddy’s story of meeting at college and getting married after graduation wasn’t going to happen to them unless they stopped throwing themselves at the fratboy du jour every Friday night and settled down with some responsible boy. All I know is that I started getting an order of magnitude more attention than I was used to, and I wasn’t particularly interested because I was moving halfway across the country in 6 months and didn’t need to be entangled with some girl while doing that.
Don’t worry sweetheart. I’m sure if you just keep being your dower, preachy, sanctimonious and whiny self, the perfect spineless, complacent, anti-masculine, obedient male feminist cuck will find you, fall in love instantly since you’re clearly such a unique snowflake, and gleefully spend the rest of his life groveling, walking on egg shells and making all the sacrifices so that you get to be your perfectly realized self. Don’t go do something silly like developing a sense of awareness or the need to compromise that might keep you from your dreams.
Outside of engineering degrees, I doubt I would find most of the college educated women tolerable. Even then, they’re mostly liberal.
And the reality is that people who have college degrees tend to date other people with college degrees.
This “tendency” is not even across the sexes. Women are more selective than men. If they also hold the superior position, they’re going to be set up for failure.
Exactly what we need, a bunch of single, liberal, bitter women that are politically motivated and have nothing else to do.
Imagine a thousand Madeline Albrights sitting on human faces forever.
*uncontrollable vomiting*
It is funny, though mostly darkly funny, when people talk about how women in leadership would make a more peaceful world. I guess it makes sense if you ignore Madeleine Albright, Janet Reno, Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher, ….
Male incels are wicked and need to be ostracized even more.
Female incels are somehow the fault of Teh Patriarchy.
I really needed to get off work early tonight.
I was cleaning up the detritus around the dead tool when it came back to life all by itself. I can’t possibly take credit for this, especially since I have no doubt it will spontaneously die again. So now I’ve got two panicky fabs screaming for this thing to be up, and it… is… sort of… for a while…
So I’m telling my fab “yes it’s up, no I won’t be accepting your wafers, it’s too risky” and the one in VT “we’ll run yours now, but don’t be surprised if the tool crashes while your wafers are in transit.” I have one backup tool that can handle our 300mm wafers, but this Lazarus/zombie is the only one that runs the 200mm ones VT produces.
Just encountered all sorts of traffic problems near Brandon’s house in Delaware. Hey, you presidents get a four year lease on the most famous mansion in the United States.
Why the hell do you have to “go home” every other weekend? Get away from it all at Camp David and let your old neighbors enjoy their weekends too.
Maybe Hunter still thinks his dad’s in Poland and he’s having a bitchin party.
Good luck with that. I can’t tell you how many times Obama made it take hours for me to get home when he came to NYC for fundraising.
I remember when Brandon caused delays at Union Station because he wanted to take Amtrak. I guess it is better than Bill Clinton and haircuts.
OTH, you knew which Amtrak train wasn’t going to get cancelled when Sen Brandon was taking it.
It seemed like every time I was in LA, Obama was there for fundraising. Messed up traffic even worse than normal. And locals I spoke with in Hawaii didn’t seem to be too happy that he vacationed there.
Ugh he was the worst. IIRC even the city eventually “strongly recommended” he take a helicopter because people were so pissed that the 405 was shut down so often.
But otoh, it was kinda cool when my son was little and loved planes that we could drive to the far end of the airport and see Air Force One and the big equipment transport plane that goes with it.
Cities should simply not close down roads for presidential motorcades.
HA! When he took Michelle on their Broadway dinner date his first year in office, I was working a job at Chelsea Piers (Japanese bottled water commercial with Beyonce) that wrapped at 5pm. The President’s motorcade was traveling north on the West Side Highway so NYPD had closed every single cross street, from about 30th all the way down to the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel; no traffic was allowed to exit the highway, every single southbound vehicle was forced into the tunnel and sent to Brooklyn. It took more than 3 hours to reach the tunnel (about 1.5 miles), then another 3 hours to get out the mess on the other side and make it to the office in Gowanus.
Remember how it was such a big damn deal that W would often go back to Texas?
Seriously, The man’s been a public servant for what? 45 years. It can’t be a nice house considering he’s been on a public salary this whole time.
He goes home and plays with his Corvette.
Joe Biden Does a Burnout In His Corvette Stingray – Jay Leno’s Garage
Joe was just a poor boy from PA whose father owned a Chevy dealership in the 1950s. It’s not like that would have been a license to print money or anything.
The decline in Brandon, even since then, is remarkable.
He also has a Trans Am
This is the guy who says he’s getting rid of fossil fuels.
Also, he said he once got the car up to 152 mph. That’s Cornpop-level believable.
That the executive officials have to ask their bodyguards permission to do fun/dangerous things speaks volumes.
OMFG just now on TV – the moronic “city’s doctor” has found a new tack – “long covid” propaganda. Holy shit they will never let this go.
Admitting you were wrong isn’t an option.
Nope. That’s why they just created the covid.gov website in the past week or so.
Long COVID is fibromyalgia updated to 2020.
Pulled over from the ded thred:
Juris recommended the movie ‘The Keep’. I’d like to second that recommendation. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Seperation of Kentucky from Virginia declared illegitimate
Wonder what the does to the Senate confirmation vote…
The important thing is KFC and Papa Johns are now official school lunches.
Sweet. We get Rand Paul.
So that was Thomas Massie whom I drove past yesterday! He must have been an advance scout for the invasion!
She implied the quiet part out loud.
The Cosmos love her. She doesn’t believe in natural rights or biological sexes so what could go wrong?
If she did believe that human’s have natural rights, she would have problems determining who is a human without a degree in anthropology.
“I’m not a philosopher.”
Riven, I’ma let you finish but I have to say that the conversations in the Stoicism post were so fantastically good that it should be framed. Wow. Ya’ll are incredible thinkers.
Yeah. I’m bummed I missed it in real-time. Some really good conversation there.
Didn’t libertarians state that rising secularism and materialism would not impact freedom of religion?
Not to mention that freedom of religion implied that there were clear limits to government and that the population has very serious differences that can’t be resolved which are quite important to a free society…
On the contrary, religion is booming. Climate Change, #BLM, COVID are the new trinity, and literally everywhere is a place of worship.
Change is always good…
Didn’t libertarians state that…
Which libertarians? Why would what they have to say be authoritative [note the irony]?
Which libertarians thought that secularism might have some problems or thought that we don’t need freedom of religion?
Do these people just throw a dart at a calendar when they make these announcements?
That’s when fedgov may or may not remove the mask transportation requirements.
From the sounds of it, kids would be safer if STEVE SMITH were working at Disney.
Suspended? She needs to be in prison for child abuse with the possibility of great bodily harm. Does she have any idea what sort of damage giving hormones to little kids could do? These peopel are insane and need to be locked away from the rest of us.
Hung from a lamppost
Put the mulching device below it.
She reported on the abuse. She’s the hero of the story.
Oh shit, you are right. Apparentely actually reading the article is a lost art. just replace her with ‘those people’ and I think it’s good.
Suspended for letting people know about it, not suspended for doing it.
Don’t interfere with my righteous outrage.
It’s okay, somebody deserves it.
At some point the pitchforks have to come out.
If someone did that to my kid, the pitchfork would merely be foreplay.
Seruiously when my kids were in school no one would have ever attmpted anything like that for fear of death and they would have been right.
“Suffering from Apocalypse Fatigue?”
Only all of my life. From my earliest memories, impending nuclear war with Russia, then Jesus was coming back to end the world, probably tomorrow. And finally it seemed it was over and then global warming and then Covid mania, and now it looks like Klaus and his muppet clowns like Biden will finally bring about the real deal.
I don’t see how people did this for 45 years. The suspense is killing me.
I just said in the early dead thread this morning that I wish that Fauci and Biden get that Trench-foot thing, in their ass. However big Hell is, it’s still too small for all these assholes.
No one said Free Trade would liberate China…
What could go wrong?
Also why us Okay to admit that Russian 1990s reforms were a disaster 30 years later and when it is too late to do anything about it?
It seems Putin has done quite a lot to remedy it, at least as far as Russians are concerned.
Back in the 90s I was saying Russia is in danger of becoming like Germany in the Weimar period which could lead to what comes next. Post-war, loss of territory, crappy economy, loss of morale, members of the same ethnicity beyond the borders, rapid cultural changes. The situation was begging for someone to come clean it up. Not that Putin is full on Hitler with concentration camps, but it’s not surprising that the people might be ok with an authoritarian who says he’s going to turn that around. I’m not sure what we could have done much differently except maybe be less insistent on some of the reforms and less demonization of Russia.
aw look at that cutie pie!
Congrats, Brett and Mrs L, and family!
In other happy baby news, I’m a great-uncle again! My niece delivered a tiny (4 lbs, 11 oz) little girl this afternoon. Six weeks early, but everything seems cool.
Maybe she and Bash will be pals!
Late. But congratulations!
One of the Biden kids must be holding a controlling interest in unicorn farts
New vehicles sold in the United States will have to travel an average of at least 40 miles per gallon of gasoline in 2026 under new rules unveiled Friday by the government.
Looking at local dealership lots, I don’t think there’s going to be any problem. There aren’t any new cars available anyway.
I am so glad I bought the new-to-me truck a couple of months ago.
Why not 100?
We get it, commies. You want us all fat, depressed, poor and immobile.
And of course, the local TV station’s report concluded with a line saying environmental groups think it doesn’t go far enough.
The mileage laws never go far enough, teachers pay is never high enough, voting is never easy enough, etc., etc…
Reading that comment about college educated women getting stiffed in life’s great mating dance:
I think it was mostly in Indianapolis, but in Colorado Springs, too, if I ran by the grocery store after work I would see lots of “mismatched” couples shopping. She, in a nice dress and makeup straight from the office and he, in ratty greasy Carharts or whatever, looking like he had been pouring foundations or fixing bulldozers all day, engaged in animated debate about what was going to be for dinner.
And the weird part? They seemed perfectly normal and comfortable. I wonder what that harpy from Boston would think about that.
Our old neighbors were like that. She was a biochemist and he was a contractor who looked like he just got out of prison.
Friday night music
Be sure to pause and grab a screen shot at the 2:09 mark.
Good grief, she’s hot.
cindy lou who is a big girl now
New vehicles sold in the United States will have to travel an average of at least 40 miles per gallon of gasoline in 2026 under new rules unveiled Friday by the government.
Yeah. They’ll torture the technology to get them to do that straight off the assembly line, with direct injection and two bar of boost and whatever select-fire engine management wizardry is the flavor of the week, and when they have 30,000 miles on them they’ll be ready for the crusher.
I have found the tiny displacement motors with turbos to be kindof annoying. I think my Civic (2015) is the last generation SI with a naturally aspirated motor of sufficient size and power to give it the sporty econobox performance that Honda is going for.
If they really meant it, they would do a bunch of safety and emission regs. Then we would all be driving Golf diesels.
Bingo. Just gotta make it past warranty.
tiny displacement motors with turbos
I saw a thing about Toyota’s new rally-inspired Corolla “hotrod”.
Powered by a 1600cc three cylinder turbo motor. They didn’t say how much boost, but I’m sure it’s a lot.
It’s freaking awesome.
You have my attention.
The GR Corolla is powered by the same 1.6-liter, turbocharged 3-cylinder engine as the GR Yaris, but with the performance wick turned up to 300 horsepower and 273 pound-feet of torque. That’s 32 ponies and around 7 lb-ft more than its smaller sibling, which will come in handy considering the 3,249-pound GR Corolla is about 430 pounds heavier than the GR Yaris.
The G16E-GTS engine inhales via a single-scroll ball-bearing turbo and exhales through a valved exhaust system with three brushed stainless steel exhaust tips. A six-speed manual transmission with rev-matching capability is standard equipment.
What is the pic of the masked thing and the girl?
Disney’s next movie to turn into live action and completely fuck up.
From the article, right now stage.
But give Disney time.
MikeS see my post above.
To actually answer the question, it’s the play adaptation of Studio Ghibli’s “Spirited Away.” I’m not really an anime guy but Studio Ghibli’s movies are good. Wife loves them. Pretty sure Disney will turn them into live action movies and destroy them.
You can’t destroy something by making a shitty version if it. You can only make a shitty version, the original isn’t changed in the slightest. If this was the case than the reverse would also be possible and someone could make The Beach Boys music not suck by making decent covers of their music, alas we are stuck with the shitty original Beach Boys music and there is nothing we can do about it.
Man, we are usually on the same page, but this BB hatred is too much.
I don’t celebrate their entire catalog, but Brian wrote some true gems.
Same. Plus one side of the 45 was surf and the other was usually auto.
This is a cool behind the scenes look at the recording.
I’m a nerd, but I find this stuff fascinating.
God Only Knows is the only song of the Beach Boys that has survived my attention span into early old age. The rest is just candy floss to me now.
The masked “thing” is No-Face.
Thanks for the explanation, guys. Anime (obviously) isn’t my thing. Making a live-action of it sounds stupid.
It is also forgotten that the aristocrats and Catholics were far more cosmopolitan than the liberals. And far more educated.
Liberals began to turn against nationalism due to the World Wars and embraced internationalism. Now we see how bad internationalism is there is a return to nationalism.
For example if Americans have natural rights you are claiming that is a distinct people in a distinct area called America. Oh and supporting natural rights means you are saying that there is some Ancient idea that can never be altered or become outdated which is quite conservative isn’t it?
Also we are seeing the limits of diversity: a tyrant who isn’t a cishet WASP man is still a tyrant.
Also if a diverse society can’t even agree on anything, including the existence of natural rights, or if we need some “enlightened leaders” to set rules for such a society then what do we think is going to happen?
Also classical liberal attacks on absolutism and Catholicism were very xenophobic The Norman Yoke anyone?
I took my son (The Boy) and his girlfriend out to this place on Wednesday
A steak lovers dream.
Shut up and take my money!
(The entry below this didn’t properly queue up in the reply thread, dammit…)
*lights Sean signal*
I need to build a dry aging fridge.
And that chick is awesome.
That place looks really cool.
And judging by their butcher shop prices, I’ll likely never be able to afford to eat there.
Didn’t eat there, but I have eaten at The Palm.
“Fort Knox of meat”?
Shut up and take my money!
Brett’s latest was born on April Fools Day?
I guess it could have been worse; he could have been born on a Feb 29th!
Congrats to the Ls.