Ugh. I can’t hardly stand how cute this game is.
“Activision Blizzard Is Converting All QA to Full-Time Employees”
“Marvel’s Mutants Are Ready to Reclaim Another Villainous Team Name”
“If you are asking what that means or what it might look like, good question.”
“Eventually, the world starts making more sense.”
Probably you’ve heard this one, but it’s somewhat new to me.
The Ghost of Yusef! What’s happening my man
I wrote a post about it, good times!
Nice version of Eric,
What started out good in the backyard renovation has now been two dormant days. One day I understood, help had a sick baby. Today he said he had his crew and they would knock out thr finishing touches. He was a no-show.
Getting a bit frustrated.
“Their goal was to have a single narrative,” said former CDC Director Robert Redfield, who found himself ostracized after urging Fauci to pursue both the natural-origin hypothesis and the lab-leak theory.
The article makes it clear that Fauci and his inner circle did not play nice with scientists who strayed from this “single narrative.”
Casting out the doubters and heretics isn’t science. It’s religion.
I finally got Black Flag working again. I’m annoyed that I can’t assassinate Ah Tabai.
Also both the major factions seem oblivious to the fact that an outsider isn’t going to automatically adopt their ideology or know the implications of actions on the thousand year old secret war.
My ubisoft connect is not connecting.. terrible service.
That was one of several problems I had to fix.
Traceroute showed some stuff…what did you end up doing?
Deleted a bunch of stuff and reinstalled.
Did you check the thermostat?
Alternately, did you try turning it off and then back on again?
See if this helps.
How about this?
I suggested this last time.
Gonna have to go old school
I think you meant this.
Yeah — that’s the version I know… but solely because it was on the Kill Bill soundtrack.
Nor should it surprise us if it turns out that the all-powerful Chinese government and the sprawling US bureaucratic state—accountable to virtually no one—are responsible for the gravest disaster in modern history.
The disaster in question being not the disease, but the response.
For some reason China is dialing it up in Shanghai despite everyone testing positive having no symptoms. I don’t know what kind of vaccine the ChiComs forced into the veins of their peasants, but my guess that those vaccines ARE the pandemic now.
So many people (myself included) thought they were being smart about COVID only for them to become stunningly stupid all of a sudden that many suspect an ulterior motive. I can’t rule it out, but sheer brutal stupidity seems to be the winning explanation so far.
Much ado is made about “politics” behind this, but at a first glance, there don’t seem to be any “politics” at all. None of the people involved are running for any kind of election. They don’t answer to voters, legislators, or the President. Neither Fauci nor Walensky are calling up the local DNC office to figure out what to do next. If anything, the phone calls (and talking points) are flowing the opposite direction. If this had happened in say the 1970s, “politics” would have functioned differently: people would have been forced to resign, the word “scandal” would have been thrown around more widely, and the Democrats despite being the long-term majority party would still have thrown some of their own under the bus to at least maintain appearances. None of these “political” forces seem to be functioning here. Indeed, it seems to me the lack of any politics at all is a huge part of the course of events.
Accountability, or at least the appearance of it, has been virtually eliminated from modern politics.
Oh, the theatre show that is front-facing retail politics has “accountability”. Not for outcomes, per se, but for appearances, temperament, and other intangibles. A politician can still lose his job for failing to keep up appearances (with the media playing a significant role in shaping those appearances).
It’s the people behind the scenes who have no accountability.
I mean, it may seem like partisan hackery to say it, but what real accountability is their for any leftwing politician? No matter what they do, the media has and will excuse their behavior. Meanwhile, outside the moments when they are agreeing with Democrats, Republicans are pretty much just demonized.
The media may have always been biased, but I can’t believe that they’ve ever had the actual nerve to protect people who did things as blatantly corrupt as what you can pretty easily prove Hillary and Biden have done. The Clinton Foundation was taking millions from foreign governments, we have emails from her underlings admitting that they were granting special access to donors, and the media pretended that it was a conspiracy to suggest she was crooked. Same for Biden. We have the smoking gun, and they pretend that there’s not even the basis of a case. And 50% of the population goes along with it.
Nah, there aint no actual accountability for Democrats.
“They said you was hung.”
“And they was right.”
Narrator: It wasn’t really stunning.
That framing is remarkable and stunning
You forgot “brave.” You mustn’t ever forget “brave.”
The problem with the FBI enticing up marginal people to commit crimes is that they tend not to color within the lines and any idiot with two brain cells in the court room can figure out what actually happened. The same strategy that was applied to foreigners who can barely speak English during the WoT hasn’t quite worked as well when all of those variables are changed.
It was stunning if you bought into the media bullshit about “insurrection”.
Thomas Sowell on the history of rednecks, wonderful stuff!
Redneck woman I would
Great stuff Yusef! Thanks!
Redneck Girl – The Bellamy Brothers
I think I speak for most of my generation when I say I was expecting her.
Are we going to quibble about this or just enjoy good Ole Americana?
Excellent, thanks!
Hertz CEO plans to tackle false arrests issue, expects settlement with victims
They've gone from denial to acceptance. It's a good example of why I dislike unaccountable corporations just as much as unaccountable government. At least corporations can't claim immunity for their screwups.
At least corporations can’t claim immunity for their screwups.
The corporation can’t, but the people running it can (not always successfully).
+ 1 Enron D&O Claim
The whole boards have personal liability sham was completely exposed with Enron. I followed that pretty closely and I’m not aware of any BoD member who wasn’t one of the criminally charged executives having to pay any restitution to shareholders.
It’s a Friday, and some new traditions demand to be upheld. Here’s the Zoom/Happy Hour/Gaming Discussion that I’ll kick off at 20:00 Eastern.
As a reminder I’ll be out of pocket tomorrow night and next weekend, so someone else will have to step up and host.
I can host tomorrow. I will be unavailable next Wednesday, so no zoom unless someone else hosts.
Tunic looks cool, I’ll play it if they put it on a decent console. ?
You’ll have to wait for the exclusivity to run out first.
It’s not an exclusive. I’m playing it on my Mac.
Xbox exclusive. Microsoft usually allows any Xbox exclusive to also release on PC/Mac at the same time.
Well, that’s not very exclusive 🙂
Works fine on my computer.
Strongly disagree. The combat is almost comically punishing once you pass an hour or two. That was the point at which I had to turn on the only option provided to alleviate this, which is basically “take no damage at all”.
So you have a choice between the requirement to be supernaturally elite at the combat, or removing it from the game and making it kind of boring.
That was my experience. I ended up leaving god mode on most of the time so I wouldn’t have to repeat huge sections between saves, then I started getting bored with how obtuse the game is with progression. I do like it and a lot of it would appeal to a younger, less busy me, but I need my gaming to be a lot of quick fixes nowadays and Tunic wasn’t fitting the bill. That said, I do understand why people dig it if you’re willing to put in the time.
It just feels unbalanced, or it doesn’t know its audience? I want the exploration and secrets and figuring shit out. I don’t want the constantly dying. As a result I’m loaded up with all kinds of treasure-fruits and junk and no inspiration to figure out what it does because I don’t need to.
That was my take as well. I have a gaming rule – if I have to repeat a battle/puzzle/challenge five times, I toss the game. With Tunic, that happened at about the 0:50 mark.
Tunic had a lot of really well-done mechanics, but absolutely zero flow. It was truly less than the sum of its parts.
Latest example of media bias by rolodex: One of the international broadcaster podcasts I listen to had a story on rising prices for new home construction in Australia. Now, pretty much everybody here has seen the rise in prices on building materials thanks to the government’s fucking up the supply chains. But whom did the ABC interview?
1) A would-be homeowner who feels his general contractor has screwed him over.
2) The female CEO of a trade industry organization claiming to represent the construction/contracting industry
3) A professor who studies the housing industry
4) A “consumer advocate” who advises people who think they’re getting a raw deal
No actual tradies, but we saw from the protests in Canberra just how much the Australian establishment hates the actual working class.
By the same token, I recently listed to an episode of the BBC’s “Assignment” from right around the time the coronapanic started about the housing crunch in Ireland, and that was another program that couldn’t be bothered to interview anybody who was doing actual building work. It did, however, interview a woman who had moved from Portugal and was doing sustainable art by making new furniture from discarded wood, and her female friend from Kenya who operated some sort of cooperative making cushions. The epitome of the stereotype about metropolitan class preferences.
Oh, come on, what would home builders know about why house building costs so much?
/Jounalist degree
Home builders tend to display a lot of toxic masculinity, what with wielding tools and doing math and such.
Math is an example of both toxic masculinity and white supremacy. Check your f&#^ing privilege.
Nobody cares, Ted. Why don’t you try Firsting. Maybe then someone will actually value what you do.
Journalism is when you call up 2 of your friends, and find 2 self-proclaimed “experts” with no skin in the game, to write a story.
“No actual tradies…”
Ew, why would I want to talk with those people? I mean, they didn’t even go to college.
Fodd is Cold at the Supermarket!
or food,
Radio New Zealand is even worse. Continual demand for the government to “do something” about housing prices. Never once is there even a mention of the way the government (in both countries) has completely fucked over the market with subsidies, licensing, etc., etc., etc. I don’t necessarily blame the average person in NZ: they’ve had a 120 years of progressive government so the idea of de-regulating the housing market is akin to suggesting people move to Mars.
My sister has a small rural property in Tasmania with a couple of modest (really) houses on it. The amount of money she has to pay for government permits to make improvements that she can’t actually afford to get the work done.
None of the people involved are running for any kind of election. They don’t answer to voters, legislators, or the President.
The Ministry of Truth did such a bang-up job of insulating Foochy from any attempt by the Bad Orange Lunatic to get rid of him that he is essentially untouchable. I think he’d stab Biden in the neck with a pair of garden shears live on teevee before he’d resign, or even just shut the fuck up.
The cult of Fauci is/was an interesting thing to behold. While its existence and genesis is instructive about media operations and cultural formation today, I’m more interested in trying to ascertain what this “politics” is that Fauci was partaking in before the average idiot knew his name.
The answer to what his politics is seems readily apparent to me. The state is god and all who oppose it are heretics. And he’s one of the highest priests. He may not be elected, but his every move is consistent with a politician. Everything he does is about amassing power and influence. He takes all the credit for the good and accepts no accountability for the bad. For some people, the idea that they make commands and the masses obey is an incredible motivation. I don’t understand it in the slightest, but it’s been observed enough throughout history to be certain it’s there.
It isn’t electoral politics, but a bacterized (i.e. worse) version of office politics.
Fauci Love Letters to Hillary Clinton Surface….
I don’t think there could be any confusion to anyone with common sense as to which party Fauci identifies with. And when it comes to Hillary, it doesn’t really matter how he feels about her. He’ was going to kiss her ass because I’m sure that he was convinced she was going to be his future boss at the time.
I don’t know. Fauci is a consummate bureaucrat, which means he is extremely talented at kissing the right ass in order to get what he wants. So I’m fairly certain he is quite willing to say whatever he needs to in order to curry favor with the right power brokers. And these emails are very definitely an example of kissing ass.
I really wanted to swim today but the pool is still just too dang cold. I persuaded myself to go down the steps about thigh deep and said NOPE.
So now I am baking dry in the shade. When is swim weather here? May? June??
Go on
I’ll be bringing a suit to potentially take a swim out your way next weekend. Of course, I’m coming from a place where it’s still possible to get snow this weekend.
Neph what is your favorite bbq?
I’m open to anything besides Alabama white sauce. The girlfriend is more particular. She doesn’t like spicy, and prefers chicken to beef to pork.
Chicken got it.
Still a tad cold today in TX. Probably end of April will be good.
The daughter (step-D to me), her hubby, and their two kiddos are visiting us next month so I really hope the pool is comfy at that point.
Memorial day unless you are on the River, then it’s 52 degrees all year!
Yusef knows the deets
Welcome to the high desert. May is usually when nights also stay warm so pools around the clock.
I’m more interested in trying to ascertain what this “politics” is that Fauci was partaking in before the average idiot knew his name.
“Office politics” is a different ballgame than electoral politics. He obviously has honed his skills at internecine turf warfare to a razor edge.
I’m more interested in trying to ascertain what this “politics” is that Fauci was partaking in before the average idiot knew his name.
Based on my reading of the article linked (not the long Vanity Fair article) the “politicking” in question was the internal maneuvering for grants and prestige.
Whee, I just blew the last hour of the work week catching up on required training courses, each of which I’ve sat through four or five times already which is pretty impressive before even my second anniversary there.
I assume you did this with a drink in one hand.
Nah, I don’t start drinking until 7:00.
Sooner or later, you’re bound to learn something.
At a bitcoin conference Thursday, billionaire venture capitalist Peter Thiel said Warren Buffett tops an “enemies list” of people who are trying to stop the cryptocurrency.
“Enemy No. 1,” Thiel said to a booing Miami crowd, is “the sociopathic grandpa from Omaha.” Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway is based in Omaha, Nebraska.
Thiel, who by 2018 had reportedly amassed hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bitcoin through venture firm Founders Fund, also called out JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon and BlackRock CEO Larry Fink. Thiel presented large graphics with images of the two financial executives and their bearish comments about bitcoin.
The images all contained the word “gerontocracy.” About Dimon, Thiel said his views are part of “the New York City banker bias.”
A BlackRock spokesperson pointed CNBC to comments Fink made in his letter to shareholders last month. He wrote that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could accelerate adoption of digital currencies and said “a global digital payment system, thoughtfully designed, can enhance the settlement of international transactions while reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption.”
None of that Wild West stuff, please. We must have order, as defined by central bankers.
When Fink talks about a digital currency he’d like to see adopted, he is very obviously not talking about Bitcoin.
Reducing the risk of laundering and corruption…..for the plebs who don’t control the levers of it.
Make no mistake about it. A digital currency, especially as programable as it’s been described in several mainstream articles about it, is an absolute monopoly on money, it’s distribution and the greatest tool of tyranny mankind has ever come across.
Look… Rick and Morty already gave us a solution for that:
TOS is running a story on how the Viktor Orban victory shows how “mere” democracy isn’t enough. We must have safeguards in place that protect civil liberties at all times. Fine. All well and good. Just tell me why the fuck I should be see concerned about Orban’s victory when we’ve spent the last couple of years watching Western politicians completely trample civil rights in ways that make Orban look downright benevolent?
From covid to spying on their own citizens to foreign aggression. Western politicians beat out their counterparts worldwide.
Well, during COVID the Hungarian Parliament gave him emergency powers with no expiration date, which is pretty bad. Fortunately the emergency powers were rescinded. Emergency power for the various US governors on the other hand…
Orban’s more libertarian than anyone at Reason. They’re nothing more than controlled opposition that would gladly turn you in to the State for cocktail privileges,
Orban’s sins are not allowing hundreds of thousands of immigrants from anywhere, maintaining a nominally Christian cultural worldview, and telling the EU to piss off.
And why don’t the fuckers at TOS worry more about democracy run amok in our own damn country? Who gives a shit what Hungary does?
Globalists do. I wonder if they are even aware of what the hard-core globalists like that Klaus supervillain have in store for us, and to where will one be able to escape when they achieve it.
These companies cannot quit Putin: Acer, Alibaba, Asus, Cloudflare, International Paper, Koch Industries and Lenovo.
When’s the NYT going to quit the DNC?
It’s basically the plot to Brokeback Mountain. They can’t quit the DNC.
No, in Brokeback they fuck each other. NYT and the DNC go around fucking everybody else. It’s more like the Clintons.
Back country rock crawler
The concept SUV is based on Jeep’s traditional Wrangler Rubicon SUV, but the Magneto 2.0 offers a significant increase in performance, including achieving 0-60 mph in two seconds, according to the automaker. That’s faster than the Wrangler Magneto 1.0, at 6.8 seconds, and in line with Tesla’s ultra-performance Plaid models.
To achieve such performance, Jeep said the Magneto 2.0 is capable of up to 850 foot-pounds of torque to the wheels and 625 horsepower. It also includes a new electric powertrain calibration, which Jeep referred to as “electronic nitrous oxide,” to boost the 0-60 mph time. The system allows the vehicle to maintains the peak power for up to 10 seconds.
The most unique aspect to the Magneto is its six-speed manual transmissions, which electric vehicles don’t require. Jeep officials have said the e-transmission has the best characteristics of an automatic transmission with the direct-drive feel of a manual transmission — a key attraction for off-road enthusiasts.
A fun toy indeed!
I await the Marvel lawsuit.
If you look at the “transmission” as a selection of torque and amount of accelerator throw it makes sense. But I doubt you need six ranges. Seems like the three would be fine. Low, high, and sand aka very high.
I received my order of Nevada Goldbacks today. I feel a bit silly but they are beautiful and real, and it’s nice to have gold in really spendable amounts.
So far, Utah, Nevada, and New Hampshire are the only states with Goldbacks, but the Wyoming version is expected soon.
That may be true. But it’s a risk that hundreds of other companies have taken in deciding to pull out of Russia, and it’s one that a multibillion-dollar company like Koch can afford to take as well.
A few billion here, a few billion there…
Wanna see what Elon can do?
you have been warned.
Wonder if Elon’s ever read “The Man Who Sold the Moon.”
Sometimes I think that too.
It’s a good book.
Well, I’m sure Commander in Chief Biden gets as enthusiastic a welcome…right?
there’s your future, might not be so bad having and Evil Villian as Emperor, might be just what we need,
Sue me, I’m late. Doing my f*cking taxes.
And the lower left word is BS. It just doesn’t sound to me.
:sound right:
yeesh. quordle make me stoopid.
Worth a read
Wokeness is just so tiring.. We were touring a college campus today for the senior and the guide starts out with “my name is Kaylee. I use she her pronouns” . Sigh. No, Kaylee, you use I/me because you don’t refer to yourself in 3rd person. And if you want everyone to know you are female, just say “my name is Kaylee. I’m a woman” but they don’t because it sounds stupid And that format doesn’t allow for special snowflakes of the “they” variety which is who it’s all for. It seems so grasping for personality but it’s just so shallow and dull. I feel sorry for the kids that have to deal with this crap now.
Yeah, I swear if they force us to do it on my campus, I’m going to use “it” just to see the reaction.
It’s obnoxious.
Yes, they are.
I can only hope that there is a silent majority in these younger generations that goes along to get along that will eventually start bucking back.
I sure hope so.
Being constantly told that you’re an oppressed victim is not conducive to rational, creative risk taking and to resilience in difficult circumstances.
Other than private schools and limited exposure to unsupervised online echochambers, I don’t know how to keep new generations from being indoctrinated.
The elite private schools are all in on the insanity. They are, as far as I can tell, ground zero for the derp. They are producing the leaders.
Speaking of which, where the fuck is that crazy son of a bitch Derpy?
My pronouns are “the person who is subsidizing your tuition, so shut the fuck up about your pronouns”.
LOL. I approve.
I have to sort through lots of resumes for potential interns or long term hires. Less so now, but lots in my prior job.
Any resume that indicated preferred pronouns went straight to the “nope” pile.
I’m a big believer in the No Asshole rule. I highly recommend it.
Pronouns in their resume would seem to violate the No Idiot Rule too.
My Pr0nouns, on the other hand are missionary/doggy.
Ted S. refers to Himself in the third person. He expects everyone to refer to Him as “His Majesty Ted S.”
The pronouns relevant to her are you/you. It works for every gender and species in English. It’s not her business to tell me how I should refer to her when she is not present. This pronoun business would have relevance if English had more than one 2nd person pronouns. There are circumstances when Russians address the issue when they switch from Вы to Ты. Probably it’s similar to how French and Germans do it too. But it’s not done by announcing your pronouns.
Do the Russians do shots when they transition from Вы to Ты? That’s a tradition that could make the pronoun people more bearable.
A friend of mine was telling me how someone he deals with through his work, a county worker type, was declaring themselves to be NonBinary, and going by their name squashed together with a female version of it. Seems the guy had a bit of work beef with someone of a “protected” class* and felt that he needed to make themselves untouchable. Now, I have no idea about the work beef, but it seems this is a pretty quick way to escalate yourself out of any damage that could be spread your way, as long as you play it smart. Could really fuck you if you make a misstep though…
*fuck I hate the idea of this.
it’s just so shallow and dull. I feel sorry for the kids that have to deal with this crap now.
Hear, hear.
The news stations are all still reporting that a Russian missile killed a bunch of people at a train station. I thought it was already common knowledge that it was a Ukrainian missile. Or maybe they don’t care.
The propaganda is relentless.
They don’t put much effort into making it believable.
They don’t appear to need to.
I find the propaganda campaign to accuse the Russians of war crimes tiring. Then again, I find just about everything that comes out of the media these days tiring. We are in no position to cast stones. Even if it was a Russian missile, who the fuck cares? It’s a war. How many civilians did we kill, accidentally or purposefully, during Iraq and Afghanistan? I say that as someone who served in Iraq. To me, the Russians seem to be pretty awfully damn restrained in what they’re doing in Ukraine. Especially for, you know, fucking Russians.
American leaders walk around acting as if the Geneva Conventions will never be applied to them. Well, one day these assholes may just find themselves on the other end of this. Keep destroying the value of the dollar, keep weakening our own military, and maybe one day you’ll have Chinese leaders talking about prosecuting American leadership for war crimes the next time we preemptively invade a sovereign nation.
Talking about trying Putin for war crimes is so stupid that the guy who suggested it should be forced to put on a dunce cap and a sack and walk through the streets ringing a bell crying out I’m a fucking retard. That is the leader of a nuclear power. Keep alienating them and putting us in a position where there’s no going back, fucksticks…
But our rather incompetent Mandarin class hasn’t really questioned the implications of starting another Cold War at a time when domestically they are more interested in conducting ideological purges of our military than they are increasing its fighting abilities.
BBC was blathering on about “civilian” bodies in the streets of one of the towns the Russians have moved out of. I hate to sound like a bastard, but it’s a fucking war (and Putin is a complete asshole and deserves some kind of painful Stalin-like death) and the western media is acting like ANY civilian death is a war crime. Wonder how many civilians British fighter jets, mortars, etc. killed in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Yeah, but they were brown, so…
The effort that is being made to entangle the US and other western countries into this makes me wonder WTF they are thinking.
Which leads to the tried and true advice when trying to understand motivations: Follow the Money.
Or the power. I’m convinced the whole charade is meant to use Putin for electoral purposes. Looking at who it’s coming from practically solidifies it for me.
Putin is doing what any Russian leader in his position would do. He’s protecting his country’s interests. Libertarians can sit here and engage in navel gazing exercises pretending that any global leader follows libertarian principles, particularly with regards to foreign policy, but what Putin has done in Ukraine is pretty tame if we compare him to leaders of the last few centuries in Europe. Or America, for that matter.
I will continue to maintain that Putin has been a far more responsible global actor than his American counterparts since 2001. His military adventurism is tame. Even now in Ukraine, he isn’t seeking to engage in permanent occupation and nation building. He isn’t, as some have claimed, looking to bullrush Eastern Europe. He’s conducting a limited war to achieve the objectives he believes that are essential for his country’s interests.
Bush invaded Iraq because some neocons naively believed they could install Western style democracies the world over. That American blood and treasure should be spent liberating the rest of the world. And they lied to achieve their objectives. It was a pure war of fancy. No element of self-defense involved whatsoever. I suppose people can take solace in knowing we toppled a dictator…who ruled over a people who would probably elect said dictator if he was subject to elections, anyway. So, yea…
Dude, be careful, that’s hard core dis-info, they Are listening………
/I agree
Dude, if you’re not for the Western globalist agenda, you’re Hitler.
To some extent, the neocons actually believe this.
How about redneck hitler, with a small h?
/no mustache
I am still angry over the depredations committed by William the Bastard against my people.
I imagine what would have happened to Mexico if they had seriously tried to join the Warsaw PACT in 1985. Doesn’t look much different. We wouldn’t want to take it over, so we’d just beat on them until they had a change of heart.
Except Putin does want to take over Ukraine, make no mistake.
I’m old enough to remember when we bombed a passenger train in Serbia.
I was very against the Serbia “intervention.”
To this day I think it was a huge mistake. It’s the Balkans; what do you expect? Besides, the fact that Kosovo was ethnically and religiously/culturally similar to Albania did not justify Albania helping them break away from “The Former Yugoslavia.”
It’d be like Mexico saying that Arizona has a significant population of Mexicans, so it’s legit for Mexico to aid and abet their secession from the US.
Serbia/Kosovo was “too local”.
I was living in a nearby country at the time. We used to sit in the in-laws’ yard and watch the planes fly overhead while I got an earful from the in-laws condemning it. There were daily protests against the bombing that I had to walk through on the way home from work. One day “Yankee go home” was spray painted on a building down the block from my apartment. The KLA was funding their army by smuggling drugs throughout Europe. I had a buddy who worked at the UN in Vienna for an agency that tracks the movements of conventional arms. I asked him why we should be protecting a bunch of drug smugglers, and he said, “Uh, you’re not supposed to know that. How did you find out?” Oh, and the damn Albanian mafia stole the attic space in my apartment. Good times and no good guys.
Here is a deep song for people to think about.
Tax Deduction #2 had his first ever job interview today, with a grocery store. It sounds like he got it. We wondered if prospective employers would balk, since we homeschool, but, nope; the store manager was desperate for anyone willing to work weekends. TD2 is desperate for money, and is willing to work any number of days.
Mine are bouncing around jobs cause almost anyone is taking a warm body. Pisses me off but they have to find a way. Their motivation is work with friends or free food out of thr job.
Hope he likes it! My TD2 is enjoying Walmart and eyeballing a management position.
Last call for Quordle #74 scores
5 7
3 6
Entries accepted until 22:45 UTC, get your scores in now to be eligible for all the fun and prizes*
*there are no prizes.
Men’s Division
His Majesty Ted S. 18
Bobarian LMD 19
Not Adahn 19
Rat on a train 19
grrizzly 20
The Hyperbole 21
Grumbletarian 22
l0b0t 22
Scruffy Nerfherder 22
Sean 22
trshmnstr the terrible 22
Tundra 22
rhywun 23
TARDis 24
kinnath 25
Grummun 26
Raven Nation 27
Plisade 28
The Other Kevin 29
Ghostpatzer 30
MikeS 30
Women’s Division
No entries.
It has been one week since the revised scoring system was implemented ( a missed word = an * and an *=100pts.) There have been 25 quordlers, 12 have reported scores at least 5 times/week, of these Ted S. is the player of the week with an impressive 21pt/game average. l0b0t had the score of the week with a 17.
Thank you for posting the results.
Which quordle league has the designated speller rule?
Correction 14 players reported scores at least 5 time this week.
Speaking of games, I am alternating between “Icewind Dale” and “Baldur’s Gate”. They are pretty much the only games I play, anymore, for some reason.
I discovered that 2nd Edition rules allows a human to be a dual-classed cleric/thief. The only other race that can be cleric/thief (at least, in Baldur’s Gate) is a gnome.
In a different gaming arena, I purchased and played with the fam the rules-light TTRPG “Maze Rats”. They seemed to have a good time, but I still prefer straight-up D&D (BECMI/RC version is my favorite; the tax deductions prefer to play 4e). Right now, I want to get either the newly re-released “HeroQuest” (“the best game ever made”) or one or more of the D&D board games (Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, etc.)
I loved Icewind Dale II. It’s just so hard to get over older graphics nowadays.
I have 9 levels in Nerd, 7 levels in Geek (which uses CHA instead of INT for spellcasting) and 3 levels of Dork, for the bonus feat.
Classics, especially Baldur’s Gate.
Every so often, I go back and replay the SSI Gold Box games, just for inspiration.
Humans can dual class as anything (barring requirement conflicts like Paladin/Assassin). But humans can only dual class, they cannot multiclass.
Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2 were great games.
Planecape: Torment was my favorite of the D&D Infinity Engine games.
BECMI/RC version is my favorite
White Box or GTFO!
(seriously, why aren’t we zooming D&D?)
He’s on a tear! go Elon.
I love how people cannot square the notion of him being a Democrat but a free speech absolutist.
Do you think he’s really still a Democrat?
No, no longer a political animal, more like a force,
Question from a GRADUATE student: “should I insert page numbers in my paper?”
WTF did these people learn in high school? Formatting, citations, etc. were pretty much 50% of our scores for high school papers.
It’s not just that: it’s just a dumb question. Even if you haven’t been taught formatting, why not insert the page numbers. it takes 5 seconds and no one will take points off for inserting page numbers.
Citations: I tell both my senior research students AND graduate students. Hey, there’s a style book. Here’s the link to the e-version. You don’t have to guess. But, they just assume they know the right way to do everything. The undergrads are the worst: if I have ten students, I will get 8 different citation styles. Not only are most of them not the correct one for the discipline, they’re not correct for ANY discipline.
There are no dumb questions; there are only questions asked by dumb people.
Do you have them all work from one style book, like APA, MLA, Chicago, etc? Or is one just expected in your field?
Well, should he?
1. I don’t care
2. I’m shocked that you would make an assumption about gender.
Unless there’s a course in advanced sammich making that I’m not aware of why a woman would be a GRADUATE student?
I grammar good.
My dad is trying to discourage me from bringing my potential RV into cold weather. He thinks I’m going to spend my winters in places like Savannah & Charleston.
That’s going to be a no from me, dawg. I’d rather spend an hour insulating my hoses than spend my winter in a place where daytime temps don’t go below 50.
NJ says FU FL!
NJ first-graders to learn about gender identity in new sex-ed lessons
Ok, groomers.
That is an obvious retort, and at the same time brilliant.
Soccer moms pounce!
My dad is trying to discourage me from bringing my potential RV into cold weather.
What’s the point of having it ii you can’t take it to Copper and have a nice warm pair of slippers waiting for you in the parking lot?
This ribeye is reminding me why I love ribeyes…
The press corps recently performed this nice song for Biden.