The famous “Predicta” custom, restored and on display in 2021.
That’s an incredible work of art shown above. One of the first cars with a TV in the dashboard too. Mind you, it was showing Batman, not Google Maps. Sadly modern cars don’t look like this. Should they? And does anyone recognize the other cars in the background?
Apocalyptic Rat Rod. It was $2,125 on Sunday. Is it still? Would you purchase such a thing? Do these exist outside of the United States?
Eighteen Wheeler! Still a fun video game after all these years. Anyone have a favorite racing video game?
The fine piece of obtainium below was found in the Florida Keys.

Road trips are the best.
Only the finest music about cars for this crowd.
Thank you. If you didn’t post it I would have.
et tu Brute
Not a bad “Cover” of that song.
Actually, the more I listen to it, the more awesome it sounds. The crowd’s reaction when the song starts is really cool and the energy just builds from there.
I’ve heard that before. It’s a somewhat more rocking version and awesome.
Anyone have a favorite racing video game?
Cruisin’ USA.
My friend with a restaurant turned the backroom into an arcade. He has a skin mod for his Crusin’ USA console where you can change the cars to something else. Last time he and I played, after I helped him clean-up, he showed me the mod. My car turned into a school bus. I raced a school bus.
Street Rod was a lot of fun.
Test Drive was also good.
Cruisin’ USA was fun, but I dropped a shit load of quarters into Sprint 2
Mashing the gas peddle, slamming the gear shift through the gears, feathering the wheel through the corners, getting pissed off when you’d hit an oil slick….fuck that was fun. I’d love to drop a roll or two of quarters into one of those machines again.
And I don’t now if it’s a “racing” game, but it’s definitely a car game: Spy Hunter. It’s another one I dropped a lot of silver in.
Also, it had one one of the all time best theme songs in an arcade game.
Spy Hunter was great.
I wonder if Spy Hunter was an inspiration for these guys doing this.
The Peter Gunn theme was famous before Spy Hunter.
It was a 30+ year old song by then. And chances are pretty good these guys spent some time in an arcade or two in their youth.
ELP did a famous cover of it. Might have been a source too.
Huh. I had no idea. Never heard that. And it’s not mentioned on the Wiki page for the song. But their synth-heavy version certainly could have influenced AoN. Or even the game makers, for that matter.
Rik Mayall! Hunk o’ spunk. Does his ear trick about halfway through.
Yeah, didn’t Beaver Cleaver have a rabbit named Peter Gunn?
? Here in a Glibs car,
Is it Glib enough so we can fly away??
Poor Ted’s. He got beat to the punch on the shitty song link and had to quote some modified shitty song lyrics. Sad!
*shakes head at MikeS*
Is this better?
I really enjoyed “Roadkill Garage” with Freiburger and Finnegan
Mentioning roadkill made me remember the internet series Zombie Roadkill that RJ might enjoy, if he hasn’t seen it before.
I keep waiting for some joker to post “I keep your poop in a jar.”
I’m your joker:
Got Damn! I love that song.
Does Desert Bus count as a racing game?
Yes! You get one point after hours of play. That counts.
Grand Turismo on my playstation as a kid.
What was the taxi game? I think I’ve seen that at an arcade too, but I remember it being on my friends Dreamcast. Holy fuck I just remembered the Dreamcast.
Crazy Taxi
Simpsons variant of crazy taxi was my favorite!
My favorite driving game now is Dirt rally. I should go dig that PlayStation back out.
I don’t know if it should look like that, but I would like some more classic styles.
Trucks have almost made their way back to square.
Too many regulations.
Ultimate Driving Music?
Driving music
A rare quality song link from Ted.
Commander Cody has great driving song
I like to crank some Buckcherry for that first road trip of the spring.
Yes! Also a good Buckcherry driving song
You were so close
Or this
Best Chuck Berry song
That’s the classic, but this has to be the runner up, in that genre.
Another Ian Gillan sung song that came to mind.
Another good riding/driving song
In the slow burn deep track category, like a lot of his stuff the outro is bitchin’ as we used to say.
You’re 2:2 for me tonight.
Gripping the wheel his knuckles went white with desire
The wheels of his Mustang exploding on the highway like a slug from a .45
True Death: 400 Horsepower of maximum performance piercing the night
This is Black Sunshine
Needz moar Sean Yseault
A great cover of a great driving song.
GaH, and I thought Ska Punk was bad, WTF is that some kinda calypso metal hybrid?
And Canadian to boot.
Since I live in Southern Canada, I catch whiffs of some good Canuck bands sometimes. Their two biggest “hits”. Good stuff:
Girl Watcher
The Scene
No Rush?
Great live show. Seen them twice and have the hearing damage to back that statement up.
The original is better:
Bachman Turner Overdrive
If you ain’t in no hurry
You have all failed by not linking to Brian Setzer.
Reminds me of this one.
Tater gets enough mentions during the news links.
PON that brings back some memories of very long late night drives.
Another car song to piss off MikeS:
Close call! I saw her name in the tab before the page loaded and was able to close it before my brain melted.
Well played.
Considering someone already referenced it, Mike is really going to be pissed.
‘Anyone have a favorite racing video game?’
Road rash.
Beat it during a sleep over late at night when everyone else was asleep, of course no one believed me the next morning.
I remember going over to my friend’s house and playing it when I was maybe 5. My first racing game.
Racing games:
I loved Pole Position and Pole Position II in the mid ’80s, which I played on friends’ game systems because we didn’t have one. My sister and I loved to play Spy Hunter but I never considered it a “racing game.” We also had this silly little game for the Apple II (Actually, Franklin Ace 1000) called “Arcade Boot Camp” that had a driving segment we both enjoyed. Later, OutRun was awesome. I used to play it in the arcade with friends in the late ’80s.
I didn’t play racing games much in the ’90s but in the early ’00s I played a ton of “Need for Speed” and its sequels. I actually had a modded car in that game that was essentially the same as the Acura GS-R that I was driving IRL and I loved the ability to do that.
I don’t have any racing games now (don’t play games much at all anymore) but wouldn’t mind playing some good ones in the future some day. I loved the longer road racing style tracks of Need for Speed, or a rally type game but would enjoy closed tracks a la F1 style as well.
Anyone old enough to remember “Night Driver” in the arcade?
Yaaaaasss! I forgot about that! And Pole Position in the arcade was great, too!
I don’t remember that one. When was it out? I wasn’t really old enough for arcades (according to my parents) until about ’86 or so.
1976, per Wikipedia.
The Atari 2600 port came out in 1980.
I remember Enduro.
Need for speed was huge to a wider culture.
Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed with a force-feedback steering wheel was a game I played for hours on end.
Trying to get each of the tracks and cars dialed in to maximize the fastest time.
First game that I thought they really got the physics really close to right on.
Hang On for Sega Master System.
took out my revenge on the revolution counter
Car songs?
They all pale before this.
If it hadn’t been that song I was going to link it.
*bows down to BH*
Best car song line ever.
“It’s got safety tubes and I’m not scared
The brakes are good and the tires are fair.”
Most fun I’ve had in a racing game was in Japan – me, the kiddo, and two of our extended family who lived there did the Japanese arcade version of Mario Kart. Of course, first time through was terrible because the courses were different from the ones we knew on our own Wii. I actually did a bit better than normally in Mario Kart because the arcade controls are more like a real car. It was a good time.
All this time and no link to this? I am disappoint. And with the added benefit of pissing off MikeS.
What did I ever do to you?! ?
You mean beyond bad mouthing the greatest band evah?!? My identify and self-worth are tied intimately to people acknowledging the greatness of things I like. An assault upon them is no different than an assault upon me. You wound me, grievously.
Plus I’m a male libertarian – we show our love via insult, it is known.
Well, yeah, I mean there’s that. But nothing important?
When I insult you people, it’s because I think you’re a fag and you’re shit’s all retarded.
Fucking pathetic seconder.
You will be my slave after The Firstening. I’m going to make you walk on all fours and wear a ballgag for that comment.
I was not dissapoint – and even better that it pisses off MikeS.
*high fives PutridMeat*
Pole Position favorite racing game, but as others have said. Spy Hunter was the shit. My friend was about to beat someone’s high score at the local C-store back in the day, so the jackass that held the record pantsed him. It was both funny and a cheap shot all at once.
Take a spin.
Pedal to the metal.
Burn rubber.
Good lord.
In high school I had sex with my girlfriend in the backseat of my Dad’s 1995 Geo Tracker.
For those familiar with the car, you’ll understand that as a testament to the triumph of teenage horniness over spatial logistics.
I had sex in the *front* seat of a 64 Corvair. We wouldn’t fit in the back seat.
Shannon: You see, Bruce, I like to pick up girls on the rebound from a disappointing relationship. They’re much more in need of solace and they’re fairly open to suggestion. And, I use that to fuck them some place very uncomfortable.
Brodie: What, like the back of a Volkswagen?
Shannon: No. More like someplace girls dread.
Does she have hip dysplasia?
At least he didn’t stick it in crazy. Of course he also didn’t get a chance.
A very good car song.
I’ve been everywhere.
You can’t forget that little ditty about The Munsters’ car.
This one always goes up to 11 when it comes on. My wife commented one time how the lyrics seemed “evil”. I laughed and said it’s an ode to the George Barris designed ‘Dragula’ seen in the Munsters that was driven by Grandpa Munster. She thinks I made that up.
Thank you CPRM. I got home late and hoped someone had linked it. You do good work.
That Predicta is awesomesauce. Like the Jetsons’ car, only real.
Rat Rod: also cool. I assume that car culture is universal and there are always tinkerers, mechanics and engineers who build awesome, highly customized vehicles, whether for fun or out of necessity.
Coolest vehicle I have ever driven. Drove for about three hours while transporting for a friend who just bought it, chasing him down the interstate in his other SVX.
Coolest vehicle I have ever ridden in. A HS friend’s father was a car collector and had one.
Coolest vehicle I have ever worked on. A different HS friend had two; one he was restoring, the other a parts donor.
Coolest vehicle I have ever owned. There was this Outer Banks weekend where I had bikini-clad babes hanging on the running boards as I drove down the beach, veering into the surf to splash the babes so they would squeal and giggle.
Damn! Nice car stories there, Tonio.
I miss running boards. Also, narrow-bed pickups with the step on the side. Vital for short people.
I’ve always liked step-sides. Old or new. I like that look. And, as you say, they are practical!
The answer to all those would be a 52 Hudson Hornet, well ‘worked on’ and ‘owned’ are a bit sketchy as my father gave me the beat up old thing and told me I could have it if I fixed it up, and as a stupid sixteen year old I decided to not work on it and fuck off instead so he took it back and sold it. Not the first in the long stretch of bad decisions that make up my life but one I regret more than others.
Wow, those are awesome. I had an oppo to buy a decently restored/maintained bulgemobile recently, but just couldn’t bring myself to do so.
Dad’s friend was a car wheeler-dealer and offered me a pristine Nash Metropolitan for something like $100. I, of course, being a typical 16 year-old idiot, turned him down because it wasn’t a “cool car”.
Yeah, you effed that up. I would have too at 16. A ‘53 with ‘Twin H Power” has a reserved spot in my jay Leno garage.
Favorite coin op racing game: Monaco GP
Console game: Wheelman
Driving music is a deep well:
Here are a few:
Melvins: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p2sez21Cyyo
Kyuss: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R-MSfd2S7lo
Jimmy: https://vimeo.com/431226391
“Rainwater flowing up under my hood; I knew it was doing my engine good”
Or this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg2EbJy-9dc
I started driving (illegally) at age 12. I would drive the hay truck (1970 C-20 dually with a dump bed) behind my step-dad as he drove the tractor and the hay baler down the county roads. In Minnesoda you can/could get a farm permit to drive farm vehicles at age 14. I never got the permit, because I never got caught.
I bought my first car (1975 Safety Orange Ford Pinto) at age 15. I recycled aluminum cans to buy it from my Grandparents. While it was insured under my mother’s name, I drove it 6,xxx miles before I was legal. I snuck out a lot and I knew the back roads and the “minimum maintenance” roads better than the cops did.
I failed my vision test when I first tried to get my drivers license. After getting glasses, I got a perfect score (in a 1980 Monte Carlo (a boat of a car)).
I taught all my kids to drive at a young age. Two of the three are excellent drivers now.
I tried to teach my ex-wife to drive a manual transmission (the afore-mentioned Pinto and a 1976 Triumph Spitfire). It didn’t take. She finally learned from another guy after she bought a 1997 BMW Z3. Hot Damn! that was a fun car.
I’ve driven three on the tree in a crappy work van. Haven’t driven stick in years. Kinda miss it, especially since I no longer commute on I-95.
I used to have a 1976 Chevy 2-wheel drive pickup with a 3OTT. I loved that truck.
Nah, it was a 1500 C model “Scottsdale” with a towing package so it had a beefed up suspension and upgraded carb.
My next automotive purchase is going to be a 3.0l BMW Z4 with a manual transmission.
After that, I figure I better go further back, a late 1960’s/early 1970’s Chevy or Ford step-side pickup.
Not a step side, but…
Or https://www.coolclassicrides.com/details/used-1972-ford-f-100/79881020
I had a ’74 Monte. It was rusty but trusty. A younger sister bought a ’78 Monte, maroon w/maroon velour interior in perfect condition. It was an old lady’s car w/305 V8. It was in perfect shape when she bought it. Only took her about 3 weeks to start putting dents in it, which was a shame. My youngest sister bought a ’96 Monte Carlo Z34. I warned her to get rid of it. To this day she will occasionally say she wished she had listened to me. That 3.4 DOHC engine was maybe the worst engine the general ever built. And they only built it for 2 or 3 years, which should tell you something.
Ride in style
Donuts in the Snow
The parts for my 383 continue to arrive. I’m progressively spending more money than I intended to because I suddenly find myself wanting to tweak performance out of it instead of just getting it running.
Of course I need that new custom distributor!
It is a moral imperative that you get the custom distributor.
My favorite car song – https://youtu.be/uErKI0zWgjg
This one is good as well – https://youtu.be/Jy5XiRFCosM
Excellent choices. I’ll add to that
Same genre
New from the same genre.
One thing you can’t do in Hawaii is take a proper road trip.
Another good Shooter driving song
Good one.
Hillbilly song that mentions a car.
Another hillbilly song about cars, and Jesus..
I like that song. I’ll put it on my “motorcycle road music” playlist.
My contribution.
Of course, here’s the antithesis of a car song.
That was a cow-orker’s least favorite song. Both the country and the rock version. I took great pleasure in playing either version whenever I could.
I think I would like this co-worker.
Wait…Cochran’s Life is a Highway is great. I was referring to Pig and Bitch.
And that Rascall Flats version is “country”? More like cuntry.
Put the O back in Cuntry
Bitch, bitch, bitch.
De gustibus non est disputandum
Y’all know I link this as much as I can because it makes me happy.
Needs more Old ’97’s
A more mellow driving song that Tundra will appreciate.
Has anyone posted Highway Star yet?
I can’t do the zoom tomorrow, I have an appointment.
Okay, I got this.
Is anyone here? Sorry to be OT. I got a question that might be for the powers that be.
I’m here.
Well, I’ve got this time zone difference for the next three weeks. I’ve been writing out essay-length comments on facebook. Editing them and taking my time with it. They are not long enough to be full articles, I don’t think. (The one yesterday probably was. The one I just finished is just a long comment.)
I would like to share these, but I’m not sure what the best way is. I certainly don’t want to give them to you to edit, (though I can get the wordpress part fine, but it isn’t worth getting art for). Too much work.
But they are pretty wall-of-text essay/comments. I do not ever want to walk over someone else’s work. Just sometime post it in the AM/PM links after a bit or two? Whatcha think?
Why don’t you email it/them to me, tonio (at) this domain. I’ll take a squint at it and tell you how I think it could be best presented — a single rollup piece vs several shorter pieces. The art department will come up with featured (feed) illustrations at a minimum, more if it strikes their fancy.
Don’t listen to the other contributors. I’m a kind and gentle mentor to my authors.
That seems like waaaaaay too much work. Ya sure? I’ll post the one right here to let you know what I’m talking about. Talking about using kiosks vs cashiers.Most everyone else said they sucked because they weren’t updated with specials and weren’t reliable. Also: they cost cashiers jobs. Here’s my take:
The worst thing about kiosks is they further subtract human interaction for people. This will have consequences. My dad made a point that when I was 7-or-so-years-old that I was going to learn to make the order all on my own. He would give me a set amount of money. Usually $4. I couldn’t go over that. I learned to walk up to the counter by myself, talk to an adult/older-teen, and place my order without help. I had to do the sales tax math with what I was given to make the best decision possible. I learned to maximize my order.
My teammate once ran up and said, no shit, “I’ll take four dollars of food!”
Dad nailed that lesson. It’s important to introduce kids into the world. Give them a direct reward for being able to do so. Now, kids (and adults, less face it,) are constantly on phones and screens. And the Branch Covidians made Zoom-school a reality. They never have to talk to people. Interaction is openly frowned upon. This is going to cause lots of problems, especially when these kids become teens and see a boy/girl and wanna hold hands, touch, kiss, (hopefully more!), but they’ve been raised to make sure they “social distance” and that touching is bad. “It’s so ICKY!” People who claim to be concerned with mental health are now directly, actively, inflicting psychological harm. And, the worst bit is that they’re proud to do it.
The Circle always comes around. The New Prudes used to be the Old Hippies. Society has been fundamentally altered. This is going to have repercussions. No lessons will be learned from this.
I’ll email you tomorrow morning my time. Thanks.
She’s a rocket
I’d like to know what is under Kathy’s hood!
Nice, nice…
Of course I need that new custom distributor!
Stick an HEI on it and you’re done.
Disney is expensive, but duh.
Abita beers for $9.25? Yeah, I will drink water.
Pole Position both the arcade and Nintendo versions were great for early 80’s video game racing action. And Primus had this great early 90’s tune about Jerry and his race car.
This is a good Cruisin’ song.
15 Days Under the Hood.
“Went upstairs to put on my good pants
Togo to the junkyard for a vacuum advance
I was just climbing into my shirt
When I remembered I couldn’t go ‘cause my car didn’t work.”
Car songs? No time to click all that have already been linked, so I’ll take a chance that no one else has yet posted this ode to classic car love.
…and a road rage anthem for good measure.
ordinary man in the everyday world
Never get stuck by crazy?
I’m so pissed. The fire district fucked up and certified a lower property tax rate than they intended to the country assessor. No problem, the county just sent out a new bill six months later for the intended rate. Bullshit. You fuck up, you eat it. That is the whole point of certifying a specific rate. Oh, we “intended”. Bullshit. Thieves and parasites. I don’t get to pay a fraction of my property tax bill and say I intended to have it cover the entire bill. That’s not how that works.
Do you even care about the children and teacher’s unions, Gustave?
It’s the fire district. They don’t operate schools or orphanages.
So, are we not going to address the elephant in the room? “Gib car”? WE NEED THAT FUCKING LITTLE L!!!
I like the cut of your gib.
Forget it, it’s nerd-town.
Oh, man! I forgot about that game. Was it called Doom?
*thinks back to college days*
This is turning into a very interesting evening. Wait. It’s noon here. YNWIM. Twenty days to go. I’m at least having fun, now. Hitler’s-B-day-fun is a psychologically necessary addition to this situation. It’s so calming. Just be patient and wait. You are in no danger at all. And that IS the reality. I’ll see how I spend these 20 days. It could go in many directions. Exciting ones.
My birthday is the day after his and is much more important.
I’m up like a hot-air balloon, and you’re wrong. The Day of Evan is April 28, and the high card plays. It’s clearly more important. Otherwise, um….certain things would not have occurred! And we’re not talking about age, not that number. The actual Number. And not blackjack. (FUCK!! Walked right into that one.)
Duly noted. Will start baking now.
You nerdy fucks would probably like Severance. It’s produced by Apple. It has Christopher Walken in it so it has all the cowbell it needs.
I like Severance.
Cars, guns and lifting. 3 things you can talk to a guy about and guarantee he’s only waiting for his turn to speak.
Do you even lift, bro?
How do you think he got those guns?
I’m so in the wrong crowd.
We can also discuss 80’s music.
The S Club Party video has cars, so I guess that works in this thread.
I see your video and raise
That’s no Candy Man
That was some kind of awful.
I feel like I just came out of a Time Machine.
Did someone say candy?
Or maybe I should have gone with this one
“Self improvement is masturbation.”- M. Night Shyamalan, The Secret of Nyhm.
favorite racing video game
Whatever melts your butter, but for me the thrill is an engine you built yourself. You picked the bearings, the chain, the rods, sized head gaskets and selected the cam. The first engine I ever built fired up the second I hit the key, my precision rewarded by the lumpy bumpstick’s ridiculous heaving noises as it strained to idle and all I had to do was tweak the points (remember points?) and it was ready to scoot down the road. Ever get to 6,000RPM on stock rockers? Ever get 14MPG in a car (truck) that would run 15s? Hint: spreadbore! There’s a smell of engine paint curing; there’s a shine to a first oil change. Ever had all four in the air at 100MPH? Ever drift all four around a gravel corner over 60? They need to program that video: I wish everyone could feel and hear and thrill to what was just a day in the life….before JustSayNo, when 93octane was everywhere…. killing a couple of hours under a pecan tree behind a barn just off a dirt road in your truck with your girl. Things got different, but I’m not sure they ever got better.
Don gets it.
This is not a car song video. It is also the best car song video.
I wanted to be Tawny Kitaen when I grew up. That…did not happen.
You’re also not thrice divorced and prematurely dead. So, you have that going for you. Which is nice.
Not wrong.
Bowling For Soup did the Glib version.
I’d forgotten she died last year until I was looking up her birthday just now. RIP lady that made some of us just a bit jealous in high school
I’m not going to lie. We joke here about the hot/crazy line. In another universe in which I know what she’s like and she’s attracted to me, I would still stick it in crazy.
She was cute in Bachelor Party. +1 eggbeater
Not a driving song, but very aspirational for me.
I presume someone has probably linked this one, but on the off chance nobody has:
Fueling all of the people all of the time.
To make fuel you have define it, sometimes even redefine it.
The best song and driving intro to any movie.
Fight me.
That’s not the opening to Cannonball Run.
Cannonball Run 2 was the superior movie.
Say what?!? Have you seen the first one? No, not The Cannonball Run (1981). Cannonball (1976) with David Carradine – https://youtu.be/0jvYz9AhIls
Here is a better video
At least they followed masking rules when they entered the bank. They care about the safety of others. They aren’t science denying anti-vaxxers.
So, I watched The Batman. Holy shit is it terrible, and 3hrs. I say this as grown ass man who spent 3yrs tracking down every issue of one specific Batman comic arc and did a fan edit mashing up Man of Steel and Batman V Superman into one film.
It was like playing an Arkham game and only walking around the whole time. Batman isn’t Robocop, he doesn’t just lumber around. He isn’t a tank, he’s a ninja.
And Pattinson still does that dumb out of breath ‘deep’ voice that was terrible when Bale did it for anything more than 3 words. In and out of the suit he plays the character the same way. Mopey. And don’t even get me started on the car chase scene where probably about 30 people died so he could catch a guy who….was the wrong guy and lets go even though he’s still a villain…
They based the entire movie on what I considered a misguided premise as a non-comic book fan – supposedly focusing on him as a “detective.” Excluded big action set pieces. But when push comes to shove Batman is just, as stated, a tank who uses brute force to get what he needs. It’s just boring, underwhelming brute force.
Except the whole ‘detective’ plotline shows he is not a good detective. Then he gets mad like a baby and hits a window. It’s just stupidity.
Thanks. You just saved me 3 hours.
I hope anything by Cake is in there above. A cover not about driving made into a sorta-driving video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9rCUQjmkxU
Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v754paceO44
Not to fear, they are linked above.
Hands off the Wheel
This thread has stayed surprisingly on topic, so it’s with some reticence that I post this unrelated link…but really, you libertarians should be ashamed of yourselves for ruining the conservative legal movement. And you acted in such an “insidious” manner as to fool many people into thinking that movement is in trouble from other causes – such as internal corruption:
“Structurally, curricular reform in the legal academy is desperately needed — legal education must be reoriented toward the Bible, natural and Roman law, and the other substantive precepts underpinning the English common-law tradition. And the libertarians must step aside. Now is not the time for libertinism and radical individualism, but for consolidation and communitarianism. The time is now for a political economy of “common good capitalism” and its natural jurisprudential corollary, common-good originalism. Only by recovering the substantively informed, “morally thick,” more nationalist jurisprudence of Alexander Hamilton, John Marshall and Joseph Story will we decisively right the “conservative legal movement” ship, forestalling insidious future libertarian encroachment and delivering results for our fellow conservative “deplorables.””
(free registration required)
In all seriousness, is this guy trying to alienate freedom-loving Americans from their classical legal heritage, and to usurp that heritage on behalf of state-worshipping would-be tyrants?
In what universe is libertarianism in danger of taking over?
Is that a parody?
Oh, you know them libertarians: diligently plotting to take over the world and leave people alone.
Pardon the cliché: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcADqxnQA_4
One is not like the other.
Ok tumor
So, basically, progressivism with a layer of God smothered on top.
Or, in other words, conservatism.
Vermeulism. It’s to the classical legal tradition what the philosophy of TOS is to libertarianism.
The classical legal tradition, though hardly libertarian, contains enough pro-liberty doctrines as to put the current regime to shame. But the common-good crowd get enraged against some Libertopia in their head which they confuse with the real, unlibertarian world.
Schmuck like this have more in common with progressives than libertarians.
Short answer 1: yes.
Short answer 2: none.
“common good capitalism”
Sounds a lot like what Klaus Schwab is peddling.
Vaccinated and two boosters. Still can’t connect the dots. Maybe getting a rusty chainsaw forcibly injected could help him. Fuck the perfumed princes of the pentagon.
If he supports the woke nonsense then I’m in favor of the rusty chainsaw injection.
If he didn’t have all of those shots it would killed him though. Don’t you even science bro?
Obviously somebody didn’t mask up while they were within 100 yards of him
A song from back when I cruised with subs in my trunk.
Stand-up comic John Crist cracks me up. He’s a Christian comedian who got “canceled” a year or two ago for accepting the female groupies sexual overtures. Pretty tame for a rock star, but not for a Christian comedian. He did some mea culpas and “therapy”, laid low, and recently rebooted.
Here’s a six minute vid of him telling Covid jokes just a few weeks ago in Portland.
Here’s an even better one on “adoptive moms” last week in Philly. The fact he got canceled and then “recovered” has made him more fearless and cynical than ever. I love it.
Comedians have groupies?
Jimmy Carr refers to them as Chuckle Fuckers.
Make her laugh and she is yours.
I’m still salty about my flat tire. Driving to work on an emergency donut. ?
“emergency donut”
Watch out for hungry cops.
No one picked Road blasters?
Mornin y’all. You other time zone peeps can suck it today.
Howdy Glibs! just relaxing after a nice 10 hour shift with a frozen bike ride at the end, and now some Java and Bongers!
Coming to NJ in 3,2,1…
From a hassle with the insurance company to multiple felonies in ten seconds. Way to go guy.
“When keeping it real goes wrong.”
“”I’m Done Talking” – MSNBC Analyst Quits To Fight Russians In Ukraine “
If this old pudgy fellow is in your foreign legion platoon it might be time to change into civvies and make a run for Poland.
You’re not supposed to notice that part, I guess.
If that guy’s in the shit I’ll eat my hat. Hell, I’ll eat my shoe too (I’m pretty confident).
Clipboard Warrior.
“I’m done talking”.
Soon to be done breathing if he actually is doing this. Reality is harsh.
He’ll either be nowhere near any fighting or end up on the wrong end of a missile. Maybe both.
Probably just across the Polish border, all armored up.
There are pictures going around Twatter of him holding his Kalashnikov with the safety off and the magazine inserted incorrectly. That proud member of Meal Team 6 isn’t waging war with anyone but his scale.
During The Spanish Civil War there were plenty of his ilk that left to fight the good fight and turned around after a week or two.
“ I had friends who were in Donetsk, who were in the Ukrainian army”
Your “friends” were part of an effort to exterminate Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine.
Also, he is wearing both US and UKR flag patches on his plate carrier. Some more recent veteran than I is welcome to correct me, but in my Army time, the backwards US flag patch was for use only on the right sleeve (stars must face direction of travel), not the chest.
Good morning, Stinky, Sean, & Yu! One of my favorite kinds of days today – just a half day at work, then off to the salon for some pampering and re-redding! ? Hope all of you have a day as pleasant as that (in your own way, of course.)
Mornin’, GT, Sean, Stinky, Yufus, and the rest of you merry reprobates. Calendar says Spring, thermometer disagrees. I want my global warming back!
Inorite??? We’re under a freeze warning here in SW OH. ?
6 inches of snow on Tuesday. Everyone has already switched to Summer tires. Much fun was had.
Youngest Patzer drove back to Scranton Sunday evening, in the snow on a treacherous stretch of I-84 in NY and PA. Was relieved when he finally arrived unscathed.
Regarding boning in the front seat of small cars while shit-faced there may have been one time when I was passing out and the girl mixed up the “things that go up”. Chevette.
Stick shift?
There is a reason that fate is coming back to carve a piece from my ass but I regret nothing! Not true, but a funny story is worth the telling. It was a t-shift so don’t get discombobulated. No stick shifts were ever raped, much.
It was never “Rape-Rape”. Even then I knew that it was bumbling fuck-off-ery. You need to get off me now.
Racing games are my least favorite genre. Well, second least favorite after athletic simulators.
Video games should not emulate real life, since they’ll always fall short and they should give me an opportunity to do things impossible IRL. Starfighter simulators FTW!
Yup! Pew-pew-pew!
Yeah, I was always disappointed that jumping on turtles doesn’t give me a height boost and that I cannot, in fact, spit fire.
Good morning all. It’s 45F, obscenely bright and sunny, and very windy here at the beach; forecast says we will top out at 50F today. The kids have been begging to go to the beach for two weeks now, but it remains too cold for this Florida man.
Don’t let it get you lo, B0t, warmer weather is headed your way. 68 on Friday, but down in to the lower 60s over the weekend.
I need to apologize for my doldrums, lately. Things are shit and don’t need sharing with you fine folk. I’ll get it sorted on my own.
I liked Pole Position and Enduro as a kid, and then later Driver: You Are the Wheelman was great for a bit of nostalgia.