Hey everyone, welcome to the links this morning. Unfortunately, OMWC did NOT leave me a half-finished post, s you get my half-assed efforts. Baby L is doing great. He knows 3 commands: “cry”, “poop”, “eat”. He might be the smartest baby ever.
Florida News buries the lede: guy was riding around with a suspended license and “recognized…from previous encounters”. He’s a frequent flyer.
I’m impressed the victim escaped with minor injuries.
Florida Man with “ethical hacker” credential steals bitcoin, gets caught
Florida successfully fights off another invasion. I can tell I got old because my attitude on Spring Break has shifted from “easy drunk girls, cool!” To “go be assholes at home!”
We’ve been jamming to this at our house.
“Social media influencers” ?
Do us all a favor – lock them up and throw away the keys.
But they’re zany to the max.
Lol @ the music.
Florida News buries the lede:
More like Florida Tranny, based on the mug shot.
Maybe, but I think the meth use explains it.
Morning B.L. That youngster is a fast learner and a good communicator. Good for the 2 of you.
The alligator guy needs to change his disguise and not go out late at night, cops have too much time after the doughnut shops close.
“We are the dinosaurs…” [twerks]
Wait — there are trucks in Florida that baby alligators haven’t worked their way into? I assumed it was like squirrels in the rest of the Southeast….
Yeah… that motorcyclist was lucky from the sounds of it. And Mr. “AH! I have a hit out on me! Think I saw a gun!” might just have bigger problems than a history of violent offenses… like say, paranoia and other mental problems? Not a huge fan of the government locking people up in mental institutions, but he seems like a definite candidate for evaluation there.
I was apparently born middle aged — I’ve always been of the “Go be drunken assholes somewhere else, you obnoxious people!” Part of why I don’t like parties, I expect.
I annoyed the crap out of my wife this morning with this because I always start singing along. Why can’t she see she’s lovely to me?
Does she mean the world to you?
Daily Quordle 76
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Lucky start on a couple of them… but danged British-isms!
Yeah, you got luck on the top right. I had the last four letters right, but it took me three guesses to get the first letter.
Daily Quordle 76
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Top left: AYFKM?
I had that one after the third word, but I guessed the two bottom words first.
It’s the top-right that’s AYFKM, because of how many words end the same way.
I came thisclose to guessing it in three, but went conservative and tried for one of the other words. Quordle favors the bold.
but danged British-isms! Shhh! No hints. But yeah, I said “They wouldn’t use that.” Wasted a play.
Did better on Wordle though.
Wordle 295 2/6
You of all people should have got top-left easily.
#Worldle #79 1/6 (100%)
Is there more than one Worldle?
Yes, tulip plays the other one as well. Globle, I think?
Was wondering because Tardis has a different number Worldle from mine.
Tardis said “Wordle”, which was the original. At least, if you discount the game show Lingo.
I too got Worldle in one.
I should have read the instructions.
#Worldle #79 3/6 (100%)
Daily Quordle 76
Daily Quordle 76
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Daily Quordle 76
Yeah…. Britishism can bite my shiny metal….
It’s a perfectly cromulent word!
5 6
7 4
But I should finish the quordle before I read any comments.
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Daily Quordle 76
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Why are people posting pictures of the computer on the Seaview?
That link borked my browser.
I just removed it. Can’t trust anything these days.
Try this.
“Nice execution. You’re doing terrific.“
Daily Quordle 76
I fucked up a couple times. Back to my 22 generating system tomorrow.
Daily Quordle 76
Daily Quordle 76
Bottom left used to be my second guess but I switched. Coulda had a 2!
“Florida man”
Looks like either an evil substitute wizardry instructor at Hogwarts or a methie. Whoop, looks like it’s meth.
Let me resurrect this from a DED THREAD compliments of Sean.
Can’t trust those field drug tests.
Florida man better be on meth since he looks like that.
Good morning, Brett et al! I’ve probably linked this before, but if your home is in kid music mode, may I recommend any of the song collections by Sandra Boynton, especially my favorite – Dog Train. The show stopper of the bunch, featuring Weird Al and Kate Winslet, of all people.
Just because it’s geared for kids doesn’t mean music has to be any less excellent than that written for (alleged) adults.
She does music, too?
“Red shirt, blue shirt, green shirt, JAM!”
She does indeed! I’ve been a fan since her greeting card days. She’s been able to get some pretty famous folk to sing the songs in her book & music collections – I seem to recall she may have known Meryl Streep at Yale, so that oh-so-distinguished actress is featured in one of the earlier collections and may have helped enlist other celebs to take part.
whaddup doh’
Screw dinosaurs. For baby music I recommend Narwhals.
It has a better beat.
And for TV time, I recommend my favorite episode of Shaun the Sheep.
Posted without further comment.
+1 kick-ass facial horn
Dwayne Haskins’ death should have made Florida Man news. RIP.
“Felt like I was hit by a dumptruck”
Too soon?
Don’t play in traffic.
Nope, Darwin nominee.
Damn awful tragedy though. Feel bad for his family.
Also, I hate the phrase “Rest in power”.
It’s a stupid, meaningless phrase.
Unless they mean they want him to rise from the grave as a lich or something.
They want him to spin in his grave like a turbine and power the whole community.
If the founding fathers could do that, we could move the Earth to a different star system.
Gangrene energy!
I had a friend who got run over trying to cross a street in the dark in the evening–not much traffic, but it was dark and wet and the driver never saw her. She was a second year graduate student in mathematics and had been at her office late. Apparently it fucked the driver up pretty bad, emotionally. No impairment; not speeding; just a tragic combination of poor visibility and being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Demarion Ty’Quan Cooper, 20 and Rashad Boyce Glasper, 25, were arrested Thursday at their homes in the Alabama cities of Troy and Wetumpka, police said.
What school(s) do they go to? what are their majors?
Huh. It snowed last night. In fact, I think it’s still snowing. That wouldn’t be a big deal, except I’m planning to drive to Montana today.
Good morning Brett. Thanks for pinch hitting for the old man. Regarding Dwayne Haskins getting hit by a dump truck, are any of the reports mentioning the possibility of suicide? I’m suspicious.
Marolla was charged with two counts of carrying a concealed firearm
But there aren’t any gun laws in Florida.
Was he charged with transporting an underaged alligator across state lines for immoral purposes?
I was curious about that as well. IIRC, in Florida, a firearm in the car is only required to be “one step removed from the driver.” So a pistol in the glove box is fine, a pistol in the driver’s holster is fine if the holster has a thumb-break or a flap, center console storage is fine. The driver has to take an action before access to the firearm is gained. Did this schmuck just have a loose handgun bouncing around under his seat?
Yup. He had one in the glove box, and another one under the seat. Even for Florida Man, this one is kind of a schnook..
I may, or may not, have a family member who always carried a wee Taurus .22 revolver in the center console of his truck; its sole purpose was to plink at street signs.
What about da yoots?
Earlier this year, approval for President Joe Biden among people aged 18-30 hit depths no Democratic president had plumbed in decades: the mid- to low-30s in Gallup and other polls. (Barack Obama never dropped below 42 percent among that group in Gallup’s surveys.) In some cases, the swing against Biden in 2021 totaled anywhere from 20 to 30 percentage points. He has since made gains in some polls but is still on unstable ground.
An alienated youth vote is an existential threat for Democrats in 2022: They backed Biden by a 25-point margin in 2020, voting at all-time highs. And in their hour of need, powerful Democrats are looking for answers from Della Volpe, a 54-year-old pollster with salt-and-pepper hair who is not on TikTok.
Where Democrats spent past elections mostly worried about whether young people would vote, “this cycle is different,” Della Volpe continued. In the face of economic unrest, disinformation and without former President Donald Trump as a foil, he said, “Democrats need to persuade them and mobilize them. That is the new reality.”
Yeah, go with that. I bet it’s them Rooshunz.
Wow, if that holds they’re toast.
Hence why they’re laying the groundwork for removing Sleepy Joe.
Problem is Kamala has all the appeal of a day old hobo’s turd with a heroin needle sticking out of it.
I have to think the plan is to put in a VP with the popularity to carry Harris in the general. Like MIchelle.
Harris will be out shortly after the midterms. The next POTUS race will be Hillary and Michelle vs. Trump and whatever schmuck he cons into being his running mate after Desantis is trounced by moronic MAGA deadenders in the primary.
I can’t argue with this.
Assume that DeSantis wants to make some serious reforms–“drain the swamp” if you will. Would he do any better than Trump against the FBI, intelligence agencies, media, showbiz, academia and other Democrat fronts? Maybe the GOP establishment wouldn’t actively sabotage DeSantis, but that’s the only advantage he’d have over Trump.
That is so depressing I can’t even.
What do MAGA folk have against DeSantis?
Trump hates him and has said so repeatedly. That’s good enough for the Cult.
Trump must not like competition from someone who apparently *wasn’t* bamboozled by Big Pharma.
He isn’t Trump is the best I could get out of some online and real life MAGAs. All of them would vote for DeSantis if he was the nominee, but they wouldn’t choose him over TDog.
FWIW, I’d say DeSantis would make a bit more headway (which wouldn’t be hard as Trump made none) against the swamp, and more likely would be able to help push through some decent legislation. He is not afraid to tell the left to fuck off and take some heat and also seems better than Trump at the actual details of an executive position.
DeSantis couldn’t possibly be worse than Trump at choosing personnel.
The swamp is real, but hiring swampsters is just plain reatrded
^^ Although I trust no one, DeSantis seems to have a knack to grab hold of political shifts and exploit them for his goals.
DeSantis actually came up through a political system, thus knows both the game and cheer. By that I mean he has learned how to due inside politicking of getting people who are gov. adjacent to do things, and also how to speak to the people who vote. And note, this is something we haven’t seen on the left since Bill Clinton. Obama could speachify, but he wasn’t ever in a position to work with an opposing party, which is why he sucked. Same with Trump. HRC only knows the part about talking to other insiders; she leaves the voters cold. Kamalama-ding-dong can’t do either, she only knows how to get down on her knees.
DeSantis is doing as well as he is because he actually has an ear down to the common man and can move a legislature (by hook or by crook). Be interesting to see if it translates up a notch, from state to nation.
Two Scoops stepped on his dick (again) with the Dr.Oz endorsement.
DeSantis, on the other hand, is out waving his.
How do you see the Dems turfing Kamala after the midterms? They convince her to resign? The do a Vince Foster on her? Kamala and Obama looked pretty chummy at the White House the other night. And is Joe still in office when Kamala leaves, or are you suggesting the First Black Female President leaves office only months after she took over? I can see this scenario: Drop Joe by whatever mechanism, promote Kamala, put in Michelle as VP, then run Michelle for president in 2024. Kamala gets some lovely parting gifts, or not, they don’t need her.
I’m sure Hillary would still like her turn in the White House, but I think the Clinton machine is in decline, while the Obama machine is still strong. The conventional wisdom is that the Clintons and the Obamas are not exactly besties. If Michelle is anywhere on the ticket in 2024, I don’t see her sharing it with Hillary.
If Michelle gets in the door, it’ll be her and Stacey 2024. We’re all screwed
Michelle is electoral suicide for the left. Ditto Abrams (who is currently well underwater.)
JFC why are we even talking about Mrs. Obama?
Is the country really that r-tarded?
Don’t answer that.
Look man, she’s a BIPOC, a female or tranny, and she’s already lived in the WH ’cause she/it was married to President Dreamy. She’s totes qualified.
Don’t worry, the Democrats plan to “fortify” the elections until they win.
The lessons of the last two elections:
2016: If the wrong candidate wins, every source of power and influence will completely hobble the presidency.
2020: A wrong candidate will never win again.
The worst part is it’s because he’s not socialisming hard enough for them.
Weather update: there’s six inches of fresh snow out there. Eek!
Climate Change is a bitch. Better get used to it.
Della Volpe listed a handful of policy areas where potential executive actions from Biden “would very quickly capture the attention of [young] people.” The list includes student debt, mental health, climate change and dealing with the rising cost of living.
Seriously. Just issue executive orders to cancel student debt, provide free unlimited health care, ban fossil fuels in any form (and nuclear), and the economy will fix itself.
To be fair, what young person doesn’t want to make their parents miserable and destitute?
Moral of the story: the voting age should be raised, not lowered.
NextGen America’s president, Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez, said “young people want to see action, and that’s why we’re yelling as loud as we can, ‘please take action on student debt,’ because this is within the power of the Biden administration.” Last week, the Biden administration announced another four-month extension of the pause on monthly loan payments and interest.
“It’s been over a year of a Democratic trifecta and young people are really disappointed because not much has been accomplished around student debt or on ambitious climate goals,” said Ellen Sciales, a press secretary for the Sunrise Movement. “People are losing hope.”
Those idealistic youngsters are motivated by venal self interest and their own set of imaginary demons. They anxiously await salvation. That’s quite insightful.
Narrator: None of this shit is legally within Biden’s power but who will step up and fucking stop him?
I would say everyone who paid off their student loans could do a class action suit to stop this, but as we all know the courts will contort themselves to deny standing to those people.
Nah they will absolve the debt and the courts will say it is moot
One solution to student debt would be “Don’t take out a loan you can’t repay”. Once upon a time, lenders would not make such loans, because bankruptcy was an option. Maybe government guarantees to lenders were a bad idea?
Libs: Eighteen year-olds can’t understand the implications of student loan debt.
Also Libs: Thirteen year-olds can make informed decisions about puberty blocking hormones.
My situation is likely rare but weird. In the early 1990s I defaulted upon my student loans, I fully and wholly repudiate them, that is NOT my debt. All was well, it had been more than 7 years and that albatross was no longer darkening my credit report. Fast forward tp the Obama admin eliminating Sally Mae and subsuming all student loan debt under the Dept. of Education. Hey Presto! My defaulted loan is back on my credit report with a date of 2009 and a claim that I “signed” the loans via email. Consequently, the Dept. of Education confiscated my FedGov tax refunds from 2009 – 2021 to repay the consolidation loan they claim I took out in 2009. I was quite shocked to find that they didn’t take my refund this year.
WTF? That might be the worst example of FYTW I’ve ever seen.
To be fair, my refunds are always tiny, the EIC is always larger than the actual refund, as I structure withholdings to the absolute minimum. Thsi has caused no end of grief with corporate HR depts. over the years – “What do you mean? You don’t like getting a big check back?” No, it’s a loan for which I’m not earning interest!
You aren’t alone.
Most of that student debt is for graduate schools. Sorry young professionals. You signed up for it. You pay it.
Remember when college students belittled the dimwits about how much more a person with a college degree earned compared to someone who didn’t, Pepperidge Farms remembers.
FWIW it was true once.
Now everyone goes to college; the incremental student comes out as nothing more than a super-diploma-ed HS school grad such as you and I were 40 years ago. This incremental BA goes on to sit in a cube and do fairly mindless work that we once called secretarial or clerking and once only required sixth grade reading comprehension. Surely the incremental graduate is dragging median income down.
It’s still true.
I read the other day something like 35% of adults graduate with a bachelor’s degree, and it’s still a big money-maker over HS or less.
That’s higher than before but it is not (yet!) true that “everybody” graduates or even goes to college.
@slumbrew: I recall your comment about Wegmans family pack ribeyes. Lucky you, they just lowered the price to 13.99/lb. At least in my area.
Sweet – I’m not _super_ price sensitive (DINKS) but the price of that has been my benchmark for the last couple of years.
Last time I bought ribeye, it was 10.99/lb and I didn’t have any children to feed and diaper. Unless you count bone in rib roast for 7.99/lb I buy myself every year for Christmas. If you’re in Massachusetts, you’ve probably walked by me at work before
Usually hit the Medford location for a “big” shop, which isn’t that often
My favorite Berliner song is Victor Vito
Berlinist – because why not
Stupid spell check.
Anyway, that’s nice music. It reminds me of
It’s from a video game I enjoyed a couple years back. The soundtrack is wonderful.
Yours is nice too.
Looks like it got good reviews.
Speaking of kid music, Tax Deduction #5 has been a fan of that 90’s singing Christian songbook, Psalty.
The guy had a small enterprise going, with live shows and everything. The costumes are terrifying.
I like exactly one song of his: Written in the Word. It’s religious, of course, but today’s Sunday, so it’ll be fine.
That was cool, thanks. I must confess, I have a fascination with proselytizing television, particularly that with puppetry and/or costumes. This one has been cleverly reedited – https://youtu.be/LMW6DtvTD-U
Fan of the Manger Babies?
“I have a fascination with proselytizing television”
Mr. Rogers ruined this nation.
Checking the traffic cams, the roads to the north look dry. Bueno.
Somebody finally did an EV towing test with some actual real world use and math. Out of Spec Motoring is an EV channel, but he is a car guy and an engineer. He compared a the new Rivian R1T to a Ford F150 Hybrid.
Towing With An Electric Truck – Is It Cheaper Than Gas? Rivian R1T vs Ford F-150 PowerBoost
The no need to watch summary:
1. He did a 57 mile loop from CO to WY including headwinds and elevation changes towing the same 7,500lbs trailer.
2. Both trucks handled the load well, but he preferred the way the electric towed better. Probably a combo of the electronic controls and the mass of the electric.
3. Cost with public charging was just about the SAME.
4. This is the kicker, however. It used about 7 gallons of fuel in the F150. For the Rivian this loop essentially took the truck from 85% down to just about 10% or so. After that it took over an hour to charge it back to 85%. The Ford has 36 gallon tank so it should have been able to to just about 5X further with a load.
So if you have home / business charging and a local business where you aren’t doing highway speeds and smaller mileage I think an electric truck makes lots of sense. You’d get much better range and lower maintenance costs and with home / business charging your energy costs would be something like 25% of what public charging costs. Much lower than gas or diesel. But for any kind of distance and highway towing electric is unusable. It really makes me wonder what kind of capacity electric semis are going to need to have any kind of useable range.
I would consider that hybrid. Having a 7200 watt generator on hand is nice.
Yup. The lightning version appeals as you could run your house for 1 to 3 or more days depending on conservation a use case.
It’s been a hot minute since my wife got inebriated. She need it. Glad my cousin quickly moved on from his ex-wife, I haven’t seen him laugh and smile in a long time.
Sorry the group sex didn’t pan out. Better luck next time.
Run for Congress!
Youngest GOP Congresscritter claimed he was invited to sex orgies.
Report by this awkwardly amusing fellow.
Good morning, Brett!
That motorcycle story is wild.
I’m shocked.
And I would add that it’s all for show. Pooh must do something to show who’s in power, and this is something.
“I am reminded of the CCP official who, in 1980, at the very beginning of the one-child policy, confidently proclaimed: “We are a socialist country. We can control reproduction in the same way we control production: under a state plan.”
Now Xi Jinping’s attitude seems to be: “We are a socialist country. We can control the replication of a virus in the same way we control production: under a state plan.””
Terrifying…but coming soon to our shores.
They got the whole fucking world to follow their authoritarian plan and despite its utter failure and catastrophic consequences has still never really been admitted as a failure by our shitstains in power. Why not double down? No one who matters is gonna say fucking shit to them and it gets to show their population that they do what the fuck they want. It doesn’t particularly bother Xi that a few petit bourgeoise jump out their apartment windows.
The problem with saying “this disastrous plan” is that the people in charge don’t think it was disastrous at all. Let’s say they do, though, and it was a feature, not bug. Amongst (what seems to be) a majority of people, there is a disconnect between the “disasterous respinse” to COVID and our current economic situation. They really have never made any connection that the lockdowns were devastating to the economy. And to try to explain it would take too much nuance and thinking on the part of the listener.
I think there is something else at play. The timing and target of this is odd. I get the feeling they know more than they are letting on about the bug currently circulating.
Gain of function research needs to die. What the fuck happens if a MERS bug gets out?
No, it doesn’t.
At least in “the west” the leaders can plausibly claim to want to “help” – though I’m beginning to doubt their sincerity more and more.
The CCP? LOL they could not give a single fuck and everybody knows it.
I just went out and cleared the snow off my car. That six inches is actually more like ten. Wheee!
The sun is shining now. It’s beeyooteeful.
Good luck on your trip home. Drive, well, you know, carefully.
That Minotaur/Witch Doctor match on Battlebots was total & utter horseshit.
Have you seen the winner’s next match?
Just getting to the semifinals now. Just finished the WD/Mino match.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Minotaur no longer participates in Battlebots, which would be a shame.
Hydra should have won
CNN, libertarian influencers?
Man, do I love me some irony.
Must’ve been all those folks using the coupon code. ?
way down in that thread
Red Shift
I weep for my demographic.
Elon posts a poll asking for advice on Twitter…