Happy Easter for those who celebrate. Ours is more cultural than religious. Eggs will be hidden. An 18 month old will wander around within the faintest fucking clue what he is doing. I WILL find Cadbury Eggs to buy on sale.
Party girls start early in Michigan.
Well this guy is a bad person. Luckily, he turned himself in.
It turns out civilization is based on theft.
I’m shocked there are environmental cancer factors in New Jersey.
And some music for the season.
Sure, Jan.
Our models indicate our hypothesis is correct!
Morning, Brett! Love the mental image of your teeming horde running across the lawn looking for eggs. 😉 My solo offspring has almost timed out of it (I thought he had, actually — but then he mentioned doing it a week or so ago so I had to scramble to put something together). Won’t tell you to enjoy it while you can, because I think it is obvious you do.
Happy Easter to all of y’all snarky glibs. Not Thanksgiving — but know that you all help make this place an oasis in the sewers of the current Internet. (Well, maybe not the “First” schtick from Bro… but his other posts are fine.. 😉 )
Love this quote in the civilization story:
“The first group of bandits to persuade the farmers ‘Nice grain field you got there’ were expected to keep the other groups of bandits from shrinking their cut….”
We don’t let other gangs operate on our turf!
Happy Pagan Fertility ritual day!
/which has nothing to do with Easter
But poor, poor Tokyo…
Re: the music link — maybe it was used too regularly as a recessional hymn — but this one is always my go-to Easter song in my head.
First annoying quordle poster of the day!
Daily Quordle 83
I was holding off for the 30 minute mark. 😉
But since you did it — had a good morning today for a chump-less change:
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Total = 22
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#waffle86 0/5
? streak: 5
#waffle86 2/5
? streak: 3
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Static clingLower right word, you did it again.4 6
5 7
I’ll take it.
3 8
5 X
Grumble grumble curse grumble.
Top right is asshoe.
Daily Quordle 83
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“Asshoe” has six letters. Bad hint.
Daily Quordle 83
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Daily Quordle 83
Brain fart cost me a point, but back in the saddle!
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#waffle86 1/5
? streak: 1
Daily Quordle 83
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This one seemed to fall in place.
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As usual I wait for the last guess to complete
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Daily Quordle 83
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I did it at midnight when it flipped over. Bad idea.
Daily Quordle 83
The relative ease of confiscating stored cereals, their high energy density, and their durability enhances their appropriability, thereby facilitating the emergence of tax-levying elites…
Why is the food always kept under lock and key? -White Indian
Happy Easter to all those who observe the holiday.
Happy Easter! For the adults I have hidden special eggs with sample liquor bottles and silver coins. It was a hit last year.
Mornin’ all, and happy whatever you are celebrating today.
“There is one well documented cause of brain tumors – radiation exposure,”
My HS was about 6 miles from Colonia. We visited them once a year for a soccer match. Explains a lot.
Yes, I mentioned that when this got brought up earlier. There is a significant population around where that facility was.
Makes me wonder if there was fill or some kind of dumping at the high school.
I’d also like somebody with a better knowledge of statistics to let me know just how extreme those odds are.
And some music for the season.
Bagpipes are a crime against humanity.
How about bagpipes and hot, late 1970s sheilas? https://youtu.be/a-MVuqh8k50
That’s a church I would attend.
The service is starting right now.
Happy Easter
Happy Resurrection Day!
Bagpipes for TedS
“Thus,” the authors of the new hypothesis write, “we concur with conventional productivity theory that farmers in hierarchical societies produce surplus, but our contention is that rather than surplus generating the elite, the elite generate the food surplus on which it can flourish, once the opportunity to appropriate rises.”
“You didn’t grow that.”
Sometimes the protection racket breaks down.
/ Looks at Ukraine
“All we ever wanted was to be left alone”
They completely miss the obvious.
The surplus of food allowed the division of labor and created units of value that could be bartered with.
The elites are just the parasites that have always been with us.
Union Pacific says it will limit the transportation of fertilizer.
Probably won’t affect the production of food, right?
Or of links, apparently. 😉
Nice link Bro…..
Weird. Try this one
That doesn’t work, either. The gubmint is trying to keep the people from knowing.
*X-Files music*
Wish the author of the article dug a little deeper and got some sort of reasoning from UP on just *why* they’re doing this. Within the company higher cargo needs? Or some sort of batshit Fed mandate to “reduce the likelihood of domestic terrorism” or paranoia about spills / enviro-weenie?
Because in the spirit of “Yesterday’s conspiracy theory is today’s spoilers” we’ve had lately — if this was at all driven by Fed guidelines, this falls squarely back in this bucket “If you were trying to destroy this country — what would you do differently…” I mean, combined with the rumbling that the Ukraine / Russia situation is going to impact wheat production globally (and I thought fertilizer issues in Eurasia as well because of Ukraine) — this seems awfully in the “set up to starve your populace” side of things… Bill Gates and the other Malthusians decide things were taking too long?
Ok.. enough giving vent to the very paranoid side of my brain..
Good questions
This really is a WTF is going on moment.
UP needs to answer some questions.
It is a possibility that the supply chain fiasco of the last two years is causing bottlenecks on the rails.
Also this https://vnexplorer.net/fertilizer-company-complains-about-railroad-shipment-limits-eh20226473683.html
It doesn’t say why UP is doing it.
Cause they’re lazy
Vision Times gives more info. To reduce congestion. but it doesn’t let me post full link. https://www.visiontimes.com
Look for 4/16 Article
I just thought I wasn’t skimming hard enough.
Quality journalisming.
Yep. Article written solely off the press release i bet
According to the article at the site Tulip linked, that’s exactly what it was:
“CINCINNATI – Philosophy professor Dr. Nick Meriwether’s three-year quest to vindicate his First Amendment rights has concluded with a settlement in his favor. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit ruled in March 2021 that the university violated Meriwether’s free speech rights when it punished him because he declined a male student’s demand to be referred to as a woman, with feminine titles and pronouns.”
“As part of the settlement in Meriwether v. The Trustees of Shawnee State University, the university agreed to pay $400,000 in damages and Meriwether’s attorneys’ fees.”
But did he refer the male student to a psychiatrist?
You have to stop putting extra ” in your links. 😉 At least this one is close…
First thought
Second thought — just a Circuit court so may not be applied widely, but at least in government funded institutions, that might seriously clamp down on the Thought Police. Yet another reason I’m glad we’re not Canada (no offense to our Canuck Glibs) — the parallels to Dr. Peterson leap to mind and all.
Try this
Dude was angry!
*laughs non-binarily*
Buy a $50k EV and pay for a charger. Best part is all the fanboys.
Musk is notable for going with numbers optics be damned, but sometimes he goes too far.
Personally I have two portable charge cords and use one every day and the other kept in the car I use 5 or 6 times a year.
I have an 8 foot siphon hose and a 2 gallon red can, recharge almost anywhere. About $15.
That’s messy and stinks.
Plus we’ve added food into it to make it worse.
I think it was ‘The Great Race’ movie where the Snidely Whiplash character stole natural gas from street lights to power his jalopy. He was seen as a sleazy villain for doing so.
How do you destroy Western civilization?
Like this: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/lack-attention-allowed-special-interests-take-over-schools-journalist-luke-rosiak
“In the name of equity, during Barack Obama’s second presidential term, the Department of Justice sent a letter to every school district telling them they will “be investigated unless your discipline rates were the same for all races,” said Rosiak. As a consequence, discipline was severely limited, and learning in classrooms was impacted.”
Discipline should have been severely increased. That was their mistake. Punish everybody.
“Punish everybody.”
cavalier973’s campaign speech for the local school board…
I think cavalier973 is more like this.
Make them all eat school cafeteria food
It’s over $40K now.
I think I see the problem.
The goddamn teachers here always whinge and moan about pay. Yet they always omit the cost of benefits and NEVER talk about legacy pension costs. Fuck that. Fuck them.
Sounds like someone is hot for teacher
Now they’re trying to go back to the defined benefit system that caused this mess in the first place. Madness.
“Morgan Griff, 33, graduated from Penn in 2011, but still owes an amount that would barely pay a semester meal plan these days, according to the Ivy League institution’s Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit.
The sum is small potatoes to Penn, whose endowment totaled $20.5 billion as of 2021.
But it shouldn’t be an issue for Griff either, since he’s an executive director at Japanese financial conglomerate Nomura, according to LinkedIn. It’s a job that pays an average of about $235,000 per year — plus another $150,000 in bonuses and stock, according to workplace reviewer Glassdoor.”
C’mon, man. There’s a moratorium on student loan debt, he’ll pay up as soon as the moratorium is lifted. Unless all student loans are forgiven.
Maybe he never ate at the school cafeteria
Interesting. Usually you couldn’t graduate without a fully paid account.
There is more to this. Obviously the guy can pay it. And it is odd UP wants the news.
It is an odd story. My first thought was what about student loans but I guess he didn’t have any, and somehow he just “didn’t pay”.
I want to know if it is really tuition.
For example parking fines at many universities flow through your student account.
Yeah all the schools I’ve worked at charge their accounts for damages and lost keys and whatnot
I never had to give a tran script at any job. I wouldn’t even know how to get one anymore.
I’ve given one at every job and needed them for state certifications as well. Ymmv.
I think state gov’t jobs here require it but I haven’t looked at any in a few years.
That’s a typo on his name right? Second ‘f’ should be a ‘t’.
“Let me tell you about my friend, Cornpoop”
“Arrested? NIS 400. Arrested with a goat/lamb? NIS 800. Managed to sacrifice? NIS 10,000,”
“The suspects, residents of Jerusalem and Jewish settlements in the West Bank, were detained and taken in for questioning after police found a goat in one of the suspects’ homes.”
Nice quote mark at the end of the link.
I listen to the English language podacst from !כאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאן, the Israeli public broadcaster, and like most mainstream media they have an intense hatred of certain extremely religious groups. There are two running stories, one involving it being obvious that the Muslims should control who gets to pray on the Temple Mount and how dare those wicked Haredi want to pray there, and the other requiring it to be obvious that the Haredi should have no right to control who prays at the Western Wall, and they should just let Deform Jewish women do things the Haredi would find sacrilegious.
Ok, completely off topic of the article — but since we have a wealth of (((glib))) knowledge around here — why is the Temple Mount (according to the article anyway) “Judaism’s most holy site”? Yeah, I get the biblical temples, the real-politik nature of it being adjacent to Jerusalem back in the days of the Kingdom and all — but why there and not Mount Sinai, where Moses got the actual tablets of the Commandments and was stated as “God’s most holy place” at the time and all?
The Temple had the Holy of Holies which used to have the Ark of the Covenant.*
The High Priest only went in there once a year – nobody else could do so, so IIRC they tied a string to his leg so they could drag his body out if he died.
It was the center of Hebrew worship, with the nation’s sacrificial life centered there. Not surprisingly, since God’s presence was particularly manifest there.
*Now in a Washington, D. C. warehouse
1 Kings 9
“And it came to pass, when Solomon had finished building the house of the LORD and the king’s house, and all Solomon’s desire which he wanted to do,
that the LORD appeared to Solomon the second time, as He had appeared to him at Gibeon. And the LORD said to him: “I have heard your prayer and your supplication that you have made before Me; I have consecrated this house which you have built to put My name there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually.”
It was where God said He would reside. There were conditions, which were not met, and He left after a few centuries (as recounted in Ezekiel).
As an aside, if you want to read some Bible porn, check out Ezekiel chapter 16.
The place where the temple was built is canonically where Abraham was tested with the whole murder your son for God thing.
God didn’t ask Abram to do anything that God Himself wasn’t willing to do.
Who killed the dream?
NBC News spoke to more than a dozen people involved with the legislation, and conflicting theories emerged about who is responsible for President Joe Biden’s lost legislative agenda. The enduring tension looms over quiet discussions between the White House and congressional Democrats on a dramatically scaled-back bill, with finger-pointing about who’s to blame for the failure of the larger bill amid uncertainty about what, if anything, might actually pass ahead of November’s midterm elections.
The White House blames it on the difficulties of uniting the slimmest of Democratic majorities, including a 50-50 Senate, and media framing of the initial legislation. Moderate Democrats blame progressives for fueling unrealistic expectations. Progressives blame moderates for working against Biden. Some blame Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer or Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Other Democrats say leadership made a tactical error by splitting off the infrastructure bill.
And still others fault Biden and his team, saying they erred in branding Build Back Better as a big, bold, once-in-a-generation — read: expensive — piece of legislation and by trying to, as one Democrat put it, “placate everybody.”
Another Democrat placed fault with the current polarized political climate, saying: “It’s the process.”
It should have been Joe’s permanent mark on history and society. But just because we have to get votes and pass it those big meanie Republicans and moderates were able to stop it from happening. What about our Mandate For Change?
He’s going to leave a mark, that’s for certain.
“A skidmark on the underwear of American history…”
A shit stain?
Like they care – they’re working the long game. They’ll get every fantasy passed next time they’re in power and with a larger majority.
and media framing of the initial legislation.
It was overly fawned upon?
There is now a quiet effort underway to pass some version of the president’s agenda under a legislative process known as reconciliation, which allows Democrats to circumvent Republican opposition and pass a bill along party lines.
Democracy is the bypassing of democratic process in the service of Democrat goals.
Oh my… Also, why are so many of the commenters surprised by this? This is what roaches do.
Hi. Things are mostly good. I am brain-damaged, homeless and cannot be employed, but I have plenty of offers in the US. Right now I have my ex’s apt to myself for the next day. Trailer Park Boys is my escape for the evening. Love it. I’m gonna have my second smoke of the night and a beer. Lady comes back tomorrow and we’ll have that 420 love.
Sorry to be OT/Off-Links, but I think you can gather what’s up. I have an article that I asked my parents to give me as a project. Will involve both baseball, Jackie Robinson, and the hatefulness of the Woke Culture Racism. (They don’t know about the latter.) Probably will be a submission. Should be. Further Escapism is needed, but I’m going to be safe/smart about it.
My ex lives in the building that I lived in for 4 years. It’s so nice to be back here. Just on the 6th floor instead of the 3rd or 16th. I know the neighborhood better than nearly everyone. I am OK. Just a rough stretch. Tough being brain-damaged, unemployed and homeless, while also being investigated by the police for bullshit “crimes.” It will be fine. At most a fine. I don’t need a pot nor pan, but I’m happy that Lady will be able to provide a Bowl. Need my brain to get away from it all.
Smokes, let’s go!
Sorry to hear, but I’m glad you have the best outlook on the situation.
We’re here for you man.
Fuck Lahey.
That sounds…challenging. But at least when you get knocked down, you get up again.
“The true man is revealed in difficult times. So when trouble comes, think of yourself as a wrestler whom God, like a trainer, has paired with a tough young buck. For what purpose? To turn you into Olympic-class material.”
/Epictetus: Discourses and Selected Writings (Robert Dobbin, tr.) New York: Penguin Classics, 2008, p. 56
We’re expecting you for Honey Harvest, Evan
Democrats also expect to pass the CHIPS Act and an election security measure in coming weeks. And officials are quick to argue that even without Build Back Better, the president’s legislative accomplishments are significant — from $1.9 trillion in Covid relief to $1 trillion infrastructure bill.
The money is the metric. The measure of a President’s greatness is how much money he can spend.
Democrats also expect to pass the CHIPS Act
Erik Estrada hardest hit.
and an election security measure in coming weeks
“Security” needs to be in sneer quotes.
Yeah, “stop ‘helping'” leaps screaming to mind here.
This elicited a cynical chuckle from me today.
Turns out this Easter was the first real one here.
Sugar + toddler = best day ever!
Happy Easter, BabyDOOM!
How could I say no to “I eat bunny ears?”
Obligatory – best Easter card ever (with apologies to Sandra Boynton that it’s not one of hers.)
Legit LOL. Very nice.
Oh we love Sandra Boynton! She has a few memorized at this point, she reads them to her stuffed animal friends
Didn’t we have a recent movie night explaining the NJ cancer link?
Toxic Avenger was on?
Oh yeah! ‘Class of Nuke’Em High.’
You won’t see this in California. The warning signs provide protection.
Josh Blue is awesome – https://youtu.be/33SDdWxtD4c
I love the Dry Bar comedy channel
BTW — one of my lines in the sand for having to leave this state has shifted out at least a year. So that’s nice.
I thought the whole point was to jab every child, or else.
This action just says “we don’t have the votes”.
“We don’t have the votes”
The Dominion machines must be on the fritz
At what point do these snotnoggins admit that, at best, the ronajabs are ineffective, and at worst dangerous to one’s health?
They can’t do that
Never. It would contradict their feelings and intentions. Reality stands no chance against that.
Wal-Mart and Lowes are still running commercials with people wearing masks.
I am curious how long those ads last. Hilarious seeing stuff like that
Or any show that decided to include it. How does that look after some time?
The pilot for my flight last week did the usual mask announcement and actually said he was hopeful it would be dropped soon.
About 10% of the people waiting for their bags on Friday bothered to wear one. Granted, it was mostly blue collar dudes who DFAG about the ‘rona.
I’ve noticed that even Disney ads have stopped showing masked people.
I once spent two weeks working on Wal-Mart commercials at a store on Long Island. It was college football themed. Each day, the section of the store we were shooting in was dressed in a different school’s livery – all SEC schools. The commercials used the exact same actors, script, and blocking but changed the wardrobe and set dressings.
First try at the Wafflegame; I like it.
#waffle86 1/5
? streak: 1
A wee bit of snow at the park this morning.
Delicious coffee, delicious eggs, delicious sausage, delicious bagels.
I am having trail mix and instant coffee
Look, if those kindertgrteners can drink tequila then i have scotch at 6 am.
Hear hear!
Harumph harumph!
Laphroaig 10 year.
What else do people have for breakfast?
Beats me.
”Martian Sunrise” is the name of our band’s new concept album.
That’s a good album cover too.
Charges dropped in 2019 Shawnee daycare abuse case, civil case continues
This woman is about to get a big payday. Can’t believe she was charged in the first place.
Praise Allah that Janet Reno wasn’t the prosecutor.
Yeah that’s insane they even got that far
I’m torn. I do feel bad for the bird, but it IS a hatebird.
To be fair, horses are assholes too.
So are some protestors.
Yup. LOL
They’re the worst. Unless you’re a real cowboy or whatever, there’s no need to have a horse.
Or THREE of them like an ex had.
Are all gooses hate birds? I was under the impression that it was just Canada Geese.
I know nobody is still reading this, but:
It’s all fucking geese. Canadian Geese just have the extra hateful aspect of being legally protected from their due come-uppance because they are migratory.
“The relative ease of confiscating stored cereals, their high energy density, and their durability enhances their appropriability, thereby facilitating the emergence of tax-levying elites,” the authors of the hypothesis write.
“Thus,” the authors of the new hypothesis write, “we concur with conventional productivity theory that farmers in hierarchical societies produce surplus, but our contention is that rather than surplus generating the elite, the elite generate the food surplus on which it can flourish, once the opportunity to appropriate rises.”
Chicken, or egg?
Slutty Sunday easter eggz.
Happy Easter Brett!
And Happy Easter and/or Passover to all of you.
An 18 month old will wander around within the faintest fucking clue what he is doing.
Lol. I miss those days. The kids are coming for easter dinner with their SOs. Life moves pretty fast!
Surprise them with an egg hunt anyway?
Ha! We actually have a different game now. We give them a cropped photo which sends them to the next clue. At the end of the game there is cash and cocktail-themed jelly beans!
I assume DOOMette will be suitably spoiled today?
We had a blast finding eggs this morning. A few chocolates and a nice bunny.
I like your new game, that sounds like it should be fun!
She dove into that chocolate bunny “faster than fast!”
“Pink champagne” jelly bellies were one of the top five flavors, but you can’t get them anymore.
Margs and mimosas are better I’m guessing
Howdy, Tundra!
Howdy my Alaskan friend! How’s things?
Spent 8 days in the bush for work and went 5 days without seeing the sun. But I got home on Friday and it’s sunny here and life is good. My planned vacation was changed due to a relative having a baby and getting all paranoid about the ‘rona, but whatever. Her call, not mine, as much as I may not agree.
Looking for a new gig but nothing on the horizon. I’m having lunch this week with two mentor types, so maybe something will come of that.
The sunshine changes everything! Good luck on the search. Are you thinking of switching professions?
Sadly, I enjoy my work and I do my best to follow through on my libertarian beliefs while providing the most cost-effective service to taxpayers. I hit the four year mark at my current job and there’s some things I cannot change with staff that’s ultimately going to drive me work elsewhere.
Gotcha. What do you do that takes you into the bush for 8 days at a time? Gold prospector?
Gov’t nonsense. Lord forgive me.
Cheers to 61!! The other Alaskan bear of whom we recently spoke.
I hear ya on the “workin for the gubmint” dilemma. On one hand, it seems wrong—we know how inefficient it is, how potentially corrupt even. On the other hand, better to have the actual useful positions filled by the likes of us, right? I mean, I work on our nation’s Nuke stockpile, and at least I understand that math is math, not a systemic racist social construct.
Hey, Tundra! We were in your neck o’ the woods last week. I tried to send you an email but must have mis-remembered the address. The follow at minnietundra was polite about it.
Hey Hobbit!
Sorry to hear that I missed you! Don’t you have my cell number?
I’m glad the other guy wasn’t pissed!
I don’t think I ever had your cell. I was trying the email. Is it minnetundra (without the i)? At the evilmail?
Yep, that’s it! Shoot me an email so I have you in my contact list.
I feel better now.
#Worldle #86 1/6 (100%)
Yeah, I got that in one as well.
I can’t find it on a map even.
Meh. Name a random country and go from there.
#Worldle #86 2/6 (100%)
You had *one* job…
Happy Easter to those who celebrate
I celebrate!
Thank you, and happy Easter to you and yours.
Important things to remember from the Bible, even for atheists.
Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.
Do unto others as you would have done unto you.
For God so loved the world,i that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him.
And also, He is risen!!
Didn’t mean to be a buzzkill with the Bible quote highlights.
First time in 18 years I haven’t put out baskets for the kids to find. I’m not even sure they know it’s Easter.
Come sit next to me. First time in 20 for us.
New t shirt.
Can’t argue with any of it.
My new t shirt says “I’m not having a glass of wine. I’m having six glasses of wine; it’s called a ‘tasting’ and it’s classy”
Daily Quordle 83
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A blessed paschal season to all of you freedom loving malcontents.
I guess the tarot cards predicted there wasn’t going to be a horoscope today.
Maybe a bit early?
I d k.
I always thought Sunday was a particularly blasphemous day to post astrology but that’s just me. Kind of an Aries trait I suppose.
I accidentally drank tequila this weekend.
Other than that, how was kindergarten?
And the Oscar for comedy callbacks goes to Grumbletarian.
How’s the all meat thing going?
Easter sporting event
Cycling initial “seed” words sometimes helps, too:
Daily Quordle 83
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Two steaks down. Two to go today.
For those who are lost without weekly guidance from the cards, here is your 100% computer-generated future! Guaranteed interpretation free!
Ares: King of Pentacles: Abundance, prosperity, security
Taurus: Chariot: Direction, control, willpower
Gemini: Ace of Swords: Breakthrough, clarity, sharp mind
Cancer: Nine of Cups: Satisfaction, emotional stability, luxury
Leo: King of Cups: Compassion, control, balance
Virgo: Nine of Pentacles: Fruits of labor, rewards, luxury
Libra: Ten of Wands: Accomplishment, responsibility, burden
Scorpio: King of Wands: Big picture, leader, overcoming challenges
Sagittarius: Nine of Swords: Anxiety, hopelessness, trauma
Capricorn: Knight of Pentacles: Efficiency, hard work, responsibility
Aquarius: Ten of Swords: Failure, collapse, defeat
Pisces: Two of Wands: Planning, making decisions, leaving home
Abort! Abort! Abort!