Fighting the scourge of pineapple pizza…
The Aquabats are novelty music. They are goofy. They are weird. These are some of the criticisms thrown at The Aquabats. To me they are successful business owners who did not compromise on what they felt was their creative output. They made their own damn movie and kept their creative freedom!
The Aquabats started in 1994 as a band that wanted to counter some of the negativity in the punk movement. A positive band! Imagine that! Sadly being positive and upbeat seems to make you fall into the realm of novelty music for some reviewers. Years went by, albums were released, and a fan base grew. Christian Jacobs, known as the M.C Bat Commander, took some of that time to break his TV teeth in on Yo Gabba Gabba, which those of you with small children may be aware of. Lots of big cameos there, as he used his friendships in the music business to bring in talent such as Mark Motherbaugh on a regular basis. The Aquabats, however, did not get a show. They failed with Disney. This was probably for the best. In 2010, after 16 years as the Aquabats, Christian Jacobs secured a deal for The Aquabats Super Show on The Hub.
Sadly, three years later The Hub was taken over and became the Discovery Channel – The Aquabats were told they no longer fit the format, and they had a choice: Allow Warner Brothers to buy the rights to their show and likeness, or get lost (I remember this, but had problems locating an article to support this.)
The Aquabats chose wisely. They kept their freedom and got lost. Sets went into storage, fingernails were bitten. In 2019, on the second attempt at crowdfunding, the Aquabats raised enough money to continue mini-episodes known as The Aquabats Radventures on You Tube. Just this year, Shout! Factory TV, a company with exquisite taste, added The Aquabats Super Show to their distribution which leads to us being able to watch the episodes today (outside of YouTube.)
Okay! Enough of my talk. If you want to learn more about the Aquabats, visit their website. I picked a few episodes. Choose what you want to watch! Or go to YouTube / Tubi and pick what you want to watch. It was ridiculously hard to just pick a few episodes:
- Cowboy Android: Westworld references, awesome giant mole rat. The corporate anthem of every company that thinks Agile is for large projects was played here. Beats even Devo’s corporate anthem.
- The Mauler (You Tube): A must see for the giant Zardoz head. Clearly there is a connection to Glibs.
- Laundry Day: There’s a female made scientist in this episode with smeared makeup, a thick accent and hot pants. Turned my “stick it in crazy” meter up to 11.
Watch! Or Don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next time: Commies! Vampires! Sex! Watch Comrade Dracula, an almost new movie you never heard of!
*For you kids, The Hub was a channel, much like today’s streaming stations, broadcast on a medium called “cable,” which forced people to accept packages of expensive channels and pay rental on substandard ‘cable receiver boxes.’ This outmoded business monopoly, supported by crooked governments that legislated competition out of business, was overthrown almost overnight by the internet revolution.
Help! Tubi wants an account to sign in!
No account or sign-in is required to use Tubi. The only advantage to signing in is you can maintain a queue and save your place in movies you are watching. Follow these instructions to bypass the sign in:
After you click the link for the weekly movie, hit the Play button on the movie and you should get the screen shown below. The guest option may require scrolling up to see. Click the circled guest option to watch the film.
It’s Mothersbaugh,
Meh. Broke my toe, can’t type. Straight jacket is too tight.
Thank you for reading though!
Just yankin’ yer chain bro,
I know. Love you bro. Go read the update on SP.
Uhh, thanks?
My heart is broken……..
I’m still working, but I’ll have this playing in thebackground. Maybe it will help.
It will. Just let the episodes play some nonsense.
Old Man just posted an SP update on the pinned post. I can’t figure out how to re-open comments. Please stand by.
Oh boy. I was worried about that based on OMWC’s comments in various posts. Prayers for a safe and quiet passing sounds like all we can do. I give my prayers.
Sadly, yes.
This is as bad as JsubD, and I never had knock down arguments with SP.
Oh no.
My heart goes out to SP, Webdoom and OM. We will be a lesser site. We may not have had this glorious place were it not for SP’s efforts.
Thank you, SP, you have made our life more fun, more entertaining and brought us to a great place of exchanging ideas and opinions
OK, new post up with comments enabled. Please do that there.
And don’t abandon the Aquabats and this thread.
Feh. The only broadband provider I have access to has my balls in a vice – you know, because I have been a loyal customer for 16 years – so I need to move before I can cut the cord.
There’s a female made scientist in this episode with smeared makeup, a thick accent and hot pants. Turned my “stick it in crazy” meter up to 11.
OT: KimDotCom
I work with the data forensics team that analyzes the Hunter Biden Laptop data.
Expect a major release soon.
The data reveals numerous crimes.
Hunter Biden will go to jail.
Joe Biden will resign.
I have history with Joe:
Glad to help shutting him down.
There is a little more if you scroll through his twitter feed.
Unfortunately I agree with the second comment in the Twitter link:
Replying to
As much as I’d like to believe this would happen, these people don’t go to jail
Boy I wish. The corruption is so hidden, he will most likely not resign.
Isn’t KimDotCom the New Zealand pirate Bay guy?
Yup. A paragon of virtue.
I mean, doesn’t mean he’s wrong, but still.
I am considering the source. The Trump years reinforced my skepticism. He may have the goods but I’ll believe it when I see it.
I’m (and I assume most here are) in the same boat. I’m hope what he says is somewhere near the truth, but I’m not going to be placing any bets.
Why is Jimmy the Robot the only one with a chin strap?
I always wondered that. Because he’s a robot?
So, I found a band called PPL MVR. Anyone heard of them? An all Sasquatch band? It’d pretty rocking.
I just found another band called FartBarf. Not as amazing as PPL MVR, but still interesting.
I was just poking around and found a band called Holy Fuck.
(I was looking for the band called Holy Tunics.)
It’s… not bad. Kind of up my alley.
Club music thy name is Holy Fuck.
Good music. Weird gimic.
I watched the one with the Zardoz head. Silly.
Sometimes, silly is good.
Didn’t mean to insinuate it wasn’t. Not really my cup of tea, but I did get a few chuckles. The whole invisible man bit was funny.
Sensible chuckles?
Sensible, indeed. Just got done with Laundry Day. Few more chuckles and a new crush; Dr. Mudlark…mmmmm.
Yes! what is it about the makeup and voice! I was captivated too. Spank me with your dirty laundry, Dr, Mudlark!
Yes, but I had to stop watching. I’m wrapping up work for the night and I’m exhausted. More work tomorrow, then a drive to PA.
Have a good night folks! Thanks RJ!
The data reveals numerous crimes.
Hunter Biden will go to jail.
Joe Biden will resign.
*outright prolonged laughter*
And I, Rasputin Jacksoffabitch, shall be the next president of the United States.
Thanks R.J. 🙂
I watched the three episodes. Not my bag. I’m thinking it’s a bit too simple for adults (unless they were totally baked), and kids wouldn’t get the references as they would be too young to have seen or watch an R-rated movie from 1964 such as A Fistful of Dollars. I never had even seen Zardoz until I came here.
Anyway, I’m having trouble thinking after reading about SP 🙁
Me too honestly. Call it a night.
Yeah. For sure.
Pardon my ignorance but when people write of SP and Webdom in the announcement thread I assume they are the same person? I am not trying to flippant, I actually don’t know?
And I hope she isn’t Winston’s Mom. That would be really strange to me…
Separate people. Not sure if she is Winston’s mom? I always suspected Tonio…
I suspect someone else but I won’t say. Not any of our regular linkmeisters.
I thought it was pretty obvious myself.
Webdom is SP’s daughter (and OMWC’s step-daughter, IIRC)
Oh that explains it. Thank you!
That’s right.
OK! I held on for two hours. Everyone post away if you are going to. I have a house full of kids staying over for Good Friday and I need to make sure nothing is on fire.
Nothing but the best for SP, OMWC and Webdom. Bless them for this place. Send them comments on the pinned post if you haven’t already.
@ business owners:
How do you monitor your business’ credit score? It’s not something I’d really thought of until I recently read an article on it. I’d like a free option, but barring that, low cost would be nice.
I’ve seen Nav, but I’m having trouble figuring out exactly what you’re signing up for there. It looks like maybe they are the business version of Credit Karma? I.e. they’ll give you free scores in exchange for receiving marketing on loans and credit cards. Does anyone here have experience with them?
I use Experian because they monitor all the credit bureaus and alert me. Worth it.
For your business, too? I have them for my personal info.
In the past I got a Dun & Bradstreet number in order to obtain some large contracts with the military and a couple mega-corps. I believe it provides credit scores, but I never actually go to the site anymore. It’s a pain in the ass to use, at least for a non-paying person like myself.
Honestly, I’ve never really paid attention to my business credit score the last 25 years. It probably helps that I do all my banking and loans through a small local bank. I also maintained the bank President’s 7 acre lawn practically since I started so up until 2008 and new banking regs he would loan me whatever I needed based on my word.
What do you need it for? Real question.
I have a couple of business credit cards. I have huge lines of credit based on my payment history. I have a line of credit with a business bank. That came from an application. The LOC grew as they got to know me.
I don’t need it, I just think it’s something I should know. I don’t need any funding at the moment, and I have a decent (relatively) amount available on my business credit card.
I was just reading an article from SCORE, and they suggested knowing what your business credit score is, so I thought I’d look into it.
But why do they recommend it?
Understanding business credit and how your business credit score works will help you make wise choices to set your business up for success.
There not wrong but I’m not sure this is helpful to very small businesses. If a business wants unsecured credit without a personal guarantee, I can see this come into play.
I don’t want want any funding regardless of where it comes from. But why does that mean I shouldn’t care what my score is?
Holy shit, it’s almost 12:30. I’d like to finish this tomorrow.
It’s 1:30 and I just finished two more episodes of Babylon 5.
Holy crap this is so good, and I’ll still only in S01.
The E in EIN is employer, not employee. Makes me wonder about the whole thing.
Cryptid takeover in two weeks when I go out on vacation again. ‘Bigfoot’s Wild Weekend’ will be the movie.
Also this post is the 30th week of my movie reviews in a row. About time STEVE SMITH took over.
What’s going on GL?
Just feeling a bit bittersweet tonight. Boss retires tomorrow. I’ve worked for him longer than anyone else. Had ups and downs of course, but strange to think about breaking in a new boss. Doggo is having some coughs too.
Got after hours project work in a couple hours so no cups for me either. And the SP news. One always hopes for the best.
That Roxy Music album has been a guilty pleasure for about 35 years. Nice pull!
I’ll be damned! I just opened a Porter that had sat conditioning for 2 months,
Light carbonation, and really mellow chocolate taste,
I’m drinking Busch Light. It gets the job done.
I was rollin’ Natty until now, beer is good!
Beer is good!
I met fellow western Wisconsin Glib Desk Jockey for drinks last week after work, and that’s what he ordered. He got two Busch Lights, I got a couple Coke’s, and we had a whopping $6.00 bill after bullshitting for a couple hours. He’s a very cool guy and definitely one of the youngsters on this here blog. I’m old enough to be his Dad.
That was fun RJ. I saw the Aquabats on Yo Gabba Gabba when my kids were young. I never made the connection. I totally missed they had their own show for a time.
Huzzah! my sleep schedule is jacked up, but who cares? I have no life, so its’Bacon, eggs and Bisquits and gravy for Lunch? Dinner?
/What evs
This shit again? https://dailycaller.com/2022/04/14/climate-emergency-protest-joe-biden-white-house-washington-dc/ Where is an 18 Wheeler when you need it.
Complete fucking idiots. Also, I would likely have punched him for saying he’s doing it on my kid’s behalf while stopping me from witnessing the birth of my child.
It looks like there’s enough room to squeeze between them. Maybe they will get nicked, who cares – they suffer for their piety.
Hauling all the shit WE Need!
When this aired on the HUB I was only self-employed and spent my days taking care of my disabled dad and my 1 year old nephew. He was obsessed with Yo! Gabba! Gabba! (his mom hated it, but gave into letting him watch it. I was confused by this, he didn’t know how to use the TV remote. Why let him pick the show?) but I’d only let him watch one episode at a time, then we’d watch an episode of Aquabats.
The best episode is CobraMan! what with it’s connection to Strong Bad.
That is a good one.
Daily Quordle 81
I could have made the guess on the top left on 3….
Daily Quordle 81
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Prayers for SP, OMWC, and webdom.
Let’s kick this off.
I saw something like that happen once when I was in that line of work. Once.
July 2023? Wut?
102m views can’t be wrong.
Morning Glibs.
[Insert generic morning gripe here]
“And what’s the deal with cereal?”
/Seinfeld voice
When cat fights go wrong:
“A 78-year-old man who was inside his apartment was also struck, police said.”
How’d you like to be some poor schlep living in an apartment complex with a bunch of gun happy lunatics? Those thin walls ain’t gonna save ya.
If they just banned guns things like this would never happen.
Gutted by the latest news. I’ve got a four day weekend which is as rare as a Libertarian Woman. I’ll gladly grow a new lesion in SP’s honor. She is the Ur LW. My healing will wait.
Good morning, Fes, Stinky, Sean, U, Teh Hype, and Ted’S (and on the off chance you’re still awake and with us, CPRM.)
Boss is taking the day off, mainly to keep from maxing out on vacation hours. Kinda glad I don’t foresee having to do much thinking today.
Heh, Corporate and Supervisor got their wires tangled. I’m still taking Monday off. When I was in my 20’s and 30’s the Easter weekend was when we would travel 100 miles South to usher in the golf season. It was a cool tradition. Sadly, all of my golf buddies have moved away and I’m not sure if I can even swing a club anymore. Ah well, fond memories, at least. How you doin’ Red?
I’m OK, Fes. How are you feeling physically?
It’s a degenerative disease. Sometimes good (like today!) sometimes bad. My cerebellum looks like swiss cheese. I’m still upright. I’ll make it to the end of May and then become a neckbeard for a few years.
In all seriousness, I’m scared as fuck.
I’m so sorry. ?
Sorry Festus.
I’m trying to not burst out in a tirade of profanity at the agency management (as distinct from my own management) who is wasting our time reinvestigating options that were rejected soundly already.
I really wish I had ‘fuck you’ money.
You need a dammit doll. Short term, at least. Mainly you need a better job, but I understand how daunting a task finding one is.
I’m going to have to admit I don’t know what that is.
And where am I going to find a job where I’m paid six figures with no marketable skills and no political connections?
I’m afraid Nepotism isn’t an option, as I come from Po White Trash. In terms of assets and income, I may very well be the most successful member of my family. I’m certainly the most successful of my immediate family.
My boss, too, is the “white sheep” of his family.
Dammit doll in a nice Southwestern themed fabric. Not the best version of the “instructions” I’ve seen, but it’ll give you the idea.
We’ve got one similar at work but comes with pins. Still in the package so far.
Stress balls but he’s probably squeezing them as we speak.
4️⃣ 9️⃣
7️⃣ 8️⃣
Daily Quordle 81
Daily Quordle 81
Huh, I thought this was the easiest one, but it’s the first time my starting word gave it to me.
Seems that I’ve already lost a step. That Quordle site was greek to me. *starts searching for under the cushion chocolate* Nope. I’ll just become louder and stupider, just like the old Gypsy lady said…
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
Good morning and I’m lying, looking out at 2 inches of fresh snow. Of course the responsibility and blame is on the Montana and NoDak boys, they do this to spite me. One day, one day, they’ll get theirs. Weather people promise that we only have to wait another week and they will bring us Spring. My name isn’t C. Brown, can’t fool me again and again and again and not expect me not to catch on.
If only that was the worst news.
I’ve put in the time off request to make it to the honey harvest this year. Hasn’t been approved yet, but odds are good.
I’ll try to get over and look at the steel and get some pictures today or tomorrow. Hope you can make HH.
What should I bring? I don’t want to arrive empty-handed.
No need to bring anything, the ladies provide for us. If you have a guitar leave it at home, Pope and Tundra might want to sing.
I dabble in many thing, but I’ve yet to buy a guitar.
#waffle84 5/5
? streak: 4
Feeling better.
Mornin’ Festus,
Sorry to hear about your situation. My advice to you is not to listen to other people’s advice. Do the things you want and can do. Our days are limited but every morning the sun comes up, even if we can’t see it.
Thanks, Dad! Assisted suicide is a thing up here. I can’t live that way.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised…sending emails to congress critters got me on a state voter email list.
You demonstrated that you are “politically engaged”.