It’s a little warm in here.
Akshually, I’m covering for Tonio, who covered for my dumb ass this morning.
Links anyone?
That’s some might fine economy wrangling there, Joe.
Yeah, think he’s ruffled some feathers?
To think it all started with, “Huckleberry Finn”.
I’m tired of living in an old book.
All right. My work here is done. Snark away.
You need training to know when you’re being told to lie and obfuscate?
FDA moves to ban menthol cigarettes, flavored cigars
I foresee a booming Black Market here.
Aren’t there already flavor drops out there for cigarettes to flavor them if you’d like?
Lets not be fast and loosie with the puns here.
I see what you did there.
*narrows gaze*
Don’t walk around in the wrong neighborhood with your face looking like that.
Snigger? Please
Critics slam timing of Biden’s ‘ministry of truth’ to police internet for ‘disinformation’
As though the idea would be OK if it had been proposed at some other time??
Oh, that makes it better. Carry on!
Frederick Douglass’s master returns – they won’t be happy if they can read (and dare to think for themselves).
I thought Madison was a girls’s name
It’s a type of shoe.
I thought “insider trading” was how every Congress creature makes their millions.
“Look, a bird!!”
“It’s a plane.”
/Pelosi’s husband
Let’s not overlook government contracts for family members.
Goddammit Iran, get your shit together and get it done.
Won’t happen until the FBI sets up a sting operation to supply the proper strategy and ordnance.
U.S. GDP fell at a 1.4% pace to start the year as pandemic recovery takes a hit
“Pandemic” recovery…
I remember the news stories from a year or so ago speculating that the end of COVID would bring on the Roaring Twenties, with partying, promiscuity, prosperity, etc.
Pretty much all of us here knew better.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
I’m doing my part!
Pretty sure it’s the “pandemic” response that wrecked the economy, and from which we haven’t recovered.
Add to that the awful economic policies of this administration, and nobody should be surprised.
Heck, a bunch of people still haven’t re-entered the workforce and might never do so.
“The department is spending over $2 million per month to protect Pompeo and one of his top former aides, Brian Hook, and have spent over $13 million to date, according to the report.”
Holding my breath waiting to hear from the people who listed all the “better” things Musk could have spent all that money on.
A Tennessee state lawmaker said he would “burn” books taken out of school libraries during an exchange with another state lawmaker who asked what he proposed doing with the objectionable texts.
Something like this?
Bless Steve Dahl…
But I think he has a prior effort in mind.
That’s the ticket!
I dunno… maybe ask the parents? Or hell, every taxpayer?
There is no reason a school or public library “must” carry any particular book that the taxpayer doesn’t want it to.
From the article about the GAO report and political interference, it sounds like the report said the interference was coming Trump and that he tried to suppress bad information…not exactly the triumph it sounds like initially.
That’s how I read it, too.
CDC and FDA ‘altered’ Covid guidance and even ‘suppressed’ findings while under political pressure, bombshell report suggests: Whistle-blower employees say they feared ‘retaliation’ if they spoke up
Curious. When I had to be at the doctor recently they insisted on the mask because “CDC guidance”. I expressed my disagreement and displeasure.
Receptionist: I’m not going to have a political debate with you.
Me: That is an interesting thing to say isn’t it? You should think about what that means.
My husband was grouchy last week when he was asked to don a mask at the ophthalmologist.
They provided a mask, but it was one of those super annoying ones with four long ties (as opposed to the ear loop type.
While we waited, another man came in maskless and also objected to the mask. The receptionist said that it was required in a medical setting. He corrected them that all the other offices and clinics in the building no longer required them (true—to my surprise). They still made him wear the dang thing.
Interesting that it was men who did the objecting.
Heh – I have a follow-up tomorrow with an ophthalmologist for a recent procedure, and will be forced to mask up. During the procedure she could not get me positioned properly and finally told me to pull the mask down. I guess there is no danger while lasers are firing.
Yeah, the neurologist I saw last week wore his mask under his nose. We both know it was pointless anyway.
He also had me pull the mask down for the basic neurological checks, presumably to make sure my face wasn’t drooping, etc.
When I saw my neurologist a week or two ago, he noticed mine was under my nose and immediatly took his off. I was nice to actually be able to talk to him.
It’s zaps the virus too!
Dumbest is that the dentist still requires you sit around the waiting room with one on, so that you can then go sit in an exam chair with your mouth wide open for half an hour.
I think the CDC never required masks in medical settings, only recommended them.
Which, if there wasn’t any state or local requirement for masks in medical settings, many medical practices chose to interrupt as “masks required”.
I switched to another dentist and eye doctor over masks.
I haven’t had to go to my regular doctor for anything, so I haven’t switched that. We’ll see what happens when I next need to go to my regular doctor.
Back during the height of masking insanity in NH, in the anti-mask/Reopen groups I was involved with, women reported being harassed for not wearing a mask much more often than men were. I got dirty looks and frightened looks when I’d walk into a place without a mask, but no one bothered me. There were a couple of places I caved for but they were in the minority. I always figured the reason for difference in reports of harassment was the obvious: The maskers are bullies and women are easy targets.
Yeah, I’m not proud looking back on how compliant I was.
Medical settings are one of the few places I won’t raise a stink because what am I going to do, walk to the hospital next door?
NH got rid of its Certificate of Need laws but kept around some provisions imposing restrictions on new medical facilities and restrictions on cash-only medical practices. Supposedly there are a handful of the latter in NH. Some legislators I know say they’ve run into problems with the state medical board.
There is a bill working its way through the legislature which would lift the restrictions on cash-only medical practices.
Lift all these restrictions and you might actually be able to go to a hospital next door. Though, the Sun would probably sooner rise in the West.
Cash only is probably opioid related.
No, it’s fee for service type places or membership places.
It’s growing, but not in NH.
I remember Playa talking a while back about using one such place.
OK, so not literal cash.
They also as a rule do not take insurance or Medicare/Medicaid.
Google Surgery Center of Oklahoma
I haven’t had to go to my regular doctor for anything
Correction: Since I had the ‘Rona that is. Pneumonia is… bad.
I had a physical scheduled for this afternoon. They had a sign on the door saying mask required. I didn’t even go in. I called and said I wouldn’t be able to make my appointment because of the sign saying mask required. She asked if I wanted to reschedule and I said they can call me when masks are not required. I won’t play along anymore.
I’m so excited that a government with a long history of lying to its citizens (*cough* Iraq *cough*) is now taking control of what is considered the truth. And putting it in the hands of an agency with guns and the ability to arrest people.
That GAO report (poorly reported on by the dailyfail) is actually worse than you think. It reeks of bureaucratic elitism when in fact policymaking is political, not a science. What they are really arguing is shut up and let the bureaucrats tell the political appointees what to do – when it is the appointees who are accountable to the president, not the civil service types.
That’s what I got from the article too. Definitely not the triumph our biases would have us believe.
Well of course the only problem they had was with the direction the political pressure came from.
Democracy means having unelected experts running everything.
Rep. Madison Cawthorn may have violated federal insider trading laws as he hyped up an alleged pump-and-dump cryptocurrency scheme, multiple watchdog groups told the Washington Examiner.
I expect Nancy P. is next up for an investigation?
Yeah, think he’s ruffled some feathers?
Can’t have the plebs finding out about the elite, drug-fueled sex parties.
I guess like Epstein’s Island, everybody is encouraged to do it so they can use it against you if you step out of line.
Cry about it.
.@chucktodd wails that GOP is “gonna get power based on a lie” in midterms, whines that voters don’t care about January 6th “at all”
Because the J6 narrative it s lie, you cunte.
Not even pretending to be a journalist.
GOP is “gonna get power based on a lie”
Lies, not lie. Lies about the economy, the pandemic, the war(s), the laptop… He’s not wrong.
Cause nothing else is swinging voters across the aisle Chucky? Just your J6 fantasy land?
“…don’t care…” is wrong. Whole buncha establishment R’s quietened down on it when they found out that most of their constituents are perfectly fine with the Jan 6th events.
Have they repeated the lie that Jan 6 was a violent coup long enough that they believe it themselves now?
The faithful must have articles of faith.
Wait til they find out about all the other things the voters don’t care about at all as they’re struggling to put food on the table but which the left keeps hyping for some mysterious reason.
They got the food part figured out with all the processing plant sabota – uh – accidents.
“‘I saw you for what you are – a predator of the defenseless’: Child rape victims tear apart ex-Boston police union chief who CRIES in court as he’s caged for 13 years for crimes against seven- to 16-year-olds”
Patrick Rose Sr., 67, pleaded guilty to 21 counts of child rape and sexual assault that occurred over a 27-year period, involving victims ranging in age from 7 to 16″
“EXCLUSIVE: Teen boy, 14, charged with the rape and murder of his cousin Lily Peters is pictured for the first time as it’s revealed he’s the son of a convicted pedophile who was caught with a stash of disturbing child porn”
WTF is wrong with people?
That Lily Peters story is horrific. I do not recommend reading the details of the child porn that the killer’s father had.
Yesterday they reported that she was beaten, murdered, and raped by her 14 year old cousin, but the fact that his father was a convicted pedophile only came out today. Pretty sure that had something to do with how messed up his son is.
I do not recommend reading the details of the child porn that the killer’s father had.
Listen to HE. Don’t be like me and read the descriptions anyway. Listen to HE.
See also Uday, Qusay, Hunter, etc.
On a lighter but relevant note:
“You start by building a regular robot, then you molest it and hope it continues the cycle”
Quite the element of truth, there.
I screwed up and read the article. Both father and son need to be put down.
They are both beyond redemption. Euthanasia would break the cycle.
13 years for raping multiple children, including a 7 year old? What? That’s death sentence right there. And would carried out by the victims in a just world.
well, hopefully it’s true that other prisoners will take care of these people since the “justice” system doesn’t. Disgusting.
The 14 year old will probably get Juvie, with his lawyers pointing to his father as having made his son a “victim” too.
And then he will get out of juvie and just continue the cycle of sick crime against children.
Like this charmer?
I wonder how many more murders he can commit before he turns 18.
He’s just misunderstood.
And there are lots of Democrats that want to restore his right to vote.
There are lots of Democrats who are perfectly happy to enable his abuse of children too. Anything to shatter the system.
A Boston priest sent to prison for kiddie diddling didn’t last long. Justice done by a guy in for life with no parole. He was pretty open about it. He may have had his sentence extended.
Bummer. He’s screwed for his next life too.
I hate the cowardice of the judicial system relying on thugs to dispense justice. The criminal that does it is likely a stellar POS too. If you are going to sentence someone to death, have some balls and own it. But then, maybe the system will protect his sorry ass. They may even bring him an underage treat or two.
He should be injected with blood thinners for a few days and one of his victims should get to shoot his junk off.
Its not really true. Now if an inmate were to go around bragging about molesting kids or whatever, yeah he’d probably get tuned up. But one that doesnt really talk about it? Probably not much. One thing that surprised me after starting with the DOC is just how many are in on pedophile-related charges.
I’m not going to read the article, but why are you blaming the poor minor-attracted person? Are you some kind of MAPophobe? He’s the real victim here. A victim of societal oppression.
This is next. After child genital mutilation becomes normalized.
I’m not worried about the AI takeover 20 years from now. The mutilated young adults, however….
It’s already here.
When I was a young naive 20 something, I understood the impulse the left has to try to humanize all criminals and make excuses for their behavior. Once you grow up and become an adult, you learn that the important thing isn’t understanding these kinds of criminals – even if you hope they could be rehabilitated – need to be locked up not because of what they’ve done or why they did it, but to protect society at large from these kinds of crimes that create self perpetuating cycles. I get that everyone went overboard in the 80’s & 90’s with complete over-criminalization of everything, but the current trend on the left and a lot of libertarians of proving what a nice person you are by rationalizing & forgiving every criminal act is the biggest over-reaction imaginable. If they can’t look at San Francisco and see the tangible results of this mentality and what it does to society, I just don’t even know what to say.
In the words of H. I. McDunnough, “Now I don’t know how you come down on the incarceration question. Whether it’s for rehabilitation or revenge. But I was beginning to think that revenge is the only argument makes any sense.”
It makes sense in that the human impulse for revenge exists. If the State doesn’t fulfill it, then there is no reason for the State to exist with its monopoly on violence.
When the State fails to fulfill that, people will take it upon themselves to do so.
This is not a moral judgement of the situation, just an observation. If the State wants to retain legitimacy in the eyes of the public, it needs to at least appear to exact justice/vengeance. To do otherwise is a huge mistake for wannabe authoritarians. All of which means that the people who run San Francisco do not understand how things work when people become desperate.
They have every intention of exacting revenge, they just need to distribute a bit of chaos to destabilize the current order so they can seize power. For reference see: Shirts, Brown and/or Guard, Red.
And in the words of a guy in H.I. McDunnough’s prison therapy group, “Well, sometimes I get the menstrual cramps real hard.”
Your quote is more relevant and thought provoking, but no where near as funny.
Right, at best SF is just a crystal ball that shows ten minutes into the future of the rest of them.
It’s not just the major cities, either. Waterloo Iowa, when I lived there briefly in the early Eighties, already had a bad reputation. Locals called it “Little Chicago.” From what I hear, it’s gotten worse.
In the early phase the White House was accused of waging a war on science, with then-president Donald Trump repeatedly pushing for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports to be amended to support his views, as shown in emails made public by congressional investigators last April.
That’s what I was waiting for. I read the rest of the article, but it is what I expected. The dastardly political interference came from Trump!
And the answer is to train the staff to be more resistant to political control!
Rep. Madison Cawthorn may have violated federal insider trading laws as he hyped up an alleged pump-and-dump cryptocurrency scheme, multiple watchdog groups told the Washington Examiner.
On Dec. 29, the beleaguered North Carolina congressman posed at a party with James Koutoulas, a hedge fund manager and the ringleader of the Let’s Go Brandon cryptocurrency, a meme coin set up in the wake of the chant mocking President Joe Biden.
The Deep State really doesn’t like him.
Wasn’t this the guy that tattled on them about getting invited to Eyes Wide Shut parties? First rule of libertine club is you don’t talk about libertine club. The second rule is, if it’s your first term, you have to fuck (even if you’re legs don’t work)…….so we can have some incriminating footage to blackmail you with in perpetuity.
On the plus side, that incident lead to one of the greatest Twitter threads of all time.
Drunken Ben Dreyfuss is hilarious (even if his politics suck)
I think that guy has a really serious drinking problem. Every time he’s been on Fifth Column (when I could at least tolerate Matt Welch) he would get absolutely hammered and have multiple several minute long slurred outbursts. They were sometimes kind of funny, but I got the impression that he was like that all the time. Plus, I can’t stand it when asshats like him born with a golden spoon in his mouth because his dad was good at playing dress up lecture me about economics. He’s only relevant because of daddy and still the best gig he could get was with Mother Jones.
Various Fifth Column guests annoy me but I find it’s a good exercise to listen to them anyway (mostly).
Last (free) episode was great – sober lady was very nice to drunken Moynahan.
Last time I gave it a chance when Matt Taibbi was on and Welch was basically for everything that would lead to war with Russia. TDS broke that guy past the point of no return.
TDS just caused many to reveal their true nature.
Welch is the weakest link, for sure. Did you know he lived in Prague?
Kmele would be most at home here. Moynahan leans further left but is honest about things. Plus he’s hilarious.
He posed with someone?
…which is why I made a point of buying a hard copy of the “comprehensive edition” of same a while back. Also hard copies of some of the “Little House” books, because apparently L.I. Wilder wasn’t “woke.” (Note to self: need to acquire the rest of the series before they’re memory-holed.)
Better get To Kill a Mockingbird. That, too, is apparently to offensive for modern sensibilities. I mean, how dare a white lawyer defend an accused black man in court…
::adds to list::
Speaking of which, has anyone here read the published-just-a-few-years-ago “sequel” of sorts, Go Set a Watchman? Any good?
Didn’t read it but iirc the reviews were pretty mixed, plus the issue that it was possibly an early draft published without her consent. Or it was sort of coerced, maybe, I forget the details.
I don’t think they are planning to “ban” those books entirely; they are saying some of them shouldn’t be in school libraries where young kids can get them without supervision.
And they aren’t talking about Huckleberry Finn and Mockingbird. They are talking about some of the new LBGTQ+ early sexualization books and books that tell white kids that they are racists.
Bingo. The lefties are deliberately conflating the two issues so they can con gullible people into thinking this is “book banning” akin to the school board meeting scene in Field of Dreams
Also hard copies of some of the “Little House” books, because apparently L.I. Wilder wasn’t “woke.”
Oh no! Mrs. Patzer will throw a fit. Need to order them immediately (will work nicely as a Mother’s day gift).
Yup. Her name was removed from a literary prize that had been named in her honor, apparently because Ma said mean things about the
Indiansnoble Native Americans.Good grief. That is ridiculous.
What’s next, the Caldecott Award? Randolph Caldecott was a fox hunter after all.
said mean things about the Indians noble Native Americans.
Well, I’m native born, but probably not noble. No offense taken.
We bought the book set when we were at the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum last fall.
[TW: gender traitor]
We have also acquired the box set of the TV show.
We need a Glib clearinghouse to supply a variety of works to be hidden from the fascist-commies. Whoever is the prime buyer can sell collections in lots, and then quietly disappear. I have a spare room in my basement.
Even a real doctor won’t save you from the medical tyranny.
After the Wellness Center denied her request for a medical exemption, Puentes became sick again, vomiting and experiencing diarrhea and shortness of breath for consecutive days. Puentes told the Thinker that when she visited her college’s Wellness Center, her college’s Director of Health Services, Angela Stefanatos, asked, “Are you here because you don’t want to get the booster or because you’re truly sick?”
Puentes then contacted her primary care physician, Dr. Thomas M. Nelson, to discuss her concerns that her health problems are associated with the COVID vaccine. On April 11, Dr. Nelson wrote a letter to Union College, expressing that in his opinion, Puentes should “be granted an exception from receiving the booster COVID vaccine.” He further wrote, “She currently is in an unfavorable state of health, presumably caused by the vaccine itself and getting this vaccine is ill-advised.”
A day later, Puentes sent Dr. Nelson’s letter to Stefanatos. In response, Stefanatos told Puentes that her request for a medical exemption had been denied because the “vaccine is not associated with gastritis” and there “is no evidence in the literature that vaccination for [COVID] weakens the immune system.”
Except Pfizer lists it as a possible side-effect. The vax nazis are evil.
Stefanatos also said that Puentes has a “choice” to go to college, that Puentes can get the Moderna vaccine if she does not want to get the Pfizer vaccine, and that it is riskier for Puentes to get COVID than it is for her to get the vaccine.
Whew, where is that evidence for a 20 year old?
One is a risk that is near impossible to go out and get (unless you go to a sick persons house and suck on their face) the other you are allowing it to be put into you.
Seems to me the original agreement to attend the school did not include experimental injections.
Or maybe it did because she was a sophomore. Still fucked up.
mmmm… fried potatoes.??
*drawls* I laihk them French fried ‘taters, mhhh hmmm
Did Stelter fall asleep in the tanning booth again?
Is anyone else getting a ton of errors?
No, but I’m trying to motivate myself to write. I took a break to have dinner.
In WordPress? No. I just finished a Tuesday post so I could be all caught up. No issues.
I give you, the future capital of Libertopia:
Do you guys want to try to pool our resources? How many glibs does it take to make a million dollars?
One, with a 3D printer.
I overheard a couple of younger guys at the restaurant last night who were looking at some movie schedule – they had never heard of “To Live And Die in LA”.
I wanted to jump into their conversation – “it’s great! the counterfeiting scenes alone are worth it!”
Over what sort of timeframe? I probably have made a million dollars. Sadly, I had to spend it on stupid stuff like food and housing.
Holy Mary Mother of God!
I’d just live in the “guesthouse.”
I’m thinking the main house would be a freakin’ awesome movie location. You could do other amazing stuff, like some really high-end vacuum-the-money-out-of-hipsters’-pockets concerts, conferences and so forth.
Plus, a 350-acre private island? Yes, please.
I guess this aid package makes sense if Key-ev gets the Berlin treatment.
Abortion pills and emergency contraception are being sent to Ukraine as reports of rape since Russia’s invasion continue to rise.
Emergency contraception had been widely available in Ukraine, but the war has destroyed local supply chains and displaced many Ukrainians.
We are just funding another nation to be a nation at this point.
It’s not just any other nation. It’s the ruling class’s new Swiss bank account. If it falls, they’ll find a whole new country to install a puppet government in and setup vast channels of infrastructure projects and institutions that serve as money laundry schemes to enrich the “families” of Congress critters’ children and their businesses that said critters are “completely uninvolved” in. That could take two to three years to and enormous sums of tax payer dollars. I’m mean they’ll certainly do it without a second’s thought about the morality of it all, but it just seems like you shouldn’t have to work that hard to grift. It misses the point of grifting.
Sending abortion pills is to further a narrative of raping and pillaging by the Russians.
They be better served to send those pills wherever the UN peacekeeping forces are stationed.
Always good advice.
I’m getting this weird error where it won’t let me post something, even without a link.
Ex-twitter employees infiltrated WordPress?
Another unintended consequence of the buyout. I mean sure, a solid 70% will just hurl themselves off a tall building, unable to cope with the trauma that would certainly haunt them every waking moment if they foolishly tried to endure, but the other 30% will have to find some employment until AOC rightly wins the god emperor’s throne and makes working totes optional.
Because Team Blue is for the little guy.
Virginia Senate Democrats voted to kill Republican governor Glenn Youngkin’s proposed gas tax holiday even as the state’s average gas price inches back up to four dollars.
All 11 Democrats on the Finance and Appropriations Committee voted Wednesday against Youngkin’s proposal, which would have waived the Old Dominion’s gas tax for 90 days. One Republican, state senator Emmett Hanger, joined the Democrats to block the tax holiday, 7News DC’s Nick Minock reported.
Instead they wanted to subsidize people per vehicle owned. Because that makes sense.
It makes sense politically by putting money in certain peoples pockets rather than you know, equally provide relief via lower taxes.
The end times are nigh! Cats are sleeping with dogs!
Those who voted against seizing oligarchs’ assets were Reps. Cori Bush, D-Mo.; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.; Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.; Madison Cawthorn, R-N.C.; Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.; Thomas Massie; R-Ky.; and Chip Roy, R-Texas.
That would be an interesting OnlyFans
How do we know it was corruption? Well, our government says so, right? Don’t you believe them?
Now let’s do DC.
That would also be an interesting, less appetizing OnlyFans. It’d at least do the free trial.
It’s getting damned hard to see how the US and other European countries aren’t aggressing against Russia and Russian citizens.
Before someone jumps in with Russia started this with Ukraine, I’ll preemptively state that I don’t see how this is cause or reason for the US to become involved. Russia is going to be just as justified in defending itself from America as Ukraine is for defending itself from Russia. Are there any good actors left in the world?
Are there any good actors left in the world?
Well, McConaughey is alright (alright alright) but he kinda just plays himself in every movie.
Oh, you meant…no, at least not in this conflict. Everyone involved is assho.
The Amish?
To say otherwise would be misinformation.
:: taps DHS badge ::
I can’t possibly see this backfiring on Americans in the future
Next on the agenda: Horse Flu
An “unknown yet highly contagious and sometimes fatal disease” has plagued a federal wild horse holding facility in Colorado, killing 67 horses.
The Cañon City facility, located 115 miles south of Denver, is under voluntary quarantine due to the outbreak, the Bureau of Land Management said in a news release. The facility is home to 2,550 wild horses rounded up from rangelands.
The outbreak began April 23 and the agency is working with local, state and federal officials to determine exactly what caused the deaths, according to the release. Horses gathered from the West Douglas area last fall have been the most impacted by the disease, the BLM said.
The end is neigh.
I’m gonna keep my blinders on.
This is going to spur a narrow gaze.
No reason to make hay of it
We’re still going to have to pony up when the bill comes due.
You need to keep watching for the mane chance.
Horses gathered from the West Douglas area last fall have been the most impacted by the disease, the BLM said.
Fake news. Everyone knows only privileged white folk can afford to own horses.
Deworm The Police
I lived in Canon for several years, lot of prisons and stupid hunters, as in Stupid Hunters,
Sara Jessica Parker hardest hit.
Bartender to Sara: “Why the long face?”
“ U.S. GDP fell at a 1.4% pace to start the year as pandemic recovery takes a hit”
The economy is in recovery just like Hunter Biden is in recovery as he books the Belushi villa at the Château Mormont with a couple Russian hookers and a mess of crack.
And in related news SloJoe today remarked that he “wasn’t concerned about the possibility of a recession.”
Well that’s reassuring.
My dictate to my wife has been to start stocking up. Food has just started to get expensive. We haven’t even felt the effects of Ukraine yet.
Argh, that Putin
I’m sure the Biden admin is working on the new National diet plan.
“25 ways to prepare fresh cicada”
What do we do for the next 16 years?
“25 great recipes for houseflies”
Make a new plan, Stan.
Stock up on pet food too if you have pets.
Or if you don’t. When I was working on a purchase order system for a grocery chain, we’d track historical sales for various items. Cat food sales spiked around the beginning of each month, coinciding with the distribution of government largesse to the elderly and indigent. For the kitties or the old ladies? Never did figure that out.
Didn’t someone figure out that cat food is much more expensive, and less appetizing, than many people food items? So the whole meme about old folks forced to eat dog or cat food is just b.s.
No kidding! I just left Petco, and they’ve been having a hell of a time keeping stocked with the Iams that at least used to be produced locally. (Don’t know if it still is.)
Of course he isn’t concerned — he’s gonna be worm-food before the inflation really starts to get rollin’.
I don’t get why you want more coal powered cars on the street.
California and 15 states that want the U.S. Postal Service to electrify its mail delivery vehicles are suing to halt purchases of thousands of gas-powered trucks as the agency modernizes its delivery fleet.
Three separate lawsuits, filed by the states and environmental groups Thursday in New York and California, ask judges to order a more thorough environmental review before the Postal Service moves forward with the next-generation delivery vehicle program.
Plaintiffs contend that purchases of fossil fuel-powered delivery vehicles will cause environmental harm for decades to come.
*wonders if there are any SLAPP carve outs for states*
No worries, it’s not as if there aren’t already problems with California’s existing power grid.
Oh, wait….
That’s gonna fricken hilarious when the USPS causes blackouts all over the state.
(think about it – all their vehicles will be charging at the same time LOL)
How the fuck can they have standing?
I’m not a lawyer, but I don’t think one can have a planet as a client.
Funny how my answer to everything is to buy more ammo.
What’s shakin’ in Idaho? Spring arrive yet?
Yeah, think he’s ruffled some feathers?
Another conspiracy theory verified.
Great song! Man, Dickey could play. Another one I love.
There’s something about the Almans that always brings back such good memories. Aw, what the fuck – My favorite.
One more from the Allman’s, my personal favorite.
Fuck. Back story to that song is that the title was an inscription on a headstone in a cemetery where Dickie Betts was gettin’ down with a young lady.
Good one.
Is anybody but the vaxxed and boosted even test positive these days?
Maine governor tests positive for COVID-19 after 2nd booster
The vaxxed and boosted are probably way more enthusiastic about repeated, needless testing.
I’m officially in “living out of a suitcase” mode – all my clothes are packed for storage or import into the RV.
I have an address I can use to get Starlink when I’m ready.
Congratulations! I’m excited to read about your adventures!
Sweet! May I propose a theme song?
I would have suggested this.
Watching an Allstate commercial. Dean Winters is a criminally underrated and under-employed comedic actor.
+1 “tens and tens of views”
That’s an opportunity. If he’s under-employed that means he’s got more time for road trips in your RV. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
I really liked him in L&O SVU
You watched Law & Order?
All three of them. SVU was my least favorite of the three. I bailed when it became the Oliva Benson (Mariska Hargitay) show.
I wonder what word I’m typing is getting blocked when I try to post a comment about “bad actors in this world”.
Is it my imagination, or did car rentals just become ridiculously expensive? It’s like $100/day for the low end cars.
Not your imagination. Ridiculously expensive.
Yep. It’s been like that for almost a year and a half. The car rental companies downsized their fleets in mid 2020. And then everybody started flying to Florida.
I’m far enough away from Florida that driving to Tampa area, instead of flying and then renting a car for a week, adds four nights of hotels and meals for a round trip…but it still comes out about half the price of flying and renting. Maybe if lots of people stop coming to see the Mouse, the car rental companies will have plenty of inventory sitting in their lots and will lower the prices?
Last call for Quordle scores, DQR goes live as soon as l0b0t gets his number in.
I can’t wait. I have/had today’s word.
Lewdle ?? 100 4/6
Malice is brutal.
But not as brutal as that clip. What the everloving fuck?
I can’t figure out why this site won’t let me post something.
Sorry. I am about to drop off, Lake Texoma has bad reception. You all enjoy the film tonight!
Thanks, RJ!
Thanks RJ!
“something in quotes”
I’d give this a passing grade.
Someone check the log please, because this is the weirdest glitch ever.
“Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator at webmaster@glibertarians.com to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.”
Same here when I attempted to say something about the US sticking its dick in Ukraine.
This was about the price of lettuce in Australia. It won’t let me post the link or post quotes from the article. Which seems oddly specific.
So, I was doing some research from where the term “rock and roll” originated, and discovered that the first mention of “rock and roll” as a euphemism for intimate carnal relations was from a folk song called, “The Baffled Knight”, or “Blow Ye Wonds in the Morning”.
Here is the transcript of the song, collected by folklorist James Madison Carpenter. The singer was William Fender, a retired Welsh sailor.
The gist of the song is the Knight (in some versions a shepherd) sees a pretty young lady (she is in some versions bathing in the river). He tries the pick-up line, “Please have intimate carnal relations with me or I will die.” She replies, “At least take me to my house, where we can be comfortable.” When they get to her house, though, she runs inside and slams the door in his face, then mocks him for being a gullible buffoon. In some versions, she adds that she never said “no” to a roll in the hay. He pulls out his “nut-brown sword” and wipes the rust off his sleeve, and says something along the lines of “I hate you.” Then, he advises other lusty young men to not worry about spoiling a lady’s nice clothes, but “lay her body flat in the ground.”
There is a long version where he continually happens upon her, says he will have his will of her, but she fools him every time, and then mocks him.
Here is a version of the song, but without the mention of “rock and roll”:
And here is an alternate tune (this version was used in “Assassin’s Creed: LeChuck’s Revenge”:
The link doesn’t work. Dang it. This internet thing is getting to be a bother.
Sorry for the clutter. This link should be the transcript. If it doesn’t work, will the powers that be please delete.
Ic am be seen by clicking the above link and swiping the screen leftward.
“Food has just started to get expensive. We haven’t even felt the effects of Ukraine yet.”
Maybe the narrative is beginning to change. The local NBC outlet just had a segment, interviewing California farmers, about the “drought emergency” in the West.
Supposedly, the snow melt isn’t enough to give farmers what they need so crop prices are going to skyrocket. Blamed, of course, on “climate change” with implication those damned Republicans refuse to pass stringent legislation to stop use of fossil fuels. Not being a Californian, I don’t know about the lack of reservoir building to capture snow melt or amount of water that must be released due to hydroelectric generation. Perhaps serious environmentalists would advocate more nuclear power, thus allowing hydro plants to avoid releasing water when it needs to be stored for potential agricultural use? And build more dams and reservoirs so less snow melt runs off into the Pacific?
California is too crazy to even recognize the damage they’ve done to their agricultural base.
Climate change ate my homework.
we’ve had 3 dry years in a row. There’s no political will to build new dams. 50% of the water is reserved for the snail darter or whatever fish is today’s excuse. Oh yeah, it’s the delta smelt. But water prices to the farmers are probably too low too. It’s foolish to grow rice and cotton in such a dry climate. As for climate change, maybe that has something to do with it, but I’ve seen studies that show that the short period of time that Europeans, especially Americans, have been in CA have been unusually wet, and that we are just reverting to the norm. Nuclear power plants might be useful to power desalination plants, but we’re shutting down the nukes too.
The rice farming in California was always bonkers. Let Louisiana do that.
I want Elon to buy Yahoo next and force them to turn the comments section back on. I miss the ratios.
And expose Yahoo’s know-nothing columnists to criticism? You’re a monster!
Daily Quordle 94
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(The ‘It’s a start’ Edition)
Fatty Bolger 18
Grumbletarian 18
Not Adahn 18
TARDis 18
Ghostpatzer 19
Sean 19
Bobarian LMD 20
cyto 21
db 22
The Hyperbole 22
whiz 22
MikeS 23
Name’s BEAM, James BEAM 23
Tundra 23
kinnath 24
Ted S. 113
SDF-7 115
rhywun 121
18 players, 36.61111111 average, for the first time this week we have more players under the Tundra line than over. Yesterday’s stern but fair pep talk produced results. Also for the first time in the modern era Ted S. has chumped, I repeat Ted S. has chumped. I mention this not to mock Ted S. (that’s just a bonus) But to give hope to all you denizens of Chumptown – If Ted S. can Chump you can Champ, I believe in you!
After The First That Will Change Everything, Quordle will be banned.
And there it is folks, Bro exposes his totalitarian tendencies. First = Fascist. I believe under the new rule we are now allowed to punch Firsters.
The one assigning rules, numbers, and rankings to posters on things that have nothing to do with their Firstness is the fascist.
I am the real Antifa.
Glibs are free to play Quordle, they are free to post their scores, other Glibs are free to gather that information and create their own Quordle ranking system. My system has proven itself in the market place of ideas and has become the Glib standard. That is the way markets work, fascist like bro do not understand that, and that is why they are Asshoe.
This is just the latest in a growing patchwork of reports suggesting politicians influenced ‘scientific’ papers during the pandemic for their own ends.
That could never happen.
Apparently, whales developed their “songs” from yodeling.
That link lacks sugar.
It does, indeed.
Try this: https://m.theepochtimes.com/fossils-of-giant-marine-reptiles-found-high-in-the-swiss-alps_4434071.html