ELON MUSK WANTS TO BUY TWITTER, WHINY WHINERS WHINE WHINILY: First there’s Axios, who pretentiously and laughably describe themselves as “Smart Brevity worthy of people’s time, attention and trust.” Next comes “Justice Correspondent” Elie Mystal who, predictably, just repeats the phrase “racist white man;” note that they lowercase “white” and capitalizes “Black” in the response to their own tweet. Then there’s CUNY journalism professor Jeff Jarvis (illustration below) who is clearly overwrought. Speaking of pretentious, Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD, vaccine scientist, author, and grifter totally knows how Musk could better spend his money; note that one of his suggestions involves funding the medical center where Mr Professor Doctor Hotez works. Special shoutout to Hotez fan Anne M. Coulter who thinks Musk “[p]robably leans libertarian – free speech means unregulated disinformation and hate.” Crikey, she’s on to us! Finally, voice of reason Auron MacIntyre observes that “libs are processing the buyout of Twitter through the only two lenses available to them WW II and Marvel movies.”
TRIAL BALLOON? SF Chronicle: Colleagues worry Dianne Feinstein is now mentally unfit to serve, citing recent interactions. This doesn’t happen overnight; the significant thing is that they are publicly admitting it so as to get out ahead of the issue to better control it. I also see this as laying the groundwork for the eventual dumping of President Biden on the grounds of mental incapacity.
WHY SEND ANYONE? Politico: The Biden administration is holding internal discussions about sending a high-level official to Kyiv to show further support to Ukraine. It’s a war zone, and it’s not our war. They are up to something.
PORN FOR PARANOIDS: “The most toxic young adult book ever written.” -Amazon Reviewer vfrickey, 2013. I read this book when I was in high school and it has been much on my mind recently. Unfortunately, it’s not on Kindle.
THERE IS NO DEEP STATE, except when there is and we’re damn grateful for it. -Slate
SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS: Especially if the animal’s owner is POTUS.
ARE SHEEP NOT ENOUGH? Four men in India arrested for having sex with a monitor lizard. The case was taken to the Indian Penal Court.

Whiny, petulant, and incorrect. But we keep running this illo to remind everyone that these people exist and hate progress and their betters.
PRIVATE ASTRONAUTS, NOT SPACE TOURISTS: But this will still piss off the people who shared the above illustration on their social media.
STILL CAN’T GET IT UP: While SpaceX continues to fly crewed missions and launch satellites, Boeing needs a valve job.
COOL AF, HOPE IT WORKS: Rocketlab plans to test mid-air booster recovery using a helicopter. That would make Rocketlab the second company to reuse boosters. Full disclosure: I am a Rocketlab investor.
FRANCE REVOKES STARLINK SPECTRUM LICENSE: Claim French telecoms regulator ARCEP should have launched a public consultation before authorizing Starlink. Or maybe they’re really afraid that they can’t censor or cut off satellite internet.
(*) The ending of the video was improvised when the Shatner impersonator didn’t show for the wedding scene shoot.
Doesn’t CUNY have a T in it? Firsting like I meant it.
You don’t mean it.
Don’t sink to that level.
Firsthalla sounded so nice though! I got excited.
Missed it by that much.
And it was a legit First, you win a prize!
/What do we have for him Tonio!
He wins a long-overdue email from me!
Nice! Also from a previous thread there was interest in what the inflation rate would be if the pre-1990s equation was used. I found some charts!
Ah, that was linked in that thread.
It is there. It is broken with the middle slumping.
because all the racist white man wants to do with it is make it easier for his friends to be racist.
Freedom of speech is just a dogwhistle for racism. Everyone knows that.
Oh and Tonio – Mystal is a guy, sorta.
Eek! Thanks for the correction. Fixed above.
“Finally, voice of reason Auron MacIntyre observes that “libs are processing the buyout of Twitter through the only two lenses available to them WW II and Marvel movies.”
That shit has been Twitter all day. Although I’m sure I could find a Harry Potter reference if I bothered too look.
Elon as Emporor of the Solar System!
Look, I enjoy Elon’s shenanigans and spitting in the face of the elites as much as the next guy, but let’s not forget that the guy got to where he is by gleefully being a crony capitalist. Plus do you really want to trust the judgement of a man that made the conscious decision to impregnate Grimes multiple times?
“Plus do you really want to trust the judgement of a man that made the conscious decision to impregnate Grimes multiple times?”
That sounds like good breeding to me. They’re both very smart, but Grimes is sort of the opposite of autistic.
“Colleagues worry Dianne Feinstein is now mentally unfit to serve”
She was a complete asshole even when she was mentally fit to be a complete asshole.
I’m learning to let the hate flow through me. Particularly when it comes to emaciated authoritarian women with Adam’s apples.
I thought she was more right wing than that.
She’s an opportunist twat that desperately wants to remain relevant.
I think this is a different person. Right-wing figure is Ann (no “e”) H Coulter; the woman above is Anne M Coulter.
I stand by my remarks. NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!
Is it her real quote? I didn’t see a link.
Click on the Hotez link and scroll down. I’m not on the Twitter and don’t know how to deep link her reply.
free speech means unregulated disinformation and hate
I must be doing something wrong.
I’m learning to let the hate flow through me.
Darklibertarian Side of theForcepolitical spectrum is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.They are up to something.
They are going to false flag un into WWIII
The whole thing is stupid. We’re supposed to simultaneously believe that Putin is Hitler and Russia is going to invade all of Eastern Europe and that it’s safe to send pols into Kiev.
They just want to have us taxpayers pour billions into arms manufacturing (which congress is heavily invested in) for the benefit of saintly innocent Ukraine.
GA wins big, notice that?
Or maybe they place the same value on the lives of politicians as I do?
Speaking of which… Exactly one reporter went in search of the reported “genocide” in Mariupol.
Talking to the locals, it sounds like the Ukrainian army has mortar teams shooting at the Russians then moving. They set themselves up right next to buildings full of civilians – and eventually the Russians backtracked them and returned fire.
So what is France going to do about those satellites? Good luck with that one.
Issue daily fines to cover their defecit.
The satellites overhead are half of it. The receivers on the ground are what France will prohibit and issue fines for.
If they can find them.
This appears to be more of a restriction on the populace than it is on StarLink.
There are two different ground receivers – the consumer terminal and the ISP (connected to the rest of the internet). The latter is easily identified/controlled.
The ground station doesn’t connect to the rest of the internet locally. It’s meant to be a truly remote package.
Your Starlink terminal connects to a ground hub via the satellites. That ground hub has the connections to the rest of the internet. You just never see it anymore than you see the other mainlines that interconnect, you only know your own last-mile connect.
Depends on where the ground station is located.
I haven’t dug into the Starlink system, but the backhaul could be through multiple satellite hops to a ground station on the far side of the planet.
The only thing that France can be guaranteed to control is the consumer channel.
Currently all starlink service is 1 sat hop… Consumer terminal -> Sat -> ground and back. All backhaul is fiber.
all new (launched in the past year) satellites that have inter sat lasers, but there are not enough of them to cover the transoceanic or polar areas.
I’m pretty sure they don’t do sat-to-sat hops – it would really cut into bandwidth and increase latency.
Thank you Dr Lawn
They are working on inter-sat, but that won’t be complete until Starship is tested and they can really get lots of satellites up.. it took them 1.5 years for the 1st shell.
The big $$ will be the high speed traders, the satellite lasers will be faster and more direct than the transoceanic fiber lines. The speed of light in a vacuum is higher than fiber. He will probably make 50% of the profits there. And the airlines, and shipping.
As of about 6 weeks ago they enabled roaming, where you can use your dish outside of your home cell. They have not released a formal mobile rig for RV’s boats etc.. Some people are using the fixed dishes with various hacks.
KK, you will probably want to look into mobile routers for your RV.. I use the peplink systems:
Multiple cellular modems, WIFI as wan and wired networking.
Austin Powers –
SharksSatellites with lasersThat is an interesting question. The satellites know where they are so it would be technically possible to program them turn off the transceivers while over France. They could also close accounts with billing addresses in France, deny access to ground terminals located in France, etc. You don’t want to fuck with a sovereign nation, no matter how rich you are.
It would seem to make sense to get a postal box in another country and run your billing through there. Unless there’s GPS reporting capabilities on the earthbound stations, I don’t see how Starlink can differentiate between customers.
The service is supplied in each cell
Map here https://www.starlink.com/map
Starlink will stop transmitting/receiving in the France cells.. you *could* sneak in some border cells as the signals will overlap for about 10-15 miles, but that it it.. This isn’t like the geostationary sats that have a much wider aperture.
Oh, zank you, Herr Doktor!
That clarifies it. Thanks
Knowing Elon – since this is two way – I’m betting there is a way for him to know the position. Could be as simple as knowing what satellite was in use at what time.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t GPS for legitimate reasons so that it could try to find the best satellite as quickly as possible.
The case was taken to the Indian Penal Court.
The path to justice is long and hard.
What just happened was observed, but not measured,
At least you are principled.
He also seems suspiciously certain.
Mr. Lizard didn’t deserve the shafting.
But on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the experience?
Customer Feedback Vindaloop
Is this for posterity?
I guess that’s one way to get some tail.
I suspect he’ll get off when the scales of justice lean into him.
Turley is on a tear.
Reich got shorted both physically and mentally. He seemed likeable until he opens his mouth.
Thanks for the lynx, Tonio.
Man, the masks are coming off today.
Elon may have touched a nerve.
They’re going nuclear!
Based on two totally unrelated maps I saw today, there is a strong correlation between location of nuke reactors and high rates of pedestrian deaths.
+1 Tyler Vigen
You’re welcome.
That map is effed-up.
Speaking to Virginia nuclear generating plants: Map pin for North Anna and Surry plants are nowhere near the actual locations.
It’s weird, but they put a pin on top of a pin to indicate the presence of a second reactor at a facility.
LOL! It was’t even what I meant to link.
And the fact that it’s a fedgov site makes the mistakes even better!
Here’s what it was supposed to be:
Elon just slipped to number 2.
Of course they did.
I wonder what Dorsey is going to do.
It depends. Was his regret genuine? If so, his support for Elon could make it interesting.
Either way, this is a fun distraction from the admin lying us into a world war.
Mobile reactors? How else can the workers get lunch if they can’t drive to downtown Richmond?
Yeah, the pins are a bit off.
MI has a reactor right in the middle of the Big Lake, who knew?
Those map pins are off.
I provide the Slate lede a few days ago, but did not link the article out of respect for my fellow Glibs. Tonio brings it today.
Thanks, bro.
You are so very welcome.
So SS agents are supposed to take bullets AND dog bites? ?
It was probably the leg humping that really annoyed them.
Somebody really should get the Pres some new meds.
Maybe he really has rabies.
What? Nothing for Diane? Misogyny is a bitch.
I’m baffled as to why the protection details haven’t cleared out the P and VP.
And whatever Hillary throws at them.
Elon stepping on his own dick to invite the SEC and others to do what they’re trying to do?
That was dumb.
But he did us all a favor by getting the totalitarians to out themselves fully.
There are two ways to read that. Plan B may be a competing platform. If so, this is the best marketing launch ever.
His marketing is always on point. It’s a shame he wasn’t born here. If getting the credentialed class to shit a brick is now the top qualification for a president, he might be the only person that can rival Trump. And, as a bonus, he’s not a completely tacky ignorant dipshit.
Typical Elon
Elon Musk claims it was ‘entirely truthful’ he had Saudi deal to take Tesla private
RE: The Chinese lockdown videos posted at the end of the deadthread: The Covid Red Pills channel on Telegram has far, far more disturbing videos than those. I regret watching them.
RE: The Chinese lockdown videos posted at the end of the deadthread
The silent prostrated bows and anguished, wordless screams sound more like something desperate people do when they know they’re facing death and can’t prevent it.
I don’t doubt they are being quarantined… but there has to be more to it… test subjects for a new pathogen? Water being cutoff or starvation? This has to be something more than just quarantine.
ADVChina, via a video linked on a past thread by I think Lt. Cmdr Fish, mentioned that folks locked down order food through an app, and food distribution is fucked. Many aren’t getting food, or if they are, not enough.
Shiva H. Koresh. Feinstein is 88 (triggers the FBI). Pelosi is 82. And our president is 79.
Have these people ever done anything productive with their lives ?
Does boning the electorate count?
Please for the love of god, don’t post any videos.
They’ve produced a lot of wealth for themselves.
Rhetorical question obviously. Productive people are not allowed at those levels. They had a complete freak-out when a guy who built stuff got elected.
In fairness, the Teapot Dome scandal really was a scandal.
Wouldn’t be one today.
Would be a scandal for Trump, but not for Biden.
“Twitter board considers using ‘poison pill’ tactic to stop Musk buying more shares and seizing control: He says his bid to buy firm is not about money but ‘the future of civilization’ during live TED talk”
“The billionaire prince who is trying to block Elon Musk from buying Twitter: Alwaleed bin Talal is a US-educated Saudi royal who lives in 317-room palace and owns yacht featured in James Bond… but was thrown in jail by Crown Prince cousin MBS in 2017”
bin Talal is just negotiating for a better price.
“He had been held with dozens of other billionaires in the luxury Ritz-Carlton hotel in Riyadh until he was released.”
Ya know, I once got arrested in NYC and did a 3-day bid incarcerated in Kew Gardens, Jamaica, Queens, New York.
I never had those amenities.
Youse ain’t an oil royal.
Damn, Tres.
Where’s the article? Some of us have led a sheltered life.
I did visit the souls in solitary confinement at the army stockade at Ft Hood several times though
“Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs law banning abortion after 15 weeks: Republican says ‘we are here to defend those who can’t defend themselves'”
That’s definitely going to hurt him if he runs for President.
Why do the socons always do this to themselves? Whether we like it or not, abortions will always be legal in the US. I would prefer that my tax dollars not be used to implement abortions, so I might support that sort of legislation, but banning them is going to prevent election of the kind of candidates we otherwise want.
It’s just a necessary reminder that they have only slightly less ambition to control you than the politicians on the left.
Correct. The pendulum swing to the right that started under Reagan spawned the war on drugs, abortion, and neocons. Never forget. Both sides want to control you.
Crap, that came out odd. You CANNOT expect me to be coherent on movie night.
Yeah, I think we all wish there were a war on neocons.
I don’t know if it’s a principled stance, but if it is I admire them for it because it does cost them some votes.
But then they shoot themselves in the foot on things like MJ where there is truly no victim; except for the state and random busybodies don’t count as victims.
Are most people against post 15 week abortions?
Yes but it will be framed as “Republicans detest women’s freedom”. Handmaid’s tale, hyperventilating rhetoric.
Ya, know, the usual.
The Democrats don’t even have to pretend they want it to be “safe, legal, and rare.” Now they trumpet abortions as female empowerment, a rite of passage and get applauded.
Just like every other thing sold as being tolerated, it turns into CELEBRATE this you backward cretin.
I think a shocking amount of people are not. It is a very polarizing issue. Think of it. At least 30% of the nation right now thinks Biden is doing great, if you believe the polls. It is also entirely possible that same group size, maybe even larger, is pro abortion.
If you believe polling on the issue most Americans don’t seem to have a problem with some restrictions on abortion. It may not hurt him all that much.
It’s not about the the actual law, it’s about anti-women narrative they’ll be able to spin out of it. I’ll bet you’ve referred to the other bill that just passed as the “don’t say gay” bill at least once in conversation. Accepting their framing is giving them a win and most people will do that even if they agree with the bill or are indifferent. It will all be part of the picture they’re able to paint of him in a national election.
“Women and minorities hardest hit”
The left does this every time the GOP opens it mouth on any issue. I think they’re used to it.
It’s reasonable compared to Texas.
See? It’s all in the marketing.
Email from a fleet truck supplier this afternoon.
Just noticed that. Wowsers.
Car prices have already been in excess of overall inflation. Jeezus.
I much prefer the universal health care in Liberia to that of Papua New Guinea, but not as much as that of Bangladesh.
How about the free universal female genital mutilation in Sudan?
Years ago after the birth of our first son I was talking to the old Ob/Gyn about circumcisions. We opted out for our boys. I asked him how many he had done. “Oh I’ve done thousands over the years.” What did you do with the foreskins? “Well I had them preserved in a jar of formaldehyde in my office for years. Then I finally figured I should put them to some use. So I brought them to a leather maker and told him to make me something. He ended up making me a wallet out of them, which I still carry.” Oh yeah, is that all he could make? “Well when you rub it, it turns into a briefcase.”
Even if this is a joke it’s still weird.
Totally true story. Don’t be such a stiff.
It would appear it is bicoastal. I’ve heard that as kid here on east coast.
It has been decades of course…
I just heard a variation of this for the first time recently. It’s more gross than shocking or funny,
There isn’t a thing a cup of cow piss won’t cure.
When that first came out I debunked it with maps. India is in the “free but not universal” category, ie healthcare is free if your village has a doctor, but there are lots of places without doctors.
Bah – these are people that have no compunction about environmental destruction around the world for their Green dream. Lithium mining and processing – not HERE, let them do it over THERE.
Those four Indian dudes are doing a bang-up job of biological research with their investigations into new and exciting human/reptile STDs. And it was free!!
As a person with some medical background- Can you even explain how that is possible?
I think that was intended as a riff on sheep/syphilis to human/syphilis and/or the zoonotic origin of COVID.
What JI said…
I missed your original point, RJ.
How does a guy rape a giant lizard? Besides ‘very carefully.’
You don’t have to go that far. A nice meal, a warm rock, maybe a few candles, then put on “Godzilla” by BÖC. It’s like Barry White to them.
I really don’t want to form a strong mental image that I would subsequently have to purge from my brain, but I can only assume they took turns shoving their dicks up its cloaca while the other three guys held the lizard. Monitor lizards are very strong and not very friendly, so this must have been a dare or hazing of some kind.
And I honestly don’t know if there are any STDs people share with reptiles. The guys are however at risk of salmonella from the lizard.
‘Salmonella Penis’ is a great metal band name.
Why do we have a tennis pavilion ?
“Photos of injuries were redacted in the records, but one photo that was released shows an agent’s wool overcoat that was ripped on March 6 as the president and first lady returned indoors from the White House Tennis Pavilion.”
And please tell me this will be on Judge Judy: “After some deep thought and reflection, I don’t believe the USSS should be responsible for the damage to my coat as the cause was not under their control. To be compensated in this manner would essentially have the cost borne by the tax payer and this would be unjust,” the agent wrote, adding: “the responsibility should lie with the party responsible for the wrong doing (i.e. tort), and that of course would be the dog owner/s.”
Im going to bed.
That dumb healthcare vs rocket dicks map….
There’s a lot of lefties who woke up to the COVID narrative but still support universal healthcare. Joe Rogan (yes, he is a leftist) will talk about the COVID narrative being total bullshit and then immediately pivot to his support of Bernie Sanders and universal healthcare and not even bat an eye. It never occurs to them that what happened during COVID is exactly how they’d treat all healthcare forever.
It’s the bizarre comparison of two dissimilar things that offended me, as well as the hysterical tone and general dishonesty. But if you look behind the curtain you see the resentment and envy over people who can afford to spend a few million on a trip to space. They want to confiscate and re-distribute that wealth. And these are not all poors; some of the most vicious progs I know boast about their families’ vacation properties.
Only the wealthiest progs could afford their policies if they’re ever fully enacted.
They can usually afford to lobby themselves a loophole for themselves too.
Joe Rogan (yes, he is a leftist)
Unpossible. I just saw someone on Twitter assert that both Rogan and Bill Maher are far right.
Someone hit the Winston klaxon.
Babylon Bee + Elon Musk = ❤️?
Wow. Even for the Bee, that’s first rate.
The Trump plot twist especially.
And the “Why not both?” throwaway at the end. Nice.
“Why not Both?”
Classic Elon
Wow. They went there!
And on Holy Thursday. Bravo, Bee!
My home weather station is reporting steady state winds of 20 to 25 mph. It showing peak winds in the upper 30s. The howling wind is getting on me nerves.
With the way my power company keeps its lines clear of trees every that happens here I wonder if I will keep my electricity.
Be the First to get your last call for Quordle scores in (do it for Bro!) DQR goes live at high noon HST.
Windows Shell, fixes what ails ya!
I’ll be identifying as a woman for the purposes of scoring today. I think that will make me the first trans person in the competition.
Celebrate me.
Men’s Division
Ted S. 17
l0b0t 18
Not Adahn 18
grrizzly 19
trshmnstr the terrible 19
Bobarian LMD 20
Grummun 20
Tundra 20
Winded 20
kinnath 22
MikeS 22
Name’s BEAM, James BEAM 22
rhywun 22
Grumbletarian 23
Scruffy Nerfherder 23
Rat on a train 23
whiz 23
Ghostpatzer 24
Raven Nation 25
The Hyperbole 25
JG43 26
Necron 99 27
Translucent Chum 28
The Other Kevin 30
SDF-7 115
Dr, Fronkensteen 121
Women’s Division
Sean 24
‘To be the best you got to beat the best’ and Ted S. is making a strong case for being the best. A couple chumps today but not altogether horrible. Sean, seeing an opportunity, takes the Women’s Division title (although I suspect if one true athena’s had bothered to post she could have beat a lousy 24.) Weekly Roundup tomorrow, let’s finish strong people!
don’t forget:
db 22
Sorry db, I missed your entry today but I got it into the record books now so it will count towards your weekly average and what not.
I’ve been having computer issues, which isn’t a justification but it is an excuse.
hey, no problem.
On an entirely unrelated note, fuck you, windows 11 for not allowing me to dock the task bar on the right side of my screen.
I knew there was a reason I like you.
And here I was assuming it was my dashing good looks and rapier wit.
Oh No! DNC fucks over Iowa
On Wednesday, a panel of Democratic National Committee (DNC) members voted to strip Iowa of its first-in-the-nation status.
The DNC voted to adopt a plan that will no longer guarantee Iowa at the front of the presidential nominating calendar, now forcing Iowa Democrats to have to make the case as to why they should be reinstated to the first position.
The plan removes Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina from an early voting window and requires all states to apply for a new waiver if they want that early window status. The proposal would look toward states that can promote “diversity and a fair process.”
1) Can’t trust those honkys in Iowa.
2) Too hard to spoof a caucus system. People show up. People vote. No mail in ballots to lose or create at the last minute.
3) Kamala can’t possibly fucking win in Iowa.
CommaLa can’t win anywhere.
Maybe they think her “win” will be more plausible in “diverse” states.
I have a hard time getting too worked up about this.
If we are going to have staggered primaries, then smallest to largest makes the most sense to me.
Do 5 states at a time across 10 different Tuesdays. Why smallest first? Because a bad result doesn’t matter mathematically. Yeah, it might give slightly more power to Wyoming than they deserve, but anyone performing bad can just blow it off and focus on the next round.
First five would by Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. I think not flopping is all a candidate would need to do.
Doesn’t meet the diversity goal of the DNC though.
Iowa would be in the 4th group.
Substitute MS and DE for the Dakotas.
I am perfectly happy having Iowa disappear in the primary schedule. No one gave a shit about the caucuses until Jimmy Fucking Carter. It will be nice to go back to obscurity.
Well said.
Didn’t Iowa completely fuck up counting the results last time? A punishment is well deserved.
The Dems used an application developed for a lot of money by a tiny company with an inside angle to the DNC (or some Dem authority group). The app was delivered without testing and failed spectacular on caucus night. The national org blamed the state org, but it was cronyism from the national level that lead to the fuck up.
Daily Quordle 80
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Isn’t that just part of being Irish?
30 years.
LOL, Mises.org defending Vidal’s proto-wokeness. What could go wrong? America has now adopted most of Riggenbach’s revisionism except the American corporate state and American foreign interventionist is still exulted. Whoops!
That’s a great article, and Ted’s been one of the most under-rated political thinkers on the Canadian scene for a very long time.
I had high hopes for the Charter until the first time I actually sat down and read it through (in Uni, natch, for a PoliSci seminar around, oh, ’84 or so). Fuckin’ Section 1 is a goddamn kill-switch for the rest of the document. ”Fundamental law” my ass.
Where and when was this agreement made? I never made it.
Something something social contract.
So, I bought this.
Ought to be pretty handy for casual bumming around in the woods – good for fur, feathers, both.
Isn’t that one you wrote a piece on a couple years back? Looks like value appreciated significantly.
The one I wrote about was the Marble’s Game-Getter, but I mentioned the 24 in that bit, and I think also in one of the “Guns You Need for ‘X'” articles. I’ve always liked them. These things are commanding some money now, especially the older ones like this with the nicer wood and the better barrel selector. This one was made in 1962; the ones made in the late Seventies and Eighties had cheaper stocks and the barrel selector was some stamped dingus on the hammer instead of the more robust frame-mounted type.
This one even is in my preferred caliber/gauge combo, .22WMR and 20 gauge. I like a little more punch than a .22LR where big snowshoe hares and maybe the occasional fox are in the mix. They’re very popular up here; can’t hardly find them in shops or shows.
Someone did a great job restocking that Gem of the North. Very nice
There’s some butthole clenching
Winston, call your mom.
Krugman is off his meds again!
A modest proposal to solve inflation and feed the poors.
Poor Kruggy is going to be so surprised when we get unemployment and inflation at the same time.
For Scruffy:
Bitcoin girl at the beach.
I’d mine her blockchain.
I think she was (is?) dating Malice.
Lucky bastard.
I just need to identify as an anarchist Ukrainian Jew and I’m in.
What exactly are you implying?
I’d store my private key in her hot wallet.
That’s White Sands in New Mexico, not the beach. Now I have yet another reason to go back there. ?
Oh, were there words?
“After Biden finished his speech, he turned around and tried to shake hands with thin air and then wandered around looking confused”
So, just another Thursday for the Big Guy.
Disgrace. That’s all. His handlers are evil incarnate, but I have zero sympathy for him.
BTW where is Dr. Wifey? I can’t recall seeing her lately.
“BREAKING: Musk no longer Twitter’s largest shareholder after Vanguard stock buy
The title of Twitter’s largest shareholder no longer belongs to Tesla and Space X CEO Elon Musk.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Vanguard Group, an asset managing firm, increased its stake in the tech giant to 10.3 percent.
“Asset manager Vanguard Group recently upped its stake in the social-media platform and is now the company’s largest shareholder, bumping Mr. Musk out of the top spot,” The Wall Street Journal reported.
“Vanguard disclosed on April 8 that it now owns 82.4 million shares of Twitter, or 10.3% of the company, according to the most recent publicly available filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.”
Vanguard had previously owned 67.2 million shares of Twitter (8.4 percent), according to FactSet.”
This is fun.
No mention of Blackrock? Curious.
They are a large shareholder, too. Vanguard started, but count on them jumping in soon.
We are stuck between evil and even more evil.
For those of 8s who have money invested in various of Vanguard’s mutual funds, what the fuck are they supposed to invest in?
Think of this: For plan B, what if he is working with places like Vanguard and Blackrock to buy up stock, then turn around and sell to him when the stock continues to tank, which it has been doing since the draconian turn to censorship? He actually gets Twitter much cheaper and bypasses the woketards.
If Twitter’s board rejects Musk’s offer and there is no other higher offer to take the company private, what does the smart money think happens? Does the stock tank? Does it pop up to Musk’s valuation?
There was a discussion of AriZona Iced Tea earlier.
This is fucking awesome.
I do like their tea. Better than that Lipton horror.
Hey, there is an update to the pinned post on SP.
Thank you.
I love you, SP, OMWC and WebDom.
I am greatly saddened. I wish for OMWC and WebDom and SP that it were otherwise.
I wish you the best time you can possibly have with what remains to you, and that you keep only the best and fondest memories.
SP, I’m sorry I haven’t met you in person, but having spoken with you on the Zooms, you live up to your reputation of brightening the space and I wish you the brightest days with family and friends ahead.
Oh man, that blows.
Cancer has struck at my family multiple times, and I’ll likely die someday of the same cancer my Mom and her sister died of (liver), and I am so, so sorry to hear this news, but I’m almost buoyed by SP’s decision to live her final time without chemo intervention — it gave my Mom clarity and peace (and energy!) for much of her final months.
God Bless, SP, OMWC and WebDom.