Nolan Ryan wouldn’t have let the manager do this.
The Dodgers manager is a giant dick. How do you pull a guy with a perfect game into the 8th inning? Especially a guy getting late into his career? Let him sit his next start if you have to, but let him chase that perfect game. That’s all I’m gonna say about the baseball. Meanwhile, across the pond, Liverpool and Benfica played to an incredibly entertaining 3-3 draw which moved Liverpool into the UCL semifinals. They’ll face Villareal. In the other semifinal, Athletico did was Athletico does: play dirty as shit when behind. That match ended in a 0-0 draw with some extra fireworks on and off the field. Man City advances to face the bigger team from Madrid in the other semifinal. Those start in a couple weeks. And that’s sports.

It could go either way.
Oh boy…here we go. I can’t wait to see the think pieces on this today lamenting that he might make the platform more open. But at that pice, a shareholder would be a fool not to seriously consider it. We’ll see what happens.
He died doing what he loved: being a dumbass.
This is gonna result in some violence. Unfortunately it will be directed at local businesses instead of the police headquarters.
Read all this now while you can. Because it’ll be memory-holed pretty quickly. You know why.

Enabling dumbass.
Oh my God…it’s a miracle! Two women conceived a baby together? Twice? ::reads article:: Oh, that’s not accurate at all. Nice work, ACLU. You bunch of dumb fucks.
“And we base this decision on nothing scientific whatsoever”. No, they didn’t say that. But it’s true.
No good deed goes unpunished. Especially in a shithole like that place.
Of course she’s defending them. Because she’s a fucking moron. And she’s also probably in on the shenanigans. Because she’s a fucking moron. Houston, you should be ashamed of yourselves electing this nitwit.
I’ll call this the “new” song. It’s such a happy, fun tune. And I’ll call this one the “old” one. And yes, I know it’s not that much older. It was a trick so you’d think I was playing one of their early classics. Anyway, hope you enjoy them both. I absolutely will.
As for enjoyment, that sounds like a good thing to do on this Thursday. So go do it, friends.
Elon =Master of the World,
I would vote for him,
Tall Cans!
Word homey.
Who do we like for VP? Is there anyone? I don’t want any swamp creatures.
Heinlein is dead, but I bet if they propped up his coffin he would end up doing a better job and getting a better rating than the current VP.
OT- https://youtu.be/K0D9AH6wlYY HAHA!
I hope he takes the thing over, fires all the woke assholes, and makes the grooming elite credentialed asshole class and the fucking leftists that cheer them on go apoplectic with rage that they are losing the battle to control what people know – so they can great reset our asses, stick us in pods we don’t own, feed us bugs, and tell us to be happy while they jet set all over the globe, eat Wagyu beef and caviar, drink champagne, and joke about the poors – instead of actually doing the will of the people.
Hell, it might force an actual competitor to Twitter to be formed so the media caste has a place to circlejerk.
^assume that was in response to Today’s Elon Did a Thing.
They’ll all of a sudden find Gab to be a very good place to hang out.
So say we all. His message stated he has “no confidence in current leadership” so it’s likely he would clean house.
It would be private so there’s would be no need for the board of directors. And I’d reckon every VP would be out the door. The rest of the staff will need to explain to the two Bobs what exactly they do…and I’d say there are a lot of people who won’t pass that test.
It’s a fucking joke that the people running that show today are referred to as ‘leadership”. They are not leaders: they are fucking evil assholes.
The Third Reich and the Soviet Union still had leadership teams.
I guess my definition of a leader is someone that motivates without having to resort to fear or violence to do that, but I get your point.
I can’t believe you’re linking to that far-right rag! Reputable news sources are reporting there’s no clue as to Frankie Fatman’s motives.
::reads his writings::
“It’s a total mystery!”
Shit like this is why these people are so hell bent to control our ability to find out thigs so we won’t catch on to the fact that they are fucking snowing us over.
The war on noticing things continues unabated.
The problem is people still notice things. For example, Rachel Levine was in town to accept an award in an admiral suit and skirt. Some local yokel drove by in a truck and shouted “YOUR BALLS ARE SHOWING”, many in the small crowd couldn’t stifle their laughter. Despite what we are constantly told, people must know the emperor’s balls are showing.
Whycome you think they are so hell bent on canceling everyone that does what you mention above? Cause they are hoping if they scare enough people int silence the balls showing will not be called out anymore. It’s futile, but a lot of people will get hurt because of this evil shit.
I heard about it this morning from a coworker. Checked a local news story and the comments section supports the heckler. Yep. Yep yep.
White supremacist confirmed.
Too bad for everyone born in 1988
An entire generation of White Supremacists! Damn that sonofabitch Reagan!
It would be nice if we could all agree that someone like this guy or a white guy who randomly shoots or runs over a bunch of people have one thing in common.
They are crazy, have mental issues, a screw loose, whatever their motivation or trigger was.
Yeah, but he is from a special victim class, holds the right “crazy” beliefs, and he was forced to act by the insensitivity and evil of the “others”, which makes him somewhat a victim. Honkeys are always just evil fucks.
This is the right take on this story..
This x100. Geraldo made his career exposing the abuses in mental health facilities back in the ’70s. The abuses were real, but ultimately the “solution” was to allow dangerous lunatics to freely roam the streets. This is not working out.
Seems to me they don’t want to talk about it… ::winks at Tundra and hums::
Reading that article transported me to Bizarro World. The left has been using media to spin every random white on black crime, true or imagined, to be some kind of resurgence of the KKK/Jim Crow era fueled by ‘Faux News’ and alt right media with sprinkles of Russian collusion. When an actual racial motivated crime occur and it goes against that narrative it is so weird to see it reported in the same manner no matter how factual. I don’t believe CNN or MSNBC have any culpability, yet to see them smeared as they have smeared others because someone who committed a crime watched their content is just… odd.
Is it odd? Sure, but I am all in favor of making the left live by their own rules. Do unto others, and all that. Part of the reason the left is winning the culture wars is because they fight by prison yard rules while their opponents fight by Marquis of Queensbury.
Don’t make them live by their own rules, make them live by your own rules.
To do that you first need to beat them by any rules.
Well, you generally can’t beat them with their rules for a few reasons:
1. They know their own rules better than you do
2. Just by being not-them you hold no authority to say what their rules are
3. Even if you’ve managed to decipher their rules, unwritten rule 0 is “rules are flexible”
What I liked about the NYP article was that they called him a black nationalist and didn’t capitalize black.
Governette Hochul sez:
“I didn’t know he was corrupt1”
“He told me he had all his legal troubles taken care of!”
“Really, the paperwork to
launderreport campaign contributions is too complicated and it’s not really his fault!”“I just appointed whoever my campaign advisors told me to!”
She’s as dumb/corrupt as that assclown running Houston.
Why do you think Cuomo chose her?
I thought God chose her and told her to spread the good word of the vaccine.
It must bother NYC proggies that Houston has had a lesbian mayor and they can’t even get a woman or a non-closeted gay dude.
Hey, they have a vegan! A vegan!
Just don’t try to take away my breakfast ssteak.
Our election system is a shitshow because unscrupulous people that get to define it profit from the chaos.
He’s a NYS politician. By definition he’s corrupt.
I assume this is about vacating the office for someone else. Who’s been tapped to take over from Hochul?
I wouldn’t be surprised if she appointed Andy before resigning.
That would be Hi-larious.
From what little I saw of the protests last night in Grand Rapids Michigan, they were gathering outside the police precinct. I get the impression that’s how these start out, then the national orgs get involved and provide cover and enable looting and violence against people that *aren’t* the police. Sad. Many such cases.
Yep. They’ve got a template for these events. Sadly, they don’t involve holding the people accountable who actually did something horribly wrong.
The j6 people would like a word with you about adding the qualifier that they don’t care when it is their tribe doing the evil shit. The other tribe will be accused of doing shit even when the proof is obvious the accusation is a lie.
But those people rioted at the sacred hall of democracy and are therefor terrorists. Or so I am told.
That is one way you can see past the surface and notice that there is more here than “grass roots organizing” and “outraged populace protesting injustice” .
They have cover from above and a set of marching orders, all accompanied by a marketing machine ensuring that all coverage is of things they want covered, from angles they want covered.
And I’m going to reserve judgement for fault in this incident since I haven’t seen video or anything, but protesting the police is always fair game in my opinion.
Haven’t watched the video, not gonna watch the video. If (IF!!!) it’s being reported correctly, it was straight-up murder.
His sartorially tastes prevented him from sprinting away. Dude needs a belt if he’s wants to outrun the long arm of the law. Video wasn’t very clear as to what the infraction was that caused the escalation though.
The officer cam video states the plates didn’t match the car.
You don’t need to watch it. I unfortunately did, not knowing what I was watching until it was too late.
It was absolutely an extrajudicial execution.
I’ll take your word for it but I’m not looking forward to Defund the Police II: Crime Spree Boogaloo.
That won’t happen now because a Dem is in the White House and they don’t need to add rioting to the list of things voters are pissed off about before the midterms.
I disagree with that statement based on what they have been doing so far. I think they still believe general chaos and high crime will favor them, because they have done nothing but double down on things that produce more of it. Maybe it is that they have not realized that people eventually reach a point where when the chaos & mayhem has become too much for them and no longer think “we need more totalitarian government to protect me/us”. Or maybe they don’t care, but big government types, using their own words paraphrased, love “crises”.
They notice when they start seeing their peers dangling from lampposts or fed into landscaping equipment.
I am pretty sure you are right. Can’t wait to see.
I didn’t see the video in the link. But there would be riots regardless. Either way, the riots are still unjustified.
“Trimming.” Yeah, that’s a bit of an understatement.
HOLY MACKEREL! Yeah, I just lost all my sympathy for him. A professional did that?
Agreed. Turning a tree into a dowsing rod is more than just trimming one.
I recently trimmed a tree down to a stump.
Did the tree go into the woodchipper or did the woodchipper go to the tree? That whole Mohammed and the mountain thing…
You are supposed to put trees in woodchippers?
Sure. Running a few branches thorough is a good way to clean out any unsightly “residue”.
Like putting ice in your garbage disposal.
#metoo. Old age is a bitch.
Those two fried eggs are Jesus, right?
What did I win?
Eternal salvation?
Looked like a selfie of my girl friend a long, long time ago
I’m not really sure how this big business shit works…is Elon throwing out an offer and he’ll keep buying from willing sellers until he gets 51%?
No. He’s offered to purchase every share on the market and make the company private. Not sure what the enforcement mechanism for that is as it relates to smaller shareholders, but I’d assume there’s some term in the bylaws that says the company can pay shares off and liquidate them.
He just told the woke criminals working hand in hand with the criminals running our country “That’s a purdy mouth you got there”…
OK. That’s the part that I wasn’t getting…what about all those shares that are sprinkled into mutual funds and the like. And, wouldn’t one assume that Dorsey ownes some, no way he’s gonna sell to Elon.
How does a hostile takeover work? I wonder if he can/would go that route. Regardless, it’s fun to watch.
He wants to buy all outstanding shares and take it private. He can do that if the company agrees to sell it to him. The company Board and CEO would have to accept if they believe that the offer is in the best interest of the shareholders. They have a fiduciary duty to the shareholders and have to provide a good reason to refuse such a significant stock premium.
Outstanding meaning “unpurchased”, as in, owned by the company? Am I following?
All shares including those held by the company.
Taking a public company private is relatively straight forward and typically involves fewer regulatory hurdles than private-to-public transitions. Usually, a private group will tender an offer for a company’s shares and stipulate the price it is willing to pay. If a majority of voting shareholders accept, the bidder pays the consenting shareholders the purchase price for every share they own.
What is not mentioned in the above, is that if you are a shareholder but don’t want to sell, but the majority agrees to, your shares are liquidated and you are paid or you refuse to accept the payment and you get nothing.
Above lifted from investiopia
This is the part I was unsure about. Thanks!
This is how the process works in Canada as well. Usually the Articles of Incorporation and/or the Uniform Shareholder Agreement will stipulate the specifics, but in all cases there should be some language which (in essence) prevents a few shareholders from stymieing the desire of the vast majority to sell. One of the companies I was a part owner of failed to write a USA, and hilarity ensued when I resigned from the Board but kept getting annual dividends to the chagrin of the other owners. Other than buy me out at an agreed-upon price, there was no shotgun clause or restriction on minority rights, and no verbiage requiring me to sell my shares if another partner wanted to buy the company outright.
I made a nice chunk of change over the years off of that oversight. Ironically, while I was still on the Board, I kept hammering away that we needed a USA with just such provisions in it. No action was ever taken by the other owners.
That’s an “Oopsie!”.
Did they setup without a lawyer? That is a major oversight.
Today in propaganda:
Watched Today Show and Good Morning Americs coverage of the arrest of the NYC subway attacker.
Both finally mentioned something about potential motive. Both played a clip of him speaking from a video he posted to the internet. Both played a clip where he says he just wants to kill people and see them killed in front of him.
Neither played any of the rest of the several minutes long rant they pulled the clip from where he almost exclusively talks about his hate for white people and for black people who don’t hate white people and basically all things race. Nope, they zeroed in on what might be the only race neutral statement in the hours long collection of rants.
So, how does propaganda like this work?
Quite well, thank you.
The wife is my proxy for normal people. She doesn’t think like we do. She is in tune with regular people thoughts.
When I pointed out the extreme nature of the selective editing going on (and we had been discussing why they keep saying nothing about motive for 2 days), she said, “well, with everything going on, they are probably trying to avoid stirring things up.”
Just like that, the whole thing rationalized away.
Of course, she is right. They are trying to avoid portraying him as a racist, and it is precisely because of the reaction that would cause.
But that sounds very different if you realize that they have been trying to portray white people as inherently violent and racist for the last couple of years. And if you realize that the US government is saying that “white nationalists” are the greatest threat to the nation.
All of that is really hard to sell if the last two large mass attacks in the US were by BLM activist racist (and crazy) black dudes. And weirdos like us know that the entire “anti Asian violence epidemic” thing was pretty much entirely a limited area black-asian thing. So we see a long effort to gin up racial strife, not just the reporting of one story.
I am still astounded at the command and control exercised in the press. It has been amazingly unified for a very long time, but Waukesha and this subway thing are amazing nonetheless. There is nothing more TV friendly than a crazy racist dude ranting in videos and then carrying out a crazy plot to kill people. And yet we have back to back examples of the entire national press covering it the same way, and not in the obvious way.
Yeah, if there’s anything to learn from the last few years, it’s that “stirring things up” is a primary goal of the elite class.
Divide & conquer works…
“well, with everything going on, they are probably trying to avoid stirring things up.”
Just like that, the whole thing rationalized away.
Of course, she is right. They are trying to avoid portraying him as a racist, and it is precisely because of the reaction that would cause.
I doubt they care about the reaction it would cause and certainly aren’t trying to avoid stirring things up. It’s much simpler than that. The media will not show, publish, or publicize anything that goes against their narrative. Doesn’t matter the topic. Could be race, Covid death rate, Vaccination complications, Ukraine, etc.
they are probably trying to avoid stirring things up.
That is not really the media’s m.o.
Twitter issued a statement Thursday confirming that it had received the offer. It said its board would carefully review the proposal “to determine the course of action that it believes is in the best interest of the company and all Twitter stockholders.”
They used the word “stockholder” and not “stakeholder”. Interesting.
“Dear Twatterdrone- The exit is down the hall. Please depart the building in an orderly manner. Leave your stapler.”
Yeah, that is interesting. I guess all that fluff about “stakeholder capitalism” isn’t so important after all.
Reposting – thanks for any advice.
This is too late so I will post again in linx if no responses – anyone have experience with Cayenne SUV? Looking at some older ones to get my daughter to school and back. I figure if I’m going to pay nearly the same amount for a pile of shit Jeep, I’d look at a high end older vehicle as long as it doesn’t have too many problems
The Cayenne would cost 2X compared to a Jeep or Toyota to repair anything on it. This includes brakes and normal wear items. German cars are still expensive to maintain regardless of reliability.
ISTR that Sloopy has a Macan and _might_ have a Cayenne as well. My general impression is “great cars” but, as Timeloose pointed out, high cost-of-ownership.
I’ve got a Cayenne (and a Macan). It’s my second Cayenne in a year (for tax purposes). They’re incredibly comfortable and quite reliable. And yes, the work is more expensive but you only do oil changes every 10k miles, so regular maintenance ends up being maybe 20-25% more, unless my dealership is giving me a discount since I take four cars to them.
Based on production levels being so low, they’re going to hold their value better than just about any other SUV out there, so when it comes time to sell, they’re gonna be better than a Jeep by a good margin.
Now, unless you really want the full size SUV, I’d seriously consider a Macan. They’re incredibly fun to drive, although mine has a good bit of aftermarket work done to it that adds to the experience (COBb tuning, AWE exhaust, coilover, etc). They’re also a lot lower price point and hold their values about as well as the Cayenne.
Hope this helps.
If you can find a certified pre owned, that’s the absolute best way to go. You get two years bumper to bumper with unlimited mileage. If she’s racking up miles, it is a nice safety net.
Oh, also…get an S or higher. The base models lack the power to really treat them like a sports SUV. But don’t get her a Turbo unless you want her to shit her pants the first time she puts it in sport mode and floors it.
Because she will.
Pre-owned Macan S is on the short list for when the current car has finally had enough / we move somewhere that requires us to become a 2-car family.
They’re also turning into unicorns.
Get one now while you can find them. It’s only going to get worse. Porsche’s production levels for 22 are going to remain low. My dealer said they’re gonna be 50% below 2019 numbers because the Germans are still not sourcing their third party parts and they’re not gonna go down the same road US manufacturers are by making complete cars aside from the missing electronic components. Instead they’re just going to produce fewer cars and expect demand to stay high enough for them to weather it (and for demand to be sky high once they resume normal levels, which means they’ll sell a ton of cars at elevated price points).
I’ve already resigned myself to not being able to find what I will want to replace my 911 for two years. But I’m also firmly committed to doing a factory delivery of it in 2024 anyway, so it will probably all work out just fine aside from me paying a little more tha. I want just to lap it at the Nurburgring and then drive through the alps with it before having it shipped to Texas.
But, we all have to make sacrifices in these trying times.
While you’re over in Europe taking delivery of the car, could you pick us up some tiny Stradivariuses?
As many as I can fit in the frunk.
I want just to lap it at the Nurburgring and then drive through the alps with it before having it shipped to Texas.
Now that’s how you shit-lord. My hat is off to you, sir.
For whatever reason, Jeep Wranglers have some of the lowest depreciation of any vehicle I know.
I bought a Chrysler executive 1.5 year turnback Jeep for $21k and traded it on a new Tesla 10 years later for $15k.
Thanks to Brandon’s inflation and Tesla’s never ending price increases, my three year old Tesla is worth only about $4k less than I paid for it.
Taking a company private, or keeping it private, reduces the oversight the watchdog agency has on its operations.
Oh, horror.
Twitter won’t have to report its carbon footprint!
Never change CNN
You know who else celebrated April 20th?
Hitler Baby!
My baby brother!
Daily Quordle 80
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Nailed Worldle in 1. Don’t have that happen too often.
Yeah, that one is easy.
#waffle83 4/5
? streak: 2
Is it cheating to open a world map?
It’s gonna be a good day
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Daily Quordle 80
#waffle83 3/5
Daily Quordle 80
I suck at this game
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Daily Quordle 80
4 5
8 6
Would have been 45/76 if I had chosen the correct combo first of the two possible ones in the lower left. C’est la vie!
Started out so good.
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Daily Quordle 80
Got lucky early and shaved a couple points off my normal 22
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Outstanding start (good luck, really). Little problem with that last word.
Daily Quordle 80
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Edit fairy for “pice”, good sir.
Elon Musk has made an offer to buy Twitter (TWTR) and take it private, saying he believes it needs to be “transformed.”
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something
terriblewonderful has happened.Having been a bit down, I stopped cooking for myself, which didn’t help things.
Earlier this week, I forced myself to just buy ingredients instead of anything pre-finished. This included a trip to the butcher’s. While I’m still trying to figure out how I spent over $70, I figure half of that is from the two, two-inch thick NY Strip steaks. My instinct with any piece of protein where there are two digits before the decimal place in the price tag is to “save it”. But there’s no good reason or event to save it for.
Long story short, I cooked one for breakfast. It was delicious.
Being Alone I often cook fo one, it sucks.
I love trying to portion out the less expensive bulk packages.
Breakfast steak sounds like a fine idea.
A Maryland man found dead at his home alongside over 100 caged snakes died of accidental snake envenomation, according to an autopsy.
I’ve never heard of reptile ownership on such a scale.
“Caged Snakes” was one of the worst “art” films I’ve been forced to watch.
So now porn is art? I want to be an art producer and interview all the female cast members on my couch!
There are weird people, and then there are snake people.
Snake people : Horse People :: Knife People : Gun People
So, good friends with some significant crossover?
I’ll also throw in the people who raise rabbits. They also seem off.
They seem like stereotypical Japanese people to me
Being a snake person, I would like to argue that horse people are weirder. But really, I can’t.
#waffle83 3/5
? streak: 3
Well that was kind of fun. I got it on the last swap.
#waffle83 3/5
? streak: 2
#waffle83 4/5
? streak: 2
Coupon Code: “Spring2022”
$10 off
Not a bad price.
Shrinkflation! The Trident “Ready to Fly” match has a deal with someone to have ammo dropshipped to the venue for only $349/case (of 800)!
Because it’ll be memory-holed pretty quickly. You know why.
White-supremacy is the greatest threat to our national security?
ACLU won battle to house 27 trans inmates there
Now men can be in a women’s prison because “equality”.
I believe I heard there have already been rapes and pregnancies because of this policy.
Are we really going down this road?
I don’t care how loudly you scream “trans women are women”, that doesn’t change certain physical realities.
Prisons were already rape cages before they started putting men into women’s prisons. Not that that makes this ok.
Which leads to women being raped. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/female-inmates-sue-california-over-trans-females-in-female-prisons/
Isn’t that what the prison experience is all about? You can’t claim prison creds unless you do a little raping or get raped I heard… Or is the concern that it isn’t a bull dyke but some dude with tits that is doing the raping?
So just like in male prisons. Rape cages for equality! It’s a sick world. I don’t know if the Prison Industrial Complex is as bad as the MIC, but it’s right up there.
Go patriarchy!
It’s actually disgusting to me to see our supposed “betters” in the media and government lecture us about sexual assault and continue to see jokes about prison rape in movies and tv. I can’t think of a worse existence than being physically unable to escape your rapist because the guards sure as shit won’t protect you
Yes. I think that if you restrict someone by imprisoning them, you have an extra duty of protection. No one should be raped in prison. Rape is a form of torture. I find the prison rape jokes disgusting and it is to our shame that it happens.
Areed 100%. When you take custody of a person, you accept responsibility for their safety health, and overall well-being. You have essentially ended their ability to care for themselves on anything other than the most basic levels (eating, excreting, dressing, sleeping), and need to ensure their environment is safe.
Well put. I hadn’t thought about that point of having extra responsibility because they are under your care, but you’re absolutely right.
Once all the dudettes get shanked, the trend may come to a halt.
They are just finishing their “transformation.”
RE: Musk vs. Twatter.
Their CEO and board of directors have long since thrown away any sense of fiduciary responsibility, and they’d never countenance risking any COKTALE PARTEE invites by selling to a “crypto-Nazi” (or whatever the kewl kidz are calling Musk nowadays) so I don’t see this going anywhere. It’s a real shame.
It’ll go to court when they don’t do their fiduciary duties. Elon will get paid, the remaining shareholders will get screwed.
Just got off a long convo. Feeling better now. Off to bed.
Good to hear. Have a wonderful sleep cycle.
So, against my better judgement I watched the police shooting.
This is a perfect setup for more chaos. That video is terrible. NBC only showed select moments, making it look really bad. At the moment of shooting they only showed about a second before he shot, so people watching NBC don’t know how they ended up with the cop behind and on top.
I don’t know what local authorities are going to do, but we all know that with resisting, fighting, taserfailure and continued fighting, police departments and prosecutors from 2 years ago would have been very likely to rule this a good shoot.
And I don’t see anyone accepting less than 1st degree murder after watching press coverage.
“This is a perfect setup for more chaos. That video is terrible. NBC only showed select moments, making it look really bad. ”
Get the fuck out of here! You mean as the propaganda arm of team blue realizes an election is coming that will annihilate them and their agenda, they have decided to deceptively present something they hope will manage to fool enough of the people that have checked out after a year of watching the morons that clamed to be the adults fling shit like monkeys at a zoo as things got worse into bothering to go to a voting booth t keep them in control? SAY IT AIN’T SO!
Wait until they add the Russian angle to this all.. Then you will see why we should really just leave them in power no matter how bad they make things…
Don’t care how he got up there. If you’re kneeling on someone’s back as they lay face down on the ground, you don’t get to shoot them in the back of the head.
More superman (good band just before they started to go downhill, but they are no The Kinks):
Also superman (our band quality is quickly falling off):
Boomer Superman.
O Superman?
I can believe I forgot that one. A college roommate had that album.
I remember that. Its like Kraftwerk went to Lilith Fair.
I can’t believe I forgot that one.
90’s Superman
Choir kid duo’s Superman
Superman hater.
Another superman
Should have hit refresh before I posted mine.
Resignation Superman.
Underrated group.
CDC to extend travel mask requirement for 2 weeks
Just two weeks, comrade…
“And we base this decision on nothing scientific whatsoever”.
Look, man. I’m not a maskologist.
Well as discussed earlier this week, other cities in China are being shutdown “temporarily”
Sorry that is out of date.
Narrator: The CCP does not feel “embarrassment” at anything, and they could stop this any time they wanted to. Also, their motives cannot be mind-read as if they were a typical “western” democracy.
In a few years when China emerges from lockdown, they’re going to have misplaced more people than the Great Leap Forward.
Pull the other one.
“The rest of the corpses are simple repiratory failure.”
I heard they died from lead poisoning.
The CCP is yanking on the American supply chain. They don’t really care if they starve out a few million in the process, they’ve got plenty.
It’s their best weapon against us and they’re using it.
Reminder: please post your April entries for What Are We Reading in the forum post, or message me through the forum. Deadline is April 16th.
I’ve actually been reading something… I’ll see about getting it written up
“A funny thing happened on the way to our Forum”
Wow. That NY post article about the subway attacker racist rants was not something you see in big name media outlets.
….James sounds very much like other ideologically fixated, identity-obsessed killers who have emerged since the BLM-Antifa racial movement of 2020 and the hate speech it unleashed.
Like Darrell Brooks Jr., who allegedly plowed his car into the Waukesha Christmas parade last November, and Noah Green, the Nation of Islam adherent who rammed Capitol Police last April in a quickly memory-holed attack, James espoused the rancid, racist…
That could have been written by one of us.
Even called out the memory hole.
Since I live here, I also remember the shooting in Dallas was racially motivated. As was an attack in Louisiana not long after.
Luckily, black people cannot do racism, otherwise that’d be pretty concerning.
Thots Ahoy!
Thot Thursday.
Lucked out on my first word, got crushed by my last.
Daily Quordle 80
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When do I catch a break. ?
Daily Quordle 80
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Not as crushed as I was. Chump city.
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Forget it, man. It’s Behar town.
What is she smoking?!
Behar warns: “The Supreme Court is poised to pass a bill contradicting the New York City State laws” on concealed carry to make it “an open carry state, and an open carry city.”
This is a lie.
How horrible if scotus were to recognize constitutional rights.
The supreme court passes bills now?
That a “news organization” would put forth such an obvious nitwit who is expected to be a national political analyst and yet lacks even the most basic knowledge of our civics should embarrass them. The fact that it doesn’t embarrass them should embarrass them. I see it as obvious proof that she, and by extension the organization, are there to further narrative and not to inform or educate.
I propose a new cocktail – the Joy Behar. It’s three white Xanax bars dissolved in a pint glass of Bota Red Blend.
Nice. I would say a chocolate martini made with chocolate exlax.
Don’t forget the granny panties twist!
Somebody better tell Hochul that Adams is in charge now.
She thinks SCOTUS “passes bills”. I know they tend to legislate from the bench, but that is not what she means.
Now the rhetoric of the Biden administration appears to have shifted along with the scope of the war. As the US prepares to send in the types of weapons it has not sent since the invasion began, the Pentagon insisted this was part of the US commitment “from the very beginning” to help Ukraine defend itself.
“How that gets interpreted by the Russians — you can ask Mr. Putin and the Kremlin,” Kirby said Wednesday.
That’s what we like to hear. Let’s get this war rolling.
“We’re going to ship weapons on the Lusitania. How Germany responds is up to them.”
Stealing this.
Except we lied about the weapons being on board.
Our elites were more competent then. No less evil, though.
The government lying us into a war?! The Hell you say!!
I received an e-mail from the “Google AdSense Team” the other day. A few years ago, I attempted to sign up a web site that I have control over for Google AdSense, hoping to make a little ad money off of it. My request was rejected because the amount of content was low and they said they couldn’t characterize it for the pursposed of advertising.
So I forgot about it — this web site was basically a joke anyway, with essentially no content and no traffic– until I received this e-mail:
Consider this. They specifically say that certain topics are forbidden and that the list is not limited to those specifics. Interestingly, no claims that Ukraine is committing genocide are permitted.
So, what if Ukraine were commiting war crimes consistent with ethnic cleansing or genocide, or that as the conflict evolves, they begin to do so. No one who wishes to monetize their content with Google would be able to report on that, even factually.
Imagine if that had happened in Kosovo, or Sudan, or…
Moral of the story – Don’t use Google.
Which is untenable as either advertizer or content provider. They are by far the largest ad network. If you want your product seen, they are almost essential.
Your product Isn’t being seen anyway. They’ve picked the winners, and it ain’t you.
Fuck advertising – the entire enterprise, one end to the other.
The only path forward, really.
Are false claims that Russia is committing genocide allowed?
Oddly, they don’t seem to address that…
Well the answer is of course not! But such claims are inherently not false. Everyone knows Putin is personally enacting the Final Solution in Ukraine.
This conflict has been replete with whoppers. Yet nobody seems interested in getting it right. Only with getting it in alignment.
Huh. I would have thought that the MIC and MSM would have learned their lesson after all the prosecutions we didn’t have for lying us in to Iraq and Afghanistan. We’ve done nothing to correct the problem and we’re all out of ideas! I guess we’ll just have to listen to the same people again.
“Google: Bearing False Witness Since 2006”
(2006 was they year they acquiesced to the evil demands of the CCP.)
Obviously Google/Youtube hasn’t noticed this video yet.
Rekieta Law feels the same way about puns as does our Swiss. He just had to read a SuperChat – “Johnny Depp doesn’t need a vaccine… he has Heard immunity” and he was not happy about it.
But only we have the NarrowGaze®
And here I was wanting to like Rekeita. I guess everyone has their secret window.
I cant remember who posted the recipe for low-carb jambalaya but Im either making it this afternoon or tomorrow.
Ill will be adding some okra as a thickenerizer.
This cunte.
WATCH: Jen Psaki says illegal immigrants are “FREE TO TRAVEL” throughout the U.S. once they cross the border
Is it wrong for me to wish ill on her?
Like a certain circle of hell being reserved for her? [and Preet too]
I want there to be a warm-up to that in this lifetime. Something about gang of illegals [redacted] requiring multiple surgeries because [redacted].
I want to wish she was in prison basically.
The Pentagon hosted the CEOs of the military’s eight largest prime contractors Wednesday to figure out how to arm Ukraine faster, according to a readout of the classified meeting. The roundtable discussion, led by Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks, focused on the Pentagon’s objectives to keep supplying Ukraine with arms while being able to maintain the readiness of US forces and support the defense of allies.
Why should Pfizer get all the action?
You know what would speed things up?
If those defense contractors just GAVE the equipment to Ukraine for free. Figuring out how much shit costs and who will pay for it is just slowing things down.
(I’m sure that this might actually happen, followed by the US govt buying a truck full of hammers that each cost as much as an armored vehicle).
Idea. Invade Kyiv for the sake of democracy and then withdraw leaving billions in equipment.
My favorite idea is for all the cop shops in the US to send all their military surplus equipment to the Ukraine.
Well at least until the Russians are thrown out and the Ukraine cops start using those armored cars to round up and jail Zelensky’s political opponents.
The MIC is back baby!
I wonder how they transcribed the sound of everyone high-fiving each other for four hours.
Are they at least paying us?
And how are these arms shipped? I’d assume shipments would be fair game for the Russian military, at least at the depots.
Pffftttttt….. if we’re not paying for them directly, we’re laundering the money through the Ukrainian government so they can pretend to pay us while kicking 10% to the big guy(s). Don’t you even foreign aid bro?
Hey! Who wants to be required to serialize all of their bolts on bolt action firearms? I guess we all do as the ATF is bringing it – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tP_agDQxB8
It is long past time to dissolve that agency in acid.
Why stop there? You should be required to pass a background check before buying replacement grips. Or CLP. If we can require all Sudafed purchases be logged, why not the same for lubricating oils? No one needs more than 2oz of Hoppes, either.
The ATF wants to require any completed 80% kit to be serialized with a unique number AND your FFL number. Any unserialized privately made firearms brought in to a gunsmith and left on premises overnight, must be engraved by shop with a unique number and the shops FFL number. This is absolute madness.
This should be be unconstitutional. Get on it.
The ATF is unconstitutional, but that doesn’t stop them.
Just because the entire reason for the ATF’s existence is to infringe upon the second amendment? Don’t you even common sense restrictions, bro?
Uffda. Small town in Minnesoda pretty much wiped out by a tornado
An optimist would say half the town is still there.
Some nice Ray of Sunshine pull quotes in that article:
My dad was missing his horses on about 500 acres of land in Oklahoma after some storms and a tornado moved through a couple weekends ago. The tornado had missed houses but ripped out about 12 power lines and it took a couple days to restore.
Despite having lived in North Texas for many many years I have never seen a big tornado or it’s aftermath and am used to like f0s and f1s.
We got to the north of the property in his atv and there was an entire section of scores of giant 100 year old oaks and pecans just ripped out of the ground by their roots. I can’t imagine the force required. Just all laying down like an explosion had hit.
Then we see a bunch of turkey vultures up ahead and my dad says “that is not a good sign”.
Then my dad says “what’s that?” to a thing lying in the grass on my side. I can see that it’s a horse’s dismembered leg. But rather than say “it’s your beloved pet’s leg” I just say “uh oh. That’s not good”.
Later on we fine the carcass and it has been picked clean by vultures.
Never did find the rest of the horses but several days later they showed up back at the barn. So that was good.
I have never seen a big tornado or it’s aftermath
I saw the aftermath of the one that was out east near Lake Ray Hubbard in 2015. Looked like a demolition site. That was EF4.
An interesting fact about tornadoes is that while tornado alley is the area where the most tornadoes occur by number, the tornado death axis resides a few hundred miles east. Roughly from Indianapolis to Mobile. It’s not 100% clear what the driving factor is for that shift, but increased population density and increased average tornado strength are both possible contributors.
cold ground made worse by light snow
And there’s the twist.
Half the town is good compared to the tornado that hit Dawson Springs, KY last fall.
I think it was close to 75%. Of a bigger town. 2565 people in 2020 census.
I should buy a Tesla.
Coil? or Nicola?
I’d think about buying one if Musk Read Twitter:
1) Re-instates Trump’s account
2) Gives only Trump access to an edit button (why is that such a big thing?)
You mean to edit his own messes, or others too?
It would be epic if he could do a bunch of FTFYs on all the blue-checks.
Trump would not go back I think.
Trump has no principles so all it would take to get him back would be to properly stroke his ego.
I would 100% work for Twitter after Musk buys it and all the existing employees run away crying.
Happy things, tradesmen saving a dog from drowning – https://twitter.com/GoodNewsCorres1/status/1514328362306711560
That’s awesome.
But in the side bar under What’s Happening, it had this headline:
Why does that make me think there is evidence it causes male fertility issues?
I’ve seen that strawman in some of the vax agitprop on TV.
Interestingly, they don’t seem to be interested in fact-checking the evidence that it causes heart problems.
The Japanese biodistribution studies indicated that a significant percentage of the Pfizer vaccine ends up in your nuts.
And if it all ended up in my nuts, then it’s in your mom now.
Dude, she’s 82….
But at least she’s not dead. That’s the usual your mom joke response I get.
Where you’re going, you’re gonna need lube.
Dude, you calling Urthy an ageist?
Can’t believe you’d slander a guy like that. A guy with a subscription to Granny Gash.
There is a local Minnesoda PSA where the kindly white female doctor assures the poor jijab wearing immigrant lady (who is scared because she’s heard so much dangerous disinformation) that there is no truth that the vax causes any fertility problems.
The clincher quote (paraphrasing): “In fact, during the trials, some participants got preggo, so that proves there are no long term worries about fertility!”
Whycome these idiots can’t figure out that if they really wanted to be trusted by the public, they’d say “No one knows what the long term effects are right now. Pro or con. There simply hasn’t been enough time to definitively say whether there are any long term effects. We haven’t seen anything yet.”
But “owning” or “destroying” the anti-vaxxers isn’t going to happen when you use stupid bs as your argument.
Dude – you do not know how to expert. You ain’t no expert if you admit there is something you don’t know. Experts KNOW. It is known.
Dawww, that’s great. Dangerous AF for the guy in the bucket, too – could easily have turned into him needing rescuing.
Nice find, l0b0t!
Glib mixologists and foodies:
I have acquired “elderberry syrup” that is far too low-viscosity to be used for pancakes/waffles/etc. It also has lots of other strongly-flavored spices in it (cinnamon, ginger, cloves). Any classic uses for this, or should I just experiment with seltzer and various liquors?
It also has an expiration date of August which seems waaaay too soon but w/e.
Add a bit of water and make it a simple syrup. Store until winter and use in toddy’s and rum drinks.
Use in place of a sugar cube and cherry in a old fashioned, add fresh orange and make it with Rye?
Big Fear is starting to worry
When Philadelphia’s health commissioner announced this week that the city’s indoor mask mandate would be reinstated as Covid-19 cases there rise, something unusual happened: Not a single other major U.S. city followed suit.
Throughout the pandemic, local, state and federal precautions have followed a predictable pattern. As key Covid indicators, such as infections, hospitalizations and deaths, have gone up, so has the number of officials who have required masks, proof of vaccination or other measures to slow the rate of transmission of the coronavirus.
Now, as the more contagious BA.2 subvariant of the omicron strain spreads, it’s business as usual for much of the country. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention extended the federal transit mask mandate Wednesday and a handful of universities have brought back mask requirements, other restrictions remain relaxed.
Some people have implemented their own precautions, wearing masks even when there is no requirement to do so. But overall, the latest subvariant seems to have brought more of a collective shrug of the shoulders than previous strains.
Tom, 28, who works in financial services in Chicago and asked to be identified by his first name only because of the polarizing nature of the topic, is vaccinated and boosted, and he religiously wore a mask in the early days of the pandemic. Now, he said, “I am no longer acutely concerned.”
Oh, no. The sheeple aren’t panicking hard enough.
Get out there and beat the drums. Hype the level of contagiousness. Get the hypochondriacs in a tizzy again. Dredge up some anecdotal sob stories.
I’m not yet sure what to make of this.
A Taser is a deadly weapon. Im sorry he died but all Patrick Lyoya had to do was not fight the police officer and he would be alive today. Civil Rights activists should advise others to stop fighting the police and start cooperating.
Perhaps. But the video is limited in scope and does not provide requisite context. There is likely a crime by the cop here but it ain’t murder 1.
Time will tell. But the inevitable riots are gonna be great! //sarc
From the video, it looked like Lyoya was overpowering the cop and about to take control, with a potentially lethal ending for the cop. If the cop was a citizen in his home wrestling with an intruder, I would have absolutely considered this a good shoot against the intruder.
But this is not a citizen defending their home and the cop has a responsibility to be able to competently detain unarmed people without resorting to his firearm. Same as with the female officer who shot the guy with her gun instead of the taser.
the cop has a responsibility to be able to competently detain unarmed people without resorting to his firearm
To be fair, if his primary means for doing that ended up in that no-longer-unarmed person’s possession, that’s game over.
Definitely. The cop seemed scared and incapable of deploying his taser though. It’s not like Lyoya was high on PCP and shrugged off a textbook takedown.
Once the situation spun out of control to the point where the cop’s life was in danger (seriously in danger, not copspeak danger), completely agree that he’s justified in lethal force. But the cop also has culpability in allowing the situation he initiated and controlled with an unarmed guy to get that point.
the cop also has culpability in allowing the situation he initiated and controlled with an unarmed guy to get that point
Yup. Any cop who lets an arrestee get control of any of their equipment needs to be fired.
There are radio ads in Minnesoda telling all us serfs that it is never right to resist the cops. No matter what they are up to. The tag line at the end is something like “Comply Now, Complain Later”.
Fucking infuriates me. The advice is very practical, but geez it shouldn’t be.
Uffda. I guess I was lucky, the video that goes along with the audio I heard on the radio makes it way worse.
“Comply Now, Complain Later”
It may not be ideal, but some extenuating circumstance notwithstanding, if you are under arrest you are under arrest. Then you get your day in court.
Yeah, messaging failures aside, I don’t see the problem. If you start fighting the cops, you lose. The only question is how much you lose.
I don’t disagree that from a practical point of view, it is great advice.
What grinds me are a) the use of “Comply” and b) the idea that cops are some special people who have extra powers.
Extra powers – a [steenkeen] badge and a gun.
It isn’t that they have the power to enforce the law that is the problem; it’s the lack of accountability.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Individual accountability might help but it can also be weaponized. A police force should never be more than an accessory and legal clearinghouse to a population that polices itself. Remove that instinct and the cops will inevitably turn into a gang, no matter how much you try to hold individuals accountable.
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty – Wendell Phillips, not Thomas Jefferson
That seems like a fatal flaw to me.
The human condition, not too surprising it is flawed.
I mean it’s #1 rule I teach my kids and of course it’s hard to square with my views on cops but at the end of the day I want to make bail for them not be buying a coffin.
Every interaction with the police has the chance of turning into an IQ test. Cops are not that smart relative to the middle class norm, so it doesn’t take much to be smart enough to deal with them in most cases, but even if their average IQ was just 95, 38% of the population is still below that. Throw substance abuse into the mix and the situation gets even worse.
“Conversations every black parent needs to have with their black children” is just “don’t be an idiot around cops” repackaged into a different cultural context.
None of this justifies cops’ existence or attitudes, but reality does not bend to idealistic fantasy.
Cops routinely deal with a segment of the population that most of us don’t. I’d get pretty jaded in that line of work I’m sure. [Hell, I’m jaded now in what I do and it isn’t even dangerous.]
Yes. The average person has mostly offloaded the duty of policing to the cops, this includes dealing with some unsavory, maladjusted, low-intelligence, and/or needlessly belligerent people. Of course, cops also choose to do the job. NAXALT all around but it doesn’t change the general trend.
I’m not gonna bother diving in on what happened, but based on the snippets I’ve heard, it sounds like cop chases guy, guy wrestles tazer from cop, struggle ensues, cop shoots after gaining upper hand in struggle.
Assuming this is right, the question is whether the cop gained enough of an upper hand to be able to pacify the guy without using the gun. Sounds like sloopy believes its a fairly obvious “yes”. I’ll not watch the video to come to my own conclusion. It doesn’t really matter what I think anyway.
“It doesn’t really matter what I think anyway.”
That’s the spirit.
Only cavet is the cop had the guys back and was pinning him to ground and you can take it from there….
Yeah, that did not look like the cop was physically losing control. The entire clip looked like the cop trying to gain limb control so he could pull his own gun.
The taser had already been discharged by the cop. So he knew it was no threat to him.
The way I see it is: cop got tired and was afraid he might lose the guy so he literally shot him in the back of the head. Over a traffic stop.
The taser had already been discharged by the cop. So he knew it was no threat to him.
I’ve always thought that tasers can be used as stunguns after discharge. Is that not the case?
It is the case, but doing a drive stun requires the Tazer wielder to maintain direct contact with the skin.
s/r “tired” with “humilated and enraged.” The cop was already pissy when he was saying “the plates don’t belong on that car.”
This is a pretty good illustration of the difference between a ‘legal’ shooting (which this probably was,) and a ‘good’ shooting (which this unquestionably was not.)
The difference is in the mindset – “Can I shoot now?” vs. “Do I have to shoot now?”
“Cooperate and you’ll survive this encounter” is generally good advice, but there are still many dirty secrets around, such as:
1. Sometimes fleeing from the cops, including assaulting them to get away, works (at least for a while)
2. Cooperating may still get you killed (“snitches get stitches”, plus cops being roid monkeys)
3. Urban beat cops are just thugs with badges
4. Cities kept well run by their police forces are just mafia-run cities with more steps
5. “Civil rights activists” includes a lot of bad actors who don’t care about consequences
6. Incarceration is a politically palatable but ultimately self-defeating “solution”
7. None of this can be addressed by “voting” alone
Very little that actually matters can be addressed by “voting”. Voting is about tricking the populace into thinking they consent, not about asking for input. For the most part, the bureaucracy is going to work the same no matter who wins the popularity contests.
A tazer is a deadly weapon, huh? Good to know.
So if a cop can “fear for his life” is someone gets his tazer, can’t us normies also “fear for our life” if a cop starts waving around his tazer?
Don’t tase me bro.
Aww, the tax cow thinks it’s people!
That “new” song takes me back to listening to the AM radio as a kid. And it was one of the first videos I remember. I always like that song.
BA.2 — which caused an explosion of cases in Europe but didn’t consistently result in a spike in deaths — hasn’t inspired him to put his mask back on.
“What it would take to get me to raise my eyebrows and get me to start thinking about this again would be if there’s some very obvious quantitative increase in severity.”
Oh, fine. NOW he wants evidence.
They see me trollin’…
He would be overpaying. CNN is a negative investment.
A Taser is a deadly weapon. Im sorry he died but all Patrick Lyoya had to do was not fight the police officer and he would be alive today. Civil Rights activists should advise others to stop fighting the police and start cooperating.
Stop resisting.
“Comply Now, Complain Later”
Nationwide Insurance, which has 25,000 U.S. employees and a hybrid work model in which its office is never above 50 percent capacity, doesn’t require employees to be vaccinated — and it said the current state of the pandemic wouldn’t change that.
“While we encourage all employees to get vaccinated, we also understand that vaccination is a personal decision and not everyone has received or will receive the vaccine due to health reasons, religious beliefs or other personal reasons,” the company said in a statement. “We will continue to monitor the situation and continue practices that align with CDC guidance as well as county, city and state regulations.”
Wut? That’s crazy.
They are clearly on our side.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
That’s just fantastic.
“It’s tough to keep acting like it’s going to be the end of the world or there’s another disaster coming. You can only prepare yourself for disaster so many times. But we swung too far the other way,” she said. “We’re not being reasonable.”
She worried that too many people still see Covid as “a bad cold” more than two years in.
“Unfortunately, Covid and the pandemic is not about the individual. It’s about lives lost and consequences of living with Covid, like long Covid, and delayed care because hospitals may get very busy again,” she said.
These fucking people…
Long COVID is just fibromyalgia redux, COVID is not even the leading cause of death among many demographic groups (e.g., 18-35 yo males: suicide > COVID), and “hospitals may get very busy again” is a self-inflicted problem (constricted supply).
Yep. People are attributing unnoticed or ignored issues to their bout with covid.
You can only prepare yourself for disaster so many times.
These idiots think that emoting is preparation. They are emotionally spent, but they are not one iota more prepared for the next disaster that may come.
Meanwhile, others are actually taking action based on what they have seen. Many are emotionally exhausted from the insanity of all this, but they’re not riding the TMITE roller coaster, so they’re not spent. They’re also better prepared for the next crisis because they took affirmative steps towards being more resilient in the face of adverse situations.
Laptop class v. Working class, cosmo v. Yokel, blue v. red, no matter how you slice it, it’s a cultural difference between the people who feel their way through life and the people who do something.
“Preperation” for the laptop class just means more money and power for the laptop class.
They’ve got Uber Eats and an internet connection. What else do they need?
And those things are delivered by magic.
The “essential” vs. “non-essential” dynamic was such blatant classism that I’m still surprised it doesn’t get more political traction. It’s the job of the “essentials” to still go to work, sometimes without pay (e.g. gov’t “shutdowns”), to ensure the “non-essentials” get to live comfortable lives.
Same reason as most class conflict doesn’t play out – the classes lack class-consciousness. Damn fools don’t realize that class is everything, probably even think of themselves as individuals.
Yes, there are many fatal flaws in Marxism, and this is one of them. The various elements of the bourgeoisie always have stronger class consciousness than the proletariat. Lenin “overcame” this with the “vanguard party”, lots of violence, and rewarding brutal peasant enforcers with power and status they never could have gotten under the Tsarist regime or even non-Marxist liberal/socialist rule post-revolution.
Or to put it another way, there is no politically meaningful caucus anywhere for the “essential workers”; only subsets of them can even be talked about in the main, and in such strange ways that you come away thinking things like “only fat black women work at grocery stores?”
See, this is where Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent makes sense – in that the game is always about one faction gaining power, whether by lies or violence. And then, nothing ever changes – just another faction takes power. The masses are always duped, one way or another.
Yeah, Chomsky is a senile idiot today, and was a non-senile idiot before, but he (like Marx) occasionally got some things right (though even in his “field of competence”, linguistics, he made a number of mistakes).
The masses get duped because they want to be duped. This is not meant as an insult so much as merely an observation. Politics is a bourgeois profession; when proles enter politics, even if they succeed, they become bourgeois before too long. Even in a society where front-facing retail politics is real (unlike ours), it is still down to factional warfare between different segments of the bourgeoisie. Voting boils down to ratification of the status quo (incumbency) or aimless forced change for change’s sake (anti-incumbency) which generally collapses (see the brief periods when Japan’s LDP was out of power) or coalesces around “basically the status quo but with different people in charge” (e.g. SYRIZA in Greece).
Well, I can only really accept Manufacturing Consent when I’m in full on cynic mode (and even then I have to reject his idiotic “but this time it would be different”). My latent idealist/optimist believes that people are capable of self governance (even if I am incorrectly generalizing from my own self-experience). My realist view falls somewhere in between.
That works, right up until the Morlocks decide to eat you…
The problem with most dystopian fiction is it’s written too soon and becomes trite and tropey when its time comes.
(alternately, the dystopian fiction prevented the bad outcomes from being attempted earlier, but paradoxically de-immunized people to dealing with them in the long run)
people still see Covid as “a bad cold”
It is. Take your vitamins and get over it.
like long Covid
No one had a persistent cough for months before covid…
Perhaps if there were an outpatient treatment for COVID that minimized symptoms and prevented long-term issues….
Or even a prophylactic treatment that had decades of safety studies behind it….
Nahhhh, that’s just crazy talk.
I really have to stop listening to interviews with NZ politicians about economics. There is price inflation in NZ and I learned the following about grocery stores from the Commerce Minister:
since grocery prices are going up faster than overall inflation, that means grocery stores are overcharging
grocery stores are making more than “appropriate” profits
we need more competition in NZ grocery stores. one way to achieve this is to break up existing companies
the government needs to create an official grocery regulatory panel/commission
It’s like the NZ government has just sat there and never intervened in any markets or practices. Ever.
I just can’t figure out whether it’s evil or stupid. And, yes, why not both?
And the idiot interviewing him wanted to know what were the “quick” things the government could do to reduce grocery bills.
Functionally indistinguishable in many situations. Doesn’t matter to me anymore. I treat it as evil. Their intentions don’t matter.
It’s evil. Very few politicians are stupid. Almost everything they say is just actors playing a role. Government policies are completely aligned with their objective to increase the power of the State.
Rep. Melissa Blasek says don’t let Democrats off the hook
FOR THE PAST two years, the country has endured one failed COVID policy after another, but not without injury, and now we face a test of resiliency that requires bold and honest leadership to redirect the country back toward its foundations in freedom.
Lockdowns, which have been packaged into a variety of draconian policies, devastated our once free civilization. Measures such as school closures, hybrid learning environments, restrictions on sporting and cultural events, private business closures, travel restrictions, stay-at-home orders, religious institution closures, and curfews robbed us of joy and purpose without any discernible benefit.
According to a February meta-analysis from Johns Hopkins University, “lockdowns have had little to no public health effects [and] they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”
Lockdowns as a public health policy bizarrely were based on nothing more than a simple hypothesis conjured up in a 14-year-old’s science project, yet public health experts in positions of governmental authority eagerly thrust this life-changing measure on the public and governors enforced it with threats of fines and imprisonment. I suppose no one can fault politicians in the early days of COVID, who faced enormous pressure from a terrified public to do something, but proper disease management likely required capitalistic ideas such as searching for therapeutics and adequately staffing the health care system. Ultimately, history once again proved that a centralized, one-sized-fits-all mentality is not suitable for human nature and results in misery every single time it’s tried.
In case you run into the paywall.
threats of fines and imprisonment
Threats? More like promises. That were kept.
Locked in a cage for defying the govt.
How long will it be before people tsk-tsk sentences like this the way we do now for people that were thrown in prison for having some MJ?
…executive orders are law.
Don’t get upset Tundra. I’m sure the when the right person is in the Gov’s mansion was implied. It isn’t like Jesse’s EO’s were law, or – doG forbid – ones created by a GOP gov.
Toning down the rhetoric.
Biden: I called it genocide because it has become clear that Putin is just trying to wipe out the idea of even being able to be a Ukrainian
No that is not clear at all.
Dipshit is going to talk his way into WW3.
I’m now convinced that both he and Kamala are both being played by a 9 year old twitch streamer
Much as “racism” has been redefined to mean “prejudice + power” and then “prejudice” was redefined to mean “disparate impact”, now too we have genocide redefined to mean “racism + military superiority”. So Ukraine shelling Donbas, or Palestinian terrorists shelling Israel, doesn’t qualify because they don’t have the superior position.
the teleprompter is blinkin’ I’m thinkin’
it’s all over when go out drinkin’
OH makin’ my mind slow,
that’s why I don’t fuck with the big NATO
bro, I got ta’ maintain
cuz a POTUS like me is goin; insane
insane in da Ukraine
insane in da brain!
Standing Ovation
I ‘member when Star Trek used to be fun and engaging.
A couple recent episodes of the Paramount+ series Star Trek: Picard featured Starfleet crew members traveling back in time to present day to beat up U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, free a busload of illegal immigrants on their way to be deported, and lecture that racism just “took off a hood and put on a suit” in the early 21st Century.
What an effing joke.
I wonder if Roddenberry would lament the monster he created?
You don’t get to techno-utopianism without “racists in suits” having more say in the state of affairs than committees of activists and their donors/operators. Musk may not get us to Mars, but he’s actually trying. Soros etc. will more likely get us to a new Dark Age first.
And here I thought Star Trek 4 couldn’t be topped..
Sounds like the showrunners are still people who don’t pay any attention to the property they’re running.
This is why we need shorter copyright terms.
It’s like the same people who ruined Dr. Who are busy ruining Trek. Can’t say I’m surprised.
I stopped watching Trek when Benedict Cumberbund said “khan”. I turned that shit off right there and haven’t seen anything after that moment.
I liked Picard season 1, so I started watching season 2, but the shit just mentioned made me bail right out. Because apparently enforcing the nation’s immigration laws leads to a totalitarian fascist future.
Go fuck yourselves, Paramount.
Good morning, Sloop!
Lol. As if that’s the primary effect. How about the massive compliance costs, ESG silliness and the pain in the ass shareholders. I’ve gone through two public offerings. Never again.
Nice musical selections. They always bring a smile to my face.
Spare me. The role of the SEC is supposed to be to protect investors so that trust is maintained in the exchanges (don’t laugh).
If Twitter is a private entity, it’s a non-issue and the SEC regulators have more free time to jack off into a trashcan which is more productive than 98% of their activities.
They’re tipping their hand, if only slightly. This is a subtle hint that the SEC is one of their backdoors into companies.
If so, then that’s been a total switch since 2008. I still perceive them as functionally powerless and only there to facilitate what GS and JPM want.
An agency being unable or unwilling to enforce certain regulations, even well spelled out statutory obligations, does not necessarily contraindicate that same agency being able and willing to exert influence over other corporate practices. Indeed, this apparent contradiction can form the basis of a symbiotic relationship, and aligns well with the petty interests of bureaucrats in both private and public sectors.
petty interests of bureaucrats in both private and public sectors
Petty? You should be slapped with a criminal slander complaint for your verbal assault on those fine, right-thinking folks struggling to end the oppression of free thought.
Public offering is a pain in the ass. Not just paperwork and reviews… you end up hiring a bunch of people and changing things just to fit the expected mold.
The biggest issue with a publicly traded company is the short term mentality driven by insiders having a vested interest in increasing short term share prices. The C suite has a large percentage of their compensation in stocks that is dictated by short term successes.
If you were to invest to grow into a new market, technology, or system of doing things it better be done within 3-5 years.
For a tech company like Twitter, what is the major revenue stream, personal info and targeted market research?
As an example of such, I point to BRP Inc, the owner of Sea-Doo.
Sea-Doo is currently shipping incomplete units to their dealers and booking it as they would normal consignments even though those units cannot be sold in their current state.
I have always divided the world up into Firsters and the non-Firsters (the seconders, thirders, and quadpeople). But I am declaring a Glib emergency. Today, I feel it is necessary to form a union with the seconders and thirders of the Glibertariat who are anti-Quordle. Firsting will be suspended until such a time as when the Quordlists have been beaten down and into submission.
Look who’s suddenly an ally of the STQ+ crowd.
It’s going to be fun watching her curb stomp you.
U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert will face a Republican challenger in Colorado’s June primary election after state election officials announced Tuesday that state Sen. Don Coram submitted enough valid signatures on nominating petitions.
The Montrose lawmaker said he’s anxious to put up his record of delivering results for the Western Slope against what his campaign described as Boebert’s “embarrassing juvenile antics on the national stage.” …
“This has been a true grassroots campaign,” he said.
“I look forward to setting the record straight on the lies Lauren Boebert and her supporters have peddled,” Coram added, referring to a stream of attacks unleashed by Boebert and her allies. “I will make the case to primary voters as to why I am the most qualified candidate to represent them and their families.”
“This has been a true grassroots campaign,” he said.
99% chance he’s a fed
He is a stooge for the machine. they will give him tons of money and do a whole lot of bullshitting hoping to confuse people, but it won’t work. The morons just can’t give up on the old ways of doing things because they don’t want to accept that to many people have been red pilled.
Democratic senator Raphael Warnock asked a Georgia judge on Tuesday to seal his contentious child custody dispute from the public, arguing that because he is “currently running for reelection” his opponent could use the case to “gain some political advantage,”
Can you also use this to get tickets dismissed?
Blair Hull and Jack Ryan sympathize with his plight.
He’s running against Obama?
Sorry, if you were president or perhaps on the Armed Forces Committee, you could claim protection under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.
So how many lawyers in FB and Alphabet are scrambling to find out if they can buy twitter
I’m amazed, impressed, and appalled, they bought up so much as it is.
“We need a climbing wall, eh?”
“Take off you hoser, we only want to climb natural rocks.”
“‘Where are all those who said Black Lives Matter?’ NYC Mayor Eric Adams blasts BLM activists for failing to act after a bloody night across the city left two black victims dead and another ten shot”
“The conservative activist group Project Veritas said the Justice Department had secretly obtained personal information about its staffers from Apple and Google as part of an investigation into how the organization received Ashley Biden’s ‘diary.’
The organization said it had recently learned from Apple and Google that the department had issued nine subpoenas and warrants between November 2020 and March 2021. The requested materials included payment information and browsing history, and the department compelled the technology companies to not disclose the government’s orders, according to Project Veritas.
The organization disclosed Wednesday what it said were notifications from Apple, dated last month, in which the tech company said it had received legal requests in late 2020 and early 2021 for ‘customer data.’
The notification said the request allowed ‘delayed notice to the affected customer.’ Project Veritas also revealed last month that the Justice Department had obtained secret court orders to seize emails of eight staffers.
A spokesman for the US Attorney’s office in Manhattan, which is leading the investigation, declined to comment, as did a spokesperson for Apple.
Google spokesperson Jose Castaneda said in a statement, ‘In order to protect user privacy, we don’t comment on specific cases, but we’re firmly committed to protecting user data and we have a long history of pushing to notify people using our services about legal requests that relate to their data.'”
Nothing to see here, move along.
Hey, the Supreme Court said you have no privacy interest in that data, therefore there can be no 4th Amdt violation. Third-party bitches.
I would love to know what the warrants allege to be potential evidence of crimes, as I seem to recall that is a necessary predicate.
They probably “violated privacy” which only the approved news outlets, the approved leakers, and other people working towards the approved narrative (at the time) are allowed to do.
ITTR – Inconvenient To The Regime
Not your keys, not your crypto.
Not your keys, not your data.
Not your keys, not your house.
Not your keys, not your safe deposit box.
Life is very convenient when you live as a perpetual tenant. It’s also very convenient for the State to make you miserable when they target you.
Ouch. That’s gonna hurt.
I wouldn’t consider voting for McSwain even with Trump’s endorsement. Fuck US Attys seeking elected office.
Trump’s endorsements seem to be going somewhat downhill lately, also.
Dr. Oz? Gun controlling quack. He’s a repudiation of a large portion of Trump’s base. He really stepped on his dick with that one.
Yeah. Did he do it on his own, or did someone give him exceedingly bad advice?
Does it matter?
Trump is either dumb enough to think that endorsing Dr. Oz is a good idea, or dumb enough to listen to people who think it’s a good idea.
Fool or Sucker, pick whichever works for you?
And then he said this.
What a dumbfuck.
“Today on Twitter feels like the last evening in a Berlin nightclub at the twilight of Weimar Germany.”
Exactly backwards, as usual.
I think the feat is more “He’ll stop us from censoring those filthy wrongthinkers!”
Serious journalist Jeff Jarvis.
These people are so ridiculous.
Farther down:
That’s $50B more than the company is worth.
But he’s got money to burn, I suppose.
Despite the large markup, I feel they might not sell anyway.
That would arguably be a breach of their fiduciary duty and open them up to lawsuits. They would need a rock-solid reason to decline it, other than “South African Man Bad”
think so?
The scumbag lawyers that file minority shareholder lawsuits at the drop of the hat would be all over that. And in this rare case, not actually scumbags.
And if you think that Elon doesn’t have a stack of proxy shareholders lined up with lawsuits at the ready, well…
It’s not really whether I think so – they are legally bound to put their client’s best interests ahead of their own, so if they decide to pass on a massive payday, they open themselves up to lawsuits. Maybe they’d prevail in arguing it wasn’t a good idea because of X. But maybe not.
How much do Vanguard and Blackrock want to hang onto their stakes? Does it matter that much to them to control the outlet?
That would seem to be the big question.
I don’t think they have any particular attachment to the company – they’ll take their tidy profit and dump the money elsewhere.
e.g., for Vanguard, it’d be around an extra $670 million above the current stock price. The fund manager(s) will take that and enjoy their large year-end bonuses for their great performance this year.
Vanguard owns 8.79%, Morgan Stanley 8.76%, Blackrock 6.48%.
That is nearly a quarter of the shares. And more than a quarter of the non-Musk shares.
The safe play is for them to accept pending a vote of shareholders.
Life is a cabaret old chum…
We may soon be subjected to the horrors of being unable to silence those with whom we disagree!
Well, they’re half right. But there’s no NSDAP and no Hitler coming.
“I am frightened by the impact on society and politics if Elon Musk acquires Twitter. He seems to believe that on social media anything goes. For democracy to survive, we need more content moderation, not less.”
Which is smaller, the eye of the needle one must pass through to enter the Kingdom of God, or the ideological difference between neocons and progressives?
Trotskyites vs Stalinists.
Yeah, I don’t see the difference either.
The only real difference is which one ends up with an ice axe in their skull at the end.
Both are astronomically small compared to how big an asshole he is.
If my asshole was that narrow I would shit grains of sand.
At least they’re putting it right out in the open now. They hate the proles, they really hate them.
For democracy to survive, we need more content moderation, not less
We’re beyond parody.
People having open discussions on politics is a threat to our democracy. Or something.
Hat-tip to Tundra for his quordle.com “trigger words” [ 😉 ]:
Daily Quordle 80
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Also tested ’em out on the NYT version and the Quordaily app. They work quite well!
Nice work, Beam.
For democracy to survive, we need more content moderation, not less