Should be interesting
Really not much in sports yesterday unites you’re an NBA fan. UCL semifinals start today with the first leg of the Man City-Real Madrid matchup. That should be fun. Liverpool-VIllareal kicks off tomorrow. And that’s pretty much it for sports.
Let’s see how long this lasts. And I’m curious yto see how many Team Blue members will decry the decision. My guess: not very many. This is a wildly unpopular decision by Biden and it’s gonna cost them a lot of votes in the fall. The best possible outcome for them is the courts stopping it.

This would be nice.
This is, sadly, not a surprise. But you know what doesn’t help? The unnecessary third paragraph of the article that unfairly paints Israel as an aggressor and doesn’t offer much in the way of context of a specific incident.
Oh look, Biden is doing something good. Nice job, handlers. Nice job. Focus on this instead of…anything else.
And now the fun begins. The rending of garments. The wailing and gnashing of teeth. If only we’re able to work out way up to some self-immolation, this will be fantastic.

Retarded asshole
Howard Stern continues his slide into dementia. Either that or he doesn’t care about domestic abuse. And I mean real domestic abuse. This dude was the psychological, and occasionally physical, version of a battered spouse.
This dude’s got things figured out. I fully endorse this message.
What, did someone spot a conservative? That’s the only thing I can think that would draw the cops to Berkeley. The triggering when a red-hat shows up throws the leftist baboons into a shit-flinging rage.
This seems like a bit of an overreaction. Also, I want to know what “threats” he posted in the past. Especially anti-LGBTQRSTAI@S+ threats to the Land-O-Lakes people. Did he think the old squaw was packing a Johnson or something? I bet that part of the story is bullshit.
An early masterpiece. I love that song. Here’s a slightly newer one that’s also fantastic. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, friends.
“Let’s see how long this lasts. And I’m curious yto see how many Team Blue members will decry the decision. My guess: not very many. This is a wildly unpopular decision by Biden and it’s gonna cost them a lot of votes in the fall. The best possible outcome for them is the courts stopping it.”
We mentioned the other day that with team blue not getting what they wanted from the border crossers, Hispanics are breaking with team blue and their marxist penchant, and that the whole invasion thing might be stopped, and now you see this?
“But you know what doesn’t help? The unnecessary third paragraph of the article that unfairly paints Israel as an aggressor and doesn’t offer much in the way of context of a specific incident.”
“(((You))) shouldn’t have been wearing that sexy little hat.”
“This is, sadly, not a surprise. But you know what doesn’t help? The unnecessary third paragraph of the article that unfairly paints Israel as an aggressor and doesn’t offer much in the way of context of a specific incident.”
We love the Jews, but we hate them for Israel!
It sounds like what Amber Heard says to Johnny Depp after she punches him in the nuts or shits on the bed about how much she loves em….
Wow. The abc link has a “Jan 6. Riot” on the top menu.
It leads to a login page for FBI members.
They’re off message – it’s supposed to be an insurrection.
LOL the culling of useless wastrels is going to be easy.
The number of narcissists with blue checks already bitching that they lost a few thousand followers yesterday was about what I expected. It was a lot of them.
Also, they’d have to go to a third-party site to see exactly how many followers they have. So they had to go out of their way to find out that they went from 3,432,600 followers to 3,426,555. The ego on these fucking people is amazing.
“The number of narcissists with blue checks already bitching that they lost a few thousand followers yesterday was about what I expected. It was a lot of them.”
you mean they will clean out the real bots these people have propping up their numbers instead of banning real people for a change?
That’s part of it, yeah. Their entire system of personal validation is about to be thrown into chaos. And they’re losing their collective shit.
No, that’s when their number of followers gets chopped in half.
I wonder how much ad revenue Twitter has been charging for those bots. They could have a real fraud problem on their hands, which Musk just walked into.
Musk will have the opportunity to turn over all evidence of fraud he uncovers on the way in the door and point fingers at the people in charge of the programming that let the bots stay.
He could do some real good here. And cause a ton of heads to explode in the process.
Which is why he right now has one of the biggest bullseyes on his back, with everyone in the clique that has been trying desperately to keep the idiots in the Matrix gunning for him, and will soon become even more “investigated”, by people trying desperately to find something (or failing that, to be able to manufacture something), that will allow them to throw the legal system at him than they are doing currently to Donald Trump.
I suspect that Wall Street sees an opportunity to make an example out of him. He borrowed that money against Tesla and they could easily go after the Tesla stock. If they drive it into the basement, he’s going to get margin calls on his loans.
Musk is in a precarious spot.
Twitter the company, his company now, is still on the hook for any fraud, though.
Maybe with a big actionable claim against the previous board (or somebody)?
Excuse my ignorance, but at this point, he has made an offer, and before any cash changes hands, wouldn’t there be due diligence to find out if the value has been illegally pumped up? And, much like in home purchases, wouldn’t that effect the final transaction price?
I saw Cernovich posted he gained thousands of followers suddenly (apparently exponentially more than his usual). Presumably Twitter was unfairly assigning bots to follow regime-friendly voices and somehow stealthily downplaying regime-unfriendly voices.
Tons of conservative leaning people are joining up, so that might push his numbers higher, bots, downplaying, or whatever else aside.
I hope there are many meetings like this one at Twitter in the coming weeks.
I’d like to see this sort of thing.
Not a Red Hat alert then. Everyone knows MAGAts want to genocide entire communities.
I hate stupid people. They will soon make that one of the crimes not allowed, because the banners & censorers are all amongst the biggest of the fucking moron class.
“And now the fun begins. The rending of garments. The wailing and gnashing of teeth. If only we’re able to work out way up to some self-immolation, this will be fantastic.”
I heard that it is a small few that are freaking out. That’s the same small few that are doing the censoring to help the evil fuckers keep lying to us. Also, that shithole San Fran seems to have upped the ante by ending their sweet deal with the Twitter company that gave them some taxation benefits. Watch Twatter now move to Texas too, and the asshats in California, with the shit burning down and drowning in shit all around them, preen and pretend they are so much cooler because they are idiots.
You heard wrong. It’s basically half of twitter threatening to leave. The hard-core leftist half, who want censorship and to have half the debate silenced. They’re gonna have to face the actual marketplace of ideas. And it terrifies them.
I was surprised, although I shouldn’t have been, about how quickly my progressive friends righteously posted to FB that they had left Twitter. And now, of course, the sudden appearance of “here’s something it would have been better to spend $44 billion on.”
Musk could have solved world hunger with 44billion. Ok… Now the people who sold Twitter to him can solve world hunger if it’s that important to them.
Yeah, each person gets 6 bucks US. That will really solve hunger…
I wonder if I should send my request to be reinstated now. I was banned for telling ultra-neocon and Atlantic writer Anne Applebaum “send your own kids to get killed in Ukraine if you want, but leave mine out of it”. I have a screenshot of the tweet. They said I was promoting violence by not wanting WW3 to happen and banned me.
When you have neither the mental acuity or ability to hold any sort of adult discussion using logic, facts, reason, and analytics, all because your beliefs are all based on emotional behaviors of toddlers, nothing is more frightening than having the people you ban to avoid your stupidity coming out when you open your mouth and leave no others with any doubt about how stupid you are, getting a pass from your ban hammer tactics.
It’s good to see that there are still some adults in charge at Twitter:
Twitter has now banned any product updates that are not ‘business-critical’, with the company’s vice-president required to give approval for any to go ahead. The move aims to prevent angry staff from ‘going rogue’
That is sensible.
That also tells you that they know their employees are willing to commit crimes out of spite. These are people that think they are real cool if they steal the “M” off the keyboards, following in the footsteps of idiots that stole the “W” of white house computers back when, in an act of defiance, and the ultimate act of coolness is to send out malicious content that hurts users.
I would also imagine that is the least productive half of that workforce.
Overly political people at work are basically toxic anyway. Fire them all.
That would be the board of most companies these days…
There’s a hilarious Twitter account called Defiant L’s where they post, side-by-side, hypocritical tweets from lefties where they contradict themselves. I bet they’ll have a field day with people who threatened to leave and didn’t follow through (for example https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FROxYIgWQAA_Nyh?format=jpg&name=large).
Jameela Jamil led the charge of celebrities announcing they would abandon Twitter after Musk’s purchase…
That can’t be a real person. Is it like an internet Max Headroom?
She’s real. British DJ who became more famous by playing a vapid celebrity name dropper on the Good Place.
So, no need for any acting skills. Just be herself.
“a person whose gender identity is female”
I can imagine someday after the current “identity” fad is over they’re going to quietly edit that back out.
Words are defined by usage, so that isn’t wrong. If people start calling coffee cups “ash trays”, then that’s one meaning of “ash tray”.
Like literally(2) which means figuratively.
Its stupid, but language has been doing stupid stuff like that forever. It is why fast means both swiftly moving and standing still. And guess which was fast(1) and which is fast(2)?
The quotes directed towards the language police are not threats, much less actionable ones. Then again, the Chron is pretending this quote is harassment:
The process is the punishment. And they’re gonna “process” the shit out of basically everything he said, one at a time, over the last several years.
Nothing has been more damaging to the cause of keeping sanity in charge of things than movements that have pushed for stupid ideas like telling people that have accomplished nothing that they should have self esteem or that words are violence. Self esteem comes from working hard, and regardless of accomplishment or failure, knowing you can kick ass. And only idiots that have never experienced real violence will mouth that words are violence.
“Howard Stern continues his slide into dementia. Either that or he doesn’t care about domestic abuse. And I mean real domestic abuse. This dude was the psychological, and occasionally physical, version of a battered spouse.”
This guy lost his edge as soon as he sold out to Sirius. He made money and his true colors came through. He alienated all the real people around him (especially the ones that actually made that show funny) to please the woke crowd, prolly cause his new woman was calling his shits, and he really went idiot squared. The fact that some people think he is still relevant, including himself, just makes me wonder if as a society we need an extinction level event to cull stupidity.
My theory is that whenever a popular voice stops being edgy and starts towing the regime lion as forcefully as possible it is because people have actual Epstein-level dirt on him and are insisting that he do so. Or maybe he’s just really afraid of being cancelled for all the dirtbag stuff he did and said toward women on his show.
Stern always, always, always wanted to be accepted by the cool kids; he has no particular principles. Once he was famous enough, he just pivoted to saying the right things and, presto, now he gets to hang out with the other right-thinkers.
There is no position he holds now that he wouldn’t change if it meant continued social acceptance by the rest of the Hamptons crowd.
His woman wants the cool kids to keep inviting them to the cool kid’s parties, so that requirement is what shapes his current beliefs/behaviors.
I don’t necessarily think it is dirt, but that they have moved away from whatever gave them that edge and into the arms of “celebrity culture”, which is relentlessly leftist.
Or they were banging children.
In Hollywood that’s always a possibility, but even the stuff he did on camera on his show is hugely cancellable by 2022 rules: coercing chicks to show their tits and sit on vibrators and moan into a microphone and whatnot.
My theory is that whenever a popular voice stops being edgy and starts towing the regime lion as forcefully as possible it is because people have actual Epstein-level dirt on him and are insisting that he do so.
Nah. Stern’s transition was obvious the minute he left his wife and family for the trophy wife. The first wife seemed basically content to be a rich relative nobody in Long Island. The trophy wife wants to be one of the beautiful people. The problem is Stern’s entire fortune was predicated on relentlessly mocking those same beautiful people. So, he’s reduced himself to kissing Kathy Lee’s rear end, parroting authority, and lionizing Imus. He’s now a sad, pathetic, little joke of a man. I hope for him that the sex is worth it.
“Authorities have accused him of sending “despicable” anti-LGBTQ threats for years to organizations across the country, including Disney, Land O’Lakes, Hasbro and DC Comics, all to “evoke fear and division,” according to a statement from the U.S. attorney’s office in Massachusetts.”
I don’t know about Hasbro, but the others all pulled woke bullshit. Land O’Lakes got removed the image of a woman that was painted by an Native American because people said it was racist. So they got rid of the Indians and kept the land.
That’s why I want to know what he said to Land O’Lakes that was anti-LGBTQIA2S+. The story said it was against that community. I’m willing to bet it has nothing to do with gay people, trannies, or any of the rest of the alphabet soup.
It’s probably just bad reporting.
“Hanson’s threats keyed on several of the lightning rods that have divided Americans over the past few years in the most recent iteration of the culture wars, including sexuality, gender, and race-related monuments, mascots and logos.”
[golf clap] for “Indians…land.”
Hasbro – I believe they pulled some woke Mr. Potato Head idiocy.
They also own D&D which has become a complete tumblr-level wokefest.
Can’t be. They stopped printing D&D books after 3.5
WotC was the worst thing to happen to TSR.
I have a very nice hardback PoD of the Rules Cyclopedia that I purchased last year.
Also, I like 4th edition. It has the most dnd-iest of settings.
4th edition played like an MMORPG and was very ill-suited to realizing a concept-first character process.
It’s still fun.
Basic (B/X, BECMI) D&D wasn’t good for concept-first characters. You didn’t even know what class you would be playing until after you rolled your stats. Unless you were stubborn, and wanted to still play a wizard, even though you only rolled a 5 for INT.
I’m not sure what those acronyms stand for, but there was a reason my group settled into the 3E/3.5 ruleset.
I also wonder if I’m the only person who ran a d20 modern campaign.
The boxed set of original D&D rules — really the only ruleset suitable for a high-level campaign.
The history of D&D Third Edition
Third edition was specifically a rejection of “story games” that had become popular. It was “back to the dungeon”, which, according to Mr. Colville, was considered max insanity. Story games were the future!
That does not track to the experience we had.
The less flexible systems were the ones with less story in the games due to decreased player investment in their character. Or was he talking about being able to sell fewer adventure modules because the game groups came up with their own adventures and settings?
To be honest, I don’t recall ever having run into a game using a published adventure. Do people even buy those?
Colville’s “History of D&D, One Fighter at a Time”There is a lot of talk about the rise and fall of TSR included in the talk. Gygax was an entrepreneur who saw success and failure, and,
apologies to the Bard, but D&D (whichever version one prefers) is truly the greatest game ever invented.
The design of 3rd edition, at the outset (if Colville is to be believed) was to get back to the core play experience of exploring dungeons, fighting monsters, and getting treasure. It was a rejection of the “Vampire” type story games that were popular in the 90’s.
What players did with it may be a different matter.
White box or GTFO.
I have heard they published an “adventure” where there is no fighting monsters or acquiring treasure. It was basically wandering around a fantasy college campus having amazing experiences.
At least Wizards still lets you buy the old stuff.
Whoever wrote that should be given a lifetime ban from all forms of gaming.
Whoever permitted it to see print should be drawn and quartered in the public square.
I just looked it up. The place is called Strixhaven and it is actually a crossover from Magic the Gathering.
Magical combat wheelchairs, because too many dungeons are ableistic and non-ADA compliant.
X cards, in case players are sensitive.
Elimination of alignment, because good and evil are racist concepts.
No one with an adventurer’s budget in those settings would be trapped in a wheelchair. Too much magic capable of fixing those disabilities.
What the fuck is an ‘x card’?
Good and Evil are universal concepts that are found in all cultures.
Law versus Chaos
It’s a player veto over a happening/event in the game. Because it’s not fair that a player with a dismemberment phobia be exposed to the losing end of asword of sharpness.
Silence, Heretic!
“Ass-sword of sharpness” wasn’t D&D. That might’ve been FATAL.
The player veto is leaving the gaming group.
…are you sure about that? Everything in Dragon magazine is canon, and I don’t think I’ve read every April edition…
How many parapelegics and quadrapelegics would jump at the chance for normal mobility if it were possible?
“FATAL was generally met with hostility from reviewers and the gaming community alike.
The game itself was ridiculed for its obsession with deviant sexual misconduct and predilection to treat females as lust-objects. This obsession with deviant sexuality and misogyny was a large element of the game to the point where players had to roll for such things as sexual organ size, “anal-circumference”, and their sexual preferences and practices during character generation. Many of the magical abilities and “powers” of humanoid race included this obsession as well. To further confound this, slang terms and swear-words were used throughout the game in lieu common polite terms for genitalia and intercourse.”
You just. Don’t. Get. It.
It’s not up to oppressed groups to change in order to fit into a white male world, it’ s up to you cishets to change the world to accept them!
The only thing oppressing you is yourself.
To be free of your oppression, you must fix yourself.
But, if I try to resist my own oppression, then I might wind up being even more oppressed by me. I am frightened of the monster I’ve become! Please don’t let me know I am saying these things!
Aaagh! Too late!
what’s work about d & d now?
“It’s not [insert preferred edition here], so it sucks!”
That’s an entirely separate complaint.
Yeah, you’re right, UnCivil.
A lot of the wokeness derives from a change in perspective. The Strixhaven module mentioned above is a microcosm. Adventures are about meeting new friends and dressing up in armor to go to drink coffee and chat.
The rpg pundit (therpgsite.com) has posts and videos about it. He actually assisted in the development of 5th edition in some way, and then Wizards of the Coast was excoriated for including his input, based on something or other that he said (I am unclear on the details; I think he may have said something about transgenders).
Orcs are racially coded, and (pre 5th ed) also evil. Therefore oldD&D is racist.
And don’t get me started on the Drow.
See also: GenCon and Origins banning badthinkers, the Hugos, etc etc.
That’s right. The current proggie froggie complaint is that orcs have always represented black people in the game. Or immigrants, maybe?
Twitter may be purging bot accounts. It will be interesting when many establishment voices suddenly realize they were followed by a plurality of bots. I kid, they will never realize this, they will blame Elon.
We just had the same anti-Semitic story up here. Turns out that they are counting stuff like a teen-aged shit-lord pacing out a giant swastika in the snow. That’s not a “Hate Crime”. That’s a kid that deserves a punch in the nose.
There is a Bill before Parliament right now that will enshrine “Hate Speech” into law and there is not one fucking thing that we civil libertarians can do about it. It’s done like dinner.
Very sorry. Didn’t Canada already have something? I remember some comedian friends saying they would never perform there again since they could be fined or jailed for the wrong joke. That was well over ten years ago.
There. Link provided.
What if the kid is Hindu?
No, he deserves to be ignored, and to have a chance to grow up and let teen-aged stoopids fade away into the past.
Thank you!
90% of this solves itself with time. Throwing him in jail, or harming him will only harden his resolve and the wrongs that were done to him. It’s a good recipe for increasing these tensions, imo.
No desire for credential elitism here, no sir… “It isn’t like he’s DONE anything… unlike me with my color shift on that one button on the app! Waaaah!!”
That quote by Hanania could be a parody of a butthurt liberal. It’s in Poe’s Law territory.
“Twitter is no longer in control of that democracy-loving Saudi prince!”
Yeah, I read it as a very well-played troll of the left.
He seems to otherwise be a pretty decent guy, in terms of where he stands. Too bad he doesn’t have a friend to remind him that none of the giants in early American history had such degrees either.
Neither does Bill Gates.
College degrees IMO are the greatest impediment to people chasing big and society altering dreams outside of marxist body count and misery.
Well, that’s why we had slavery, duh!
He said that? Fuck that guy. I didn’t finish college either and I hate assholes who say shit like that.
He was joking
Darn. I was halfway to his house.
There isn’t anything that immediately makes me think I am dealing with a moron than a claim that because they have a college degree, and especially masters degrees in certain fields where you only lurned dumb shit, they are smarter than people that knew better to piss a shit-ton of money getting that idiotic degree.
I’m not so sure… check out the rest of the exchange.
It’s hilarious either way.
It definitely spawned the catch phrase for the day. “I can’t comment. I never got a college degree.”
I wonder if lefties will create their own Gab/Parler/Gettr now. Typically lefties are shitty at following through (notice how few moved to Canada when Trump was elected, or how quickly David Hogg’s pillow company folded) but in this case I bet there are a bunch of disgruntled lefty tech people who would be willing to work on the project. Also the Deep State was plainly heavily involved with Twitter so a competitor could probably get CIA funding.
Some of those high-profile people flouncing off will return because “we can’t let Musk dictate the terms of our democracy” or some shit – they can’t live without the Twitter dopamine hit.
The blue check-mark is a helluva drug!
“I wonder if lefties will create their own Gab/Parler/Gettr now.”
Like parasites, the left can only invade and infect entities. They don’t create anything but chaos & failure.
Yep, if they could create, they wouldn’t skinsuit.
agreed. Also they’ll quickly realize they’re fine on twitter and can block whomever they like.
Section 230 will be dragged out again but I don’t know if they have the stones to do so. We shall see. Musk always keeps one step ahead of them. I believe that he’s just fucking with them now. He’s no pal of mine but at this point any small win smells like victory. I am loving the “Rheeeeee!” Just don’t move up here.
They will drag it out, and Zuckbucks will tell them to stop.
I’m still waiting for my David Hogg pillow, so as to stick it to the other pillow guy and, by extension, that short-fingered vulgarian. That’ll learn ’em.
Damn you… I was just going to make the same joke.
Meh. I think that Elon Musk is going to make a few cosmetic changes, then sell Twitter quickly for a small profit.
That’s right; he’s flipping the bird.
He’s so successful beyond his wildest dreams. Why would he give two shits to rub together if he loses that sort of money? I need to apologize to you, cavalier. You caught me at a really low ebb. Elon doesn’t care. The world is his oyster.
I suspect he has plans to profit somehow, but I think his motivation is something else. When Musk talks about making humans a multi-planetary species for our survival, I think he really cares about that above, or at least equal to, amassing wealth. And he has said in several interviews that he thinks having a free speech platform is critical to humanity’s future.
I mean he’s completely nuts there though. Humans will probably not ever live on Mars for non research purposes.
*Looks around, shakes head, claps*
*theatrical bow*
Don’t encourage him.
What was done there by you was seen my me.
Oooooooh. Nice one.
Meanwhile, think-tank president Richard Hanania took a swipe at Musk for his lack of a college degree, tweeting: ‘He’s a billionaire who doesn’t even have a Master’s degree. Is that who we are going to trust with the future of our democracy?’
Jumping Jesus on a beryllium pogo stick. That’s Hall of Fame derp.
How many PhDs has he got working for him?
I totally think that’s a proxy account, like Titania McGrath.
My favorite TM tweet: “If you think a woman can’t get a man pregnant, then you know nothing about biology!”
(It was something like that. It was at that point that I realized it was parody.)
Parody, not
Does it involve a bus accident?
Not a parody account, but definitely a parody thread
Hopefully one less when he fires Agrawal.
Early 1980’s elementary school debate:
Resolved: Thundarr’s laser sword is more powerful than Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber.
My Shwartz is bigger than yours….
Wow, if you needed anymore proof that the powers that used this social media platform to falsely and corruptly control information – by banning and punishing anyone saying things they didn’t want the general public to know – see the threat, look at this statement….
^^^ Just above, friend Alex.
They can look into it all they want. They still control most of the internet’s institutions and would be idiots to do anything that Republicans will shortly gain control of.
It’s funny how the talking points just switched though. Republicans were whining about this before.
Yup. Turnabout is fair play, blah blah blah. Most of us on this site have no illusions about how the sausage is made, we just like when the other side adds a little alum to the mix.
US senator Elizabeth Warren described the deal as ‘dangerous for democracy’, tweeting: ‘Billionaires like Elon Musk play by a different set of rules than everyone else, accumulating power for their own gain. We need a wealth tax and strong rules to hold Big Tech accountable.’
Beat that drum, wind-up monkey.
She’s on the warpath.
The measure allows border authorities to turn migrants back to Mexico or their home countries because of the public health crisis.
Seems to me that any sovereign country has a right to turn any non-citizen away at the border for any reason. It also seems to me that we already have an entire set of laws regulating immigration that should be enforced.
There is a difference between immigration and invasion. The best solution, in my opinion, is to greatly strengthen private property rights, including the right to own and use firearms.
Civil Rights jurisprudence tells us that the 1964 Immigration Act was “intended” to liberalize immigration rules and therefore can be (re)interpreted continuously as necessary to ensure that “intentional” outcome comes to pass. Eventually the Congress will ratify this interpretation, if only to save face.
I was watching Youtube and a short (maybe 3 second) ad came on, from some California tourism board. People riding in an open top Jeep along the Pacific Coast Highway, with the following text:
“We believe that, buckled in, is when we’re most free.”
Then, a graphical icon/badge stating something like “California. Travel Responsibly.”
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. “We believe that, buckled in, is when we’re most free.”
Thanks, Orwell.
“I always wear my helmet when I take a dump! Safety First!”
‘member when South Park made fun of safety people by mandating seat belts for using the toilet?
Musk has also suggested Twitter – which will now move off the New York Stock Exchange – could move towards a subscription-based model and a shift away from advertising which currently generates 90% of its overall revenue.
No more “free” twatter? That’ll get the pot boiling.
Could be a breakaway hit like CNN+
I bet he adds “pay to win” type features. Your first ten followers you get for free. It’s ten bucks a year to bump that number up to a hundred, etc.
Naw, it’s more likely to be X ‘tweets’ for free, and $?.??/’tweet’ after that.
Likes are fiddy cen
So, Get a Blue Check, or Die Trying?
Of you use up your Twitter lives, you have to wait 12 hours before they replenish; you won’t be able to tweet again until the end of the 12 hours . Of course, you could purchase “bluebird medallions” with actual money, and get right back in there!
I would think “premium” mainly means ad-free, with perhaps another “professional” tier for the self-promoters.
Twitter’s largest vulnerability is a sort of tragedy of the commons and a free-rider problem. The biggest users were other media companies using it as a marketing tool and paying nothing to Twitter for the service. Trying to make up for that with advertisers just adds another alienating base to try to please.
That idea would end Twitter pretty quickly.
I think he’s talking about adding premium features for paying users. Things like adding an edit button. Like those videogames that are free to play but people optionally pay absurd amounts of money on cosmetic virtue signaling crap.
I think he suggested that paid would be ad free.
That could be an interesting way to deal with bots. Make it financially difficult to maintain a bot army.
Michael Saylor explained the idea pretty well in his Lex Friedman interview.
Titty Tuesday.
ATTN: Festus.
Awww… It’s current day and you remembered! Thanks, Q!
One and done. Yow.
Biden to grant clemency to 78 people, including pardon for former Secret Service agent
In addition to three pardons, Biden is expected to commute the sentences of 75 nonviolent drug offenders. They will be his first clemency grants since he took office.
Several hundred political prisoners could not be reached for commment.
Comment*, even.
Doesn’t do much for the untold thousands that got locked away for life in his rape cages since 1994. That’s all you need to remember about “Scranton Joe”. He made life much worse for Americans long before he became the doddering piss-stain that he has become.
US senator Elizabeth Warren described the deal as ‘dangerous for democracy’, tweeting: ‘Billionaires like Elon Musk play by a different set of rules than everyone else, accumulating power for their own gain. We need a wealth tax and strong rules to hold Big Tech accountable.’
Liz of the Fauxhicans really is a fascist cunte.
The progjection is strong with that one. Is there any person in government that comes closer to meeting the dictionary definition of fascist (as opposed to the prog knee-jerk, everyone to the right of Mao definition)?
“He’s a billionaire who doesn’t even have a Master’s degree. Is that who we are going to trust with the future of our democracy?”
The un-self-awareness… it burns…
It’s probably easier to become a billionaire if one hasn’t got a master’s degree. I expect a lot of college-induced mental baggage is not weighing one down.
College should be for specific technical fields, like engineering or medicine. The only schooling for business should be working in business. I am reminded of the story of F. Woolworth, when he got his first job (I am pretty sure it was Woolworth). He asked what his pay would be, and the owner said, “Pay? You should be paying *me* for the things I am about to teach you!”
No! College is meant to be about rowing and maintaining first on the river. Also, feasts. Scholars just get in the way.
I seem to remember a lot of sex in the library stacks and football stadium…. equipment room…. dorm… apartment… basically everywhere. but no rowing…
Is that like saying “Row, row, row your boat” and meaning the same as “Spanking the monkey” or “Chocking the chicken”?
Don’t forget stealing policemen’s helmets on Boat Race Night.
+5 quid
There was a fake graduation speech from Larry Ellison (I think from The Onion) in which he said he would never be as rich as Gates because he (Larry) was a grad school dropout and Bill was an undergraduate dropout.
Twitter initially tried to block the deal, vowing to implement a so-called poison pill, but it is understood the 11-strong board was swayed by Musk’s unveiling of financing last Thursday.
Calls were made.
Private calls, to the homes of board members, from shareholders, asking if they were crazy, or stupid.
asking if they understood what “breech of fiduciary duty” means, I reckon.
but, but, but didn’t the calls from stake holds count against that?
Yep, that may need a bit of a redesign.
Party poopers are gonna poop on the party…
Not to be confused with Amber Heard action…
I take that as a homage to W. C. Fields.
Turn twatter HQ into a homeless shelter?
Please please please.
Musk should move twatter’s HQ to Houston.
Rural Appalacha
Greeneville, TN.
Like Texas, Tennessee has no state income tax.
Except on investments, I think (in TN). My grand-father-in-law used to complain about it, because he made his living off stock trading.
I think they dropped that tax recently.
Western Kansas
Yay, more Californians relocated here to TX. ?
Yeah. I’m liking the idea of just firing everyone better.
He didn’t say relocate the employees.
Coinbase operates without a central headquarters. Twitter can do the same.
I’m guessing that Elon was canny enough to avoid the tender trap, unlike many of our betters. The guy just does whatever the fuck he wants to and nobody can stop him except for JFK-ing him. Kinda like Tucker Carlson.
Daily Quordle 92
I’m looking at buying a house in Chumptown.
Daily Quordle 92
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Viva la Waffle!
#waffle95 4/5
? streak: 10
? #waffleelite
#waffle95 4/5
? streak: 4
Daily Quordle 92
#waffle95 1/5
? streak: 6
Daily Quordle 92
Holding the Line.
5 9
X 8
I’m looking at buying a house in Chumptown.
We can buy on the same cul-de-sac. Our orphans can play together during their 15 minute exercise period.
Daily Quordle 92
I’m on the suburbs of Chumptown and commute more often than I’d like.
Daily Quordle 92
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Daily Quordle 92
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Finally got one, been in Chumptown the last few days.
Daily Quordle 92
Seem to be better at this one.
#waffle95 4/5
? streak: 6
Daily Quordle 92
#waffle95 1/5
? streak: 10
? #waffleelite
Heavens to mediocrity.
8 7
6 5
bad start but no whammies
“If somebody’s breaking into your house, you’re more than welcome to shoot them in Santa Rosa County, and we prefer that you do actually. Whoever that was, you’re not in trouble. Come see us. We have a gun safety class we put on every other Saturday. If you take that, you’ll shoot a lot better, and hopefully, you’ll save taxpayers money.”
Daily Ray of Sunshine (Canuck Version)
Three or four more driveways and they’ll be able to buy out Twitter!
This one made me happy because when the Altar Boys were young, I overheard them talking about their plan to go up to the nearby gas station and asking if they could sweep up for some candy. It was a proud parenting moment.
I also like that the salesman spends all his time fucking around and then suggests they finish tomorrow.
I would definitely be proud of that!
My son had a nice little lawncare/snow removal business in the neighborhood. Fantastic experience for kids.
You know what else you could suck instead…
She needs a partner that will let her do all the sucking she wants Q….
“Campus police are investigating a credible campus-wide threat. Please go inside and move away from doors and windows,” UCPD said in an emergency alert issued at 10 a.m. “If you are not on campus, please stay away from the area. Facilities Services are locking buildings on campus.”
Ben Shapiro is trying to DESTROY the libs with FACTS and EVIDENCE?
Why do you think they want all the banning shit?
if they could create, they wouldn’t skinsuit.
That’s probably what pisses them off about this, more than anything. Musk will be doing to them exactly what they have been doing for years.
“The moron who created this fake definition should be hunted down and shot,” Hanson allegedly wrote on Oct. 8 in the word’s online comment section. “I am sick and tired of these cultural Marxists denying science and destroying the English Language. Merriam-Webster headquarters should be shot up and bombed. Boys aren’t girls.”
Sentiments understood but you can’t say bomb.
The memes should be endless – and unedited.
Seems like a lot of work.
Oh, the poor guy..
Anywhoo, you have to be crazy to want to marry 9 women… That means you get 9 times the nagging.
^Alex gets it.
There’s one other aspect of Elon’s Twitter Takeover/Liberation not being talked about – I tweeted about it yesterday, in fact.
There’s a lawsuit pending – right here that claims that Twitter and the Regime were violating the 1A.
Here’s the real question for where Elon is at – he’s buying a 1A lawsuit, does he (a) simply fold? or (b) continue it forward and allow discovery and then turn over all of the fuckery by the prior d-bags and let the world see exactly how Biden’s admin was coordinating to shut down voices the Regime didn’t like?
I sure hope he does the latter and not the former.
Elon has had a plan from the getgo. He did the take over right before the horrible financial report was coming out knowing that the Tatter board would not be able to fight him without opening themselves up to massive legal repercussions from people that held stock and got fucked by their need to keep the platform censoring things that hurt the evil fucker’s agendas. I am certain this lawsuit was discussed with his legal team. The discovery in court would destroy the censorers, so they will kill the lawsuit, and they can, because the biggest censorers & liars out there are members of the US bureaucratic machine.
There are software engineers furiously scrubbing Twitter’s algorhythms with a cloth since early April. Unless there are people inside there will be no smoking gun. Problem for Twitter, there are people inside. Musk don’t fuck around. Stoned monkey is one sharp cookie.
That’s more difficult than you might imagine; source-control tracks all changes. It’s technically possible to overwrite the past but it’d require collision across multiple departments and wouldn’t be concealable.
Then there are those off-site backups.
Plus every single developer also hasa copy of the tree, with the full history…
The only collusion necessary is media collusion, and that’s already guaranteed
The government is the defendant, not Twitter.
I will be surprised if the Supreme Court doesn’t punt on this one. There is an important constitutional question here, which is how culpable is the government when it acts in a way which is neither “official policy” nor statutory law. In other words, if the deep state’s government side acts independently of the President and Congress, who can be held to account?
In that circumstance, the only option is strict personal civil and criminal liability for the individual bureaucrats for their actions and the harms cause thereby. Because they were clearly not operating under their formal duties.
You know how that will work. Congress will pass a law and the Supreme Court will interpret it almost 180 degrees from intent – like [USC 42] Sec 1983 and qualified immunity.
No matter how much I agree with you, I’m not confident the courts will do the right thing.
Oh, I’m sure they’ll do the wrong thing.
But I’m stating my principles.
Who wants to tell him?
He knows. He’s just saying what he’s paid to say.
How does that saying about “If it wasn’t for immorality, they wouldn’t have any morals” go again?
I thought it was “bad luck”, etc.
“If it wasn’t for double standards, they’d have no standards at all.”
“‘Did the Chinese government just gain a bit of leverage?’: Billionaire Jeff Bezos accuses rival Elon Musk of being in the pocket of the CCP because China is Tesla’s second largest market”
Leftism 101: accuse others of being as fucking shitty, corrupt, and criminal as you are.
That asshat Bezos is jealous and just progjecting here.
Isn’t the CCP Amazon’s largest supplier?
Yeah, little Jeffy is gonna get his pee-pee whacked by the see-see-pee if he doesn’t check his free speech.
I wonder what foreign country is most important to Amazon’s bottom line . . . .
“Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey has welcomed Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, describing the South African billionaire as ‘the singular solution I trust,’ and adding: ‘I trust his mission to extend the light of consciousness.’
Dorsey, 45, has long been a supporter of Musk’s and last week condemned the infighting that he said had riven the Twitter board.
A self-professed ‘1/8th hippie’, Dorsey said he had faith in Musk’s promise to make Twitter a bastion of free speech.
‘In principle, I don’t believe anyone should own or run Twitter,’ Dorsey tweeted.
‘It wants to be a public good at a protocol level, not a company.
‘Solving for the problem of it being a company however, Elon is the singular solution I trust. I trust his mission to extend the light of consciousness.’
Dorsey tweeted hours after it was revealed that he is in line to receive a $978 million payout after Musk bought the social media network he created.”
It’s weird. After leaving, he acted remarkably pro free speech and trashed the board for holding the company back.
I suspect he was getting tons of pressure to censor from them before he was pushed out.
I suspect he didn’t leave as much as the assholes on the board made him. I still don’t trust Dorsey one iota, but he was not as fucking evil and criminal as that asshat Agrawal and the rest of that board were…
Sort of like how Jobs was pushed out of Apple.
Wozniak was a better example of a “Fuck you, we are skinsuiting your invention” manuever…
I just find it strange. Apparently the board members did not own even 100 shares of stock combined. Where did their right to be on the board come from? And from where did they have such authority to bully the creator, who also held a ton of stock? Just seems very odd.
Dude – they were representing the stakeholders. Modern (ESG) corporate model!
Well said. I get it. I hate it but I get it. Clearly my lack of a college degree kept me from seeing this.
How many Master’s degrees does Dorsey have?
Some of the dumbest conversations, not as in the conversation was low level, but the idiot discussing it was so fucking insanely wrong and dumb themselves, I had, were with people proud to make sure you knew about their PhDs in Arts fields.
“I get almost a billion dollars and don’t have to worry about the company messes anymore!”
/Shorter Jack
Hi Twitterverse. Many thanks for the knowledge and sharing over the past ten years or so. If Musk takes over Twitter I will be off within a few hours. Might be just as well for my well being but I’ve learned a lot of valuable stuff from many of you.Thank you all.
So far I know of he and Shaun King leaving.
Twitter is a much better place today.
Also, oddly, left wing check marks lost thousands of followers over night. Did they really though or were their numbers being inflated?
NOOOOOO!!!! Not Talcum X!
Heh, you beat me to it…
Snow J. Simpson.
I suspect it’s a bot purge.
Supposedly the core code was locked down but I am guessing Twitter knows exactly which accounts are bots
Amazingly, Dean became even more of a dramatic fuckstick with the passing years.
Hey! What did I ever do to you?
Via con dios.
Statecraft, or reckless blundering puffery?
Russia has said that the threat of a nuclear war is very significant, with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressing the risks should not be underestimated. However, he also added that there was a danger the risks were being “artificially” inflated.
Meanwhile, Washington wants to see Russia “weakened” as it arms and supports Ukraine, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Monday following a visit to Kyiv, the first high-level visit to Ukraine from a U.S. official since the war began.
I guess we’ll see.
I can’t even…
Did it blow their genitalia off?
The kids didn’t answer them when asked what they identified as….
“Allow me to demonstrate how much worse of a groomer I actually am.”
Michigan teacher shows off his classroom full of political propaganda including pride flags, BLM content, and covid vaccine signs.
If you are not smart enough to realize that recording and posting this shit can and will come back to get you, you really are telling everyone you are not qualified to be thought of as intelligent, let alone be a teacher.
There will be regrets.
No Ragrats!
Good morning, Sloop!
Slip Kid is a wonderful song. I always forget about that album.
Maybe I’ll put it on as the mushroom cloud expands in the distance.
Might not be in the distance. Doesn’t Colorado have a bunch of missiles?
Good point. I’d better just go ahead and listen today.
I bought my tickets the other day for their latest “last tour ever”. I think it’ll be the third final tour of theirs I’ve seen.
I wish I could have seen them when Moon was alive.
Same here.
My uncle was at riverfront in Cincinnati that fateful night, by the way. He didn’t go near a stadium after that for at least a decade.
Lots of natural light.
Don’t do drugs, hmmmkay?
“They said I won a house of free windows. I ain’t got as much house as some, but I’m sure as hell using all my free windows.”
::Framing contractor looks at plans::
::Turns plans sideways, squints::
“I’m going to need to talk to the architect.”
Ain’t gonna lie — if I didn’t have to maintain it, I’d probably like it.
*proudly* “My kid designed it. When he was six years old”
Paging @arch_crimes.
The architect was on shrooms.
A rather harsh take on conservatives and their return to Twitter.
One of the great truths of American politics is that for the last few generations one side has been motivated by dreams of destroying their enemies, while the other side dreams of befriending the enemy. The people we call the Left in America are the former case and this is their primary definition. Their ideology changes, but the one constant is their desire to clear the field of their enemies. The other side is the Right, which exists to find some sort of accommodation with their friends on the Left.
This impulse to seek a compromise is why American politics has followed a familiar pattern since the Civil War. The Left proposes some novelty and the Right resists, always trying to reason with them. In the end they always cave. As Robert Lewis Dabney observed a century ago, “it (conservatism) demurs to each aggression of the progressive party and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation.”
Except the left wing is neither “progressive” nor remotely liberal anymore. It is fully
and completely an extension of the ruling aristocracy, ruling with whatever arbitrary whims will give them more power today.
There is no grand next hill of freedom or civil rights to climb on the ladder. They’ve all been crossed and we can see their modern attempts at drumming up new causes are anti intellectual and illiberal gibberish.
The anti-car article last night – I swear in their heart of hearts they would love to be our feudal overlords. They would love to destroy the uppity middle-class and return us to serfdom.
What point is there in a social system if there isn’t a hierarchy?
Social systems are always going to end being two tier systems: the haves (they have power, and thus whatever wealth is available) and the have nots (the rabble).
I also find this to somewhat be an erroneous and unfair view of history.
It’s the idea that conservative always lose in the end because they are too nice.
Actually go back and look at left wing platforms of yore. From 100 years ago even. So many terrible ideas have died out completely.
People just don’t remember the ideas that die out.
And the ones that win out? Maybe they were actually not so bad. I don’t recall ever caring about gay marriage for instance, yet now I find the idea of calling someone who misgenders a hate criminal seems atrocious.
I think it’s a false narrative conservatives tell themselves now. They don’t always lose actually.
I just had a legal alcoholic beverage yesterday. Thanks to a terrible progressive idea losing in the end.
Do you have any examples that can be provided from those failed ideas of yore that are not so well known?
Eugenics, maybe.
Yup but those are the big ones we remember.
For instance, the progressive platform in 1912 demanded that women not be able to work at night (because it was immoral to make women work in the evenings) and that all schools teach the trade of farming (because farming was a good and moral profession).
The ideas we remember are just the ones we agree with today.
We have a biased view of history because:
1) Failed progressive ideas stop being considered progressive.
2) Successful progressive ideas become remembered and a part of our modern value system.
If conservatives won more often than not, we’d have a monarchy, or at least a republic with very limited suffrage that’s run by clones of Washington and Jefferson in perpetuity, Christianity would be the state religion and atheism would be illegal, corporal punishment would be the norm, fertility rates would be well above replacement, divorce, abortion, pornography, and contraception would be severely punished, the public spaces would still be segregated, Mississippi would have made the stars and bars its entire flag instead of purging it, there would be no public schools at all, or else the school day would start with pledging allegiance only to God, there would be no permanent military-industrial complex, there would be five universities and they’d all be monastic seminaries, the country’s papers of record would all be promoting parenthood and the national interest, …. Take the inverse of “liberal democracy” and you get the idea. Call it fascist, reactionary, regressive, or any other names, but it still would look very different from what we know today.
Thus the functioning of “conservatives” in the way you posit is not to conserve much of anything, but simply to filter out and thwart only the “worst” progressive ideas. This has, to their limited credit, bought us 250 years whereas the French Revolution degenerated into the Terror in only about 5, but it’s not something to be all that proud of. Many progressive ideas which are “not so bad” are measured as such according only to material well-being. Well the devil too will you give you something in return for selling him your soul, won’t he?
It would be as you describe in some states, but not in others. Not everyone has to live in Mississippi.
The only way such a union could exist would be under the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution pretty much guarantees homogeneity among the states. Once the Supreme Court abrogated ultimate authority for itself and the Civil War foreclosed secession, the sovereignty of states was abolished.
The Articles of Confederation was a superior form of government if one wanted to protect individual liberty and have limited government.
It was under the Articles that we won the War for Independence, so it couldn’t have been as useless a government as is claimed.
On the specific point that “conservatives lose because they’re too nice”, I disagree (e.g., many are not nice, but they still lose). They lose because they believe the progressive’s stated preferences more sincerely than the progressive himself does. The modern conservative generally regards “equality of opportunity” as an ideal end. The progressive recognizes it only as a means to an end: the leveling of all hierarchy and the egalitarianism of universal immiseration. Post-Burke, few conservatives will ever give full-throated defenses of monarchy, aristocracy, nobility, legal privilege, social hierarchy, etc. Their value system has been shifted away from these things. Yet what is conservatism without God, King, and Country? It’s just progressivism driving the speed limit.
There are, I think, basically two ways a conservative can react to The Gods of the Copybook Headings:
1. Believe that the progressives will see the Gods’ imminent return and retreat (by and large, this is false, the progressive will almost always turn into Robespierre rather than back off) — this is the functioning of “conservatism” in liberal democracy today
2. Recognize that the progressives will take the whole world down with them and hence must be stopped by force — this is the tactic of every right-wing “authoritarian” from Augusto Pinochet to Francisco Franco to Lee Kwan Yew, but note that it doesn’t last either
This leads one to the conclusion that progressivism wins because it’s a solvent to social order and it’s on the side of entropy.
Yes – they concede the moral argument. After that it’s just a surrender negotiation.
One of the things he misses is that this was always the case, and it really depends on who is culturally on the upside, and who is one the downside. Post WWII, it was the right-interventionists who were up and that started to shift in ’68, pre WWII it was the left-labor who were up and that started to shift with Hitler, and if you go further back you can spot other flip-flops.
Pearls were clutched.
Mr. Musk: Do not allow 45 to return to the platform. Do not allow Twitter to become a petri dish for hate speech, misinformation or disinformation. Protecting our democracy is of utmost importance.
Mr. Musk: Lives are at risk, and so is American democracy.
“People who disagree with me are a threat to our Democracy.”
Funny how hate speech has morphed in anything that the left wants to keep people in the Matrix from actually knowing, huh?
Reliable source.
Stelter on Elon Musk buying Twitter: “If you get invited to something where there are no rules, where there is total freedom for everybody, do you actually want to go to that party or are you going to decide to stay home?”
Well that’s revealing.
Stelter’s first question would be if it was a sausage fest and there was free cake…
Yes. Yes I do. Those are the best parties. If I get to a party, have a drink and then some school marm show up to tell me the rules of the road for ten minutes- I am leaving. To out it another way, left alone, society naturally organizes and counter-balances. Sure there’s occasional issues. That’s part of life. In Karen world, society becomes lop-sided. hateful and even violent.
Like, Burning Man?
Oh man, that may have once been true, but the bureaucratization of it has all but turned it into an ant-colony.
Burning Man has a ton of rules now.
Nobody invited you, Mr. Potato.
Yeah, I bet my antisocial ass gets invited to more parties than that scold.
Best reply ever..
All the best parties release their rules beforehand.
I can remember when all the cool kids wanted to go to Burning Man.
Random observation:
Every so often, one or more ads catch my attention about the million(s?) of people out there with college credits but no degree. The solution, of course, is to enroll posthaste in [college name here] and get that all-important scrap of paper. Because without the degree, those classes mean nothing.
Why? Assuming college courses impart meaningful knowledge and provide useful skills, what’s wrong with just taking the ones which interest you? Making it seem as if the classes, in and of themselves, are worthless is not an effective strategy in my view. But what do I know? I’m not a PhD educrat.
Making it seem as if the classes, in and of themselves, are worthless is not an effective strategy in my view.
It is effective, because everybody knows the classes themselves are almost worthless.
The degree, that piece of paper, means that you survived the gauntlet and have now accrued the cost and responsibility of having taken that journey (with the requisite responsibilities and financial consequences of spending a ton of money getting worthless degrees).
The goal is to get your resume past the HR filter. Having completed the degree greatly improves the odds of that happening.
HR delenda est
^ this. Hiring managers are blocked by the government from giving tests to assess candidates’ abilities. We can give the evaluations but the line is blurry on what the difference is between an evaluation and test. If you want to an HR recruiter get apoplexy, tell her you designed a test for candidates.
Of course, in reality the degree is a not a substitute for an assessment of a candidate’s ability. I had a candidate with a PhD who was unable to perform basic mathematical equations on 6th grade level. But that is what’s driving it.
what’s wrong with just taking the ones which interest you?
Nothing. I’ve taken close to a bachelors degree worth of classes that interest me and I think I can count the numbers of regrets on one hand. I’ve gotten a lot out of many of them, and they were all paid for either by me or by my employers tuition assistance. But I don’t have a sheepskin so I’m a dummy.
Same boat for me. And you know within the first week if the class will be worth anything knowledge wise, so if you don’t need it to graduate you can stop wasting time on it.
Yes, I’ve dropped many a class if it turned out not to be working for me: instructor, material, classmates, outside pressures. And taken the same one again with a different instructor or classmates, and they were great.
Amazingly, Dean became even more of a dramatic fuckstick with the passing years.
There was a point at which Dean was saying things which made sense.
Oh, come on! Et tu, Brooks?
Imagine thinking the Bee isn’t funny.
When your oxes are getting gored, you might miss the humor…
Don’t talk shit about
Lucythe Bee!So Lucy would rather be Nikki.
Imagine wanting to literally ban a comedian you don’t find very funny but other people do.
That’s the left for sure… I have not watched SNL in decades, but on the rare occasion I caught something that they did it was exactly this shit.
I wouldn’t go as far as Lucy, but I find a lot of their stuff repetitive and low hanging fruit-ish.
So you write for them?
I can see how their low brow humor wouldn’t appeal to such a cultured person as yourself.
Damn straight.
**crushes empty Strohs can on forehead, scratches self, belches**
The Megatallica Sisters – “Master of the Neutron Dance of Destruction”
Too long. I need rest. Have a great one if you can manage it, Friends!
I think he meant this?
Wow! Thank you. How I managed that one, I do not know.
As usual it is progjection: they are afraid he will stop them from doing that..
De Santis wraps up a few more Glibs votes.
It seems so strange that Florida has gone full blown Republican since shoring you it’s election integrity. Odd coincidence.
I believe that if the people fortifying elections – especially the ballot harvesters – were stopped this belief that the country was split equally amongst team blue and team red (with the usual suburban vs. urban demographics) would quickly unravel. Especially in urban areas were the usual suspect couldn’t be bothered to go vote.
It’s almost as if voters don’t like the prog agenda
*shoring up
He’s not traditional Republican. That is why he is getting so much traction. Traditional Republicans are defined correctly in the quote far above, which shows how they are basically Progressives in the slow lane. Just how long it will take to to either remake the Republican party or create a sub party (has failed repeatedly due to the powers of RINOs and others) is unknown. I will say that the change feels real this time. I felt like Tea Party was doomed from day one. This time it feels more aggressive and less likely to fail.
It started with the school board meetings. The left is seriously miscalculating when it tells parents they have no say in what their children are taught.
I think people are starting to wake up to the whole “gender identity” scam, too.
They’re basically choosing to die on all the wrong hills now.
The identitarians hate the families they came from for the most part, so naturally they want to sever that connection across the board.
For all his faults (of which there were many) Trump showed what the R’s could be if they dump the slow lane progs like Jeb!
Yes. Despite his faults, he really opened eyes to what was going on.
I am hoping Mitch McConnell will be defeated in an election. That would be the death knell of the RINOs. I fear he will be able to retire safely and pass his mantle of grift and compromise to another person.
I will say that the change feels real this time.
The saying “Science progresses one funeral at a time” applies to a lot more than science. Just as the “liberal Dems” are being pushed into the grave by the new generation of leftist progressives, the progressive conservatives are being pushed into the grave by the new generation of, I dunno, bare-knuckled conservatives?
Heh. I just talked about Mitch directly above.
You know what generates public distrust in the integrity of our elections? Breaking every internationally-recognized standard of how to operate a fair election.
A Recap Of The War In Ukraine – by Gonzalo Lira
It does seem like Russians really wanted a negotiated settlement and gave up a few weeks ago after realizing that was impossible with Zelensky being controlled by Blinken and Nuland. They also got rather pissed that we stole $300 billion.
Andrei Martyanov said something similar – he thinks Russia just gave up on the West for the foreseeable future.
I think that Russia correctly assessed the west was weak and run by inept corruptocrats, but they never realized that the one time the west would be forced to react was when they threatened the country where the wests corruptocrats had been running trillion dollar money laundering rackets.
It does seem like Russians really wanted a negotiated settlement
I do think they would have settled for another salami slice of territory and de facto control of a subjugated Ukraine for a relatively low cost, if that’s what you mean. The Russian idea of a negotiated settlement still strikes me as a gross violation of Ukrainian independence and sovereignty.
But now the butcher’s bill is too high, and I think they feel compelled to go with conquest and annexation. Maybe. I’m not hearing much about what is going on after the Russian retreat and consolidation on the eastern front. Are they digging in to hold it, or are they going back on offense?
All the coverage I get of the mess in Ukraine sounds like a bunch of Bagdad Bobs making contradictory unbelievable claims.
Everything I see in the MSM is such blatant propaganda I’m not reading any of it.
I think its pretty clear that the Russian schwerpunkt was in the northeast, and was turned back. They seem to be making advances on the coast, to the point they are now openly discussing invading another country in the south (Moldava).
There is no conceivable justification for the Russian invasion, other than “might makes right”, and “we used to own you, and will again”. The merits of the Ukrainian government became irrelevant, in my mind, when Russian troops crossed the border.
Ukraine is a US/UK/EU province, it doesn’t have sovereignty to begin with, it only has suzerainty. This is 100% a proxy war. However, this time around, there’s no Ho Chi Minh to give the country its sovereignty. Unless Zelensky gets the axe and some Azov Nazi declares the Ukro-Reich, I don’t see Ukraine being any more sovereign after the war, regardless of outcome, than before.
I’m reluctant to adopt the position that any country sufficiently controlled/influenced by another country is a legitimate candidate for invasion and conquest (or, just to make sure our Deep State isn’t left out, a manufactured coup). When everybody has a casus belli to invade (or topple) anyone who is sufficently annoying, that strikes me as an excellent way to start WW IV.
Westphalian sovereignty was a lie the day the namesake Treaty was inked. Nothing so new under the sun here.
Russia has “legitimate” reasons for invading, too: from their perspective, there had been two coups (2004’s “Orange Revolution” and 2014’s “Maidan Revolution”) and a bloody civil war (Donetsk/Luhansk splitting away and getting shelled by Ukrainian forces) was already under way. Thus the invasion is an escalation of an existing war, not the creation of a new war, from Putin’s perspective (his own ambition notwithstanding).
As far as the Russkies are concerned, Eastern Ukraine is South Vietnam, Zelensky’s Ukraine is North Vietnam, and the Greater American Empire is the evil axis that must be contained.
I think I understand the Russian perspective, but I don’t think sticking their dick into a civil war (which, BTW, they did much to start and sustain) should get a pass. I’m also less than excited about any moral claim to the high ground because their puppet got pushed out by our puppet. As ever, finding the original offense in a tit for tat exchange is a fool’s errand. The game of coup and counter-coup is a lot more tolerable than the game of fomenting and arming insurgencies in other countries, or sending your tank divisions across the border.
Westphalian sovereignty is exactly what I had in mind. Sure, it may have been mostly honored in the breach, so to speak, but it brought some limitations to a long history of European wars that were justified in various ways, but boiled down to interfering with another country’s internal affairs. It raised the bar on going to war. A free-for-all is a step back from even halting attempts to honor Westphalian sovereignty. That said, the Cold War’s proxy wars may have put the nail in the coffin of sovereignty. Much like my pining for the Constitution, I may be stuck in the past on this one.
I would point out that saying Russia is justified also gives a green light to our own warmongers, though. Not that they seem to need one.
I would point out that saying Russia is justified also gives a green light to our own warmongers, though. Not that they seem to need one.
I did make the parallel to US involvement in Vietnam intentionally here. Russia is pining for the days when it was the heartland of the world’s only other superpower. I think they will take and hold about half of Ukraine, but they may very well have their own loss-of-Saigon moment down the road too. While the people they’ve taken over may be largely ethnic Russians who speak Russian, it is still a regime change (25 years since USSR fell) and occupation (e.g., Donestk and Luhansk may find themselves unwittingly “annexed” instead of remaining independent). Greece and Turkey had to “exchange” hundreds of thousands of people to make their current borders “work” and neither has had an especially stable political history since then.
Russia plays a dangerous game of “I learned it from you, Dad” here. I just find “our” own actions no less despicable.
Pretty fun watching the lefty meltdown over the Musk Twitter buy. I am very much hoping that he moves the HQ to Texas. Oh please Lord let that happen. At this point I’d love nothing more than to see a tech exodus from SF. I’d definitely take a bit of a hit in my biz, but it would be worth it in many ways. This place has only gotten more proggie since tech took over here. The extent and the severity of the lockdowns here were in direct proportion to the amount of tech workers that live here.
As long as he leaves the employees behind.
The vast majority came from somewhere else. I won’t be surprised if most of them decide to stay in prog paradise, but SF very much needs a tech exodus.
“Someday a real rain will come and wash all the shit of the sidewalks…”
When they announced that Musk was buying Twitter, I opined that the establishment machine would come after him.
Today, this was at the top of my YouTube feed.
An anti-Musk chanel that I never heard of with a hit piece from his ex.
I have nothing in my history that would suggest I am interested in bitter ex wives, celebrity gossip or even personal details about Musk
I do follow space issues, so I see a lot about spacex.
But this video is quite old. And today? YouTube thinks I need to see it.
The same YouTube that is chaired by the guy who founded “The Groundwork”, a company designed to use social media backend tie-ins to win elections for team Clinton and the DNC.
But I am the crazy conspiracy theorist…..
Holy shit. The cool thing is the internet is still striving to be free. I saw recently that downloads of the Rumble app exceeded downloads of the Youtube app (although the latter comes pre-installed often).
That’s not a hit piece, it’s actually a very positive portrayal of him.
Another day, another hot-button issue at the U.S. Supreme Court. This time the question is whether the Biden administration must continue to enforce the Trump-era program known as Remain in Mexico. The policy requires asylum-seekers, mainly from Central and South America, to remain in Mexico while they wait for a hearing in a U.S. immigration court.
The Trump administration devised the Remain in Mexico policy in hopes of deterring migrants from streaming into the U.S. with asylum claims. The Biden administration suspended the program immediately upon taking office, but the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, acting on a challenge brought by Texas and Missouri, ordered the new administration to continue the Trump policy. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court hears the argument in an expedited appeal.
The case centers on the meaning of numerous immigration provisions, how they have been interpreted for decades and, bluntly put, whether the Supreme Court will be as deferential to the Biden administration as it was to the Trump administration when it comes to immigration enforcement policies.
Here’s a fanciful interpretation. Maybe that “deference” was to the Constitution and the laws as written, and not to the individual in the Oval Office; crazy, I know.
Nina Totenberg; another journalist who doesn’t comprehend the difference between rule of law and rule of man.
She was besties with RBG, so she has a better understanding of SCOTUS than you, pleb.
I’m no immigration expert, but I’d be very surprised if the actual laws on the books said anything like “Everybody who comes to our border can cross it, and we’ll figure out later which ones can stay. If we can find them.”
Duke vs. Griggs Power and ensuing “disparate impact” jurisprudence, which directly contradicts the plain text of the Civil Rights Act, winks at you.
Now they are just fucking with us.
President Biden on Friday said his administration is working to make “every vehicle” in the United States military “climate-friendly.”
The president, delivering Earth Day remarks from Seward Park in Seattle, Washington, discussed his administration’s efforts to address climate change, and called on Congress to take action.
“One of the things I found out as President of the United States, I get to spend a lot of that money,” Biden said. “We’re going to start the process where every vehicle in the United States military, every vehicle, is going to be climate-friendly — every vehicle — I mean it.”
I assume depleted uranium shells are still kosher.
I would say I’m looking forward to the battery powered jets, but I don’t think that’s actually possible. And can prop planes even theoretically go supersonic?
/Not an AE
Sure…with the help of jet engines.
The XF-88 project was born to build a replacement for the P-51 Mustang. As the Cold War loomed on the horizon, the era of jet-powered planes became the future of aerial combat. The XF-88 went under extensive modifications to fulfill the requirements the USAF specified for it. Besides its primary role as an escort, the new plane had to be extremely fast and capable of handling itself in aerial combat. During development, it incorporated afterburning engines and a nose-mounted Allison XT38 experimental turboprop. However, budget shortages and a sudden loss of interest for high-speed propellers led to its cancellation. The prototype never saw mass production.
Need nuclear powered jets. They never should have shitcanned that research project.
Meanwhile, the president also said that he met with leaders of the American automobile industry, announcing that they came to an agreement on an “ambitious goal” of having 50% electric vehicles sales by year 2030.
Ambitious is one word for it I guess.
“You know, my view of this crisis, as I said, is a genuine opportunity, an opportunity to do things we wanted to do and only now become so apparent,” Biden said.
Funny, that…
Pentagon Wars 2.0
Doesn’t matter to him that most military ground vehicles run on diesel in part because it is less explosive and flammable than gasoline – making a hit from enemy rounds or mines less likely to incinerate the crews. A battery (probably bough from our Chinese pals) big enough to power an armored vehicle is probably going to burn spectacularly when ruptured.
Now try to design an electricity supply line for a mobile Army or Marine force.
7 5
3 8
Don’t count it though, because I did a fatfinger–twice–and had to restart it after clearing cache, so it’s not a legit score. Would have been a double chump with the mistakes.
Daily Quordle 92
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KDW in pretty good form today.
Further reading on French politics…
“Russia appears to confuse ‘The Sims’ for SIM cards in possible staged assassination attempt
Russian security services on Monday have been accused of staging a Ukrainian assassination attempt by releasing photos of confiscated copies of “The Sims” video games that some speculate were mistaken by Kremlin officers for SIM cards”
Folk around?
yes, but I have a meeting soon
Got anything you wanna get Fresh Eyes on?
Brevity for now.
I’d love to manage to get something on the page.
I’ve had a bit of a dry spell.
I would also love to help in that broader spectrum, of where you are trying to go. (I imagine you have an idea.) You are also likely a very busy person. No worries at all.
(I’m homeless, unemployed and detained. We are different.)
Drugs might be dropping out of my ass, but I have a place “of my own” for this week. Friend is on vacation to Phuket. I’m on 402 and I came here on 303. So refreshing memories. Lived here for four years, but (ex) Lady lives on the 6th. I am glad to be out of her hair so she can have her own time. She has been more than lovely. We’re weird and happy. No sex nor drama. People helping each other out.
It’s another chapter of my Movie Scenes of Life.
I also keep listening to the “discussion” with the authorities, which I shouldn’t do, but I’m actually quite happy with my performance. I did very well. I have to wait for the conclusion, but for now, I’m remarkably chill.
Wagons were circled, asses were covered
Birx, who spoke with Dr. Jennifer Ashton, ABC News’ chief medical correspondent, before the Tuesday release of her new book, also said she had a pact with other doctors on Trump’s team – including Anthony Fauci – that if one of them was fired, then they would all resign.
From the start, she wrote in the book, “Silent Invasion: The Untold Story of the Trump Administration, COVID-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic Before It’s Too Late,” she was unequipped to deal with the toxic political atmosphere that was the Trump White House.
And even though she was the only one on Trump’s team with on-the-ground experience dealing with a deadly pandemic, she was constantly sidelined, she said.
But many Americans have come to associate Birx with her failure to more forcefully correct Trump during that White House press briefing on April 23, 2020.
Why hasn’t she received the love and respect she deserves? If only Hillary had been President, this never would have happened.
Birx has a reputation for being an idiot who couldn’t understand a study on mask effectivity.
Those selfless public health officials would have saved us all if not for that dastardly Trump man. Think of how much worse the pandemic would have been if not for their selfless actions.
The biggest takeaway from the last two years is that “pandemic expert” is a contradiction in terms.
Man we really missed a great opportunity to clean the swamp then. Should have triggered the suicide pact
Your offer is accepted.
Trump was such a pussy in so many ways.
Is he still pushing the clot shot?
He got booed at a rally once for promoting it.
I think Trump could have done a lot more, but I’m not sure he could have found better people. He would quite literally have to make better people, and that takes a lot longer than the 4-8 years any President will have.
I am reminded of the old Civil War game, “No Greater Glory”. As President of the US (or the CSA), you had a list of generals and politicians that you hired to staff your government. Each individual had a skill level, but also a prestige level that you had to consider.
For example, it was possible, as the CSA, to take Washington, DC in the first turn, but you had to move all your troops to N. Virginia and promote Thomas Jackson to be head of the army. There were repercussions, because he didn’t have the prestige of A. S. Johnston, Beauregard, and others. You couldn’t move Grant to the head of your army, because other generals would protest, and you would lose support in various regions, even though Grant was clearly more skilled. (There was an option to mix up the generals’ skill levels, which makes the experience more realistic. You cant know how effect a general was by history in this mode, but had to keep switching out generals. Lincoln had a time going through several generals to find someone who could do the job he wanted. When he found Grant, he got pushback).
Support for your administration dropped in regions where those generals lived. In the same way, you had to carefully select your political administration, picking men from different regions and different political factions. If you didn’t, then your troop levels would be lower, and you wouldn’t be able to rely on some regions for logistical support.
It’s easy for Trump critics and supporters to say he didn’t know what he is doing. Truth is, he didn’t. You can’t really know who you can trust until they stab you in the back.
5 8
7 4
Not great. Not terrible.
I figured about two of you would find that interesting.
Spitballing is a crime against humanity.
New York City had recently closed its playgrounds and, according to Birx, a Department of Homeland Security scientist had just briefed Trump on how it appeared sunlight made them safe.
“So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just a very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn’t been checked because of the testing,” Trump said. “And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that, too.”
“I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that,” the president continued.
“I wanted to be able to reassure the parents that the natural disinfection activity of the sun, with its ability to produce those free radicals that eat these viruses and bacteria and fungi, their membranes, that that would work,” Birx told Ashton. “And that they could get their children outside to play on the playground.”
But when Birx said she saw Trump and the government scientist informally continue their conversation before cameras – and the president make the leap to publicly question whether humans could be treated with disinfectant – she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
“I just wanted it to be ‘The Twilight Zone’ and all go away,” Birx said. “I mean, I just– I could just see everything unraveling in that moment.”
A guy who is not a scientist, but just happens to be President of the United States, is casting about for ideas. Clumsily, or metaphorically?
We leave it to the audience to decide.
I remember watching that presser and Trump specifically mentioned trying ideas that seem to work/s.o.p. in tuberculosis wards. The uproar after that – where the freakout completely ignored “tuberculosis ward” – was the moment I realized that TDS is cancer of the intellect.
God forbid Trump repeat* things he most likely heard from doctors.
*Albeit in Trumpian speak, of course.
All Derangement Syndromes are an attack on the intellect – Clinton, Bush, etc. It’s now endemic.
I’ve heard that Birx was the master pulling Fauci’s strings. She can go to hell for all I care.
Plus this: “We are going to treat every death with covid as a death of covid.”
They admitted it was bullshit in the beginning.
I want to thank whichever of you miscreants recommended Dr Scott Adam’s “A Plague upon Our House” book on the Covid hysteria and the inside scoop on how it was handled in the Trump White House.
Enlightening and disturbing.
Scott Atlas. Scott Adams is the Dilbert dude. Neither is as cool as Scotty P, cause he had no ragrets.
Know what I’m saying?
UGH! I swear I typed Atlas. In fact I just had to correct my phone’s autocorrect.
Why Apple thinks they know what I want to type is beyond me.
Anyway, thanks!!!
my mom recommended that book. she is a pretty hardcore republican.
Daily Quordle 92
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#waffle95 4/5
? streak: 9
Daily Quordle 92
I don’t understand why no one listens to Peter Schiff anymore.
People seem compelled to talk about Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter. It’s like they are forced to talk about Musk. It’s almost as if there were a Musk…
Oh, never mind.
Yeah, you need to focus on primping for your man date later on.
Actually, I *was* planning on taking tax deduction #2 on a driving lesson. He has his permit, now. I’ve been teaching him stuff I was taught at various companies. My Rule #1 is the “four second rule”: leave about four seconds of distance between your car and the vehicle ahead of you. It gives you plenty of time to react.
Seatbelts is #2. Proper use of mirrors is #3. You aren’t supposed to see the back of your own vehicle with your side mirrors. That’s what the windshield mirror is for. Your side mirrors are to cover your blind spots. When a vehicle behind you disappears from your rear-view mirror, it appears on one or other of the side mirrors. When it disappears from the side mirror, it’s right beside you.
I try to leave some semblance of a safe stopping distance between me and the next car… but drivers around here have this nasty habit of shoving their vehicle into any space where there’s at least one car length of road. That complicates matters.
One of my biggest driving pet peeves is on the wide open roads of NoDak when someone passes me and pulls back in with maybe 1 second between us. Happened just this morning. Literally no other vehicles within 1/2 mile of us, but he had to get out of the passing lane* as fast as possible.
*there is no such thing as the “passing lane” in NoDak rules of the road. Just a right lane and a left lane.
I don’t pull in front of another car until I can at least see their headlights in my rearview mirror. That is my minimum distance, which is probably too short, but in a passing situation I expect that distance to continue to increase.
This, unfortunately. There are many roads where attempting to leave 4 seconds between you and the stream of cars cutting into the gap will leave you immobilized.
Like the jackass in slowed traffic who wanted to leave a 200ft buffer in front of his corvette in 0-15mph stop and go traffic.
One thing that was never directly taught to me, but I pointed out to my son was “avoid being near a car with obvious damage like major dents, as that driver does not give a fuck, and probably has zero insurance.”
re: Sean’s “Lots of natural light.” link
“We’ve got this giant pile of windows we can’t sell taking up half the warehouse. How the hell are we going to get rid of them? I’m not going to just haul them all off to the dump.”
I wish it were that sensible.
One of my favorite Twitter sites is Architects Against Humanity.
They do a nice job of hammering the shit out of modern design.
Bonus link of retardation:
Fictosexual. nice.
Well it IS Hastune Miku!
[1080P Full風] World is Mine ワールドイズマイン -Hatsune Miku 初音ミク Project DIVA English lyrics Romaji PDFT
In this song she claims she’s the number 1 princess in the world and you had better treat her accordingly!
Bonus – “Hatsune” – 初音 – “first sound”
Oh, Krigersan.
The various Rush vans and the anime girlfriend are two of my favorite Archer bits.
Amazingly not the Babylon Bee
Doing the right thing
The Biden administration on Monday reversed a Trump administration plan that would have allowed the government to lease more than two-thirds of the country’s largest swath of public land to oil and gas drilling.
The Bureau of Land Management’s decision will shrink the amount of land available for lease in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, a roughly 23 million acre region that’s home to wildlife like caribou and polar bears.
The decision returns to an Obama administration plan that allows fossil fuel extraction in up to 52% of the reserve, compared to the Trump administration’s effort to open up 82% of the land to drilling. It will also reinstate some environmental protections for designated areas of the reserve, including Teshekpuk Lake, a wetland complex that is uniquely rich with wildlife.
The move comes after the number of oil and gas permits approved by the Bureau of Land Management for drilling on public lands declined to its lowest number under the Biden administration earlier this year.
Leave that icky oil in the ground.
We should cover the Arctic with windmills. That would make more sense.
They’re half-assing this by adding a bunch of restrictions so at election time, they can say they did everything they and then blame those greedy oil companies for high gas prices. I expect it to work as well as every other one of their genius moves.
No one’s buying it according to polls.
But the media sure is.
Well, to be fair, the media sold their cred down the river a while ago.
Also the literal exact opposite of what was progressive 100 years ago. The old progressive platform demanded that coal and oil on public lands be worked so as to create gainful employment for ordinary workers.
See, we’ve Progressed since then!
No need to go that far back. So many British leftists still hate Maggie Thatcher for… closing the coal mines.
Once a milk snatcher, always a milk snatcher.
They are deliberately setting the stage for mass death. Death by starvation, by freezing, by not being able to get to the hospital for emergency medical care. Death by people fighting over dwindling resources.
Ah, that stuff will only happen to the proles, nothing for the aristocracy to worry about.
Unrest following severe economic hardship has historically bypassed the aristocracy, after all.
*insert eyeroll emoji*
And still the aristocracy is taken by surprise – every time it happens.
Proper use of mirrors is #3. You aren’t supposed to see the back of your own vehicle with your side mirrors. That’s what the windshield mirror is for. Your side mirrors are to cover your blind spots. When a vehicle behind you disappears from your rear-view mirror, it appears on one or other of the side mirrors. When it disappears from the side mirror, it’s right beside you.
Kudos for honesty on what you really want.
“Constitutional Carry”: What a euphemistic, “newspeak” concept!
Passed to the governor for signature a day ahead of the announced schedule, depending largely on his political ambitions, not merit or lack, for passage. Next probable and equally “logical” step: Unregulated firearm ownership for every man, woman and child in America.
And just like that thousands of federal, state and local regulations disappear. And I see that acknowledging the constitution is now “newspeak”…
Firearm use is by definition a violent act (homicide when a human is the recipient) and has no place in civilized society. Nothing ever invented is easier to obtain or more lethal with less effort than a firearm. No reasonable person could possibly imagine that expressing one’s feelings or opinions with a bullet could be equivalent to “free speech” or even exist as a “right” on the same piece of paper.
Perhaps the gun is for defense, not speech.
The only real solution must begin with the repeal of the 2nd Amendment in its entirety and without delay. It might then be re-written in clear language as a privilege to be strictly regulated — the details to be worked out later by usual democratic means. This would include specifics as to legal and reasonable legitimacy of uses, manufacture, sales, types, and related products.
Clearly you have thought this through for the tens of millions of gun owners and hundreds of millions of guns in their hands.
In the interim, of course, all guns in current ownership, manufacture, storage, etc., would need to be recalled, and if not “re-legalized,” eliminated. Some current types and uses, would be restored, regulated and licensed as appropriate with little real inconvenience. Thus, this idea is not anti-gun per se, nor in any sense extreme.
Of course, there is nothing extreme about revoking an entire founding principle and hundreds of years of constitutional history and tradition.
might be parody.
I don’t know. I’ve heard a similar sentiment genuinely by a former colleague. In this case, he said you have the second Amendment and of course it should be followed. Everyone can own a gun. But the guns must be kept a state owned range where you can sign out the firearm only for use at that facility and then check it back in before leaving. He strongly emphasized that you still owned the gun held in state custody, so this approach was completely constitutional and aligned with the 2nd A.
Another coworker interjected to say that he too hates guns and thinks a chainsaw would be much more effective in deterring a home invasion.
Who’s going to tell him that criminals don’t follow laws?
He strongly emphasized that you still owned the gun held in state custody
Uh huh…
So this approach was completely constitutional and aligned with the 2nd A.
Doesn’t sound like it.
Ah, so slavery is ok as long as the government runs it and you’re allowed work release during the day with mandatory return to government barracks. Wait a sec…
only for use at that facility
I’m not a fan of the word retard, but that guy is the 21st century definition of one.
chainsaw would be much more effective in deterring a home invasion
Let’s have a contest for title deeds. I’ll break into his house with a only double stack 9mm with all the ammo I can carry and he can defend his homestead with only a chainsaw. No cheating with body armor. If he kills me, he gets my house. Otherwise I get his. This ain’t zombie land… yet. “Honey, I hear a noise!” “C’mon ^%$#@ chainsaw! Start!”
No cheating with body armor.
+ 1 headshot.
Has that guy ever operated a chainsaw? Tried to start one after it’s been sitting for a month? Is he going to keep it under his pillow?
He just figures it will self-animate and attack to defend its owner.
Clearly a new battery powered chain saw will be used, to save the earth and repel intruders.
It’s unlikely he’s ever operated one. It’s been over a decade, but I recall something about the noise scaring the bad guys off.
Bring back polearms.
I don’t live in a great hall. My house doesn’t have enough space to use that type of weapon against intruders.
The store was sold out, unfortunately.
So he just wrote that he intends to use his weapon to disarm me, right?
Haha! Good one.
Also my beloved Mr. Stabby does not require fuel to disarm. Therefore Mr. Stabby is clearly the environmental favorite.
I have both a katana and a wakizashi for the simple reason that the wakizashi is better sized for indoor use.
Not because they’re supposed to be a set?
So, it’s a threat to anyone except the one it’s actually pointed at?
Might or might not.
Narrator: it would not
I could have sworn we had reams of laws and regulations on exactly this.
How exactly did Agrawal end up as CEO? He joined Twitter when it was already well established as a software engineer as basically his first real world job and five years in is the CTO?
He was probably a lousy software engineer so he kept getting promoted. That’s usually how it works.
COVID-19: The Drew Magary Review
What exactly does the vaccine do?
Gives you AIDS without HIV
And blood clots, myocarditis, etc.
The weirdest thing I’m learning from the Scott Atlas book I referenced above is how many of the “public health experts” cut their teeth on HIV/AIDS in the 1980s.
I got the book as an “audible” and it’s a compelling listen.
I’ve said it from the start: AIDS and infectious diseases in third world has largely shaped current infectious disease and public health experts, right down to the paternalism of knowing what’s best for the lesser people.
Even though Americans are more obedient to the mandates of public health officials than African peasants are (cf. the worst vax rate in U.S. vs. the best vax rate in South Africa), those same officials show more contempt for the former.
As far as I can tell, it’s a mind parasite. I must have gotten a bad those, because it failed to convince me of its holy saving grace.
I must have gotten a bad dose*
Uh, oh. It looks like Elon Musk’s purchase attempt failed after all.
Daily Quordle 92