“A gold-plated Wii once destined for Queen Elizabeth II can now be destined for a shelf instead”
“Employers May Want to Stop Humiliating “the Help” with Mask Requirements”
Well, I finished Tunic, and went straight back to Hollow Knight. I’m not sorry.
Boa tarde, Glibs. The queen ain’t woke.
Magandang hapon.
Where’s the firster dude? Seems he ain’t no firster at all, ain’t even no seconder.
It appears he’s with you always. Like Jesus,
“Bro — the comments never had you anywhere near them!
My child — that was when I Firsted on your behalf….”
*standing ovation*
Don’t F with him!
Broketard is a lot more like Barney Fife than The Jesus.
or Obi Wan Kenobi?
Like Trump to a lefty, he is living in your head rent free.
I think you are overestimating it just a wee bit.
Nah, we’re not. It’s become your shtick, a foil to his
OK, if you say so.
I’m just fucking with you. You’re tied for 1st as my favorite Hype’ on this site.
But it’s still true.
I’m the one and only Hype, fake ones do not count.
Now who’s rolling with the exaggerations? Uranus would be displeased.
“A gold-plated Wii once destined for Queen Elizabeth II can now be destined for a shelf instead”
What she really wants is an iPod filled with speeches.
Ugh. That was so cringey.
I used to wonder what kind of person thought that was a good idea. Then I saw the Mary Poppins video of the Disinformation Czarina and my questions have been answered.
Queen Elizabeth is one of those people I would love to have a beer with. She has always struck me as the kind of woman who understands how retarded her situation is.
I’m sure she has some amazing dirt to sling, as well.
Same here. Coupla pints with the Queen out of public view where she can relax would be awesome.
She probably knows how to change a tire
Princess Elizabeth began her training as a mechanic in March 1945. She undertook a driving and vehicle maintenance course at Aldershot, qualifying on April 14. Newspapers at the time dubbed her “Princess Auto Mechanic.”
Agreed. And having a few more with Prince Phillip after Liz retired for the night would have been even better, I bet.
As with the Queen Mum, I believe Liz would prefer to sling some gin.
Plus her stories about WWII would be awesome.
“Meanwhile, the lawsuit alleges that Netflix and its top executives “employed devices, schemes and artifices to defraud [investors], while in possession of material adverse non-public information”.”
Is that investor-speak for “Netflix created unwatchable woke trash for content and we’re pissed”?
It sounds better in the original woke.
The unwatchability was completely public.
Really hard to hide.
They should have just given the investors an iPod with his speeches.
“If you’ve ever felt like introducing some Vegas-style odds into your retirement plan, you’re finally in luck.”
Elizabeth Warren and the Labor Department Have Concerns
The right to choose doesn’t go very far.
On behalf of Minnesoda Glibs, I apologize to the rest of you for her.
We all know it’s Pope Jimbo’s fault.
Where the hell is Hollow Knight II already.
Or, I’d settle for a lamer patch on I so I can any sort of progress.
Busty babes abound for Friday Funbags!
That link is a bust.
Tango Uniform?
Tango Delta, apparently.
Die toten booben?
Works for me.
Underboob. Is there anything it can’t do?
Face diapers. Blech.
I really liked the first Dr. Strange, and he is one of my favorite characters. Hopefully I like this new movie.
Better Steve Strange.
I’ve got your Strange
I owned most of the Marvel originals back in the early ’60s. Some of them would be worth a fortune today; alas, this young patzer was not prescient about such things.
Dr. Strange was been my favorite Marvel character. The psychedelic effects had a lot to do with that, I suppose. I don’t recall the comic version being quite as egotistical as the movie version – might be a failure of memory. I did enjoy the first Dr. Strange movie, supersizing Dormammu was a nice touch.
The next Dr. Strange movie should feature a new villain: STRANGE SMITH, DREAMRAPER. That would give a boost to the franchise. No CGI needed for special effects.
Ugh… not that I was hugely likely to see it (as stated prior, Endgame seemed like a good jumping-away point, and Marvel/Disney’s writing trends have gotten cringier, so I don’t feel the need).. but the review highlighted three things for me.
1) It sounds like too many characters to have decent focus. This isn’t Endgame — yes, being a Multiverse means you can throw a lot in.. but that only worked primarily in No Way Home because the audience already knew all the backstories / characterizations from the films they pulled the characters from. Toss America Chavez, Dark Strange, who knows whomever else as well as Wanda, Wong and the Wombat for all I know… and that leaves too many characters and too little time to do anything justice. Which says to me, weak movie.
2) As mentioned, America Chavez. Only feelings for the character are negative — not a draw. Props if the writers / actress actually make her even vaguely likable — none of the comic writers ever did.
3) Seems like one amazingly wasted premise compared to the trailer / what it should be. As mentioned in the review — Strange in the MCU (probably the comics too, but I’m more on the DC side so give him the benefit of the doubt) is an arrogant egotist, frequently messing with powers he really shouldn’t be and doesn’t fully understand. The trailer with the “Dark Strange” appearance showed the PERFECT chance to give him character growth — Dark Strange simply had to start out with the same good intentions and let his Ego Supreme flag fly. He should be where “our” Strange should be a hair’s breadth of going over to, it should be apparent to the audience first (and then Strange himself) how close to the line he walks, how easily he could tip — and what the price of tipping over would be. And that fight not to tip over, but still deal with a version of himself who has tends to make great stories (Justice League vs. The Justice Lords Batman leaps to mind — there are many, many other examples). Yeah… maybe it has been done a lot — but there’s a reason for that (it works!) and the trailer definitely was setting it up.
But to make (3) work, you can’t have half the multiverse also running around and have the time to really dive into the characters. So I don’t expect anything decent out of it.
Rant off.
Dark Strange was in the What If… series at least.
And it could be worse, there’s already an Ironheart show in production, she could be shoehorned in.
Never watched it — not going to do Disney+, and they’re apparently not going to release stuff any other way.
I wouldn’t mind watching The Mandalorian at least up to the part where they CGI in Luke since I’ve heard good things… but otherwise, I’m not really concerned I’m missing anything.
Given they already gave Tony a genius daughter, and these *are* comic book movies… you would think they could just steer away from ReeRee Williams and all her baggage and do an Iron Girl if they want to check their diversity boxes.
Or (heaven forfend!) come up with their own characters! Why not… not like hardly anyone is actually paying for real comics anymore, they might as well drive their own universe for a while.
Don’t worry, female Thor is in the next Thor movie as well. We’ll force the fans who rejected these characters in the comics to like them in the movies damn it!
Yup… Love and Thunder looks like they’re taking a fun premise: “Thor and the Ass-Guardians of the Galaxy’s Wacky Hijinks!” and ditching it instead for “Thor, who is 1000+ years old and has been through 3 different “finding himself” movies now…. must “find himself” by letting go of his identity so Jane can use it for awhile, you bigots!”
Yeah… that sounds like fun… wonder if I could schedule a root canal on that day instead….
at least up to the part where they CGI in Luke
I don’t hate that scene as much as some do. At least he was kicking ass and taking names rather than milking some alien and being a feeble old hermit.
It probably doesn’t hurt that the one way I’ve seen bits of it is here.
That song makes just about any ass kicking scene better.
That was awesome
That was pretty cool
Just like in his first film and in the comics, the star of a Doctor Strange story isn’t Stephen himself. He remains egotistical, pompous, and condescending. It’s clear that he’s unlikable in all universes, to greater or lesser degrees. The real hero in Multiverse of Madness isn’t a person; it’s the visuals — particularly the way Raimi and his team depict mind-rending magical abilities, ones that obey no wands or Harry Potter-like pig-Latin incantations.
You don’t have to actually like the protagonist of the story. In fact, you can downright hate the protagonist. But one way or another you have to care about the protagonist.
The 3D visuals in Avatar were mind boggling the first time in the theater. The movie itself is unwatchable, because who gives a shit about any of these people. /critical-drinker
Don’t have to tell me twice. I’m rereading The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant for the who-knows-how-many-ith time. Barring one of SRD’s other series (The Gap for one), I would dare folks to come up with a less likeable protagonist than Linden Avery (she really beats out Covenant himself in the Last Chronicles, and it is a near run thing in the Second Chronicles)
Anti-heroes are a thing… as you point out, they still need to be written well for the audience to care about their journey.
Quentin Coldwater and Eliot Waugh from the Magicians (both television show and books). Still enjoy the hell out of the show.
Still enjoy the hell out of the show.
I assume that’s a recommend. Is it streaming someplace?
I watched it on Hulu, but I think it’s on Netflix now. It’s good, but feel free to skip the final season.
On Netflix at present. It’s a rough and dark show, that includes rape, suicide, magical lands, addiction, and more.
I think the word you are looking for is steaming. The wife seems to watch it every so often, to me it was a cheap Secret History ripoff, with MAJIC!!
I dropped it in season 2. Didn’t get past the first book either.
Same. I can enjoy an anti-hero, but not a tedious whiny hero.
I did really like how they wrote the mechanics of magic, though.
I liked it – the teevee show a bit more than the book. Just went looking for some other shiny object, I guess.
This is one of the few instances where I preferred the shows to the book. Of course, I started with the show, and went to read the books after making it through the first couple seasons of the show.
I love TV Eliot! I thought most of the characters were less likable in the books.
That was my experience/impression as well.
Alex de Large, the Alex in “Clockwork Orange,” is the best example of this.
The real hero in Multiverse of Madness isn’t a person; it’s the visuals
So, yet another movie where they try to paper over the egregious flaws in plot, characterization, pacing, etc. with CGI.
From the last thread:
Being annoying is a lot different from being dangerous.
The line between the two can be fine. It’s annoying when somebody is doing 5 under in the fast lane. It’s dangerous when somebody is doing 5 under in the fast lane during rush hour.
It’s annoying when somebody changes lanes in front of you without signaling. It’s dangerous when somebody changes lanes in front of you without signaling while you’re braking for a stoplight.
Annoying things are annoying because they’re unexpected. Unexpected things are dangerous. The danger in a particular circumstance may be minimal, but the risk analysis is taken out of your hands when the idiot in the next car does something annoying.
All that said, I’m not a road rage type. I don’t enjoy commuting in rush hour traffic, but I don’t get particularly angry unless somebody does something egregious. At that point, I’m more focused on getting the heck away from them than on showing them what I think of their driving.
Is it even rush hour when you can do 5 under? During rush hour I’ll be doing 5, period.
You misunderstand — it is dangerous when somebody is doing 5 under in the fast lane during rush hour because they keep slamming into all the stopped cars. Take Your Pershing To Work Day, probably….
Well, looks like I can OT already. This place is radical and void of rules. I like it!
Quenn Hilldawg’s foot boy
Nah, pay no attention to those radical altright Muskites on Twitter, what is really going on here is that the democrats are protecting the vulnerable minorities who rethuglicans want to put back into chains.
I like how your supposed off topic post is actually right on topic for one of the links.
Yup… glad I refreshed, because that was going to be my comment as well.
Shhh!!! Y’all is spoiling my sense of rogueness!
Now, Senators Tina Smith and Elizabeth Warren, who has long been a crypto skeptic,
Lizzie Warren, co-“author” of those goofy financial self-help books? Skeptic of something the government has trouble keeping tabs on? Well, knock me over with a feather.
are getting in on the action. The politicians penned a letter, released by the WSJ, to the CEO of Fidelity Investments questioning the “appropriateness of [the] company’s decision” to let people plop their life savings in willy nilly fashion into cryptocurrency directly through their employer-sponsored retirement funds.
As opposed to having their earnings involuntarily confiscated to fund Social Security. Of course, they’ll get a portion of that money back — if they live long enough.
Fidelity should tell the senators to go pound sand.
Hey! My first HTML fail!
Nice financial services company you’ve got there. Shame if something were to happen to it.
Camel’s nose under the tent. If they can pressure Fidelity and the other big houses into barring investment in one company, you can bet they have a long list of other companies they want to punish.
If only those 2 could work a computer, maybe they wouldn’t luddite so much? Yeah, I know, minorities are forbidden by rethuglicans from such advanced knowledge as working a a computer.
It’s another chilly and rainy Friday in (checks calendar, really?) May. So here’s the link for the Zoom/Happy Hour/FCBD-eve which will be kicked off at 20:00 Eastern.
After kind of a crappy week it’s currently 78 and partly sunny. I’m gonna wolf down some calories and get my ass outside.
Enjoy. If the predictions hold up, I may be able to get a ride in on Sunday.
For your sake, I hope that’s a euphemism.
Attendees could get a rerun of the dime tour of Vivian the Class C RV
Not to be missed! Worth the price of admission!
It’s been a while. I’ll drop in for a bit.
Backlash Over Biden’s ‘Disinformation Board’ Grows
20 AG’s are threatening legal action, among other things. On the latest Russell Brand, he shows a clip in which the Czarina says that the executive branch should never decide what is disinformation. Guess who was president at the time?
It’s different when we do it!
“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.”
– Mark Twain
Russell Brand has been very impressive the last couple years
I stumbled across his show on Rumble and was very surprised that I enjoyed it. I figured he was another far left Hollywood progressive.
He was, but he’s pretty smart. Honest lefties know something is wrong.
Like, they suddenly realize they are not liberals? Seems anyone with a few functioning braincells could have seen that one years ago.
I think he is pretty far left, but he seems pretty honest and able to engage with actual arguments rather than name calling.
If he thinks he is left, I think he needs to look at the Meme Elon did about the goalpost shift.
He’s hippy peace and love left, not Ctrl-Alt-Left.
He’s very anti-corporate. But he’s consistent. So he calls out corporate media and the pharmaceutical companies that financially support them.
It’s been mentioned hereabouts that mega-corps in bed with the government are a major element of fascism.
First thing I thought of when I saw Boing was moving their HQ to D.C.
Yeah, he has some great stuff on Youtube.
She’s also got ties with the National Endowment for Democracy.
She’s a CIA stooge.
While diners, shoppers, and now travelers are generally free to show their faces, the workers who serve them are still required to “mask up,” as if they are “unclean” or otherwise “beneath” the customers they serve.
This depends on the part of the country you are in.
Tonight’s local minor league baseball game has already been postponed because of the rain. ☹️ Maybe I should learn to play a baseball video game.
It’s just like being there in person! ?⚾
Greetings from sunny (and goddamn hot!) Sebring, Florida.
I got up at 5:30 this morning to gaze northeast towards Cape Canaveral, and was rewarded with my first ever space jellyfish. If you ever get the chance to view one (timing of the launch is the main issue), make the effort.
My next two days will entail scooting my car around the famous Sebring raceway, and instructing a first-timer in her ferociously powered new toy (650 HP! Yikes!)
Sweet… I do have a soft spot for the Camaro when it comes to the current cars. (Probably because I can neither really afford a good ‘Vette, and it would be a garage queen anyway… Camaro at least seems like you can have it for a reasonable but sporty driver if you don’t go all the way to the “ready for the track” end of things…)
Hell ya Shpip! Sounds like a damn fun weekend. Enjoy!
Note to self: Don’t take St. John’s Wort at noon on Friday
A little sleepy are we?
Surprisingly so
Just listending at the rain through the open patio doors and sipping the hipster juice has me in nearly a catatonic state already.
Have a cigar. Nicotine counteracts it.
Why? There is perfectly good Cocaine on the streets.
I usually have the opposite problem when I take pseudoephedrine in the afternoon and stay up all night.
“EXCLUSIVE: Musk’s modest abode: Elon’s $50,000 Texas ranch is laid bare for first time – complete with rocket-shaped kids’ playhouse and Tesla solar panels – just a block from SpaceX Starbase and two miles from Mexican border”
You can buy a house for $50K?
It’s a 400 sq ft factory manufactured unit. That doesn’t include the land and unility hookups of course. I gues since Elon already owns the entire island though…
“Arizona parents sue woke school board that labeled them ‘wackos’ and ‘compiled a dosser containing their social security numbers, mortgage records and Facebook posts’ after they complained about CRT in classrooms”
The woke idiots have no idea what they’ve uncorked.
They know that history is on their side since they have the moral high ground, so nothing could possibly go wrong.
Does the privacy act apply to state and local governments?
Apparently it only applies to the federal government.
This is fine.
Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble…
Inflation is not real, that was transitory non-inflation. The science is settled.
Heh… further down from that — very apropos for my part of Gen X.
Reacher — It’s Really Good
Late Quordle report:
8 5
6 7
Some stupid mistakes up front, saved from chumpdom by inspired guesses.
I watched Of Mice and Men last night for the first time. What a tragic story.
I think I’ve read pretty much all of Steinbeck’s stuff. I like it even though he is total commie. I think the only other one I have not read/watched is East of Eden.
I can, and do, listen to this guy for hours at a time.
CDC says 7 Mass. counties now have ‘high’ COVID-19 levels, recommends mask-wearing
The top comment:
The insane still have numbers.
Your mask protects me; my mask doesn’t do shit.
Impeccable logic.
The vaccine that wanes in efficacy and the masks that do little or nothing… right.
‘High’. Gotcha.
Huh. Journolist must be in action again. Our local news says “Bay Area is California’s COVID hotspot as cases rise again”. Sounds pretty bad until you get to the chart that shows current case rate at about 10% of the previous peak, and that it appears to be close to peaking already. And the vaccination rates in the Bay Area are around 85% fully vaccinated, so why panic?
It’s the anti-vaxxer’s and anti master’s fault.
If your genius fucking plan is that every person on the planet obeys perfectly for years then it would all just be okay.
Even if masks did a damn thing, that is a deep level of stupid there.
It is the team Blue playbook. Collective action.
And there is a reason they call it The Collective Action Problem.
You will soon be Russian bomb fodder, but here’s some ketchup!
If we get our way, you’re going to die, uselessly, but here’s some ketchup to enjoy first.
I assume that’s diet ketchup?
Ketchup has more sugar.
Fat bomb fodder is more better, it blows up real good!
Ooops, again:
Have some ketchup
Annoyingly catchy. It got played a lot at my workplace.
My wife was immediately like ‘I know that song!’. Fist time I have heard it.
Surprised you’re not a “catsup” man.
I like ketchup.
My wife says that original name is Ragatanga and that it is Brazilian.
Rouge – Ragatanga
Shit, two bad links in one day?
Drive by posting:
I just wanted to send some love SP’s – and OMWCs – way.
Sometimes life is just a journey from one vale of tears to another. We will all die one day but how we impact others is what is really important. Keep on keeping on.
Not that anyone cares but I have a new antique booth open. Sales are “okay” but not what I want so I’ll be opening at a second location; and then a third. I plan to grow my little empire since it is one of the few things I truly enjoy in life.
Oh and I’m wasting my time playing Project Zomboid. Old school type of game – easy to die if you slip up just once.
Good luck with the antiques!
Antiques are so yesterday. ?
Good luck!
Good luck with the new booth!
What in the fuck does this mean?
Biden: “25 out of every 100 children in grades kindergarten through senior in high school speak Spanish…and we’ll conquer and honor and lift up all those folks who in fact, are, have gotten in the way.”
It means the language programs in our public schools are awful.
I took seven years of spanish and still can’t speak it
/part of the 75%
Spanish Spanish and Latin America Spanish are very different. Latin America Spanish is full of Native American dialects. One company I worked for was hiring a lot of new immigrants from Mexico and our HR manager could not speak any Spanish, so we got a guy at the complany who was fluent in Spanish to sit in on the interviews. Problem is he learned his Spanish in Spain and they either could not understand much of what he was talking about, he couldn’t understand much of what they said and so they were mocking him. It didn’t go well.
Also, language classes will not do you much good, you have to learn it through immersion, either in the culture or talking to native speakers a LOT.
Sorry, I can’t unscramble that.
Try harder
You can say that again.
Climate change is the biggest threat to national security. Oh wait, white dudes are the biggest threat… no, gender identity is the biggest threat!
Can they get any stupider? Yes, yes they can.
Stop torturing yourself with that Twitter garbage.
Use this instead. It’s so crazy I feel like I took drugs.
Another Godfrey Ho picture?
So what’s up for next Thursday?
Black Sheep. Zombie sheep and mad scientists
So Scottish porn?
Does that take place in New Zealand? If so, I might have seen that. If it is what I’m thinking of, it was amusing.
Waiting to fly out of Baltimore.
Flight should have left already, but we are delayed and waiting to board because Southwest took our flight attendants.
The replacements just now showed up.
Good advice, don’t get off the plane, turn around and immediately leave.
Southwest took our flight attendants.
Wut? Where? To Epstein’s Island?
It appears I got a full set, with no duplicates.
Which is odd, cuz both boxes have the same part number.
That’s crazy lucky. Good for you.
I’ll throw it out there again, if anyone is trying for certain characters and don’t want Waldorf and Statler, I’ll buy them off you.
Beaker on the first try! ? Who else did you get?
All twelve.
↖::points at Sean’s avatar::
I got Beaker and Bunsen in my first pack!
Also Statler, Waldorf, Gonzo, Miss Piggy, Kermit, Janice, Animal, Rolf (x2), and the Swedish Chef. I still have a 6-pack unopened. I’m not sure if I should keep them sealed or open them and see what else I got.
Meant to link this: https://www.amazon.com/photos/shared/nn9Xf64uT-asxDiXsQlHoA.4MBTwU_FJdOfNt4V-BE5fu
The RNG gods smile upon you!
On a recount, I mistook an extra Fozzie for a Rowlf. So I didn’t get all twelve.
Guess I’ll have a Fozzie to trade, if someone gets an extra Rowlf, let me know.
It’s not just the vaccine…
What to know about “rebound” in COVID symptoms after taking Paxlovid
Isn’t it amazing that everything the Science and the experts push makes things worse?
There’s a new Quordle sheriff in town (temporarily). If anyone (Ted, BEAM, ToK, etc.) still wishes to get scores posted, I won’t be posting until the evening post. This is a good chance for newbies to get in on the exciting action. Swiss; I’m looking at you. I know you want in.
Also, a plea for help: my predecessor didn’t explain how I’m supposed to Scrabble score the solution. Is this a manual process or is there some on-line scoring tool of some kind?
We can probably live without the Scrabble score. For now.
I’ll get it figured out. I will not deliver a second rate product!
That’s the spirit.
Try that I meant to send you the link but figured that you could add 29 single digit numbers
20 not 29, how you phone people do this is beyond me
Tiny fingers, I suppose.
Lots of patience
Rand reduces Mayorkas to babbling idiot
What do you mean reduces? I thought that was his default state.
“If you’ve ever felt like introducing some Vegas-style odds into your retirement plan, you’re finally in luck.”
Elizabeth Warren and the Labor Department Have Concerns
My portfolio, my choice!
What does the government’s misinformation board actually do? Does it just say stuff and hope media complies?
So… just like before?
yeah. What I was wondering is what new tools they now have at their disposal. Because they’ve been doing that the whole time.
Is POTUS being fine with intimidating SCOTUS over a ruling it does not like and likely packing it or ignoring if it doesn’t cave part of the return to normal?
Has anyone told him about it?
Strawberry sure seems to be.
What lefties want is mob rule until that allows them to assume total power. Then what they want is an authoritarian technocracy with them in power forever. You could say that their goals align perfectly with other despotic regimes, like the CCP.
I think Trump did the same once. Not nearly so blatant, but he was accused of it.
Fuck Off!
Indeed. Those guys win the cockney urine face.
If the current housing bubble pops and my home becomes worth less than what I owe, what are the actual consequences? I pay my fixed rate mortgage on time and don’t plan on selling it. I understand the financial side, but the land is pretty much priceless to me so I don’t really care if it has a negative net worth. Can the bank or someone else pull it from under me even if I’m paying everything on time?
If you decide to sell, you must either a) pay the difference between your outstanding balance and sale price, taking taxes and fees out of sales price first, or b) get permission for a short sale. A short sale hurts your credit, and you’ll walk away from the sale with no money.
Check your mortgage documents to make sure there is no provision that if you are underwater the lender can begin foreclosure or other things. If you are underwater, you have less incentive to make payments. Yes, you have a place to live, but financially walking away might be a good idea for you.
That is what happened in California. People bought 1 million dollar cracker box condos which then were worth nothing. You can never recoup the
money. Now to your point, if you plan on dying there is doesn’t matter.
Just don’t do this:
“By the time he was discovered, likely after failing to pay his rent, a great deal of Joji’s flesh would have seeped into his erotic magazines leaving little more than a skeleton behind. Presumably, unless an unlikely cremation was held on a pile of pornography, this means most of Joji’s body would have been unceremoniously thrown out with the rest of his magazine collection for incineration.”
Makes sense and I will check the documents. Might make sense financially, but I’d still rather have the land and pay it off as fast as possible. There’s always a chance the government could walk in but if things really go south and they haven’t done that yet, a roof over my family and land to live on is going to be more important to me.
I pay my fixed rate mortgage on time and don’t plan on selling it.
I am no real estate mogul but if you can pay the mortgage on time I don’t think the bank can take it. But live in full awareness the Government can take it any time they choose to and they can fully fabricate a reason to do so if you cross them.
I assume they’ll do that with everything anyways. When it comes to that, well, I’ll see you on the other side.
I could use some nice chevre or Emmentaler to go with this martini.
You wouldn’t prefer a PPK and supermodel?
Heretic Dungy
Shut up, you’re not even a real black dude. The Bible was written by white slave owners like 100 years ago!
I wouldn’t be surprised if Dungy drove his gay son to commit suicide.
If the current housing bubble pops and my home becomes worth less than what I owe, what are the actual consequences? I pay my fixed rate mortgage on time and don’t plan on selling it. I understand the financial side, but the land is pretty much priceless to me so I don’t really care if it has a negative net worth. Can the bank or someone else pull it from under me even if I’m paying everything on time?
If it’s worth it to you, it’s worth it. If you bought it to live in/on and use, you have not suffered a loss. make your payments and enjoy it.