Well, damn. That’s pretty cool.
‘An aircraft pilot about to crash will repeat the distress signal “Mayday.”’
“It’s like, how much more back could they be? And the answer is none. None more back.”
I’m sure I’ve linked this before, but I’m rewatching the series so…
Optimus will be a big hit with my boy. I’m sure he’ll end up fighting Lego Voltron.
So toxic!
Absolutely. He may look like a hippy but he’s 100% red blooded, bacon eating, skull crushing, boy.
Looks relatively barefoot friendly too!
I assumed this was Japanese first, but had no idea. Just checked: – known in Japan as Convoy (コンボイ, Konboi).
Boi also means “Boy” in Japanese so he’s a boytoy as well!
That’s awesome.
Wouldn’t surprise me at all if it released in Japan first. Just about every good (read: the Masterpiece lines) Transformer over the last decade at least was a Japan issue first.
My skim of Wiki suggests Hasbro saw all the cool Japanese convertible toys from a Japanese toy manufacturer and said how about a joint licensing deal with a cartoon.
That’s how it originally started, yeah. (Same as with Go-Bots and Voltron, iirc… though I think both of those were “Transformers took off! How can we get some easy money too?”). I was just talking about the toy productions over the last decade and a half or so — where they do really well engineered ones in Japan and some of them eventually make it over here as “Masterpiece” line issues.
The Gundam models in Japan are crazy detailed. I never had an interest in the franchise, but they are incredibly popular.
They have various levels of detail and function and get crazy expensive and highly functional. Just depends how much you want to pay.
Mildly nsfw
IIRC, Transformers was a hodge-podge of two or more Takara properties with the human operators edited out of the vehicles. Which gave us really dumb scale conflicts – hero robot was a tractor-trailer rig while its enemy was a small handgun.
The Lego one is interesting — but I have a 20th Anniversary still in its box, so my show-accurate large Optimus itch is already scratched.
Die cast construction — it is a lost art
This 80s kid didn’t watch Transformers. I hated that shit.
Your boy identifies as a villain?
And that’s if we’re lucky. If the Fed never relents, its policy will eventually result in hyperinflation, which can be a civilization-killer.
So, what you’re saying is, is I should buy Zimbabwe dollars?
They are only slightly more expensive than toilet paper.
The sequel is set to arrive in early 2024 to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the original, and special guest performers will be announced at a later date.
Will they fix the Stonehenge prop this time around?
Probably get screwed up in a metric translation.
It will be metric.
12cm this go around.
Ladies . . . .
The DVD commentary of the original is done in character with them trashing the “documentary” as unfair.
It’s not just a commentary, it’s a completely new way to watch the movie. There’s also a recurring joke where just about everyone that pops on screen they say “good bloke, he’s dead now.” Single best use of DVD commentary track of all time.
Even though children’s cartoon programming in the ‘80s was really nothing more than half-hour animated commercials created to sell toys, Optimus Prime almost immediately became an icon of leadership, bravery, and not just a symbol of aspiration for trucks, but an entire generation of kids.
I was a kid in the 80s. Both were true to me: I wanted the toys, and some of Autobots were inspirational figures.
That generation is now grown up and undoubtedly eager to drop $170 on what may be one of the best ‘80s toy mashups to date. Is it expensive? Yes. Do you think you can resist it? Good luck, because Lego’s done an impressive job at recreating everyone’s favorite intergalactic truckbot.
This sounds cool. Though I’m not sure I’d buy it.
I had one that looked like a legit combat vehicle when in “folded up” mode. I don’t recall if it was a Transformer or a copycat, but I thought it was bad-ass. Would have been early 80s.
There was a knock-off, Go-Bots.
I remember both (Transformers and Go-Bots) had a tank. I think I had both.
Thank you! I was able to find it just now searching under Go-Bots.
Must. Resist. Urge. to Hoard….
The death of Optimus Prime in the movie was a rite of passage for our generation.
Now… Transform, and Roll Out.
I never saw the movie, but I remember hearing about it. I remember being sad.
IIRC, it included Orson Wells last voice work.
“This has been the Fed’s standard operating procedure since its founding in 1913, but it has precipitously ramped it up since the advent of Covid in order to prop up an economy staggering under the burden of draconian governmental responses to the disease.”
Will we look back on that as the biggest self-own in history, will history be banned by then?
That would be the war we’re going to start with Russia.
Awesome cover song. Thanks.
Another great cover . . . .
Watch for the ukulele starting at about 2:43. Heck, watch the whole thing.
Seen that before. Very cool.
I like that version of “A Horse With No Name”.
I wonder why it’s Mayday?
Better Mayday
We’ll have a big parade.
Will there be seventy-six trombones?
“Canada’s Supreme Court rules being DRUNK is defense for sex attacks and killing: Judges acquit suspect who stabbed mother because he thought she was ALIEN while high on pills and naked man who beat a professor with broom when on mushrooms
Sexual assault suspects can use being extremely drunk as a defense, Canada’s highest court has said in a bombshell ruling.
The Supreme Court today said defendants accused of violent crimes can use self-induced extreme intoxication as a defense.
It found a law passed by Parliament in 1995 prohibiting the defense was unconstitutional and violates the country’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Judges ruled on three cases on Friday – with two being acquitted and one having a retrial – for crimes committed while drunk.
The move has struck down the federal law that had been fervently supported by women’s advocacy groups.”
WTF, Canada?
It found a law passed by Parliament in 1995 prohibiting the defense was unconstitutional . . . .
Legislature writes bad law.
Court strike down bad.
Oh my god!
If you can’t consent to sex while drunk….
Stop raping yourself?
But my hands are… so soft.
“defendants accused of violent crimes can use self-induced extreme intoxication as a defense.”
Hmm. Too bad this doesn’t apply down here, otherwise I would consider drinking heavily before committing crimes involving a woodchipper.
Is it also a defense to drunk driving?
It found a law passed by Parliament in 1995 prohibiting the defense was unconstitutional
Seems like the right call to me. Let the defendant plead their case and have a jury of their peers decide the appropriate verdict. It’s not Congress/Parliament’s place to decide what defense a man may plead to his peers.
Or what kinnath said.
The problem is that “Judges acquit suspect who stabbed mother because he thought she was ALIEN while high on pills and naked man who beat a professor with broom when on mushrooms”. Maybe it’s a bad law, but “I was high” shouldn’t be a defense.
These people are completely incapable of understanding unintended consequences. Which in this case will be the primary consequences.
Ted! You’re slacking!
You’re high on me
Nice! I had five cups of coffee today so the snark is strong in this one.
An aircraft pilot about to crash will repeat the distress signal “Mayday.” Throughout the “May days” of this month so far, financial markets have been sending distress signals that may indicate an imminent crash of their own. The major stock market indices have all been experiencing steep sell-offs since May 4, extending a decline that began around the end of March.
Listen, Jack. There is nothing about this has nothing to do with the policies of my administruinternationaprezzurnama. This is about Putin’s Price – uh- you know the thing. And the dastardly Super Mega MAGAtron of the Universe. C’mon, man. It’s Ultra MAGA. I mean when people waiting in line for a box of food! In America! And I, well – uh – you know…anyway. *turns and shuffles away*
I’m sure Biden doesn’t inspire confidence in the market.
“Johns Hopkins child sex abuse center hires trans professor, 34, who was forced to resign from Virginia school for DEFENDING pedophiles as ‘minor attracted persons'”
The real kicker is that the part of John’s Hopkins “they” is assigned to is the Moore Center for Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse.
Are they stupid or deliberately thumbing their nose at normal society?
Why not both?
Yeah, and I left out “evil” also.
Johns Hopkins has a history with this, you may recall.
Oof. I had forgotten that John Money was aided and abetted by John’s Hopkins.
At least the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab still does legit work.
Those whole-institution staff meetings must get awkward.
Yikes. Every time I think I’ve seen the worst of higher education, something likes this comes along.
I’ll play devil’s advocate. He at least claims to want to prevent pedos from acting on their urges.
On the other hand, he could be lying, and I can’t really defend his idea that we shouldn’t consider those urges immoral.
Walker, who uses they/them pronouns
You are the worst devil’s advocate.
The client is terrible.
Conquest’s second law gets a lot of traction, but his third law seems most appropriate here:
Heh, that Prime picture and article, I literally just got done taking pictures of my collection to write up an article for yall.
When the page loaded and I saw Prime, I thought “Why is CPRM doing Friday afternoon links?”
DO IT!!!!!!
This upheaval in relative prices will translate into severe losses for most businesses, revealing that, lured by the Fed’s artificial stimulus, they had overextended themselves.
Kill All Zombies.
Bojack Horseman is generally clever, sometimes brilliant, and totally depressing.
I punched out after a few seasons because, as you say, it’s totally depressing.
Some brilliant stuff in there, for sure (the underwater episode was just great).
Same. I’ll take Rick & Morty. Always clever, brilliant and only occasionally depressing.
The end of the ‘Unity’ episode tho…
Yeah. I said occasionally depressing. I remember the end of the season 3 finale was pretty dark too.
Yep. But always enjoyable.
Snowball is classic. Really loved that character and storyline.
At the risk of drugs falling out of my ass (and they won’t be the good ones), I finally listened to the Tom Woods podcast with Robert Barnes. It was interesting.
Early on, Barnes and Woods are talking about law school and judges. A highlight of this part of the podcast is Barnes’ thoughts on Rule of Law/Rule of Man, which are very similar to mine. I think the Rule of Law is just the Law of the Jungle with flowerly phrases wrapped around it to make it appear to be something that it is not.
Facebook is feeding me ads for home distillation equipment. I assume if I click, the Feds will get notified, and I will get a knock on the door (or perhaps a no-knock visit in the wee hours of the morning).
Why do you assume that FB isn’t feeding you those ads at the behest of the feds?
*passes roll of tin foil*
Really? You doubt it? In 2022 it would be shocking to find out they aren’t doing that.
Thanks, man.
*tears of Homburg sized sheet*
It’s too late to reply, but that was the implication that I was making.
It is not illegal to possess distillation equipment in the U.S. You can distill water or essential oils with them.
It may not be illegal, but the Feds are rounding up this information. I’ve listened to a few interviews by the guy who created the Berkey Water Filter. He also sells a tabletop distillation system, about the size of a coffeepot, that’s ostensibly for fuel production. He mentioned that a lot of these online sellers were hit with federal warrants to disclose their customer lists. He flew under the radar since it’s not the focal point of his business.
They’ve been doing that for a while. Back before the lockdowns quite a few of the local homebrewing shops started stocking distillation equipment, which seemed a risky idea to me.
And remember the Feds you’d be dealing with, if you end up dealing with the Feds over distilling, are the ATF.
You can distill in Texas now with the proper license, which just requires a course.
So, what you’re saying is, is I should buy Zimbabwe dollars?
Are they soft? Do they come on a roll?
Sorry to be curmudgeonly on a Friday afternoon, but you know what pisses me off about the FEE “Mayday” article (and others like it)?
It doesn’t include a paragraph for folks like me who have various “normal” investment accounts but aren’t sure what to DO in that circumstance. Dammit I know that’s not the point of the article, but if they’re clever enough to write it, they’re clever enough to add something (just becase I want it) about some decent safeguard ideas.
I’m sure the rest of y’all know what to do (curmudgeonliness aside, what would that be???), but dammit I’m good at other things, not this.
What the hell would constitute good advice in this circumstance for a normal conservative investor (401k, 529s, some other stuff)???
What the hell would constitute good advice in this circumstance for a normal conservative investor. . .
I don’t think there is any good advice.
It’s all bad options at this point.
The standard advise is usually one (or more) of the following:
Buy the dip – When the market is going down, if you don’t need the money in the short term, you can invest more and buy at a discount
Hold the course – Don’t make a change in the amounts that you’re investing, and stay true to your strategy
Do some tax loss harvesting – If you’ve got funds with a big loss, sell them and buy funds in the same sector to get the losses on the books to counteract gains in the future
Shift to purchasing appreciating assets – Gold, silver, property, etc.
PANIC – Sell everything at a loss, and then when things start going up, buy everything as the market improves.
I am not a financial advisor, a lawyer, or an economist. I’ve been holding the course, leaving a larger amount in liquid cash then I usually would, and looking at what assets may appreciate.
I am step 2. Dollar cost average the ride down and (up for that matter). This advice is not valid if you are close enough to retirement that it may not recover in time.
I am on a 12+ year plan, so it could not recover in that time, but I am not betting that way yet.
I have never been a big fan of the “shift to safer assets as you get closer to retirement” adage, but it has its points. Personally, I want my funds to continue to grow as fast as possible when I am retired to, so I probably will never shift down to safer assets.
Safe assets are returning such a low rate over the last 20 years that you are losing money after inflation. I also hope to live more than5 years after retirement.
GunBroker makes you broker.
You can’t take it with you. Spend accordingly.
You can’t take it with you
We’re buying equipment. Still need a boat and an ATV.
No bush plane?!
No bush plane.
Buy stuff that reduces your future costs. For us, that has been a van, canning equipment, perennial fruit plants, food stores, etc.
Bolster the e-fund. Yeah, it’ll be inflated away, but the recession comes next and it’s better to lose a bit of value on a small amount of additional e-fund than be stuck in a shit situation if the downturn goes really bad.
Crypto? Maybe it makes sense to put some buy and hold money in bitcoin. Risky, but could pay off big time.
I-bonds? Better than sticking it under the mattress to rot away.
How are you going to take the plants with you?
I’m playing a dangerous timing game. (Fruit trees just came in today)
My assumption is that we will be in a more permanent abode by this fall. BTW, I think Stark bros still has a few $18.16 trees left.
Well, when you put it like that…
“You’ve basically been accused of flip-flopping on your positions. Can you clarify why some of those nuanced opinions are really important?” Dr. McGeorge asked Fauci.
“Yeah, what I can say, it’s a good thing. I have flip-flopped and the reason is because science and the evolution of this outbreak changes,” Fauci said laughing.
“If you are being true to the facts and true to the data, you’re going to have to change. That’s not flip-flopping, that’s getting moving along with the science the way this outbreak is moving along. And it’s understandable how the general public doesn’t fully understand that,” Fauci added.
…you are still a p.o.s., lying, tyrannical garden gnome.
OK, so if I understand Herr Fauci, in between periods of the science being settled, it changes.
This is why we need wise overlords like him.
We are just not smart enough to understand his wisdom.
“And the naked lies and beagle puppy torture? Man, you just don’t get science…”
I think he’d have most people’s respect if he had just said, “Based on what we know now, this is what we recommend. But that might change as we learn more.” That’s at least being honest. But no, it was “I am the science and if you disagree with me you’re a science denier and you should shut up!” Every time he flipped and flopped.
Agreed. A little humility could have gone a long way.
I think even with humility he would seem like an obvious sociopathic liar. I guess he’d be slightly less grating and that may have bought him another 15-20 believers.
Yes, it would have been an honest and reasonable position. It also would have required he not be a stasi piece of shit, so it was a non starter.
The science changed = I was proven wrong.
He’s been proven wrong on a weekly basis. Anyone still listening to this charlatan is hopeless.
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.”
“The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”
Don’t forget their utter uselessness. The Port Authority bus terminal, which serves 232,000 daily commuters, is crumbling and the replacement “plan” is eerily similar to Green Energy fantasies – long on wishful thinking, short on reality.
OT – from your early morning comment. No masks required on NJTransit.
Just lots of “science” folk here in northern NJ who wear them. I’d say it’s 70% or so in the morning commute for me. Much less on the evening and even fewer when I go home late via Hoboken after my Japanese class.
Technically they are required on PATH, but since it goes to NJ I’ve not worn one and been hassled. I do wear them on the subway, but I’d say compliance there is only about 60% or so.
“No masks required on NJ Transit.” True, but the masking requirement signs haven’t been removed. Just an oversight, to be sure .
What the hell would constitute good advice in this circumstance for a normal conservative investor (401k, 529s, some other stuff)???
*What Would Nancy Pelosi Do?
Pan-Pan is an emergency that doesn’t pose an immediate risk to life.
Someone is not getting that VP slot.
Former Vice President Mike Pence on Friday announced that he will campaign for Gov. Brian Kemp in his reelection bid in Georgia, breaking with former President Trump, who has backed former Sen. David Perdue in the closely watched primary.
Pence announced he will participate in a May 23 get-out-the-vote rally with Kemp before Georgia’s May 24 gubernatorial primary.
Pence said in a statement that Kemp is “my friend, a man dedicated to faith, family and the people of Georgia.”
Does he really not know his popularity is basically on tiny notch above Liz Cheney? People like Pence really can’t figure out that their presence is actually anathema to opposing someone like Trump.
Pence is a “decency and decorum” type, like Romney. But Washington DC is full of people possessed by demons. Treating them with decency is just selling your soul by a more convoluted route.
And that’s probably giving the both of them the benefit of the doubt.
Yeah, he’s not emotionally equipped to deal with what’s coming.
I think this insight is the big generational dividing line between old and young right wing types. Boomer-cons still think that being progressive-lite MIC shills so you can keep your foot in the door is acceptable. The younger people are getting educated enough on the history of anything outside of progressivism being the Washington Generals of politics for decades on end. Not a single victory, but a relentless expansion of government and erosion of rights at an ever quickening pace? How about the Flakes and Romneys of the world go fuck themselves and let someone else try something that might actually work. I wish McCain were still around so I could poke him in the tumors with a glowing red fire poker.
It’s not just an American phenomenon, either. Macron won those over 50, and thus the election, while Le Pen won those under 40 in the recent French presidential election. Of course, she was the more moderate right-wing candidate (Eric Zemmour could talk the talk better even than Trump, but he lost in the first round).
The dividing line seems to be between to people who want to ride the old system out to its final embers and those who never got to see its glorious heyday and don’t regard it as worth saving (or even possible to save anymore). Unfortunately, the youth are generally taking this realization poorly, and going for insane leftist bullshit instead.
“If you are being true to the facts and true to the data, you’re going to have to change. That’s not flip-flopping, that’s getting moving along with the science the way this outbreak is moving along. And it’s understandable how the general public doesn’t fully understand that,” Fauci added.
That’s just another way to say, “These goalposts are highly mobile.”
He’s even moving the goalposts on moving the goalposts. See my comment above. He never had that attitude, he was always trying to shut down everyone who disagreed with him, even when they were eventually proven right.
What do you expect. He’s just a politician without the burden of getting elected to have unreasonable amounts of power. Unaccountability is baked into the cannoli.
The Michael Mann of virology.
PANIC – Sell everything at a loss, and then when things start going up, buy everything as the market improves.
Sell low. Buy high.
Shoot High Aim Low
35 years…stop it, I know I am old.
Until now, I never realized how much of a precursor of the Union album that song is.
Make it up on volume.
I’ve got a few loose hundo in money market in a 401k. I’m thinking it’s time to scoop up some undervalued stock while the panic is on. I won’t be retiring for another 15-20 years.
I’m feeling better about liquidating some of my 401k last fall, despite the horrendous tax penalty, since 1) I sold TSLA high, and 2) eliminated all credit card debt and mortgage.
Also I think there’s a non-zero chance the fed will try to seize 401ks and IRAs and combine them into a “socialized” retirement fund “for the greater good” in the future. Then again, that’s spark civil war.
I’m still trying to figure out whether the limited student loan forgiveness was enough to trigger my “focus on non-401k savings vehicles” provision of my financial crisis plan.
Also I think there’s a non-zero chance the fed will try to seize 401ks and IRAs and combine them into a “socialized” retirement fund “for the greater good” in the future. Then again, that’s spark civil war.
RC Dean said, and I agree with him, that if/when the Feds go this way, they will require investment in Treasuries instead of outright confiscation.
I think that will be the second step.
The first step will be forced conversion of trad 401ks and IRAs into Roths.
I may cash out my IRA this year and wash the penalty against the solar panel system I’m installing (26% tax credit against the project)
I fully expect them to go this route and force ownership of Treasuries.
Milo had it figured out.
Ass drugs, or no?
Honk honk.
Part of getting tough again on crime NYPD has been stopping cars in high crime areas under any pretext.
The idea was to get guns off the street, First few weeks it wrote mostly tickets for illegal dark window tints.
My assumption is this is to show that “things are working” and we aren’t just stopping “people of color” for tinted windows.
Who’s missing?
Nobody noticed that’s a regular magazine that they didn’t insert all the way?
Assuming all those cartridges in the baggie came from the mag, that makes it “high capacity” by NY standards.
It’s Friday, so once again the Zoom/Happy Hour/Discussion zone tonight at 20:00 Eastern. There’s a non-zero chance that I will not be available tomorrow night or next weekend.
I’ll work something out with Tulip.
Well, that’s good. I expect someone has some shit to say.
Speaking of LEGO…I got this lil guy this week.
He seems to be missing something.
An Earth-shattering kaboom?
You prefer this one?
I now have a total of 18 Muppets minifigs and not ONE GODDAMN FOZZIE BEAR.
Did anyone get a Fozzie? I will trade any of my extras or send you money.
Does he come with a Studebaker too?
lol I sang that in elementary school. I still know all the words.
And y’know, wait long enough, and Lego will probably make it.
We did Rainbow Connection.
Wanna sell Statler and Waldorf?
I have Waldorf!
I have an extra Fozzie!
Do you have an extra Rowlf?
I DO! athenaofprogtown at the gmail
I have an extra Rowlf
I should be covered now, but thank you.
I have several unopened bags—I may try to feel them out to see if there’s a Fozzie in there
Have you people gone nuts?
You’re supposed to do that at the store, so as to avoid duplicates.
Dramatic video shows fiery crash involving dump truck on Ohio highway
It doesn’t say how badly he is injured but if he can he should play the Lotto today too. Wow…
I started a Glib forum thread for people to buy/sell/trade Lego Muppet characters.
Is this the new crypto beanie baby?
I may be called a way for TGIF beers soonish. If you haven’t gotten your Quordle score posted, do so ASAP.
I’ve already had some TGIF beers. Not many as I was working.
Time to get a little dinner and then clean the Mustang.
Yeah, I have been doing a little low-key day drinking. It may get serious here in an hour or less.
Cheers, DEG.
The Mustang is clean.
I might have another drink.
Cheers Mike!
Trigger warning
Anyone looking for a job at Netflix will be greeted with something different when they check out the company’s statement on its internal culture. First reported by Variety, Netflix has added a section on “Artistic Expression,” that commits to allowing audience members make their own choices.
“We program for a diversity of audiences and tastes,” the statement reads. “And we let viewers decide what’s appropriate for them, versus having Netflix censor specific artists or voices. “
The memo goes on to say that employees may have to work on content that they “perceive as harmful,” warning that if this is difficult for them to accomplish, “Netflix may not be the best place for you.”
I work in a field which involves analyzing digital advertising traffic, and had to sign off on a similar acknowledgement WRT exposure to violent and/or pornographic content as a condition of employment. Netflix is a bit late to the party.
Similar deal for me.
Better late than never.
The worst thing I come across is someone dropped their iPhone or broke a windshield.
Relax. It’s not based on principle, it’s a simple realization that it needs to be said if they are ever going to finish a single production. Is there a chance that with the streaming bubble sitting precariously on the edge of popping, a few people running these companies might be having an honest conversation about the future of woke vs. the survival of the company? Stop laughing.
While principle would be nice, I think this is still a pretty big win. It’s them firming up their position on not kicking Chappelle out. The eternal optimist in me hopes it’s the beginning of the end of woke snowflakes calling the shots for their employers. Hopefully the first major public company to not just realize that “go woke, go broke” is a real economic reality, but to actually stake out a position that “you’ll do what we pay you to do or you can find a job somewhere else”.
I’m hoping so, but I’m not going to hold my breath. Judging by the totality of wokeness in the material at every streamer, these people are completely entrenched. Going quietly into the night isn’t exactly their style either. They absolutely seem to feel entitled to damaging as much shit as they want on their tirade out the door.
They seem to have made a long string of bad business decisions such that I find it hard to believe they’ve suddenly decided to make a good one.
It seems to me that most of these streamers are scorched earth. Someone needs to come along and start a service that’s not attached to any existing name that can give modest budgets to creative teams that got kicked out of Hollywood for not being quite woke enough to create new content and properties. It seems absurd that with all this tech potential, infinite reach and crazy amount of cash getting thrown around that all we can get is assembly line soulless garbage regurgitating sequels and reboots endlessly. There are still creative people out there and giant crowds bored to tears excited for new things. The fact that the streaming bubble and the super hero bubble are about to burst at the same time could mean endless potential and cash for someone to get out in front and try new things with. I also hear CNN+ has a giant infrastructure they’re not going to be using anymore….
Well that pretty much describes Netflix itself 10 years ago. They seem to have lost their way, though, and so you’re probably right that the opportunity needs to be grabbed by somebody else.
Heh heh. Tubi used their extra cash to make a cartoon of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.
…Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers…
Which they turned into a bowl of hot garbage by involving Pete Davidson and gender/race swapping Fat Freddy’s Cat into a sassy black lady played by Wanda Sykes.
Paging ZARDOZ. We need a ruling here.
Saving an endagered species
This chick got tired of them just being plants and switched to the real thing.
That’s not really a lot of dudes for a recent (rich) divorcee in the big city.
Really? WTF am I doing wrong?! I mean besides having standards.
Just because one can do something does not necessarily mean one should.
Much enthusiasm.
If I were Cambodia’s government, I’d be more worried about the Tiktokification of the country than the extinction of a stupid plant.
Fryday Funbagz.
Bloody Hell!
Daily Quordle 109
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Sean suggested this a while back.
Daily Octordle #109
* I wasn’t a fan and didn’t go back.
I think I billed as something for masochists.
So worse than Waffle?
Waffle is fluff.
How many different kinds of breakfast pastries can there possibly be?
Is there a time limit or what?
Criminy. Answer was my first guess the other day. ?
? May 13, 2022 ?
? 1 | Avg. Guesses: 5.44
⬜⬜???? = 6
I should nominate SMBC to be the official web comic of Glibertarians:
My stepdaughter, her husband, and their two sons are descending on our home next week.
The last time I saw the grandkids was 2019, and the youngest one was 2 or 3 at the time, a real hell-child. The loudest, most aggressive child I’d ever seen. He seemed happy enough, but he physically flung himself onto people, pets, furniture, shrieking at all times and generally driving me apeshit and depriving me of any reasonable amount of rest. Not coincidentally, I had a major seizure (only the second one of my life) at work that week.
No idea if he’s better or not by now, but the plan is pretty much to let him tire out in the pool most of the time. Or feed him to the coyotes.
His big brother is 11 now and has always been thoughtful, calm, and pleasant.
I’m going to work long hours next week.
Good luck with that
I swear I read that as “flung poo in people.” That child would not get to stay in the house.
I didn’t know you had relatives living in the apartment below me!
Somehow I’m picturing this: https://youtu.be/2JUT3PfanU0
Pretty much.
I finished thawing my venison flank steak for stroganoff, but it seems that no two stroganoff recipes agree on what the basic ingredients are…
*le sigh*
I love stroganoff. Make what feels best! Looks like Braum’s tonight for me.
I’ve never made it before. Which is why I was comparing so many.
A simple way is to sauté onions and mushrooms (canned or fresh—fresh being best) until the onions are soft and browned (add water or wine if they start to stick to the pan. Then add a can of cream of mushroom soup. Stir. Add a dash of worstershire sauce, a bit of Dijon mustard, black pepper, ground nutmeg, and beef. Cover and cook, stirring as needed. When meat is done, stir in sour cream until desired consistency.
An alternative version adds black olive slices!! I love it, but it’s not for everyone.
Some people brown the beef along with the onions and shrooms to get a nice sear, but that can make it tough. The adding of the beef later and cooking just til done is more tender. Depends on your preference and your cut of meat.
I’m a bit far in to make use of that technique. The venison and mushrooms have been cooked and I’m on the mushrooms. I just topped up the butter to avoid stickage. Egg noodles just went in the water.
I do mine more like a stew. Just dump everything in and slow-cook it. Sometimes I brown the beef first.
Pick the one where you have the most ingredients. Hopefully these include mushrooms, sour cream, onion, Worcestershire and Dijon.
I don’t have worchestershire or dijon. They weren’t on the examples I saw before buying ingredients.
I did just taste test the venison, and it’s heavenly. Mushrooms are on.
I don’t understand how a kitchen can exist without Dijon and Worcestershire sauce being always on hand.
I see some recipes without sour cream, which seems like a completely different dish.
No sour cream??? ? Then what’s the point?
As far as I’m concerned, it would be almost impossible for stroganoff to have too much sour cream.
It’s just beef stew on noodles at that point. Perfectly tasty, but an affront to strokin’off
Well, my whole reason for making stroganoff was because I had sour cream that needed using.
My recipe has turned out to be:
.66 lb venison flank steak (Elk)
1/2 lb muchrooms
??? lb onion, diced
butter, salt, pepper, garlic powder (no fresh garlic on hand)
Beef broth, sour cream
Egg noodles
Now I want Beef Stroganoff.
Maybe a project for this weekend.
Rhywun gets it.
Standing over that stove was annoying, but developing the flavor was worth it.
As y’all predicted, Trump has taken the Ultra MAGA label and run with it.
Does Biden even know that MAGA is the acronym for Make America Great Again? Even if you hate Trump, making America Great Again is an appealing message. Beats “lower your expectations.”
Amazon has Ultra Maga shirts, hats, etc.
Tremors actor Fred Ward passed away.
79??? Seems like just last year I was annoyed at how crappy Remo was. One of my favorite pulps as a teen.
No love for Henry & June??
I think I prefer MEGAMAGA.
The leftists, who can’t counter with memes, will start SMEGMAMAGA.
Gah, let’s ignore processes and just start blasting away with escalated emails to the wrong parties to try to fix things. Oh, it’s already fixed and you didn’t bother to send a follow up? GFY, I will remember your name next time.
Hey, at least the power is on and working.
UPS can GF itself too. Two days in a row, those turds left we attempted deliver notices. Right next to the secured room that they have a key to for deliveries. No option to pick it up at the customer center (UPS garage) on the website. The offshore phone rep wants to charge a fee to pick it up at the counter (and they avoid needing to send a driver out to deliver it).