Freya starts something

And Lily finishes it. But wait!
This week is dominated by the new moon occluding MERCURY RETROGRADE. So, bad. Generally bad though, nothing specific. Except — the fact that both of them are in Taurus means that what was previously reliable will not be this week. Sorry about that. Annnd that’s about it. Sometimes the skies don’t have much to say.

Freya calls in three friends! Lily battles mightily!

But she is overcome by the fresh reinforcements.
Some really terrible draws this week. Sorry about that.
Gemini: Strength – Power, energy, action, courage, magnanimity, complete success and honors.
Cancer: 5 of Wands reversed –
Leo: Knight of Coins reversed – Inertia, idleness, repose, stagnation, placidity, discouragement, carelessness.
Virgo: Justice – Equity, rightness, probity, executive; triumph of the deserving side in law
Libra: 9 of Swords – Death, failure, miscarriage, delay, deception, disappointment, despair.
Scorpio: The Hermit reversed – Concealment, disguise, policy, fear, unreasoned caution.
Sagittarius: 3 of Swords reversed – Mental alienation, error, loss, distraction, disorder, confusion.
Capricorn: The Tower – Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, ruin. It is a card in particular of unforeseen catastrophe.
Aquarius: The High Priestess reversed – Passion, moral or physical ardor, conceit, surface knowledge.
Pisces: The Moon reversed – Instability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error.
Aries: King of Coins – Valor, realizing intelligence, business and intellectual aptitude, success in these paths.
Taurus: 4 of Coins – The surety of possessions, cleaving to that which one has, gift, legacy, inheritance.
Even though this song was in heavy rotation on the local rock station when it was released, it wasn’t until this week that I learned what it was called or what it was about. Ozzy has Dylan-level enunciation issues. Two things:
-I’m sad Raymond Burr didn’t live long enough to hear it.
-This is the heaviest group of Brazilians I’ve ever seen.

Bonus pic: Lily’s big(!) brother and mom napping in the car.
I could probably look up the significance of the 5 of Wands reversed, but I might be better off not knowing…
Eh, I’ve seen worse.
“ Leo: Knight of Coins reversed – Inertia, idleness, repose, stagnation, placidity, discouragement, carelessness.”
Sounds pretty marvelous overall. I’ll be at the pool, snoozing and tanning.
The best part of my weekend.
Pisces: The Moon reversed – Instability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error.
Give me the truth, I can handle it.
Sagittarius: 3 of Swords reversed – Mental alienation, error, loss, distraction, disorder, confusion.
So I’ve got that going for me.
Wow! Looks like it was quite a battle. That Shepherd is gorgeous!
Leo: Knight of Coins reversed – Inertia, idleness, repose, stagnation, placidity, discouragement, carelessness.
Lol. I was just thinking about how much I was going to accomplish this week. I guess that’s out!
I see no embedded vid nor linky. Did you mention in a comment earlier noticing it was missing from the pending post? Post linky in a comment now, please maybe? Thanks!
Raymond Burr. All the clue you need.
Perry Mason
You are welcome
Only for those of us in the know.
Indianapolis Five Fucking Hundred today.
Is that a Vivid Video production?
It is now.
OK then.
STFU you idiot.
I like the ambiguity.
For once, it’s not the usual Sunday morning talking head shows.
*Announcer blabbering about our “national tragedies”.
::Note to self: do NOT tune in until green flag time::
Announcer blabbering about our “national tragedies”
I thought Bob Costas retired a few years back.
Did someone let Keith Olbermann out of his cage, or something?
Ugh… Olbermann. One of my worst weekends in NYC was working on Applebee’s commercials. At their Times Square location. On Friday and Saturday nights. Olbermann, being the star, had enough pull to pick the location and time because he wanted the excitement, energy, and fans. The franchisee refused to shut down because it was his prime money making time. We were beset on all sides by inebriated tourists, looky-loos, and disgruntled wait staff. Every single shot required many, many takes due to the noise and chaos and Olbermann was a class A diva and asshole.
Thank you for confirming my bias against Olbermann.
Sagittarius: 3 of Swords reversed – Mental alienation, error, loss, distraction, disorder, confusion.
yeah, pretty much – David Perdue
Scorpio: The Hermit reversed – Concealment, disguise, policy, fear, unreasoned caution.
yeah, let’s not get ahead of ourselves – Brian Kemp
Gemini: Strength – Power, energy, action, courage, magnanimity, complete success and honors.
does this mean I hafta endorse Stacy Abrams? – DJT45
Gemini: Strength – Power, energy, action, courage, magnanimity, complete success and honors.
did you not read our horoscope?!1? it’s right there….just declare victory and move on – Mehmet Cengiz Öz, MD
Leo: Knight of Coins reversed – Inertia, idleness, repose, stagnation, placidity, discouragement, carelessness.
hang in there chief….you’ve always got me! – J D Vance
::Note to self: do NOT tune in until green flag time::
I was slow on the mute button. Checking to see if the cars were on the grid yet. They are.
Inertia, idleness, repose, stagnation, placidity, discouragement, carelessness.
I won’t be idle this week. Too much to do.
On the other hand, today… idleness. I had brunch at Ye Olde Local Irish Pub. And I’m having a little more Irish coffee before I get some work done around the house.
Aries made out ok this week.
I just recovered from a hellacious asthma attack. Not a fan!! Glad to have a nebulizer at home.
Happy Sunday, peeps.
Happy Sunday. ?
“I just recovered from a hellacious asthma attack.”
Yikes! +1 nebulizer.
Mrs. Patzer has had several episodes in the past month or so. Finally saw the doc and we learned that women who had childhood asthma tend to get much worse following menopause. We now have multiple drugs around the house to deal with it.
Strips were grilled and eaten. Porterhouses for dinner.
Nothing was on sale this weekend. ?
Soon only meat that is starting to turn will be discounted.
Cancer: 5 of Wands reversed –
No more need be said.
I like that word, “cleave.” How awful it must be to ESLs. Oh, also, “affect” and “effect,” whose nuance is downright diabolical.
Anyway, I hope this “inheritance” business isn’t taking my mother into account because that would suck a big fat donkey cock.
I used the term “plane of cleavage” in a strict engineering/materials science context, and my boss and another engineer just couldn’t stop giggling. I could scarcely believe how immature they were about it, and also was astonished that they didn’t know the scientific term “plane of cleavage.”
Maybe my Oklahoma State University degree wasn’t so bad in comparison to the boss’s Cal Tech after all.
? ~sigh~
Are they glibs?
Most definitely not.
Am I missing something? That seems really unprofessional and something HR would take seriously.
If I were the only woman in a slew of dudes, and my expertise was necessary and I may or may not be in a position of power, I wouldn’t go running to HR to tattle. Instantly makes you look weak. You cannot show weakness in the midst of a gaggle of dudes.
Nor can a man in a peck of chicks.
Let me guess, they are fans of “Beavis and Butthead”.
My uncle used to teach at Cal Tech.
But he left in the sixties, to work in this new field called Comp-u-tors.
The video is a lil dorky, but give the song a chance.
“Sagittarius: 3 of Swords reversed – Mental alienation, error, loss, distraction, disorder, confusion.” Sorry tarot cards, that was last week.
Cheer up.
It worked!
It is a card in particular of unforeseen catastrophe.
It isn’t unforeseen if it is being foretold.
Cuntes everywhere. The gun industry better wake up and stop selling to enemy state agencies.
An AG writing such nonsense should be removed from (acting) office and disbarred just on that piece alone. Ignorant of the law and their duty to uphold it.
Disbarred? He’ll probably be the next governor.
NJ sucks.
Governors of NJ.
This is sad, and likely true.
Something something democracy something something good and hard.
As to the seconds point, other than some boutique manufacturers, yeah right. They all love the lucre. Where’s my back the blue defaced flag to show my support?
I have a vague memory of Barrett not selling to certain or all California LEO agencies.
Wait, what?
Once they made a good movie based on Legos, all bets were off. I can’t rule anything out.
Mike Judge…could be good.
Your strawberries are trying to kill you.
Biden hardest hit?
He’s into blackberries now.
“The FDA said not to eat, serve or sell those brands of strawberries if bought between March 5 and April 25.” If you are eating them now you have other problems.
I’ll buy fresh berries with the intent to freeze them and use as needed.
Daily Quordle 125
25, feh.
“Gemini: Strength – Power, energy, action, courage, magnanimity, complete success and honors.”
? Happy days are here again ?
A buddy recently purchased 10 acres in the middle of nowhere in east TX. We camped out there Friday night. We were sighting in my AR the next morning when his neighbor approached us because he was unaware the property had changed hands and he heard us shooting. The neighbor introduced himself as STEVE SMITH. Feel kind of lucky to not have been raped in my sleep the previous night.
I assume the neighbor was perplexed when you broke out giggling.
How do you know you weren’t?
Hosers just got screwed by an egregious call.
Jimmie Johnson just crashed with fewer than ten laps to go at Indy.
He must’ve thought he was still back in NASCAR.
Man, hopefully this doesn’t bone Ericsson
For the past few days, I’m getting an error on Glibs in which the home page doesn’t show the most recent articles, even if I refresh the page. I had to use the “back” button to reach this page.
Especially odd because earlier this morning I saw the IFLA link and the Sunday morning links.
I’m using Safari on my iPhone.
That’s a known, ongoing thing.
Logging in seems to address it.
You can also force an uncached view of the front page by appending some nonsense arguments, like
To the url
That’s a caching issue. I’m trying to see if I can solve it. Due to the size and scope of the site, we need caching, but it does mean the homepage doesn’t refresh as soon as a new article is posted. It’s highly annoying.