Can you tell I like roses.
This spring has been full of nuttery when it comes to the weather. But one plant that doesn’t seem to mind is the roses. I think I have two dozen of them, and they’re ready to rock.
Hows’ about some links?
Time to start the annual rinsing of Florida and the Gulf Coast.
Cold fusion will really help achieve this goal.
Maybe if they use tranny dancers, they could save it.
Love him, or hate him, the dude knows how to make movies.
All right. Toodles. Try not to get too drunk, or sunburned this weekend.
I can’t not
That asshole ruined Diana Krall.
Legit LOL. Probably because it’s partly true.
Here’s something to sooth you.
That asshole ruined Diana Krall.
Word. I went into shock when I first heard about them being an item.
Another shocking item
I have, here in my hand, a list of names, of people whom I would like to see deposited on an asteroid. If we omit life sustaining supplies and equipment, we can fit more people aboard the spacecraft.
Sending humans to asteroids is straight out of “Pallas” by L. Neil Smith.
An online petition to save the Bluebell Girls revue has been signed by over 50,000 people.
And if they each put up $1000.-…
Haha, just funnin’ with ya.
“The blueball girls”
Yes. I am five years old.
They weren’t gay, they just had nice shoes.
Of course, now I want to know what the hanky code was for “uses silenced pistol,” “prefers the garotte,” and the like.
Maybe he was expecting it to be contracted out to these guys.
More asshole
Also, Reagan looked 85 in 1967 apparently.
He was born at a very advanced age.
Unfortunately so did Nancy
Who was it that quipped that “Nancy Reagan fell down and broke her hair”?
How would you land on a gas giant?
It has a highly-compressed metallic core. You could “land” (more like crash, amirite?) on it, after a fashion.
And get crushed by the thousands of miles of gas above you*.
*I don’t know if this would actually happen. But IIRC those cores are pretty small.
Probably dumbass journalospeak for landing on one of the gas giants’ moons.
Out of nowhere
Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday spoke at the funeral of one of the 10 people killed by a gunman at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York – and said that the U.S. is experiencing an “epidemic of hate.”
Harris spoke at the funeral of Ruth Whitfield, who was one of the 10 killed when a gunman opened fire in a grocery store on May 14. Authorities have said that the gunman, who is White, chose the grocery store because it’s in a predominantly Black neighborhood.
“I cannot even begin to express, our collective pain as a nation for what you are feeling in such an extreme way, to not only lose someone that you love, but through an act of extreme violence and hate,” Harris said. “And I do believe that our nation right now is experiencing an epidemic of hate.”
And what have you to offer by way of substantive solutions?
“And I do believe that our nation right now is experiencing an epidemic of hate.”
And it’s all from those deplorable domestic terrorist Nazi scum white cis-male bigots!
Divisiveness and grandstanding. Two of her three known talents.
Don’t overlook her talent at word salad tossing.
Nice pussy.
Thanks. That’s Felix. His canine teeth are so long, he can’t properly close his mouth fully. Kinda cute but he does have to drink a lot of water!!
Uhhh… “New norms, rules, and agreements”? A thin slice of rhetorical meat in that Wonder Bread sandwich there.
I did the Lido in ’61, seeing nude or at least topless attractive women was pretty exciting for a farm boy in those days. Actually still pretty exciting for an old farm boy.
You wanna see 85? I’ll show you 85. Reagan looked better but he wore makeup.
Your tax dollars at work
The Forest Service says it was responsible for both the blazes that merged late last month and created the largest fire in New Mexico history.
The agency said Friday that its fire investigators determined the Calf Canyon Fire was started by a holdover fire, or sleeper fire, from a federal pile burn that concluded Jan. 29.
Though crews monitored the fire for a couple days following the conclusion of the burn, the Forest Service said, it remained dormant and survived three winter snow events before it reignited and escaped containment lines in April and was “significantly” spread by a wind event.
The Calf Canyon Fire then merged with the Hermits Peak Fire, which was also started by an escaped federal prescribed burn, to cause New Mexico’s biggest-ever fire.
These people are experts.
My uncle used to do controlled burns with the Nature Conservancy in the 80s and 90s. I’ll have to ask him how a fire presumed out for several months and snowfalls can suddenly re-emerge….. seems more likely that it was a new fire…but what do I know?
If they were burning tires maybe? Which of course means it wasn’t really out.
Yes, can get forest fires that overwinter (through rains and freezing temps). Particularly stumps and root network underground.
“merged with the Hermits Peak Fire, which was also started by an escaped federal prescribed burn, to cause New Mexico’s biggest-ever fire.”
Here in California some controlled burns get called of due to Spare the Air days, which also happen to be the best time to burn because the wind isn’t blowing. I wonder if that happened in New Mexico too, causing them to burn when the wind was blowing.
My colleagues at Los Alamos had to call off some scheduled meetings and lab activities due to the fire threat last week. They were urged to work from home and be on alert to bug out if necessary.
Yikes. It’s dry and windy here in Nevada too, but we mostly have scrubby vegetation that is not very closely packed. And Joshua trees, which seem to have no fucks to give.
The 2000 Cerro Grande fire that burned 400 houses in Los Alamos was due to a “controlled burn”. Humidity was in single digits, winds were howling and the idiots lit the fire anyway.
“The Santa Fe National Forest is 100 percent focused on suppressing these fires with the support of the Type 1 incident management teams who are fully prepared to manage complex, all-risk situations,” Santa Fe National Forest Supervisor Debbie Cress said in a Friday statement.
“Our commitment is to manage the public lands entrusted to us by improving the forest’s resilience to the many stressors they are facing, including larger, hotter wildfires, historic levels of drought, rising temperatures, and insects and disease.”
Grisham has asked President Biden to direct the Federal Emergency Management Agency to pay for all the fire-related recovery efforts in the state.
There, you see? She holds herself accountable. She’s very sorry. She apologizes for he inconvenience.
She’ll buy you lunch on the company credit card.
Dancer Hillary Van Moorleghem called the protest an expression of the whole staff’s sadness and disappointment, and described the cabaret shows as part of France’s cultural heritage.
More Leg Hem? Either wonderfully yclept for a dancer or a waggish stage name.
Foghorn Leghorn?
Ah say ah say ah say it’s a terrible tragedy…
Nice boy, but about a sharp as a sack of bowling balls.
Bit of an update. Might be a bit long. Too soon?
Lay it on us, if you don’t mind possibly being gently called a doofus.
(we love ya, let my teasing be no impediment)
Yes, bring it on.
Your daily dose of Sanford & son:
Shouldn’t Hillary Clinton Be Banned From Twitter Now?
Trial testimony reveals Hillary Clinton personally approved serious election misinformation. Is there an anti-Trump exception to content moderation? (yes)
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
No, it’s worse.
And whatever happened four years later was almost certainly even worse than that.
No shit. The Nixon administration giving press briefings about Daniel Ellsberg’s confidential files and not one of the press asking where that info came from would be closer to the present situation.
And Nixon has the aid and support of every 3-letter agency in DC.
I finally got out of the hospital! I took a taxi to Lady’s neighborhood and got a hotel for the weekend. My leg felt great all day. I was riding high. It was finally my time to be free!
This optimism was killed immediately. I was fantastic in the hospital. They were telling me to slow down! However, now I am in the real world, which has terrain changes, stairs, unexpected people, and other obstacles. Once wading in, I was in the depths of desperate pain within minutes.
I finally got to my hotel. I wanted to get some good food. The neighborhood has tons of it, but going out is too unstable. I went to the convenience store 100 yards away. “Play hard; play smart,” I told myself, as I always do. I’ve done the hard part. Now, do the smart bit. Slow and steady. Planning. Minimize steps and pain. I now have the basics for survival and morale. Plenty. Tomorrow is another day, another challenge. The hospital was like being in Double-A. Now I’ve been abruptly promoted to the Majors, my debut game and audition. Each day will get better. They always have and that will continue, but that first game always puts you in your place. That’s good. Helps you learn faster.
I will further practice today, as I always do. Good food will be the reward for my efforts, another challenge to conquer. Slow and steady. It’s impossible for me to get on a plane right now, but I will learn and adjust. I rewarded Lady for her help, although she openly said that “[Evan[ will be the death of me,” speaking of how she hates seeing me in such a state, conflicting with her overwhelming desire to take care of me.
Like all of my struggles, this too, shall pass. Onward. Upward. Always.
YAY! That was nowhere near as long as I thought it was going to be. It was a page on my little docu thingy.
Glad you’re coherent and well-ish again. Just stay away from that ethanol, ya hear?
Agreed, very pleased. Exercise, avoid drink and get on a plane.
I physically can’t. Way that I could get home today: I bite my tongue and struggle to get my one bag of luggage from Lady’s apartment across the street. I wait outside. Then, a team of proficient professionals land a helicopter next to me, assist my boarding, inject me with morphine, and fly me directly to Indianapolis. Then, the hot nurse who was comforting and caring for me the whole time, leads me out of the helicopter. Holding my arm, she makes sure I don’t fall as I enter whatever residence I will call home.
As sex is for now an mythical fantasy, she slinks into bed with me and we cuddle the night away.
(Serious thought I had: I don’t know if this is possible, but I’m going to go to a clinic tomorrow, show them how I am and try to get some painkillers that actually work. The ones I had in the hospital worked fantastically while they lasted. They wore off after ~2 hours or so. Mornings are by far the worst. Walking around and getting loose absolutely helps and I do it as much as I can. I’m just walking back-and-forth in this tiny room to do my best at it now. It certainly helps, but the underlying pain is still there. You have to fight the natural, psychological urge to avoid that bite. I’m gonna keep it up. If things go really well, I will be at least MORE loose in a couple of hours.)
Uh, do I have it right that you are still in Korea and trying to wish your annoying* libido away?
*If so, I imagine that there are breathing exercises for that. What they are, I don’t know.
(Gah, reading comprehension was always my weakness.)
I hope you’ve talked to your family! What do they say?
I’ve heard bad things about broken femurs, so I’m glad you are as well as you are.
Just talked to my family now. They desperately want me home. So do I, but I have to take it day-by-day. I physically can barely get 100 yards from the hotel door right now. It’s a struggle. Tomorrow’s goal is to get ACTUAL, SERIOUS painkillers. I’ll just walk in and they’ll immediately see that I need SOMETHING better than what the hospital gave me.
I’ve broken ~35-40 bones (depending on how you count). That includes a shattered skull and four broken ribs, one of which punctured a lung. This hairline fracture on my femur, right around my titanium hip, is hands-down the worst pain I have ever experienced, short and long-term. Broken femurs are universally considered to be the most painful bone to break by medical folk. I can’t fathom what a full-on break would feel like.
Constant discomfort when you’re lucky, and volcanic eruptions of pain at any time. Sometimes the blast keeps on going like Krakatoa. I wish I were back in the 19th century hangin’ with Holmes. If there’s anyone who is in legit need of morphine, it’s me. I’d love to have my own 7% solution along with his.
I had a full break of a humerus (had to look that up).
It was pretty damn painful but yeah I can see the leg bone being worse.
Holmes’ 7% solution was cocaine, but point taken.
I understand you need it, but please be careful and prudent. It seems to me like there may be better alternatives than jumping right to morphine, but ‘m not a doctor.
I KNOW his was cocaine! That’s why I want to share MY 7% ALONG with HIS! I’ll take the speedball!
(I’m not yelling at you. I’m just having fun.)
What the hospital gave me is Tylenol at best. Even percocet, as weak as it is, is better than this useless shit. Give me some hydro-something. Take care of your patients. It’s not physically or psychologically healthy. Just give me SOMETHING that will numb this shit. That is the mission for tomorrow. Just gotta find a clinic, and go to as many as I have to, in order to get ANYTHING. It’s bad, I’ll get better, and plenty have it worse, but there’s such an easy fix to this all.
Yo, E.
Word from the wise: When you return to the States do not, I repeat DO NOT dive into the Black Market for any sort of pain killers. There’s a huge influx of Fentanyl cut pills out there right now that are killing fools.
More melodramatic garment rending from NPR
Whether it’s the gun violence they face in their neighborhoods, or suicide or accidents at home when guns are left unsecured, the threat to the nation’s children and teenagers is not only bad, but worsening.
“It’s extremely scary,” says Ade Osadolor-Hernandez, 20, a rising junior at the University of Chicago and a member of the national advisory board for the group Students Demand Action. “It’s extremely disappointing to see that we’re still living in this condition, and that there is nothing that is being done to save our lives.”
And this right here, this “nobody is saving us!” formulation is really beginning to piss me off.
Just another example of the culture of victimhood and learned helplessness intentionally taught in the government schools.
“Save me, save me!”
Fuck that. Save yourself.
Take a lesson from the Border Patrol, and learn that the cops really don’t care about saving you.
Ade might want to move out of Hyde Park if xe is worried about violence.
There is a recent story out of West Virginia about a woman who took out a mass shooter with her pistol. The wannabe shooter had a dread AR “AK47” 15.
Are we doing a Zoom this afternoon?
That would be interesting.
I was on for about 15 minutes. Missed you Evan! Lots of people still there. Jump on!
You want correlation? How about the positive correlation over time between formalized “anti-bullying” policies and programs in the government school system and school shootings?
Save the children. Bring back bullying!
It started when kids who fought back got the worse punishment. “Just let it go. Hitting back is not the answer.”
Ralphie Parker begs to differ: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085334/mediaviewer/rm3270941185
Yes. Anybody with any sense disagrees. Pound the bully into the asphalt and no more problems. LIKE MAGIC!
School shootings aren’t really increasing. They’re just fudging the way they report them.
Since there doesn’t seem to be a zoom, I’ll host starting now:
Instead of being focused on her professor’s lecture, she finds herself constantly glancing around to see if anyone looks suspicious.
“Every single time anyone just reaches into their backpack, there is a sense of panic that I feel,” she says. “It’s extremely frustrating to have to feel this way, and it’s extremely hard to live with this reality.”
Guess what. That’s not reality. That’s a paranoid delusion.
Speaking of Jackie Chan- I’m going to watch “The Medallion” on Tubi tonight, before it disappears.
I started that Thursday! I liked it so far.
(The ‘Seriously’ Edition)
l0b0t 20
Ted S. 21
whiz 22
Grummun 23
Sean 23
Mojeaux 24
Not Adahn 24
Tulip 24
Tundra 24
one true athena 25
trshmnstr the terrible 25
QuordleBot 26
The Hyperbole 26
Grosspatzer 27
grrizzly 27
kinnath 28
MikeS 28
Grumbletarian 30
TARDis 119
SDF-7 309
Okay, it’s a holiday weekend and you people have cookouts and family and whatnot on your minds and I get that, but JHTDC. 20 Players, 43.75 A, 3/17 TL!!. And to top it all off another 309*, I guess SDF-7 couldn’t bear to be outshone by TARDis.
In lighter news, Grrizzly again comes in second in the tournament and whiz earned the right to take on Not Adahn for the Glibs Quordle Belt tomorrow. We will start Tourney the Third after that championship bout. As always if you posted scores everyday last week your in if you want in otherwise let me know. (looking at you l0b0t who always seems to miss just one day each week)
*When Tardis 309’d the other day I had the thought that a perfect 400 may be just as hard to get as a 1234. Obviously one could simply write in the same wrong answer nine times but I mean a legitimate attempt where one didn’t use eliminated letters or reuse letters where they can’t possibly go. One of these days I may challenge you all to try and do as poorly as you can to test this hypothesis.
I have to confess to getting a 400 once in practice mode. I kept chasing one word that had too many possibilities.
Cannoli! Come va, bella?
Hi Toxteth! I’m getting over COVID. It’s been super mild but it just keeps lingering, and after two weeks I’m pretty sick of being sick. Other than that, things are going pretty well. Planning to spend a lot of time at Lake Lanier this summer.
Nice to see younguns. Dunno how you put up with our cynicism.
Not at all! It’s encouraging to know there’s other liberty-lovers out there. I just lurk because I’m usually catching up on threads late.
That would be me, too. I read the old threads and have pity, pertinent observations but it’s generally a dead thread.
I just did it and got
3 5
6 7
I may try to find seed words that do especially bad, just for grins, although you have to have vowels no matter what. And to keep with the spirit of actually trying, no repeating vowels (or consonants, for that matter) in seed words.
The hell you do.
Cute. Quordle (at least the version we do) is in English, of course.
Czech Quordle would be interesting.
2 6
7 5
That first work kind of jumped out at me this week.
ATTN Not Adahn and whiz, if it’s not too late and you see this, instead of posting your scores in the comments could you send a screen shot of your game (letters and all) or just a list of the 9 guesses you made to me ( HeyBuddyStopDoingThat at protonmail dotcom) I want to try something different for the Title bout.
Just when I thought the Uvalde school massacre couldn’t get worse, I see that the widower of one of the murdered teachers died of a broken heart (literally) two days later.
4 orphans.
The “upside” is that many people are donating money to help. I hope the kids have some capable and qualified family members to take them in.
Some anonymous person donated enough for all the funerals. And if they tend as Catholic as they sound, there will be tias and abuelas.
Ugh, I sound like Barbara Bush after Katrina. Nooo….!
The GoFundMe does seem to indicate an extended family with aunties and uncles. Whatever it takes to keep these 4 siblings together!
They’ve raised over 2 million so far, so after they set up a trust for the kids, my guess is they will use the rest of the money for the other victims or scholarship funds. I pray they have the patience and wisdom to do it right.
Yeah…not sure if oldest kid will need to get out of Marines to support family or if there are other options.
I would happily give those orphans jobs in my mines.
I think I have two dozen of them, and they’re ready to rock.
Daily Quordle 125
“Bad Day at Black Rock” was on TCM tonight and will be on one more time this weekend. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend watching or recording it. Only 10 speaking roles and a master performance by several people including Spencer Tracy and Walter Brennan. Part Film Noir, part thriller, all good.
“Bad Day at Black Rock” was a euphemism at work for anytime something especially sketchy was going on with management and no-good underlings. The young’uns eventually learned the phrase but didn’t know the origin until we oldies circulated the DVD.
Cannot sleep. Got a new toy. New pellet smoker and breaking it in with a big hunk of pork on it
These euphemisms are making me hungry.
For our fallen brothers and sisters…
Daily Quordle 125
View from my seat at Tranquility Base this morning. I love this time of day when the grass is still dewy and the sunlight is filtered through the trees.
“Amid a series of mass shootings across the country, all of the Union’s players wore orange shirts in warmups with the message “END GUN VIOLENCE” on the front. Bedoya also wore a black-and-white captain’s armband during the game with the same words.”
A positive Covid test won’t score points any more. The people demand monkeypox!
Mornin peeps.
Mornin’, reprobates!
In honor of my birthday, the gods have turned off the spigots and allowed the sun to emerge from it’s extended hiatus. Mrs. Patzer and the boys will be treating me to dinner at local Mexican joint. Good times.
Good morning, ‘patzie, Sean, Tulip, OBE, & TH!
Thanks for the reminder, ‘patzie! Here’s your special birthday song!! ??
LOL, thanks for.that.
There’s a one-hour version with it on a loop, if you’d like that.
Sure. I’ll add it to my playlist along with Baby Shark.
Happy birthday ???
“Moved by this empty gesture, all gangbangers, jealous spouses and lone psychopaths quietly walk to a lake or river and toss their guns, this ending gun violence. The end”
Philly is now 100% safe. We can now disband the police.
Or not…
But… orange shirts!
“But, but, but, what if one guy doesn’t, then what?
That was in response to Sean’s orange shirts link… damnit.
*wanders off for more coffee*
Really? Misthreading my response to my own mistreated response? Okay, I’m out.
And I can’t spell either. Ha!