But we all loved you, Vermin!
You might have heard a lot of secondhand news from the LP Convention or Reno Reset as the Mises Caucus affectionately referred. The short answer is the part of the party that is actually libertarian, took over the Libertarian Party. We even got an its happening re-enactment from Ron Paul.
Where I want to focus on is the weirdos. There was no naked guy at the convention, the weenie that reminds me of David Hogg in drag is really upset over the whole thing and the guy with the boot on his head resigned. So the Hoppean incels that took over the party turned what was an obnoxious joke, into just a regular joke. PROGRESS!
Now for some links:
Agatha hits Mexico. No I am not referring to early 20th century novelists.
Mexico confirms the first case of Monkey Pox, and then has the AUDACITY to say the US is engaging in genocide!
I thought the reverse was true when I linked to this last week. My mistake. It appears he wants to privatize Petrobas.
Team Brandon owns MAGA for the lulz.
If you are into podcasts, I listened to this interview with El Presidete Dudebro while I cleaned my pool. He’s exactly what you think.
Why are our politicians so blah in comparison to everyone else?
Its like they took the entire band, and used that gender swapping AI, except they mixed up Plant and Paige.
The short answer is the part of the party that is actually libertarian, took over the Libertarian Party.
Finally. It’s about time to run Gary Johnson for president again.
“Gary Johnson in 2024 — He’s not as brain dead as Biden!”
“Not just Aleppo, ALL the leppos!”
He now knows what a Leppo is*, but he doesn’t know why you crane.
*Yeah, I know the Aleppo thing was a cheap shot, but I couldn’t resist.
I didn’t hate him when he was NM Governor.
At this point, he’ll be a step up.
Maybe he can be more high and clueless.
I’ll take high over demented
Real libertarians took over the LP? That’s great news for the 1 percent of the voters prepared to consistently vote Libertarian.
You see? Its responses like this are why 95% of libertarians do not identify as libertarians.
I don’t just identify as libertarian. I embody it perfectly and have the correct libertarian answer on every issue. Everyone else is a fake libertarian who might as well just admit that they’re a prog/neo-con in hiding.
Hihn is that you?
It’s zombie Hihn now.
Can you link to your own posts here?
Left + Right = Need mooooooorreee braaaaaaaaaains.
I think it’s naked dancing guy, vermin Supreme, Gary Johnson, Bill Weld, Jo Jorgensen, Shikha Dalmia, ENB, Nick Gillespie, and Nick Sarwark that drive people away from the label.
Why protest vote when the protest party sucks as much as the big two?
Because if no third party can ever get any traction, the sucky big two is all you’ll have.
Then they should take themselves more seriously and present more serious candidates and party officials with more serious answers. A party that could advertise itself with “voting for us is more absurd than writing in Bugs Bunny” isn’t a viable alternative to the TEAMs.
I’ve known many LP candidates both more serious and with better solutions than their opponents. So they got maybe 3 percent of the vote. That’s just about what getting 95 percent of the libertarian vote looks like.
The two party system is the root of everything we hate in D.C. I’d vote for the Communists if I thought they could get officially recognized as a third party. If you aren’t going to vote against the TEAMs until the perfect alternate appears before you, don’t complain that there are only two teams.
Johnson had a real chance to get to the magic 5% in 2016. Too bad so many libertarians, and others frustrated with the big two, couldn’t see how big a deal that would have been and realized that a vote for Johnson was a vote against both Clinton and Trump and all they stand for.
The two party system is the root of everything we hate in D.C.
Nah, the voters are the root of everything wrong with DC, cause they elect the politicians and let them get away with their malfeasance. A two party system is an inevitability in politics, as the larger the coalition the stronger it becomes.
The two party system is the root of everything we hate in D.C. I’d vote for the Communists if I thought they could get officially recognized as a third party. If you aren’t going to vote against the TEAMs until the perfect alternate appears before you, don’t complain that there are only two teams.
I look at it differently. Instead of a third-party, the communists infiltrated the Democrats and swung it hard left. Very successfully. This infiltration was well financed, but that doesn’t discount from the success. The libertarian party would have had much more an impact had they focused on libertarian-minded GOP candidates in the mold of Massie or Rand than being a 3rd party.
But regardless, any gains would be just as illusionary as the two-party system itself. Pelosi and McConnell, Clinton and Bush, Biden and Cheney are all members of the same party. We could add ten parties and it wouldn’t change the power of the Uniparty Swamp/Globalists.
The voters are part of the problem, yes, but the two-party system is what decides what candidates are presented to voters. The parties themselves and how they conduct themselves internally, as well as the stranglehold they have over the conduct and content of elections are the problem.
The two party system is the root of everything we hate in D.C.
Disagreed. Europe contains a dozen counter examples of shit awful governments with more than 2 parties.
They look shit awful to us, but they majority have different values. The voters there get what they voted for, good and hard. Maybe that happens here with more parties, maybe not. But it’s better than plugging your nose and voting for the better between a douche and a turd sandwich.
Two party system isn’t inevitable. The voting system is part of what makes that happen.
Lots of systems lead to multi-parties. Plurality winner in districts is the problem.
I have suggested my idea on here a few times…statewide house districts with single transferrable vote. It literally changes nothing in Wyoming, as they have one Rep. But in larger states, it makes it from possible (Colorado) to super-easy (California) for a 3rd party to win. And once you have a certain percentage of multi-party reps, it makes it easier for them to win in the harder states.
By my system, you would need 12.5% of the vote in CO. Not something the LP could get today, but in a truly open election, maybe they could get to it? In CA, you would need slightly less than 2% of the vote. There, every possible nutjob party would have a rep or three.
“I look at it differently. Instead of a third-party, the communists infiltrated the Democrats and swung it hard left.”
This is what I see. And, at least in my view, we, as Libertarians, should be working to move the conversation as a whole to a more libertarian point. Right now, the far left has gotten away with a lot of BS while we have been sitting on the sidelines. A huge part of that is due to the Libertarian party, but another big part is the “holier than thou” members who wont sully themselves with voting. I am going to vote to sway things in a direction I am happier with, knowing that there is little chance of the Libertarian party every being a contender for the presidency, or something like that.
Naked dancing guy has never given an explanation for his behavior other than aliens told him to do it.
The person serving as the chair during that event had gone to take a leak during his speech and had no clue what was going on until he started walking back to the meeting room and people were leaving disgusted. He was more than a little peeved.
I still think he was paid to do it by parties interested in making certain the LP never makes significant gains.
Reason is not happy:
Reason hates paleolibertarians with a passion.
The Mises Caucus’ foes have accused the faction of planning to stop running candidates against Republicans they like. Heise denied this in a phone interview before the convention.
I think that’s a good strategy. Would you really run someone against Massie?
And they’ll prove once and for all just how popular libertarian ideals really are!
The gif that out-gifs all others.
But we all loved you, Vermin!
No, we really didn’t.
I’m not sure what the MC is gonna do with it, but it will be interesting to see their marketing team in action.
The whining from Vermin is delicious.
But the promises of I WILL RETURN from Sarwark are sad.
His statement is …ambiguous. The interpretation that came to my mind was rather unsettling.
He really is a vile little man.
Tin-foil hat time. I’m pretty certain he’s controlled opposition. His behavior and positions are so far removed from anti-establishment and freedom there’s no way he came into the party with a sincere desire to do anything libertarians endorse. Except for butt sex. I do believe he’s enthusiastically pro butt sex.
It’s not out of the question. Like I said above, I’m fairly certain naked dancing guy was paid to do it.
There are plenty of parties that would like to see the LP never gain any prominence.
There are only two that matter and they aren’t really two different parties. And they have the money printer that goes brrrrrrr.
Does his state have red flag laws?
NH does not have red flag laws.
As much as it pains me to say it…. this is something Sununu did right. In 2020 when the Democrats controlled the legislature, they passed a red flag bill. Sununu vetoed it. There wasn’t enough votes to overturn the veto.
I thought Sarwark took all his toys and went home two years ago anyway.
If only…
Sounds like he was just waiting for a Soros check to clear before he’d commit to another 3 seasons of this shit show.
He’s from Arizona. He moved to Manchester, NH in 2019 for the Free State Project.
In 2020 he ran for Hillsborough County Attorney under the LP. He lost. Thankfully.
The Free Staters I know that know Sarwark can’t stand him.
Mexico confirms the first case of Monkey Pox,
One of the podcasts I was listening to today was Deutsche Welle’s Africa Link (in English). The hosts were introducing a report on monkey pox, and one of them accidentally referred to it as money pox.
It most certainly is a “dia de voctoria”.
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported last week that 2022 would be the seventh year in a row with a higher-than-average number of hurricanes.
So you are saying that it is time to pivot to
covidinflationshortagesgunsclimate change.Until we can come up with something better, it will just have to do?
Well, they can’t reveal the ruling class was reptilians the entire time just yet.
Put on the glasses.
You will have to fight me for what feels like 20 mins before I do that.
I’m all out a bubble gum!
Where is Mr. Lizard?
Venezuela sits atop the world’s largest oil reserves but due to mismanagement, and more recently U.S. sanctions, production has been declining steadily from the 3.5 million barrels per day when Hugo Chávez took power in 1999.
Turns out if you fire all the people who know how to pump oil and maintain the machinery and replace them with cronies, the real-world results are… suboptimal. Maybe someone can come up with a Five Year Plan to turn things around.
Who’d have thought that Top Men(tm) telling everyone else how to run their business would actually lead to mismanagement. Never seen before in the history of humanity, that effect….
I called it. I said “one day, there will be a small failure in an otherwise flawless centrally-planned economy that will make people over-react and start questioning the Top Men’s otherwise sterling record.” One tiny blip later and now all those smug libertarians are going to think that suddenly they have ammo that can kill our perfect socialist golden goose. Now capitalism’s inevitable collapse under the weight of it’s own contradictions will be delayed another century where they get to plunder the noble working class and undermine the brilliant academics who would be able to deliver paradise if the unwashed masses would stop resisting. Sad.
I have a feeling that plan involves bringing in a Russian or Chinese oil company.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday floated the idea of splitting state-owned Petrobras (PETR4.SA) into various pieces as a prelude to privatizing it.
Privatization is good.
Voters in Colombia, who have never before elected a left-wing leader, overwhelmingly cast their ballots for ex-rebel Gustavo Petro.
What could possibly go wrong?
This is where I thought you were going with a gender-swap Led Zep song. The masculine version of the Immigrant Song.
Not a full gender swap — but this would be my go-to when it comes to women singing Zeppelin.
Women singing Zeppelin doesn’t feel like a gender swap.
Viking kittens
Heh… just remembering that one puts a smile on my face. Thanks.
Peak social media
Yet another reason (besides Disney) that Congress should revert the Mickey Mouse Protection Act and let copyrights expire in a reasonable timeframe again.
More classic songs available for animations on the internet. Important things in life.
OMG. Is this it? I’ve never seen it. Glorious.
Yes, yes it is glorious.
I think somebody might have linked to this in the AM links, but I saw it a little while ago and this jumped out at me:
“They brought in a ton of Black people generally to start without ever establishing an infrastructure to retain them or help them be successful,” said the third current Black White House official. “If there is no clear infrastructure of how to be successful, you become just as invisible in this space than you would be if you were not in it.”
Boo hoo hoo, who will hold my sweaty little hand all day and tell me what a good little lamb I am?
Do your goddam job.
Wal-Mart Auto Center – “Your front tire treads are worn down and your rear tires are worn unevenly. We can’t do a tire rotation.”
Me – “Those are the reasons I want a tire rotation, dumbass.”
Wal-Mart Auto Center: “The rotation is just to get you in the door so we can sell you tires. You think Autozone does battery / alternator testing for free because they’re kind souls too? Now buy a new set like we tell you!”
Sounds like someone is working on a commission basis.
They wouldn’t do it here if the front treads are too low. The car will fail inspection.
A White House official pushed back on those concerns, saying that around 14 percent of current White House staffers identify as Black — in line with national proportions. The official added that the number is expected to increase as more Black staffers are brought on board and that 15 percent of Black staffers have been promoted in the last year.
So- 15% of 14%. One? Two?
That press secretary, I guess?
I love the “identify as black.”
“Hey Gary, thanks for coming into my office. We’re a little behind on some of our quotas. We lost another three black staffers last week who decided to pursue their dream of becoming full time Tik Tok rappers. You were selected for this because although our records show you grew up poor, your test scores show you’re just as smart as the other white interns whose parents bought their way into the Ivies. President says that’s close enough. Plus none of them showed up again this morning since they’re all moonlighting in Hunter’s unofficial “internship” and the detox is usually three days at a minimum before the STD testing even comes back. We’re going to need you to wear this dashiki that Schumer said you can borrow until he needs it back for another photo op. We’ll also have the fridge stocked with plenty of grape soda that you’ll need to be seen with at all times. How’s your ebonics? We thank you for your help in fighting racism.”
“Um, yeah…. we’re also going to need you to be black on Sunday. So if you could do that and turn in your TPS report, that would be great…”
From the deadthread:
I was $100k high on the median home price for the C-bus suburb. It was $650k not $750k.
Even that seems pretty high. Doing a quick search on Zillow, I’m finding houses for sale in that suburb for sub $500k (including some smaller new construction for under $200k). But I don’t know what he’s looking for in terms of property/bedrooms and the like.
I don’t either. He was just generally remarking about the housing search and how he’s hoping to get in before the Intel foundry starts impacting prices in the area.
DIsclaimer: I didn’t bother reading the dead thread.
If I was looking to be someplace convenient to the planned Intel foundry, but less expensive than New Albany, I’d look east towards Granville (still spendy but nice) or Newark (cheap but destitute).
Last time I drove through Granville (last fall), I was impressed. I’d move there if the opportunity arose. I love the areas north and east of Columbus, especially up in the Amish area. Beautiful rolling hills, great weather, super friendly neighbors, and tons of good memories.
I’m not sure if my brother is looking for land or not. He’s about to get married, so they may even rent for a while to get settled down before buying. The nice thing is that a 30 minute commute gets you pretty far in that area, so he has a ton of options. We shall see. *shrug*
My mom is also looking for a place out that direction, too. She’s in Westerville now, but family situation has made it where she’s looking to get into something smaller and cheaper. She may end up in Newark, depending on how cheap she wants to get.
Granville is a cute town, but Denison University skews the economy. “Denison, where the students drive Porches and the faculty drive Hnodas.” My wife and I have a running joke how nobody in Granville has a normal dog breed. “That’s a handsome Springer Spaniel.” :: frigid glare :: “It’s a Lesser Gascony Swamp-humping Spaniel.” :: sniff ::
If you’re coming out this way, drop me a line.
Will do! It’s probably gonna be a few years. We still haven’t washed the bad taste out of our mouth from all the Franklin County covid restrictions we encountered. It was the only place we encountered them on our 7 stop trip. We’ll be up in Louisville in September for my aforementioned brother’s wedding, but I don’t think we’ll get as far as Ohio.
I don’t know who these people are or what k-pop is or why the hell they are at the White House.
Global K-pop sensation BTS visits the White House press briefing room.
“While many of you may know BTS as Grammy-nominated international icons, they also play an important role as youth ambassadors,” press sec. Karine Jean-Pierre says.
“Hey fellow youths, don’t be a square and not vote for Joe Biden. He’s totally radical, dude!”
I LOL’d.
Because their manager told them to do it.
And then he beat them and took their dinner away until they whimpered and complied.
Gustave to the White Courtesy Phone.
To explain K-Pop in a nutshell: its a Korean version of Backstreet Boys.
Want To Step Into A BTS Concert? This New Immersive Art Exhibit In D.C. Is For You
Since you are so into BTS.
K-Crap is shitty music made by formulaic girl groups and foppish boy bands putting on phony hip-hop attitudes.
Well, there’s also this.
Pretty sure the guy that keeps his clothes on is Gilmore. And G Dragon comments here!
I was $100k high on the median home price for the C-bus suburb. It was $650k not $750k.
That still seems astronomical.
It’s definitely not the cheap part of town, but yeah, $400k or $450k median seems more in line with my expectations for that area.
I would guess it’s the most expensive area around Columbus. Parts of Dublin (around Muirfield) or Delaware might be as expensive.
I’m surprised Delaware has gotten that pricy. Cool town, but it’s far enough disconnected from the city that it’s inconvenient for most.
I should say “Delaware County,” everything along 315 and 23 north of Worthington and south of Delaware city.
So they are coming after virtually all the guns then.
CNN’s used definition of “assault rifles” consists of:
Detachable mag
“Possibly large capacity” mags
Pistol grip
An arbitrary definition of a lot of damage
They would have a fainting spell if they ever saw what a .30-06 or heavy 12-gauge load could do.
Well, if a 9mm can blow out a lung….
A pistol grip?!?!?!?!?
Pistol grips make it easier to hold the assault weapon when you’re spraying 1000 bullets a minute.
That is why pistols kill almost as many people as adverse vaccine reactions.
Imagine if they put pistol grips on shots?
I don’t have to imagine
That’s the deadliest part. Would turn any nerf gun into military grade armorment.
Bayonet lugs are the real deadliest part. That is why they were included in the forbidden components list.
Benjamin F Wilson agrees.
On my lap at all times
Generation 1 Megatron, that you?
Ohhhh right… that’s a “crotch trigger” not a “pistol grip”. Starscream did what he needed to for you either way….
I recall thumb-hole stocks during the ineffective ban.
They’re sillier than a Monty Python sketch.
Question for OMWC: What’s your opinion of Dr. Frank’s wine club? Worth it?
A quick look got me to this, at Redfin:
In April 2022, Indianapolis home prices were up 17.8% compared to last year, selling for a median price of $236K. On average, homes in Indianapolis sell after 4 days on the market compared to 4 days last year. There were 1,327 homes sold in April this year, down from 1,474 last year.
That’s believable. Are Columbus and Indianapolis really that different? I would not have thought so.
We’ve been involved a couple of real estate transactions recently. The consensus from the realtors we’ve talked to around here seems to be that sales are slowing, buyers are hesitating in expectation of prices falling, but rents are moving up, so investment properties (rentals) are still worth pursuing.
Rising interest rates are gonna crush sales/prices.
And rents will continue to rise because people won’t be able to afford/won’t be able to get loans for their own homes.
It seems he was looking at a specific neighborhood in Columbus, vs Indy as a whole.
New Albany is the Carmel of Columbus. The Rahals live (lived? I haven’t been past their place in a decade) in New Albany, if that gives you any indication.
Competent women are my jam.
/I’ll be in my bunk
Doesn’t sound very Freedom-Festy to me.
Free speech is icky, ‘mkay?
Maybe the film just sucked?
Probably. I wouldn’t watch it, but that’s not the point. They accepted it and later rescinded. Pussy move.
A couple years back, the local outdoor music venue hosted “Anarchy World” or something, it was a weekend all-punk festival show. Neph went, he probably remembers the name.
The list of things that were prohibited at “Anarchy World” was long and detailed. I thought it highly ironic.
Camp Anarchy was the festival (so created after NOFX got kicked off their own Punk in Drublic festival). Looks like the old rules site is down, but from memory, some of the more egregious ones were:
No fire (of any kind, including lighters)
No knives
No sporting equipment
One case of beer per vehicle
Consenting to a search of your vehicle to enter the campground
Vehicles cannot leave and return to the campground
So… with all of that, we camped down the road.
“Hillary Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann is ACQUITTED of lying to FBI in John Durham’s Russia probe: Trump tears into ‘corrupt’ legal system and ‘partisan’ compromised judges”
oh well
Kurt of “Uncivil Law” read into the comments of one juror that it “sounded suspiciously of jury nullification” based on the juror saying basically that there’s more important things for the legal system to worry about than lying to the FBI.
How about the FBI lying to the court?
Trump is a moron. The biggest problem with the prosecution was the FBI itself. The second was the primary witness, James Baker. A corrupt judicial system was not the problem.
Not “THE” problem, but still a fucking problem.
How do you think this would have went if any of us were the accused?
And with that, I completed the black out of by board for “things I saw coming from 10,000 miles away” bingo.
“EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi’s multi-millionaire husband Paul killed his 19-year-old brother when he lost control and flipped his sports car in early-morning ‘joyride’ when he was 16-years-old – 65 years before this weekend’s arrest for drunk driving crash”
One more and it’s a hobby.
Do we know what he was drinking? I hope this doesn’t threaten Nancy’s position as the official mascot of Bota Box.
Nancy screams “vodka drunk” to me.
You’re partially correct. Everyday starts every day with a fifth of vodka. From 10am – 6pm it’s boxed wine until she’s given a gin enema followed by tequila shots and topless dancing until she passes out at 9:30pm at which point she is administered a vodka IV while she sleeps. Her doctor says it’s like the movie Speed. If her BAC drops below .06 she will literally explode and take out most of a city block.
I’m surprised to learn this is the only group left homeless in SF.
Now that is how you pander.
Judging by some recent recall efforts in SF, she may have lost the thread.
Transgenders AND a five year plan, checks all the San Fran boxes!
It did miss “blame the Republicans for this outrageous oppression”.
If you don’t suffer from mental illness and are perfectly okay with the hardware you were naturally born with, you can go fuck yourself and die in a gutter.
It seems he was looking at a specific neighborhood in Columbus, vs Indy as a whole.
Ahh. Yeah, median price in Carmel is probably a lot higher than 235k.
So we’ll be removing the guns from bank and politician security then.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says proposals that deal with “hardening schools…is not something that” President Biden “believes in” b/c “the problem is with guns” in America.
Another fascinating display of ignorance and self-righteousness from our intellectual betters at The View.
“You can have your other yee-haw guns, whatever you want,” Whoopi Goldberg lectures Americans, says the AR-15 “has got to go.”
I saw a couple of Steyr AUGs in the store last week.
Yee-haw gun
Is that like rape-rape, Whoopi?
If the cops are going to stand around holding their dicks for an hour, who even needs a gun to kill a bunch of ten-year-olds?
AKs it is then. They’re a superior platform anyway.
Not even the WP is on board.
It’s only wasted if it doesn’t buy enough 18 – 30 year old votes to win a hopeless election.
Without clicking, I’m going to guess it’s “not enough”.
Goes to the wealthy.
Presumably at some point it points out that wealthy = disproportionately white. Am I on the right track? Do I signal good?
What is the world coming to when the WP is not in sync with the liberal white elite?!
Hold on, this sounds familiar.
The volleyball girls never fail to bring a needed smile and bit of sunshine to a long workday and grim world. Thanks MS.
The short answer is the part of the party that is actually libertarian, took over the Libertarian Party.
Good news for that party. And even though I probably wouldn’t vote for him, I do kind of want to see Dave Smith reach the debate stage in the 2024 Presidential election. That would make for a fun watch. If I get polled, I’m going to lie and say I’m voting for him.
Why are our politicians so blah in comparison to everyone else?
We just had four years of President Trump, and are in the midst of four (or fewer) years of President Biden. At least at the top of the tickets, our politicians aren’t “blah” in recent years.
I finally looked up the PAC that’s already spent a ton of money to send fliers against LA County Sheriff Villanueva’s primary election. These are very dramatic fliers calling him a ROGUE COP. tbh they make him sound kinda badass, so I at first thought it might be a pro-Villanueva ad, but no, it’s just the “Cocaine Mitch” error
You will be shocked to learn it’s the same group that spent nearly 4 million dollars to get Gascon elected to be our wonderful, Very Competent District Attorney that everyone despises.
Fexting. Not what you think…. Thank God.
Not a Dr. Jill in the whole article. Her Q factor must be in the basement along with Brandon. So this is one of several articles today trying to humanize the couple.
Good luck.
NBC still consistently refers to her as First Lady Doctor Jill Biden.
And finally after the end of the Bush dynasty a new dynasty begins.
Nothing uglier than the Hudson and Essex County Team Blue machine.
Good old Menendez, the most Epsteinish (allegedly) of the congressmen..that we know of anyway (that was him, right?).
Funny how little you hear about the guy even living there. I assume he spends all his time taking bribes, doing favors, and relaxing with teenage girls.
#Worldle #130 2/6 (100%)
#Worldle #130 1/6 (100%)
#Worldle #130 1/6 (100%)
? May 31, 2022 ?
? 13 | Avg. Guesses: 5.62
⬜????? = 6
“With enemies like this how could Mises lose”
Good Lord.
Hah! If it was a hex it was a violation of the NAP.
Yeah, I liked that part!
No shit, sea salt and charcoal? And no ram’s blood? Banishing spells absolutely won’t work without ram’s blood you dumb ho.
Desecrating graves is kewl.
The infamous Jackie Perry. I knew who it was before I clicked.
Madam Blafatsky
Your daily dose of Sanford & son.
Tonight, Fred wears a top hat.
Just excellent!
“We need the $500 for evidence.”
Was he a Glib before his time?
I’m not sure there are any lines Jesse won’t cross.
Oh my.
No, no, no.
Full Metal Alchemist. Live action.
Merely live action, or NetFlix adaptation?
US release is Netflix.
Wasn’t that five years or so ago?
You might be right. It popped up on a feed as new. But maybe just the trailer is new.
Trump eating his own dog chow.
Trump is not all that smart.
They say it’s innocent. They say it’s just about inclusion and acceptance. They say no one is trying to confuse, corrupt, or sexualize kids. They lie.”
Democrats are the party of groomers and pedos.
Shit’s fucked yo! The adults involved need to be *redacted*.
Yeah, that’s grooming. I don’t think this ends well.
I really don’t get where all this Drag Queenz for Kidz stuff is coming from. Is some organization pushing it? I have a hard time imagining an administrator thinking this is appropriate and taking the initiative to bring them in.
Same reason at the stroke of midnight every corporation will flood the internet with rainbow shit everywhere.
Yeah, I don’t get that either. If I were gay, I’d find it all a little condescending. Likewise if I were black during February.
Narrator: It’s all a little condescending. Furthermore, I would argue these are “political” acts more than anything else. “Smash the system” and all that Marxist claptrap.
Yup. Although the ‘OK groomer’ line is an effective one, it’s not really accurate. This isn’t about fucking children, it’s about fucking children’s minds to the point that they have no memetic defenses against the later stages (high school and college) of Marxist indoctrination.
For what not the two?
There isn’t one organization in particular. It’s just a general agreement among a certain social class.
It’s so strange because you’d think the Woke would object to “appropriating Transgenderism” by people who aren’t (at least as I understand it, maybe that’s changed now ?). I guess it gets to sneak in under the “queer” part of alphabet soup or it’s Transgender Lite? Idk seems odd though, since it’s the gender/sexuality version of blackface. I suppose I don’t really care if a dude in a dress and makeup is just reading to kids – it’s basically just a clown – but all this sexy dance shit is gross. I don’t want a straight woman giving lap dances to seven year olds, and I don’t see how a guy pretending to be that woman makes it acceptable.
‘Appropriation’ is just a weapon.
It’s two different worlds.
Drag is mostly just gay men having fun. I used to watch RuPaul and one time when one of them announced they were transgender, it was a Big Deal™.
The woke left like to conflate the two, but those in the know, know different.
Everything I know about drag comes from the movies: Kinky Boots; Priscilla, Queen of the Desert; To Wong Foo, thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar; and Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
Are you sure? Because semicolons are kinda gay.
Mostly Priscilla for me, plus Edmonton had its own star drag queen for awhile who used to perform during the annual Fringe Festival in August, Darren Somebody IIRC (sorry, Darren). Well-known in the local scene but after a couple of years of COVID bullshit plus the inevitable aging I think he’s gone-ish now.
While I’m at it, don’t forget The Birdcage and what it was re-making, La Cage Aux Folles.
It used to be fun and funny.
I never heard anyone describe it as appropriating transgenderism (also “transgenderism” is considered a political movement, different from being transgender, but I know what you meant). It’s not Transgender Lite. They have always been separate things. And up until recently they were both considered adult things, and still should be. Most drag queens identify as male, and also G. The woke are obsessed with gender identity, not gender expression.
You know, you make an excellent point there that I missed at first glance.
If all of the Drag Queen Story Hour performers looked and acted like Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire and were reading Margery Sharp and Beatrix Potter stories to the kiddies, I don’t think anyone would really mind…
Once they confiscate our guns, they can kill or gulag us while grooming & raping our kids.
I’m starting to think that’s the ultimate goal.
It’s like they’re trying to recreate Weimar Germany. Then they can finally create the fascists they claim to be fighting.
RuPaul is supporting Trump now?
This is dumb.
In other news, America’s movie-goers unexpectedly save shitloads of money whilst attending summer blockbusters.
Not me. I pounded a bag of popcorn at Maverick the other night. Glorious!
I’m not even a Yank, but Top Gun: Maverick sounds like a grade-A 100% solid gold hoot.
It was fucking great. If there wasn’t hockey tonight, I might have gone to seen it again.
Yeah, yeah. I know it’s formulaic and propaganda, but it was still fun as hell.
In news that should surprise no one, Project Veritas’ latest is on how Salesforce exec wants the company to terminate ties to NRA.
Didn’t Salesforce cut ties with the NRA like five years ago, after the last round of preening? Or was that evil gun lobby blood money just too delicious?
Of course, dumping the NRA is literally the greatest gift Salesforce could give them…
Can they also get a lifetime Oracle ban?
Larry likes his Yachts too much. Oracle will take whatever cash anyone wants to throw at them.
Ugh. Salesforce and ServiceNow continue to make inroads where I work. Makes me laugh whenever a dipshit wet behind his ears exec calls them best in class solutions.
Just out of curiousity, what would you recommend?
Firing anyone who suggests you need a CRM database solution?
We’re 8 months into our 4 month integration project with a Salesforce derived solution. We just got a core workflow built and deployed thus morning…
The sad thing is that Salesforce, despite being a very quirky and limited tool, is not the biggest part of the problem. The biggest part is the fact that I know our vendor’s solution better than they do at this point.
(The ‘I don’t make the rules’ Edition)
MikeS 20
Grummun 21
Cannoli 22
Grosspatzer 22
grrizzly 22
Not Adahn 22
Ozymandias 22
Sean 22
The Hyperbole 22
Tulip 22
Tundra 22
whiz 22
kinnath 23
QuordleBot 23
db 24
l0b0t 24
TARDis 24
Ted S. 24
trshmnstr the terrible 24
Grumbletarian 26
one true athena 26
SDF-7 26
robc 124
Web Dominatrix 124
MikeS makes up for blowing his no-chump streak a few days ago with a daily best today. We got our average down under 40 (31.375 to be exact) even with a 12/12 split on the TL, 48 SS, 0 0 5 10(0)QM.
In Tourney news It took the second Tie-breaker (at least it didn’t come to a coin flip) for Hype to best Ozy, Round 2 is set for manana, check my handle to see who’s facing who. Good Quordling and Good Luck, except for Sean.
You forgot me, but I chumped, so no harm, no foul.